The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, December 08, 1897, Image 4
I i " ! f o . A western judge was approached by a verdant couple who wanted to bo married. Thb would-be groom asked the price of tying the knot and was told it was a dollar. "Can't you take beeswax?" inquired the rustic "Voo bjiM the Knulre. The wax was brought in and upon being weighed was found to be worth just CO cents. "Well." said the anxious groom, ' tie the knot an I'll fetch more beeswax next week." "No, sir; I don't trust; that is against the rules of the office." Slowly the disappointed youth turn e dto go out, saying, "Come, Sal, let's go." "I say, mister." answered Sal, with a woman's wit; "can't you marry us as far as the wax wil Igo?" "Yes, I can and I will." responded the judge, laughing, and he did. De troit Free Press. Try Graln-O. Ask your grocer today to show yo'i a package of GRAIX-O. the new food nnk tbat takes the place of coffee. The childreu may drink it without Ujury as well as the adult. All who Uy it like it. GRAIN-0 has that rich esl brown of Mocha cr Java, but it is made from pure grains, and the most delicate stomach receives it without distress. H the price of coffee. 15 cents and 25 cents par package. Sold by all grocers. Tastes like cof fee. Locks like coffee. Fifty years ago Mr. and Mrs. Jar rett Ilaynes, who were the pioneers of raducah, Ky.. and each of whom ir, more than ninety year of afe, plant ed a walnut in the yard, from which sprung a tree. It grew to le a large tree, and a year or two ago was cut down and sawed into lumber. The lumber is now at the Haynes home, and is being sawed to make the cof fins of the eccentric couple when they die. At I.uchow. in Germany, 129 fathers have been fined 1 mark apiece for al lowing their children under 10 years of age to dance at the harvest festival of a village near by. The village pastor t.hjected to the dancing, and reported the case to the police. It was dlscov ccrd, however, that his children had danced, too, and he was fined with the rest . Kilncato Tour IJnvrfl With CarareU. Cathartic, rare constipation foicver. 100.23c 11C, U.C fail, drucsifcts refund money. A good guide will not be rejected because be is bow legged. Star Toltiirro i tlio leading brand of tbo wo.Id, became it is the lest. IVople who are all tongue have no cars. Great Distress A Combination of Troubles Causes Much Sufforing. BIRD ISLAND, MINN. "I was trou bled with my stomach. Nearly everything I ate would tour and I would belch it up. At times my stomach gave me great dis tress. My back was lame on account of kidney diilicnlty. I bought six bottles of JloodVSarsaparilla; when I had takeu four battles I ivns cured.' Nobmaic HlCKOK. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is tlie lust in fact the One True Mood Purifier. Hood's PiSIs are the f. write cathartic. ISc JSUJJ UJIII'C HALLO Vegetable Sicilian HA1RRENEWER It doesn't cost much, yet it adds wonderfully to the looks. It is youth for a few cents. No gray hair. No dandruff.! jj.i.'...'l. 'IWi'.ii'.i!' '.ii-mitttttH SVE PROFITS. BOY DIRECT. '0:ir l.cadrr"ltazor, postpaid. 1 VJ. "I rui Vernmmer" lilaue Knile. ifc. our goodsare hand lorj; U and warrant ed" CH AMPLAIN CUTLERY CO. Barlington.VL Price jfcfcg i icr mrj jwfcii SPn. VNfrVMatfh. rree. 3JCat!TnnFn "SBrnYnnHnv. AN OPEN LETTER To MOTHERS. WE ARE ASSERTING IN THE COURTS OUR RIGHT TO THE EXCLUSIVE USE OP THE WORD "CASTORIA" AND "PITCHER'S CASTORIA," AS OUR 1RADE '.MARK. J. DR. 6AMUEL PITCHER, of Byannis. Massachusetts, was the originator of "PITCHER'S CASTORIA," the ihat has borne and does now bear tJic facsimile signature of This is the original "PITCHER'S used in the homes of the mothers of America for over thirty years. LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and sec that it is - Jk pcr .Vo one 7ias authority from me to use my name except The Centaur Company of which Chas. II. Fletcher is President. March S, 1897: && &KL0jyt Do Not Be Deceived. Do not endanger the life of your child by accepting a cheap substitute which some druggist may offer you (because he makes a few more pennies uu u;t we ragrcaienis oi wtucn even fie does not know. f The Kind You Have Always Bought BOw fe FAG-51MILE SIGNATURE OF &&Eu Insist on Having Kind That Never Failed You. tnt ccNttuR eonfT. it araiur tnccr. .. r .. TKi $100 To Any Man. WILL, PAY SlOO FOB ANY CASE Or Weakness In Men They Treat ana Fall to Car. An Omaha Company places for the first time before the public a Magical Tkevt mext for the care of Lo Vitality,Xervous ami Sexual Weakness, and Restoration of Life Force in old and young men. So worn-out French remedy: contains no Phosphorus or other harmful drugs. It is n Wosiieefcl Teeatjiest magical in its effects positive in its cure. All readers, who are suffering from a weakness that Mights their life, cau;-ing that mental and phvsical suffering peculiar to Lost Man Lood.honld write to the STATE MEDICAL COMPANY. Omaha, Neb., and they cffl tend you absolutely FREE, a valuable paper on these diseases, and positiveproofs of their truly Magical Tkeatmext. Thous ands of men, who have lost all hope of a enre. are being restored br them to a per fect condition. This Magical Treatment mar be taken nt home under their directions, or thev will pay railroad fare and hotel bills to all who prefer to go to there for treatment, if thev fail to cure. They are perfectlv reliable: have no Free Prescriptions, Free Cure. Free Sample, or C. 0. 1). fake. They have CS9,Q30 capital, and guarantee to cure ovcry case they treat or refund every dol lar: or their charges may be deposited in a bank to be paid to them when a cure is "fleeted. Write theni today. CURES RHEUMATISM. ETC. A Receat Discovery That Is XTorMug Wonder. The most prevailing afflictions that for a century have been engaging the most scientific skill of the medical world are rheumatism, neuralgia, ca tarrh, asthma, la grippe and their kin dred ailments. The country is full of sufferers from these complaints. Al though the most learned experts of the medical profession have labored for a century to produce a curative, until quite recently no positive results were effected. To the Swanson Rheumatic Cure Co., 1C7-C9 Dearborn street. Chi igo, belongs the credit for having produced the new remedy. It is being extensively advertised under the trade mark of "Five Drops." The trade mark i3 self-explantory. Five drps make a dose. The effect is mag m1 in davs cone by other alleged Kuroc have been marketed with the ...i... nYAnt fn iliirtir dsvc i promise i wne tmu .. t-- -..-or more. Five Drops begins to cure at once. Immediate relief is felt. In order to more effectively advertise its merits the company will for the next thirty davs send out 100.000 of their sample "bottles of this positive cure for 25 cents a bottle by mail pre paid. Large bottle, SCO doses. $1 (for ji.:-.. -i-,- i i.nttln 5? r.fl.l Those Sllf- fering should take immediate advant- age of this generous offer ana write them to-day. There are 110 mountains in Colorado whose noaks are over 32.000 feet above the ocean level. Four of these ! are higher than 14.000 feet, and more than cnc-half of that number arc so remote and rugged that no one has iared to attempt to climb them. Some Df them are massed with snow, others ba-e glaciers over their approaches, and other are merely masses of jagged rocks. People should be taxed upon what they make and have and not upon what they lack and want. Taxes should be so direct that every man may know what his government costs him. Then and not until then, may wo hope for decent economy. Instead of indecent cxtravangancc in the conduct of public affairs. J. E. Galbraltb, who has been ap pointed traffic manager of the Cleve land Terminal and Valley Railroad Company, with headquarters at Cleve land, will also be the general agent of the B. and O. at that point. These two positions were formerly held by L. Ruah Brockcnhrougli. who is now gen eral freight agent i the B. and O. lines west or the Ohio river, with headquar ters at Pittsburg. "It is called St. John's church," says the Chicago Pest, "and possibly thein ferencc drawn from that fact is nat ural. The boy bad been there fre quently, and as a result the rector's face had become tolerably familiar to him. One Sundp however, a visiting clergyman or-cup ?d the pulpit, and the boy was naturally troubled. 'Mamma,' he said in a very audible whisper, 'what's become of St. John?' " Holiday Kxrtirninri. On Deeemher 7 and 111 lbt Hig Tour Rout and Chcapeahe and Ohio Uy. will ell ex-ciiR-ion ticket- from points norlhue-d. both 5n way and round trip, at tireatly reduced rates to points in Vhjr.n'n. North and South Carolina and nther southern vta'ev Hound trip tickets will be good twent-ono days returning. Write for partieiilniN and pninphlet descriptive of climate and Vir ginia farm lauds. I. I,. Trutl, North western l'asteHger Agcut, Clark St Chicago. Iiiiin!iif I o;jic. Mrs. Wickwire "Did you read about tbat man who found $5090 while dig ging worms to go risking with?" Mr. "Wickwire "Yes, dear." "Well, I was just .thinking what maybe you have missed ly always fishing with flies." Boat Totiarra Spit zni Faioke Tear Mfe Away. To quit lolacco easily and forever, be mac Betic. full of life, nerve and vipor, ta'.:c No-To-Bac, the wonder-worker, that makes weak men strong. All erugcisis, Cc cr tl. Curecwaran teed. Bookies and samnle free. Address Sterling Iieiaedy Co . Chicago cr New York, Of the candidates for the B.itish army who fail to mi.-s the tests four jut of five arc rejected because of de tective vision. I lie "eyesight" test consists of being able to count cor rectly with both eye-, as well as each eye separately, a number of srvill black dots exhibited on a card ten feet from the candidate. same y0&k on ever? uty f'&4c&K wrapper. CASTORIA" icJdrh ha W. on the f&c&X wran- 5f SktiWEft gf pl m ish bu m SLICKER WILL KEEP YOU DRY. rint hrf fwV:5 -A-i'h n in-irLintntli or rubber coat. If ou wantacoat tS.-it uiU lfrt vrv! drv i !l(lii.l. est stora buy the Fish Brand oiicKer. it r.oiior saie n your own. wriie for catalogue to A. J. 1 uwtK, hs:oi. Mass. nDADCV hEW DISCOVERY: vBma 9 S qui-wrcIicfanJcurpawont rttft. 8end fnr book of testimonial-and lOdaTR treatment Free. Br. H.u.csi;ts' AIDE AH I linilTII I SO rrdr It: 3 iwV. aiia.uu a muain! -" .om I JAS. M.EARLE.PL"BUSHER.lJOSTbN,.MASS. t ct- Mnnfvr-f'ltxlxl EU?KlolKH3a;icirT' Ka. flfllk Ufbvj. Hit IKL titC kd Bet toccb Syrup. "i'S5:cs ilid. Cic B In time. t.:l lir drurii. 3BHL lH CAMPFIRE SKETCHES. GOOD SHORT STORIES FOR THE VETERANS. A I'olqne Invention for Soldiers Who Ride and Shoot from the Wheel Tbe Illko Held In Steadiness Abra ham Lincoln. Arafaam Lincoln. OU lay a wreath on murdered Lin coln bier. You, who wl.h mcck'.ns pencil wont to trace. Broad for the self ccmplacenl Brit ish ne-r. His length of shamblinB limb. Ji 1 s furrowed face Ills gaunt, snarled hands, his unkempt. brst.Injr hair. His parb uncouth, his bearing ill at ease. , , Ills lack of all we prize as debonair. Of rower or will to shine, of art to please; Vou. whore smart pen backed up the pen cil's laush, Judsing each step as though the way were plain: Beck-ess. so it could pclnt Its paragraph. Of chief's perplexity cr people's pain Beside this corpse, that bears for winding sheets The Stars and Stripe3 he lived to rear anew. Between the mourners at his head and feet. Say. scurrile jester, i3 there room for "you? Vcs; he had lived to shamo me from my sneer. To lame my pencil and confute my pen: To make me own this hind of princes rcer. This rail-spliltcr. a true-born king or men. My shallow Judgment I had learned to rue. XothiB how to occasion's heisnt he rose: How his r.ualnt wit made home truth seem more true. How. Iron-like, his tenper grew by blows: How humble yet hiw hopeful he could be" How in good fortune and In ill the same; Nor bitter In success, nor boastful he. Thirsty for gold, nor feverish for fame. He went about his work, such work as few . Ever had laid on head and heart and hand. . , . As one who knows, where there s a task to do, . . Man's honest will must Heavens good grace command. Who trusts the strength will with th"5 burden prow. That God makes Instruments to work his wiil. If but that will we can arrive to know. Nor tamper witli the weights or good and ill. Bo he went forth to battle, on the side "That he felt clear was Liberty's and . ..i ,r,cint: tinvlmo'l he had plied "ills warfare with rude nature's thwart ing mights The unclearrd forest, the unbroken soil. The iron bark that tur:i3 the lumberer's The rapid that o'erbcars the boatman's toil. , , . The prairie hiding the mazed wander er's tracks. The ambushed Indian, and the prowling bear , , . Such were the deeds that helped h!3 vouth to train. Rough culture, but such trees large fruit may bear. If but their stocks be of right girth and grain. Eo he grew up a destined wcrk to do. And lived to do It; four long suffering years. Ill fate, ill feeling, ill report lived through. And then he heard the hisses change to cheers. The taunts to tribute, the abuse to praise. And took both with the same unwaver ing mood Till, as he came on light, from darkling days. And seemed to touch the goal from where he stood. A felon hiid. between the goal and him. Reached froic behind his back, a trig ger prest. And those perplexed rd patient eyes were dim. Those gaunt, long laboring limbs were laid to re?t. The words of mercy were upon his lips. Forgiveness in his heart and on his pen. When this vile murderer brought swift eclipse To thoughts of peace on earth, good will to men. The Old World and the Xew, from sea to Fea. Utter one voice of sympathy and shame. Sore iieart. so stopped when it at last high! Sad life, cut short just as its triumph came! A deed accursed! Strokes have been ei i tick bcfoie By the assassin's hand, whereof men doubt If more of horror or disgrace they bore; But thy foul crime, like Cain's, stands darkly out. Vile hand, that blandest murder on a strile. Whate'er Its grounds, stoutly and no bly btriven. And Willi the martyr's crown crowncst a life. With much to praise, little to be for given. It was the fate of Abraham Lincoln to be grievously misjudged. The impression that he was an Illiterate, boorish fron tiersman, given to rough jokes, was one widely disseminated by the opponents of the political movement of which he was the leader, and it died slowly even after he had given ample proof of the greatness of his qualities. The world was gradually coming to a juster appreciation of the man. when the assassin's bullet which laid him low. swept away the lingering clouds which still obscured his command ing figure and revealed him for what he was: one of the world's heroes, who be longs not to a country or to a time, but to the whole human race. In two famous publications. Harper's Weekly and London Bunch, he was cari catured without mercy. The cartoons in the latter were drawn by John Tenniel then, as now, the master draughtsman of Punch: and looked back upon, through the clarifying perspective of ever thirty years they seem singularly point less. Doubtless to contemporaries they had a different countenance. The serie came to a sudden end in the issue of May C. 1S63. with a cartoon show!n? Britann'a placing a wreath on Lincoln's bier, beside which were two mourners Columb'a. iep resented by a female figure, and a negro, his broken manacles beside him typify ing his freedom. In this issue the nob'e lines which we reproduce above were published, and no manlier apology was ever made. The pcem was written by Torn Taylor, one of the most brilliant members of the staff of Punch. He be came the editor of that journal 'n 1S7I. and died In 1S50 at th aqe of C:.-Ed. I'aprt Kesulntloiic. There are few countries in which travelers require passports in order to promote convenience and security. In Brazil and Venezuela a passport must be shown to the officials before one is allowed to leave the country for a foreign port. This is a vexatious measure enforced apparently for the sake of enabling a few officials to col lect Email fees. In Cuba passports are produced whenever trailers arrive or depart. This precaution is considered necessary in view of the political con dition of unre1 prevailing in the island. In Russia passport regulations are enforced with great stringency. No traveler is allowed to enter the empire until he has obtained a passport and convinced the Russian consular offi cers at the port from which he sails that he is neither a Roman Catholic priest nor a Hebrew. The question ordinarily asked is: "What is your re ligion?" but it is designed to provide against the entry of either of these two classes. When the traveler arrives at a Rus sian port with a passport which has been properly viseed and countersign ed at a consular office. It is critically examined by a police officer, and duly registered. At the entrance of the hotel another police officer takes possession of the document, and in the course of twenty-four hours returns it with a permit for a limited residence in the country. When the traveler departs for anoth er city in the empire he must have the passport countersigned by the police. This process continues until he reaches the frontier, which he cannot cross un less the passport has been viseed and stamped by the police. Not Infre quently tourists are stopped at the frontier and subjected to serious incon venience because they have neglected to comply with the police regulations respecting passports. All this red tape causes annoyance and irritation among tourists, who are apt to overlook the fact that Russians as well as foreigners are compelled to obc-srve these police regulations. It is the business of the police to know where everybody lodges. A permit Is required if a native removes from one quarter of a town to another. Every body is registered by the police when he arrives or departs, and foreigners when they are in Russia are dealt with on equal terms with permanent resi dents. The same system prevails in Tur key, where it is not practicable for a foreigner to travel without a passport. Elsewhere in Europe passports are not required. They are relics of a bygone period when communications between countries were slow and infrequent. Now that all nations are drawn to gether by the ties of constant inter course a passport is out of date except in countries like Russia, Turkey and Cuba, where it fits into the police sys tem of registration. For the Soldier's Wheel. A Williamstown (N. Y.) genius has invented an attachment for bicycles that he thinks will render them o? great service in military maneuvers. The attachment consists of two stee! supports that drop to the ground when a brakelike appliance ou the handle bar is lightly touched. Upon these cupports the bicycle rests, and the rider can come to a standstill and use his hands for any purpose without dis mounting. When not in use the sup ports are folded up against the front forks of the machine. The inventor claims that by the use of his attach ment bodies of military wheelmen can come to a sudden halt and fire on the enemy and reload their rifles without dismounting. XnpnlcoiTs Ltt Words. On his death bed Napoleon expressed his conviction that England would end like the proud republic of Venice. With perfect composure, he gave his last directions: "I desire that you will take my heart, put it in spirits of wine and carry it to Parma to my dear Maria Louise: you will tell her that I never ceased to love her, and relate to her every particular respecting my death upon this miserable and dreary reck. You will tell my mother and family that the great Napoleon expired in the most deplorable state, deprived of everything, abandoned to himself and to his glory, and that he bequeath ed with his dying breath to all the reigning families of Europe the horror and opprobrium of his death." The second codicil of his will con tained the direction which was after ward complied with: "It is my wish that my ashes may repose on the banks of the Seine, in the midst of the French people whom I love so well." On the 5th of May. 1S21, he who had for years kept all Europe in a state of feverish excitement, terminated his earthly career. After lying in state two days, the body was deposited in a coffin com posed first of tin lined with white satin, which having been soldered, was enclosed in another of mahogany, a third of lead, and the whole in a fourth of maghogany secured with iron crews. After the c?remony, an enor mous stone was lowered over the body, resting on a stone wall so as to es cape the coffin. On the 12th of May Louis-Philippe commanded that the ashes cf Napoleon be conveyed to France. In his com munication he said: "Henceforth France, alone, will possess all that re mains of Napoleon; his tomb, like his fame, will belong to none but his ccuntrj." At 11 o'clock Dec. 15 the first can non was heard announcing that the remains of the emperor had reached French ground. Amid the vast as semblage the body was borne by twenty-four seamen to its last resting place in the Hotel de Invalides. So closed the eventful career of the great Napoleon, whose memory can only perish with the records of the world. III Rent. In the life cf Whittier it is told how in the days of the civil war, an old Quaker, from the New Hampshire hills, came down for an interview with the good poet. This Green Mountain disciple of Fox was the owner of a sturdy lot of oak trees. The govern ment had set its eye upon them and wanted to buy them. The Quaker knew that the purpose of the bargain must be to get timber for the new warships that were build ing. He haidly knpv whether a sale or such a purpose was consistent with tha gospel of peace. Whittier, either seeing that the man's mind was pretty thoroughly made up to the bargain, or else con sidering that there was such a thing as pushing a good creed too far, would only say: "Well, friend, if thee dost sell any timber to the United States, be sure that it is all sound." The cak from the Quaker's farm was in the Kcarcarg? when sh fought thf Alabama to the finish. "What i unconventional. Undo Jim?" "Unconventional? Well, it is being too gocd natured to get vexed with people who haven't any manners." WW FARM AND GAEDEN. MATTERS OF INTEREST TO AGRICULTURISTS. Some 7p-to-Dato nints About Cultiva tion of the Soil anij. Yield Thereof Horticulture, Vlticalturo and Florl caltur. Soil Inoculation. HE Alabama expe- SSl riment station has been making some experiments in in oculating the soil with tubercles that are peculiar allies of the leguminous plants. A full re port Is given in bulletin S7. The summary is as fol AT 4 fc 'Vi A ' !& &Cxi J . $ t-'zrr"' "'i.. .- lows: Cow peas, clovers, vetches and other plants, known as leguminous plants or legumes, when plowed under enrich the soil by adding nitrogen, a large proportion of which they have obtain taincd from the atmosphere. The enlargements or tubercles on the roots are the means by which the free nitrogen of the air is made available to leguminous plants. If these tubercles are wanting on a leguminous plant, the nitrogen of the air is unavailable to that plant, just as it is to cotton, grass, end all other higher plants that are not leguminous. On some soils these normal tubercles do not develop on the roots of such le gumes as have never before been grown in that locality. The growth of tub ercles can be induced by adding cer tain germs to the soil, a process which is called inoculation. In Alabama the cow pea is the most generally satisfactory renovating plant for summer growth. There is also need for winter growing leguminous plants, such as hairy vetch and crimson clov er, to occupy the land in winter be tween two sale crops, in order to de crease washing and leaching of the toil and to add vegetable matter rich in nitrogen. Hairy vetch, without fertilizer, yield ed on a field where this plant had been repeatedly grown 17,765 pounds of green forage, or 4,174 pounds of hay per acre. On a field where hairy vetch had never before been grown and where the fertilizer applied contained phos phoric acid and potash, but no nitro gen, the yield was only 233 pounds ot hay per acre; on an adjoining and sim ilar plot, the seed for which were in oculated with earth from an old vetch field, the yield of hay was 2,540 pounds, an increase of 995 per cent following a treatment which cost nothing except a small amount of labor. On the in oculated plot the plants were well sup plied with tubercles, while on the plot not treated the plants were bare of tubercles. A germ fertilizer, intended to make available the free nitrogen of the air by inducing the growth of tubercles on legumes grown in soils not already 6tocked with the proper forms of germ life, was purchased lu Germany and used in Auburn in pot experiments with hairy vetch, Canada field peas and crimson clover. Inoculation with this germ fertilizer or nitrogen greatly increased the yields of all cf these plants as compared with untreated plants. This increase in thp weight of in oculated plants, after thorough dry ing, was as follows: Hairy vetch, iucreascd by S9 per cent. Canada field peas, increased by 13S per cent. Crimson clover (young plants), in creased by 14G per cent. Lupins (tested on only one soil), not Increased. Germ fertilizer prepared for vetch, was effective on Canada field peas. Inoculation material procured with out cash outlay acted like nitrogen, and greatly increased the yields of hairy vetch and alfalfa. Soil fro.n a field where a given le guminous plant has recently been suc cessfully grown is an effective inocula ting material for the same kind of plant when first sown in a soil not al ready naturally supplied with the re quired form of germ life. The dust adhering to the seed of bur clover was an effective inoculating material for alfalfa; the increase in the first cutting of alfalfa hay follow ing this inoculation was S3G per cent. Inoculation for cow peas and lesped eza was apparently unnecessary in the soils used in these experiments. In or near all of these soils these two plants have been growing for years. Hence we may Infer that these soils have been previously inoculated uy germ-laden dust or by some other natural agency. In a soil which for many years had borne no leguminous plants, tubercles developed without intentional inocula tion on hairy vetch, Canada field peas, crimson clover and lupins, as well as on cow peas and lespedeza. This soil was more nearly independent of in oculation than any other soil tested, and yet even on this soil the increase in the weight of inoculated plants over plants not inoculated was 3S per cent, with hairy vetch 5S per cent, with Can ada field peas and 79 per cent with crimson clover. Many soils are naturally inoculated as regards the most commonly grown leguminous plants and hence are not benefited by artificial inoculation. SIori About the San .Toso Scale. Bulletin SC. Alabama Experiment Station: In the inspection of various nurseries made in Alabama this spring several facts of interest regarding this pest were noted. In nurseries where all stock was kept moving every tiiree years, there were no cases of evident Infestation among the nursery trees. Although on some of these places ap ple trees in old orchards and the old wood of pear grafting stock over five years of age, bore the San Jose scale. 1 was told by experienced nurserymen that it would be entirely practicable to move also all blocks of grafting stock every three years. On the places above mentioned this plan will be fol lowed, and the orchards removed i;n tire. All of which will practical pre clude the possibility of the San Jose or any other scale gaining a footlnld in these nurseries. Acting on my ad vice all the nurserymen visited (and most of the larger nurseries in the state were inspected) have undertaken thorough methods of fumigation. Thus, while the first move will protect the nurserymen the fumigating will still further protect purchasers of stock. Food Plants Other Than Fruit Trees. The question is often asked as to what trees other than the fruit trees, the San Jose scale will attack. Web Bter, in Ohio, has found it on Bass wood or Linden. Sumac, Elm, Walnut, Willow, several Poplars. Catalpa. Chestnut, Osage. Orange and Snowball A specimen of Cotoneaster. ccrninj; from a Long Island nursery and sent to Webster for examination, was found to be very badly infested. Varieties of Fruits Possessing Im munity. Inquiries have frequently come to me as to whether there were any varieties of the various fruits pos sessing immunity from the attacks of this pest I have heard of but one, and that wa3 reported by Webster. He says: "The Early Richmond Cherry I believe to be exempt from attack, as I have found trees whose branches in terlocked with those of a pear that had been killed by the scale, yet the cherry was uninfested; and in two cases that came under my observation, where this variety of cherry had been grafted upon mahaleb stock, and shoots had sprung up from below the graft, the shoots were badly infested with scale, while none at all could be found on the trees themselves. Who Should Kngaj-e In Dairying. There is a great deal of reckless and extravagant advice given in regard to the advantages of dairying over other phases of agricultural production, says a writer in Southern Farm Gazette. While good profits are being made by many dairymen it remains a fact that a great deal of the dairying practiced does not pay as well as some other lines of work might. Where a man lives near a good market and posses ses the ability to properly manage a dairy we know of no business that of fers more pleasant or profitable v:ork; but few men are fitted for dairy work and not many women are likely to fancy the drudgery and attention re quired to operate a dairy successfully. The man who engages in the dairy business and expects to make a living out of it without work is almost cer tain to be disappointed. With good facilities, careful and constant atten tion and a special fitness for the busi ness a fair profit may be expected. On the other hand while some are sure to make a success of it under the most adverse conditions others will as cer tainly fail under the most favorable circumstances. Where dairying can be made most profitable and where it should be most encouraged Is on the farms where mixed farming is prac ticed. A few cows can be made to pay handsomely on any ordinary farm and besides will afford one of the rarest but greatest luxuries, good milk and butter for family use. Long: Inland Cranberries. The cranberry growers of the east ern end of Long Island are now har vesting the crop of 1S97, which prom ises to be an unusually large one. The berries are also very fine, being large and sound and have au excellent flavor. This section of the island has quite a number of marshes, most all of them being under constant cultivation and growing large quantities of berries. Long Island cranberries always find a ready market and at a good figure. The price pii this year will undoubtedly be at least $3 per bushel. A cranberry marsh needs little or no fertilizer, the most essential point being to see that the marsh is flooded with water at the right time and drawn off with equal precision. In consequence of tfc:s there is very little labor and less still of capital needed in conducting a cran berry marsh after the ground is pre pared, the plants set out, and the marsh is in growing condition. This, of couse, is expected during the harvest ing period, wheu for the space of six weeks or two months the owner is busy looking after his crop. The largest cranberry grower on the island is Syl vester N. Woodhull of Rivcrhcad. About twelve years ago he prepared twenty-five acres of seemingly value less low land as a cranberry field and it now yields as great a profit as any equal acreage in Suffolk county. This year Mr. Woodhull will spend about $2,000 in harvesting his crop, while as a return he will secure upward of ?9, 000. Long Islander. Value of (Jooil Fruit. Ripe apples are especially healthy and children may eat them without danger. Seme doctors say that an ap ple at bedtime produces sleep, says Central States Fruit Grower. Pears are more savory than apples, but not so healthy, unless cooked. Prunes have medical qualities which cannot be denied. They are better cooked however. Apricots are also more healthy cooked than raw. Peaches are very healthy. The most healthy of all fruit, however, are grapes. Con sumption has been cured by grapes when every other remedy has failed. Cherries may be eaten, as they fre quently restore health and strength to the weak. Strawberries, though a cold fruit, have a virtue of healing rheuma tism. Gooseberries and currants are best cooked. Figs are also excellent. They were in great favor with ancient Roman ladies, who always ate them before breakfast. Pineapples are said to be the best cure for dyspepsia yet known. Nuts of all kinds are indi gestible. Oranges are also excellent as a cure for dyspepsia. Lenions produce cheerfulness and prolong life. MHsoiiri State Horticultural Socletv. The fortieth annual meeting of the society will be held in Moberly, Mo., December 7, S and 9, 1S97, in the court house. Prospects point to our usual good meeting here, and we wish to urge all our earnest fruit growers to arrange for the meeting and be there. Some of the best men of the state will attend, and it will pay ycu to get their experience. Premiums will be given on all fruits and flowers, and we urge you to save good specimens of apples for that display. Railroads have promised us rates, providing one hun dred hold certificates; hence, it is nec essary that you secure certificates when you buy your tickets. Hotels will give rates of l and $1.50 per day. Some prominent fruit growers of other states will be present. A good pro gramme is in preparation, and you can not afford to miss this meeting. L. A. Goodman, Secretary. The department of agriculture has been officially notified of the appoint ment by New South Wales of a veteri narv inspector at San Francisco to ex amine and grant certificates of health fr American horses to be shipped to Australia from that port. An appoint ment of a veterinary inspector at New York in behalf of Australia was made by New South Wales to facilitate the shipment of cattle, sheep and swine to that country from New York only. The department is further informed that American-bred merinos are the "premium" sheep in Australia, and that the breeding and shipping of such sheep to that market is becoming more and more popular. Local Adaptabilities. Professor L. H. Bailey says: "It is possible that each distinct type of fruit varieties has pref erences of land and location, and it will be the business of coming genera tions to determine what these pecul iarities are." He thinks that in time local and special sorts will tend to drive out of local culture general and cosmopolitan varieties. If ventilators are put on the barn, sec that they are not so placed that they will cause a draft of air over the stock. Bewltcblnc Note Paper. Even the most negligent of corre; spondents would find inspiration in. some of the new boxes of note paper. Tho boxes arc in the form of little desks, although made of card board, J and are divided into four or live com partments. The cover is fastened to the box and cannot very easily be lost or mislaid. There are five different sizes of paper and envelopes. The larg est letter sheets are square, the enve lops long and narrow. The smallest note sheets are scarcely larger than correspondence cards. In one corner cl the box is a space for sticks of sealing wax and a taper. Truly these conven ient, orderly and complete escrctoircs must have been devised for the bad correspondent who snatches at any ex cuselack of time, place, paper or what not for not meeting her cpis'o larg obligations. When you visit Omaha yon should call at C. S. Raymond Co.'s jewelry store, corner Fifteenth and Douclas streets, and ex amine their jewelry and art goods for wedding, birthday and Christina' presents, also steel engraved wedding stationery, in vitations and visitinic card. It is tho only first class, up-to-date jowelry, art and cut flass store west of Chicago and St. Louis. Ingraving and printing 100 visiting cards ll.SU by mail. The Velrrtera Shirt Walt Odd waists of colored Liberty velvet een very much worn, made in the form of a shirt waist or in a simple full blouse with shirred sleeves and a band of cream guipure insertion set around below the collar band, to form a yoke effect, and down one side where the bodice opens. With a pretty bucMe at the neck and belt, you have a waist both dressy and plain enough to n.rvo many purposes. It is the slightl. bloused waist that is the best example of this fashion, all extremes in th'a stvle being the ruling feature of cheap, ready-made garments only, while fie latest, most elegant gowns are not bloused at all in the back. New York Sun. Holdbacks for harnesses are now made of a curved cross-bar, with rear wardly projecting ends, which fit in pockets on both sides of the thills, thus doing away with a portion of tha harness. Ueafncaa Cannot He Cured by local applications as they canaoi reach the diseased portion ot the ear. There Is only ne way to cure deaimss, and that Is by constitutional remedies. Deafness Is caused by an inllamed condi tion of the mucous lining of the eus tachian Tube. When this tube is In flamed you have a rumbling sound or Im perfect hearing, and when .t is enttr iy closed. Deafness is the result, and '-K-fcs ihe Inflammation cnr. be taken ouc and this tule restore.! to its normal con dition, hearing will be destroyed forever, nine eases cut of ten ure caused by c.t tanh. which is nothing but an Inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One llund.ed Dollars 105 any case of Deafness (caused by catarrtil that cannot be cured by Halls LatariU Cure. Send for circulars, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo O. Sold by Druggists. IZc. Hall's Family rills are the best. TliC Good I.lltle Hoy. A touching little tale, one that might adorn the pages of a Sunday school library volume, drifts out ol Seattle. Patrick Gavin, rich in Klon dike nuggets and dust, arrived at Se attle and asked a group of boys to di rect him to a hotel. "I'll tell you for a quarter," said one. "I'll show you where it was for ten cents," chimed in another. "Say, 111 do it for five cents.'1 remarked a third. "Mister." said lit tle Jimmie Brennan. "I will point cut the llutler for you for nothing. So th? stranger went with Jimmie. He took the lad to a clothing store and array ed him sumptuously in the best hand-me-downs that Seattle could afford; he clothed him. cap-a-pie, and sent the boy away with a $5 nugget and a g'dd piece. Now all the boys in Seattle are lying in wait for rough Iroking stran gers with gold dust in their clothes. MUerr by the Vliol-aIe. Is what chronic Inactivity of the liver gives rNeto. Kile gelt into the blood and imparts a yellow tint, the tmigiu- foul- and sod-n- the breath, -i.-k head-achr-. pain bene-ith the right riK and shoulder are felt, the Sunveis become constipated and Ihe stninae.i disordered. The proven remedy for this cat alogue of ev il is llotet ter MnK.aHi ilil ler-. a medicine long and profesIonally recom mended, and sovereign a No for hi! and fever, iiervoiisnes-and rhcuuialNm. A man at Chillicothe was struck by a train while riding a bicycle. -He was thrown thirty feet into the air. made two or three revolutions, and came down in response to the law of gravitation, still clinging to the sad dle. The wheel had pneumatic tires and rebounded, breaking the force of the man's fall and thus savin: his life. This is no bicycle advertisement which has come ovr the wires, but In a serious report. Indianapolis News. Itrad the jtdTertlftriiirn:. You will enjoy this publication much better if you will jr"t into the habit of reading the advertisements; they will afford a most interesting- study and will put you in the way of getting some excellent bargains. Our adver tisers are reliable, they send wltat they advertise. Mr. Younglove "What do you do when your baby gets sick at night?" Mr. Ooldpop "I generally lie s'ill and wait to sec if my wife isn't going to get up and attend to it." Mr. Wlnslonr'n Soothing Sjrup ForchlMrrn twtlitnir.Hof tens t!ie ;.'"". rflii"innni iuatiii.ellapaln,(.iirrs wiikI coll-. S' crnts ( Imttic. Hope and happiness are so clumsy that when one dies the other commits Euicidc. No good comes of blaming others for our misfortunes. PCJ,SrJ'rmnentlCnr'iI.J'"ontrrnerTonnp'arti hrt day'n ue of lr. Kline .r-at nr lt-siorr Sonil InrFRRR $.l0 trial Imitl- ami trfstuc. 1K. It. II. KLINE. Arch M.. I'hiKuieliiku. I'a. A grain 0f prudence is worth a pound of craft. TO CURE A COI.I1 IN OXH DAT. Take Laxative llromo Quinine Tablet.. All Druggists refund the mo cey if it fails tocure. S5c Itcosti. more to revenge wrongs than to suffer them. 1 never ucd fo quick a rare as I'iso's Cure for Consumption. J. H. I'almer. os. 1171, Ecattre, Wah., Nov. 2.r, li?r. Learning maker, a man fitoompany for himself. No-Vo-IIac for FIMy Cents. C-arastT.l toUarco hahit rur- raa::'i vcrzU DJon -tr03,-, blood pun. ."- ?!- All dress'sts. Wise men make more opportunities iiuut tlir - linn Thomisorycfitisawfu!. USE TO CURE SOIA You'll feel it is worth its weight in gold. ' L jMr CATHARTIC 4 CATHARTIC CURE CONSTIPATION the Berlins tea Roate Calif orate Sz carslont. Cheap. Qftck. Comfortable. Leave Omaha 4:3T p. in.. Lincoln 6:10 p. n. and Hasting S:."0 p. m. cry Thursday la clean, modern, not crowded tourist sleepers. No transfers: cars run right through to San Franclbco and Los Angeles over the Scenic lloute through Henvcr and Salt LaUo City. Cars are carpeted; upholstered la rattan; have spring seats ami backs and aro pro vided with curtain, bedding, towels, soaa, etc. Uniformed porters and experienced ex cursion conductors accompany each excur sion, relieving passengers or all bother abont basgaze. pointing out objects of interest and In many other ways helping to niako the overland trip a delightful experience. Second class tickets are honored, llerths $.. Tor folder giving full Information, call at nearest Rurllngton Koute ticket ofiiee, or wr'teto J. Frauds. General I'Oisenger Agent, Omaha. Neb. Short Order Divorce. Chicago Tribune: If anybody wants to get a divorce in a hurry he or she will make a mistake in coming to Chi cago while the laws of Missouri aro unchanged. It has just been discovered that section 4,0315, of tho revised stat utes of that state, permits a divorce to be granted for cause, even though the petitioner has resided no longer than one day within the court's juris diction. i HiMtity Ih Itloml Ieer Clean blood means a clean s.kin. No beaut v without it. Caearct,t audy Cathar tic e'eans vonr b'ood and keep- it clean, by stirring up t lie lazy liver and drivingall im purities from the" holy, llegm today to hani-h pimples, boils. blotches,b!nckhead. ami that sicklv bilionscomplevion by taking Cascarets, beauty for ton cents. All druggist-, 8atisfaction"jiiiarinteeI, 10e,2.V,r0c. In the book. "Love Affairs of Some Famous Men." the story is recalled or Dr. Johnson and the widow whori ho made his wife. Ho belioved in the exchange of prcmatrimoniai confid ence in regard to disagreeable mat ters, so he told her plainly that he was of a humble extraction, that he had no money, and that one of his uncles had been handed. The sensible woman responded cleverly that sho bad no more money than he. and Hint, though none of her relatives had been hanged, she had several who ought ti be! "" The new model K?mington Type writer enjoys a larger sale than any other typewriter ever had. because it is the best. Send for catalogue. 1710 Farnam street, Omaha. Neb. "Is your son making any headway in college?" "Any headway? I should say he was. You ought to see him bucking the center." The world that the bird Hies over is not the iiiinv that the snail crawls on. Cne'fi I'oneh Ka1tn Ir the nMct iuil lt it 111 l.trnk ii coM quicker thananIMnrft''C. It lial'tioa nllal'lr. Trjr it. Always give your wife her own way; it will save her the trouble of taking It. TheChaniplainCutleryCo. of Iturling ton, Vt.. makers of the "True Ver nionter" Ilaois and KnivcK whose ad vertisement appears in this paper, are a reliable concern and will gladly send their catalogue free on application. "nvy .shoots at others ami wounds herself. To Cure Constipation Forever. Take Cabarets Canily Cathartic. 1ft- or 2V If C. C. C. fail to cure, druggists rvfund money. The girl who hesitates may not bo lost, but she is apt to become an old maid. Not to hear conscience is the way to silence it. Smoke SIcle Cigarettes, 20 for 5 ets. Never make a mistake, is the biggest mistake any man can make. Modesty is a guard to virtue. t There is a t iCIass of People : Who are injured by the use of coilee. Recently there has been placed in all the J grocery stores a new pre- paratio.n called CUAIN-O, made of pure grains, that J takes tlie place of coffee. The most delicate stomach receives it without distress, J and but few can tell it from coffee. It docs not cost over U as much. Children may J drink it with great benefit. 1.". cents and "." cents per package. Try it. Ask for J t;i:.i.v-o. I Try Grain0! CURE YOURSELF! I'm ISig CS for unnatural iIlTharj." . iiitfanim.itlouv, lrritatiuim or ulirratiou of miiroiiH lutniLraori. 1'aiiik'H. and not mtria- T.iEEasSCrftKtUlCa. ' '" I'itonou. Kold by RraRin. . i-nt in plain wrapper, I'V xr'""'. prpiii. for ! Hi, .ir3ltll. f?.3. n-ut ou rviueis. SOUTHERN Homsseekers'Guide I.Try iiOiii-!.er thotiM fuMress cither J. T. JIKIMCV. A. O. I. A.. ManWir.t..r. I; W. A. Khl.IJ'SI; A. O. T. V . Lnul.Tiii. Ky or S. .. 1IATI If. I. I. A t in'InnOI O for tir rojijr of tl.e ILLINOIS ( IttlMIOtU'S souriiKKN iiomesi.i:kkks- ;uiik. SCALES; S-iraiM!n:r.!nt romhlimtion Irtin. V I ! yirtut. I S. t.iHi!arI. lu- t un! li-ul ft Sml for prlc WEEKS SCALE WORKS. ULTFALO. N. Y. rnEICUT Dim on all onl'M of r0 ! f- o' JfoilIIi. V. rlt- V rMinl''" "'! pri - T','-J: I Manilla KooiliiW Camden, ..!. OPIUM XORPilitiZ and WHISKY HABITS. Ilolll i i l:l. I k ''itr. r.C i. IMir rJI l, l.b.l!iB:d.-., ClllOtO, ILL. W. N. U. OMAHA WO. 49.-1897. ' s r , Wfeea wrltliiic t aU(.u.- .. kladlf i I ti-4t ST. JACOBS OIL T ytJKKfi. 1 Xln I to i J;.X I w Oamrftatl y I Sjjjf P.3t t HIKliT'. 1 ct V VCtHCIN.WTl.O.I J -;. " rs ;- c TICA IfVannnnnMnnVr' CANDY ALL DRUGGISTS