The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, December 08, 1897, Image 3
TFS,K' - f J ssamfHR '. a ' 1 J J s I i 3 t f J " go II Columbus iJountal. WEDMCSI'AI II JTilBtl. - 1-FT H 1 V TIHi. TJUsLE. 5.inrnln. Chirjro. t. J.wepli. Iliivi- lt. t- I.nul-. jn.l all point r.t 33i . atli. IM-na. Batte. alt Lake! il-. Portland. "an Krinrir and all points wt- T&1IN- DEPST . tt Pa--e:izr. daily e-repr acsitn- " I'j a. m No. 22 reodnMlaIion aa.. eiref r iiimi.ii 4 1";: No. 21 Paf-t-OiT-- i.i. -ir.!'ii s T p ra No. 21 V.-roj.o - a .. ' :a- "' a'enda. t i n. N i" t " K AUnnt. r i i. K fir I- lrm ,; a -" i' I l-r.l. " 5 - m fa-t Jlaui - t" P- n fir. la. Lws! ' o m. daily n?pr ca.a . 1. F Mail. ourie- ( fr thriHurh puinb. 4itac ? a. lit p m ar rive at fjeawr 7 - a. a. N-. - ? Mail rnr rv to snajler Irrraaont. alVj asi Omaha wun eaat at 2 15 p. m. Th freidit tram lenrtsxr hen at - j p. c. car ries pA-sensrs from hera to Hlle. -' LllBt .! 1HFlLK PVt-.en2r am-tt friwa siMH"ttj C3 p. o 3T i-l nm 11 V. p. ta FOB tLBIM 'SO CXK M irt- iltiHil. i ) a. m -jS)p. m 130 p. : 12 p. m Socictg Jloiiccs. ' il- XHiS 1 ' . t" T J I ,-B- 1 !. VV- 1 ! i r s. '-. V r V. A M Kiux cu-ii- -! v-.n taj m -u) " cmi K.. tn-trj--i. uit-l t.- Mt-Hil f vivi -ii -v j Ziyi) vlL.Uh. Li)LitV. -I ' ""' . iihvi- ltnlaj vaiiL:- f nicti r-i a: fc.-ir' lov. a rhirtt-ntii .-.i .-i':nr t.ixap-Q c)nhiUlj W U NvrE.T81 1 7janl-ti GiHAUBtW U1P V :" WuJlIfc.N Or fn.-HrM.oi-t.- -t "n.l aaufiarth Tbnr--lai-f Ttw- ci')0; T J ; m . K .if I' llali. fcinti. .'M liirulr ait-utaa- i r "oiralie. on-t i. n-iUcr t.r-rnr-c ar-p.r-dtaLj tnrii nf n.'i J- .aaS- ' REUH'iiMZi-D" ULK' H K LArTrJDA at I p . prujf r' ! -Sc --ij --iuni? ar tair .-hapi. '.rc'r..T N.-rn -rrw aa: fans.-AifLJ-- Aai ar- tjf.l.i. j .Ti .reI I3tol- U.Irr H J Hi t--. Prwi-nt. GfcliM VN Ur r.i. Mr I- H. ti- li Min-Uj a. ii , j Ij-.-I it. t-o.'l-H K" " -' P a- ..,. ' - " 4Q Dill Pickles, Spiced Pickles. Lim burger Cheese, Brickstein Cheese, Smoked Salmon, New Holland Herring. HUil QEHLRICH t 111. C,LUMi.U- M li.KETh. Wueat t- 'Usiie.. lixra. shelle.i - t bnsaei. Hate p bashei. Bye-y btishel Hogs f cwt. Fat cattle - '& r Potatoes -f bnshei. Butter -f' i. 71 ti l."ifr l."r 2 i4r 3 CO 4 Hi 4 2." (u. "' Iduz Eggs ? do en. Markets orre-t-u e-rj Tuesday af- terncMi. - . r Hr-i '' - Herrich ?- ctnre frames " - Lowne' ''inn-n.afes a: Kramer's Go to Strauss f- ti,e best photos. Flee jb work, at TffE Jochnal office. Dr. Neumann, dentist. Thirteenth ssreet. tf Fine grad buckwheat tiour at HnbeTs. 2t 13rt styles in chairs and rockers at Herncfcs. 2t Try Weaver Newman when you want coaL 2 A great stark of new grmds at von Bergen Bros. tf One dozen Maatello photos for 5V. at Notestein's. tf Baled hay and ehoppnl f-d of all kinds at Hater's. 2t Weaver Jt Newman sell evcelsior nnt at 5.tl2T a ton. 2 Charley Bnwk shot twenty-eight rabbits Thursday . A fine assortment of books and bibles at Kramer's. Dr. L. C. Toss. Homeopathic physi cian. Columbus. Neb. If you want a photo that will do you justice go to Strauss. 2-tf The Swiss club meet with Sam. Gass this Tuesday evening. For a pleasant time, go the opera bouse Thursday evening. Wade's company is a guaranteed at traction. Do not miss it. Rev. De lieller goes to Leigh Satur day for the W. (J. W. lodge. F. A. Wade has the cleverest com pany of comedians on the road. See F. A. Wade's comedians at the opera house Thursday evening. The show Thursday evening will be well worth the price of admission. John Ahrens and his mother mar keted seventy head of hogs Monday. Drs. Martyn. Evans Geer. office three doors ncrtn of Fnedhofs store, tf Do not fail to see our -foot galvan ized steel mill for S2.T.0O. A. Dussell .t Son. tf Miss Knight has charge of dress siaktrg at Mrs. Walters. Thirteenth street. Columbus. Hjfl 4JP LADIES! A Chance for Yon. For each dollar's worth of cootie pur chased, for cash, from the 6th to the 24th of Deo. every one Trill receive a number which "mil entitle them to one chance- on two elegant pattern hats, worth S10.00 each. One. a Xew Blue. French felt. Vic- tona riare. trimmed in gray feathers, jet. Democrat informs the public in a recent an(j iniiammation. The most pene velvet ribbon and cnt-teel ornaments, issue of his paper that he is getting well, tratins liniment in the world Try 1:, the ether a large black silk velvet. Die- and that it is Christian science which of-c Dr A Kemtz. and Pollack & Co. tare hat. feather ede. trimmed in has accomplished the work, plumes, spangled horse hair laee, and jr.. pnser frQm Dawson county ornaments. Drawing to take place w m &e Clty i rtt looking- for a Dec. 24. location for a middle-of-the-road popu- Should the lucky numbers fall to par- . i paper. This ouirht & be a good lo ties out of town, they will be notined canon, but wouldn't Fnsion howl? immediately. - -Sunday evenm- Dec. 19, Rev. De 31k.-,. M. W. Waixebs, GeIle:. -y ivea jj usin-ashis Thirteenth St.. Columbus. ebr. : : : : Paul Kael i back from his trip in Asne Has Uveti and worSetl m iexas.the mumus, ua. uc v.a Wlu iu xeuu the west. lecture will no doubt be very interesting. ' sylvama in 151T. was a Union soldier in .. , , ,- , , ' ,.,,. , the war of the rebellion, and was m Nw feed store on ebniska avenue. ; Ballard's Korenound Svrup Is the. , J B Huber "t i best known remedy for consumption. 1' VeE ensaeements. For a num- ' coushs. colds and all throat and chest ' ber of years he was postmaster of David -Loai uoa: - - "' are m the coal busmee.- to stay. 2 tt-.. , x- .. uz. winy, wuo is m .e une:uj. had a slight attack of yellow fever re ceatlv. -It will pay you to goto Kramers bojk. tov and candv store for vour hoh- ! day goods. Lioyd Sisson was in the city Thnrs day. Ke is now traveling for a type writer tirm. Last Wednesday night the poetonice at Madison was robbed of 3'-S52. $47 being in stamps. Go and see one of the best enter tainments or tne season mursuay even- AU the 5pe0Ialtlea. dacCeS and n mg. at the opera. introduced in Wades Company of Com- - The U. P. Company Friday night , edians are of the very latest and np-to-sent the snow plow to Norfolk ahead of j date. Don't fail to witness this rirst the regular passenger j c.iass entertainment. Columbus opera Dolls for little girls, dolls for big1 house. Thursday evening. girls, froo. IV up to SI 30. at Mrs. Wal- , We are told that last Sunday morn ters". Thirteenth street. ' iEg at 4 o'clock there was a strong, warm -Mrs. Willy had a second attack of , gale of wind from the north, and that m apopU-xj Tiiesdav morning and is con- , North Dakota there was a dnTerence in -idered dangerouslv low. ! temperature of some sixty degrees after "High" Andrews sprained his ankle Mondav of last week and had :o go home, using two crutches. -The literan department of the V oman's club w i'l meet with Mrs. Al brt Tuesday. Dec. 14. 4 p. m. -With s manv entertainments and so well attended, it lxks as thongh there is some local prospentv. - Dr li. D. McKean. dentist, succes sor to Dr Honghawjnt. ground njr. 4 dixirs north First National Bank, tf -John Hurst and his sou Cari were down from Madison Snndaj to See Geo. H-n-r. ttbo is still ar the hospital. ..'ir -non- will be refunded after tne nr- a if on ar- not satisneu witn tne er.trrt.unuient Thursday evening. Miss Mattie Sisson went to St. Ed '.var Th :rb ia. having accepted a posi- , i i- , gi.eral merchandise establish' - ftr-- tne u'W of Thnrsiia and Fn- I.-. Tile ruing was prett good tor a Li'-. im Mt-nda it was "aas- Fall Dry Goods at E. D. Fitzpatrick's. See them. L-a"t.f-i. panor hots, cases, music 'a1 net-, ladies' dressing tables, buffet. si't ioar'is and man other nice things i HerncK's. 2t - FARMERS. ATTENTION. You can get an -foot Freeport Galvanized steel windmill from A. Dussell .t Son fo- only S2Ti.H tf Walking hats ."3V. Tarns 2.1. 'X and oic. children's hooks 2, 3.1 and np to V"c. at Mrs. Walters". Thirteenth stre-t. Columbus. Nebr. Th central conference of the Ger man Lutheran church met at Battle Creek Wednesday last, eleven ministers were in attendance. Car! Kramer carries a fine assort ment of toilet cases, celluloid boxes, al bums, books, dolls, doll buggies and ?-itr;z nt 1attuT Trlri ( -Don't forget that Mrs. Walters. Thirteenth street, has a nice assortment , ot couuaj i dolls, sofa pillows, etc Mrs. sibbernsen wili give a ten-cent tea Thursday afternoon under the auspi ces of the Ladies" guild of the Episcopal church. All are invited. Carl Reinke is having th storeroom on the corner of Olive and Thirteenth street remodeled and painted for J. S. Murdock ,t Son. who will move about Jan. 1st. Tf mn ., - n-, i,nn- Tt, If yon go to ne opera house lhnrs- dav evening, von will hear some of the laiesi songs anu goou comeuv. as vvaue p !-. " T ' . is wel. known to th show goere through- out the west. W. S. Riel of Bloomington. Illinois. with his family, arrived in the city Thanksgiving evening. If they like the country they expect to make it their future home. An experiment is being tried on sugar beets, treating them by a new process for extracting the sugar It may revolutionize the sugar making indus try if it works. Miss Ettie Merns and Wade are with the clever company. They were the leading people in the Boston Comic Opera Co. last year that made a big hi: through this countrv. Is your child punr p-eked and peev ish Does it have convulsions" If so it has worms. White's Cream Vermi fuge is the only safe cure Every bot tle is guaranteed to cring worms. 25c Dr A Heintz and Pollock Co. Orders taken for Electric Seal. Mon key fnr and Astrakan muffs and collar ettes. Goods as represented Call and get prices that will surprise you. Mrs. Walters. Thrteenth sr. Columbns. Walter Elley of Madison passed through the city Wednesday bound for his boyhood home in Schleswig. after an absence of nearly 25 years. He go2s to visit his father, who is SO years old. Make a list of things needed during the week, and on Saturday, or any day you do your shopping, call at von Ber gen Bros, and see if they haven't just what you want at a fair Irving price, tf Miss Mamie Sheehan is now assist ant clerk of the district court under G. B. Speice. Charles Segelke. who has held the position for several years, went to Greisen's store as clerk, last week. Baptist church. J. D. Pnlis. paster. Services Dec 12. 11 a. m. 7:30 p. m. Morning. -Eyes Opened to the Law: evening. -On Choosing Husbands and Wive-." We had several days of snug winter weather last week accompanied in all by a snow of abont seven inches on the leveL The cold moderated on Saturday morning. Editor Wells of the Central Citv ai,;r -tu ;. t i- . ( troubles. Errv bcfle i, guaranteed. . t the best remedy for children. 25 nrni 30c Dr A. Heintz and Pcllock &. -- I q Jndge Sullivan. P. J. Hart. G. W. rsi.:n.- t i pi.j- T v W.-I-;, tt v . ncU5ir, u. v... iv.i.ii. tuu. ou .iuui; Murphy of Rogers left the city Tuesday i morning to attend the fnneral of M. Ma- ! her. -The Norfolk passenger ran into a snowdrift Sunday near Madison, the snow coming against the cab window with such force as to break the glass. cutting the face of engineer Dan limes pretty badh. the chenoot strnck them. Wh bnj high-priced Rock springs, i coal these tinies. when you can get a coal ' for &' a toc that onr Palron6 !l n takes the olace of Rock Springs and ' lasts much longer. Weaver .fc Newman i sell it. and ail first-class coals. 2 F. A. Wade, the noted comedian. , , i win te nere luursuay evening next, ana for the first entertainment will give "For a Million." the ply which is having such a run east. At the opera house Thurs day evening, prices 2.1. 2o and ."0 cents. ieorge W. Turner, who. in company with three other members of Buffalo Bill's Wild West snow, since the close in October, have leeu having fine sport hnntiug in the wilds of Arkansas, is ex pected home the latter part of the week. 3Irs. Chas. Pearsall and children will accompany her mother, i Mrs. Baker of Ohio, who has been visiting here for several months . to California, where the wiil spend the winter in isan Diego. leaving here Fnda. Jay E. Williams, local editor of the St. Edward Sun. has resigned his posi tion and gone to Ft. Morgan. Colo., to take his brother's position in the schools there, the latter having been elected su perintendent of Morgan connty. Something useful is always priced , as a Christmas present. Get a feather boa. au ice-wool shawi. a pair of mittens. or for the little folks get a hood. Tarn O'Shante- or a hat. Mrs. 31. W. Wal- 1 ters. Thirteenth street. Columbus. Nebr. William Roth, carpenter and con tractor, holds himself in readiness for all kinds of work in his line. If you are thinKing of having any carpenter work done, commnnicate with William Roth, Columbus. Nebraska, and ct fig nres. Iang3m The Omaha Bee says the run. of which we give a par: elsewhere, breaks all records. The whole run from Chey enne to ( )maha. was made m .1.19 min utes, the distance being -11'. miles. The latter end of the run was the real record breaker. The Bel i wood Gazette savs that faoj. choieni a ra1Ci: arouati piz. It elunataJ tiiat tfce Jliea a: Ieas- has destrove, 7-1 pr Cent of the herds. One farmer lost -17 on: of 2. another 22 : out.' -V a third Hon ' 17. and a ' f.urtn ,1t on: of 6.1 . The Turner ranch ' OH the Island, for Tent j on reasonable terms. A 1 t- T TUT lr i1 Apply tO J . JM.eeKer, OiO- ther SOUSe. I , , -tq- dark brown taste and horr.d I .rarh vou have ,a th mcrnins is r-rtt i Kt- rtv t-it. lTTil S"tTM-i Oi Ljr' . - ""'"' . uiu- n- , l.cmesJ1 rtlie!e foTrT a'hiIe oxhersior a few days, but Heroine cures. Dr A ! Heintz and Pollock & Co. Nick Matthis. onlv brother of And. Matthis. died Saturdav last at the asy- lum at Norfolk and was brought here for burial, the funeral taking place from the merman rveiurmeu uuu.uu Jiouuaj aiusr- , had co occason to question his integritv noon. Rev. De Geller preaching the ser- m rhe pagt tfaat thev wiH DQt mon. He was 61 years old. disappointed in him now when the -Tovs, toys and dolls, proper hOT"n: nade dolls, 3,000 dolls, follow ! T,he SfadHon Chromc; m aiyIlu-;- u ' ,ww uuiwjiuuui. rrated anniversary supplement No. 1. the CrOWd tO E. D. FitZ- commemorates its twenty-fifth birthday Patrick's White Front WIth rood-hnshl ec?raviE- showing - , prominent local men and residences. ,, T- 1 -1 -T -T 1 . ' US y sUUU2 atux c- ! Baker Post No. 9. G. A. R.. at their , in getting out such an expensive souve reguiar meeting last Saturday evening. ' uir without more patronage m the way elected the following list of officers- j of advertising. A pen picture desenp- Commander. J. H. Galley: S. V John Brock. J. V.. J. I Sturgeon: Q H. T. Spoerry: O. D.. R L. Rossiter: O. G John Tannahill: S.. Ed. Clark: C. S. I McCoy. Special meeting of the Woman's club will be held m connection with the meeting of current events department, at the home of Mrs. Chambers. Satur day Dec. 11. promptly at 3 o'clock. Members of the clnb are urgeu to be i ., , ., . , j 3yj p. m.. arriving at Columous at 4:49. present, as there is important business ! - ... ., , . , , , aistance 612. miles; left Columbus at to transact, ' , . , , . T, , 4.-yo. arrived at Fremont at oi-.. aistance A special tram over tne L . P. ves- ,,--, , ,. e. .. .,, . . , . . , ... , , ,r ' 4oj? miles; left Fremont o.39 ana arrived terday carried a jollv crowd of Mvstic ,- ,-, - au . u t? ' , at Gdmore a; 6:11. distance ctI6 miles. Shnners from Omaha. Fremont ana , ..- . ., . , , , ., , . , t , , , At this point the tram was called down along the line, to Grand Island, where .. v -t , , . , . . .. j ,t:o not over 3 tmles an hour, thus spoil- they went to attend a meeting of the a -, t. .. r. " r- j tu i . ( a Sne " Council Eluffs was Reu Cap order. Thev were joined nere t. i . - o- -r, iT-i.Tr -r.- tri-. --e.' reached at t.a. p. q. Passengers ex- bv Dr. Evans. Dr. Geer. H. Eilev, O. E. ' , . , , . ,-. u tv -o t. ., ... pressed surprise wnen told of the speed Green and Wm. Fox. Thev had with f. ; , , , V ., i... .-m.1 x- , i. t..-.u '.? were twbne at. and from Co- LL-eLLi iuc u iuuuu uciuu. auicu reu' dered several selection: -was -waitJLng. while the train Colombo "nrerie. Colombo.-. Neb. Send for price list of everything in the tree line and I will pay freight on all cash orders to the amount of $10. Send for my prices at once and address all orders to Joh- Ta--ahiix. Sdeci Columbus. Neb. Ballard's Snow Liniment cures rheu matism, neuralgia. headache, sick headache, sore threat cuts, sprains. Kmn.'A.- a-il4 ia-a rryyyi c: ortH all TiilTTt The Turner ranch. on the Island, for rent Q1-, -reasonable t e r m S , 1 Apply tO J . JxLeeKer. UIO- ther SOUSe. . . . . Capt. A. F. Coon aied at nis home in David Citv Xov. 2 ased m vears. 10 T-- in j- rr, ..-i . i r..- , ,-.,..,- u., v i,. cu sa3 iui; -ti. lhe laillea iiariey minstrel SuOW , mj -t ,., nl- fK,v uiUrt a Llnu. r lut iiiiuiut: auuuu bim- tv of the blackest-faced cirls vou ever saw. Singing and tallOUg in a tamiliar voice you know yon know, and you have . i . c a wnole evening s entertainment, t rom to last it was listened to with rapt attention. About SIM was cleared. James Compton gave The Jocrx.yl a call Monday. He left here for John son connty, Kansas, in the fall of ISh); Mrs. Compton died fourteen years ago. The remainder of the family are still living there. Mr. Compton has been in Colorado for a year past, and says that is a wonderfnlly productive country, under irrigation. Sunday night of last week, at Green leaf chnrch near Rising an altercation tKk place between two young men named Friday and Kin". Friday pulled a revolver and shot a bullet through KiiTs coat, but didn't hurt him. KiJ then knocked Friday down, and choked him neany into insensibility, when they were seDarated bv bvstanders. At thA t-Ar mnitm" of t'olumbLl " (, r v th ftillnw. mg officers were elected for the ensuing year- R. L. Rossiter. P. il. W . J. E. Hoffman. M. W.. E. D. Brink. F . Aug. Schack. G.. W. H. Lewis. R.. L. Held. F. F. C. Turner. R.. J. A. Turner. I. W : Ed. Rocsiter. G.: O. L. Eaker, O. w and p H jenkins. Trustee. One daj last week the fast mail tram over the U P. was behind time owing to storms in the far west, and made some pretty qnick work between Cheyenne and Omaha. We select the following Grand Island to Columbns. 63 miles in -12 minutes: Colnmbns to Fre mont. 46 miles, in 4o minutes. Fremont to Omaha. 47 miles, in 42 minutes. The presentation of "For a Million" by F. A. Wade's Comedians at the Grand opera house Thursday evening was wit nessed b an appreciative andienee. The plot itself was well carried out. but tb specialties seem to be what the people wanted as the artists received encores withont number. Beardstown iIILi News. At Columbus opera house. Thurs day evening. Dec 9 I have for sale a good frnit farm of 30 acres, about 1.000 apple trees bearing, besides 200 cherry and apricot trees all bearing, also pears, peach trees, straw berries, raspberries and blackberries. There is all the wood on the place that a person would ever need for fuel, with the best irrigation plant m the country, with reservoir well stocked with fish. Address. John Tannahill. Columbus. Nebr. 4t The ladies auxiliary of the Congre gational chnrch wil! hold a "Festival of the Holidays" at Fitzpatrick's hall next Friday. Dec. 10th. beginning about 3 o'clock. The principal holidays of the year wili be represented b appropriate booths. Articles suitable for Christmas presents as well as useful articles will be for sale, anpper will be served from .1 until 1') o'clock. Price of snpper 20 i cents. Thre is no pam or discomfort wh-n Tablr a Euekey Pile Ointment is used It relieves that itching increased by scratching. It is prepared with su entin accuracy and professional knowledge and is the kind thjt -ures blind b4ed:ng. i'rhmsr n.d protrudmz pu-s witn no pain i.r loss of time. Dr. Hmt2 and Polio, k Cc. Fully fifteen hundred teachers and representatives from various parts of the state are expected to be present at the state teachers' association m Lincoln. Dee- 2T-m Will,am T- Harris, u. s. commissioner of edncation. and David Star joruan. president of the Leland Stanford university are to be present. ! Representatives of the Woman's club , , , ! tnroucnont .ne state are expecteu to take part. -John T Mallaheu. a former resident of this city, late superintendent of the State Industrial school at Kearney, asks suspension of judgment concerning an alleged shortage in his accounts, report ed by the legislative investigating com mittee. He says that his menus have Mr. Seely has done more than he ought tion of a bachelor's home in Madison in 1572. originally published m Thu Co LCirECS Joubsjll. is among the interest mg reminiscences. Sunday Dec. .1th, the second section of No. 2. fast mail on the Union Pacific carrying the Colorado connection, in charge of Conductor Malony and En gineer Cunningham, engine 101, made a fast run from Grand Island to Council R?n TVi r 1,11 Tfr n .J T-l - lumbus east nearly every one had his watch in hand counting cliffo on rail cr coTlnTiEg telecraph poles. IRRIGATION ! The Nebraska Central Irrigation Company will hold meetings in the various school districts of Platte County commencing next week. Watch the papers for places and dates. "e eras'ja Central Irrigation com- ( pany headquarters are at the Meridian noteI. AH persons desinns to take ad- ' vantage of the S.".t) perpetual water ' rurht rate mnst see them before the first , T ,, ,. n . . UL t UUUtli ? iiJ- . " V-ww ,.. per acre. Xo exceptions to this mle will be made whatever. If you want water from the Great Eastern Canal, yon had better see them at once, The Nebraska Central Irrigation Com- . , ,, i . . I pany nas openeu a lanu ueuiirtiueut iu , ,...r..t,:.r, -;,i. rli-iV Vinii. ness and are listing lands, improved farms and town property for sale. They . ..., .lrv .-.f Irin.t nr,.lr I - .,.,, .K-. ,, , , ,rrre. ..n.i hill- -. i, 1 J-- - If - .-. -... I ' "" " ...- : .,,, ,.. ,.., t u,r fj, ..... arv nf,r, ,n j pjaltt e,mctv that can be watered from the Great Eastern. They also are rent- .i. - U. personal jHmiion. a---- Miss Anna Taylor went to Seward Wednesday. 3Iiss Abbie Keating left for Beatrice Saturday morning. Miss Mnrl Wills of Madison was the guest of Mrs. E H. Jenkins last week. Miss Brodfenhrer came home yester dav from Monroe, after a few days" visit ue coosty citric of Plait- cnancj NedrM-ia. cnrii 11 clocs noun JantiHry .1. l-t. for the With friends. tu-nishmir of the follow uu -apphe- or -. tnacn li tt- then-of a may be nt-etll, rmreJ. aail from George b. Brink Oi Janesville, U ISC . time ro ume onlereil dy the proper aathonty for t -ov .kT,-.n t-. i - .r. -h. "! cnrnia.' jeiir. 1-1 . the maximum r-pr ent cousm of rrank Donnell. wa in .ne iarft,ttIt city Thursday last visiting him. and euoi.-,. afterwards wen to Sr. Edward for a ,. blnak rwonl. Visit with f riend- there. l " 'JaiI nenrai la.iex a- pr -ample in othee i cleric district eonrr. im ammmmmamm mmmm ' l " jaire jmimect ili'ki-r n.-, pr -ample in DIED Maheii At his Lome near Platte Center. Dec. 1. at ID o'clock, a. m . of pneumonia, after an illness of ten days. Michaei Maher. aged 0 years. Funeral services were held at the Catholic church. Platte Center. 10 o'clock yesterday (Tuesday . and the re mains laid to rest at the Gleiison ceme tery. A more Week. extended notice next ' ceipt i-'i. l d-ik- -nch i) coantj iriu-ur-r'tj tax iv I ceipt l-i. ( iSIFFIN" Wednesday morning, at 4 o'ciock. at the Sisters' hospital. Miss Anna, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. H. GrilSn. agel 21 years. " ?B?S!S"'' B.iinl iioot c.Mra Tlie re-muirnieellllg WHS held Monday all present. The superintendent's report showed 70.". pupils enrolled. tioT belongmg during tlie month, average attendance oN. The half hohday was won by 31 r. Weaver's room, on an attendance of 97 per cent, and a punctuality of &y.99 per cent. Bills were allowed and warrants or dered as follows: Gtnn i Co . Same . . . . . Sheldon ,t Co Amer. Book Co ... Stillman Pharmacy R. Gism . . . R, Hirschbnmer . . G. A. Scott M. K. Turner .v Co . Weaver .t Newman. . Columbns Telegram. Ralph Turner 9 3 1-2 Ul - -0 1 .7) 1 3o On application and beeanse of physi-' cal disability. Edna Beardsley was ex cused from the stndy of Latin. It was declared as the sense of the board that President Galley attend the state teachers association, at the ex pense of the district. The bond of the school treasnrer was approved and directed to be tiled for record at the connty clerk'- office. An order was given for Ii"i copies Met calf's grammars. Zeno. lh wonderfnl Hindoo." gave an exhibit at the opera house Saturday night, to an audience of greater number than generally attends a lecture. Those who are familiar with the old-tim me--merism will recognize these performan ces as something perhaps a httle farther along in the same road. "Zeno prefers tc the name mesmerism and hypnotism, that of suggestion. He seems more than nsnally candid and fair, and evidently is himself convinctl of the illimitable strength of concentration of mind, and a tirm purpose, but in this connection he said that he would like to have some body hynoptize him to such an extent as to help him get rid of the tobacco habit, which he detested and loathed, but, thus far. had not bn able to shake on". The delineations of character were well received by the audience, and re minded of the physiognomists and the phrenologists. He claims that remark able cures of disease have been made through the exercise of the power of suggestion, and that spiritualism t so called 1. mental healing, and christian science are dhTerent phases of the power. Prof. Zeno will be here all the week, and gives an entertainment thi.- Tuesdav evening. om.-in - rinli Cnrrent events department of the n- , , , -,, l tt r- t v oman s clnb will meet with Mrs. t- ti. PhamhAra iTtrtrilne TV. 11 P-e Lnamuers. Saturday. Ue. il. fro- gram: Reading Traveling Library Mrs. Herrick. r . lUeas. Paper Character sketch of Henrv George. Mrs. Weed. Vocal solo Mrs. Chambers. Paper Mrs. Bnndley. Holiday itiuxls at Mr. Wal ters. Thirteenth Street. Ladies do you want a nice, yet inex pensive present for yonr friends: such can be found, in the line of China enps and saucers, mdividnai sets, sofa pil lows, etc.. at Mrs. M. W. Walters". Thirteenth street. Coiumbus. Nebr Holiday. Holiday !ood-! We have more sensible goods that will make nice presents and at one-half for mer prices, than we ever had before. You will miss it if yci do not come and j see thee 2t Hhbhics. ' ins: such lands and now have several tracts to rent for the season of 1596. Bein in connection with vanons land agencies, besides pnblishm? and circu- latin? a 30-paire journal monthlv con- . -- . .U.U.U aw fnuu . , v i. IWVC 4 land for sale by them and bem? in cor- responuence with irrigators throughout the United States, they have unexcelled facilities for disposing of farm lands. They are also abl- to irrigate the lands leased to or by them, thus insuring a n . ., SI,.... ., -I .. T iun uu ic.uuiraa ui (.nuiate. leLiunca who n:n cilcmrr f:irrrm nr smull trurs for sugar beets, truck or garden culture, will do well to call on the officers of the enmnnnv nt the hntl Pnlnm. .r..- ,.. v..v ir.. hn.-. and th,-se who de-ir mr, fnr hMP un,U. irher nnrrhnr nr unnu can alo be accommodated. The ram- pany means business. Cattle r.r ?Ale. J. L. Sturgeon i Son are receiving as occasion demands, stock cattle which they will have for sale at their ranch near the city. If vou wish good cattle see them at onc.e rf tht?v jQt have on han j what will please you. they can be sure to sat isfy you m a few days at farthest. They are m the business for good, and will make business mutnallv satisfactorv. NOTICE. N0TI t -- EEKEQY iI Uiur -aie-1 proporal- Kill Iv rwt-imi n 'n-on.i-of otni-e cic nr tutnef court. I I .jnir- m-amrer -, -;i.-n h.k. 1 .jcire treanrwr - mi-ivUant-m- ca-h book. w per -sample U - .jaire (lelimiuect t:iz rwanlr. at per-umple. 1- bookd ach 3m counrj treasurer - tax r eeipta for I;fr;. nnain-'il. tlaphcate and tnpli cire. a.- per -ample in trmsarer - othce. 5 book.- ach :X. county trea-ar"r'- tix re ceipt 1;S7. 5 bi)k- ea:?t H county trt-a-aivr tax rv ceipt 1j'.. " bitt-. earn i) county treaaatvr- fcix re- ixeipt 1-3. i . U..W1V3 &iv:ji -vj i;imuLy ire-isurers uix re- ? Hooks each J." county treasurer - Lix n- ! j Ct-ipt 1-lTi i ' book ach 2L count treaaivr'- tax re- ' c-;ptbi; '' t .'".VJ -aeh 2to county trt-a-anr'-i tax re- J book- each 3i rounty rr"t.-ur"r'- mi.-iellan- I Kin- rei'eipt- j rt book.- fHch 3m mkinptioix vmncate-. -''n,t cIr,c - w"-lrr:lt boik. I . llo,)1Ui lL1, nch ilttocraphe,l blank war- j I rants, thrw- coli-rj, a- per -ample in clerk- i lilSi'e. 1 i .mire clerk 3 account kok with treasurer. I i -henn7- po-k-t iioekfl. ! 1 pnnteil p.wkt-t memoramicm Uiok- fur county ?cpTtntemlent visit- to public -rh.)!-. i 1- b;ok.-. O-O eaciu ctllector-' tax receipt-, original am! icphcate. nnmfcertl aini ertoratrrJ. . l- bokj. rfteach. town ctalwitor-' t.ix rweipt-, , original ami .luplicat.- not nnmbwwi. ami per- ' rorare:. S ?et of poU book.- ami envelope- t conform to size for proper rvtarn.- of ballots. " rojul over--r-' receipt boik. 00 ronii nwrr-' rwoni- ami n-turn-. 2 chattel nle-. nnmbenni. Zl hie boxe- for tax linphrnr . 2 late-t ilie-1-. Nehnika Ileports. EISs. Ifl.L't') '- -he.t bLmka. pnnteti on both iter-. lo.C) -. ....-- ?XAi letter deaiis. printwl ami tabbeii. 12 lb. rt.lM) note " " ij lh. 2.CW) Jjpan. e linen letter hiut. nrrntni .imi 1 -j) ' tahbil. - lb. 1 1.0O Remnore letter heail- pnstni and tabbeii. r0 l.'co " note " 2.L.) -hr r bill h-iut- pnnte.i on both 3iiie - "J ami wbbed. 1; lb. 11 Ca t.ti'o -. -h-t bill heiui- pnntni on both -uie-l" ami tab.i. It lb. '2 '2T W.ij0 XXX white envelope- - inch pnntrd. 1 r' -WJ " " 1" 1 L L. mnniUa 11 inch hea-v onal- iry -Tvno.Nsm. i retim- lestal cap paper t olmnbia abstract. 1 12 1b. 3 " "" a.- per ampl in otSce clerk district court. 2.1 it.-. Arnold"-, wrttinir rhnd. black. t -it.-. " "' " crimson. 1 pint duplicator copying ink. l -It- arter - mnctLie. .".J. 5 inca -jnar township plat.. 2.U.0 -het- typ- writer paper a.- per -ample, -uco heL-' tvDe-r:t n paper a.? ier sample. 1 doen tpe-wriun:r riooon- Kemuwrtcn 1 I doien type writing ribbon- -miih premier' . 25) iMitrt wrapie-. o 1Z. nver-lle and pnuled lti court wripper- No 25o n.t pnntt-1 V) man lla -rapoer. plain a- peraiuple 1 (S-tro (iliiciiuun pen- n.j. i. 10:tro-. alloyed -liver pen-, os. U. U. 12. ni-3 spenceriau pn- No. 1. lit -zro-s Faber pecciU No 2 ' nmnJi. i iron peiiril- N11. 2. .5 ilozen ruber pen il- No j 1 2ro lux -s pencil-. 2 .tro copMn,; pencu 1 duen pencil-, red. 1 dozen pencil blue. 1 dozen drauznnns pencil- E:ile). doen coram 'U pen holder-. 1 sro p-n holder-, rubber up. 10 oote-, Txi) each, rubb-r banit No 1U0. 1-) 2ro-i t'aber Daml-. ,isored Jmi 2 dozen peacil-1. :-urteI colors. 1 dozen -.atef. ink -VI' l V 1 1. 1 dozen afey Ink we.i- , z. sni -j-mch rnblier band-, a "irted. 1 ili)en W e.rfnlt tin T tk ndee !rmvrf4 txeo tiiade- ' ' 2 dozen alienor rubber rj"er- No 12. 1 20 'i AlcGilN n.und lieaii paper fastener ' lrrteii . 2 ti McGUK eyelet p-ipr Lsteuers.a.-'-ortn:. ' 30 slot. congress lie !iv-iu8et IVi-ra1 111 10:)2nnieil eal-iuld 1 Dotmds -eUn wax. 1 5 1- iiu"b cone tve r-.i'er Faher .! 12 i.ich 'tm o.v- ruler-. Faier 1 2 21 in-ii heavr rubber tuier , 12 dozen -h-et3 carbon paper. . dozen liiuriiae pot.-. 1 2 dozei. Fbr cr trr- lypetvriter.. j dozen oil can -i fr typewriter. . 1 dozea botlle- oe-,t typ-wrlter nil. j JO hallow niiiiibrnil tnim t to 30. incitiaive 10 zrasH tee pins in cu-Iuona. , j I sru-a nickel tin pen holder-. ! 1 dozen 1 tine inn;- cuihion ruhw1: stamp-. 1 ':-;ine t ookN cusliKiti rubber c.mnip w:ai 1 late 2eopv holders 2 bottles rabbi r M.imp ms 1 copy book. t 1 tuu.tiDiex Jnpiieaior. 2 pair office shear'. 1 ', dozen Excelsior mk cads All reeonls to b full leather bound :t n i 'e mide fr m the be-j .jcality af We-too s nuen leiiirer paper anu endorsed wiui sopr-ipn .te and numbered a tn.-y be ieina:rd. 5:1th patent bac iat ooenin. At maren 1 tisd for and -t.itiouerv ron-t be of 20.-1! ta.w!!y onnteit a..d riimiiii .i" r iren separatf prop-'a.s ma: ti- pr ,, f,. boek-. bia.iX- and t-Uunerr or-.tenv eu , .j1r.t an the outside of each et, veio.e j The board of supervisor- re-erve, he niiht t. fM)tH.t Jn rall f,u. or al tn-C:scrrt,(,n aa.-:irtl tile .s.ntracr for farm-ii inline suppiie- adverti-ec tor one or mo -departments mil n-iw;t th- remainder The surce--fal -udder xiA be required to 21 v- gol and sufficient oond tor the tuitl'lnient of the pniv- ionsortns iintraet. E. FOHt. ' ountv Clert fialed ( oliimbus Neb . Ic. z. lST a-u Musical Instruments ! A line line of new string music al instruments for the Holiday trade on has 1 a our store Also 2" duferent styles f pocket knives from Z cents up. bought at a great bargain and sold at one-half usual price. This is your cnance for Christ mas presents. L. PHILLIPS. idecd EEIEDIOF & CO. Our counters and shelves are now over flowing with the largest stock of Dry Goods, Caxpets, Clothing, Hats and Caps, EVER SHOWN IX PLATTE COUNTY. Drfc GooIs. Cloak GootLi and Silks, tancv brocade, Dress Goods including black double width at loc a yard. 40-inch wide, all-wool Dres Flannel, all colors, at 25c a yard. 4fl-meh wide black Mohair Brocades at 35c a yard. o?-inch all-wool Fancies at 26c a yard. special attention L called to our line of Serge? at 28c, 40c, 50c. 75c. a yard. 2sev Silks in fancy brocades at 50 and 75c. Roman Stripes and Plaid Silks entirely new. Late-t novelty in Dress Trimminsr, comprising beaded and silk gimp and braid.-, braided and beaded setts. Ladie-.' and children's Hosiery, at oc, 10c. 1 5c. and an iron clad Host- tor children at 25c a pair. Ladies" men's and children's Underwear, at 25c, ladies and children'- ribbed vest and drawers, tieece-lined, worth Soe. At 5c, ladie-" anil children's all-wool vet ami drawers, great value, worth 75c. At -!c. men's natural wool shirt and drawers, worth 50c. At 5c, children- heavy ribbed Union suit?, ail sizes. At 50c. men"- tleece-lined shirt and drawer?, tinishetl seam, worth 75c. We call your attention to our line of BLANKETS, COM FORTERS, etc.. cheaper than ever. Carpets ! Carpets ! Now i- your time t huv your Carpets, to get the benefit of the old price-. Our a ortment i- the most complete west of Omaha Clothing! We invite your inspection to the most complete stock of men'. and boy-' (lothinsr to be found in Columbu.-. AH bought before the recent advance. We invite . u i,, inspect our stock. Re-r'r-ctftili HENRY RAGATZ & CO., Staple and Fancy Groceries. CROCKERY, GLASSWARE 'l LAMPS. Eleventh Street, - We invite yuu to come and see u. We regard the interest; of our patrons as mnttml with our own. so far as our dealings are coneerneii our part f the obligation being- to proviile ami oti'er Good - Coods - at - Fair - Prices. &sfEVERYTHIN'i KEPT that i- expecteii t" b tiunI in a first da. up-r.-iati jrn.-erv -t"r-. Trr'uOLfC'! .1 sTlP.t2; ATTORNETS AT LAVT intn'STe-r comer Eleventh anil N.rr streetrt linly.y 1 oLmtars. Ns3a-s MONTHLY SUFFERING. ""Thousands of women are troubled at monthly inter vals with pains in the head, back, breasts, shoulders.sides hips and hsibs. Eut thev need, not surer. i nese pains are symptoms of dangerous derangements that can be corrected. The men strual function "shou?1! o cerate painlessly. Wine'lidai makes menstruation painless, and reaclar. it puts the deli cate menstrual erg ins in condi tion to do their work, prouerlv. And that stops all this pain. Wiy will any woman suffer month alter month when Wine of Cardni will reliev- her It costs at the drug store. Why don't yon get a bcttle to-day'1 For advice, in cases requiring special directions, address, grv ins symptoms, ' The Ladies' Advisory Department," The Chattanooga 3Iedicme Co., Chattanooga, Tenu. n. aazMA trans of Oanaville Texas, ssis: " I aas troubled it montnW intenils wttn temtjle gains in my nean and bac. aut nav an sntirsij ruiaim S Wine at Caraui." THE JOURNALS Clothing ! FRIEDHOF & CO. COLUMBUS, NEBR. llllllllllllllllllilllllllllllHIIIIIIIIIIilllHHlllllllHie I dentistry! IN ( OLDIBIS r Chicago Prices ! TI S pR.DWriiHT. Thirteenth St. J wi.l perform following op- ii erations at prices below, for next E 30 DAYS. all work standard and guaranteed E Rubber plate S 5 00 E Besr Rubber plate made 7 f E Uver nllings .7) 'tui.1 rlliings. SlJ") and up- E E ward. E Oold crowns. 2 karat . ) Bridge work, per tooth ." 00 E la?Teeth extracted free, when E E pbite- are ordered, by use of lat- e E es and most approved methods E E m amesthesia. E Dr- DW1GHT. Jcf Thirteenth Street. S "711lll!HUIIlIllltlllllllt!lllllllIIIIIIII!ll!imillllllli M. C. CASSIN, -racpairroa jFthi- Omsk M U P'reh. and Salt Eeats. Same and Fi in Season. SafHigheet market prices paid for Hides and Tallow. THIRTEENTH ST., COLrIBUs. - - NEBRASKA -SnDrff ALL KINDS Z2T iiiiilifiaiairiiiiiii7Mi iirfiiiiilr iihiii jrii3- ..M3tMaa1aafciA,-.a1n " rfrn'rr"J3c'"iiTr-'Hiiii limn n