The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, December 08, 1897, Image 1

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at present, i Will observe for a time
and draw my conrl.r-ios from the past
liy the future. Sit .lown here and tall:
over those candy-and-ribbon days.
One of ray n:en disappointed me at the
last moment. You can more than take
his place, if you will consent. If I
had known you were here I should
have sent fcr you. When did you
At noon. I brought some prisoners
T is a dangerous
thing to tamper
l, Willi JlHe btMl-CSiCeill
Ijl of a woman. If you
', hurt a man's pride
! ! ho will probably go
off and sulk for a
greater or les3
time, or it may be, J from Alcatraz. 1 meant to call on you
if the case is very
had. that he will
een kill himself.
But a woman will have revenge.
You may think she has forgotten,
you may fancy she is impotent, hut
there Is still much of the Oriental in
every woman that she can wait.
Break her heart and she will still let
it ho in the dust for you to trample
upon, and she will find the pain pleas
nnt; yet beware how you so much as
scratch hr pride; from the wound will
trickle a stream of poison, that may
How slowly, hut will reach you in the
James Dudley's case went to prove
this. Very few knew why he came to
the end he did. but this was the way
of it:
"When he was very young and just
out from the Point, he was sent to a
post miles from anywhere, and there
ho became engaged to marry the 14-year-old
daughter of Major Gorschkov.
She was beautiful beyond the dreams
of art far too gorgeous for a mere lit
tle girl. She should have been his
torical. Such as Semiamis, or the
Queen of Sheba. or Zambia must have
been, she was; therefore it was natural
enough that Dudley should have
thought himself in love with her. Hut
he was a clever fellow, with a very fair
share of brains, and she was an aver
age child who was not old enough to
return his love, but was mightily
pleased in an innocent fashion at the
importance the engagement gave her.
At the end of a year Dudley was or
dered away. Absence opened his eyes
to the fact that beauty alone was not
enough to make him happy in his wife.
And he wrote to Esther and asked her
to release him, and to her parents he
sent an explanation of his conduct.
The mail orderly put both letters into
Esther's hands. She read her own
first. She was 10 years old now, and
very proud. She had also grown to
care, in a vague sort cf a way. for the
memory of thy lover cf her childhood.
The letter cut her through the Russian
down to the Tartar, and she hated the
man whom she chose to think had
humbled her. She tore it and the one
to her father into .small pieces. There
was one sentence In the former that
she did not understand. The lieuten
ant had said. "In time you will drink
of the waters of Lethe, and forget me
as utterly as I deserve to be forgot
ten." , A few days later she told her father
that she was not going to mnrry James
"Docs he know it?" asked the ma
jor. 'Yes."
"What Is your reason?"
"Xoihing in particular. I simply
won't want to."
"Perhaps that won't satisfy him.
However, it is just as well. 1 never
to mo now."
Then Esther questioned him in her
deep, swfvt voice. "How long shall
, you stop here?"
, ror a tortnignt, possibly. been
j "Where are you stationed now?" She probably.
, anew weil enough.
i "At Apache. So you can imagine
what a treat civil. zation is to me. How
! dees it happen that 1 find you here?"
I "We are stationed at the Presidio.
, You must come to see us."
; "I will." he answered. He would
have done anything those red lips
might ask him to do. The receding
tide cf his love for her had swept back
with a mighty force.
"How beautiful you are, Esther," he
said, after a moment.
"I always was."
"You have no more false modesty
than of yore."
"Why should I h ivc? 1 didn't make
j myself, ami I'm not praising my own
' handiwork. And I frankly admit hat
I if I were to have made myself. I think
j I should have chosen my present mo
"But there is more than mere beauty
of feature, now."
"Character. I suppose which I
larked as a child. It is odd that char
acter, even if it happens to be bad, can
so improve a face."
Then she turned her head and be
stowed the light of her countenance on
the civilian beside her, whose infatua
tion was obvious.
"Every man in the post ar.d the city
will hate you with a deadly hatred if
Miss Gorschkov happens to take a
fancy to you for old sake's sake," Mrs.
Graves warned him.
"Even her fancy would be cheaply
purchased at that cost."
"Perhaps. A woman of her beauty
is not born into the world once In a
cycle, certainly.
And Miss Gorschkov was pleased to
;ancy him. fahe advertised the fact.
She was not one to fear any means
that would gain her ends. She threw
away her pride and came at his call.
She forgave him the past and met him
more than half way.
But Dudley was too much in love to
despise or mistrust her for this. He
applied for a two months' leave and
spent every available moment of it
with her. Mrs. Graves, in her quality
of school chum of his mother's and an
old friend of himself, warned
him. "Esther has done the
same thing before, James. Take
care. She is as beautiful as
Cleopatra, and there are many who say
she is as bad at heart. Make love
to her, if you chose. Caesar, but let
loved or ever will love Is dead.
you want me knowing that?"
"Even knowing that yes." "
"Very well."
She spoke across the table again.
"Captain Lawrence, do you happen to
know how Mr. Dudley died? We
might as well have the coroner's ver
dict, since you have given us the other
"He died of drink," he told her, mer
cilessly. "I never knew that he drank."
"He never did until he went back
from here a year ago. He took to It
furiously after that, and would have
I lnm fliemiccnA It . 1 1 . ,.
ui.mic;tu ji Ut; UUU DOl OICU,
Can you account for It?"
j Miss Gorschkov smiled. "Perhaps
I he fancied he was quaffing the waters
j of Lethe." she said. Argonaut.
The Victim iVus Only Three Years OItt
Tied a Stbne to ner Jfeck and Cart
Her Iuto the Swirling Waters Tells
Ills Story with Cheer.
Town Got
the Itlval
"There was the most intense rivalry
between two towns in Colorado and I
was a resident of one of them." said
the retired business man to the De
troit Free Press reporter. '"It was not
altogether a generous rivalry, and
within certain classes disputed supe
riority generally led to muscular dis
cussion. Business men vied for trade
; in debatable territory, the doctors, the
lawyers, even the ministers, said harsh
things against the other town, but it
was in social circles that the belliger
ency was apparent at its heighLPeoplc
who could not afford it would go ir
for display, and when the two place.
had a function in common the toiletij
were chosen with special reference to
snowing mat tney were vorv cxnon-i
SHORT time ago
the body of a 2-year-old
girl, that
was weighed down
with a stone, was
found in the Mis
souri river at Kan
sas City. For some
days the identity
of the child was a
mystery, but final
ly it was shown to
have belonged to William Carr, a gocd-for-nothing,
who was at once arrested
and charged with murder. Ju3t how
much of a fiend this man Carr is can
readily be imagined after reading his
confession, which was made son after
arrest. A corresriondpnt tells about it
in the following words: Carr's con
fession is just the evidence the officers
needed to convict the guiity man. They
knew it would come, that Vt had to
come sooner or later. The murder it
self, most inhuman, cold-blooded and
atrocious, a murder not of an enemy,
but of a little trusting child, a mur
der not of a stranger, but of a daugh
terthe murder itself was the truest
witness against William Carr. The
murder cried out to be known, it
would not be silenced, it gnawed at
sive or to casting reflection upon the tne llcart f the brute, it played not
rival city. At a mask ball held in the
other place I had the hardihood and
impudence to perpetrate what I
thought a telling joke. I was dressed
in a costume of newspapers and ap
peared in the literary character of
The Qu'ck and the Dead. Gradually
it dawned upon the residents that the
papers of my own town represented the
'quick,' while the papers of their town
represented the 'dead.' It was an un
pardonable insult. Indignation ran so
high that I began to wish I had not
been so brilliant. The sensational
denouement came when a belle of the
rival city took a little promenade with
mc and quietly touched a lighted
match to my costume. In an instant I
was all quick and no dead. I rolled
in the grass, and in due time the con
flagration was extinguished, but you
can see the marks yet.
"Then the papers of the other town
made a dead set at me, raked up my
record even more thoroughly than If
I had been running for office and made
some remote locality look so inviting
that I left."
on Ins svninathfpc nnd his remorse.
for he had none, but upon his fears,
until at last he announced that he had
given in, that the guilt was more than
he Could bear, and that he would shift
the burden from him. He would hang
anyway; he was sure of that. The
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supposed a childish affair of the sort
would amount to much. You are old
enough to act for yourself now."
In fact. Major Goschkov had ambi
tions that soared above a mere lieuten
ant for his superb daughter. Esther
was thankful to escape so easily. Pres
ently she asked: "Papa what does it
mean to drink of the waters cf
The major explained.
"Oh." she said, "I cee," and her long
eyes narrowed cruelly.
Xow it might have happened in civil
life that Dudley and Esther Gorschkov
would never be meet again, but part
ings can only be temporary in the ser
vice. Some years later Lieutenant
Dudley walked into a San Francisco
theater one night after the curtain had
gone up. The house was dark, and
ne Kept nis eyes on the stage. At the i
your wife be a woman who is above
Dudley never spoke to her again.
And he continued his fanatical cult of
his goddess.
His leave came to an end, and he
went back to Apache. He who had
been a light mocker and a philosopher
of life saw the bottom drop out of his
universe when he had to go from her.
She wrote to him twice a day, for a
time, then once a day, then once a
week, and finally the mail orderly
handed him a letter from Esther that
was almost a verbatim copy of the one
he had sent to her six years before,
even to the closing phrase, "In time
you will drink of the waters of Lethe
and will forget me as utterly as I de-
t rve."
A light of memory broke, harsh and
rude, through the rosy clouds that
ad enwrapped him. But he said to
himself that justice had been meted
. ut to him, stern and untempered. And
he made no appeal.
Something more than a twelvemonth
later. Esther Gorschkov sat at dinner
beside the man with whom she was
then playing fast and loose, and would
not he warned by the fate of the many
whose bodies were strewn upon the
shores where this Cythera had trod.
"You promised, you know," he said
to her. "that you would answer my
question tonight."
"What question?"
"Don't banter, please. I am in
"You appear to be. And everybody
can see it, too. Go on and eat, and
look as though you were discussing the
dynamite gun or something."
"I will do whatever you choose. If
you will tell me if you will niarrv
"on: is mat wnat you mean?
couldn't remember whether it was vou
Why They T.ilic It.
"I didn't know your folks took the
Howler, Johnnie." "Yes, ma'am,
we've been takin' it ever since the
Poolers moved away." "Did you sub
scribe for it then?" "Xo, ma'am; the
Poolers forgot to stop it." Washing
ton Star.
watched, but she never came up. The
river was dark. It was after sun
down." iC6 one said & word. The story -was
out. Carr lay upon the iduugt?, hia
hd still on his hand, while the offl
ters pushed their chairs In a close cir
cle around him. it w&s dusk in the
chief's office and the electric lampa
made long shadows on the carpet. Out
side the cable gongs were sounding
and the people in the street below el
bowed their way along the walks, un
mindful of the little group in the office
and the tragedy being disclosed there.
Carr moved comfortably on the soft,
leather-cushioned lounee. The con
fession had put new life into him, had
relieved him immensely. Suddrn'y he
uurat into a laugh, more dreadful,
more atrocious than anything he had
said yet. It was a sound that made
the men start back in their chairs and
look in one another's faces; it came
in the midst of the silenc2 that follow
ed, the recital. It sounded as if the
soul of the man had gone cut. leaving
the brute with power of speech, and
the brute had laughed!
Officers say that no man like Carr
has come within their experience, and
that they have heard no sound so
blood-curdling as Carr's laugh when he
lay hack on his couch after he had
ended his story. He laughed again and
again, little chuckling s-uads of relief
such as seme animal might make when
it is being satisfied. His noe and
heavy reddish mustache wont up to
meet his eyebrows, his eyebrows went
down to meet his no-e. his whole faca
twitched spasmodically and lighted it-
.-c-ii m a second. His story over, ha
was all animation and eagernes-. He
wanted to go to the spot where he had
drowned the baby, he wanted to verify
his recital He would go over the
whole road with the officers, he wou'd
point out every place. He would start
ri3-ht away, though it was dark and
ho had not yet had his supper. He
was told hat he might sometime have
a chance. This fiend now sits cower
ing in his cell shaking with fear that
ho will be lynched. There is no tell
ing what would happen if he were con
fined in a jail not so weil guarded a?
is Kansas City's.
lie Prepared Himself for the Axe. but
Finally Submitted to tl:s Last Indig
nity of Wilding Hi Hands There
Was 'o "Vivo ic KolS"
r vc
. sf-7sSJ2
No Other Saathwrstrra Camp Had Snch
n Meteoric HUtory.
There never was another camp in
the southwest like that at Tombstone
in 1S73 and 18S0. Indeed, there have
been very few similar conditions in the
world. For over seven months the
daily output cf ptccious petals aver
aged about $50,000. says the New York
Mail and Express. Over a dozen ruen
Cy? N the Century there weni there penniless and came away"
I !' i.: .- I worth over S500.000 In less than a
I 13 tX liltIMV. Ul- j '
3l' . x.
Columbus State Bank
(Oldest Bank in the State.)
Convenient Handle.
The original idea of the Chinaman'
pigtail was that it formed a convenient ; so w'eak that he had to be assisted to
irowued daughter had come out of the
muddy water of the Missouri river and
become the final witness in her fath
er's guilt. Little Belle had won. "I
might as well own up," he said, trem
ulously. "I might as well own up. for
you'll hang me anyway. You're just
bound to hang me; you and the peo
ple." Then Carr said that he would
tell the whole truth without reserva
tion, if only he might be allowed to
see his wife before he was hanged.
This promise was given him. Carr was
handle by which, one day, he would be
lifted to paradise. The curious be
lief is still to be found among the natives.
A handy pan for use in washing
dishes has two separate compartments
and movable trays to hold the soap and
Cigar holders arc being made with
an outlet pipe in the side and two au
tomatic valves by means of which
smoke rings can be blown through the
side tube.
Pool tables are being made with in
clined tracks connected with the bot
tom of each pecket to return the bails
to the head of the table as they fall
into the pockets.
A new belt which is designed to sup
port the clothing has a strip of wire
attached to the back and bent into a
series of loops to which buttons or
hooks can be fastened.
A mechanical eraser just placed on
the market has a rotary wheel of rub
ber held on a wooden handle and re
volved by pulling a cord as it Is press
el against the surface to be cleaned.
To do away with odore from-cooking
food, a metal hood is provided which
is placed over the cooking utensils
after the stove lid is removed, so that
all vapors will pass into the chimney.
To assist in setting and sharpening
circular saws, an adjustable arm is
mounted on the shaft to support a
steel frame which guides the file and
determines the position of the teeth.
Flower pots for orchids, ferns and
I j similar plants are made of tubes of
close of the act he looked abom nh ! sce wll-v -vou snoilld bother about that
and the first thing he sawwas a worn- ' sort of lh!ns at dinncr- Why don't
an whose beauty startled him. And ' you wait uatil the llance- Jt would be
then he realized that she was the "one ' so much bettcr form- Fancy saying
he might have married. She was in a ' 'no' to a man and lhen I'"u!nS a piece
box with an older woman whom he ' l" a h?frml' 15ttIe bimb into one's
knew. Dudley was seized with a ner- ' myuth"
vous dread of meeting those wonder- ' "Are yon Eoinc to S2J 'R0?' "
ful dark-gray eyes. He would tro at j "Gracious- but we are Insistent.
once before he should do so. But as How shoill(I l know what I am going
to say ; go on and eat. and stop hans-
midn t rememoer wnetner it was you porous earthenware so that they can ,an("-.
Mr. Clayton who had asked me. ' be filled with water, which will gradu- road ' T
aybc it was both of you. But I can't I all percolate through to the roots of n.L-i
he rose, the older woman saw him. and
smiled, and beckoned to an empty
chair beside her. There was nothing
for it now but to go to the box. He
was cold with fear of the low-browed,
black-gowned girl with the magnifi
cent neck and shoulders.
She would not have forgotten him.
He knew that; and he doubted if she
would have forgiven. If she had been
less- beautiful, he might have felt less
culpable, for such is the nature of man.
She smiled when they met with the
regally indifferent smile that had been
hers even In childhood.
"Oh! I knew Mr. Dudley years ago."
rhe said. "I was a little girl and was
very fond of him because he used to
buy me sutler's store candy and rib
bons." If that was her view o! the past.
Dudley ras3nted iL A mar. does not
want a beautiful girl to treat him as
an old friend of Infancy.
the plant.
To assist in stopping runaway horses
a new device consists of a ring of
spring steel to be thrown over the
horse's head and provided with a rod
which ends in a spiral spring, to which
the handle is attached.
A new mechanical stringed instru
ment has a roller set with pins to
operate a series of spring hammers,
which strike the wire strings and pro-
ing on my words, or I won't answer d?? the,milsic. the roll" being turn
- -,, ........ eI bV a CinrktlTirlr mertiinicm
uu sl an. it is so learrmiv conspic- , "
olJ5 "I crrat motor, for use in running
Even in his suspense the man could devnTl two1fleJc1.ln
not but return. "Whence this new- fr'e' witf a .nf " atflating
found dislike of being conspicuous- 1 l!? t!d fca
anu cd rears nn tha ;nno. nn.i .. .i
. - J ...v. iuugi llina UL LUU LJJ
the leather covered couch in the office
of the chief of police, where he lay
down, his face in his hands, trembling
and shaking with weakness and fear.
His face was purple between his fin
gers, the "Adam's apple" on his throat
throbbed and something in his throat
made a sound like a death rattle. The
officers, men accustomed to crime and
criminals, say they never saw a man
in so terrible a state. He thn told all
(The most atrocious fiend on earth.)
the details of his crime readilv nmi
; with little hesitation, as if anxious to
i get through with it all. He told it
J calmly with the utmost indifference to
; any remorse or other emotions. He
I was beyond all emotion except the
i emotion of fear. There was no feel
ing ior tne cnnu in his recital. There
was no pity for anyone except himself
nnd the wife who must suffer. He was
anxious to shield his wife, and sev
eral times stopped to assure the offi
cers that she did not know of his
crime. The officers disbelieve this.
I ".My wife told me." he began slowly
I and deliberately, "that I had to get rid
I of Belle. She was all time figlnin with
the other child, and we couldn't get
! 'em to live peaceable together. She
i was of a mean nature, Belle was. So
my wife told me to get rid of her; to
".ake her to town and give her away."
"Did she tell you to drown her?" ask
ed Prosecutor Martin. "Xo, she didn't,
answered Carr quickly, his whole b-dy
trembling. "Let me go on. I left Lib
erty at about 1 o'clock. I walked all
the way, fifteen miles, with Belle
sometimes in my arms, sometimes
walking by my side with her hand in
mine. ("Her little hand in her farhpr'a
some one muttered.) Cn the
found a piece of rope and I
picked it up and put it in mv inside
vest pocket." "Had you made up your
mind what to do with the baby? When
did you make up your mind?" "Well,
I sort of made it up on the road. After
I crossed the Hannibal tracks I came
to the river. Then I walked along the
bank back in the direction ol Liberty.
Pretty soon I came to a dry creei bed.
that opened into the river. I wanted
to drown her there, but the water was
-hallow and sluggish. There were sand
banks and the place was no good."
Carr had become perfectly calm. He
told his story now without effort, with
1 sort of cheerfulness even. He seem
d to grow stronger as the burden
Jassed. He even smiled at timps .it
AdventisU Pray on Street Corner.
and I ivailc Saloon.
The Advent people of Battle Creek,
Mich., arc greatly excited again. They
have recehed a special communication
from Mrs. White, the "prophetess,"
that the lime for the application of tlie
parable of Luke 11. 1C-2S is now due,
and are commanded to go out into the
highways and hedges and give the
"last call of the last call to supper."
Under this impulse the principal street
corners are occupied, and saloons in
vaded by enthusiastic gospelers every
night. In the immense tabernacle
great crowds continue to assemble un
der the leadership of Rev. Jones and
Rev. Ballanger, expecting the Holy
Ghost to come down with fire from
heaven. To this end all are exhorted
to i'nc-r.diM3r.a'.:y acre; t tLe visions
of the prophetess, and to confirm to
her prccep:s. which command them to
pay tithes and to abstain from all flesh
meats, butter, etc. (1 Tim., 4. 1-3). Hav
ing ascertained that some 5'jO members
are remiss in the matter of paying
tithes, they have been repeatedly
branded as thieves from the pulpit,
and scores have been whipped into
line under the scathing denunciations
of the prophetess. Notwithstanding
all this, real estate continues to chanye
hands, the cattle trade receives due at
tention, and marriage ceremonies are
solemnized in due form among them.
Battle Creek is the headquarters of tho
Seventh Day Adventists church in
America. The town of 13.000 people
has over G.000 residents of that faith,
and the great sanitarium, which has
made Battle Creek known all over the
world, is conducted by the church.
ner I-over
H;i-1 Killed
Edith E. Huffman, living at T.6 Gale
street, Brightwood. a suburb of Indian
apolis, swallowed an ounce of carbolic
acid, with suicidal intent, the other
evening. She died the next morning.
For three years she had an affection of
the throat, from which she was unable
to get relief. Last spring her lover.
Harry Phillips, committed suicide.
These things, the girl's parents think,
prompted her to end her life. She was
19 years old.
Miss Huffman's mother says the girl
had been despondent ever since Harry
Phillips tcok his life. They had been
sweethearts for several months, but
tide on "The La!
Pays of Louis XVI.
a n il Mrie-Antol-nette."
The 5
thor. Miss Anna L. t
Bicknell, says:
It ws3 a dark,
misty, January t
flSBSBBi m o r n i n g. T h o
3 presence cf the two
soldiers precluded the possibility cf
conversation; the priest therefore
handed his breviary to the King, and
pointed out appropriate psalms, which
the King read devoutly and with per
fect calmness, to the evident astonish
ment of the gendarmes. The shop3
were shut along the way, and crowd3
of armed citizens stood on the pave
ment as the coach, prec?ded and fol
lowed by civalry and artillery, went
slowly through the streets, v. hem nil
the windows were closed. Lines of
troops stood on each side, while drums
heat solemnly, as if for a military fun
eral. As the coach passed alrng the Boul
evards near the Porte St. Benis, a few
foung men rushed forward, waving
'words and crying loudly; "Come, all
who would save the King!" There
was no response, and they were oblig
ed to flee for their own lives. They
were pursued, and several were ar
rested, with fatal consequence..!. The
King, absorbed in prayer and relig
ious meditation, had not even pcrreiv
ed the vain attempt to effect his deliverance.
The coach had at last readied the
Rue Royale and the Place de la Revo
lution, where the crowd was immense.
The fcaffold stood a little to the left
of Uie Place, where the Ob?lisk now
stands, but nearer the Champs-Ely-sees,
toward which the guillotine was
turned. A mass of troops formed a
square around the fatal spot. The
coach stopped at a distance of a few
pares. The King, feeling that the mo
tion had ceased. looked up from his
prayer-book, say'ng quietly: 'Ve have
reached the pl.ico. I think.
One of the executioner's assistants
opened tiie door. The King earnestly
commended the priest who accompan
ied him to the care of the gendarmes,
nnd then stepped from the coach.
Three men surrounded him and tried
Co take off his coat. He calmly pushed
them back and removed it himself,
opening his shirt-collar and prepaiiag
his neck for the ax. The executioners,
who seemed at first disconcerted and
almost awed, then again came around
him. holding a iop?.
The King drew back quickly, ex-llaiming:
' tt'Iiat do you wan? to do?"
"To tie yn-'r hands."
The King exclaimed indignant!'.-:
"Tie my hands! No. I will not subm't
to this. Do your duty, but do not at
tempt to tie me; you shall not do it!
TI executioners persisted, and
spoke loudly. The King looked to
ward the Abbe Edceworth. who at one
saw the impo.-nibility of resistance,
and said gently: "She. this last in
sult will only provide a fresh point of
resemblance between Your Majesty
and the God who will be your recom
pense."' The King looked up to heaven. "As
suredly His example alone could in
duce m-. to submit to such an indig
a!ty." Then holding out his hands:
"Do as you please; I will drink the
uip to the dregs."
His hands were tied, and with the
assi&tance of his confessor he ascend
ed the steps cf the scaffold, which
were very steep. V.'hcn h reached the
top he broke away from the Abbe,
walked firmly across the scaffold. ?i
lecced the drums by a glance of au
thority, find the.-: in a vcice so loud
that it was audible on the opposite
side of the Place de la Revolution, he
uttered these words:
"I die innocent of all the crimes im
puted to me. I forgive these who have
caused my death, and I pray God that
the blood you are about to shed may
never fall on France."
There was a shudder that ran
through the crowd like a great wave,
but at the word of command the drums
L-sat a prolonged roll, and the voice
could no longer be heard. The King,
seeing thP all further addre:s to the
crowd would be fruitless, turned to the
guillotine and calmly took his place on
the fatal plank, to which h was fast
ened. The apparatus turned over, and
Lhe ax fell. It was then a quarter
past ten o'clrck a. m. of the 21st of
January, 1793. The executioner held
up the severed head, turning as he did
co to the four sides cf the Place.
The Kin? of France was dead.
"Le roi est mort!"
But no one dared to cry the tradi
tional response. "Vive le roi!'
"Le roi!" The heir to the enre glo
rious title was now a poor little ehUd
weeping bitterly in a prison by the side
of his widowed mother.
year, ar.d six or seven men struck it
rich and sold out for $1,000,000 each.
Fully hah ib population walked hun
dreds of miles to get there. No rail
road ran through southern Arizona in
those day, and the awful Colorado
and Mojave deserts had to io crossed
in wagons or on foot by the taultl
tmle of fortune seekers from Califor
nia. Desert sandstorms were encoun
tered, and for days travelers to Tomb
stone endured a temperature of over
130 degrees in the shade. Many a man
died on the hot, windy plains. Miners
on their way to the new camp from
the east and south toiled across the
Arizona alkali plains through im
mense cactus areas, and risked tKeir
lives in the then hostile land of the
Apache Indians. .
When Tombstone was reached there
were new privations and more physi
cal distress for tho greater number,
especially for those who had hastened
from offices, stores, clerkships and
their pastor's study. Over one-third
of the men in camp had vry little
money, or none at all. and Knew no
way of earning it except by the hard
est kind of manual labor, to which
they were unused. It cost $1 a night
to sleep in a dirty, rough, pine bunk.
Water sold at 20 cents a gallon, a
small dish of beans at f9 cents, a tal
low candle at two bits (1T cens). com
mon overalls at $." each, smoked hams
at $12 each, and cowhide boots were
disposed of as fast as they could be
hauled to camp across the desert from
Los Angeles and Yuma for $.T a pair.
I 1SS1 all the Tombstone minis that
paid well were in the hands of a few
persons and the population of the place
had gone down from 10.000 to 5.000.
In 1SS3 the mines, with two exceptions,
began to peter out and the population
dropped to 3.000. Since then it has
gnno down slowly to less than 1,000
Fays Interest on Time Deports
Males Loans on Heal Mi
Omaha, Chicago, Now York and
all Foreign Countries.
And helps lis customers wbcn they need hclf
orncEits and directors:
Leander Geuuaro, Tres'L
R. IL Hexrv, Vice Pres't..
SL Brugger, Cashitr.
John SrAUFrER, Was. Jtucnen.
The Cleveland Plain Dealer prints
an interesting talk of Prof. Henry W.
Elliott about Alnska and the Klondike
country. We extract what he has to
say concerning its salubriousness on
the one hand and Its "vilest pest" on
tho other: "Alaska is a healthy
country, with no malaria or mountain
fever. A curious fact is that any one
afflicted with neuralgia or rheumatism
is completely cured of it in that cli
mate. The clear, dry atmosphere and
the rapid changes of the body's tissues
doubtless a count for this. One'8 ap
petite is tremendous there. A per
sonal incident will show yon what an
Alaskan appetite is like. I was one
of six men, who having had a gcod
breakfast, sat down at noon to a din
ner of roast gocse. Six large geese,
none of which weighed less than eight
pounds, had been roasted and stuffed,
and were served with coffee, bread.
butter and pickles. At the ciose of
the meal every bone was picked clean,
and not a vestige of goose remained.
We all ate a hearty supper that even
ing. The talk that there Is plenty of
game to be had there is entirely mis
leading. A camp of two hundred men
would clean out all the game In a tract
twenty miles square, in a few weeks.
Food, plenty of it, is the one great ne
cessity, and a man to succeed must be
well fed. The vilest pests of Alaska
are the mosquitoes. I have battled
with these annoying insects in New
Jersey and Central America, hut thfy
cannot compare with the Alaska spe
cies for venom and numbers. In May
the tundra becomes a great fiat swale,
full of hog-holes, slimy decayed peat,
innumerable lakes, .shallow. Mngnant.
and from all places swarm mosquitoes
of malignant type, i'very precaution
is tal.en to guard against them. Net
ting is tied over the head and mittens
are worn on the hands. Ointments are
rubbed on the flesh, and attempts are
made to smoke out the insects. Horse1;
and cattle, i'tid even dogs, die from
thei;- bites. Not until November do
they vanish.
Authorized Capital of
Fair! in Capital, -
ii. suni.nox. pres't.
11. T. II. oMliJMi II. VIrcPrc.
DANII.I. MllUAM. r:isiIor.
I'KAMC i:ui:Ki:, Assu Ca-sh'r.
f, n. I!. 1. M. Orni.n.rn.
Ion'as Wki.cii. V. . .MrAi.MsTEii.
L'.i:i. Uiunki:. S. C Ciiav.
I'icank Kniutiai.
f-TOUCll L!r.KP:
5MIEI.DA Cl.I.IS, .1 Ilr.Mir WlTR.RMA!?.
( i.viik i.iiav. llr.Miv ioskki:,
D.wiri.cmtAM. ii:i. . Cai.i.kv.
A. V. II. .1.1 III ci;i:it Ksr.u
KcflKCCA ItKCKClt. 11. M. WlN.SI.OW.
"Wonder of Wamcr."
The hcus .f the Berlin electrician.
Dr. Sieme:i. Is known in Germany as
the "wonder of Wanspr." The dining
room, kitii-rn and cllar are connected
by a miniature electric ra'Iway. which,
by pressing a button, conveys articles
almost instantaneous,!- from one
apartment to the other.
: Miss Gorschkov smiled slowly
. started to answer, but a voice from
. across the table stopped her.
"What is it, Captain Lawrence?" she
! asked.
' "Have you heard of Lieutenant Dud
' ley's death?"
i "No. Is he dead?"
j "He died at Apache a week ago."
j "I'm so sorry; but, frankly. I don't
', think a dinner table the place fcr fu
neral notices." she rebuked him. He
; disliked her, and she saw the purpose
i of his announcement
The flanges are mounted in
opposite directions on the cylinders, so
; asJ act oa both sides of the cogwheel.
) Filtet beds can be cleaned without
j the necessity of shutting off the water
j surply, by a patented apparatus which
j has a pump for continuously lifting
j successive portions of the filter bed. a
, screen for separating the water and
, impurities from the filtering material,
a cenduit to carry off the former and
: another conduit to deliver the latter
to the bed again.
lhe still faces of the men listening to
tin. "Tli... T it. -j .. . ...
:uu- " a k.meu ud ino river : nror ;,.
le continued "looking around for the ' thought he acted qiieerlv at
ight place. It wasn't long till I came the morning of Slav 2S h
ITor rlpnd-trhito !
--- - ..v. i . .
skin could turn no whiter, and her i A 3iassacnusetts man has patented
smiling red lins were nainted. a wa-: mac;jle tor examining jew
"Cold-hearted devil," the
.o where the water was deep and the
iurrent ran swift. I laid Belle down
and got out the rope and tied Belle's
arras around her. There were "
'Was she awake?" "Yes," said William
Carr. "There were stones around
.here, lots of them, and I " "Did
she seem to realize what you were
about to do with her?" "No; she
didn't. I picked up a stone that weigh
ed four or five pounds. I tied it good
and fart around her. Then I was ready.
last summer Phillips was told she was
receiving the attentions of another
man. Phillips asked her to marry
bim, and she refused. He brooded
refusal, and his friends
times. On
he rode his
! mcycie nome irem nis work, put it
i away, went into the parlor and shot a
bullet into his body. He lived for
j several days an4 had a constant
' nurse in Miss Huffman. She prom
j ised him that should he recovevr she
i would marry him. Miss Huffman was
a popular girl in Brightwood, where
most of the people knew her.
I'ull Particular.
Says a Philadelphia marriage license
clerk: "Probably r0 per cent cf those
who come to us for licenses to marry
imagine that before they can get the
necessary permit they will be com
pelled to tell all their family secrets.
Dne man who came in one day last
pring was actually prepared to under
go a physical examination to prove
'.hat his heart and lungs were all right.
tVo mnrln mil n lianr.n 1nt .. i r
..v. ......... ,..v c ni.;u;v lust v.eeit ior a
St. Tanl's Oran.
A thorough renovation of the large
organ of St. Paul's cathedral in Lon
don is taking place, among other addi
tions being a celestial organ in one of
the aleoves of the dome, tha connection
with the large instrument being made
by electricity.
Rank of Deposit: interest allowed on tlmo
deposits: buy and well exoliario on Unitt'tl
States and Kuropo. and liny anil s:II avail
aide s-ecHrltlen. Wo shall bo pleased to r
c'lro your business. We solicit your patronage.
Columbus loud!
A weekly newspaper de
voted the bcatintercstsof
TUg State o? Nebraska
The unit of measure wltfc
us is
S1.50 A YEAR,
But our limit of nsefnlnc
Is not prescribed bv dollars
and cents. Sample copies
sent free to any address,
1'rei-iom Stone.
In popularity precious" stones now
rani: .the pearl first, the ruby second,
and the diamond third.
If anything is put into the oven to
bake at the same time cake is put in
the cake will certainly fall. The oven
door must be opened and shut gently
wnen one is watching a cake's pro
gres. When a cake is done turn it o::t
1.4111111 .i -
"You might suppose, Mrs. Graves," J muttered, as she turret! tort m ,h i lDe rayE a. EUPPrt f' the jewel opa
i e's consisting of means for producing J lifte(J be; up aad " "She was no:
asieep: iou are sure of tlnf" "Xa-
he told the other woman, "that she had ! man at her 'de
been a toddling child and I a crusty i "So von mo i ,,,.,.,- ,
j - - -- - m.xit Jli
que to jignt, but transparent to the
Roentgen rays, a screen for covering
bachelor in whose pockets she felt fcr . will.
Eweetmeats." : n-t,,.
I tlrt mvp inrn i;1.t -r.. .
But I want ycu to understand I ,hS ,5" Z'ZJT
r . j, ,, ukAAWA IUI iCilCtL'
T : l. - . r
il lis ufc;iiuf i "arc !.- limn.. , . . .
-i sau suppos, mu, m ; toM aat a. 0Dls. ;,; ; - ys22-"- '""
sne was awaKe. i ntted her up and
and I threw her ir,, far out. with all
my might." "Like drowning a cat,
eh?" said an officer. "She made a big
splash!" said Carr meditative:-. "She
made a big splash, and I watched and
top-Sided Wetldln Trip.
A crowd of people at Worcester,
Mass., went down to the station to
meet a ccuple who had been away on
their wedding journey. The husband
stepped off the train alone, explaining
that the bride wanted a longer tour,
and as business had called him home,
she decided to continue the trip with
out him.
gertly cn the bottom of the cake tin.
roung fellov who had prepared with ! remove the oiled papeer and let the
some pains evidently the following his- i cako c0l. for never under any con
tory of his bride, which h" left with us: ' side ration must it be touched or cut
'Miss , aged 2S, in Phil, eight years', j wh!j warm.
lather and mother Both Living Both Tht old-fashioned scheme of test
"A'illing grandfather and mother Both ' ins cake by running a broom straw ia
dead. Mother 55 yrs old father r,r, m ! to the center is vorv enntl if tha
Coffins : and : Metallic : Cases !
fW Repairing of all kinds of Uphol
ttery Goods,
old grandfather 7C when he died grand
mother died when father was 18 yrs
old all from delaware, Sussex Co.' "
Columbus Journal
ia racPARro to renxisn axytoino
straw comes out clean the cake is
done, but if any dough adheres more
baking is nec??.ary.
Ii ca!-2 brewns immediately on being
put into th- oven, the oven is too hot.
It fm !; cooled quickly by lifting a
lid from tr. top of the stove. A piece
A Thirteen .M::iion IVrr.
Chin proposes spending $13,000,000 in
fh construction nf n nnr nt i-i
- - . tvviaai i .1 ur: ..
:,., rru . i - i . . ' i ci nsosto- paper on tne oven shelf
eTnL- ? w" leS1SR,Cd t0 Gml 1 protect the top of the cake, b
employment .or a large number of idle , plpcr is Iaii. over the cake it Is likely
mBD to mako it fall.
nn ins-