The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, October 13, 1897, Image 3

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. x - -- J r --ur r-iwn-,l
' .jy ?vT- ''I8&4M
0lumbus ganrnal.
Kitui City.
SULoaW mat! all solata
cast an 4 ssata.
Kalt Lake tilr,
Kaa Fraarltro aad all
points west.
No. 22 PaMecsar, daily except Sunday. 7:10 a. m
No. S2 Accoinmodation, daily except
Sosda) :15 P- m
No. 21 Pa-ennT.ilaily except Sunday. 925 p. m
No. 24 Accommodation, daily except
Sunday 10 P.
Cnl. Local fiOOa. m i Iambi! 105 a. m
Atlantic Kx. 7 VI a., m Fast Mail .... 6.15 p.m
Or. Is. local 12:Wp. m r. Is. Local 8:44 p.m
FahtMail. . 2:15 p.m
No. 3. Flint Mail, carriftn pHwnKerf for
llronshtMiintn. Coins v.t t e.15 p. in., ar-
riva at Denver :10 a. m,
No. 2, Fast Mail car-
rie paMMmgera to Schnjler. trcinont. alley
and Oinaha oinit fast at 2:15 p. in.
Thr freight train lraiTinir liere at fcir. p. m. car
ries rnwsvneers from here to Valley.
cMbcxaca axi Norfolk.
FAssenjrarriTHtt from Sioux City. ...12:20 p. m
Iwives for Sioux City 6.1.p. m
Mixed leave, for i?ioux City 8W.m
.Mixed urrnw nvip.ui
Mill li-ttVCH
Miied arrived
- t'n-seriRrr l-hefi .
nrrivex ..
.. 80 a. m
.. 8:20 p.m
... l:S0p.m
...12:20 p. m
oriefa Notices.
7-.M notices under thi liuiulicK will le
cln.rcl Ht tln rate of f2metir.
A. UecuUr ineetinB 2d Wedn!a in wic-h
jQu.onth. All '-VV1
J. rUsMtiH-ifcS. Sec'y. '-'A01
WILDEY UHWlENo.44, 1.O.O.F..
. 'f'...-lrj. uc-unincyrf f 4lCfl
- ,. ... .i..: i.ii .... Tl.irt.filti
-'" " otrevt. Vieitin lrethren cordially
itmt! tt.A.W,a..
V. I'.."Notk.tein. Sec'y. 27janM-tT
t.e World, meet everj second and fourth
Thurwlaxaof th month, 7:20 p. m.. at K-oi I.
Hall, Llflventh btn-'t. lingular attendance l
very denimhle, and nil t initiate brethren nn cor
dially initMtomeet mthun. jan..t-na
Saint hold regular trvice every- Sunday
nt 2 p. m.. pmer uieetinir on Wednei-lay .Venin
at their chj.ef. corner of Noith street uad 1 ucinc
Avenue. All ur cordially invited.
lSjul- Elder 11. J. Hcijux. President.
ScIhkiI at yjSO n. in. Church every Sunday
at 10 JO n in. Christian Endeavor at 7:30. p. m.
Ladien' Aid Bociet i-.i-ry first Thursday in the
month nt the church. llno.-Vl
Wlieat -$ bushel
Corn, fibellts.1 - f? bushel 1C
Oats -? bushel 13
Rye btiBhel 31
ll'oK8-3 cut 3 15 3 M
Fat cattle- cwt 3 7.r 4 25
Potatoes - V bushel 50
Uutter" I2 15
Ejtrs V Jozen 1-
Markets corrected every Tuesday af
ternoon. Inquire of Herrick. 2
New Hue or Caps at von Bergen's.
Go to Strauss for the beet photos.
Toys and albums at von Bergen's.
Fine weather, although a little dry.
ncy China Ware at von Bergen's.
Lots of new goods this week at Her
rick's. D. F. Davis, lawyer, office in Barber
block. tf
Dr. Xautnann, dentist, Thirteenth
street, tf
. A light sprinkle Monday freshened
the air a bit.
Mrs. Dr. Arnold is very sick with
. eciatic rheumatism.
Dr. L. C. Voss. Homeopathic physi
cian, Columbus, Neb.
. If you want a photo that will do you
" ' justice go to Strauss. 2 tf
Editor Gruenther of Platte Center,
.was in town Monday.
More new goods at prices lower than
ever, at J. C. Fillmau'a.
Best machine spool cotton, 8 spools
for 25 cents, at Lamb i Co's.
See the prices on Boots and Shoes
at von Bergen's liefore buying. 2t
One thousand pairs sample gloves
at wholesale prices at Lamb Jt Co's.
The Cecilian club will meet with
Miss Mary Henry Monday evening.
Drs. Martyn, Evans & Geer, office
. three doors north of Friedhofs store, tf
Fleeced underwear and Hose for
Ladies and Children, at J. C. Fillman's.
Samples in gloves, underwear, shoes,
etc, at wholesale prices, at Lamb & Co's.
Do not fail to see our 8-foot galvan
ized steel mill for $25.00. A. Dnasell &
. "Son. tf
We never had so many new goods
'in novelties as we have today. Her
" - rick. 2
Slight frost Snnday and Monday
. mornings, the second of any note of the
W. B. Dale and Carl Kramer went
to Lincoln yesterday morning asdele-
,. gates to K. P. Grand Lodge.
'J. S. Mnrdock looks somewhat thin
in flesh in consequence of his sickness,
bat lie seems to be steadily gaining.
Fer Rest-Far.
The Turner ranche or Island farm.
For particulars, address,
Mbs. Mabt Tubkeb,
28 Olive St, Ocean Grove,
tf New Jersey.
Mrs. W. A. McAllister is quite sick
with pneumonia.
Evangelist Bedding is holding ser
vices in Diller, Neb.
Ten-quarter blankets in white and
gray at 50c a pair. The Fair. 3
Paul and Esther Roen, children of
O. T. Roen, are sick with diphtheria.
Fred Toung of Genoa was in the
city Monday on his way to Lincoln.
The Presbyterian parsonage has
been undergoing repairs for the winter.
Sons of I. Irfland and Patrick Caff
rey were taken with diphtheria last week.
Our new picture mouldings have
arrived. They are new, neat and nice.
Herrick. 3t
Arnold Oehlrich has purchased the
lot east of his residence, and will
improve it.
Mrs. H. Miles was in Fremont over
Sunday, attending a convention of Lat
ter Day Saints.
Rev. Hays went to Omaha Monday
to attend the State Synod of Presby
terians three days.
Jim Frazier sold last week 416 head
of feeders, western cattle; in all, he has
sold 825 feeders this fall.
Aristo Platino photos are the latest
style, and you can get them at Notes
tein's. All work warranted. tf
Bring your picture to W. R. Note
stein and have a life-size crayon portrait
with a nice frame all for $5.00. tf
Miss Bessie Sheldon taught Mrs.
Brindley's room while she was in
Beatrice a portion of last week.
Dr. R. D. McKean, dentist, succes
sor to Dr. Houghawout, ground floor, 4
doors north First National Bank, tf
Don't forget that precinct nomina
tions must be filed with the county
clerk 20 days before election day.
If you are in need of a carpet, or of
linoleum, give us a call. Our prices are
the lowest in the city. The Fair. 3
Mr. Armstrong has been wonder
fully afflicted v.ith cancer in the face,
but the last few days is reported better.
Two weeks after Mr. S. W. W. Wil
son's death, the Maccabees paid to his
widow, Mrs. Wilson, the 82,000 of her
CI us Becher was called to serve on a
U. S. jury at Lincoln, but requested to
be excused on account of sickness in the
Wanted, a married man to work on
a farm. Steady employment. Albert
Every timo a self-governing citizen
is added to the total citizenship, the
state becomes that much stronger.
Mrs. Warnock, an aged widow lady
seventy-seven years old, died Wednesday
last after an illness of about four
Fall Dry Goods at E.
D. Fitzpatrick's. See
Wilmer and Florence Barnes, chil
dren of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Barnes, north
west of the city are recovering from the
can get an 8-foot Freeport Galvanized
steel windmill from A. Dussell & Son
for only 825.00. tf
Miss Alice Watkins visited in Fre
mont over Sunday, her sister Miss Lizzie
teaching her room Monday morning
until her return.
Elder II. J. Hudeon attended the
conference of the North Nebraska dis
trict Latter Day Saints, Saturday and
Sunday, at Fremont.
C. C. Hardy for all kinds of repairing
and job work, also screen doors and
windows made to order. Three doors
west of Galley's store, tf
The subject in the Presbyterian
church next Sabbath morning will be:
"The Process of Christian Growth;"
evening, "The Books were Opened."
A pie social will be held at the Or
pheus hall next Tuesday evening, Oct.
19th, by the ladies of the Methodist
church. Ten cents for coffee and pie.
The !ody of Mary Hoefrichter was
brought from Jnlesburg, Colorado,
Monday. Her son lives near Bellwood.
We did not learn particulars of her
According to our time-honored cus
tom, we bestow an unusual amount of
attention from now on till after election
upon the persons of the republican can
didates. J. J. Barnes had no insurance on
his S300 loss by fire last week. He
thought the fire had been caused by rats
undermining the foundations of bis sor
ghum plant.
Repairing of traction engines a spec
ialty; also raising of smoke stacks, and
boiler work of all kinds. Boilers and
engines for sale. J. A. L. Taller, Co
lumbus, Nebr. tf
Olga, little daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Arnold Oehlrich, fell on a sidewalk
near Tomlin's residence and suffered a
rusty nail through her hand. No bad
results are looked for.
Ernest Dussell returned last week
from work at Madison, doing the plumb
ing for John Horst's new house, water
and heating. The folks there commend
his work very highly.
Nick Blaaser has returned from
Switzerland, and says he never saw the
old country look so good as it does to
day. Cows bring $60, horses $200, and
everything seems abundant.
The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Richmond Ives, aged about nine
months, died of diphtheria Tuesday and
was buried Wednesday. Mr. Ives is
also very sick with diphtheria.
After two issues, the Columbus
Leader ceased publication. There are
several different ways of conducting a
newspaper, and Mr. Hutt, it seems,
didn't take kindly to the situation that
seemed to be ahead of him.
The delinquent tax-list was set up
by the Telegram and The Jouhxal,
the other papers having the contract
for the county printing paying their
share of the setting, and the press-work,
the latter of which was all done by the
George Willis has a large foadof
information in regard to mines and min
ing, having had considerable personal
experience. Years ago he had a half in
terest in two of the best mines in Colo
rado, selling one for $300, the other for
Judge Darrow, formerly of Sidney,
Nebraska, passed through the city Fri
day on his way home from Alaska. His
home is now Montpelier, Indiana, but
he thinks Alaska is a wonderful coun
try, and will be returning there in a
short time.
An old man who had reached the
remarkable age of 99 years was traveling
the other day with a number of movers,
going west to locate. We didn't see
him, but Abraham Scott, who is himself
a gray-haired man, said he was a pretty
lively looking boy.
P. W. Beerbower has disposed of
eight quarter sections of improved land
in Nance county the last two weeks, and
goes to Sterling this week to exchange a
section of land near Belgrade for a hard
ware stock and fixtures located at Ster
ling. Dan. Jenny is supposed to have had
three stacks of hay lately take fire by
spontaneous combustion. They had
been in stacK about two months, and
when opened were charred all through
the middle. Our informant did not
know whether it was hungarian or
millet hay.
Schuyler Clark had the middle fin
ger of his right hand mashed at Fuller
ton last Thursday while coupling cars.
He had it temporarily dressed there, and
then came down here to the U. P. com
pany surgeons, Martyn, Evans & Geer,
who dressed it for good. It will be sev
eral days before it heals.
Wilkie C. Goodrich of Cedar Rapids,
Nebr., and Miss Stella Phillips of Ames,
Iowa, were married Saturday evening at
the home of the bride's sister, Mrs. E. G.
Brown, Rev. Mickel officiating. Mrs.
Goodrich visited here last summer and
made many acquaintances, who will
wish her much happiness.
From the organization of the county
until Jndge Kilian took the office of
county judge two years ago, five record
books were completed. During the
past two years seven books were filled
and the eighth begnn. The records
have been kept in excellent shape,
nearly every estate being settled up in
regular order.
W. S. Chadwick is one of those
peculiar men whose fitness for special
duty no man questions. He conducts
an excursion between Minneapolis and
Los Angeles, and goes on all that stretch
of country without a change of cars,
taking his passengers with him very
cleverly. His address is 413 Nicollet
ave., Minneapolis.
Nebraska people ought to be exceed
ingly thankful when they come to think
how fortunate their situation is in life
this year, as a rule. More especially,
while an abundance ofgood fresh water
comes our way, in many other parts of
the country, people are compelled to
haul this necessary fluid many miles to
furnish to their suffering stock.
Don't fail to read the article headed
"That Mass Convention in Columbus."
It will lead you into some of the intrica
cies of politics in these days, when it
takes three parties to make one, and if
necessary to carry a point, a populist
can very readily become a democrat in
order to come within the sacred precinct
of the party playing fast and loose.
Marriage licenses were issued by
Judge Kilian to the following parties:
Milo Jennings and Alma M. Goochey;
Wilkie C. Goodrich, Boone county, and
Miss Stella Phillips, Ames, Iowa;
Stephen Korns and Miss Anna Ways;
W. D. Hornbostel and Miss Emma G.
Miller; Peter Cedar and Miss Emma
Hanson; Michael Whittaker, Boone
county and Miss Josephine Swisher.
F. Jaeggi and wife of Berne, Switz
erland, arrived here last week. Mr.
Jaeggi is a nephew of Adolph and Leo
pold of our city, and also of Mrs. John
Horst of Madison. Mr. and Mrs. Jaeggi
go this week to San Francisco, Cal., and
return in about a month. He is the
owner of the mill here and is very much
pleased to know that the prosperous
times enable the mill to run twenty-four
hours per day.
The Humphrey Democrat does not
support Phillips, Robison and Byrnes,
the fusion candidates for clerk, judge
and sheriff. The Democrat hears it
rumored that Dave Hale is to be deputy
sheriff if Byrnes is elected and that a
man named Howey is to be deputy
county judge in case of Bobisoa's elec
tion. It is not said who is to be Mr.
Phillip's deputy, in case he should by a
possibility be elected.
The senior class of the high school
have been canvassing the town, selling
season tickets for a series of entertain
ments to be given during the winter for
the library fund. Hawley Smith and
Eugene May, lecturers, Miss Georgie
Reed, impersonator, and the Wesleyan
Quartett have been secured for the
course. It will be necessary to sell 200
tickets to pay expenses, and 150 have
already been sold, at $1.00 for the five
"A man who has no equal in Platte
county in educational matters." "L. H.
Leavy, our candidate for county school
superintendent, is, without question the
best man that could have been selected
for that office."
Both of the above expressions are
from the Creston Statesman, and are
thorough samples of what a man can do
when he seta out to undertake to de
ceive his readers. R. B. Thompson, the
editor of the Creston Statesman, ought
to be ashamed of himself, if he has any
shame at all left, after such a deliver
ance. It is pretty easy to engage in loose
jointed, irresponsible, fault finding
against a public official, such as the
Argus indulges against G. A. Rolf, but
it is altogether another thing to make
such assertions good. The Jouknai.
undertakes to say that Mr. Rolf is not
"extravagant," at all; in fact that his
species of economy is very vary much
much ahead of the sort that friend Kier
nan keeps around him. Mr. Rolf is an
industrious-minded, sober, steady man,
attentive to the business in hand, and
"when it comes to putting in a bill for
bis own services, mileage, eta, his
figures" are decidedly not "something
wonderful," at all. What reason there
could be for choosing Kiernan to Bolt
Tta Joubkaii can sot divine.
IcrstastI mtntitn.
Miss Nellie Post went down to Lin
cola Monday.
Mrs. A. S. Strauss went up to St. Ed
ward Friday.
Miss Bertha Zinnecker visited in Nor
folk last week.
Geo. Thomazin of PoetviUe was in
town Monday.
F. M. Cookingham of Humphrey was
in town Monday.
H. J. Alexander had business in
Grand Island Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. O'Brien returned
Wednesday from Illinois.
Mrs. E. H. Chambers left Thursday
for a month's visit in Niobrara.
A. W. Armstrong was called home by
the serious illness of his father.
Walter S. Gaines of St Edward was
in the city on business Monday.
Judges Post and Sullivan and L L.
Albert took the east-bound train Mon
day. Mrs. John Horst of Madison was down
sevral days last week visiting friends
and relatives.
Mrs. Mary Kracker of Kansas, was in
the city a few days last week, the guest
of the Misses Zinnecker.
E. J. Bell of Wyoming passed through
the city Monday. He sold 500 cattle to
H. M. Winslow last week.
Henry Zinnecker left Thursday for
Marquette, where he has been appointed
as pastor of the M. E. church.
Miss Lillie Laudeman returned home
Friday to St Edward, after visiting the
Misses Zinnecker several days.
Miss Alice Plumb, who has been at
the hospital in Lincoln, goes to Frank
lin county this week to visit her brother
Mrs. C. A. Brindley and Mrs. M.
Brugger returned Thursday from Bea
trice, where they went as delegates to
the State Federation of Woman's clubs.
Misses Beula Wheeler and Lucy Cross
and Mr. Gordon Cross drove up to Cres
ton Saturday to visit Miss Muzetta
Wheeler, who is teaching near that town.
John Martin of Lincoln, brother of
Mrs. Dr. Nauman, spent Sunday in the
city. Mr. Martin is studying music in
Lincoln and sang solos both morning
and evening in the Presbyterian church
Good Endorsement for Sup't Williams.
The following, from the Rochester
(Ind.) Republican, is one of those appre
ciative utterances entirely unsought for,
and yet wholly deserving:
Professor William J. Williams bos
just been nominated, by the republicans,
at Columbus, Nebraska, for the office of
county superintendent of schools. In
that state the incumbents of that office
are selected by the voters of each coun
ty, instead of being selected by the
township trustees, as is the custom in
Indiana. The Professor was for several
years superintendent of the Rochester
public schools and afterward served two
years each as county superintendent of
the schools in this county. From Roch
ester he moved to Franklin, Indiana,
where he accepted a professorship in
Franklin college, which he subsequent
ly resigned to accept the snperintend
ency of the public schools of Franklin.
There are few educators who equal Prof.
Williams in his adaptability for school
work and he always discharged the du
ties of his position in an efficient and
creditable manner. He is thoroughly
educated and his wide experience makes
him especially valuable to the commu
nity, which he now aspires to serve.
The Republican joins his many friends
in Fulton county in the hope that he
will be successful in the coming elec
tion. Another Oatrage.
The following is from the Columbus
Telegram, and shows quite a state of
affairs. For our part we do not see why
it is that the democracy cannot be al
lowed to look after their own political
household in their own way:
As per call a mass convention of the
pops met at the court-house last Satur
day afternoon for the purpose of nomi
nating a candidate for supervisor in this
district The attendance of pops was
large, and Bob Lisco, the bridge expert,
was promptly nominated. Democrats
very properly absented themselves from
this meeting. They had no business
Immediately after the adjournment of
the pop convention, the democrats
assembled at the same place also for the
purpose of nominating a candidate for
supervisor. What did the pops do?
Did they withdraw to give the demo
crats a chance? Not a bit of it. A
large number of them devoid of all
honor remained in the court -room,
took possession of the meeting, and
against the protest of some true demo
crats, voted down all propositions for
the nomination of a democrat for the
place, and finally insisted on and carried
the nomination of Lisco, the pop bridge
sharp. Most of the democrats retired
from the hall in great indignation, and
will decline to vote for the gentleman
of bridges.
The pops put dirt all over the demo
crats at the primaries previous to the
late democratic convention, but last
Saturday they rubbed it in a little too
bard. Will democrats stand this last
insult? We know some who will not.
Mrs. Frank J. Divis of Shell creek
precinct, Colfax county, whose account
of poisoning herself and children was
given in last week's Journal, it seems,
was of a moody turn of mind, and she
and her husband had some differences in
regard to the children. Parents of the
husband, according to the Quill, were a
disturbing feature between husband and
wife. The husband scolded about them
not caring for things properly when he
was away and his wife cried about it
cried most of the night and no doubt
decided during that time to end her
troubles by removing herself and chil
dren. The five bodies were buried in
one grave.
The Norfolk Journal calls attention
to the fact that a fakir was allowed to
flimflam people on one corner of that
city without molestation because he had
paid the city $2 for the privilege, while
a little band of people on the opposite
corner were threatened with imprison
ment because they were trying to serve
God in their own peculiar, if misguided
way. Captain Lynes, the lady in charge,
was put under arrest, taken to the city
jail, and locked up for about ten min
utes, but the assurance of assistance
was so insistent that Marshall Mar
quardt concluded that "discretion was
the better part of valor."
William Both, carpenter and con
tractor, holds himself in readiness for
all kinds of work in his line. If you are
thinking of having any carpenter work
done, communicate with William Roth,
Columbus, Nebraska, and get fig
urea, 18aug3m
The Sitaattoa.
The Telegram, which, time out of
mind, has been tho democratic organ for
Platte county, is just now leaving its
moorings again, and is supporting sev
eral republicans on the ticket this fall,
as it did Hon. Ross Hammond last fall
for congressman. It now favors E. Pobl
for clerk; J. N. Kilian for county judge;
P. H. Bender for sheriff.
Mr. Parks says he was indignant, dis
gusted at the high-handed and dishon
orable methods resorted to by certain
alleged democrats to carry out their
plans at the recent democratic conven
tionhow the populists were allowed to
run the democratic primaries all over
the county and defeat democratic candi
dates for delegates to said convention.
They carried their point, and, though
the means were outrageously unfair and
dishonorable, we smothered our displea
sure and concluded to take no part in a
campaign where we could not consis
tently support the ticket with enthu
siasm. But the outrage of last Saturday at
the supervisor convention, which is
treated of in another column, has
changed our mind. It was the straw
that broke the patient camel's back, and
we propose to take a hand in the fray
from now on till the finish and punish
by defeat, if we can, the main engineers
of democratic disgrace.
Sap't WilllaaM.
The republican candidate for county
superintendent of public instruction is
like an old-fashioned neighbor of ours
he "gets a gait and keeps it."
He has acquired a splendid reputation
as a scholar, a principal, a superintend
ent of schools, and an educational force
in general, wherever he may be placed.
The following is from the Rochester
(Indiana) Sentinel, a newspaper that
does not think along the same lines po
litically as Mr. Williams does, but is
able to do him justice:
"Prof. Wm. J. Williams, formerly su
perintendent of the Rochester High
school and later county superintendent
of schools of this county, has been
nominated for connty superintendent
by his county, at Columbus, Nebraska.
The electiou of superintendent there is
made by popular vote and as the Prof,
is not much of a campaigner he may not
win, but he is a conscientious gentle
man, a most efficient educational worker
and tho kind of a teacher that is a bless
ing to any community."
The Jodbkatj calls attention to the
last four lines, and desires to einphasizo
them to the voters of Platte county,who
now have an opportunity to get a super
intendent, who will fill to satisfaction
every duty belonging to the office.
Judge Kilian.
"Now comes the most important office
in the county, that of connty judge.
Even the enemies of the judge
and he, like all men of pronounced
character, has a few have to acknowl
edge that he has made an excellent
officer; that his records which are the
most valuable in the county are models
in the way they are kept. Aside from
all this, Judge Kilian is a good lawyer,
which ia no small essential in the office
he holds. No man, without some legal
training, can make a satisfactory custo
dian of the business of the widows and
orphans of tho connty."
A pretty good send-off for the demo
cratic Telegram that was about to tako
no part in the campaign.
K. Foil I.
The Telegram, notwithstanding the
fact that it is not a republican paper,
but is democratic, gives its adherence to
E. Pohl for connty clerk, and says:
"Now as to the present county clerk,
Mr. Pohl, No one can deny but what
be has been as efficient and faithful an
officer as ever attended to the business
of Platte county. He has been prompt
and courteous to all, and the office at
tho present time is in such splendid
order that there could be no improve
ment For these reasons, we believe, in
a spirit of fairness obscuring the politi
cal view entirely, Mr. Pohl is entitled to
a second term, and we further believe
the voters will look at it in the same
way, and give it to him."
All for Bender.
We visited the northern portion of the
county the early part of this week and
found that the candidacy of P. H. Ben
der for sheriff bad taken like wildfire.
All classes of citizens, regardless of
party, are enthusiastically for him. As
a matter of fact, Mr. Bender, besides
being a most popular gentleman, is
peculiarly fitted for the position of
sheriff on account of the leather he is
made of. Possessed of dauntless cour
age a very necessary essential for such
office he has at the 6ame time a large
fund of common sense that will enable
him to act calmly and coolly under the
most trying circumstances. In short,
he is the very ideal of man to fill the
place, and we have not the slightest
doubt but what he will be elected.
Columbus Telegram.
Republican Convention.
A Mass Convention of the republicans
of Columbus is hereby called to meet at
the Council Chamber on Wednesday
evening, Oct. 13th, at 7:30, to place in
One Assessor,
Two Constables,
Two Justices of the Peace,
Judges and Clerks of election,
and for the transaction of any other
business properly coming before the
Knights and Ladies of Secarity.
Columbus Council No. 549 will meet
in L O. O. F. hall Saturday evening,
Oct. 16, at 8 o'clock sharp, for the pur
pose of further completing the organi
zation. At this meeting the officers will
be elected, and a large number of new
members admitted. It is very impor
tant that all members be present an
enjoyable time will be had. This insur
ance is the best You don't have to die
to win. Yon draw your money if dis
abled at any time in life, or at the age
of seventy years. Ladies have same
privileges as men. This is a fine social
order. Don't neglect to secure a policy
in the K. and L. of &
Cattle for Sale.
J. L. Sturgeon & Son are receiving as
occasion demands, stock cattle which
they will have for sale at their ranch
near the city.
If you wish good cattle see them at
once. If they don't have on hand what
will please yon, they can be sure to sat
isfy yon in a few days at farthest.
They are in the business for good, and
wiUaoake business mutually satisfactory.
Our new stock of Fall and Winter Dry Goods, Clothing,
Hats, Caps, Boots & Shoes has just arrived and we are show
ing one of the most complete stocks ever brought to Colum
bus. Remember, all our goods are of the best quality and
sold at prices that defy competition.
One of the
largest and best
assorted stocks
in Platte county
to select from.
Jotlgt Kiliaa.
The Humphrey Democrat ia a demo
cratic newspaper, is published where the
democratic and populist candidate for
county judge lives, but notwithstanding
these facts favors the re-election of
Judge Kilian as county jndgo tho next
two years, and gives him high praise, as
a lawyer; as a keeper of the very impor
tant records of the office; as a judge
holding tho impartial scales of justice
between the parties and persons inter
ested in matters of probate, and not as
an attorney for any of them; as the
trustee of estates in looking after the
bonds given by executors, administrators
and guardians, and seeing that they are
perfectly secure. "Everybody," says
the Democrat, who h:is ever had occa
sion to do business with the County
Judge for the past two years knows and
realizes the fact that Jndge Kilian is the
right man in the right place."
Difttrirt 44 and Vicinity.
Burt Stevenson, across the line, has
built a new buggy shed.
Pete Lucksinger has the material on
the ground for a new double corn crib.
Monday, A. W. Clark was engaged in
moving one of his barns to a more con
venient place on his premises.
V. J. Newman, east of the city, is fin
ishing a largo addition to his dwelling,
which is a decided improvement at his
Painter Echols, of Columbus, with a
force of men, was out here Saturday
pnttiug the finishing touches on our
new school house.
Last Thursday, Ernest Meys was seen
with the old school house in tow west
ward bound; he has now struck a 12
hour gait, and we are watching where it
will light.
Wo saw Will Ernst laBt Saturday,
transferring a load of fine potatoes from
a wagon on the street, into his own
wagon. Mr. E. says he haa no success
raising potatoes on his place.
Joe Barnes the good-natured molasses
man, who recently lost his sorghum fac
tory (and all tools, etc. necessary for
running the same,) commenced clearing
away the debris Monday morning, Oct.
4, and commenced the erection of a tem
porary structure that will serve him to
finish up this season's run. He sought
in vain, in Columbus, a mason to rebuild
his furnace, after which ha drafted Joe
Drinnin, who went up and assisted him
in repairing his furnace. We sympa
thize with Mr. B. in his financial loss.
He is a lover, and good friend of all
little folks, who often go to him for taffy.
One Hollar to 1899.
For a dollar bill The Semi-Weekly
Stato Journal will be rent from now
until January 1, 1899. A good long time
to get two big papers every week with
all the news of the whole world; all the
stato news and in fact more news and
general reading matter than you get in
any other state paper. Tho Journal is
spending money and effort in writing np
the interests of Nebraska and setting
our state's advantages before the whole
country. Nebraska's prosperity will
bring thousands of farm buyers to onr
state. You should read The Journal
which is not an Omaha paper or a Lin
coln paper, but a state paper in its
trnest sense. "What will be for the
best interests of Nebraskans?" is the
first question asked by The Journal
when called upon to decide. Every
Nebraskan should do his best to keep
The State Journal before the people and
that best means by sending in One Dol
lar which will pay for the paper to Jan
uary, 1899. After you read it send it to
your friends in the east and let them
see what great things we are doing in
Nebraska. Send in your dollar to The
State Journal, Lincoln, Neb. The
sooner you send, the more papers yon
will get for your money.
Woman' Clnli.
Current events department will meet
with Mrs. F. E. Borer Saturday Oct. 10,
1897. Program:
Boll call Bespond with current
"The Word Why," Miss McMahon.
Beading Mrs. Watts.
Vocal solo Mrs. C. D. Evans.
The woes of fat people Mrs. McCann.
!.ariie. Attration !
I am prepared to do first-class dress
making, at home, or by the day. Long
experience. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Call at residence, on Miss M. A. Feaser,
211 east Fourteenth at, one block east
of Washington avenue. 4tp
Fall Announcement.
Estatlisked 1818. SS Years Caatiaaaas
505 Eleventh St.,
Columbus, Nebraska.
This department is filled with new ami desirable
goods, and our prices are lower than ever. An im
mense line of clothing to select from. Call and Ex
amine our stock and be convinced.
I To lay in your supply of hard coal for next
winter don't try to persuade yourself that the temper-
I atnre is going to stand at !M in the shade until next
March it won't do it. 3
A cold winter is coming just as sure as one extreme g
follows another. Be wise and avoid the fate of the
By calling on us and placing your orders for October de- S
livery at $9.25 per ton. This is bed-rock price for the
coal delivered in your bin, and on cash basis. Also, all fj
kinds of soft coal always in stock.
Coaaty Haptrviaor.
The members of the county board of
supervisors, who hold overare: Diedritch
Becher, John Wiggins, Nets Oleson, and
C. J. Carrig.
The nominations are as follows: Fred.
Meedel (republican), and B. Y. Lisco
(populist), district C and 7; G. A. Rolf
(republican) now serving a term in dis
trict 4; James Kiernan (populist); Peter
Bender is the only nominee wo know of
for district No. 2.
The Times editor was in such n high
state of excitementlast week consequent
on having the "best men" selected for
him to support for office that he failed
to put his at least second "best man" on
bis ticket, and had to get out an extra
edition to correct the almost fatal over
sight. In the first edition the name of
J. C. Byrnes did not appear on the
Times' patent "ticket," but in the sec
ond, the name was there big as life.
Tho poor Times editor's "boss" had so
ordered. Telegram.
Weather KeiMirt.
Boview of tho w eather near Genoa for
the mouth of September, 1897.
Mean tomperatnm of tliu month 71.00
Mean lo same month last jear tl.13
Highest daily temperature on 1th W
Lowet do airth 12
Clear days 22
t.-ur days . . 3
Cloudy day .1
1 aim days. ................ .,3
High winds days 3
Kain felldnrinir iortionnof day 4
Inches of rain fall 2.71
Doftsmemo. last year. 2.40
Prevailing winds from S. to S.W.
Hazy on the 2d, 3d, 29th and 30th.
Thunder storms on the 4th and 3th.
Land for Sale.
A quarter section in eastern Colorado,
Kit Carson county; some plowed land,
free of incumbrance. Will exchange
entire, for good, draft horsee, if desired.
Address, I. N. Jones, Postville, Nebr.
Staple and
Fancy Groceries,
i r
Eleventh Street, -
We invite you to come am! see us. We regard the interests of our
patrons aa mutual with our own, so far as our dealings are concerned our
part of the obligation being to provide and offer
Good - Goods - at - Fair - Prices.
"EVERYTHING KEPT that ia expected to be found ia a fint
clau, up-to-date grocery store.
We are sole
agents for the
Standard FasbkNi
Company of New
Now is the time to subscribe for
The Journal. For lees than three cents
a week, you get all the local news in
neat, trim shape, tf
TT70MEN used
"to think "fe
male diseases"
could only be
treated after "lo
c a 1 examina
tions" by physi
cians. Dread of
such treatment
kept thousands of
modest women
silent about their
suffering. The In
troduction of
Wine of Caxdui has now demon
strated that nine-tenths of ail tne
cases of menstrual disorders do
not require a physician's attention
at all. The simple, pure
taken In the privacy of a woman's
own horns Insures quick relief and
speedy cure. Women need not
hesitate now. Wine of Cardul re
quires no humiliating examina
tions for Its adoption. It cures any
disease that comes under the head
of "female troubles" disordered
menses, falling of the womb,
"whites." change of life. It makes
women beautiful by making them
well. It keeps them young by
keeping them healthy. $1.00 at
the drug store.
For advlca In cases requlrlnr special
directions, address. ivinr symptoms.
th "Ladies Advisory Department."
The Chattanooca Mediclna Co.. Chatta
nocfa. Term.
"I um Wine r Cardul xteathralv ia
my practice anaand ItasMStaaeaUiat
pvparauea far fMUla trauMae."
H- iJT-