-"- 'i T ,' " "va-" --.- ". "'-y F o . o o. Columbus gonrual. WEDNESDAY. OCTOBEB IS, 1S9T. ftEFUILICAN STATE TICKET. For Judge of the Supreme Court, A. M. POST, of Platte. For Regents of the State University, JOHN N. DBYDEN, of Buffalo. C. W. KALEY, of Webster. REPUILICAN COUNTY TICKET. For Treasurer, HENRY H. HUNTEMANN. For Clerk, EMILPOHL. For Judge, J. N. EILIAN. For Sup't Public Inetrnction, W. J- WILLIAMS. For Sheriff, P. H. BENDER. For Supervisor District G and 7, FRED. MEEDEL. The prices of farm products are com ing around to old times under protection. Even wool is feeling the effect of the rise in price from 17 cents a pound last year, to 27 this. Nebraska day was the biggest day at Nashville, except Nashville's own. It is supposed that 18,000 people beard Bryan speak for an hour. Senator Allen also spoke. Gov. Hoixxxb went away last Wed nesday, and Lieut. Gov. Harris not being at home either, Frank Ransom, president of the senate, became acting governor. Don't forget' that this nation, during the life of the McKinley bill, furnished foreign land 1G, 000,000 barrels of flour more annually than it did any year under the life of the Wilson bill. At J o'clock Friday morning an earth quake shook New Madrid, Mo. No damage was done. New Madrid was the scene of u violent earthquake in 1811, when a groat part of the land in the en tire count sank several feet and was overflowed by water from the Mississippi. IIenky Geokoe has accepted five nominations for mayor of Greater New York, tendered by tho combined Bryan democratic, populist and single tax forces. This strengthens the belief which has been growing for months that the leaders of fusion are nearly ready to drop the silver i6sne and take up the Eingle-tax theory, of which Henry George is one of the most pronounced advocates. Dr. Stephen Emmens of New York, it seems, is about .to decide the silver con test. He claims that he has sold to the government a Biibslanco which the gov ernment experts pronounced 658 thous andths gold and 2C0 thousandths silver, and afterwards still further increasing the ratio of gold. He claims to take Mexican silver dollars and put them through a secret process of his own, a heavy pressure without tho development of heat and promises to put his new process gold in circulation shortly, at the rate of a million dollars a month. Dr. Emmens' theory is that silver is gold in the making. Nothing further is heard about that proposed retaliatory legislation in Ar gentine with reference to the United States and her imports into that conn try. Nor is there any realization of the great commercial troubles between the United States and other foreign coun tries which tho free traders were predic ting as a result of the new tariff. Sixty days have passed since it went into operation and nothing has happened to prevent the steady inflow and outflow of commerce between the two nations. The fact that the United States proves the best market with most of these for eign countries will prevent their taking any action which would disturb their own business relations or reduce the market which their people have in the United States for their productions. Exchange. THAT MASS CONVENTION IN COLUMBUS. The populists and democrats met in separate mass convention in Columbus last Saturday to place in nomination a candidate for Supervisor in district No. 1 and 2. The populists met first and unanimously nominated R. Y. Lisco, which was the proper thing for them to do because Mr. Lisco made a good officer and is entitled to a renomination by his party for a second term. Then the democrats met and placed in nomi nation Julius Ernst of Bntler and John Kyle of Loup. Some one then made a motion that the convention endorse the populist nominee, Mr. Lisco. This latter measure was strenuously opposed by a few democrats present but it was of no avail. On the informal ballot 0 votes were cast for Kyle, 7 for Ernst and 43 for Lisco. Julius Ernst then withdrew in favor of Kyle and Judge Duffy made an appeal to the convention to place in nomination a democrat, but he was gagged by the chairman and the formal ballot showed 11 votes for Kyle and 43 for Lisco, whereupon Lisco was declared the nominee of the convention. Fellow democrats, that was almighty mean and indiscreet of you. The district in ques tion has six times as many democrats as it has populists and if you can't find a good-enough democrat in that district to represent you on the county board you had better quit the party and join the pops. This editor has ever been friendly to the populists and we have used all honorable means to effect fusion in local as well as state affairs, but the action taken by that would-be democra tic supervisor's convention is enough to make democratic editors bolt the ticket and join the prohibition party. When Mr. Ernst withdrew in favor of J. B. Kyle we thought that a majority of the democrats present would have self re spect enough to nominate him, because . Mr. Kyle is and always has been a launch democrat, and he would make an official as competent and honorable as any pop in the universe, but he must bs-turned down in a democratic strong hold and the nomination given to a pop ulist. Will some one please mention a township, county or state in the union where the populists constitute an over whelming majority and a democrat receives the only office within the gift of the people in that respective place? Not much! But go right along, democratic brethernand drive the respectable ele ment of the party into the republican camp. Do the unfair and unwise thing with yourself and feed the populist ringsters and political sharks and -heed the prayer of those democratic office seekers who don't know what itmeanB to contend for a principle but who are elfish and mean enough to sell out their party and friends at every turn of the road. We must have bimetallism ia 1900 bat if you keep on with this foolishness there will not be enough .democrats left in this county to carry a agktowBsfcip. Platte Csnter Signal , STARTLING FACTS! Governor Holcomb is Charged with Fraud by Acting-Governor Ransom. Knew Bartley was Short when He Began His Second Term. Meserve's Straw Bond It Begins to Dawn on the Populist Officials that the Governor's Connection with These Straw Bonds is a Serious Matter. Lincoln, Neb., Oct. 11, lS97.-This week has developed eomeifurther startling facte in reference to Meserve's financial condition at McCookand in reference to the governor's knowledge when be approved the second Bartley bond that Bartley was already short in his accounts. At Omaha, daring the progress of the trial gaint Bartley's bond, Frank Hansom, who is one of the attorneys for the bondsmen, who is a poi-nlist state senator from Omaha, and who is now state chairman of the so-called freesiUtr republican state committee, openly charged and offered to prove that Bartley was already short when he commenced his second term and that Governor Holcomb knew it. "A frand was perpetrated," cried Kanscm. 'That fraud wa per:-t rated onthe one hand by the governor of the state of Nebnuk. and on the other J:sui by Joseph S. Battlr" A PEKTINENTIQUKSTION. John II. Ames, who is on Hartley's second ond. bnt not oa the first, landing himself before the court, eaid, "Has the state through its governor any more rigJit to rob us than an individual has? When I was asked to sign that bond I hesitated. 1 had been for twelve weeks on a sirk bed. I considered then that the governor exMniued Bartley's books. I thought the governor an hoaorable nmn and an attorney. At. he said nothing I thought Bartley hail squared up and was an honest man. 1 signed, I wan induced to sign by fraud." Attorney Itansom, who is President pro tern of the populist state senate, who is chair, man of the free silver republican state central committee, who was un or the chief ma nipnlators in securing the nominations of Judge Sullivan, the fusion candidate for supreme judge, and who is now acting governor while the. real governor is touring the South in a private car. and while the Lieut. Governor is ranging on a revival meeting down in Missouri, this Attorney Hansom, this fusion leader brought into court deputy treasurer Bartlett and offered to prove by him that he was present at a conference lst ween Holcomb and Bartley wherein to Holcomb was made known the fart that Bartley was already short in hisaccounts. But Attorney General Smith objected to this proof being brought out. Smyth contended thnt even if the governor knew then that Bartley wa ohort, this knowledge on the iart of tho governor won hi not release th.- londsaien for liability. Hansom contends! that the governor's knowledge thnt Hartley liad already commenced his default, and the failnro of the governor to count the money and to make known the true condition of Hartley's account- was a fraud upon the jifw landsmen as well a9 a fraud upon the taxpajen whose money win lx?:ng taken. All these developments have caused a profound sensation here at Liuoiln, and have placed the governor alongside of Joe Bartley in tho public eje just .-.. win prophesied in these letters some weeks ago. Tho governor's connection with this matter, as well as with other matters not yet fnlly developed, lias been known here at Lincoln, but the public has lieen slow to believe, for tho reasons which I have liefore stated, that he was mild mannered and patronizing, pious and pretentious, and the general public hid conceded from the Mart that he was a "good man, lietter than his party." MESKUVK'S I'AKT. WHAT IS A GOVEHNOlt GOOD FOSJ? And now with this sensation that the governor wat in complicity with Bartley. comes an additional sensation about Meserve, the present treasurer, that not only w.ih hi induction into the county treisiin-hip at McCook a business plan Imt ween lit.'ii and his creditors there, not only did he put up the same straw bond deal with the governor that Bartley luul idajed so Hiccessfully. but it now comt to light, through au examination of the county records at McCook, that Meserve, within the upace o about a year while he was county treasurer, was able to pay off $M,M0 of his debts, although his salary was only $2,000 a year. Where this indebtedness now rests could ba shown if the governor would demand of Meserve a new bond and require of him a showing of his condition. Ir is hinted by jKipu list officials at the state house, who are alarmed at the sitnation, that tho governor, on his return from the southern junket, in order to ward off suspicion, will order Mutr. the in vestigator, to go through one of his perlavering erformances anil make a report on tho btate treasurer. It is further hinted that Mrtvrve, who has been making some hurried trips to MeCook lately will issue through the influence of his former creditors there some sort of pronunciamento which will title him over in the confidence of his jiarty until after election. It's a tangled web, and the toils are tightening ever' hour. Whether the governor on his return will demand of Meserve a new bond I cannot fay, but in case he refuses, or attempts to soothe the public with one of his open letter explan ations, either for himself, Meserv, or Mutz, thon there is a little cloud on the horizon of the Mipulist sky, for there is a wheel within the wheels of the state house machine that is not moving in harmony and there is an official there who has lieen gossipiied about ami spit on by the gang until he i tired. POPULISTS AHE UNEASY. One of the state officers, while the sensation which occurred at the bond trial in Omaha was being read out loud to a group of bystanders, slid, "The governor mnst explain this. We can't stand it." And then there followed a conference among some of the officials at which it was discussed that the governor should be called upon to clear up the charges made by Senator Hansom and to take some steps toward putting the affairs of state treas urer Meserve on a safer basis before the public. It begins to dawn on the populist officials that the governor's connection with these straw londs is a serious matter. Heretofore Edmnndson and the topnliet officers have appeared to be utterly indifferent as to criti cism. They seemed to have considered that their plare in the confidence of the public was alsolutely secure. Hartley's defalcation was the cloud behind which'all populist de formity could hide from public view. Bear in mind that when Senator Hansom made this sweeping charge egainst'the'sovern or, ho was at that very moment acting governor of the stats, for Governor Holcomb and Lieut. Governor Harris were both out of the state, and Ransom, as Pres. pro tern of the senate was the acting governor. Here then is Acting Governor Ransont charging in open court that Governor Holcomb was knowing to Bartley's shortage at the time he was ap proving his second bond, anil that such innocent sureties as John H. Ames were induced to sign the bond by the fraudulent pretense of the governor that he had examined the treasury as provided by law and that it was in sound condition. As I close this letter I learn that an informal meeting was held today at the etate house, of the populist officials there, at which it was decided to urge uon the governor and if possible force upon him prompt action as soon as he returns from his southern junket. J. W. Johnson. The people cannot traders, Tne customs receipts will soon resume normal conditions under protec tion, and before four years the same organs will likely take up their old wail of "the danger of the enormous surplus in the treasury.' Inter Ocean. 3f REPUBLICAN POLICIES SAFE. It is pretty safe to say that no one who voted for McKinley last full Las regretted doing so. The same rule will hold good with ref erence to the republican state and county ticket. It is exceptionally good throughout. No apologies are needed. Every man of them does his ditty according to hiB ability, and all lire in the light of patriotic endeavor as taught by the great exemplars of disinterested love of country. The republican party in the years of the past has shown its capacity for gov ernment; its genius for grasping the vital questions at issue, in a practical and business-like way, and bringing to the actual affairs of life a solid, good sense that is mightily commendable. This is so wonderfully apparent in contrast between Harrison's administra tion and Clevelands, and between Cleveland's and thus much of McKin ley's. in but the single matter of the better financial management under the republican administrations, that it is now all but universally conceded that Clevelandism was one of the biggest mistakes ever made by any political party in this country at the very least a 3262,000,000 blunder. Remember Cleveland and vote the entire republican ticket. ABOUT PASSES. Among the eighty people at our state house, there is at least one who will not humiliate the populist party by the use of free railroad passes. It is well known that railroads give freely to state offi cials and their friends all the free passes they want. But the man re ferred to has conscientious scruples against accepting anything of the kind. He argues that if the railroads carry free all those who receive good sala ries and have plenty of means, then when the poor and uninfluential take a ride, they must pay donble what it is worth to make up for the loss for haul ing the rich free of charge. He says the free pass system is fully as wicked as if the rich and official classes combined and got red postage stamps free of charge, and then the poor and uninflu ential pay four cents for every stamp, so as to make up the loss forgiving stamps free to a favored crowd. It is well known that the roads do not tender free passes as a gift. Corporations are continually overreaching and imposing on individuals. Free passes are given to the strong, the rich, and those clothed with official power, well knowing it will enlist all the power of these classes in a continuation of corporate extortion and imposition. Eftj'afcaatJaatiaC be deceived by free The gentlemen referred to has al ready paid about $250 for railroad tick ets this year for himself and family when free passes could have been had every trip. It is well known that an honored member of our House of repre sentatives paid fare all last winter when passes at the state house were as free as water. One memlter of the state senate ' was heard to say, at the close of the session last April, that he sorely re gretted many times during the session that he had received a free pass and that if he was ever again elected to office he would flatly refuse any and all favors from railroads. Tiiere is room in this state for an association that will push for a law placing railroad rates at two cents per mile and making it a penal offense to give or receive a free pass. Who will take up the fight and carry it to a finish? The above is from the Independent, the state organ of the populists, and is edited by Eager, who is clerk of the house. When it is remembered that this is the leading populist paper in the state, and that there are still some conscien tious men even in the populist party, this arraignment of the too prevalent custom of taking passes for nothing, becomes all the more emphatic. HIT "GOVERNMENT BY INJUNCTION." Judge Wilson of Colorado Knocks Out a Perpetual Injunction. Denver, Oct. 12. Judge Wilson of the court of appeal, with Judges Thompson and Bisaell concurring, handed down an opinion today in which he makes a vigorous attack on "government by injunction." In the case of H. Schradskie against the Ap peal Clothing company, wherein the plaintiff was given a perpetual injunc tion by the lower court restraining the defendant from advertising a certain atooks of goods as bankrupt stock, the court of appeals reverses the decree and remands the cause to the trial court with instructions to dissolve and dis miss the bill. We cannot approve a practice," said Judge Wilson, nor subscribe to a doc trine which permits the exercise by the courts of the extraordinary power of injunction relief for every wrong or infringement upon the rights of an other. Such a course of procedure, if carried to its ultimate natmral conclu sion, would tend to entirely subvert the fundamental principles upon which our system of laws is founded." Faver Saal Kearaeaatattoa. Dubuque, la., Oct. 12. The Method ist conference before adjournment voted almost unanimously in favor 'of equal lay representation. THURSTON AIDS TRACY. i Nebraskan Delivers a Political Speech In Brooklyn. 0PENIHG GUN FOB BEFUBLI0AI8. Warmer Secretary of the Navy DIkinm the iMuee of the Campaign Refers te Tammany Hall aad Bryaatam at the Chief Opposing- Force of theflepahll cams Citizens' Caloa a Party Menace. New York. Oct. 13. General Benja min F. Tracy, former secretary of the navy and candidate for the office of mayor of Greater New York, was the leading orator at the first Republican mass meeting held in Brooklyn at the Academy of Music on Montague street last night. There was a large attend ance. General Tracy, as he rose to deliver his address, was the reoipient of applause, which lasted several minutes. General Tracy referred to Tammany hall and Bryanism as the chief opposing forces of the Republicans in the campaign. He refuved to Henry George as a candidate on the platform of Bryanism. There was still another party which had made its appearance as a separate and independent party for the first time in its history the party known as the Citizens Union, of which one Low was their leader. General Tracy devoted much of his time to a discussion of the Citizens' Union and among other things said : The meaning of the success of the Citizens' Union here is the destruction of the Republican party. If Mr. Low is elected of course all the influence of that great office will be used to insist upon a citizens government at every municipal election. The Republican party will be called upon to disband, to disintegrate, to dissolve ourselves into our individual capacities and to act as individuals. We will not be permitted to act as an organization." Senator John M. Thurston of Ne braska was the next speaker. He said in part: "Following every Republican success there is great danger to the Republican party and its firat and most powerful enemy is always ia every election of the land from citizens committees who propose to revolutionize things and set up their individual judgment against the will of the party itself. "What has the history of municipal control in New York city and Brooklyn had to do with Republican success in the United Stat e3? It has had every thing to do; it has made Republican success siuce 1872 always doubtful and only to bu woo by the most heroic ef forts and by the unity of all the forces of good government in the country. There will be no more Republican presi dents in the United States unless you elect Benjamin F. Tracy." WHERE HENRY GEORGE STANDS. In an Interview He Telia Why He lea Candidate For Mayor. London, Oct. 12. The Daily Chroni cle published an interview which its New York correspondent has had with Henry George, in the course of whioh Mr. George is represented as saying : "I refused to be a candidate until the Democratic nomination showed that it was to be a perpetuation of Crokerism. Then I consented solely as a matter of duty "I am a Democrat in the fullest sense of the word. I am a free trader because protection is incompatible with a gen uine republic and I want to see the country return to first principles. I am in favor of scrupulously preserving the rights of property. "My followers support me simply as an expression of their dissatisfaction with the existing condition of things. The Bryanites support me not because of silver, but because Mr. Bryan has advocated a return to first principles. I am no mere an advocate of silver than of gold. Both are relics of barbarism. I am a greenbacker. I do not believe in the government issuing unlimited money. Money should be issued on the credit of the government, which i3 all that is necessary to assure safety and ability. I believe I shall be elected, but defeat would not cause me a single pang. In that event I shall return to my literary work." HENRY GEORGE GETS GERMAN VOTE. Takes the Lead la the New York Herald's Poll of Voter. New York, Oct. 12. TheJouerna and Advertiser says : Nathan Strauss and Richard Croker have held a confer ence at Great Barrington, Mass., with Judge William Gaynor of Brooklyn. Out of this conference it is declared there will come a readjustment of the Democratic city ticket, with Judge Gay nor's name in the place of Robert A. Van Wyok's, as the candidate of the party for mayor. Judge Gaynor said to Messrs. Strauss and Croker that Henry George, before accepting the in dependent nomination for mayor, had told him that he would not run if Judge Gaynor was a candidate. With this courtesy in mind Judge Gaynor hesi tated to give his consent. He has the matter still under consideration. The New Yorker Herald and the New Herald have together made a canvass of the 175,000 German voters as to their preference for mayor. Henry George, Jefferson Democrat, is the choice of 49,201 German voters ; Setb Low, Citi zen's Union, 48,282 ; Van Wyck. Tam many, 44,039 ; General Tracy, Republic an, 27,787 ; Patrick Gleason, Independ ent. 5,600. The Journal and Adver tiser's pall of 198,359 voters of greater New York shows : Van Wyck, 61,592 ; Henry George, 61,416; Seth Low, 44, -400; General Tracy, 30,951. GREAT DROUTH IS BROKEN. Dowapoar of Rain la Several States Proves a Godsend to the Fan Chicago, Oct. 12. Rain is falling generally today throughout the parched belt of the western states and the long, disastrous drouth has at last been broken. Reports from Kansas, Iowa, Nebraska, Illinois, Missouri, Arkansas and Minnesota show quite general rains are still falling, with indications of continuing during the next 24 hours. The rain in Nebraska is the first of any consequence that has fallen for six weeks, while Kansas is receiving her first wetting for two months. The drouth just broken has, for se verity and wide area of country affect ed, never been equaled in the period covered by authoritative record in this this country. Crops have suffered, fruit has been blasted, fires have leaped up as if from spontaneous combustion in field and woodland and every moment of the time since the middle of August has been crowded with danger to cities. Farmers have been hauling water for their stock even buying the fluid in many sections of the country. Many small towns throughout the country have suffered severely from fire. Conservative estimates place the re duction in acreage of winter wheat at 85 per cent. Thousands of acres throughout the affected districts have not even been ploughed, the ground be ing in such a condition as to render farm work next to impossible. To tk raisers the rata it a fe4z Pastures which have been dried up for weeks will be available once more. Weather bureau officials said this aft ernoon that indications point to a con tinuance of the rainfall for 86 hours more. COMMENCE THEIR ARGUMENTS, gaasage Maker f.aetgert's Trial Ceases to aa Uaexpected Close. Chicago, Oct. la. Despite a drizzling downpour of rain today the crowds which reached the criminal court build ing to be present at the opening of the eighth week of the famous Luetgert murder trial were as numerous aS( upon other mornings. Luetgert ea ' pressed his pleasure over the fact thai today marked the opening of the last' week of the trial. He was not alone in ' his appreciation of this faot. Everyone connected with the proceeding is tired of it. The trial came to a sadden and unex pected close today. Witnesses whom the defense had called in sur-rebuttal failed to respond when their names were . called and finally ex-Judge Vincent an- j nounoed to the court that the case for the defense was all in. "We rest," con cluded Luetgert's chief counsel. A sigh of relief was heard in the court room. After a brief consultation by the counsel in the case it was agreed to begin argmmeats to the jury this after noon. Assistant State's Attorney Me Ewen opened. He will be followed by Attorney Phalen. Ex-Judge Vincent will close for the defense and State's Attorney Deneen will close for the prosecution. The case will go to the jury probably next Saturday night. A letter addressed to Chief of Police Kipley. and purporting to be from Mrs. Louise Luetgert, was received at the police headquarters today. The letter was dated Oct. 9, and was sent from New York City. Little if any attention will be paid to it by the police. The signature is spelled "Lntrigart," and this was enough to brand the letter as a fraud. COMMODORE VANDERBILT'S STATUE. Chattacy M. Depew, Orator of the Day at Presentation Ceremonies. Nashville, Oct. 12. An immenso and enthusiastic audience packed the auditorium yesterday afternoon to listen to the speeches attending the presenta tion of the life sized statue of Commo dore Cornelius Vanderbilt to Vanderbill university. This statue, which has been one of the notable figures on the exposition grounds, is the gift of citi zens of Nashville to the university. JohnW. Thomas, president of the Centennial exposition, presided, and in a felicitous address, presented the statue to the university. Chancellor Eirkland of the university, made the address, ac knowledging the bequest on behalf of the university, thanking the citizens for their gift and recognition of an institu tion which is doing a great work in the cause of liberal education. President Thomas then introduced Dr. Channcey M. Depew amid college yells, who de livered an eloquent address. Dr. Depew and party, consisting of Miss Paulding, Miss Struthers, R. D. Vancourtland and Mr. and Mrs. N. W. McVickar, after the ceremonies were entertained by Chancellor Kirkland at a brilliant reception at his residence, at tended by prominent citizens and the Vanderbilt university staff. Colorado Midland Incorporated. Denver, Oct. 12. Attorney Henry T. Rogers has filed with the secretary of state a certificate of incorporation of the Colorado Midland Railroad com pany, which purchased the Colorado Midland railroad at the recent fore closure sale. The incorporators are: Frederick P. Olcott of Bernardsville, N. J., James H. Jarvie of New York city, Adrian H. Joline of Bernardsville. N. J., Oscar Bunke of New York city and Henry T. Rogers of Denver. The capital stock is fixed at 910.000,000, di vided into 100,000 shares of $100 each, par value ; 60,000 shares to be preferred stock and 40,000 common stook. As George W. Ristine, the present receiver of the old company, is named as direc tor. It is regarded as settled that he will become president and general manager of the new company. The road will be formally turned over to the new company. The road will be formally turned over to the new com pany at midnight Oct. 31. War la '.Nicaragua. Sax Francisco, Oct. 12. Mariano Lopez, a prominent citizen of Nica ragua, now in this city, has received the following dispatch from the leaders of the insurgents in his native land : "We are triumphant. Will communi cate to you in detail the particulars of the battle with the despots." Mr. Lopez has also received other mes sages, of which the most important tells of the fusion Liberals. He says that the socalled taking of Queseltenango was merely an abandonment of that point for strategic reasons, as shown in his dispatches. In regard to the forces at the command of the revolutionary par ty, the latest information is to the effect that there are 17,000 men, all well equipped, and wanting for nothing either in supplies or ammunition. Invitation to Yellow STover Refugee. San Antonio, Tex., Oct. 12. The city council has passed a resolution throwing open the doors of San An tonio to yellow fever refugees from Galveston and other coast cities and in vited citizens of those cities to come here during the prevalence of yellow fever at their homes. The resolution is based on the fact that during the past 50 years no yellow fever has developed here notwithstanding the fact that refugees have come from infected points and died from the disease. Two Mnrderors Escape Callows. Denver, Oct. 12. Governor Adams has signed an order commuting the sentence of Juan Duran and Jose Maria Lucer, who were convicted at Trinidad of the murder of Deputy Sheriffs Green and Eelley and sentenced to be hanged, to imprisonment for life. In signing this order Governor Adams takes pains to state that he does not do so as an act of clemency, but in deference to the law abolishing capital punishment en acted subsequent to the crime for which the men were sentenced. Sedalla's Rich Lead Mine. Sedalia, Oct. 12. At the Judge Dal by lead mine, in northwest Sedalia, a 9-inch vein of rare ore, mixed with silver, has been struck at a depth of less than 15 feet. Forty-nine thousand pounds of ore have been taken out with picks and shovels 6ince the mine was opened a few weeks ago on a prospect, and holders of realty in that portion of the city are considerably worked up. many of them believing that Sedalia is destined to become a second Joplin. Ssaator TUlasaa Is Sick. Columbia, S. C, Oct. 12. Senator Tillman arrired in Colombia this after noon from Trenton, his home. He is a very sick man, suffering from catarrhal jaundice. Bis condition is not serious at present. rasaeas Socialist Nominated. Hamburg, Oct. 12. Herr August Bebel, the famous German socialist, has been nominated as the candidate for the Hamburg socialists in the forth ooaiBg rsichstag election. OVER AN EMBANKMENT. Fatal Electric Car Accident at Cedar Falls. 0IE KILLED AUD TEN llJUBED. Vravollaa; Bfaa Massed Myers Is Dead and Another, W. H. Morton, Is Mot Kx aeeted to Recover Ex-Mayor Ol infer rDahaa.no Mass Stand Trial ForMal- coInOssce. Cedar Falls, la., Oct. 12. A street car on the Waterloo and Ceder Falls Rapids Transit line was precipitated over a 90 foot embankment three miles from this city. One Myers, a traveling man, was killed outright and 10 others , were seriously hurt. Sixteen people at the time and they i were in the car were all more or less injured. The in- ' jored are W. H. Horton, Chicago, will probably die. A. Rothline, Great Falls, Alice Crotty, Waterloo, scalp wound, internal In juries. Miss FUckinger, face cut. Frank Foulk, rib broken. D. B. Morrison, Winona, Minn. J. O. Waldron, Chicago. Charlotte Cunningham, student state normal school. Kittle Townsend, Fort Dodge, student state normal school. Henry Flint. E. B. Tibbetts, motorman. Frank Latice, conductor. Claude Cass, student stat normal school. Clara Hunt.student state normal school. Lulu Bovee. All the injured are likely to recover .except Morton. Auditor aad Cash Are Misting-. Creston, la., Oct. 12. The bondsmen of Auditor Davis of Adair county, who has been missing for more than a week, have offered a reward of $500 for his arrest. Experts are examining the books and as the investigation proceeds the condition becomes worse. The sup ervisors have declared the office vacant and appointed an auditor pro teni. Ex-Mayer Ollager Held Liable. Des Moines, Oct. 12. By decision of the supreme court today Peter Olinger, mayor of Dubuque iu 1S93, is adjudged liable for prosecution because he en gaged in raising his salary from $1,500 to $2,000. The case is similar to the ac tion against the aldermen similarly de cided Oct. 8. .White Speaks at Mason City. Mason City, Oct. 12. Fred E. White, Democratic candidate for governor, spoke in the Auditorium last night. His address was devoted to a discussion of state expenditures, alleging extrava gance in Republican management. It is asserted at Vienna that the Hun ararian government has purchased the race horse Galtee Moore, the derby win ner, for 2,000. To Chicago and the East. Passengers goingeast for business, will naturally gravitate to Chicago as the great commercial center. Passengers re-visiting friends or relatives in the eastern states always desire to "take in" Chicago en route. All classes of passen gers will find that the "Short Line" of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Rail way, via Omaha and Council Bluffs, affords excellent facilities to reach their destinations in a manner that will lie sure to give the utmost satisfaction. A reference to the time tables will in dicate the ronto to be chosen, and, by asking any principal agent west of the Missouri river for a ticket over the Chicago, Council Bluffs & Omaha Short Line of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway, yon will be cheerfully furnished with the proper passport via Omaha and Chicago. Please note that all of the "Short Line" trains arrive in Chicago in ample time to connect with the express trains of all the great through car lines to the principal eastern cities. For additional particulars, time tables, maps, eta, please call on or address F. A. Nash. General Agent, Omaha, Xeb. RnrliHStoii Konlc California ExcanioRK. Cheap; quick; comfortable. Leave Omaha 4.35 p. in., Lincoln fi.10 p. m. and Hastings 8.5!) p. m. every Thursday in clean, modern, not crowded tourist sleepers. No transfers; cars run right through to San Francisco and Los Angeles over tho scenic route through Denver and Salt Lake City. Cars are carpeted; upholstered in rattan; have spring seats and backs,are provided with curtains, bedding, towels, soap, etc. Uniformed porters and experienced ex cursion conductors accompany each ex cursion, relieving passengers of all both er about baggage, pointing out objects of interest and in many other ways help ing to make the overland trip a delight ful experience. Second class tickets are honored. Berths .1. For folder giving full information, call at nearest Burlington Route ticket office, or write to J. Francis, General Passen ger Agent, Omaha, Neb. to&japr'B business Notices. Advertisements under this head five cents a linceacb insertion. WM.8CHIL.TZ makes boots and shoes in the best styles, and uses only the very best stock thnt can be procnivd in the market. 52-tf W. A. McAllister. V. M. Cohmklicb cALXISTER tc CORNELIUS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA 3ljantf PROBATE NOTICE. In the county court of Platte county. Nebraska. In the matter of the estate or Franz Henggeler, deceased. Notice or final settlement and ac ccunt. To the creditors, heirs, legatees and others in terested in the estate of Franz Henggeler, de- Take notice, that Joseph Henggeler has filed in the county court a report of his doings as execu tor or the estate of Franz Henggeler. de ceased, and it ia ordered that the same stand for hearing on the 5th day of November, 1897, before the court at the hour of 9 o'clock a. ra., at which time any person interested may appear and ex cept to and contest the same. This notice is ordered given in Tar Count KC8 Journal for three consecutive weeks prior to the 3th day of November, IW!. Witness my hand and the seal or the county court at Columbus this 11th day or October, 1697 r " . , J.N. Kilian, seal, i iSoctS County Judge. NOTICE PROBATE OF WILL. Notice probate of will, Habbe L. Aden, deceas ed, in tne county conn. or. x-iaiie county, Nebraska. The Btate of Nebraska to the heirs and next of kin of said Habbe L. Aden, de Take notice, that upon filing of a written in strument purporting to be the Isst will and tes tament of Habbe L. Aden, for probate and allowance, it is ordered that said matter beset for hearing the 5th day of November. A. D. 1897. before said county court, at the hour or 10 o'clock A. M., at which time any person inter ested may appear and contest the same; and due notice or this proceeding is ordered published three weeks successively in the Columbus Jocb nal, a weekly and legal newspaper printed, published and of general circulation in said county and state. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my band and official seal at Columbus this dth day of October, A. D.lcfST. J. N. KiUAV, ISoctS County Jadg. , MEDHOF & CO. Our counters and shelves are now over flowing with the largest stock of Dry Goods, Carpets, Clothing, Hats and Caps, EVER SHOWN IX PLATTE COI'NTY. Dress Good, Cloak Goods lioods including black double width at Lie a van!. 40-inch wide, all-wool Dr Flannel, all colors, at 2oc a van!. 40-inch wide black Mohair Brocades at &"c a yard. 38-inch all-wool Fancies at 28c a van!. Special attention is called ;Ue, oc, a yard. New Silks in fancy brocades at 50 and 7fe. Koman Stripes and Plaid Silks entirely new. Latest novelty in Dress Trimming; comprising beaded silt gimps and braids, braided and beaded setts. Ladies' and children's Hosiery, at 5i 10c, lfe, am! an iron clad Hose for children at 2oc a jwir. Ladies' men's and children s Underwear, at 2.ro, ladies' am! children's ribbed vest and drawers, ileece-lined. worth ::le. At oOc, ladies and children's all-wool ve.-t and drawers, great value, worth 7oc. At 39e, men's natural wool shirt ami drawers, worth oOc. At T0c, children's heavy ribbed Union suits, all sizes. At 50e, men's lleece-iiiicd t-hhU and drawers, finished seam, worth 7.rc. We call your attention to our line of BLANKETS, COM FORTERS, etc., cheaper than ever. Carpets ! Carpets ! Now is your time to buy your Carpets, to get the Iwnielit of old prices. Our aMirtment is tho most eonmlete west of the Omaha Clothing! Clothing! We invite your inspection to the most complete stock of men's and boys' Clothing to lie found in Columbus. All bought before the recent advance. We invite you to insjtect our stock. Respectfully, FRIEDHOF & CO. BRUM Farm Loans, And Insurance. COLUMBUS, 11 EETING WITH DESTINY. 1 1 No sua can tell waea it wUl coae along- Often it starts ap before us in unexpected times and places. Even aa afternoon stroll with a Mead and a chance introduction may shape all the course of one's after life. To be always at your best aad not ashamed of your destiny jrea saaat strew like m. Hie geatleasajb This can be done by ordering- your Salts sat fsrsMts of N. BORN & GO., The Great CWcg Merchaat TaJfers Wfcs are rivsJlesl Masters sf the Tallerisig Art. 3M NEW Patterns. Finest Material. Perfect Fit. Mew Stock. Latest Styles. Best Work manship. Thrifty Prices. A Chewy Quarsatee Wlta AIL Cmtltm NOTICE PROBATE OF WILL. Notice probate of will, Andy Devany, deceasHl. In the County Court of Platte county, Ne braska. The State of Nebraska to tho heirs and next of kin of eaid Andy Devany, deceased: Tnktt notice, that upon tiling of a written in strument purporting to be thelast will and testa ment of Andy Devany for probate and allow ance. It is ordered that said matter lie set for hearing the 16th day or October, A. I).. 1SU7. be fore said county court, at the hour of 9 o'clock a. m., at which time any person interested may appear and contest the name; and du notice of tliis proceeding is ordered published three weeks eucceesivelr in The Coltjsibcs Jochnal, a weekly and legal newspaper, printed, publish ed and of general circulation in eaid county and etate. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and official aeal at Columbus this 27th day or September, A. D. IVI. J. N. Kilian. 29sep3 County Judge. PROBATE NOTICE. In the matter of the estate of Michael Wleez)k, deceased. Notice to creditors. Notice is hereby given that the creditors of said deceased will meet the administrator of said estate, before me, county jndge of Platte county, Nebraska, at my office in Columbus, eaid coun ty, on the 11th day of October, I8V7, on the 11th day of January, l&W, and on the 14th day of April, 1SI. at V o clock: a. m. each day. lor the purpose of presenting their claims for exam ination, adjustment and allowance. Six months are allowed for the creditors to present their claims and one year for the ad ministrator to settle said estate from the 11th day of October. 1807, and this notice ia ordered DU lubhshed in Tbk Columbus Joubxal. for roar consecutive weeks. prior to the fcth day of Oc- tober. lim. 22sepl J N. Kilian, County Judge. NOTICE TO REDEEM. To Amos Gates or whom it may concern: You are hereby notified that the following described real estate, to wit: .Lots one (1) ami two (2) in block one hundred and three 1103) in the city of Columbus, Platte county, Nebraska, were purchased at the office of the county treas urer of Platte county, Nebraska, at private tax sale. March 4th. 1896. by Fanny Merz. for de !ia- quent taxes for the years 1893 and 1894 inclusive, and said Fanny Merz is the present owner and holder of eaid certificate. The said lots were taxed in the name of Amos Gates and the time for redemption of said certificate will expire on the 4th day ol atarcn, vsmt. ftocttt Fannt Mebz. LEGAL NOTICE. To all whom it may conoern: The Board of Supervisors in regular session (September 13th, low, declared the following sec tion line opened as a public road, viz: Commencing at the north corner on section line between tections 22 and 22. town 17. ranoe 1 east, and running thenoe south on section line one mile and terminating at tne southeast cor ner of section 22-17-1 east. Now all objections thereto or claims for dam. ages caused thereby must be filed in the county clerk's office, by Saturday. October 30. 17. or such road may be established without fnrthcr reference thereto. Dated at Columbus, Neb.. Oct. 4, 1897. E-Pohl. 6oct4 County Clerk. LEGAL NOTICE. To whom it may concern: The Board of Supervisors in regular session September 16th, 197, declared the following section line opened aa a public road: Commencing on north corner on section line between sections 22 and 23, township 17. range 1 east, and running thence on section line one mile south and terminating at the southeast corner of section 22 and southwest corner of section 21. tows 17. range 1 east. Now all objections thereto must be Sled in the county clerk's office by Saturday. October 23d. 1887. or such road may be established without further reference thereto. Dated Columbus, Nebr., Sept. 18. 1897. E.POHL, Wsepi County Clerk. Dress to our line of Sorges at 23c, 40c. ami I ft CO., Real Estate NEBRASKA. & wJ ilfiMII'll I. A. SCOTT. PROBATE NOTICE. Statu ok Nkeuahka. i Platte county, j' In the county conrt, in anil for said connfy. In the matter of the estate or Ham V. V. Will no mailer or win estate or a ileceaeed, late of said county, son At a stssion of the county court for said coun ty, holden at tin) county judge's orlice in Coluia- bus. in said county on the'JMh ilay or September. A. D. l'J7. prevent. J. N. Kilian. county judge. On refilling and filing tho verified petition of Ijizzie Wilson praying thnt letters of adminis tration lie iftHiird Henry T. S;xerry on the estate or saiil decedent. Therenon. it in ordered that the 23d day or October. A. D. 1&97. at J o'clock, a. m.. be assign ed for the hearing f said petition at the county judge'n office in said county. And it is further orderod. that due legal notice be given of the pendency ami hearing of said petition by publication in ThkColcmsU9 JoCM NAL for threw consecutive weeks. (A true copy of the order.) Dated. Coiitmliue, Neb.. Sept. 29. 18OT. J.N.KlUAN. facta County Judge. . C. CASS IN, PKOfJMETOU OF TUX llftA Meat MmM WasareWaTev fffJfffSJSJ BrMSjBJBJsVfJBJ Fresh and Salt Meats--- Game and Fish in Season. tHighest market Hides nnd Tallow. prices paid for THIRTEENTH ST., COLUMBUS, - - NEBRASKA iaprtf UNDERTAKING ! a n t We Carry Coffins, Caskets anj - Metallic Caskets at as low prices as any one. HAVE THE BEST HEARSE IN THE COUNTRY. TjOOSLEV & 8TIREK. ATTOXirBTa AT LAW. Southwest corner Eleventh aad North isjaly.y Coumsca. NsamaazA. and Silks, fancy brocade, JIGli -23i -- s . L....,,