The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, October 06, 1897, Image 4

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Oar daughter broke oat with scrotals
ore all over her face and head. She
crew worse until wo gave her Hood's
Sarsaparilla. When she had taken six
bottles her face was smooth sad the
ecrofula has never returned." BUMS
Vssxoot, West "Point, New York.
Is tlic best in fact the One True Blood Pnriler.
Hootl'S Pills cure aU Livcr IUs- s ceBt
Cornish. Economj.
Some of the oll Cornish minters
.ire adepts in economy. Richard
Tanjrve, the English engineer, in his
autobiography says that compared j
with tJu-sc peasants u. wrmas
New England arc extravagant- una
man w hen once asked what his dailj
work was replied: "Ten hours at the
engine ar.rt eight at digging. The rest
of Uie day 1 have to waste." Tangyo
states that he once saw the same old
man fall into a fury of rage because a
boy v. horn he had hired threw away a
match after he had lighted a candle
with it. -Dye waste my property, ye
loon? Then ye will never be worth a
f-ax-pencc f yiv own!" he shrieked.
A careful old woman lamented a stolen
pie for more than forty years. The
tears would come to her eyes when
ever she tallied of the lost dainty.
Hour's Tills!
We offT One Hundred Dollars reward
for auj ease of Catarrh that cannot be
cured by Ilali'h Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHUNKS & CO.. Toledo. O.
We. the undersicnwi. have known F.
.1 Cher.iy for th last 15 years, and believe
lilm iorfotlv liouuiahl in all business
trat.p-ieu 1 and liiianc:ully able to carry
out au - . sat ion- made by tlielr lirm.
UV.-t fz '1 nax. Wholesale DruKRlsts.
Tlelo. . V. aiding. Kiimaii As Marvin,
V. lioh.tle )niffl,"-l. Toledo. O.
Mall's ("atari It Cure Is taken Internally,
acting d'rtctly upon the l.lood and mn
ms mrfae". of the sjbtem. Tebtlmo tr.-e. rr:ee IZs per bottle. Sold
bv all dniSKlsts.
Jlall's ratnllv rills are the be
I.Im-I) Mirefi.
e is a young married couple, in
( hicago ho are recovering from their
first ouarrel. It wasn't a bad quarrel,
but the bride became quite spunky '
for a time.
Tli.,. -inni nut ill tin
Iho -vtrt out in int.
. oiintry and she gazed over the green
fields in delight until a herd of small
animals caught her eyes, which, by
the way, are rather .short-sighted.
Oh," she cried, "aren't they lovely?
Such usee, fat sheen! Aren't they
lovely sheep, dear?" "Yes. darling,"
responded the horrid man. "they are,
but ytm'd have a tience of a time
shearing thesn. Tliev are pigs."
M-ssis. l!tti-itsTiti. Wtmlfe .fc Co.. the
.....--.. ........ -- -
iare;st department house in Leaven-
north. Kan. have issued a new eata- ,
h"rue entitled "Helpful
11; t. I
a a 4 .-. a
this catalogue is much useful informa
tion relating lo dry goods, cloaks,
clothing, millinery, boots and shoes,
furniture, carpets," and in fact every
thing pertaining to house furnishing.
The catalogue is sent free upon re
quest, and is a work that should be in j
tvery home.
Huff, the celebrated singer, who ii
creating the title role of Massenet's
new opera. "Worther." is the g and
iicphew of the original Charlotte,
in (Joethe's storv. and on the first
...... : . - -t . 1
liiirui 01 me opera 111 icima ohu t
1 t 1-11 ..wto,t nioidn.
Lcr grandchildren committed suicide.
h I
am. Mlnlo-Mit hill Syrup j
mail. m, ji lav-iufii, ui.iu.iii colli-. siit;iitsa buttle, i
llomestir Sar.ain.
Mr. Softlcigh. waking in the mid
dle of the night My. dear. I am sure
there is a man in the house. Mrs.
Softleigh (!o to sleep again. Algy;
yon are llattering yourself. Town
l'iso's Cure for Consumption is the best
of nil coiiKh cures. George W. Lot7, Fa
btieher, La., AiiKiistO, 1M."
If the fool sroose had not laid a gold
e;rr she would not have lost her life,
is the name to remember when
buying Sarsaparilla. It has been
N curing people
more than 50 years. That's why.
vzfyj yyy j f . y
Cool, Bracing Days, These
Just the kind of weather to get the full benefits of
cycling. Columbias are the wheels you can ride the
year round, no matter the weather. 5 Nickel Steel
tubing makes them the strongest, direct tangent spokes
do not break, and many other improvements give them
unequalcd strength and beauty.
1897 eOLDMBmS
r AH
Hartford Bicycles, E
U If you cannot pay all
U Cti9a; The &lnmbU Photographic
( Contest closes October 1st. Terms
of competition may be obtained of
f any Colombia dealer, or will be
?( mailed by us upon application.
Walter Baker & Co.'s
Breakfast COCOA
CosU Less than ONE CENT a cap.
Be sure that the package bears our Trade-Mark.
(ErtaMKfcad 17M.)
What TarktBS l'opl t'aa aa D Da to
the Pecnatery Line.
The poet Tennyson could take ft
worthless sheet of paper and by
writing a poem on it make it worth
$65,03U that's genius, says the
Young Lutheran.
Vanderbilt can write a few words
on a sheet of paper and make it
worth $5,003.000 that's capital
The United States can take an
ounce and a quarter of gold and
stamp upon it an "eagle bird" and
make it worth ?2d that's money.
The mechanic can take material
worth $ii and make it into a watch
worth $lu -that's skill.
Tho merchantman take an article
worth seventy-live cents and sells it
for Si that's business.
A hiJy can purchase a vcr. com-
lortable bonnet
!o. but &ho
prefers one. that costs $27 that's
The ditch digger works ten hours
a day and shovcl. three or fosir tons
of earth for 2 that's labor
The editor of this paper can writo
a check fv 8, but it
wouldn't be worth a dime that's
Hie Autocrat's Jest.
Edward Everett Hale tells this: "A
few 3-car.sago, in a fit of economy, our
famous Massachusetts historical so
ciety screwed up its library and other
offices by some fifteen feet, built in
the space underneath, and rented it to
the city of lloston. This was very well
for the treasurer, but for those of us
who had passed sixty years, and had
to climb up some twenty more iron
stairs whenever we wanted to look at
an old pamphlet in the library, it was
not unite so much a benefaction.
When Holmes went for the first time J
1 to see the new quarters of the society.
he left his curd with the words, 'O.
W. Holmes, lligh-story-ca'.l society."
I l hat TerrllUe WtiurRr.
' V:ilari.lliM-:iM'isIii:trI:iWysnijileiiientefl
J by ilistiiKK'iKf nfthe her. the bowels, the
-aoiiij.-li and the nerves To the removal l
1 Initli the i-.ji.m- hum it-. 1 fl.vis ihMetters
Mumni'li Hitlers is fuMj adeiu:ite. It "litis
1 tlieiill" a ii otliei temedv 1m-s. nerfonn-
nim- ami vvleileso-ne. an-1 it aiimitably st-res
in" its v.otfc lieii-iMe'itiv. us irfii-iiiiiin.u.
Hi ilium up ..s. sM-.u .......... -
,.,, tr Sit,.,i-M 1. Coiistuiatioii. liver and
kidnev rnijiilaiiit ami net voiisiicss are cou
ijueieit li 11.
Imt-w He- Wrmted.
Drummer ! want a pair of con
gress gaiters.
Dealer There has been so little
demand for congress gaiters lately
that wo have ceased to keep them.
Drummer Hum! 'I hen gho me a
pair of button gaiters and a liro
escane. ,
. .
V?" ??" 1?!"
j. ?- Iia llllfl . F " JUrtCji ''iwi w, vu.a
Fifteenth and IJoiislas streets, and ex
amine their jewelry and art goods for
wedding, birthday and Christmas presents,
also steel engraved wedding stationery, in
vitations and visiting cards. It is the only
first class, up-to-date jewelry, art and cut
irlasM store west of Chicago and St. Louis.
'SJ ,;y m,,
EnRraviug and printing 100 visiting carda
I Mit re of Mitminum.
I Noi el uses said to have been found
i for aluminum are for a folding
pocket scale one meter loug; a neck
i tie made of metal, frosted or other
' wise ornamented, in various shapes.
lmitatiuir 1110 oruinary sun. or sauu.
. - tit
article, which is recommended for
suimuer wear, and military helmets.
rrrnv- a rrin iv nr nav
Take Laxative Brcmo Quinine Tablets. All
Urujrgists rcluau tac money il it mis to cure, sao
Hrlrkflnst .Mortar.
Use of brickdtist mortar as a sub
stitute for hydraulic cement, where
the latter cannot bo obtained, is
recommended by the best engineer
ing authorities.
The best, all cruci-rs will refund join moaej tf
jou are cat stUfled with lu
, In every town there is a certain
(place where ail the loafers cougregate.
right along for
Itandard of tha World.
$50, $45, $40.
cash, pay by the month.
Hartford, Conn.
Catalogue for one 2-cent stamp.
If Columbias are not properly represented m
your vicinity, k: us'knou.
Pure, Delicious, Nutritious.
Baker & Co. Limited,
Dorchester, M$.
Speech that Are Coaplcuoo for Cob-
tradlrtions. Inconsistencies and Lack
of Harmony Wronc Hk
Facts and Weak la Ills Locte
Honest Dollar's Blessing
lie Irtown Hot ami Cold
Kus Vitv dottrnal: In the course
of hks indicate letter to the pres last
wek W. .1. Hryan used the following
eNprcssion: .
Wheat lias risen lecan)e the foreign
crop hab been exceedingly ?i.ort. Iti-metallist-s
contend that Xhe latv of sup
ply and demand i universal.
"We were toW last year that an ap
preciating dollar was a national bless
ing, and yi?t within a year the entire
republican press is in testacy because
the purchasing power of a dollar has
been to some extent decreased.
"A large past of this money comes
from abroad. Wheat is not only
higher, but more of it is being ex
ported. If we had enough money in
this country, an increase in the vol
ume would be an injury.
If an increase in the volume of
monev, bccured by the exportation of
higher wheat, gives cause for rejoic
ing, is it not evidence now that we
have an insufficient quantity?''
Mr ld-ynii is certainly the most illu
MVt? and evasive man who ever entered
public discussion. A collection of his
speeches would be chiefly marked fti'r
the contradictions, inconsistencies and
lack of harmonies which they contain.
Jle lias dickered around on this wheat
discussion until no man can tell just
i here he stands or what he believ?.
In one breath lie declares thai Wheat
has gone up on account of he short
crop abroad, and in tli next he asserts
practically that the price of wheat has
not changed, but that the value of the
dollar has gone down, and draws the
conclusion that wheat might be kept
up forever independent of the crop
abroad or anywhere else simply by
enlarging the volume of the currency.
.Mr. llryan speaks falsely when he
says the republicans claimed in last
fall's campaign that an appreciating
dollar was a national blessing. The
republicans claimed in that campaign
as in every other of recent years that
an honest and stable dollar was . na
tional blessing and that a debased cur
rency would become a national enrse.
He says the republicans arc in ccstacy
ItecauM: the 'purchasing power of the
dollar has been to some extent de
creased." As a matter of faet. the re
publicans are in ccstacy because the
law of supply and demand has en
hanced the value of wheat and other
great staples, and because thiscvlvance
has not been attained by circulating
an inferior sort of money. It may be
possible that the free silver advocate
helievcs the dollar has fluctuated every
time u cent has been added to or taken
from the price of some product, but
this is not the view taken by most
students of finance and production.
Hut what we more particular!' start
ed out to show X35, the audacity of Mr.
liryau m inccnling conditions and sta
tistics to prove his theories, and it
would be impossible to do this in bet
ter form thau by quoting from an arti
cle in the New York World, published
on the same day tliat Mr. Uryanfs syn
dicate letter appeared. In the extracts
quote! aoove it win oe seen mat ue
ly orator speaks of the greal volume
of money coming from abroad as large
ly responsible for the Increased prices,
and to this the World responds as fol
lows: -Hut in the latelght months, during
w hieh the advance in prices occurred,
we have received no money balance
from abroad. On the contrary we have
lost heavily. From tlnnuary 1 to Sep
tember J the net gold exports were
Si4.7JS.lTi. This is a loss of S1.272,0.V.i
more than hi the corresponding period
lastjear. During the last fiscal year
our net loss of silver coin and bullion
'Xor has there b".on an ':croVfCd
volume of money' during "is period.
The n mount of money 0f all kinds in
circulation Mnncn 1. according lo the
Uousury oM.!mn1e, was Sl,J7."j.riD4.itr3.
Ou September 1 there was. ?1.0w.SO.
tiH5 u shrinkage of nearly in.iM0,WM.
"Yet there has been anil is INdncv
enough for all the demand of business.
The crops :i r being paid for and moved,
debts by the million cancelled end the
wheels of industry starlet', in all direc
tions, md only without any success of
free coined siiVer at Kitol. but with
an actual diminution in the vNihlcsup
plo kf the money we have.
"It is chiefly a question of conlldcncc
and of the safe and pcolltablc use of
the money that has been hidden or
hoarded. Mr. Rryan is wrong in his
fa-Is and vCak in'hh logic.''
sorry for Political MlSdee.l.
A writer in the JV.wnee Kennlilie:m
i characteristic .storv of tonvir-
sion from iVyanism that ca'mc to notice
the tlier day. Going through the court
iior.'-e Mjuaro a well known and quite
thriity farmer commenced to sinile and
Iiold ;ut his hand for a shake. It was
.such a vigorous, old-fashioned, glad
handshake that there was evidently
something baek of it. "Well." said he,
I have bold part of my wheat. Had
-sixty acres this year and it went thirt v
two bnihuis. 1 have just .sold l.WO
bushels and got money enough for it to
pay off the $1,000 on "my farm, princi
pal and interest, and have about TOO
busheis left. Last fall 1 felt pretty blue.
1 raised over 3.000 bushels of corn and
when I gol ready to sell it they would
not agree To pay more than 8 cents a
bushel. Had about 400 bushels of wheat
and told what I could spare of it for 38
cents. 1 got pretty grumpy and the
live silver fellows talked so much
about what free coinage would do for
silver and wheat and everything else
and got me rattled, and, to tell the
truth, I went off and voted for Bryan
and free silver, but if the good Lord
will forgive me I will never be such a
blamed fool again. Confound it! I knew
we always had good times when the
republican party was in power and I
knew, too, that the pop ideas were a
humbug and their leaders a lot of sore
head officeseekers antl rattle-brained
adventurers, but I thought there might
be something in that notion that silver
and wheat had always gone up and
down together, and I "thought I would
try it anyway. Hereafter yon can count
on me to stick to the republican partv.
no matter what happens, nor what an v
bodymaysay. I always 'did think "it
was the best party and never reallv
intended to leave it. but I got wearv
and rattled and made a fool of myself.'
ItiCgrst Hnnibug of All.
Lincoln Journal: Senator Mutz, of
the legislative investiiratinp-committor
has turned out to lo the biggest hum-!
bug of all the pop humbug who con-
sianiiyery out for fairness. On the
floor of the state senate Mr. Mutz was
heard almost daily appealing for ''fair
ness." ln debate he used a voice full
of pathos and tears and pleaded for
fairness and honesty. '-Is this fair?"
was a favorite interrogation with him
when driven to bav. Sometimes ho
modified the question and wanted to
know if certain things were honest." '
Visitors to the senate chamber often t
heard Mr. Mutz sending tear-drawing j
appeals almost to the throne of grace
in oeiiaii ot iairne.s. Hut he -protested"
too much, and there was no
surprise when it became known that
he had gone over the looks of I'rofevv
or GMlespie at the Omaha institution
and reported a shortage of mer Sl.ooG
without so much as calling on Profes
sor Gillespie for a consultation or expla-n-tion
of any of the disputed items,
which the investigators (show by their
own teport they did cot understand.
But nothing would be thqught of this
bad not Mr. ifptz pledged his word that
after he had gone over the accounts
covering nineteen years he would call
in Professor Gillespie and go over the
records with him. A cony of ike re
port was also promised Professor Gil
lespie, but it was not furnished. tThe
governor and investigators adpht that
Professor Gillespie has not intention
nllv kept incorrect Accounts, yet by
their action thty sought to brand him
. .lUtiWAost. and refused to irive him
Vn'ntuirtnnitr ti defend himself. In
.. rt? y ,i -m -i tt- i
the olt rcpeaiea worn m. ir. tuis, .
this fair, is this honest?
Politic Not febVic Weat
Seward Reporter: The populist gov
ernor hasVvimoved Prof. J. A.Gillespie,
for Iw-ciity years superintendent of th
"Xebraska'sehool for deaf mutes, and
appointed in his place a man named
H. K. Dawes, formerly a sub-ettdtru:tof
at the blind asylum. Professor Gilles
pie is the originate of the .'auricular
system for deaf mubis, atad is i .nian
of interuatUihal reputation
doubt he has done more for bettering
the condition of those unfortunates
who can neither hear 'nor sneak; than
any other living roan. lf!s place was
Wanted for a pop, and Governor Hol
couib ignored nis splendid services to
the ce.use of humanity, and put in a
man who ha-s ucver had any special
training at all for this highly Impor
tant and difficult work, Itt order to
get a pretext for the removal of Pro
fessor Gillespie, art investigation was
made of the accounts of tjie institu
tioin lite investigators could nttl find
that tlie superintendent nad ever con
verted one cento Vhe funds of the in
stitution to his own use, but they re
ported that in the course of the twenty
years about Sl.900 had been CxiVrided
for other items than those, for Which it
was specifically. Appropriated. This
was enough lo give the governor the
chance Wanted. The matters referred
to 'might have lccn shown to be errors
in bookkeeping, but the superintend
ent was given no chance to explain. It
was a cowardly act, and show Inside
that the governor and hU. associates
are more anxious to pu Inci'r political
friends on the pAy "roll of the state
than they are to have efficient men at
the head of the state institutions.
A strikiMK raralUl.
Louisville Conrler-.tournal; Thlrty
years ago the hero .of the hour was
Brick Pomeroy of 1sconsin precisely
as the hero 'o'f the hour today is IMUy
llryan of Nebraska. A grapic parallel
might lc drawn between the two.
Brick Pomeroy was a Journalist of ft, i
kiku. jmii.v uryan is a journalist. oi a
kind. Brick lomeroy had a voice like
a fog-horn. Bill V Bryan has a voice like
a fog-horn, lirick Pomery was for
cheap money ind plenty of it. Billy
Br'an .is for cheap money and plenty
of it. lifick Pomeroy irratliatcd the
resrion about La Crosse and made it the
business of his life to act the Missssip- J
pi afare at least ortce a fortnight, r-iljv
Bryan irradiates tne .region about Oma
ha, nod makes it the business of his life
lo set the Missouri afire, if not once a
fortnight, yet semi-occasional ly as the
needs of the republican-populist f nsiOh
of which he is the head center, seem 'to
require. Brick Pomeroy had none of
the vices of a gentleman. No more has
Billy Bryan, ifetiy Bryan, like Brick
Pomeroy, It, going to rescue the people
(with a very big P) from the money
power, and he is pledged lo ride ddwn
Wall street like a cyclone and d rldi'it
the flag of free .silver "art" Rich." on the
dome of the eapifol at Washington:
how very, very like Brick Pomeroy.
wlie, liiirty years ago, did all these
tilings in his sleep died a pauper
"Unwept, unhonored and wisUrttf.'
Hard to Fleas,
York Times: And nw Mr. Bryan
argues that higli priced wheat
is a very bad thing and says that it
will kill the republican party and
greatly assist him. The consumers ar'
so much more numerous than ih pro
ducers that the price e ttli food pio
ducts ought f o ilc Wept down V the
lowest peihte point: Mf. Pi van
nyj. the laboring wci tfill be dis
ttvssed by the b'.giier price of bread
and. TvH" raise shcol with the republi
er.l'i party. Some time ago John L.
Webster was reported to have said
something to the effect that more peo
ple were interested in cheap bread
than in dear wheal add every pop. in
the stPte jumped onto him and tried to
tent? him to pieces. .Now Mf. I!ryan
lia", said the same nfct! much more, but
it is all f i'ii for him to say it. Prob
ably every populist farmer in York
county will vote against the republi
cans now and give as their reason the
advance in the price of wheat. The
fact is. the rise in wheat Is a good
tiling for the lalorig man add every
other man a wvll as the wheat
grow cr.
Won Away from Willie.
Chicago Tribune: The Nebraska state
board of agriculture announces that
there are yet in the hands of the farm
ers of the 'state 100.000.000 bushels of
old corn and .10.000.000 millions in
cribs. They have -':.0,000,000 bushels
of new corn now safe from bad weather
or frost. Out of the late corn, which
has been somewhat injured by hot
weather, they will save from J.,.000,000
to riO.000.000 "bushels. The farmers have
also raised T.I.OOO.OOO bushels of wheat,
rye. oats, barley and flaxseed. This
makes a total of alxmt .00.0fHMHM) bush
els of grain of all kinds, of which about
3.0.0OO.()00 millions will lie shipped out
of the state during the next twelve
months, and will be paid for in honest
gold money. It is not strange when
the exports of the state are so great
and bring as good prices as they do
that Nebraska farmers should be pay
ing off their mortgages and losing in
terest in Bryan and his free silver
Concerning Political Rooster.
New York Sun: The Nebraska fn
sionists, populist, democrat and silver
republican, have picked out the rooster
as the sj-mbol of their party and ticket,
and not a three-legged rooster, either.
There is so much unfitness in the world
that perhaps it is hardly worth while
to ask why the rooster was selected.
It docs not appear that the tripartite
Nebraska has or is likely to have any
special reason for crowing. Perhaps
the bird of dawning's injudicious habit
of letting his voice loose at unreasona
ble hours of the night, under the im
pression that morning has come, may
have thrown some discredit upon his
reputation as a professional announcer
and thereby recommended and endear
ed him to Mr. Bryan, whose own vat
icinations in regard to 25-cent wheat
have not been indorsed by destiny.
More Fie for Patriots.
Kearney Blub: Gov. Holcomb has
been playing a game of politics now
with the institntc for the deaf and
dumb at Omaha. At the last session of
the legislature a law was enacted to
enable the populists to gain control of
the institution, which has be
en con
ducted successfully for many years ,v
Prof. Gillespie, one of the most compe
tent persons in that line in the United
States. Holcomb's excuse for remov
ing Gillespie and putting in Lis place a
populist who is not competent for the
position arc not worty of the executive
of a state, and he ought to brush awav
all pretenses and say that he has been
actuated entirely by political motives.
The Laugh On the Drelbutul.
Globc-Dcmoerat: The most humor
ous incident of the present state earn-
I paign :.s to be found in the platform of
J the Iowa silver democracy. There is a
plank which reads: "Prosperity has
not made its appearance: the mills and
shops a re closing down: I he army of the
unemployed is growinjr lareer and the
farmers of Iowa are marketing their
products at lower prices than e-er be
fore." The Iowa silvcrites made the
grim mistake of adopting a platform in
.lune in support of which votes are
be asked for in November, wjfiioat
vpoVonSng on "nterveningerenu.
Some I7p-te-late llluts About Cultiva
tion of the Soil and Yields ?t.ereof
Hortlraltare, XHi'culturc ana Florl
tuHwr?. Adtaatnsea t l)ntnHiS
Htt heUssity of
diair.ace is not to
b deterniin'c'i by
Vhb Quality 'of Vater
which faHs ov flowi:
Upon hf silYliee,
'ntV upon the power
of the sun to carry
'It off by WnwjV.V
tfoh Sl.t upon the
character of the
sub-soil. If that is
of sand cr gravel the water will pass off
below hy natural dialnage: but if the
sub-soil is clcy or other impervious
substance, the water is 'cSrIKciI ih its
downward tb"ulsfe auu renidics stag
nant oV bursts cut upon, the surface
in the form of springs, C-' oi the
prairie tan'ds AVt bi the lattet charac
ter, 3.J wherever such suh-soil exists
the land will not only he lraplofcd by
tile drainage, but It may be -th tfllU
such drainage I t Muvit:iV essential
to its Oivnn- e'Ve'lopmeni and culture.
To tiufc&iWthe necessity of the proce"S
is little less absurd than it would he
to ask whether It would be improved
by plowing, instead of making hilU for
corn iu the prairie crtefc With a hoe
or spade. All !dnds require draftttce ' 'A,li6 nave been investigating the mat
which. at auy stason- conti So much ter have been astonished at the rap-
water that rr wiiicn hold at any time
of t'l& Vcar more moisture than is good
for the crops, and causes them to M?-
fer. either by rreezina out ih Winter,
n !...?.. lV..!u u-.i.. in. .. i'-... UhUAW
the groxvihg "scasojh,. iiriaage has
been appvopiriatlV oelincd as " the art
of rcntfmug land not only so free from
moisture that no superfluous water
shall remain in it. but that BO water
shall remain long enough to injure 8r
retard the heailh'y gvoWtii tk such
plants as -are rjsire'd for the suste
nance A man or beast.." Ther pre
some plants, as Vico ?lvi cranberries,
which VeaiVt a wet soil, but mast of
those which are useful to man, are
drowned by being overflowed lor ft
short time, and are Injured bv ahy
stagnant water about their roots. The i
soil of the prairfes, iti Yn'oVt, is
underlaid With clay, which no- un
freqne'nViy contains a mixture t.f me
tallic oxides, which cause it to form
a substratum almost of the liai.ire of
rock, and known commonly aSiong
farmers as "brr! $an." It is -i com
mon impassion that clay is impervious
to water, and that, therefore, a clay
soil and particularly if it has Assumed
the solid form of "bard pah'; tinder the
surface t!i hot bo drained wi'.h tile,
anil especially A the tite j lai.I lower
than the "h pan." But thai such
land is not absolutely impervious is
proved by the fact that it is vwy wet
in the spring at almost any tlepth,
while in the latter part of the summer
it becomes dfcy and hard. HoV cdnnes
it to be soaked at any time, M water
docs not go lnt6 it? Aba how cemes it
nry; if witel- does not come out of it?
The facts that clay will readily absorb
a great deal of water, and that it may
he subsequently dried, prove conclu
sively that it in not impervious to
water, but they do not prove that water
will pass through it with sufficient
rapidity to answer the practical pur
poses of drainage. It is neveitheless
a fact that owners of clay farms al
most invariably overestimate the dif
ficulty in draining their land. They
know that puddled clay is used for the
bottom of ponds, canals, etc., and is
nearly or qtlit5 impervious. But such
is not its natural tohdition, and it is
only reached by working and beating
it while wet. or. as in the case of the
hard pan subsoil, by continued pres
sure from above. Nor can clay be
kept in this condition except by being
constantly wet. If once dried, or sub
jected to the action of frost, it resumes
.ts natural porous condition. Anon.
OrlBin of Forfeits.
The life or plants as well as of acl
nials began in the water, and from
.vatcr plants of simple structure there
gradually developed the forms fitted
o thrive upon land, writes William J.
Hopkins in Chicago Kecord. The first
and plants of which we have evidence,
ilthough probably not the first that ex
isted, were Tern-like in character. As
.heir number became greater the
crowding forced each plant to reach
mt higher after the sunlight and the
air. In this struggle for existence be
gan that evolution of those most fit
ted to survive. Which has resulted in
he forms that we know to-day. Tluse
.vhlch developed the tallest trunks con
liiered the shorter varieties and forced
rlicm either to die out completely or
to occupy less favorable situations.
I'he trees of the first great forests,
which became the beds of coal of the
principal coal-forming period, r.ere
weak in structure, not far removed
from the ferns, with pithy trunk, re
quiring much moisture and warmth.
Thej were not well adapted to propa
gate and spread, as their seeds were
very small and incapable of withstand
ing rigorous conditions. From these
forms there gradually developed the
palms and trees somewhat resembling
the present cone-bearing forms, cr
evergreens, this process of develop
ment continuing until in comparative
ly recent ages came the prevailing
trees of our modern forests. These
may be divided into two great claims
the narrow-leaved, cone-bearing
trees, or evergreens, and the broad
leaved trees, which usually shed their
leaves in the autumn. All have a sreat
advantage over the earliest forms in
their strong trunks, capable of sup
porting a great weight of branches and
leaves and enabling them to attain
heights of 100 to 300 feet above the
earth. The light for place and exist
ence is now chiefly between the ever
greens and the broad-leaved or decidu
ous trees, and in this struggle the
broad-leaved trees are so far superior
that the evergreens have aiready been
driven to a great extent to the less
. ATi vcirinnc or Tr n Mrtflr"
and less favorable soils.
Methods of Spreading and Growth.
The distribution of forest trees de
pends not only upon the characteris
tics of the particular kind and its?
adaptability to the soil and climate,
but also upon the chance of distrlMi
tion of the seed and the provision
against its destruction by animals.
Many trees are subject to the depreda
tions of various insect enemies which
may prevent seeding or may ever, de- t
stroy the tree; and the seeds of raoht
ttees form a more or jess paiaiauie
food for birds or beasts. Some trees
are better protected than others
against these chances of destruction
and the better protected trees fctand a
correspondingly better chance of in
creasing iu numbers and surpassing
the other kinds. If the squirrels or tha
wild pigs find the nuts of the white
nak 6weeter and mere wholesome than
tb of gam other oaks tho statuVog
white oaks will leave lew it any 'de
scendants 'and v;iii eventually disap
pear, while the red oaks flourish. In
entering upoa new ground the trees
having the lightest seeds will, ha th
first to take possession; their seeds be
ing carried o greater distances than
those of the others. The light seeds
of the willow or the seeds vf the maple.
"Watch, 'although heavier, have upon
them wing-lifce attachment, vilt en
able their kind 18 far outstrip the hut
bearing trees, like the walnut; hickory
and oak. These hewvyisdeued trees are
H'mitPt 1st Ineir reproduction, hracil-
I tally to the distance tit which ? nut
iuiis to me grounq fjv vo the chance
'dfstrjtjAtic'i by the forgotten hoards 01
the squirrel. lJy the swiftness of their
march the light-seeded n'hls will thu?
nio"rei Quickf fach regions where the
'lhiall is just sufficient to furnish the
roots enough moisture or the growing
season is just long enough to enable
them to mature the wood of each year's
growth. Beyond this point they can
not live. The heiivyisesaed forms an
plodding surely along behind them and j
in tne nnai struggle the trees best
adapted to the soli at ny glVen local
ity wi!i endure by the overwhelming
of the others.
O i tithVe jim'i Ollta OU.
A SKv and 'distinct branch of intlus
ly is rapidly being developed on the
Pacific slope, says n ctmtel,Uurary. It
nromlFcs to pciliiy become oC na
Uouttl linpoHance and lo relieve the
beople rrom nil ifcmger fii being sub
jected tb deception and fraud iu one
important article tit foot! HiVpiies. Ex
perts of thV Hnditnii'lit of neripnUure
ldity with whiuh the ihddstry is being
develops anj mr. m?l Aj'owiug re-
purts of its rdl'ure boBsibiiities. At the
VresehV time there is boinc imuorted
... "
annually into the United States l.OuO,-
000 gallonB of olive oil. it conic here
from Italy and Spain, though the lat
ter country is rather nimwrdly with
its exports-, nearly all it pro
duced The annual production of the
Ibe' iah peuinsuh' is 70.000.0ob callous,
of which 6L'.0f;u ort ;M-e cousumed at
hom. 12 the people of the United
States consumed olive oil as do the
Spaniards ISO.OOO.OoO gallons would be
required lo supply Ihe demand here.
What we do "get from abroad is by no
means ah Al article Analysis made
by the agricultural department of that
found on the market has proved that
large quantities of it is nothing more
than cotton seed oil or peanut oil lab
eled and sold as pure dlile oii.
tNrt necessity exists for the people
submitting to any such imposition. The
United States, instead of being an im
porter of olive oil, should be a large
exporter. It la likely to become so in
the hot far distant lutiirp. The Inves
tigations referred lo show that no bet
ter 'olive-producing soil exists in the
world than is to be found in this coun
try. In California there is a territory
from 600 to 700 miles long and from ;t0
to 125 miles wide Which is particularly
well adapted tb oliVe culture. In ad
dition extensive sections have been
found in South Carolina, Georgia, Flor
ida, Alabama, Mississippi, Lousiana.
Texas and parts i f Arzona in which
the olive might be successfully culti
vated. In illustration of how olive culture is
being developed on tha Pacific slope it
nny be said that from 500,000 to 600,
000 olive trees are being planted in Cal
ifornia annually, ln seven years from
the time of planting these trees should
be bearing fruit. After they once be
gin they continue yielding for centu
ries. A good tree in its prime will pro
duce 250 gallons of oil a year. There
is no reason why the territory de
scribed, in this country, should not
produce 140,000,000 gallons annually,
the present market value of which
would be $ 2 10,000.000.
i'all Rjr.
There are a few crops that the Amer
ican farmer can use more profitably
than this. When it is sown early in
the fall and the weather is favorable
for the plant, it affords a great amount
of pasture for cahes, colts or pigs,
writes S. Blanchard in Journal of Ag
ricultuie. In much of the weather
during the fall when pastures arc short,
the cows can be turned upon the land
to feed, and that will nlake the wife
smile with joy when she goes to town
with her well-filled jars or pails of but
ter. The farmer, too, will smile with
pleasure when he beholds his calves,
colts and all other stock entering upon
the winter in such fine condition. Dur
ing much of the winter, when they are
turned out of their yards they will start
at once for the rye field. In fact, it
can be pastured nearly all winter
when the ground is not covered with
snow. It can also be pastured quite
late in the spring, and when the stock
is all removed will often spring up if
weather is favorable and afford to the
farmer a fair crop of grain. Or the
field can be plowed up in the spring
and planted to corn or some other crop.
The fall plowing will have made the
land more mellow for any spring crop.
All farmers who have fields that can be
utilized in this way should not fail to
sow rye. Years ago many of the farm
ers in Kansas pastured their wheat
fields when not covered with snow.
Some thought it was no detriment to
their crops while many question the
utility of the practice. But rye is one
of our hardiest grains. Drought does
not affect it as it does wheat or oats.
(.Iran fYlieat.
There is no excuse for the presence
of rye, cockle or chess in wheat at harvest-time.
It is nut always possible
to have absolutely clean seed, and
weed-seeds are in the soil, but it is
practicable to clean the standing grair.
when these weed pests appear. Kje
shoots up much higher thai? the wheat,
and cockle has a blossom easily seen.
Taking two drill widths at a through,
a man can pass ovei an acre of whpa'
very quickly, clipping off the heads oi
blossoms of these undesirable plants
We have too much thoroughbred cocklt
In the country. The fanning-mills tak
nut the liehter and smaller srain3 o"
i -
, cockle, but too often leave the large;
grains in the seed. In this way w.
have been raising the standard for
cockle until some of it is as heavy as
wheat-grains. It, together with rye anc.
other filth in wheat, caa be whollj
eradicated by a little care before whcai
harvest. Lowlands often have som
docks in the wheat, and seed is rip
ened before harvest. Getting into the
manure, they are carried back to cul
tivated fields. A watch should be kept
for these, and an ounce of prevention
saves the cost of a pound of cure. K
Wheat King of Argentina. The
wheat king of the world belongs to Ar
gentina. He is an Italian emigrant
named Guazone. and hi? broad acre
are fcttuated in the Fouth of the prov
ince of Buenos Aires. His crop occu
pies an area of 65,2"f acres. He num
bers his workmen by the thousand, an!
each one receives a certain sh3re ct
the profits When bJs season's crop u
harvwd he ?.? ever 3,000 railway
trucks with hie grain. Bx.
alaskan Weather
Vldtaaiaicr Days that Hava No Mht
llajr Moralafa with Olartoas
AwakiMMs' t Kttafc Tha adlair of
the I'load.
C THE current
number of the ten
tury there is an ar
ticle, on "The Alas
ka, trip" hy John
fa 3B Muir.- the Califor
nia wnicr unu nat
uralist. Mr. Mtur
The climate of
nil that portion ot
the toast that is
hathrd by the Jabari current, extend
ing from the southern bgutylary of the
territr'p- northward ,and westwan to
the island of Albb, a distance of nearly
twenty-five hundred miles, is remark
ably bland, and free from textremPK of
heat nnd edi thljbughout, the year. It
is rainy" however; but the rain is of
good quality, gentle In its fall, filling
the fountains of the streams, and keep
ing the whole land fresh and fruitful,
while anything more delightful than
the shining weather after the rain
the greilt, roiind sun-aya of June;
July andAugustx can hardly he ipiind
elsewhere. Aii Alaska midsummer day
is a day without night. In the extreme
northern portion of the territory the
sun does not set for weeks, an I even
as far enutb as fSltka.ttnd Foi't "Wran
gel it sihkrf only a few degrees below
the horizon, so that the rosy colors of
the evening blend with those of the
morning, leaving no gnp of darkness
between. Nevertheless, the full day
opens slowly. At midnight, from the
middle point between the gloatiiirg
and the tlawn, a. low arcvof llgliMeeen
stealing along tlu horizon,, wltli grad
ual increase ot height and span and
intensity of tone, accompanied usually
by red clouds, which make a striking
advertisement of the sun's progress
long befoie he appears above th
mountain lops.
For several,, hours after HnHse
everything in the landscape seems dull
and uncommunicative. The clouds
fade, the islands and the mountains,
with ruffs of mist abouttthem, cast Jll
deflnd, shadows, and the whole firma
ment changes to pale pearl-gray with
just a trace of purple In It. But
toward noon there Is a glorious
awakening. The cool haziness of the
air vanishe. and the richer sunbeams,
pouring from on hjgn, make, all tho
bays and channels shine. Brightly now
play the round-topped ripples about the
edges of the islands, and over many
a plume-shaped streak between them,
where the water Is stirred hy some
pasRing brefze.
n the mountains of the mainland,
and in the high-walled fiords that
fringe the coast, still finer is the work
of the sunshine. The broad white
bosoms of the glaciers glow like sil
ver, and their crystal fronts, and the
multitude of icebergs that linger about
theni, drifting, swirling, turning tfieir
myriad angle:, to the sun, are kindled
Into a perfect blaze ot irised light.
The warm air throbs and wavers, and
makes itself felt as a life-giving, ener
gizing ocean embracing all the earth.
Filled with ozone, our pulses bound,
and we are warmed and quickened In
to sympathy with everything, taken
bad: into the heart of nature, whence
we came. We feel the life and motion
about il?, and the universal beauty:
the tides marching back and forth
v.ith weariless Industry, laving the
hciiuiful shores, and swaying the pur
pie dulse of the broad meadows of the
sea where the fishes ale fed: the wild
sti earns in rows white with watei falls,
ever in bloom and ever in song, spread
ing their branches over a thousand
mountains; the vast forests feeding on
the drenching sunbeams, every cell in
a whirl of enjoyment: misty flock3 of
insects stirring all the air; the wild
sheep and goatB on the grassy ridges
above the woods, bears in the berry
tangles, mink and beaver and otter far
back on many a river and lake; In
dian? and adventurers pursuing their
lonely ways; birds tending their young
everywhere, everywhere beauty and
life, and glad, rejoicing action.
Through the afternoon all the wa
down to the west the air seems to
thicken and become soft, without los
ing its fineness. The breeze dies away
and everything settles into a dec-p,
conscious repose. Then comes the sun
set with its purple and gold not a
narrow arch of color, but oftentimes
filling more than half the sky. The
horizontal clouds that usually bar tiie
horizon are fired on the edges, and
the spaces of clear sky between tnem
arc filled in with greenish yellow and
amber; while the flocks of thin, over
lapping cloudlets arc mostly touched
with crimson, like tne otitleaning
sprays of a maple-grove in the begin
ning of Indian summer; and a litllr
later a smooth, mellow purple flushes
the sky to the zenith, ami me air
fairly steeping and transfiguring the
islands and mountains, and changtn?
all the water to wine.
An Ancient Canal,
The Bahr-Joussuf, or Canal of Jos
eph, which, according to tradition, was
built by the son of Jacob, is still in
use. after 4,000 years of service, and
the life of a fertile province of Egypt
is dependent upon it today. It takes
its rise in the Nile at Assiout, and
after running parallel with it for near
ly 230 milea, enters a pass and waters
the province of Fayoum. In ancient
times it created a large lake In the
Fayoum, and modified the climate of
the surrounding district. This lake
has disappeared, but the remains of ir
rigation works abound.
Quick Converaion.
Small Boy "What'll I do with this
money bank?"
Mamma "Put it away, of course. It
has a dollar in it that your aunt gave
vou, and seme change your pa and I
put in."
"Not now. There isn't any money
in it now. I spent it."
"Spent it? What did you do that
"Why, the minister preached so hard
against hordin' up riches, that I got
converted and spent what I had.'
New York Weekly.
A Little trench Trick.
ynniiishmaii recently took a spat
at a cafe table in Paris. A Frenchman
sat Oil tne oiner amc ui n. ne ue
gan to jilay with the lever of a seltzer
syphon, when suddenly, antl soraing
y by accident a stream of the aerated
water struck th" Englishman in the
face. The Frenchman apologized pro
fusely and wipd off the water with
his own handkerchief. After : po
lite Frenchrcai had gone the Ev.z'.Ua
mn discovered that bis pursft conUin-
!nr neftrly 1500 had !so 4ma9tmni
r t 'm csr
. WlMtw H Saw Iti,
, .Mp. Hay teed Marior. Tii filade
up my mind ter send our boy to ibe
city Writing School td leani how id
Mrs. Hayseed Ho writes ood
. --
Yea, Maricr, but he's too slow for
these times. Tho city's tho place td
icarh things. Marior. ho matter
jtvhat. They trrito like groased
lightning Ihero, Why, Marier, while
1 was in tho city I saw a man wrlto a)
two-pg5. love-lottcr irl seventeen
seconds, by tho watch, ' Ho was a
regular city fellor. too 1 ,couhl. tel'
by his ,. WKy. M-wsrliwhen
tho hivi Uial letter was writ, to got
it. it took her 'most live minutes to
read it. 1 timed her, too."
"Lovo letter girl reading it!
Why. whore and how on "arth did
you see a letter written, and thon n
Oh, it's all eo. Marier. I saw it
in a theater."
, , Cheaii .. .
Via the-bmnb'a &. St. LoutsR. K. and
Wabash It R. St. way.S9.n,
round trip, 515.3.". On sali; every Tuesj
days and Thursdays. St. fcouis: Round
(trip October 3d to Sth. SI 1.50. -Home-seekers'
Excursions. South: Septem
ber 21, October 5 and 10. One fare the
round trip, plus S-.'. Springfield. III.:
Round trip. $13.2.1: on sale September
IS, 10, 20. For tickets and further in
formation call at 1415 Farnam St. (Pax
ton Hotel Block), Omaha, or write (1.
X. Clayton, Omaha, Neb.
, , Overcome
His eyes met her's for an instant
in a glance of intense and agonized
appoal. A moment later ho stag
gered to his fecjt .Crushed I" hj
moaned. Ho was terribly pale.
Crushed," with faltering footsteps
ho moved away. Crushed." All
he could do wan to tell th. police
man on the corner that a girl with a
whito cap and blue bloomers had
run him down with a bicycle. No.
ho was unablo to furnish a moro de
tailed description. Sho had disap
pearod tcry suddenly. Dotroli Tri
bune. Hhake Into Your Short.
Allen's Foot-Ease, a powder for thi
feet. It cures painful, swollen, smart
ing feet and instantly takes the stint)
out of corns and bunions. It is tht
greatest comfort discovery of the age.
Allen's Foot-Ease makes, tight-fitting
or new shoes feel easy. It is a certain
cure for sweating, callous and hot,
tired, aching feet. Try it to-day. Sold
by all drugglsts,and shoe stores. By
mail for 25c in ctamps. Trial package
FREE. Address Allen S. Olmsted, Le
Roy, N. Y.
Peculiarities t Speech.
It is a familiar fact that persons
born deaf are usually mute nut from
any congenital defect In the organs of
speech, but from the fact thiU, never
having heard others speak, they cau
not imitate articulate utterance. .It
is probably true, too. that the source
of some current errors among thos
who are not esteemed deaf lies in a
defect of hearing. Many persons who
Jiabitdaily taclc on the "r" sotind io
words ending in "w" buy that they
nre unable to distinguish, for example,
between "iaw" and "lor."
There la a Class of Teople
Who are injured by the use of coffee.
Recently there has been placed In all
the grocery stores a new preparation
caltcd URAIX-O, made of pure grain,
that i?kes the place of coffee. The
niGLt delicate stomach receives it with
out distrre-t, and but few can tell il
from toffee. It docs not cost over 4
as much. Children may drink it with
ereat benefit. 15 cents and 1T cents
rer package. Try it. Ask for
Retired t'rnm Serlor.
Five war ship? wcro sold out of
the service by the British admiralty
recently, bein: unlit for further em
ployment. One was a wooden bat
tle "ship built sixty ycard ago. Threo
of tho others were also wooden
ship:?, and ono was an iron troop
ri:i:K, important information
To men (plnin envelope ) How, nf ter ten
cars' fruitless doctoring. I was fully re
stored to full vigor nnd robust manhood.
No ( O 1. fra-id. No money accepted. No
connection with medical concerns. Bnl
absolutely free. Address. Lck Box 2x,
Chicago, III. Send 2 cent stamp if con
venient. Some people haven't enough hospi
tality in thehi to entertain their own
Toe's Cass Balsaat
IstbeMrt ml bt It will break up scoM Uicltei
than anything ile. It Is alwsja reliable. Try It.
The scales must drop from one's eyes
before he can weigh anything fairly.
The Best
SaJJle Coat.
Keeps both HJer an J stJJIe pr-
1rllv tfrv in th hardpt 4tof ms.
Substitutes wiIMisarpnhtAk for
1897 1 isn uran j rommei sucmti
it l pnhrpK nrvr. If nnt for sate In
your town, writ for catalogue to
A. J. TUWtW. Itnstnn. ftas
cm YwisEtn
V Kit l for unnatural
diacbargrt, inflammations,
irritation or mcrraiions
uf miicuus mtnitratint.
FaiulrM. and b,t utrlu-
iTrtEEaisCifOUCIlCa. " or poisonous.
LCnCtsTi.O.l r rsitjciaw.
or wnt in plain wrapper.
I.y rxTTrpa. rrrijai'l. for
ft wi. or 3 trfttl. t 73.
Circular sent on reqattt.
Ami Kanry OooI. Th
Irrt to-Ic ami I.ovrett
prltr In ihr tirft.
WhoIcatr anil Itrtail.
11. If AKIiY 4c Co..
1313 Farnam buret.
Omaha, Net.
Write CAPT. O'FARRELL, PMslon Agcat.
M25NcwYorkAveauc. WA5HfNOTON.D.C
WecauIHI Jivl 2 tiinj for n'jtlou tliu&. Ail-
IscMiiain 3Ielicia! Iitstituttr. Bariiafiw. wu.
i Tris bast Hed Rope RooOcg for
Ic. psr . ft., caps sod sails lo
'in!! Snof tntesfnr rltr
SsKPles free t ?. aiuix Boorm ox,trai j.
"rs) 9 quick rli-fn'l cures wont
rar !-emt fnr book of testimonial and lOfUkjrt
treataieat Free. Br. a.H.GUJtvssois. AUaata.cs.
H. B.W!LL30NdtC0..Wsh-
loston. 1 C No f re till patrol
Kcnrnl. -IH.pace bosk free.
Top of th mrlt. Qui'
return. It. a M. Grain
('it.. Kannan City. .Ho.
If RC!iIi-t nlthfBlsBaAAB1VaCHA HfaftaW
ecrs ejftn. use IspWWsl bpi sssirssis
W. N. U. OMAHA. No. 40.-1807.
When writing to sdvertlssr-i. kindly man
Un this paper.
I X'al wlJja, I
f , CaaraaiM u
fxtf at u arauR.
v v "-s--y I
i frj jjRts wHtRt ArnBoStsrisa
Vji rv-t Touch Sirup. Tastes Good. Use Wk
f3 il time. Sold br druglita. Wt
FlSjPSjajf ) f1