jjjjjjjji phm wi" ' - . " r -i rTllsaaaaaaM tinmffi ' T"!B5"trV'V -' : ?!r7"Pii J&?rser- " r a 31 o o o Poo f r. p. I K-1 I .. fc.i 1 : f J'- K. 3 f .a. aL Columbus journal. WEDNESDAY. OCTOHKK C. 1KI7. . A M. TIME TABLE. Llarela. Omaha. Chicago. St.Joh. Kmmb city. St.Lalaa4 all point CMt and vouth. Denver, Helena, Batte, Salt Lake City. Portlaad, Kan FraarIwo anil all polaU went. TRAINS DEPART. No. 22 "PAssengcr 7:10 a. m No. 52 "Freight anil Accommodation. 4:ir p. m Daily except Sunday. Daily exrept Satunlaj-. TBAINS ABHIVE. No. 21 Pasttewjr 8:23 p. m No. 31 'Freight and Accommodation . 4:00 p. m Daily except Sunday. UNION 1'ACITH'TIME-TAHLE. OISl KST. OOIJfOWEST. Col. Local.. . fl 00 h. m ' Limit! 10ia.m Atlantic Ex. 7.-00 a. in I Fast Mail ... :ir. p.m tir. It). Local 12:40p. m Ut. I. 1ocal 8:14 p. in Kut Mail . . . 2:15 p. m I No. 2. Fn.t Mail, cnrrit paMtensera for through iMiintH. Coin wrt at fi:l p. in., ar rive nt Denvi-r 7:10 a.m. No. 2. Fat Mail car ries paHMiiKra to Schnyler. Fremont. Valley ami Omaha Koine eatt at 2:15 p. in. The freight train leaving here at 8i5 p. m. car rieii pas-wngerM f rom here to Valley. coi.usjnriH and nokfole. PaasenKerarriveBfromSiouit'ity 12:30 p. m livet for Sioux City i:ir p. m Mixed Wres for Sioux City 80 a. m Mixed MrrivH 11:0.) p. m roll AI.IHO.V AND OF.UAK KAl'IDH. Mizedleavea & m Mimd arrive J0 P I'ar'hcnKer leaves l:..up.m arrive 1220 p. m Society Mother,. t4jp-.Ul noticeH nndiT thin heading will charged at tlm rae rtf $1 a jear. & LEHANUN LODGE No. S3. A. F. A. A. M. Kepular uu-etiiiKf) 2d Weilnewlay in wu'h month. All brethren invited to attend V. H. Fox. W. M. Hasmc.sk.s. Sec'y. vojuly W1LDEV LODKE No. 41, l.O. O. F.. meete Tuesday bieninga of each :v.h-W at their hall on Thirteenth ? .!r...i V';itini Itretliren cordially intit.-d. V. A. Way. N. 1. V. K. NoTKTKlN. Sec'y. -Jijaii)l-tf (OLUMHIAN CAMP No. SS. WOODMEN OF the World, meets every Hecond and fourth 'i'hurMlaye of the month, 7:30 p. in., at K. of P. llall, Eleventh htreet. It.-u!ur uttendHnce is very deuirahle, and all vifiitin hrethreu are cor dially invite! to innjt with ua jan23- H. EOlKJANIZEDCHUftCIl OK L.V1TEU-DAV U..:. ft. . 11 rTiiliiiMj.rviftM( PVpfV SllIKIrlV at 2 p. in., prajer me;tinK on Wtslnesday eveniug at their chail, corner of North bt rret and Pacific Avenue. All are cordially invitel. ISiulbtt Elder II. J. llCUSON. President. GERMAN UEFOKMED CIIUBCll.-Sunday Schofd at ViStin. in. Chnrch every Sunday at 10.20 a. in. Christian Endeavor at 70 p. in. Ladies' Aid Society t-ry tirbt Thursday in the montli at the church. llnov-W GERMAN... ...MILLET - -AND - FOK SALE AT EHLRIGH BROS. COLDMBDS MAUKETS. Wheut V nit'lit'l Corn, flheiltMl V biiahel.. . ( lata htisln'l H a bttsliel Hoja J cwt Fat cattlo V cwt Potatoes - " lmshel & ( Cii fiO Hulter - tb V2$ 1" EtfK V dozon 61 1- Miirketfl currwteil evry T06ilny af ternuou. Inquire of Herriclr. 2 New line of Caps at von Bergen's. Go to Strauss for the lest photos. Toys ami albums tit von Bergen's. Fine weather, although a little dry. Fancy China Ware at von Bergen's. IX F. Davis, lawyer, office in Barber block. tf Dr. Xaumann, dentist, Thirteenth street, tf Dr. L. C. Voes, Homeopathic physi cian, Columbus, Neb. If you want a photo that will do you justice go to Strauss. 2-tf See the prices on Boots and Shoes at von Bergen's before buying. 2t Silk velvet Tarn O'Shanters, only 45c, worth S1.2",. J. C. Fillman. Drs. Martyn. Evans .v. Geer, office three doors north of Friedhofs store, tf Your name can be added to The Journal list of subscribers at any time. Do not fail to see our 8-foot galvan ized steel mill for $25.00. A. Dnssell k Son. tf Cow Boy Hats, this week, only 88c. Get one before all are gone. J. C. Fill man. We never had so many new goods in novelties as we have today. Her rick. 2 Frankie Mills has the diphtheria; also Miss Mary Costello and the children of Joseph Barnes. J. W. Tanner, the versatile editor of the Fullerton Post, was in the city Mon day between trains. Joe Coolidge came home for Sunday. He is now with the pile-driver outfit on the U. P., now at Cheyenne. The residence of J. H. Kereenbrock was quarantined Monday, one of the daughters having diphtheria. The Woman's club held their first general meeting Saturday afternoon, with a very large attendance. The Dickinson school north of town, taught by Miss Pearl Mosgrove, has been closed on account of diphtheria. Daniel T. Dickenson of Humphrey died suddenly at his home Wednesday morning hut. He was 74 years of age, nd TxniTeraally respected. 3r3?9S HUNGAFJM fxfrik &&SvktiZ6im irfir-fc .tjmS ifi- Tii Horace Harding has a situation with the Humphrey Democrat. J. W. Mitchell's new residence will soon be ready for occupancy. Our new picture mouldings have arrived. They are new, neat and nice. Herrick. 3t Guy C. Barnum came home Thurs day from Norfolk, very much improved in health. George Willard has been in town several days, the first since he moved to St. Edward. Services next Sunday as usual at the Methodist church. Evening subject, "NealDow." Mrs. M. Brady is dangerously sick, caused from a sunstroke she received this summer. The weather student will read with interest Mr. Crouch's communication in today's Journal. Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell of Grand Is land, are guests at the Thurston. He was formerly cook there. Aristo Platino photos are the latest style, and you can get them at Notes tein's. All work warranted. tf Bring your picture to W. R. Note stein and have a life-size crayon portrait with a nice frame all for $5.00. tf Dr. R. D. McKean, dentist, succes sor to Dr. Hoiighawout, ground Hoor, 4 doors north First National Bank, tf Charles Schroederand family have removed to Omaha, where Mr. Schroe der has been at work several years. Frank Mills' residence is quaran tined for scarlet fever, the little son Frank, was taken sick several days ago. Henry Gass, Jr., was given a surprise Saturday evening by a number of his friends, in honor of his birthday anniver sary. Mr. Hilsebeok, principal of the pub lic schools of Platte Center, was in the city Saturday, as was also Editor Grnen ther. Usual services in the Presbyterian church next Sabbath. Morning subject, "Elijah's Prayer;" evening, "Jeans' Re buke." Republicans of Platte county never had a better ticket, and never a better prospect for the election of their whole ticket. Washington county took the first premium at the state fair; Saline the second; Thayer the third; Boone the fourth. Rev. J. J. Clifton, the able minister of the Baptist church at Palestine, called at Journal headquarters Satur day last. Fall Dry Goods at E. D. Fitzpatrick's. See them. - Mta. C. A. Brindley and Mrs. M. Brugger went to Beatrice Tuesday as delegated to the State federation of Wo man's clubs. FARMERS, ATTENTION. You cau get an 8-foot Freeport Galvanized steel windmill from A. Dussell & Son for only S25.00. tf The elements of success are not all within the lines of the republican party, but they are likely to be there before and on election day. C C. Hardy for all kinds of repairing and job work, also screen doors and windows made to order. Three doors weBt of Galley's store, tf Misa Jennie Gasser, who is one of the attendants at the Methodist hospi tal, Omaha, came up to attend her grandfather's funeral. Rev. H. G. Kemp, formerly of this place, was in the city Monday on hia way home from the cenference, having been assigned to Chambers. Clans Liohding of Creston was fined $5 and costs by Judge Killian Saturday for assault committed against John Cars teneon, also of Creston. October 8 is Nebraska day at the Nashville exposition, and Mr. Cody offers to turn over the whole Wild West show to make the day a success. Henry Zinnecker was ordained as a minister at the 31. E. conference in Schuyler Sunday and was given an ap pointment as pastor at Marquette. The homes of Lou Pittinan, F. P. Bushnell and R. C. Boyd were quaran tined this morning, the first two for diphtheria, and the latter for scarlet fever. Fred. Meedel will make a good su pervisor. He is a young mau who has always taken a very lively interest in the public affairs of the district, and knows its needs. Nobody who knows anything about it, doubts the declaration that Snp't Wil liams will wake a model superintendent for Platte county, in every respect that can be named. Repairing of traction engines a spec ialty; also raising of smoke stacks, and boiler work of all kinds. Boilers and engines for sale. J. A. L. Talley, Co lumbus, Nebr. tf J. O. Shannon, who formerly resided here, and iu 1870 was county superin tendent of schools, arrived in the city last week and is stopping with his son, O. C. Shannon. The Platte Center Signal, notwith standing it is a fusion paper, says that the republicans of Platte county have all reason to feel proud over Sup't Williams' nomination. The History club are requested to meet on the 13th with Miss Phoebe Ger rard to re organize for the winter's study. All new members who will read with the circle are invited to be present. Marriage licenses were issued the past week by Judge Kilian to Eugene Curtis, and Miss Elizabeth Echiliman both of Butler county; Fred Brunken of Lancaster county and Mies Hannah Nee meyer. From the Platte Center Signal we learn that the Omaha elevator which was burned at that place was valued at $4,500; the contents were 4,000 bushels of corn, 800 of oats, 350 of rye and 300 of wheat. Jack MacColl of Lexington was in the city Thursday. He reports every thing O. K. in his part of the state, both politically, and in the way of crops. Winter wheat is the favorite product these times. The Union caucus of Columbus twp. placed the following ticket in the field S&turday: treasurer, Fred. Stenger; as sessor, Henry O. Rhodehorst: clerk, Fred. Scofield: justice, W.J.Newman and con stable, Fred. Meyer. """T " iiine TnTiiarI-iruJjJj8 .. -.- Fr Stat-H The Turner ranche or Island farm. For particulars, address, Mrs. Mart Turner, 28 Olive St, Ocean Grove, tf New Jersey. Certain politicians are trying to make light of the republican ticket by calling it "Dutch," but when the votes are counted it will doubtless be found that, as usual, "The Dutch have taken Holland." J. L. Wright, representing the com mission firm of Brinson-Judd Grain Co. of St. Louis, left Friday for that city. He received a telegram from the house calling him in to remain in the office in definitely. Miss Celia Wagner of this city has been engaged u teacher for district No. 69, five miles northwest of Humphrey. Miss Wagner is a thoughtful young lady and will no doubt give good satisfaction as instructor. Joseph Barnes lost his sorghum fac tory by fire Saturday night, together with 300 gallons of syrup, a pan, some new- barrels and the building. We have not heard the amount of the loss, or other particulars. There will be no preaching in the Baptist church Sunday, Rev. Pulis being in attendance at the state association of Baptists, at Pawnee City. The regular Sunday school and young people's so cieties will be held. The Congregational church mem bers are arranging to furnish their church with new carpets and pews, and will also build a new furnace and repaint the building throughout. Work will proba bly begin next month. Mrs. C. A. Speice was pleasantly surprised Monday afternoon by about sixteen lady friends. Mrs. J. C. Post, Mrs. Gus. Speice and Miss Lettie Speice arranged for the party and a most pleas ant afternoon was passed. We will pay a salary of $10 per week for man with rig to introduce Perfection Poultry Mixture in the country, the greatest egg producer on earth. Refer ence required. Address with stamp. Perfection Mfg. Co., Parsons, Kansas. William Roth, carpenter and con tractor, holds himself in readiness for all kinds of work in his line. If you are thinking of having any carpenter work done, communicate with William Roth, Columbus, Nebraska, and get fig ures. I8ang3m Mrs. Anna Cartog, on her way home which is at Patoma, Wise, was injured at Platte Center, being thrown against the back of a car seat, fracturing two of her ribs. When the train stopped, she was standing up. She is at the Oxnard, Norfolk. About forty delegates attended the Loup and Elkhorn Baptist association, which met in the Baptist church from Thursday to Sunday evening. The sess ions were well attended by Columbus people and the program throughout was excellent. Mrs. J. Ellen Foster, who is well known throughout the west as a very talented lady, has opened a law office in Washington City, D. C, in association with Mrs. Ellen Spencer Musaey, who is a lawyer of unquestioned ability and high standing. Just out the prettiest song of the season, "fretty White Laly, waltz song. Beantiful words, pretty music. Marked price 50c. Send 25c in stamps to the publishers, Morgan Music Co., Arkansas City, Kansas, and secure n copy. When ordering, mention this paper. Edith, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I. H. Britell, uged nine weeks, died Wednesday morning. Short funeral services were held at the house Thursday noon and the parents, together with Rev. Mickel, the pastor, took the body to St. Edward in the afternoon, for burial. The first number of the Klondyke News, published in Dawson City, July 17, has made its appearance. It is 75 cents a copy, $20 a year, invariably in advance. It is 0x12 inches, four pages, three col umns each. The office is 12x14 feet on the ground, eight logs high, and roofed with logs, moss and earth. Nick Schroeder, a lad of twelve years living near Ed. Newman's, was kicked by a horse Thursday last and while it .was a close call for the right eye, bis cheek and forehead being gashed and both eyes swelled tight, Drs. Mar tyn and Geer, who attended him, think he will pull through with sight unim paired. It has become a custom with Platte county voters to give officere a re-election, where they have not assumed to be a law unto themselves, instead of serving the public in accordance with the pro- I visions of the statutes. Emil Pohl and Judge Kilian have not assumed to be above the law, and are asking your sup port for a second term. The Madison and Platte county Teachers' association will meet in Mad ison, Saturday, Oct. 23. The following teachers from Platte county are on the program: Miss Ella Coleman, E. J. Paul, M. M. Rothleitner, Miss Elizabeth Sheehen and Miss Mamie Shea. The next Platte county association will be held at Creston in November. Among the Methodists who attended the conference at Schuyler last week were, Henry and Bertha Zinnecker, Mrs. Chas. Hudson, Mrs.Loshbaugh, Mr. and Mrs. Olcott, Mr. and Mrs. Farrand, Mr. and Mrs. Butler, Mrs. Carleson, Mr. and Mrs. Craun, C. A. Lindstrum and family, Gordon Cross and Miss Lucy Cross, Mrs. King and Rev. and Mrs. Mickel. If any Journal readers have a notion that P. H. Bender is not in every way qualified for the position of sheriff, they should disabuse themselves of it at once. He believes in fair play all around, and "equality before the law" for all classes of citizens. It elected, he will give his entire attention to the work of the office, and will no doubt give good satisfaction in the discharge of its duties. At a meeting of republicans of this supervisor district last Saturday after noon at the Council hall, M. K. Turner was elected chairman and Albert Steng ger secretary. On motion of Carl Kra mer, the nomination of Fred. Meedel of Loup township as supervisor for the dis trict was made by acclamation, by the unanimous vote of those present. Mr. Meedel responded in a short speech pledging his best ability, in case of his election, to the service of his fellow-citizens. The central committee elected are: Columbus, John Wiggins; Colum- bus township, George . Barnum; But ler, D. C Owen; Loup, Jobs. Boss, t:l ,7rfTi. The marriage of Charles L. Stillman and Miss Maud Naylor is to take place at noon. October 14, at the Presbyterian church, this city, and Tm Journal, in advance of the happy event, tenders congratulations to the worthy young couple, and with their numerous friends, wishes them a prosperous and happy life journey. Otto Merz has begun the erection of a 50 foot brick building for his meat market on the second lot west of his present location on Eleventh street. The building will be fitted with all new appliances, with cement cellar and walk with large front windows. John Wur demann has the contract for the work and expects to have it ready for occu pancy in about forty days. Two soldiers named Cohen and Polk are walking from New York to Califor nia with two wheelbarrows and two dogs, on a wager of $5,000 that they get to San Francisco in seven months from Jnne 8, 1897. Each wheelbarrow con tains their camping outfit, and they make their expenses by the sale of their photographs at 10 cents each. They expect to pass through this city about Friday next. City Treasurer Frank Wurdeman makes his report regularly at the first meeting of the city council each month, of the transactions of the prior month. It is the duty of the council to "cause to be published semi-annually, a statement of the receipts of the corporation and sources thereof, and an itemized account of expenditures." We have not seen the current semi-annual statement, but Wur deman is all right. No one doubts Henry Huntemann's ability to count in the money due the county; keep every cent of it as provi ded by law; pay and count out to those entitled to receive from the county treasury and then, make report of the same in strict compliance with law, to the taxpayers of the county. The ser vice of the public is one thing official bossism is an eutirely different thing, and Henry is no boss. II. Charters, who had conducted the Meridian hotel since he purchased the furniture of the Pollock's, 22 days, quit the premises and the city Monday of last week, leaving also a number of unsettled accounts. On the $1905 worth of furni ture he had paid only $20. The house is now iu charge of S. L. McCoy, for the owner, Hugh Hughes, and is being con ducted, for the present, as a lodging house, with good patronage. The game of base ball played here Sunday last between a West Point nine and the Fremont Brewers resulted in a score of 9 to 13 in favor of Fremont. This was the fourth game of a series of nine to be played for the championship of Nebraska, the first of the series won by Fremont. It was witnessed by quite an audience and was very exciting. They played at Fremont Monday, tying at C to 6. They play here again next Sunday. As we understand it, Judge Kilian has transacted a great deal more busi ness in his office than any one of his predecessors during the same time; there can be no question by anybody who knows anything about the affairs of the office, that everything about it is kept in first-class order under Judge Kilian. He takes pride in keeping his office, and more especially the records, ..... clean and neat. He is entitled to a re election. We notice the following among the appointments made by the North Ne braska conference, Grand Island district, Monday morning; D. K. Tindall, presi ding elder. Cedar Rapids, J. P. Yost; Clarks, li. C. McReynolds; Columbus, A. L. Mickel; Fullerton, F. W. Bross; Genoa, R. D. Snyder; Richland, to be supplied; Schuyler, J. W. Jennings; Sil ver Creek, C. F. Haywood. J. B. Leedom goes to HoskinB; J. Q. A. Fleharty to Albright, and H. L. Powers is confer ence evangelist of the Omaha district. Henry Gass, the undertaker, met with an accident Monday forenoon that may lay him up for awhile. In getting out of his wagon his watch chain caught on the seat, putting him in such a posi tion that he was helpless to hold his team; he was thrown to the ground, and both bones of the left leg were frac tured about midway between knee and ankle, the break being diagonal and rather ugly for quick healing. He was immediately taken home and cared for. No serious consequences are anticipated. Henry Huntemann, the republican candidate for county treasurer, was born in Germany in 1858, and moved to Amer ica 1879, living in Platte county ever since, working most of the time at the carpenter trade. In 1889 he moved to tho city erecting a planing mill. In the fall of 93 fire destroyed the planing mill and the next Bpring Mr. Hunteman re moved to his farm in Sherman township, where he has since lived. Mr. Huntemann is a thoroughly honest, industrious man, and deserves your vote for the office of treasurer. 'The American Protective Tariff League has just issued another and very complete edition of our tariff laws. This volume of IU pages gives the official text of the Dingley tariff; complete compari son of the Dingley and Wilson law; and, index to all articles covered by the new tariff. The book will be of great value for reference and for answering all ques tions regarding the tariff. It will be sent to any address for 25 cents. Ask for doc ument No. 27, and address The Ameri can Protective Tariff League, 135 West 23rd street, New York. Saturday a misfortune happened to a man from St. Edward, who was on his way to Fremont to get a load of apples. Some stranger was riding with him and smoking; he got out at Mr. Hippie's, and soon after it was discovered that the hay in the wagon was on fire. Although he did his best, he was unable to put the fire out, and by the time he reached Mrs. Erb'a corner, everything was consumed except horses, front trucks, wagon seat and neck-yoke. The man's hands were quite badly burned. He also lost his grip and extra clothing in the fire. A superb group of American Beauty Roses, artistically arranged, with a bit of paper tied about the stems, makes the October number of the Art Interchange a welcome visitor. It is one of the best things Mr. Longpre has ever done, and should find a wide popularity. It is sup plemented by asecond color plate for the use of china decorators, as well as by a noble engraving by Baude from Rem brandt of the head known as "The Poet" in the collection of the Caaaell Gallery. For sale by all newsdealers. 35 cents. The Art Interchange Co., New York. V.U 4- L- .3 t-J -v. Sm. DIBP. Aden At the home of his daughter, Mrs. John Sturgeon near this city, Sat urday, Oct. 2, Mr. Habbe Aden, at the age of eighty years, lacking ten days. Mr. Aden was a native of Germany and emigrated to America in 1869. He settled on a homestead near Rising City. Neb. in 1871. Four sons and two daugh ters, and twenty-fivo grandchildren mourn his death, besides a large number of friends and acquaintances. Mr. and Mrs. Aden celebrated their golden wedding day two years ago, and soon after, Mrs. Aden departed this life. Mr. Aden longed to join her in the land of light and glory, and his lonesomeness the last two years has been very notice able to hia friends. The remains were taken to his former neighborhood near Garrison for burial Monday, Oct. 4. May he rest in peace. Snodorass Thursday evening, Sep tember 30, at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. John Sissle, three miles west of this city, Sarah, wife of John Snodgraas, in the 27th year of her age. Sarah Sissle was born near Canton, Ohio, January 10, 1871, the fifth child of Mr. and Mrs. John Sissle. She was married to John Snodgrass July 21st, 1897, and they wont immediately to his farm west of Holdredge to live. With her father-in-law S. H. Snodgrass, she came down here on a visit, arriving Sun day week. Monday and Tuesday she was at her parents' home; Wednesday they were at Mrs. Kinnan's, across the river. Thursday forenoon she was at home again doing light work about the house. In the afternoon, she was in the city, purchasing furniture, and a few minutes after her return home she dropped unconscious upon the bed, and died within fifteen minutes. Dr. Geer was sent for and pronounced her death due to heart trouble. The husband was telegraphed for, re ceiving the message at Bertrand, and reaching here Friday noon. Funeral services' were held at the house Sunday morning at 10, Rev. Mickel's theme being tho resurrection. The remains were then taken to the Co lumbus cemetery and lowered to their final resting place in the presence of a large concourse of sorrowing friends and neighbors, whose sympathies went out to the grief-stricken husband and par eute, who had been so suddenly bereft of their loved one. Chicago Inter Ocean and Columbus Journal, one year, in advance 1.7f. tf Tuesday of lost week Roy Johnson returned home from his western 60jouru of ten days. He got as far west as Ogden, and doesn't see why people want to go west of Nebraska to live. He got into the good graces of the engineers on the road, riding mostly on the engine. Scarcely ever a boy lived but had a spirit of adventure, and many of them before Koy, and even at an earlier uge in life, have struck out for themselves with big calculations, to be brought, through trials and tribulations to the every dny matt era of life. On Tuesday night of last week it wreck ocenrred ou the Norfolk branch of the Union Pncitic, two freight cars (one of them loaded with sugar) being (foiiinKfllipd. Tim train hnil lrff Ovinr.f. I .-... .... , ...,... ., T nuou a i-uuuuuK Mimic, uiiu, nueu mo a coupling broke, and, when engine slacked up, the two sections came together with a crash. On the same line at about 1 o'clock Wednesday morning, a stock car loaded with cattle in transit from Norfolk to Ames caught fire in a feed box by a spark from the engine, and, before the tlames could be extinguished the cattle were burned to a crisp. H. P. Coolidge, who is out here from Columbus, Neb., visiting his two sons, Charley and Bert, says he was in Colo rado during the early days, and is pretty familiar with the traits and characteris tics of a mining camp. He is consider ably interested in mining machinery, and finds that vast improvements have been made, particularly in the stump process since he was n mining man. Lead and tho surroundings remind him of tho early days in Colorado, and he is consequently much pleased with the country because of the associations that ore recalled. Call, Lead, S. D. General interest in the subject of al uminum has led the American Monthly Review of Reviews to publish the first complete account of the discovery of the American process for the reduction of al uminum by electrolysis. The story of this discovery (which resulted in bring ing down the price of the metal from $10 to 35cents a pound) and its subsequent application iu manufacturing on n com mercial scale is one of the most interest ing chapters in the recent annals of A merican industrial progress. It is ano ther instance of the triumph of Yankee ingenuity and energy, America now makes as much aluminum in a year as all the countries of Europe together. P. H. Bender, the republican candi date for sheriff, was born in Germany, I June 24, loot, tie came to this country with his parents when be was two years old, they making their home in Marshall county, Illinois. Phil, came to Platte county years ago, buying 160 acres of land in Humphrey township, near Cres ton, where he lived and farmed for two years. He then sold, moved into Hum phrey, where he engaged in business, general merchandise, for some nine years. At present, he is in the agricul tural implement business. The criminal that he gets after had better give right up. Mr. Bender will make a first-class sheriff. Sup't Williams will make, for all of Platte county, as good a superintendent, we dare say, as any county will have, anywhere. He is a man who attends strictly to the business in hand, giving it therefore his best thought, attention and care, and all of these, not slighting in any particular. The public schools of Platte county need services of this kind. The teachers in immediate chargs of the schools will have kindly, helpful advice and counsel from Mr. Williams. The advancement of the children ac cording to the true intent of the law will be the guiding rule of his conduct, and the teachers who are animated by the same spirit will find it a delightful task to follow his directions and advice. Voters of Platte county, you have the opportunity of a life-time to elect a man who will use his best endeavors to make your public schools all they ought to be, a man of experience, thoroughly able and competent in every respect. vmmmmmmmrmmmrimd CLOAKS AND JACKETS. Our new stock of Fall and Winter Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Caps, Boots & Shoes has just arrived and we are show ing one of the most complete stocks ever brought to Colum bus. Remember, all our goods are of the best quality and sold at prices that defy competition. One of the largest and best assorted stocks in Platte county to select from. Boots and SHOES. CLOTHING rUUtttUlmtUtiti4U4UiU4Ut4iUiJU4JUUUiK xiiiiiiiHiiuiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiitiiitiiuiiiimig I mom.l fflrnU.n. l & SlItllllllllllllHIIIIttllllllllllUtltlHIIIIIIli C. J. Garlow was in Brainard Friday. Miss Laura Byrnes spent last week in Osceola. Irv Speice went to Lincoln Tuesday morning. Mrs. W. H. Swartsley was in Osceola lost week. Mrs. Dr. Evans spent a few days in Lincoln last week. F. M. Cookingham of Humphrey was in town Thursday. Miss Mary Cox went to Nebraska City Monday to visit friends. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Gray returned Wednesday from Chicago. E. D. Fitzpatrick and son Jerome were in Rogers Saturday. Mrs. John Murphy of Rogers is visit ing her parents iu the city. Guy C. Barnum took the morning train yesterday for Lincoln. Miss Minnie Mc Muhon visited Mrs. Murphy in Rogers Inst week. Miso Lillio Laudeman of St. Edward is visit iiur the Misses Zinnecker this week. Mrs. Nichols visited her brother's, E. P. Wescott, at Silver Creek Tuesday of lost week. Miss Katie Hays of Platte Center visi ted hero Saturday, on her return from an extended visit in Oumha. W, M. Cornelius, J. H. Galley, I. L. Al bert and J. H. Reeder were among Co lumbusites at Fullerton lust week. Mrs. J. C. Post starts today for her home in Kingfisher, Old., after a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Speice. Mr. ami Mrs. Frank Kline of Elm Creek stopped between trains Wednes day on their way to Albion for n visit with friends. Mrs. E. O. Wells and daughter Miss Gertrude are expected home soon from San Jose, Cal., where they have spent the summer. Miss Maud Hatfield returned from Hot Springs, Arkansas Saturday, where she has been with her grandmother, who accompanied her home. Dan. Lynch was in the city Wednesday night, going to Platte Center Thursday. He is a clerk iu State Land Commission er Wolfe's office ut Lincoln. Rev. and Mrs. Chas. Cross of Decatur, Mr. and Mrs. A. Jones of Herman, Rev. and Mrs. II. St. Townsend of Leigh, Miss Abbie Hodgetts of David City, and Mr. W. Taylor of Wayne have leen visitors at II. G. Cross' this week. Mrs. Stewart of Cheyenne, Wyo., passed through the city Monday on her way to Shelby to visit friends. She is a daughter of Mrs. Charity Smith, and ex pects to sojonrn a month or so with rela tives in this part of Nebraska. City Coancil. The action of the Mayor in dismissing Ed. Rossiter from the service as regular policeman was approved, but action on the confirmation of Adam Brady was deferred until next meeting. The city treasurer reported several in surance companies as not having paid their occupation tax for the present year. The city attorney was authorized to no tify local agents of such companies to pay such tax. Tho dog ordinance was read the third time and passed. It provides that dogs owned or harbored in the city shall be licensed and collared S3 a year for the dogs, and $4 for the bitches. All dogs not licensed may be impounded and killed by the police. The fine for violating the ordinance may not exceed S20. The weed ordinance was also passed its provisions we have heretofore given. The bills allowed footed up about 31,100. Cattle for Sale. J. L. Sturgeon Son are receiving as occasion demands, stock cattle which they will have for sale at their ranch near the city. If you wish good cattle see them at once. If they don't have on hand what will please you, they can be sure to sat isfy you in a few days at farthest. They are in the business for good, and will make business mutually aaUatactory. Fall Announcement. Estrtlfafced 1812. 5 Yn CeatlaaatM J. H. GALLEY, 505 Eleventh St., Columbus, Nebraska. T This department is filled with new and desirable goods, and our prices are lower than ever. An im mense line of clothing to select from. Call and Ex amine our stock and he convinced. : m 1 vnitiiiiiitiiiiiiiimmiHiititiiiititiiHiitiiirrjnHMMHHHHiMUHiM NOW IS s To lay in your supply of hard coal for next winter don't try to persuade yourself that the temper- ature is goiug to stand at 90 in the shade until next March it won't do it. A cold winter is coming just as sure as oue extreaie follows another. Be wise and avoid the fate of the KLONDIKE SUFFERERS! E By calling on us and placing E livery at $9.2 per ton. This is bed-rock price for the 3 coal delivered in your bin, and on cash basis. Also, all 1 kinds of soft coal always in stock. C. A. SPEICE &, CO. I NtltnillihUtlHIlllltUUtltlUlllllllHINlllHlimilltltrailllllltmmHHIHIIWMMMIfMi Family I'otatuetl. Saturday, a telegram to the Omaha Bee from Schuyler gave particulare of a fearful tragedy ut the home of Frank Davis in Shell Creek precinct, Colfax county, nine miles northwest of Schuyler. Dr. Sixta was called for by Frnnk Steinad and found four of the seveu children in the family and their mother dead, a fifth child iu a dying condition and a sixth very sick. Mr. Davis and his oldest son went to the field to work early in the morning, leaving before the rest of the family breakfasted. When the meal waB prepared all sat down and early in the course of tho meal Mrs. Davis made some such remark as: "Eat a good break fast and we'll all go together. An older son's mind was affected by the remark to the extent that he did not appease bis appetite. A daughter, younger than the son, after drinking about a half cup of coffee, became sick and vomited. The rest of the family continued tho morning meal, although the children made very wry faces and said the coffee did not taste good. Strychnine had lteen put into the coffee which soon showed its effects when those not prostrated spread the alarm, but not soon enough to avoid the fatal effects noted. No cause for'a the rash act of the unnatural mother is assigned. Knight and Ladir of Stcarlty, Don't forget that this society furnishes the best insurance at actual cost to both men and women in same amounts. Do not be misled. The yellow leaflets ex plain the plan of K. & L. of S. Provides for accident, pays part of certificate if disabled, any time in life, and at seventy years of age you draw your money. Remember, Mrs. Dempster and Mrs. Brass are soliciting the ladies for K. & L. of S. Hope all members will take notice that we will meet in I. O. O. F. hall on Wednesday evening, Oct. 6, to organize Columbus council No. 549, K. & L. of S. John H. Dempster, State Organizer. heey mm & CO., Staple Fancy Groceries, CROCKERY, .GLASSWARE LAMPS. Eleventh Street, - We iuvite you to come and see us. We regard the interests of our patrons as mutual with our own, so far as our dealings are concerned our part of the obligation being to provide and offer Good - Goods - at - Fair - Prices. jarEVERYTHING KEPT that is expected to ba foumd in a first olaat, up-to-date grocery store. D1Y GOODS ! Wo agents for tne stMOMMPSi aoMfi Cewptany of Now York. and CAPS. THE TIME your orders for October de- 1 t'lty I iaaaretf. Treasurer Wurdeman's monthly re port for September shows the following amounts on hand in the various funds: General $ 366 83 Waterworks, maintaining 704 01 " int. ou bonds 1019 32 Special sidewalk 64 03 Street, alley and highway 1 12 30 Loup river bridge 717 12 Occupation tax 518 10 Firemen's 100 00 Water meter 95 27 Total $3,696 96 Less overdraft Platte river bridge fund 43 86 Balance in city funds 1,653 12 Krai Kstate Traafrr. ltecber, Jieggi & Co., real estate agents, report the following real estate transfers filed in the office of the county clerk for tho week ending October 2, 1897. Louts Hel.i to Fannie Mer. m 1-3 S-lItt ColnmUis. wil f X laj Christian Kamow to IVter Wei in, hf w .)r 32-19l3w. wd 1030 00 Gerhanl Luschen to Kdwaril Laachen. a hf npqr and n hf o jr li-MMe. wil. aO 00 Ivtritz Knndoon to A. U. and K. M. Ar nold, nw qr Sl-20-Jw. wd 3000 00 (J. W. Eiston to J. 11. Jfeedrr. et al 2-3 neirua-3w, qcd 1 OU A. M. Clark to Eliza U Cha&. w hf aw qrandahf aw qr S2-ltt-3w. wd 131)0 00 Thoauu Ottid to Nancy Condon, aw r 11-20-2W, wd I CO Rater Labiacher to E. J. Herbert, Iota 3. 4. blk 3. Lockner'e let add to Hwa phrey. wd 100 00 D. C. KavanauKh, aheriff, to W. B. Al len, pt lot 7. blk 128. Columbas, aher iff'adeed ao on T. II. James et al to Mary E. Jackaoa. lota 10, 11 blk 5. Creeton. wd 2000 00 Henry Hilfan to Emilia Wolf, lot n. Draper's oat lota, wd 45 00 Eleven transfer, total 112,6X7 00 Ladies, AtteatUta ! I am prepared to do first-class dress making, at home, or by the day. Long experience, satisfaction guaranteed. Call at residence, on Miss M. A. Feaaer, 211 east Fourteenth st, one block east of Washington avenue. 4tp and COLUMBUS, NEBR. -fcW. CLOTHING i