The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, September 29, 1897, Image 1

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I!A1I.' Ti'ltJT lVIl?tT 1 mcT I hate liim! Oh I love h!m: I
bAMLb i'lflM "ii-'ii..iov(.llim, ana he is ashamed o m.!
(By Anna Shields.)
HEX Basil wrote
to me from Vir
ginia that he wa3
married, and asked
if he might bring
his wife to my
house, his home
from infancy, or it
-Wfct-. v
he had better pro-
-feffy? vide another one
(Tfyf-'.' for her, I answered
at once:
"Come here and try it. If you arc
happy, stay; if not. it will be time
enough to seek a new home after test
ing the old one."
But the letter gave me sore pain.
Basil was my charge the time
his parents died and left, a baby,
inheriting a large fortune to my care.
His mother was my twin sister, and
I was a childless widow when she died.
ec it will be readily understood that - I -
gave the boy a true mother's love. W e
live at Stony Hill, my husband's lega
cy to me, a spot abounding in Nature's
beauties, in spite of its harsh name,
and wo did not want for soriety. being
only two miles from a flourishing city.
It was natural Basil should marry:
ho was twenty-two. had studied a pro
fession, though p devoted his time to
painting in an amateur fashion that
promised no great result?; was
wealthy, handsome and a thorough
gentleman by birth and education.
But I had hoped he would marry one
of the ladies I knew; sornp one. per
haps. I Icved already. His letter was
full of praise of his wife but who was
Ph"? He had found hfr when on a
sketching trip through Virginia, in a
wild part of the country. Her mother
was lying dead, and two old negroes
wer filling the air with howls and
I did not care that the airl was poor.
Basil was rich, and would have, in ad
dition to his father's fortune, all I had
to leave. He bad no need to seek a
wealthy bride. But I was afraid he
had married for beauty onlv. Not one
word could I find, in most careful pe
rusal, in praise of the bride's intellect,
accomplishments, or worth. Only her
beauty was the theme of her hus
band's praise.
When I saw her I scarcely wondered
that the face of Basil's wife had ex
rited such enthusiasm. They came
home in June, at early morning, and
drove from the station to the house,
where, just after sunrise. I went out
upon the porch to meet them.
From the carriage there sprang a lit
tle figure dressed in all the colors of the
rainbow, bedecked with jewels utterly
: of place upon a traveler, as were
ie gay silk dress and feather-trimmed
But the face under the hat! How
can I describe it? A perfect oval, with
features of classic regularity, but with
out iny of the coldness that usually ac
companies classic beauty. For the
dark complexion, pure, clear olive, was
crimson-tinted on lips and cheeks, the
eyes, large, brilliant eyes, were yet
Foft and velvety, and the black hair
was glossy and luxuriant.
Every moment the expression was
changed in those glorious eyes, the
sensitive mouth. Child-like pleasure
in the new home, a gentle deference to
my years and position, were succeeded
by petulance and restless vivacity.
"Do. Aunt Martha, take some super
vision of her wardrobe." he said to
me. "She was married in a calico dress
and a sun-bonnet, and her feet were I
bare. Of course I gave her money, and j
she boucht what she pleased. I don't !
understand women's dress, but hers j
set my teeth on edge." j
And just as he spoke she flashed
in. She never seemed to me to walk.
aoving with a peculiar, darting move
ment that threatened total annihilation
to my nerves until 1 became accustom
ed to it.
"You are ashamed of me!" she cried.
"You are! You are!"
"Ellen!" he said, gently, his face
flushing: "I can never be ashamed of
mv wife!"
He kissed her zravelv and wem nm
tl.- 5flSB SiCkV A. T
but she tore upland down the room i Genovra Hi!1 imo that deepest, warm
like a caged bird. ' e?t ncne tnat is filled by the memory
He i' a?hnmrf r.f me be ;' ei,n of the impulsive child, Basil's First
repeated, angry tears raining over her
hot cheeks "I saw it on the cars. I ;
saw it at the hotels. I see it here!
How did I know he would be?. He said !
he loved me, and I I would have died j
for him! He praised n; he put me in
his pictures! He asked me to Le his j
wife! I was all alone, and I loved j
him! I married him. but he never
asked me what I knew what I could j
co. He saw the log cabin where my j
mother lay dead! He knew the sol
diers burned down our house, killed mv
father! I was too young to know the
horror of it! I am only sixteen now
Then when we were married and went
to the city, he was ashamed because
he asked me to read the newspaper one
mornins and I never learned to read.
Why didn't he ask me before we were
married? He told me I must not eat
with my knife, or "ire niv flncers on
my dress. Why didn't lie tell me be
fore we were ni2r-id? Why didn't
he go away and leave me? I would
have killed nyo f: I had rather kill
myself than krow he is ashamed of
All this was pourrd ut w:th such
rapid utterance I could not interrupt
her by one word. r:Ud I might as well
have tried to catch a butterfly as to
touch hfT as sh? p?red u: and down.
"And now I set bi icd'n on edge!
J was not Ii:-n:"-r I heard him as I
came in. I nerr- v-nsh thinss before.
They toM r7C . ' -'f-rc- 'v'tat 'n buv.
fnd all they c'. ...; r" -ere pretty!
Whr did he net come, too, and tell
She v.-as gleeful as a child when Basil
praised her dress at tea time, having,
at my suggestion, worn a soft, white
mull, with scarlet flashing in her jetty
i braids
t her threat and belt. She
' pouted a little, because I would not al-
low but one bright color,
but was
j obedient.
But after that, watching them both,
I knew there could be no happiness in
the hasty marriage. The glamour was
gone from Basil's eyes, and he was
ashamed of his wife. His love cooled.
and' his perfect gentleness and tender
care never deceived her for one mo
ment. I think if he had beaten her and then
caressed her she would have borne it
better than she bore his unvarying
kindness, after his love was gone.
"He does not love me! He has
wearied of my beauty, and I had noth
ing else to love!"
That was ever the refrain of her
fpiteous plaints, and Basil-vainly tried
to revive the dead love in his heart.
"She has but me!" he said to me
once. "If I made a mistake it was no
fault of hers, poor darling. She shall
never knew I have one regret!"
And he might as well have tried to
hide a bonfire under a napkin. By the
intuition of love. Nell knew the change.
She had been a year married, wearing
herself out with her own vehemence,
when her baby came to her. I hoped
motherhood would soften her. would
tame her, for she was wild and beauti
ful as a leopard.
With the same fierce, unreasoning
passion that gave her life every im
pulse, she loved her boy, a sickly,
feeble child, that she would almost
smother with kisses and caress so vio
lently that he would whimper, as if
being hurt.
Every day she talked about the boy's
future, the grand things to be done
for him, the education he waa to have,
that Basil might "never be ashamed
of him as he is of me." Her whole
hope lay in the child's life, and we
knew the feeble spark would never live
to be a bright light.
As the child drooped the mother
faded. She would be well soon, scon,
she told me every day, and every day
the little form lay more l.ghtly upon
j my arms; the little face grew more
pinched and wan.
One morning she drew me down up
on the pillow her head had never left
since her boy was born, and whispered:
"Basil kissed me with his heart this
morning. He loved me in that kiss.
Ah. if I could die now before he ceases
to love me!"
She sobbed, not with the old pas
sion, she was too weak for that, but
feebly, as if from a breaking heart.
"You do not wish to die and leave
your boy?" I said.
"I would not leave him! He would
go with me!" she said, with quiet con
viction. And we knew it would be so. There
was nothing to build health upon, the
doctor told us, and Ellen faded away,
not quickly, but surely.
But, lying upon her deathbed, day
after day, she was intensely happy,
not with the fitful flame of old, but
with a calm, deep joy infinitely
pathetic to witness.
"Basil loves me!"
That was the keynote to her happi
ness. He had never failed in gentle
ness, but, realizing that he must soon
lose her, his love came back to comfort
her. He could not have deceived her,
weak as she was. Only the true love
she had lost, the love that was her life,
could have answered the hunger of her
heart. And Basil gave it, kissing her
with his heart, as she told me. gently
smoothing the dark road she was tread
ing by every loving device, seldom
leaving her, and never for any length
of time.
He was holding the puny babe in his
arms, close to the mother's white,
wasted face, when the boy shivered.
gasped and died. I looked in terror at
Ellen, but she smiled into my e3'es:
"He will wait for me!" she said, soft
ly, and nestled against Basil, as I took
the little one away.
I did not return for a long time.
When I did Ellen's eyes were closed,
and her face had changed, with a
change that chilled my heart.
"She is asleep," I whispered.
"But will never waken!" Basil said,
solemnly, and even before he spoke I
knew the truth.
Basil mourned truly, blaming himself
bitterly, when I held him blameless.
But he married again in two years,
and lives in his own home in the city.
I could not let his wife come to Stony
Hill in Ellen's place, though she is
kindly welcome when she visits mc.
She is a lady, refined, educated an
very handsome. She makes Basil en
tirely happy, having won his respect
as well as his love, a love more lasting
because buil upon foundations of es
teem. I have no complaint to make,
and I am glad, very glad, that Basil's
home is a happy one. but I know that
i never, never can my old heart take
Watched a vrn a rmrcii.
Parson Adams, minister in Luneburg.
Mass.. for over 35 yers. at one time
stopped to pass the night at a friend's
house. The clergyman was both tired
and hungry. It was proposed to have
prayers at cnt. and then supper, after
which the minister could go directly
to his bed. To this he agreed and the
family were called together. The sup
: ner was to consist mainly of Indian
cakes, which were set to bake on plat-
ters in front cf the fire. The parson's
seat was opposite the kitchen door.
The serv;cc becan, but in a moment
j Parson Adams saw that one of the
i cakes had fallen down and was burn
! ing. He paused and looked toward his
hostess, who seemed unconscious of
any culinary crisis. "Mrs. Blank." he
said gravely, "we are told to watch as
well as pray. I cannot help seeing
that one of those excellent cakes is
burning, and I will thank you to at
tend to it." The cake was rescued, and
Parson Adams resumed his scripture
reading with an easy mind.
A Great Chinese Ttridge.
Spanning an inlet of the Yellow sea
near Sangang. China, is a brieve five
and a quarter miles long, with 300 piers
of masonry, and having its roadway 64
feet above the water. This ir.trk ia J
said to have been accomplished IrChi
neee tx linear K0 yean ago.
The rtravett Deed Performed baring
the Civil War, but the Hero Wears
No Crown mil IIU Name Ha Been
Forgotten on Earth.
The Love of Country and of llome
HERE Is a land, of
every land the
Beloved by heaven
o'er all the world
Where brighter suns
dispense serener
And milder moons
imparadise the
A land of beauty.
virtue, valor.
Time-tutor'd age, and love-exalted youth.
The wandering mariner, whose eye ex
plores The wealthiest isles, the moat enchant
ing shores.
Views not a realm so bountiful and fair,
Xor breathes the spirit of a purer air;
In every clime, the magnet of his soul,
Touch'd by remembrance, trembles to
that pole:
For In this land of heaven's peculiar
The heritage of nature's nobles race.
There is a spot of earth supremely blest,
A dearer, sweeter spot than all the rest.
Where man. creation's tyrant, casts aside
His sword and scepter, pageantry and
While, in his soften'd looks, benignly
The sire, the son, the husband, father,
Here woman reigns; the mother, daugh
ter, wife.
Strews with fresh flowers the narrow way
of life:
tn the clear heaven of her delightful eye.
An angel-guard of loves and graces lie:
Around her knees domestic duties
And fireside pleasures gambol at her feei.
Where shall that land, that spot cf earth,
be found?
Art thou a man? a patriot? look around:
Oh! thou shalt lind. howe'er thy footstep?
That land thy country, and that spot thy
home. Montgomery.
I'orl llaurktns Now a 1'arn.
A few days ago Ben L. Jones con
verts d the old fort built m 1S0G at Fort
Hawkins into a barn. Although the
o! 1 'og structure has stood the storn:
of shot and shell and has been exposed
to all the va-ylng changes of weather
since that early period, not an unsound
timber is to be seen in it today. The
logs of whteh it is constructed are h
solid and sound as they were at firtr.
Tb" fort was made of Georgia heart
p!ne. and tdday it would burn like
ron if a mat"h were struck to a ragged
The structure was built as a gov
ernment trading post or factory, where
deer skins were purchased from the
Ind:ans. During the Creek war. from
1S12 to 1S1!. it was a rendezvous and
distributing piint for the United States
soldiers, and Major Phil Cook was n
command. Anticipating the dangers
from the torch of the treacherous red
man, the whites built the fort on a high
stone foundation, the floor of the wood
en structure extending beyond the
rock walls. Portholes were made in the
extended floor so as to shoot Indians
who might try to scale the walls to
set fire to the woodwork.
During the famous Creek war incited
by Tecumseh and his brother, who was
known as the Prophet, this building
was in the center of the territory at
tacked. Tecumseh was one of the
most eloquent of Indians, and when the
war was begun between Great Britain
and the United. States he communicat
ed with the tribes from Florida to Can
ada advising them that then was the
time for the Indians to reclaim their
lands from the whites. He read in an
eastern paper that a comet would ap
pear in the sky at a given time. So he
notified the Indians that when his ar
row appeared in the heavens it would
be a sign for them to attack the whites.
Old Fort Hawkins perhaps was more
vigorously attacked in pursuance of
this order than was any other in the
The fort received its name from Hon.
Benjamin Hawkins, a senator from
North Carolina, who had been appoint
ed a commissioner to Georgia to draw
up a treaty with the Creek Indians.
Macon (Ga.) Telegraph.
The iinct Deed.
A group of old soldiers, both Confed
erate and Federal, were recently swap
ping stories of the civil war. At last
they fell to comparing the greatest acts
of bravery that each had known, and
a southerner told the following story:
"It was a hot July day in 1S64, and
General Grant was after us. Our men
had hurriedly dug rifle pits to protect
themselves from the Federal sharp
shooters, and dead and dying Feds
were lying up to the very edge of those
"In one of the pits was an ungainly,
raw, red headed boy. He was a re
tiring lad. green as grass, but a re
liable fighter. We never paid much
attention to him, one way or another.
"The wounded had been lying for
hours unattended before the pits, and
the sun was getting hotter and hotter.
They were suffering horribly from pain
and thirst. Not fifteen feet away, out
side the rifle pit, lay a mortally wound
ed officer who was our enemy.
"As the heat grew more intolerable,
this officer's cries for water increase!.
He was evidently dying hard, and his
appeals were of the" most piteous na
ture The red headed boy found it
hard to bear them. He had just joined
the regiment and was not yet callous
to suffering. At last, with tears flood
ing his grimy face, he cried out :
" I can't stand it no longer, boys! I'm
goin' to take that poor feller my can
teen.' "For answer to this foolhardy speech
one of us stuck a cap on a ramrod and
hoisted it above the pit. Instantly it
was pierced b:. a dozen bullets. To
venture outside a step was the mad
dest suicide. And all the while we
could hear the officer's moans:
"'Water! water! Just one drop.
for God's sake, somebody! Onlv one
"The tender hearted boy could stand
the appeal no longer. Once, twice,
three times, in spite of our utmost re
monstrance, he tried unsuccessfully to
cleir the pit At last he gave a des
perate leap over the embankment, and
once on the other side, threw himself
Sat upon the ground and crawled to
ward his dyins foe. He could not get
close to him because of the terrible
fire, but he broke a sumac bmh. tied
i to the stick the precious canteen, and
lauded it in the sufferer's trembling
"Yoa cercr heard such gratitude ia
your life. Perhaps there waa narer
any like it before. The officer was for
tyinr, his gold watch on the stick and
sending It back, as a slight return for
the disinterested act But this the
boy would not allow. He only smiled
happily, and returned as he had gone,
crawling amid a hailstorm of bullets.
When he reached the edge of the pit
he crawled out to his comrades to clear
the way for him, and with a mighty
leap he was among us once more. He not even scratched.
"He took our congratulations calmiy.
We said it was the bravest deed we had
cen during the war. He did not an
swer. His eves had a soft, musing
" 'How cou'd you do it?' I asked in
a whisper later, when the crack of the
r.flts ceased for a moment.
" 'It was something I thought of." he
said, simply. 'Something my mother
titcd to say to me. "I was thirsty, and
yc pave me drink," she said. She read
it to me out of the B.ble. and she taught
it to me until I never could forget it.
When I heard that man crying for wa-c-
I remembered it. The words stool
still in my head. I couldn't get rid of
'em. So I thought they meant mc
and I went. That's all.'
"This was the reason why the toy
was ready to sacrifice his life for an
enemy. And it was reason enough."
added the soldier, with a quavering
Lincoln rrifn-mality.
President Lincoln's occasional tin
conventionality of manner sometimes
astonished, and perhaps sho'eked a
little, those who were accustomed to
formal methods of procedure in all of
ficial things. It is on record that
Charles Sumner, who had very little
i ruse of humor, was really grieved
wnen, during the darkest days of the
war, Lincoln suddenly asked him to
try his favorite game of "putting up
backs." The recent volume of me
moirs of Francis W. Bird of Massachu
setts borrows a narration of the Hon.
Peleg V. Chandler's relating Mr.
Bird's experience in presenting to Mr.
Lincoln some resolutions of the Mas
sachusetts legislature ou the subject
of emancipation.
Arrived in Washington, says the
story, the messenger, by appointment,
met the president at eleven o'clock the
next morning to present this resolve
of the commonwealth of Massachusetts.
The chief magistrate sat in an arm
chair while the emissary presented the
document with a little speech. The
president took the document, slow'y
unrolied it, and remarked:
"Well, it isn't long enough to scare
a fellow!"
The Massachusetts official said, as he
left the room:
"That is certainly a most extraordi
nary person to be president cf the Uni
ted States!"
Whatever unfavorable impression
Mr. Biril gained of Mr. Lincoln on this
occasion was modified afterward, and
he was an ardent supporter and admir
er of him. His biographer remarks
that the appreciation of Lincoln as a
far-seeing statesman was a matter of
slow growth. Nearly all the public
men of the early days of the war
agreed in a lower estimate of him than
they soon came to hold. It has been
said that probably not one fairly esti
mated him at the beginning of the
First IJlooJ.
From down the ravine came the
sound of steps, coming quickly; and
out of the darkness of the bushes came
an officer, and a squad of men, at the
The sentry did not seem to notice or
to hear them; he stood staring ahead,
his rifle in his hands, ready for anoth
er shot. At the sharp word of the offi
jer, he turned, startled, and half raised
his piece as though to fire, but dropped
it as the officer spoke again, and once
more stared out into the mist. The
officer spoke, and the sentry answered
with a mechanical salute:
"I shot a man," he said.
The officer looked around; no one
was in sight. Where was the man? he
"Out there. I shot him."
He had been dreamiag, the officer
dec ared. There was no man. Had ha
seer, anything? What had happened'.'
the officer asked, sternly.
"There were three men. They would
not halt. I shot one. He fell on his
face. Then they were not here."
The officer and the men looked at
him in amazement: he seemed to be
on 5 half conscious of their present.
Sud lenly he started forward, clamber
ing uv the bank, and moving out into
the clearing. The others followed.
The sentry halted midway of the
clear space.
"Here was where he fell down. 1
siot him; and he fell on his face just
lie stooped and felt in the grass,
"i'.en he straightened up and withou"
looking at it himself, flung out bis
hand toward the officer.
It was dark with blood. H. H. Ben
n?tt. in September Lippincctt's.
Au Army Incident.
On a hot summer day, in July, lSCi.
our regiment, with other troops, was
crowded on board a small Mississippi
steamer, which was trying to push its
way un the river, but we eot fastened
or a bar. There it held. The crew
had become worried out in seeking to
dislodge it; the soldiers were impa
tient and almost mutinous from the
delay and the heat.
While this unhappy condition was at
its worst, one of those larger, magnifi
cen steamers came sweeping down the
river, its great prow cutting the
stream into waves, which its great
wheels sent rolling to either side of it.
It swept by us, did not put cable to us
or hitch to us to help us, but one of the
great waves which it sent out came bil
lowing under our vessel and easily lift
ed it. and we pushed off the bar. Sing
ing and cheering, we went on our way.
It was the "swell" of the river which
the steamer produced that delivered
So this fullness of the Spirit will put
into our lives a spiritual "swell" which,
as we sweep on down the years, will
go under the burden, the sorrow, the
disabilities of souls, and will send
them on their way rejoicing to th
skies. The Revivalist.
Massachusetts Offers a Hoate-BuUdlni
Contest as a XoTelty.
The latest novelty in races is a
house-luildlng race. The only one so
far run seems to have cdme eut a dead
heat. Recently a real-estate company
auctioned off a number of lots in West
ern arenue, Westfield, Mass., and with
the idea cf bodming the neighborhood
offered prizes. Five hundred dollar
to the first. ?C0O to the second, wai
offered tc the builders of new houses.
One of the lot purchasers, a contractor
named Kivers, began at once to build.
The Work was not hurried at first, as
there, was apparently no competitor".
Oue appeared, however, four days af
ter work had commenced. A Mrs. Lee
was the owner, and night and day men
worked on her building. Rivers re
sponded with double gangs of men, and
for several days the race went on with
out a pause, until both houres vere
finished almost exactly together. The
Rivers house, which was built in nine
days, has nine rooms averaging 14
feet square, is trimmed with hard
wood, is wired for eiectric bells, has a
furnace and running water, and is
completely painted outside, as well as
papered and decorated ins'de. The Lee
house is not so complete, lacking a
furnace and gas fixtures, but it was
completed in five days, thus breaking
all records so far as known. Both
sides claim the ?500 prize. About
twenty men were employed on each
building, and every device known to
ip-to-date carpentry was employed.
Both houses are attractive in aopear
ance and show no sign of hajte In
construction. During the race the
houses were visited by hundreds of
people, who cheered on the workmen in
the novel contest.
Study of Art for Girls.
"I wish I could make my giris un
derstand," writes Ruth Ashmore, ad
dressing "The Girl Who Aspires to
Arf" in the Ladies' Home Journal,
"that while each one should aspire to
the best wcr that girl is foolish who,
having been once made conscious cf
her mistake, persists in offering medi
ocre work that deserves no recognition
whatever. If you feel that you have
the artistic instinct and the love for
color, then seek for yourself a good art
school, and find out in what branch cf
work your ability lies; you will then be
more apt to attain the position you
long for than if you are content with
self-culture. It is a practical impossi
bility for you to teach yourself. If
you have foolishly believed all the
praise that has been given you then be
sure you will never succeed. You will
be wasting your money in going to any
;chool. Put out of your pretty head
some of the silly fancies that are there.
The girl who learns to draw a good
wall-paper design, who learns how to
combine colors so that a rich-looking
rug is the result, who understands how
to embellish a book with a suitable
cover she is the girl who can be called
an artist. She does not ask the world
to look upon her from a sentimental
point of view, because she has claims
to distinction and can demand recogni
tion." Compromises.
Though life is said to be made up of
compromises, there are a good many
people who do not like them. Marriage
in particular is said to be an affair of
compromises. One gentleman said of
his experience: "My wife and I began
our married life by a compromise. She
wanted to go to Quebec for our wed
ding journey, and I wanted to go to
Niagara, and so we compromised on
New York city, where neither of us
wanted to go. All our compromises
since have been much of the same char
acter." Rather more profitable was the
compromise recorded of another mar
'c0 couple. In this case the husband
w'slied to have flannel sheets, and the
wife wished to have cotton ones. "And
so," said the husband, in relating the
arrangement arrived at, "we compro
mised on cotton."
In this case somebody at least was
Pretent X'oiinl itlon of Johannchnrr.
Johannesburg, according to the lat
est figures, has now 136,000 inhabitants,
jl.000 of whom are whites. There are
11.265 British, C,:535 Russians, 2,263
Germans, S19 Dutch, 112 Frenchmen,
311 Swedes and Norwegians, 206 Ital
ians, and 64S from other non-African
countries; the others come from the
Orange Free State and the British
South African colonies.
All r.tid for in Kgc.
A $1,200 farm in Tennessee has been
oaid for v. holly in hen's eggs, the in
stallments being remitted daily, some
times at the rate of 3 cents a dozen
for the eggs, delivered in four dozen
Mayor Harrison of Chicago, recently
made a record of eighty-two fish and
sixty-seven woodcock in a day's sport
near Skanee Station, Mich.
Since Bret Harte who has dropped
his first name. Francis was United
States consul to Glasgow from 1SS0 to
1SS5 he has made his residence in Great
Britain. At present he lives at 74 Lan
caster Gate, West London.
Hamlin Garland's first published
peem netted him $2o. He paid $5 for
Grant's Memoirs and ?20 for a silk
dress piece, which he gave to his moth
er. The dress made from it was the j
first cf that material she had owned !
and worn. j
The following are said to be the six I
wealthiest women in the world: Senora
Isidoia Cousino. $200,000,000; Hetty
Green. $50,000,000; Baroness Burdett
Ccutt-. $20,000,000; Mme. Barrios, $15,
000,00): Miss Mary Garrett, $10,000,000;
Mrs. Woleska. $10,000,000.
Mr. Oliver H. P. Belmont is said to
vaiue her famous Marble House, at
Newport, at 51,000,003. She recently re
fused an offer from Potter Palmer for
it approximating that sum. It is as
sessed at $500,000. Cornelius Vander
bilt's. The Breakers, is assessed at
M. Matsumoto is the publisher of the
only Japanese newspaper in New York.
He came to this country only a few
months ago to engage in this enter
prise and, finding Japanese type too
ccstly, writes the eight-page paper with
a pencil and makes 200 copies, the
number circulated, on a mimeograph.
Stick'ug Its Brain and Soaking lu At'
ctthot flou't Worry the Monitor
Found Aloritf K River Nile DUtlnet
from Other Lizard's.
HE monitor is dis
tinguished among
aff lizards by the
difficulty oi killing
it. It owes its li&ifm
to its habit of
whistling to give
warning of the ap
proach of crock
odiles. A live specimen
of this curious liz
ard has just beeti brought to the Lon
don Zoo from South Africa. A natural
ist who undertook to kill one write. f
"Having caught one of the speeies
by the neck so that she could not bite
me. I got a large worsted needle, and
gave her several punctures with it, not
only in the heart, but in every part of
the cranium which was in contact with
the brain. This, however, was so far
from answering my purpose, which
was to kill her in the most speedy and
least painful manner, without mangling
or mutilating her, that she seemed to
ha-e still enough life left to be able
to run away.
"After this, my host undertook !o
put an end to her, and, having given
her several hard squeezes about the
chest and tied her feet together, hung
her up by the neck In a noose, which
he drew as tight as he pessibly could.
"From this situation she was found,
in a spaca of forty-eight hours, to have
extricated herself, though she still re
mained near the farm, appearing at
the same time to be almost exhausted.
Upon this we tied her feet close behind
her. so that with her long and sharp
claws, of which she had five upon each
foot, she could not damage the serpents
and other animals which I kept in a
cask of brandy, and among which I put
her with my own hands, holding her
a long time under the surface of the
liquor. Yet she was so far from being
suffocated immediately that she flounc
ed about, and even a quarter of an
hour afterward convinced us by her
motions that she had still some life
remaining in her."
The Nile monitor or varan (Varanus
Xiloticus), of which the newcomer at
the Zoo is a snecimen is nerhin; hn
! largest member of the family, and has
been known to attain a length of over
six feet. In structural character it is
somewhat distinct from other lizards,
approaching in several respects its en
emy, the crocodile the largest of ex
isting reptiles. It is on the eggs of
crocodiles, or the young crocodiles
themselves, that it chiefly feeds, a hab
it which is said o explain the fact
that it appears on the monuments of
the ancient Egyptians. It is still com
mon to the Xile, though it has also
been found in the rivers of South Af
rica, as well as in Senegal and near
Sierra Leone.
A Keiu:irl;ilde Cloth Tested That Comes
Very Close to It
This week there is to be a further
test in Chicago of the power of Zeg
Ier's bullet-proof cloth to resist the
steel-jacketed missiles of the Krag
Jorgensen rifle. The test will be made
in the presence of the German and
Austrian consuls by their request. Last
week the first test was made by two
soldiers from Fort Sheridan. Col. Hall,
the commandant of the post: Lieut.
Col. Carpenter and a number of other
officers were present. It was the first
time that the army's new rifle had
been tried against any of the so-called
bullet-proof cioths. and the officers
were quite confident that the gun
would win. Lieut. Faranecki attached
the cloth, which measured twenty-four
by sixteen inches, to the wooden figure
of a man which is used by the soldiers
of the fort as a target. The first -hot
fired was at 400 yards' distance, and the
bullet fell to the ground twisted after
tearing a hole half an inch deep in
the cioth. At 350 yards the bullet
penetrated the cloth a quarter of an
inch and stuck. At 300 yards the bul
let went in deeper, and at 250 yards it
went half way ihrcugh. At 200 yards
the bullet passed through, its head pro
jecting a sixteenth of an inch. The
army officers weie much impressed Ly
the tests, but say that the cloth can
not be made into uniforms on account
of i's weight. The piece used in the
tests wr'ghcd fourteen pounds. Be
sides, the sh:c!c of impact would be suf
ficient to kill a man. even though the
1 al! did net break the skin. The Krag
Jorgensen is the mc;t powerful of mod
err, rifies and will kin a man two miles
away. It is thought that Zegler's
cloth may be utilized to make shields
?cr Gatlinj: and ether machine guns.
N:ime of CIih-hS' X.Z.
The dogs that are now enjoying t.'.eir
day in Chicago answer to the greatest
ooi'ecJon of fancy appelations ever
bejtowrd by unkind sponsors on the
canine trite. There are ' Rum Punches"
rml "Gin Firzes" and "Cocktails" and
' Ibsinthes" until the noise cf a peace
ful neighborhood resembles the intox
:c iting furore of a barroom. There are
Patricks" and "Tim Toolans" r.nd
"Peter Kelleys" and "Brian Borus" un
til the mind is filled with the thought
of the shamrock and the shadow of
the shilialagh hovers unpleasantly
near. "Rob Roy McGregor" is the dig
nified title of a frolicsome Scotch col
lie; "Paderewski" calls a musical ter
rier with a chrysanthemum shock of
tangled yellow hair; "Billy Sykes" is
an ugly bull: "Fingal," a dainty poodle
and "Uncle Dudley" a harmless pug.
Dead Tu;!i Luck.
Charles Titel, a poor man in search
of work in Milwaukee, received word
from Chicago that he was left a legacy
of $3,030. Being without money to pur
chase a ticket to Chicago, he resolved
to reach there by stealing a ride on a
freight train. In attempting to do so he
was drawn under the wheels and al
ruost ground to pieces. He died a short
time after the accident. Ex.
Property is said to be so safp .a Fin
land, that packages left unguarded aay
where are hardly ever touched.
A Mluoarl JatlgeM inwritten Jaw
Which tb JarT KespecteJ.
Judge Falconer, of Kentucky, who
guve the "tmwritten law" decision in
the murder heai'ias of a man who shot
the despoiler of his home, i but one
of several men who have held openly
on the bench that homicide i not a
crime when committed to avenge one's
Some years ago in the Criminal Court
of St. Louis. Bill Smith was on trial
for ail attempt to murder Mrs. Sterling,
a reputable woman who had the man
agement 'of her husband's farm during
his absence. The Sterling farm was
irt Illinois. Sterling was lu California
at the tfiao of the attack. His wife
was an attract! woman. One of tin
men on the farm wa Bill Smith. His
attentions to Mrs. Sterling were more
emphatic than discreet and he was nLs
chafgexl. He went to St. Louis and
arranged u plan by which Mrs. Sterling
visited that city, though she was ignor
ant of Smith's connection with the
scheme. He met her. to her stirpn&e
soon aften her arrival, and demanded
that she sell her farm, which sh2 coui-"
hai'p done at the time without tK
consent o! her husband, and go with
him out of the5 country. The woman
declined. Smith forced her into a hall
way and nearly succeeded in cutting
her throat with a poeketknif The at
tack would have tarried but for the ar
rival of help.
Smith's immediate arrest followed,
and he undertook to justify his act by
the statement that the woman had
trifled with his affections. Sterlinc ar
rived froul California to asist the
state in its prosecution. During the
trial r was noticed that Steiiing sel
dom took his right ham! from his
pocket. Laughlin. the Judge, directed
the jury to find Smith guilty, and then
"If Mr. Sterling had taken a double
barrelled shotgun on his return to thib
city and unloaded both barrels into the
carcass of this man Smith, even if he
had done it in this court-room, the act
would have been not only justifiable,
but proper and io Mr. Sterling's credit
But as he did not. gentlemen of the
jury, you will pass upon the defend
ant guilt, and I will assess the punish
ment, assuring you that it will be to
the full extent."
Of course the verdict was guilty. In
passing sentence, which was ten years
Laughlin scored Smith and repealed hi
shotgun instruction. When this was
done Sterling took his hand out of his
pocket. He had resolved to kill Smith
if the verdict was different.
Roman Catholic IrieH Organize a
Crand Army l'ott.
A Grand Army post has just ben
formed in Indiana whose membership,
with one exception, is made up of Rom
an Catholic priests and brothers of the
Order of the Holy Cros3. This unique
addition to the Grand Army is located
at Notre Dame, the seat of Notre Dame
university. The formation of the pest
was suggested by the presence in the
university of so many instructors who
fcught in the war or were chaplains.
A brother who fought all through tne
war in the Irish brigade was recently
transferred to Notre Dame from an
university, and a list of eligibles was
a member of the Grand Army and
wanted to remain one. The Very Rev.
Father Corby, who was chaplain cf
th, Irish brigade, is now sirp-jrior of
the Order of the Holy Cross. He ap
proved the suggestion of a post at the
university, and a list ofeliibles was
made. Enough were found to mnk a
quorum and six over. Accordingly the
post was organized under permission
regularly granted by State Commander
Dodge. Notre Dame has a fine war
record. In all. eight priests left h're
to serve as chaplains, most of vhora
arc now dead. In addition, there weie
sixty sisters of the Order of the Holy
Cross who went out as nurses, under
Mother Mary Angela, a cousin of
James G. Blaine. Mcst of the veterans
among the brothers joined the organiz
ation after the close of the war. G0 l.
Olmstead. who now belongs to the or
der, is also a member. The only lay
man who has been admitted to this
bran'h of the church militant is Col.
William Haynes. who is the dean of
the law school. Brother Leander. who
was a private in the Fifteenth Regi
ment of the regular army all throurh
the war, was chiefly instrumental in
the post's organization.
II! Urol!! prefli.
Ethel I saw Count Hardupski last
Cousin Tom Docs he talk as broken
ly as ever?
Ethel Oh. yes. I heard him ask pa
to lend him five pounds before he left.
New York Gotham.
Louisville- Fall City.
Aberdeen -Granite City.
Keokuk The Gate City.
Pittsburg The Iron City.
Hannibal The Diuff City.
Chicago The Garden City.
Rochester The Flour City.
Pittsburg The Smoky City.
St. Louis The .Mound City.
Loudon The Modern Babylon.
New Haven The City of Elms.
Detroit The City of the Straits.
Indianapolis The Railroad City.
Raleigh, N. C The City of Oaks.
Brooklyn The City of Churches.
Baltimore The Monumental City.
Nashville The City of the Rocks.
Springfield, III. The Flower City.
Cincinnati The Queen City of the
Cleveland and Portland The Forest
Buffalo The Queen City of the
Ancient Rome The Mistress of the
Washington The City cf Magnificent
Philadelphia The City cf Brotherly
Love and the Quaker City.
Brussels Little Paris. The uame is
sometimes applied to Milan.
Cincinnati Porkopolis. This came
has sometimes been applied to Chicago.
Boston The City of Notions, the
Puritan City, the City cf Culture, fu
Modern Athene, and the Hub of tne
Columbus State Bank
(Oldest Bank in the State.)
Fays Interest on Tins Deposits
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1'RAMv ItOllltEIt.
Sarelda Er.Lis. .'. Henry Witr-kma:.
Clark Cray. Hemiv I.osekk.
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Columbus Journal!
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Toted tho beat interests of
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The unit of measmrcwitk
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Goiumbus Journal
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