The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, August 18, 1897, Image 3

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Columbus Jcritrual.
U. A. 31. TIME TA11LK.
Llaroln, DriiTcr,
Oniha. Ilrlraa,
Ckiraco. B.ttr.
M. Jowpli. i Vrtt Lake til?,
liaau lit). ! IMrtUad,
M.Louliam! all point San Frurhro aad all
rat ant) tonth. I points wet.
N'o. 22 las-ceer 7:10 a. ci
No. 32 Freight and Accommodation 4:15 p. in
Daily f xcept Sacday.
"Daily exopt satumaj.
... 825 p. m
No. 81 "Freight and Accommodation 4HW p. in
"Daily exoept Snnday.
Col. I.oil 6 01 a in Limited . .10,V. a. m
Atlantic Li. 7CJa m Fast Mail 6.1rp.m
Or. U Local IS 0p ni ' Gr. Is. Local 8 M p.m
FastAlail. ill p.m
No. 2, F-t Mail. rrTii- iz-eneeT for
through ix.intr Going wvt at 6 15 p. , in., ar
rive at Denver 7 10 a m. No. 2, fast Mail car-rje-
i,i :irr to bchcyler. Fremont. Nallej
and Oxnaha Komi? traat at 2-15 p. m.
The f rirht tra:n leavinK here at &.S5 p. m. car-rit-f
pafn?ers from here to Valley.
Pjeuer arrives from Sioux City 12.30 p. m
luftve-fttr Sioax Citl - 6 Up m
Mixed leavet. for Sioux City 3a.m
Mixed arrives . . UOJji. m
Mi led l-avet
Mixed arm h
l'aeiuT lee
fl-00 a. m
fi:i0 p. m
li0p. m
iriO p. m
otietn Notices.
ST-All nntirm nnder this hoaiimK will i
cr.snre.1 at th rat of 2aear.
JfW Healar mtiuiir, 2.1 Urtln-lH in each
J month. All hrethreii mvitpM.attend
J. ltiL".SEi..Ac,y. 'Mini
ii ii il- fii:t.- v,. n I ft (I R.
E' met-ts 'rula eVeuiUK" of each
u-k at their liall on lmnreu
-trett. isitinK ImtJiren cnruiaiij
inwted N A.yfM.'S.U.
U U NQTE-TM.N.Sec'y. j7janVl-tf
the World, uieetti eterj second and fourth
'lhurtslaiMof the month, 7.30 p. m.. at h.. of 1'.
Hal! Eleventh etrwt Ueijula- attendance is
eri dmirahle. unl all viritin lrethreu are cor.
ditJl uithun jan2- v
tt 2 p ni prajer rneetm.: on ednttwiaj evening
a their Lhaiiel. corner of North street and Pacific
Aenne All are crdlitllj invited.
12iul5 Wder 11. J HUDSON, l'refiident.
GEKMAN Khl-OKMHD I HI KCII.-Sandaj KJOa. m hnrch every Sunday
a V)Hiu in '"hrintian Endeavor at 7:30 p.m.
lidioa Asd IjocMj every nrt llmmdaj in the
month at the church llnov-i!
- 101: bl.t A I
Wheal - V-' bushel.
Corn, bhelletl V bushel. .
Oatd f bushel.
Kje p bushel . . . .
Hogs- y cnt.
Fat cattle cwt
Potatoes - V bushel
Butter f Hj..
Ergs y dozen.
Markets corrected etery
(u. 17
(cl 10
i 31
3 00( 3 30
3 7fg 4 00
& 40
8 10
6 7
Tuesdav af-
Go to Strauss for the beet photos.
D. F. Pavis, lawjer, office in Barber
block. tf
Dr. Xaumann. dentist, Thirteenth
streeU tf
Dr. L. C. Voes, Homeopathic physi
cian. Columbus, Neb.
If you want a photo that will do you
justice go to Strauss '1 tf
,Ice cream and cake this Wednesday
evening tit G. O. Burns'.
Chas. Wurdeman is somewhat better
from a very serious illness.
John H. Sacrider. Monroe, has been
allowed an additional pension.
Kev. Hayes and Rev. Pubs ex
changed pulpitis Sunday morning.
Dr. C. F. O. Miessler, pin sician and
surgeon. Eleventh street. Columbus, tf
Drs. Mart n, Evans k Geer, office
tbre doors north of Friedhof 's store, tf
Jnst received, another invoice of
nice chamber suits, cheap atHerrick's. 2
Do not fail to st-e our -foot galvan
ized steel mill for S25.00. A. Dussell i
Son. tf
The newly married couple. Mr. and
Mrs. Langenegger, went to Omaha for a
wedding trip.
Please remember that you can get
just as nice photos at Notestein's as you
can in Omaha. tf
John Bruns was taken to the Nor
folk asylum for the insane yesterday, by
Sheriff Kavanaugh.
Rev. E. DeGeller being engaged for
Friday next, has postponed his journey
according to notice.
Ice cream sociable this Wednesday
evening at the residence of Mrs. G. O.
Burns. All are invited.
A jolly party of four drove out to
Yelton, north of town, last Sunday and
report having a good time.
The Union PaciOc are putting down
a gravel walk along North street east of
Hugh Hughes' lumber yard.
Aristo Platino photos are the latest
style, and you can get them at Notes
tein'e. All work warranted. tf
Baptist church, J. D. Pulis, pastor.
Services Aug. 22d, 11 a. m. Morning,
. "Who is Safe?"" Evening, no service.
Wm. Mansfield has rented the build
ing recently occupied by the Volunteers,
imd will open out soon with a reetatirant.
"Wiae buyers buy IDEAL flyers,"
for sale only by the Gerrard Wheel
Works. tf
Mrs. L H. Britell, who bad been
very seriously ill, was reported im
proved Monday.
J. J. Hafer passed Sunday in the
city. He has a position with the Hum
phrey Democrat.
Miss Jennie Wiseman and Mrs. Lee
were visiting the Willard family in St
Edward last week.
George Barnum has three apple
trees bearing fruit, and carrying a sec
ond crop of blossoms.
There were no services in the M. E.
church Sunday, Rev. Mickel attending
camp meeting at Clarke.
The young ladies of the Episcopal
church will serve ice cream in the park
this Wednesday evening.
Dr. R. D. McKean, dentist, succes
sor to Dr. Houghawout, ground floor, 4
doors north First National Bank, tf
Bring your orders for job-work to
this office. Satisfaction guaranteed, and
work promptly done, as agreed upon.
Mrs. M. W. Walters has been very
sick the past week with typhoid fever
and is still considered not ontof danger.
A series of fine rains Friday, and
one would think that surely the whole
country is now well supplied with
L. H. Leavy's little daughter Rosa,
who has been sick for the past seven
weeks, was reported better Monday
Fall Dry Goods at E.
D. Fitzpatrick's. See
A. J. Ames of Fort Dodge, Iowa,
and Marie A. Steer of Yankton, South
Dakota, were married August 10, by
Judge Kilian.
can get an 8-foot Freeport Galvanized
steel windmill from A. Dussell & Son
for onlj 325.00. tf
Now is the time to subscribe for
The Journal. For less than three cents
a week, you get all the local news in
neat, trim shape, tf
Two daughters of Rev. Hullhorst,
formerly of this city now of Lincoln,
Miss Maud and Charlotte, are visiting
M. Weaver's family.
C.C. Hardy for all kinds of repairing
and job work, also screen doors and
windows made to order. Three doors
west of Galley's store, tf
Mr. James N. Jerdon and Miss Lillie
M. Woods of Bellwood were married
Saturday at the Grand Pacific hotel,
Rev. J. D. Pulis officiating.
Mike Mostak of Tarnov, charged
with robbery, was arrested, fined $20
and in default, is boarding out the bill
at the county jail at 83 a day.
The wheat crop of Europe is said to
be 100,000,010 bushels short of what it
was last year, and there is now less on
hand than for eight years past.
F. P. Johnson says that while he
has always had a good crop of corn (he
lives in the Duncan neighborhood,) this
ear it is the best he has ever had.
During July the Hagel A- Stevenson
creameries made 60,214 pounds of butter
and paid out $5,259.50 for milk and
cream to the farmers of this section.
Among those who have returned
from attending the Fremont Normal
are: Mies Celia Wagner, Andrew Erb,
Frank Kersenbrock and Will Hensley.
Carl Roele, who has been tinner for
Ernst A- Schwarz, left Monday for Sher
idan, Wyoming, where he has a good
position in the tin shops of the B. A' M.
Services in the Presbyterian church
next Sabbath, morning and evening.
Morning subject, '-Where Two Seas
Meet;" evening subject, "The Genesis of
Repairing of traction engines a spec
ialty; also raising of smoke stacks, and
boiler work of all kinds. Boilers and
engines for sale. J. A. L. Talley, Co
lumbus, Nebr. tf
The B. A: M. are arranging for a
series of excursions over their lines in
Nebraska, which will give eastern in
vestors an opportunity to see the state
in its summer glory.
The directors of the Platte county
fair association have decided not to hold
a fair this ear, as they feel they have
not had sufficient encouragement to
warrant the expense.
Thursday evening Mrs. J. H. Bates
entertained a few friends for Miss Lamb
of St. Joseph, Mo., who has been visiting
the Bates family. Miss Lamb returned
to her home Saturday.
The full corps of teachers for our
public school has been engaged. The
vacancy in the primary department will
be filled by Miss Matthews, of Colum
bus. Cedar Rapids Outlook.
J. W. Tanner of the Follerton Post
and Mr. Totten of the News were callers
at The Jocbnal office Monday. They
are recommending Columbus as an ex
cellent point for new newspapers.
Confirmation class for Easter 'SS
will commence at the German Reformed
church Sept. 11. All parents wishing to
have have their daughters and sons con
firmed are requested to send them in
Rev. De Geller will start next Mon
day for Madison, Wise., where he will
visit a few days. There will be no ser
vices in the German Reformed church
August 29th on account of the pastor's
The city are laying a gravel walk
from the southeast to the northeast cor
ner of Frankfort square park. It is to
be eight feet in width. At Table Rock,
sidewalks of gravel, sand and dirt are
the latest touch.
One mill levy has been asked for the
public library at Lincoln. Las year's 38
of a mill furnished $478. Probably no
public money brings in so good returns
as that devoted to a good public library
and reading room.
A farmer living near Crete was bit
by a wild pig and terribly lacerated, re
sulting in lockjaw. Anti-toxine was
procured and applied, and the patient is
rapidly recovering, and the care, it is
said, will be complete.
T. A. Creigh, the head of the well
known firm of O. F. Davis & Co of
Omaha, was in the city Wednesday be
tween trains, having been on a business
trip into Boone county. He reports Ne
braska all around as all right.
Fer Beat-Fi
The Turner ranche or Island farm.
For particulars, address,
Mbs. Mart Ttjbxeb,
2S Olive St, Ocean Grove,
3t New Jersey.
William Roth, carpenter and con
tractor, holds himself in readiness for
all kinds of work in his line. If you are
thinking of having any carpenter work
done, communicate with William Roth,
Columbus, Nebraska, and get fig
ures. 18aug3m
The Daily Times Echo of Eureka
Springs, Arkansas, says the following
about a Columbus young lady who re
cited there before a large audience:
"Miss Maud Hatfield is an elocutionist
of rare ability as her recitation last night
Between 60,000 and 70,000 sheep,
owned by Fremont capitalists and feed
ers, are now enroute to the hay and com
fields of this vicinity, besides thousands
of others being brought to other sections
of the county to be fattened for the mar
ketHerald. S. J. Beebe, of Columbus, hut week
sold his fast pacing gelding, Billy C, to
New York parties, for $2,000. Billy C,
lowered his record to 2r08. This is a
Harrison county product, and was form
erly owned by Walter Craig. Cadiz,
(O.), Sentinel.
The Peter Smith mill on Shell Creek
will be closed for four weeks while they
are putting in some of the latest improv
ed machinery. The mill now turns out
some first-class flour and with the added
machinery will make one of the best mills
in the country.
Mayor Speice returned Thursday
from Oklahoma, where he had been on
business. lie says all the crops there
are looking fine, including cotton; wheat
produced 20 to 40 bushels to the acre
and a train load a day is being shipped
out to Kingfisher.
R. Eummer is placing more new
machinery in his Clear Creek mill and
will now manufacture three grades of
flour. The increase in demand for flour
has necessitated the change, and the
mill will be in condition to turn out a
great deal more flour.
From here Wednesday last was
made the first shipment we know of a
car load of home-grown apples. They
were from the Kinnan farm, and were a
fine sample of what Nebraska can pro
duce in the way of the greatest all
purpose frnit known to mankind.
Dr. B. Tiesing celebrated his 30th
birthday last Monday evening with a
social gathering of iutimate friends.
Among many tokens of friendship there
was a whole necessary kitchen outfit
ready to start house with. Now, good
Dr., there is a chance for bachelors.
It is hardly supposable that good
Nebraska land will ever be cheaper than
it is today, and it is coming to be seen
that the farmer who has a good tract of
land, is free from debt, and moderately
knowing and industrious, is about as
secure in his hold upon the real good
things of earth as anybody, anywhere.
Mr. Ulrich Langenegger and Mrs.
Eliza Windisch were married Saturday
at the German Reformed church par
sonage by Rev. DeGeller. Mr. Lange
negger has been for several years a
trusted employe of A. Boettcher, while
Mrs. Windisch has proved her ability in
managing her property, the Lindel
Last Wednesday was a field day for
wheat in the United States. September
wheat advanced 3 cents at Chicago and
closed strong at 81 cents. This was
the highest point touched by September
wheat since 1891. At New York the
market closed at 88JS cents, and the
total transactions in futures were 10,
&35.000 bushels.
James Perry was arrested here
Tuesday evening, on a description, by
Deputy Sheriff Gentleman, and on Wed
nesday Sheriff Simmering of Adams
count' came for him. He is wanted at
Hastings to answer a charge of obtain
ing money under false pretenses. It is
said that he formerly lived at Platte
Center, this county.
One of many such samples of what
can be done on Nebraska soil comes
from near McCool, York county. John
Stellar bought 80 acres of land, paid a
small sum down and gave a mortgage
for $1,500. He has just threshed wheat
raised on the place, 2,200 bushels, worth
$1,320 at 60 cents a bushel, nearly
enough to pay the mortgage.
Mrs. Gus Lockner and daughter
Elsie, who had been visiting friends in
the city, return to their home at Omaha
today, Wednesday, after a very pleasant
sojourn. The Joubnal is indebted to a
call from the ladies Thursday, accom
panied by Mrs. Gluck and her daughter,
Miss Mamie, who took a view of the
workshop of this truth and news dis
penser. The News says 'the Norfolk water
works system is proving a paying invest
ment It is not only paying all running
expenses, but it is going to be able to pay
off part of the bonded indebtedness and
help pay interest on same. The tax for
the waterworks fend has been reduced
to three mills and it is calculated that
soon there will be no tax levy whatever
for that fund."
Oscar Taylor, for some time brake
man on the B. & M. from here to Lin
coln, has been advanced to conductor
on the B. A M. from Schuyler to Ash
land. Another indication of prosperity,
when workmen are being advanced.
The B. & M. have been unable to get
cars enough to fill orders for hauling
freight Has that been the case the
past three years?
A South Omaha judge has decided
that, under a city ordinance in vogue,
which required that dealers take out
license to sell "milk and cream," a far
mer could not be compelled to take out
license to sell buttermilk. On his part
the farmer didn't see how he could afford
to sell buttermilk to the South Omahans
at 10 cents a gallon if he was compelled
to pay $25 a year for a permit
Washington Corrington of Peoria,
accounted the wealthiest farmer in
Illinois, a man eighty-five years old,
advises the young thus: "Be saving.
The young man of today has fifty
chances to get rich and make money to
one in my time. Then, after you have
started out right and saved a few dol
lars, specialize. Start out and do one
thing and stick to it, but first be sure to
find out what you are fitted tor. After
that it ia easy sailing."
Miss Martha Johnson, formerly min
ister of the Baptist church at Platte
Center and who has many friends in this
city, will preach in the Baptist church
here Tuesday evening. Miss Johnson
has been attending the Baptist college in
Grand Island the past year, and will
continue at the same place the follow
ing year.
The game of base ball Snnday at
Higgina' grove, between the Butter
Boys and the Grocer Lads, is said to
have been the best game of the season,
in these parts, the score six to five in
favor of the Grocer Lads. "Turkey"
Hagel put out Galley on a double play,
but he had to fall down. If the Butter
Boys had had a can of buttermilk at
the third base, they might have made it
even. Another game will be played
next Sunday.
In an account of the gold-medal
contest at the Fremont Normal, wherein
seven young women contested, the Trib
une has the following in regard to a
Platte county young lady: "An excel
lently prepared oration on Truttr was
delivered by Miss Jessie Maw in a very
pleasant manner, though she was not
heard at all times in the rear of the
room. Her thought was very strong and
well connected." The Normal school
graduated 124 pupils last week.
The Epworth League assembly held
at Lincoln last week proved a greater
success than was anticipated. Fifteen
hundred people camped on the grounds.
The best of talent in music and oratory
had boen secured, which kept continual
interest Among those who attended of
the Methodists known in Columbus
were, Henry Zinnecker, Miss Alice Tur
ner, Rev. Powers, Rev. Worley and fam
ily, F. C. Green and family, Herbert
Shoaf and sister Miss Martha, and
W. H. Dougherty and John Hugg
were in Columbus Sunday, and made
arrangements with the fire department
there to get a hose cart, hose and har
ness for the use of the Humphrey de
partment in training for the hose race
at Stanton next month, in which they
will participate. The Humphrey hose
company has some boys who are hot
runners, and they are going after the
liberal purse tnat is hung up for the
winners of the race. So says the Hum
phrey Democrat.
The North Bend correspondent of
the Fremont Tribune sajs: "J. S.
Thompson, chemist at Roberts' drug
store, has been analyzing the water from
deep and shallow wells in town. He
finds four grains of impurity to the gal
lon in deep wells and twenty-six grains
to the gallon in shallow wells." Our
hardware men are doing a land office
business at putting down deep wells.
Several of them have been put down,
others are being driven, and there are or
ders ahead for more.
The Union Pacific Pioneers of Oma
ha took their annual outing Saturday,
going to Grand Island. They were
under the care of Sup't Sutherland.
Their train of sixteen cars was elab
orately decorated with the national
colors, and the fifteen hundred men,
women and children seemed to be having
a very enjoyable time of it, when they
passed through at 11 o'clock. The mag
nificent band favored Columbus with
one of their excellent selections of
music, during their brief stop here.
Under the auspices of the Ladies'
Auxiliary of the Congregational church,
Miss Laura America McCord, a graduate
of the Dee Moines school of oratory,
will give a reading in the Congregation
al church on the evening of Sept. 3d.
Miss Florence Gleason will famish sev
eral piano selections. This will be the
last time the people of Columbus will
have the pleasure of listening to Miss
Gleason's fine renditions before her re
turn to New York, and we feel sure the
evening will be filled with pleasure to
all who attend.
Binder & Smith of Richland are
threshing in the neighborhood and they
hare a machine so complete in all its
appointments that an old-time thresher
if he could see it at work would almost
think that a different race of beings had
charge of affairs now than the ordinary
human race of his time a very long
distance from the flail and the barn-floor
tramping-out! A traction engine, of
course, an automatic band-cutter and
feeder, an elevator for the grain and a
device for automatic weighing of it be
fore it goes into the wagon, last but not
least, a shifting stacker.
Early Wednesday morning Adolph
Berger of this city boarded a box car to
go to Omaha. After he got in, three
tramps came in also, and one of them
shortly interviewed him as to whether
he had money. He answered that he
had fifty cents; but it seemed the trio
were not satisfied, and before Benton
was reached, they went through his
clothes and got $31 that he had intend
ed to invest in broom corn, and then
jumped the train, and of course escaped.
Mr. Berger got off at Schuyler and meet
ing the tall editor (John Sprecher) he
told him his story, when Sprecher says:
"Berger, did they take all you had?"
"Yes, every cent" was the answer.
"Well, here's fifty cents for you to get
home on," was Sprecher's proffer, and
Berger was very much gratified to find
a stranger so quick to appreciate his
situation, and he probably will never
forget the tall editor.
It is quite astonishing the prices
calves are bringing this summer. They
go off at a flash now at prices for which
cows would have been a very slow sale
a few years ago. It was a very difficult
if not an impossible thing at that time
to convince a great many cattle owners
that things would ever again be very
different from what they were then with
the cattle business. But all branches of
the live stock business have their ups
and downs, and just at the present the
cattle business is having one of its ups.
The present condition comes about
mainly from a scarcity of cattle in the
country, but an abundance of cheap feed.
Stackers and feeders ore apt to be held
at too high a figure for a safe investment,
and yet there is a sort of balance wheel
in this feeding business. If a man can
not buy cattle to suit himself he can try
sheep. There ought to be some money
in feeding sheep this winter, and the
more sheep that are brought into the
state to feed the easier it ought to be to
secure cattle at a safe figure, The Ne
braska Farmer.
ScpaMkaa Ceaaty Ceaveatiea.-
The republican county convention was
called to order at 2:30 p. m. Monday, at
Maennerchor hall, by W. A. McAllis
ter, chairman of the county central com
mittee. He spoke briefly of the outlook since
the incubus of the democratic party of
the past four years had been removed
by the election of Wm. McKinley. The
better times are here and the price of
wheat is going up, up, up, while that of
silver is going down, down, down, a dis
appointing thing to Billy Bryan, but
satisfactory to the public at large. He
amid that republicans should nominate
a good ticket, stand by it to a man, and
success will be the result All should
stand together and work for the ticket
till the close of the polls. In our city
we have a man who is honored all over
the state of Nebraska as the supreme
judge and we ought today to pass rous
ing resolutions in favor of his renomina
tion. On motion of Ed. Hoare, John Tan
nahill was nominated for temporary
chairman. On motion of J. D. Stires, J.
T. Morris was nominated. A standing
vote showed Morris 36, Tannahill 32.
Mr. Morris in taking the chair said he
didn't want to make a speech, it is suf
ficient that we feel and realize that we
are living under times of protection and
William McKinley.
Dr. Humphrey was elected temporary
On motion of Stires a committee of
five on credentials was nominated by
the ( chair, Ragatz, Evans, Painter,
Smith and Wurdeman.
The committee reported that all town
ships were represented, and they recom
mended the following as entitled to
seats in the convention:
St. Bernard Peter Johnson, P. Ran
kin, W. H. Thompson.
Woodville Joe Apgar, Roy Clark, E.
Erwin, P. Wolein, H. N. Christiansou,
Thomas Dresa.
Granville G. W. Clark, R. P. Drake,
G. W. Conrad, J. E. Paul, R. Lewis.
Monroe W. O. Pugsley, Geo. Smith,
G. L. Humphreys, J. Sinyer, R. C. An
derson. Joliet Robt. Lewis, H. J. Johnston.
R. E. Jones, Geo. Mahood, I. N. Jones.
Butler D. C. Owen.
Loup John Buss, F. Meedel.
Lost Creek Ed. Hoare, W. E. Kent,
R. G. Strother, I. Patton, W. D. Wilson,
L Hilliard, Lew Hoare, Wm. Smith, I.
L. Niemoller.
Burrows E. R. Williams, E. Evans,
George Lamb. W. Rowlands.
Shell Creek L. P. Apgar, J. Gros
nicklana, W. Conner, D. Thair, P. H.
Grand Prairie E. C. Morrow, W. E.
Lawrence, Wm. Hoeffeluian.
Humphrey E. A. Stockslager, H.
Pruit, K. E. Pay, W. H. Alderson, J.
Creston C. J. Nichols, S. J. Wheeler,
Frauk Anderson, Gus. Shoetter, J. T.
Morris, S. T. Flemming.
Walker J. Blomqnist, Nels Olsen, M.
Careleston, P. W. Carlston, S. P. Atkin
son, Chris. Christianson, Alf. Sievens, A.
Vestlin, J. Hendrixen.
Columbus Township W. D. Askine,
John Tannahill, J. L. Sturgeon, H. B.
Reed, George Barnum.
Bismark Aug. Weishand, H. Buss, F.
Cotlaw. John Wurdeman, Wm. Hake.
Sherman J. H. Wurdeman, Ed. Lus-chenv-H.H.
Wurdeman, G. Roshe, H. G.
Luschen, Carl Roshe.
Columbus, First ward J. A. Ernst,
H. T. Spoerry, C. A. Woosley, J. D.
Stires, O. C. Shannon, C. D. Evans, H.
W. Heineman.
Second ward Henry Ragatz, John
Hoffman, A. M. Gray, D. W. Zeigler, J.
A. Turner, C. E. Pollock, E. P. Dussell.
Third ward-H. M. Window, D. T.
Martyn, M. Whitmoyer, M. Jerome, G.
A. Scott, L. C. Voss, Jos. Tiffany, E. H.
Chambers, S. F. Mills.
Cookingham of Humphrey said he
would like to hear from the committee
in regard to the delegation from Gran
ville. Chairman Ragatz replied that
only one set of credentials had been
presented to the committee. There cer
tainly must be some mistake; they must
be there or else some one has taken
them, and he was sure no republican
would take what didn't belong to him.
On retiring to the committee room,
the contest papers were found and the
committee reported, recommending the
adoption of the report as read, which
was done, after a speech pending the
motion by Cookingham arraigning the
action of the alleged ring in the ranks of
the party carrying it to the Bartleys and
the Moores. The same ring combined
to cover the embezzler in Platte county,
and we cannot follow them, be said. If
these men are to dictate, if yon find us
not following their lead, you will still
know that we are republicans to the
Some one raised the point of order
that Mr. Cookingham was not a mem
ber of the convention, and Cookingham
R. P. Drake made reply to Cooking
ham, mentioning the names of delegates
present, aside from himself, and asking
if any one believed that these men were
On' motion, David Thomas was ad
mitted as a delegate to the convention
in place of Johnson, not present, from
The temporary organization was made
Ragatz then offered the following res
olution, and moved its adoption:
The republicans in Platte county in
convention assembled, with pride in
this being the home of our esteemed
fellow-citizen, A. M. Post, in his integ
rity and ability and exceptional fitness
for the position of supreme judge, ad
mitted by all. Now this being the year
that his term of office expires, we
earnestly desire his renomination and
election, and hereby ask him to name
the delegation from this county to the
republican state convention to be held
at Lincoln, August 26, 1897.
Spoerry said that by the adoption of
this resolution we would surrender body
and soul to one man. This is the cen
tralization of power. He didn't believe
in surrendering before making a fight
It is a disgrace to the republicans of the
county to think of surrendering their
right to name their representatives in
this matter to one man, who has shown
himself, by his suit against a lady school'
teacher, not to be fit for constable.
Ragatz said that whatever may be
said of Judge Post, it most be acknowl
edged by all that he has made a good
judge. It is only common courtesy to
allow him to name the delegation. It is
the Terr least you can do, and it should
g" I S ONE that will save you the Quarters, the Halves and the "g
Dollars. lake all good stories it is brief in telling but en-
S""" during in the benefits it will yield. "g
What's left MUST GO at our Sale during the remainder of AUGUST at prices that will give
you NEARLY DOUBLE the value of your money. In order to make room for our Fall
Goods we have decided to reduce prices on the following goods:
Men's, Youths' and Children's Clothing,
Underwear and Straw Hats,
A complete line of Boys' Wash Sailor Suits
going at 50c, 75c and $1.00 per Suit.
All our Summer Wash Dress Goods,
Ladies' Shirt Waists,
Ladies' Summer Underwear,
Silk Mitts, Gloves and Parasols,
J. H.
4444444444444444444444444 4444 4444444444444444444444444
be done cheerfully.
Stires moved that
the resolution be
laid on the table. On this there was
more talk by Hoare and Whitmoyer,
when Evans called the attention of the
chairman that the motion was not de
batable. A call of the townships wa9 made on
this motion and it was lost by a small
Stires called for a division of the res
olution, so that the sense of the conven
tion could be expressed fully and freely
on the different parts, the latter para
graph, viz., asking Judge Post to name
the delegates, being the objectionable
part, and moved as a substitute, the
resolution with the last clause omitted.
Ragatz insisted that the resolution
was introduced by him in good faith,
and it was nothing more than custom
ary and right.
Spoerry said that it was something
like the prescription of a doctor, if he
says I shall take quinine with whiskey,
I have a right to object to-the quinine.
Woosley said there was no disposition
to find fault with Judge Post for what
he has done on the supreme bench.
This convention was called for the pur
pose of electing delegates to the state
convention to represeut the views of
Platte county republicans, not only on
the nomination of a supreme judge but
on other matters important to the party.
It is evident here by the action already
taken that there are a large number of
delegates who have shown their dis
pleasure at that part of the resolution
which delegates all their rights to one
person. They have a right to still fur
ther show their displeasure. He hadn't
any doubt of Judge Post's nomination
nor of his election, and there was no
man who would more ardently support
him than he, but he objected to this
method as unrepubhean, and objection
able to many of the adherents of Judge
Post in this convention.
Ragatz thought it wonld be a shame
to vote the resolution down.
Whitmoyer said that the right of the
convention to ask Mr. Post to name the
delegation had been challenged. Time
and time again this has been done. In
this particular case there ought to be
less objection and for this particular
reason. Platte county has no candidate
for any other office on the state ticket,
there are only two regents, and if we are
in earnest, we will honor ourselves and
take a stand before the state by the
adoption of this resolution entire. He
didn't care who got up here and howled,
we would honor ourselves and do jus
tice to everybody.
Drake said that republicans felt proud
of the record of Judge Post on the
bench, but there was also a strong feel
ing against allowing any one man to
select this delegation, and he believed it
was to the interest of Judge Post that
the substitute be adopted.
Shannon said that the fight was
against the machine. There are a host
of republicans who are tired of it the
year in and year out, being brow-beaten
and pushed into line by Ed. Hoare;
that if the resolution passed Ed. Hoare
would really name the delegates. It is
a question of whether the machine shall
run the republicans of Platte county or
whether they shall run themselves.
Hoare said that if those opposing the
resolution wanted to beat Judge Post,
they ought to come right out We are
not here to beg of Mr. Shannon. He's
got it in for me simply because I was
not in favor of him for district court
clerk, etc.
After a few further remarks by Ragatz
and Spoerry, Judge Post stepped to the
front and said that he would ask to be
heard for a moment; that he had had
nothing to do with local matters of ap
pointment; that be had not recommen
ded but one man for appointment, and
that he had been promptly turned down
by the powers that be; that under no
circumstances could be consent to name
the delegation unless authorized to do
so by a unanimous vote, or practically
so, and requested his friends to with
draw the resolution.
On the motion to lay the substitute
resolution on the table, the vote was
taken by townships and carried.
Immediately came the vote upon the
resolution entire, the result of which we
give, as follows:
The entire delegations voting for the
resolution were Walker, Shell Creek,
Grand Prairie, Lost Creek, Burrows,
St Bernard, Woodville, which with 3
from second ward, 2 third, 2 Columbus
twp., 1 Monroe, 3 Joliet and.2 Sherman,
made 59.
The entire delegations voting against
were first ward, Creston, Humphrey,
Butler, Loup, Granville, which with 3
I from second ward, 7 third, 3 Columbus
twp., 4 Monroe, 2 Joliet and 4 Sherman,
made 53.
The chairman declared the resolution
carried, and the convention adjourned
to September 27.
Schoo: Hoard.
The board met in adjourned session
Aug. 11, all present except Gluck.
The bill of Joseph Fischer for labor
at the different school houses, was al
lowed, 814.50.
The communication of Mary E. Smith,
Schuyler, was read and filed. She de
sires position as music teacher, at any
future time in case of vacancy.
The committee on text books reported
the list of those needed for the coming
year, and their report was adopted. It
comprises books for supplemental read
ing, readers, arithmetics, language
books, etc.
The acceptance of all teachers elected
was reported by the secretary.
Gondring, to whom had been referred
the bond of the treasurer as to form,
reported that the bond should be
amended to read ''Frank Wurdeman,
treasurer of school district of Colum
bus, county of Platte, in the state of
Nebraska." The secretary was instruct
ed to return bond for correction or new
Adjourned to Aug. 30.
City Finance.
The report of City Treasurer Wurde
man for the month of July shows the
following summary of amount on hands
in the several funds:
General S 530 93
Waterworks (maintaing) 453 G2.
(int. on bonds).... 1019 32
Special sidewalk 64 03
Street, alley and highway .... 1 12 30
Loup river bridge 717 12
Occupation tax 2739 19
Firemen's 85 00
Less overdraft
.S 5726 51
Platte river
43 86
Balance in city funds S 5632 do
" license ' (school) 3683 25
Cattle for Sale.
J. L. Sturgeon 4 Son are receiving as
occasion demands, stock cattle which
they will have for sale at their ranch
near the city.
If you wish good cattle see them at
onee. If they don't have on hand what
will please yon, they can be sure to sat
isfy yon in a few days at farthest.
They are in the business for good, and
will make business mutnall v Batiafactorv.
Homer Brown died at his home
southwest of town Wednesday evening
at about 6 o'clock. He has had a long
and painful illness, he being taken down
about three months ago by what was sup
posed to have been blood poisoning.
The physicians now pronounce the mal
ady glanders and think he must have
contracted the disease last fall while
doctoring some horses. Elgin Review.
! I
Fancy Groceries,
Eleventh Street, -
We invite you to come and see us. "We regard the interests of our
patrons as mutual with our own, so far ad our dealings are concerned our
part of the obligation being to provide and offer
Good - Goods - at - Fair - Prices.
-EVERYTHING KEPT that is expected to be found in a fint
clua, up-to-date grocery store.
The well known and valuable
Turner ranche or Island farm.
A certain amount down, and re
mainder on mortgage at 7 per cent
For further particulars, address
3t Ocean Gkove, New Jersey.
Xow is the time to subscribe for The
Colomhus Journal and the Lincoln
Journal, semi weekly, both for 82.15 a
year. Three papers a week at a cost of
less than 4 cents a week.
To California. Comfortably.
Every Thursday afternoon, a tourist
sleeping car for Salt Lake City, San
Francisco and Los Angeles leaves Oma
ha and Lincoln via the Burlington
It is carpeted; upholstered in rattan;
has spring seats and backs and is pro
vided with curtains, bedding, towels,
soap, etc. An experienced excursion
conductor and a uniformed Pullman
porter accompany it through to the Pa
cific Coast
While neither so expensively finished
nor so fine to look at as a palace sleeper,
it is just as good to rido in. Second
class tickets nn accepted for passage
and the price of a berth, wide enough
and big enough for two, is only S5.
For folder giving full particulars, call
at nearest Burlington ticket office, or
write to J. Francis, G. P. A., Burlington
Route, Omaha, Neb. 22dec
justness Ja tiers.
Advertisement under thin head five cents a
hneeich insertion.
'n7M.SCHlI.TZ makes boot and shoes in tho
" best style, and nos only th very best
stockthat can bt proenred in tho market. 12-tf
i Standard f
j Eeep3 hogs healthy S
and makes them grow Z
fast. Try it. For
particulars address
E Columbus, Neri:., E
E Exclusive dealer for Platte Co. E
I.-' Jfc--'JJfe-