Wft - SffSv "?. ,rp-f . SVPf sr".- .- i... -." " "t f- -f BUSINESS STILL IMPROVE. Fresh Evidences of This Come from Every Part of the Country. feet witala a few days. Three other large transfers, raagiac from 10,000.000 to 12, 000,000 f est each, have also recently beea coasplettd. Prices arc now irra. la atramfs coattaat to the demoralisation that pre TsOfi a few weeks age. Chicago TlaVas Herald (Id0. fcr V Democratic and Republican Journals Vie with Each Other in Assurances of Return ing Prosperity. A Most Gratifying Collection of Hopeful Expressions Gathered from Various Reliable Sources. No publication within tbe last few weeks has attracted more attention than that furnished the readers of this paper early last month, showing a marked improvement In business con ditions throughout the country. This was evidenced by a collection of state ments on this subject from scores of newspapers of all political parties, and from all parts of the country. The evidence of general and widespread im provement was so plainly shown by this and so much a subject of gratification that we present herewith another in stallment of expressions of this char acter, gathered from all sections and from papers of all political shades of opinion: The Prospect Brijjhtens. Either because tbe business men have taken heart from the comforting assur ances of Secretary Gage anil the reason able certainty that a new tariff law will be in force within a few weeks, or be en use better times had to come in the natural order of things, there is a definite and unquestionable improvement in the business situation. There are so many in dications of this in so many quarters that it is idle to deny that a change for the better is tnking place. There are indus tries which have not revived as yet, but their turn will come. There are some which always lag behind in the procc sion. Chicago Tribune (Uep.). Good Pi '.'nil. Tha business is getting better Is evi dent from many signs. The financial re views and commercial agencies publish n-port from all parts of the country which indicate this. The reports of rail roads show increased earnings over those of the same period last year. Another significant and hopeful sign is the fact that the money now in circulation in this country is $13S,14f.G12 more than the cir culation one year ago. the total amount in circulation last Saturday being $1, 6T9,733,S93. The absence of speculative interest is not an unmixed evil. It indi cates that what improvement is taking place in business is healthful. Atlanta Journal (Dem.). " i.- 81or bat Pare. A slow but steady gain in business with an advance in prices, an increase in the number of hands employed and growth of new orders, and an increase in the amount of work done are pointed out by "Dun's Review" in its last issue as a renewed evi dence that business is improving. A study of the newspaper sentiment of the country as expressed in the publications of all sentiments shows a concurrence in the belief thus expressed that there is a mark ed and general improvement in the busi ness situation. Silverttea Are Drab, "Prices cannot rise so loag as the gold standard obtains." That was the asser tion made with endless persistence by the silver standard orators and newspapers last year. The basal proposition of Mr. Bryan was that commodities could not reach higher values save through the free coinage of silver. What do we now see? Wheat has advanced, in the face of re ports indicating a tremendous yield this summer. In the grazing regions sheep have nearly doubled ia price since last year. Wool has gone up fifty per cent. The cattle market is good. In the general market there is an upward movement. The Impossible has happened, then. What do the free coinage advocates say about the condition that now confronts them? Precisely what anyone would expect them to say nothing. Cincinnati Times Btar (Rep.). Faith Is Looking Up. According to Dun & Co., the business conditions are gradually shaping them selves about the same as they were in 1S79, just previous to a remarkable ad vance in business prosperity. This view may be of the roseate order, but it is based on fact and figures which the able re porter thinks justify it. It seems almost incredible that the volume of business is now larger than it was iu 1S92 the year of greatest prosperity yet such is the Terdict of Dun &. Co. But the volume of profits is much smaller, making the vol ume of prosperity correspondingly less. A very large share of the present volume of business is the importation of foreign goods under free trade and low tariff schedules. This harms rather than helps American enterprises and the labor there in employed, or which ought to be therein employed. We may do a tremendous business in flooding our markets with foreign goods to the exclusion of the pro ducts of our own labor, but there is no prosperity to our country m that kind of business. Last month's record of busi ness failures is decidedly encouraging, showing, as it do, a large decrease in comparison with previous and correspond ing months. Detroit Journal (Rep.). Signs or Cheer. The business sentiment is undoubtedly strong?r. There are many reasons for hopefulness. Not the least important re cent happening has been the assurance of Secretary Gage that the Federal adminis tration would not forget the "mandate of the people, whose voice in behalf of honA est money and sound finance rang out loud and clesr in November last." Cur rency Reform is vital to business secur ity: and it Is helpful to confidence to have official reassurance that tariff tinkering is not to be the last of administrative ex pedients, for the removal of business dis trust and depression. There are other grounds for commercial cheerfulness. Busiuess failures are lessening in number and importance. Commercial loans are expanding; bank clearings are increasing, and the transportation companies are earning more money. The end of tariff uncertainty is drawing near; the impor tant crops all over the country give prom ise of abundant harvests: productive costs in the great industries have been crowded to the apparent minimum: there is less reason to fear further important price shrinkages: the storekeepers shelves, as a rule, hold no unwieldy accumulations of stocks, and labor is becoming more gen erally employed. These are favorable con ditions for a sustained revival of busi ness. Philadelphia Record (Dem.). Fetter Tines la the West. Mr. E. V. Smalley of St. Paul writes to the New York Evening Post the results of his observations on a recent trip of a month from Chicago to Portland, Oregon. He stopped at various points on the way, thus gaining opportunities to gather re liable information concerning the business conditions, and his conclusion is that trade is everywhere improving not much, but to an appreciable extent. The rail roads, he says, report a net gain in re ceipts from freight, but none worth men tioning as yet from passenger earnings. Bank deposits are increasiug and collec tions are easier. People are paying a little on their old debts carried along from ! boom times, and there has been a great deal of liquidation from foreclosure. All the solid industries are doing fairly well. Prices are low and profits small, but the close economies practiced enable projec tors to come out a little ahead. n Improved Trade Conditions. The mercantile reports for the past week leave no room for doubting the fact that signs of marked improvement in busi ness conditions are discernible on every hand. The unexpected progress made by the tariff bill iu the Senate, with the pros pect of an adjournment of Congress some time in July, together with the optimistic speeches of Secretary Gaze, in which he gave the country assurance of ultimate relief from certain admitted defects ip our financial svstem. have all combined to make the trade record of the week a most satisfactory one. That the hopeful and encouraging utterances of the President and bis Secretary of the Treasury had a marked influence on trade conditions was evidenced by the increased foreign de mand for American securities. Chicago Times-Herald (Ind.). Business Sitaation Better. There is no longer room for question on the proposition that conditions in the I world of business have improved. While tnere may sul, be found isolated cases where toe return of commercial activity has not yet broken up the long spell of stagnation, such cases by their rarity are but the exception to prove the rule. Bet ter, perhaps, than the actual improve ment, which can be reduced to figures by comparison with the past, is the general belief that business has not only improv- ed. but that the improvement is bound to continue. President McKinley and Sec retary Gage touched the keynote of this s-entiment in their recent notable utter- ! anc. The far-reaching effect of these speeches became evident when advices be gan pouring in from abroad to the effect that American securities were in strong demand. Foreign capital, keenly anxious for the right moment to arrive, has seized the opportunity and :n a measure led the ; way to a practical demonstration of reviv- i ed confidence. The enhanced value cf all securities quoted on the 3fck Exchange ' is but a barometrical indication of this altered condition. Reports as shown by railroad earnings still bear witness to the growing increase or trade. Individual lines of business, too, almost without ex- i ally gained, month by mouth, until sud ception, scknowledge the same state of j denly the demand outran the supply. The affairs. Not only is this manifest in the I iron "industry is expanding its production larger manufacturing industries, such as clothing, hardware and boots and shots, but the more limited branches dependent entirely on the general prosperity of the commercial world report a gratifying in crease in the volume f business on which estimates are asked. Chicago Post (Ind.). A Good Example for the People. Among the solid facts on which expec tations may be based are the flattering crop prospect. President HIS of tae Great Northern is quoted a predicting bast the wheat fields contributory to his lire will furnish 90,000.000 bushels of grain this season for transperlaiion, and tbe man agers of other lines contribute equally favorable information. The jobbers say' that the supply of manufactured goods which may be counted amtng the neces saries of life is generally exhausted throughout the country, and that the peo ple must buy and the mi?js must resume operation to meet the crma-d, which will bring into circclatios A millions of dol lars that have been hoarded through rhe hard times. It would be weli if all peo ple, everywhere, would xnkste the cheer ful and optimistic tone of the President and the members of bis administration. Let them withdraw their gaze from the dark and gloomy aspect upon which it has dwelt for several years past and habituate themselves to looking upon the bright side of things. It is well known that almost any man in good health might be made ill I i i j, iHsilssssssssssssfl seas! Hnlili saW snaf snaV saw j V" I B F II II fl ntf bbbbbbbbbhIbmHhIbbs1 THE INTERIOR DEPARTMENT. THE Interior Department Building, a view of which is presented herewith, is one of the Interesting rn J always sought after sights In Washington. In it is located the Patent Office, containing the models which the Government re quired for years should be furnished with applications for patents. The accumulations of these interesting and in many cases curious models for proposed machines form oue of the most unique museums of museuai-diied Washington, for no city in the country has so great a number of museums as the capital of the nation. The Interior Department Building is a largewhite marble structure, covering two entire squares, extending from Seventh to Ninth streets and from F to G streetitvWhne In its construction little attempt at ornamentation was made, its plain and severely classical exterior always attracts the attention of those who are so fortunate as to have the oppor tunity of studying its architectural lines. Within it is a busy place. Its main floor is occupied, first, by the office of the Secretary of the Interior. Hon. Cornelius N. BHss, and adjoining this the offices of the assistant secretari and others of the Secretary's personal staff. The northern front is occupied by the officials of the Patent Office, and a; the northwest corner is the office of the Commissioner of Patents, Hon. Benjamin Bntterworth. Stretching down the western end of the building are the offices of he Division of Public Lands, and in the southeast corner are the room of the Commis sioner of the General Land Office, Hon. Binger Herman, formerly member of Congress from Oregon. Thee are always busy rooms, for there is from morning till night a flow of members of Congress, attorneys and others passing in and ont. in teresting themselves in matters pertaining to land claims and the distribution of public lands to those who are establish ing homes in various parts of the country. Upon the floor above is the model room of the Patent Office, which is always the subject of much interest. The Pension Bureau, which is a part of the Interior Department, occupies, as Is well known, a building erected exclusively for its use, which is located only a couple of squares away from the Interior De partment, and connected by telephone and other conveniences, making it practicable for the officers of the Interior De partment to speak with their subordinates at the Pension Office at any time they may choose. if his friends, through a concerted move ment, were to make a point of telling him every time they met him how sick he look ed. The imagination is a powerful motor. When everybody one meets talks of hard times, a tinge of melancholy is created which overspreads the whole community. This cloud can be dissipated by cheerful talk and by considering the really favora ble factors of the situation. Minneapolis Tribune (Rep.). The Brightening Oatlook. Democrat and anti-protectionist though he is. Senator Gorman is too good a poli tician and too shrewd a business man to maintain a hopeless resistance to the Re publican tariff bill. There is new hope in this for every legitimate branch of busi ness, it means that it will not De neces- sary to wait until autumn to get a taste of better times. It means that the new tariff will have a longer period in which to work ont its results and vindicate itself before being put to rhe test of a congres sional election. This prospect that the new tariff will go into effect with the fiscal year is a bad thing for Bryanism. but it I eooi thing for the merchant, the man- ufacturex, the farmer and the wage earn- er. Boston Journal (Rep.), Unmistakable 81m. There are unmistakable signs of a re turn of prosperity in the iron and steel manufacturing centers of the country, in tbe opinion of the Cleveland Leader. All around Pittsburg there has been a re sumption of work in most of tbe mills and factories, and the same reports come from the industrial cities of eastern Ohio and western Pennsylvania. There was a re vival jnst after the election in November, due in the main to a restoration of confi dence, bnt rhe pwple were not fully pre pared for a complete return to commer cial and Industrial activity. They had felt the effects of the depression too long to recover from it suddenly, and It was not to be expected that building enterprises. which are the surest revivers of business, wonld be undertaken at. tbe beginning of men of the wretched times is manifest" winter. With the opening of spring it will Mr. Wanamaker draws erroneous condn be different, however. Big projects which sions. No man in the countrv who was have been delayed by the panic will now be pushed as soon as the weather permits I and before the first of April there is cer tain to be a distinct improvement in com mercial and industrial conditions. Every Line Is Improving. One of the commercial agencies calls attention to the fact that there is a re markable similarity between the course of prices now and in the earlier months of 1S79, "when the most wonderful advance In production and prices ever known in this or any other country was close at hand.' Ia that yesir consumption grada- and is getting larger orders. The prices -Pce-Ted are not high. Neither are the wages which are paid. But there Is em ployment for men who were idle last year. The manufacturers of woolen goods have increasing orders. Reports come from all parts of the country that the retail dis tribution of products is unusually large j and increasing. At this moment the vol ume of business transacted is larger than in the prosperous year 1S92. Before many weeks have elapsed the volume will be very much larger. Chicago Tribune (Rep.). Mot Gratifying; Change. The most gratifying change appearing in financial circles Is the evidence of in creasing commercial demand for loans. The bank statement showed an ic cress . in the loan item o $4,409,000. and tt is W Iteved that most of this was made up ef mercantile discounts, the inquiry for TThlch last week was reported by the banks as larger than for several months previous. This must reflect larger busi ness, but as yet the new discounting is done more largely for concerns hsndfiing goods than for mannfactureers dssiring to make up new stock. Much of this mer cantile demand for money comes frota the country in the shap? of notes of business concerns with the endorsement of interior banks, and presumably much of this pa per is made against imported goods which New York has been carrying, but which are now being distributed through the country to those on whose orders they were originally engaged. New York Com mercial Bulletin (Dem.). -ii&a Basis for Csnfidence. The general symptoms developed in Wall street during the past week have been the most hopeful features witnessed for many months past. Without any spe cial stimulus or speculative effort, there has been a marked revival of buying oper ations and, with few exceptions, an ad vance in prices. Also, it Is a notable symptom that several persons of emi nence and directly in touch with the farm ing interest and the larger industries have simultaneously expressed their views on the business outlook in unexpectedly hope ful terms. Mr. Thomson, president of the Pennsylvania Railroad; Mr. Gould of the Missouri Pacific, Mr. Chauncey M. De- pew and Mr. C. P. Huntington, who are among the foremost representatives of the railroad Interest in different sections of the country, have uniformly expressed sanguine expectations as to the general i outcome of the harvest and the prospects of business at largo. Similar estimates of I tie drift of the crops and of business have J len -made by Mr. Andrew Carnegie, Hon. Roswen P. Flower and Mr. Hill, presi dent of the Great Northern. Such a body of opinion, coming from men possessing the best source of knowledge as to condi tions and movements, constitute a basis for confidence which cannot be disregard ed. Weekly Financial Review. Improvement Will Sorely Continae. Some stress is laid on Former Post master General John Wanamaker's state ment that "the country is not prosperous," and that "since the outset of tbe last pres idential campaign the party press and po litical leaders generally fixed rhe Novem ber election of 1S96 as the date of Ae be ginning of good times." And the state ment follows that "thus far but one of tile important issues of the campaign is near- nr settlement and hardiv any improve- at all conversant with the trend of busi ness affairs thought for a moment that good times could be made to come instant aneously. Hut wltat did take place im mediately on the election of Mr. McKin ley was the immediate restoration of con fidence and the return of vast numbers of j workingmen to the avenues of labor and trade. Urartuaiiy. out surely, business has been growing better, and die country only awaits tbe passage of the tariff bill to settle down to a development of the manu facturing resources of the country, which will Ftimulste other News (Ind.). busTncss. Buffalo J Enconracinc Revetations. The investigations of the Bureau of La bor of this State as to the industrial con ditions in the three principal cities have resulted in some very encouraging revela tions. It appears that the tide of pros perity for which every one has been so long waiting has quietly been rising, in spite of assertions to the contrary. The investigations of the bureau, complete only for Duluth, show that in that city there is a net increase of 27 per cent in the number of employes over the number employed at practically the sums time last year. So far as the investigations in St. Paul and Minneapolis nave gone, k is ctated tbe nercentaze of increase will be fullr as ereat as iu Dulath. Such a ma- i terial Increase is not only encouraging as I showing an increased demand for manu- I factum! articles, but it is an Indication J of an increased demand for products of all kinds, and more impcrttnt still, a certaia promise that demand will continue to in crease. Almost -very manufacturing in dustry in the State has found it neces sary to increase the number of operatives. St. Paul Pioneer Press (Rep.). Every Man Frcls It. There Is not a progressive business man in Kansas City who does not feel more cheerful over present conditions ana fu ture prospects than he has felt for atany years. The great mnjor.ry recognise tSt the movement towards retter rimes is wi: under way, not by reason of Mr. McKin- ley's election or because of the promise of J a new tariff law. but becanse the natural forces which control trade are moving in that direction. There is everywhere a dis position to hold on to property in place of the inclination prevalent for several years past to sell. The shrewdest money makers in the country are seeking invest ments. They are not liquidating. En forced sales are at an end. Here and there, in spots, business records are ahead of any previous reports for years past. Bank deposits are increasing because the net profits of trade and industry are growing and not because people are pulling idle money out of hiding places and putting it in banks. Kansas City Star (Ind.). Improved Condition of Trade. There is no doubt of a change for the better; pessimists may doubt and parti sans may swear, but the first wave of the returning tide of prosperity is seen and felt. The failures during May, 1S07. were less in cumber than in any one of the uuu. . u u. ,- UIV twenty-one months immediately preced- ing it; the cash responsibilities of the nrms and persons failing were leas than in any month since September, 1894. The volume of business meaning the weight in tons or measurement by yards of goods sold in May, 1S97, was equal to that in the phenomenal year 1S92. But tbe volume in cash was far leas; we still are in the era of ruinously low prices that paradise of "cheap commodities for the workmen" to which the Democrats In vited us to enter, and into which, unfortu nately, we did enter. And becanse the prices of things that are sold are low the wages of those that make them an low. But there are not nearly so many idle men in May, 1897. as in May, 1896. More mills and factories are in operation now than then. Th ilmami fm iho, ; creases pereeptibly.-Chicago Inter Ocean (Rep.). . Steady Gtvn in Business. The gain in busiuess continues, not without fluctuations, and at the best mod erate, but yet distinct. It is still in quan tities rather than prices, although in some branches an advance In prices appears, bnt on the whole the number of hands em plowed, the volume of new orders and the amount of work dene, are slowly in creasing. Prospects of good crops cf wheat and corn help; growing demand from dealers, whose stocks gradually j gaming consumption deplete also helps, and in the money and exchange market large buying of American securities has an influence. Money coming hither from j uie vt est even as late as June 10. with I great crops near at hand, indicates it S healthy condition at the Wzst. Indica .. tions of tbe volume of business are seea in clearing house exchanges, which for the week exceed the last year's S.7 per cent, and iu railroad earnings, which amount in the United States aloae to $34,70S,9S7 on roads reported by Dun's Review for May. 3.3 per cent larger than last year, and .3 per cent larger thaa in 1S92. Washington Post (Dem.). Nearly tp to the Stand ird. The volume of actual transactions is not in value a tenth smaller than it was in the years of the greatest prosperity ever attained in the United States, &!ehocgh the volume of payments now reprwscts a much lower range of prices. This d?- crease, whether a httle more or less. i greatly to be resretted, but it is r.ot paralysis. Whatever else mar be M ! reason said of the difficulties La the way j of industrial recovery, it cannot be said that busin is paralywd when the eara- iugs cf all railroads reported for May are oniy .o per cent smaier man in the same month of 1S92. New York Tribune (Rep.).' Lnmber Men Euconr.iccl. In the opinion of the lumber men, their market is gradually and steadily getting around to the point where profits can once more be expected. SoIm are increas ing at a rate which, though not rapM, is nevertheless encouraging. Heary dealers now see in the situation sualciest to jus tify them in laying in liberal stocks, and very targe transfers to them care recent ly been made at leading mil! points. To a parchnse of 32.000.000 feet, made In the latter part of May. a large local yard man added another purchase of 22,000,900 evtvlac Trade. The change which has come over ths face of things la the business world unmistakable. The confidence for which, everybody has been looking is here. It: may lose its sharp edge by some unfore seen event, but it is hardly to be expected? that any serious check will now occur It seems to be taken for granted that there will be a tariff law on the statute book within a few weeks. Perhaps a month is too short a time to give the slow going legislators of tbe Senate. The as surance in regard to the tariff is the most potent influence in giving more confidence, but tbe good effects of Secretary Gage's speeches have by no means worn off, eith er in the United States or abroad. Satis factory crop reports, increased railroad, earnings and the statement of bank clear ings, which, considering the fact that one day of last week was a holiday, is fa vorable, are among the subsidiary Influ ences that are making for faith in the fu tureBuffalo Express. Prosperity at Han J The time has come when to carp and" cavil at the slowness with which pros perity is returning to this country, after the depression of the past three years, has lack of truth added to that mean mal ice which can rejoice in misfortune. Pros perity is coming, and the slowness of its approach only means its sureness and its stability. There are signs on every hand that President McKinley was right when he said that the country is going not backward, but forward, and that rhe stesdy hands and hearts of the American people are strengthened and encouraged? by the immediate prospect of a revival of wholesome and profitable activity in ail branches of labor, trade and business. Tbe taant of Populist Bryan that others beside himself regret his rejection at the polls Is as untrue as it is unpatriotic. New York Mail and Express (Rep.). Improving Steadlty. Secretary Gage's conviction of the im provement in business, expressed to the Maryland bankers in Cumberland, has had a good influence, and ha strength ened the growing feeing chat a slow but permanent improvement In pn-ading over the country. His repetition r.t Cumber land of his statement the week before in Cincinnati, that the administration was determined to secure a comprehensive and permanent rectification of the currency, and that he had assurances from members of Congress that at the next session a bill to that effect would be passed, has had a very decided influence in Improving the general tone and increasing confidence. New York Journal of Commerce (Dem.). Bn!s of Promise. "There has been a decided improve ment," writes a Washington correspond ent, "in the financial situation since I was last in New York. All classes in the industrial and commercial world feel en couraged over the outlook and expectancy has replaced tae apprehension that had become the habitual condition of the pub lic mind for the last three years. The people yon meet in the banks downtown and visitors from other parts of the coun try who gossip in th hotel rotundas all tell the story that, whi! the era of pros perity has not yet b-gun. the signs of its- , penry nas not yet t. ! approach appear in I most important bi in every direction, tho important being an almost univer sal confidence that it ia almost here. There is confidence in tbe President, confidence that Congress will dispose of the tariff biH speedily and that tb rates in the new schedules will be conservative yet asiple for the needs of the Government." Dun's reports are encouraging to a degree; Brad street's are less pessimistic and decidedly more favorable, and the crop reports are unusually encouraging. Grand Rapids Herald (Rep.). -Ji- Prosperity Is at Hand. Everything that is spparent points to a rapid revival of prosperity this fall. We : are promised abundant harvests, with bet j ter prices than for tnauy years. If the .farm g K; Vr5c? ,or Uw :t will make a demand upon our manu- facturers for their products. The wheels of industry will revolve once more. There will be work for the unemployed, and we shall have that satisfactory condition for which we have yearned so long. We are not pessimists. We ar exceedingly hope ful of the future. The speech of Presi dent McKinley at the br.quet Wednes day night was worthy she man and the oc casion. Prosperity is at hand. Philadel phia Inquirer (Rep.). , , Ponth Feels the Improvement.- While the general business situation is somewhat hampered by the uncertainty attaching to the tariff bill, there are net wanting signs that a gradual uuprov- nient In trade is in progress. It u tm that there is no disposition to be cnter- .- . . i. ... prjsicg, i;o 10 piu oui sew lines, un:ii all uncertainties as to the future tariff duties are removed; but, in spite of thii, there is a fair movement for actual con sumption in nearly all branches of indus try. With a favorable crop outlook, there is every reason to ezr"ct a good trade in the entire county tributary to this sec tion, especially as country merchants and farmers are already ic a fairly prosperous condition. Tbe merchants here have tak en advantage of the rcceat dullnes- o carefully study the problem whvh ha- hitherto militated against trade, and it is believed that many of the niot serious difficulties have been overcome. Of course, some mottths most yet elapse be fore the crops are ready for market: b-it the mere prospect of good creeps is ordinar ily sufficient to create cosfidace and set the wheels of conucerctr in motion. It is therefore, conldentiy beHeved that an im provement in business will be noted from now on. New Oriaas Picayune (Dem.). Large Hanllinc of Goods. Bank clears last week ware light, but little over $f0Oj00O.QOO ha tie Chronicle's U.ble, in which on dy is estimated. But the increase ovr (be coraspoi.djng week of Ae previoc year was no lota, than 17 per cent, &nl ia comparison with earlier and more prosperous years it lust be re mensbered'tlm rkere has been such a de cline in prices rest identical tprra would indicate a very huge gaia to qaaadties. The troth ir- tfcat in volume of merchan dise candied th of bjviscse dou now does swt coaipsjv unfavorably wit.i the anioant don In food years, but at tli?.s lower i-ricM psx5t3 are in2 and sometimes dieapprsr entirely. "Financial Chronicle (Decs ). .) 'shot T