The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, June 30, 1897, Image 1

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EEN we
k .7
west fa search
cold, -we stepped
3 (Tnldr! Gulch
. 5ct aad staked cat cur
jfcs r!nf-r! is a mouth's
time T get tums
tO rTTnfnr aJl
right, and -were
congratulating our
selves that the
west was rot so
"wild and woolly" as i is represented.
when sometuing happened that threw
the camp into great excitement.
Oae night. Mr. Rogers, whese claim
was next to ours, had a fine horse sto-
lea from him. Confusion reigned! A
thief in camp Who could it be?
"Everybody -was above suspicion, of
course. Horse-stealing in the -west is ,
punished by death, but no trace of the-
thief cocld he found.
.And so, a week passed. Then, one
mcraing therararriYed4intcaa1a.j.a,
cressedIn a rich Mexican suit, -with
his sombrero pulled over his eyes and
a gaudy silk handkerchief tied around
nis neck almost concealing his race.
We could only see tha: he had small
eyes and a black mustache. He was ,
cf slight build and not
He "put up" a: Jerry Grifan's "ho
tel," which -was also pestomee, rum
shop and general hcuse-fumishing
s;ore at zhe Galea, and gave his name
as Don Pedro Gomalez. The miners
looked with suspicion on this man
from the nrst. and when, rwo nights
later. Jack Allen "was robbed of a bag
of dast," and Den Pedro "turned ap
missing." they -were quick to denounce
him as the thief.
Alien and WiUiams at once organ
ized a posse af men to search the
mountains for tne Mexican. Father
was one -cf th- party. In vain I asked
him to let me 20. No, it was out of the
caestioa I -was too young, and as they
might be gone all day I must atay a:
heme and a;ch the claim. Mother
had gone to Westend. the nearest town,
with a neighbor's wile, the day before,
eo I -xBuld be alone in me cabin.
Jack Allen found what he said -was
a trail up the mountain, so the proces
sion started after the thief. I -was in a
very sad humor -when I thought what
a here it wouid be to sray on the claim
all alcne aU day I leased to have a
chance to carry the new rise that fath
er hai given me, with all a boy's eager
ness to "shoot something."
The day passed slowly and I was
glad when darkness came and the
mocn rose from behind a distant
clump of bowlders. I went to the
window and looked out. How still
everything was How bright the moan-
iiiit gisnieG on xne rocss: 1 Began
to wonder whether the men had cap
tured Don Pedro, and how long they
weald be gone.
iudceniy a happv thouzht struck 1
- -T-ii li ,, TZ.
2""" 1 11 Piav cownov all to av?' '
f J " to J-e1-- 1
- muttered, and running iz the ladder i
-m 1-1 i t 1 , j , t
to the loft I opened my trunk and took
,- 1. .1, u ,., t ., T
'- " -ii- umnfn i.; suii . ..l. i . ere
to the masquerade last winter and put
It en. In my belt I stuck two rusty re
volvers that I found en the floor, and
then descended to the room below. I
HiA -
uy v 1 i t
put en my father's big felt hat, stuck
the biggest carving knife in my belt
with. the pistols, graabed my rine and
began to parade up and cow the room.
When I had kep: tais ap far a little
while. I happened :c look at the door
and there I beheld a man who was
watching me with a smile on his face.
I gave a start, in which joy and terror
were equally combined, for the w
was cf slight build and had black eyes
and a black mustache' I was sure tnat
it was Don Pedro, although he wore
the ordinary citizen's dress. I deter
mined then and there to capture him.
Levelling my rine at the man's head,
I cried:
"Throw Trp your hands, stranger!
Dca't move, an your life!"
-in. saio my uon -euro. "Why I j
"HoW 'en up!" I repeated savagely.
and my visitor obeyed me.
"Now. walk in!" I said, still keeping
him covered. "And sit down on v!-
"With pleasure." said my captive;
"but, my dear young man. are you not
making a mistake? My name is
"Ah!" I cried triumphantly. "Ton
admit it, although you are very cool
about it and I admire you fcr it. We
western men like true grit!"
1 am almost sure my captive chuck
led at this.
"But wait." I went on. deiizhted at
the sensation I would make when the
men returned: a:t till the ethers get
here! Don Pedro, do you see that tree
cut there" Warch it, fcr there youli
My prisoner paled. j
"Look here, young fenow!" he said, i
511H keeping his arms elevated, "you !
present a decidelv warlike appearance
in that rig. and your actions are de
cidedly unpleasant. Don't you think
you had better let the joke drop""
I was almost letting the rine drop,
fcr it was very heavy, but I answered
that Golden Gulch miners did net con
sider horse-stealing a joke, and gentiy
reminded him that the rifle was loaded.
My .rrms were beginning to ache.
Suppose the boys should not come
back that nizht, what should I dc?
Just then I heard the clatter of horses ,
beefs on the hard reeky road, riaorer k
nsr) (
m x
an nearer came tne sounds, and then f Charlie and Consuelc It is a Jubilee
tha whole party swept down the moun- year probably the queen's last Jubilee
tain and drew- rein 4n front cf the John. H. Davis is talking abcut sending
mfcin. her a fine present. Everything harmon-
"Fither! Jack! Dick."' I sheeted, . 1ms, and tit invitation is cxtsnaei.
Tre canght hira! He's in here MX. tha
mercy of my riSel" came the answer from with
out. "War, Don Pedro Gcmalez, the
hcrse-thief I" I said, as my father and
Jack Allen entered the cabin; "and
there he is!"
I lowered ray rifle and looked at my
audience -with a beaming face. Father
and Jack locked at each ether, then at J
me in my -warlike costume, then at my
prisoner ar-j on tey burst, oat j
laughing! '
"Wen, m be pinchedr cried Jack, I
between langhs and roars. "Look at '
the togs the" kid's got our" ,
"Kid!" I yelled indignantly. "Is this :
my reward for the terrible ordeal I
have just gone through?"
I ran from the cabin in a towering
rage to the rest of the part? outside.
and saw a man bound oa a horse and
guarded by Dick and Mr. Bogers.
Gat on to de kid in war clothes!'
cried Dick.
"Dick!" I gasped, pointing to the
aiaa on the horse. "13 that'Dca. Tear
"That's what he calls himself," said I
Dick, "although his real name is plain i
jj Haddon. hcrse-thief and general
robber. We caught him half way across
& nomain m- T?n-ors' horse.
We found Jacks gold dust en him.
and he confessed both crimes."
"Dick." I cried, "if that is Dan Pedro
who Is the man I've been holding at
the end of my rifie all evening?"
"First I heard of it." said Dick, and
I dragged him into the cabin.
By this time my Don Pedro had ex- ,
piamed that his name was Donald
smith and that he was sent to the
Gulch by a large San Francisco mining
company to inspect and. perhaps, to
buy some claims. He had arrived that
evening, and unding the place deserted
had ventured into the nrst cabin he
found cueu. to be pounced upon by me.
Tcu may imagine my feelings! Sup
pose Mr. Smith should repeat some cf
mv big western talk the boy3 would
aever quit guying me.
But he did not give me away, for
which I thank htm with all my heart.
He enly gave me a wink and asked
me if, being a backwoodsman, I had
ever heard of Davy Crockett's advice?
He said it was "3e sure you're right
then po ahead!" and I think it's good
advice, don't you?
Several mmers sold cut their Hat?ns
to the company that Mr. Smith repre
sented, and father nnaUy did the same.
for which I was glad, fcr I have never
felt comfortable after the night I cap
tured Don Pedro.
w . m. . w
1 Tri jir T-i- fe-t.. -ii- -
Voan; 3lAa' fierce
.J4 m 1CLCR XP1E V n-V1
While on his way to Craig and when
about ten r3Hts ?rr rnx In?- TV
t - 01 t 1. 1
LoxeU. J- had an unpleasant experi-
ence witn three zrav wolves which
,.,,. T uQ w?-.-"" ", 7 l
cn?ht to be sufficient for one day, savs
c c . ce. " "
t- -J-&. V.OIO.. uoune..
Mr. Lowell noticed the wolves in the
distance, but paid no attention to them
until after he had traveled about a
mile, when his horse became uneasy.
Lcokmg back Mr. Lowell beheld a
sight which, as he says, caused nis hat
to raise not a trine three large gray
wolves aoout 200 yards distant were
charging after him at a speed which
would soon bring them up with him.
There was net a moment to spare, and
the young man hardly knew what to
ca. He was unarmed, and the snow
was so deep that it was impossible for
his hcrse to run from the ferocious
beasts with any degree of success.
Mr. Lowell quickly decided that he
had but one chance, and that was to
attempt to bluff. Wheeling his horse
around, facing the wolves, he applied
the quirt. s.z.d at every jump of bis
1 steed he let forth a yell that would
j have put any Comanche to shame. Fcr
j a moment the bluff seemed a failure,
' for the wolves continued to ipprcach
and the distance between the horse-
man and the shaggy creatures lessened
1 to about 50 yarcs when the turn in af
j fairs occurred.
i Finally, after a few mare plunges in
the snow by the horse and numerous
yells from the thoroughly frightened
young man the wolves suddenly turned
and ran m an opposite direction.
Mr. Lowell followed his lead with
renewed vigor and more wheops, and
ii any one in the lower country should
see three badly scared wolves running
westward It may be depended upon that
they are the identical ones wblch
threatened the safety of the son of cur
state auditor.
Xo Pnsliiiiy.
Apropos of an alleged ratification af
ter majority of a debt contracted dur
ing infancy by admitting that it was a
just debt and promising to pay if the
debtor ever got so that he could with- ,
cut inconvenience, the court, is. a late
North Carolina case, says this recalled
to the minds cf some members cf the
court a settlement of accounts which
may with propriety be preserved as
history in the judicial n-r-i c the
state. A debtor named Huggms, when
solicited to close an old open account,
by note, agreed to do so provided he
should be allowed to draft the instru
ment, and accordingly presented the
creditor the following:
"I. Jehu Huggms. agree to pay James
James 5150 whenever convenient; but
it is understood that Humnns is not to
be pushed.
"Titness my hand and seal rMg the
day cf .
"JOHN HUGGLX5. (Seal)"
Case and Comment.
Bow Is 'Was Amajfed.
These pleasant affairs with her maj
esty are easily arranged by friends at
court- The Marlborough fortunes were
made, as we all know, by Lady Beres
fcrd and her husband. They formed
the house of Vanderbnt. They are
fond of the young duke and duchess.
The Prince of Wales is fend cf the
Beresf ords. My lord calls rn "Wales" .
and slaps him patronizingly ca the
shoulder. The duke and duchess want i
to be hencred. The hint is riven to mv
icrd. who jollies Wales into suggest- '
jg to his royal mother a dinner to
Tk Tariff BUI Eclnj Posited Kapldly
Ihtmd. KepobUcan Smrors Warkiae
Tcetlier bcaocna IHaeeMcrtad.
SsacWaa: F rec Trade 5oBjrTotctIoa.
(Washington Letter.)
Special correspondence: The prop
osition to utilize Mr. Bryan as a cam
paign orator in sundry states and cities
in the approaching campiga is the oc
casion cf considerable comment here.
Mr. Bryan visited twenty-eight states
as a campaign orator during the re
cent presidential canpnlgn and suc
ceeded in carrying six of them, five of
these, sit having: from, time immemorial
been Democratic states. In all the large
cities visited by hln the Republican
vote was encrmoss and early every
ca& of themiras earritr"1y " ffiaRe
publicans. In thirty-five large cities
of the United States, which in 1S32 gave
1S2 thousand Democratic plurality, the
Republican plurality in 1SS5 was 454
thousand and most of these cities were
visited by Mr. Bryan during the cam
paign. Fashlae the ToriS.
There have been some interesting de
velopments in Washington during the
present week and seme especially sig
nificant in their character. The Re
publican senators have shown their de- j
termination to push the tariff bill with
all possiale speed while the Democratic ,
senators have shown themselves en- ,
tirely at sea in the matter of policy up
this important question. Beth parties
have held caucuses to determine their
action in regard to the tariff bill and
the contrast between the developments
of the two conferences was strongly
marked. The Democrats found them
selves entirely at sea. unable to agree
upon any course with reference to the
important features of the bill while the
Republicans emerged frcm their cau
cus a thoroughly united body deter
mined to present a solid front to the
enemy whom they know to be in con
trol cf the senate.
That the senate cf the United States
is not a Republican body, everybody
knows. That the ability of the Repub-
licans to pass a tariff bill depends upon ,
the strength of the protective senu- I
ment among the Democrats and Popu
lists is conceded. The Republicans are
in the minority in the senate. To pass
the tariff bill they must either have the
active open support of one or more
Democrats or one or more members of
the Democratic and Populist parties
must emit to vote against it. There
is reason to believe that the biU will
receive the support cf at least one
Democrat and probably two Populists.
if Senator Kyle is to be classed as a
Populist. He is put down in the Can-
gressional Directory as an indepen'd- j
ent. Senator Jcnes, cf Nevada, wno ;
has been classed as a Populist for the
past two or three years, will, it is un
cerstcod. support the bill and it is
probable that Senator Kyle will do so
or at least not vote against it. Senator
McEnery. of Louisiana, Democrat, has
indicated clearly his intention to sup
port a protective tariff.
It is under these circumstances that
the Republican minority in the senate
enter upon the desperate struggle to
pass their bilL They have, as above
indicated, the advantage cf presenting
a solid front in support of the bill
whi!e the other parties are not able to
solidify themselves upon any feature
cf the measure. Their caucus shewed
:hat upon the numerous questions at '
issue not only were they not united
but that they could not unite. The Re- '
publicans, on the ether hand in their
caucus determined to put aside per
sonal preferences in regard to the var
ious items of the bill, each man 5uo
mittmg his proposed amendments to
the finance committee, and afterward.
if necessary, to the caucus committee '.
upon rMs subject. They further agreed. J
much as they might desire to enter !
upon a geaeral discussion of the tari. '
to forego that undertaking for the sake
of eccn-my cf time, and to press at
every turn for active energetic work
upon the schedules cf the bill with the
purpose of getting final action upon it
at the earliest possible moment. Not
a speech, aside from the explanation
which Senator Aldrich offered in the
opening day of the debate, is to be
made by the Republicans, other than
the brief responses made necessary in
reply to the attacks which it Is expected
that the Democrats will make upon the
schedules of the bill as the discussion
progresses. Thus the public may un
derstand that if there is delay in the
passage cf the oill through the senate.
the responsibility will rest with the
Democratic party. If the Republicans
cculd control the action cf the senate,
the bOl would be passed through that
body within a fortnight and be upon
the statute books certainly by the end
cf the fiscal year. If they cannot, the
fault will be with the Democrats.
If the Republicans are able to carry
cut their program, the first four "
months of President McKinIeys ad
ministraticn will witness a heretofore
unheard of occurrence in the history of
the country, the meeting cf a congress
within fifteen days of the inauguration
of a new president, the framing af a
great tarift bill and passage tarough
the house, its consideration by the sen
ate and conference committee and
enactment into a law all within four
months. If this fails to happen the
public wfll understand that the failure
is because cf delay offered by Demo
crats, who recognize the fact that
every day's delay is a pestpenment cf
business activity and prosperity, and
that by this process only are thy able
to create the dissatisfaction which they
hope may result to their advantage in
the coming elections.
Retaliation Txllc- j
Much is heard now of the retaliatorv
neasures about to be adopted by cer-
tain countries in cases where the new
tariff law will affect their merchants
"Ketaliation," as against the tariff !
law of another cation, might be a good
thing if it cculd stop there. But there '
is such a thing as retaliation lgainst
retaliation. Those foreign countries
which are rallring abcut retaliating
against our tariff, law win think several
times before they deliberately cut off
their Barkers with the United Statu
which tker mew kerre. For terrace;
The Argentine Republic which Is talk
ing so loudly abcut retaliation, will
discover when It to lock, into tie
case that it sclu us last year twies as
much of the productions cf its people
a3 it bought from the United States,
Austria-Hungary sold us three times
as much as her people bought frcm the
United States and Japan sold to this
country more thanthrse times as much
as our own people sold in her markets.
When the authorities of those countries
recognize the fact that they win, by re
taliaticn, lose a market two or three
times as valuable as the ens which they
propose to take away from the United
States, they will abandon the idea.
TTPmnn on Presiileat XcKlnly-
From the Chicago Inter Oceanr A
Democratic exchange reports a can
made by Senator Tillman of. South Car
olina upon President McKinley. It was
purely scdaL It does not appear that
the senator had nay favors to aekor
any points ofpollgy to urge. Heslarjtf
wanted to get better acquainted with
the president of the United States. The
idea was certainly a good one, and it
wcuid be well if it were adapted gener
aUy. Personal acquaintance is a great
factor in greasing the wheels and
chalking the bands alike in business
and public affairs. Grover Cleveland
made a great mistake in discouraging,
wittinglv or unwittingly, the cultiva-
I tioa of personal friendships, and that,
I too, when he especially needed such
friendships. President McKinley knew
I personally and was en terms cf pleas
1 ant personal friendship with a large
1 proportion cf congressmen and sen
i atcrs cf both parties. In this respect
he probably had an advantage over any
president since Van Buren. President
Cleveland, on the other hand, had an
exceptionally small acquaintance with
public men. Senator Tillman is a
unique figure in politics, but his career
only began eleven years ago. Prior to
ISS6 he was a plain farmer, not a
planter but a farmer, with no thought,
apparently, of a political career. His
term in the senate began two years ago,
and will end with the close cf this ad
ministration. Here is what cur Demo
cratic exchange reports the senator as
saying about his visit:
"My call on Mr. McKinley was en
tirely social in its nature, and was
, made by me for the purpose of getting
, better acquainted with the president.
I Our conversation was such a one as
any two men in public life would have,
the questions cf the day being touched
on only m the most general way, and
no attempt being made by either party
to introduce questions en which we
knew we differed. I was much im
pressed with Mr McKinley and told
him that, no matter what his politics
were, he had the advantage of coming
into the white house with the cleanest
personal record of any president for
the last twenty-five years. I am sure
of the fact that the present executive
is an honest man. heart and seal, and
that, no matter what the influences
j are that surround him. it win not be
; his fault if he does not give an honest
administration, according to the teach
ings of his party."
There is no man at Washington
more given to harsh and rasping criti
cism than Senator Tillman. This pe
culiarity has earned for him the name
"Pitchfork Tillman." and when he has
only words of praise for President Mc
Kinley it means a great deaL He has
a very large following throughout the
south. The rural whites, no longer
content to be political nonentities, are
asserting themselves in aU that region,
and Benjamin R. Tillman is their lead
er. His favorable report cf the Re
puolican president wiU do much to
soften the asperities of sectionalism.
Where Ii "Fre silTer "ow? J
The former free silver journals '
themselves furnish ample proof of the .
collapse of the "'bimetallism" move
ment. No better commentary on the
change in public opinion which has
taken place m the western states could
be desired than the information fur
nished in the following article from
the Oregoman, of Portland, Ore. It I
savs '
"me dreadful financial cataclysms
that were to engulf Colorado, along
with the rest cf the world, in case
Bryan was defeated, do not seem to
be materializing, if one may judge from
the Denver Times, one of the most
rueful of ante-election prophets.
Speaking for the state. It says: 'Colo
rado boldly challenges any state in the
union to make a race with her this
spring m zha matter cf general activ
ity.' Then follows a long summary o"
new and prospering enterprises. Even
money matters arc buoyant. 'Credits
are being settled rapidly, says the
i imes. in the larger cities of the state.
Collections are an even 50 per cent bet
ter than they were one year ago.
Easter sales in all stores were better
than they had been since ApriL 1S33.
Bank deposits have increased f-cm 5
to 15 per cent, and bank clearings for
the current week advanced 14 per cent
over last year." This Is a melancholy
prospect fcr a free silver paper to can- ,
front, in the face cf the awful havoc
stm beinz wrouzht bv the sold stand
ard." Of all the free silver states in the
last nationa' campaign. Colorado was
the most rampant and uncompromis
ing, and of all th advocates cf free
silver the Denver Times was perhaps
the most vindictive and threatening
It predicted that if the cause it
espoused was lest, ruin would clutch
the state. Tet now- that same newspa
per is proudly boasting of Colorado's
increased prosperity, cf the better col
lections, the greater bank deposits and
the larger volume of business which is
being transacted. It even challenges
any ether state to show a degree cf
commercial activity equal to that now
being displayed by Colorado.
Such testimony as this, which is to
be found in scores of journals rnt
once advocated free coinage, is tie
worst blow which silver-at-15-to-l '
cculd possibly suffer. It knocks the
last props from under the movement '
and leaves it an absolute hopeless I
wreck. Cincinnati Commercial Trib- '
Prote Ion t it Sire.
Apparently the delegation cf rice
men who are now in the national capi
tal endeavoring to create a sentiment
in congress mere favorable to the
domestic rice interests r-n appeared
tT exist according to the evidences fur
nished by the senate tariff bin are
n's;"g no opportunity of doing good
missionary wcrk. Th-y are deter
mined to secure the reiteration of tke
rice schedule to the hjH;
at their request, Senator lle-
has introduced a resolution JR
iitag' for the restoration of the Ding
lejr flee schedule to tha senate bill, aa
lefKted recently by the senate giTnre
cctotittee, and that body will be af
fojied an opportunity to cfisr aa
ijfri'T 111 nt when the biU is consider
edir Should the finance committee de
cliv to favor an. amendment, after ae
coeteag the rice men a hearing, fcJe
work of the rice interests wculd be
griatly simplified and the industry
waai be reasonably secure of receiv
in"fir treatment at the hands of the
senate. New Orleans PicayaMi
Th President aad Cabd.
who were expecting a sensa-
aessage fram President McSla
. the Cuban situation will oe
stock, disappointed. But they shosld
rui an' xkevt the aaia. ee ject tm.
iTiebris tie reffefef aaSeriar Amertr
can citizens in the war-harried island.
This can be dene in only two ways.
First, with the consent and co-operation
of the Spanish authorities, or.
sceond, in face of their opposition. If
the President had recommended the
recognition of Cuban belligerency, and
If congress should have followed his
advice, the Spaniards, though they
could not rightfully have regarded
recognition as a hostile act, could, and
probably would, have refused to allow
us to communicate with the interior
of the island; and if they saw fit, to
establish an effective blockade, it
wculd be the duty of the United States
to recognize and respect it.
We think that President McKinley
has acted with great wisdom in limit
ing his recommendations to the sub
ject immediately before the eountry.
The senate is entitled to credit for
adopting a resolution in accordance
with the suggestions of the President.
If the Democrats of the house under
the leadership of young Mr. Bailey
thmk that they can make political
capital by trying to force the recogni
tion of the insurgents as belligerents
a this time even at the cost of defeat
ing the senate resolution, they will
find that they have mistaken the tem
per of the people cf the United States.
The two subjects are in nowise con
nected, and they ought not be con
founded. President McKinley is clear
ly right, and he should be loyally sus
tained. Indianapolis News.
Mr. Bryan scheduled.
William J. Bryan has accepted aa In
vitation to make an address in Union
Square, New York, en September 5,
Labor day.
The active campaign fcr the control
of the city cf New York will then have
been begun, and poliacs will be sizzling
if not roaring m the heat of the early
fall. If the silver question has re
ceived attention at the hands of the
Democratic managers, that It3 import
ance demands, then Mr. Bryan's pres
ence will add to the hilarity cf the oc
casion and the silver cause, like the
soul of John Brown, will go marching
If. on the contrary and this is a
fateful thought the Democratic man
agers, with premeditation and malice
prepense, have artfully, insidiously and
with deliberate purpose, sought to ig
nore, sidetrack or otherwise obscure
and make insignificant and inconse
quential, the great silver question, then
the presence cf Mr. Bryan in New York
on Labor day will be as a ton cf dyna
mite exploded under the Tammany
wigwam as a stream of burning oil
poured upon the shattered Democratic
hulk; as the roaring of a pack of Ben
gal tigers if those beasts ever went
in packs, which they do not to the
mewing cf a puling kitten.
In fact, the presence of Mr. Bryan in
New York on that interesting occasion
will add immeasurably to the gaiety of
politics, if not to the joyfulncss of the
nations. Albany JoumaL
The Sianraa Canal,
Evidences have been given in many
of the recent dispatches from Wash
ington that the project fcr constructing
the Nicaragua canal will scan come to
th front again in congress and will he
supported by the whole force cf the
administration. Secretary Sherman is
known to be favorable to the enterprise
and there is every reason to beueve
that President McKinley desires to
make its acomplishment one of the
prominent features of his term cf ofice.
The importance of the canal is such
that every particle of news affecting it
is a matter of general interest. For
that reason there will be close attention
given to the subject, now that if is
about to reappear as a practical issue
before congress. While the subject has
been long under discussion, it has never
became threadbare, because every one
who favors it fully recognizes the
strength cf the opposition and knows
that unlesE its supporters are incessant
ly active it can never be accomplished.
The news from Washington will .there
fore, revive the agitation on the sub
ject all ever the country and strength
en the energies of the friends cf the
measure by increasing their hepe cf
speedy success. San Francisco CaiL
Islanders Pt;raeU br Rat?.
The residents cf Pelee Island, in
Lake Sr Clair, have been suffering
from a plague cf rats for some time,
and nothing that was done seemed tc
afford any relief. The rodents fairly
overran the place. A few days ago a
number of farmers ctarted out to rid
the nerjhborhccd of the pests. After
a day's hard work L100 rats were kill
ed, but the executioners were exhaust
ed, and declare that in future a new
method will have to be invented to kill
off the rats. A great number of valua
ble fruit trees have been destroyed, by
the rata, and the farmers are afraid
that urJess drastic measures are adopt
ed at ence the 1S37 crop will be seri
ously damaged.
Telephone SeYriee for Faras,
I imthouses in Carroll county, Mary
land, are supplied with a telephone
service at $13 a year, and it is mm by
those who have tried it that life in the
country is tp10 far mare attractive
when frrgra-1 cammunicaticn can be
had. with the family doctor, the post
office JTtd village stares, to say nothing
of an occasional chat with a distant
friend. The ccat of the service is mor
than, ratamed. La Taricas ways.
T Old or t& Sfevr Soas off Cagfftileg
Stir Cp Old Sorea Th
Dpartaens and Maary
Death of Antony.
v.f tffi
All dyins; Egypt.
Sob? lfce crimsan
life tide ist.
And the dark PI
tocian shadows
Gather 011 the
evening blast.
I,et thine arm. oh.
Qsesl support
Hush thy sobs
and bow thine
T3ark,:i to tne
v-m. ' -
Tr Tiwrtrt frtS-
Thou. ad tkaa:aJoe. must
Though cry scarred and veteran
Bear their eagles high no mere.
1 And my wrecked and shattered gsJ-
1 Strew dark Actium's fatal shore :
Though no glittering guards surrcunu
Prompt to do their master's will,
I must perish like a Roev
Die the srear Triumvir still.
Let net Caesar's servile minicns
Mock the lion thus laid low;
'Twas no foemans hand that slew
Twaa hi- own that struck the blow.
Hear. then, plllcwed en thy besom.
Ere his star fades quite away.
Him who. drunk with thy caresses.
Madly finaj a world away.'
Should the base plebeian rabble
Dare assail my fame at Rome.
VFnre my noble spouse. Octavia,
Veeps within her widowed borne.
Seek her say the gods have told me
Altars, augurs, circling wings
That her Siood. with mine ccmmlnjled.
Yet shall mount the throne cf kinjs.
And fcr thee, star-eyed Egyptian!
Glcnous sorceress of the Nile.
Us'ht the path to Stygian horror3.
With the splendors of thy smile.
Give the Caesar crowns and arches.
Let his brow tne laurel twine:
I can scorn the Senate . triumps.
Triumphing In love like thine.
I am dyimr. Egypt, dying:
Hark' insultinr foemans cry:
They are commjr uick. my falchion!
L-1! me front them ere I die.
An' no more amid the battle
Shall my heart exulting swell.
Ljis and Osiris guard thee.
Cleopatra: Rome: farewell!
General W. H. Lytle. the author of
thir pcem. was born in Cincinnati, in
1S25. He served with disunctior. in the
Mexican army, and on th- outbreak cf
the Civil TVar became an aiScer of the
Federal forces. He was killed at
Chickamauga in 1SCL He wrot this
po-m one aisht after witnessing
Booth's performance of Antony.
The OH or the eir.
ie American Tribune:
most marked development of "sec-
tioualism" that has recently occurred '
was heard in Atlanta. Ga.. a few
nights ago, when the president of the
Sens of Confederate Veterans, ad
dressing a large meeting of the asso
ciation, said:
"It might be well for ns now to say
there is no east, no west, no north, no
south; but there was a south, and it is
for this south and her cause that our
fathers fought, and It is for this south
that we are here tonight, and it is to
this south that we. too. will pledge
cur devotion and give our unswerv
ing loyalty."
This is the boldest declaration made
for some time. If It means anything,
it is that the sons of the Confederate
veterans are ready to follow in the
footsteps of their fathers in bearing
arms against the nation in support
cf the cause for which their fathers
The report of this meeting is given
in another column, copies from the
Atlanta Constitution. The Constitu
tion says- "It was distinctly a south
ern throng, and the sentiment
strictly of the south."
But, we would regret to believe th
it was representative of the south. If
so. all the talk of a "new south" is a
delusion, and the struggle for the su
premacy of a section over the whole
is not yet ended. Such sentiments are
rpactionary and dangerous, and augur
badly for the future. It ma
be that these young men have given
expressions to the real sentiments cf
the south: but we prefer to reuard it
as being merely the too enthusiastic
utterance inspired by filial affection,
which they, themselves, will not ap
prove in their calmer moments. In
no other country under the sxo. could
men who have been in rebellion
against their government hold reun
ions as the Confederates are permitted
to do, and nowhere else could these
same Sons of Confederate Veteram
1 have met and arranged to attend such
a reunion as the one proposed to he
held at Nashville. It would be better
for all concerned if thy would show
a proper appreciation of such un
precedented liberty, by pledging them
selves to the support of the govern
ment that has proven itself co gener
ous and beneficent to them and theirs,
instead cf indulging in wild and sec
ticnal vaporings that serve only to
This incident is the legitimate re
suit cf the teachings so prevalent In
the south in its histories, its monu
ments and its reunions. But we in
dulge the hope that Its greater, better
spirit will rise above it aH. and as
sert itself until all disloyal sentiments
are put under its fee:, and that it will
teach a higher and nobler sentiment
than devotion to a section, until they,
with zs. shall be pledged to cne cjuu
try. one government, one fag It La
only by this means that the futui e can
be made peaceful and secure, and
America become truly great. Indeed.
it is already doing this, and every
where throughout that region we see
a new ordr cf things beginning to
prevaiL The old feeling of exclusive
ness and ostracism is disappearing.
are made
welcome tc dwell en its plains and in
the valleys of its mountains. It foi-
benign influence there: rj
being built and extended
Urcads are
to every
town; factories are multiplying and
natural resources are being utilized,
cities are raking the place of hamlets:
there Is diversified farming Lastjad of
the old custom of raising hut cne
product, and everywhere a new south
Is superseding the old south to which
these young men so thcuahtlssly
pledge themselves. Let them remember
their fathers with gratitude, take pride
in thir vlc- tzd do aU hsner ts
at Tctetma
Lou era.
rr.. c rr
w yvppv9 1
their memoryibut this does not revire
a pledge cf loyalty to the old scuti r
lt3 "cause." Their fathers, H liTtai
would cot approve of this tttteraace.
but would rather turn their faces
toward the better day and march with.
us to the achievements of aa undivid
ed people and an indivisible Unicn.
Unitftd, we may defy and outstrip the
, world; divided, it becomes only a
question cf tims when we will be too
weak to protect curaelves from thoee
or ether lands who would profit by cwr
less, aad free government be pro
?YrTTs.a n ..!?.. a..... Bn f
to promote unity and acquire strength.
I it la necessary that we avow and tul-
tlTate a national spirit in all sections,
so that no newspaper reporter, any
where, will have occasion to describe
cur private or public gatherings as.
"a distinctly southern throng." or
northern, aad the sentiments ex-.
pressed as "strictly of the south," or
cf the north. To the republic; tha
cue means lifer. tke other, death.
Fecaioa Ttejarfat
Complaint has been Cld at the pen
sion bureau against the" Soldiers
Home at Roseburg. Oregon, alleging
that it is violating section 4,745 of the
revised ztatutes. making it a misde
meanor fcr any cne pledging or re
viving as a pledge the mortgage, sale,
assignment cr transfer cf any right.
claim, cr interact in any pension cer
tificate, or to hold it as security fcr
any debt or promise. Some inmates
cf the home called attention to the
matter, and It was taken up by several
Grand Army pests, one of which, at
Roseburg. has made a formal com
plaint. The bureau has made an in
vestigation, and exonerated the man
."gement of the home. There are le
gal authorities both ways, and a de
cision construing strictly the statute
cited would, it is stated, be not only
unjust, but lead to serious conse
quences. The evidence shows tha: the home
directors have required all pensioners
to surrender their pensions to the
treasurer of the home. Four dollars
a month is then allowed each pen
sioner for personal expenses, and the
remainder paid to dependent relatives,
cr. if there be none, the money Is
accumulated far the benefit of the pen
sioner. The practice Is substantially
similar to that in operation at twenty
cue other soldiers' homes. The pen
sion bureau takes the position that
it is not expedient to intervene in the
cas?, as the act of March 2, IS33. by
implication, sanctions the require
ment, which has been in farce in most
cf the state soldiers' homes.
Commissioner Evans says that ha
believes the president will act favor
ably on his recommendation for a
modification cf the Cleveland order
including pension boards in Zh.e civil
service where fees amount to more
than 1300 per annum. The president
has under contemplation several
changes and modifications in the or
aers formulated by his predecessors,
and may embGdy everything in an
omnibus order. How scon executive
action will be taken is purely a matte-
of speculation. Considerable con
fusion has arisen from premature
publication cf several changes in pros
pect, notably that with regard to pen
sion beards. Thay will be made, how
ever, m good time.
Tribute to Je thivi. Memorr.
a. permanent record was made at
Montgomery, Ala., the ether day cf
the spot en the stone flooring of the .
front balcony of the capital upon
Jefferson Davis stood when mamra-'
rated president of the southern confeu
eracy with appropriate ceremonies. A
silver star was imbedded at the spot
indicated by the surviving veterans ., - c bt u i
s?s,,sLua2,,s.T&e State of NeDraska
Southern Confederacy had the matter
12. charge. A precession farmed un
Court street near the old slave market
and marched tc the capital. Cannon
boomed in the capital grounds a the
procession approached. General John
W. A. Sanfcrd of Montgomery, a friend
and counselor cf Mr. Davis, and who
steed near him when he took the oath
of office, presided over the exercises
General Sanford spoke eloquently cf
Mr. Davis. He said the people cf the
south had nothing to apologize tor. He '
defended the souths position in the
matter of secession, and spoke i her I
sens in the struggle which fallowed. '
-If we were rebels, then to rebel i3
right; if Jefferson was a traitcr, then
treason is the highest virtue." he said.
Miss Tompkins presented the star o
Governor Johnson, the custodian of the
capitcL who, being a confederate ve
eran. responded with a eulogy cf Jef
ferson Davis and the southern cause.
Father Plan's pcem. "Furl That Ban
ner," was recited by Miss Robinson cf
Montgomery, and the star, being se in
position, was covered with garlands cf
Th Confederal" 'arreadcr.
In answer to the question. "How
many Confederate soldiers surrenderel
at the cicse of the war?" the Atlanta
Constitution says
Army ef Northern Virginia. 27.-
. ?5: army cf Tennessee. 2L242 army
of Missouri. 7.37a: army of Alabama.
4:1222: army of Trans-JEississippL 17.-
JS6; at Nashville aad Chattanooga.
5 22 paroled In departments of Vir
ginia. CtttEberiand. Maryland. Alalia-'
( ma. Florida. Tennessee. Texas, eta,
42.1 SS: Confederate prisoners in north-
era prisons at the close cf the war. 3S.-
S02: total Confederate army at close,
T? rt-r t w. t i .
wj w. .i. ii.i; liiiu. nn.-ntrsr UTT!
ber of Confederate soMiers were no?
I present at surrender.
Ezinnin Xarried Clf- Fre from Care.
From the Pittsfcurg Dispatch. Mar-
shal Lawrev nnd Mary ToUiver col-
ored. were married in the coenrv an
at Z o'clock yesterday afternoon by a
colored minister. The woman was de
lighted after the ceremony was ever.
The grcom tcok a different view of the
case and said he did not care what be
came of him now.
flia "aaie far It.
Bloobumper I attended a chatiery
the other day. Spatts A chattery?
Vhat on earth is a chattery" Bloc
bumper Heme call It a conversazione,
but I don't believe In using French
words when English will answer tha
surpesa. tcuisvUIe Ceurisr-JcamaL
Columbus State Bank
(Oldeas Back in the State.)
Fays litest nlJEDpfe
Ms Im; on Real Mi
isstrss sxcnr dhasts ox
Onaaa, Chicago, New Yrfc
And helps ltd customers when they need he
Lcotdeh Geekard, Pres't.
E. E. Hsrnrr. Vfce Pres't..
M. Becggee, Cashier.
Jons" SrACFFEK. Wit KtrcnEm
AiitiiQrizad C-aoital of - S5Q0.00G
Paid in Canita'I. - - 90,000
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D.VNTEL iCHRAM. Cashier.
FKA'K EOEEK. Ast. Cash's.
r, E. Shsujo, H. P. H. OEHXJwen.
Josas Wsncu. W. .V McAixisTza,
CAim EinsKS. . C. Ghat.
Fn-isx HonitSB.
s 4RZZ.DA Eexi?, J Hksut TVcn-KHA.
1X.1HK uit-vr. HerniT Loexe.
A, F H. Ohhtjiich, J. P Bkcxeji Estate.
Kesecc.. Bechkii. H ii. WESsLOW.
Bsjik of Deposit, nteresc aUoTed ore tiro
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;.. ind Europe, and 3aTand sell aT.ail
ahle securities- We siiai. se pleased to rw
celT your business. We solids your pat'
Columbus loud!
A Tekly newspaper de
voted the best interests cf
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The unit ci msMure with
us is
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is not prescribed by dollars
and cents. Sampla eopiaa
sent free to aay mddrasa.
Coffins : aad : Metallic : Cases !
iT-Hgcgfriac- of cXxincUof Uphcl
ftzr"j Gccds.
Goiuofe Journal
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WarifeiihS&iltfMillaMiiffl flri--"--' ---- Yim-&ml-rmritfm&
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Muklb ta