The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, June 23, 1897, Image 1

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55. "- -- "
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By An" Randolph- ,
OUNG iolks are
such fools r said
Aunt Huldah Petti
bone, with acri
mony. "Married,
indeed! "What does
our Katie want to
get tnamed lor.
with a good hoa
and a steady place
as a typewriter?
Here have I lived
these five and fifty years without get
ting married, of even thinking of It
and Katie, at nineteen, is engaged"
Neighbor Jackson smiled. He
thought. Judging from her pronuncia
tion ol the last word that Aunt Huldah
Pettibone would have made no con
temptible actress. And as he mentally
contrasted Katie Fielding's blooming
cheks and violet eyes with Aunt Hul
cah's Roman nose and her sallow com
plexion ha didn't at all wonder that the
-old lady had lived -here-n and fifty
years without an eligible offer of mat
rimony. "Young folks will be young folks,"
said he, indulgently.
-And fools will be fools," sharply
supplemented Annt Huldah. "Ifs noth
ing aeamst this man who is coming
philandering after Katie, but I dare
say he's a poor, miserable, shiftless
fellow, no better than the rest of 'em.
I'd like to se the one that could fool
"So should I." I thought, but did not
cay. Neighbor Jackson, as he took up
the basket of pearl-white, new-laid
vgs for whieh h had been waiting.
asul departed across the winding
meaio- path, while Aunt Huldah, re
turning diligently to her dish-washing,
pondered with renewed earnest
ness a? to the general folly and senti
mentality of the present degenerate
All of a sndden however, glancing
up she saw a noe flattened against the
window-pan the nose belonging to
a tall rubJcond. not Ill-looking man
nf fom" forty years of age
"Go away.' said Aunt Huldah.
""Why. Huldah Pettibone."' uttered
a mildly insmuatinz voice, "have you
forgotten me Me Hiram Pearson
:hat went to Calif omy twenty-odd
years .-go"""
"La' sakes alive"" said Aunt Huldah.
"And hero you re back again like a
bad penny, eh"7"
"I'm back agin, sartin. ' said Mr
Tearson. "About the bad penny bust
nss. I won't take it upon me to swear
But I always was a truth-teller, and
I'm ready, free and frank, to own up
hat I'vp com back for the very san"
rason that I went away"'
"La"' said Aunt Huldah. "And what
was that?"
"Can't you guess it. Huldah?" in
quired Mr. Pearson, with a look of in
describable languishment in his little
eray eyes.
"I never was no hand at conun
drums." said Aunt Huldah. dryly.
"Then I may as well speak it oat
for love of you!" said Mr. Pearson.
"Get out!" said Aunt Huldah.
"And I don't care who knows It,"
added the valiant lover. "I've been
in the peddling business, but I could
pay no 'tention to it. all along, o!
thinking of you. And I've tried the
f 5s.
iichtnine-rod agency, but there ain't
no lightning could electrify you out
of my mind. So. here I be. Huldah
Pettibone. w'th my heart in my hand,
and you may take it. or you may
trample i: under foot. Just whichever
you please!
"That's all nonsense," said Miss
Prtibone. not without an incipient
pimper at the comer of her lips.
"And now."" pleasantly added the
middle-aged lover. "I've opened a forty-nine
cent store at Cranch's Corners,
bu I can't put no sperit into my busi
ness so long as I'm thinking of you.
ThTe now!"
Miss Huldah could not but smile.
Even Sfty-ftve years old there was a
certain satisfaction in being made love
"III defy Dr Rosebury to say I nev
r had a beau after this." thought she.
but she only said, with a toss of the
had: "Ef you can leave off sulking
long enough, you'd better come in and
hAve a bite of something to eat and
a cup of cold co3ee."
"I don't care nothin about eating,"
iid Mr Pearson, but. nevertheless, he
entered and made a good meal. And
afterv.srds he sat down in the parlor
and retold his marvelous California
experience to Miss Huldah. and ei
ptained to her the wonderful financial
successes of forty-nine cent stores in
?neral and his in particular.
"Tm bound to be a millionaire before
I die said he "but. all the same, I
tban't enjoy a cent of my money. Hul
dah. if you don't enjoy it, too"
"Nonsense," Eaid Miss Huldah.
But Mr Pearson, who had succeeded
in getting hold of her hand, gave it a
sentle squeeze by way of answer,
which expressed a world of tender
At the week's end Katie Fielding,
who always came home of a Saturday
afternocT, to keep her Annt Huldah
rompany until Monday morning, ran
into "the buttery, where the old lady
was screwing down her patent jars of
caused blackberries.
"Wkr. Aunt Huldah" she cried, rosy
aad ! !! . "whs on earth Is that
old luafii iiililiij. his pipe in the back
gartiflB? I merer was so startled Is.
any llfB.aa.wfcen I saw him'"
"01d.loafer. indeed!" cried Annt Hul
dah. bristling up. Tm sure, Catherine
Fzeldia-, I aon't kaow waa you eetaK
e. m
' - p-j
& 1 '
I VV rt
t -:" ,f nT.
v n in i ci-i.w
v i r i r i j n " ii '
!M m wi .Ms ( i IM
1 f ffl WM M i
in mi
ha eei. The gentleman as smokta
one in a while out there is Mr. Hi
ram Pearson, the rich merchant, as is
Just settin' up business at Cranch's
Corners you've heard of the Forty
Nine Cent Store there, haven't you?
All tht country's a-talkin about it.
It's a-goin to revolutionize commerce
and Mr. Hiram Pearson's a-goin' to
be your uncle r
"TVhatr' cried Katie, with wide-open
blue eyes. "You never mean to tell
me, Annt Huldah. that
"Yes." said Aunt Huldah, "I'm goic
to be married. "Why shouldn't I? Miss
Bardett Coutts got married, and I'm
a good ten years younger than she is.
And he's loved me faithfully this thirty-odd
years and I'm to be a lady and
keep a pianny and a hired gal and a
canary bird all of my own!"
Katie knew not what to say. She
stood gazing at her aunt in breathless
surprise and dismay.
"Dear Aunt Huldah," said she, "do
let me understand. Are you really in
earnest Have you actually made up
your mind to this important step in
life during the one week" in which "T
have been absent from you? '
"Yes, I have." said Aunt Huldah.
giving a screw to the last jar of black
berries which cracked it half way down
the side. "So there!"
And then she related the whole story
of Mr Pearson's long and constant
love, his financial successes, and the
great enterprise now in process of com
pletion at Cranch's Corners.
"And, of course." added unsuspect
ing Miss Huldah, "I considered it a
very great privilege to be able to In
vest my little savings in a business
like that, as is sure to return at least
a hundred per cent. And I told Hiram
that you had some money in the sav
ings bank at only four per cent that
you would be glad to place with him
If "
"Not if I know it!" cried Katie, with
spirit. "Dear Aunt Huldah, stop and
consider! The very looks of this man
proclaim him to be a swindler! Has
he given yoi any security for all this
"Security!" cried Aunt Huldah,
"What security do I need? Ain't we
to be married just as soon as I can get
my wedding cress made?"
"But you never have given him your
"Why shouldn't I?" said Aunt Hul
dah. "Yes I have. And I'm to have
cent-per-cent interest for it, once the
Forty-nine Cent Store gets well under
way. But it ain't that so much," she
added, with elderly bashfulness, "as it
is that we love eaeh other me and
Hiram. You II like him, Katie, when
once you get acquainted with him. He
ain't no insignificant whiffet like
Abram Holley. your young man Make
haste and help me to get out the best
table-cloth he's to take tea here to
night!" "But you'll let me consult Abram
Holley about the matter. Aunty,"
pleaded Katie. "He's a lawyer, you
know; he'll understand "
"I don't consult nobody but myself."
said Miss Pettibone, loftily. "I'm a
phrenologer, and a physiognomer sad
a judge of people's character And
I've knowed Hiram Pearson more
years than you've been born, so just
dish up the apple-sauce, and leave off
talking, while I go out and call Hiram
to tea""
"Dear, dear," said Katie sadly to her
self, as she poured the stewed sweet
apples into the blue-edged bowl which
would have crazed a votary of the
ceramic art. "What a fool Aunt Hul
dah is! To think of getting married at
her age!"
But Aunt Huldah called and called
and only echo replied.
"How provoking." said Miss Petti
bone. "He must be gone to the post
office." If he had, however, the postofnre was
a long way off. for 3Ir. Hiram Pearson
never came back. Neither did Aunt
Huldah's coupon bonds, her little bag
of gold eagles, nor her five one hundred
dollar bank notes, which he had so
kindly offered to invest. And. upon in
quiry being made at Cranch's Comers
the Forty-nine Cent Store was founa
to be but a vision of Hiram Pearson's
fertile brain.
And Aunt Huldah was left to bewail
herself in tears and impecuniosity. Not
even the neishbors sympathized with
her They only smiled shrewdly at oaft
another, and said, under their breath
"No fool like an old fool." New
York Ledger.
Steward's F
The voyager, if he is not seasick, is
dependent for comfort first on the table
steward. To this man it seems to b
the rule to give S2.5i for one. or J-"5
for two or three persons in a party,
whether one is served in regular
courses or orders what he pleases from
the bill. Late suppers might increase
the fee. One's next best friend is the
deck steward, if he is attentive and ha;
followed out suggestions about the
steamer chair and rugs. Sometimes
one can eat on deck when it is fata
to go below, and then, if the deck stew
ard is obliging he deserves the larger
part of what would go to the table
steward in regular course. If th
weather is at all fair it is most agre1
able to find one's chair well plnced
and the rugs dry every moraine, es
pecially if one is inclined to seasick
ness. Moreover, this steward is the
one who continuously brings sand
wiches and broth on deck aad.
as he is obliged himelf to fee the
cook's assistant to .get thes
articles prepared. it is clear
that he should be well remembered
at parting if any one is. On many
lines his pay. like that of most of the
-stewards, is not higher than $12 a
month and the company, on genera!
principles, keeps back one-third tc pay
for breakage. Another third roes to
the cooks in fees. Where, therefor
would he be without his tips? Scrib
ner's Magazine.
Coateat to Kemialn-
Hicks 'Did you see any mountain
climbing while you were away?"
Wicks "No; the mountains seemed
to be satisfied to remain as they were.
They didn't seem to care to get any
higher. Bat we saw some people climb
ing the mountain." Boston Transcript-
All Ig-.c1niry.
The signs cf gladsome spring are seen,
and Fan attunes his pipe.
The lambkin gambols on the green.
Mint sauce is getting ripe.
Philadelphia Record.
tttuiacM Coadltloa Improve KorwUk-taadia-
Coatlaned Heavy laiports
Fne Silver Theories Exploded Term'i
Adoption of the Gold.
Washington, May, 1S97. (Special
r.. --j t-t. i...i fhr 1
.oiuuwr-iiit ui -; i0WiEg the rejection of the free coai
citizens of this country were suffermg ; q gUver stae Hf?en
and in want of food and shelter fnr
brought instantlv from President Mc-1 - -
Kinley a message recommending an ap- These dLgimed gentry are noir.
propriation of $50,000 for their benefit.- mf J6--6? 5eca?t.SJ
It is understood that the President is
. s-i - :
only awaiting for more detailed infor
mation, from special representatives
whom he has sent to Cuba, before tak
ing equally vigorous action in regard
to other matters there. When it is
remembered that the first three week
of McKinley's administratioa witaesaed
theT release of practically all the
Americans who were in Cuban prisons
on the 4th day of March, and that his
action for the relief of those who were
suffering for want of food was equal
ly prompt, the contrast between his
actions and those of President Cleve i
land is strongly marked. When It is
remembered, also, that the objection of
a Democratic "leader prevented the
prompt passage of the relief bill in the j
house, the contrast between Republi- i
can and Democratic methods
mere sharply outlined
is still ;
Krpublican t. Uetuorratic 3IethoU-
The President, who learned only a
fvnr rlnr-e nr frnT bic rpnrA5PntativeS
in ok", rCr xmar-;r, ninn. ThrA '
are suffering for food, shelter and '
clothimr. sent to congress on Monday j
a mc.iTP nnJntina- nnr this fict. and ,
asking an immediate appropriation. A ,
resolution making this appropriation
offered in the senate by a Repub-
1 as soon as the reading of the mes-t
sage, and passed oy a unanimous vote, tion now going on In the Soutn. ts
A similar resolution was offered in the awakening to the loss it has suffered
house by Mr. Ilitt. a Republican, as from the Democratic "tariff for rev
soon as the reading of the message was enue only" system, and its rapid con
finished, but its immediate considera- version to the Republican doctrine of
tion was objected to by Congressman protection. That this chance is iiow
Bailey, an alleged leader of the Dem
ocratic party of the house. That any
man representing only his own con
cessional district or himself individ
ually could have thrown himself be
tween S00 suffering American citizens
and relief freely offered by the govern
ment of the United States seems in
credible, but that a man professing to
speah for a great party could have
done so is even more astounding. But
it is a fact, nevertheless, and Mr. Bai
ley was successful in preventing the
passage of the measure for at least
three days.
Why? Upon the alleged ground that
he wanted to couple with it legislation ,
recognizing the belligerency of the Cu-
bans. In point of fact, it was a po-
Iitical trick to try to restore himself in j
the graces of the Democracy, which
had been accusing him of subserviency
to Speaker Reed and his methods. Mr.
Bailey was willing to stand between
SOO suffering and starving American
citizens and relief for an indefinite
length of time for the sake of ga'n
makina himself solid with the Democ-
racy. tie Knew mat tne house of rep-, ment North. The recent election was
resentatives would not pass a resolu-, carried by the laboring people of the
tion recognizing the belligerency of the North, not by being bought up or in
Cubans in the short space of time that , timidated by employers, but from a
it was necessary to pass the relief res- , sensible and well-defined idea of pro
olution. The senate has been debating tection. The political complexion of
that kind of a resolution for not only the South cannot long remain as it is
days, but weeks and months. So his now; negro domination and force bills
demand that the resolution of the ree- are things of the past. We are in a
ognition of belligerency should be state of transition, both financially
coupled with that cf appropriating; I and politically.
money for immediate relief -was not' A Democratic newspaper of New Qr
only unnecessary but unreasonable, leans says-
and sure to cause delay to the relief Suitable protection on susar for ten
measure. Yet since it would attract years will, in all probability, enable U3
attention to Mr. Bailey, and possibly ' to produce onr own supplies of sugar,
reingratiate him in the regard of the and save that large outlay of cash an
Democracy, hundreds of American cit- ! nually given to foreigners for that pur
izens can starve while Mr. Bailey thna pose.
masquerades. ' This is from the Richmond (Va.)
Foreira Goods StUI Comlmr la. t
CoaUac la.
The importers who are rushing goods
into the country have the double pur
pose of making an extra profit by
raising the price on them when the
Dingley bill goes into effect and put
ting the law into disrepute by mairing
its receipts light during the first year.
The importations in April were the
largest recorded in the recent commer
Haf hisrnrv of the United Rrar Tha-!
amounted to $101,303,131, or nearly !
double those of April. 1S96. The rate
at which importations have increased
since importers became aware that a
protective tariff bill would be soon
adopted is indicated by the following
figures, which show the value of im
ports since the month in which Mc
Kinley was elected.
November, 1S96, I30.043.28S: Decem
ber. 1S95. $5S.960,C50. January,
-1 en-
S5i.354.01S: February, 1S97, 550
p ,tt,
March. 1S27, $76,344,946; April. 1S97.
$101 305.131.
Yet in the face of this showing comes
the recent announcement by a leading
commercial agency that the sales of
goods in April were within a small
fraction of the amount in the most
prosperous business year which the
country has seen for a long time. That
there is a genuine revival in business
activity is apparent, not alone from
this announcement, but from the state
ments of the press, irrespective of par
ty, in every section of the country.
Mnmrj Circulate.
An interest rate of three and a hall ,
1 per cent is very low, yet a railroad ,
j company which put a hundred million .
dollars of bonds upon the market re- ,
centlv at that rate of interest had no
difficulty in finding capital to accept 1
thm The people who are indus
triously insistins that the United States
should have more money find it diffi
cult to hold this position when such
quantities of money are seeking invess-1
ment at so low an interes rate.
free Silrer Tfceorie Paaetared.
Some of the assertions of the silver
orators of the last campaign read
curiously now. For instance, that one
in which they insisted that farm prod
ucts and silver kept pace in rise and
iali Is especially amusing. In view ot
the fact that farm products have
steadily risen in value in thi past
eight months, while silver has gone in
the other direction. Silver has. in the
,i ,-. w .., ,i.Q 1 -.
JJ5I, itrr t Tr"gy ictii.ui lur; lu-w-cat.
joint in its history, while wheat m
ane u. r.aeiKrf . dUfi41UtBE SKETCHES: '.
that same
price double
ery time that these ar-rnments were
being most vigorously presented. The
Ka-iRAs Pnnultars ar retvirted in
irted In a
jndition oq
3 set in lit
tion of tla"
state of distress over the condition
the country. Prosperity has
that state without the adoption
free coinage of silver or any other of
their numerous nostrums of this chaf-
acter. Prices of cattle, hogs, wheat,
com and farm products of all kinds
have advanced and there are moref
signs of activity and prosperity tol-.
ua.iz.LL a Liti:ii?- lll tilllizll lxic xucm
paign speeches in which they in:
that the low farm prices in this coua4
try were due to the treatment v;hicBj
silver had reeaived. The country re4
jected their proposition for the fre6,
and unlimited coinage of silver andP
simultaneously with that action -prices
of farm products began to riseand
haTe steadily advanced. -whlte'silvef-i
has steadily gene in the other diree
rcra't Action a Blow to SlUerlse.
Little Peru is just now the subject of
a good deal of attention from all parts
0f ie world by reason of the fact that
on jiay jq her new currency system
-K-ent into effect. This system e-ea:ss
tje gold standard and prohibit thr
importation of silver coin, the purpaae
0f 5 prohibition beins to maintain
tje standine and nominal value cf the
silver coin" already in the count-?.
Commenting upon this action by Peru.
the Macon Toles-ranti a Democratic
paper, says: "The statesmen of little
Peru are wiser than the new breed of
0Qr own country, who sprins from the
mm!nS carnPs of the west-'
rrm tec tion Take Lons tritl.
The most significant sign of the timet.
in the political world is the revolu-
going on is beyond dispute, and is
proved by the utterances of dozens of
t-v - . ,
Democratic newspapers m every south-
ern state. Some of them, to be sure,
are grudging in their admissions that
the Southern people are becoming ad-
vecates of protection, but that very ef
fort to belittle the movement only
goes to prove the strength it has al
ready attained.
The Times of Canton, Miss., puo
Iished in a section that ha.- no coal,
iron or manufacturing interests, comes
boldly out with the following state
ment: It is plainly evident to the intelli-
gent and watchful observer of passing
events that the time is not far distant
when the material interest of the
South will in all probability work a
revolution in sentiment on the tariff
question. Protection is now sought
from Egvptian long-staple imiwrtad in-
to this country, and rightly so The su
gar interests and various o:Vr inter
ests will seek protection The labor
ing people will want it from the pau
per labor of Europe like the labor ele-
Well, it does look a little incon
sistent, from a political point of view,
for cotton planters to be asking for
protection. But since pretty much ev
erything else is to be protected, and
free Egyptian long-staple cotton would
put the Sea Island cotton raisers at
the mercy of the New England cotton
manufacturers, it would be inconsis-
tent with common sense for the Sea
Islaild P10615 not to ir? t0 Protect
One of the strongest admissions that
the Wilson bill has hurt the South is
. from a Vicksbur
Miss., paper, and
The discovery that for every dollar's
worth of trade our lumber manufact
urers have gained abroad they have
I lost three dollars' worth at home is a
I stubborn, conclusive fact that Wilson-
I 1 :- i- u: it:,-: : :'
ism ia uui uic iuiu.; iui jus iaipii
' . t 1
interests. Cincinnati Com-
raerciai irioune'
Carreaey Keforet
The first need of the government is
for revenue sufficient to meet :ts ex
penses. The Republicans propose to
meet that need by passing a bill to
increase revenues. Th" Rrpv"Iica;i.s
believe, too, that a protective M-ms
tire, which will encourage American
; industries, will help to restore pros
perity. They propose to pass rrh a
' measure. The Dingley bill, con as
' modified by the senate, is a
! rro tection and revenue.
ill for
When the government has plenty of
revenue it can correct the delciences
in its currency system. The best ele-
ments of the Democrats, who honestly
, tJat get M 'zny ' . a
dczn of their party in concrc.-s to
agee to retiring greenbacks, wnich is
the only measure of currer.f.- refotm
they suggest.
The way to get rid of greenbacks,
snd e otOT floating jb!"gaticu!
1 aiiu ail me uui-ir uimubs: -jJi'uiijUo
Q, government, is to provid? olen-
ty of revenue, nd put the people of
the country at work. Louisville Com-
A Dead Bicycle.
A rp" in Lwiston, Me. wnre bi-
in Lewiston, "lie., wnre bi-
cycles are taxed, refused to pay a tax
on his bicycle Lecaose it 1 wru out
and Baflns.T He demands tc snow ci
rt aSMS.-ir ETherhcr ?r.v mni ! r.r .
-.- o at.a h. -i .. -. ,.
H1A11 iui a. uii iiui. il -tut. ur
5 wiah, to know why he shuuhi ,v for
,,.i ,.t-,. .j,h .. , ,..,.-
t - tic iw -i. a. j-uuiru icct.
New Tori Tribune.
nr& unr evnDirc cad -rue-
www isrtvsw 7 I unil i w a .
M. "Way The Have in tn r.r.u.n
Havf Htw the :!ur. h Ftu i
Wttil the Ldr4
War &ktrae
f the AUralrali-
A V4ce from the firiir.
HEI1E once was a
pirate. J-Troly
and bold.
Who ravaged
rf for '
"AVd .
sain, uml
the -rolls
Till Lis coffers were f
bursting with
blood - stained
And millions or
eaptlvc- bore
his toils.
. ,o'- KniH
Thon fear too. hold
of him. and 1 crid '
I have gatherel enough: now. war
". Kr?ow,a c"ase- - , ,,,
Ujidfcesent out messengers far ana
To th strone on-? only, to a5k for
, he
We are Christian brthrn.
"Let us seal a contract, never
i. itept a grains: reikis, who dare
The bond we hav male lr the vic
tor's njrht."
i .
J Ana ."n?1-- PBe5 Uten
and some
, Tht- kmdiv ntf.,r- 9ni riehteou. word:
f With never'a dream of deceit or fraud,
ouam "
! But others, thtr elders. lUt-n and
, At th,uVld.n convert-s uactuourf style.
1 Th-y wan
atch for the paccmaKer's
; f r ' "-::.- k.- m,k, ,.,
! ' bv dav. " "
Even hotv. while hi? sodly me5-ncers
pm are afiam- on his enemies,
' H liA ";n the bUde
! nd f.o 51." t unar:
from the hand
med a merci
Ie!s blo--.
fn th end? of th earth hi oppression ,
he rbo's arc blown from the mouths
01 nis suns.
Ttis irar ta dpvnnr his jiblCt" food: I
lie taxes thir evil and taxes their
1 H" taxes their salt till he rots their
' blood.
leap on the friendless i on a
I And slinks, tall down, from the strong
one avray.
I The Pharisee's cant roes up for peace:
But the cris o: hi? victim? never
The stlSed voices of brave men rise
From a thousand cells: while his ras
cal spies
Are spending their olood money fa5t
and fr-e.
And this Is the Christian to oversee
A world of evil: a saint to preach!
A holy well-dor come to teach!
A prophet tc tell us war should cease!
A pious example of Christian peace!
John Boyle O'P.eilly.
"A Way They Have In the "ay."
The commissioners of the admiralty
were making their annual inspection,
says Punch. The weather wes fine,
so their yachting expedition had been
exceptionally pleasant. They had seen
the ships and the guns. At that point
they had stopped short.
"And now you say that the whole of
the machinery is worked from the cen
tral tower'" queried the first lord.
"Yes." was the reply. "The vessel
is steered, the guns are worked and
the fires are stoked all by electricity.'
"An ingenious contrivance." remark
ed the second sea lord.
"Very." consented the superintend
ent. "And. as recruits are scarce,
"Well, with the inspection of this
last first-rate battleship our inspection
concludes. I think we have seen
The colleagues of the speaker whis
pered a suggestion.
"To be sure I had forgotten it We
have seen the ships and the guns. But
we have not inspected the men. So
perhaps we might overhaul the crew
cf the present vessel. Mr. Admiral,
will you kindly beat to quarters?"
Thns invited, the officer whistled
and the summons was answered by a
head appearing out of the central
"And who may you be?" asked the
first lord.
"Please, your honor," came the re
ply, "I am the crew."
"The crew! What crew?"
, "The crew of this here Tessel: and
1 can tell you. lords and gentlemen.
that it's precious lonely working a big
ship like this without a messmate!"
And the lords of the admiralty-
1 having nothing better to dc made a
cote of the objection
Grant aa a Bot.
Some of the good people of George-
, town, Ripley and Batavia, however, go
, far'in their attempt to show how very
! ordinary Ulysses Grant was. says
j Hamlin Garland in McClure's. A boy
of 13 who could drive a team 600 miles
across country and arrive safely; who 1 Philip, taken by Drake, in 15S7. was
could load a wagon with heavy logs I 46,372; Drake's own. 1S,235; the
by his mechanical ingenuity; who in- lord admiral's 4.23S. and private as
sisted en so'ving all mathematical venturers', 44.757 A still richer
problems himself; who never whisper- haul was made in the Madre de Dios
ed or lied or swore or quarreled; who 1 taken In 1592. which, by the accoun:
could train a horse to pace or trot at t o her purser, carried S.500 quintals of
will; who stood squarely upon his own ' pepper, 900 of cloves, 700 of cinna-
knowledge of things without resorting
to trick or mere verbal memory such
a boy, at this distance, does not appear
"ordinary." stupid, dnll or common-
i place. That ne was not showy or
'. easily valued was true. His unusnal-
ness was in the balance of his char- ;
acter, in his poise, in his native judg- 1
' ment and in his knowledge of things at
first hand.
, ptirion that to retreat was fataL
t When he set hand to any plan or start-
ed upon any journey he felt the neees-
sity of going to the turn of the lane
ir to the end of the furrow. He was
' esolute and unafraid always; a boy to
i rrnsTPrt anil connrpil anon crnrnv.
i "npable of hard knocks. What he was
' n sneech h was in strain. If he said,
i can do that," he not mrely meant
f. ..
1 tnat ne wonia try to no ;t. nnt a:so
that he had thought his way to the
5 successiui end or tne unaertaEing. rie
i successful end of the undertaking.
i 'w'a3. "J- act. an umisuall dtermn
1 D.d resourceful hay
i At J&cksou; Tcait.
! Trip toHE Gf Anarr5r JacEScn. ar
! tte Hermitage. Tennessee, is about
' Gfrv vard: frnm th mrr-ion. Both
' --- . -
j "Old Hickory" and hi- wif lie liunrf
J Joi '? ,". " """" I
t nfiT
firr? ?. T7S7. died June 8. 15-tS. t
- . .
Here He the ireiW. at Mrs Kacaei
Jackson, wife of President .-kVso
who died the 22d of December. Ui3,
agfJl c, ytt Hsr was faiiv ncr
Mrsac !?. her temper amiable
her heart kini ! tjeli-ht-4 In re-
Iteving the wants of her !itlr crea
tures, and cultivated that civine
pleasure by the rsoat liberal and un
pretending methods: to thi soar she
was a benefactor, to the rich an example-
to the wretched a comforter.
to the prosper5c5 fin orminient. her
piety went hand in haau wnh I.?:
benevolence, and she thanked her j
Creator for being permitted to da geed j
A being so gontle and so
v:: uv.i?
slander idight wound, but rculd no
dishonor: eYeh Death, when he or
her from the arms of her Jtfisbarl.
could but transport her to the fccsin
of her God- .
The tomb has been fenced "n by a
I substantial iron railing, uutstue ta-s
t ,:-.,n.-.i
tdiuufe mc iv giim v.. t- ...-!....--
son and his family vi:
Andrew i
Jackson Jr. Mrs. Sarah Jackson L.s ,
wife; Mr,'. Marian Adams. .atcr o,
Mrs. Sarah Jackscn. liarie. tae anw
Samuel Aaarn?. son of Mrs. Adam.
Dr. John M. Lawrence, husband of
the "Little Rachel" of General Jack
son's household: thir daughter Mrs.
. '. . 1
susie uivrrence- ibq, anu i. i,..i--
of one of two infants of the family.
fie Kent Hi at
Durinjr one of the naval en-cements
of the late war a sailor by th name
jf John Davis performed an ac of
bravery that has rarely been equalled
While the battle was at its heignt a
5hen entered the Valley City, cf which
1 shin Davis was gunner' mate, and ec-
ploded on th- berth-deck, setting it on
" . ., . , , . .
capt. Lnapnn. tne commauuer ui luc
vessel, iumned down into the maga-
. . n.v;l. ,urornr,c hU men to
zine. and while directing ate men to
. extinguish the flames, passed up with
his own hands the loose cylinders of
nowder. The fireworks on board h
j i 1 ti.. -:..i o-i
1 cazac iguusu. nuviveia -in-.iti uju f
j,jue li?Qy blazed up in the very midst
,1,- ---..-s.inT. Tha Vi1 mnm
: caught fire, ard
it seemed as If the
I VallAv Pirv Trstiar hp hlnTrn to Tteces.
John Davis, appreciating the danger,
and desirous of doing all in his power
to avert it, jumped up on an open bar
rel of gunpowder and sat down on the
head, covering it with his person as
j wen as he Cnl(j t0 pr0fect It from th-i
. . ,
snowenng spartts.
Capt. Chaplin, seeinz him quietly
seated while everybody else was at
work, ordered him in peremptory tones
to "get down and help put out the
The young gunner's mate stayed
where he wa3, and replied calmly:
"Don't you see, sir, I can't? For if
I do, the sparks will fall into the
powder. If I get down, saptain, we
shall all go up!"
Xotwithstandlng the terrible danger,
Capt. Chaplin could not repress a
smile, and Davis' heroic action was re-
warded after the battle by Immediate
Great Han's Conaplimeat.
While it is well known that Daniel
Webster, in speaking of General Tay
lor's candidacy for the office of presi
dent, pronounced It "a nomination
not fit to be made," he never failed to
do justice to the general's military
abilities and eminent service in the
field. One one occasion he paid the
old soldier a delicate and well-deserved
compliment. General Taylor
was complaining of the crowds cf
people who daily besieged him toon
after his accession to the presidency.
"They interfere," he said, "with
ny official engagements, and violate
my domestic retirement, but still I do
not wish to turn my back upon my
"You never did upon your enemies,
general," Mr. Webster instantly re
plied. A compliment of another sort, ana
much more surprising, considering its '
source, was one given by Mr. Webster,
though the object of it was not pres
ent to near, aome one was speaking
of the remarkably beautiful eyes of a
handsome woman, and one young en
thusiast said, "They remind me, with
their long, dark eyelashes, of artillery
in ambuscade."
"They should rather be compared
to heat lightning." said another.
J "Not so," put in Mr. Webster, with
j a perfectly grave face, "for you must
' eertainly be aware, my dear sir. that
heat lightning never strikes'"
Qaeea'A PI antler.
In his new history of the British
navy M. Oppenheim declares that the
plunder during Queen Elizabeth's
f reign was not so great as is supposed,
' He says: "So far as pecuniary re-
. ceipts were concerned, there wcr cn'y
j two really great captures during the
queen s reign. Her share of th
mon. 500 of cochineal and 430 of oth-"r
merchandise, besides amber, musk
and precious stones to the value of
400,000 crasados. and some "pecialiy
fine diamonds." New York Tribune.
The Deept of Wei:.
Men of science are interested in all
very deep borinzs in the earth on ac
count cf the opportunity which thev
offer for experiment? on the intemil
temperature of the globe. Gat- and oil
wells sometimes attain a grea dnt j.
and after they have ceased tc !-- uj-;-ful
in other ways are turned to r-ien-tifie
account. The vrv d-rn-": hnJ
' that man has yet succeeded is naak-n:
i" .ue canu is sam iu utr ntru: itvu-s -
' in Silesia, where the bonn? ih'ro?h
strata of real and rock 112
r--h ' 1
depth of about 6...0 fen. in- dee; 3
1 r 2 : ?
uunag ia .-Luierira t oeiievt. jo
an oil well at Pittsuurr. -vhih
reacneu a Hpm 01 --fj iet. r.: L-
be bored much deeper for th- st
thcr IttlolCLitluu it litiy til: Z...
On set
taken up
iD"tdcn ctCiJe..
., i. .. ,. .. ,,,1.t ,.- .t. .
, -- " - ".; -
. de-.trf?. It hoWs reiistaes z?TT
r??-i in !lo!bor2 rit-.l ti r?
kt fa Hall eo-ttty eoert
M. TsnmW 3v4TC BedWeH, a
"Isiae ia the case at SDreattT tm. 1m-
vaggi. Wb was a claiic tat fit tea
ar for n asazsTt on plaintiff. Om -
sault comsistiag of tie eXeadat etr
tins off oae of the waxed eaM
n'ttintiff mustache says tae ""
Mercjry. His honor said It was clear
hat an assaalt had been comaaitted.
sod a rery icrare oae, for whieh de-4-j,
lhbb tn should say. tor
neavy damages. Btt fortnnatdy. tha
niai-tiff. havine receirfd the asaanlL
4WUMUk .- --"-"-'--'
ft;.r mceepted a taoat extraoriiaary
and gtyangf shiation. for the defeaeV
ant then volunteefAi to sacrifice a por
tion of his own mustache as a sort of
mitigated penalty for the lat the
nisiatiff hai anstalHed. The plaintiir
Ihefetipon accepted the sittwttcj-atook
the sifssors aad cot off a -peruora "
the defendant's mMtaehe. It waa tree
that h p-aiatlsT leat am taeh a
i.t t :j- .fn (m taa af)SiaBt
r , , ,. rrnrh.
, tost one-eigntn oi an iatu. v m
; rf J-w wMch
JT ,3 -wp-
. .
er term to apply to plaintiff's action
in catting off defendant's mustache.
The term "walTer" had been suggest
ed, but he thought it was "accord and
c5fsfpHnrr '
He was satisfied It was.
- ,
and it took cira to a Ter, .-
1 old case indeed in Dyer" Whenever
the plaintiff has consented to receive.
and has actually received, satisfaction
; and recompense for the injury he has I
sustained the cause of action is cis- 1
charged, although the satisfaction and
recompense were not one huncreatn
. part of the Talue cf his loss.' "In this
' case. continued his honor, "as I do the
' fractions, it is the twenty-sren
part (Laughter A twenty-seventh
,-, Aa't-nriiTT hn virrart and th Tlliin- I
-- -..---.--- - - - '
. tiff accepted. According to the au
thority of that case It Is accord ana ,
! satisfaction and the plaintiff most lose
, bis verdict. The verdict will there-
fore be for tb defendant, without
Interest ta Fact About Gold.
Gold id so very tenacious that a
piece of it drawn Into wire one-twentieth
of an inch In diameter will sus
tain a weight of 500 pounds without
breakinz. Its malleability is so great
' t-aat a single grain may be divided into
oOti.OOO parts, and a cubic inch into
9.323,509.523 parts, each of which m3y
be distinctly seen by the naked eye.
A zrain and a
half of gold may be
beaten into leaves of one inch square,
a b eh if intersCted by parallel lines
drawn at right angles to each other,
and distant only one-hundredth part of
an inch, will produce 25,000.000 little
squares, each of which may be dls-
, tinctly seen without the aid of a glass.
The surface of any given quantity of
gold, according to the best authorities,
' may be extended by the hammer 310.-
' sh times. The thickness of the metal
thus extended appears to be no mors
than the 5C6.020th part of an inch.
Eight ounces of this wonderful metal
would gild a silver wirt- of surhciect
length to extend entirely around the
Oar Bit Coan'ry.
The distance across the United
States Is found to be 2.623.2 geograph-
ical miles from the lighthouse six miles
north of Cape May, X. J., to the light
house six miles south of Fanta Areaad. ,
following the thirty-ninth parallel of
latitude as closely as possible. This is
conceded to be about the mean breadth
of the country. A glance at the map
will show that the United States is
much wider toward the north and .
much narrower toward the Gulf coast,
but the thirty-ninth parallel is about .
zc fair an average as can be drawn. The
measurements were made by triangu
ljtion that is. by taking ovservations
from fixed landmarks and verifying I
ihem by astronomical test.-. This dis- j
rsnee across the continent thus rb- j
taincd is 1-50 feet longer than that -e- '
ported by Ee!s in 1S35 and 95 feet .
longer than that reported by Professor 1
1 cj3rk in ISCo
Crutland t'at Trln.
It is now f 'aimed
that the Caledon- J
rain from Carlisle
an early morning tram
' to Aberdeen is the tastest train ia
j the world. An expert in spee-1
! who niado he trip says that far twea- ;
ir.iis tn average was .a ernes
j ai hour, and for two miles 3I.6. The
whole performance is described as the
ordinary work now on the Caledo
nian, and far in exc?ss of English
i '"mc- The engine was the
lasta'r. which, in addition to large !-
; r"dr: ha the largest boiler of am 1
j loromotive in Great Britain. In ten
I vcarVthp Caledonian has reduced th
j jg ftQm Carlisle to Aberdeen f ot
7 hours 32 minutes to 4 hours and r,i
Kr.ow!-d5e. Man has a thirst for
t krowicdre as natural as his thirs: f ;r
water and a curiosity as natural as
I his appetite for food, the mors h-
knows the rrcater his thirs. Rev C
V.. Gniietto. Methodist. Cincinnati. 0
J Pupit Truth. It is no part cf the
i preacher"? business or commission to
, deceive men. Better, even, that his
1 wards should wound to the qu cL thai
hat he should sooth the scul with a
He. Rev. J. W. Riddle. Baptist. Phii-
: adelphia Pa.
The Pope's Power. The fact that
I tise Pooe ha? at times in the world's
history ba.l power to depose kinrs was
due to sprc'al political circumstances
and not becaus0 of power conferred
upon him. Rev. Joseph RIordan, Cath- '
olic. Santa Clara. Cal,
The Housa V.e Live In. The house '
of character in wi'.ch we are to dwell
in Hoarer mn;r Thn hnilt niWK the rock '
.r an-rVi T- nrtz- a iht Tn ar-thrrnr?.?
1 ,h firuWi n f.ilsp aad th-
- j storms of selfish passion. Rev. John
" j Goddard. Swedenborgian, Cincinnati, ,
I Ohio.
Pain. Pain is pain. I do not think .
" - j much cf the pain L shall have a mil
' lion years from now. It I2 ay pain
today I woulu he rid of. It is the hell
j on earth that hurts. "When we dia-
j pose of that there is no possible dan- I
I ger of any other. ReT. If. "W. Beed. I
1 Independent, Denver, Col.
mray I miimmii? IJIU K'J.iS
.iiiiiiiiiiiii. iiniir iirma
(Oldest Bank in the State.)
Fan literal n Tit Dpfc
latesliais on Beal Estate.
Omaha, Chicago, Xew York and
mil Ferei-rn Countries-
And helps It cuMomer vehen they need help
Leasdeb GcBEjLnD, Pres't
P.. H.; Vice l-res'L.
M. Beuggek, Cashier.
Joh.v Stacffei:, Wji. ltccnEn.
, rot ipjaBHQ
- $500,000
Authorized Capital cf
; Paid in Capital, -
U. P. H. OEHLRIl H. Vice Pre.
DANIEL -rHKAM. Oa-tter.
FUANK KUKE!:. Asst- Cash r.
nrrtcrT -n?:
r n. nrt.iox. H. 1 H- Otiir.ncn.
Jo. Welch. v.. A.JicALLit.K,
' - vtti. Ricnke.
C. Giliv.
Fn-tsK KonnriL.
Uebkcca Becker, II M. IVjnslow.
Bank of Deposit- ctcre-u allowed oa tim
deDO-lts: buv and ell exchange on I aitel
-tite and Europe, and buy and sell avail
able -ecurlties W e shall be pleaded to re
ceive your business. Woullelr. yottr pat
ronaze. Columbus Journal!
A weekly newspaper de
voted the best interests of
Be State ot Nebraska
The umit of mi
as is
$1.50 A YEAR,
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and cents. Sample copies
cent free to any add:
Cttas : aiid : Metallic : O.-e !
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ttenj Goods.
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