The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, June 16, 1897, Image 3
-- . .' .& n i. i. r? i "' ;: , - t o olmnbus Houvnal. WEUNKSDAY. JUNK W. lsl'T. B. A. M. I'IMLTAISLK. Llarola. lrar, Omaha. Helens, Chtrafo, Butte. St. ioMbh. Salt Lake til?, Kaatai Ulr. Portland, St.-Loulisud all points San and all east aud iaatli. polnta eM. TRAINS DEPART. No. 22 Pxnrer 7:10 a. m No. 82 "Freight and Accommodation 4l.i p. m lail eictpt Suudi). 'Daily except Satnnlay. TR !'! AMU YE. No. 2rP-UKir . -. 5p.m No. SI freight and Accommodation 10 p. ni 'Daily except Sundaj. M IjMON I'ACIr N l'IME-TABLE. r.oi.wt ea:t. WFST. Col.Irfjr.-il noin. m MlhiiticlU. 7 Go a. in Gr. 1b. Local 12 10 p. in PatMhil. 21rP.i Limited Kurt Mail . Or. In. luteal 10 X't a. in tllfi ji.iii H JI p. ni So. 2", J'at-t Mail, carries pc-penerx for throng!, points, Uoiii u-et a fi II p. ni., ar riwaat lruer7(ta. in. .No. 1. YutA Mail rar lir fuwengero to Schulrv rr.iiiont. alley t.a.i Omilia fiitiu ajt at . m. I'i.H freight tmin It-mine li-re at 3 3-1 p. in. rar-n-e p-.-H.nKcrd from hen- to Vallr-y. COI.Uilbt'.S AMi NoltrOLK. Pfi9liKer arrive- from Siour 1'ily ... -, loatfi for Sioux 1V . 12:30 p. m f. 1". i. in 85X1 a. in 11 0p. til Mixed leaves lurMoun ny Uxed anivea FOR ALBION AN1 CtlMIt HAl'lKS. Mixed leurt . . Muted arrival . -I'rtn-enjier lravei arrive- r,-fl a. in . 8 tl) p. in . 1:30 p. in lr 0 p. in Suciehi pother.. lf imt ic.- under tin li.-i.lim; vf ill ! chrie.J at t h rate of 2 a j -ar. W IXIIANON J.OUOK N...W.A. K.A A.M. -Jl, Htvulur me-tiiKr- 2.1 W.nliierdaj in m-1i XX month. All l.rethr.n invitpl to attend J. lUhiU".-.iv. Seo'y. Viulj II.eetM Tllda evellllli; f 'Hch ve.-5c lit their hall !! 'I hirt-.-ii!li -? .lr.M.1. Vlltlll- llMllireil CitrillHH invito. , W.A.i.N... VV. It. Noti: tiis. .-.- j. rOI.UMIIlXN AMI' No. 3'.. tn v I In World, llle el eer H.-.-OWI iWWlonnii i . . .i .. ..r i... iK.ntli 7SI ii. in., ai iv. ' i Hull. Klevintli ttrft. lieniar :ittend:ili er and till nitilii; hr.-thr.-u r.r-jr-lllall) illviteiltollleet with ii"- jr.ii- - ' ' OKtMttlANI.FDIH.lM'H K LVITKi: IM IV S.iintd hold regular -rv ie.-H ev.rj ..inula fat 2 p. III., plater IlleetillK oil We.llier.Pl eV. I11I1K at heir fliHiK-l.n.rwr.if NoithMnet and 1 ncine A wniie. Allnieeot.liall invn.-o. iaiulB Elder II. J. llVieiON. , l'r.T'ith-iit. ni:ii.s UEKOKMED CHI lUMI. Siunlaj XJf lM.,uA ni uaia. in. tiuri'li even aui.oa at HI 31 a in. t hriMiaii !-!iie:iv.r ai -w .. m. Ladies' Aid Hii-iet ever lirt.t Thiirwlaj in the month at the church. "" -, GERMAN... ...MILLET AND -FOK HALE AT EHLRICH BROS. COLUMBUS MARKETS. Wheat v bushel Com, ear -( bushel Coru.bhelleil-V bushel.. . Oats V bushel Re V buehel Hogs f cut Fat cattle J cwt Potatoes - V bushel Butter V H Eggs dozen Markets corrected every ternoon. HUNGARIAN ,.v Ii n i '" - - r . CI 54 1 10 13 5 13 qt ll 2 SOiTi 3 00 :i 75( 4 ( g 1 (M) 7 10 Cn 7 Tuesday af- Go to Strauss for the best photos. Clean old newspapers for sale at this office. Dr. Xaumann, dentist, Thirteenth street, tf A few rustic seats and tlower stands at Merrick's. 1 C. E. Morse was up from Omaha Saturday last. All kinds of goods for sale at the second-hand store, tf Dr. L. C. Yoss, Homeopathic physi cian, Columbus, Neb. If you want a photo that will do you justice go to Strauss. '2 tf They are nobby, those rustic urns for the yard. Herrick. 1 Cherries for sale at lira. Youngs one mile north of town. 1 A few rustic urns and chairs for the lawn, to close out. Herrick. 1 Henry Hockenlierger took a busi ness trip to Omaha Thursday. Platte county's Sixteenth annual fair, September 29, 30 and October 1. Dr. C. F. O. Miessler, physician and surgeon. Eleventh street, Columbus, tf Drs. Martyn, Evans .v Geer, office three doors north of Friedhof's store, tf Gus Speice aud Otta Baker attend ed the horse races at Omaha last week. The Farmers' club will meet with Mrs. Young, Friday, Juno IS, at 1 o'clock. Presiding Elder Tindall of the Methodist church was in the city Mon day. W. L. Thomas and family moved to Lincoln last Friday. He is a brakeman on the B. At M. please remember that you can get just as nice photos at Notestein's as you can in Omaha. tf Miss Ida Martin will spend part of her vacation in Colorado, expecting to go out in July. Children's Day exercises were ob served Sunday evening at the Congre gational and Baptist churches. When you wish neat, clean, clear, handsome work done in the line of printing, call at The Journal office. The Whitmoyer Rifles will go into camp Satarday and Sunday at Stevens' ffroTe. The militia number about fifty. grove. Fwkk. Owing to ill health I will Bell my two standard-bred horses, road wagon and t harness at u bargain, at niv barn. Horses can be seen A. H.UGHT. Enquire of Herrick. Herrick for iron beds. Herrick for picture frames. Herrick for room moulding. For sale, an upright piano. Inquire of J. A. L. Talley. We have had some real hot days the past week about as hot as it ever gets here in June. Gus Schroeder returned Thursday from Sioux City, where he attended a shooting tournament. Aristo Platino photos are the latest styie, and you can get them at Notee tein's. All work warranted. tf W. W. Rice received a letter Mon day from his daughter, Mrs. McAfee, now at Colorado Springs, Colo. The Teachers' institute promises to be of more than usual interest a large uumber being already enrolled. - Dr. R. D. McKean, dentist, succes sor to Dr. Houghawout, ground floor, 4 doors north First National Bank, tf A. L Adair, a former well-known citizen of Madison, died recently at Cripple Creek, says the Chronicle. Bring your orders for job-work to this office. Satisfaction guaranteed, and work promptly done, as agreed upon. Ex-Supervisor Aeche was in the city Saturday. Ho says that it is getting pretty dry in their section of country. Mr. Orin Fee of Fullerton was in the city Friday between trams, on his way home from attending the State univers ity. Rev. Mickel gave a temperance ser mon Sunday evening, using the school charts as illustrating the effects of nar cotics. - Mis. Merrill, formerly principal of the High school in this city, has been ro em ployed as teacher in the Denver school-?. - Hair rates to Omaha via the Bur lington Route, June K, !, 10 nnd 11 from points in Nebraska within 150 miles of Omaha, lit - Mrs. Koon was the guest of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Garlow, over Sunday. She resides at Columbus. David City Buuner. - Half rate3 to Omaha via the Bur lington Route, Juno 8, JI, 10 and 11 from i.dinlH in Nebraska within 150 miles of Omaha, lit A marriage license was issued by Judge Kilian the past week to John Lee aud Miss Hannah Mitchell, both of Col fax county. The Omaha Bee says there is great fatality among Iee3 in that neighbor hood, caused, it is thought, by poisoning from homy dew. -A good rain Monday noon at th'iB point cheered a good many people who had begun to get down-hearted about the dry weather. Now is the time to subscribe for The Journal. For less t ban three cents a week, you get all the local news in neat, trim shape, tf John Sturgeon returned Thursday from Alliance, where he had been to look after some cattle. He expected to start out again yesterday. C.C. Hardy for all kinds of repairing and job work, also screen doors and windows made to order. Three doors west of Galley's store, tf Baptist church, J. D. Pulis, pastor. I Services June 20th. 11 a. m., 8 p. m. Morning, "Ezekiel." Evening, "Never Before. Never Again." A ladies' auxiliary was organized for the Congregational church at the home of Mrs. Rorer last Friday, with a mem bership of thirty ladies. Ex-Supervisor Campbell of Creston was in the city Friday, and you wouldn't know from his manuor that he was any older than ten years ago. Mra. A. H. Griswold entertained a number of her lady friends Thursday afternoon at the home of her father. A delightful time was spent. The Ladies' Guild will hold a very important business meeting at Mrs. Mosgrove's Wednesday, June 10. All members are urged to be present. John, the little four-year old son of A. P. Riel, got taugled up in a lariat rope last Saturday, and in consequence had the left leg broken above the knee. At the last meeting of the Schuyler school board, a levy of 20 mills for gen eral purposes was made. Their bond interest isSUIUO, and sinking fund S1000. Monday, Tuesday and today the county board of supervisors meet as a loard of equalization, for the considera tion of cases in appeal from local boards. You can subscribe for The Journal whenever you are ready, subscription books open during all business hours, and always room and welcome for one more. The ladies of the M. E. church will serve ice cream in the park Wednesday, afternoon and evening. If the weather is stormy the hall west of Casein's will bo used. finstavo Windisch has onened a tailor shop on Eleventh street third door east of The Journal office. Good work, fair prices. Special attention to re pairing. 4t The plans for tho chicory plant at Schuyler have been accepted and tho board will advertise for bids. Our neigh bcr is getting a little ahead of us in this direction. Fitzp a trick's win dow. See it, it is worth looking at. Follow the crowd. R. M. Campbell and W. E. Weaver have returned to their former homes to spend their vacation. Mr. Campbell goes to Willshire. Ohio, and Mr. Weaver to Morrison, Illinois. The announcement has been made of the marriage, June 28, of Miss Agnes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Fitzpat rick of this city, to Mr. J. J. Murphy of Rogers, son of ex-Senator Murphy. Mrs. Ayers started Monday for Galesburg, 111., being called by the serious illness of her son, Charles W. Yesterday, Tuesday, morning, F. W. Herrick had a telegram from her an- nouncdng his death. No further i lare are known as we go to press. No further particu- Mines Martha and Alice Turner en tertained the Cecilian club and a few other friends Wednesday evening, in hon or of their cousins, Messrs. Carle, Allen and Burt McKiunie of St. Louis. Ralph Pugsley has commenced the study of law with II. . Babcock. Ralph is a young mau of sterling qualities, and success will crown his efforts in his cho sen profession. Monroe Republican. Mrs. O. L. Baker will give a' tea next Friday afternoon, June 18, from 3 until 7 o'clock, for the beneGt of the Ladies' Auxiliary of the Congregational church. A cordial invitation is extended to all. Chris. Jenson has built a water-lifting wheel to put into the Platte river at Freemont. It will be anchored against the current, can be raised and lowered by a lever. The buckets hold three gal lons each. F. H. Oilmore of Platte Center, ar rested on a charge of criminal libel, waived examination before Judge Kilian, and was held to the district court to answer the charge. The complaint was made by W. E. Kent. June 20, the Columbus Orpheus will have a picnic at Higgins' grove admis sion free. Refreshments on grounds. The Columbus Orchestra will furnish music for the occasion. Sports of all kinds during the day. Lebanon lodge No. 58, A. F. & A. M., on Wednesday evening elected the fol lowing officers for the ensuing year: M. H. Watts, W. M.; C. J. Garlow, S. W.; J. X. Kilian, J. W.; J. Rasmussen, Sec; O.T. Roen, Treasurer. -Ladies, this is the way we are clos ing out our stock: Ladies' trimmed hats, worth from $1.50 to $2.50, go at 75c; Sailor's, worth $1.25, for 50c; Rib bon, worth from 35c to 75c, for only 20c, etc., etc. J. C. Fillman. 1 Mrs. Nelson, owing to a defective seat, was thrown out of a buggy back ward and seriously injured Monday of last week at Prairie Creek. She has not yet returned home, but is with friends uear the place of accident. The action of the Bo3ton solons is commended to tho Columbus city coun cil, viz: The passage of an ordinance revoking the license of any theater wherein any sort of head gear is worn by any person in the audience. Senator Allen is to deliver tho ora tion at Creston July Fourth. At 10 o'clock is to bo the industrial street parade. After dinner will come tho sports and in the evening a display of fireworks. Everybody invited. Sup't Rothleiluer's bell Monday morning at half-past seven was an ear opener to quite a number of people in the city. It was the first bell to call the teachers together 1 he regular sessions, one a day, are to begin at 8 o'clock. Julius Ernst was in the city Mon day afternoon. He said there was not rain enough at Barn urn's that day noon to lay the dust, but at his place, near Duncan, it was a flood of water, evi dently very much more than we had here. We notice that in different parts of the state, chicory is coming to be re garded as a crop worth cultivating. Quite a large acreage is being grown at Linwood, Butler county. William Husenetter, well kuown to many of our readers, has put in thirty acres. The First National bank have laid down a sidewalk around their corner that will probably serve as the high model for future efforts in that direc tion, being made of very hard burned brick with a slight mixture of iron culvert and other trimmings of cement. Commendations of The Journal were numerous last week for the four column write-up of the High school commencement exercises. We were only sorry that we could not give entire, the orations of the class, together with the excellent address of Sup't Williams. Home-grown strawberries are in tho market and are the largest and best yet shown. The Rolliu boys market about the best, although all are above the average size. The first home-grown po tatoes were brought in by Louie Wag ner, the 10th, and were nice, largo ones. Cayotes are rather more numerous than usual this year. Thomas Johnson, who lives northeast of the city, gave a graphic description Saturday of a hunt into the earth after a litter one evening last week, and Charles, D. C. and Robert Owen of the vicinity of Duncan, dug out six, on Friday. George Duffy, son of 1). B. Duffy, who is now one of the proprietors of the Schuyler Sun, was married Monday to Miss Fanny Wood of Schuyler. A re ception was given the young people here at the K. of P. hall Monday evening, an indication of the warm friendship felt for the young couple. Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Brown aud Guy Fox of this city were in .attendance last Wednesday morniug at the marriage of William Beuham and Miss Cora Sump tion, at St. John's Episcopal church, in Albion. Miss Bertha Jones of Genoa, and Mis3 Clara Brown of Cedar Rapids were also among friends present. The K. of P. lodge held Memorial services at their hall last Sunday at 1:30, Past Grand Chancellor Dale delivering the address. The graves of the follow ing deceased members were decorated: John Early, F. G. Becher, L. J. Cramer, O. H. Archer, John Stauffer, F. A. Col vic, Geo. McKelvey and F. M. Davis. Mrs. Cynthia C. Seely, wife of Carl T. Seely, editor of the Madison Chron icle, died Tuesday morning of last week, after an illness of four months. She was the mother of five children. In all the relations of life she was a model woman, and Mr. Seely has the sympathy of his fellow-craftsmen in his sore be reavement. Next Sundav at 1 o'clock p. m.t sharp at the Fair grounds, a game of base ball will be called between nines of Columbus and Humphrey. The home team has been re-organized and consists of several cracker-jack players, and the Humphrey club has been taking the scalps from all their opponents. Admis sion 15 and 10 cents. Dr. Alger, assisted by Drs. Arnold and Clark, performed an unusual opera tion on the left foot of John, son of Henry Johannes, one day last week. The foot was troubled with what is called bone fistula caused by a cut about a year and a half ago. Five bones in the foot were exposed and dressed, the operation lasting two and a halt hours. The appointment of Carl Kramer as postmaster of this city was announced in the dailies of Thursday last. He served one term during Harrison's ad ministration, and is therefore thorough ly well informed as to all tho details of the office. It is understood that Roy Cornelius is to be deputy postmaster, and that Mr. Kramer will enter upon his duties July 1. It seems now as though there is no celebration of the Fourth of July in sight for this city this year, and indi vidual citizens are beginning to inquire for places to attend. Bills were put up here Thursday for a Farmers' picnie at McAllister's grove, two miles south of Richland, Monday, July 5. Everybody is invited to come and bring dinner enough for two. June 20, 10 a. m., 12 p. m., at Stevens' grove, a picnic and ball; a rope walk by Prof. Mauline; a bicycle race, three prizes; drill by the Whitmoyer Rifles; silver cornet band, 12 pieces; a 70-foot bowling alley. Refreshments to be had on the ground at reasonable rates. Elegant platform for dancing, music for which will be furnished by Louis Schroeder's orchestra. Word comes from Omaha that P. E. Her is about to arrange for the establish ment of a large beet sugar manufactory in South Omaha, it being his purpose to connect it with his distillery, and run the year round. He will combine it with glucose works and a cattle feeding in dustry. Everything that adds to the business of South Omaha tends to help all this region of country. Last Sunday, about four hundred people assembled at Mathis' grove for the concert and danco given by the four following bauds under the able leader ship of Prof. J. P. McFann: The Ameri can Swiss band of Duncan; The Farmer Boys' Cornet band; The Meridian and The Creston. Forty pieces made a grand orchestra. Dancing and music were the order of the day, and those present re port an enjoyable time. The Jouknal was the recipient Fri day of the Chicago Tribune Golden Jubilee number, forty-eight pages, a goodly portion of it colored pictures. The Tribune was established June 10, 1847, the first 400 copies being worked oiT on a Washington hand press. Chi cago was then ten years old and unin corpotated. The population was 16,859; Chicago had no railroads, neither had a telegram ever been received in the city. Seven Sons of Union Camp No. 134 went to Bellwood Saturday evening to take part in initiating three veteran's boys into (he mysteries of the order of the Sons of Veterans. Members of AI. Bouton Camp No. 10 entertained them right royally with refreshments, after the exercises. The party from here con sisted of John Taunahill, J. B. Tschudy, E. Dussell. Gordon Cross, Chas. Miner, John McDonald and Bert Galley. George Brodfeuhrer rode to Schuy ler Tuesday of last week, visiting friends in the afternoon Miss Ruby Hensley visited with R. L. Payne's folks Nineteen persons drove to Columbus to attend commencement exercises The county treasurer reports over S18.0C0 taxes paid in during tho month of May The supposed name of the man found on the railroad track a mile and a half east of Richland cut in two, was James Bradley. Sun. Tho Volunteers of America are going to organize a Young Volunteers' Post here, commencing Saturday, June 19, at 3 o'clock p. in. All parents are reques ted to send their children. The meet ings are made very interesting for the little folks. They are taught to sing Volunteer songs and memorize passages of scripture. Don't fail to send the little ones along. Don't forget where the hall is, three doors east of the State bank on Twelfth street. The Fremont Tribune of Thursday contained tho following paragraph: "No. 4, tho 8:35 a. m. passenger train from the west on the Union Pacific road, picked tip the dead body of a tramp this forenoon, found on the track between Benton and Schuylor. The body was cut equarely in two, one-half being be tween the rails and the other lying in the ditch at the side of the track. The body was taken to Schuyler, where an inquest will be held. At last accounts the iden tity of the dead man had not been ascer tained." Saturday evening last Dr. Voss' fine horse broke a leg, and was killed to put him out of his misery. In some of the cities of the United States, these days, they have hospitals for animals, where all such can be cared for at moderate expense, and thus pain lessened and val uable lives 6aved. A man relates that in a pasture near St. Louis the other day he saw a horse with one wooden leg he didn't suppose he could pull on a heavy load very well, but there he was in the pasture, along with other horses. The Schuyler Herald of a recent date has this to say of the father of our C. C. Hardy, who will be remembered as having been at the Sisters' hospital here after his accident: "Washington Hardy the jolly old well dicser. who several years ago met with a frightful accident falling down a well eighty-five feet deep, having both legs and an arm broken in a number of places and whose recovery was a little short of miraculous, was in Schuyler Monday and Tuesday of this week, having walked nine miles. This he said, was the lon gest walk he had taken since his acci dent," Platte county is not alone in the effort at fusion between the different wings of the democratic and populistic parties. Madison is having her exper ience, and it is very similar to that of Platte. One of the journals there re marks that "if fusion means fusion on populist lines, Barkis is willin'. If fusion means that the populist party is to be a large and juicy thistle for the democratic mule to swallow, they don't hanker after it." The doubtful part of this last assertion is good enough to leave just as it is.. It is about the same state of affairs in Butler county as here, so far as the combination of political opponents are concerned. Of course the main ques tion in all is the due apportionment of the offices, and this is the way the David City Press suggests that it ought to be done: ''There is only one fair way to divide. Let the populists and democrats take two offices each and the silver republi cans one. Let the populists and demo crats flip coins for the first choice, and give the loser the privilege of choosing the next two choices and the party get ting first choice to have the fourth." nuusaft iyMMmt MMan IIWIIWIIIHIHaWWtllHIIWW r"". trsoiuil Mention. gWlllllllllltllUIUtllllltllllllll!IIIIIIIIIUC Mrs. E. Sheehan visited in Platte Cen ter last week. Miss Lizzie Sheehan is home for her summer vacation. John Paynter of Omaha is visiting his sister, Mrs. O. L. Baker. Mrs. Henderson of Genoa visited Mrs. Dr. Toss Sunday and Monday. Mrs. John Macken of Platte Center visited relatives and friends here last week. Ernest Slattery of Chadron was in the city Monday on his way home from a trip to Omaha. Mrs. T. K. Ottis and Mrs. Dr. Condon of Humphrey were in the city Saturday and Sunday, visiting friends. Miss Lillie Ragatz is expected home Thursday from Prairie Du Sac, Wis., where she has been visiting several weeks. Mrs. Fagan and her two nephews, John and James Fagan, of Omaha, ar rived in the city Saturday to visit with V. A. Maken and family. Mrs. A. W. Critee of Chadron and Mrs. Judge Ramsey of Platt6tnouth visited friends hero Saturday and Sunday, the guests of Mrs. M. Brugger. The ladies left Monday for Plattsmouth. Allen McKiunie of St. Louis, who has been visiting the Turner relatives, went out to Denver and Colorado Springs Sunday, to visit a few days and will re turn to Columbus the last of the week. Rev. Dr. Pulis preached to Wildey Lodge L O. O. F. Sunday morning last from the text "I have finished my course, I have kept the faith," after which tho brethren repaired to the cemetery where the graves of the following deceased members were decorated, H. J. Hudson delivering the address: Charles Bremer, Louie Carlson, Geo. McKelvey, Henry Woods, P. B. Bonesteel, F. G. Becher, Dan Fattcette, Louie Schoiilau, A. Larimore, C. D. Clother, F. A. Pinkney, M. Schram, Hugh Compton, J. Gregorins, Mrs. Belinda Davis, Jacob Ernst, C. B. Stillman, F. Scheck, John Stauffer, Win. H. Thomas, Mrs. Nancy Hnber. Our neighbors, the editor of the Telegram, aud the editor of the Argue, are not dwelling together in unify; in fact, they are at sword's points, so to speak, or rather, tho ..gus man seems to he using a blir.uerbucs. and the Tel egram mau a Blender, long-pointed, sharp dagger, that he runs in and jabs with, wheuever he thinks he has a chance. Tho only visible evidence of the work of the blunderbuss is the activity of tho dagger. At this rate the "unification of tho heterogeneous masses" of Platte county's demo-populist population will proceed but slowly. Blunderbuss and dagger muBt be sent to the iron mill, and the brethren induced to cultivate tho political truck-patch with spades and hoes the other implements are too dangerous to the by-standere. The Cecilian club held the last meeting of the year Monday evening at the home of Miss Mary Henry. Tho officers for the coming year will be, Mrs. Chambers director, Miss Elsie Morse vice director, Miss Pearl Mosgrove sec retary and Miss Grace Taylor treasurer. The club with invited friends will have a picnic today (Wednesday) at Stevens' grove. The following program was ren dered by members of the club: Vocal solos by Mrs. Chambers, Miss Rickly and Miss Galley; piano solos by Misses Becher, Henry and Parker; vocal duetts by Misses Grace Taylor and Zura Morse and Misses Martha and Alice Turner. The club also sang a few choruses, after which they were treated to refreshments by the hostess and Miss Mosgrove. The club have adjourned to meet in Sep tember. Imagine a party of fishers out all day long in the broiling sun coming home late at night and having but one good-sized fish in the lot, all the others no 'count kind. Imagine them all, such as they were, nicely cleaned by the very tired fishermen, and placed safe away. And then imagine a great tall neighbor who didn't go a-fishing, but who knew about the large fish and where to find it, and then imagine him sneaking around early the next morning to get that fish and have it for his breakfast, thus reap ing where ho had not sown, so to speak eating where he had not caught. His mouth watered even at the thought of eating the fish he was about to appro priate, but unfortunately for him, when be arrived et the place of deposit he found the house cat just finishing the big fish! It is understood that the Argus is especially friendly to the nomination of Mr. Lisco for sheriff, and that the Tele gram 16 devoted to the interests of one Daniel C. Kavanaugh for that office. Dannie is not fusing this year and hence the Telegram is armed with a dagger for all of Dannie's opponents, como from whatever direction they may. Because Dannie has been, "first, last and all the time" for the Telegram, the Telegram is simply returning the compliment. Thoso who are tied together merely by political principle must not feel harshly toward the Telegram editor because of this stand of his for both "principal and interest." The Joukn'al will not begin to undertake the task of getting the Argus and the Telegram together; we only desire to call the attention of Journal readers to the fact that they are now apart. Marshal Tummell has received from Attorney General McKenna a telegram stating that under a ruling of the Controller jnet made all deputy marshals go out of office with the marshal and that if any are retained by a successor they must be recommis- stoned in order to get their pay. Accord ingly, says the World-Herald, Miss Ger trude Kearney of Plattsmouth, who, as stenographer and typewriter, has been an office deputy, and who has been hold ing on under the supposed civil service extension, has been let out, and Charles W. Pearsall of Columbus appointed in her stead. He has entered on his new doties. Deputies in the internal revenue department are beginning to suspect that the same ruling will drop them out. Collector North has said that he believed they would all have to go on change of collectors. This may give a chance for some other Columbus men. Editor Parks of the Telegram was altogether out of sorts last week, and struck out right and left, at anything which appeared in sight, but it is plainly evident- that the thing which dis gruntled him was "the few democrats in this city who have undertaken the job of delivering their party over to tho tender mercies of the pops at the coming election." Listen, again: "And now the greedy pop crew of the county, led by 'Oily Gammon' Saunders, want the dem ocrats, who have a clear majority over all in the county to fuse with them and give the pops the choice of offices. Was there ever such bare-faced impudence? If these fellows had a spark of gratitude in their political make-up which they haven't they would allow the demo crats to name a ticket, and then be glad to vote for it, although their votes are not necessary for its success. But, liko the leach, gorged as they are with offi ces given to them through democratic votes, they cry 'more, more!' " This is rather peculiar and touching language to be used towards a fellow-fusionist but, then, we remember, ho does not intend to fuse, not this year. Last Sunday morning week, James Bell's elevator at David City was com pletely destroyed by fire. It is not known how it originated. The loss ap proximated $25,000; insurance only $7, 000. The News says Mr. Bell has been extremely unfortunate with his eleva tors, only about four yoars ago while in Europe tho one at Stromsburg being burned. About a month ago he lost the one at Shelby by fire, and had just com pleted arrangements to rebuild it, begin ning Monday, when he met with his heavy loss here, but with his characteris tic pluck and energy ho has gone ahead with it and expects to have it ready for business in about three weeks. He will rebuild here also, but in a small way for the present, but will probably not do anything until he knows what will be dono with the light plant. If ho re builds that, then ho will make his eleva tor small. If not, then he can increase the size of his elevator. Thanks of l'.t. Be it resolved by Baker Post No. JI, G. A. R., that the thanks of this Post be tendered to the ministers of this city for tho union service on Memorial day. Also to the teachers and pupils of our public schools and the Sisters and pu pils of St. Francis Academy, and also to all others who helped to contributo to make the services a success. J. II. Gallev, Commander. J. R. Meaohkh, Adjt. School Money. The last report of tho treasurer for Columbus school district shows tho fol lowing summary: In general fund.. In teachers' fund . ..S lfi0 5.l ... 1428 91 0 03 ... 18 4G In library fund In textbook fund. Balance in school fund 1014 59 Balance in license fund 3868 00 Ke:l Kstate Ti-ausfci-.s. Becher, Jseggi & Co., real estate agents, report the following real estate transfers filed in tho office of tho county clerk for the week ending Juno 12, 1897. Chap. II. Kastinan to A. J. Morton, n'.i neVi 1-17-lvy, wd 3 1600 10 Heir.- of Nathan Convin to Guy l Bar ton, nii ne?4 and ne'.i nwl4 20-17-le, ucd D. C. Knvnnauyli, eheritY, to C. It. Selioiield, n'4 nwU -12rMe, blieiiff 'b deed 1S70 CO Francis N. Nichols to Calvin It. 8cho- field, n'.i nw4 24-aO-le. wd 2330 00 Anna Bloom to Anderson A Hoen, lots 1, -J, hlk 132, Columbus, wd -J21 00 Herman Meiftler, admr. to Oeo. Schei- del, nw'i no4 27-18-2W, dood 4(0 00 David K. Edwards to Ann Edwards, ' j ee4 -20-'w, td 31-00 00 Win. Graham to tiiifie F. Niemohler, v',i nwU nnd nw'4 sw1 n-lT-'-iw, wd MOO 00 D. C. Kavanaugh, sheriff, to Herman Konntze, si nwU swh 13-17-le, deed. .'.00 00 School District 31 to liobert Lewis, pt 8w'4 neli 23-W-3w. wd 100 Ten transfers, total 13,57tJ 00 Weather ICenort. Review of the weather near Genoa the month of May, 1897. for Mean temperatnrw of the month Mean do same month last j ear Highest daily temperature on lift ti Lout-al do llth Clear duya Fair daja Clondy days ('nlindajt HiKh winds daja Kain fell during portions of daj a. .. Inches of rain fall fiO.37 r3.ri' no . 3-V i'. Ii 6 . Ii 4 . 1.61 Do bamemo. last jear. 4.W Prevailing winds from S. to N.W. by E. Very hazy 2d, ad, 5th, 15th, 16th, 23d. Slight frost 14th with slight ice in low places. Heavy frost and ice on 21th. Thunder storms on 21st and 27th. The mean temperature of the month has been lower than any May since '92 and '93, particularly tho former, the mean temperature of which was 52.59 nearly 8" below the present month. The comparison of precipitation is also remarkable for May, 1S92-M)1 in.; 183 5.11 in. while this month it was only 1.01 in. Fine job work done at The Journal office. To Chicago nnd the Kail. Passengers going east forbnsiness, will naturally gravitate to Chicago as the great commercial center. Passengers re-visiting friends or relatives in the eastern states always "take in" Chicago en route. All classes of passen gers will find that tho "Short Lino" of .he Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Rail way, via Omaha and Council iJlulTe, affords excellent facilities to reach their destinations in a manner that will le sure to give the utmost satisfaction. A reference to the time tables will in dicate the routo to ho chosen, and, by asking any principal agent west of tho Missouri river for a ticket over tho Chicago, Council Bluffs .t Omaha Short Line of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway, you will bo cheerfully furnished with tho proper passport via Omaha and Chicago. Please note that all of the "Short Line" trains arrive in Chicago in ample time to connect with the express trains of all the great through car lines to the principal eastern cities. For additional particulars, timetables, maps, etc., please call on or address F. A. Nash, General Agent, Omaha, Neb. 'IIAU-TAlMHrA. The dates of the Beatrice Chautauqua are June 15 to 27. Crete Chautauqua, June 30th to July 9th, and the rate is One Fare for the Round Trip from points from which the one-way rate is $4.50 or less. If you want a ticket over a fast line and one that offers superior transporta tion facilities, call on your Union Pacific 1 agent, and he will sell you one. 2t HMY RAGATZ & CO, Staple I I L Fancy Groceries, CROCKERY, .GLASSWARE CLAMPS. Eleventh Street, - We invite you to come and see us. We regard the interests of oar patrons as mutual with our own, so far as our dealings are conceraed oar part of the obligation being to provide and offer Good Coods - at - Fair - Prices. 1-EVERYTHING KEPT that is expected to be found in a fast class, up-to-date grocery store. xiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiitiHiiiutmiiiiiii r Ueijkbfrs. tp imJ HllllllllllllllitlilllltlllllllllUIHIIHIllll Fremont Tribune: Pierson D. Smith of St. Edward, was in the city today conferring with Seeley, Son & Co. with reference to building an elevator for him. He is perhaps tho largest farmer in Nebraska. He has 10,000 acres near St. Edward, all under cultivation, on which there are fifty-three tenement houses. He is a rustler and makes his business pay, so that he can afford to educate his children at a Germau Uni versity and himself spend a part of the year abroad. Madison Reporter: The Union Cream ery is now running full blast and is al ready demonstrating that it is one of the best things that ever came to Mad ison, both for tho town and for the rarmers. in support oi mm buuuuumii. i wo will mention me uicl iuul uuo farmer, who daily markets the milk from twenty-one cows, will net each mouth about 875. Taking this into considera tion we believe we will be sustained in tho assertion that the cow, with a good creamery to market the milk therefrom, is about the most paying investment a farmer can make. Madieon Chronicle: Another big hunk of prosperity will be dropped into Madison, in the shape of coin received for another special train of fat cattle, which was shipped from this station Monday. John Lntz had two cars, M. Gross on car, Elloy & Malone one car, E. T. McGehee one car. Tho Maurers and somo of their neighbors put on thirteen more cars at Humphrey, mak ing a solid train of eighteen cars of cattle. The farmer who makes a busi ness of raising cattle and hogs isn't kick ing altout cheap corn and hard times. Ho generally has his pockets filled with all kinds of money worth 100 cents on tho dollar. .Vatioual tMuratloaal AtMclatloK VectUff. For tho meeting of the National edu cational association at Buffalo in 1896 the excellent service given by the Union Pacific was commented on by all those who had the pleasure of using that line. This year our educational friends meet in Milwaukee, Wis., July 6 to 9, and members of the association and others from points west of the Missouri river, should by all means take the Union Pacific. Tho service of tho Union Pacific via Omaha or Kansas City is the very best. The equipment consists of handsome day coaches, chair cars, Pullman buffet and drawing room sleepers, dining cars and buffet smoking and library cars. Fewer changes than via any other line. One fare, plus 82.50 for the round trip will be the rate from all points west of the Missouri river for this meeting. For il lustrated matter, folders, etc., call on or write, J. R. Meagher. 19mayGt Beautiful Book. The B. & O. R. R. has just issued a very handsome little pamphlet, describ ing Deer Park, illustrated with a num ber of very fine engravings. Copy can be had by sending two cent stamp to D. C. Jones, Manager, B. & O. Central Building, Baltimore, Md. 1 The Gat Game Back He couldn't stay away. Ho had a good thing and knew it and so it was natural that he ckonld come back. Now that is just the .way tho folks feel who go to S to trade. There they find all kinds of goods at the very lowest prices and when once they trade" there they always come back. SCOTT'S NEW STORE handles everything, and if you want to see peo ple that buy bargains, watch the custo mers who go out of SCOTT'S NEW STORE, tor Weak. Imr Scott New Store x and COLUMBUS, NEBR. -FOR- Suffering Enaaity ! To all Sdffchkrs: I writ this for the benefit similar sufferers may dariv from it, unsolicited and out of para sympathy to those poor mortals who uiav be afflicted witn tnat dreaa an cancer. In September of 1887 the di known by the medical fraternity a lupuserethemustosus first made its ap pearance on my face and soon spread across the nose and over a greater part of the face, causing unsightly aoraa. After nearly ten years of constant doc toring with many noted physicians aad deriving temporary benefit at times, my system at last reached a stage of com plete collapse, and I was Hat on my back with no ray of hope. At this stage I wnn rnnmninnilml to trv Dr. Lieber of Omaha; after an examination he said be could cure me. As a drowning person grasping at a straw I entered his private hospital, and in a short space of time I was able to leave tho hospital a well woman. My face is now clear and shows but little sign of the dread disease. While in the hospital there were also removed from my body seven cancers, and that without the use of the knife. The medical fraternity scoff at the idea of cancers being removed without the knife. But I am a living proof that it can be and is done by Dr. Lieber. To all those poor mortals who have given up the battle against this dread disease, I say don't despair, but consult with the doctor. I make this statement out of pure sympathy for similar sufferers, and will be glad to see or answer any in quiries in regard to my case. MR& F. E. ROWE, 2530 N. 19th Street, Omaha, Nebraska. 19maj3(n The "Overland Limited" to California On June 29th to July 3d, the Uakm Pacific will make the very low rate of 822.50 to San Francisco for the Y. P. S. C. E. Convention. Christian Endeavor ers and their friends who go via the Union Pacific will get there 12 hours sooner than those who go via other lines. All thoso who wish to go in comfort and with economy, should by all means go via the Union Pacific. Through Pullman Sleepers, Through Pullman Tourist Sleepers, Dining Can, Buffet Smoking and Library Cars. For folders, sleeping car resenratjoaa, or any information call on J. R. Meagh er, agent, or write E. L. Lomax, O. P. k T. A., Omaha, Neb. B. & O. Summer Book. The Baltimore He Ohio Railroad has just issued a very handsome book for summer travel, describing the mountain resorts, springs and baths located on and adjacent to its lines; also the various watering places on the Atlantic Coast. The routes for reaching them are set forth in a comprehensive and clear manner. The book is printed on fine paper, beautifully illustrated, and will prove of valuable assistance to parties contemplating a summer tour. Copies can be had by applying to various B. & O. Agents or by sending 10 cents in stamps to cover postage to J. M. Schryver, General Passenger Agaat, Baltimore, Md. 1 Reduced Bates to Pittrimrjc for Natlesal Convention J. O. U. A. M. Account of the National Convention of the Junior Order United American Mechanics at Pittsburg, June 15 to 19, the B. & O. will place on sale at all ticket stations on its lines west of the Ohio river, for all trains June 12 to 14, inclu sive, valid for return passage until June 21, excursion tickets at rate of one fare for the round trip. The round trip from Chicago will be $11.00, and correspondingly low ratea from all other points. Tickets will also be sold from all coupon stations through out the West and Northwest. Solid vestibnled express trains, with Pullman sleeping cars attached, leave Grand Central Station 3:30 and 7 p. m. daily. For further information, address B. N. Austin, General Passenger Agent, Chicago, III. 1 To California, Comfortably. Every Thursday afternoon, a tourist sleeping car for Salt Lake City, San Francisco and Los Angeles leaves Oma ha and Lincoln via the Burlington Route. It is carpeted; upholstered in rattan; has spring seats and backs and is pro vided with curtains, bedding, towels, soap, etc. An experienced excursion conductor and a uniformed Pullman porter accompany it through to the Pa cific Coast. While neither so expensively finished nor so fine to look at as a palace sleeper, it is just as good to ride in. Second- class tickets are accepted ror passage and the price of a berth, wide enough and big enough for two, is only $5. For folder giving full particulars, call at nearest Burlington ticket oSce, or write to J. Francis, G. P. A., Burlington Route, Omaha, Neb. 22dec LES3 THAN HALF KATES TO SAN FBANC1SCO, Jaae 29 to Jaly 3, viatae Bariiagtea Heats. See Nearest B.AM.H.B. Ticket ageat. 5t - '-'- - - -- -