The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, June 16, 1897, Image 2

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olumtms go untal.
.Colaabsj. ..
14. k. turner & co.,
Columbus, Nla. mail, postage prepaid $L58
Six noataa..... "
- inilsj r " J tnm. aa appuca-
i tkaf alaea of rem-
laocttr by letter ot
ostaie5l,aiia hrta tbair feyw aad t&eit
nMMtiirSr Mifti tit -inT- "'
IsdtaVaaMoa ear Hint list, from wticn,
kSiaSpTiweaokwSipriat, either oa the
vmSaar aramSawaiB of toar Jocbsal. the
aateto vaiek yaar s&faaerip&oa ie paid or as
foe aauaaaca "-"' -"ST
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layaalato tha raer of
tasuuraa aeuarwuw
All niianilo to eecnra aoaauon. mu
ieaccosapaaiedbytha foU caav of tb writer.
We wsscvelEa to reject any saaniM.--.t.
a comepoaaeat
ia every school-aim hi i
ot food JsdcaieBt, aud re-
Platte coaatv.
liable ia every way.
.Write piaiair.
aparataly. turn
Whex Paderewski traveled in this
country, his concerts brought him in six
months $200,000, single concerts fre
quently bringing him $5,000.
A charivari party were fired into and
Miss Leona Goodman killed, at Rover,
Arkansas, last Wednesday night. A
teacher named Lapp did the shooting.
It has been given oat that Francis
Schlatter, the healer who created such
an excitement two years ago in Denver,
was lately found dead at the foot hills
of the mountains whither he had gone
to fast.
An attempt was made Sunday at Paris
to assassinate Felix Faure, president of
the French republic. No one was in
jured by the explosion of the bomb.
Three arrests were made, but it is
thought the actual culprit escaped.
When some Chicago packers appealed
to Congressman Dolliver of Iowa to cut
down the tariff on cattle as they
couldn't bring them in from Mexico for
canning purposes, Dolliver replied:
"Glad of it; buy your canners in Iowa."
The central point of the late Seismic
disturbances is supposed to have been
in Virginia. The earth has been quiver
ing there like a tea kettle- lid over
lightly boiling water since May 90. At
Giles, a rain of sulphur was one of the
recent phenomenas.
Pbxsidekt McKinley was given an
ovation Friday at the Tennessee expo
sition. After his address, a hickory
cane, unadorned, but sturdy, and made
from wood grown on the Hermitage, was
presented to the president by I. M.
Dickerson on behalf of the ladies1 Her
mitage association.
A Philadelphia newspaper speaks of
a novel sight in that city the other day
a tandem pair of cyclers, with only one
pair ot arms and legs between them. The
man in front had a right arm and a left
leg, while the man in the rear bad a good
left arm and a right leg that did duty.
They whizzed along in fine shape.
Senator Vest declared the other day
in the senate that tin making is an es
tablished industry, thus giving the lie to
the declarations of the democrats made
from 1890 to 1893 that it was an impos
sibility in the United States. It was
proved on him, too, that the percentage
of gain in exportations was greater
under protection than under the Wileon
Two of Mr. Calhoun's friends at Ha
vana have already been arrested upon
the charge of haviug incited to rebellion.
The Spauuh officials dared not molest
Calhoun, but ihe great Weyler will
wreak vengeance upon every man in his
reach who in any way aided the com
missioner in gathering facts regarding
the Spanish butcheries. It is time to
call a halt Inter Ocean.
The Journal is in receipt of a copy
of Senator Chandler's speech in the
United States eenate Feb. 1G on the
abject of bimetallism, which he starts
out by defining as "the use as money of
all the gold and silver which may be
presented at the mints, to be coined at a
axed ratio and made a legal tender, with
the privilege to every debtor to pay his
debt in coin of either metal. It is a
lengthy document and treats the subject
in its various phases.
Is Berlin, where the telephone is man
aged by the government as an adjunct to
the postal system there are as many as
80.000 subscribers to the exchange; the
low rates doubtless bring subscribers
and these in added numbers, agaiu low
ering rates. The American people are
ridden by more than one combination
and monopoly, outside and beyond the
party caucus. It will not always be so.
The spirit of independence will some
time assert itself, and find a just as well
as an adequate expression of her will
along all lines of human endeavor.
The republican party of Nebraska has
a battle before it this fall. The enemy
ie bakd by the power and influence of
the state patronage and will fight des
perately to hold the ground gained last
year, while republicans mu6t fight be
fore the breastworks. In snch a fight a
great deal depends upon men who are
chosen bv the state convention to lead
the fight, and these should be the best
men it is possible to nominate. It is the
duty of republicans to begin now to
look up a good candidate for supreme
The foregoing is from the Norfolk
Journal. We had supposed there was
to be no question as to the republican
candidate for supreme judge the oppo
sition might worry, but we were secure.
What does our northern neighbor mean,
Ex-Cosobessm ax Andrews of the Fifth
Nebraska district has just drawn a hand
aoaae prize in the shape of an auditor
ship of the treasury department, which
pays a salary of $3,000 a year and he has
MB to Washington to enjoy the emolu
BMBts thereof. Senator Thurston has
already provided for Meiklejohn and is
riri-g Boole work in assuaging the grief
of the statesmen out of a job. If he
comld tad a proper berth for A. E. Cady,
of the Sixth district be would be caring
for a aught? S& man' who ranks riBt
aa aloagekto of the bast in the state.
Cady hat earned recognition. He made
a irey canvass, covering four months
aad did aobh) work for the party.-Fre-
mont Tribune.
Sharp Exchange Between Sen
ators Hoar and Tillman.
atawaliaa Reciprocity, Beet Sugar Boaaty
aae) Aatltrast Amendment Under Con
el4eraxlea Ia Bepabllcmn Caucua Not
Vary Stack Progress Made House Ad
Jeans Catil Thursday.
WashUiOTON, June 15. The senate
debate on the sugar schedule of the
tariff bill proceeded Monday with only
one diverting incident to relieve the mo
notony into which the discussion had
lapsed. This was the sharp exchange
between Hoar (Mass.) and Tillman (S.
C), representing the two extremes of
senatorial proceedure.
Mr. Tillman referred to published
charges of irregularity in connection
with the sugar schedule and asserted
that the senate would stand convicted
before the American people if it failed
to investigate the charges. Mr. Hoar
calmly and impressively impelled this
statement, his tone and language being
calculated as a rebuke. He declared
that the vague charges of irregularity
were not only preposterous, but infam
ous. Mr Allison, in charge of the bill,
made another speech in defense of the
schedule, presenting tables which he
declared proved that the sugar refiners
received less protection under the sen
ate schedule than under tho existing
Pettigrew (S. D.) spoke at length in
favor of his amendment to place on the
free list articles controlled by trusts,
severely arraigning the various large
Allen (Neb.) urged legal proceedings
against the trusts. Only one roll call
occurred during the daj on Mr. Lind
say's amendment to place all sugars on
the same basis. This was rejected yeas
J6; nays, 29. McEuery (Dent., La.)
voted with the Republicans in tho nega
tive, and Pettigrew and Mantle with
the Democrats in the affirmative.
Hawaliaa BeciproHlr, I!ect Sucar Bounty
aad Antitrust Amendment.
Washington, June 15. The Republi
can senators were in caucus for mora
than three hours last night, and when
adjournment was reached not very
much progress had leeii made. The
Hawaiian proposition was passed over
to be considered at a future caucus, as
several senators expressed tho opinion
that if it was true that a treaty of an
nexation was to be sent in it would bo
absurd to enact legislation looking to
tha abrogation of Ihe treaty of recipro
city. Senators who were aware of the
progress of the annexation treaty did
not feel at liberty to give the caucus
full information.
Althoaeh there was much reticence
observed, it was believed the president
would b" compelled to move on the sub
ject of the proposed treaty.
The caucus was in session from 8 un
til 11:80 o'clock, and three propositions
only were under consideration. These
were: The question of what to do with
the Hawaiian reciprocity treaty, the
advisability of giving a bounty on beet
sugar and the question of antitrust
amendments. The Hawaiian treaty
question was passed over, but the sngar
bounty proposition was withdrawn, and
the antitrust amendment was referred
to the Republican members of tho judi
ciary committee.
Adjourns Uutil Thursday After a .Session
of Forty-Flte Minutes.
Washington, June 15. The house
Monday adjourned until Thursday af
ter a session that lasted 45 minutes.
The only attempt to transact business
was a request bv Laeey (Rep., Ia.) for
a bill for the relief of the residents of
Greer county, Oklahoma.
Henry (Dem., Tex.) promptly ob
jected and then, after the usual Demo
cratic protest against the Republican
policy of not appointing committees,
the house, by a vote of yeas, 88; nays,
78, with 1U present and not voting, de
cided to adjourn.
Before the session began the hub of a
wheel wound round with a monster pe
tition, said to contain 0,000,000 signa
tures, appealing to congress to recog
nize the Cuban insurgents as belliger
ents, was wheeled into the space in
front of the speaker's rostrum. It had
been in circulation throughout the
United States for about six months and
was presented to congress by Sulzer
(N. Y.).
Veterans Rushing- Applications.
Washington, Juue lo. The war vet
erans are rushin g in their applications
for pensions. In the 10 days ending
last Saturday the number of applications
of all kinds for pensions aggregated
14.300. During the 83 days subsequent
to March 8, last, the record division of
the office disposed of 84,000 applications.
The approximate number of such claims
now pending in the bureau is 33,000.
New South DukutK Boundary.
Washington', June 15. Senator Pet
tigrew has introduced a bill for the rati
fication of the compact between the
states of South Dakota and Nebraska
respecting the boundary between them.
The bill confirms the agreement be
tween the commissioners of the two
states, fixing the center cf the main
channel of the Missouri river as the
line of division.
Dividend For Creditor.
Washington, June 15. The comp.
trollerofthe currency has declared a
dividend of 10 per cent iu favor of the
creditors of the Sioux National bank of
Sioux City, la.
Gonrjr Continued.
Washington, June 15. The senate
confirmed John Y. Gowry of Washing
ton as consul general at Kanagawa.
treaty Will Be S-ut to the Senate la the
Near Future.
Washington, June 15.-.A treaty for
me annexation of Hawaii to the United
States will be sent to the senate soon af
ler the return of the president unless
present plans are altered. The treaty
has been written, and all its details
were fully agreed upon before the pres
ident and Secretary Sherman left for
the south. There is no doubt, it is said,
of the president's acquiescence in the
terms of the treaty, as he was made
ftdly aware of them before he left. The
treaty is on the general lines of the
treaty negotiated during the adminis
tration of President Harrison and with
drawn by President Cleveland. It pro
vides for annexation without the exac
tion of conditions en the part of the Ha
waiians as to the form of government
to be vouchsafed to Hawaii. The Unit
ed States will agree, however, to as
same the debt of the present Hawaiian
government, but will come into posses
sion of all the Hawaiian crown lands
aad other possessions.
Several senators have received definite
information concerning the existence of
the treaty and are well acquainted with
to ierau, though ttey refuse to djacnaf,
the matter. The knowledge of the ex
istence of the treaty has been commu
nicated to members of the committee
on foreign relations ami to ' the finance
The officials at the state department
steadfastly refuse to make any state
ment as to the negotiation of a treaty
providing for the annexation of Hawaii,
and at the Hawaiian legation the same
silence is observed.
However, it is known that the treaty,
though not yet signed, is drawn up
ready for signature, and as the presi-,
dent is fully aware of its scope, there is
no reason to doubt that he will author- j
ize his signature. In this case it is ex- !
pected that the doenment will be sent '
tothe senate for its action very soon,
even within a week, it is said in some
well informed quarters. If this be the
case it may be taken for granted that
the president has taken steps to assure ,
himself of the favorable recognition of '
the treaty in the senate and guard
aminst such a late as befell the arbitra-
tion treaty.
jev i
Defease Has Askfd lu Court to
the Ptoceedings.
03CAHA, June 15. The state in the
embezzlement case against Joseph S.
Bartley rested its case yesterday after
noon, and the case now hangs practic
ally in the hands of Judge Baker, to
whom is being submitted the question
formerly raised that Bartley cannot be
held under the present information,
which charges him with the embezzle
ment of money, whereas the evidence
shows the embezzlement, if any, was a
bank credit. The meauing of the term '
"money" is the hanging point wbicn is :
to determine whether or not the caso i
will ever get to the jury.
An Krcentric Millionaire Dies.
La Poiite, Iui., Juue 15. Patrick
Huncheou, the wealthiest land owner
in northern Indiana, is dead, aged 10.
He was widely known for his eccentri-
being bachelors, under the same roof 30 j
iti nun lived Titn ins brotnnr. until i
ears without sneakiutr. dvinar with the
silence unbroken. He was one of the i
founders of the town of La Crosse, in
this county. His fortune is estimated
at about $1,000,000.
Closed by Creditors.
Quin'cy, Ills., June K. The Barlow
corn planter works were closed by credi
tors, who are secured by mortgages on
the real estate and personal property of
the company. The claims of the se
cured creditors exceed $35,000, while
those of the unsecured creditors aggre
gate about $30,000. The company ex
pects to reorganize and resume business.
The firm is capitalized ut $100,000.
Complain of IliRti Assauiueats.
Dks Moixes, Juue 15. The city
council, as a board of equalization, is iu
a fight over the assessment of the city's
corporations. The street railway, gas
company, electric light company, water
company and like corporations have
had their assessments increased by tho
assessors from 100 to 400 per cent and
the companies demand a reduction to
the old figures.
HI War Claim Allovrrd.
Washington. June 15. The United
States court of claims has awarded to
the Overton Hotel company of Mem
phis, Tenn., $53,:33 in satisfaction of
their claim against the government, oc
cupation of their building for hospital
purposes from Jan. 1, 1803, to Sept, 1,
Three Hundred Men Benefitted.
Pittsbuko, June 15. The puddling,
finishing and nail departments of the
Oliver Brothers Tenth street mill have
resumed operations after an idleness of
a week, due to lack of orders. About
800 ineu were benefitted by tho resump
tion. An Invite From the Tigers.
Lincoln', June l.'. Governor Hol
coinb has received an invitation from
Tammany to attend the Fourth of July
meeting at Tammany hall and deliver
an address:
National League Games.
Brooklyn, 1.".: Chicago. 4. Daub and Grim:
Pe U7er ur.d Donahue.
CWrtaiul, 'U; Philadelphia. 4. Young and
Ziunuer: FifMd, Wheeler und Clement -i.
New York. 7: M. L..uis, 4. Sejjn.ijr and
Warner; Donahue and Dj;;)is
Baltimore, l: Luuisil!e. 7. Hotfer and Bow
enuaii:Fra7ier and Dexter.
Boston, 5: Cincinnati, 3. Klobedanz and
Bergen: Dwyer and Peitz.
Washington, 10; Pittsburg. 2. HcJamrsand
Farrell ; Hhwli-y and Meiritt.
wEsrettN I.KAQVK.
Grand Rapids, a: St. Paul, 4.
Indianapolis, 7: Kansas City, 1.
Patroit, 17: SUlwaukee. 7.
Coluuiuus, l'J; lliuueapolis, 6.
Quincr, 0; Burlington, 6
Cedar Rapids, 14; Dubuque. 1.
Dea Moines, 4; St. Jescph, a.
Peoria, 4 ; Rockf ord, 3.
Legislative Committee On State Institu
tions Get to Work.
DesMioneb, June 15. The legisla
tive committee ou investigation of state
institutions met here to plan for its
work. The committee consists of Sen
ator T. D. Healy of Fort Dodge and
Representatives Frank Merriam of
Manchester and Claude R. Porter of
Centerville. Senator Healy was elected
chairman and Representative Merriam
secretary. The committee will choose
an expert accountant and a stenographer
and will begin in about two weeks to
investigate. Each institution will be
investigated in detail and the report
will be the most exhaustive of the kind
ever made in the state. The committee
is in favor of the plan of governing the
institutions through a single state board
and will probably recommend this
change in the laws to the next legisla-M
Ask President to Send Warships.
Little Rock, Ark., June Jo. There
was an exciting debate in tha Arkansas
senate. Resolutions were adopted and
ordered sent to President McKinley urg
ing that the Cubans be at once granted
belligerent rights and that warships be
scut to Havana to piotect American
citizens. Senator Williams, who intro
duced the resolutions, said he wanted to
send warships to Havana at once. If
one was not enough, send 10, and if
necessary blow Mcrro castle off the face
of the earth. He spoke of Qua Melton,
an Aikansas boy, in prison there, and
bitterly denounced the Spaniards.
Brooklyn Keaches Southampton.
Southasiptos, June J5. The United
States armored cruiser Brooklyn, with
Rear Admiral J. N. Miller on board,
which is to represent the United States
navy at the navy review offSpithead
on June 26, arrived here today from
New York
Fast Facias Stallion Dead.
Nashville, Jane 15. Complex, the
pacing stallion, with a record of 2:14h.
by Duplex, property of Chaffin Bros.,
Columbia, Tenn., died today in thas
town of pneumonia. The horse had
just returned from Cleveland. U.
Booth Was Harmless.
Paris, June 15. The newspapers of
this city today agree in saying that the
attempt to assassinate President Faure
yesterday was either a practical joke or
the act of a madman, and that the so
called outrage was arranged ao as not to
hurt anybody.
Government Immigration Sta
tion Completely Consumed.
ProTkaule That No Liics Are lost-Two
Hundred Immigrants Are Safely Be
moved to the Barge Office at the Battery.
Cost of the Plant Is said to Have Been
About $780,000.
New Yo3K, June 15. The United ,
States government immigrant station on
Rlli island, in New York harbor, was
destroyed by fire this morning, but with
probably no loss of life. The fire was
first seen at 12:38 a. m. by the lookout
from the harbor police station.
At 1:12 a. m. the whole island was a
mass of flames, illuminating the whole
inner harbor and the lower part of the
;-- nc'i. th nni;
i;iry. Aa ijnii, c3 w-7. w fw.w,
ft) men, and the police patrol were sent
to the island. Au alarm was sent to
the lower precinct sW.nns of the city
and 25 men were or " : to the scene.
The fire boat New Yort-er wa? soon on
the way with firemen, policemen and
others. The fire boat Zephas Mills was
sent to the island as quickly as she
could bo made ready.
Later many persons went over in
tugs and row boats. The entire build-
ins: in which the fire started wa9 used i
for sleeping, cooking and eating pur
poses by the immigrants. The deten
tion messes pen, in which there are al-
wav a
considerable number of immi
grants being held for investigation, was
also consumed. The buildings there are
a hospital, the offices of the commission
ers, a laundry, a disinfecting depart
ment ar-l great cisterns in which are
stored large quantities of rainwater
gathered from the roofs of the build
ings. The physiciaii-s and minor offi
cials live in the smaller buildings, and
these with all other bni ldings on tho
island were destroyed. All tho valuable
records wero uestroveu
Two hundred immigrants were safely
transferred from the island to the bargo
office at the battery, leaving no one on
the island exoept the firemen and a few
attendants. The cost of the plaut is
have been SISO.OOO.
Sands Regrets to Managers of Interna
tional (iuld Mining Contention.
Denver, June 15. Tho managers of
the international gold m ining conven
tion received a letter from Private Sec
retary Porter conveying the regrets of
President McKinley at his inability to
be present at the convention. A largo
corps of government geologists and
meterologists will be prc-ent. The Ja
panese legation at Washington has no
tified that a delegation from that coun
try will be here. This morning letters
were received from the state authori
ties of South Carolina and Georgia ask
ing for space for the display of ore3
from those states. Plenty of spa ce will
be assigned lo all such displays. Thus
far the governors of 11 states have ap
pointed representatives-at-large. They
are Alabaiuc, Georgia, North Carolina,
West Virginia, Mississippi, Missouri,
Montana, New Mexico, Nebraska.Texas
and California. From t:0 states delega
tions have been appointed by mayors
and mining and commercial associa
tions. Secretary Mahone estimates the
attendance of accredited delegates at
not less than 1,000. In most case3the
managers have been informed by those
appointed delegates that the men prom
ise to attend. The low rates granted
by the railroads for the occasion, which
will prevail for more than a mouth, are
expected to attract a great number of
visitor aside from dologarcs to tUQ Con
vention. Serinu Earthquake Sliork In India.
Calcutta, June 15. Later reports
increase the gravity of the earthquake
shocks of Saturday last in this city and
its vicinity. An extensive area was af
fected, causing much misery among
many of the poor Europeans, Eurasians
and natives. An immcuso amount of
damage was done at Hoogley, Eurdwan
and Dace, where several persons were
killed. A terrific shock was experienced
at Ddnjiliug, where many houses were
destroyed. Trafiio on the Eastern Ben
gal railway is interrupted. Bridges
have been damaged, and a train was
overturned on the Assam-Bengal line.
The ground opened atManipnr, and the
town of Kohima, north of Manipur,
was severely damaged.
31 ink to Supplant Clark.
Boston, Juno 15. The reorganization
of the Union Pacific has been com
pleted. S. H. H. Clark of Omaha, the
present president of tho road, will iu all
probability be be supplanted by Oliver
W. Mink of Boston. The reorganiza
tion committee of the Union Pacific
Railway company will soon make publio
its new plan for the reorganization of
the road.
Strikers Iteturn to Work.
Hudson', Mass., Juue 15. The entire
forco of employes of the Apsley Rubber
company returned to work today, and
the trouble at the factory appears to be
ended. They accepted the prices of
fered by Mr. Apsley, which are consid
erably lower than prices formerly paid.
Four Persous Badly Burned.
Pittsburg, Juue 15. A lamp explo
sion in the residence of Stephen Welch,
pear Sharpsburg, set fire to the house
and badly burned the four occupants.
The injured are: Stephen Welch, Mrs.
Welch and two children. Welch and
one of the children are in a critical con
dition and may die.
Youaa Chief Passport.
When Young Chief, a prominent
member of the Umatilla tribe, in Ore
gon, goes away for his annual vacation,
he is granted the freedom of tho state
by the following notice to whom it may
concern: "Young Chief has permission
to visit Wallowa and surrounding couu
try, with various other Indians, to be
away GO days. He is a good, law abid
ing man and very friendly toward
whites. If any of his crowd are boister
ous or violate any luw, if reported to
me, I will have the matter rectified.
Any favor shown him will he appre
ciated. He respects tho whites and asks
that they respect him."
Her Gentle Hint.
She Music hath charms, you know.
He Yes, I'll bring up a brass baud
with me next time I call.
''Couldn't you make it a gold baud
with asolitaireiu jt?"' Yonkers States
man. Preserving It.
ilias Maud Powell, the violinist, had
m somewhat unusual experience with
her precious violin. She sent it by ex
press solidly packed iu a stout wooden
box, but wheu she came to claim it it
was missing. She described the appear
ance of the box to the official, and a sad
and sympathetic look came over his
face. He sighed and went away, and
presently returned with the box held
coffinwise. "We had it on the ice," he
said. Springfield Republican.
A French autograph collector says
the signature of Christopher Columbus
can always find a buyer at $4,000.
The little white wagon was passing by.
Can it be but an hour an hour ago
Since Edith's prattle nurt mo so
When it caught her wondering hiby eye?
"Pitty w'ite wadon! Oh. ce!" she said.
"Yook! Ponies tool Oh, how 1 wis
I tould det up an wide on a v.-adon lite
And my heart stopped, so, aa I though of
her, dead!
The little white wagon was passing b'y.
A sight that is common enough, you
No! No! No! No! Not till today
Had I known how It looks to a mother's
With Its white, false face to her black
grief wed.
Crushing her heart with Its Jugger
naut wheeU.
Not till today had I thought how it
feels . .
To be stabbed by the hush where a babe
lies dead.
The little white wagon was passing by.
My God! Can It be but an hour ago?
How would the age long seconds now
Into minutes unending were she to die?
T .1a a4 In.. hap oa rm?ar VtAfnr..
j91 J. WACL3U QJIU IU.C c w.- w.w.w. -
One tnougnt. one nope, is my insmeu
That the little white wagons may still '
And never stop at my darkened door.
J. L. Heaton in "The Quilting Bee." j
Interesting: Incident Connected ,
With President's Trip.
Eaglikh Representative of Millionaire
Vanderbllt Acts Hastily and Repeats at
His Leisure Refase to Allow Newspa
per Mea to Accompany Presidential
Party In a Visit to Ulltiuore House.
Asiieville, N. C, June 15. An un
expected incident of President McKiu
ley's trip developed here, when it bo
came known to newspaper men accom
panying the party that permission to
enter Biltmore house, George W. Van
derbilt's splendid mansion, had been
refused to them, while extended to
other members of tho party. Mr. Van
derbilt is abroad, and his representative,
Charles McNamee, is with him. In tho
absence of both the estate is governed
by E. J. Harding, said to be an English
man by birth. When waited on by the
local committee of arrangements a few
days ago for permission for the presi
dent and party to enter Biltmore, he
objected strongly to receiving any
member of tbp party other than the
president and jiis cabinet and the ladies
with him. He even refused permission
to Manager McKisMck of the Battery
Park hotel, in charge of the party here,
and in course of conversation had with
two members of the committee, said:
'Mr. Vanderbilt spits on newspaper
notoriety and so do I."
After this there was nothing for the
local committee to do but withdraw. So
the matter rested till the president ar
rived and J. Addisou Porter, his secre
tary, was told of tho iucideut. He
must have informed the president, for
later Mr. Harding was called upon the
telephone by Mr. Porter and asked if it
was true that newspaper men would uot
be admitted to tho mansion. Mr. Por
ter was told that it was, and he then in
formed Mr. Harding that the president
considered the newspaper men were h is
invited guests on the trip, and that they
were as much a contingent of the party
as members of the cabinet.
Stands by Newspaper Men.
Furthermore, Mr. Porter notified Mr.
Harding that the president had author
ized him to say that if the newspapev
men were barred from tha mansion he
would not step his foot inside the estate.
This brought things to a crisis, and Mr.
Harding capitulated with the best grace
possible, and the newspaper men were
admitted to the mansion on the same
footing as the president and his cabinet.
Before going to Biltmore, Representa-
iivo Ponwon porcnadsil Mr. McKnloy
to attend a meeting at the Young Mens'
Institute ball of colored people, the gift
of George "W. Vanderbilt. The hall was
filled to its utmost capacity with col
ored people, comprising the laboring
classes as well as the local colored poli
ticians and their wives and children.
With Congressman Pearson on one side,
for 10 minutes he shook hands at a rapid
rate with all who were presented to
him. It was very warm work. Pres
ently the president called for air and
seven colored men fanned him while
the handshaking went ou.
At Biltmore the luxuries of the library
were lingert i over with especial delight.
Mrs. McKinley was given a handsome
bouquet from Mr. Vanderbilt's conser
vatories as she left the chateau. The
drive continued over the French broad
boundaries of the estate, from the river
cottage to the entrance lodge and the
Biltmore incident was closed.
The train was taken at Biltmore sta
tion and the journey to Washington
resumed at about (j o'clock.
Secretary Alger was indisposed from
the extreme heat of the past two days,
but left Asheville somewhat recuper
Something About the Architecture
Early Xew England.
Hardly 20 houses iu all New Eng
land dating back of 1700 are yet in ex
istence, unless in a materially trans
formed condition. At best the most of
them were very rough, box shaped, with
a door in one side and a high pitched
roof, to make the suow slide off easily,
and a chimney of prodigious size. A
few years ago the great chimney of the
house at Boscawen, where General
John A. Dix was born, was torn down
and found to contain 150,000 of brick.
The chimney of the Darling house in
this town, "destroyed about the same
time, was about as large. Its removal
provided the house with a good sized
additional room. Almost all tha seven
teenth century houses were wooden,
though about the oldest structure in
New England was built of stone at
Guilford, Conn., in or near 1B38. Exe
ter's oldest, the Darling house, is about
10 or 11 years younger. Exeter had on
ly three brick houses dating fur back
into the eighteenth century, and now
has only two. if they still can be called
brick after being covered with wood
and receiving large wooden extensions.
These are the Peavy house, on the New
market road, and the old house off Wa
ter street built by Nathaniel Ladd.
Both were erected between 1720 and
1730, the Peavy house, of which James
Gilman was tha builder, replacing an
older structure which had been burned.
Tho very picturesque Dennett Gilman
house, a brick structure with gambrel
roof, which fctood about where the Amos
Tuck house now stands, was torn down
about 60 years ago. The block near the
great bridge is of nineteenth century
origin, having been built by Major Sim
eon Folsom about 1813.
Dwelling house architecture fir.t be
came a really fine art iu New England
during the flush times which intervened
between Wolfe's capture of Quebec in
1759 and the Revolutionary outbreak of
1775. It was then that the older of the
stately mansions of Portsmouth and
Newbnryport were erected. The war
pretty effectively stopped house build
ing, but by 1800 prosperity bad returned,
and New England shipowners became
very rich. The house building mania
broke out again in the form of those
great, square, three story houses of
which Exeter has a few and of which
Salemt Newburyport and Portsmouth
are full
The magnates of 1800-10 disliked
gambrel roofs and had no patience with i
nooks and passages. They were plain,
downright and utilitarian men, and
they built houses as square as them
selves, with no nonsense about them,
except perhaps the usually superfluous
third story. Were these worthies to re
turn to earth they might appreciate the
many modern improvements which
have been introduced in architecture,
but they would be pretty sure to repu
diate with scorn the adornments for
which poor Queen Anne has been'neld
responsible. Exeter (N. H. ) News
Oddities Ia Home Life aad Dress That ,
Startled aa English Womaa. j
Breakfast- in Belgium proceeds in
courses, with a change of plates at each
service, but not a change of knives and
forks. These implements must be used
through successive courses, however
dissimilar, resting between whiles on
glass or silver holders, placed beside
each cover. The holders, alas, I often
forgot to employ, seudiug my kuife and
fork out on my plate, to the maid's con
fusion and my own dismay. An Euglish
woman, long resident in Brussels, in
vited me to dinner with the cheering
assurance: "We are Euglish, not Bel
gian, iu our ways. Wo change the
knives and forks." Meats and the fruits
to which we are accustomed are dear in
Belgium, but Yankee products grace
many tables. "I don't know what we
should do without your beef extracts for
sauces and your California tinned !
fruits," observed my hostess at a charm
ing breakfast. "Feel at home," said
another lady pleasantly. "Here is some
manse pea." As her pronunciation and
the dish itself n so culled miuce pie
resembled nothing fumiliar to my ear
or vision I was bahied for the moment
as to tho nature of her kind intentions.
If I visited a weaving si-hool ut 8 in
the morniug, wheu all the men wero
yet in that startling home undress
which prevails in some households be
fore tho formal dejeuner, the wife of
the weaving nmster would press mo,
"Preuez quelque chose, je vous en prie,
mademoiselle." I culled early one day
on a secretary at Charleroi, with whom
I had business hearing that he was
about to leave town. He was out on the
street. "But he can't have gone fur,"
protested his sou, "for he hasn't dress
ed himself yet. " Which alarming state
ment proved too true, as I soon discov
ered wheu an apparition appeared on
the threshold, umvahed, uncombed,
with overcoat and neckhandkerchief by
no means concealing the unmistakable
loose uightxubu beneath. So suggestive
was the opectucle that, declining the
unembarrassed tutrcaties of monsieur'.s
spouse, "Pray tuke something, made-
moiselle, 1 dispatched my inquiries
and fled. Clare rie Grufl'euried in Har
per's Magazine.
Wanted to lie Called a Gentleman.
There was u tdcight of hand perform
ance in the opera house that night, and
way down ou one of the front seats
there sut a man holding a shiny silk hat
ostentatiously before him with an ex
pression of deep anxiety and watchful
ness upon his face.
Before the performance began a friend
who sat immediately behind him and
had noticed his manner leaned over and
asked him what the trouble was.
"Well, you see, Tom," said the man
with the hat confidentially, "it's this
way: I've beta in politics now for ten
years, and I've been cussed and abused
and called all sorts of hard names until
I'm just lunging to hear somebody ad
dress me in a decent manner oue more
time. When this magician comes on the
stage, he's going to say, 'Will home
gentleman kindly loon me his hut?' and
I'm going to jump up and give him
mine. It'll make me feel good for a
mouth to Le spoken to that way. I've
been looking forward to thid occasion
for two weeks. You'll excuse me now,
for I'll huvu to jump quick when he
speaks for I ee one of our aldermen sit
ting ou the front row with his old
brown derby in his hand, and I'll bet a
dollar he's up to the same game." De
troit Free Press.
Evolution cf Gunpowder.
The invention of gunpou der is shown
by Mr. Oscar Guttmann, iu his book on
the manufacture of explosives, to have
been most probably au evolution. The
Greek fire of naphtha, mentioned by
early European and Arabian writers, is
believed to have been a composition
containing niter, sulphur and charcoal.
Marcus Griecun, who wrote in the tenth
century, gives a composition for charg
ing rockets and crackers closely ap
proaching that of modern blasting pow
der. This recipe is quoted by Albert us
Magnus, aud another oue, not so clear,
is given by linger fiucou. None of thesu
writers, however, speaks of the use of
such substances iu any way like the fir
ing of projtctiles from guns. On the
contrary, they all describe crackers and
bonibd or maroons, and say that these
were discharged into towns from bul
listra or catapults or mangonels for the
purpose of setting fire to them.
Mr. Guttmuuu has found, however, in
the wardrobe accounts of King Edward
IU of England an entry between A. D.
J845 aud 1349 giving credit to one
Thomas of Roldeston for the king's work
for his gnus, for 112 pounds of saltpeter
and 886 pounds of live sulphur. This
seems to confirm the tradition that guns
were used by tho Euglish at the battle
of Crecy iu 134G. Mr. Guttmann decides
that Berthold Schwartz invented this
use of gunpowder about 1313. If so,
Schwartz must have bc-eu very young at
the timo or else have lived to a very
great age, for the date of his death is
given as 1384. Popular Science Monthly-
Vassar "Female" Colleje.
The Vassar girls will take exception
to Dr. Parkhurst's expressiou, "female
college." One of their glees treats of
that subject. They had a "female" col
lege once, but if there is a female col
lege still it goes by another name. Tho
cbang? is celebrated in versei
Jin institution ont-o there was
Of lMirning and of knowledge
Which hnil upon its hih brick front-
A "Vcssar Female Coljege."
The maidens fair could net -njoy
Their bread ami milk and porridge,
For graven on the forks and spoon
V?-?. "Vas-ir Female CollrgV
Tra la, la. la! Tra la, la, la!
'Tva-i " Va-raar Female College."
A strong ea-.t wind at came by,
A wind that blew from Norwich.
It tore the "F male" from the aign
That a upon the college
And a the faculty progrevd
In wi-don and in knowledge
They touk the "Female" off the spooua
A well a- off the college.
Tra. la, la. la! Tra la, la, la!
It now U "Vavar College,"
New York Times.
Ia the Blacksmith's Shop.
"I have seen tome pretty hard knocks
in my time," began the anvil in ring
ing tone?, when the bellows interrupted
him with: "But think of the trouble I
have. There isn't a day that I am not
hard pressed to raite the viud." Cin
cinnati Enquirer.
Strawberries are often served with
orange juices. Cover the Lerries with
sugar and juice of several oranges. Let
them chill in the refiigerator for half
aa hour and serve with powdered ice.
Farm Loans.
And Insurance..
Settled With Iaflalte Tact Feuds Which
Arose Aaioaa His OHcers.
After the capture of Vicksburg Logan
chose a prominent and beautiful resi
dence for his headquarters, and Gener
al McPhersou chose the same, aud a
quarrel tbreateued to involve divisions
and corps aud gave the superior officers
great concern, according to the Chica
go Inter Oeeau. Both McFiK-rsou aud
Logan carried the case to General
Grant. He heard the schemes of each,
and bis staff officers looked with dismay
at his quiet, bashful way of listening.
After heuriug both sides General
Grant turned to Logan with a smile
and said he was sorry that the general
had placed his heart on -any headquar
ters in Vicksburg, because he had just
written an order seudiug the wholu di
vision on a special expedition to look
after the retreating rebels. Logan glow
ered until Grant, turuiug to McPhersou,
said: "I am sorry to disarrange your
plans, general, but I have just written
an order sending your division ou au
important expedition. I appreciate the
feelings ot the men who would like to
march through Vicksburg, but it will
be impossible. Duty comes first. " Gen
eral Logan's face cleared and McPher
sou smiled. Each went to his command
and there was no further trouble. They
possibly suspected that Graut had in
vented the expeditious to get rid of tho
quarrel, but they recognized tho fine
strategy of his maneuver, the fairness
of his decision.
The Nutritions Marrow.
A grateful mother has just told of the
almost miraculous cure of her grown up
son by the very simple means advised
by an eminent physician. It was a case
of debility and emaciation that nothing
could seem to reach until the physician
in question prescribed a remedy that he
has found remarkably efficacious in
treating weak invalids and delicate chil
dren. This was nothing more than the
eating of an unlimited amount of mar
row. Every day a large quantity of the
bones containing marrow was ordered
from the great markets. The only prep
aration necessary was to warm the
marrow sufficiently to enablo it to be
easily spread on bread. Then, with the
addition of a little salt to render it
more palatable, it was ready to do its
work of regeneration. Under this treat
ment the patient mentioned gained dur
ing the first two weeks ten pounds of
flesh and strength iu proportion and
afterward continued to gain steadily
until health and strength were quite re
stored. Philadelphia Press.
Sixty Tasasaai Seeds to the Plaat.
The common purslane is ouo of the
wonders of botany, aa far as seeds are
concerned at least. A single seed of this
plant will produce about 20 seed pods
in a season. The average number of
seeds in each of these, by actual count,
is 6,000, making 60,000 in ulL As far
as we have been able to learn there ia
no instance of similar fruitfulness iu
any plant found growing iu this couu
try. A single plant of either the James
town weed ("jiuison"), the butter
weed, the rag weed and some of the
vervines produce an enormous number
of seeds, but it is doubtful if auy one cf
them produces one-fourth as many in a
year as the purslane docs. St. Louis
Duriug the tenth century, when wars
between the noblemen aud the king
were continual in almost every couutry
of Europe, all ranks of the nobility as
sumed a sort of crown or coronet in or
der to assert their equality with tha
Luw Katr-i t
July y, 4 and ft via the Burlington
Route, on account of the annual meet
ing of the Nutional Kducatiunal associa
tion. One fare plus $2 for the round trip.
Special train of sleeping and reclining
chair ears leaves Oinnha for Milwaukee
at ft p. m., Monday, July ft.
For tickets and sleeping ear reserva
tions, see nearest Burlington Route
J. Fkincis,
3 Gen. Pass. Ag't. Omahn, Neb.
Only i'JL'.r.O to San FrnrKco.
June 29 to July 'A, account National Con
vention Christian Kndeavorere. Special
trains. Through touriut aud palace
sleepers. Stop overs allowed at and
west of Denver. Return via Portland,
Yellowstone Park and Black Hills if
Endeavorera and their friends who
take the Burlington Route are guaran
teed a quick, cool, comfortable journey,
lino scenery (by daylight) and first class
Berths reserved and descriptive litera
ture furnished on request. See nearest
B. & M. R. R. ticket agent or write to
J. Francis, O. P. A., "Burlington Route,
Omaha, Neb.
Bryan Will le Tin-Mat
the Beatrice Chautauqua. So will
Rev. T. DeWitt Tulmage, Rev. Sam
Small, Frank Robcrson, John R. Clarke
and many other well known men and
women. A fortuight of instruction and
entertainment. Half rates via the Bur
lington Route. June 1ft to 27. 1
Advertisements under this head fi70 cent a
lilieeach insertion,
WM.HCHILTZ makes boots and uhosiuthe
best styles, aad uses only th. very best
stock that can be procnrwl in tho market. 32-tf
In the district court of 1'latte county. Nebrauka,
in the matter of the f-Mate of Daniel Hchucker,
This canse came on for hearing upon Ihe peti
tion of Walter G. (iaiaee. executor of the estate
of Daniel Hchucker, deceased, praying for
license to sell the northwest quarter of the
southwettt quarter of section thirty-one, town.
nhlp nineteen, ranue four wett. in Platte county,
Nebraska, or a sufficient amount of Ihe uaine to
bring the sum of $700.00 for the payment of
debts allowed against said estate, and the coIb
of administration, there nut being sufficient
cenonal propeitytopay said debts and expense.
It is therefore ordered that all persons interest
ed in said estate appear before me at the court
house in Columbus. Nebraska, on the 24th day of
June, IbW, at 'I o'clock p. m. to show cause why
a license should not be granted to raid executor
to sell so much of the above described real es
tate of said deceased as shall be necessary to pay
taid debts ana expenses.
Jt is therefore ordered that a copy of this order
be published four consecutive weeks ia Tax
Coixxbcs Jocb.val. a weekly newspaper, pub
lished in Columbus, Platte county. Nebraska.
Dated this 2Sth day of May, 17.
Zpat Judge,
justness Notices.
Real Estate
Omaha Heat Market
Fresli and
Salt Meats.
Game and Fish in Season.
AdHighedt market prices paid for
Hides and Tallow.
We Carry Coffins, Caskets and
Metallic Caskets at as low
prices as any one.
W. A. MoAli.istkk.
Southwebt corner Klfventh suit North Streets.
ljjiily-r t-oi.MBCH. Nebraska.
Now is the Time
We are prepared to
make the following
clubbing rates :
Chicago Inter Ocean Csemi
weekly and Columbus Jour
nal both for one year 8 3 10
Chicago Inter Ocean (weekly)
and Columlm? Journal both
one year for 1 75
Peterson'? Magazine and Co
lumbus Journal one year. 2 25
Omaha Weekly Bee and Co
lumbia Joum-il one year.... 2 00
Lincoln Joimiiil t&eiiii-wefcklv)
and Columbus Journal, one
year tor. 2 15
Subscribe Now.
Rein Rates
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