The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, June 16, 1897, Image 1

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T WAS half-past 3,
and almost dark.
Most of tho seats
rcrc occupied, ci
ther by the passen
gers in person or
by their represen
tative luggage, and
the lamplighter
had just completed
his tour. Dick had
disposed of wraps.
cane, umbrella, and the bundle
some fruit of a day's shopping
in town; had exerted himself in
every possible way to secure the com
fort and amusement of his comnanioa.
and then, having fai'ed to elicit the
slightest response, haa gone into per
manent retirement behind the even
ing paper. -
IJut Miss Katharine Trent failed to
find anything interesting in the new
magazines, and was now leaning dis
consolately back in her scat, wrapped
In penitent contemplation of the half
inch of Dick's forehead and smoothly
parted brown hair visible above the
edge of the paper. A box of choco
lates and a big bunch of violets in her
lap seemed equally unregarded.
"I suppose," she thought, drawing
together her pretty brows, "if news
papers were made of glass. I could see
Dick's eyes; but it's a good thing they
aren't, for I should certainly feel in
clined to break that one into a thou
sand pieces."
The train was going at a fair speed
now, and murmurs of contented con
versation reached her car.
"Dick." she said suddenly, sitting
blt upright, "here we are almost to
Dushey. Arc you really going to go
as far as Watford with me?"
"I am afraid 1 must." and Dick laid
down his paper with grave courtesy,
and looked for a moment straight into
her eyes. "Mother is down there with
Hessie, you know, and I telegraphed
them to expect me out to dinner. I
never like to disappoint Bess."
Ihit Kate had dropped her eyes
when Dick looked at her; the smile
and tho "I'm so glad!" with which
fhc meant to begin her overtures of
peace had died on her lips, and she
slarcd with burning cheeks out into
the darkness, while Dick, with a hard
ly repressed sigh, again took refuge
In his paper. IJut he read line after
line without catching a word of the
"I suppose I was an ass to think she
cared for me," he was thinking. "It's
plain enough now that she doesn't and
neter did;" and Dick spread out his
paprr and refolded it with a vicious
The truth was that Miss Katharine
Trent was a bundle of startling contra
dictions. That she had a tender heart,
or that she was thoughtful and earn
est, no one who looked for a moment
into her big. serious blue eyes could
doubt Yet often, if not indeed gen
erally, she acted without a moment's
reflection. Her little Italian singing
master was fond of calling her his
"beautiful chord of the ninth," and
uaid that everything depended upon
er proper resolution.
It had begun to rain. A few drops
zigzagged their downward career
across the pane with most fascinating
unexpected movements; but Katharine
did not even see them. She was think
ing desperately of that look in Dick's
eyes. Of course he loved her. She
knew that. Didn't she love him just
as much? But here her conscience
awoke with a start, and informed her
' ft?
that lr she did love him she had taken
every precaution to conceal the fr.Ci
from herself, and Dick, and every one
else. "And don't you," conscience
went on, "don't you treat almost every
fellow you know better than you treat
Dick? And didn't you this very after
noon refuse even to talk about mar
rying him?"
The train was flying now, and Kath
arine found herself listening frantical
ly to the measured double slam of the
wheels, that brought nearer every in
stant the time when Dick would go.
"I know he'll never look at me or
speak to me again. I don't blame him.
1 can't ask him to forgive me. because
I should certainly cry, and O!" Her
heart almost choked her with its beat
ing, for the train had begun to slow
up. and Dick was putting oa his coaL
Suddenly a voice pitched in a girlish
sopranno fell on her ear.
"Good-bye. Will." it said,"and please
write to us at once, won't you? You
know mamma always worries so about
you. Good-bye" a kiss "good-bye!"
That was all. but it was enough; not
a minute for reflection, but Katherine
needed none.
D'ck was beside her. hat and cane
in hand, but Kate was already on her
"I will." she said to herself, with a
swift glance around, while the pink
in her cheeks chanced to red and
flamed clear up to her hair; "I will!"
The man at the other side of the car
riage was looking out of the window.
."No one will ever know the differ
ence," she went on. "and I can't bear
to have him go."
"I telegraphed your father to meet
this train." Dick was saying. "I red
ly must hurry."
"Good-bye. Dick." said Kate, her
voice positively ringing with cousinly
affection. "I am awfully sorry I can't
go with you and see Cousin Bess; and
be sure to give my love to Aunt
Katie;" and. tiptoeing a little, she
pulled his face down to hers and kissed
him straight on the mouth.
For a moment the universe seemed
to reel about Dick's head. Then he
sank into the seat and pulled Kate
down beside him.
"You will be carried by O. Dick!"
and Kate was almost sobbing in ac
agony of blushes.
"I think I'll change my mind, and go
on to Pinner!" remarked Dick, cheer-
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fullly, taking in at a glance the too
interested observer on the opposite
seat "Your father er Uncle John
might not meet you, you know; and,
besides" crushing both her hands
against him as he bent over her in a
blissful moment when their fellow pas
senger was looking the other way
"besides, you have not told me when
you will marry me." Folks at Home.
A Significant Fact That Deserves a
Little Consideration.
An article in the Westminster Re
view deals with "Crime in Current
Literature," the anonymous author as
serting that "never were there so many
pens engaged in dealing with crime
and criminals as at the present time;
the few, seriously and solemnly; the
many, lightly and irreverently, and
unwitting of the moral mischief they
thereby engender." He refers especi
ally to the fondness for "detective
stories," most of which, he finds, are
written by individuals who have not
and never had the remotest connec
tion with the police." On this head
the writer furnishes the following sta
tistics: The number of newspapers, strictly
so-called, published weekly in Great
Britain and containing serial stories
of one kind or another Is nearly 800.
Of these 592 are published in England
and Wales, 113 in Scotland and 80 in
Ireland. Out of this total it has been
ascertained that in the year 1S93 no
fewer than 240 published complete, or
portions of, detective stories stories
of all phases and forms of criminal
ity, describing the details. thereof with
greater or less degrees of minuteness;
here making the criminal a sort of
Claude Duval, or highway hero worthy
of emulation, and there rightly brand
ing him as an iniquitous scoundrel fit
only for the clutch of Jack Ketch, but
almost invariably depicting the hlde
ousness of crime as it certainly ought
not to lie depicted. Many such week
ly newspapers as arc published in pop
ulous centers have long ago recognized
the importance of this factor in help
ing to increase their circulation, and
they cannot be blamed for it. But it is
a somewhat remarkable fact, which
the inquiry into this phase of the sub
ject has made evident, that in newspa
pers of the class indicated which are
published in Ireland the general char
acter of the serial stories was, and
like enough still is, much above that
of the stories published in the same
place in English or Scottish newspa
pers. On an average, there arc fewer
by far that make the same literary spe
cialty ,in story or "experience" form,
of the subject of crime and its detec
tion. In the light of the past, or even
of present, events in Ireland this evi
dence may be taken for what it is
worth; but it is none the less a sig
nificant fact deserving of a little con
sideration by those whom It may hap
pen to concern.
CharacteriKtlcH About Those Who Tlay
at ThW FatuoH Resort.
From a letter on the present season
at Monte Carlo, the famous resort and
gambling place, which is published in
a I'aris paper, the following extract is
not without interest to American read
ers, says the Baltimore Sun. In the
Salon de Jeux each afternoon and
evening there is a great crowd just now
and considerable sensation is being
created by the playing of some of the
more determined punters. Most re
marked among the boldest is an
American artist, a painter, recently
decorated with tho cross of the Legion
of Honor. He bets large sums with
out a moment's hesitation, and fre
quently makes enormous wins. It is
all done so rapidly as to astonish lookers-on.
The gentleman in question
wins or loses with but little show of
excitement and is certainly and em
phatically what the French style beau
joueur. He seldom sits at a table, al
ways plays roulette and walks about
from table to table, attracting much
attention by his impetuous play. In
marked contrast to his style is that of
a stout gentleman, who never plays
except when seated, and who, having
made selection of a number upon the
roulette table, remains faithful to it,
and. with an air of unending patience,
covers it with gold until, having made
a large win, he slowly retires, all tho
while having remained in his seat
impassive not even the most marvel
ous good fortune causing his vacant ex
pression to alter in the least It is
curious to note that, while the other
player seems to be so popular and gen
erally liked, the stout party, whose
good or bad fortune seems to have so
little effect upon him, is decidedly un
popular. People appear to dislike see
ing him so unaffected by his phenome
nal good luck. "C'cst pas un hommc."
exclaimed a vivacious little French
lady, after the punter had so phleg
matically put into his pocket the 20,
000 francs he had won in a single coup,
"e'est une machine." And that those
standing around felt as she did was
evinced by their approving laughter.
Elect Inns Abroad.
General elections have taken place
in Italy and Austria. In Italy nearly
three-fourths of the deputies elected
are supporters of the present ministry.
In Austria the election was the first
under the recent extension of the suf
frage. It resulted in the overwhelming
defeat of the liberals and social demo
crats, who together elected less than
one-fourth of the Reichsrath. One
surprise of the election was the
strength of the so-called Christian so
cialists, who include the anti-Semites,
or Jew-haters, and the ul tramontanes,
or extreme clericals. Parties in Aus
tria are even more split up than in
Germany, and more than a dozen dif
ferent political groups are represented
In the new reichsrath.
Tastore-Fetl Cows.
Anxious mother (looking for sum
mer board to fanner) I suppose, of
course, you Pasteurize your milkV
Puzzled Farmer Oh, yes, marm;
leastwise we pasturlze one cow. New
York Tribune.
A Yuanc Illcamlst.
William Fay, 19 years of age, is in
jail in New York on charge of bigamy.
He has two wives, one of whom lived
with him two years.
nosiness Increases Protection Element
la the South Clearly Apparent Fea
tures of the Tariff Dili The World's
Rapidly Increasing Sapply of Gold.
(Washington Letter.)
A thousand pounds of dynamite ex
ploded in the midst of a mining enmp
would not have been more effective in
its disintegration than was President
Cleveland's speech in the distribution
of the remains of the once powerful
Democracy. It has torn that ill-fated
organization still further asunder.
Editor Henry Watterson of the gold
Democracy is attacking it savagely.
The organs of the silver Democrats
and Mr. Bryan himself are hurling
recks at it; Mr. Bailey is attacking it
savagely and the Populists are jump
ing on it with both feet, while the Re
publican editors of the country are
tearing it to tatters.
Slcrus of Prosperity.
The calamity shriekers who have
been insisting that the promised pros
perity has not materialized are thrown
into confusion by a recent announce
ment from that reliable business ba
rometer, the Weekly Review of R. G.
Dun & Co., which in its last weekly
issue says: "Nearly all will be aston
ished to learn that actual sales in April
by leading houses in each line of busi
ness in the principal cities east of the
Rocky mountains average only about
ten per cent less than in April, 1892,
the year of largest business hitherto,
and were 6.1 per cent more than in the
same month last year. Yet this is the
summary of 357 reports, each covering
rctual sales of merchants in one of
fourteen cities. They are especially
encouraging in view of great fall of
pr"c-s within the last five years and
floods and other retarding influences
this year."
Southern Senator Protectionists.
The growth of the protective senti
ment in the south, which was clearly
shown by the fact that over thirty
southern votes were cast for the
Dingely bill in the house, will be again
emphasized when the votes for the bill
in the senate are counted. At least
five southern votes will be in favor of
the bill in the senate, one of them by
a Democrat who announced before his
election that he should vote for a pro
tective tariff. When it is considered
that every one of these five southern
senators who will support the protec
tive tariff bill succeeded men who
voted for the free trade law now upon
the statute books, the growth of the
protective sentiment in that section
will be recognized.
A Year's Supply of Free Wool.
The wool growers of this country,
while they arc delighted with the proa
pect that they arc to get protection,
must not expect to feel the effects im
mediately. Latest investigations as to
the supply of wool in stock in this
country show that the amount of for
eign wools now in the hands of the
manufacturers is sufficient for at least
seven months' supply and that if the
present enormous importations con
tinue, as seem probable, they will
rrobably have a full year's supply on
hand when the new law goes into ef
fect. This is a deplorable fact, but
it is one of the numerous misfortunes
attendant upon the existence of the
free trade tariff law now upon the
statute books, and until it got
ten rid of there can be no getting rid
of its depressing efTect. Eight and
nine c?nts a pound duty on first and
second class wools, while it is not as
much as the rate named by the Dingley
bill when it passed the house. Is just
8 and 9 cents more than the rates of
the present Wilson law. It is also
conceded to be more in proportion to
the general value of wools than the
rates established by the McKinley law,
which was quite satisfactory to the
wool groTers.
Hides to Be Protected.
The reciprocity feature of the new
tariff law is likely to be even more
satisfactory than that of the McKinley
law. The aldition of tea and hides to
the dutiable list increases the oppor
tunity for obtaining favorable reciproc
ity treaties and it is understood that
the senate will put into the bill such
provisions as to make it practicable to
secure very v advantageous reciprocal
arrangements with many countries, all
cf which will be espec'ally in the in
terests of the agriculturists of the
country. The duty on raw hides
which is proposed by the tarifT bill
in the senate would probably add about
5 csnts to the cost of the foreign hide
used in making the leather which goes
into a pair of shoes, but as only one
fifth of the hides used in this country
are imported, the average increase in
the price of shoes would only be one
fifth of that, or one cent per pair. As
suming that the average man buys
three pair of shoes in a year, his In
creased "tax burden" would be three
cents a year, while the advantage to
the farmers will be millions of dol
lars. Why Gold Goes.
With the importations cf foreign
goods increasing enormously by
reason of the prospective repeal
of the Wilson law, it is not sur
prising that the gold exports are in
creasing. The foreign goods brought
into the country must be paid for in
gold and if foreign importations in
crease ten to twenty millions a month,
it goes without saying that the gold
cxportations must increase. The sil
ver advocates are saying that the re
cent exportations of gold are an evi
dence that the supply of gold in the
world is not sufficient for its require
ments. Upon the same principle they
might argue that the exportation of
wheat and eorn indicated that the
world does not produce enough of these
articles for its requirements. The
mere fact that there Is a monetary de
mand for goH in Europe and Japan be
cause countries there desire to Increase
their stcc'i and because of war pos
sibilities does not argue a general in
sufficiency of gold in the world. The
quantity of gold money in the world
in 1873 was $1 .209.S00.0O0. while in 1S9S
it was $3,698,700,000. The supply of
gold money In the world is now 50 per
cent greater than was the gold and sil
ver combined, In 1873.
ISeet Sogat Factories.
Parties who are preparing to estab
lish beet sugar factories will be inter
ested in a recent step taken by Ihe
secretary of agriculture iii their" bfc
half. Having supplied over twenty"
thousand farmers of the United State3
with beet seed for trial crops. Secretary
Wilson is now making a practical and
intelligent investigation to determino
the sections of country where beet
sugar manufacture is most likely to be
successful, the object being to assist
those who dssire to invest in beet
sugar factories.
Bryan's Bart Break.
From the Chicago Tribune; The !&
sue of the New York World published
on its fourteenth anniversary contains
a congratulatory, half fault findinr
letter from Mr. William J. Bryan to
the editor, Mr. Pulitzer. Ho praises
what the world has done for "tariff
reform," etc.. but, "as it would not
fair to commend the good without
condemning the bad," he asserts that
"the World's support of the gold
standard," which, he says, "is at this
time doing more harm than any oth
er one thing, is out of harmony with
the newspaper's efforts in other direc
tions." The New York World criticises its
critic quite freely. It tells Mr. Bryan
that the country has had several peri
ods of prosperity since the free coinage
of silver was suspended in 1873. It
challenges as untrue his assertion that
"tho financiers unmolested have
looked after legislation on the money
question," and calls his attention to
the Bland-Allison law and the Sher
man law, which the "financiers" as
suredly did not favor.
The New York World simply tries
to "smooth down" Mr. Bryan, whom
it calls a "versatile and clever politi
cian." It should have called on that
individual, whose versatility may be
admitted, but whose cleverness is
open to grave doubt for he has been
a failure as a politician ever since he
entered upon the avocation to answer
a few simple questions. They are ques
tions which have been put to him oft
en, but which he always evades and
never answers, though he has made
more than 600 speeches within six
months and has compiled a big bcok
on the currency question.
These points have been made on
1. Silver free coined into 371
grains to tho dollar will be worth only
half as much as the existing gold dol
lar. Altgeld admits that fact and
indorses it. And Bryan does not de
ny it He has admitted it by indi
rection by his refusal to deny the as
sertion. 2. Bryan demands that the half
value free coinage silver dollars bo
made by law retroactively equal for
debt paying purposes to the gold stan
dard dollars, which would be twice as
valuable. If this were done by a re'
iruaciiTc fice coinage iuw, men about
eight billions of credits, notes and de
posits based on the gold standard
would shrivel to four billions. The
existing credits, deposits, and money
on hand would be reduced to half their
value. The owners of these deposits
and credits would be robbed by Bry
an's scheme of half this property.
Bryan has insisted and still insists
on this retroactive robbery, and yet
never attempts to justify it or show
that it was right or honest. Like the
members of the Illinois Legislature
who" voted for the infamous Humphrey
bills, he has never assigned an honest
motive for his dishonest propositions.
But supposing Bryan were to aban
don his demand for retroactive free
silver legislation and ask for the adop
tion of the half value silver standard
to apply only to future transactions.
Then the question for Bryan to answer
to the American people is. What will
be gained by using two pieces of sil
ver, each worth 50 cents in purchasing
power, to do the money work which
one piece of gold standard money
docs now? In what respect are two
pieces of silver, each worth half a gold
dollar, better than one gold dollar, or
other currency maintained at the gold
standard of value?
3. Suppose a farmer of Nebraska
sells a horse for 100 silver dollars.cach
worth 50 cents, and then sells it for
50 gold, dollars, does he receive more
value for the former named animal
than for the latter? Bryan seems to
argue that two free coined silver dol
lars, each worth 50 cents, is more
money than one gold dollar cr one
dollar of any gold standard money.
Bryan tries to convey the idea that the
two half value silver dollars arc worth
double as much as the whole value
gold dollar. His argument seems to
be that 3714 grains of silver under
free coinage arc of equal value to
23 1-5 grains of gold.but he well knows
that 23 1-5 grains of gold will buy 32
times its weight of silver bullion anj
where in the world, instead of 16 to 1.
He knows that, and he also knows
that under free coinage a silver dollar
can only bo worth the commercial
value of the bullion it contains.
4. With a dollar under the gold
standard worth 100 cents, a certain
number of exchanges of goods is made
in a year. What will be gained by
using two silver dollars, each worth
50 cents, to make the same number
and amount of property exchanges?
Thirty-two times the weight of metal
are used, but the results accomplished
that is, the business work done is
the same.
Holland's Tonne Queen.
On the postage stamps of Holland,
Queen Wilhelmina- is portrayed as a
child of twelve, with flowing hair and
a peculiar infantile expression. It i3
told, as illustrating her little majesty's
character, that at a recent meeting of
the cabinet council, she interrupted the
proceedings by informing the assem
bled ministers that she was no longer
a child, and could sat understand their
neglect in allowing the stamps to re
main unaltered. The Dutch stamps
will in consequence be changed as soon
as it is possible to do so. Wilhelmina
is approaching the age when royalty
deems itself old enough to marry, and
it is only natural that she should de
mand official recognition of her near
ness to maturity.
The dean of the medical department
of the Syracuse University disapproves
of alcoholics and is following the lead
of the famous Sir Benjamin Ward
Ooir Gen. I.afjyette felsserf a Little Gtl
Who llroosBt to Ulna a Budch of
Viewers Fake Generals and Colonels
ad Goveraor Staffs.
The Arsenal at SprlncReld.
HIS is the Arsenal.
From floor to
Like a huge or
gan, rise tho
burnish'd arms.
But from their si
lent pipes no
anthem pecl-
StarTlcs the vil
lages with
strange alarms.
All' what a sound
..,111 .- hnn. oriiri Ami dreary.
When the' death-angel touches th03e
swlit keys:
What loud lament and dismal Miserere
Will mlnsle with their awful sym
phonies! I hear even now the infinite fierce
The cries of agony, the endless groan.
Which, through the ages that have
gone before us.
In long reverberations reach our own.
On helm and harness rings the Saxon
Through Cimbric forest roars the
Norseman's song.
And loud, amid the universal clamor.
O'er distant deserts sounds the Tar
tar gong.
I hear the Florentine, who from bis
Wheels out his battle bell with dread
ful din.
And Aztec priests upon their tcocallls
Beat the wild war-drums made of
serpent's skin.
The tumult of each sacked and burning
The shout that every prayer for
mercy drowns:
The soldiers' revels In the midst of pil
lage; The wail of famins in beleaguered
Tho bursting shell, the gateway
wrench'd asunder.
The rattling musketry, the clashing
And ever and anon, in tones of thunder.
The diapason of the cannonade.
Is It. O man. with such discordant
With such accursed instruments as
Thou drownst Nature's sweet ana
kindly voices.
And Jarrest the celestial Jiarmonles?
Were half the power, that Alls the
world with terror.
Were half the wealth bestow'd on
camps and courts.
Given to redeem the human mind from
There were no need of arsenals nor
The warrior's name would be a name
And every nation, that should lift
Its hand against a brother, on Its fore
head Would wear for evermore the curse
uf Olt
Down the dark future, through long
Keneratlons. ... .
Tho echoing sounds grow fainter ana
thon cease:
And like a bell, with solemn, sweet vl-
I hoar once more the voice of Christ
say "Peace!"
Peaco! and no longer from Its brazen
Tho blast of war's great organ shakes
the skios!
But beautiful as rongs of the Immor
tals. The holy melodies of love arise.
Itfayrtte Kissed Her.
Mrs. Orson M. Taylor, whose funeral
was held this week, was a principal in
a pleasant incident that occurred dur
ing the last visit of Gen. Lafayette to
this country, says the New York Her
ald. She died at the age of 81 years.
Mrs. Taylor, having lived through ex
citing epochs of the nation's history,
possessed a great deal of interesting in
formation about men and affairs during
the thirty years ending with the close
or the civil war. Her most interesting
narrative, however, and the one she
took most pleasure in telling, related
to the occasion of Gen. Lafayette's visit
to the United States in 1824. Mrs. Tay
lor was Mary Ann White, daughter of
Charles Calvert White, a merchant in
Georgetown. D. C. She was 8 years old
when she was selected to present to
Gen. I.afayettc a bouquet as a token
from the residents of Georgetown.
When the barouche in which the mar
quis rode with his son and President
Monroe passed her little Miss White,
mounted on a step'.handed flowers to
the nation's distinguished guest, where
upon Gen. Lafayette, after accepting
the bouquet, bent over and Kissed the
child in acknowledgment of the token.
Mrs. Taylor was the mother of James
E. Taylor, an artist who made many
pictures during the war. Mr. Taylor
early in life, visited Georgetown and
sketched the surroundings of his moth
er's home. With these sketches and
from descriptions of the visit of Gen.
Lafayette given by witnesses he paint
eJ the scene in which his mother took
a prominent part The woman had
lived in this city since 1S6C, residing
with her son. She had been interested
in various charitable and society
works. She is survived by two sons
and a daughter. The children are Jas.
E. Taylor, whose painting "The Battle
of Atlanta" and others are well known
to soldsers; Richard L. Taylor of Ruth
erford, X. J., and Miss E. Augusta Tay
lor. Fate "Generals" and "Colonels."
As the various governors rode by on
horsebrck in the Grant memorial day
parade, each in plain dress, but at
tended by a brilliant military staff, the
question was natural, What is the use
of all that? Why should the execu
tive of the states of the union be or
ganized on the basis of sonorous titles
and gey uniforms? The national ex
ecutive is simplicity itself In its demo
cratic unpretenttousness. The execu
tives of the great American municipali
ties pr-sent themselves before the pub
lic wit'i the dignity of quiet reticence.
Our strte governors alone in American
public life swing out with a parade of
unrealities. If the governor of a state
were first of all a military officer, if the
states were primarily armed camps in
stead of citizens in business, then the
military staff would have reasonable
ness. As it is, this prancing and be-ti-tied
staff is both irrational and absurd.
The efficiency of these assistants of the
governor would be as great without uni
forms and unmeaning titles. The dig
nity of the state executive needs no
bracing of a foolish imitation of a for
eign court to make it respected by the
people. The creation of fake "geneTalJ I
and "colonels" by a governors pen,
hundreds of tbsm a year. Is rightly cx-
asperating to the honored men to whom
those t!Hi helnnp liv cprvliv and dcvo-
tlon. That bronzed and keen sfrldter j
of Japan, Princo Yamagata. when hJ j
visited tfs a year ago, found these imi
tation colonels and generals, who wel
comed him for the state in their bravo
uniforms, very amusing. They had nev
er smelled powder; most of them hd
not even served as militiamen. What
is the use of them? They are ana
chronisms. Glitter does not harm, but
such unreality as the "military staff"
is out of place in this day. The Illus
trated American.
Saved lir s Statu?.
Houdon, the most distinguished
sculptor of France in the eighteenth
century, who executed the statue of
Washington which now stands in tho
state house at Richmond. Virginia, was
thrown into prison during the French
revolution. He was saved from the
guillotine by the tact of Barras, a mem
ber of the directory. The incident is
told in the Gentlewoman: Madame
Houdon, in despair, went to Barras,
and with streaming eyes implored his
assistance. Barras shook his head; he
feared he could do nothing. Houdon
was a man of genius and therefore as
David, a rival artist, was one of the
condemning judges, he feared there was
little chance for his salvation. Madame
Houdon refused to accept this opinion
as final, and used all the arts of which
an nstute French lady is capable. Bar
ras at last asked her if her husband
had any statue for sale at this time in
his studio. Madame replied that the
only finished statue at present in his
atelier was a figure of St. Scholastice,
holding a scroll of manuscript in her
hand. On hearing this, the wily Barras
rang the bell and said to his answering
secretary, "Monsieur Houdon has just
completed a splendid statue of 'Phil
osophy Meditating on the Revolution.
Haste and purchase this sublime work
of art. and have it placed in the As
sembly." Barras' orders were carried
out, with the result that not only was
the sculptor's life spared, but he re
ceived more commissions for statues
than he was able to execute. On s-uch
small issues did the lives of men hang
in those tremendous times.
Our Businesslike Militia.
One of the reflections awakened b
the Grant day mobilization was on the
businesslike character of the militia.
The people saw with their own eyes
that the day of the "picnic-soldier" was
past Odd and fantastic uniforms were
present to some extent and gavo pi
quancy to the scene. But the fuss an
feathers were not anywhere near eo
prominent a feature as they would have
been a dozen years ago. The nerveless
militia of 1877, who surrendered to riot
ers, have no place In that body to-day.
A new spirit has taken possession ol
the whole branch. The great armories
and their opportunities for fine drill,
the adoption of plainer uniforms, the
yearly encampments, the serious study
of the requirements of real service have
all combined to develop in the militia
men an ambition to rival the regular in
usefulness. There is no reason why he
should not. It was reassuring to com
pare the appearance and the marching
skill of these citizen troops with that ol
the professionals. If they seemed
somewhat more self-conscious, their
alignment was in nowise inferior; in
many cases it was indeed superior to
that of the regulars. They were ch-arly
a body of men who had taken up arms
in the serious spirit in which nowadays
all Americans take up the various
branches of skilled athletics, not for a
little fun but for the attainment of a
perfection of skill. The Illustrated
A Trumpeter's Courage.
During a French campaign in Africa
man)' brave deeds were done, but none
braver, perhaps, than Trumpeter Escof
ficr's rescue cf his captain. The Arabs
were pressing the cavalry of Captain
Do Cott, and everything was in confus
ion, when De Cott's horse was killed
under him and the capture of the of
ficer and the whole company seemed
inevitable. At that moment the trum
peter of the company leaped from his
horse and gave it to De Cott. saving:
"Take him. Your life is necessary;
mine is useless. You can rally the men.
It docs not matter about my neck!"
Do Cott mounted the horse, rallied the
company and continued the fight.
Tiumpctcr Escoffier was taken prison
er, but the Arabs, who adore courage,
had witnessed the scene, and appreciat
ing the nobility of the man, treated him
with generosity. His trumpet was a
source of great entertainment to his
captors, who used often to make him
give the signals of the various military
movements. One day Escoflier gave the
whole repertorie with great gusto, fin
ishing up with an extended flourish.
"What was that?" asked the Arab
"Ah!" said Escofficr. "you will hear
that soon. I hope. That is the signal
for a charge."
Oddest of Marrlace.
William Buchlcs. of Eldrcd. Pa., has
scored the shortest of courting records.
At Machias, N.Y., recently, Mr. Buchlcs
was married to Miss Hattie Clough. It
was a case of marriage at sight and
came about in a very unusual manner,
says the Pittsburg Chronicle-Telegraph.
Miss Clough was a friendless young
woman, whose circumstances compelled
her to become a charge upon the poor
district in which she lived. She was
taken to the county almshouse, at Ma
chias, where her thrifty ways and ex
cellent knowledge of the culinary art
gave her a prominent place in the
almshouse family. One day William
Buchles called at the almshouse, stat
ing that he would like to obtain, if
possible, a housekeeper from among the
women inmates. He looked over a
group of women, and his fancy settled
on Miss Clough. Mr. Buchles surprised
the young woman by asking her to mar
ry him. She consented, however, and
in the parlor of the institution, a half
hour later, the pair were married by
Rev. F. P. Simmons, and at once left
for home. It is reported that the re
markable success of Mr. Buchlcs in se
curing a wife at the Machias alms
house has given that institution a
wonderful boom in the matrimonial
line. The other day two other men
called there and inquired as to their
chances of getting good wives.
A very little while and all will be
o'er with thee here. Man is to-day, and
to-morrow he is seen no more. Thom
as a Kempis.
Am Old Masr In Brooklyn Boagfct Oa
Every Day.
The old man who lived in two bare
rooms in the rear tenement of 264 Pa
cific street, Brooklyn, was considered
a mystery to the neighbor and a
source Of mi:ch innocent amusement to
the small boyn of the block, says the
New York World. He was a qu'et, In
offensive old fellow, a bit queer" In
some of his actions, but he minded hi
own business, was never cross lo the
children, and Mrs. Reagan, who lived
on the ground floor, had a warm spot
in hr heart for him. She was about
the only one In the neighborhood who
knew his name John V. Gilchrist
and his age S4 years this coming
spring. Mrs. Reagan cooked the old
man's meals and looked after him as
much as he would permit in his her
mit like existence. Every day tho old
man went around the earner to
Schnorr's grocery store to buy a few
things to eat and a quart of milk, his
favorite beverage. It was concerning
the milk that his peculiarities were
most pronounced. Ho would never
carry It home save in a zcw tin pail.
Every day before purchasing milk he
bought a shining new tin pail. "When
It was empty he laid it aside, never to
be used again.
"I guess my time is nearly up," said
the old man to Schnorr on Friday
afternoon, as he was having a new pail
filled with milk. The grcccryman
said he did not think so.
"Oh. yes it is," continued Gilchrist,
"and I am ready to go any time."
Before daylight yesterday morning
Mrs. Reagan heard him groaning, and
going upstairs she found him appar
ently near death. She summoned a
doctor, but the old man soon passed
away, from no particular disease, but
because he had lived his allotted time.
When daylight came and the police
men went to take charge of the case
they found the worn out old body ly
ing on a mattress on the floor. There
was no furniture, save a bureau and
two battered barrels.
But piled head high and occupying
half the large room were the tin pails
that had been used only once to carry
home the day's supply of milk. There
were nearly 300 of them neatly piled
up, and the boys of the neighborhood
had carried away hundreds wore that
the old man had thrown out of the
Late in the day an undertaker from
New Jersey appeared and took away
the body. Over in South Orange the
dead man had two wealthy sisters b
tho neighbors '""" wno n,
ma.ic mm an allowance of $10 a week,
and on this he had lived happily among
his tin pails until death carried him
out of the two bare rooms in the se
cluded rear tenement and left the paila
Improvement In India.
The latest reports from the Bombay
presidency show a very considerable
reduction in tho mortality from the
plague, and indicate that the worst is
over. A3 regards the famine, also, the
prospect has been brightened by rains.
It will be several months, however, be
fore the effect of these rains is felt in
the crops, and meanwhile it is esti
mated that two million dollars will be
needed to keep the people from starv
ing. At last accounts about three mil
lion people were employed on the relief
works. Charity is active in this coun
try as well as elsewhere, and Congress
has appropriated money to furnish a
vessel to carry American gifts of food
to India.
Good manners is the art of making
those people easy with whom wo con
verse. If men praise your efforts, suspect
their judgment; if they censure them,
your own.
Good books, like good friends, are
few and chosen; the more select the
more enjoyable.
He is rich who saves a penny a year;
and he is poor who runs behind a
penny in a year.
Reading furnishes the mind only
with materials of knowledge; it is
thinking makes what we read ours.
To pardon those absurdities in our
selves which we cannot suffer in oth
ers is neither better nor worse than to
be more willing to be fools ourselves
than to have others so.
Pride is like ambergris; a little whiff
of it and by snatciies, is very agree
able; but when a man holds a whole
lump of it to your nose it is a stink
and strikes you down.
Rossini's advice to his pupil, Bri?
noli, was "Never to force the oicc
beyond the limits er a sweet and musi
cal tone." and to remember that
"screaming was not singing."
It is not the plr.c'dity of stupid ease
that we should covet, but the repose
that is requisite for the renewal of
exhausted strength, the serenity that
succeeds the storm and the salubrity
that repays its ravages.
Act toward others as you would they
should act toward yourself. It is the
same in life as in the midst of the
waves; for every navigator there is the
same sea, the same tempest, the same
dangers to beware of. As long as you
are born on a tranquil surface help
those who have suffered shipwreck.
Who can iay that you will not be over
taken by a storm? You are not yet in
rort; the same conduct that you have
shown to the unfortunate will be
shown to you by your fellow voyagers.
The Daughters.
Better freedom in bonds than bonds
In freedom.
They who wait to do great things
never do anything.
A crust with an appetite, is better
than a feast without.
Pretend to know, and you will be
come an empty shell.
The wasted mental forces would do
all the work of the world.
One truth in the life is better than
a hundred in the memory.
In war at this day men think more
of the chances of victory than the jus
tice of the cause. Ram's Horn.
Tn Oregon there are 25,000 acres of
prune orchards.
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