The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, May 26, 1897, Image 3
us Jt- ''rS;'-'" p -vry-Maf; nr- yw--""". J '&& : 'J'r-9pr '- 'S?'-?? SfteSteKS -s so-". : WnWVHOTPHHIHHI V, -" "" " 'V i- VWi " (k i.2 . fo . 1 -: . s . i f: : r.. 9 v: s A'- i: f -. J v r ! . olumbns gouvnal. '. ". - WEDNESDAY. MAY 36. 1897. n. & 51. TIME TABLE. Llacala. km. f Chirac. ; .Kt. Joseph. Ksasaa City. St.Lonl mad all pel at cant and saatk. Beaver, Helena, Batte. Salt Lake (It?. Portland, San Fraarisro and all points inl. TBU.XS DEPAHT. No. 22 Passenifet 7:10 a. m No. 32 Freight and Accommodation. 4:15 p. ni I Daily except Sunday. Daily except Saturday. ,. EH1I8 ARRIVE. Ro.2l 'Passenger . . 9:25 p. in No. 31 "Freight aid Accommodation. 1:00 p. m Dail) except Sunday. UNION PACIFICTIME-TAHLE. noiN.i evsi. OOINOWEST. Col. laical d00a.m Atlantic Kv. 7.00 a. m Or. Is. Local 12:40 p.m Fat Mail . . 2:!5 p. tn Limited 10.55 a. m Fast Mail... . fi.l' Or. Is. Local 6:41 p.m No. 3. Faht Mail, carries passengers for through points. Going (t at rt:15 p. m., ar rive at Denver 7:40 n. m. No. 2. Fast Mail Car rie passengers to Schuyler. Fremont. Valley and Omaha going east at 2:1. p. m. Tlie freight train leaving here at 851 p. m. car ried pRMtengere from hero to Valley. OOI-CMKUH AND NORfOLK. Bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb! " Passenger arrive from Sioux City 12:30 p. m .. leaves for Sioux City llixeil leaven Tor Hioux t.lty Mixed arrives ll.Wp. m KOH ALBION ANI QEDIR H4PID8. Mixedleuvert Mixed arrive I" m l'at-seuger leie ... .. 1:30 p.m arrives 12:20 p. in arietg jgofites. 4 All notice under thin heading will charged lit the rate of 2 a jear. le A LEBANON 1-ODGK No. !W, A. F. & A. !. fnltegular meetings ill Wednesday in each m month. All brethren invited to attend nr V. S. Fox. W. M. J. IUsmu;,srn. riec'y. aOjnly WILDEY LODGE No. 44, 1.O.O.F.. n..t.1 'riKtAltaV MlMTliniTM lf MfiCII week at their hall on Thirteenth etreet. Visiting Itrethren cordially W. A. Way. N. G. InifttiMl W. It. NoTESIMN, Sec'j. 27jan91-tf COLUMBIAN ('AMI No. 8-.. WOODMEN OF the World, meets ever necond and fourth Thurwlajaof the month. 730 p. in., at K.of 1'. ilall. Eleventh street. Kegular attendance is ver- ieirahle, and all ittiting hr'thren are cor dially invited to meet with u jan2a. r RKOKOANIK.IXM1UIUMI OF LATrElt-DAY Saiutri ln.ld regular ervir-s every Sunday at 2 p. n.. pruier meeting on Weilnewlay evening at their fhaiiel, corner of North etrivt and Pacific Avenue. All are cordially invited. 131ul) Elder H. J. Hcdmon. Tresident. GEKMAN UEFOUMED CIIUHCH.-Snnday SrhiMd at '.'JO a. in. Oinrch every Sunday at 1020 b. in. t'hrii-tian Endeavor at 7 JO p.m. Ui.liet,' Aid Society every fint Thiirwlay in the month at the church. 14nov-t4 ALFALFA ! pnrcsEL Alfalfa Seed Raised in Colorado, Toll HW.K CHLRICH BROS. COLUMBUS MARKETS. Wheat -"? bushel. . .'. Corn, ear 3 bushel Corn, shelled bushel Oats ? bushel Ry C bushel Hojfs p cwL Fat cattle f1 cwt Potatoes - ? biiBhel Butter f? U Eggs dozen Markets corrected every ternoon. 6 12 n 15 g 21 :vjxi 10 :i ir,s 4 oo 6 : 7g io 7 Tuesday af- Oo to Strauss for the best photos. . Dr. Xauinann, dentist, Thirteenth treeL tf J. S. Murdock was reported Monday us improving. The Episcopal parsonage is ready for the plasterer. All kinds of goods for sale at the second-hand store, tf Miss Kittie Speice is confined to the bouse with tonsilitis. Dr. L. C. Voss, Homeopathic physi cian, Columbus, Neb. If you want a photo that will do you justice go to Strauss. 2-tf Miss Ruby Rickly is confined to the house by a case of measles. Rev. J. St. Clair delivers the address on Memorial day at Madison. The Guild will meet with Mrs. Evans Wednesday for business. Miss Alice Turner closes her term of school in Duncan this Tuesday. Drs. Martyn, Evans .t Geer, office three doors north of Friedhof's store, tf Mrs. J. A. Ernst was dangerously sick last week but is now convalescent. Dill pickles and spice pickles by the quart or gallon at Herman Oehlrich & Bro. There were throngs of people from the country Saturday in town for busi ness. Please remember that you can get just as nice photos at Xotestein's as you can in Omaha. tf H. M. Winslow came home from Omaha Friday, a very sick man but is improving since. Grandmother Zinnecker has been on the sick list for quite a while, and seems to be gradually failing. When you wish neat, clean, clear, handsome work done in the line of printing, call at The Journal office. A double quartette from the Or pheus singing society visited Julius Phillips at Genoa Saturday evening last The grass in Frankfort park was cut with a lawn mower Saturday, which adds much to the good appearance of the park. Art. Cunningham, who has been with the Times for quite a while, has ac cepted a position on the Argus, and wtartad to work Monday. Owing to ill health I will sell my two standard-bred horses, road wagon and harness at a bargain. Horses can be seen at my barn. A. Haioht. Clean old newspapers for sale at this office. S. W. Storm, the roof man, is in town and doing business. Dr. C. F. O. Miessler, physician and surgeon, Eleventh street, Columbus, tf Chicago Inter Ocean and Columbus Joubnal, one year, in advance 31.75. tf For sale, a good Clough & Warren organ, cheap. Inquire of Miss Chattie Rice, tf All three of sheriff Kavanaugh'e children are afflicted with fever of some sort. We are told that some of R, S. Dick inson's children are afflicted with diph theria. Miss Winnie Young was unable to attend school last week on account of sickness. Editor Cornell of the Genoa Banner was in the city yesterday and gave us a pleasant call. Envelopes with your return card printed on them, for 50 cents a hundred at The Joubnal office. Nelson, son of S. S. McAllister, and Lee, son of E. H. Jenkins, are each nursing a case of measles. Aristo Platino photos are the latest style, and you can get them at Notes- toin's. All work warranted. tf Dr. R. D. McKean, dentist, has re moved his office one door south of Strauss' gallery, 1207 Olive street. The work of laying steel rails on the Cedar Rapids branch of the Union Pa cific has got a little beyond Genoa. Bring your orders for job-work to this office. Satisfaction guaranteed, and work promptly done, as agreed upon. Miss Kittie Speice closed her school in the Ives district last Friday, cele brating the occasion by having a picnic. Joseph Paschal and family drove over to David City one day last week for a visit with his aunt, Miss E. L. Galey. -For good, strong, hardy plants of all kinds, go to the Tannahill gardens. We have plenty of them, at the lowest prices. 1 Baptist church, J. D. Pulis, pastor. Services May 30th. 11 a, tn., 8 p. in. Morning, "My Banner;" evening, "Right Living." The appointment of Bert Strother as postmaster at Monroe, and Miss Fan nie S. Murdock at Oconee, has been announced. Miss Phonnie Cushiug entertained a few friends Friday afternoon at the home of her parents, where a most pleasant time was sjwnt, A good business rain Friday night soaked the soil again, and will doubtless be a plenty to sprout the corn and set it well to growing. Now is the time to subscribe for The Jouknal. For less than three cents a week, you get all the local news in neat, trim shape, tf C.C. Hardy for all kinds of repairing and job work, also screen doors and windows made to order. Three doors west of Galley's store, tf Dr. R. D. McKean, dentist, has re moved his office one door south of Strauss' gallery, 1207 Olive street, You can subscribe for The Journal whenever yon are ready, subscription books ojen during all business hours, and always room and welcome for one more. Gustave Windisch has opened a tailor shop on Eleventh street third door east of The Journal office. Good work, fair prices. Special attention to re pairing. 4t Mrs. J. S. Hatfield has been very sick for several weeks, and a few days ago her life was despaired of, but The Journal is pleased to say she is now im proving. Fitzp a trick's win dow. See it, it is worth looking at. Follow the crowd. Hugh Hughes will furnish the lum ber for the Loup bridge improvements, and Messrs. Elston & Hart will begin the work as soon as the lumber is received it !eiug a special order. We are in receipt of the program for the commencement of the Florence pub lic schools, Prof. W. B. Backus, princi pal. The class number sixteen and the program is very attractive. The Presbyterian Christian Endeav or association will give a strawberry and ice-cream sociable nest Friday evening, the 28th, from G to 11 o'clock, iuFitzpat rick hall. All are invited. The Sixteenth annual session of the Crete Cliautauqua assembly will be held June 30th to July 9th. Programs may be had by addressing Geo. W. Baldwin, secretary, Crete, Nebraska. The only way for yon to be happy and prosperous is to associate yourselves with those who are happy and prosper ous and get yourself in harmony with the rythm of progress. Johnson. The president of the alumni associa tion, Carle Johnson, has called a special meeting at the High School building this, Tuesday, evening to arrange for the reception of this year's graduates. It 6eems that there is a gang of des peradoes, old penitentiary birds among them, who are going over the country, attacking isolated depots and post offices. Detectives are after them. Since the death of Co. Treasurer Lenker of Nance county, the office has been in the hands of the sheriff. The county board will appoint a successor. J. W. Whitney has since been appointed. Jack Martin was in the city Thurs day. He had been to Fremont inter viewing the almoner of federal patronage in this district We didn't learn what success he had, or what particular office he wishes to fill. Music is the living source of all so cial pleasures; it soothes violent impul ses of man, dignifies religious and civic ceremonies, and educates his esthetic taste it makes him a happier man. Louis Lombard. A game of base ball at Platte Cen ter Sunday stood 20 to 18 in favor of Columbus at the middle of the ninth inning, but a dispute arose as to a bat ted ball, and the umpire decided the game 9 to 0 in favor of Columbus. The tuae for the hassock k When the aicbts will be altry aad hot; Whea moeqoitoe will cone by the tboaaaade To eettle their bill oa the spot. Be pleaaant aad give them a welcoaw. larite them to bare a wee "mack;" Do not forget that 70a aboald great tbem With a ffood, hearty alap oa the back. Chicago Record. Platte county's Sixteenth annual fair, September 29, 30 and October 1. George Drinnin recently unearthed a den of wolves, six young ones and one old one. J. G. Pollock and Bert Arnold were engaged the first of the week in stocking streams in this neighborhood with Mountain trout. Current Events department of the Woman's club will meet with Mrs. Brugger Saturday, May 29. As this is the last meeting of this department for this season, a good attendance is de sired. W. A. Davis and family of Genoa passed through the city Thursday last bound for Washington, accompanied by a car load of people, among whom was Miss Lizzie Cooncy, daughter of Clark Cooncy. Profs. Weaver and Campbell and Misses Bessie Sheldon and Minnie Beck er attended the commencement exer cises in Platte Center Friday evening. Prof. Campbell addressed the graduat ing class. Miss Emma A. Dawson, who has been teaching a successful school at Oconee, has been secured by the school board of St Edward for kindergarten and prima ry work. She is reputed an excellent teacher. W. B. Dale, inspector general of the Uniform Rank of K. P. for Nebraska, went to Lincoln yesterday to attend brigade meeting for the election of a colonel and the transaction of any other business of the brigade. John Brock said Monday morning that while the frost was pretty heavy it had done no damage to beans and peas. Mr. Askine says that when he came up town at 4 o'clock Monday morning, it was cold enough for an overcoat The Second annual picnic of the Farmer Boys' Cornet Band will take place at Mathis' grove, six miles north of Columbus, and one mile east of Schmit's mill, June 13. A concert by a band of forty pieces, and a dance after the concert In the program of the thirty-second annual meeting of the State association of teachers to be held December 28-30, at Lincoln, Sup't Williams of this city is assigned a part in the discussion of a paper on "Educational Scope of the High School." We hear it reported that Judge Duffy is a candidate for county judge, subject to the decision of the free-silver combine of Platte county. What if they do not combine, Judge? Will you then le a candidate of the democrats or of the populists? F. W. Barnes and wife celebrated the twenty-fifth anniversary of their marriage, May 5, at their home at Pacific Beach, California. Mr. Barnes was the founder of Madison and well known to older readers of The Journal, as he used often to visit Columbus. The Columbus kid nine, under the lead of Ralph Coolidge, went to Bell wood Saturday and engaged with a nine there, on the diamond field, defeating them in a score of 20 to 12. Our boys are arranging for another game with Schuyler to be played here next Satur day. The Jamestown, N. Y., Democrat says of the lecture to be delivered at the Methodist church Friday evening: "The lecture throughout was abundant in Bound logic and sparkling wit, while the eloquence of the speaker held the audi ence spellbound from commencement to close." Admirers of "The Corporal," the horse owned in this city by C. E. Morse, will be sorry to hear that the weakness, caused by an accident last year, showed signs of returning as soon as he began work on the Omaha track, so that it may be necessary to keep him from work in races this year. Rev. W. P. Murry, D. D., of Omaha, will lecture on Abraham Lincoln at the M. E. church Friday evening. He is en gaged by the lecture bureau and has a flattering reputation as an eloquent ora tor. All old soldiers will be admitted free of charge. Tickets on sale to others at Pollock's drug-store, 25 cents. Robert Nelson, a U. P. section man residing near Duncan, may have to have a leg amputated as the- result of an ac cidental injury by a switch engine strik ing him at Omaha. He was boarding a train and failed to see the switch engine, which was coming up on another track. His right thigh sustained a compound fracture. The feathered songsters are furnish ing admirable concerts every morning these days, but we fear that there are many city folks who have not the pleas ure of hearing these vocalists of the wood, with nature's voluntaries in their hearts and throats. It is a treat to hear them, and even a prima donna could get instruction from them. The Journal is prepared to furnish in the very latest styles, stationer's goods for balls, parties, entertainments, school exhibitions, concerts, graduating exercises, aad the thousand other occa sions for which fine stationery and nice printing are in demand. We furnish ev erything in onr line at reasonable prices, and strictly in line with the order, tf The David City Press says that the big boys of the public school at Shelby are enjoying a peculiar spit at their pro fessor. They have shortened their trou ser legs to the knees by turning them under. The Principal says it doesn't in the least molest him, and that they can wear short pantaloons to school as long as the stockings are long enough to con nect The town has been all astir the past week or two over the coming marriage of Miss Phonnie Cushing to Mr. RA. Clapp of Fairbury. Miss Cushing has been engaged for about five years as proofreader at the state capital The wedding will be solemnized Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock at the home of the bride's parents, Rev. R. A. Clapp of Fairbury, father of the groom, officiating. The wedding will be attended by rel atives only. Miss Cushing is one of the best girls in the country and a favorite wherever she goes because it is her nature to be so. Mr. Clapp ia an attor ney in Fairbury. Publicity ia a pretty fair remedy for many of the ills complained of by the public, and it is a very satisfactory way of circumventing schemes against the common welfare. A stamp to be used in all countries in the postal union is one of the things desired. Such a stamp would be a very great convenience in sending postage for answers to letters, or in remitting small gums of money from one country to an other. The Schuyler Herald says that in a social chess tournament between Court Reporter Ed Mockett and C. F. Coch ran, a life insurance agent, twenty games were played, Mockett securing twelve, Cochran four; there were three draw games, and one unfinished. The Madison Chronicle says that the latest fad in strawberry culture is to get a barrel, bore it full of holes, fill it with rich soil and in each hole place a strawberry plant. When the plants are in full bloom the "strawberry barrel" is quite a curiosity and an ornament for any yard. There ia only one way to advertise, aays the Fremont Herald, and that is to hammer yonr name, your location and your business so constantly, so persist ently and so thoroughly into the heads of the people that if they walk in their sleep they will involuntarily tnrn their steps toward you store. Gottleib Buettner was using a steel harrow in a field near Madison, during a thunder storm, when lightning struck the harrow, ran down the steel on the harness and killed the four horses, also knocking the young man senseless. He was restored and seems none the worse for the accident, says the Norfolk News. Miss Eulalia Rickly very pleasantly entertained a few lady friends Saturday afternoon. The ladies brought their work and "improved each shining hour." Those present were: Mesdames E. H. Chambers, D. Chestnutwood, A. M. Gray, A. H. Griswold of Wadswortb, Nevada, and Misses Phonnie Cushing, Grace and Kate Taylor, Nellie Post, Martha and Alice Turner and Alice Cowdery of Lin coln. Services for the purpose of install ing Rev. R. E. L. Hayes as pastor of the Presbyterian church of Columbus will be held next Sabbath morning, the 30th, at 11 o'clock. The committeo appointed by Presbytery to conduct the services are: Rev. Dr. Harsha of the Omaha Theolog ical seminary, Rev. R. M. L. Braden of the Omaha Presbytery, and Dr. Laird of Schuyler. These services will be pub lic and all are invited to attend. The other day we heard one end of a conversation, or rather we judged there was only one end to the conversation. Tho voice was that of a young boy and he did not leave any pauses, not even commaB in his talk. Here it is: "Now don't sling 'em so high I told you not to sling so high Don't get gay Not so high' I said you're a daisy ball player I don't play that way See where they go to There let 'er go," etc., and so on. The Genoa Populist says: thatE. V. Clark expects to gather gold nuggets by the bushel, and when he gets all he cares for, he promises to give Genoa people a chance; that Leo Borowiak is at Omaha buying goods; that Misses Gladys Shi rey and Bertha Jones made a flying trip to Columbus; that Mrs. P. F. Sprecher of Norfolk is visiting her sister, Mrs. C. W. Landers; that the irrigation ditch is getting in some good work for Robert Anderson. The members of the American Swiss band of Duncan and vicinity, feeling under obligations to the citizens of Co lumbuB for the very liberal patronage given them at their dance, have decided to come down to Columbus and serenade the town, and have set Thursday even ing as the time. The band has been under the instruction of Prof. McFann for about a year, and has done good work. Be sure to hear them, and give them a hearty welcome. Mrs. L. Gerrard entertained the Literary department of the Woman's club last Tuesday afternoon. The meet ing was the last before the summer va cation, and Mrs. Geitzen was elected president for the ensuing year. Mrs. Gerrard is known as a delightful hostess and on this occasion gave the ladies an extra surprise. Her refreshments con sisted of the preparation of several dish es as shown by Mrs. McMurphy during the cooking lectures recently held by tho Woman's club. Fly time is fully at hand, and screens at doors and windows are being placed as the good man of tho house finds time to look after them. We see it stated that the butchers and dairymen of Switzerland claim the oil of bay rubbed on their shelves and about the walls rid their stalls and dairies of flies; that it is also used in Paris to protect chandeliers and picture frames from specking. The flies over there may not be so persistent as ours, but it may be well enough to try the remedy, which can be procured of any druggist David E. Williams of Columbus, O., arrived in the city Wednesday and on Friday afternoon with his mother (who had been visiting with her son, Sup't Williams the past three months) started for home again. Mr. Williams is n man of prominence in Ohio's capital city, having been city auditor and clerk of the sinking fund commissioners for elev en years, disbursing hundreds of thou sands of dollars. When he turned over to his successor 81,84259.41 in bonds and cash, he felt a great load gone from him. The constant strain of care for such large amounts is terribly wearing. Mrs. W. A. McAllister and Mrs. C. J. Garlow entertained the ladies musical and Cecilian club, with all the former members, Monday evening, at the home of Mrs. McAllister. It was an inter esting crowd of ladies that met to have a good time together as musicians. Nearly fifty were present. Ah impromp tu program was called for, which was insisted on; Miss Florence Gleason was carried to the piano and she played one selection and was loudly encored and kindly responded. Miss Lulu Schroeder was pressed into service and played a waltz composed by herself which she has named "The Cecilian Waltz." Miss Schroeder has talent and if she should study in this line would make a success. Refreshments were served and all re turned home with the feeling that such pleaaant occasions should cons oCUmt. caatattoas f Keascet 8a Dmoo, Cat, Hay 3, 1897. Resolutions adopted by Cigarmakers Union 832 of San Diego, Cal, relating to the death of Edward Clark. Whereas, In view of the loss this Un ion has sustained by the death of brother Edward Clark, and a still heav ier loss to those who are nearest and dearest to him, therefore be it Resolved, That it is but a just tribute to the memory of the departed to say that in regretting his removal from our midst, we mourn for one who was in every way worthy of our respect and regard. Resolved, That we sincerely condole with the family of the deceased on the dispensation with which it has pleased Divine Providence to afflict them, and commend them for consolation to Him who orders all things for the best and whose chastisements are meant in mercy. Resolved, That this heartfelt testimo nial of our sympathy and sorrow be forwarded to the mother of our deceased brother, also one to the Official Journal, and to be spread on the books of this Union. W. B. Allen, F. 0. Ferris, Committee. The concert last Wednesday even ing was splendid, but owing to the threatening storm, not many people ventured out Nearly every number was encored and the audience were well pleased with the program. Mr. Wheeler and Miss Parthenia Bowman, both of Omaha, rendered several selections with which the audience was delighted. Mr. Wheeler-has a beautiful tenor voice of a rare quality. Miss Bowman is claimed as a Columbus girl, having lived here until a few years ago. She has a splen did alto Toioe and will no doubt secure a high place as a vocalist A house full gathered at the opera house Sunday for Union Memorial ser vices. Elder Hudson presided, Rev. Mickel pronounced the invocation, Rev. Hayes read the scripture lesson, Rev. Rogers offered prayer and Rev. Dr. Pulis preached the sermon from the text "1 have fought a good fight," refreshing the memories .of his hearers as to the war of the rebellion its motive, its in fluence upon the integrity of the con stitution and the domain. It was listened to very attentively and well ap preciated by the large audience. The musical numbers were Doxology; On ward Christian Soldiers; America; Give Me the Wings of Faith, the Union choir being composed of Mesdames Evans, Warren, Garlow, Chambers, Mickel; Misses Bertha Zinnecker and Martha Turner, and Messrs. Garlow, von Ber gen, Schroeder, Rorer and Lay. Rev. de Geller pronounced the benediction, and doubtless every heart was glad that on the quiet Sabbath morn this was a land of peace instead of war, and that so many of the brave boys are yet spared. On last Tuesday Captain J. H. Mac Donald and Mrs. MacDonold, and Lieu tenant Baldwin of the Volunteers of America came into the oity, and began tho work of organizing permanent quar ters here. They rented a building, pro cured lights, paying for a month in advance 814, advertising that on Satur day evening, May 22, they would com mence gospel meetings the third door east of the State Bank. These folks represent the organization perfected under Ballington Booth and on purely gospel and American principles, as to religions work, and as to business meth ods. It would seem that the Salvation Army officers (which are under the di rection of Wm. Booth), must have heard of the movement of the Volunteers, as on Saturday three of their officers, man and two girls, came into the city and in the forenoon began out-door meetings on Thirteenth street, so that Columbus now has representative officers of the two rival organizations. Already both of them have held a number of meetings, and still the work goes along. It is to be hoped that Columbus will be greatly benefited by both organizations, and that men will be led into better ways of life. There is room and welcome for all earnest, devoted people, trying to make the world better. A good life, a steady life, useful to self and others, is the proper aim of mortals, and what helps toward that is of the true gospel, what hinders that, is man's enemy and to be resisted. The schemers are beginning to scheme for the places to be filled this fall, and the air is full of "information" of various degrees of certainty and un certainty. Just so soon as there seems something tangible and reliable, we purpose giving it to the readers of The Journal. It seems pretty clearly fore shadowed that there will be three tickets in the field in Platte county, not counting the prohibitionists. It looks now as though the so-called free silver forces will not be able to unite in one "homogeneous mass the heterogenous elements" of democratic and populistic tendencies. The bitter feeling between the two wings of the democratic party is sure to make itself felt in the contest, but to what extent it may go is not yet apparent. Of course, every democratic candidate would like to have all the votes of his own party and those of the populists, too, and the same holds of the populists with reference to their last year's allies, but last year's situa tion is not this by a long ways, and the glamor of a national campaign is not absorbing the attention, as it did then. We are not aware of a single county office-holder who does not wish to be re elected and of course are pulling wires, less or more with that end in view. Some ex-officials are also desirous of being put back by the people into their old positions, and these facts will have their due weight in the expressed polit ical sentiments as to combinations and "trades." The campaign promises to be a lively one, at least, whatever may be the outcome. The Journal would like to see each citizen express his exact view of matters in his political action, and not allow some one or more candi dates make up a ticket to suit their con venience. It is a very common habit, and not confined to any one party for one or more of the candidates to not only dictate the nomination of weak men on their own ticket, but at the same time secure the nomination of stronger men on a rival ticket, and thus form a practical combination that is most de moralizing in every way. We think this is the design on the part of several that might be mentioned. During this month of May while land is being plowed for corn, and the seed is being put into the soil as rapidly as possible, it is well enough to consider about the other plowing that is going on, and the plant ing that is being done. Consider what has been and what may be. The com mon citizen should work for his own good. MEMORIAL DAY H EXERCISES UNDER AUSPICES OF BA KER POST, No. 9, G. A. R. To Held at tks Oym He, Sam. day, Kay 30. 187. All comrades of tho G. A. R. and Sons of Veterans meet at their hall at 1:30 p. m., and march to the opera house promptly at 2 o'clock. All organizations will be formed un der the supervision of Comrade J. R. Meagher, who will act as Marshal of the Day. All invited guests will march from their various headquarters and be at the opera house promptly at 2 p. m. Exer cises will commence at 2:30, sharp, the officers of the post opening with the usual ritual services of the order, 'to be followed by the program, as here given: 1. "Songof Liberty" Eleven Boys from Miss ilice'a Room 2. "Memorial Day" Six Pupils from Blisti Rickly'tt Room 8. Recitation Donald McAllister 4. "The Old Sergeant". Violet Wooslcy 5. "How They So Softly Rest" Pupils from Mr. Leavy'tt Room 6. Recitation Emma Zinnecker 7. Recitation OUIe Mosgrovri 8. Flag Exercise ...Nine Pupils from Miss Kratinx's Room . Son LeaffieUray 10. Recitation Howard McCray 11. Concert Exercise ...Fifteen Pupils from Miss Ward's Rooin 12. "Decoration Day" Florence Kramer 13. Recitation Aladge Cushinic 14. Song Pupils St. Francis Academy 15. Recitation Marguerite McKel vey 18. Recitation Ella Kasmnssen 17. Song Pupils from Miss Tajlor's Room 18. Oration Charles Woosley 19. Recitation Albert ltruirger 20. "When the San Went Down". Nellie Evans 21. "The Dying Soldier". Pupils St. Francis Academy 22. Recitation Hazel McKelvey 23. "News of the Battle". Mike Hagel 21. "How the Blue and ti ray are Blended" . . ioy p roiu 23. Marching to cemetery. 26. Firing astute, and services by Baker Post G. A. R. 27. Decorating the J raves. The following is tho list of soldiers and sailors buried in the Columbus cemetery: J. B. Tschudy, Wm. Schroeder. J. W. Early, Fred Schntte. Frank North. Jacob Ellis. B. Hunt. R. B. Mclntire. James Jones, Henry Woods, George Drake, John Laweon, Wm. H. Thomas, 1. J. Slattery, Edward Arnold, P. J. Lawrence, Wm. Malloy, Mathias Koenig, John Hammond, Spencer Campbell, Fred Matthews, J. V. Stevenson, A. J. Whitaker, Solomon Edwards, O. H. Archer. In the Catholic cemetery, E. D. Sheehan and E. C. Kavanangh. Besides these, tho Poet will decorate the gravo of Mary Griffin, who had been an army nurse, and who was for many years before her death a soldier's widow. District 44 and Vicinity. School will close next Friday. Herman Herring has purchased a new trammel fish not, 00 feet in length. The Herring boys finished planting 130 acres one week ago last Saturday. Patsy Hanoy of Colfax was on the upland Sunday, and reported his father as being still confined to his bed, the shattered limb healing slowly. Eva and Plessie Drinnin shoot large numbers of king, birds that are preying upon the honey bee. The latter is now able to get them on the wing, using a fine, hammerless breech loading gun. A much needed shower Saturday morning before day when 5U of an inch of water fell, which was followed on Monday morning with a killing frost Potatoes, tomatoes, etc., were cut down where exposed. Wo are not able at this time to determine whether the fruit (which is all out) is permanently injured or not. There is a great deal of damaged corn going into market at this time, some of which would not pay the freight to the center markets, and the dealers in Co lumbus are working hard, in the interest of farmers, hunting every nook and cor ner of the state, and among feeders, to dispose of the rejected corn, for all of which the farmers ought to feel very grateful, when it is learned that the dealers charge only the fractional part of a cent for their work. The Largest Poaltry Farm. We believe that there is no legitimate business that pays a larger per cent on the investment than that of raising chickens, providing even ordinary good sense and judgment are used. We know that many of our readers are more or less interested in the subject, and for their benefit we reproduce the following pen picture from a recent number of the Prairie Farmer: What is said to be the largest poultry farm in the world belongs to Mr. Isaac Wilbur, of Little Crompton, Rhode Island. Mr. Wilbur ships about 150,000 dozen eggs a year. He keeps his fowls on the colony plan, housing about forty in a house eight feet by ten feet or eight feet by twelve feet in size, these houses being about 150 feet apart, set out in long rows over the gently sloping fields. He has 100 of these honses scat tered over three or four fields. The food is loaded into a low wagon, which is driven about to each house in turn, the attendant feeding as he goes. At the afternoon feeding, the eggs are col lected. The fowls are fed twice a day. The morning meal is mash of cooked vegetables and mixed meals. The after noon feed is whole corn the year round. BURLINGTON ROUTE. Oaly S22.50 to Saa Fraciwo. June 29 to July 3, account National Con vention Christian Endeavorera. Special trains. Through tourist and palace sleepers. Stop-overs allowed at and west of Denver. Return via Portland, Yellowstone Park and Black Hills if desired. Endeavorers and their friends who take the Burlington Route are guaran teed a quick, cool, comfortable journey, fine scenery (by daylight) and first class equipment Berths reserved and descriptive litera ture furnished on request See nearest B. A M. R. R. ticket agent or write to J. Francis, G. P. A., Burlington Route, Omaha, Neb, HMY RAGATZ & CO., Staple and Fancy Groceries, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE LAMPS. Eleventh Street, - We invite you to come and see us. We regard the interests of oar patrons as mutual with our own, so far as our dealings are concerned our part of the obligation being to provide and offer Good - Goods - at - Fair - Prices. EVERYTHING KEPT that class, up-to-date grocery store. I 05...1l ,.,,. I S S HIHIINIIIIHIIMIIIIIHIIIiniHIIIWIIMMIlia Miss Ida Meagher was in Omaha last week. J. C. Fillman was in Grand Island Sunday. J. T. Meere of Humphrey was in the city Friday. W. E. Kent of Platte Center waa in the city Saturday. Mrs. John Keeler of Wattsvillo was in the city Saturday. Miss Mulcahy of Omaha is tho guest of Miss Mary Cox. C. J. Garlow and M. Brugger were in Schuyler Thursday. Mrs. K. A. Kehoe of Platte Center was iu the city last Weduesday. Rev. and Mrs. Mickel returned Friday from a few days' visit iu Chirks. Julius Ernst of the vicinity of Duncan was a Columbus visitor Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Gray and Miss Nellie Post were in Omaha last week. Miss Grace Taylor returned home Fri day from several weeks' qisit in Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Robinson of Omaha are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Borders. Mrs. G. G. Bowman and daughter, Miss Parthenia, are the guests of Mrs. C. D. Evans. Misses Alice and Kittie Cowdery of Lincoln are the guests of Mrs. E. H. Chambers. Mrs. John Lackey of Rollins, Wyo., arrived in the city Sunday on a visit to Mrs. Omolia. Mrs. C. C. Hardy and Mrs. Quicken steadt went to Leigh last week for a two days' visit with friends. Mrs. Wm. Fox, of Columbus, visited in Albion this week tho guest of Mrs. A. W. Ladd. Albion Argus. D. H. Wheeler, jr., of Omaha was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. E. II. Chambers last week while in the city. Hon. Gny. C. Barnum came home Fri day from Norfolk. He seems in better health than for some time past. William Wills of Madison arrived in the city Saturday night, and visited his friend E. H. Jenkins until Sunday even ing. Mrs. Haysbit of Ohio, who has been visiting her uncle, Dr. Voss, left Tues day morning for Wichita, Kan., to visit friends before returning to hor home. J. L. Mersereati of Binghamton, N. Y., arrived in the city one day last week on a business trip west. Ho wau here some twenty-six years ago for two summers, coming here for his health. Tho Platte Center Signal says that I. L. Albert was there Monday, Otto Mere and C. B. Tomlin on Wednesday, and on Friday Mrs. S. W. W. Wilson and daugh ter; Miss Nellie Dineen and Miss Joanna Burke of that place were Columbus vis itors Friday. -FOR- Suffering Humanity ! To all Sufferers: I write this for the benefit similar sufferers may derive from it, unsolicited and ont of pure sympathy to those poor mortals who may be afflicted with that dread disease cancer. ' In September of 1887 the disease known by the medical fraternity as lupuseretnemasto8us first made its ap pearance on my face and soon spread across the nose and over a greater part of the face, causing unsightly sores. After nearly ten years of constant doc toring with many noted physicians and deriving temporary benefit at times, my system at last reached a stage of com plete collapse, and I was flat on my back with no ray of hope. At this stage I was recommended to try Dr. Lieber of Omaha; after an examination he said he could euro me. As a drowning person grasping at a straw I entered his private hospital, and in a short space of timo I was able to leave the hospital a well woman. My face is now clear and shows but little sign of the dread disease. While in the hospital there were also removed from my body seven cancers, and that without tho use of the knife. The medical fraternity scoff at the idea of cancers being removed without the knife. But I am a living proof that it can be and is done by Dr. Lieber. To all those poor mortals who have given up the battle against this dread disease, I say don't despair, but consult with the doctor. I make this 'statement out of pure sympathy for similar sufferers, and will be glad to see or answer any in quiries in regard to my case. MRS. F. E. ROWE, 2330 N. 19th Street, Omaha, Nebraska. Iimaj3m LESS THAN HALF KATES TO SAN FRANCISCO, Jaae 29 to Jaly 3, via the Barliagtoa Route. See Nearest B. tM.K.R. Ticket Ageat. Zt ' Now is the time to subscribe for The Colcmbcs Journal and the Lincoln Journal, semi-weekly, both for 82.15 a year. Three papers a week at a cost of lass than 4 cents a week. COLUMBUS, NEBR. is expected to be found in a first- Krai Entate marten. Becher, Jteggi 4 Co., real estate agents, report the following real estate transfers filed in the office of the county clerk for the week ending May 22, 1897. Etta Tambljn to Wm. H. Eimera. lot 8, blk 8. Ottis 3d add to Humphrey, wd 450 00 va D. Davis to Herman Trimbora, lots I, 2. blk 20, Stevens add to Co lQmbns.wd 1100 00 John Noon to Annie Welch, nVJ ne- 4 !' w. wtl..... .... 1 00 John P. Johnson to Soiliia Johnson, t)w' 4-UUw, and lot 3. blk 10. Liad say, wd 4500 00 Four transfers, total $ 6,551 00 Fine job work done at Tub Journal office. To Chicago aad the East. Passengers going east for business, will naturally gravitate to Chicago as the great commercial center. Passengers re-visiting friends or relatives in the eastern states always desire to "take in" Chicago en route. All classes of passen gers will find that the "Short Lino" of tho Chicago, Milwaukee & St Paul Rail way, via Omaha and Council Bluffs, affords excellent facilities to reach their destinations in a manner that will be siiro to give the utmost satisfaction. A referonce to the time tables will in dicate the route to bo chosen, and, by asking any principal agent west of tho Missouri river for a ticket over the Chicago, Council Bluffs & Omaha Short Line of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway, yon will be cheerfully furnished with the proper passport via I Omaha and Chicago. Please note that all of the "Short lane" trains arrive in Chicago in ample time to connect with the express trains of all the great through car lines to the principal eastern cities. For additional particulars, time tables, maps, etc.. please call on or address F. A. Nasb, General Agent, Omaha, Neb. To California, Comfortably. Every Thursday afternoon, a tonrist Bleeping car for Salt Lake City, San Francisco and Los Angeles leaves Oma ha and Lincoln via the Burlington Route. It ia carpeted; upholstered in rattan; has spring eeats and backs and is pro vided with curtains, bedding, towels, soap, etc. An experienced excursion conductor and a uniformed Pullman porter accompany it through to the Pa cific Coast. While neither so expensively finished nor so fino to look at as a palace sleeper, it is just as good to ride in. Second class tickets are accepted for passage and the price of a berth, wido enough and big enough for two, is only So. For folder giving full particulars, call at nearest Burlington ticket office, or write to J. Francis, G. P. A., Burlington Route, Omaha, Neb. 22dec STATEMENT Of the condition of the Cotumbtts Limit, Ltn tttul Ituilitiit'l Ansnrintitm of Columhits, JVe, un the 30th tlay of April, i7. AHHETH. First mortKW loan- $S2,iOO 00 Loan Hcnred by toe It of this asso ciation 7,800 00 Expcnwa ami taxes paid 1.317 HS Cash with treannrer 129 V0 Total ... MOBILITIES. Capital stock, paid up $!S,U'1 70 Premiums paid 4,227 85 Interest received 8.702 55 Finen collected (505 00 Entry and trannfer feeH col ifctetl ... 480 45 Total $82.077 55 State or Nebiiahsa, ) Watte County. JHM I, Henry lIockenberKr. ttxeretary of tho above named asHociation, do eolemnly ftwear that the forepoiDjc etateraent of the condition of eaid association, is trne and correct to the best of my knowledge am! belief. Henby Hockesberoer, Secretary. Subscribed anil sworn to before me this 4th day of May. 1S97. E. II. Cn iibers, Notary Public. Approval: V. II. Weaver. ) L. O. Zimxlckeu, Directum. 11. 1. Mcrdock, 12may3t PROBATE NOTICE. In the matter of the entate of A. F. Saffran, dccaed. Notire to creditors. Notice is hereby given that the creditors of eaid deceased will meet the administratrix of said estate, before me, connty judge of Platte county, Nebraska, at my office in Columbas.said coanty, on the 10th day of Jane. 18V. on the 10th day of September, lHVi. and on the 10th day of December, VfJi. at 9 o'clock a m. each day, for the parpoee of presenting their claimtt for examination, adjustment and allowance. Six months are allowed for creditors to pre sent their claims, and one year for the adminis tratrix to settle said estate, from the 10th day of Jane, l&f?, and thin notice ia ordered published in The Coluxbum Journal for four consecu tive weeks prior to the 10th day of June, 1897. J. N. KlUAM. 19ma)lt County Judge. PROBATE NOTICE. In the coanty conrt of Platte connty, Nebraska. In the matter of thestatof Samuel Keinke. deceased. Notice of final settlement and ac count. To the heirs, creditors and all those interested in the estate of Samuel Keinke, deceased. Yon will take notice that Mrs. hVa Keinke has filed in the county court a report of her acts and doings as administratrix of the estate of H-imnel Keinke, de-ceased, and it is ordered that the nnw stand for heannic on the 29th day of May, 1VJ1. at 10 o'clock a. in., at which time any person interested may appear and except to and contest the same and notice of this proceeding is ordered (riven in The Colcxbuh Journal for tw consecutive weeks. Witness my hand and the seal of the county court this 11th day of May, la97. It..l "" "". 19may2t County Judge. PROBATE NOTICE. In the matter of the estate of Christian Boett cher. deceased. Notice to creditors. Notice is hereby given that the creditors of said deceased will meet the administrator of said entate. before me. county judge of Platte coanty, Nebraska, at my office in Columbus. said coan ty. on the 10th day of June. 1897, on the 10th day of September. 197, and on the 10th day of, De cember. Is97. at 9 o'clock a. m. each day, for the purpose of presenting their claims for exam ination, adjustment and allowance. Six months are allowed for the creditors to present their claims and six months for the ad ministrator to settle said estate from the lbth day of Jnne. lS97,aad this notice is ordered pub lished in Ths Coutxbus Journal, for four con secptive weeks, prior to the Mth day of Jane, IBB? . JN.Kiuan. ttasf 4 . Coutj Judge. i ? M KTSHrfif-i 'mitifiimi ifcato J"irisgffflTlh1 " " "V- ' -k '"'"i ." sS?WB2B9Wf "" , -