The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, April 21, 1897, Image 4

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Spring Hmiis
These aasigbtiy eruptions, palsf ol saTa,
lag pimples and other offecrlont, which
generally at this reason, male the bjd of that
Crand Spring Medicine, Hood's Sarsapazula, a
necessity. Take Hood's Sararariuano-r. It will
do yoa wonderful good. It will purify yoar
blood, give you an appetite, tone your Hcrvcs,
itrcssthca your stomach, and core all Efriag
humors. licEtue to get oaly Hood's. ,
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Is fo-' by all druggists. Price, Si; six for 83.
Kood'S PillS cagy inSct. 25 ceata,
Ijci vs. aeory.
. Certain tables o! longevity just pub-i-hed
in Kn?!ana bv Professor Hum.
phrey leave the wholo matter pretty
much in the dark. Of the 824 cases
in .which the subjects have reached
the zijres varying from eighty to over
100 ycaw, one-thsrJ wcw small eaters
and 'only one-tenth appear to have
" had robust appetites. Physicians, as
a c'ass, vrers found to fall balow the
average ago. The usual directions
for prolonged life by diet, sleep and
excreUc are not strikingly confirmed,
bv these tables.
you chew tobacco lor pleasure use Star.
Tt Is not oalv the tes; but tbeawatlssUof .and,
tiicrexorc, the cncaiest.
l.lju , e.uur.uo.
. Liquid chlorine is now baing pre
pared on a l;:rgo scale in Europe for
. u-e in chemical vrorlr. The gas is
iiquilicd by a special form of pump,
and is kept or transported in iron or
steel cylinders, which themselves
we rh about U0 kilograms and hold
fifty kilograms of liquid chlorine.
equivalent to about 15,0 0 liters of
chlorino pas. The density of the
liquid chlorine is about LS3; at 15
decrees C its prcssuro is six kilo
prams; at 35 decrees G. it is ten
atmospheres. Tho cylinders arc
tested for more than UQatmosnhnrft,
lOKV; sslarv .00 r :n..nth; Ml per cent
groft is'sa:id office exrean ; contract by tnt:
j car; rcfi-rcncc ami 50UJ ra li r.v-ulrrd for stoe
earned. S. B. Slicaicr. Scfclitz hotel, Omafca, Neb.
, - .llcCluro's Magazine.
IJeginmng' with the April number
3IcClurcs ?tlagazinc will hereafter be
published on the first day of each
month. April 1 the April number will
be on sale on all news stands and de
livered to ail subscribers, from the
Atlantic to the Pacific; and thereafter
cxactlj- on the first day of each
month a new number will be published.
Henceforth publication has been made
on the 28th of each month, but it is
believed that the change to the 1st will
be to the general convenience.
Sirs. Vlmlowr'e Sootaiar S-raa
For -hIldrm(celli!n.Kof lens tliccum.rrduclnam
Uiation, tUlajs palu, cnrcn wiad colic SSceaUabotUe.
The April Atlantic
The April number of the Atlantic
Monthly contains more than the usual
quantity of purely literary matter,
"which always distinguishes it; and it
has several articles also of timeliness
and practical interest. The leading
article is on "Dominant Forces in the
West."' by Mr. Frederick J. Turner, of
Wisconsin, one of the most competent
students of western civilization. He
points out the origins of the people
. and their institutions and methods of
thought, .showing that the middle west
holds the balance between the east and
far west. Houghton, Mifflin & Co., Bos
ton. Born Tot:;co acd tuL&e Tear lifts Away.
To quit tobacco easily and forever, be mag
netic, full of life, ucrve and vigor, take JJoTo
Bac. the wonder-worker, that makes weak Btea
strong. All druggists, 30c or 81. Cure guaran
teed. Booklet and sample free. Address
SterllDR Kcmcdy Co . Chicago or New York;
In "Iruuc.scf.
Tcnucsseo produces annually 80,
OO0.O0J bushels of coin. 9.003.000 of
wheat, 8,031033 of oats and 350,000
bales of cotton. The tobacco crop
has reached -10.030,033 pounds a year,
the peanut crop 650.093 bushels. The
coal fields cover 5.033 square miles
and produce 2,030,033 tons a year.
Over fifty different kinds of marble
are found in the state.
tidles .nxitcy.
Johnny, out visiting Mamma is
nlmrys worry in' about nothing.
- Hostess In what way?
Johnny My mamma mado the
awfnllcst fuss a-lclliu' me not to make
a pig of myself when you gavo me
cake. She might a' knowed I
wouldn't, cause vonr cake isn't good a
Fiso's Cure for Consumption bas saved
me large doctor bills. C. li Baker, 4238 Re
gent Sq., Phi adelj bia, Fa., Dec 8, 1S95.
ItlioUe 1i..iu4 .niii miil factories.
Khode 'Island, has 2,203 factories, J
employing 38.000 men, 22,000 women
and 4,403 children. The combined
capital of the mills is 76,003,000 and
the annual output $104,030,030.
seme vears I was
quite out of health, and
took much medicine
' which did xnc no eood. I
1 was advised hy a friend tol
try Ayer'a Sarsauarillal
' which I did. taking a doipnl
for wore bottles before stei-l
ping. The result was that II
rfelt so well and tpanl
' titat I, of course, tlduk there i 1
Fno medicine equal toAver's Sar-1
IsaiuriUa. and I take -great na!n1
f to tell any suffering friend at it iui
I xriiai It Oil for mo u t. '
Mcanxi-, KHbourn,Wts
Ayer's 5arsaparilla.
jsrerj ragreoient in
1 HiresRootbeerishealtk'j
giving, ice blood
improved, tne nerves I
soothed, the 6tomachl
benefited by this deUckmsl
eacbes the tlnist, tickle
the palate ; full of snap, aparU
cjeivcscciice. .A tesapci
eevdrink for everybody.
lr,THPrtCKif G.,rvn-jal
t Bate KeUa Areaad IS y
pair of curling irons with many
stroaff points of excellence have just
been brought out by an English firm.
The jaws are opened by means of the
small lever projecting, which is worked
by a finger or thumb independently of
the grasp upon the main handles of
the appliance. Having gripped the
lock f hair to b3 curled in the jaws,
the taming of the iron is accomplished
in the simplest manner possible.
The longer arm of tho iron passes
through a collar on tho lower part of
the main handle, and terminates in a
pin, which works in a strut projecting
from the same. On the upper part of
the handle, which hinges, is fixed a
ratchet which engages on a suitable
pinion on the spindle. By simply
squeezing the two arm? together the
tongs are caused to mako a revolution
on their own axis, and so curl tho
hair. It will be evident that with
very little practice tho oparation is
performed very rapidly, without tho
tiring process of turning the wrist and
without the necessity of reheating the
Seamanship ramt and r reseat
In tho past, seamanship was the
chief thing. In the present, seaman
ship, in tho old and strict sense of the
word, holds a very subsidiary place.
When tho triads and tho waves .and
the tides could not b3 forced and had
to be humored, the mystery of dealing
with these elements was a wortky
study for a whole life. But to-day
we force the xrinds, the waves and the
tido3, and humor them very little.
The seaman is in process of becoming
the engineer; every year he becomes
more and mora the engineer, and I
am certain thit a much briefer exper
ience of the sea than was formerly
needed is now required toward the
formation of tha good oiticor. Tho
National Review.
A Beaonab!e Itrqnotr.
Husbaud My dear, I want to ask
you one favor before you go off on
that long visit.
Wife A thousand, my love. What
is it?
Husband Don't try to put tho
house in ordar cefora you leave.
Wife It isn t hard work.
Husband Pcrhap? not: but I think
of the expense of telegraphing to you
every time I want to find anvthinsr.
eceama Caphr lee rlta Olyeerla.
rbe oriclnal acd only genuine. Cure Chapped Hands
ana Face, Cold Scrm, Ac C-G.CUrk A Co.,S JUrcn.Ct.
The April Century will be a "Grant
Memorial Number." Tt is to contain
an article on "The Tomb of General
Grant," by General Horace Porter, who
did so much to insure the success of
movement tnwnr1 mi:inir tbr nnooc
sary funds for the monument, and who
will be the orator of thn Anv on fh
occasion of its dedication April 27, the
Dinnuay ol Ueneral Grant. "Sher
man's Opinion of Grant' will lw slinnrn
in a hitherto unpublished letter, and.
Grant's account of the veto of the In-
Uation Kill Will lm rolntrl Iitr TTnn
John A. Kasson, to whom Grant told
tne Storv. A IJInn and Gmv Vrionrl.
ship," by non. John K. Procter, des
cribes the loner intimanv rml.wn Hon.
eral Grant and General Iluckner, who
surrencterea to Grant at Donelson.
Savlaa Space.
In cities, where space is valuable,
stables are now built upward, as well
as buildings designed for human oc
cupancy. In such establishments
horses are never stabled on tho
ground floor, which is reserved main
ly for vehicles, but in the basement or
on a second floor, which are -reached
by runways. Such modern stables ore
provided with steam elevators, upon
which carriages may ba taken to and
from the around floor.
IVltheat wires.
In his experiments in telegraphing
without wires, carried on in a lake
near Potsdam. Ehrich Ratcnau sue
coedodso well that he says no diffi
culty was encountered in exchanging
signals hctweon the electric light sta
tion and tho village of Neu Cladotv, a
distance of three miles.
nTSatoppedfreeanapsnnaaentrccred. Xofita
after Ant dar'a asa of Dr. Kline's Great Serve
Restorer. 'rM S3 trial bortlr and lratU?.
band to Da. Kuaa.SSl Arch SU rhUadelphla, ra-
Anla Car for Etch alter.
Latreille once cut off the antennae
of an ant, and his companions, evi
dently compassionating its sufferings,
annointed tho wounded parts with
drops of fluid from their mouths.
The I'eople'a Saving.
In Switzerland S63 inhabitants in
the 1,033 have money on deposit
in the savings banks: in Germany,
180; in France, 170; in Great Britain,
135: in the United States. G7.
Too Cheap.
Isaacson Jakey, hef you readt der
tcry of Joseph undt his brethercn?
Jakey Yes. fadder.
Isaacson Veil, vhat wrong tid tey
Jakey-JTey sold him " cheao. Up
Waht Ho im Like.
Dndely Gushiegton Tennyson
ays: "Men are God's trees."
'Mist. Sharn?irl Then dude-; must
be riau thistles soft on top and slim
la ta body Texas Sifting. i
HB01Wt.-iIOx-! r Mr
--5EJ DBawi
vmn minrnn tittt
HJ!iVV lAUlfl 1)111X4.
A Stateaoeat Showlac Ita fiatcs ef Daty
Ceeepared with These Under the He
Klaley and Wilson Laws Aaaple Pro
tectiea for the Farmer.
(Washington Correspondence.)
The following statement shows the
rates of duty imposed by the new tariff
bill just introduced in the house of
representatives, upon articles in which
the farmers are especially interested.
This relates both to the articles which
they produce and which they want
thoroughly protected and also to the
articles which they use in considerable
quantities and regarding which they
are equally interested as to the rates
of duty fixed by the new,bill.
The Republicans in the house of rep
representatives have broken the record
in the matter of promptness touching
the new tariff bill. Congress met in
special session ten days after Presi
dent McKinlcy .'as inaugurated and
within three hours the had or
ganized by the election of officers;
rules had been adopted; the ways acd
means committee had been appointed,
the tariff bill had been presented in
complete form and had been regularly
referred to its proper committee with
the understanding that it would be re
ported back to the house before the
end of the week and passed that body
within a fortnight.
The provisions of the new bill are
extremely satisfactory to members of
congress representing the agricultural
districts and agricultural interests. All
of them who have had an opportunity
to examine it epeak iu lite highest
terms in regard to it. No man in con
gress is better able to judge of the bill
and of its prospective work than Gen
eral Grosvcnor, of Ohio, who, as a"
member of the committee, has studied
every article and item carefully,
guarded the interacts of the farmers
closely and consulted with the farmers
of his agricultural districts regarding
the important features of the bill
which affected not only their own in
terests but those of farmers generally.
Speaking of this feature of the bill he
"The farmer will, find; first, general
protection of his product in the form
of tariff duties levide upon articles of
importation of every character such as
he produces in the United States. Thus,
the development of the sheep industry
we have taken up and resumed at tho
point where the Wilson bill destroyed
it, with the hope; first, of a profitable
industry directly, and second with the
hope of diverting a vast amount of
agricultural lands of the middle west
the west and the northwest from the
productions of agricultural grains, veg
etables and fruits, to the production of
sheep, and secondly in the same direc
tions stands the protection to sugar.
So far as the wool features of this bill
are concerned, the protection is very
much better for the sheep grower than
was the McKiuley law because of one
great feature, the removal -of the pos
cibility of fraud by the importation of
carpet wools, which at once, on their
release from the customs house, became
clothing wools."
The following statement, gives in the
first column the rates of duty pro
posed by the new bill; in the second
column, the rates showing the present
Wilson tariff law, and in the third col
umn those of the McKlnley law. It will
he seen that in almost every case the
rates are much more advantageous to
the farmers than those of the present
law and in many cases superior to
those of the McKlnley law. This is
especially true with reference to wool,
the explanation of which is found in
the remarks of General Grcsvcnor
quoted above. These should he ex
amined carefully. Ki3 ctatement upon
that subject is important because with
out it the reader not skilled In the de
tail of the tariff matter would not un
drstand the advantages given to the
fanner by that feature of the bill
which prohibits the classification of
coarse clothing wools under the carpet
wool schedule, by which under the Mc
Kinley law enormous quantities of
wool used iu clothing came into the
country at very low rates. It was
this feature of the wool schedule
of the McKinley law - which proved
damaging to the wool producing
interests of the United States, but
the ways and ra;ac3 committee
has taken advantage of -the ex
perience thus gained to make their
classification such that th!s will be pro-
vented m the future. Thus, while the
tariff rates on wool under the proposed
bill appear the same to the unpracticed
C-e as those of the McKinley law, they
are very much more favorable to the
wool producer; so much so that no
doubt is entertained of the prosperity
of the wool producers as well an of
the farmers generally under the new
bill when it becomes a law and has had
time to adjust itself to conditions.
The rates named by the new bill,
compared with those of the Wilson and
McKinley laws, upon articles in wl!ich
the fanners are interested arc as fol
lows: "
Cattle valued at
no; more than
jro a head, if
cue year old
anil over, per
C.'title Ji;ss than
one year old.
per head
Cattle vclutil at
racre than 10
per head
Ilci;3 ...'.....
Horses and
kuIps. valued
55 20 p. c
. ?2 20 p: c.
' '0 !
30 p. c
20 p. c . ei.&j
at $1W or less,
per head
Valued at over
Ail horsc3 "and
Ilorscsr valued at
$150 and over
?!:all pay a du-
Sheep, one year
old or over
Less than one
year oid
Other live ani
mals, not spe
cially piovided
Karlcy. per bu....
Barley malt, per
Karley. pearled.
pattnt or hulled
15 p. c
20 p. c.
20 p. a
20 p. c
20 p. t.
20 p. c.
40 p. c.
20 p. c
43c '40 p. s.
2c. lb.
15c bu.
13c bu.
20c. bu.
0 P. c.
--5 p. C
l;p. a.
Corn or maize...
Macarcnl. vermi
celli and similar
preparations ...
Oats ...-.
Oatmeal and
rolled oats
Oat hulls, per 100
Rice, cleaned
KIce. uncleaned.
2c lb.
15c bu.
lc lb.
13 1 c
20 P. c
:c lb.
or rice tree
from the outer
hull llic lb,
Bice flour and
ilce meal, and
rice, broken.
which -will pass
through a No. 12
wire sieve
Paddy, or rice
!c lb.
having the out-
cr hull on Uc lb.
Rye 10c. bu.
Rye flour. '.c lb.
Wheat 13c bu.
Wheat flour 23 p. c.
Tapioca, cassava,
or cassada. fa
rina, and sago.
la y.c
la p. c
15 p. C
15 p. c
23 p. c.
in flake, pearl
cr flour
Arrow root flour
Butter and sub
stitutes therefor
Fresh milk
4c lb.
3c lb.
20 p. c
20 p. c
6c lb.
Cc lb.
2c gal
Cc. ;
cc i
Sc J
clndlna' wciarht
of package...... 2c. lb.
Surar of milk.... 5c lb.
fUcsns 96c. bur
Beans, peas and
mushrooms, pre
pared, or pre
served, in tins,
jars, bottles or
rvelght of pack
age Included.... 24c. lb.
Otncr prepared
yegrables. in
cluding pickles
and sauces, not
30p.c p.c.
specially pro
vided for
Fish paste' or
f?auce .i
Cabbages, each...'
40 p. c 99 p. c. 4t p"c.
40 p. c
25 p. "c
ft ton
SOc. gal.
lc lb.
40c bu.
lc. lb.
40c bu.
p. c 39 p. c.
' Free. Free.
Free! Sc.
3c Sc.
3c. do. 23 p. c
e tt
10c; roe.
Sc. 15c.
20C 40c
7 p. c 10 p. c-
Free. 40c.
,30c. 20c
Wc-; SOc.
Eetr yoiu...
Ho:;ey ....
Peas, preen.......
Peas, dried
Peas, split...?
Teas in cartons,
paper, or other
small packages.
Plants, trees,
ahnibs, vines,
bulbs and roots
of all kinds, not
specially pro
vided for
Castor beans or
Flaxseed or Un
seed and other
oil seeds not
specially pro
vided for
Cut no drawback
lc lb. - lc
39 p..c.
25c. bur
25c. bu.
30 p. c
SOc. bu.
shall be allowed
on all oil cake
rcadc from Im
port cd seed, nor
shall any allow
ance be made
for dirt or other
impurities In
Seeds "of all kinds
not - specially
provided tor.
htraw ......
40 D. c.
10 p.'c
IS p. c.
15 p. c.
20 p. c
30 p. c
30 p. C
$1.50 ton
, 30 p. c.
Vegetables in nat
ural state not
specially pro
vided for
Apples, green oc
11 lC
Apples. dried,
desiccated, eva
porated or pre
pared in any
manner. not
specially pro
23 p. c
25c bu.
10 p. c.
20 p. c
10 p. C
15c bu.
vided for...
Peaches and other
eatable fruits,
including ber
ries, when dried,
etc ..........
Fruits preserved
in their own
Comfits. sweet
meats and
fruits preserved
in sugar or mo
lasses, or in
spirits contain
ing not over 5
per cent of alco
hol, and not
specially pro
vided for. and
jellies of all
Figs, pi urn s.
nriinoe. raisins
2c. lb. 0 p. c
2c l'o. 20 p. c 20 p. c
S5 p. c. 20 p. c 30 p. c.
35 p. c. 30 p. c. S3 p. c.
and other dried
Zante and other
l'.fec. lb.
Olives, green or
prepared. In
bottles, jars or
similar pack-
ages -cgai.
In casks oroth
erwlso 15c. gal.
20 p. c. Free.
20 p. c
20 p. c.
10 p. c.
60c bbl.
10 p. c.
Oranges, lemons,
limes. grape
fruit, shaddocks ,
or pomelos "c ID. ....
In addition there
to upon tho
boxes. barrels
or other articles
containing the
foregoing 30p. c
Oranges. lemons,
and limes, in -
packages ec. cu.ft.
Oranges, lemons,
and limes in
bulk, per thou
sand ?l.oU
I In addition, upon
the noxes or
barrels 3-)p. c
Oranges, lemons,
and limes in
packages of ca
pacity of IU cu
bic feet cr less,
per package
In packages ex
ceeding IU cu
bic fert and not
exceeding 2'....
In packages ex
ceeding 2i cu
bic feet. for
each additional
cubic foot or
In bulk per thou-
In addition, upon
SO p. c.
the boxes or
Orange peel and
lemon reel, pre-
served or candied 2c lb. sa p. e.
Citron or citron
peel, prescrvea
cr candied
Almonds, not
Clear shell
Filberts and wal
nuts of all kinds
Filberts and wal
nuts, shelled ..
Peanuts or ground
beans, shelled ..
Peanuts, shelled..
Nuts, shelled cr
unshelled, not
specially pro
vided for
Bacon and hams..
Sausages cf ail
Beef, mutton and
Meats of all
kinds, prepared
or preserved,
not specially
provided for
Extract of meat,
not specially
provided for
Fluid extract of
2c. lb. 20 p. c. 20 p. c.
2c. lb. 20 p. c. Free.
5c lb. Sc. 5?.
7c lb. Sc 7ic
3c. lb. 2c. Ce.
Cc lb. 4c Cc.
lc lb. 20 p. c. lc.
Vja lb. 20 p. c. l'tc.
llic lb. 20 p. c. . 5c.
Sc lb. 20 p. c. Sc.
Cc lb. 20 p. c. 23 p. c.
2c. lb. 20 p. c. 25 p. c.
20 p. c. 20 p. c 23 p. c.
33c lb. 20 p. c. 23 p. c.
neat 15c lb. 23 p. c
Lard 2c. lb. 20p. c.
Poultry, live 3c. lb. 2c.
Dressed Cc. lb. 3c.
Tallow lc. lb. Free.
Wool grease, in
cluding fcgras.
or brown wool
grease ic lb. Free.
Chicory root, un
grcund lc lb. Free.
Chicory root,
burnt or roast
ed, ground vor
otherwise pre
pared not soe
cially provided
for 3c lb. 2c
Chocolate and co
coa, prepared or
man ufactured,
valued at not
above lV4c lb.
12. lb &.10p. c. ....
Valued above 12c
ii. - it.
23 p.
23 p.
And not above
. 5-rc lb & 20' p. c. - ....
Valued above ,33c lb 50 p. c. ....
Cccoa. prepared
or manufac
tured, not spe
cially provided
icr iwt
Chocolate, valued
at 33c lb. or
Valued at exceed
ing 35c lb .... 33 p. c.
Cocoa butter or
cocoa butterine. Cc lb. 3sc.
Dandelion root
and . prepared
acorns, and oth
er articles used
as coffee, not
lc lb.
specially pro
vided for
The provisions of
lUc lb. ltc l4c.
tne .iictt-iniey
law remitting
the duty paid
on salt used In
curing fish on
vessels or on
the shores of
navigable wat
ers of the Unit
ed States, and
in packing
meats. Is re-enacted.
Starch, including
all preparations
fit for use as
starch 2c Tb. lc
Dextrine, burnt
starch. gum
substitute. or " c
British gum lc lb. l4c.
Mustard, ground
cr prepared .... 10c lb. 25 p. c
Capsicum or red
pepper, or cay
enne pepper 2Sc lb. ic.
Sage ............... lc lb. lc.
Sweet majoram .. 3c lb. 3c.
Summer savory,
coriander seed
and thyme c. JU. 3c
pic-s not spe
cially provided
for 8c lb. 3c
Vinejrar. gal 7Mp ....
Castor oil 25c gal. 35c.
Codllver oil 13c gal, 20 p. c
Cottonseed oil ... 7c gal. Free.
Croton oil .20c lb. Free.
Flaxseed and lin
seed oil. raw.
boiled, or oxi
dised 32c gal. 20c
White lead, white
caint and white
. 30c
pigment. con-
taining lead 2c lb. lc
Cement, lime and
Pwrttaad im
tar hy
trauUc ceawat.
to, ban, sacks
or ether' pack-"
let,' iBCIud
la. weight
barrel or pack-
Sc. per
7c per
20 p. c
19 p. c
2R BumC o
Other cement ..
tJH Ifif?tif1tnv
welcht of bar- Sc per
rel or package. MOJb.
Plaster ef Paris
or y p.s u m.
ground or cal- .
clBed SL59ton
Burr atones, man-
11.25 H.7a
' ufactured o r
bound up Into
mill stones .... 15 p. c
Grindstones, fin
Free. 15 p. c
ished or unnn
lsnco Crosscut saws,
per linear foot..
aim saws, per
linear foot
Axles or parts
thereof, axle
bars. axle
blanks or forc
ings for axles,
whether of Iron
or steel, with
out reference to
the stage or
state of manu
facture .".
Hubs for wheels.
i ton 10 p. c. 31.75
6c Cc. 8c
10c 10c 19 to 15c
IKe lb. I'.fcc lb. 2c lb.
eosts, last
locks, wagon
blocks, heading:
b o 1 1 8, stave
bolts, or
blocks, heading;
blocks and all
like blocks or
sticks, rough
hewn or sawed
only 20 p. c
20 p. c
iAtnes, per tuou-
' sand,
Sugars, not above
16 Dutch stand
ard in color,
tank bottoms,
syrups of cane
juice, maleda.
concrete and
c o n c c nlrated
molasses, test
ing by the po
lariscopc, not
above 75 degrees
Leaf tobacco,
suitable for ci
gar wrappers,
and not stem
lc lb. 40 p. c Free.
med .........
If stemmed .
Flax straw ...
32 lb.
12.75 lb.
5 ton
lc lb.
3c. lb.
Flax, not hackled
. or dressed
Flax, hackled ....
Tow. of flax, not
Tow of flax, ret-
Tow of hemp, not
Trrnr nt lirran.
Uc lb. Free. -fi lb.
lc. lb.
$25 ton
Uc lb.
$25 ton
lc lb. Free. Uc lb.
carded l'Sc lb. Free.
Hemp, hackled .. 350 ton. Free.
Yam of Jute lc. lb. SO p. c.
.&10p. c.
$50 ton
35 p. c.
The Whole Civilized World Watches
Product of the Little Worm.
It is interesting to notice how this
silk industry is watched in both hemis
pheres; how the persons concerned
follow it day by day in its laborious
processes, from the moment when the
eggs of the worm are gathered to the
moment when the new spinnings come
to increase the stocks of the previous
year, says the Chautauquan. By the
side of the telegrams which inform
everybody about the daily movement of
the custom houses, about the purchase
and sale of large estates, and the prices
of the chief commodities, are found
other dispatches which announce how
the silkworms' digestion was yester
day, indicating that in Japan they eat
with good appetite, in India they ap
pear melancholy, and in Italy the
breeding is going on regularly, but that
in France some hindrance to the activ
ities of the worms is greatly deplored.
Nor must the more or less active
sale of the manufactured goods be lost
sight of, for it is the caprice of a group
of pretty Parisian women, combined
with the busy imaginations of some
fashionable tailors, which will decide
if the weaker sex of this planet during
the next season shall be clothed in
satin; taffeta and gauze, to the great
profit of the silk industry, cr if, on the
contrary, the women shall dress in
cloth, mohair, or even Ilneu. So that
the investigating eye of the wholesale
merchant must reach everything, from
the insect which has just hatched in
Chinato the new fashion which ha3
just hatched in Paris.
Tho Terrible Microtia ClonU Kverywber
for II! Victim.
Catarrh microbes arc guests with a
proclivity for introducing their rela
tives and another puzzling problem 13
the management of children that are
always apt to catch cold, says the
Chautauquan. After months of snif
fling and coughing the little patient
perhaps begins to complain of pains
in the throat; tho trouble may result
in croup or comething worse and the
alarmed mother makes up her mind to
take no risks if she can help It. Out
ings are suspended altogether; in win
ter the windows are probably nailed
down to exclude every breath of cold
air; but after all the youngsters can
not be expected to submit to a perpe
tuity of indoor confinement. Their
wistful looks as they linger about the
window suggest a desire for a change
of scene and their mother at last con
sents to take them to meeting or to
the new museum. But that expedient
is an appeal from demons to Beelzebub,
and a graphic humorist with a good
deal of hygienic insight describes a
crowded, over-heated meeting house
as a place where "Freddy's cough
germs establish a colony in Tommy's
throat; old Jones consumption mi
crobes hover about in search of vic
tims and Smith's departing influenza
takes a fresh grip on Jackson's lung3."
Rismnrck's Intrljacs with Austria.
"A-letter written from Berlin to a
London newspaper says that Dr. Heln
rich Friedjung is about to publish a
book on "The Struggle for Supremacy
in Germany, 1859-1866," in which he
will give an account of information
given hixn by Prince Bismarck with
regard to the ex-Chancellor's proposals
to Austria in 1866, before the outbreak
of war, for a partition of Germany be
tween Austria and Prussia. As both
powers were then armed to the teeth,
they could havo imposed their will
upon Europe. The proposal, it Is said,
was kept secret because it would have
involved the political subordination of
the Bavarian crown to Austria. Prince
Bismarck went even further, and, in
his own words, proposed that Prussia
and Austria should make a united at
tack upon France with a view to the
cession of Alsace. Austria was to take
Strasburg, Prussia Mainz the calcu
lation being that Napoleon could do
nothing, his army having been demor
alized by the Mexican expedition.
Our American civilization Is the
wonder and the disappointment of the
world. Our institutions are new, yet
they exhibit "the rust and stiffness of
old'age. Our natural resources are but
slightly developed, and contain wealth
enough to make the whole world rich;
vet the cry of the industrious unem
ployed is heard In every city and town.
Rev. H. N. Gasson.
A newly designed hanger for shade
rollers is made of metal. In sections,
slidably connected with each other, so
that the holder will take aay length of
roller and the. curtain can be held out
ward from the wall any desired distune.
The Empress Catherine kad warn
heart for. the ladies of her eowt.
WaUasewski relates in the new vol
usm of his history that Catherine,
noticing that the beautiful Mile.
Petoeka, who had lately come to court,
had no pearls, immediately com
manded a fancy dress ball, to which
the girl was bidden to come as a milk
maid. Then, while Mile. Potock.
was dancing, tho empress slipped a
superb necklace of pearls into the
pail she carried, and at her exclama
tion of wonder said: "It is only the
milk, whioh has curdled."
A Shiatsu? Exaatpte.
'Mr. Peabody, who was an Ameri
can," said Dean Hole the" other day,
'was one of the greatest benefactors
of London. His houses built for and
occupied by the workmen are models
which every great city would do well
to copy. At a flower and plant ex
hibition in London which I attended
four or fro years ago, I was surprised
and delighted to find that a large num
ber of the prizes for the best plants
went to psople who' were dwellers in
Mr. Poabody's houses. That shows
whataTbetter atmosphere will do for
tho working classes. Public gardens
and parks and workingmen's clubs, I
think, are always conducive to tem
perance. But peoplo will never be
made temperate by constraint. To
secure temperance is impossible by
mere human obligations and 'vows.
Force of common sense, conscience
and spiritual influence are necasaarv.-
Pato Do Fete Graa.
Pate do- foie gras is mado in tho
southern part of Erance. It consists
of goose livers that are put through a
chemical process. It is mado as fol
lows: The geese are given fattoning
food and got as fat as possible, then
they are put on a very hot surface, so
that they will of course bo forced to
hop around as tho hot iron burns their
foot. This fattens the liver until it
bursts and of course makes the goeso
very sick. Then they aro killed, and
their livers taken out and put into oil.
Thon they are put through numerous
preparations until it is ready to bo
packed in the little earthen jars iff
which we buy it. There is much of
it sold and much of it eaten, but
overvpne does not know how it i3
xnadW If this is not cruelty to dumb
animals, what is it? Our Dumb Ani
mals, -
From the Noted Philanthropist aad
Worker Among tho Poor, X. J. Smith,
the Founder of tho Omaha Rescue
Home. This Noble Man Is Spendlac
Ills Lire Among the Vafortanate Bes
calnar the rallea aad Helping Those
In Distress.
To the Public:
Having bad considerable dealings with
the Dr. B. J. Kay Medical Co., and used
their remedies with remarkable success, I
have no hesitancy in saying that I have
the utmost confidence in the reliability of
the company and the personal integrity of
the doctor," as well as the merit of
bis great remedies, Dr. Kay's Renovator
and Dr. Kay's Lung Balm. In my work
among the unfortunate 1 iiud many sick
and suffering who have not the means to
purchase necessary medicine. Dr. B. J.
Kay cheerfully offered to supply whatever
medicine was needed in buch cases free of
charge, and through tho kiudne-.s of the
generous doctor 1 havo carried relief to
many a poor desjiondent heart. All. per
sons who send money to this company for
any of their remedies will. I am sure, re
ceive honorable treatment and the goods
will be sent as promptly as ordered.
N. J. Smith.
Free pamphlet will bo sent on application.
to Dr. B. J. Kay Medical Co.. Omaha, Neb.
KuMlaa Subject.
The law of Russia requires all Rus
sian subjects over the age of 12 years
to take ho oath of allegiance on the
accession of a new czar. Tito Russian
government never surrenders its
claim to the allcgiauco of a native of
Russia, or admits that a Russian can,
without its permission, become a citi
zen of another country. Of course
there is no means of enforcing this
claim against Russians who havo be
come American citizens.
In a New VorJc Hoarding llouxe.
New Boarder Is there a dog about
this establishment?
Waiter Yes, sah, de landlady's
son has a bull dog in de cellar.
New Boarder Can ho bite?
Waiter Yes, indeody, he am de
mos' wishus dog I eber teed.
Now Boarder Then ho kind
enough to give htm this chicken
with my compliments. I'd like to
believe thcro L something that can
bite it. Texas Sifting.
Edacato Toar Bowels With Cascarets.
Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever.
18c. if C. C. C. fail, druggists refund mouey.
"D003 your mother give you coffee
at every meal?"
Tommy I don't know.
"Why don't you?"'
Tommy Well, 'cause mother calls
it coffee bui tho boarders call it
horrid. Inter Ocaan.
Send for samples and cri.res ta Hcrsliey Ele
vator Co., Hcrhey, Nebraska.
They Tell the " fm-.
Phonographic clocks, which verbally,
announce tho hoars of tho day, are
mado in Geneva. Yon can get a clock
that will speak in any of tho medern
! $3 SHOE
Tot 14 Texts ibis shoe, bv merit alone, haa
5 distanced all competitors. t
S Indorsed hy over 2 . OOO.OCO wcareransthes
5 best in style, fit oart durabUity cf any shoe
a over offered at 3.00. ,
i . It Is mado in all the Z.ATEST SHAPES cod -5
Pmv.Sp.ud or every variety cf leather.
a Ono dealer In a town given exclusive eale a
s kud advertised ir loent pp-r on receipt of
rcasooa Ma order.! lWWrilo for cataloirue to !
W. 1. XJOUOLAG Brockton, afaaa. I
We sell the best
makes of
Carpets at Manu
facturers' Prices, with" slight additional
cost cut to fit rooms. Dealers in nearly
every town in the west sell our goods
from samples. If there is no agent in
your town order direct from us. Sam
ples sent if desired to select from.
(Agents wanted Dealers only.)
Please meation this paper when ordering.
r?5 mm, S3I :
i aaa "SJa:-.-.:;. ..:S idcb Z w?
I-siJfcBiW "I I SL
I 2S Bvf?"5?- w,' vy OSaWiacss
Jasat Coach SyraB. TaaeaGocd. Vrnfffj
ptt off a wiim, Palo.
A lady while engaged in tha par
salt of her domestic duties encoun
tered a mouse in the flour barrel.
Now, most ladies, aader similar, cir
cumstances, would have uttered a few
genuine shrieks, and then sought
safety in the garret, but this one pos
sessed more than the ordinary degree
of genuine courage.
She summoned the maa-servaat and
told him to got the gun, call the dog
and station himself at a convenient
distance. Then she clambarcd half
way upstairs and commenced to punch
the flour barrel with a pole.
Presently the mouse made its ap
pearance and started across the floor.
Tho dog at once went in pursuit. The
man fired and the dog dropped dead,
the lady fainted aad fell down the
stairs, and the man. thinking that
she was killed, and fearing that he
would bo arrested for murder, disap
peared and has not been seen since.
t The mouse escaped. Amusing Jour
Potatoes as Peahetdera.
"It is surprising." said a com
mercial traveler, "how general tho
use of potatoes as penholders is be
coming in hotels. I havo seen them
in use in great hostelrie3 of the East,
whoso owners wouldn't hesitate for a:
moment to spend $10 for a desk orna
raont to hold pens used by the guests
in registering. The mixture of starch,
glucose, and water in the potato
seems well adapted to take up im
purities or ink, and to keep the pea
point clear and bright, while the alka
loid of the potato, known as solanino,
doubtless has something to do with it
in tho same line. These elements
readily take up the tannato of iron,
which is tho body substance of ink.
Chemically speaking, starch is the
first base of a potato, and sugar or
glucoso is the second base. Thus is
tho hurablo jKt.tto finding another
way in which to serve the uso of man
kind. There is u rather pleasing
suggestiveness in a big ten-inch po
tato when a fellow comes in tired and
hungry from a long run."
How's Tills!
We odcr Ono Hundred Dollars reward
for any case of Catarrh that cannot be
cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure
F. I CHENEV & CO.. I'rops., Toledo. Ohio.
We. tho undersigned, have known F. J.
Cheney for the last 13 years, and believe
him perfectly honorable In all business
transactions and financially able to carry
out anv obligations rauuu by their firm.
Wc-t & Truax, Wholcsalo Druggists, To
ledo, O.
Waldin?. Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale
Drnsgists, Toledo. Ohio.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken internally,
acting directly upon the blood and mu
cous surfaces of the system. Price 7."o
per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Testl
monlalsfree. Hall's Family Pills aro the best.
Wai a reach 1'hravo.
In ono of the New .York stores one
of the girls who sits up aloft and
dispatches money to tho cashier by
way of tho brass tubes is known to
her companions by tho endearing
namo of "Chauuccy Depow." The
reason is not very clear. Perhaps
she bas a gift for humorous speech
making. At any rate, when the lit
tle blue-aproned cash-girls wish to
attract her attention they stand in
front of the counter and chant, in
sing-song fashion. "Chaunuey,
Chauncey, Chauncoy Depew. Chaun
cey, Chauncey Depcw." Then she
acknowledges their salutations and
answers their requests amid much
giggling. The other day a woman
of inquiring tniud asked ono of tho
other clerks to explain tho reason
for this pseudonym. "Huh?" saiu
the young woman. "Why do tho
cash-girls call the girl up thcro
Chaunccv Depcw?' repeated the
questioner. "Oh, I dnnno." ruplied
tho cleric, indifferently. "It's some
French phra-e they've got for her,
but I dunno what it means."
fortnnr Seeking Knilcrants.
Manv a poor family that seeks tb western
wilds "in tin l'o;m of ivimiiii a fortune. H
prcervrd from l!::it insidious fm? of tin
emigrant am! fronllfrsaian chills and fever
by Hosteller's Stomach Hitter. Ho cfTeri
iiafly docs that incomparable medicinal do-fonsi-
fort if vt he vstcm against the combined
liitlucnrc of a malarious afsiusphcm and
Tidastna-tainted water. I hat protected by it
t he pioneer, tho miner or the tcurtst provided
with it. may safely encounter "he danger.
ifl J-irsc C'lturcfi.
Jliere is a Spanish proverb which
.says that "an otinco of mother is
worth :t pound of clergy.' The home,
let it Ixs always romenilicred. is tho
llrst church, tin
hearthstone the lirst
::!tar and father
and mother the lirst
Ko-To-Bac for Fifty Cents.
Guaranteed rebacco habit cure, makes wealc
men siroos, bleed pare. SOc.31. All drusicists.
Ho iii.- i)iiu;iini.
She And you'll havo to make a
speech after dinner, won't you 1'
lie Oh I shall just have to talk
a little nonsense to them, you know!
She Ah and nolxjdy's better
niinlincd to 'Jo that than yourself!
'-!Kgf B1I8II HI II
21ind this. It makes no
! BmilEIBBfl
J of 11
of lhc"Muscles, Joints, and Hones is cured by
Walter Baker &Co.'sj
Breakfast Cocoa.
' 1. Because it is absolutely pure. " Z
2. Because it is not .made by the so-called Dutch Process in
which chemicals are used. . j;
3- Because beans of the finest quality are used. i,
4. Because it is made by a method which preserves unimpaired J
the exquisite natural flavor and odor of the beans.
5. Because it is the most economical, costing less than one cer.t Z
a cup.
Be sare that yoa set the zenoiae article made by WALTER
BAKER ec CO. Ltd.. Dorchester, Mass. Established 1760. t
20 Years f
in eye! IwlMinc
Hartford tieycles
$79. m...
Catalcfe free froai dealert, ar fey auS a
one s-eest staasp.
Va sV f f9
tsaTf aSanJrWTaal
"swF (-sMPw WmSmCtmm
One morulas, Jerroid aad Csaif
tea proceeded together to view tha -
pictures ia the gallery of illustra.
tioa. Ob entering: the aatereom,
they found themselves opposite te
number of very long lookiag glasses.
Pausing before one of these, Comp
toa remarked to Jerroid: "Tou'va
coats here to admire works of art!
Very well, first feast your eyes on
that work of nature," pointing to his
own figure reflected in the glass;
"look at it! There's a picture far
your "Yes," said Jorrold, regard
ing it intently, "very fine very flae,
indeed." Then turning to his
friend: Wants hanging,, though."
Optical Co. make Spectacles of an
e Sp
kino aad St taem to yoar cj es.
Ktast. Omaha -
rieaty or Attention.
Little Boy That watch you
me doesn t keep good time.
Father Perhaps you forget ,to
wind it. "V-Tr?
Littlo Boy Forget to"
Why, I wind it forty times a day.
To Caro Constipation Forever.
Take Cascarets Candy Cathartic 10c orSe.
If C C. C. fall to cure, druzuists refund moacv.
Hew He Won Her Regard.
Mrs. Do Neat It seems to mo that
for a man who claims todescrvo char
ity, you havo a very red nose.
Moldy Mike Yes, mum; tho cheap
soaps that us poor peoplo h&3 to uso
is very hard on tho complexion, mum.
For the
fl""HERn Is only cr.a way by which f
any mscase can cs ciircu, ana mat k"
la by removing the cause, what- j
ever K csav be. Iks creat medical i
aathoritles of th? day declare that near JT
ly every disease Is caused by
eoraaed Kidneys cr Liver. ,. . v
the only way by tv nlsh hsaitli
secured, iisrcuwncrc
has ecblsved ita great repu
tation. It
aad by piscine them In a
healthy condition, drivca
CHma and pain from tho
1 Large bottlo or new style
1 sm; liar one. ct yoarilnitnrlsts.
a IU reputation " Twenty years
wi or succesj. iRiour contiacau.
:ccsj." la roar conttacau.
or's Safo Cnro Co.. Ion- fl I
tociicster. Krantfcrt, 21al- !,
3- w amors balo
doa. Rochester.
H Knwwnr, Tami.M
1 ssr.
ssr Tirv"SS
1 ICscrs both tUernnJ simile r;r-&i'id
1 It iz nfr!TjKn iv Tjr.if 'i'.in
!wf2 your'wrt i ir catatoz-.! a to ffeiSf ""'
ESS A.J.TOVTR.Ho-!oa. Atass. fr7&&?
Examlcitlcn an Jdrlcc-as t VatM!taiii;i:j- of In-Ti-ntlon.
Semi for"Inve:.'-s CuKo.or llo tftCcta
fsiuit." O'FAKUSM. & SO:.. V.'ashiav'toa. V. C
at Ozvxpz- PJWS g3HST.PT.f!3
t a . t " r m ) rill m t I
QJ&Q&J'JvWs Kcc'tollrrr an-1 bowel. cm
i-i licaa-ioii. never pieif,fi
MprJrt Ik otr trrlr. ILit'ein
candy. lo.ij.-.r.r.Of. All ilrnrjtist'. h.inplf fre. A I
4ress STIUiLlSU WEilZtiX Co.jt'lilcajjoor .Vow Ycri
Wo want on- apent ia tliM Counl7 M
cilttfami.i. i;.MlajinKaftic!omi
arili. Vi'i ii-ij !! enw. Aildrr.4
CLYZA tHEJl. CO., VK":ii:igiaii, J.C.
v. oieoi;upnto:it
;i.pac? book free.
nJTrilTQ 20yf;ir3' xptriencc. Send sketch ferail
fat.O'li-e) l-.-anc X Wenver. ile'Jili H!-J;;.,;vu!i.U.U
OBiiSSJS "a whisky '" '
VaSiilSB rarr. a.-. u.:t. v.ooLLt:
MffJ. rt MBt
r. ATIATi, tl.
xiuS weltSaVTat2Bspssn's Eyo Water,
CCT OIPU uic-lr. l;eail fur".SiO InrentionnWanlcJ."
OC I niUil lJlgarTateiCo..213Broiwaj.XoVor!c.
W. N. U. OMAHA. No. 16.-1897.
When writing 10 advertisers, kindly men
tion this paper.
wwg-wt0 ZQtt
difference, ,
Acute, or
Pj iiatlUlUsy Cunnliihain's new work
' on llils womicrfnl telrw.
The rt!cr can aalljr tell hit or tls Ir.-etitls- Ilaline
"'aaet. Ihero it alo much ot.r raln-ililo lnfor
raatlon nl the horoscope, of i'rcsldent McKinley
aaJ VI to. .1. JSryan. rrtrc, jotpaU. S5c. SOc
nU 81.00, ac-or.ilnK-tobinolny.
panics whoso lcttrr haiprn to l lt. rd. lh and
Uth opened In each i ays nm.l. All ap;llcan'a most
comply with thero!loinzronJltlcr..: icod tcx.raca
ernaUonallty,p:afc,jcar.mtu:li, dato and line of
n. ' " nu ''r r- ,0 e" nfftr " f" ih' 'I lnnr
will rtceire Ifcelr readme and their Uc tet teed Isi
tc for postage. AH apjiliotUas rncft contain lie In
ttacips to -ny forit:Ip In ao you arc uot iUt
winper. Semi at Ourc: j-ottare jn?ta. apt to wLn '
aaanjone. and if yoti do not. jou vrdl itrriio a Talii
'' bj aatrolo-y lor tfce insaUitua of lit. Thoso
pot kno-Tln; tlmo ot LIrth liouM und lc for furthar
iastrnctionf. AMzan
Oept. 4, I94S. Cllntcn-at.
Chfcas-o. fl!.
l His C for unnatural
di-harsrs, iiiC-irniuaUuns.
irritations or ulcerations"
of mucous tueEiuranes.
ITKUVVI$CHEU1CJU.C0. tnt or poisonous.
toetiMun.o.i" ! SoiabyTtrwezistM.
cr sent In plain terser?-
Ly "iprjf. rr-p.tld. for
Clrcalir scat oa request.
iiCTatC!dRil'c. W
li .
Km n Fir" r? " a ICfO
rsTX's -w.TisjsHn
jr XccaxaX I
Lf,f Ooanaurd J
fwj a4 to acneicrr.
Sa drttnal eaaurva.
V V v.3.x. y. r
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