The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, January 13, 1897, Image 1

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By Robert Barf.
"Tliere are more things in heaven
and earth, HoraUo, than arc dreamt
of iu your philosophy," said Hamlet to
his friend. The statue' of my Lord
Horatio Nelson stands between heaverf
and earth, and has stood t there . for
thirty-si years, more or less, unmo
lested. "What Horatio dreamt of in his
lihitosephy as he looked down ott all
those generations of people uu the 'bus
tops far below him, will never be
known, but doubtless he was somewhat
surprised the other day to see Mr. Har
ii'ison climb over the brass crown df
' the tall pile of stones with the end of
a wreath of flowers in his hand. We
may Imagine Nelson in surprise say
ing: "Hallo, Harrison! "What's up?" and
Harrison replying quite truthfully:
4 "I am, my lord."
Mr. Harrison is a celebrated stteple
'ack, and I stood watching him the
other day work his way up the tali
.Nelson pillar in Tralalgar square with
ustonishing expertness and agility of
limb, and the way in which he at
tended to his hazardous business filled
-me with admiration. I don't know how
far bjw heaven Lord Nelson is, but
he is ltd feet above the earth, and they
gave Mr. Harrison the contract for
reaching him, with the proviso that
. he was to drive no spikes in the monu
ment itself.
The Nc.son monument in Trafalgar
square is built of solid stone, and is
therefore unlike most other shafts of
the eaaic size and height. The tall
column further down the street which
commemorates the London fire, is hol
low, and has a stair-case running up
..the centrr; so bus the Column Ven
domn in I'.-.ris.ebuilt as it is of cannon,
captured from .arious nations, and
bent lino slioets like boiler plates. JJut
the Nelson statue stands en solid stone,
with the four huge lions, by Lundseer,
. guarding the pedestal.
"And what was Mr. Harrison doing
up beside Lord Nelson?" asks the
Thereby hangs a tale, and also a
green "wreath weighing nine tons.
Mr. Harrison is usually engaged in
the commercial business of putting
caps on chimneys and things of that
sort. He comes from the smoky town
of Sheffield, and from a land studded
with tall factory chimneys, which be
sides furnishing bread and butter for
numerous employes, also furnishes
bread and butter for Mr. Harrison.
How came he, then, to leave his com
mercial occupation and tackle a memo
rial that stands for war? I suppose
that America had something to do with
the elevation of Mr. Harrison of Shef
field, just as it had with the elevation
of Mr. Harrison of indiana, seven or
eight years ago. Most countries have
had something to do with Mr. Harri
son of Sheffield and his giddy climb.
England has been gettiug it in the
neck from all over the place for the
past year. The Englishman is a slow
and stolid person, not given to panics
or sudden excitement he is difficult to
arouse to anything like enthusiasm,
but he is at last gradually waking up.
Within recent years Portugal,
France, Spain, Germany. Russia and
the United Statos have all been saying
unkind things about him, even the de
crepit, sensuous Turk thinks he can
take advantage of this unanimity of
dislike to have his little shy at John
Bull, while John is afraid to make a
move that might help the Armenians
for fear he will set the whole shop
ablaze. Public opinion in England has
been getting red hot for some time
past, but statesmen with responsibility
on their shoulders, who know more
than the ordinary map in the street of
the dangers they have to encounter,
have been moving slowly, and with
caution; so the Englishman, unable to
make his slow-going government move,
has betaken himself to the amusement
of decorating the monument of the late
Mr. Nelson. There is no particular
reason why this should be done this
particular year more than any otber
year. It is not the centenary of the
event, the period when nations gener
ally have a blow-out over times that
are past; it is in fact, if I remember
rightly, the ninety-first anniversary of
the battle of Trafalgar. Why, then,
should this not have been done on the
ninetieth, or the eighty-eighth, or the
eightieth year, and why should the
placid statue of Lord Nelson be sur
prised this year with the mounting of
Mr. Harrison of Sheffield?
England, as a rule, is not given to
celebrating victories, unless it is by a
quiet dinner with something good to
drink on the board; but she seems to
have come to the conclusion that it
would not be a bad thing his year
to remind people in general that this
little one-eyed, one-armed man annihi
lated some years ago the combined
fleets of France and Spain, and that he
made a big Etir In several quarters
of the globe before he was himself
snuffed out on the deck of the well
named Victory.
' It is a gentle intimation, by means
of a nine-ton wreath of green stuff,
that upon occasion England has been
checked once too often, and when that
happened somebody invariably got
But as' I have said, my admiratiea
the other day was not for Horatio Nel
son, hut for the intrepid Mr. Harrison
and Bis nimble assistants. He did the
trick witk eighteen-foot ladders. He
Blasted a ladder at the base of the
MniuneBt and tied the top of it with
ropes; then another ladder was run up
m tfce tf t the trtt, the lower part f ,
m r"r iRS i"l
the second ladder being roped to the
top rounds of the first, while its top'
was fastened firmly to the monument;
thus Mr. Harrison went up and up in'
an incredibly short space of time1.
It was supposed there would be" soma
difficulty in getting over the coping at
,the top of the monument, but this pre
sented no difficulty to the active Mr:
Harrison who speedily found himself
in a position to shake hands with Lord
Nelson a hundred and seventy-six feet
tram the ground.
Trafalgar square, where the monu
ment stands, was laid out somewhat
less than sixty-six years ago, af.d so
is a comparatively modern feature df
London. Sir Robert Peel called it the
finest site in Europe, but in that 1
think he was wrong. I should give
tliat title to the Place de Concord in
Paris, or the top of the hill in Brus
sels where the huge block of modem
public buildings stands in a position
where it can be seen from almost any
part of the city, standing high above
the town, and commanding the wilder
ness of roofs that clusters at its feet
England was somewhat slow in re
cognizing Lord Nelson. He bequeathed
to the nation his illegitimate daughter,
and the nation paid not the slightest
attention to his bequest. It was not
till 1840 that this monument was erect
ed at the cost of nearly a hundred and
fifty thousand dollars. Even when the
shaft was erected a long time elapsed
before Landseer's lions were placed at
the foot. The great animal painter
took his time over the lions; and in
one respect they were simiiar to the
base of the statue of liberty in New
York that Is, they became a standard
newspaper joke because of the delay in
placing them in position, it was not
until 1868 that they were set to guard
Lord Horatio Nelson, and then the
papers unkindly said that they were
not like lions at all, arid that the old
lion at the top of Northumberland
house refused to recognize them as be
ing of the same species as himself.
It was even said that the lions at the
zoo framed a protest to parliament
against the lions which Sir Edward
Landsecr had placed in the most prom
inent position-in London. Succeeding
generations, however, have reversed
this newspaper verdict, and artists of
to-day claim the lions of Landsecr are
the most noble effigies of that dis
tinguished beast that mankind has yet
executed. The tall monument took
three years In building, and so far as
I know has never been decorated be
fore. The old ship Victory, on which Nel
son died, still lies in Portsmouth har
bor, and the otber day a wreath was
placed on the spot where the admiral
expired a few hours after victory was
assured. The Victory, on the day the
monument was decorated, was also cov
ered with bunting, and lying near was
a French yacht which made a sympa
thetic display of color.
Just as the old battleship and the
new yacht lay in peace together, let us
hope the recriminations between na
tions will cease, and that lambs and
lions all over this green earth will not
disturb our meditations with their
heretofore eternal row.
How the l'ftst master at 1'ony, Montana,
Did It.
In the early days of Pony, a mining
camp in Montana, the postofiice con
sisted of an old tea-box, into which all
the letters were dumped, the citizens
helping themselves, says an exchange.
There were only forty citizens in Pouy,
and, there being no money in the office,
it was with considerable difficulty that
the storekeeper was persuaded to ac
cept the postmastership.
One day a stranger rode into camp
and called on the postmaster.
"Don't you know." bt began, sternly,
"that it is illegal to allow people to
plek out their own letters like that?"
"Waal, stranger." said the postmas
ter. "I don't know that it is any of
your business how this office is run."
"Rut 1 am a United States postofflce
inspector "
"In this case," said the postmaster,
"we will finish up this postofiice right
He took the tea-box. placed it in the
middle of the road. and. with a good
run. kicked It clear across the gulch.
"Now. then." he resumed, "you go
right back to Washington and tell the
department from me that the accounts
are closed and the postmaster at Pony
has resigned."
rresrrln;j Wood.
There have been a number of pro
cesses patented for preserving wood.
One of them, very generally used, con
sists in immersing the timber in a
bath of corrosive sublimate. Another
process consists in first filling the
pores with a solution of chloride of
calcium under pressure, and next
forcing in a solution of sulphate ol
iron, by w'lich an insoluble sulphate
of lime is formed in the body of thq
wood, which is thus rendered nearly
as hard as stone. Wood prepared in
this way is nonv very largely used for
railroad ties. Another process con
sists in impregnating the wood with a
solution of chloride of zinc. Yet an
other way is to thoroughly impreg
nate the timber with oil of tar
containing creasote and" a crude
solution of acetate of iron. The
process consists in putting the wood
in a cylindrical vessel, connected with
a powerful air pump. The air is with
drawn, and the liquid subjected to
pressure, so that as much of it as pos-
sible is forced into the pores of the
wood. The processes above given not
only season the timber so that it is
not subject to dry rot. but also keep
It from being injured by the weather,
or being attacked by insects or
A Larger Arm- Callrtt For.
In his annual report to the secretary
of war, General Miles, commanding the
army, renewed the recommendation for
an increase of the enlisted force. He
would have the enlisted strength based
on ttie population, at the rate of one
soldier for every 2,000 of the people as
a minimum, and one to every 1,000 of
the people as a maximum. This would
give us a force ranging from 35,000 to
70,000 enlisted men, t the discretion
of the president. The army has re
mained stationary at 25,000 for many
years, although our population has in
creased rapidly. The new coast de
fences which congress has authorized,
require more men to garrison the forts
aad man the guns than can be fur
nished BBer the prtMut Uws.
Pathptin Sn&nflft
. ...w..v v.i.vv.i. ...w x ww.w.j
The Rev. Dr. Philip Anderson, who
has returned to his home in Pomona
Valley, in southern California, after
an absence of two years among the
islands in the southern Pacific archi1
pelago, last summer preached 16 prob
ably the moat remarkable congregation
In the world. The doctor is the mis
sionary of the Pacific Ocean Evangeli
cal Missibn union, and his duties caused
him to spend much time in the Hawaii
an Islands. He preached in Honoiuld
for several weeks, and there attracted
the attention of President Dole, of the
Hawaiian republic.
The doctor desired to visit Molokai,
the famous island to which lepers arc
exiled by the national board of health
of the Hawaiian republic. No one except-
the officers of tho national board
is permitted to land at Molokai, and
even the officers are guided by strict
regulations as to where they go and
what they do in the leper colonj-. Pres
ident Dole gave permission to Re?. Dr.
Anderson to go to Molokai for one,
but he was constantly to be accompa
nied by a physician in the service of
the national board of health.
A Tragedy 0f rovc atul Scjr sacrifice.
A pathetic love tragedy is being
played in the leper colony of Molokai.
A beautiful native girl fell in love and
married the man of her choice. Soon
he developed symptoms of leprosy.
They were slight, and might have been
concealed, but were not. The young
husband was banished from Honolulu
to Molokai. His beautiful girl bride
jynr f RPifSfl
Philip Anderson.
followed. She preferred the place with
its hideous menace, to Honolulu with
out her husband. Now she attends di
vine worship in the leper colony, and
is a pathetic figure among the con
demned, into whose limping ranks the
dread disease will soon push her, for
none that live at Molokai ever escape.
It is. in fact, an unwritten law of j
the Samoaus that a bride shall share j
the fate of the husband if he contracts .
leprosy that she shall go with him to
the leper colony and there, without!
hope, await the approach of this hor- '
riblo, lingering death. The young
bride, whh the pathos of despair on
her countenance, looking sadly but re
signedly upon the miserable men and
women about her, was noticed by the
Rev. Dr. Aiu'eison standing at the edge
of the strange congregation to which he
The island of Molokai," said Rev.
Dr. Anderson, in relating his exper
iences there to a Sunday World corre
spondent, "is about ten miles long and
fair wide. Its name means land of
precipices. There is but one landing
place on the Island, and that near the
colony, so even if it were possible to
They lUir Come Into tVe as Surgieal
Asbestos has come into use as a sur
gical dressing. Its softness to the touch
and glistening, silky appearance com
mend it as being unirritating to the
skin and cleanly, says the Philadelphia
Press. But the chief reason for its use
is its indestructibility by fire. This
quality makes it possible to render as-
bestos surgical dressings absolutely j
free from germs. No other form of I
lint or cloth can be thus sterilized. An- '
tiseptic surgery was introduced a little
after the death of President Garfield.
The original idea was to kill all the
germs and microbes in an operation
wound by means of strong disinfecting
solutions, such as carbolic acid or bi
chloride of mercury. All operations
v.ere carried on .under a spray of an
tiseptic solutions until the surgeons
began to poison themselves by too free
ise of them. Next the surgeons founu
that if they boiled all their instruments
and dressings they could dispense with
the spray and many of the "antiseptic
precautions." The ingenuity of instrument-makers
and surgeons was ex
hausted in devising new forms of ster
ilizers. All hospitals in the city have
a great number of devices for steriliz
ing dressings with superheated steam
tinder a high pressure. Instruments
are boiled in various solutions or baked
in ovens. The chief material used is
purified gauze, which has taken the
place of lint. Immense quantities of it
are used every day in the large hos
pitals, for a gauze dressing is never
used twice. Asbestos dressings can be
used over and over again, for no germs
can stand the heating that asbestos
can go through, and each time it be
comes as good as new and absolutely
germ-proof. It will be chiefly used for
military surgery. The great problem
for army surgeons is how to be perfect
ly antiseptic' or aseptic, which means
simply absolutely clean in a surgical
sense, with the limited means at their
servir, .A handful of asbestos can Iks
sterilized instantly in a soldier's camp-
in ths I filter Hnlnnv
cross the towering cliffs and fearful'
gulches and canyons, no one could get
away from Molokai.
Ait At fiil Picture:
i:The territory occupied by the iep'efs.
contains about i8,000 aerC3. It lies iM
a little valley, well watered and pro
tected by mountains from the wiud3
of the great ocean. Orauges, lemons
and bananas grtiw wild.. The chief
product is rice. The iepcrs are cared.
for at the expense of Hawaii: There
are now nearly 600 leper in the c'olonyV
A few of them have been there for
twenty-five jxars, but most of them
'bavo been' transported to, Molokai in
the last ten years. The lepers know
there is absolutely no hope for then?
to leave the lepercoloay and that the
joys of home are forever denied them.
"The very air In the colony seems
heavy with leprosy, for there is a pecu
liar sweetish odor wherever one goes
among the homes in Molokai. As I
went past the hospital, the odor of
the seventy or eighty lepers who lay
on cots in the dooryard, or who sat
idly about the broad porch, was dis
tressing, i met the Rev. Father Drake,
who voluntarily went to Molokai front
Syracuse, N. Y., to take the place of
Father Damien,' who, himself a vigor
ous young man, went to live in Molokai
to work among the lepers lintil death
released him from the inevitable year's
of pain and disease.
"Father Drake told mc that he had
suffered the first stages of leprosy, al
though he had avoided the disease a
year or two by extreme care in his
mode of living and association with the
lepers. He said that the earliest symp
toms of leprosy were constant head
aches, slight nausea ami later numb
ness of the fingers and toes, so that
one might hold his fingers or toes to
any unbearably hot substance and
feel no heat. Then the fingers and
toes begin to mortify at the joints, and
later to drop away. Father Drake had
lost but one finger joint when we saw
him, and he believed he might live ten
years more. He said he was happy
that he could minister to the suffering
and dying at Molokai as no one else
could, and his only desire to prolong
his own life was to cheer and convert
those about him.
Heroism of Women.
"There ar3 Tour young nuns who
have gene to a living death at Molo
kai. One is from Syracuse, N. Y., two
arc sisters from Newark, N. J., and the
fourth came from Philadelphia. Two
have been attacked by the dread dis-
case, one -is probably jiot yet innocu- i
lated with leprosy, while the other bad
been mildly attacked when I was there: j
fire. Asbestos is made from a mineral
substance and consists of fine crystal
line clastic fibers. It is quite cheap. A
single fiber of asbestos fuses to a white
enamel, but in the match it is capable
of resisting ordinary flame. The an
cients used it to wrap around bodies to
preserve the ashes of the dead when on
the funeral pile. A workman in an En
glish foundry was accused of witch
craft in the early part of the century,
for having a pair of stockings which he
cleansed in a furnace instead of a
Anecdote of nro,, ruo.-L-.
Thc cffort bein made ,n
ters t0 persua(le a jll(ge to , u
i.,Tf !; . s.i '
7 i I f " , " anc-
dote told of Bjron Pollock when bo
was Chief Baron Pollock. On one oc-
, . ,
casion someone hinted retirement
pretty broadly to the baron, entirclv
with a view, the person urged to the
prolongation of such a valuable life.
As soon as he saw the drift of the
speaker's remarks the old man rose,
and with his grim, dry gravity said:
"Will you dance with me?"
Naturally the well wisher stood
aghast at the chief baron's strange re
quest, but the latter who prided him
self particularly upon his sturdy legs,
began to caper about with youthful
vivacity. Seeing his visitor standing
surprised, thc baron tripped up to him
and said: "Well, if you won't dance
with me, will you box with me:"
and "squaring up"" to him, half
in jest and half in earnest, 'literal
ly bo-ed the gentleman out of the
room. After that tht old h ,
had no more visitors anxiously inaulr- I
ing after his health and suggesting re
tirementWestminster Gazette.
Child CharSt with Murder.
Annie Isaac, 13 years of age, is in
jail at Columbia, S. C, -charged with
murdering her" 12-year-old cousin, Rosa
Joseph. The deed was done with an
London has 75,000 street lamps, Paris
50,000, and New York 28,000.
Mi Mnlnkia khnrl
,. ...w.vmu .w...u.
These ntif.s go into the little frame
homes of the lepers'; sit by them id
.their -hours of pain and suffering in
the hospital, and minister to the .re
ligiouftLwelfaie of the dying. The little
girfsja Molokai, who have been torn
from their homes In Honolulu and oth
!er" Hawaiian (Owns, almost worship tho
nuns, and have found much' sofrice ill
:the presence of the heroic American
.women, who have gone to the colony as
heroes and heroines in this world those
meficans at Molokai are heroic.
f "I was the first white -iJefsdfl; e-
icept Father Drake, who had preached
an tbVlittie chapel at Molokai. When
?fc became known in the colony that
Jih3' strange- white man' Jttns going -to
preach in the chapel, nearly every
leper in the place who could get about
came immediately on the ringing of
the bell. The physician who accoms
panicd me had the windows and doors
of the little wooden structure opened
wide, so that there might be fresh air
in the meeting. He also advised mc to
handle nothing in the church, and to
touch no one there.
"I never felt so sad as when these
330 afflicted men, women and children
entered the chapol. Among them were
several Americans who had lived in
Honolulu and had contracted leprosy
among the natives. They came in limp
ing on crutches and canes. There
were, too, a few Englishmen who hob
bled down the harrow aisles. There
were two English women, who could
not have been over thirty-five years
of age, who were without fingers but
had preserved their fresh complexion.
About half a dozen Frenchmen and
three Germans were in the throng.
They had all been sailors and had con
tracted leprosy in the Hawaiian is
lands. All the rest were natives of the
islands. Every one in the strange as- I
semblage bore marks of leprosy.
rat li tic liny ami ;irl Lepers.
, "The little girls and boys who came
to hear me preach were the most pa
thetic of all. A few were attracti re in
spite of their sad, pinched and tev.'ful
faces. A few children were as young
as ten years, and about twenty were
between fourteen and eighteen years.
One little girl, the child of parents
from San Francisco, who had been
born in Honolulu, was carried to a
bench. She had lost both her feet
and several fingers. She had been in
the colony for four years, and the nuns
said she went to sleep every night
weeping and longing for her father and
Another Hawaiian girl of
fourteen had lost one hand and an car
Her remaining hand was so weak that
Mrs. Humphrey Ward is ha-d at
work unpn a small play, to which she
is said to be deoting some of her best
It has been proposed by citizens of
Portland, Ore:, to build a bicycle path
from that city to the base of :-ount
Hood, a distance of fifty-four miles.
A writer in an English literary pub-
t lication declares that Jules Vernp
never made more than $1,000 in any
one year. Zola's annual income is
believed to be about $00,000.
The great linguists have nevei h:en
' "" "- 4" ""-" aiicciauj. .NO
crrnot corn in hnii nrtnn.:.
areat linguist was also great as an
... r?i t -t-. . , -i a& an
T ' , " '' " 1, lan"r"SC3
docs not sceni tc coexist with taleit in
othr line 1 1 In
Another novelist who has taken to
' Play writing is sr Walter Besant. Ho
. as JUSI DIOlIs,1L om- a uok of draw-
ing-room pieces written in collabora-
j tion with W. H. Pollock, and dei.end-
ing for interest on the course. of the
plot rather than on sparkling epi ;ram.
There are said to be over 3 000,000
deities in thc Hindoo mytholog,.
Two million glass eyes a:e manufac
tured yearly in Germany and Switzer
land The largest theatrical building is the
Grand Opera of Paris, which covers
three acres.
In proportion to its size, Britain has
eight times as .many miles of railway as
the United States.
An apple contains as much nutriment
as a potato, and in a plcasanter and
more wholesome form.
In some of the farming districts of
China pigs arc harnessed to small
wagons and made to draw them.
After long agitation on the subject,
a monument to Jules Simoii, the
i French statesman, is soon to be erected.
a stffififtar friend held the hymn hoolt
for the littfe one so that she could sing
with the others. Tlwre were several
little boys,' bright-eyed and evidently
from good Hawaiian families, who had
lost ingers and other members. They
seemed nlor cheerful than any of the
others probably because they did not
realize that they were never again to
teo home and parents anu friends.
"Wha all were seated crutches ami
tall canea ek up here and ther all
over the chapef. A few persons re
clined on their benches because of in
ability to sit up. I gave a half-hour
talk on the blessings of a resigned
Christian life and the joy that awaits
Christians in tho other world. I think
two-thirds of my audience knew En
glish sufficiently well to follow mc.
Lcprr Tray for a Cure.
"When I had finished a tall Scotch
man, evidently a former sailor, of
about fifty years of age, arose and of
fered prayer. Wfcert he had finished a
native of Honolulu, who, 1 was told,
had been a rich rice growcF Jrf tho
islands, spoke for about five minutes.
He said he wanted to tell the Ameri
can man how glad the lepers of Molo
kai were td have a person from the
outside world come to see them, and
that the event Avoiild never be forgot
ten by any one in tho colonj as long
as life remained. He broke into tears
and said he wished I would tell the
white people what a horrible thing
leprosy was and to urge the white doc-
tors lo discover some cure for the dis
ease. Between his sobs he said that
if it had not been for a hope of hap
piness in heaven there would be sui
cides in Molokai every day. He said
they were all living as best they knew
how, hoping for speedy death to re
move them from miserv. As he nro-
ceeded the congregation began to weep,
and the lamentation of the girls and
young women was the most affecting
thing I have ever bah eld.
"The physician with me said he
never had seen &uch a heart-breaking
scene, and he had witnessed many
among the people who were forcibly
taken to Molokai. I started a familiar
hymn, and in a few minutes had the
weeping people under partial control,
for all Hawaiians love music dearly.
Then tne congregation was dismissed,
and while the lame and halt went on
crutches and canes slowly down the
road to their cheap little homes, ray
companion and I silently walked to the
dock, where we took the government
boat for Honolulu. I've witnessed some
very touching scenes in my life, but
that at Molokai was the most affect
ing of all of them."
An t'nlucky t'intl.
Some time ago an Austrian peasant,
who was cleaning an old picture for his j
aunt, round florins in paper
money in it. He claimed the usual 10
per cent as reward and got it. There
were two aunts and 'as each claimed
i the picture as her own an expensive
lawsuit resulted. Finally tho sisters
decided to go halves, but when the
bank notes were examined they were
found null and void, the government's
term for redeeming them having ex
pired. The peasant refused to return
the 5,000 florins which he received in
current money, wherefore his aunts
have now sued him. Exchange.
Our 3Iami-j-s Astonish Them.
American and English manners seem
bald and often astounding to well-bred
people in many parts of the continent
of Europe. We lift our hats only to
ladies. AH over the continent nodding
to a man without lifting your hat is
treating him as an inferior; in some
parts of the continent no one thinks of
entering a shop, a restaurant or a rail
way carriage containing other human,
beings without taking off his hat and
wishing them good morning. New
York Post.
The Yule Lojf.
The yule log in England is a relh
of Druidism; its name is believed to bo
a corruption of the wheel log, a wheel
in Druidical symbolism typifying the
march of the sun. The lighting of the
yule fire is reminiscent of the sacred
fires kindled by the Druids at mid-win.
ter in the round towers which yet re
main in many parts of Great Britain,
Ireland, France and Spain.
The Wonderful Uroirth of CJiieago.
The population of Chicago in 1820
was 70; 1840, 4,S33; 1843, 12,088; 1850,
20,063? 1S55, 60,227; 18C0, 112,172; 1863,
i7c nn- i8?n 2is vrr- is?? ?iu ?.77- issn
503,185; 1884 (estimated), 675,000- 1885
(estimttsd), 727,eoa; 1SS6 (estimated),
750.000; 3887 (estimated). 700.000; 1889
(estimated), 1,000,000; 1S3G, L730.000.
mf. CaanlBsham Free Krutlinc for
Our Header llava ISrconae Very
Toputar Some Instructions for the
Guidance of Applicants for Horoscope
J) HE astrologer is
receiving many rc
quests for free
" readings through
these columns.
&T Each request Is
i n numbered when ro-
Xf eclved and every
SANnnn tcill lf 511-
r'(P swered in Its turn.
pi The astrologer
again calls atten
tion to the fact that each request must
istate-thcdate, placeand hoiirdf'Ijfcth
also sex and color, with full name and
address of sender. The initials only
and place of residence will be usd in
the reading.
ile exact about the hour of
birth. If applicants do not know the
date or hour they should send two
two-cent stamps for special instruc
tions. Persons wishing their horo
scopes made immediately and forward
ed by mall must send twelve two-cent
stamp to cover expenses. Name and
address must be plainly written. Ad
dress all communications to Prof. G.
W. Cunningham. Dept. -i, 191, So. Clin
ton street, Chicago.
This weeks readings are as" follows:
lletsejr: Monroe, Slicli.
According t6 data, you are a mixture
of the signs of Taurus and Gemini, and
therefore Venus and Mercury are your
ruling planets or significators. You are
medium height or above, and medium
to dark hair, complexion and eyes; the
eyes have a peculiar sparkle and
sharp light; you are energetic and am
bitious and will make a great effort
to rise in the world, yet you will find
many obstacles to overcome and will
not be appreciated or paid in accord
ance with what your ability should
command, yet you will succeed far
better than the average of people. You
are a natural' born orator and if you
take ordinary care of tho mouey you
get into your possession you will be
come wealthy.
C. A. !., Webster City, lovra.
According to data, thc sign Leo,
which the Sun rules, was rising at your
birth, with Mercury and Venus on the
ascendant, and therefore the Sun, Ve
nus and Mercury are your ruling plan
ets or significators.
You are medium height or. above;
medium to light complexion, hair and
eyes; you will be disposed to baldness
early in life; you will be active, ambi
tious, energetic, and will hold a good
position in any locality: you. will always
he regarded as a leading man net so
much from your wealth as from your
ability. You will also be noted as hav
ing a great gift of language and as an
orator you would make a great suc
cess. You are very popular with the
W. A. XV., Dubuque. loir.i.
You have the zodiacal sign Virgo rla
ing and therefore Mercury is your rul
ing planet. You are medium height or
slightly above with a well proportioned
figure; the complexion, hair and eyes
from medium to dark; you are rather
reserved in your manner until you get
well acquainted. When young you
were quite bashful, modest and avoided
strangers. You are active, energetic,
ambitious and industrious; you are
very humane in your nature, kind to
all, make many friends, and will be
very popular with the ladies; you are
gifted in one of the fine arts and very
fond of any kind of art work; you have
good command of language. You will
rise to a high position in life, and If
you avoid hazardous speculation and
take good care of the money that comes
Into your possession you will become
quite wealthy. It will be hard for you
to keep money after you make it.
(aertnirte, St. .losepii. Mo.
You have the zodiacal sign Cancer
rising, therefore the moon is your rul
ing planet; you are medium height or
above, with rather well proportioned
figure; thc shoulders good width, the
complexion fair; eyes light; hair me
dium; you are fond of making changes
in certain ways, and will be rather of
an emotional nature, and will some
times change your mind very quickly
and apparently without any good rea
sons for it. Your constitution is not of
a robust kind, and you arc subject to
feverish ailments and especially severe
headaches when these attacks come
on. You are fond of having your own
way and are liable to rebel if opposed
strongly. You are endowed by nature
with strong intuitions, and might easily
develop some mediumistic powers if
you would make some effort in that
iSemurkuliIe Confidence,
She: "It is remarkable what confi
dence that Mrs. Storms has in her hus
band! Believes everything he says."
He: "Well, why shouldn't she?"
"Why, man! he's a clerk in the weather
bureau." Yonkers Statesman.
The man whom prazc allwuss makes
humble, iz an ironclad.
In youth our pashuns keep its bizzy;
In middle life our ambishuns; in old
age, the rumatlsm.
The more intelligent a man bekum3,
the less he thinks of himself, and the
more he thinks of others.
Adversity is tru and honest; it iz the
test that never deceives us. Prosperity
iz allwuss treacherous.
If a man will tell me what he thinks
of his nabors, I can tell him what his
nabors think ov him.
I have seen people spend a large
share ov their time and tallents gitting
religion, and a very small share in
practicing it.
When a man has done me one abso
lute good turn he kan't kross it off
from mi books, I don't kare how mean
he may be afterward.
When I waz a young man I waz all
wuss anxious to beat other men at their
own game; now that I am old, if I
kaa beat them at Bine I aa satisfied.
ColumbusState Bank
(Oldest Bank in the State.)
FajsIiltratHTw Depute
Mats Ins h Beal Estate.
Onmha, Chicago, New York ami
A nd helps its customers when they need help
.Lkandku. Gkri:aui, Pres't.
1L H. Hkxkv, Vice Pres't.
M. BitffirtKi:, Cashier,
.loiix Sr.vuKKKi:, W.u. IIucukk.
Authorized Capital of
Paid in Capital, -
BAN'K'j srilUVM. rashlor.
ritAXic itui:i:i:. Asst. c:nir&
nntra t.i:s:
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Jo.vai, AV. A. MoAi.i.istku,
L'AIH. KlCNKK. S. U. (iltAV.
I'ltA.NK KoMltKlt.
Sni:i.ii .1. IIkmiv ruitihMN,
Cl.lKK CltAV.
Kehkcca IU.cki'.i:,
:t:o. '. Cai.m'.v.
.1. 1. IteCKKU KsTATK,
II. 31. WlXsH.OW.
It.inkof intercut allowed on limn
deposits: buy and sell exchange on 1'nlled
t:ttc and Kuropc. and buy and sell avail
alilcbrcurUlps. Wc shall be pleaded to re
ceive your business. Wo solicit your pat
ronage. Columbus Journal !
A weekly newspaper de
voted tho best interests of
The State of Nebraska
The unit of hi
ns is
$1.50 A YEAR,
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is not prescribed by dollars
aad cents. Sample copies
sent free to any addi
uisrrE:RTA3CE:R !
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ttery Goods.
Columbus Journal
is rnrPAitrD to fchnish
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