i .- -.- zjzf ? .s- rr ' 3 - CTrj .wi tlm --.i -!--- wsso I J Jl l ,-ir .. - -Jroi t - ?.- .- . --3 r - 4ya '.;v.M m.:--- ' rvj.-o . fit " -y . i s i. oJt m L h- " m; LV b 'If ' laak aaf WKDNK8DAY. JANUARY fl. 10. B. M. TIME TABLE. TBATXS BBTAST. 1U' t apjaaaankaaa 7M fl. iBWUn anas WBBBHBVc aaanw bb ana C MewM -"Freight J AceoaaodariflB. 405 p. a "ai5 except Batorday TBalVa ABUTS. ,-P-a 140 p. a UNION PACIFICTTME-TABLE. OIS0 VAST. oone Col.Lec.... iTlanti-"- 740. a riailted .. .. .. a. a Fart &..... OSp.m Or. IsTLocal. HIM -" 2:1 P. a ,,m Feet Mail. entries paesaBgecu- for jfrfiVV O&a mt at' MS . nL ar- .Trim Minn to uehayler. Fraaoaj. Valley a3 dZKt east at 2:15 p. a. TM rialgliT HHl wtui a".7L 0" " 117 BUBV. ooLTnama awd xobpoxjc erarriTMfroaWMxCtt7.....1p. laMMfiwHaxCilf JB. a MiMdlcaTMforMeaxCkr :.?5': Miaed arrives ap.a rea axbiox abb cxbab urn. ;t Mi-red leaves ............. .... a.a .... 88 p. a .,i4J0ya ..tta9awa JauMrBS , arrives lA gtaetg JfffietM. aAll aotkw aader thU aeadiac wUl be aaaniilattlarateottgayear. LEBAHON'IiODGE No. 58, A. F. A. V. 7! aSST AU bwtlirw. lavited to attend J. D. 8nut. W. M. W.B.Noramxx.See'j. ib WILDEY LODGE No. M.LO.OF- aeeta iimanaj tiiiima' " "" week at their hall oa TMrteaatb tMt Viaitiac bretbram eordially favftad. 1 W'iSWitIi,JiV; W. B. Notbtpm. Bac'y. gjaaW-tf rOLUMBIAN CAMP No. 5. WOODMEN OF w taeWorid. aeeta every aasoad aadfoarth . .- ti -, .ft n m at B nf P. Hall, Eleveath atteot. Begnlar attaadaace U very eVairable. aad all viMtin brethrea are eor diaUyiavited to aest with oa. Jaa2s-B RBOBOANIZEDCHUKCH OF LATTEB-DAY Haiato hold recalar aervioea avary Saaday at p. au, prayer aeetiaa oa Wedaeaday eTaaia at thair ebapel, ooraerotNorth atreet aad Pacifc Avaaaa. AUareoordially invited. ' BBanSBBWBPjBPYwFJ aBsaBaaaaBn r-aBBaaBBBBBa - uwlKr ajaer a. . nwnu. rraHinw. . . ' 'riCTMAN KKyORMED CKDRCH.-8aadav " School at 940 a. a. Church every Saaday . at MOa. a. Christian Endeavor at 7J0 p. a. Ladiee Aid 8ocety every first Tharadaym the , , aoBthatthechnrch. ltnov - s! eiiu, CMCKERY and USSWME A COMPLETE LINK OF Library Lamps AT EOklil MM I MS. Go to Strauss for the best photos. Fine job work done at The Jouknaii oftce. David Carrig was snow bound here Svndav. Apples $1.60 per barrel at A. B. Centner's. 1 Dr. Naumann, dentist, Thirteenth atreet. tf Mayor Si-eice was on the sick list Monday. Dr. T. B. Clark, Olive street. In oftoe at nights. All kinds of goods for sale at the second-hand store, tf . If yon want a photo that will do you justice go to Strauss. 2-tf Four inches of snow fell here Sun day and Sunday night. Superintendent WilliamB was sick bed two days last week. Henry Schwartz was also snow bound .in the city Monday. Drs. Martyn, Evans & Geer, office three doors north of Friedhofs store, tf Fancy New York apples per barrel or bushel at Herman Oehlrich & Bro's. DhL. C. Voss and C. F. O. Mieaskr, Homeopathic phy8icians,Columbus,Neb. Senator Allen passed through the ' city Sunday on his way to Washington .City. Holiday Good &fev i-..,'.- Born, Tuesday, DeeJSHb, to Mrs. Ik M ' ' TiM TOfitli . a dftirhtAr- Wfliffht 12 aaj II grmvmm wj -m "" ' mM "pounds. William Irwin of West Hill, Platte county, has been granted an increase of pension. The loss of the manures on the farm is the straight road to the Iocs of fertility." Thinking well is wise, planning well is wiser, doing well is wisest and bast of all." Misnon Lucy Cross and Muzetta . Wheeler visited the Duncan school last Wednesday. Try a pound of my 30c coffee. It will please you. tf A. B. Cba-Ver. '. ..Monday was a good day for iavoio iag, and several of our merchants were . thus engaged. Hog ckolera is making great deras- .tation near Dunbar. Some farmers have lost over lOO-hesd. ! Hon. Jack MaeColl was in the city ''"Saturday. Ha still retains his landed interests w this county. Hamry Clayburn came into town Saturday, ooamiag down in a wagon, slow tra vetis aaci a roagn noe. a host of workers on the tracks yesterday morning in the aajjght, after the storm. KO'am.wre eaioTing the snow d taaaccoaapaoyiag wiad, away south ittt C mb ttay had torrents of rain. jijjaj your orders for job-work to Ihitsalnr Satatactkm guaranteed, aad wa piewptly done, as agreed mpon. J. D. Pulis, pastor. 10, 11 a. at, 7 M p. m. Kaw." TtiT&li?S'itf Jrjf"ci-' ?5Rk-? &&&iJSi-.-&j!Sr , .y paidlforbai. teraad tf A.B. is stall iai his hosts of wfflba see hist fully Thetersasof the the Sixth judicial district hav tied at Harch 1, April 36, Ssptaahsr Ml The case of Miss Matilda Distrieh a. Oeorge flauth of Shsl Jy was amia eoatiaued, froai Friday last, thirty days. r Always oa haad, Ball Coarad Jc Oa's fresh tf A.B.I 10 not able to lad a train Saaday, storting at Daaasji the estra freight was ordered to atop beta. Mr. aad Mrs C. J. Garlow gave a party to a few frisads Friday wtimimg Jor Mr. aad Mia. M. J. Garlow of Otmad lalaad. , Tat paper at Mrs. J. N. Hsatar of this city, read at the faYawta' institute, 8t. Edward, was, with e other, ordered published. Subscribe lot Tmk Jovbx al aay day. Fifiy ceuta will get you the psater fortheaext three mouths, 1LS0 for the next year. It wss just about aa old fashioned "Uiusrd," exeef as to the t:.me Uawt. The aaow was slriftsd ia plaeai aa daap saisaHslirr'2! 1-s?. -'. The News aad the Journal of Fal lertou hare cousohdatrd, with Mr. HsstiBga aa editor good move for all hands, bo doubt Milt Spates, sou of 0. A.Spsio of this city, on Monday took a position as deputy county treasurer of Kingishsr county, Oklahoma. The Leora Lane dramatio company showed here last Friday and Saturday evenings, with a matinee Saturday after noon, to good houses. Rev. B. F. DhTenbaehsr of Ulyusss, Neb will preach in the Congregational church morning and evening January 10, "97, in exchange with Bev. Rogers. For sale, two thoroughbred Berk shire boars. Will sell at reasonable prices. Call on Joseph Hauser. half mile east of Clear Creek Boiler Mills. 2 E. J. Ernst was ia David City one day last week on business. He met while there an old-time resident of Co lumbus, Mr. Heintaman, who is living there. The blizzard was pretty "local" for a fact Its extant was 400 miles north and south and 600 east and west as reported fromTthe "locality" of St Paul, Minnesota. Miss Eulalia Biokly gave a reception Friday evening at her home for the Cecilian club, after the concert in honor of the musicians who took part in the entertainment Bev. and Mm. Mickel entertained the young people of the Methodist church Thursday evening at a New Tear's party. A delightful evening was enjoyed by alL Now is the time to subscribe for The Columbus Journal and the Lincoln Journal, semi-weekly, both for 32.15 a year. Three papers a week at a cost of less than 4 cents a week. A heavy rain on Thursday in Kan sas lasted until Saturday, when a heavy snow-storm set in, piling snow in drifts four to six feet deep; so that the storm was not "local" even to Nebraska. C. J. Kennedy, an old resident and business man of St Edward, died at his residence there last Tuesday. He had been engaged for many years in the fur niture and undertaking business. The school board Monday transact ed no business, except to meet and adjourn to Thursday at 4 o'clock, there not being a quorum present for the transaction of any other business. "Most of us, instead of fixing our minds upon the good things that Provi dence has provided, fix them upon the evil things that man has produced. This is what makes so many unhappy." Scarcely anyone will dispute that women comprise two-thirds the church members of the United States, but isn't it a little surprising that they constitute only one-thirteenth of the criminals? It was snowing in the west Friday and there, was a change of temperature here between Friday and Saturday of SO degrees. The roads Saturday were what might be called "rocky," frozen mud. Misses Rose and Emma Kinsle have opened a dross milr.g establishment in rooms over Boettcher's hardware store, and respectfully ask the .patronage of the ladies of the city. Frjoes. reasonable. Ous Schroeder, jr., retained Mon day evening from Texas, accompanied by hia father, Charles Schroeder. The young man has been in Colorado, New Mexico, California andiTafM .seeking health. tVlrsSk. The pulpit at the Episcopal church will be occupied next Sunday morning by Bev. Mackay of Omaha and Bev. Hewittson of Norfolk in the evening. Bar. Brown will preach at Norfolk and Wayne. If anything in the way of a new enterprise ia desirable, don't wait for outside capital and outside people to make the move, bat let those cf like interests get together, aad secure what they need. "The foundation ef 4ciety is the home. Whatever tends to prevent the making of homes, and tomake man and women averse to the responsibilities of family life, is hostile to the best interests of society." The Firemen's mask ball last Thurs day night at the opera house was well patronized. There were not so many maskers aa usual, but the number of spectators was suftoisnt tomake'the net proceeds about $90. Our old neighbor, J. H. Bead, now of Riverside, California, we notice is taking the same kind of interest in matters pertaining to the publio welfare, and especially of the ty, that he used to do Articles in the Household are copy righted, but we can be allowed to aay that people who habitually worry will find something of great interest to them ia the Houmhold of January, ia am arti- cla oa "Haw Worry Affects our QanWBB, as aaBMaaa, War, a werkft fall eff am, aal ae to assvan, -vX.-i BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaBBBBBBBBBB vUir iS-ii of JesephP. WftaaVtsala - , z m that we eau furaiah to the CUeace Weekly later OBttVaTJWB JOCBXAL, paid ia advance, at L7i tf -The sady fault w lad with MtaatBaostofthei if, mm - "-- m- - ji n Why is thua I do not know; I oaly euss ss, Aad if IrighUyaader- "hoad" iaatsai of theSil was the eity Saturday. He is of the Ugalature, aad wfll of three the fact that ha ia to both iaterests at i last, bat to Friday rasmntisg aay It m expected that the the railroad tracks wfll be the ataia subject for diseoesioa ettheaectBMetiag. -The Sunday traia for Norfolk, alsb for Albion, didnt go out from hare uatil ow plows haviag aaat out Monday to eleei TheRAhtimiiagirfor day didat raaoh David Qty, and re turned to thm sad of the Uae. The Nsbrasks Veteran appsara far vlti O.W.-Fa- brother, sr, editor. It ia a aaat publi- eatica aad will be found a fighter for the veterans yst tarrying on this side. Leonard Johnson of Octavia has beea delivering chicory at Linwood,aad besides has siloed about a huadred tons. He has. aa acre that is still ia the ground.. Ten tons an acre was about the yield this year, which netted $7.50 a toa a pretty good crop to raise, it The history clnb were entertained last Wednesday evening at the residence of L. Gerrard for a New Year's celebra tion. An impromptu projram was given one present was called on to do something. Befreahmenta were served and games played, all enjoying the even ing immensely. To the business men of Platte coun ty and central Nebraska: The very beat materiab, the neatest work and the promptest attention, given to all orders for job printing. Dont imagine fora moment that Thk Journal cannot please you in goods, work or price. See us before placing your orders. The Telegram is authority for saying that Prof. Leavy, principal of the First ward school, is a mighty nimrod, having bagged seventeen rabbits last Monday. We knew that Mr. Leavy was good at teaching the young idea how to shoot but we didn!t know there were so many rabbits in this neighborhood. A conoert was given Friday evening at the Congregational church under the auspices of the Cecilian club, Prof. Movius, Hadley and Lamprecht of Lin coln and Miss Myrtle Coon of Omaha and Mrs. Brown of this city giving the program. The limited number present was due, doubtless, to the inclement weather. The Leora Lane Co. will appear at the opera house again to-night Tuesday, being snowbound and unable to get out of town. They put on their beat comedy drama entitled "By Wits Outwitted," in three acts, interspersed with specisltieB by Little Winnie and other members of the company. Price 10 cents any seat in the house. Everybody go. As a sample of what can be done under irrigation in Nebraska comes Carsten Traeken at Loup City. He has gathered from sixty acres of irrigated land, and didnt get the water on it until August 10, 5,000 bushels of corn. Some of the tract produced 100 bushels to the acre. He thinks he will get an average of 100 bushels next year. The annual meeting of the Nebraska beet sugar association is to be held at Hastings, Feb. 2 and 3. Reduced rates on railroad lines. Among the objects of the meeting is to devise ways and means for securing additional sugar factories, so that farmers disposed to diversify their products by the means of sugar beet culture, will have a market for them. Commander J. H. Culver of the Grand Army has sent to each post in the state a blank report for the purpose of obtaining the number of orphans, widows, soldiers and families of soldiers that are now needing or will require aid during the coming winter. Looking after those that need help is among the first duties not only of the Grand Army but of the community at large. An accident happened to one of the side bars on Wm. Allan's engine. Tues day night while coming down the hill from Pilot Knob. A side bar sprung out of line some four or five inches, but a little thing like that doesnt atop BUI Allen's "old giri." He took off both side bars from the tear drive wheels and run her light on "two lags," so to speak, to Columbus. Madison Chronicle. There is no doubt but that great storms of wind generate an unusual amount of electricity, and this may be one of the causes of the peculiar exhila ration noticeable in a blizzard. There surely must be some unusual chemical condition when a man could truthfully say: "Well, when I went out this morn ing and felt the old-time buzzard, it seemed like meeting and greeting a long-lost friend." Wa have among our curios a sample of cotton raised in this city this season by William TyrreL It is a companion specimen with some raised here ia 1870 by J. D. Brewer. We dont know of any one claiming Nebraska aa a cotton-grow ing state for profit and yet there maybe varieties of the plant that might do fairly "well here in a favorable One thing ia sure, aad that is manufacture the product ia fiaa shape. The iacorporstioa of a beet sugar company has beea perfected at Fremont the signers being: Nils Johnson, L. P. Richards, L. M. Keene, B. W. Reynolds, R. a Schneider, W. H. Hunger and Wil liam Ruwe. It is not the expectation of the company to furnish' the money to a factory and carry on the busi- but to be in readiness to the co-operation ef em wUBPBf aUswaJ$ iBw"a"av aaBBBrap fjaBBaw eMaMaaaaBj give hia suhaerihan BBBBPJBaBBBBBBBBBBBBBflBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBa One fate far the rouud 'trip froaval'f saM:ws m-Li poiato .ia Nrtwaars, account Iaaagura 'iMOTW "' of StaUOBBcers, and Stato Sflvar CoavaatioB. ' - w Tieketoon sale January 4 to , 1887, incluaivsw The TJaioa Pacute ia the Baa. J.B. bureau at Washington for Moadav last ia Nebraska: "Generally fair, preceded by local snows; colder in wsstern portion; asrthsrly winds." Of bourse, there ia a vary wide latitude of neaning to the wards "aneraifr", aad "local," and the aurgin, like the robe of charity, amy be aaaUaat to hide a host of delinquencies. Wo cam eotactde, however, with one of the particular features of the weather on Monday lot, the wiadsujare north erly. ; Saaday and Monday you 'could ass oat in the storm ia all kmda oc Most of them had strings of sort around thair pants legs over the shoe tops; some had on woolen hoods under the ordinary' caps; those who had capes to their overcoats put them, over the head and toward the front as a protection against the .wind, 1, earned an nmnreua, ha said was a very' aood witfdVt ..... - . ..- .... ,51 Dreax, aera ciose, ana rair against um wind. - of Norfolk lost by lie last week tbemost of TnaBBwaaaye; fire it is at preseat wrapped ia mystery; but it is thought that some of the em ployes must have neglected to put out a lamp in the basement which either up set or bunted. At 9:20 when jMr. Schurtz and his men left the store and locked up, everything was apparently, all right Oa Sunday night the barber estab lishment of Zinnecker A Watte was entered from the rear, a storm door being pried loose with a bar, and then the inside door evidently wrenched from its place by the same implement (Noth ing was taken except 27 razors. 3 clip pers, and one pair of shears. Three razors were, by order, kept in the safe, and so were not touched. A complete new outfit was immediately put in by the proprietors, who are doing first-class work, just as always. The following have been selected to. represent Platto county at the Free Sil ver conference to be held at Lincoln, today, Wednesday: Delegates at large John M. Gondring, O. 8. Moran and W. S. Hyatt; delegates J. S. Freeman, J. J. Sullivan, John Kelly, Henry Lub- ker, W. Saunders, C. H. Swallow, & L. McCoy, J. C. Byrnes, Chris. Grunther; alternates C A. Beardaley, D. L. Bruen, G. W. PhilUps, V. H. Weaver, B. P. Duffy, J. P. Johnson, Leander Gerrard, W. H. VanAIstine and Saml. Fleming. The Telegram has this to say of the proposed convention here, spoken of in last week's Journal: "Mr. .Fort's idea is that the people should not wait for capital to come into the state .by way of. the trans-Mississippi exposition, or by, any other route, but should buckle in and start up factories here and there through co-operation between the farm ers and town business men. Mr.JVjrt is a gentleman of great ability and energy, and when he tackles an enterprise be never lets up till something comes of it. If the convention is held here, the peo ple of Columbus will see to it that our visitors are properly cared for." Cooperative institutions of different kinds are the order of- the day, and .the idea seems to be taking a new hold upon the general public. The Seward -Reporter contains the following paragraph: "Prospects for the mutual fire insurance association are improving rapidly. A large number of members have been added during the past week, and more names are being put on the list daily. All the towns in the county will have been visited by the close of this week, and all will be represented in the organ ization. Notice of the first annual meeting will be issued very soon, as the meeting will be held as early in January as possible. Official notice' of the date of the meeting will be sent to each member." The Seward Blade gives an account of a jeweler named Holbrook who it seems has been guilty of receiving watches to mend, and then pawning them with Sam Adler, a pawnbroker of Lincoln. In speaking of the matter, the Blade further says: "There has been much complaint against Adler about the manner in which he conducts bis busi ness, much stolen property being found' in his shop which he never reported to the authorities as required by law, and J County Attorneys Thomas and Collins propose to make it warm for him. He was warned some time ago not to receive any more watches from Holbrook, but he goes right along doing business his own way. People who find their stolen property in Lincoln experience a good deal of trouble in getting it again, on account of the peculiar methods of the police, who seem to want to bleed every body all they will stand before recover ing their property." The public school system will not accomplish all it ought until some way can be provided for the attendance of all children of school age that are phys ically capable of doing so. As it is now, there are thousands of boys, even in Ne braska, saying nothing about the great centers of dense population, who are growing up without the advantages which come to those who attend the public schools and who are faithfully working to prepare themselves for the duties of life. Many of these thousands seem to be deprived of . school, privi leges through no fault of their own, but doubtless there are very many of them for whom, with an extra effort on the part of parents, guardians or the publio authorities, a way might be made to assure their attendance on the free, pub lio schools. It is a difficult problem. The state superintendent of New York proposes a state truant school, "a school which will inspire rather than coerce: but coerce just the same." In any sort of bettering the weak places- must be strengthened, aad, as wa said, the public free school will not accomplish its de sign until provaioa has been made for toggery Tuesday tight awsis. BStisaa. Stfc saajaaaamla$atj MS.tvWKav n a - .. .. - left 8aemy list far mam fWumt aaja-nBauan) mB, Waffat IVaaBaffaVal aPaTvVKaPl ' "' -Weatfeep Keaart. '-' Beview of theweatner near Genoa for the month of December, 1896. MeaBteaparatareof the month SUJ Man do aaaeaonth last year 27.73 Ujayiyteap8ratiireon2ad 57 SkA7vTa w UO ana lv eBnuj laajjsj ' H a saaaT ".bbstb c . V vMJVMlX Bauajav 11 Waal (aalMBj - 9v UtoCB VviavtaVllBaTah,. .a., 1 aiftim or ffeBov fell darioK portions of days 2 TaWiM of Taiafallor laslted mow OS7 " SBrflO aaO AaVSw rtKFw U19 OraatflataRHmatia2thonraiBchea 0.22 AaiBBaBB) (at BBBjOpy ULR" W Abbbj yXtr a l3sj Aaoant of rain for the year-iaehea 2&8S Normal aaonnt for 2D ream M.31 Aaoant of enow for the year inches 1AJ0 Prevailing winds a to N.W. by W. Very fine aurora on the 3d. Fogs on 7th, 13th, 14th, 29th, 30th. Lunar coronas 8th, 9th. The last grand leap year ball of the year and for several years to come took place last Tuesday night at- the Maen- nerchor halt The hall had been beauti fully decorated with mistletoe and holly, each' corner of the half being furnished with divans and rugs. The stage was decorated with piano lamps and the whole, effect gave one the idea that all was purely done by the fair sex, every thing being so dainty and tasteful. Every lady escorted her gentleman friend there in a carriage, was met at the door by two colored ''boy waiters (we might insert here that these two boys were white if they had washed their faces.) The gentlemen had a neat dress ing room fitted up with mirrors and all necessary articles to make a toilet. One rule of .the evening carried out was that no gentleman, should cross the floor unattended by a lady, and when the dear boys" wanted a drink of water, even, tnc ladies attended them in the most gallant manner. The ladies wore full evening dress and all were of light colors.. The Italian orchestra of Omaha furnished beautiful music for the danc ers, about forty in number. No doubt the' gentlemen wish leap year came oftener, for they were certainly enter tained in royal style. Coanty Snperviwrs. Coltobtjs, December 28, 1896. The board of Supervisor met at 2 o'clock p. m. porsoant to adjournment, Hon. John Wiggins in chair, E. Pohl, clerk. Present at roll call, Becber, Bender, Lisco, Mofiett, Olson, Rolf and Mr. Chairman. Minntes from Nov. 7th were .read and on motion approved. Then Mr. Conrad Fnchs, town clerk of Humph rey township appeared before the board stating that he waa appointed a committee of one to ex plain a certain resolution adopted at the annual meeting by voters of Humphrey township, April 4th, 1998. On motion by Snp'r. Bender, action waa laid over until December 29th, 1896, at 2 o'clock p. mi A communication of Paul Hoppen was now read in regard to taxes and on motion it was referred to the committee on claims. An affidavit of Ed. Perrenoud was read stating that a certain county warrant of $6.10 received by him was lost, and asking for a duplicate. On motion of Sup'r. Olson this matter was referred to committee on claims. $ A communication of John A. Graham was read asking the board for pay trying to take care of August Hedrich, an insane person. On motion it waa referred to committee on claims. Coaaanication of John Kyle asking the board to transfer $50.00 from road and bridge fund into the general fund of Loup township waa read and oa motion referred to committee on claims. J. PV Johnson, a trustee of the relief fund, appeared before the board asking for more infor mation regarding the statement asked by the board Nov. 7th,.to be filed Dec.23th.189J. Mov ed by Sap'r. Olson to give the trustees time until 10 o'clock, Dec. 29, 1698, to report. Carried. Wmi Rimers communication stating that he lost a eoanty warrant of $11.00 and asking for a duplicate waa read and on motion referred to the committee oa claims. School 'Superintendent M. M. Rothieitner's report aras read showing money received $5.50 axpeaded $5.99 on hand SO cents. Ordered the report bs placed on file. The board took recess until 9 o'clock a. m., DttW- - ' - DBOZXBXB29.1898. Boaril of supervisors met pursuant to adjoura mont it 9 o'clock a. m. Hon. John Wiggins caurnaa, K. Pohl clerk. At roll call were pres ent Becher, Bender, Lisco, Moffett, Olson, Bolf and Mr. Chairman. The board then took a rece&j for committee work. Board called to order and on motion adjourned to 130 p. a. '" Pursuant to adjournment the board convened atr lap. btu. Hob. John Wiggins, chairman. E. Pohl,elerk. At roll call present Becher. Bender, Lisco, MosTet, Olsoa. Bolf aad Mr. Chairman, WOOaTVal OXCbbbpSQ Sap'r. Bolf on reqneU took the chair. Then Coarad Faces appeared before the board. On request ha read the following resolution passed by the town board of Humphrey town ship, to-wit: Resolved by the board of Humphrey township that the road overseers are hereby instructed and empowered to buy lumber to build and repair bridges and to bay the laabor where it can be naatne aoat convenient. Fanner the board of Humphrey township re serves the right to keep in repair and build all Bcceaary bridges not to exceed $100.00 for any one bridge and to let contracts to build and re pair bridges ia said township. Be it further Resolved, IX the supervisor's presence is neces sary to keep ia repair and build bridges in Hura phrey township he shall be notified by the town board. The clerk is hereby instructed to notify Sap'r. Bender in regard to these resolutions. Adopted in full. After debatfag, the board gave Mr. Fucha to aaduuifsarl that a town board baa not the right to go against the laws laid down in the statutes of Nebraska aad aovad by Sap'r. Olson the town board .of Humphrey be requested to reconsider the above reaolntJoB next Tuesday and send a oopyof their action to the board of supervisors. Carried. John Wiggina in chair. the trustees oa relief fana mt x&t i'z 'aaaaBBavannas 'aBBBBraa'j-Syi ''BBP&J$Wi..,a't 1: ij - - J t ..UBK.aWi:n. .naNi nmaa at Iggiiil.-ss". cMpiixlBfaaJPJBalay; bar lMNaavia fafaaTr aia faaiaJitf- Mjaaa? Mas, v Ba vrv 'ClaaXi 'ai wBm m -aBBBrjaar vaaaww em Bran saaa seiismiaCi't' CL J. Clarlow aad lilglillMsBd Miss Mas BUtgea, ral WaaBBBBBBBajy mjaajBBBBBnPBj ' ,SBBPBBPBHBBBBn, SBBB UHUBB BJUjaBBBUB' 'jSm'f1-J0mcUA for 'aaBBBBfcTaaT v??V- '- ,TTV' Imskw" te OJisjn azhaBBBBCiiJi--i--'-Cii. - -" 'rm aaan BBBB" S&Ul i it-B w jaUHBataafc;aJIjaa!id..,i.. "CM By. iaiBBBBBBBaBjsaa.aBas.i.i.irfiV.i SD U -tajK&vft- w. -'..-. j. ." a-, ftal bbA BBBBBBBBBBKs.&.-aV & ' SBB1 UBW --& J- aMit rSIWCi ! lat li laait Oa- r- - "l-aBBBBBBBBBBBL aatl . "' ".aBaT5 - - - ' aBBB aan J'm"fFa-. . -. aBBJBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBJ XflpM "aT ft Off Maff , f i ifuvr ; ? - - -- T - 1 m mv 1 1- - k&L'? i' r .-SrSf-CSli le sw heat adv GaaRWfsa . Pahl At iat I Mr. lat $ a'efeek hair. JC. Faal .Bacfi rafct- , to wit: Bat. To Ma ' eaf aha at haad we ia to tia for to that that this ia the of Platte as ifarUaafartta. to wit: TaaawK aad wj( aa U aatioa a. town ML waaBlaaB. - Wa i as h nnaihln lBaadashoald ha ha tha acre tar the aw et tta and aad by aa weak far the earn of uwaaapaa,aad saonld he filed with the coaaty clerk ok or before Janaary 15th, HIV Thesaeesafal bidder will bereqaired tofar nish a good bond ia Uw ana of tthmw f or the faithful parfonaaaca of the contract. Theraaterwill ba entitled tosoch sarrica aa can be masnaihly perforaed by the paapars. The board roarva the right to reject aay or all bid. JobnWiooins. Joax MomcTT, If . A. tSBCHXB. PBTBnBBHOBB. Oa motion of Sap'r Becher. adopted. Oa aotioa the board took recess antil9o'clock a. a., Dec. SI, ISM. Dbobxbxb 31. 18M. Board of sapervieors of Platta county recon vened at 9 o'clock, a. a. HonJohn Wiagina ia chair, R. Pohl, clerk. Preseat at roll call, Bapra. Becher. Bandar. Lisco, Mofiett. Olsoa. Rolf aad Mr. Chairaan. i Now oa raonaaaadatioi. of the respective supervisors the followiag bonds ware approved by the board, to-wit: A. HanaaB. collector Joliet twp neary a Jacob G Colaabaa Batter Theodore Weak. John W. Bender, Martaia Mosaa. J. P. Helbaah, ' J. W. Schare. Williaa Pinaoa, Pater Baal, uaaparey St. Bernard H Grand Prairie" Barrows " Lost Creek " Walker J. F. HeUasea, traaaarer Grand Prairie town ship. Theodore Weak, treasurer Saeraaa town ship. J. F. Schare, treasurer Barrows township. Henry Enrle, treasurer Colaabus township. John W. Bender, treasarer Uaaphrey town ship. Williaa Pinaoa, treasurer Lest Creek town ship. A. Hanson, treasurer Joliet township. Jacob Gerber, treasarer Butler township. Joseph Lachalt, treasarer Humphrey town ship. Peter Buhl, treasurer Walker township. J. F. Stents, treasarer Shell Creek township. John SwansoB, justice of the peace Walker township. John Walker, justice of the peace Granville township. Williaa J. Leosehen, assessor Grand Prairie township. D. T. Dickenson, assessor Granville township. H. C. Neimeyer, assessor St. Bernard township. D. B. Roberts, assessor Shell Creek township. , Ed Leuschen; assessor Sherman township. George Scheldel, assessor Lost Creek township. F. F. Clark, assessor Humphrey township. W. C. Jackson, assessor Creston township. J. G. Kummer, assessor Loup township. Slebert Helbel, assessor Bisatark towasbip. Joseph Cblopek, assessor Butler township. John Gran, assessor city of Columbus. Andrew Leas, assessor Burrows township. Peter C. Peterson, clerk Joliet township. J. B, Keith, clerk Woodville township. John Staab, clerk Sherman township. Conrad Fuchs, clerk Humphrey township. W "H. Dean, clerk Creston township. Henry W. Schulte, clerk Granville township. George Hengeler, clerk Blsmark township. Fred Blessen, clerk Shell Creek township. Robert Pinson, clerk Lost Creek township. X. C. Peterson, clerk Walker township. Math. J. Samackers, clerk SL Bernard township. Peter Kozlowski, clerk Butler township. John Powers, clerk Columbus township. Frank Krzycki, road overseer Dist. No. , Oh Iumbus township. W. H. Randall, road overseer Dist. No. 25, Co lumbus township. John Held, road overseer Dist No. 47, BIsaark township. John Bee, Sr, road overseer Dist. No. , Bls mark township. Wendellen Branner, road overseer Dist. No. 36, Sherman township. Carl Roche, road overseer Dist. No. , Shermaa township. John Vonbergen, road overseer Dist. No. 29, Grand Prairie township. Michael Weber, road overseer Dist. No. 45, Grand Prairie township. Jacob Laua, road overseer Dist. No. SG, Shell Creek. F. Meyer, road overseer Dist. No. 23, Shell Creek. Max Gottberg, road overseer Dist, No. 57, Shell Creek. Joseph Fromel. road overseer Dist. No. 39, Humphrey township. G. M. Maulmann, road overseer Dist. No. 40, Humphrey township. W. A. AMerson, road overseer Dist. No. 3, Humphrey township. Joseph NikUIseek, road overseer Dist No. 33, Butler towashrp. Herman Gerber, read overseer, Dist. No. 10. Butler towasbip. Peter Lis, road overseer Dist No. 58, Loup towa sbip. Mike Rush road overseer Dist. No. .Loup township. Charlie Scatter, road overseer DUC No. 12, Lat Creek township. Gerhard Groaenthal, road tverseer Dist. No. 8 Lost Creek township. Charles Gllaes, road overseer District No. 52, Lost Creek township. John Fastaow, read ovarsecr Dist. No. IS, Bar rows township. Peter Ripp, road overseer Dist. No. 55, Burrows township. , F. 8. German, road overseer Disc No. 32. Bur rows towasbip. DavM B. Foiliott, road overseer Dbt. 54, Bur rows. Bernard Ottorpohl, road overseer Dist. 34, Gran ville township. Joseph ScBoennoehl, road overseer Dbt. 38, Granville. James McDeraott. road overseer Disc 37, Graaville. B. M. Walker, road overseer Obc. 42, Moaroe township. Peter Ceder, road overseer Dbt. 6. Monroe township. Fred Anderson, road overseer Dbt. , Moaroe township. Martin S. Wagner, read overseer Dist 7, St. Ber nard township. J. W. Palm, road overseer DbC , Woodville towasbip. John P. Anderson, road overseer Dbt 5, Walk er towashlp. Christian Chriatlaasen, road overseer Dbt. 51, Walker township. After that the resignation of Coanty Attorney John M. Goadrieg was read and on station ac cepted. Motion by Supervisor Rolf: That the chairman shall appoint a committee to investigate the books of the csuaty treasurer and the lee nooks of the county clerk, sacrls, clerk of the district court aad county jadge. Motion carried. The chairaan appelated aa committee oa treas arsr'sosTe.SuavtTborsOboB, Becher aad Wig glae, Oa lanstdsaHag As soak, RaU.Lisee 1 ,:'-: U sasavai ftffiiillim Jif -aaaanjv LaTrsnBVcjnUB- fTH. aatBaswwaaaaaaak a. SUcb CoonlK iaitt nwsjsjwaap. waawarav raaa 'aarat1 - 'a v-'w-i 38 inch wife all waal Serge, all cslata, 88c avytL. 38 inch wida BrilUsjttaMllSeavw. rfcai 15c Turkey Red TaWe en 19c a yd. Turkey .yr. ' s: ZZ& 'Platttsp jtouraair ri iav -c sjm a j- - -A?sjaK. at? Bed Prints frm? ali . FtSt&SSLfmWSt BBMsafr'aaaa'aastaaViy' - sfl 'C JeSBT&--MrmBflB lliBBBBT" vaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBnBBBBBBBBBBaBSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB aBBBBBVaBaBaBBV3aa7Bjaaaaa fP?taaawaBpaa-aaay-raaaa -apaaaaraw Give us a caH Respectfully, - FRIEDHOF & CO. HMY RAUTZ & CO., Staple Fancy Groceries, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE Eleventh Street, - We invite you to come and see us. We regard the interests of onr patrons as mutual with our own, so far as our dealings are concerned oar part of the obligation being to provide and ofer Good - Goods - at - Fair - Prices. EVERYTHING KEPT that is expected to be found in a irst class, up-to-date grocery store. BECHER JM1 Farm Loans, And Insurance.. COLUMBUS. I Moffat and Render. On motion the board tooka recess until 130 p. m. 4, Dkcxmbkb 31, 1896. Board of supervisors convened at 1:30 p. a.. Hon. John Wiggins in the chair, E. Pohl, clerk. Roll call, all members present. The resolution of Supervisor Olsoa was read and on motion adopted, to-wit: We, your committee appointed to examine the statement of the trustees of the county relief fnad, respectfully ask for further Ume, and we recommend that J. V. Johnson. Peter Bender and Charles Speice, trustees of the Platte county re lief fund, be retained and permitted to collect the balance of the seed grain notes bow ia their pos session, and for the collection of said notes they be allowed for their servica 10 per cent of the amount of money collected by them on said notes, said 10 per cen'- to be ia full for all services aad expenses that aay be lacurred in the collection of aid notes, and accounting therefor to Platte county, and the collection thereof to be made la ninety days from this date, and said trustees toll their reports of their doings in the premises and to account for the money collected and the un collection of said notes at ths Irst aeeUng of the county board after the expiration of said ninety days, said trustees to I le their acceptance of these terms and conditions herein with the county, clerk. A. G. Bolt, Nsxs Olsost, R. Y. Lisco. Moved by Supervisor Olson that the accentaace of the trustees be in writiag; carried. We hereby agree to the terms and conditions contained ia the within resolution aad aceept the same. Jchk P. Johxsok, Cbas. A. Sraic, Pins Bksdkb, Trustees. The board took raeea for committee work. At call of the chalrmaa oa aotioa the board adjourned until Saturday at 9 o'clock a. a., Jan uary 2, 1897. (CoaUaaed next week.) BED-ROCK PRICES ! We quote the following! yard prices on hard and soft Pennsylvania Hard Coals. .$10 00 Western Hard Coal 8 75 Semi-Anthracite 7 50 Bock Springs Lump 7 00 Bock Springs Nut 6 25 Canon City. 7 00 Maitland 6 25 Hanna.. 6 00 Du Quoin 5 50 Bock Springs Pea 4 50 ClSpridd. Telephone 39. iapr7 t GOAL ILf-g aa r - a i- jwi- '- SE - 5 'U "JT-. .- v Vv S55iJ,i.-"-i! f " vaata .-aJBaUaBBBPBBU.AwB" UBa fcy --V.iy- U:- - - , I - "-- J".- Hv3 l '". Ve'aBaJ" iaaaW bTbbbbbbI "" ir iiwR.5 . ' v-r -. BsaBBBa .BBBBaB:- aaaraaaj x -' ; "r?i aJB' v BBaaL' S " t 2.-.--' fi llWn CaaB.t's Hair " "' V - " . TsMaaaaakl -.-.- vj-3 I SBWlJmaBjBa.ffnjaaBBl - .--s-vJ w-i-Jtaaw ...-j..-.- -"??" I ttJ'. T: ' 'fc.BVyir A-, Gnbuiatx- and rJ. r : - COLUMBUS, NEBR. I & CO., Real Estate Chicago Inter Ocean and CoLVTsrairs Joukitatj, one year, in advance $1.75. tf gwSUUM ejpWlVgW. ..Advartiseaaata aadar ihie haad lv eaata a liaeeach iaaartioa. TjrjM.SCHILTZ aakea boots aad ahoeaintha " heat styles, aad onlr tha van kaae sceeauaxt baproearedinthaaarkat. U-tf COLUMBUS MABKET8. aVOurqnotationsof the markataaraohtaiaadl Tneaday aftaraooB.aad are correct aad reliable atthetime. OBAIIT.BTO. ww BCyPllt, .. Shelled Cora aagta) ATw jnoBri-.5SSlb.la4a . t raosvoa. ''" 11 8 i14 as .ataseuss IftMM 15 St Potatoea. Vathosra UVBSTOCS. tt as Patcowa Fatshsep see Pat unZ M BsBYwBBBBBBTavfaa BBWBB BPWl - Fall and WINTERJTYLES ! Shoes! Shoes! This DssertaMBt received our saost careful attention. Do not buss ssssagoar 20th Century Shoes. Our School Shoes are good wearers aad fine fitters. Our $2,$250aad $3 ladiee Fiaa Shoes are of especial value. Me Shoes, all qualities, at lowest prices. Clothing! Clothing! We have a asost complete stock of Clothing, made by the best manufactur ers of the country, which means latest style, and splendid it. We are enabled to sell them at the vexylowest prices. We warraat them to give the very best of satisfaction, i OUR' Stiff' FafsatMSC " SbvS CAHTBEREAT. ta-AUoarfoodaai ao sjhl styles. nasi Wahava yea. Oiveaaaeallaa FRISCHHOLZ IROI. atclWiaiinaesBiaOa, SSSi iiisfl c-siir -:-C-BBriss-fcf-' - si i-. .- -1. M-tT'JS UB '- S- i 2 r.4ei; v.-w& ''-"., jfrv "us jUL- . " .-. -".,.,; .s.-U-'e-. J-. T - &l ;. --" - - ' - .& t v J -- ,,--, .5'. . --j -JIi-f JTV' S..-. v &MM: ttfcf, VLM 3T-C1 wWl ,? L rp-:-ij& - -' ;. . -TJ v . 2.Z-ZJ j- r -a f - - .. rrt ' V , - - V "- - - iiiZiijL '