The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, October 28, 1896, Image 2

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liable im every war. Write
eeporately. ffllMfc
For President:
william Mckinley.
of Ohio.
For Vice President:
of New Jereey.-
Governor. JOHN H.M'COLL
Lieutenant Governor. ORLANDO TEFFT
. Secretary of Stale JOEL A. PIPES
.-Treasurer. CHARLES E. CASEY
Attorney General... ARTHUR 8. CHURCHILL
Cob. Pub. Linda and Bldgs.. . H. C. RUSSELL
. , o n - ROBERT BAN
Judges Supreme Court.. J MOSES P. KINKAID
Regent State University... ..W. G. WHITMOBE
Presidential Elector- ( FRANK J. 8ADILEK
at-Large J J. E. HOUTZ
First District. A. J. BURNAM
Second Diatrict AC. FOSTER
.Third Diatrict SOL DBAPEB
"Fourth Diatrict G. A. DERBY
' Fifth Diatrict J.L.MTHEELY
gisth Diatrict. M.L.FREE8E
Cacrcaimml Ticket.
For Congressman Third Distinct,
Satril Ttelwt.
For Senator Twelfth Diatrict.SIDNEY C. GRAY
Kf riiwtottw Tikt.
For Float Representative Nance and MnMAM
Platte counties DAVID THOMAS
Cwnty Tichwt.
' For County Attorney C. J. GABLOW
For Aaaeanor JOHN BROCK
Lies react upon the liar.
Look oat for forged letters.
Ex-Speaker Cbisp died last week of
heart failure.
Make the protective policy permanent.
Vote for McKinley and Boas Hammond.
McKinlet's letter of acceptance, his
speeches, his record throughout are all
of the very first quality.
The Bryanites are campaigning now
. for congressmen. Vote for Hammond,
'.so that McKinley will have a good snp-
porter from this district.
Ik a recent republican procession in
Chicago some of Altgeld's tenants car
ried a banner inscribed: "We want gold;
' our rent has to be paid in it."
With McKinley and Protec
tion we shall have more employ
ment, more work, and more
In India there has been a crop failure.
From a large exporter she becomes an
importer, and wheat is now going into
that country from California. This
brings the price up in this country.
4c.... .............--
Z Thk bkpobucan pabxt stands fob '.
c. .....--. a:
Uxder the Wilson bill, which Bryan
.voted for, there was imported free, in
1895, $23,99G,224 worth of wool, which
might have been raised here, thus giving
employment and wages to men who help
to make our home market the best in
the world.
Don't you begin to believe that Mark
Hanna pays the fare of the people that
are visiting Canton to see McKinley, as
some Bryan men are absurdly saying.
Mark may be a pretty wealthy man, and
disposed to expend a considerable sum
for the election of McKinley, but the
crowds to see the latter number too
many for even his generosity.
These is today $500,000,000 in money
waiting to hear from the election before
investment. There is not an observant
reader of current events who does not
know this to be true. With Bryan and
a free-silver congress those millions will
remain behind bolts and locks, and no
amount of railing against the rich will
bring them out Inter Ocean.
The Review of Reviews for November
pabUshee several important and inter
esting articles on the latest phases of the
Eastern Question, especially from the
British point of view. Mr. W.T. Stead's
survey of the subject, entitled "The
Eastern Ogre; or, St. George to the
Rescue," is extremely characteristic and
saggestive; the Review also offers a re
markable symposium of current thought
on "What should be done with Turkey"
as the pressing problem of the hour.
The Bryan campaigners axe still en
gaged in talking at great length, and, as
the Seward Blade says, "trying to prove
that free coinage of silver wonld make
the farmer's products bring him more
mosey and yet be cheaper for the wage
earner who had them to buy." The
fact is that foreign workmen are doing a
goodly share of the work that we are
paying for, to foreign laborers, who are
baying their eatables at their home
aaarkets. Protection is what we want,
with reciprocity.
How the friends of justice and good
government everywhere will rejoice
when the counting of the ballots shall
determine that Altgeld has been de
feated for re-election as governor of II
liaois. It looks, more and more as elec
tion day approaches, that each willbe
the result The sound money democrats
of Dliaois are greatly elated overa letter
from CoL W. R. Morrison denouncing
Governor Altgeld. Morrison is one of
the old-school democrats, an able man,
a strong leader, and thousands of dem
ocrats will be drawn from the support
of Altgeld by. kk letter. The sound
money democrats there are organized in
every district and they believe they have
-feud owt that a majority of the voters
have arrayed themselves against Alt
flclilism and Bryaaism. Chairman Wil-
liti of their state committee says:
"I do not hesitate to make the pradie
tiea new that Altgeld will be defeated
kw am ovwwhelauag majority."
postal wiiiWai lk. uajg fa: ?&
uwawkuBBwaat b.4m BKBMHIB WW NBhUV
7Iiii ii m tki tints 11T rsr Jaani tha
",l " H.LTlWBCo.
a .... aa &.
111 aaaBMialilK lalMHIilH
W mirri tka
IBM WWmWjtmmtJ wow mmm m mnnr ,
ey to vote sor am mj. naawoiiu lor
uuiitrnea beeomes fully convinced there
to by solid argument in favor of the
principles and practices of the national,
rspmbucan party, whose success has
"never been a menace to business."
Hammond is able, vigorous, wide-awake,
and thoroughly well inforaaed as to the
Beads of the country in general and this
part of it m particular, and he will be
real dad to see us all, if we should
baDoen to visit Washington after his
election on business for the public We
know Hammond, have known turn for a
ions- time, ana were is noining mean
about him. He is a sample of the true
American citizen. IT you differ with
him in opinion, it is your right, and he
will convince you of your error, or ac
knowledge his own as the case may be,
after thorough discussion, but he will be
fair. Ha will take pride in being right,
in the service of his constituents in
lookinfi' after local and general interests.
and in all essential matters he will be inj
line witn ine great national, repuDiican
party which stands today, as ever before,
for protection, reciprocity and sound
The Wilson act, the great law of four
years of administration by the party of
free trade and free silver is entitled to
the distinction of having closed more
workshops and factories and thrown
more people out of employment than
any other piece of legislation in the his
tory of the country. If Bryan is elected
the same condition will continue, only
it will be infinitely worse with free silver
added to free trade. In 1892, under the
McKinley bill, we had the most pros
perous times in our history, and with
McKinley as our next president and
protection and reciprocity as our watch
words, with an honest dollar, worth 100
cents the world over, good times will
come again, and the people propose to
go about it right to get those times, by
lev's bill, and don't you ever doubt it
for a minute. Madison Chronicle.
The Wilson bill has increased imports
into this country which has necessitated
that much gold to be sent abroad in
payment. Just that amount of imports
measures the substitution of foreign
manufactures for American manufactur
ers. If continued, it will keep closed,
to that extent, American mines, furna
ces, mills, factories and workshops, and
render idle just as many .laborers as
kept them in operation. It is easy to
figure that what we need is protection
and reciprocity, which will be followed,
as always before, by good wages for
work. The republican party stands for
work, not charity; for wages, not soup
houses. Vote for McKinley and for
Hammond elect the right man for pres
ident and support him by the right man
for congress.
Correcting More of Governor Hoi
comb's Misrepresentations.
Plays IMUm Part Iat the
A Uajaat Fight
Carbatt Geaaral
Xtnal laaaraaea.
Lincoln, Neb., Oct. 24. At the be
ginning of the last week of the cam
paign the atmosphere of the state capi
tal has a decided tinge of republican
confidence in the outcome, and no re
publican connected with the manage
ment of the canva s has any reason to
change his estimate of a liberal re
publican majority for the entire ticket.
Populists axe basing some hopes on the
trip which their candidate will make
through the central part of the state
November 2, but there is every reason
to believe that republican sentiment is
so perfectly crystallized that it cannot
be shaken at any point by Mr. Bryan's
flying tour.
There are indications that the mana
gers of the demociatic-populistic cam
paign have little hope of carrying the
state for Bryan, and are preparing to
hedge and make a strong bid for sup
port for Holeomb during the last week
of the campaign. Already reports have
been received from a number of coun
ties stating that the popocrats aud dem
opops are offering to give McKinley
votes in exchange for Holeomb votes,
and while it is not probable that
many republicans are disposed to make
the exchange, it Is nevertheless not
amiss to caution them against such
trades. The state is good for a major
ity for the entire ticket, national and
state, and it will be wise for every re
publican to vote his ticket straight in
stead of considering trading proposi
tions. So far as Governor Holeomb is con
cerned, he has been running a campaign
strictly for himself for a couple of
months past, and has had campaigners
out working in his personal interest.
His leading card has been a misrepre
sentation of republican state officials
ajnd a glorification of himself. His rep
resentations in regard to state educa
tional funds have been referred to in
a previous letter, wherein it was shown
that the credit of the management and
investment of the permanent school
fund has been entirely due to the re
publican officials who comprise the
board, and of which the governor is
merely the presiding officer. So there
ia nothing in that.
Governor Holeomb and some of his
sneakers have been very industrious in
telling the voters of the state how he
has saved tw hundred thousand dollars
by his careful and economical adminis
tration of affairs. In the first place
there has been no such saving. The
appropriations of the last legislature
were pared down so that no such saving
could be effected, the -business of the
various departments and state institu
tions already being on an economical
basis when Holoomb came into office.
He does not, in fact, have the disposi
tion of any state funds except those ap
propriated for the maintenance of his
own office. He has the appointment of
heads of most of the state institutions,
but he has little to say as to how the
funds for these institutions shall
be expended. Supplies for the state
and all of the state institutions
are purchased by the board of purchase
and supplies, on competitive bids, and
rcwrmem are awarded to,the lowest bid
der. 'The conduct of the various insti
tutions ia. entirely in the hands of the
board of public lands and buildings. It
will be found upon the closest investi
gation that the interests of the state
have been carefully consulted by these
boards, and so far as Governor . Hoi
comb's voice and vote have gone, he has
beam equally considerate. There if. no in
timation to the contrary. But when
the governor takes to himself the
credit for an impossible saving, and re
flects upon his brother officials in the
name connection, it is as well that the
facta should be stated and generally un
derstood. afMbnan
Daring the past few weeks of the
imnain there is a still atronmr ten.
denoyof the popolkt press and speak
ers to break over the barriers of truth
anal make unfair attack upon some of
the republican candidates. To the
lt.t - U . 4-A
they hivs mot lade this sort of a cam
paign, and have not even shows
njajaoaitioa to retaliate,, bolieviaa;
that the truth will be found oat baton
election day and that justice will
Tail at the outcome.
State Sapermteudeut Corbet is
of the officiate who has been subjected to
attacks which auve no foandatkm im
truth, reason or justice. If the
charges made against him by a
few personal enemies ever required
I any refutation, it has been given post-
; tivsly and publicly long ago over the
signatures of men aud women of the
highest stauding in the state. Ammg
these are the former superintendent of
the Omaha public schools; Chancellor
Oanfield, formerly of the Nebraska
state university, and Hon. C. H. Mor
rill of the board of regents of the state
university. These have all shown
most positively that Mr. Corbett's course
has been above ail reasonable censure,
while bis administration of his impor
tant offioe has called forth the highest
praise from every intelligent source.
The people of Nebraska, who appreciate
him for the gentleman that he is and
for the splendid work that he has given
to the office of state superintend
ent of public instruction, will do him
justice at the polls aud the majority
that he will have will be a rebuke to
aianaer and a complete vindication ef
bis course as a man aud as an official.
Attorney General Churchill is an
other official who has been attacked by
willful misrepresentations. This attack
is led by the officers of the Farmers'
Mutual Insurance company, which was
refused a certificate to do business by
the state auditor upon the opinion of
the attorney general. The company
brought suit in the supreme court, by
mandamus, to compel the auditor to is
sue a certificate, but the writ was re
fused by the court. This is the extent
of Gen.Churchill's'hostility" to the mu
tual insurance law. He is not in position
to help or hinder these corporations, be
ing a mere interpreter of the law, sworn
to uphold it, and iu no sense its ex
ecutor. His general course has been one
of friendliness to mutual insurance, and
he has not at any time played into the
hands of the old-line companies. As
sertions to the contrary are utterly and
absolutely false, made with the inten
tion to deceive, and for the purpose of
wreaking personal revenges upon a
faithful and competent official.
UokOal For ElTeath-ar KarbMka.
It ought not to be necessary to cau
tion voters against the "eleventh-hour
roorback." But it will be remembered
that tb.6 campaign just closing will be
noted for the fakes aud forgeries that
have been put out by the democratic
managers and newspaper press, to be
reprinted and reiterated and circulated
long after their true character had been
exposed. Hence it is not too much to
expect that some new canard will be
sprung during the last few days before
election. Naturally this would be the
last card of the desperate managers of a
desperate campaign.
The fight is already won for the re
publican state and national ticket. It
only remains for republicans to be vigi
lant and keep up an aggressive canvass
until the close of election day, to make
the victory one that will be memorable
for generations to come.
Secretary of Stat Fipera Daelalaa At
Saatelaad By tk Sapraaa Cmk.
The facts in regard to the controversy
between the two wings of the demo
cratic party in Nebraska have been gen
erally understood, and it is due to Sec
retary of State Piper that the pnblio
should be correctly informed. It started
in 1844 when the "gold bug" democrats
bolted the convention that nominated
Holoomb, the bolters nominating a state
ticket with P. D. Sturdevant for gov
ernor. Secretary Piper refused to put
the names upon the ballot except by
petition. A petition with five hundred
names was secured and the names were
placed upon the official ballot as "demo
crats by petition." This ticket in the
election of 1894 polled more than one
per cent of the vote of the state. This
gave the bolting wing of the democracy
standing as a party.
In 1895 the "gold bug" democrats
nominated T. J. Mahoney for supreme
judge. When his certificate of nomina
tion was filed three days remained in
which to file a protest against putting
his name on the official ballot. After
five days had elapsed a protest was filed.
Secretary Piper was then estopped by
law from considering the protest, but
desiring to be fair he agreed to stipulate
a test case to the supreme court, which
decided that Mahoney could appear on
the ballot as a democrat. As a matter
of fact he had polled two votes to every
one polled by the "silver" democrat for
the same office.
This year theeame "gold bug" organ
ization nominated a state tioket The
"silver" democrats protested. Secretary
Piper decided that the "gold bugs" had
the right to appear on the ballot as demo
crats. The "silver" democrats appealed
to the supreme court, which not only
sustained Secretary Piper in this one
particular, but also as to every other
decision. So it will be seen that those
who attempted to make political capital
against the secretary of state started out
too early. Indeed, it is a great feather in
the cap of Secretary Piper, whose care
ful and law-abiding methods have been
of great value to the state in many in
OpawaUtoai Xawamupara
Matfcaaw ml Hie Daineton.
If any candidate on the republican
state ticket is elected, that one will be
State Superintendent Corbett, and it
will be largely because the people de
spise contemptible campaign methods,
especially when employed against an
efficient public officer.
A contemporary lately described a
certain court decision in Gage county
as reversing an important ruling of the
state superintendent on a point of
school law. On investigation we find
that the ruling in question was sus
tained instead of reversed, and in no
case has a single decision of that officer
been overruled by the courts during the
present administration.
We find that Mr. Corbett is very pop
ular among teachers and school officers
and they speak of his work as strong
and progressive. We believe the fool
ish charges against him have been
trumped up by a little clique of per
sonal enemies, and we regret that any
of the people's party papers should make
the political blunder of giving them
publicity. Thousands of populists who
believe in fair politics will rebuke snob
methods with their votes. The people's
party is making a strong but fair fight
for principle, and will not be betrayed
into indecent attacks by a desire to gain
spoils of office. Waverly Watchman
Henry R. Corbett's majority for state
superintendent will be a rebuke to
thorn who think Nebraska voters can be
fookd by spiteful slanders. He deserves
re-election upon his excellent adminis
tration, which has been one of the most
successful and progressive that
has ever known. Nebraska Slate
uan,aww UksnumssejsBapauuunnBs w
AAtteBf)tteraIaaOs?0! rawsjexts saai
Faksa Om rieraaaa; Teteaa.
The Democratic state ceatral commit
tee of Nebraska has just pat in oircuhv
tion, at so late a day in the ""-rmign
that it was hoped the fraud would es
cape detection, a pamphlet printed in
the German language which reprints all
of the exploded forgeries and fakes of
the campaign. Utterances o Lincoln,
Grant, Garfield, Blaine, MoKmley, and
others, are garbled so as to misstate
their position. Then the old Financial
News forgery is trotted out again to do
service in a new dress, and the Bismarck
letter which was printed by the silver
pram under a forged translation, is put
out as new and original and genuine.
Although the pamphlet is issued by the
Democratic state central committee, the
evidence exists that the expense of
printing was borne by Gay Barton of
Omaha, a life-long Republican until
this year, and manager of the Omaha
smelters, owned by the Omaha and
Grant Smelting company, with smelters
at Denver and Omaha. Mr. Barton's
interest in the matter, and his unusual
generosity, are explained by a conversa
tion had with him by a close friend
since the campaign opeued. He was
asked if he had "gone crazy" on the sil
ver question. He replied that his com
pany owned nearly ono million ounces
- - - .
of silver; that if the pi ice of bullion ad
vanced under free coinage, the rim, in
value would be clear profit; that if it did
not advance, the company could pay its
employes in dollars costing but fifty-two
cents; and that, figured from this stand
point, he would be "in it" either way.
The Democratic state central commit
tee and "Silver Baron" Barton may be
good teachers for the Nebraska voters,'
with their fakes and forgeries and stale,
chestnuts, and they may be able to fool
a few of our German citizens, but the
great mam of them are too intelligent to
be caught in such manner. '
Ta 1
-. ' SJ
Nebraska has never had a more care
ful, prudent or conscientious secretary
of state than J. A. Piper, the present
incumbent of that office and candidate
for re-election. He is well equipped,
both by education and experience, for
the position, and the best proof of his
ability and good character is shown in
the fact that he was nominated for
county clerk of Harlan county four
times unanimously, and generally
elected. He has given the state an
economical administration. A part of
his economies was the saving to the
state in the publication of the constitu
tional amendments to be voted on at
the approaching election. Under the
law he could have printed the amend
ments so they wonld have cost about
$80,000, this, sum to be distributed
among Republican newspapers, but he
was prudent and careful in this as in
other matters, the result being that the
publication will cost the state about
one-half of that amount. Under his
pruning knife the incidental expenses
of the last legislature were about $9,000
less than they would have been by fol
lowing old precedents. As keeper of
the "great seal" and the records of the
state Mr. Piper has in every way proven
himself worthy of a great public trust.
A FarawA Political Speech.
Some Lancaster county farmers were
recently discussing the money question
and endeavoring to get at the cause of
low prices of farm products. Captain
Baird, himself an old farmer, listened
for a long time and then joined in, as fol
lows: "Boys, let's see if we can't get
at the facts right here among ourselves,
without calling in any evidence from
outside of Lancaster county. Let's
don't take anybody's word for anything
that we don't know by our own observa--'
tion. All of you remember that during
the three years of drouth, covered
wagons were moving out of the state,
and some of the men who owned land
began to be afraid that there wouldn't
be renters enough. Renters around
here thought there would plenty of
farms to rent and so they didn't hustle
for the leases. How did it turn out?".
It was remarked that land was scarcer
than ever and that some farmers in the
neighborhood hadn't been able to find a
foot of land to rent for this season. '
"Now what is the cause?" asked the
captain. "Here we have all seen such
a competition for land as we never sawf
before, and farming we all know isn't
profitable. Why? Since the election,
in 1892 hundreds of men in Lincoln:
have been thrown out of work. They
were busy before in building houses,!
making public improvements, working;
in factories and on the railroads. All
at once they find there is no more work
to do. They needn't go to other towns,'
for the same thing is true everywhere.'
They have to live, and so they have
been flexing around and renting farms
out from under you renters out here.'
Horses are cheap, and they have fitted
themselves out for farming, and here
they are. competing with yon for land
and selling grain instead of buying, as
they did when they were at work in
A hum of approval followed this tell
ing point. One of the farmers said:
"I have heard a lot of speeches about
silver and everything, but nobody ever
made the case so clear as Captain
Baird." Others agreed with him that
what the country needs is the opening
of the mills aud not the mints.
Chests. Jofca, amd a Kaaty Oaa.
"British" is still generally synony
mous with "good and dear," though
there are signs that the reputation for
excellence enjoyed by British goods
abroad has suffered to some extent For
sign competition is driving British trade
out of all the old markets. Textile Mer
cury, May 23.
' This ebullition of loyalty on the eve
of her majesty's birthday is perhaps ex
cusable, but how far from the truth t
The world over the word "British" is
now synonymous with "cheap and nas
ty," especially in those classes of shod
dy goods that savor of "pig manure,"
"urine" and "liquid zinc." These ad
mixtures afford one of the reasons why
"foreign competition is driving British
trade out of all the old markets. "
-Cmmmtf LsaasBb
The fact that the value of foreign
goods remaining in warehouses was
111,000,000 more- last March than in
March, 1895, is evidence of the impov
erished condition of our people, who are
unable to purchase freely, even of the
"cheap" foreign goods that are await
ing (hem. Perhaps free trade theorists
will begin to understand that less work
in our mills means a lighter purchasing
power on the part of our people.
l. - w r
i . , wiminwtitr
, WataW.A.t
afiBBBT' S v -J
One of the banners carried in a Pop
lis saved at David City a few days ago
njYaiaa the sentiment that "Bishop
Newman is one of satan's chosen few."
This will be something of a surprise to
thousands of earnest Christian people
who have long believed that the vener
able bishop is a reasonably good man.
It aU comes from the spirit of intoler
ance which declares' that preachers
should sit idJy by wUIe a dishonest sys
tem of finance is fastened upon the
country. Sc Paul Republican.
We are a continent, not an island;
our resources are plural, not singular.
In a speech, made in 1844, Webster said
that he defied any one conversant with
our early history, from 1787 to 1789, to
deny that protection was the leading
motive in the formation of the new
government One of the first note of
congress was n tariff act, passed July
4, 1789, and, being moderately protect
ive, it was a declaration of independ
ence from the industrial domination of
Great Britain.
There are many importers of foreign
goods, and especially those that do a re
tail business, who are anxious to see n
quick restoration of the policy of pro
tection. We have frequently heard that
they would much prefer to pay higher
duties upon the goods they handle and
sell them than have a smaller amount
of 'business passing through their hands
with smaller profits and harder collec
tions. "The idea that the government can
create wealth is a myth. The only thing
that oan create wealth is labor." Wil
liam McKinley.
to travel for reapoaaible eaUbliahed
hone ia Nebraska. Salary $780 and expeaaeo.
Poaitioa peraunent. Kefereace. Eacloae aelf
addreeaetl stamped envelope. The National,
Star Insurance Bids., Chicago.
gKittess m$titr.
Adrertiaeeaeata aader thia head five ceata a
line each insertion.
WM.SGHILTZ raakeebootaand shoeainthe
beat stylea, and aaea only the very bast
atock that can be procared in the market. 52-tf
to travel for responsible established
hoaae ia Nebraska. Salary $780 and expenses.
Position permanent. Reference. Enclose self
addressed stamped envelope. The National,
Star Insurance Bids.. Chieagu.
Tuesday afternoon, and are correct and reliable
at the time.
Shelled Cora
Floor in 500 lb. lets
Potatoes ,
'. 4 508 CO
.. 1012K
. 2 60f 3 00
.$3 23S 80
. $2 5062 75
Fat cows....
8tatb or Nkbbaska, l .
Platte coanty, J"
To all persons interested in the estate of John
England, deceased:
Whereas, Maria England of Bennett, Allegheny
coanty, Pennsylvania, has filed ia my office a
dnly authenticated copy of an instrument pur
porting to be the last will and testament of John
England, deceased, and of the probate of the
same in the register for the probate of wills
court or Aiiegneny coanty, or trie commonwealth
of Pennsylvania and a petition praying that a
time and place may be axed for hearing of the
same; whereupon I have appointed Thursday,
the 29th day of OctMUJt 2 o'clock ia the after
noon, at my oftlce in said coanty, as the time
and place of proving said will at which time and
place yoa and all concerned may appear and
contest the probate of the same.
It is farther ordered thataaid petitioner give
notice to an persons interested: in said estate or
the pendency of the petition and the time and
place set ior Hearing we aaae ny causing a copy
of this order to be published in Tax Columbus
Jocbkal. a leaml Bewananer. for three consecu-
tive wet
previous to the day set for said
In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my
hand and seal this 12th day of October. 189.
J. N. Kiuan,
MoctS Coanty Jadge.
To William Meniere, non-resident defendant:
Yoa will take notice that on the 24th day of
September, 1896, Minnie Meaieoe filed a petition
ia the district court of Platte coanty. Nebraska,
the object and prayer of which is: That she may
be divorced from yoa, that she may be awarded
the custody of the children, the issue of your
marriage, for the reason, that yoa. disregarding
your duties aa a husband, on or about the first
day of September. 1894, wilfully deserted her.
the plaintiff, and for more than two years last
passed yoa have been wilfully absent from her
without a reasonable or just cause.
Yon are required to answer said petition on or
before Mth day of November, 1898.
Dated at Colombos, Nebr., Sept. 24. 1896.
J. N. Kiuan.
7octl PlaiBtiaTa Attorney.
taVbllaa.sdL 1862.
First National Bant,
Capital Stick NM ii $100,000.00
omens am ubxctou:
A. ANDERSON, Pres't.
J. H. GALLEY, Vice Pres't,
O.T.ROEN, Cashier.
Qerrard -Wheel - Works.
lpairwrkaajar. mi a. Mt,
i HSIUmUHS) njmn,
TCMesgeaa4 the
Passengers goiageast for business, will
naturally gravitate to Chicago aa the
great rwmmereial center. Passengers
re-visiting friends of relatives in the
esntern state always desire to "take ia"
taiesgo en route. AU classes of
getw will find that the "Short Ine"of
the CMoago, Milwaukee k St. Paul Bail-
way, via umana and uouneu auma,
affords excellent faeUities to rwaoh their
deetinstione in a manner that will be
are to give the utmost satiafaotion.
A reference to the time tables will in
dicate the route to be chosen, and, by
asking sny principal agent west of the
Missouri river for a ticket over the
Chicago, Council Bluffs k Omaha Short
Line of the Chicago, Milwaukee k St.
Paul Railway, yon will be cheerfully
furnished with the proper passport via
Omaha and Chicago. Please note that
allot the "Short Line" trains arrive in
Chicago in ample time to connect with
the express trains of all the great through
car lines to the principal eastern cities.
For additional particulars, time tables,
maps, etc.. please call on or address F.
A. Nash, General Agent, Omaha, Neb.
week he's take an excursion trip. Wall,
old man, are yoa going to apaad your life
chasing hoga? Coaaa im and get aomeof that
Page Woven Wire Fencing and at how easy it
is to septhaaa where they beloBg.
ISfebtt Cotambaa.Nebr.
Special attention given to Criminal
Office: Corner Eleventh and North Sta.
Office over Firat National Bank,
W. A. M oAlubteb.
The following proposed amendments
to the Constitution of the State of Ne
braska, as hereinafter set forth in full,
are submitted to the electors of the
State of Nebraska, to be voted upon
at the general election to be held Tues
day, November 8, A. D., 1896:
A joint resolution proposing to
amend sections two (8), four (4), and
five (5.) of article six (0) of the Consti
tution of the Stateof Nebraska, relating
to number of judges of the supreme
court and their term of office.
Be it resolved and esaotad by the Leglela
tare of the State of Nebraska:
Section L That section two (3) of article
atx (6) of the Constltatioa of tk State
of Nebraska be asmded so aa to read as fot-
SeetloaS. The aapratne court shall until
otherwise provided by law. coasts of Ive
WB4gaa.aBtajorityof wkoaiahaU beaacaa
aery to form a qoonua or to prononace
adeciatoB. Itahallhave original JariadicUoa
ia cases relating to revenue, civil cases ia
which the atate akall be a party. aMBdanuu.
no warranto, habeas corpus, and such
appellate jurisdiction, aa naar be provided by
Section 2. That section four of arttete
six (0) of the CoastltuUoa of the State
of Nebraska, be amended aoaa to readasfol
lows Section 4. The judges or the supreme
court shall be elected by the electors of the
state at large, and their term of oflce. ex
cept as hereinafter provided, akall be for a
period of aot leu thaa Ive 0) years as the
legislature mar prescribe.
Section 3. That section f re (5) of artiele
six (V) of the Coastltetios of the State of Ne
braska, be amended to read aa follows:
Sections. At the first geaaral eleetloa to
beheld lathe year ltiSS. there shall be eleeted
two CO Jadgea of the supreme court oae
of whom shall be eleeted Cor a term of
two years, eae far the term of four it)
yearn, aad at each geaaral election there
after, there shall be elected oaa judge of
the supreme court for the term of ave
00 yean, unless otherwise provided by
law; Provided, that the judges of the su
premo court whrne terms have aot expired
at the tt-ne of holding tha general elec
tion of 18. shall continue to hold their
onVse for the remainder of the term for
Which they were respectively
Approved March W, A. D. UK.
A joint resolution proposing an
amendment to section thirteen (IS) of
article six of the Constitution of the
State of Nebraska, relating to com
pensation of supreme and district court
Be It resolved by the Legislature of the State
of Nebraska: "
Section 1. That section thirteen (13) of
article ax CO oftbe CoastUatioa of the State
of Nebraika be amended aoaa to read as fol
low: Sao. IS The Judges of the aupceme asm
district courts shall receive for their aervlcea
suck compeaaattoa aa amy be provided by law.
Murable auarteriv.
The legislature shall at Its Irat
after the adoption of thia amendnaent,
tkree-Bfth off th memben elected to
each house concurrta. nstahUsh their
aompenmtlon. Th compensation ao aa
tebdahed akaU aot be oanngod ofteaar
than one te raw yean, aad ia aoeveat aateas
two-tatrda or the memben eleeted to
ach aoaa or tae loglttelar
Approved Marck 38. A. ft ISM.
A joint resolution proposing to
amend section twenty-four (34) of
article fire (5) of the Constitutios) of
the State of Nebraska, relating to com
pensation of theoffioen of the executive
Be it rc4vdad eaaeted by tke Lsgitlatur
of tke State of Nebraak:
Seettoa 1. Tkat aoctioa tweaty-four CM)
of arttete Ive (S) of tke Oonstltutioa of tk
State of Nofcraefc bo ameadsd to reed a fol
lows: Seettoa M. Tke oflcen of tk executive
apartment of tk atate governaaeat ahaU
reeeive for their services a ompansntlen
to be ertahUahad by law. which ahall be
amtaoriacrcaeadBor dlmlaishad daring tk
aim ior wnica way aaau bav
and tker akall aot receive to tkaar
US say feea. costs. Utreata.uao pabB
svs In their hands or aader their control.
uinuea os omca or oiner o
4 all fen that stay
BBvabl bv tew for a
performed by aa oflcar provided for te
mm article ehall be paid la advsaee into th
traasmrr. Tha lagismtar ahaU at Its
antsmslrm after thadoottoa of thia
samoa af
it. thno-nnns or th msmnets eiaeted to
or ta lesmmtaf eon-
tha aamrlaa of th
ia this arttcl. Tk
te Soar Tears aad te ao
two-thlrda of th am
to each hoaae of the legislature oone
Approved Mareh A. ft WML
A joint resolution proposing to
Igsmw mwm, m m m m mm - m"ihbbbT
- M .-w.-. -... -q. aa rhsaosil
afteaer tha oae la Soar Tears aad k
t watem two-thlrda of the members
(1) of article sis (i)
The Inter
Is ttw Mult Popular foprtllcmsi Wtw
ff taw Wsjftt aa
DAILY (wMsssjC Samemy).
DAILY (wtta S day)
The Weekly Inter
As a He
per TIB IHTKlt OCKAN heaps i
mm, It spares neither pains nor
The Weekly Inter Ooean
As a Family
1ft has aosMtblax of iatsrest
ASrmATURES are unecrialed.
tka ablaat ' om aU live nautical testes. It Is
and Is in aseoid with the peop m of the
Fleas r amber that the price
the Ooustitution of the State of Nebras
ka, relating to judicial power. .
Belt raealvad aad eaaeted by tka Lestola
tar of the State of Nebraska:
Seettoai. That seetloa on (1) of article six
B)ftaOoaatituUoaof the Stat of Nebraak
be aaneaded to read aa folio wa:
L The Judicial power of thia atate
rawed to a aaprsmo wart, district
aasmtr eoarte iaatlcaa of the
polic maglitratea. aad la auch other
laf erier to th anrem coait aa mav
b sraatsd by law hi wbiah two-tUids of
etaetea to
Approved March X. A. Di 10
A joint resolution proposing to
mend section eleven (11) of article six
() of the Oonetitntion ot the State of
Nebraska, relating to inorease in num
ber of supreme and district court
Bs It raaol vd aad eaaeted by the Legialatar
of tk State of Xebraaka:
Section L. That aeetloa eleven (11) of
article six () of the Ooaatltatloa ot the State
ft amended to read aa fol
lowa: awetioa 11. The legialatar. whenever twe
thiidaof the members elected to each house
aaau ooacur taenia, may. ia or after the y
oae taoumaa tigat nuaorea aaa ninety
every foi
tk BUmber of iudves of eu-
aad district court, aad the Judical
s of the state. Sack districts akall
formed ot compact territory, aad
by county Usee; aad suck te
ar ear enema la taw boundaries
of a diaritsbUBot vacate tk onto ot aay
AppVoved Mareh Si. A. D. 18S5.
A joint resolution proposing to amend
section six () of article one (1) of the
Constitution of the State of Nebraska,
relating to trial by jury.
te of Nebr
l That mrisliia six faV artlcl one
1) oftbe Ckmatltatloa ot tka State of Na-
nraasa a tamwlto read a follows:
Secttoa A Tk right of trial by Jury shall
remote inviolate, bat tk legialatar may pro
vide that la dvU actios flve-alxth of the Jury
amy reader a verdict, ami the leghuatnre may
alao aatkotia trial by a Jury of a lam aumbar
than twelve me, lacour ia Uferior totkadia
trlet court.
Approved march a). A IX USA
joint resolution proposing te
section one (1) of article five (5)
of the Constitution of Nebraska, relat
ing to officers of the executive depart-
Be It resolved aad laastii by tka Iirtlsla
toM of tae Sur of Nebraska: b
section I. That section one fit of
ttcleSro (i) of the Coastltutloa of tka State
of Nebraak b amended to read as fol-
Secttoa L The executive department ahall
oaast of a goveraor. lleateaant-govemor.
secretary of sUte. auditor of pahllo accounts,
Weaeurer. auverlntendent of public ia
ST00" .?," . Sfaatal. commlaaioaer
f .pnblio laad aad buUdian. aad three
railroad commimioBera. each of whom.
??.? " railroad commissioners,
shall kold Us oflce for a term oT
two years. fom the flrat Thursday after
the Arat Tuesday la January, after
his elactloa. art until hU aucceaaor ia
lectod ami aoauaed. Back railroad com
mimioaer shall hold hia oflc for a term of
fybegi5niaroa th arat Thuradav
after the Jrat Tueeday te January nter
kta .olectioa. aad until his aucce
5ted and quaiiaad: Provided,
tewovvr. That at the ant general elee
tloa held after tk adoption of thia amend
mat there shall be elected three railroad
for tka narimt of oa
vmm n
for tka
for th period of two yean, aad
nou i tan yean, tbn gov-
ITT of states andltnr nt nnh.
keaceouata. and treasurer shall reside at
capital annas; their term of office;
akall keep the public record-., books
thee aad shall perform auckda-
Approved Marck St, A. D. ISBi.
A joint resolution proposing to
wend section twenty-six (at) of ar
ticle Ave (S) of th Constitution of the
State of Nebraska, limiting the num
her of executive state officers.
Bs It reeelvad aad eaaeted by th Ig
awatar of tk State of Nebraska:
Secttoa L That aeetion twenty-nix (3s) of
artiele are (S) of the Coastltutloa of th
ftato of Nebraska be amended to road aa
Section St. No other eaeeaUve state onV
mn axeept tkoae named la aoctioa oae CO
ft tale article shall be created, except
by an act of tk legkdature which hi
concurred la by aot leas thaa three-fourths
of th members elected to each house
4kanaJV0 a
Prevhiai. That aay oflce created by na
act ef tk legislature amy be eboUahad by
ir. two-taira or th mem
to aaek house thereof ooncur-
joint resolution proposing to
section nine (9) of article eight
(8) of the Constitution of the State of
Nebraska, providing for the investment
ef the permanent educational funds of
the state.
Bait resolved aad eaaeted by tkeLsgmlar
wwww ok law oast 01 xieornenn:
eatloa L Tkat aeetloa nine (K of arttcl
atok CO of tka Voaatitatton of tk State
rNebraakn be ameadad to read na fol-
Secttoa . AU faaJabalonau to tha state
for eaaeauoaai purpoaee. ta lateraat
laaamt wkereor oaly an to be
bsdsemed trust faads held by
smith state ahaU evpply aU k
m tana amy u aay meaner aeera. ao
tka earn akatt ramala forever Inviolate
aad undiminished, aad ahall aot be te
ar loaned except oa United States
eeemrraea. or rgmtered coaaty
or registered school
i amines i
boada oz
Tk board Mealed bv mmctiam
1 ef this arttete la empowered to sell from
to bubo aay or ta aecarmae Belonging
is aeaoot rnaa aaa mves
oterrom in aay or tae
te thia aeetloa bear.
of lateraat. wheaener
Ity for batter tavastmeat iapn-
That whm
laaurer raaj
5S?w?S aunrlv awm
attsabytk laajalatara
ar a tax for ita pa;
asaisa to ta scat
it, aad tkat ahaU
w ta prewar nana
jo pay
A tk board creeted br aaetli
or tats arnew amy street ta atate t
nrer to pay tk imouat da cm sack war-
rnatfrant atoaays te ku kand belongtec
aad ho ahaU hold said wamat aa aafa
paatawmt of said penaaaeat ackool fund.
Joint msolutksi
t to the Constitution of the
of Nebraska by adding n new
to tftiele twelve (13) of said
fwmttttntioa to he numbered section
two () relative to the sserging of the
of cities of th nMtro-
oiMei am
warn maw. aaa nca runaa wiib tas teter
st and la name thereof ar hereby aolema
ly pledged. forth parpoaajfor whK-hthey
ar graated aad ate apart, aad shall not
b tranaterrad anyotker faadfor othwr
wrJBlt . . .
a i
HnW tt
..... -
m ammmmwaw
paper is we
T Asy.
to each mtmbe of the filly.
is the very best of itesiad.
and contains the
West in both polities anal U
Be It resolved aad naeted by aha
anui oc tae otai ox runraasa
Section L That article twelve CO) of tk
Coestiiutio of the State ot Neoraaha he
amended by adding to said article a aewaaa
tsaatobeaambered aeetloa two CO to read
aa folio wa:
SeetloaS. The goverBSaaat of aayttyt
tk metropolitan clean aad the gov
erameat of the county to wateh
It ia located mav be mirgsd wholly
been aabmltted by authority of law to tk
voten of aack etty aad coaaty aad re
ceived the aaeoat of a majority of the
c ia pars waea a propoamo ao I m
voiaa caac aa auca my i
or tae votes east
of thorn cant in aachi
Approved Merck n A. Dt kwA
A joint resolution
amendment to section six () of arttcl
even (7) of the Confutation of th
State of Nebraska, prescribing the
manner in which votes shall he
Be it reMlved aad eaaeted by the
as or tae atai or Meoraaaa:
Beetle L That section sU (S)'of
save (?) of tk Constitution ef Um
or Nebraska be ameadad to read as Sal-
Section C All votes shall be by batten, ar
sack other awthod aa amy b iirmeilW
by lawprovided the aeereoy of vettac a
Approved March 8. A ft mb.
A joint resolution
amend section two (2) of article four
teen (14) of the Constitution of the
State of Nebraska, relative todonations
to works of internal improvement i
Bo It resolved aaW
mteture of tke State ef Net
Ssctloa 1. That aoctioa two CO of artiele
fOBxteaa (14) of th Coaptation of
BMatoor Mefcnusa, n amaaasa to
Sao. 3. N city, coaaty. tow.
municipality, or other sahaHvlstoB of
atate. akall ever make donatio to nay
works of Internal Imprevamaat. or
manufactory, ualees a propasMiea ao to
do shall have bee Brat aanaurtea to th
uaUaed electors aad ratiasd by two
thirds veto at aa eleetloa by aiilhsillr of
lew; rravidea. That aaek "-it of a
eoaaty witk tk donations of aaek sahas
viatoas la th aggregate akall aot aseaad
tea per cent of tk aasemed valnattoa f
sank coaaty: Provided, further. That any
etty or county may. by a three fourths
vote. Increase auch Indebtedness If per
seat, la addition to suck tea per oaat aad
ao boada or evidaacaa at tadahfilB an
lasaea snail oe vaua naisee tae aaau
have endorse! thareoa a certtneato
by th aecretarv and auditor of
ahowtag that the same la issued panaaatto
Approved March . A IX. 1SM
I, J. A. Piper, secretary of stats of
the state of Nebraska, do hereby certify
thst the foregoing proposed smendments
to the Constitution of the State of Ne
braska are true and correct eopies'of
the original enrolled aad engrossed
bills, as passed by the Twenty-fourth
session of tke legislature of the State
of Nebraska, as appears from said
original bills on file in this office, and
that all and each of said nronossd
amendments are submitted to the
funlihed voten of the State of Ne
braska for their adoption or rejection
at the general election to be heht on
Toesday, the 3d day of November, A.
D., 189.
In testimony whereof, I have here
unto sst my hand and affixed the great
seal of the State of Nebraska.
Done at Lincoln this 17th day ef
July, in the year of our Lord, One Thou
sand, Eight Hundred and Ninety-Six,
of the Independence of the United
States the One Hundred and Twenty
lint, and of this state the Thirtieth.
(Seal.) J. A. PIPES,
Secretary of State.
mornirTOB or tbb
Waaamawarew BrsmwwVw aflmvBBJ unvV
Fresh, and
Salt Meats.
Game and Fish in Season.
awatHighest market prices paid for
Hides and Tallow.
Wa Carry Coffin, Catkttt aiMI
MatatHc Caskatt at at low
prices as any ona.
roa tbb TBKATanmr or ran
Brink Habit .
Also Tofcacso, Morinlno aasj
otnar Narootle HaMts.
tsrPrivatetrentmeatglvea if deaind.
- , - CiS1 "-, 1
' Y amy
iUy -g-&yr.;Ay. jz-j&fr--.
.r .'&-
- - , E a. "
& .--S5Zcv ;. ir-ii. tt.v!r
J-fcEr --:! ?,
,yfrhJ' v--
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