The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, October 28, 1896, Image 1
.. . r - --."--. ' fe - " '" ' ... C ) ""&? , V v 1 . . - MnnnnnsnB new v Jte-v . m -ss a"BBlBBBBFJggggggg;;;g,;-"iiMMMJMMMMMM '"P VOLUME XXVIL-NUMBER 29. COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA. DNESDAY. OCTOBER 28, 1896. WHOLE NUMBER 1.381. U : ij: Z . $w, rtJSSi "A v .- e f' l? ft ' & fc- . IHEBUKGLARSSTOKY WAS of good and respectable parent age," began the burglar, "and was given a more than ruinary education, ordinary education, was at work in one of the principal safe manufactories of the United States. I had al- "Js a natural taste for working in metals, and vras now in a position to 1 gratify, my ambition to become an ex- pert in the business. At the age of 24 . I was selected from the force of thir- ty hands to expend all my time and tal . cnt in one particular branch of the work, namely, the locks and doors. This was many years ago and the mod era Improvements had not been dream ed L But several kinds of comblna- lIsw'mMTperaritktJoirToclts'sadfcew patented and one of the best of these I was placing upon our hardened steel "doors. No ordinary burglar, however, would have thought of wasting his time and taking the risks with such a lock; co'neequently, our sale of safes . was large and profitable. "I was receiving a good salary for -My. special work and imagined, like many others In life, that I was a favor- -lte of fortune and that it would always last "From the position I occupied It was lasy to fall into the companionship of .the sons of the wealthy classes, and io drift with them into expensive if not objectionable habits. The allur ing games of chance soon fascinated me with their golden favors. Intem perate habits in everything, together with'loss of sleep, soon unfitted me for a fair day's work and I was discharg- ed. Going from bad to worse I soon found myself the welcome companion of thieves and gamblers, and often not knowing where my next meal was to come from. . "Wandering aimlessly about the city with a favorite companion one day, we were passing the shop of an under taker. My chum called my attention to -a, safe, which stood near a desk 'and fronted the open door of the office, and. suggested that it might contain money, of which we were both in great need. "That lock and door are both my own make,' said I, as we halted a mo ment to glanco at it, and I can open it In Jive minutes.' "'You don't say that you can open that safe door in five minutes without knowing the combination of the lock?' aid my friend, with astonishment "I certainly can,' I answered, 'al though the game might be too small for the risk. If we could get into the room, it's possible 'twould pay to look into it, on account of this smallpox epidemic. Notice that the back door is open,' I continued. 'That door opens into an alley. In passing here before when that door was closed, I've noticed a heavy lock on it and there's an iron bar across it on the inside.' "'Let's wander around to the alley and -look over the situation,' said my companion, 'and maybe we can get in tonight' "The alley seemed deserted. Coffins I WENT TO WORK, and their rough cases and rich burial caskets, finished and unfinished, stood at an incline against the wall, and on low tables the entire length of the room were long lines of those finished 'for Immediate use, silently waiting their occupants. "As my eye took in the situation, I conceived a bright idea. Taking the arm of my pard. I hurried him away and, when by ourselves, told him my 'plan and the case with which that safe might be examined. "'I shall put on my rubber shoes," aid I, 'and sneak in that back door some time before it is closed for the night Then I'll crawl under one of those low wide tables, where nobody'U notice me. If I'm discovered, I'll play the dead-drunk dodge. At precisely midnight, I'll enter the front office and open the safe. At that hour exactly " I shall expect you to be on the watch in the alley or hallway on the other side of the street You shall give me a certain signal that you are there, and we'll agree on another should any person pass the building when I'll get out o sight Anotner wbistle shall signify that the -coast is clear. We may 'get only a little jag. and then again we may get -a good big pull.' " "I had quietly crawled under the table. Soon afterward, the rear door of the building was closed, barred and locked for the night Customers and others were coming and going, and , coffins were selected and removed within a few feet of me until after 11 o'clock. I began to think I was to be a' prisoner for the night "Just as I could hear talk of closing up the establishment an elderly man hastily entered and in low tones con versed with one I imagined to be the proprietor. I caught a few words. 'It was impossible for me to get here ear liar,' he was saying, 'but here's the money I collected this afternoon; and, from my hiding place, I looked toward the desk and saw a roll of bank notes pass to the hand of the funeral direc tor, who quietly deposited it in the safe. The knob clicked as it fastened the bars In place and then all parties passed .out of the building, leaving the as gas Jet full blaze in the office. "The instant all was quiet on the street, I crawled out from under my conta table. Quickly taming off the gas. I waited for the low whistle of y pal, hearing which, I went to work. "With my dark lantern in one band, last f.ssy f ve minutes I had all th I iliiPS J if1'.1" valuable contents of that safe in my pocket, had relocked it and was cau tiously unbarring the rear door. That done, and the key withdrawn, I dodged back Into the office, listened an instant and heard the signal from my pal that the street was deserted. Then I quickly relighted the gas jet, glided through the rear room and stepped Into the al ley. I was careful to c!o3e the door after me, and plainly heard the iron bar fall into its place in the bracket as I did so I had placed it in such a po sition that I knew it would when the door closed. Then I locked it and placed the key in my pocket "Everything was absolutely as when the proprietor left the building, save the fact that the key to the rear door was missing also the small matter of the contents of that safe. "That small roll of bank notes con tained $350, and I found $45 more in another drawer a fair night's work for two penniless thieves. "ut le.gods and.UUlc fishes!: what M-iaextricable nimpii" It'T1tlcke4tip In that firm. There were three part ners, and, as everythlnp was found in such good condition the following morning, with the single exception that the man who locked the alley door in the evening must have placed the key in his pocket and should account for its loss, it was supposed and talk ed of openly that, for some unknown reason, the firm had robbed Itself, as no outside party could have entered, worked at the safe with the gaa burn ing the police on duty testified that it was burning constantly that night and left the building with the safe locked on the same combination and with every door locked or barred. De tectives employed laughed at the idea of any outside parties' being Impli cated and winked significantly at each other. "Ths business has since changed hands and the newcomers are more careful with the premises. "I never made such an easy haul be fore, nor have I since," concluded Mr. Burglar, laughing heartily. EXPLANATION OF FREAKS. Th. Scientific Itojioat for Oar Mine Mutecm rarlosltles. Three weeks ago the Journal pub lished a very interesting illustrated ar ticle on the medical diseaees which pro duce the -strange freaks of nature aeen in the dime museums. By error the material in the article was credited to Dr. J. C. McGuire, an eminent physl sian of Washington. Some of the facts were obtained from a pamphlet, "Freaks, as pertaining to Diseases of the Skin," written by Dr. McGuire and read originally before the Medical So ciety of the District of Columbia last February. The illustrations and many of the deductions and statements were not, however, from Dr. McGuire, and for this reason he writes to have the Journal state that the article published was not his. New York Journal. A Qcar:er Acre Lot in Clilraco. The history of a quarter acre lot in Chicago reads like a romance. In 1S30, when the population of the city num bered fifty souls, this quarter acre of raw prairie was worth 20. At $1.50 per day a man could have earned in 13 1-2 days enough to buy it outright To-day it is worth $1,250,000. As the report of the Illinois Bureau of Sta tistics puts it: Six hundred average Illinois farms would not now exchange for that quarter acre of rare prairie land, and nearly 3,000 years of the labor of one man would be required to buy it If 500 years before the Christian era some man had obtained employ ment at the equivalent of one dollar and fifty cents a day. had, like some wandering Jew, been preserved through all the vicissitudes of the centuries, had been miraculously sustained with out expense for any of the necessaries cr luxuries of life, had done his work regularly from that day to this 300 days In the year without losing a day, and had hoarded all his wages, his sav- ings would not yet be enough to buy this quarter acre of prairie land at the mouth of the Chicago River. Comparative Mortality of the World. An eminent Italian statistician has been making inquiries into the compa rative mortality of the countries of the world, and he has arrived at some In teresting conclusions. The death rate per 1.000 inhabitants in 1892-94 was as follows: Australia, 13.2; Sweden, 17.2; England, 1S.3; Scotland, 18.4; Ireland, 1S.5; Holland, 19.6; Switzerland, 20.1; . Belgium, 20.2; France, 22.3; Germany, I 23.7; Italy, 25.7; Austria, 27.9; Hun gary. 33.3. All thes countries except France and Ireland have reduced their death rate during the last twenty years. In Ireland it has increased, and in France it has remained stationary. In France, too, the death rate of persons in the prime of life is higher than in most other countries, and shows no tendency to decrease. In England the mortality is feeble in childhood and youth, relatively strong in the prime of life and old age, but is gradual diminishing. arrom laauys BMnapmni. ad irisuman uu cuiei occupaura in life has been rock blasting obtained a position on a farm, and was one day seated outside vigorously churning butter with an old fashioned churn. Two former companions passing by , caught sight of him, and, after stopping ; to contemplate the situation a moment one of them suddenly exclaimed: J "Pon me conshinse, Terrence, but ' T .- there's McManns, and he's gone crazy, sure enough! He's sittin dbere wid a wooden dhrill, preparin' to put a blasht face." Indianapolis JournaL Encnurazrment. She "I don't see how. you ever came to proposee to me, in the first place, if I am so utterly distasteful to you. I gave you no encouragement" He. "Oh, yes, you did. You turned the gas down so low that I could net see your face." Indiacapolic Journal. Th nand of a Qu-en. A delicate piece of sculpture s a model of Queen Victoria's hand, which is still a very handsome one, and is said to have signed more important state papers and been kissed by more important men than the hand of any other queen that ever lived. The brooch continues to be a pomv l Iar article of jewelry, $? tit 9 10 ISI 0C1 IN A submarine boat haB at last been in vented which disposes of the question of power and speed by a novel method. Hitherto experiments in this line have been met by the difficulty of placing powerful engines in a small compass, where there is little air, and room, and where the disposition of the smoke has created serious obstacles to complete submersion for any considerable length of time. Now, however, not only has a sub marine boat been invented which will, as Its inventor claims, propel itself through the water with less waste of power than any boat hitherto designed, but which is alleged to be able to ac complish the voyage from Europe to America in the incredibly short time of twenty-eight hours: ?r That is the rate of speed which Mr. Apostoloff, a Russian electrical engin eer residing in London, claims to have been developed by the novel submarine boat built by him after long study and at much expense. The craft which he has built differs from all others of its kind in the process by which it is shoved through the water. Hitherto all experimenters with sub marine boats have adopted the screw principle, and the craft which they have designed were, in respect of loco motion, no different from the ordinary tug to be seen on the' North River. All uniformly adored the stern screw, which has not been improved in any important particular since it was de signed by Ericsson. Placed on a submarine boat, how ever, the stern screw developed weak nesses which were not manifest when it was applied to the ordinary craft that float on the surface. In a subma rine boat the entire surface of the structure offers friction and resistance to the water, whereas in a floating boat only the submerged parts offer such re sistance. A submarine boat of 100 ton3 dis placement offers thus more than three times the frictional surface of a boat of similar capacity floating in the ordi nary manner. At the same time when the stern screw i3 applied, there Is no corresponding Increase of power. Mr. Aposto'off has met this difficulty by entirely dispensing with the stera screw. He has made his boat the screw itself. He has adopted the principle of the Doring worm. The boat which he has designed worms its way through the water as truly as the ship's worm works from end to end of .a plank by turning its body Into a boring ap paratus. There is no stern screw in the sub marine boat which Mr. Apostoloff has designed. In its place there only ap- Dears a huge rudder, capable of raising or lowering the boat in the water, and " deflecting It from side to sine, as tae teersman may wish. About two-thirds of the outside surface of the boat revolves around a Bhaft which runs from end to end of the craft To this outside surface a tcrew flange is fastened. Thus, from the bow to a point con siderably aft of midship3, the exposed surface of the boat acts as a huge pro pelling screw. The entire boat v.orks rorward or backward, with oardly any waste of power, as truly as if it were working in a groove specially cut to at It At the point where the revolving sur face of the boat terminates the fixed portions of its body commences. The revolving parts of the boat constitute more than one-half of its exposed sur face. But it is only the outside shell that revolves. Inside the shell 's the real body structure of the boat, and that re mains fixed, hanging on its shaft in a permanent position. The machinery which turns the for ward part of the boat is stationed aft, but the whole inside of the structure is apen to the submarine navigators, who may walk from end to end of their strange craft without discomfort The nrincinles of eomnressert air of watur -- ..y - .-.. condensation, of smoke combustion and 0f economy of fuel are adopted in this strange craft -much as they have been byoJier experimenters in the same line, it is claimed by the inventor that where the ordinary submarine boat 0sing a strn screw would make a jour. ney of fifty miles beneath the ocean (a tning at few of them have succeeded in doine). his hoat rnM anrnmniiiiTi the journey from Europe to America in the same time. Mr. Apostoloff does not claim that his boat can stay under water much longer than other subma rine boats, but he claims that it can outstrip any craft of the kind yet de signed, and that the time will come in the near future when it will be adopted as a means of warfare by every civil zed nation on earth. The possibilities which this invention opens up are interesting and romantic' It is claimed by the inventor that so well has he economized force, wrecks of treasure ships lying at the greatest depths are within easy reach of his craft But a few minutes, he saye, would be required to descend from the surface and steam to the bottom of the ocean "n its deepest parts. There wrecks night be explored, strange fish cap tured and new forms' of submarine life' discovered. "By means of electric light furnished JUST'lHT from dynamos connected with hte" en gine, the bottom of the ocean m'gat'tto'r; illuminated not only at night biit in places too deep for the daylight jto penetrate. The submarine expiorer might step from this boat to the bot tom of the ocean, carrying in an alumi num case strapped to his shoulder a supply of compressed air sufficient to last him several hours. i This aluminum case might, through a small tube, supply power to an sir gun specially, designed for submarine use. Thus a new form of hunting might h r.rnvlilpfl J,. ., - S"''s. ine suomarine explorer, nts ,fSf& weighted down with lead, his head.ep;; cased in a diver's.helmet properlr plied, with jvalTa.1jtpmkUkJ-; cape of the vitiated air, might roam for hours on the bottom of the ocean, noieelessly approaching the strange an imals supposed to inhabit the greatest depths and dispatching them by means of this newly designed weapon. Mr. Apostoloff says that the after part of his boat can be supplied with a great pane of thick plate glas3, ca pable of resisting high water com pression. When the boat has descended to a great depth and It is desired to sec what the passing submarine land scape may show, the covering may be slid back from th(3 pane of glass, and the explorers may look out upon the novel sights presented by these unex plored regions. Comfortably seated In easy arm chairs, the navigators of his craft can touch a button which will throw a flood of electric light through the thick pane of glass, illuminatir; the ocean's bed at its greatest depths. Thus for hours they may, says he, recline at etse, as if they were in a Pullman car, and look out upon strange, new spectacles that present themselves to their view in rapid succession. Here a wreck, there a great levia than, then, perhaps, the Atlantic cable, again some huge crustacean, may be presented to the gaze of the submarine voyagers using his boat, and he even claims that priceless pearls may thus be found and that untold treasure 3 within the easy reach of the daring navigators. To build and thoroughly equip a boat of this kind wiil, says Mr. Apbstoioff, cost 100,000. Only a very rich man THE SUBMARINE SCREW SHIP AS IT WOULD APPEAR IN MOTION. could afford a pleasure craft of this kind. But it has been pointed out by the inventor that the possibilities of fame and pleasure afforded by this means far outstrip any to be found In other lines of expenditure. The young mil lionaire seeking novel adventure and fame, says Mr. Apostoloff, could find no better means of achieving his ends than by th? construction of such a craft. He might, he 6aye, invite a select company of scientific men and con genial friends for a summer submarine cruise. The scientific men could Mnd strange new forms of life, and perhaps discover the missing link so eagerly sought for by Darwin during the voy age of the Beagle. The trip they could subsequently write about, conferring lasting fame upon their patron. The latter might arouse himself with his friends by tak ing short submarine hunting trips, find ing ever new forms of life to study and secure. The amazing speed which he says his boat has developed will, says the in ventor, place the shore at all times within easy reach of the voyagers: From the middle of the Atlantic a run of fourteen hours under wat;r would at any time place them within a port either in Europe or America, and thus the plunging boat, as its inventor calls it, could at any time be almost in touch with the outside world. Experiment, says Mr. Apostoloff, has convinced him that his boat can-navigate the surface of the seas almost as quickly as when completely submerged. But he says she has been specially de signed for travel beneath the surface, where his novel propeller will find com plete grasp upon the surrounding ele ment Aatiqalty of Barat-Wood Dscoratloa. It would be impossible to state posi tively when this art was Crat prac ticed. Burnt panels have been found in various parts of Europe, set into ancient furniture, chimney pieces and wainscoting. In the museums of Europe there are marriage chests, cof fers and panels dating from the fif teenth century or thereabouts, upon which a species of low-relief wood work, not unlike the so-called "fret .saw" work of to-day, has been applied or chiseled out, the flat surface being richly ornamented with fine traceries unmistakably burnt with heated points. Some years ago a New York artist, while wandering through the seashore villages of Wales, found in a peasant's hut a rare panel of burnt wood work of the Italian renaissance (about the fifteenth century). The fisherman had found it on the beach, where it had drifted froTP some wreck. In the sac risty of the little octagonal church of Sant' Ercolano at Perugia are some ancient chests which were quaintly dec orated with not Irons some 400 years Bo.Ccntury. JgL,? -MEW USE FOR CLOVES. Hak. Sratimental Tobacw tariebe. for th. Larer. The wrists of the long evening glovci ;ilie knowing are no longer thrust in- gne ragbag when the lingers hat me incapacitated for further scr- The most dainty and unique to pouches are evolved out of these swrtata, and the sentiment which has always attached to milady's glove lends smjtdded ana piquant charm to such a pffc 'Indeed the fad for these tobaccc pimchea bids fair to outdo all reviotu iWSTenirs, and the young man forttt njit enough to receive one cherishes l.with the most tender pride. They arsy however, delightfully simple and Ms? of construction. They may be em ltntdered, painted Iti Water colors or Mttfsevercly plain, according to the de jlres of affection1 with which she re Bbtb the proposed recipient of her Jwfiiwork. One of the prettiest, is. of -sjftts kid plentifully besprinklea witb vioIetsT'the gloves 'having graced-aif especial occasion where the donor wore violets, the gift of the present owner of the pouch. So much of sentiment, how ever, is not at ail a necessary accdm panimeht of the souvenir. The top of the bag has narrow slits cut in it, and through these slits ribbon is run around twice, by which the pouch is drawn together like an old-fashioned bag or purse. HARD ON CATS. A French Gorerntrient fc6hiriiUlo:ier Cfmnrri the Conduct 6f (jfflclal Cat. The French Government has just had occasion to appoint a commission to in quire into the grievances of the cats in its employ. Their report is an amus ing exhibition of official stupidity, and will rouse a righteous indignation in the bosom of all friends of the useful, mouscr. It appears that cats are kept in 6ome of the French military maga zines to keep down the surplus popula tion of rats and mice. Their food is regulated by ministerial decree accord ing to circumstances, aiid at present there is a regulation in force author izing an expenditure of 2 centimes per cat per diem. But this does not seem enough, as the unfortunate Gov ernmental "cats have grown extremely thin, so at last the Ministry appointed specialists to inquire into the matter. These have gravely reported that "the cats of the army are very slow to ac custom themselvea to the diet pre scribed by the Government circular. ThU3 they seldom eat bread, and "never lap up greasy water unless actually driven thereto by the pangs of hunger, so that they are dying off or else aband oning the military magazines." THE PHILOSOPHIC DOC. Ha Is Entertainml Without Clitrg-3 la the nest Kejtanr.i:!t3 or Paris. "Chocolat," is a Parisian canine curi osity who has been attracting much public attention of late. He is no body's dog, but has managed to play his cards so well that he can lunch at a fashionable restaurant near the Ma3e leinand dine in an equally select eating establishment in the Bois de Boulogne. Recently somebody has given him a brass collar, Inscribed with the words, "Chocolat, the philosophic dos, who has no master." The animal managed to obtain free meals in the restaurants by killing rats. He is also to be seen occasionally at the cafe concerts in he Champs Elysees, but nobody knows where he sleeps. He is sometimes ar rested as a vagrant, but his collar soon obtains for him a epeedy release lioa imprisonment. Here Is a Xame for a B liy Girl. The following list of female charac ters in Shakespeare's works, arranged alphabetically, offers valuable sugges tions for the mothers of baby sirls, says the New York World: Adriana! Aemilia, Alice, Anne, Andromache, Beatrice, Bianca, Blanch(e?), Bona, Blanca, Calphurnla, Cassandra, Celia, Ceres, Charmian, Cleopatra, Con stance, Cordelia, Cressida, Desdemona, Diana, Dionyeza, Darcas, Eleanor, Eli nor, Elizabeth, Emilia, Francisca, Ger- trade, Goneril, Helen, Helena, Herraia, Hermione, Hero, Hippolyta, Imogen, Iras, Iris, Isabel, Isabella, Jacquenet- . ta, Jessica, Joan, Juliet, Juno, Kate, ' Katnenna, Katherine, Lavlnia, Lu cetta, Lucinia, Lychorida, Margaret, Margery, Maria, Mariana, Marina, Mi randa, Mopsa, Nerissa, Osiavia, Olivia, Ohelia, Patience, Paulina, Perdita, Pljgbe. Phrynia, Portia, Regan, Rosa lind, Rosaline, Silvia, Tamora, Thaisa, Timandra. Titania, Ursula, Valeria, Venus, Viola, Violenta, Virgilia and Volumnia. A Story of Frof. Herkonier. Here is a story of Prof. Herkomer, the English royal academician, from the Home Messenger. The artist has an old father who lives with him in his splendid home at Busbey. In his early life he used to model in clay. He has taken to it again; but his fear is that soon his hands will lose their skill, and bis works will 6how the marks of im perfection. It is his one sorrow. At night he goes to his early rest, and when he has gone Herkomer. the talent ed son, gees into the studio, takes up his father's feeble attempts and makes the work as beautiful as art can make it. When the old man comes down in the morning he takes the work and looks at it and rubs his hands and says: "Ha, I can do as well as ever I did." PL iVStsts THE NEW COMMANDEB THADDEUS STEVENS CLARK SON OF THE GRAND ARMY.' lie Was Bra at ths Histor'a Tows of fiettyslmrcr, ra.. la 1840 lias a Bril liant War Record as a Volaateef Sal dler. HADDEUS Stevens Clarkson, who was recently elected commander - chief of H19 Grand Army of the Republic, was born at Get tysburg, Pa., in 1S10. He was edu cated three miles from the great bat tlefield of Antietam. He enlisted Auril 16, 1861 within two Lhoura. after the appearance .of Presi dent Lincoln's call lot izpw men iw three months in company A, First Il linois Artillery. He went to Cairo; served under Gen. Grant there; re-enlisted for the war July 16, 1S61, was promoted Dec. 1, 1S61, to adjutant of the Thirteenth Illinois Cavalry; served with that regiment and on the staff of Gen. John W. Davidson, participating in the battles with that command on the march td Helena and Little Rock, Ark. He was assigned to command it during the Arkansas campaign In August, 1S63, he assisted In raising the Third Arkansas Cavalry of Union white meft of that state; was promoted to major and commanded the regiment until nearly the close of the war, par ticipating in nearly all of the battles in Arkansas Under Gen Steele. He went to Nebraska, settling in Omaha, with his brother, tlie late Bishop Clarkson, in March, iS66. and has lived in that state for nearly thirty years. He was postmaster of Omaha THADDEUS S. CLARKSON. under President Harrison s last admin istration. Major Clarkson was on the executive committee of the National Council of Administration, G. A. it., for three con secutive years, and was elected depart ment commander of Nebraska by ac clamation at the encampment in Feb ruary, 1890. He has also besn com mander of the Loyal Legion of Ne brasfca. Monkftr at Vdr in tli TrantTaat Captain & Mos3, who recently re turned to London from the Transvaal, tells this story of the monkeys who work for him in the mines: "I have twenty-fcur monkeys," sold he, "em ployed about my mines. They do the work of seven able-bodied men, and it is no reflection upon the human la borers to say that they do a class of work a man cannot do as well as they. In many instances they lend valuable aid where a man is Useless. They gather up the small pieces of quartz that would be passed unnoticed by the workingman, and pile them up in little heaps that can easily be gathered up in a shovel and be thrown in the mill. They are exceedingly adept at catching the little particles, and their sharp eyes never escape the very things that the human eye would pass over. When I went digging gold I had two monkeys that were exceedingly interesting pets. They were constantly following me about the mines, and one day I noticed that they were busily engaged in gath ering up little bits of quartz and put ting them In piles. They seemed to en joy the labor very much, and would go to the mines every morning, and work, there during the day. It did not take me long to learn their value as laborers, and 2 decided to procure more. So I immediately procured a number, and now have two dozen working daily in and about the mines. It is exceedingly Interesting to watch my two pet mon keys teach the new ones how to work, and still stranger to see how the new comers take to it. They work Just as they please, sometimes going down in to the mines when they have cleared up all the debris on the outside. They live and work together without quarrelling any more than men do. They are quite methodical in their habits, and go to work and finish up in the same manner as human beings would do under sim ilar circumstances. Drunkards In Tnrkcjr. This reminds us that the Turks, who are mentioned occasionally in the newspapers, have a singular manner of resulatin? drunkenness. If a Turk. overtaken with wine, falls down in the street and is arrested by the guard, he is sentenced to the bastinado; this punishment is repeated as far as the third offense, after which he 13 regard ed as incorrigible and called "imper ial drunkard," or "privileged drunk ard." If he is then arrested, he has only to name himself, mention his lodging, say he is a "privileged drunk ard," he is released and sent to leep upon the hot ashes of the baths. Thus does Pouqueville instruct U3. But cup pose that the privileged drunkard is suffering from a still or a numb and cannot give his name, address or sta tion? What then? Of what avail his honorary title? Boston Journal. Still Waiting-. "I am waiting, only waiting Where the shadows do not falL After long anticipating, For an early formal call; I am waiting, only waiting, Where tbe icy waters roll. Keep me not anticipating," Sang the lonely old North Pole. Cleveland Plain Dealer. "Why under the sun does Whimper ly want a divorce? His wife bad a great deal of money when he married her." "And she ha3 It yet That's the j wholo trouble." Detroit Free Press, If s Voluntary Sta'smsnt. from th HenM. Juniata, Kefr, 1 wish to call attention to a volun tary statement made ta my presence by one who fo fweBty-fotir yars suf fered the most xctttemtlag pains from Inflammatory Rheumatlss. together with St Vitus dance, and now w thoroughly cured. Talsady. Mrs. Matilda Vanatta. of Juniata. Nras ka is wall-known here, and ahe e-;er-fully gave this statement regardhv? her long Stiflerlng and iaal recovery. Mrs. Vanatta said sue contracted the rheumatism when J JjgJ years of age. that she r,sj""f. ,-", worse as years passed by. ttflUl she was considered a hopeless invalid, ker life being despaired of by her friends, and her relatives at one time were called In. supposing her time had real ly come. During all this time she was under the constant care of different physicians, and had tried every known remedy that was recommended tor her disease, until a fortune was spent, and no relief obtained. She said It would be hard to estimate the Amount of medicines she had taken. They had almost given up hope ot ever finding a cure, when hechanca to see an advertises; -, w Hams' Pink Pills for Pale People. 8hs asked her husband what he thought ot that remedy, and he said they could only tell after a trial. So a box was purchased for fifty cents, j and the usa of this remedy begun. Before the hoc of pills was gone she began to leu relief. She stopped all other medicine, - . t. .w nlnn frnm ttl&t tinto OB, and now. as a result of these pills, she Is a well woman, does oil her own work, and is happy, and praises th time when that advertisement cam her way. She says she will worn- .. T....1. Cilia fnr Tn1 PffOnl XOF menu irmn. "- -- f any like disease, above anything else, and 13 willing and anxious to give a statement to any one that Is troubles with the dread disease, that they too mtrht enjoy health through the use of Drf Williams' Pink Pills for Pale Peo- P This is to certify that the above statement of Mrs. Matilda Vanatta. of Juniata. Neb., was voluntarily mad in person, before me this 3rd day of June, 1SH. (sisnefl , R p HILU Justice of the Peace, Juniata, Neb. Dr Williams' Pink Pills for Pal People arc considered an unfailing spe clflc for such diseases as locomotor ataxia, partial paralysis. St Vitus' dance, sciatica, neuralgia, rheumatism, nervous headache, all diseases result ing from vitiated humors In th blood, such as scrofula, chronic erysipelas. etc. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold by all dealers, or will be sent postpaid on receipt of price, 60 cents a box or six boxes for $2.60. by addressing Dr. Williams' Med. Co.. Schenectady, N. Y, ODD SPOKES. Literally the Japanese for cycling means "living machine." It is asserted that the output of some manufacturers of wheels of the 1807 model will be no more than a third of their production for this year. Charles D. Cramp of Philadelphia !s at the head of a company of capitalists of that city to erect a large plant at Norrietown, Pa., for the manufacture of steel cycle tubing. A Missouri girl dressed up In bloom ers and went to surprise her grandpar ents. They, In turn, tore her bloomers off, compelled her to put on a dress, smashed her bicycle aad -than sen t-her home. James Edward Lcahan of Boston has patented an Ice bicycle. The steering post extends to the ground and termi nates in a skate. The rim of the rear or driving wheel has a flat tire fitted witb spikes. Gertrude Vanderbllt brings $5,000, 000 Into the new Whitney family. It is evident that young Mr. Whitney can afford to take his bicycls to the repair shop whenever he wants to, says the Minneapolis Journal. L. D. Hotchklss, a young man vho lived in Cheyenne county, Kan., wanted to go to Oberlin, 125 miles away, to stand an admission to the bar. Hav ing no money, he rode the distance r n a bicycle, passed his examination and pedaled back home again. FRILLS OF FASHION. Narrow bands of Persian lamb, mili tary frogs and braiding and designs ol black braid and cord are seen on tht smartest winter jackets. Rhinestones combined with Jet art seen among the novelties in dress trim mings, and are especially effective in a bolero jacket to be worn with an all black gown. It's a great mistake to finish oat s somewhat worn chiffon or Brussels net bodice by adapting It for strset wear. The effect is tawdry, .and makes Its wearer unpleasantly conspicuous. Ci&ar tints will be extremely modish this fall, and all browns, grays and fawns will be more used than any oth er color for street wear, outside of tha beautiful mixtures known as tweeds. Never were silks more beautiful nor more varied in hues. Two tones are the rage, and it is almost impossible to find ono in a single color; even black silks have an undertone of blue, green or scarlet. Almost any plain dres3 can be con verted into a charming gown by the fortunate selection of girdle, sash and collar. The newest ribbon belts are finished off with flat pipings of whit silk or satin at each side. The tailor-made gown of this season, say the authorities, will be distin guished by rows of stitching at tha hem, small revers and collar faced with velvet, and the sleeves finished at the hands with stitching and but toned over. YOUNG PEOPLE AT WORK. A centenarian Christian Endeavorex fs reported. He is one hundred years young, truly. Nineteen floating societies of Christ Ian Endeavor have been formed In New South Wales. The Presbyterian Mission Home in San Francisco, for Chinese girls that have been rescued from the slavery ol Chinatown, contains two Christian En deavor sicietles, a young people's and a Junior. Dr. Clark will attend the Irish Na tional convention at Belfast, October 1-2. From there he will go to France A party of South Dakota Endeavor ers drove one hundred and ten milei in a wagon to the last stat conven tion. German Christian Endcavorers arc planning organized work to extend tb movement among German-speakinj peoples. A "college committee'' to Interest the young people in education, is the latest suggestion to Christian en deavor SOCittltB. (Solnmlms-State-Bask I ltyHsTBt Bn Ocmh IftBlja.aKtfEtt2fe Jtw Ys nasi al BUYS GOOD NOTES VnCXBJ AlfD DIKXCTOBSt Lsahdex Gkkkabd, Prea't, B. H. 1IX5RT, Vice Prest, II. Bncaasn, Cashier. Josut Stauffek. Wm. BocvEn. COLUMBUS, NEB., -HASAN- AiUHrizi Capital if - $500,050 Paii Ib Capital. - 90,000 OFFICERS, a . SHCLDOM. Pres't. B. P. a. OEIILRiCD. Tic Pr DANIEL SOrIRA . Cnshler. FKAN K KOKE1C. Ast CaSi m DIREO'i OK3. P.TI. fHfcr.DOx, II. I. IT OcuLRtcn. Jonas W, W. A. McAlustcr. Cabi. Ricxke. H. a Gray, FltAXK ItORER. STOCK HOLDEi:?. Gkritard Losckk, J. He.nky Wcrdcxas. Clark Ghat. Henry Loseke. Daniel Sciiham. Ceo. W. uallkt. A. K. II. Oehlricii J. I. Becker Estatb. UEBECCA ISECBEU, II. M. WlKSLOW. Banker deposit: taterest allowetf on ttaia feposlts; buy and sell exebanze on Uu'teU tates and Kurope, and buy and sell avail able securities. Wo shall be pleased to re ceive your business. W solicit your pat luaag. SSfFEIEPgS: A weekly newspaper de voted th bestintcrestsof COLUMBUS THE COUNTY OF PLATTE, The State ol Nebraska THE UNITED STATES AID THE REST OF MANKIND Tnnnltf i wain rawltk $1.50 A YEAR, nr paid nr adtajkcm. Bat onr limit f nsafalni la sot Brsaerlbe by ellara and cents. Sampl copies sent fro to anj address. HENRY GASS, UNDERTAKER ! CtNsM : : Metallle : Cases ! IFRtpeiring of all kinds of Uphat sisryOcwds. )4f COLTJMBTJg. CTnTUgla Columbus journal I maTABVD TO SUBSttH ASTTBINQ BBQUIREB OS A PRINTING OFFICE. wmmwtmwmunem COMMERCIAL BANK Columbus Journal ! sannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnBBm JmSk ooyprniy. 4 i i -2.-". IT--"-- ,, Oj3?, J iSaWi&i:"N:.-