The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, October 07, 1896, Image 4

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Setweea the despotism of the charch
aad that of.the state, the oaly woader
is the insurrection ia the Philipine is
lands did not break out aooaer. Caba
has beea a heavy drain upon Madrid's
pocketbook, bat the revolt in the Phil
ipeaas will he greater stilL There are
on the Islands aboat 2,000,000 Malaya
aad Chinese, the former race in par
ticalar being renowned for its ferocity,
as well as for its bitter hatred of ail
white people. Moreover, as the is
lands are more than 9,000 miles farther
away front Spain than Caba, the diffi
culty in getting1 troops to Manilla be
fore the risinir has had time to extend
all over the islands is practically in
superable. Then, Japan may not be
neatraL Lewistoa Journal. i
Verily, natil the eraek of doom shall
we wear the bloase. The latest aad
now prevailing adornment of these,
runs in the direction of frills of the
material, plain and aaadoraed. One in
Une and green shot silk, which opens
with a deckled V down to the waist,
shows a vest of leaf green chiffon, and
roandthe V are two closely kilted
frills, aboat two and a half inches ia
width. Qnitehalf the bloases are fin
ished at the throat by fancy turnover
collars aad caffs, white the remaining
half divide their favors between deep
raates or the material wrinkled down
to the wrist. A black aad white mus
lin looks effective with a rnche at necK
and wrists, edged with narrow white
Men ef tae ami as slatae TasteeC
Trips Vaaertakea far Health Sake
Will be tendered more beaefclal. aad the
fatigues of travel counteracted. If tae voy
ager will take alon.' with aim Hostetter's
Stomach Bitters, aad tu that protective
and enabling tonic, aerve invljrorant aad
appetizer regularly Imparities la air and
water are neutralized or it, and It U a
matchless tranquilizer and regulator of the
stomach, liver and bowels. It counteracts
malaria, rheumatism, aad a tendency to
kidney and bladder troubles.
Daring his life, a man stirs up so coach
trouble that be is finally willing to die to
get rid of it.
All husbands are not alike, becaase some
husbands are bridegrooms.
audfefatAta fnll laattartant aad
Spring Medkiae, aad the best Fall MedJdae Is
Tae Best-ln fact the One True Blood Fnrlfer.
cure Liver His; easy to
. r-ii cure uver uu; ej
rlOOd S PUIS take, easy to operate. So.
Pallaaaa Never Boilt
Better Teartof Sleepers
I Than those used for
the Burlington
Route's personally
conducted once-a-
week excursions to people who live
That is one rea-
I son why you should
patronize them when you go west.
Other reasons are: The time is fast
cars are not crowded excursion con
ductors and uniformed porters accom
pany each party the scenery enroute
is far and away the finest on the globe.
The excursions leave Omaha every
Thursday morning' and go thro' to San
Francesco and Los Angeles without
. b'or full information about rates,etc,
write to J. Francis,
Gen. Agt Burlington Route,
Omaha, Neb.
Amonse saw a swallow skimming
along1 a river and circling in the sum
mer air.
"Oh, how much better to be a bean
tifnl bird, like that, than a mean
mouse," it sighed. "If I tried hard
perhaps I could be a bird," added the
foolish mouse.
It tried very hard, indeed, iumnina-
aboat aad stretching its legs until
something like wings grew ont of
them. As soon as it could fly it said
to the other mice:
"Ton cannot expect me to take no
tice of yon any longer, I am a bird
"You a bird, indeed!" the mice an
swered, "yon are only a bat"
Rev. D. H. Rohrabaugh of Osceola, Iowa,
writes Sept 1, 1896: "Your letter received,
I have takea all of the sample box of Dr.
Ray's Renovator, and have found it an ex
cellent laxative aad renovator, and I be
lieve it has strong nervine powers."
Arcbltactarat Dream.
Silesian glassmakers are making pos
sible the realization of an architect
ural dream. They are producing sub
stantial glass bricks for building pur
poses. Since glass can easily be made
translucent without being transparent,
light may be evenly diffused through a
building of glass, while its occupants
and contents remain invisible from the
outside. It does not require a very live
ly imagination to perceive that many
pleasing effects may be produced when
glass is used as the material for dwel
lings and other structures. Besides,
in glass nouses will
not be struck by lightning.
The best fruit section in the West. No
drouths. A failure of crops never known.
Mild climate. Productive soil. Abundance of
good pure water.
. For Maps and Circulars giving full descrip
tion of tbe Rich Mineral. Fruit and Agricultu
ral Lands in South West Missouri, write to
JOHN M. I'UROY. Manaperof the Missouri
Land and Live Stock Company, Neosho, New
ton Co., Missouri.
E. S.
B2, 13 tai 124 Kiiito toillia Oiaga, IlL
Heathers ef the Chicane Bears el Trass hi fart
ataatfiaf. who wiU furnish you with their Latest
Seek on statistics and reliable information re
garding the markets. Write fer H and their Daily
Market Letter, boih FREE References: AM. Kx
National Bank, Chicago.
Ineffectual Prayers.
During the long French war, two
ladies were going to the kirk. The one
said to the other: "Was it no wonder
fu thing that the Breetish were aye
victorious ower the French in battle?"
"Not a bit,7' said the other old lady;
"dinna ye ken the British aye say their
prayers before gain' into battle?" The
other replied: "But canna the French
say their prayers as weel?" The re
ply was most characteristic: "Hoot!
jabbering bodies, wha could under
stand them?" Household Word.
1,200 BU.
. H. BL00KE.
Council Bluff's,
the Ideal laxative
'and guaraotced consti
pation cure, sent FREE
on receipt or rive 2-cent
stamps. Address
srafcuM Bsnni ceariir,
Cascarets stimulate liver.kidneys and
bowels. Never sicken, weaken or gripe, '
A Dress Before Crusade.
Mile. Payer, a Swiss lady, who has
recently taken the degree of doctor of
medicine, has instituted a crusade
against the faults in woman's dress, es
pecially inveighing against tight gloves
and boots, corsets and long skirts. Her
lectures are said to be so effective that
more than 100 ladies at the end of one
of her discourses pledged themselves to
renounce corsets, to only wear gloves
on special occasions and to have dresses
at least ten inches from the ground.
A woman who died recently boasted
that she had not spoken to a man for
over thirty years, and another was
equally jubilant over the fact that she
had lived twenty-five years in one
house without a man crossing thresh
old. But probably the bitterest man
hater 6f modern times was an Austrian
woman, who at the time of her death
was engaged in developing a plan for
the ultimate extinction of the whole
male population.
LL the work than
far dene at the Ari
sona Agriealtaral
Experlmeat Sta
tion, located at
Tucson, has led
Pro! Forbes, the
chemist of the sta
tion, to deduct the
following conclu
sions refecting
this important in
dustry, as set forth la Bulletin No. 21
of this station, just issued:
L, Canaigre isbestadaptedto the mild,
dry, sunny winter climate of the south
west Although it will endure frost,
ad will grow in rainy regions. It does
not promise good results in these aa
congenial situations.
2. Canaigre roots sad leaves ' are
damaged to some extent by Insects, but
the plant Is not knows to be seriously
threatened by them.
3. Canaigre tanning materials are
found throughout the plant, being la
greatest qnanltity ia the central por
tions of the roots.
4. The tanning materials form rapid
ly during the tret year of growth, show
ing a small percentage increase after
the first year, and as long as the root
retains Its vitality.
5. During the dormant summer peri
od of the plant, the tanning materials
seem slightly to increase in young
roots. Sprouting does not affect' the
quantity of tanning materials. The evi
dence thus far does not show that ir
rigation lessens the percentage of tan
ning materials.
6. Heat, air, and fermentation, act
ing on either roots or extracts, all de
stroy canaigre tanning materials. -
of species adapted te any sell aad lo
cality is comparatively few. Prof.
Brewer of Tale college, la Walker's
Statistical Atlas, says that Is the
United States we have only Mt la
digeaoas species that la fall growth
reach thirty feet ia height, aad ia the
regie iacladiag oar owa state wo have
bat sixty to aixty-ive species that
reach lfty feet la height DUereat
pedes are found oa different geolog
ical strata, so that ia coaaectloa with
the question "what to plant?" wa may
profitably consult oar geology aad orig
laal forest growth. Other species may
do well, bat we must prove them be
fore trylag them extensively. Our
original forests have furnished excel
lent timber of white, burr, red aad yel
low, oak, two or three species of ash,
black umlaut, chestnut, etc, etc. each
of which, If planted well and cared for
would, in a comparatively short time,
furnish' timber for many purposes.
Then, we hare several species of coal
ferae, as pines, spruces aad larches,
each of which has beea tried In other
countries, and somewhat la this, aad
have done well. These could be tried
on soils not too fertile, and will suc
ceed. Larches especially will grow al
most anywhere. One man ia Nantucket
planted 10,000 in 1877. The locust has
been tried and does well; but bast of
all, perhaps, Is the Catalpa speclosa. or
hardy catalpa as it is known aad dis
tinguished from blgnouloldes, which is
mucu less naray, ana ox wmen it Is a
baHetia of the department of ag
riculture says: Spring ta tho beat time
to establish aa apiary, especially for a
psrsea anacoualated with the practi
cal care of bees. Colonies la good con
ditio secured thea are mora easily
kept la order by the novice than if par
chased ia the fall Mistakes la man
agement may possibly' be remedied be
fore' the season closes, aad by the time
It Is accessary to prepare for the wia
ter the learner will have gained a cer
tain amount of practical knowl
edge of the nature and require
meats of bees. If the start be
made late ia the season, mistakes, 'if
they occur, may result fatally before
the proper remedy can be applied. The
begtaaer had better obtala his start
by purchasing one or two colonies of
pure Italian or Caralolan bees la ac
curately made frame hives and In Irst
class condition. These he should get
from some bee master of repute near
his own place If possible. In order to
avoid expresssge and possible damage
through long confinement or numerous
transfers. The cost per colony may be
K to 8; yet bees at this price will gen
erally be found to be much cheaper In
the end, for, though common bees in
box hives may frequently be obtained
at half price or less, the cost, when
finally transferred Into frame hives',
fitted up with straight combs, and the
common queens replaced by Italians or
Carnlolans, will not be less. The pos-
' "'i " wa, wtuvu tb u o i iJMrniaigna win nnc ran itsuL. jab utiar
variety. In lower ground elms; and 1 tro-inn nf . minnv i.Hv fn nrimi
wI11..m Ila l. 1a..a . a ...w.. w 9T
eu miivns, uiifiui oe piauteu wiin
profit Prof. C. L. lngersoll
Why the SUe rays.
Until every farmer has a silo, it hi
In order to preach the silo, so we beg
those who have silos to bear with us
if we seem to repeat self-evident truths,
says Jersey Bulletin. Remember what
an awful lot of preaching it takes to
save a few sinners, and have patience;
or do better, help us spread the truth.
1. The silo stores away corn more
safely and more permanently than any
other plan. Silage is practically fire
proof, and will keep in the silo indefin
itely. 2. Corn can be made Into silage at
working order gives the novice a stand
ard with which to compare all others
and often enables him to avoid costly
experiments. Another plan, also com
mendable, is to agree with some neigh
boring bee-keeper to deliver as many
first swarms on the day they issue as
are wanted. These will give the right
start if placed as soon as received in
hives with foundation starters and the
frames properly spaced one and three
eighths inches from center to center, it
being understood that the swarms are
early and prime ones, with vigorous
queens. Only those issuing from col
onies that have swarmed the year be
fore or from'such as were themselves
second swarms of the previous year
should be accepted. Swarms from
The nana who told this story profaned
itbyaayinfthatitwaa the sort yon
coaldteUoalytoayoaacwomaa or a
married one. Whereupon his listener
remarked that she was indeed glad to
hear a story of that kind, as, according
to her previous experience, all stories
were divided lato two parts the kind
Ion could tell to yonag wossea aad the
iad yon could aot The story was as
A certain man had, somewhat late ia
life, takea aato himself a wife who
was, to pat it temperately, aot precise
ly ia the first bloom of her youth. At
the wedding; the man's mother, a typi
cal Yankee, took occasion to say:
' "Yes, I'm real glad to see John mar
ried aad settled at last Aa' I'm real
Eleasedatthe choice he's made, too.
e couldn't a suited me better. Ye
see, young girls are skittish an hard to
manage, an' widders are sot in their
ways aad ye can't manage 'em, but old
maids are thankful and willing to
v ant torn errrrobrre to SELL
"absolutely bet."Stierboutf)U.
new system. STARK BROTHERS,
Locisiaxa, no., RocaroKT, lix.
Examination and.Adr!ce as to Patentability of lo
cution. Send for "lnTmton' How to Oct a
UfAKKH.1. &. SUN. waafcUnffton. D. C.
8r arraln fr aay ala4 f Maw aair,
i a " ' ww-'wi-,awawBaawaw-
MnMBaaaakBier I a aananeagaaaannmBaaafc
1-djjgjgg -" -Trir ' .T fa alaBaaaBlaaaftaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa -Jg I
jHHHHBi .. 'lilBmnBaaaaaaaaaaaa
tfllillpVsHBnaaaaaaaaa- $SkLlL '-WMSSBBtK
.nanasSaaaaaaaaat-M SmBBlmm
'-HaawBaaaaaaaaaaaanffanaanf win 1 BLf
MllliwnilJI'lllM Ir
-r- tf'W'''"
"' - - w
J -
Warner's Safe Cm
MTFbTC SOjears-experiencc.Scndsketcbforad.
m.Bliat Men. (L.lx?aiie. Utennti. examiner ILS.
aat4Bce) Dcaoe Weaver, McQUl UldarWabJI.C.
a, m. a. weeuar, atukta, ga,
TT aflllctedwlth
aor L-yea, ase
ITlMaaftSl'S Eft tfattf.
BBtatCoaKkSyrap. TaausGood. TOssH
Bn1 lattoaaL SoMltydraasteta. SBl
W. N. D., OMAHA 40 1896
When writing to advertisers, kindly
mention this paper.
Owlag to the
saaay reqaesta
oai itspatroas,
Warmer's Safe
Care Co. have pat )
asaaller size
bottle of Safe
Care which caa
aow be obtained
at all druggists at
half the price off
the large bottle.
! f oriy a sciewtiflc vegetable
: pcpHsuva wsa ooes aii taat is
: clalfaedforit,btitlstheonly
: KMaey aad Liver medicine used
hy the best people of fear coati-
eats. A aaeaachae that hears
the stamp of the world's ap
proval, asm sj-awsiaii its aaai-
Uoa for a fifth of a century,
A tie pieasantcst. safest and moat ffii!Mt. rmAr u
l,tJ i a, , . . . - - --J
l w inji, laprippe, innuenza, etc. Safe for all ages. Jtoesi
cU i r uiMgree wiin me stomacn. lias been used very extensive-'
.. "j m, u.v9v uutvA uuvaicianB in i.n nnaniraia nr .a.,.4.. u.m. ..a i
, Vn. V-l, .:!. t 11 , . r " "" acuta auu
I ..w .vi. ..iui mo very ocsi oi success.
Dr. Kay's Lung Balm
)rs. Hannah Shemrd. arti tc itih u i.v. vr.v. ,. .. .
In4pieandcouffhSa V;7r-il,rr.i;J V"5,-,Ponry o i naa
, ffiS SS - epHS Uef. One rckSe-SrSr1 gSWS
rTerrrbrS1bvuWfS5SlS" & Ffrc, Send adre
' 61 J - o. leth street. OmahaT Kitf ' " " - "T roAL Compajtt.
7. The red and yellow coloring mat
ters of canaigre affect the quality of
leather produced. The red matters are
less desirable and are formed chiefly
in the wild crop. They are not present
in quantity in cultivated roots. This
fact is considered an improvement in
the quality of the root for tanning pur
poses. 8. The sugar contained in canaigre
gives roots and extracts their "plump
ing" qualities. If properly managed
it is a valuable factor in the production
of heavy leathers.
9. Canaigre bagasse, properly pre
pared, should be about equal to mes
quite wood in fuel value. When well
rotted it ought also to have consider
able value U3 a fertilizer. It promises
little as a stock food.
10. Canaigre draws heavily upon the
soil, especially for nitrogen. Its total
drain is about twice as costly as that
of sugar beets.
11. The utility of canaigre is dem
onstrated. Properly handled it pro
duces an unusual variety of leathers of
excellent quality.
12. The agriculture of canaigre is yet
in its experimental stage. A fair esti
mate shows that it will be necessary
to produce an annual crop of about
seven tons, or a biennial crop of about
thirteen tons an acre in order to equal
the profits of sugar beet culture. On
present evidence this yield seems high
ly probable, but, so far as known, has
not yet been demonstrated.
less expense than it can be preserved
in any other form.
3. The silo preserves absolutely all
but the roots of the corn.
4. Silage can be made in sunshine or
in rain. Unlike hay, it is independent
of the weather.
5. When corn is ready for the silo
there is but little farm work pressing.
6. Com is worth more to the dairy as
silage than in any other form.
7. At least one-third more corn per
acre may be fed on silage than on dried
cornstalks or fodder.
8. Corn is fed more conveniently as
silage than in any other form.
9. Silage is of most value when fed
in combination with other food richer
in protein. It is not a complete food.
10. Owing to its succulence and bulk
iness, silage is the best known substi
tute for green grass, and is therefore
especially valuable as a winter food.
these will have queens not over one
year old. It is better to have queens
of the current year's raising, but these
can only be obtained by taking the
second or third swarms from a given
hive, which come later and are smaller,
or by substituting young queens for
those that come with the swarms.
Proper Tires
uSSte !- $SZ 'C-Ala.,
r"e, u mMm mmr i imiiuia an
POPE MFG. CO., Hartford,
; oy ssaufar two :
Llttla Farms la Japan.
The London Times says: "Japan,
md not France or Belgium, would ap
pear to be the land of petite culture.
According to a recent American bul
letin a couple of acres is considered
a large tract for farming purposes.
Most of the farms are smaller, and on
a little plot a surprising variety of
crops is cultivated a few square feet
of wheat, barley, maize and millet; a
plot of beans perhaps ten feet wide by
twenty feet long, a similar area of po
tatoes and peas, and a patch of onions
'about as big as a grave;' beetroot, let
tuce, turnips, sweet potatoes and other
crops occupy the rest of the area. The
farmer examines his growing crops
every morning, just as an engineer in
spects his machinery, and if anything
is wrong he puts it right. If a weed
appears in the bean patch he pulls it
up; if a hill of potatoes or anything
else fails it is at once replanted. When
he cuts down a tree he always plants
another. As soon as one crop is har
vested the soil is worked over, ma
nured, and forthwith resown to another
crop. It is estimated that nine-tenths
of the agricultural land of Japan are
devoted to rice, and as this is a crop
requiring much water, the paddy-fields
are banked up into terraces, one above
another, and divided off into small
plots twenty-five feet or thirty feet
equare, with ridges of earth between
them to prevent the water from flow
ing away when they are flooded. All
farming lands are irrigated by a sys
tem that is a thousand years old. Some
of the ditches are walled up with bam
boo wicker-work aad some with tiles
aad stone. Accordiag to omcial statis
tics, U,400.e0 men aad 148,
womea aearly half the total popala
tloa of Japaa are eagaged ia agricul
ture. Silk, aad tea, the two. chief ex
ports of the couatry, are raised almost
by the work of womea."
Tobacco Dast As at Iasactlclde.
Mr. T. Grelner, one.of America's lead
ing authorities, says: "For some years
I have been using and recommending
tobacco dust as an all-round insect' de
stroyer. I use it in the greenhouse for
lice (aphis), in the open ground for the
cucumber bettle, plant lice, and for
worms of all kinds, and sometimes in
the hen-house for lice, etc It is surely
one of the swiftest of all insecticides
we can apply, almost or fully equal to
buhach. If sifted or scattered over cur
rant bushes the currant worms will curl
up and die, and the bushes will be free
from tbe pest within an hour or less,
and fall from them for some time. If
blown into the heart of cabbage plants
it means the end of the green worm.
Applied in the same way to the nests
of the caterpillars (and the trees all
around us at this time are-full of them)
especially in the morning or evening,
when the worms are all at home, it will
clear them out for good in less than an
hour. In short, I hardly know what
worm or other soft-bodied insect the
contact with tobacco dust would not
speedily kill. I believe it will even
put an end to the potato buz. It is dis
tasteful to many hard shell beetles also. in the remainder of the year. There
as may be seen by the fact that with lis a theory advanced that the farmers
at ran
The question
plaat? There
kinds of trees
that the matttr
Hd whoa v
a Trass to Plaat.
arises, what
are so maay geaeral
aad varieties of each
very i
such simpU
the Mmhor
heavy applications we can drive away
the cucumber beetle (and perhaps "the
squash bug). The flea beetle, unfortu
nately, is not so easily conquered, even
if it does not like tobacco smell. -Surely,
tobacco dust must be considered a most
excellent insecticide, and as it Is not ex
pensive (in some cases, perhaps, the
sweepings of cigar factories, etc., will
do and can be had for the hauling). I
think every soil tiller should keep it
on hand. I have usually applied tobac
co dust with the bare hands, scattering
it rather freely over the bushes and
plants, and around cucumbers, melon
and squash vines, even an inch deep on
the ground. The stuff is worth nearly
the full price asked for it (3 per barrel,
or so) as a fertilizer, and I have not felt
the necessity of using it in a particular
ly economical manner. For cabbage
and caterpillar nests, however, hand
bellows of some kind are almost neces
sary, as we want to blow the dust well
amongst the leaves and the webs. The
ordinary cheap hand bellows, as of
fered for sale by seedsmen and hard
ware stores, will do very well for cabbage.
Packing- Apples.
A subscriber asks us to tell him how
to pack apples so that they will arrive
in market in good condition, says
Southern Planter. Good packing, al
though essential to good selling, is not
the only essential. Before the apples
are packed they should be carefully
gathered, not shaken from the trees, but
hand picked. They should then be laid
for a few days in heaps to sweat and
then be carefully graded, sorted, and
all defective or specked ones be taken
out Sort them into two or three quali
ties, and let each barrel be uniform in
quality and size throughout. Then take
clean, new barrels and pack in the fol
lowing manner: Place a layer at the
bottom of the barrel carefully all one
way, for the end that is packed as the
bottom should be marked for the top
when opened. Then place the apples, all
of the same description and same vari
ety, in the barrel, and gently shake it
to settle them as the filling proceeds,
till at last the apples are a little above
the top of the barrel. The head is
now placed on and then forced into
place by a screw press or lever. Now
drive down the hoops and tighten the
head in place, and nail on a head linisy
.of a split hoop.
Low Prices for Hoc.
This has. been a year when ordinary
rules ad conditions have been pretty
well twisted around, says Drovers'
Journal. We have gone through the
season when hogs are expected to ad
vance with liberal supplies, excellent
quality and almost record-breaking low
prices. Tbe country is bearish on hogs,
and it is a question whether this ex
ceptioiaf lly down-hearted feeling wiU
not result in some more surprises dur-
and feeders figuring on exceptionally
low prices after the new corn crop has
had time to cut a figure, will crowd
hogs forward so fast as to make the
low turn come earlier than it might
naturally be expected, and that early
winter prices are liable to be better
than prices between now and then.
How's Thta!
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for
anycase of catarrh that cannot be cured
by Hall's Catarrh Care.
K J. CHENEY & CO Props.. Toledo. Ohio.
We, the undersigned, have known F. J.
Cheney for the last fifteen years, and be
lieve him perfectly honorable In all business
transactions aad financially able to carry
out any obligations made by their firm.
West A Truax, Wholesale Druggists, Tole
do, Ohio.
Waldlng. Ktnnan & Marvin. Wholesale
Druggists. Toledo. Ohio
Hall's Catarrh Care Is taken internally,
acting directly upon the blood and mucous
surfaces of the system. Price 75 cents per
bottle. Sold by all druggists. Testlmbalals
Ovei-Pressew Worshipers.
American women, above women of
any other nation, have the reputation
of overdressing. An Irish girl paying
her first visit to an American church,
asked if they gave parties in America
after church, aad when asked why, she
"I thought the women were dressed
for one."
A large number of the wealthier
class, from frequent visits abroad, have
become educated to a proper style of
dress, but it should be so with all wom
en. Dress appropriately and you will
lessen your expense and increase the
becomingness and style. Do not wear
diamonds or a lot of jewelry in the
morning. Do not wear light or fancy
gowns shopping, or to church, which
.is only suitable for the evening or a
social function. Do not have a nice
juiet gown to go down town and spoil
:t all by the fancy lace-trimmed para
sol or a much bedecked and bedizened
bat Xew Orleans Picayune.
Can't Takaaca Spit aad Snake Year Life Away.
If you want to quit tobacco using easily
and forever, regain lost manhood, be made
well, strong, magnetic, lull of new life and
vigor, take No-To-Bae, the wonder worker
that makes weak men strong. Many gain
ten pounds in ten days. Over 400,000 cured.
Buy No-To-Ba fromyourdruggist, who will
guarantee acure. Booklet and sample mailed
tree. Address Sterling Remedy Co., Chi-
0 or new xoric
ureMdiaea la BUdtaaaaaer.
In spite of the opposition and not
withstanding the great variety of fash
ionable grenadines of the season, in
patterns of stripes, arabesques, dots,
blocks, checks, openwork mesh designs
crossed with satin bars, 'lace patterns
and other fancy devices, plain, hand
some sewing-silk grenadines devoid of
patterns of any description, made up
over satin moire or crisp lustrous taffe
ta silk, are really among the best of
the materials for midsummer wear if
the dressmaker is not allowed to have
her way and make tbe gown unbear
able by using an extra inner lining
under the silk one. Many women who
have worn both kinds this summer
have decided with emphasis that there
is nothing in all the lines of grena
dines, either French or domestic, to
compare with those showing tbe plain,
unbroken silk mesh when handsomely
made np and trimmed with cool, dain
ty chiffon or costly lace.
Fiso's Cure for Consumption has saved
me large doctor tills. C. L. Baker, 4328
Regent Sq., Philadelphia, Pa., Dec. 8, 1893.
The Boneless Carriasr.
The horseless carriage promises to
be as pervasive in its social as well as
its commercial influence as the bicycle.
In Paris, the dry goods houses are all
telling the horses that drew their de
livery wagons, and using automobiles,
tnd scores of electric dog carts and
jtlier horseless vehicles are seen every
evening taking their owners out to
jheir homes in the suburbs, where
lands are rapidly going up in value.
This is but the beginning of a great
popular evolution. The horse in cities
Is practically forbidden to all but the
fich. The horseless carriage is com
.aratively cheap, and a team fed with
oil or napthia, at a cost of a few cents
a day, will eventually put a carriage in
a park within the reach of any book
keeper or clerk.
It the Baby is cattlag Teeta.
Be sue and use that old and well-tried remedy, Has,
wixclow's Soomnto Sxavr for Children Teething.
For Sound Sleep.
Professor Fisher, a German,' has
demonstrated by a series of painstak
ing experiments that we should sleep
with the feet slightly elevated, or the
head a trifle lower than the feet, as he
nuts it, and this condition he advises
bringing about by placing pillows un
der the feet instead of the head, says
the new York Recorder.
The advantages claimed by Profes
sor Fisher resulting from this manner
of lying are that the intellectual re
pose is mnch more profound than ob
tained by the present prevailing meth
od; also that amelioration of the ner
vous system is greater; that the effect
on the brains is better, and, conse
quently, the condition of the blood is
improved, and weakness of the lungs
is largely overcome.
Just try a 10c box of Cascarets, the
finest liver and bowel regulator ever
From Philadelphia
Curling Is a pressss whieh saoaM
aaasttaaoa most eerefmllv.
with hma should be avoided aa
aa possible. When asiac them give
yourself plenty of thae. Tao hasty
asoofovoi hsatodit-oaaistaooaaasof
ataay short, fussy looking fringes one
seas. The heat plan for curling tao
hairistopatitiatocarlias; plaa over
night, as the ooastaat aso of iroaa
caasos tao hair to wither aad saap.
It is aot desirable to aso curliag;
fluids, but as it is sometimes very diaV
calt to keep the hair ia earl, especially
ia sammer, whea the forehead is apt
to get damp from perspiration, it may
beasefal to know of the following
preparation: Mix 10 or IS grain of
carbonate of potash with a pint or so
of warm soap aad water. Froth the
water with brisk agitation. Thea dip
the brash lato thissolutioa aad moisten
the hair before curling; at aight
Tao October Atlaatle.
me Atlaatic Monthly for October is
oae oz the most importaat issues of the
year. There is the asaal fine literary
flavor to the contents, aad this ia sup
plemented by timely papers oa politi
cal, scientific aad industrial subjects.
The leading article of the moath, by
President Eliot, of Harvard, is on "Five
American Contributions to Civiliza
tion," viz., the practice of arbitration
instead of war, the iacrease of wide re
ligious toleration, the safe develop
ment of manhood suffrage, tbe proof
mat peopie oi a great variety of aa
tioas are fit for political fredom, aad,
fifth, the dffusion of well-being among
we population in general.
Pro. John Trowbridge sounds a note
of warning in the vigorous article en
titled 'The Imperiled Dignity of Sci
ence and law."
' Exhaustive book reviews and The
Coatributora Club complete the issue.
Whea bilious or costive, eat a cascaret'
candy cathartic, cure guaranteed. 10c,
Web 1
The web of ear life is laid la tao
of thaotoa patters wo sm aot
.but God kaowsL and oar heart
mUm shuttle. This bains; struck al
UmMy.vjejwarww!armawk aad forth the thread that fat light aad
dark;aathepatteraaiiM.aad-ia Urn
aad whoa ti ganuat to held up aad
aUiMehaagiac hues fflaaeo forth it
wiU be seen that tao deep aad dark
hues were aa aoseasary to beauty aa
tho bright aad high oaes, aad tao taya-
y vs me wui aw unravetea. Bar. J.
vnecarem caaa-r caahartio tk .. .
derfMmedical discovery of the age, pas
aat aad recreating to tae taste, acta mllr
IMaittvery ea aidaeTs.lirer aad bowels.
ue enure system, expels colds.
iacae. fever, aabitaal mtiav
HIHnasaaaa Plaa l -awl i.
box of C. C, C. today; 10, 35, W centm. Sold
By.Far Tea Literal.
Little Evelyn Jones went with her
mother the other day to make a call
upon a lady whose niec had recently
aiea. in onering ner condolences Airs.
Jones said, among other things, that
"tno good die young," and it seemed
as if the bad and useless people lived
on indefinitely, while those who were
of real use in the world were the first
to be taken. That night when Evelyn
waa saying her prayers, her mother
was somewhat surprised to hear herde
part from the usual form and in con
clusion hupplicate, "and now dear God,
won't you make me a bad and use
less little girl, and mamma and papa
and little brother, too, so we can go
on living forever and ever? Amen."
His Igaeraace Waa Desirable.
From the Washington Star:
"Young man," said the merchant to
the applicant for employment, "do you
know anything about the financial
"No," was the reply in a discouraged
tone. "I didn't know you were going
to consider n knowledge of political
economy essential."
"I don't. I am looking for some
body who is wrapped up in ignorance
of everything pertaining to currency,
excepting how to make change at
least during business. We've had
three bright salesmen, but every one
of them was liable at any moment to
forget all about selling goods, and to
go in to convince a customer that the
country was going to ruin if it did not
adopt his ideas."
"This is one thine? von doa't km. t
do, anyhow," growled Mr. Wipednnks,
through the lather that covered his
'ace, aa ho proceeded to strap his razor.
"You're always complaialag aboat
your hardships. Yoa oaght to bo
mighty thankful yoa haven't got a
beard to bother yoa."
a."1 3'' k"ow aboBt " "plied
Mrs. Wipedaaks. "If I waa a bearded
lady I believe I could make a belter
living for this family thaa yoa are
makiag." Chicago Tribune.
That Joyfal FeeHao
With the exhilarating sense of renewed
health and strength aad Internal clean
liness, which follows the use of Syrup of
Figs, is unknown to the few who have
not progressed beyond the old-time
medicines and the cheap substitutes
sometimes offered but never accepted
by the weU-iaformed.
She Kaew That Mach.
"Well, there's oae thing that I know
about the convention," remarked Mrs.
Snaggs, "aad that is that McKialey
hasn't got all of the delegates."
"No?" replied Mr. Snaggs in aa in
dulgent tone.
"No, he hasn't for I read in the pa
per something about delegates-at-
large." Pittsburg Chronicle Tele-,
Ia tbe aides aad bet. Hww break apaColdaaJeh.
ortaaaaajrtaaaseno. Uaaiwawrelaible. TryaV
The motives which prompt a woman te
accept a proposal of marriage are often t
see what will happen next.
Many so-called remedies are
pressed oa the public attention
on account of their claimed
large sales. But sales cannot
determine values. Sales simply
argue good salesmen, shrewd
puffery, or enormous advertis
ing. It's cures that count. It
is cures that are counted on by
Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Its sales
' might be boasted. It has the
world for its market. Bat.
sales prove nothing. We point
only to the record of Ayer's
Sarsaparilla, as proof of its
Prof Babcock, 2?""" Cham'
"I find that Walter Baker & CosBt-eaktolCocoa is
absolutely oure. It contains no trace of any substance
foreign to the pure roasted cocoa-bean. The color is that
of pure cocoa; the flavor is natural; and not artificial; and
the product is in every particular such as must have been
produced from the oure cocoa-bean without the addition
of any chemical, alkali, add. or artificial flavoring: sub
stance; which are to be detected in cocoas prepared by
the so-called 'Dutch process.' "
Walter Baker & Co Ltd, Dorchester, Mast.
fLnawaaal ft. aaaaavf I I .5eBvX - (1
Baaaaaal HI btttR I V .Xap. 5v-7- ' J
At BaTaaaanl Hi Ml vjf A I yJttSxn'': waf i, tv
People will aot pay 25 cents for 10
ceat batter.
A bad temper ia the owaer will beget
a had one la'the cow. aad whea they
both get bad tho prott is had.
" Every farmer that takes aa laterost
In fruits and flowers should be a mem
ber Of ale tv hor(Kltaral sotJety,
Dairy Laws Needed. We have had
some good dairy laws, and we want
more of them. Some states are well
supplied and some are not. In a num
ber of our states there are no dairy
commissioners. Tbe great corpora
lions have been cble to prevent the
making of laws to investigate dairy
products and other foods. The states
that have the laws have found the
adulteration so universal, that it is per
fectly plain why the great manufac
turers and wholesalers oppose laws for
the protection of the people.
Cleaning Soiled Books.
Ink stains may be removed from a
book by applying with a caraelshair
pencil a small quantity of oxalic acid,
diluted with water, and then use blot
ting paper. Two applications will re
move all traces of ink. To remove
grease spots, lay powdered pipe clay
each side of the spot and press with an
iron aa hot as the paper will bear with
out scorching. Sometimes grease spots
may be removed from paper or cloth by
laying a piece of blotting paper on
them and then pressing with a hot iron.
The heat melts the grease and the blot
ting paper absorbs it.
No cough so bad that Dr. Kay's Lung
Balm will not cure it See ad.
McClure's Magazine for October will
contain a biographical and personal
study of Ian Maclaren, tbe author of
"Beside the Bonny Brier Bush, by the
Rev. D. M. Rocs. Mr. Rcss was asso
ciated with Ian Maclaren in a circle of
students who lived in special .intimacy
at Edinburg university, and has lived
in intimate relation with him ever
since. The paper will be illustrated
with portraits of Ian Maclaren, views
of his various homes, and scenes in and
around "Drumtochty."' The SL SL Mc
Clure Co., Xew York.
"How happy could I be with cither
Were the other dear charmer away."
The ripest and sweetest leaf and
the purest ingredients are used in the
manufacture oi "cattle Ax ana no
matter how much you pay for a
B much smaller piece of any other high- O
7 Am f4.4 tTv J",' fM4trs " ntwHr- v 7
h chew than "Battle Ax." i)
For 5 cents vou eet a niece of
i ) "Battle Ax" almost as large as the h
other fellow s 10-cent piece.
Irrigating Fruit Trees. In a recent
paper Professor E. W. Hilgard, of Cali
fornia, said that much water makes
fruit too aclduous and of poor quality,
says aa exchange. If there is too little
water the fruit will be dry and small.
The thing to be avoided is to not Irri
gate too much. If the ground is soaked
all the season, the roots run near to
the surface, aad & drought would
probably kill tho tree. Irrigation has
mach to do witti the flavor of fruit
Fruit mea should study the aature of
the soil,' aad irrigate accordingly. 4&
soon as fruit is fully formed, irrlga
tloa should be decreased; as the tr
needs rest m wttl nMftrjrUMM else,
IXO. wno Is widely and favorably known In Danklns; and business circles or umana.
a.Ta. aaai ar am mar ra ai ai arm ar bt ma am bbt aK aise vat nnn nqeia nnn isi-ar ! tzi
in nantuvi v mrm.r ;. . "--." 7- .
aCOairaeacedtakina-Dr. Kar'a Renovator Jan'y 19. iws. and I continued to improve from xne uiro aay. wu bvb IUa.u u(
been troubled
Keb.. writes on March 7th. !Ki:A
of circulation, loss oi nesn. eic
'most pleasant, no sripins. no slcVseas at the stomach; but a complete Ienovator. and I
,Mmiaii thfa.AMw AnM.ffiirt.4i with Indigestion and nervousness which follows. I
,..wnil.w .. wmmM .w WJ w .w.w "-" . - . . . . ..
acout twenty-fire pounds la weight, am iree irom coia xeei or nanas, circulation
voluntarily, without the Doctor s request,'
nnw .at well. Hieen wen. ami uio kjiikuj
""- . - . - -r-r -.-. . m
rood, ana l reel ocuer isan ior-
ft Dr. Kay's Renovator
iy years, aad I attribute this to Dr. Kay's Renovator. Oee Ret box will convince anyone 'h!,"0!?8 tl"
cathartics usually takea. I now only take one little tablet when x overload my siomaca aou "l"'"""c,
the whole train of pills
tee at once.
i It la Invaluable.
rrfviac new lite and rif or to the whole body, curia
.and blood diseases, headache, biliousness, etc
i as uausa meaimnea seutaw
. fraw aaaanl and booklet: it has BBaaV Valuable
"worth 0 If they eould not set another. Address Dr. B
mmtmm -t-mm nanlnal anil tTMtMMt for aeaHV all QUeaSeS,
sr '.v .'.Tr.v:'r.- nu jm cv. i.w w. rta n-k
. J. Maymeaicait.o.. in raicn ui "' .wjw . . --'
v say It lau
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