The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, October 07, 1896, Image 1

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    WHOLE NUMBER 1,378.
A Children's Story.
FRAID? O, mo! Tm
not afraid at any
four-legged crea
ture that ever
grew!" aald Tiddly-
l winks.
-Tiddlywinks was
a Partridge Cochin,
a tall, fine-looking
fellow, with beauti
ful red and gold
plumage, which
glistened brightly in the spring sun
shlae. His tail feathers were long and glos
sy, proudly arched above his .back.
. with a graceful droop towards the ends,
aad he had a handsome red comb,
which little Rosy declared looked like
a scarlet poppy. Tiddlywinks was quite
, a favorite with little Rosy, but be was
not much liked in the barn-yard, oa
account of his tyrannical disposition,
and his boastfulness. He pecked the
Ouinea-fowls unmercifully, picked a
quarrel with the White Pekin duck on
. every possible occasion, and would not
'. allow the younger fowls to eat a mor
sel, mntil he had crammed his own crop
with all the corn or oats it would hold.
He kept a respectful distance from
. old Fadladeen, the bronze gobbler, and
the White Leghorn rooster who were
larger and stronger than himself, and
would not have hesitated to give him
, a good drubbing if they had caught
him at his pranks; but he was selfish
and cowardly enough to seize a fat bug.
or a fine, plump cricket which some
poor pullet had industriously scratched
. up, and devour it himself, before her
. very eyes.
And when one of the hens laid an
egg. Tiddlywinks would invariably
cackle louder than she did herself, and
make so much noise you would have
' thought he had laid the egg himself!
Then, too, he was always boasting.
He was standing on one foot, under
a Ml pokeberry bush, one warm day,
recounting some of his own brave ex
ploits to a group of fowls who were
gathered near. Some were pluming
themselves, others taking a dust-bath
. la the side of the ash heap, and others
again leisurely picking gravels from a
pile of sand, which had been dumped
In one corner of the barn-yard, ex
pressly for that purpose.
"No." said Tiddlywinks, holding up
his head and looking proudly around,
" "I'm not afraid of any four-footed
creature 'that ever grew! Why, if a
fox were suddenly to pounce over the
fence Into the barn-yard, do you know
what I would do?"
"I know what I'd do." said a snuff
colored hen, who was wallowing in
the ash-heap. "I'd run into the hen-
house and scramble up on the roost cs
fast as ever I could!"
"And I," said Queen Anne, a moth
. erly old hen, with a black top-knot
, and a rat around her Beck, Td, iy
op Into that big oak tree, doable
' "Cluck! cluck! I'd hide nnder the
Burdock bushes, with my chickens
under my wings," said Madame Feath
erleg. anxiously.
"I dare 6ay." sneered Tiddlywinks,
'You are old hens, you know, and its
the nature of hens to be cowardly. But
I would not show the white feather!
I'd Just ".
"Cut, cut, cut!" cackled a long-
ljy Jrg jWJ8sssssssyl aTT syC
egged pullet, running full tilt from be
hind the barn. "Cut, cut! O! I've had
such a fright!"
- '"What what what what was It?"
'. stammered Tiddlywinks, while the baas
k. clustered anxiously around him, as If
. for protection?
"O, dear! I don't know," panted the
: pullet, still trembling wjth fear. "I I
was scratching near the barn when
it pounced right at me! Such a ter-
.Tiblo creature, with legs and teeth!
And it opened its mouth, and went
" ..-Jgr r r !' and I ran away so fast I
-i-1 I've lost my breath!"
"Was it a a fox," gasped Tiddly
' winks,looking up at the oak-tree as if
he were calculating the distance to its
fl lowest branches?
-'Nc, it't a fox. It had a short
;', tail," said the pullet. "Perhaps it was
m 'possum," suggested the snuff-colored
'.' hen, ruffling her feathers.
"No, it ran too fast for a 'possum
.'O! O! here it comes now! Look, look!
Cut, cut, cut!" and the frightened pul
let tried to hide under Queen Anne's
4 .wing, as a small, brownish-colored
animal came frisking and frolicking
from behind the barn.
The fowls flew wildly about, some ia
. ane direction and some in another.
The white Pekin duck scuttled- away
and hid herself behind the hen-house.
- The Guinea fowls flew up to the comb
of the barn, chattering with all their
.-.- might, and Tiddlywinks was just
. ' spreading his wings to take refuge in
the oak tree, when the strange animal
., seddenly rushed towards him.
It'was a small brown creature, not
so large as a full grown cat, but so
plUmp as to be almost round. It looked
indeed, more like a live cushion, with
foar legs and a white nose and talL
than any thing else.
"Gr r r," it said, showing two raws
' af sharp, white teeth. Tiddlywinks,
brave as he was. certainly seemed to
he quite as much frightened as the
hems. He was Just flapping his wiags,
to fly up into the oak tree, when the
trams animal made a sadden dart at
his teas.
-Be we woo! Grrrr It cried,
And lay! went Tlddlywiaks, sprad-
dUag his long legs, while "bee wee
.wer went the enemy, diving past him
and seizing a respectable toy-kast ham
i hr the tali.
-Iqnawkr cried the hem wha had a
af her awm, and ramUafap her
aha few at the saucy
and gave It a savage peek between the
"Take that for your impudence," mVt
"Yelp," howled the aggresser, half
f rlghtemed eat of his wits, but spying
Tiddlywinks streaking towards the hem
hoase as fast aa his long legs would
carry him. it suddenly turned and
scampered after him.
"Boo woo woo," It cried In such a
ehrill voice that the poor Cochin stood
still with terror, while the savage fot
seised him by his handsome tail feath
ers and stood shaking them and cry
ing, "gr r r" triumphantly.
Poor Tiddlywinks, more dead than
alive, could .do nothing but stand
stock-still and cry "Squak! squak-aw-awk!"
at the top of his lungs. The
hens cackled Im sympathy, making such
a racket that Aunt Peggy looked out
of the back door to see what on earth
could be the matter.
"Run. Rosy." she cried. "Something
Is disturbing the. fowls!" And little
Rosy ran quickly to the rescue of her
feathered favorites.
But when she reached the barn-yard
and espied the tall Cochin squeaking
with terror, while a tiny shepherd pup
py stood holding him by the tall, and
growling savagely, she burst Into a
hearty laugh. "Come here, Roy." ah
cried, and the fat puppy let go hit
victim's tail, and went frisking to her
with a ehrill little bark of delight
"For shame. Tiddlywinks." said Rosy,
"to be afraid of a little bit of a dog
like Roy, who only wanted to play
with you!"
But Tiddlywinks, finding himself
free, hurriedly sneaked off around the
barn, and began pluming his ruffled
feathers. He was well twitted by the
other fowls, when they ventured to
come forth from their hiding places.
"You wouldn't run from a fox, would
you," sneered the snuff-colored hen,
"Of course not," put In Queen Anne,
shaking her feathers, and hopping over
the pig-trough to pick up a grain of
corn on the other side. "He la not
afraid of any four-footed creature that
ever grew!"
"Quack, quack, quack." said the' Pe
kin duck, waddling out from a buncb
of tall grass, where she had been hid
ing during the affray. "Pray, Mister
Tiddlywinks, do tell us what you would
do if a fox were to pounce unexpectedly
over the fence?"
"It's only natural for hens to be cow
ardly." said a yellow-legged pullet,
who owed the Cochin a grudge for rob
bing her of a dragon-fly that morning.
Even the guineas flew boldly down
from the barn-roof, where they had
been sitting in a row, screaming "pot
rack! pot-rack!" during the contest
"If it had been a great big dog, like
Farmer Dill's Howser." they said. "It
would be different But a little puppy,
no bigger than a kitten! And Tiddly
winks squawked as if a whole pack of
lexee weresXter him!"
And Tiddlywinks felt so shame
faced, that he did not venture to crow
for half a day. But he was never heard
to boast of his own bravery again.
And what was still better, he was cured
of his other bad habits, and was never
sgain guilty of pecking the guinea
fowls, nor quarreling with the Pekin
duck, or robbing the pullets of their
And In time, Tiddlywinks and the
other fowls became quite friendly with
Roy, the shepherd puppy, who grew to
be ouch a good watch-dog that not a
fox, possum, or any other midnight
prowler, dared venture near the barn
Tfcay Hut Ba AM t Kadara a Grast
Strata UaSar All Caadltleaa.
From the Boston Transcript: With
the Increase In the use of high tension,
high potential currents, cables are be
ing made of greater strength and effi
ciency. The copper core, which carries
the electricity, is thickly covered with
rubber, impregnated Jute or other in
sulating material, and for some pur
poses not only armored with heavy
twisted metal rods, but covered with
lead. In this way a cable for very
heavy currents may be elaborately
brought up to a diameter of two inches
or more. The increase in the capacity
or cables within the last few years has
been extraordinary. When Mr. Feranti,
about six years ago, said he would sup
ply current from the Deptford (London)
central station at a voltage of 10,000
he was laughed at by many electri
cians, who maintained that no Insula
tion could be made efficient enough to
withstand the commercial use of such
a current Nowadays such an insula
tion would be taken as a matter of
course, and cables have to stand a
much more Intense strain. Alexander
Siemens recently gave some interest
ing details of a very complete test to
which a large electrical firm had put a
cable of their manufacture. They first
put it under pressure of 45,000 volts,
"but it did not mind," he said. They
increased the voltage to 60.000 and
left it on for half an hour. But still
the cable held out Then they tried the
bending test and put on 50,000 volts,
and it-stood it all' right After that
they stripped off the lead covering and
soaked it in water for tweaty-foui
hours, and again tried it with 50.00C
volts, with the same result They then
put it In a hot room, 160 degrees Fahren
heit and kept it there for three weeks,
after which they increased the tem
perature to 212 degrees for twenty-four
hours, and they finally tested it with
50,000, but it still held good. After
such aa ordeal, Mr. Siemens main
tained, there need be mo fear of the
cable standing im India or anywher
iaal te tha Armiy.
The bicycle will soon be put to prac
tical test in the army. A detachment
of eight mem of the Twenty-fifth in
fantry has been momated on wheels
and im charge of a lieutenant win rids
over the Montana trails. A bicycle j?e
pair ahap haa been established at Fort
Missoula, where the mem are statioaed,
aad the instruction ia regard to riding
la repairing nader an
bicycle mechanic The wheel
will ha thoroughly tasted im rapid com
Teyaace af mssssgw from Fortius
aoala to other forts; with aad wlthemt
relay; pratiee rides with riles, blank-
shelter teats; read natraHIas
C a rraacaauw's
TTaw WWwa; Abaat
Haw Territory Is Ops
ft Dfscavaty.
HOMAS Dalgleish,
an old Arizona mi
ner, has written an
account of his own
personal advent
ures among "The
Gold-Fields of Gui
ana," for the Cen
tury. Mr. Dal
gleish says:
The first fine pla-
cer on the Cuyunl
was found In 1898 by a Frenchman
named Jacobs. His outfit was fur
nished by two Portuguese named Car
rara and Rosa. They took out from
two hundred to three hundred pounds
a month for two or three years, the
gold being worth one-hundred and
ninety-five dollars a pound. When I
reached there, in 1893, the placer was
la full working order. Jacobs is said
te have disposed of his gains at Monte
Carlo; Carrara died insolvent; Rosa
left a few thousands; that Is, in brief,
the history of the owners of one of
the richest placer-mines in that coun
try. The mine was sold In 1895 for
fifteen hundred dollars, and Jacobs Is
now simply an employe in the placer.
The Barnard syndicate has taken out
a great deal of gold from placers situ
ated on the Potaro river; but it Is my
Impression that placer-mining is about
over unless new territory Is opened up.
Quartz-mining is still in its infancy.
Im the supplementary exhibition of
"Old Buda" stands a reproduction of
an Old Buda mosque, built of stone,
a&ajolica and wood, in a mixture of
Turkish and European architecture,
with minaret and cupolas, and a small
kiosk in the Indian style for a sleeping
fakir, writes I. Zangwill, the novelist
Here Moslems and Dervishes assemble
to say or dance their prayers, and for
a florin you may ascend the gallery and
watch them below. The mosque opened
on the holy night of Bairam, the most
solemn feast of the Mohametan year,
and quite a crowd planked down their
silver to listen to the pious worship
pers. Is it not shameful? I am happy
to say I did not pay for my seat Even
in Budapest I was a persona gratis.
Twas certainly a remarkable scene, its
solemnity emphasized by the thunder
without, that drowned the voice of the
Mueddin calling to prayer, and the
lightning and rain-torrents that sent
the pretty little al fresco waitresses
scudding about with their serviettes on
their heads to tend the few parties in
the leafy square-that dined on regard
less of diluted wine or under the pro
tection of umbrellas.
How the Turks further whetted them
selves by complex ablutions in the tank
(meydlah) in the courtyard without,
how they removed their shoes and, en
tering the mosque, knelt on their car
pets facing towards Mecca, and turning
their backs on me, a serried array of
long-robed figures swaying and falling
forward with automatic regularity, and
showing pairs of heels not always
clean, while the Iman chanted heart
breaking dirges overhead, I shall not
detail, for everybody has read of Mo
slem services. But I do not remember
to have come across any accurate de
scription of a service of Dancing Der
vishes such as followed the more ortho
dox ceremonial.
There are at present two quartz mines
in operation on the Barima river with
a good showing; but they are in the
disputed territory, and, I think, have
been obliged to shut down. Quartz on
the Cuyunl Is finely defined, although
there Is not a quartz mine on the river
at present; but in all probability good
quarts mines will yet be worked in
British Guiana.
At present it is Impossible for a
poor man to prospect to advantage in
that country. He must purchase all his
provisions at Georgetown; buy or hire
a boat; pay big wages to his captain
and bowman; aad give security for
the wages af his mem, and pay for
their food. I have known only one or
two poor mem who have made a stake
eat there.
After prospecting three or four
months, which is very fatiguing and
trying to tha constitution of the
strongest, a mam may find nothing;
but he will hare learned a good deal
Them ho may take a motion, if he has
a few haadrsds left to buy another
satflt Tala time he may find a creek
that will pay him one or two ounces a
day la the tarn. Whea that much la
I MKkyAfXr
ssBmW a ialh. I aBmVfmDmBmVmBmBmBvlmBmBmV:$M
sebbbbbbBBsV VusUfti jSk TJlaBmBmff WBmsssssW Vximfft'MPSS KBBB 'tsdalBE
BBBBBBBBBmV I!vXjvbbv5V tABaB5V7LaBBmBmBmV (wUtBvKJtwBmrlBr lSLr
sbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb JaOcKslufr MCTK Jl7fjf9ISKf3 ! Ww
sbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbVbuW " w 3mgBml wKammWl.! j -A BaVaBaraalLBBmKlaUmBaBBBaVaBaBM aw
aBsssssssssssssVrwJrTaaaVmVJ. aa. bbTs, v VvSvBavw BmBasrBCL.iL'i smBmBmBmBsBsssssaaLmBaBmBTaB m m
4pdnK& 'BBBBk BaBBBaaBl Wmi iVvHal Ml' "Bs aBtffaBaBaBBaW eS5L taBBT ,aBaBBmf "SSaaBaBmT 9''S "
f aBBar3Q bBBK YBaaaBaVBTBaBMBBBaBBTTcfsSSpEM ?3ar?ar .aBaBaBaBr 'vSBaBaBaBBmf
im. which yield two or three times as
much gold, Hhehaathegoodloraiae
to keep his health aad to tad toifes
has to carry his yield to Bartaca Ue,
where he passes through the itojsta
tloa. Here every sua, both -lahartr
aad master, is searched. Soma tmjak
this very disagreeable, but I see msta
iag objectionable in the law, which, 1
a great protection to the placer-ewaer.
the object being to prevent Uhaters
and' others from stealing gold. At
Georgetown he must carry his gold to
the commissioner's office, where- he
gets a permit to pay the royalty at an
other government office, after which
he may sell it to the banks.
Miners are not allowed to sell aald
In the bush er in Georgetown. Bach
day a miner must enter his And InAie
gold-book, and if an inspector shasjd
come along and find gold that, was mat.
entered he might confiscate it This
is why a miner must buy his entire
outfit in Georgetown, and havo-jpeaey.
-emengh to see himself through -"before
he starts. All the British colonial offi
cials, at least all that I came in con
tact with, are polite and gentlemanly.
I have met foreigners who think their
laws are very stringent, but I would
rather be where there Is some law
than on the other side of the Yuruan,
where there is none.
Aaetavr Frtak.
One Peter Brossoit, of Belle River,
Canada, distinguished himself some
time ago by carrying off prizes at the
county fair for embroidery, crochet,
beadwork, etc., and the papers pub
lished paragraphs on "Canada's new
man." He has a rival in a town of
Ontario. In preference to playing
marbles, shinny or boyish sports, a
youth of that town used to sit with
girls and surpass them in the use of
the needle. One day he appeared with
All the mere Mussulmans having re
tired, the Dervishes sat around cross
legged, forming an oval. Presently they
began to say some phrase, presumably
Arabic (it sounded like es klabbam vi
vurah), which they repeated and re
peated with the same endless, uniform,
monotonous intonation, swaying from
right to left and from left to right till
I felt the whole universe was this
phrase, and nothing else would happen
till the end of the world, and the world
would never end. At last, when I had
reconciled myself to living forever and
over with this sound in my ears, they
broke into a pleasant melody with
rhyming stanzas and a refrain from
Then they started on another word
with endless iteration, and then they
repeated "Allah, Allah, Allah," sway
ing and swaying till the universe began
to reel. I became aware that their
chief, who was seated on a special red
carpet, was counting on a rosary, and I
drew relief from the deduction that an
end would come. It did, but worse re
mained behind, for the Dervishes got
up and formed a ring around their
chief, and began swaying right and left
and backward and forward, undesist
ingly, remorselessly, getting quicker
and quicker, till there was nothing in
the world but swayings this way and
that way, back and forth.
At last the movements began to slow
down and to sweep over larger carves,
and suddenly they stopped altogether,
only to recommence as the fanatics
started singing a Joyous hymn. Alas!
thought I, one-half the world is a
laughing stock to the other .half, If
indeed not rather a source of tears. For
now the chief, whose fine gloomy East
ern face still haunts me, was bowing
to his men, and they were responding
with strange raucous cries compounded
of the roars of wild beasts and the
a pill-box in hand and exclaimed:
"I've made the most delightful little
pillow sham." He brought forth a
miniature piece of work exquisitely
finished. He not onlydid plain sew
ing and fancy work but tried his hand
at the family millinery. His fine em
broideries were noticeable at fairs and
wedding presents to his girl friends
were the work of his fingers. He is
now interested in decorative art and
earns his bread by embroidering and
hanging portieres, lambrequins and
other interior decorations. New Tork
SatUed' Taeak
"We had a scare out at the summer
resort a lot of scientists came there."
"Well, they didn't hurt anybody, did
"No; we had a girl graduate with
us and in half an hour she simply
knocked the whole outfit silly." Oma
ha Bee.
Mr. Symaer of SammerviUe, Ga., ia
his ninety-seventh year, haa put seven
bullets lata a two-inch hull's eye it a
nag af Uity feet.
Are Meet C
tha TtoUaM.
Birds are perhaps mora cemmealy
the victims of illusions tham other ami
muds, their stupidity about their egga
being quit remarkable, says Ua Spec
tator. Last year, far instance, -a has
got imto the pavilion of a ladles' gait
club and began to sit on a golf ball im
a corner, for which it made a nest with
a couple of pocket handkerchiefs. Bat
many quadrupeds are not only de
ceived for the moment by reflections,
shadows and such unrealities, hut
often seem victims te illusions largely
developed by the imagination. Tha
horse, for instance, is one of tha
bravest of animals when face to face
with dangers which it can understand,
such as the charge of an elephant or
a wild boar at bay. Tet the courageous
mad devoted horse, so steadfast against
the dangers he knows, la a prey te a
hundred terrors of the Imagination
due to illusions, mainly these of sight
for shying, the minor effect of these
illusions, and "bolting," In which pan
ic gains complete possession of his
eouI, are caused, as a rule, by mistakes
as to what the horse sees, and not by
misinterpretation of what ha hears.
It is noticed, for instance, that many
horses which shy usually start away
from objects on one side more fre
quently than from objects on the oth
er. This Is probably due to defects in
the vision of one or other eye. In
nearly all cases of shying, the horse
takes fright at some unfamiliar ob
ject, though this is commonly quite
harmless, such as a wheelbarrow up
side down, a freshly felled log or a
piece of paper rolling before tha wind.
This instantly becomes an "illusion,"
Is Interpreted as something else, and
It is a curious question in equine neu-
panta of locomotives. Hu! Hu! they
roared In savage unison, Hu! Hu! mo.
notonously, endlessly, making Strang
Hoarser and more bestial grew the
frightful roars, wilder and wilder grew
the movements, the headgear falling
off, faces growing black, the chief
standing silent with his hand on his
breast but in his pale face a tense look
of ever gathering excitement. And then
two of the Dervishes held out a curved
sword, and the roars redoubled and the
chests heaved with wilder breaths; and
suddenly the chief, throwing off his
stocking-wraps. Jumped on the blade
with his naked feet and balanced him
self upon it, the muscles of his face
rigid, his teeth clinched.
Four times he stood upon the bare
sword-edge amid this hellish howling
and this mad swaying, the perspiration
running down the foreheads of the de
votees, some of them foaming at the
mouths. And then they moved round
' in a. circle to the right howling He!
He! an Armenian Dervish in a tall
brown hat varying it by Ho! Ho! and
another worshipper singing in a high
The chief bared his breast, and twirl
ing a heavy-hafted dagger, plunged it
into his side. When this had been re
peated three or four times, pandemo
nium ceased. The Holy man, with an
air of supreme exhaustion and supreme
ecstacy, reclad himself In his white
n'antle, and the faithful ones wiped
their brows, and re-squatting on the
ground exultantly vociferated "Allah"
about a hundred times, nodding their
heads, and finally changing their cry
into "Bou!" "Bon!" After a little sing
ing and shouting of "Din!" "Din!" they
pressed their foreheads to the ground
with a shout of "Bou!" and. suddenly
rose and decamped. The scene waa s
trying one.
ropathy to know what it is that the
horse figures these harmless object!
to be. When Russian ponies first be
gan to be shipped to Harwich, they
usually objected to pass near a donkey.
This reluctance was explained on the
hypothesis that the ponies seldom saw
donkeys In Russia and mistook them
for bears.
A mother was explaining to a di
minutive juvenile the meaning of a pic
ture representing a number of mar
tyrs who had been thrown to 'some
hungry lions.
She tried to impress his infant mind
with the terrors of the scene .and
thought she had succeeded, when sud
denly he exclaimed:
"Oh, ma! Just look at that poor lit
tie Hoa behind there! He won't fa
amy." Answers.
Ha Waa Caadld.
A friend of ours noticed that a box
of cigars which ho had only hrokea
imto the day before was half empty
Turalag' to his servant mam he amid:
"This is really goiag a bit too far, Jo
seph, my man. We smoke a great deal
too muchr-HrUadftrd.
f Glaat
CaaatMaa Am
tmmg am
alUag Qaatfc
BORN, Curator of
Vertebrate Paleon
tology in the Amer
ican Museum Of
Natural History,
contributes a paper
en "Prehistoric
Quadrupeds of the
Rockies," to a cur
reat magazine. Tha
article la illaetrated by drawings by
Charles Kaight, giviag careful recon
structions of these strange beasts.
Prof. Osborn says: Before describlag
the animals themselves, we may stop
to note what our present knowledge
of them haa cost In human skill and
endurance. Every one of these pic
tures Is drawn from a complete skele
ton hewn out of the solid rock, and
each of these skeletons represents years
and years of arduous exploration in
which Wortman, Hatcher, Peterson
and others sent out by the American
Museum, by Princeton, or by Tale,
have become famous. Our party found
the Tltanethere In a broiling alkali
canon of South Dakota. Its head waa
protruding from a hard sandstone
cliff, and the chest limbs, aad trunk
were chiseled out by tha man under a
rude shelter which lowered the noon
temperature to 106 degrees. They
were encouraged to think that the
whole beast had been mired in a stand
ing position. This was probably the
case originally, but suddenly they
came across a fault; it appeared that
the hind limbs had been swept away;
and it required two years' more search
ing before bones of an animal of a cor
responding size were secured. Every
other skeleton has its own story of de
termination, disappointment and sur
prise. The old lake basins, once on sea-level
and enriched by the moist, balmy
winds of the Pacific, are now elevated
from four to five thousand feet The
only redeeming feature of then present
aspect of absolute barrenness is that
the absence of vegetation leaves the
old graves and burying grounds bare.
Fossil bones and skeletons are not
plentiful far from It; but a trained
eye sees a great distance along the
bare gnjlies, cliffs, and canons, and
your daily scramble of fifteen to twen
ty miles enables you to prospect over
a vast stretch. Tou are off in the
morning stiffened by a frosty Bight
Ton know by sad experience that the
Ice in the basins does not promise a
cool day. Tour backbone is still freez
ing while the sun begins to broil and
blister your skin, and you are the liv
ing embodiment of the famous dessert
served by the Japanese a hot crust
without an ice within. Tour trail be
gins on the upland, which may be the
actual level of the old lake bottom;
and aa if walking through a graveyard,
you never look for bones until the land
breaks away by erosion.
When you reach the edge of this
upland, you look off into a sea of rock,
sometimes wild beyond description,
and yon plunge dowithe slope to a cer
tain level. Then you follow this level
round and round and in and out Here
you are on a seam which bears fossils.
Above and below it are other similar
fossiliferous scams, and between them
are barren seams where you will not
find a bone If you search till doomsday.
This level, perhaps, represents the delta
of a great mountain river which swept
the animals out wtih coarse sand, peb
bles and debris. Sometimes yon walk
miles and miles, up and down, day
after day, and see nothing but com
mon turtle bones, which are so decep
tive and tempting at a distance that
the fossil hunter profanely kicks them
aside. Turtles are found everywhere
because they swam out basked in the
sunshine in the mid-lakes, and occa
sionally sank to the bottom, while the
carcasses of land animals were burled
in the deltas or nearer shore.
In such fossil-barren land the heat
seems twice as torrid, on the buttes
your muscles and back ache doubly,
your tongue lies parched from the last
gulp of alkali water, your soul abhors
a fossil, and longs for the green shade
of the East and the watermelon,
when, all of a sudden, a little project
ing bone strikes your wearied eye. Tou
fall on your knees, and breathe gently
on the loose sand; a little scraping,
and you see the signs of a skullper
haps of some missing link. The thrill
of discovery spreads like an elixir
through your frame, and two or three
hours later, after carefully cutting out
the prize, you walk vigorously back to
camp, every inch a man.
Thus fossil-hunting is a life of vic
issitudes and emotions. The fossil
hunter is predestined te his work, like
the sportsman. He returns East in the
autumn, vowing he will never go back
to the Bad Lands; but as the favora
ble months of spring come round he
becomes more and more restless until
he is off. The country that is as hot
as Hades, watered by stagnant alkali
pools, is almost invariably the richest
In fossils. Here, in fact, as you find
the greatest variety and number of
bones, you enjoy the most delightful
flights of the scientific imagination;
when parched and burned, you conjure
before you the glories of these aacient
"I guess I had better give these b:s
euits to the first tramp that comes
along," said Mrs. Hunnimune, with
pathetic candor. "No," exclaimed her
husband, nervously, "don't do that
He might throw them at the dog."
Washington Star.
Taa raav.
Walker Thia "middle-of-the-road"
platform won't catch any of the bicycle
vote. Wheeler No? Walker Naw.
They want the whole darm road and
the sidewalk thrown In. Ciadaaati
Sir Christopher Wrem built forty-two
fhurches im Loadoa. Hla greatest work
is St Paal'i cathedral
raaary Caarfcffc Cam i
A etawtnr storX la the seemo et
Lcartoas happaatags, aaya tha Philadel
phia Times. One or thee oecmrrw n
a small village im the ap per part of
Duchess ceaaty. Tha dork waa a
bright, smart, active country lad who
waa equal to an emergeaclea. Ho frame!
that a certain demlzem et the place.
named "Jake Browa," always feaad a
eeavemleat slttiag on the coaster Im
th farther part of the store aear the
cracker barrel aad that when the
clerk's ey were aot upom him the
old mam'a position allowed him to pil
fer a aamher of blsoalts. The clerk
sooa crow tired of this and he ar
ranged a good-aUed meedle . with a
spriag la a hole OS the couater uadeT
the oilcloth coverlag. with a leas
string, which could be palled at aay
polat Im the store. Oae extrtmcly hot
day im Jama the eld ma smterei the
store and took his pesitiom aa as?ml
on top of the counter near the cracker
barrel. The clerk waa apparently en
gaged with a customer, hot had hie
eye on "old Jake," aad when he waa
reaching for the crackers thestrlag
was nulled. "Jake" weat ap la the air.
landinr on his" feet In the middle of
the store. He felt for the object of
stuck, he weariag only overalla. Not
being rewarded in his search, he
mounted the counter a second time
and was about to make another at
tempt at cracker raising when ho felt
another thrust which lifted him la the
air again. He started for the attic
above the store. His prolonged ab
sence caused the clerk to go up to the
attic, where ho found it aa hot aa an
oven, to see what waa going on. He
found the old man distracted and near
ly disrobed la the middle of the floor,
shaking his overalls furiously. The
sight was laughable.' The clerk asked
him what was the mstter. He replied:
"This morning, while mowing in the
meadow, I struck a hornets' nest, and
one of the pesky things has crawled
up the leg of my overalls and has
struck me twice, and I'm hunting for
The clerk wore a smile.
SUea and Foar.
Im society we And two extremes, tha
very rich and the very poor. The rich
God has made the stewards of hit
earthly goods. He gives to them tha
ease and the advantages that accom
pany wealth. On the other hand he haa
given do the poor his spiritual riches.
He tries their souls in the flery fur
nace of tribulation, but he has prepared
for them a kingdom of glory. Aa the
poor are dependent upon the rich
for the necessaries of life, so the rich,
by the grace of God, are dependent up
on the poor for the sracea of salvation
Rev. W. F. Payne.
Koaa far a Tlra.
A wheelman who happened to be a
man of resources had his tire punc
tured while on the way home from
Coney island a few days ago. He re
moved the tire, substituted a piece of
heavy rope in its place and rode to
his home, a distance of about eight
miles, without discomfort The clab
of which he is a member is so proud
of his ncrformance that it has had tha
rope framed. New Tork World.
Tha WldaW Vatodroa.
Unscrewing the cover from an old.
locked melodeon, that the instrument
might aid tf - choir at the funeral of a
childless New England widow who
lied last week, the decedent's rela
tives came upon 912,000 in United
Statea bonds stowed away inside.
Ia tha Light af Exaarlaaea.
The Newly Married Man (on his first
night off, sadly) I wonder what my
wife will say when I get home? The
Other When you've been married as
long as I have, old man, you'll know
beforehand. Truth.
The meetings lately held at Fort
Dodge, la., under the ministration and
preaching of Dr. L. W. Munhall, were
a splendid success, it is reported.
Bishop Stephen M. Merrill, of the
M. E. Church, is prostrated by a stroke
which is believed to be paralytic. This
is the second attack of a similar na
ture the Rev. Dr. has lately suffered.
It is said that the Rev. Samuel D.
Merrill, now of Rochester, was the
first white child born in the territory,
now state, of Nebraska, when his fath
er was laboring as a missionary among
the Indians.
Reports from the various camp
meetings, that have been held all over
the country, indicate that this year,
whatever may betide in the other af
fairs of the nation, the open air wor
ship of the living God has been well
and fruitfully attended.
The Evangelical Lutheran Church of
the United States and Canada held its
annual conference at Evansville, Ind.,
lately. Officers for the ensuing year
were elected as follows: President,
Rev. John Badring, Milwaukee; vic9
president, Rev. Peter Brant, Pittsburg.
Pa.; secretary, Prof. John Schallcr,
New Ulm, Minn.; treasurer. Chris Tan
sen, Detroit; chaplain, Rev. C. C.
Schmidt, St Louis.
The sum of 118,000 has been -raised
for the semi-centennial in honor of. the
Rev. Dr: Richard S. Storrs, pastor of
the Pilgrim Congregational church,
Brooklyn, and the sum is constantly
growing. The special, committee hopes
to complete the full amount of $25,000
by November 19, when It is proposed to
celebrate the semi-centennial of Dr.
Storrs' pastorate in the Church of the
Pilgrims by special services in the
church, and in all probability a great
mass meeting in the Academy of
An immense crowd of people partic
ipated in the twenty-sixth annual
Methodist camp meeting at Pitman
Grove, N. J., under the charge of Rev.
D. B. Harris. The dosing days of the
last week were married by the prostra
tion of Rev. Dr. S. M. Vernon, who waa
overcome while delivering a sermoa.
The speaker bad been discoursing for
about a half hour whea his auditors
wore startled by seeing a pallor spread
over hla face. Evangelist Boawell,
detecting his eoadltion, supported him
to a chair aad ho was afterward re
moved from the platform, aad, after a
quiet rest la the miaieterial room, ho
(UTmlms - StaU - Baak I
flats I asm, at fpaj fAii
Task Mat al
QmmmABD, Proa's,
M. Baueram, Cs shier.
Jam Stauitks, Wm. Bucmmxv
MMrial CaiU if $SN,NI
PaM d CaaitX, N.ttt
A . MIXDON. Frcs't.
R. P. B. OEBLRIOH. Ties Free.
FKANK KOBEB. Aaa'tCsshiat
C R. Bnaxnos; H. P. H Osnuucw,
Johas Welch. W. A. McAixiSTaa,
Garni. BiawKK, 8. 0. Gbat,
Fbahk Roaxa.
Class Gbat. Usury Losbkb,
DAiinti. BcHRAttt Geo. W. Galley.
A. F. H. OEBLBICBi J. P. Beckeb Estatb.
Bbbbcca Beckeb, H. M. Wibslow.
Columbus Journal !
A weekly
The State ot Nebraska
S1.50 X
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la aeii
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41 KTAK K 1 f
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TR$puiHmff mUkiiUh Uflud
Goiuiinis Journal
Saaksf depoatt: tateraas sHewatf ttea
fepsslts: hay aad elTezabaaga ob UaSMl
futaaaad Earoaa. aad bay aad ssU avsAW
abls securities. aaJlbe alMsed to te
celva ysar basts We solicit year pea
Fwjr iJBWWjR.
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