The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, July 08, 1896, Image 3

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Columbus gouruaL
Leave Colombo
David City
Arrive at Lincoln
7300 a.m.
7:20 "
7:M "
8:42 "
95r. a.m.
4-15 p.m.
1050 "
The pasc?er leaves Lincoln at 8:55 p. m., aad
rrive at Cnluabcs 9:35 p. m; the freight leaves
Lincoln al 725 a. m.. and arrives at Coin tubus at
srOO p. in.
Col. Loral.... 6
lautirEx. . 5 3a. m
"Or. In. Loral. 90 a. m
Nr. PI. Local. 1:00 p. m
FatMsil 2:l.rtp.m
laini'ed 10:35 a. m
Fast Mail 6:15 p. m
Or. Is. Local. 855 p.m
crris rawencers for
Xr. ?. Fact Mail.
through rnintc. Onint; wt at f:15 j. m., ar
rives at Dr-nvf r 7:40 a. m. No. 2. raf-t Mail car
ri pa-eru-n to Fremont. Valley and Omaha
Kninz -t at 2:1 n. in.
The- freight train leaving here at 4:50 p. m. car
tiwt pafeoeera from here to Valley.
fiiWnKi'i arrives from Sionx City 12:30 p. m
wivf for Sioux City fiSOp.m
1HM l.vivt-s for Sioax City 6.-00a. m
Mi) arrives ll.OJp. ni'l
Miznlleaves 6.00 a. m
Mixed arrives BdOp. m
PMmrer leaves 1:30 p. m
' arrive 12:40 p. m
eritt fires.
Of All noticed nnder this heading will La
charged at the rate of 2 a year.
Yi Regular meeting) 2d Wednesday in each
7VsV mouth. All brethren invited to attend
fr j. D. Stibes, W. M.
W. K. Notestkis. Sec'y. 20july
WILDE V IX) DOE No. 44. LO. O. F..
t:-mata Tuefidav sveninas of each
Fweek at their hall on Thirteenth
street. Visiting brethren cordially
iuvited. W. A. Wait. N. O.
W. It. Notemtkix. Sec'y. 27jan91-tf
the World, meets eveo second and fourth
Thursdays of the month, 720 p. m., at K. of P.
Hall, Eleventh street. Regular attendance is
tori- desirable, and all visiting Urethral are cor
dially invited to meet with us, jan2S-'S6
Saints hold regular services every Sunday
at 2 p. m., prayer meeting on Wednesday evening
at their chapel, corner of North street and Pacific
Avenue. All are cordially invited.
13iulS9 Elder II. J. Hudson. President.
School at :S0 a. m. Church orory Sunday
at 10:20 a. ni. Christian Endeavor at 720 p. m.
Ladies' Aid Society every first Thursday in the
month at the church. Hnov-W
Dr. Nanmann, dentist, Thirteenth
street, tf
Ice cream for only 5 cents a dieh at
Jones'. 4
Jones' is the cheapest place in town
for ice cream. 4
Good ice cream at Jones' bakery at
5 cents a dish. 4
Dr. T. K. Clark, Olive street In
office ut nights.
John G. Pollock was a Beatrice
visitor last week.
Another lot of baby buggies just ar
rived at Harriet's. 2t
The thermometer registered 98' in
the shade last Thursday.
Hammocks and croquet sets, very
cLeap, at von Bergen Bro's.
The White Front
Dry Goods Store. ,r
Prof. W. J. Williams will preach at
the Baptist church next Suudny.
lulius Phillips goes today to Genoa,
where he has a position offered him.
Drs. Martyn, Evans & Geer, office
three doors north of Friedhofs store, tf
Dr. L. C. Voss and C. P. O. Miessler,
Homeopathic physiciuiis,Columbu8, Neb.
A Methodist camp meeting will be
v held at Chapman, this state, August 14
' toi!4.
Messrs. Lehman, Parks, Hensley,
. Glnck, Phillips and Saunders are at
Parties wishing to pasture stock
call on Baker & Wells. Good grass,
plenty of water. 3t
Mrs. John Hnber suffered a third
stroke of paralysis Thursday, and has
not yet fully recovered from its effects.
-4Connty Supt. Mossman of Madison,
was in town Thursday on his way home
from'ttttending the convention at Lin
eolu. - The gentlemen of the St. Catharine
reading circle will give a picnic for their
lady friends Thursday, out on Shell
Henry Zinnecker is at home enjoy
ing a vacation from his studies at the
Iowa Wesleyan university at Mount
Charles Pearsall has given up his
court reportership and has gone to Chi
cago, where he has an interest in a short
hand school.
Mrs. L. Gerrard and Mrs. Voss, as
delegates from the Woman's club, are in
attendance this week at the state federa
tion of clubs.
Eddie Kavanaugh was hit in the
face Friday night by the premature ex
plosion of a giant fire cracker. No in
jury to .his eyes.
Fritz Baumgart is visiting with his
brother George. Fritz has grown so
that 'many of his old acquaintances
didn't know him.
John Schmoker has completed the
census of this school district and finds
we have of school age, males 569, females
597, a total of 1166.
Bev. De Geller conducts the ser
vices in the park next Sunday for the
young folks' societies, at 3 o'clock.
Everybody welcomed.
The Ladies' Union of the M. E.
church will serve ice cream and cake in
the park this (Wednesday) evening,
commencing at 5 o'clock.
The residence of D. C. Burns near
Osceola was struck by lightning last
Thursday, tearing off some of the siding,
'bat doing no farther damage.
Frank Morris, who has been ae
joaraing in Illinois and Missouri, re
turned home Friday. He likes Nebras
ka better than any other place he knows
J. B. Heintz started yesterday to
make a ten days' visit with his family in
Wyoming. They are located about 65
miles northeast of Cheyenne. Hum
phrey Democrat.
-Mil Meta Pohl - has gained ten
poands in weight since she went west,
, coughs scarcely any, and haa outgrown
her former dresses, all of which will bo
good aewa to bar many acqmaintanoaa.
Wilhelm Botharpenter and builder,
corner of I and Eighth streets, is ready
at all times to talk business or do work,
as necessity calls. 3m
For the first time on Saturday, the
Fourth, the flag of the United States
was floated with forty-five stars on its
bine field, indicating the admission of
Marriage licenses have been issued
by Judge Kilian to Fred Bonan, Butler
county, and Miss Clara Belle Dunning,
Polk county; also to Frank B. Kelly and
Carrie McCone.
Mrs. Frances Brant, recently par
doned from the penitentiary, where she
had been serving a three years' sentence
for the murder of Fred Beeves of Madi
son county, has since died in Missouri.
Prof. O'Connor closed his institute
work here Friday and will take a trip
east, visiting the national convention at
Buffalo. Prof. Clemmons of Fremont
is teaching in his place this week at the
Hazel, the little daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. A. W. Clark, living north of
the city, suffered a very painful acci
dent Wednesday in having a gas pipe
strike her above the left eye, cutting a
long gash.
. Dan Freeman, the well-known first
homesteader of the United States, has
lived in one place near Beatrice, for
thirty-three years, but last Wednesday
he was compelled to move on account of
the high water, after the storm.
A cornet band has been organized
near Duncan; the young men are going
to have a good, strong organization from
the reports we hear. Julius Ernst, one
of the old time members of the Colum
bus band will lend his assistance.
It would not be the Fourth if we did
not have some accidents. Basil Gietzen
had his face quite badly burned with
powder. Eddie Kavanaugh wears his
forehead in a sling and one of L. Hohl's
received injuries from his firo crackers.
The people's independent party will
hold their county convention at Platte
Center next Saturday, July 11, at 2
o'clock. The work of the convention
will be to elect delegates to the state
convention, to be held at Grand Island,
July 14.
A two-year-old boy of Henry Hau
ser's, living south of the river got hold
of fly poison Thursday, and was un
conscious until after he was brought to
a physician in the city. He is reported
all right again, but it was a close call
for the lad.
By reason of the non-acceptance by
George Whaley as instructor in Latin
and German in our high school, appli
cations for the position will now be re
ceived by Mr. John Becher, secretary of
the school board, Columbus, Nebr. By
order of Board. T
Mrs. Susan Hayes, mother of Pat
Hayes, and Clark Cooncy and family of
Nance county, were visiting here Sun
day. Mrs. Hayes is nearly 90 years of
age, but still has splendid health and a
good memory, although she has lost her
eyesight. Platte Center Signal.
Among those who celebrated the
Fourth in Schuyler were Mr. and Mrs.
Will Hagel, George Loshbaugh, Will
Gregorius, Bert and Boy McFarland,
Dennis Sullivan, Otto Hagel, Louie
Schonlau, Alfie Heintz, Will Wagner,
Fred Webber, Guy Fox and Otto Spear.
Mrs. Ewing of Omaha, died Thurs
day of last week, after a lingering ill
ness. Her maiden name was Miss
Freddie Langhoff, and her departure
will be sincerely mourned by her nu
merous friends in Columbus, who loved
her for her many beautiful traits of
At the last regular meeting of Baker
Post G. A. R., resolutions of thanks were
passed and tendered to Supt. Williams,
the teachers and pupils of the public
schools, the Fire Department, Sons of
Veterans, Drum Corps, Al. Samuelson
and visiting veterans from other posts
who helped Bwell the ranks and thus
assist in the observance of Memorial
Day exercises.
W. H. Lewis has some volunteer
field corn at his place in the city, that is
far above any other we have seen this
season, and which suggests the utility
of once in a while letting corn volunteer
so as to improve the stock. Mr. Lewis'
corn, however, good though it is, does
not begin to compare with his good
wife's array of flowers and house plants,
which is among the finest in the city.
On Monday last Mrs. Kilborn re
ceived through the officers of Albion
Lodge No. 48, A. O. U. W., just one week
from the time the proof of her husband's
death was sent in, a warrant on the
Grand Lodge beneficiary fund for $2,
000, the full amount of Mr. Kilborn's
beneficiary certificate. Such prompt
ness in meeting its obligations is recom
mendation for the A. O. U. W. Albion
Platte county gave Meiklejohn six
votes and MacColl five votes on the
fifth ballot for governor, and on the
sixth, all the votes were cast for Mac
Coll. Hedlund got the eleven votes for
auditor, and for treasurer McNish re
ceived six end Casey five of the votes of
the delegation. On commissioner of
public lands and buildings, Russell re
ceived five and Williams six votes of the
John Coulter, who attempted to
criminally assault the wife of a farmer
in Woodville township last February,
was fined Friday $100 and costs. This
is the end of a prosecution begun last
spring, a new trial having been granted
by Judge Marshal on the ground that
the verdict at the April, term was not
sustained by the evidence. County At
torney Gondring accepted a plea of
assault and battery rather than again
risk defeat on an indictment for a worse
Mr. and Mrs. A. Heiatz were very
much surprised. last Friday evening by
about seventy-five friends coming in to
help celebrate their silver wedding an
niversary. The Maennerchor and
Ladies Guild of the German Reformed
church were nearly all present. The
ladies presented Mrs. Heintz with a
beautiful silver pudding dish, the gen
tlemen giving Mr. Heintz a silver smok
ing set. Rev. De Geller performed a
second ceremony and the Maennerchor
and orchestra entertained the crowd
during the evening with a great many
selections, several being prepared for
this occasion. A large supply of re
freshments were brought and a delight
fml evening was spent
duty lastrtste.
The county institute haa now an at
tendance of 113 teachers. This week
Prof. Clemmons of Fremont and Prof.
Leavy of this city are the instructors.
There will be a number of changes in
the schools throughout the county the
coming year. Prof. Paul, who has
taught for some time in Lindsay, will
be superintendent of the Humphrey
schools. Miss Jennie Geitzen has also
been transferred to the Humphrey
schools from Lindsay; G. A. Camp who
has taught four succeeding years in
Duncan will teach in the Henggler
The following are the teachers enrolled:
Martin Buck, C F Rollin,
FB Elliott, Lilly M Keating,
Minnie MTannahill,Jennie Saffran,
Anna J Nichol, Beulah Wheeler,
Stella M Elliott, Kate A Flynn,
Wm F Chapin, H W Lawrence,
Geo W Kiefer, C A Welch,
J J Dodds, P H Hogan,
Edward Waggoner, G E Davis,
Emma Bean, Sophia Bean,
Musetta Wheeler, Jeannie Wilson,
Lucy Cross, Henrietta Norris,
Bert Hoage, Bessie M Higgins,
Susie C Mylet, Leonora Bisson,
Birde Dodds, Anna D Mylet,
Grace Coffey, Libbie Coffey,
Bertha Schupbach, Celia Wagner,
Stella Brown, A Gertrude Scofield,
John Voss, Anna Mars.
Mable Jencks, Grace M Clark,
Alice Lutb, Agnes Keating,
Zura B Morse, Annie Griffin,
Lottie Perkinson, Anna Nebsler,
Katie Cronin, Rosalin M Knight,
Alpha Nash, Cora Brown,
Emma Olson, Mary Cox,
Ella Coleman, Mary Cronin,
Jessie Maw, Ella Byrnes,
Katherine Speice, Henrietta Scofield,
Valnet Blodgett, Jessie Williams,
Eola Jones, Blanche O'Connor,
Alice Considine, G A Camp,
Minnie Matson, Jessie Sacrider,
Carrie Sacrider, Lizzie Lightner,
Myrtle Davis, Daisy Rankin,
Minnie Johnson, Wm Deegan,
Willard Hopkins, William Cain,
Evalina Forgrette, E E Fellers,
Chas Terry, Gertrude Fellers,
Augusta Nelson. S O Nelson.
J G Regan, Lydia Bloedorn,
Jennie Geitzen, Mae Geitzen,
F C Hogan, Lottie Hoare,
Lillian Belford, Emma Dawson,
C N Guiles, Emma Gerrard,
Ella Nelson, Lizzie Thomazin,
Allie Stndley, Goldie Studley,
J E Paul, Lizzie Deegan,
EmmaKochenderfr,Nellie Hill,
Lena Posback. Hattie Berger,
Mamie Shea, Katie Linnahan,
Agnes Carrig, Sarah Hogan,
J F Hester, Mrs. Hester,
Alice Turner, Max Frink,
Nellie Sullivan, R Bodner,
Lizzie Deegan, Lizzie Sheehan,
Cecilia Pederson, Evelyn Drinnin,
E B Dannals, Mary Gleason.
City Council.
A resolution offered by Councilman
Galley passed, reciting that the expenses
of operating the waterworks have ex
ceeded the receipts therefrom for the
past six months; that there are no
moneys on hand to the credit of the water
fund, and no means provided by law for
operating expenses except such as are
derived from water rents and charges,
and authorizes and directs the water
commissioner to collect all water rents
and charges now due, and recommends
that those having and using water me
ters have the option of paying same at
the flat rates heretofore charged and
collected under the ordinance of Aug.
7, '87, or at water meter rates as the
same are fixed by the ordinance of Feb.
11, '96 ; that all water users having and
using meters pay for the same at the
agreed price, the payment to be accept
ed upon the express condition that in
case the supreme court shall hold that
the consumer is not compelled to fur
nish and attach water meters, the cost
shall bo credited to the water account
of such user. It was recommended that
prompt payment of water rents and
purchase of meters be made by consum
ers, as further delay and refusal to do so
will necessitate suspending the opera
tion of the waterworks until such time
as the court shall decide the question
now pending.
A resolution passed, ordering opened
Kummer, Murray and Platte streets to
travel, and providing a ten days' notice
to the Union Pacific and B. & M. rail
road companies to remove obstructions,
and put down suitable crossings over
their tracks on the streets named. The
resolution passed by a vote of four to
two, Galley, Echols, Held and Whit
moyer voting aye; Newman and Welch
voting no.
The ordinance with reference to
tramps (heretofore published in The
Journal) was passed.
School Board.
At the meeting Monday afternoon at
4 o'clock, all members were present ex
cept Gluck and Lehman.
The minutes of the two previous meet
ings were read and approved.
The acceptances of the various teach
ers elected were read and filed, as was
also the non-acceptance of Mr. Whaley.
On motion, an advertisement for an
assistant high school teacher was or
dered. A warrant was ordered drawn for $8
in favor of A. Connor as part pay for
cleaning the paper on rooms in First
and Third ward schools.
Warrants was ordered drawn in pay
ment of the following claims:
Joseph Flynn $ 61 24
John Schmoker 47 32
D. Mowry 3 75
Wm. and Fred Novel 6 90
M. K. Turner & Co 10 90
Platte County Times 2 00
W.J.Williams 10 00
J. G. Becher 2 00
R. Jenkinson 3 50
Stillman's Pharmacy 2 75
Adjourned to July 22.
Mrs. Page gave a piano recital Tues
day evening of last week by her pupils,
followed by a concert, which was well
attended, considering the hot weather.
Her pupils are Misses Ethel Henrich,
Marjorie Williams, Emily Ragatz, Petite
Martyn, Mattie Post, Blanche Niewoh
ner, Eloise and Susie Roen, Alice Turner
and Abbie Hurd, Masters Roy and Ferd.
Stires and Alfred Anderson, and Mrs.
James Lanktree. After the recital, a
short program was rendered, Mr. Elmer
Smith, Mrs. Beeder, Mrs. Page and Miss
Gleason taking part The waltz played
by little Alfred Anderson, aged about
six years, to the time of the metronome,
was a good test of the teacher's training,
as the little fellow kept in perfect time,
giving expression throughout the piece
and not getting a particle confused.
Oae Fare
for the round trip from points in Ne
braska to Grand Island via Union Pa
cific July 14 and 15. Join the crowd
which goes via The Overland Route."
Ticket for sale by J. B. Meagher, agent.
Ed. Early was in Lincoln Saturday.
Miss Nellie Poet started for Chicago
Prof. Williams visited Lincoln part of
last week.
Miss Frances Bristol is visiting in
North Platte.
Miss Iillie Hagel is visiting friends in
Cedar Rapids. -
Fred Ball of Chicago is visiting the
Eslinger family.
Mrs. Gould and daughter left yester
day for Indiana.
L Glnck and son Eddie were in
Schuyler Friday.
Tom Mallalieu of Kearney, was in the
city over Sunday.
John O'Leary of Omaha is visiting his
sunt, Mrs. Burke.
Claud Stockham of Fremont visited
in the city Sunday.
Mrs. Lon Miller of South Omaha, is
visiting relatives here.
Mrs. A. C. Ballon is at Hot Springs,
S. D., on a pleasure trip.
Mrs. Hulst of Rapid City, S. D., is vis
iting relatives in the city.
Miss Leona Harrington of Cheyenne
is visiting Mrs. Dave Smith.
Misses Meta Hensley and Angie Early
were in Schuyler Saturday.
Misses Clara Hohl and Alberta Post
visited in Fremont last Wednesday.
Mrs. E. J. Hamer went to Omaha Fri
day to visit her daughter until Monday.
George Duffy and Miss Gallagher
visited friends in Fullerton over Sun
day. Fred Williams started Monday for
Rochester, Ind., where he will visit six
Misses Jennie and Mae Gietzen of
Humphrey are visiting the Gietzen fam
ily here.
Nels and Roy Johnson left Thursday
for a visit with relatives at Hershey and
Elsie, Nebr.
Miss Marie Martin returned to her
home in Albion Wednesday, after a visit
with friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Fillman started Monday
for an extended trip east, stopping in
Chicago on the way.
Mrs. Robert Uhlig of Omaha, was up
last week to see her father, Adam Look
ner, who had been sick.
Harry Blatbe of Omaha, and Max
Love of Chicago, were guests of the
Gluck family over Sunday.
Misses Mamie and Mary Costello, ac
companied by their sister, Miss Abbie
of Milwaukee, are visiting relatives near
Platte Center.
Col. T. W. McKinnie and sons Carl
and Bert, of St. Louis, Mo., arrived in
the city Wednesday on a visit with the
Turner families.
J. E. North and daughter, Mrs. C. B.
Speice, spent the Fourth here with rela
tives, the Evans children returning to
Omaha with them.
Mrs. E. A. Murphy of Wood River,
who has been visiting her daughter,
Mrs. E. C. Hockenberger, returned to
her home Sunday.
I. L. Albert and family and J. M.
Gondring started Saturday for Chicago.
The Alberts will make an extended visit
east before returning.
Mr. and Mrs. D. Anderson, and grand
son Walter JFenner, of. South Omaha,
arrived in the city Friday night, and
have been visiting with old friends.
Hepablicaa State Convention.
In some respects tho state convention
Wednesday was one of the most remark
able in tho history of the state being
doubtless the largest ever convened in
Nebraska, and certainly the most nu
merously attended by non-delegates,
and apparently conducted by the dele
gates themselves, in what they deemed
the interest of the state.
dp to the opening of the convention
it seems to have been conceded all
around that Meiklejohn's chances were
the best for governor, but, on a sudden,
forces were brought to play that turned
the tide toward MacColl. It is another
illustration of how much effect is some
times given to the probabilities of the
Meiklejohn's candidacy, whether true
or not, was looked upon as a preliminary
movement toward the United States
senate, as the successor to Senator
Allen. Another consideration was used,
viz: that in case Thurston should be
given a place in the McKinley cabinet
and the governor be called upon to name
his successor, he would select a certain
personal and political friend of his own
who is very objectionable to many.
And thus it went These things had
their weight, and when, on the fifth bal
lot, 106 of the 116 votes of Douglas
county, were cast for MacColl, Gage
following with 36, it was not difficult to
say what the result would be.
The contests were over governor, aud
itor and state treasurer, and around
these, as a cluster, the others ranged
themselves, and so the ticket was made
up, and it is a good one.
The Journal believes that with Mac
Coll, the great interests of the state
will be entirely safe. He is a success
ful business man, and is Jack MacColl
now, just as he was Jack MacColl when
a poor boy working his own way in the
la Mfaorlan.
Joseph Benjamin Hutchison was born
January 17, 1862, in Christian county,
He moved with his parents to Ash
land, Nebr., thirteen years ago, where
he made his home until four years ago,
when he moved to Columbus, Neb.,
where he died June 28, 1896.
January 13, 1887, he was united in
marriage to Miss Quilla Newbill.
Four years ago he united with the
Christian church near Memphis, Neb.
For almost four years he had been a
great sufferer. He was patient and
pleasant during his sickness, often ex
pressing himself as perfectly satisfied in
his love for his Saviour.
It was his great desire to again visit
his home and be with his parents and
friends. However this was not to be.
for he was taken to his old home at
Memphis, 'Monday, and laid to rest
Tuesday in the Ashland cemetery.
Cant of Thank.
To those who so kindly assisted us
during the last sickness of our beloved
husband, son and brother, we wish to
express our heartfelt thanks. May the
time be far distant when they are called
upon to pass through such an affliction,
is our prayer.
Mas. QoittiA Hutchison.
J. H. HuTonsoir ass Famox.
CottmaCT. Kebr Jaaa 22. UK?
it to adjeumacat, tfas board oaaMd
at 2o'cIockp.BiHoa.JokaWiariBaiBcaair.
E. Pohl clerk. Boll called, fell board present,
except Sap'r Becher. Minute of the two pre
vious meettas read, corrected aad on motion
The commnaicatioa of the State Board of Irri
gation vas read and on notion placed on file.
Moved that 'all bilk before tbe board be re
ferred to the reepeeUveeoanutteea. Carried.
Oa aotioa tbe board adjourned util 9 o'clock
CcJaabna. Nebr, Jane 21, 18MI Pursuant to
adjoarasMat the board coaveaed at 9 o'clock
a. n with Hon. John WUjtiaeia chair, E. Pohl
clerk. Boll called, fall board present. Oa
notion the board took receMsabJect to tbe call
of the chair for connittee work. 1130 a. n.
board called to order by chairman .
The petition of Murdoch sad others as per a
f omer order of the board was now takea up,
whMwrpoa the attorney for the petitioners made
reqaeat that this natter be laid over until 2
o'clock p. n. aad oa consent of tbe attorney for
the reaoastratora the sane wan laid over as per
said request.
On aotioa the board adjourned until 2 o'clock
p. n.
Pursuant to adjournment the board convened
at 2 o'clock p. m. with Hon. John Wicsina in
chair. E. Pohl clerk. Boll called, full board
The following dismissal was presented and
read, to wit:
In the natter of the petition of Daniel Mar
dock and others for the formation of an imita
tion district in Platte county. Motion to dis
miss. Comes now the petitioners for the or
ganization of the irrigation district and respect
fully move the board of supervisors to dismiss
without prejudice the petition heretofore filed
by these petitioners and all the proceedings bad
Daktzl Mubdock et al,.
Their Attorneys.
Moved by Sup'r Rolf that said notion be sus
tained sad that the petition of Murdoch and
others for tbe formation of aa irrigation district
now before this board stand dlsniasd without
prejudice. Motion carried.
The communication of J. M. Wolf, offering to
furnish the different officials of the county with
n copy of the directory of Platte county at $2.50
per copy, was read and ordered placed on file.
The communication of the clerk of the district
court calling the attention of the board to the
condition of his office aa to the broken windows,
lineoleum and zinc, and asking that the board
have tbe said office repaired. On motion the
purchasing agent was ordered to have the said
office repaired.
The following petition from Lost Creek town
ship was read, to wit:
To the honorable -board of supervisors of
Platte eounty, Nebr.: Wo, tbe undersigned elec
tors and tax-payers of Lost Creek township
being desirous of having n wagon bridge built
across the Loup river south of Monroe, and as
the cost of such bridge would be more than
could be raised in one year by ordinary road
taxes, would respectfully request your honora
ble body to aid ns by a temporary advancement
of funds aa you would deem advisable, said
bridge to be built in conjunction Loup and
Monroe townships. (Signed),
Wm. Wxbstkb and SO others.
A similar petition from Monroe township,
prayinc for advancement of funds by the county
to aid in the construction of the said Monroe
bridge (signed by C. W. HoUingshead and 23
The following resolution from the township I
board of Monroe township was also presented I
and read, to wit:
At a special meeting of the town board of
Monroe township, held June 22, 1896, the follow
ing preamble and resolution was unanimously
adopted and directed to be forwarded to the
county board:
Whereas, Sundry citizens have presented them
selves before this board for the purpose of
urging upon it the proposition to ask of the
county board an appropriation from our appor
tionment of the county road and bridge funds
towards the building of a permanent bridge
across the Loup at or near Monroe, therefore
Resolved, That after a full examination of this
Siestion, that this board is not willing to assume
e responsibility of such a course, without the
consent of the citizens of the township legally
expressed. (Signed).
Henry Stxvkns.
E. M. Vacoht.
Attest: 0. 8. Thuman, Town Clerk.
All of the above communications ordered
placed on file.
Messrs. Gerrard and Kyle appeared before the
board with statements and arguments relative
to the said bridge, and after discussion thereon,
it was moved by Snp'r Bender that the matter be
referred to a committee of three to investigate
and report thereon by 10 a. m. Thursday, 25th.
Motion carried and chair appointed I-?c"y
Moffett andliolf as such committee.
The committee to whom was referred the claim
of the St. Mary's hospital made report recom
mending that a duplicate warrant be issued to
said St. Mary's hospital for the sum of $4&C0 in
lieu of warrant No. 327 issued June 15, 1895, upon
the said claimant executing a statement that
said original warrant had been lost and not been
paid or transferred.
On motion the report of the committee was
adopted unanimously.
Sister M. Henrica, superior of the said St.
Mary's hospital having now presented a written
statement aa required by the board, it was moved
that the clerk be instructed to draw warrant on
the general fund of 1894 for the sum of $48.00 in
favor of the St. Mary's hospital in lieu of said
lost warrant No. 327 issued June 15, 1895. Mo
tion carried.
The following bills were allowed and the clerk
ordered to draw warrants therefor on the con
solidated general fund, to wit:
War & Hockenberger. coal for court
house $
Stires & Lamb, chain for court bouse.
Columbus Telegram, supplies for coun
ty clerk.
Same, supplies for district court
Same, supplies for sheriff
Same, supplies for treasurer
L P Phillips, keys for county treas'r ..-
J H Galley, mdse'for prisoners
Becher, Jaeggi 4 Co., 250 maps of
Platte county
H S Elliott, postage and cash advanc
ed for county
Same, 1500 stamped envelopes for
O C Shannon, services as assistant to
clerk 127, less tax.
H S Elliott, for del personal tax of O
C Shannon
L C Voss, 2d quarter salary as county
pnyHaCi i n
J G Pollock, 39 meals for jury, amount
bill 113.65. allowed.
7 W
25 50
10 75
16 50
18 50
1 CO
13 30
3 70
35 00
33 18
18 73
24 50
9 75
E Pohl, salary aa clerk 2d quarter 100 00
Same, postage and recording bonds.... 17 20
On recommendation of the judiciary commit
tee the elaim of school district No. 3 of Nance
county for tuition fees for the snm of $138.00
and the claim of school district of Columbus
and district No. 67 of Platte county for the sums
of $18.00 and $50.00 respectively, were on motion
laid over.
On motion the bills certified by Burrows tp in
the matter of John Larson, deceased, were re
ferred back to Burrows tp for payment, as the
said Larson was a legal charge thereon.
The following bills were allowed and tho clerk
ordered to draw warrants therefor on the general
fund of 1595, to wit:
Omaha Printing; Co., supplies
$37 36
j i abciis, services oa coroner a jury. . ..
Peter Zumbrum, witness insanity case
of Mathias .-
U von Bergen, refunding of tax erron
eously assessed.
H J Arnold, fees as com'r of insanity....
J G Beeder, same
J H 8utton, sheriff Merrick county serv
ing subpeena
J Snyder, sheriff Boone county, same
Theo Odenthal, coroner's jury Luchsin-
WS"a vajtj asa
ra J Luescben, same
Robert Kaiser, same
1 r-U
0 69
22 00
12 00
3 45
2 70
2 00
The following bills were allowed and the clerk
ordered to draw warrants therefor on the road
and bridge fund levies of 1896 and charge the
same to the accounts of the different townships,
to wit:
Chicago Lumber Co., acct Humphrey tp. $ 59 22
J J Mueting, road work acct Granville tp 15 50
Peter Lnbiscber. same 6 00
Martin Bloedorn, repairing acct same. .. 10 65
Joseph Widholm, road work, same. 14 50
Nye & Schneider Co., lumber acct Bur-
y pe liU IW
H J Brueoig, nails acct same. 4 00
Chicago Lumber Co., lumber acct same.. 34 62
Crowell Lumber & Grain Co., lumber
acct Walker tp. 160 40
Madison Cc, for one-half of bridge acct
Granville tp 43 87
Crowell Lumber & Grain Co., lumber
acct Humphrey tp 62 10
Chancy Linabery, work on bridge acct
GnaviUetp. SO 00
Colfax Co oae-half of bridge acct Crea
te tp 38 96
Oa motion the chair appointed Sup'rs Becher,
Moffett aad Rolf a committee to investigate tbe
natter of Frank Silver, feeble minded boy now
in custody of the sheriff aad report thereon at
this session of the board.
The remonstrance of H. B. Fennimore and
others against the location of the Dawson road
was bow takea up, Mr. Fennimore being pres
ent, and argued against tbe proposed location of
aid road. After discassioa thereof, oa motion
same was referred to the connittee oa roads
and bridges.
Oa notion tbe board adjourned until 9 o'clock
a. bu, Jane 24 th, 1896.
CoLtmatra, Nebr., Wednesday. Jane 24, 1896.
to BdjoTinsat ta board coavaaed at
t o'clock a. Bk, Hob. Jaaa Wiagias chairaaa,
B. Pohl clerk.' Roll called, fall beard present.
Oa motion tbe board took recess until 1120
a. BVfor committee work. 11:30 a. m. board
called to order by chairman and on motion ad
journed until 2 o'clock p. m.
June 24, 18M, 2 p. xn. pursuant to adjournment
board of supervisors convened Hon. John Wig
gins chairman, E. Pohl clerk. Boll called, full
board present. Minutes of tbe meetings of June
22d and 23d read and on motion approved.
Application of the sheriff for a desk and suit
able covering for tbe floor in his office was read.
Moved by Sup'r Rolf that said application be
placed oa lie. Sup'r Bender moved as aa
amendment that the said request be granted.
Boll called for vote on tbe amendment. Bender.
Moffett, Olson and Mr. Chairman voting "aye"
4; Becher, Lisco and Rolf voting "no"-3.
Amendment declared carried.
Boll called for vote oa notion as amended.
Bender, Moffett, Olson and Mr. Chairman voting
"aye"-4; Becher, Lisco aad BoU voting "no"-3.
Motion aa amended declared carried.
Tbe following bills were allowed and the clerk
ordered to draw warrants therefor on the county
general fund, to wit:
Chas Wake, assessor city of Columbus.. .$ ir-3 CO
Sane, attending board equalization aad
correcting books. 17 00
Jos Gutzmer, interpreter for assessor 2 00
Emma Wake, assistant assessor, amount
bill $98. allowed 96 00
Ed Lueachen, assessor Sherman tp 73 00
Hans J Johnson, assessor Joliet tp am't
bill $61, deducted therefrom $1 March
17, $t for June 4 and $3 for June 1 on
board equalization, leaving amount al
lowed 56 CO
Joseph Chlopekv assessor for Butler tp
claim $64.40, allowed less $2 for March
17 and Junes 62 40
J G Kummer, assessor Loup tp 70 00
Wm J Luescben. assessor Gd Prairie tp. 76 40
Andrew Leas, assessor Burrows tp 74 00
Geo Scbeidel, assessor Lost Creek tp 157 (JO
F F Clark, assessor Humphrey tp allow
ed less $3 for May 3 70 60
H C Niemeyer, assessor St Bernard tp. .. 74 00
Geo Galley, jr., assessor Columbus tp. . . . 102 00
D D Roberts, assessor Shell Creek tp
am't bill $97, allowed less $6 for April
n 26 and May 24 fli 00
Siebert Heibel, assessor Bismark tp 77 80
OH Clark, assessor Woodville tp. 75 25
D T Dickinson, assessor Granville tp
am't bill $75. less del tax $120 71 aO
W C Jackson, assessor Creston tp am't
bill $64. lees S3 May 17 and $2 for June
1st. 5th $5 and del tax of $17.76, total
deducted 122.76 41 ?i
E M Vancht, assessor Monroe tp am't
bill $76, less tax 129. 47 00
Jos flynn, lor cleaning vault $30.80, less
tax $26.83. 3 12
The following warrants were ordered drawn in
favor of H. 8. Elliott on the consolidated gen
eral fund, to wit:
H 8 Elliott, for del personal tax of D T
Dickinson 5 3 20
Same, W C Jackson 17 7a
Same, for real estate tax per requeot of
EMVausht 2900
Same, for del tax of Jos Flynn 26 83
On the reeommendatioii of the committee on
claims the bill of Chas. Wake for the sum of
$31.50 for entering real estate values and footing
same on assessment books, was on motion, re
jected. The board now took recess for committeo
5J0 p. m. board called to order by chairman
and on motion adjourned until 9 a. m., June
25th, 1896.
CoLCBBUa, Nebr., Thursday. June 25, 1886.
Pursuant to adjournment the board of super
visors convened at 9 o'clock a. m., Hon. John
Wiggins chairman. E. Pohl clerk. Roll called,
full board present.
The application of the county superintendent
for window curtains for his office was read and
on motion same was granted and the purchasing
agent instructed to procure same.
The county clerk now made application for
one assistant in his office during the coming
busy season. On motion said application was
granted and the said clerk instruct to procure
necessary assistant.
The application of the county clerk to havo
his office renovated was read. Moved by Sup'r
Rolf that eame bo placed on file. Moved by
Sup'r Lisco aa an amendment, that the request
be granted, said amendment being put to vote,
was declared carried. Motion bh amended put to
vote and declared carried.
Board now took a recess to Ilu a. m. for coui
mlttte work.
11:20 a. in Board called to order by chairman.
The committee to whom was referred the Monroe
bridge petition from Monroe, Loup nnd Lo;t
Creek townships now made repoit, recommend
ing that this matter le laid over to the next
meeting of the board. On motion report vt com
mittee was adopted and this uituter laid over to
the July meeting of the board, lioaid now ad
jourred until 2 o'clock p. ni.
Colubbu.s, Neb., June 25.
Pursuant to adjournment the board convened
at 2 o'clock prmTHonrobnTVlpginsrcbalrman
E. Pohl, clerk. Roll call, full board present.
The communication of P. Bering, asking for the
cancellation cf the taxes for the year ISSI.ou
land of Wm. Labenz, staling as reason therefor
that the tax for the years ISSO and 1882 on said
land had been cancelled by a decree of iho (J. S.
circuit court, and asking that the board at least
cancel the Interest thereon if not the principal
Moved by Supervisor Bender that tbe board ac
cept the principal of said tax and cancel tbe In
terest thenOD. Vote taken; motion declared lost.
Supervisor Becher now submitted the following
To the Honorable Board of Supervisors of Platte
County, Nebraska Gentlemen: The under
signed, appointed by your honorable bodv, in
conjunction with the county attorney, to settle
with the clerk of the district court, reicctfully
That since tho report of the former committee
of said board, relative to the otlice of suld clerk,
Bled Feb, 19, 1896, said clerk has paid into the
county treasury the sum of $16 as jury and Mai
fees, in tbe following cases, to-wit: Nos. 'JI95.
2178, 2071, 2075, 3084. 2138, 2163 and 2K. and that
the jury and trial fees have net been collected
anu paid to tne ciers in me following rases, to
wit: No. 1571, 15ft). 1606, 1625, !65.'t, 1U03, 161-0,
1690, 1752, 1753, 3077. 2104, 1631, 1G7C, I73L', 17KI,
19S, 2052, 2033, 2060, 2093, 2117, 2130,2133,2110,
2147, 8154, 2172, 21W, 2308 and 2312. and that since
said report said clerk has paid the sum of $93 1'.0
as witness fees to the parties entitled thereto,
and according to the statements of said clerk and
nls report of unclaimed witness fees, there are
now no unclaimed witness fees'! n his possession.
uespeaiuiiy suumuiea, u. a. ueciikr.
On motion the above report was accepted and
ordered spread upon the records.
The matter of the Benson road was now taken
up, and on motion same was referred to a com
mittee of supervisors, Wiggins and Lleco, to
makereport thereon at the July meeting of tbe
Moved by Supervisor Kolf that the action of the
board- in tbe hill of Joseph Flynn be reconsid
ered. Motion carried.
Moved by Supervisor I'.ulf that the bill of Jo
seph Flynn for $30.80, for cleaning vault, be re
committed to the committee on claims; carried.
Tbe committee on roads and bridges presented
tbe following report:
We, your committee on roads and bridges, to
whom was referred the matter of the Growenthal
road, beg leave to make the following report, to
wit: We recommend that Uilhelm l'eller be al
lowed for 3 acres, 154; Wm. Weber, 1 acre, 24;
Jacob Labenz, 4 acres, t74. and that ther.loe
claims be allowed out of the county road fund
of 1696 and charged to the account of Burrows
township, and the clerk be instructed to draw
warrant in favor or tire county treasurer in the
sum ofS18.46. tbe delinquent tax of Wm. Peller,
also that J he surveyor be ordered to survey and
locate said road, and locate the corners.
Nils Oleojt,
Moved that the report of the committee be
adopted and the clerk be Instructed to draw war
rants in accordance therewith; carried.
On motion following bill was allowed on con
solidated iund, to-wit:
Argus Printing Co., envelopes for county
judge, claim 4.50, alio wed 51.00
On motion the following bills were allowed n
the county general fund of 189', to-wit:
C. J. Anderson, assessor of Walker tp S7t 10
Omaha Printing Co., supplies, amount of
bill $41.35, allowed 37 50
Henry Ragatz, mdse. for county 21 65
And on the road and bridge fund levy of 1S95
for the account of respective townships, to-wit:
Hugh Hughes for lumber for account of But
ler township ... 512 CO
Hugh Hughes lor lumber for account city of
vOIUBIDUS,. .. If)
Hugh Hughes lor lumber for eccount city of
Columbus. 12 82
Robt, McCray, for labor for account city of
Columbus 7 -Q
Root. McCray for labor for account city of
Columbus. . 3 co
Joe Kekoliczak for labor for account city of
Columbus . CM
Herat Cerber; labor, acct Butler tp Si 0
Chicago Lumber Co., lumber, Gd Prairie. . . 19 52
Hugh Hughes, lumber, Bismark tp 8 SO
K. T. Otis, labor, St. Bernard tp 3 M)
K T.Otis, same 7 00
And on the road and bridge fund levy of
1896, for acct of the respective tps, to-wit:
8. German, labor, acct Granville tp 6 10
Evans A Howard Co., sewer pipe, acct Shell
Creek 2230
Same, sewer pipe, acc't Lost Creek 32 SJ
Chicago Lumber Co., sewer pipe, acc't Lost
jt9kK...... ....... .............. ...... 3997
Foster A Smith, lumber, acc't Col. tp 8 98
Same, lumber, acc't Butler tp 1 18
Hunker Bros , Inmber, acc't Uranville tp... 30 33
Crowell L. A G. Co., lumber, acc't Sheimau
Chicago Lumber Co., lumber, acc't Joliet
Nye, Schneider Co., lumber, acc't Joliet tp 6-- 85
On motion tbe matter of tbe Dawson road was
laid over until tbe July meeting, and the clerk in
structed to notify tbe parties of tbe action of the
On tbe recommendation or tbe committee the
matter ot tbe Scaure read was laid over to
ta July aettiBg.
Staple and
I Fancy Groceries,
Eleventh Street, -
We invite you to come and see us. We regard the interests of or
patrons as mutual with our own, so far as our dealings are concerned or
part of the obligation being to provide and offer
Good - Goods - at - Fair - Prices.
-EVERYTHING KEPT that is expected to be found in a Srst
class, up-to-date grocery store.
Farm Loans.
And Insurance..
Heard about what? Why the NEW GROCERY, FRESH GOODS
W BW'BBwU9l5A?X.
One man can
cheap ns a man. GOOD GOODS for
Samuel's dollars, whether paper, silver or
On motion the boar J adjourned until 9 o'clock
a. 111., June 23.
Columbus, Neb., June 2G.
Pursuant to adjournment tho board of super
visors convened at 9 o'clock a. iu., with Hon.
John Wiggins, chairman, E. Pohl, clerk. Boll
cjlle.1, full board present.
MInutea of June SMlU and S.Mh were read and
corrected. The judiciary committee, having made
n lavorablo report on the application of Geo. L.
Humphreys for a druggist's permit, on motion it
w-rierti-tnar a arugglsvs peratt-for tbe sale
of ma't, spirituous and vinous liquors for medici
nal, mechanical and chemical purposes only, at
at the town of Monroe, Platte comity, Neb., be Is
sued to said Geo. I.. Humphreys, and tbe clerk or
dered to issue same.
The committer on claims now presented tbe
claim of Joseph Flynn and asked that the same
be considered by tbe full board. Jos. Flynn be
ing present with his attorney, Wm. O'Brien, pre
sents his claim that he was not a resident of Co
lumbna township in tbe year 131, and could not
be Haste to assessment In said year, and asking
that the tax assessed against him for said year be
cancelled and not deducted from his claim
against tbe county. Oa motion Joseph Flynn
and Thomas Keating were sworn, and testified
relative to the residence of Flynn during the
year 1831. On motion the claim was recommitted
to the committee on claims 10 report thereon.
Moved by Suicrvbor Olson that the former ac
tion of this board ordering tbe repairing and ren
ovating of the diflVrent offices of tbe county be re
considered; carried.
Moved by MipervisorBolf that the purchasing
agent of the county he Instructed to repair the
dillercnt offices of the connty as he found to be
absolutely necessary: motion carried.
The following bills were now allowed on the
consolidated general fund:
D. C. Kavanaugh, fees, Platte Co. vs Bu-
Cher 12 46
Same. fees, state vs Coulter 8 80
Same, fees, state vs Busbnell 135
Sam), lees, state vs .Mitson 135
Same, insanity case. Mathias 1 80
Samp, fees, state vs Snyder 5 B0
Same, fees, state vs Coulter . 1 35
Same, pursuit of Elston, am't of bill $12, all'd 'J 20
Same, fees, state vs Koch 35
Same, fees, same 1 35
Same, fees, same 65
Same, fees, state vs Coulter 85
G. B. Speice, clerk board insanity, am't bill
SI-Tli, allowed.-. UK
Same, ume, am'tbill tJS.95. allowed iil SO
John Huber, 15 days balliffdlstrict court.... 30 00
John Elliott, 2 days same 4 On
J. X. Kilian, postage, Jan. to June 3 46
Thos. Gentleman, attendance district court
Ate UUj 3 't "J
Fred Mecdel, juror April term, and mileage S5 4i)
P. Loshbaugh, same -... 16 10
II. S.Eihott, for del tax or P. Leshbauch 16 10
H. It. Beed. juror April term and mileage,
$16.40. less tax, 89.2) 7 17
U.S. Elliott, delinquent tax of II. B. Keed.. 9
Wm. Berg, juror April term and mileage Si 00
II. J. Johnson, same Si 00
E. J. Emit, Baine.... 8 CO
Edward Edwards, same, all'd tX, lu tax $23 5 00
II. S. Elliott, for del tar Edward Edwards. . 23 CO
John Elmers, juror, April term -C 20
Jacob Fivchcr, same 4 CO
Maitin Hogan, same, all'd 6V', leas tax
825.611 .
II. S. Elliott, for del tax of Martin Hogan... 2" Co
Wm.C.Schultz, juror April term L"0 00
J. C. Tiffany, came, all'd I24.C0. less tax W.Otf 18 54
U.S. Elliott, for del tax J. C. Tiffany 6 06
E.O. Hector, petit jury, April term 16 10
Henry Wilke. same 2160
John Blomquist, same 18 SO
J. K. Brock, same 22 20
Oliver Hedlund, same -23 20
Axel SaudLciy, same 29 90
Wm. Hollingsbead, eouie 21 00
Wm. Steinbaugb, same 19 0(1
John Kelley. tame 27 00
Frank Keuyou, sauie 25 00
Wm. Shuii, bame 25 CO
D. D. Bobert. same, special venire 23 00
Cbas. Kelley, same 23 00
J.M.Curtis, same-.... 10 10
Geo Hy land, talesman, petit juror 4 10
Lee Bennett, same, all'd tf 1.10, less .75 3 35
U.S. Elliott, del tax Lee Bennett 75
A. It. Foter, talesman petit juror i 10
Geo II) land, same 4 10
Thos Guthrie, siine.... 4 10
Lee Bennett, same . 4.10
A. B. Foter. same 4 10
Geo Hyund, sunw 2 10
John Mohlmau, same 1 10
The following bills were allowed and clerk or
dered to draw warrants therefor on the consolf
dated general fund, to-wit:
Emma Abts, witness, state vs Koch 4 10
Michael Abu, same 2 10
L Borowlak, same 2 10
Con Hewitt, same, all'd .10 less tax
HS Elliott, for del tax C Hewitt 4 10
Anna Itasmusen, witness, state vs Koch 2 10
Otto lleuer, same 2 10
WmSchrelber.saiue 2 10
Will Borneman, same 2 10
J N. Kilian, same 2 10
Don Benson, same, am't $1.10 less tax
II S Elliott, fordul tax Don Benson 4 10
Mrs Frank Koch, witness state vs Koch 2 to
Henry Lusche, same 2 CO
John Wagner, same 2 10
Wm O'Brien, same, am't SilO less tax
II S Elliott, del tax Wm O'Brien 2 10
Julius Phillips, witness state vs Koch, am't
! less tax
IIS Elliott, for del tax J Phillips 1 10
L Talley, witness state vs Hoch, SilO leas
H S Elliott, del ttxL. Talley 2 10
Aus Boettcher, witness state vs Koch 2 10
M Whitmojer, same ... 2 10
B E Gardner, witness, state vs Coulter 4 &J
Geo Bolz, same, am't tXA) less tax
HS Elliott del tax Geo Bolz 5 50
Lizzie'Bolt, witness state vs Coulter 5 SO
Marv Bolx. same 5 50
J JDJtcNabb, saase 5 89
1 & CO.,
Real Estate
Eleventh Street,
Opposite BHcher'n Bam.
Nebraska's Motto Fulfilled !
buy as cheap as another, and a obild as
good money, which means onr Uncle
gold they are equal, too, with us.
Annie Nelson, same
WB Morse, same..
E A Richardson, sasae
Geo Batty, same
T J Morgan, same
If a rOuUf NDV,, .
Cbas. Segelke, interpreter state vs Coulter..
I Gluck. Interpreter state vs Mostek
P Kozlowskl. witness state vs Mostek
B Fuller, witness state vs Mostek, am't 12.10
H S Elliott, for del tax B Fuller
John Born, witness, state vs Mostek, am't
5 80
5 10
13 80
2 10
8 10
viewless tax
MS Elliott for del tax JoaaBorn
Pohl. witness suwvr mart. -.- rrr
Andrew Mostek, tatue. am't 93JM less tax
II S Elliott, for del tax of Mostek
Mike Bogus, witness state vsMotsek
K Boyrs. same .......
G W Phillips, same, am't 82.10 less tax
HS Elliott, for del tax of Phillips
2 10
John Mostek, witness state vs Mostek, am't
H S Elliott, for del tax of Mostek
A Jaeggt, witness state vs Mostek
u ww bVISIOD SwtlOt(
9 10
S 10
9 10
2 10
John Mostek, sasae
Joe Opella. same, am't 13 as leas tax
li s r.iuott tor aei tax 01 upeita
D C Kavaaangh. witness case Mostek
B MIcek, Interpreter case of Mostek, am't
12.10, less tax . ...
US Elliott, for del tax BMieeK
8 10
Fine job work done at The Journal
EatskbUaliea. 1332.
First National Bant,
Capital Stick Paid ii $100,000.00
emem AH mXCTOlS:
A. ANDERSON. Pres't.
J. H. GALLEY. Vice Prea't.
O.T. ROEN. Cashier.
Spring i Summer
We carry goods from the Terjr boat
tnanafactares in the country,
and sell at tbe
Lowest, Living Prices !
9" All oar goods are NEW -and
FRESH, and we can and do guarantee
style, fit and price. Call and see
Clothing, Shoes and
Gents' firnishing
. v jtVi .
. J v-
.j. s.