The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, June 10, 1896, Image 1

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the sea.
And stretcheth off
to a far coun
tree In the realms of the
old, romantic
" sl moon.
" s "Where evening Is
morning, and
midnight noon!
Then lovers away on the bright moon
Each happy two with a tiny sail,
In a silver waste with stars above,
And nothing to do but love and love.
The great, kind moon, like a sphere of
Sft-ings down to the rim of the sea each
Finding ever some bark with a happy
Bringing all the world though it brings
but two.
Then lovers away on the bright moon
Soft breezes arc sighing to fill your
There arc stars beneath and stars
And nothing to do but love and love.
The moon trail hshtcth the sea of life
For lovr and maiden, for lover anc
And it's joy to sail down its sbimmery
Just two together, forever and aye.
Then lovers away on the bright moon
.. Each happy twain with a tiny sail,
For there's naught so sweet in heaven
Or the earth beneath, as to love and
New York Tribune.
Such a mite as it was, to be sure!
Such absuitl little hands that flew here
and there, now after a dancing sun
lam, now clutching the bright, round,
brass buttons of the officer's great coat
What eyes, like twin sapphires, that
t-ninkled and gleamed so softly antler
the brown lashes! How tiny the white-s-hod
reel that kicked against the wide
chair, In which the policeman had
placed its royal babyship!
"Guess you ain't acquainted with
I olice stations," said the sergeant, "but
you seem pretty much at home, just
the same."
"Cudga, cmlga, cudga," it answered.
"Da-da, da-da. dada."
"Ve hear all sorts of languages here,
but we don't seem to understand you,"
iemarked one of the officers. Then,
turning to a fellow-policeman, he
asked: "Where did you find the kid?"
"I didn't. It found me. I guess its
mammy was a-shoppin and it must
have walked out of a store. Anyhow,
I never caught sight of it until it trotted
oirt ml? the street and took hold o' my
hand. I waited round with it a long
time, hopin' its mammy would come
for it. and then I brought it here."
"Blame me, if it ain't the dandiest
youngster I ever clapped eyes on!" put
in the sergeant, as the absurd little
hand patted the silver star on the ser
geant's coat.
"Seems to be well togged out, too;
ain't no ordinary, everyday kid, judgin'
l)y its clothes."
' The object of this conversation now
held up its short little arms and wrin-
kled up its face. The tiny lips began
lo. quiver as no inovc was made to take
"Blamed if I dare hold you!" said the
sergeant. "I'd break you somewhere or
let you drop and then where'd you be?"
"Da-da, da-da-da, cudga, cudga," it
answered. The sergeant stooped and
' looked into the sapphire eyes. The
- r-l
cyz . ny
-.-irtt!e arms closed around the red, fat
neck and the tiny mouth smiled in baby
happiness. The sergeant's big awk
ward hands gathered the bundles of
white cashmeres and lace up into a
clumsy heap and its babyship cooed
haprily over the shoulder of the blue-
Half a dozen policemen were now ar-
"dcnt admirers of the precocious lost
one. and devoted themselves, with ap-
, -parent willingness, to entertaining it.
-They shook their grimy fingers in its
pinkish face, for they found that this
! action brousht forth gurgles and grins
and evidences of keen enjoyment.
. - Dougherty, the oldest and most digni
fied man on the force, even went so far
as to do an awkward sort of a shuffling
. jig. which not only amused the child,
hut set the rest of the officers into a
loud and hilarious fit of laughing.
Few lest children (and many were
brought there to the dusty, smoky station-house)
reccn ed so much attention.
They usually howled lustily or sat with
scared, frightened faces in terrified
. silence, until they were turned over
to the police matron to await the com
ing of the always frantic parents. But
this small, sapphire-eyed, gurgling,
cooing bit of humanity was an aston
ishing exception to the rule. It not
only made itself perfectly at home, but
recognized that it was among friends,
and therefore exhibited its good nature
and cunning expressions of happiness
and satisfaction. By and by, it bad
passed from one officer to another nntil
each one had had the honor of seeing
"the chubby fingers dabble and play
with .the brass buttons and glittering
"Old Dougherty was the last one to
whose care its babyship was given. He
put it on the floor and the white shoes
pattered up and down the room while
the "goo-gco-goo" continued, as if the
babe were anxious to have its entire
. audience completely aware that 'while
the tongue was not educated, the mall
feet were accomplished.
"I'll bet my hat," ventured the ser
geant, as he looked through his wire
cage. Til bet my hat it will be A
mighty scared woman that Comes (of
this kid."
"I'd give tne month's salary." caW
Dougherty, "be jabers, if Oi bad its
loike." Then brushing his gray beard
against the pink cheek, he took up the
bundle of white stuff and carried it to
the window, where the sapphire eyes
looked out and blinked merrily at the
passers-by. The sergeant sniffled and
blew his nose vigorously. He had sud
denly remembered that, many years
ago, Dougherty had lost his three chil
dren In some frightful accident.
The plump fingers ran along the win
dow glass and the white-hooded head
nodded at the stream of people that
hurried by. But no one noticed, and
Dougherty was aboul to plan some new
amusement, when a well-dressed man
caught sight of the baby's face and then,
nervous and excited, ran into the sta-
"How came this child here?" he de
manded, almost fiercely, as he took the
little creature into his arms and pressed
kisses on the dimpled fists. "1 am the
child'8 father. Tell me, quickly, how
came she here?"
"Number 746 found It in the middle
of the street," answered the sergeant,
referring to the register. "It was at
the corner of S and M . in the
busiest part of the shopping district.
"My God! It's a wonder she wasn't
crushed to death by the cars or trampled
under horses hoofs."
There was a hurried opening of the
station house door, the rustle of silk
en skirts, and a white-faced, trembling
woman appeared. At the sight of the
man and child, she etood as if too be
wildered and paralyzed to speak. Then,
the bundle of lace and the white hood
and the small shoes began to squirm,
and, in another moment the baby was
running toward its mother, who now
was softly weeping. She clasped the
child in her arms, and the sergeant
noticed that Dougherty drew his rough
sleeve over his eyes and then hurriedly
left the room.
It seemed strange, thought the ser
geant, that the mother and the father
of the child appeared so distant. He
was still more bewildered when the
child's father lifted his hat and said:
"Shall I take Muriel to the carri
age?" and the mother answered, half
"If you will be so kind."
Then they thanked the sergeant for
his kindness and passed out into the
At the carriage door the man assisted
his wife into the vehicle and then
handed the baby to her. She nodded
her head in silent thanks. He again
lifted his hat and was soon lost In the
crowd of passers-by.
That night a woman with a heavy.
sorrowful heart knelt by the side of her
baby's cradle and wept b:tteily.
For the first time in several weeks
she had been face to face with the man
whom she had loved and married; the
man whose child she had cared for so
tenderly, with true motherly affection
and devotion.
Had she but taken the opportunity to
bid him return; had she but begged htm
to end the wretchedness of the past
month! Had her lips but obeyed the
commands of her heart could she for
once have murdered her pride and ex
tended hr hand to him! How different
might their future be!
Such thoughts flew through her mind
with agonizing, tormenting quickness.
There was no world outside her own
heavy heart. Her head fell among the
down coverlets of the cradle and she
sobbed aloud.
She did not hear the soft step behind
her. She did not know that some one
had entered the room until au arm was
about her and a beseeching voice was
"Clare! wife! I have returned to beg
forgiveness. Please be friends again;
I cannot exist without you please
"It was such a silly quarrel, wasn't
it. dear?" she said, struggling closer to
him and raising her wet eyes to his.
"and yet we were so stubborn I'm sure
we'll never quarrel again, and even if
we do, you won't go away, will you,
and we won't wait a whole month to
make up, will we?"
The tiny creature in the cradle
moved. The small arms reached out
and clutched at the silken hangings of
the canopy. Two sapphire eyes opened
and looked at the man and woman to
whom the happiness of renewed love
had come.
A Cnrloas Conrt Scene.
A strange scene was that which took
place in a San Francisco court room one
day this week. Mrs. Virginia McMullin
had brought suit for maintenance
against her husband, Thurlow McMull
in. They were married in 1S71. A
son was born to them in 1S73 and they
separated in 1S77. During all these
years they have remained apart and
the son testified to this effect. His
father was seated a few feet from him
but the son swore that he had never
seen him to know him. "I may have
passed him on the street.' said the son,
"but I never knew it if I did." In the
evidence it also came out that the
father was employed in Tillman &.
Bendell's and the son in Baker &. Ham- '
ilton's, two business houses only a few
blocks apart. It seems extraordinary
that in a city the size of San Francisco J stacle until they pile up there in vast
two human beings so closely related glowing masses, and are swept past it
as are a father and son should pass 'n gyrating currents and eddies infin
twenty years in ignorance of one ilel wilder and grander than the lap
another's identity. San Francisco Ar- i JnS waters in the Niagara whirlpool
gonaut, j gorge.
j Swifter and swifter fly the streaming
.Too ExpeosiTe. ' clouds as the equator of the planet is
Fond Mother I am not going to
allow our Jennie to come out into so
ciety until she can do it welL She must
have the best debut or none at al.
Father Well, I'll see how debuts are
quoted this morning, but I can tell you
this much this will be the first, last
and only debut I'll ever buy for her.
Texas Sifter.
A Gentle Hlat.
Hubby How do you suppose the say
ing "There is nothing new under the
sun" ever originated? Wife Really,
I don't know, unless some woman who
wore a bonnet like mine said it to her
husband. Household Words.
Tne human body has 240 bones.
sdME Wonders o"f life
Men Sixty Feet TU aad Heavy la Pro
portlea Garrett P. SerrUs, the Fam
ous Astronomer cm the Scientific
HOEVER lifts tip
his eyes td the
starry heavens
these evenings must
be struck by the
appearance of. the
great planet Jupi
ter, outshining all
the fixed stars, and
glowing with a rich
yellow light, high
in the southwest.
near the twin stars Castorand Pollux,
of the constellatidii Gemini; Happy the
man who has a telescope with which to
view the giant planet and td behold its
immense belts of alternate rosy and
golden clouds, and its broad polar re
gions, shading to the color of blued
Put the earth up there in the place of
Jupiter and the naked eye would with
difficulty be abie to see it. Jupiter is
1,300 times larger than the earth in bulk
or volume, and its surface area exceeds
tha.t of the earth about 120 times.
It would seem as if the ancients must
have had some inkling of the fact that
'that planet is the largest of all tne
worlds that revolve around the sun
when they bestowed upon it the name
of the greatest of the gods.
We have almost no evidence what
ever touching of the nature of the ma
terials of Jupiter. The spectroscore
cannot aid us, because Jupiter does not
shine by its own light, and the sunlight
reflected from it comes from the upper
surface of its dense clouds, and conse
quently makes no revelations concern
ing what lies beneath.
But the telescope shows that Jupiter
is covered with wonderful clouds con
tinually changing in shape, and mure
or less In color; that these clouds float
in an atmosphere of great depth, and
that they form perhaps successive I'iy-
if (uir&fliu.
ers of varying density, which may oe
separated by comparatively olnar
spaces. Appearances havjj been noticed
on Jupiter such as would be produced
by the shadowg of great clouds, a
broad as some of our continent!", falling
upon otherclouds floating hundreds of
miles beneath them.
If these appearances are not decep
tive Jupiter's clouds evidently float at.
proportionally, a far greater elevation
than those of the earth. The "highest
of our clouds are, perhaps, ten miles
above the earth; the loftiest clouds on
Jupiter may be a thousand miles high.
And these tremendous clouds are
swept along by belts of wind that arc
no less wonderful. Jupiter turns very
fast on its axis, notwithstanding its
enormous size. It takes less than ton
hours to make a complete rotation.
while the little earth requires twenty
four hours. On the equator of Jupiter
everything is flying around at the rate
of 4o0 miles in a minute! The resulting
centrifugal strain is so great that the
equatorial parts of the vast planet
bulge and swell out thousands of miles.
Jupiter is more than 5,000 miles
broader through its equator than
through its poles!
All things must there experience a
powerful and resistless tendency urg
ing them toward the equator. If the
planet turned about three times faster
than it does, objects would weigh noth
ing at all along the equator.
The effect of this fearful velocity of
rotation is shown by the streaks and
lins of clouds that the telescope re
veals surrounding Jupiter. At one
place in the southern hmisphere there
is an immense, mysterious, fiery-looking
mass, as large in extent as the
whole curface of the earth, which dur
ing the past eighteen years has been
thrust up among the rushing and tum
bling clouds in one of the great trade
wind belts of Jupiter. By actual ob
servation the clouds are hurled against
the western end of that mysterious ob- t
approached. Great globe-shaped
masses, gleaming in the sunlight, rrll
and pitch in the mighty onward cur
rents. Through the comparatively
clear spaces glimpses are obtained of
other cloudlands deep beneath, filled
with other strange hurrying shapes, all
whirling madly on as if racing for a
goal. Whatever else may or may not
be said of Jupiter, at any rate, it is pre
eminently the world of clouds and
windj and tempests.
Can we, then, imagine inhabitants in
such a world of turmoil and unrest "as
! Jupiter is? It depends entirely upon
what we mean by inhabitants. It is
evident that such beings as we are could
not live there, unless it is true that
deep beneath Jupiter's world of clouds
and cyclones is hidden another globe
resembling the earth. On such a globe,
sd placed; inhabitants mor flr less like
those of this earth could iive: .
The great many-storied dome of
clouds above them would, perhaps, be
just what they needed in order to ob
tain a- comfortable degree of heat in
their far-away planet. For we must
remember that Jupiter is about five
times as far from the sun as the earth
is, and that, consequently, the sunlight
and the sunhcat on Jupiter arc twenty
five times less effective than on the
This is because the intensities of
light and heat varj inversely as the
square of the distance.
"With a comparatively open and
cloudless atmosphere like ours the heat
from the sun would quickly be lost by
being radiated away into space, and the
inhabitants of Jupiter would shiver and
freeze in a worse than Arctic climate.
But with such an atmosphere as they.
have surrounding them It is not im
probable that the effect 6f the greater
distance of the sun may be compen
sated by the capacity of the atmosphere
itself to retain and, so to speak, entrap
the heat for the benefit of the inhabi
tants. But all this argument proceeds upon
the assumption that such inhabitants
must be framed of just such materi.ils.
possessing just sucli density as compose
our bodies. Manifestly that assump
tion is purely gratuitous. As we Tiave
already seen, the average density of
things in Juriter is much less than up
on the earth, and we are not certain
that its constituent materials may not
be as widely variant in nature from
those of our planet.
Wc have perfect justification, then,
for assuming, if we choose, that the in
habitants of Jupiter are shaped from
substances very different from, and
much more ctherial than, ihose
that compose our bodies. That argu
ment would not in any manner
affect the spiritual or intellectual side
of their nature. There is no demon
strable reason why an intelligent being
might not be made out of something else
than the water and carbon and other
elements comprised in the human
If we accept the .ieV that the spirit
of man. which is the real essence of his
being, is of a nature and composition so
fine as to transcend all the coarper laws
that govern the visible world; then
is there any reason why upon a planet
liko JupitPi- such a spirit may not b en
closed in a body as tenuous as vapor
even, or as light as cork?
Grant that, and it is easy to see that,
no matter how much greater the force
of gravity may be upon Jupiter than
upon the earth, mortal beings could be
formed, even out of the range of nat
ural elements known to us. who might
be suitably proportioned to gravitation,
even though they should attain a com
parative stature as gigantic in relation
to ours as the stature of Jupiter him
self is when placed tide by side with
the little earth.
Not only is there something far
more satisfactory to the imagination in
conceiving of gigantic inhabitants
dwelling upon so stupendous a world,
rather than in thinking of them as mere
pigmies, but in thus considering them
as giants amid gigantic surroundings,
we do less violence to the general order
of nature.
Let me, as a kind of apology for thus
venturing into the fields of imagination
that lie glittering just beyond the farth
est outposts of science, quote what one
of the founders of modern science has
said about the possible inhabitants of
another great world, only less in size
than Jupiter, and which now also
adorns our evening skies, Saturn.
These are the words of Sir Huhphrey
Davy, in the chapter called "The Vis
ion" in his beautiful "Consolation in
Travel, cr the I.ast Days of a Philoso
pher." Conducted by a guiding Genius
he is hovering above the planet Saturn:
"I saw moving on the surface below
me immense masses, the forms of which
I find it impossible to describe. They
had systems for locomotion similar to
those of the morse or sea-horse, but I
saw with great surprise that they moved
from place to place by six extremely
tnin meoranes, wnich they used as
wings. Their colors were varied and
beautiful, but principally azure and
rose color.
"I say numerous convolutions of
tubes more analogous to the trunk of an
elephant than to anything else I can
imagine, occupying what I supposed to
be the upper parts of the body, and my
feeling of astonishment almost became
one of disgust from the peculiar char
acter of the organs of these singular be
ings, and it was with a species of ter
ror that I saw one of them mounting
upward, apparently flying towards
those opaque clouds which I have be
fore mentioned. 'I knowwhat your feel
ings are,' caid the Genius. 'You want
analogies and all the elements of knowl
edge to comprehend the scene before
you. But those beings who
appear to you almost as imperfect in
their functions as the zoophytes of the
polar sea have a sphere of sensibility
and intellectual enjoyment far superiar
to that of the inhabitants of your earth.
Each of those tubes which appear like
the trunk of an elephant Is an organ of
peculiar motion or sensation. They
have many modes of perception of
lch you are wholly Ignorant and at
same time their sphere of vision is
hitely indre extended than yours
their 6rgans' of touch" far more per'
and exSui'stte: fheif
Mrces of pleasure are 6f the highest
intellectual nature. As I can
Mt describe to you the organs of these
wonderful beings, so neither can I show
fn their modes of life. But as their
kighest pleasures depend upon Intel
lectual pursuits, so you may conclude
tkat these modes of life bear the strict
est analogy to that which on the earth
6U would call exalted virtue.
If 1 were to show you the different parts
f the surface 6f this planel you would
iee marvelous results of the powers"
possessed by those highly intellectual
beings and of the -wonderful manner in
which they have' applied and modified
after.' "
Inspired by the enthusiasm of Sir
Humphrey may we not imagine that
&., inhabitants of Jupiter might sur
pass even those of Saturn on their In
tellectual side, shedding a spiritual il
lumination among their aerial man
sions, which would be the greatest of
all Jupiter's marvels to the watidcfing
visitor from our dim speck, the earta?
iMdtea That Denote Each Year of
Lascioas nifralre' fcsietenc.
it is just as easy to tell the age of an
oyster by looking at its shell as it is to
ascertain the age of a horse by exam
ining his teeth or a tree by inspecting
the circles revealed by the ax or saw
when it was laid low, says the New
York Journal. When the oyster is 6
months old it is as big as a dime.
When 1 year old it will cover a half
dollar and when 2 years old will be
about the cif ctimferenee of Ono of Uncle
Sam's depreciated dollar's. The oyster,
unlike the crab, is not 6bliged td seek
new quarters or build a new house
every time he grows appreciably. The
bivalve's habitation grows with him, he
furnishing the building material. The
extensions that he puts onto his house;
arp clearly marked by a well-defined
ridge, as appears from nn illustration
taken frdm life of a formef denifcen Of
Lynn Haven, who was almost com
pleting the fifth year of peaceful cx-
istence when ruthlessly brought into
the upper world by the oysterman'g
tongs. Oysters are esteemed to be af
their best when between 4 and 5 years
of age, and the planters endeavor to
protect the beds or that length of time.
Conscientious oystermen that is, men
who are not Inclined to kill the goose
that lays the golded egg always re
turn to the beds oysters that are too
young, but in case a patriarch is
brought up over whose shell the tides
of eight to twelve winters and sum
mers have ebbed and flowed he is sent
to markti whre he i put at the' bot
tom of the heap and sold with his
younger and more luscious companions.
Such an oyster gets into the soup
Running to Waste.
"The best thing about these new
waists," began Dora. Then she dis
covered David's arm.
"That isn't what I was going to say,"
she murmured with a blush, "but
but,' she added softly, 'it will answer.''
If soot is dropped on a carpet throw
down an equal quantity of salt and
sweep off all together.
Fruit stains can be eradicated by
oxalic acid, and should be seen to at
once while the stain i3 freah.
Always put the fctigar Used in a tart
in the renter of the fruit, not on the
top; it makes the crust sodden.
Frying pans should always be scoured
with salt directly after they have been
used, and wiped clean with a clcth.
Pastry is lighter if mixed with a knife
instead of the hand, and rolled with a
glass bottle instead of a rolling pin.
When an iron bedstead creaks with
each movement of the aleepsr take out
the laths and wrap the end of each in
a newspaper.
To prevent lamp chimneys from
cracking put them into a kettle of boil
ing water, gradually heat It till It
and then let it as gradually cool.
It is not generally known that rats
cannot resist sunflower seeds. A trap
baited with these seeds is the most
efficacious method of catching rats.
Milk will take out ink stains from
boards, cotton and other fabrics if used
before dried in. Soak in a little mi:k
and then wash in the ordinary way.
To remove scorch caused by an over
heated iron, soak the article at once in
cold water for half an hour, then rub
gently between the bands and rinse in
clean water.
Paint stains on clothing are difficult
to remove when once they have dried
In but with persistent use of benzine
and spirits of turpentine obstinate
stains are removed.
Stoves and ranges should be kept free
from soot in all compartments. A
dirty, clogged hot air passage will pre
vent any oven from baking well or the
water from heating. -. -
Several Preatteeat Eareyeaa ItotMMa
Emptor Sack Safegaartf.
From 1885 to the time of his derfin
'the !at6 eskf of Russia, Alexander III.,
never appeared Mtsidt his bedroom
and study without a ln6 stf 1 stilt f
mail, which would protect his tdy
back and front, between his collar bone
and his loins, from the dagajtr of the
assassin. Excepting his Talet aad bis
wife, says the Philadelphia Evening
Telegraph, nobody had seen his suit
of mail, as it was worn between. the
underclothes and uniform, but the
czar's unwillingness to go even to a
cabinet council without it was an open
secret in all the courts of Europe. Bis
marck at one time wore such a coat, as
did also Stambouloff and Crlspi. The
Italian premier, indeed, as we have
before noted, still wears for protection
from the issaslsa's ballet or knife a
light shirt of mail of double thickness
over the heart. None of these men,
however, resorted to such precaution
until repeated attempts at assassina
tion had been made. True it is that
"uneasy lies the head that wears a
crown." Nicholas II. of Russia has
waited for no such attempt on his life.
Ever since the fast arrests of nihilist
students at Odessa he has worn a nhirt
of nickel and steel, onerous as the gar
ment must be to a man of his inferior
physique and lethargic habits. Still
stranger stories of his fear and caution
have penetrated the walls of the im
perial palace and gained credence
among the people of his capital. Al
though no dagger has been laid on his
pillow to unnerve him and no warning
of death has been pot under his dinner
plate to plague him, the czar never
visits his dinner table or bed without
the company of a trusted attendant.
At every door of the dining room and
bed chamber stand a Cossack guard
day and night, and from every dish
that is served at the imperial table a
special watcher in the court kitchen
must eat a mouthful before it is served
to prevent any chance of poisoning.
Men aad Hone.
To tell the truth, all mankind may,
with great clearness, be divided Into
two parts those who understand
horses Hhd those who do not. There
are people whd will drive a nag
all day, nay, who may own one and
use it for years, whose powers Of ob
servation are not sufficiently enlisted
in (he details of the animal to distin
guish it ffbfn any strange horse in the
next stall, unless there be gome gross
difference in color. Such equestrians
will be content to see a fine horse, with
nerves, eyes, muscles and possibilities
for good or evil cashiered in favor of
the dead certainty of a peripatetic
steam ciigihe. The second, smaller and
aside from horse dealers Bore noble
group of individuals' canh6t so much
as enter a fortuitous close cab without
taking unconscious note of the atoclf
ings, the withers, the size and the
facial expression of th creature be
tween the shafts. One whose sympathy
with the Houyhnhnm stands this teat
has fSit th thrill imparted by the re
sponsive spring of 3 glorious saddle
horse, has enjoyed mental conversation
with .the shapely, all-expressive ears
of the sensitive creature, has been fair
ly exalted by mere proximity to the
splendid spirit flf a hard driven thor
oughbred and has quivered with the
same beady drink which brilliant fros
ty mornings have brought to the smok
ing muzzles of his dancing bays, with
their flashing eyes and strong. Curved
necks but is it not absurd to defend a
good horse from a horseless carriage?
Four causes ate assigned for men be
coming tramp's: .First, the drink
habit; second, the love of Wandering;
third, the evil effects' of the in
discriminate huddling together of
men and boys in our jails;
fourth, this saftie indiscriminate mix
ing of country and city boys in our re
formatory schools. The number" 6(
people leading this wandering life in
our country is estimated to be at least
twice the size of the standing army.
P.ev. Alexander Lewis.
Friead ef the Bald Heads.
It is not generally known, although
it ought to be, that G. R. Sims of tan
don is the leader of the great anti-bald
agitation. It is stated that be reckons
td have caused hair to grow on 50,000
bald heads. His recipe is paraffin oil.
tTaelalaaed Deposit.
It has beeti stated, but with doubt
ful authority, that 1230,000,000 is lying
at this moment in the hands of banks
and banking companies in Scotland
in the shape of unclaimed deposits.
The figure of Britannia first appeared
on the copper coins in the reign of
Charles II.
London society has developed a new
craze midnight cycling excursions In
to the city
In London a publisher can have a
book well illustrated throughout for
from 123 to $250.
There is one firm in Birmingham put
ting out a thousand fiint guns every
week for the African trade.
Sets in combinations from 5 dozen to
40 dozen individual pieces and seventy
odd serving pieces are included among
the Eeason'3 wedding presents.
Cork is the third most important of
Spanish exports. In the province of
Gerona alone it is estimated that 198,
000 acres are devoted to tne cultivation
of cork trees, which produce about 20,
000 tons, valued at $8,000,000.
Scotland's Sabbath is losing its sanc
tity. Driving, cycling and golf on Sun
day have now been followed by a vote
of the Glasgow corporation throwing
open the public bath houses for four
hours on Sunday morning.
Fogs are more frequent in October
and November than at any other period
of the year, because, besides the
evaporation from seas, rivers and
lakes, there is a constant exhalation
from the ground in the form of vapor.
Arabian women, when they are
obliged to go Into mourning, not only
stain their bands and feet with indigo
for eight days, but drink no milk dur
ing the same period, on the ground that
its hue does not harmonize with their
mental gloom.
A few drop 4t tincture ef aeuefm la
k howl of water k an admirable tonic
for tie face. The fcensoin whiten the
skin and prevents it from wrinkling.
Soaps and gravies must never at any
time be left in the stewpans or sauce
pans; when finished cooking they most
be poured into earthen pans or basins.
It takes more than twice as much
sugar to sweeten preserves and sauces
if put In when they begin to cook than
it does if the sugar is added after the
cooking is done.
De not put a coat or dress away with
duet in the folds or plaits. Shake the
garment well and brush with a soft
whisk broom, for dust is never so easily
removed as at first.
In case of a long Illness the bach
la Hable to become chafed; to prevent
the skin breaking beat the white of an
egg to a strong froth and add two
teaspeeafals of brandy; apply with a
For canker sore month one table
epoenful of salt, one of alum, half a
teaspoonfnl of borax and 33 much blue
vitriol, twe tablespoonfuls of honey and
a pint of strong cider vinegar. Sim
mer over a slow fire In an earthen
vessel, then put into bottles. Use this
frequently with a swab.
To Keep the Hair in Curl. Two
ounces of borax, 1 dram of gum arable,
1 quart hot but not boiling water. Stir
together. As soon as all are dissolved
add 3 tablespoonfuls of strong spirits of
camphor. On retiring wet the hair
with this liquid and roll in twists of
paper. Do not disturb till morning,
then untwist.
Fried mushrooms. Select large,
fresh mushrooms; remove skin and
stems; roll in cracker meal, season with
salt; fry in boiling hot butter, and
serve hot.
Potato balls. Mash cold boiled pota
toes; season with salt and pepper; make
into little balls. Dip first into beaten
eggs, then in grated bread crumbs, and
fry In boiling fat.
Cabbage salad. Shred one-half hoad
of a small cabbage; cover with strong
salted water; let stand one-half hour
and drain; put in a salad bowl and pour
over plain dressing; garnish with hard
boiled eggs sliced In rings.
Cream Scalloped Fish. Take cold
boiled or baked fish. Boil one pint of
milk with half an onion, cut in two;
while boiling stir in perfectly smooth
one and one-fourth tablespoonfuls of
flour; when boiled take out onion and
stir in one-half cup butter. Butter a
deep earthen dish. Put in first a layer
of bread crumbs and a very little cheese
if liked. Bake from half to three-quarters
of an hour.
From the Time?, Oswego. N. T.
Probably no man Is better known or
more highly respected in Oswego, X. T.,
than the HeV. WHam Young, of the
Methodist church. Mr. Young holdB a
responsible position with the Oswego
City Savings Bank, where he has been
an employe for the past twenty years.
In the spring Of 1894 Mr. Young
looked as If his time on earth was lim
ited but. Instead of failing aa was pre
dicted, he soon gained a more healthy
look and appeared stronger. As the
months went by this Improvement con
tinued, until flow he Is as rugged and
apparently as healthy as a young man
Of thirty, although his gray locks de
note a more advanced age. A Times
reporter, determined to find out what
had made this great change, called
upon Mr. Young at the bank and put
the question djrect and received the
following reply:
"In truth I am a changed man. and I
Owe tay present good health to Dr. Wil
liams' Plnh Pills. In the spring of
1894 I was all run down and had com
menced to think that my time had
come. 1 had to be prescribed for by
physlclans. aKd although I received
temporary relief, the Sam- old trouble
came back again and I was worse than
before. I bad no strength or appetite,
and physically I was id a miserable
eondltion. After my work I would go
home, but the general lassitude which
hung over tee left me without any am
bition, and when 1 would go to the table
to eat, my appetite failed me and I
would have to leave without taking
hardly any nourishment. My kidneys
Were also badly affected, and I was In
httef despair. One day. here at the
batik, 1 happened to pick up one of the
local papers, and my eye fell on the ad
vertisement of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills.
The advertisement gre a description
of a man who. afflicted an I then was.
had been cured by using Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills. I was not a believer In that
kind of doctoring, but concluded as a
last resort to try a box of the pills, mak
ing up my flllftd that if they did not
help me I certainly would not be in
jured any. Going to a drug store I pur
chased a box of Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills and commenced taking them ac
cording to directions. Very soon after
I began to feel better and I saw I had
made no mistake 1ft trying the pills, and
before the first box was emptied I ff It
so much Improved that I immediately
purchased another. I had taken sven
boxes of the pills, and at the end of last
summer I felt I was entirely cured and
discontinued their use, but always keep
ft box handy if occasion requires. I
am now entirely cured. The lassitude
has left me. my kidneys are all rlht
and my appetite well, you should see
me at the tabl. I am a new man
again, and Instead of feeling like a man
of fifty, which Is my age. I feel liko a.
youngster of twenty, and I give Pink
Pills the full credit for this great
change. I have recommended these" pills
to several of my neighbors and ac
quaintances, who have been relieved of
their complaints."
Subscribed and sworn to before me
this 25th day of May. 1S95.
Notary Public.
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills contain all
the elements necessary to give new llf?
and richness to the blood and restore
shattered nerves. They are for sale by
all druggists, or be had by mail from
Dr. Williams' Medicine Company.
Schenectady. N. Y.. for 50 cents per bos.
or six boxes for J2.30.
C. 8. Grant" Canatle Reply.
Gen. Grant, while walking out in the
suburbs of Washington, frequently
met a butcher driving a horse, to
which he took a strong liking. After
much negotiation he bought the animal,
and had it taken to his stable, where
one day Senators Conkling and Jones
were invited to look at the new pur
chase "Well, gentlemen, how do you
like the new horse?" asked Grant, after
the animal had been inspected. "How
much did you give for him, Mr. Presi
dent?" asked Conkling. "Four hun
dred dollars." "I'd rather have the
fonr hundred dollars than the horse."
rejoined Conkling. "That's what the
butcher thought," coolly remarked
Grant, puffing out a cloud of smoke;
"put him back into the stall, John."
San Francisco ArgonanL
Every thoroughbred is atlo to make bis
salad drawing.
5 HarllaPaaB
MaMilLitT aa tlal fliesSafa
-, ftttbttttlnlEsbtt
Bli t ifUMmf : tiotiff.
omens akd directors!
Leahdeb Gekrakd, Prea't,
B. H. Hzxky, Vice Prest, '
If. Brcqqxk, Cashier. '
Joiut Stauffek, Wm. ISucher.
AitNrizH Capital if - 500,030
Paiili Capital, 90,000
C. H.SHELDON. Prcs't.
H. P. H. OEULRIon. Vice Prea.
DANIEL SCflKAM. Cashier.
FKANK KOUEU,Ass'l Cashier
C. n. Snr.unoy, II. V. II Or.iit.nicn.
Jonas Welch, W. A. McAlli!teu,
Caul. RiMic, S. c. Ckav.
Fuank Koheu.
Gerhard Loseke, J. Hn.Mtv Wcrdcman,
Clark Okay. Henry Loskrk.
Daniel Sciikav. Cfo. Calley.
A. F. 11. OEiiLHicn J. T. BrcKER Estate,
Rebecca Decker, II. M. Wi.nslow.
aakef deposit; latoreat allowed on tlmo
deposits; buy and sell exchange on United
States aad Europe, and buy and sell avail
able securities. We shall be pleased to re
ceive your business. We solicit your pat
ronage. A weekly newspaper de
voted the best interests of
The State of Nebraska
ma is
1.50 A YEAR,
Batoarliatftef wefalaeea
fa not preeeribei by dollars
and cents. Sample copies
sent free to say address.
CfflHS : a4 : Metallic : Cases !
Hi" iZepairtag of all kinds of Uphol
tlery Goods.
Columbus journal
i nxrAXTD to rounsH axrmisa
j., a. HW Teak
mi"iaw am y am L
12 &&AbZ