The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, May 13, 1896, Image 4
fS-Jsji-in-if- - . fS'Srr &!&&$' Ifi That Extremetired feelingafflicts nearly every body at this season. The hostlers cease to posh, the tireless grow weary, the ener- . ' getic become enervated. You know just . what we mean. Some men and women . endeavor temporarily to overcome that Tired Feeling by great force ol will. But this is unsafe, as it palls powerfully upon the .nervous syEtem, which will not long stand such strain. Too many people " work on theirnerves," and the result is seen in un fortunate wrecks marked "nervous proa- tmtion," in every direction. That tired Feel- ing is a positive proof of thin, weak, Im pure b!ood; for, if the blood is rich, red, vitalized and vigorous, it imparts lifeand energy to every nerve, organ and tissue of the body. The necessity of taking Hood's Sarsaparilla for that tired feeling is, therefore, apparent to every one, and the good it will do you is equally beyond question. Remember that Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the One True Wood Purifier. All druggists, ft. Tri-jured only !y C I. Hood & Co., Lon ell. Mass. aru easy to take, easy flOOuS FlllS to operate. 35 cents. (4 Just as Good 11 t never yet equalled the x .j& BIAS VELVETEEN SKIRT BINDING. Simply refuse tiie "just as good " sort. If your dealer will set BpIy you we will. Sample showing labels and material mmUtt from. "Home Dressmaking." a new book by Mias Emma M. Hdoper of the Ladies Home Journal, isllm how lo put on Bias Velveteen Skirt Bind ings sent for 25c postage paid. S. H. &. M. Co.. P. O. Box 699 N. Y. CHy. One of the health-giving ele ments of HIRES Rootbeer is sarsaparilla. It contains more sarsaparilla than many of the preparations called by that name HIRES the best by any lest. Ma.trcmlr Ijt Tl Tmlc K. Hire G.. PliiU lrtLa. A ic uAar main 6 c.llooi. hll crrjhCT. HOW mmy diffaraat advartiaaaaeata af COLUMBI BICYCLES HAVE YOU SEEN? The variety of Colum bia Bicycle advertising -is great. AH the good points of Cblumhias, all the delight of riding them, cannot be fully described in any one advertisement, nor in a hundred. We wish to know how nunv snnattnrptnpntc can reach any one person, and so offer i COLUMBIA PQI7r BICYCLE as a 111 Jaaaa to whoever shall send us the greatest numlicr of different Columbia Bicycle advertisements clipped from newspapers or magazines issued since Jan. I, 1896. M.-inyndtotiscnients differ onlv in a word or to; others in the style of type; distinct variations oily. However, will be counted. Kach advertisement must have plainly niiaciira 10 it tne name ana date of the news paper or magazine from which it is clipped. euaraie entries cannot lie combined. Entne. must lie received by us at Hartford on or before Tuesday. June 30. 1B96. In case of a tie. the award will lie made according to pnoniy 01 rrceipi ana entry, -rtaaress artneat at Statiatica, POPE MFG. CO.. Hartfar. Caaa. :CUf"SLASHl f SMOKING TOBACCO, f f 2 oz. for 5 Cents. f I CUT-SLASH i f CHEROOTS-3 for 5 Cento, f 9 Give a Good. Mellow, Healthy, f Pleasant Smoke. Try Them. f LVOV t CI TOr.lCfO WOCiS, Nrtia, I C. f WELL MACHINERY Illustrated eataloeno Showing- WELL AUGEBS. BOCK PHIX.LS, H YPKSUUC AM' JKTT1 MAUUlMJiY. etc Marrraaa. Bare ooeu tcatea ana uinamxatea. Sioux City hnirine and Iron Worl, Sucsrsnor to Pr-h Mfp. o. SImk fitjr. Iara. Tu; nowtLtA. Ol se Maciiixfjit CO- 1111 Up-t Kleicnt'i S-trwt, Kaoaa Cltv M. WE HAVE NO agents. rumrrtt vtiolerale price. hlp anjwln rr for examin ation lieznrr .air. Evry thin: warTantnL 100 My Irs of rarriam. SO Mylr of iainn.llt;lnIWaiM lit.. W rlt- for catalogue. 'lUMIT caBauuta ata. aa9 UV. CO., KUUUXT. w. n. nuTr, secy. isa. UbbltO Sunrs fur tTV. lOOrtylrs. Got variety of w-cond band Carriit and Wagons. Soboiy !. on elo rminniA IKt:HKONl CAIUUAGE OQL Attn and Harney bU. OmaAa OK Mali Sraae dtlt4i t Ah,vtm QOlD it lowrM whucoale piice. $W BICYCLES! M7M.'i Wrs mlns rr. A37.M. 1 a3 FaorttrJUO Latrst Mud- JcllreK.eiBhtJS-ail-- " forCataloeoc. " mThaSDT CO.. UFraAaSi..OinAa. Xeb l4fmiJH!VWJ :a BBaIVIaVIV ITAMlitHartaiBU nvra1 c m B Jik -Jalaat war. ISadjtMLcaUasclAiais. att siuco. 6RIPPLE CREEK Write for what you want to THE MECHEX IN VESTMENT CO.. Mininc Exchange. Deaver, Colo. - WHISKY " - -a fsas. Br. a. JL mtUIT, AnuSTa, Ca. W. N. U., OMAHA-19-1896 When writing to advertisers, kindly mention this paper. vHsiw B amtaaa. SoMbrdraartrta. What Bloctrie Carraat faaipa m Back, The possibility of teleffrapniap tbrooffk space, which was f ally dem onstrated last years by W. H. Preece, has been tBrned to aceonnt in a most effective way for aaaintaininr com- manication between the mainland aad the Fasnet lighthouse, on the south west coast of Ireland. Formerly the difficulties of carrying' a telegraph cable ap an exposed rock, where it was sub ject to constant chafing, were almost insurmountable. The non-continuous system is now used, and works admira bly. The cable terminates in the water sixty yards off, and the electric cur rents, sent from the shore, find thejr way through the distance to two bare wires they dip into the sea from the rock. Chicago Record. A Cjale'a Opinion. Launtcr in the St, James1 Budget says of woman: 'The morbid craving for notoriety that women exhibit in their various spheres of life is a singular interesting study. Thej- are ready to take up any fad that will put them in evidence. "I know women who would lead a dancing bear down Regent street for the sake of creating a sensation. "The striving after originality (in dress) has reached such an acute stage that the real originality lies in being quite natural. 'They want to be talked about," says the author, "and create what the Yankees call a 'splurge.' " Good Roads Schema. The latest scheme for good roads, that of laying tracks of broad steel rails along country roads and city streets, for the wheels of vehicles to run on, thus greatly increasing the traction power of horses and the gen eral comfort and convenience of driv ing and trucking, was suggested by Gov. Wertz, of New Jersey, in his last message, lie says a horse will draw on such a steel track twenty times as much as on a dirt road and five times as much as on macadam. The unani mity with which drivers of all manner of vehicles in the city streets take to the car tracks clearly illustrates the idea. Three striking contributions to the May Atlantic are the opening number of a series of letters from Dante Ga briel Rossetti to William Allingham, ably edited by George Kirk beck Hill, with a delightful autobiographical sketch of Allingham; Kendric Charles Rabcock's discussion of The Scandina vian Contingent, being the third paper in the scries on race characteristics in American life; and an anonymous pa per of Mr. Olney's fitness for the Presi dency. Fiction is represented by a further installment of Henry James' The Old Things, and a striking one part story of western life by Mary Hal lock Footc, entitled Pilgrim Station. Poems, book reviews, and the nsual departments complete the issue Houghton, Mifflin &. Ca, Boston. An Knarnou Tie. The inhabitants of Denby Dale, near Huddersfield have begun to prepare for the making of another of their famous pies. It is to be held in commemora tion of the report of the corn laws in 1810. and it has been decided to hold the celebration on Saturday, Aug. 1. At the next meeting of the committee plans of the oven and pic-dish will be submitted, and, if approved, tenders will be invited from the boiler makers fur the dish, and the work will be put in hand at once. It is proposed to make the dish ten feet long, six feet six inches broad, and one foot deep Westminister Gazette (London.) Fil'iard tab'e, second-hand, for sale cheap. Arj'lv to or address, H. C. Akin. ill S. I'-th St, Omaha, NeU The announcement of Mark Twain's authorship ot "Personal Recollections of Joan of Arc" adds interest to the in timate sketch of Mr. Clemens by his friend and pastor. Rev. Joseph II. Twichcll, of Hartford, with which the May number of Harper's Magazine opens. The frontispiece to the num ber is a portrait of Mark Twain, en graved from his latest photograph, and the paper is illustrated with sketches, by Childe Hassam. of the home of the humorist at Hartford and his study at Elmira. Truth never hluhcs whin you loo': it in the face. Gladness Comes With a better understanding of the transient nature of the many phys ical ills, which vanish before proper ef forts gentle efforts pleasant efforts rightly directed. There is comfort in the knowledge, that so many forms of sickness are not due to any actual dis ease, but simply to a constipated condi tion of the system, which the pleasant family laxative. Syrup of Figs, prompt ly removes. That is why it is the only remedy with millions of families, andis everywhere esteemed so highly by all who value good health. Its beneficial effects are due to the fact, that it is the one remedy which promotes internal cleanliness without debilitating the organs on which it acts. It is therefore all important, in order to get its bene ficial effects, to note when you pur chase, that you have the genuine arti cle, which is manufactured by tli2 Cali fornia Fig Syrup Co. only and sold by all reputable druggists. If in the enjoyment of good health, and the system "is regular, laxatives or other remedies are then not needed. If afflicted with any acttial disease, one may be commended to the most skillful physicians, but if in need of a laxative, one should liave the best, and with the welMnformed everywhere. Syrup of Figs stands highest and is most largely used and gives most general satisfaction. .-IT Will NfYTDTIRnFr AXABASilH 'msffiSSSF ASK YOUR DEALER FOR W. L. Douglas 3. SHOE BESJo&o!He If jou pay S4 to ST, for shoes, ex- a 4 amine the V. I Douglas Shoe, and P M see hat a good shoe jou can buy for JBV OVER IOO STYLES AND WIDTHS, CONGRESS, tJTTON, and LACE, Made la all ktads of the limt aeierted leather by skilled work 1MB. Ve make and ell more fC Shoes than any other aaanafactarcr is the world. None pcnitine unless name and price is stamped on the bottom. Ask your dealer for our S5, M, S3JW. S3JM, S3.S5 Shoes; SJW.SS and S1.7S for boys. TAKE M SUaSTTTUTE. If your dealer cannot supply yon, send to fac tory, enclosing price and Scents to pay carriage. State kind, style of toe (cap or plain), size and width. Our Custom Dept. will fill your order. Send for new Illus trated catalogue to box is. W. L. DOUGLAS, Brockton, Mass. LiNDSEY. OMAHA RUBBERS! EaaSaffi' aVSsC sf" 1 FARM AND GARDEN. MATTERS OF INTEREST TO AGRICULTURISTS. Soao tra-to-Data Hlata Akoat CalUvar taaat at tho San aad Ytetaa Thoroof -Havtlcmltara, Tattcaltara saw Flort cwltara. HE WAY I GROW all kinds of roots: Plow under all the manure' in the fall you can. Then plow deep in the spring. If your land is shallow, with a clay sub coll, it will take lots of fertilizing to bring It up. As land i3 in good the spring, plow soon as condition the in and drag. Then back furrow into a dead furrow. That will leave a ditch on either side. Now put the near horse In the furrow and set over your plow to the left of the furrow. Catching your eyes in a spot on the corner, and holding it over the furrows, the horse walks in them back on the other side. When jou get the land as wide as con venient, take another dead furrow, and then the center between until you get it all done. If you will look ahead of you, you can make straight rows. If you have coarse manure, it will bother you some, but when you get done it will repay you. Then take the smoothing harrow and run over the rows length wise. Let the driver walk in the fur row. Go over it three or four times, and all of the lumps are in the ditch, the ridges will be a nice oval, and the fine soil on top will be firmed. Sow jour seeds in the center of the ridge. As soon as you get it ready, follow up the drag with your drill, so as not to let the ground dry before your seed drill rollers firm it over. Put In plenty of seed. You can cut them out, but can't always transplant them. I sow beets, mangolds and carrots as soon as the ground is fit Ruta bagas on the 20th of June. The seeds on the ridge will start before the ' ditches. When the weeds start, I take a one-horse plow, put on a rolling coulter, and a slow horse, fix on the clevis so as to hitch low, and go on each side of tho row, taking off one inch, except next to the roots. There I take off three-quarters of an inch, and throw it into the ditch. You can't do fine work with a fast-walking horse, as you don't want 'o leave more than two inches to hand weed. Then, if near town, get some boys, but don't put them to weeding alone. Thin mangolds ten inches to one foot apart. Beets for table use, 6ix inches; carrots, five inches. Then cul tivate, throwing the ground from the center up to the roots and when the weeds start, back with the plow. The one weeding and thinning will be al most all. We go over later, but it is a quick job. The cultivator should be run through often, after every rain if possible. Some other time I will give my method of digging roots. F. D. Burtch. Sauk County, Wisconsin. Michigan Frolt Inttltnte. (From Farmers' Review Special Re port) On Wednesday morning Mr. Morrill continued his talk upon peach growing, discussing the "Cultivation and Care of the Orchard." He advocated giving up the land to the trees after the first year, but favored using the land for one year for some cultivated crop that would draw upon the land after the first of August, as it would aid in ripen ing the trees. The orchard should be plowed in the spring as shallow as pos sible, and should receive a frequent dragging up to the middle of August. By the use of a smoothing harrow or weeder, fifteen or twenty acres can be gone over in a day, and the dust mulch thus formed will do much to hold the moisture through a season of drouth. The first spring he recommended that the strong shoots be headed back, so as to give the weaker ones a chance to develop, all surplus branches being removed. After the first year cut back the new growth from one-half to two thirds, beginning at the top and trim ming out all weak and dead shoots along the, branches. By thus shorten ing the snoots the danger of breaking down of the branches will be lessened and it will be much easier to thin and pick the fruit. Unless pains are taken to remove the extra shoots it will be better not to head back, as the tree top will be too thick. Do the pruning early in the spring, before the buds start, to prevent the exhaustion of the tree by developing an excess of pollen. The thinning of the fruit should be done before pit formation begins, as, if delayed until the pit hardens, it will be a serious drain upon the trees. By thinning the fruit at this time so that they will stand six or eight inches apart, the full vigor will be thrown into those remaining and the crop will be larger and of much greater value than if not thinned. A large tree will often need to have from 3,000 to 4,000 peaches taken from it. To properly prune and thin an eight-year-old peach orchard takes about seventeen and one half days per acre. Mineral manures are particularly de sirable for peach orchards. Stable manure is not desirable for good peach land, but may be used to advantage upon light sands. Wood ashes and ground bone make a complete fertilizer for the peach. They make the fruit buds hardier and the peach cling closer, so that the loss in high winds is great ly lessened. In some soils there seems to be an abundance of potash and wood ashes are reported as producing no effect-By mounding up the trees in the fall the formation of ice about the collar can be prevented, and if it is leveled down in July any eggs or young borers can be readily destroyed. If washes are used care should be taken that they are properly prepared, as much loss has been caused by the application of wash es that were highly commended, but proved so strong as to destroy the trees. Too great care cannot be given to searching for and destroying trees af fected with the yellows. Trees with a single branch, showing the disease are often kept until the fruit is gathered, but this is unsafe, as it may spread the disease to the surrounding' trees. If removed as soon as any indication of the disease can be seen in the fruit It is likely that no harm will follow to the surrounding trees. It is possible that if properly employed Bordeaux mixture may prevent the spread of this dread disease, as many -peach growers who have sprayed their trees to prevent curl leaf and rot report that they have not had yellows, while there has been a considerable loss where trees have not been sprayed. The third talk of Mr. Morrill was upon "Marketing Peaches." The suc cessful fruit-grower of today must, in addition to a practical knowledge of the business, have a knowledge of the sciences 'that relate to the soil and plants. He must, above all, be a good salesman. All fs profit above the fixed charges, and as these are largely the cost ef prod-action, Brack, earn be oftea added to the profit it they cas be cheapened. Yet costly methods .ars often Most profitable, as trees are nut chines, and require a certain power when not doing work, and if, by giYing a little better care a considerable In crease in production la secured, the dif ference will be prolt. r Fraaa a Bo of Laveadarw She who owns a bed of lavender may make it a very pretty and poetical source of pocket money, as well as an artistic delight. From Its fragrant blue depths she can gather many a sil ver dollar in the course of a summer, as its treasures find a ready sale among women who love dainty things. In Southern California good-sized laven der beds keep many women supplied with spending money, for the long, slender stems in blossom sell readily for a cent apiece, and those whose purse of plenty and hours ot leisure admit of luxurious bits of fancy work, see a poetical fitness in working up the lovely old-fashioned flower into choice and dainty articles. For birthday and holiday gifts, and for church fairs and bazaars nothing could be' sweeter than pretty things that can be made from lavender stalks. A beauty-loving little woman has re cently fashioned some exquisite arti cles of fancy work, which are useful, too, in a very dainty way, using as her material long, smooth lavender stalks in bloom and many yards of lavender colored baby-ribbon. With, taste and skill her deft fingers wove in and out, between the slender stalks, shining rows of ribbon, until at last there lay a shimmering lavender-tinted and lavender-scented fan large and substan tial enough for actual use, but so fairy like and delicate that one would be con tent to admire its beauty as a fan which might be used, but should not. The fraerant blue blossoms were first folded down upon their stems, and baby-ribbon woven very closely and firmly in between the stems which cov ered them, the blossoms being in the center. This makes a firm, smooth handle, which tapers toward the fan part. This is broad and flat like the old-time palm-leaf fans that went with our grandmothers to meeting. The stems are then expanded and trimmed with scissors into proper shape to make a rounding edge. This flat surface, from about two inches above the han dle, is closely woven with the baby ribbon, and a full cluster is fastened at the top, as is also a rosette of loops at the smallest part of the handle. Another very popular way of using lavender is the making of "lavender sticks." These are similar to the handle of the fan described, and three or four are joined together in a cluster, by large, full bows of baby-ribbon of any delicate color. They are hung against lace curtains or over chair backs, and the pungent, spicy odor from the hidden blossoms fills the room. As a gift for some dear old lady, whose earliest years are somehow as sociated with the sweet, old-fashioned lavender, nothing can be more dainty and appropriate than a lavender fan. Gently swaying the lightsome, airy thing, tender thoughts of long-past girlhood will come to her as the familiar fragrance floats out upon the air. Memories of that sweet pleasure of "going to meeting," with a sprig of lavender laid primly upon the snowy folded handkerchief, or pressed be tween the leaves of the bible, will come to her with tenderest meaning, and vis ions of mother's lavender bed will be with her all day long. Many a dainty woman loves the scent of lavender in her bedroom and upon her clothing and household belongings, and bunches of this fragrant herb, inclosed in some very fine fabric, tied with lavender ribbons, given to a fas tidious friend to lay away in her bureau or wardrobe, would be a useful gift. Love of delicate odors is an evidence of refinement, and the very act of scenting a garment presupposes its immalculate cleanliness. Then how pretty and dainty it is to scatter blossoms from the lavender bed throughout one's pos sessions and to let the good, old-fashioned perfume become a part of one's daily life. Ladies' Home Journal. Winter Wheat In Iowa. A bulletin of the Iowa experiment station says: Extensive variety tests of winter wheat have in times past been conducted at tnis station and the result reported in previous bulletins. The only variety of winter wheat thus far found to be adapted to this locality is the Turkish Red. The yield of this variety has not been less than twenty five bushels per acre on the experiment station grounds and in 1S94 and 1895 the vield reached 48 and 54.7 bushels respectively. The yield of winter wheat has invariably exceeded that of the spring wheat grown here and the qual ity has been uniformly better. Discovery in Temperature. L. G. Carpenter, meteorologist of the Colo rado state experiment station, has been keeping watch of the high points in the state and on two of them observations and temperatures have been taken for some years. The work of the first year indicated that the average temperature of the high altitudes of the state (alti tudes three and four thousand feet higher than the station) were much above the lower points such as the lo cation of the station. It was deemed incredible and the observations were continued, with the result that a series of years has proved the correctness of the first conclusions. It is explained by the fact that the cold waves seem to flow around and below these high points and the temperature there is more even. Forests Hold Snow. The authorities in Colorado have been examining the forest regions of the state to determine to what extent they bold back the snow from melting in the spring. It is a new idea to many people, and yet entirely reasonable. It is found that the forests retard the melting of the snows and so cause the waters to flow down gradually over a much longer period of time than is the case where the trees are cut away. They thus have a ten dency to prevent floods in the spring and droughts in the summer. It is very evident that we will soon have to fol low the example of France and begin the reforesting of our mountains. Cost of Harvesting Sugar Beets. A record of ail labor put on digging the beets was kept with the following re sult: Five and one-half days' team work, at 75 cents per day, 14.12; twenty-two days' man labor, at $1.50 per day, $33, making a total cost of $37.12 for digging 22.44 tons of beets, or $1.65 per ton. The beets were taken from the ground by plowing a deep furrow with the landslide as near the beets as possible without cutting them. They .were then easily thrown in piles. Colorado Experiment Station. Care for the Crown. When setting strawberries, be sure that the crown is not covered with dirt. A litttle at tention in setting it even with the ground will do much good. Also see that it is so set that the water will cot wash the mud over It DAIRY AND POULTRY. INTERESTING CHAPTERS FOR OUR RURAL READERS. Haw Eaeeaaafal raraaara Oporata TMa Peaartaaaat af tho Farm A raw Hlata aa to tho Cara of IJro Stack aa roaltrr- HE BABCOCK test has come into extensive use with in the past few years and is likely to be used still more in determin ing the value of dairy cows and of the many different milks and creams brought to factor ies for the manufacture of both butter and cheese. As so much depends -upon the accu racy of this test where thousands of dollars are to be divided among patrons annually, it is of the utmost import ance that, inasmuch as the sample tested is necessarily small, all meas urements should be made with the greatest possible accuracy In oraer to secure uniformly reliable results. It has been found that, many of the Babcock bottles and pipettes now in use are inaccurately graduated. In view of this fact and of the difficulty in securing bottles and pipettes which can be relied upon, the Pennsylvania Experiment station has undertaken to supply as standards to any resident of the state desiring them, a tested Bab cock bottle and pipette at a price suffi cient to cover the original cost and the expense of testing and postage. In this connection, owing to the wide varia tion found in cheap dairy thermome ters, the station will also undertake to supply to residents of the state desir- RESULT OF CROSSING ENGLISH AND EAST INDIAN RATTLE. Our illustration shows a cross be tween some English cattle (presum ably shorthorns), and some Indian breeds. The United States consul in Ceylon says that these crosses are an improvement over cither of the Ing it a tested thermometer as a stand ard, under the above conditions. The station has also prepared a bul letin containing full and explicit direc tions for the use of the Babcock test which it will mail free to all who may desire it. E. Hayward. Pennsylvania Experiment Station. r Artichokes for IIog. Hitherto the growing of this valu able tuberous rooted perennial has iwn .ilmnst whollv neslected. and greatly misunderstood. During the past few years the "tame" or domes ticated sorts of the artichoke have been imported from Europe, and are grad ually makinsr their way to an exten sive cultivation in the United States, Canada and Mexico. It is in place In this connection to mention that there is a deep-seated, long-standing preju dice against the artichoke among the farmers of the United Statc3. But there is "wild" rye and "tame" rye, "wild" onions and "tame" onions. "Wild" barley and "tame" barley. "Wild" lettuce and "tame" lettuce, etc. Almost every grain and vegetable cultivated and used as food by man has its namesake in a noxious and often times dangerous weed. The artichoke is no exception to the general rule. The wild artichoke being indigenous to most localities (wherever the soil i3 suitable) in North and South Amer ica. It is merely a bad weed a dan gerous pest, which produces few and small tubers and spreads its long fibrous roots out a long distance and deep down into the soil, making its extermination a difficult task. Many farmers who have seen it growing un derstand it fully. But the same farm ers do not understand that there is a difference a vast difference in the wild artichoke and the "tame" arti choke. In fact they are as different as is wild and "tame" lettuce, or is wild and "tame" rye. During the past few years the tame or domesticated sorts of artichoke have been imported from Europe and are to a great extent becoming known and cultivated on-this continent, as a cheap, healthy stock food. The "tame" ar tichoke can be as easily grown as corn or potatoes, and on land that will pro duce 50 bushels per acre of Indian corn. 500 bushels per acre of artichokes can be easily grown. The writer fre quently does this and has grown over 90 bushels per acre on ground that had never been manured. Their great value as a cheap, handy, healthy hog food has been so thoroughly aired in the press of the country the past few years that an enormous demand has beca created for them. As a pork producer they cannot be excelled. A good plan is to plant all your lots to artichokes about May 1, or as soon as your stock is put on their spring and summer pasture. Then when your pasture "plays out" in the fall, or about September 15 to October 1, you will have fine food in your lots for your bogs, where they will root at intervals whenever the ground is not frozen too h?rd until the following May, when they will have received as much real benefit from one acre of artichokes as from five of corn, at a very conservative estimate some say ten acres. The bogs will also leave enough tubers in the ground to serve as seed for the next crop. It is a hog's nature to root. In fact, his hogship 13 never happier than when he is root ing. An artichoke patch can truly be ailed a hoe's drue store. A hoe's nh- 1 " - jject in rooting being to obtain roots. wnicn nis appetite craves, and wnicn serve the same purpose for him as a blood cleaner or spring medicine does for the human being. Ayer, of sarsa parilla fame, can fully explain this. After a hog has eaten artichokes to his heart's content, the rooting, notion will bave been put entirely out of his head .and he will not root up his spring or summer pasture. A wealthy hog raiser (Mr. Booher) of the writer's ac quaintance, and who has made 480 acres of $100 land 'from hog rafslng for the pork s&arket, says he would not be witheat a big annual patch of the tame artichoke, and that he has had no hog diseases In his herds since he has allowed them to root in his artichoke patch to their heart's content He claimed that a sow will never eat her pigs if she has been previously given a good feed of artichokes. The artichoke (tame sorts) is a wonderful soil enricher, fully as good as red clover. The writer cuts the tubers to two eyes per piece and plants precisely same as potatoes, and cultivates pre cisely same as corn. They grow about eight feet high and grow so dense that weeds have a hard time in an artichoke patch. The artichoke stands drought much better than the potato, and there is no insect that infests them to the writer's knowledge, of sever alyears in growing three kinds of them. The "tame" or domesticated artichoke should be replanted every three years as they run out, or in other words, the ground needs a rotation of crops. They are very easily and entirely ex terminated if the young tops are plowed under when about one foot high. Artichokes are valuable, not alone as a hog food, but for any kind of stock and poultry, and also for horses. Poultry just about live in an artichoke patch in warm weather, where they hide from hawks in the shade, and scratch out the young tubers. The tubers are highly prized for milch cows as valuable milk pro ducers. The writer feeds the tubers to his horses every spring. Horses pre fer them to any other food after they have become accustomed to them. They completely take the place of oil cake and condition powders, making horses shed nicely and clearing them of worms. The writer has tried sev eral varieties but has finally settled on the White Jerusalem, Red Jerusa lem and Mammoth .White French as .k:S-:.-a-?v parent breeds, so far as use in India is concerned. They will stand the pe culiarities of feed and climate better than the imported cattle, and have more useful qualities than the native Nellore cattle. the most valuable sort to grow in the central west Illinois. Leghorn Easily atafoed. I have been keeping poultry for three years. During that time I have kept the Barred and White Plymouth Rocks, Patridge Cochin, Golden Wyandottes and Brown Leghorns. The Wyan dottes, Leghorns and Plymouth Rocks are favorites with me. Their house has been a frame building lined with tarred paper, packed with sawdust, and with a wooden roof. We give them a warm mash for their morning meal, wheat or rye for noon, scattered in straw so they will scratch for it, and at night we feed corn. Our markets are generally good, except at holiday time. Under this management, we get eggs every day the year round. We have lost very few hen3 from any cause. We find that Persian insect powder is just the thing for the lice. Wo bave had little experience with disease among our fowls. We have a few cases of roup now and then, but we find that spongia cures it, if the disease be taken in time. Camomile is also good. In severe cases of roup wo find the hatchet is the best remedy. We find that the White Plymouth Rocks and Brown Leghorns are fine layers and also good foragers; you can raise two Leghorns to one of any of the larger breed. Mrs. W. C. Jack son in Farmers Review. ISirred riymoath Ror&a. For ten years I have been raising poultry. During that time I have kept the White and Brown Leghorns, White and Barred Plymouth Rocks. Of all the breeds, I prefer the Plymouth Hocks. My poultry house is an ordinary frame building, but comfortable. I feed soft food in the mornings and whole grains in the evening. I do not confine myself to one grain but try to give a variety. As to the market, I can sell all the breeding fowls I want to dispose of in the home market. I have never failed to get eggs in winter, though in the very severest weather they of course fall off some. One year I lost almost an entire flock from cholera. I was away from home when they took it, and in five days nearly all of them died. I lost but two chicks after I got home and could attend to them. I find lice the greatest enemy of young chicks. W. II. Reid in Farmers' Review. Enclosed please find $1 to pay for the Farmers' Review. I will try to answer the inquiry in regard to Buff Leghorns. I have bred them for the past five years. They first came to America from Eng land. Mine were secured from Mrs. Lester K. Strain, of England, and I find them the most profitable of all my chickens. They are larger than either the white or the brown Leghorns, and their plumage is a bright buff. They are non-sitters: I never had a bird of this breed that wanted to sit. I also breed the Brown Leghorns and White Minorcas, but my choice over all is the Buff Leghorn. W. H. Pardoo in Far mers' Review. First ReqaMte of Sacress. The first requisite of success in poul try raising is to know what you are doing. For this reason we wish to en courage our readers to send in their egg records. That indicates that they have begun to find out just what they are doing, and just what returns they are getting. We would like monthly reports from as many of our readers as keep any records. Give us not only the reports of what eggs are being ob tained from the flock, but also cost of keep, and any incidents connected with the work. Milk In New York. The milk supply of New York Increases at a fair pace. The daily consumption by the city is in the neighborhood of 100,000 gallons. The consumption of cream is about 3,500 gallons per day, and of condensed milk in excess of 12,000 gallons for the same time. r Tho Taltoa Statoa and It is twenty-three years ago since we aadserioas trouble with Spain over Cabs, where then, ss now, a revolution was in progress. An American steamer, the Virginias, was seized and her crew, many ot whoa were American citizens. were tried and condemned by s coart martial sad summarily shot. When the news reached this country the gov- nanirai at asniBgioB Tirmaanrn lae immediate release of the Virginias, and as Spain was at first dilatorv in com plying with the demand there was serious talk of war between the two countries. Finally the matter was amicably settled, and from that time up to a few days ago the two countries havo maintained the friendliest rela tions. New York Irish World. F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo. O.. rroprs. ot Hall's Catarrh Cure, offer t!0t reward for any case of catarrh that can not be cured br taking Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for testuaoahua, free. Sold by Druggists. 73c A Karsery Dish. An appetizing and healthful "good night" lunch for the chidrcn may be made of the scraps of nice clean bread. Put the bits, thick and thin, in a bak ing pan in the oven, where they will brown evenly and lightly clear through. When a light brown and crisp to (be center, roll on a clean table or cloth with the rolling pin until it is a fine ."grit." Bottle and keep dry. A table spoonful or two in good, rich milk, makes a light palatable and digestible supper for anybody. riso'x Cure for Consumption is the only cough medicine used in mv house. D. C Allright, MifninLurg, Pa., Dec. 11. TO. Tho LIto Monkey. A dealer in stuffed animals, who also kept a few live creatures for sale, gave his shop boy, who was permitted to bell the stuffed specimens, orders to call him when any one asked for any of the living animals says the Youth's Companion. One day a gentleman called and de manded a monkey. "Any one of these?" asked the boy, who was in charge. He pointed to the stuffed specimens. "No I want a live monkey," an swered the customer. The boy stepped to the door of the back shop and called to his master; "You're wanted, sir!" SITS -All Fitstoril rrr-Iy Pr. K line Krest Itrrve Kc-!orrr. MoFMsartrrtti-nreitU.v'MUM. Marvrlouseurr. TrratbeanIS!!tr;alUtiWr-t t kllcaata. endtolr.KUiu-,93lArcait.,l'Li).i.,r. Russell Sago Safely Guarded. It is a certainty that not a man alive will ever get into Russell Sage's office to throw another bomb at him. His outer room is furnitured like a bank and the visitor's card is shoved through a small hole in the high fence just such a hole as that through which the paying teller hands money for an hon ored check. Outside of the fence, against the white plastered wall stands a long bench, upon which visitors sit. It tho Baby la Cutting Tea taw 3ror and nv? that oM and writ-tried remedy. Mam. WncaLow's SoomtSQ STKCr for Children Teethlaff- lowa'a Daacerona Sontmnnmboliar. Iowa is the proud possessor of a citi zen who has dreamed a dream and sprung upon an admiring common wealth a scheme for a $4,000,000 inter national palace, to be built above Niagara's bank, with a mean height of UMi feet and a central tower of 1.000 feet, the building to average forty-six stories. Iowa should not permit this genius to escape. Niagara can spare him, but his native state cannot. New York Mail and Express. Half Fare Excaraloaa via the Wabaah. the thort line to St. Louis, and quicS: route East or South, April 21st and May .th. Excursion to all Mints South at oue faro for the round trip with .'.00 added. JUNE, National Republican Convention at St. Louw. JULY :'d, National Educational Association at Buffalo. JULY tlth. Christian Endeavor Convention at Washington. . JULY Jnd, National Feop!e and Silver Convention at St. Louis. For rates, time tah'es and further infor mation, call at the Vnlah ticket office. 1 115 Farnnm St., Paxton Hotel block, or write Geo. N. Clayton. N. V. Tass. Ant., Omaha, Neb. Stood Up for Her Calling-. A eertain canor reads pr-crs to his household eveiy night as a good man should. One morning his new house maid a country girl, who had only arrived the day before gave notice tearfully. No reason was assigned, but nothing could persuade her to stav where she had, she .said, been insulted. No one could understand the girl till sue expiaineu: 1 was ;n iiravtr ium i night, and the master said, -O, God. I who 'at est nothing but the 'ousemaid." I Weekly Telegraph. Is a prize fighter RHEUMATIC PAINS BBBV. lallll atM 1 PS4 .UaUUUUuV'lLBUUUUUUUaUaBn iHaUU? TjJaaUS BbUUUUUUUbBUUUUUUUUUUbuC JaaBUH aJr5l SauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuHaai l" 7 ,BaUUuTC'alBBUW aBUrBUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU lTj'W HBJHUA snuuusnuuuuuuuui aN wi bbbUbu B bPQbuubuuPbuuuuuuuubQLi BUuuuuuBBUuuBUuuunCflr Greatest Highest Smallest Quantity. Quality. Price. 5S. RattleM PLUG The only brand of strictly high grade tobacco ever sold for a SaajnnBSaunBUBsna4anauussnEaj low price Not the large size of the piece alone that has made "Battle Ax" the most popular brand on the market for 5 cents, QUALITY; SIZE; PRICE. Men and hoys and gtrlss readers ef this paper if yen ses lected te send In your -answer to the advertisesust ef the Pres idential Puzzle In hut week's Is sue of this saner, do net neglect ts do so now. Do net put It eft. Get year copy ef last week's saner. Cut Tho Aafrortlaaaaoat Oat, It gives all the particulars which en ables you to get the best floe Recycle; which, with the discount allowed by working the puzzle, makes it the chespest as well ss the best. We wast at once a few Rscycles la your locality as advertisements now' Is your oppor tunity. Send us your solution of puz zle, your name and address, model wanted and height of frame. Miami Cycle and Mfg. Co., Middletown. Ohio. A Mirror of I.lfe'a Need.. It is told of Frank Stockton, the novelist, that being at one time unable to use his eyes for months he was kept informed of the news of the day by his family; but that immediately on. gain ing his sight he called for the adver tisements, as to which he had under gone the pang of intellectual famine. The incident struck his family as funny; but it is easily understood. The novelist deals with lifo n it ;- and no literature reflects life so closely in 11s essential needs as the advertise ment a fact which the novelist, read ing between the lines, well knows Philadelphia Record. A Trinity of Evil. Bllllousness. !ck rc:ilache and Irregular ity of the bowels accompany each other. To the removal of this trinity of evils Hostet-. ter's Stomach Hitters is especially adapted. It also cures dyspepsia, rheumatism, mala rial complaints, billiousness. nervousness and const patlon. The most satisfactory results fo low n fair trial. I'm. it daily. Ilia Sentiment. From the door of the chapel of the Temperance Hand floated the strains of the song, "Water, Pure Water, For Me. "Them's my sentiments, commented Perry Patettic, as he passed, "ltut as long as water has all of these here germs and bakille-ses in it, I'll stick to the old booze.' Cincinnati Enquirer. HeKeaaaa'at'aaaparorle with Glycerin. Cur Cnappetl Hands and Fare.TeiKlT or Sore FWt, Chilblain. Hie.-. CO. Clark Co.. New Ilaten.Ct. Fpaln'a Army and Navy. The army of Spain on a peace foot ing consists of 1-0,000 men. On a war footing it is raised to 180,000 men with 510 guns. The colonial forces, includ ing militia, number 23G.0OO. Service is compulsory on all for eight years in Spain, or four years in the colonies. The navy consists of 1-rt steam vessels, including seven ironclads, and about 22,000 men. Picking up Knowledge Is easy enough if you look for it in the right place. This is the right place to learn just what to do for that debilitating condition which Springalways brings. Do you want to be cured of that languid feeling, get back your appetite, sleep soundly, and feel like a new man? Ayer's Sarsaparilla will do it. It has done it for thousands. It has been doing it for 60 years. Try it. Send lor the "Curebook " 100 pages free. J. C. Ayer Co. I.owcll Mass. and champion in every contest with 'iMaUUUUUUUUUUUUUaUl P X aUUT . W3 j- It knocks oat m every found, and on its belt n written 9 1 II Wk rw ckdS z2 A x si rw - z-i U, ..-