The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, May 13, 1896, Image 2

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Coaiag Conventions.
National Republican, St.Louis, Tues
day, Jnne 1C
Democratic, Chicago, Tuesday July 7.
Populist, StLouia, Wednesday, July 22.
Free Silver, St Louis, Wednesday,
July 22.
Prohibitionist, Pittsburg, Tuesday,
May 26.
A cable to Hawaii and Japan is talked
of, at a cost of three and a half millions.
Amoxu the store keepers named last
' week for Willow Springs distillery is P.
W. Lynch of Omaha.
Nebraska's secretary of state, J. A.
Piper, is having no opposition to a re
nomination to the office which he so
ably fills.
As the nomination of McKinley for
president is now pretty generally con
ceded, public attention is being directed
to the vice-presidency.
Cripple Creek residents began to
rebuild their houses after the fires, by
the light of the moon. Their place will
be a city yet, if the gold holds out.
A law of Mexico provides for the pun
ishment of an offense committed in a
foreign country and continued in Mexi--co,
and an American has there been
recently punished for embezzlement.
The shortage of ex-Treasurer Cobb of
Lancaster county amounts to $50,000,
and the county commissioners have em
ployed extra legal help for the county
attorney in suits against the bondsmen.
The house committee on pensions on
Wednesday ordered a favorable report
on the bill introduced by Representative
Stallings to increase the tensions of
veterans of the Mexican and Indian
wars and their widows from $8 to 812 a
Wht not select Tom Reed for vice
president with McKinley? He would
not only make a good presiding officer
for the senate, but in case of a contin
gency would make a first-clips president.
It may, too, prove the opportunity of
his life-time.
Of course the women of the Metho
dist church should be given a "say" in
matters. If it wasn't for the women
there wouldn't be much of a church
organization of any kind, Methodist or
any other, in this country. Honestly,
now, would there?
J. M. Devike is talked of again as a
populist candidate for congress in this
district. He ran under unusual difficul
ties before, and many of his party friends
think, or make believe to think, he
would stand a show for election this
time. Gentlemen, this is a republican
Bt a vote of 130 to 108, members of
the house of representatives provide
themselves with clerks the year round,
the same as the senators have done for
sometime. It would seem as though
the increase of the bondedindebtedness
of the government might have answered
all the purpose of undue expenditure
these hard times.
H. H. Holmes, the multimurderer,
hanged in prison at Philadelphia
Thursday forenoon. He faced his fate
with remarkable nerve, and it was nearly
half an hour before physicians pro
nounced him dead. The crime for
which he was executed was the murder
of B. F. Peitzel, Sept 2,1894. It was
the culmination of a conspiracy between
the men to defraud the Fidelity Mutual
Life association of 310,000, and the
swindle was successfully accomplished.
" The long expected order of the presi
dent including in the civil service most
tf the offices now remaining outside the
classified service was issued Wednesday.
The order will include within the civil
service about 30,000 additional federal
ossoea. Practically the only persons
left outside the civil service will be
assistant secretaries, heads of bureaus,
and in a few cases private secretaries
and laborers. The order is to take effect
Senator Vest of Missouri charges the
administratiou with allowing members of
the cabinet to neglect their official duties
and absent themselves from Washington
in order to make speeches against the
free coinage of silver. He read state
ments to show how a recent democratic
convention in Michigan had been con
trolled by federal office-holders, who,
under pressure from Washington, liad
deserted from the cause of free coinage,
and he declared against this method of
corrupting the source of political action.
Mackay's own testimony before the
governor convicted him of being a silly,
egotistical fool, his conduct lacking ev
ery element of dignity due to the posi-
. tion which he holds. His actions have
been laid bare to the public, and he may
resort to his favorite method of mud
sliaging until doomsday, and yet he
caaaot galvanize himself into respecta-
bility in this community again. He is
ow- measured by what he is, and not
what he claims to be although the
Lord knows he don't claim to be much.
-Norfolk News.
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We reserve the
Tax Schuyler Quill is a populist pa
per, and would hardly be accused of
prejudice against Governor Holcomb or
Dr. Mackay, and even the Quill consid
ers the governor's holding in retaining!
the doctor at the head of the asylum, as
partisan, and says:
"The result is not beneficial to .the
populist party, which is a reform move
ment and to cover up such matters and
condone all is looked upon rather se
riously by the people."
Which all shows that veritable reform
is not a matter of words only but also of
deeds. It is even better to do the right
and not say much about it, than to
promise a great array of things with no
intention of fulfilling promises. It is
humble opinion, following the evidence
at this distance away that Dr. Mackay
has been a disgrace to the governor who
appointed him; a dishonor to the service
in which he has been placed; an incubus
upon the poor unfortunates under his
care, and Governor Holcomb has made
a mistake in retaining him. Compare
Dr. Mackay with his predecessor.
The appearance of "Uncle Dick"
Thompson as permanent chairman of
the Indiana republican state convention
Thursday, was the signal for an ovation
to the veteran patriot Despite his 88
years, delivered a stirring speech. He
said in part:
"The first thing done by the first con
gress to assemble under our grand con
stitution," he said, "was to provide for
protection of our people and our prod
ucts, and for a constitution of that
benign policy the republican party still
contends, and my friends, there is one
man who is eminently fitted to see that
this country is given protection, one
man who is eminently fitted to see that
this country is given protection, one
man who is identified above all others
with the policy of protection. (Wild
cheers). I don't wonder at the enthu
siasm of the country for that man at the
general demand of the people for his
nomination for the nomination of Mr.
McKinley. (Continued cheering). I
know McKinley. I honor McKinley. I
am for McKinley."
The positiou of Congressman Andrews
on the money question will meet the ap
proval of every American citizen who is
a true friend of silver. He proposes the
free coinage of American silver, with a
duty ou imported Eilver equal iu value to
the difference between its value as bullion
and the dollar after Uncle Sam has
placed his dollar mark upon it; and fur
ther he wunts this difference paid in gold
the same as we have to pay to other coun
tries. The republicans of Nebraska are
for the free coinage of American silver,
and the people of the Fifth district will
endorse the position of their congressman
upon the question us outlined iu his
speech of acceptance of nomination.
Miuden Gazette.
OxEof the eccentric characters known
to New York half a century ago was
McDonald Clarke, "tho Mad Poet" An
illustrated articlo by William Sidney
Hillyer, in the May issue of Tho Month
ly Illustrator and Homo and Country,
New York, recalls his vagaries, and
many of his poems accompany the arti
cle. The story is very interesting and
well written. The table of contents of
this number is varied and the illustra
tions are grand. Issued by The Month
ly Illustrator Publishing Co., CG-CS Cen
tre Street, New York. Subscription, 2
a year.
Suit was commenced by tho United
States in the circuit court at Cheyenne
Wednesday against Marshall Field and
Levi Z. Leiter of Chicago and James H.
Pratt of Denver, owners of the Big Red
ranch in Johnson county, to compel
them to remove upward of twenty-five
miles of fence, within which, it is al
leged, they have enclosed a large tract
of government land in violation of law.
The defendants are given five days in
which to remove the fences should the
suit be decided against them.
The secretary of the school board at
Lincoln has made n demand of the Lan
caster county treasurer for the amount
of money belonging to the district, in
the possession of Maxey Cobb at the time
of his death. The request was refused,
and the county commissioners were in
formed that the board of education de
sired the money.
Over iin out of
Placer Slim Last Year.
San Francisco. May 10. United
States Marshal L K. Williams of Sitka,
Alaska, is iu this city. In speaking
about the Alaska mining excitement, hie
amid: "I think it no exaggeration to
say that fully 2,600 miners have flocked
into Alaska this season. This influx of
people has materially increased the
white population. I believe the latter
has doubled during the last two years.
Favorable reports are being made about
the gold country around Cook's inlet
and some large finds of the precious
metal are rumored. The Yukon coun
try maintains its high reputation for
yields of gold in its placer mines. Last
season fully fl ,200.000 in gold dust and
nuggets was taken out. There is every
prospect for much larger returns this
season. As many as MM) miners win
tered in the Yukon district during the
past winter. They tunnelled under the
frozen surface of the ground and
brought out tons of rich gravel. They
are now engaged in washing it out."
Btorlaa of
Chinch Ban
Circulated by
Kansas City, May 10. The Modern
Miller, in its issue today, says: Stories
of chinch bug ravages come from Okla
homa, western and southern Kansas,
Tennessee, Kentucky, southern Indiana
and central and western Illinois. These
reports for the most part come from
alarmists, and unless a week or two
more of hot, dry weather encourages
the pests, we do not expect
to report any widespread dam
age. There was no rain in the
winter wheat region this week until
last night, when western and southern
Kansas was visited by from one-half to
three-quarters of an inch of water fall,
which extended into northern Okla
homa. The outlook at this writing is
for heavy rains in Kansas and Oklahoma
today. On the whole we cannot report
a gain in the condition this week nor
can we admit that there is any import
ant damage done, the whole area con
sidered. alaMa la Haafccd at Iat.
Philadelphia, May 8 H. H. Holmes
was hanged in Moyamensing prison yes
terday. The drop fell at 10:12
o'clock. It was not until a half hour
later that he was pronounced dead.
His neck was broken by the fall. The
marvelous nerve of the man never de
serted him until the very end. Even
on the scaffold he was probably the
coolest person in the solemn assemblage.
In a few well chosen words he pro
claimed Ine ipnooejftce of any murder.
a Cay MntbadJat
Waalejaaw Ready to Vmttm WMk
atrtraa Brethren MHS i llata
to Xtoeft Mora BfehojM,
Cleveland. May 8. By a vote of
485 to 96 the Methodist general confer
ence decided the four women delegates
might retain their t-rats. This does not
mean that the womeu have won a com
plete victory. The decision was reached
simply as the result of a compromise
and with the understanding that it
should not prejudice the chums of
women in the future or establish a pre
cedent for future conferences to follow.
But by the same vote by which the
women were given seats, the conference
also decided to submit to the annual
conference a proposed amendment to
the constitution, providing that here
after all general conference delegates
shall be over 25 years of age and that
they shall have been members of the
Methodist church for at least five years
prior to their election. It also provides
no conference shall be debarred from'at
least one ministerial and one lay dele
gate. This constitutional amendment
is to be submitted to tne annual con
ference and must receive a three-fourths
rote to be adopted. The amendment
is construed to mean that women as
well as men will be eligible as lay dele
gates, the word ' 'layman' 'not being used.
Cleveland, May 10. When Bishop
Ninde cfUed the general conference to
order this morning but few delegates
were in their seats. In fact, since the
conference settled the woman question
delegates generally have been tardy.
Dr. firoadbeck asked leave on behalf
of the committee on missions to submit
his report out of its order. The rule
was granted and the report was read.
It related to the reception of pastors
from other denominations into the
Methodist church. While the resolu
tion was general, it was explained that
it referred to a special case in Germany,
where a union with the German Wes
leyans desired to incorporate with the
Methodist Episcopal church. There
were differences of opinion as to the
financial arrangement.
Favor Vatea With Wealajraaa.
The Wesleyans had property worth
$00.000, which will be brought into
the Methodist church. They would
sacrifice their life-long connection with
the English Wesleyan society, which
they regarded as quite a sacrifice. The
speaker therefore asked that the con
ference take such action as would open
the doors of the Methodist cnurch to
the Wesleyan brothers and if so the
union would be consummated next
The resolution was unanimously
adopted by a rising vote. A cablegram
was sent to the Wesleyan synod, now
in session, informing it of the result of
the conference action.
Ex-Senator Harlan, under the order
of miscellaneous business, introduced
the following resolution:
Resolved, That the second restrictive
rule be so changed as to admit of equal
representation by the ministry and laiety
of the general conference.
The resolution was signed by James
Harlan, Chris Howe and J. P. Leter.
Cleveland, May 12. The high tem
perature and the humidity of the atmos
phere both operated to prevent a burst
of oratory at the Methodist Episcopal
general conference yesterday and the
routine business transacted was dis
posed of with as little effort as possible.
The most important question disposed
of was the fixing of the time for the
election of bishops. The election will
begin on Thursday of this week and
continue until all the officers are choseu.
Resolutions were presented favoring the
obliteration of the color line in the
election of bishops and condemning
lynchings, both of which were referred
to appropriate committees without ac
tion. Another resolution, proposing a
reduction in the salaries of conference
officials, because of hard times, was also
referred to a committee.
Several South Dakota Orsaulzatioa
Assemble There.
Yankton, May 11. The State Bank
ers' association will meet in annual ses
sion at Yankton on May 20 for reorgan
isation and discussion of matters of in
terest to the bankers of the state. On
May 21 a 3-days' session of the State In
tercollegiate Oratorical and Athletic as
sion will be held to determine the su
premacy of the various state colleges in
oratory and field sports. The grand;
lodge of the Knights oi rytbias will
convene in annual session here on June
3, and on June 24 and 25 the state board
of pharmacy will hold its annual meet
ing here.
The state fair will be held at Yank
ton from Sept. 28 to Oct. 2, inclusive.
Under the contract with the state board
of agriculture that body agrees to step
aside and give the entire control of the
fair to the local managers.
Celebrattes at Fraakfert.
. Frankfobt-on-thk-Main, May 11.
The twenty-fifth anniversary of the
sigring of the treaty of Frankfort,
which concluded the Franco-Prussian
war, was celebrated here yesterday.
Fanner KUleet by Lift-hUtae;.
Alpena, S. D., May 10. Hans John
son, a farmer near Alpena, was killed
by lightning while rounding up his
stock during a storm.
,81avla Beachea New lerk.
. New York, May 10. Frank Slavin,
the pugilist, arrived here today from
Pane Elected Prealdemt of BeUtrla.
Boenos Ayres, May 9. Colonel Pano
has been elected president of Bolivia.
Greater New Tark BUI Signed.
Albany, May 12. -Governor Morton
signed the greater New York bill.
Boose Flseaa Bay to Adjeara.
Washington. May 7. In the hoi
yesterday Mr. Dingley, chairman of the
ways and means committee, presented
a resolution for the final adjournment
of congress on May 18, which was
adopted without division.
Plekler Blecka aVagMatl.
Washington, May 8 The net result
of a three and a half hours' session of
the house yesterday was the passage of
a bill to amend the act creating the
court of appeals so as to allow appeals
from the supreme courts of the terri
tories to the court of appeals. Mr. Pick
Ier attempted to secure his revenge for
the defeat he suffered Wednesday night
when the house refused to remain in
session to pass private pension bills, by
blocking legislation. He made the point
of no quorum at every opportunity and
finally the house, losing patience, ad
journed. Mr. Pickler threatens to keep
up his tactics until he accomplishes his
object, which, he says, is to secure fur
ther consideration for private pension
Washington, May 8. By the de
cisive vote of to 51, tb sate ytfter-
day inaugurated an investigation,' to be
conducted by the senate committee on
finance, into the facts and circum
stances connected with the sale of
United States bonds by the secretary of
the treasury during the last three years.
The six adverse votes were cast by Sen
ators Caffery, Faulkner, Gray. Hill,
Mitchell (Wis.) and Palmer, all Democrats.
Congressmen Vote Mere Clerk
Washington, May 9. The members
of the house, yesterday voted themselves
$100 per month for clerk hire during
the recesses of congress. Under a '
resolution passed by the Fif ty-second
congress the members of subsequent
congresses received $100 per month for
clerk hire during the sessions.
Test and Berry Object.
Washington, May 12. The Califor
nia deep water harbor project was be
fore the senate most of the day. It is
seldom that a local improvement arouses
so much feeling among senators, mani
festing itself in a debate of unusuaTani
mation and of considerable personal
feeling. Mr. Berry began the debate,
declaring that this proposed expendi
ture of $3,000,000 was .i :tinst the pub
lic interest and in the privute interest of
C. P. Huntington of the Southern Pa
cific. Senators Vest and Caffery took
the ground that no appropriation should
be made at present. Mr. Frye, chair
man of the commerce committee, re
plied to the strictures upon the proposi
tion and vehemently characterized the
criticisms of Mr. Huntington as "savor
ing of the. slogan of the sandlots." Mr.
Frye will go on today.
Mr. Maddox la Hi Seat.
Washington, May 12. The session
of the house yesterday was almost en
tirely devoted to the consideration of
District of Columbia business. Bills
were passed to authorize the secretary
of the treasury to detail revenue cutters
to enforce regulations at regattas; to
grant the Denver, Cripple Creek and
Southwestern railroad a right of way
through the South Plat to and Plum
Creek forest reservations; to grant pipe
lines right of way over public domain iu
Colorado and Montana; to graut the
Flagstaff and Canon railroad right of
way through the Grand canon, and to
extend the charter of the Denison and
Northern railroad. A preliminary con
ference report on the Indian appropria
tion bill was agreed to and the title of
Mr. Maddox (Ga.) to his seat was con
firmed. New Fast Train Service.
Washington, May 10. Thepostoffice
department has completed arrange
ments for a new early fast mail service
between Cincinnati and Chicago. A
fast mail train will hereafter leave Cin
cinnati at 2:45 a. m. daily, westbound,
and leave Chicago eastbouud at 3:30 a.
m. This will greatly facilitate news
paper transit between the two cities.
Banks Must Report Condition.
Washington, May 10. Comptroller
Eckels has made a call on the national
banks for a report of their condition at
the close of business ou Thursday, May 7.
Area or Cottoa Planted.
Washington, May 12. The propor
tion of contemplated cotton area al
ready planted on May 1 was 87.0 per
cent. Average for the country is 114.8.
Run on the Reserve.
Washington, May 12. The treasury
yesterday lost $2,108,800 in gold coin
and 36,200 in bars, leaving the true
amount of the gold reserve, $115,785,746.
Condition of Winter Wheat Improved.
Washington, May 12. Average con
dition of winter wheat, 82.7, against
77.1 last mouth and 82.9 in Mav. 1895.
Germany's Sugar Output Fixed.
Berlin, May 12. The reichstag, after
discussing the sugar taxation bill,
adopted a proposal to fix the total out
put for the coming year at 17,000,000
donblc centners, instead of 14,000,000
as proposed by the government.
Wiiiconsin Orator Won.
Warrensburg, Mo., May 10. In an
oratorical contest in which the normal
schools of Missouri, Kansas, Illinois,"
Wisconsin and Iowa were represented
Harold D. Highes of Wisconsin was'
awarded first honors and a $50 check.
Gilbert Won the Championship.
New York, May 9. Fred Gilbert of.
Spirit Lake, la., won the clay bird'
shooting championship at Guttenburg.
Score was 26G in a possible 300. j
Vnleau Iron Work Burned.
San Francisco, May H. The Vul-!
can Iron works were destroyed by fire.j
Loss, $100,000, with $41,000 insurance.;
British Agent at Pretoria Resigns.
Cape Town, May 12. Sir Jacobus A.;
Dewett, tho British agent at Pretoria, j
has resigned. ,
Bis; Mining- UeaL
Deadwood. May 9. One of the
largest mining deals in the history of
the country was closed yesterday. Tlip
Bottleson group of three claims, the
Comet group of three, the Plutns
group of two, the Ibex and the Victory,
all located in Bald mountain, were sold
to the Golden Reward Mining company
for $160,000. The Bottleson group sold
for $75,000, the highest price ever paid
for three claims.
Iron Worker Get aa Advance.
Chicago, May 9. Tho bridge and
structural iron workers' strike, which
has been in progress in this city since
May 1, has been declared off, the men
having reached an agreement with their
employers. The men go back to work
for 41J cents an hour, and double pay
for overtime. The union struck for 45
cents. The scale rate was 37 cents.
New Railroad Company Organised.
Fargo, N. D., May 8. The Fargo
and Northwestern Railroad company
has been organized here with a capital
stock of $300,000. The road is to run
to Sherbrook, via Hunter. The in
corporators are all Fargo men.
Swift Benies the Report.
Chicago, May 10. There is no truth
in the report that the Swift Packing
company will abandon its Kansas City
plant. G. F. Swift, president of the
company, positively denied today having
any thought of making the change.
Ohio Convict Strike.
Columbus, May 12. Seventy convicts
in bolt shop No. 5, Ohio penitentiary,
struck today because the guards were
too severe. Finally all except 10 re
sumed work. The 10 were punished.
Tennessee Town Fire Swept.
Nashville, May 9. At Camden,
Tenn., six houses, 20 horses and other
valuable property was consumed by fire.
F. E. O.'s Elect Stat OStelat:
Holdrege, Neb., May 8. The fol
lowing named officers were elected at
the regular meeting of tho grand chap
ter of the state P. E. O. society: Presi
dent, Mrs. Clara B. West, Lincoln;
first vice president, Mrs. Katie J. But
ton, Hastings; second vice president,
Mrs. G. Norburg, Holdrege; recording
secretary, Miss Ida Wagner, Platts
mouth; corresponding secretary, Mrs.
Ella L. Allen, Omaha; treasurer, Mrs.
Elizabeth Gomley;organixer,.Mrs. Laura
Allen." Superior.
- --- t -Of -4ftf oirffc fi -a' -st
Uagte I Free.
Beatrice, May 10.' The case of D.H.
Lingle, charged with shooting at hit
wife with intent to kill, was dismissed
for want of prosecution.
Oamah a'a Carrier F
Washington. May 8. A special agent
of the postoftlce department, having
made an inspection of Omaha carriers,
recommends a decrease of 10 men.
InJallOnw Mara.
York. Neb., May 7. Sheriff Price ar
rived here with George Kingen and
Will Winnegar. the two men who
broke jail on the morning of April 15.
Austin Late Move.
Hertnqford, May 10. Word was
brought to this place that Cashier Austin
of the defunct bank of this place has
entirely lost his mtna ana is a raving
water to Debate.
Omaha, May 9. Arrangements have
been made for a joint debate on the sil
ver question between ex-Cougressman
Bryan and E. Bosewater on May 15 at
Creighton theater.
Dry Goods Store Closed.
Columbus, Neb., May 6. The large
dry goods store of J. A. Barber & Co.
was closed on chattel mortgages given to
the bank at Tama, la., and Kilpatrick,
Koch & Co. of Omaha.
Casteas Receipts at Uaeola.
Lincoln, May 9. The receipts of the
customhouse at Lincoln for the last
year were a little over $8,000. The
highest point ever reached was some
thing over $9,000, in 1893.
Money Far Soldiers' Hoaaaa.
Lincoln, May 9. A draft for $5,350
has been received by the governor
from the United States treasurer in
payment of the quarterly allowance to
all states having soldiers' and sailors'
Keeaa was a ToweL
Yobk, Neb., May 10. The wife of
William Zweig, a well-to-do German
farmer who lives three miles south of
Waco, committed suicide by hanging
herself with a towel in a barn. Tempor
ary insanity.
Editor Sea Falls Pader the Can.
Huron, May 9. While trying to
jump on a southbound freight train
here Charles Smeatland, son of Dr.
Smeatland, editor of the Miller Ga
zette, fell beneath the cars and was so
terribly mangled that he died soon
after being picked up.
Threw Himself la front of a Train.
Lincoln, May 8. F. T. Walton threw
himself in front of train No. 81, on the
Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific rail
way, and was instantly killed.
The scene of the tragedy was near
Union college. The body was horribly
mangled, both arms being torn off, the
head smashed into an unrecognizable
mass, and the lower part of the body
cut to pieces.
New Pern Normal Seaool Board.
Lincoln, May i. Governor Holcomb
made two appointments on the Peru
Normal school board. The term of
Church Howe expired in June, 1895.
Yesterday W. E. Majors sent in his
resignation and the governor immedi
ately appointed W. R. Jackson, super
intendent of Holt county, to succeed
Howe and Joseph Lemaster of Tecum
seh to succeed Majors.
Bolla Foand Gallty.
Omaha, May 10. The jury that tried
ex-Treasurer Bolln for embezzlement
was out one hour and twenty-five min
utes, when it returned a verdict find
ing him guilty and fixing amount of
embezzlement at $105,500.
Bolln was remanded to the custody of
the sheriff, pending sentence. An ap
peal will be taken by his counsel to the
supreme court, pending which Bolln
will ask to be released on bonds.
Splendid Crop Prospect.
North Loup, Neb., May 7. Not in
the memory of the proverbial "oldest
inhabitant" has the spring opened
more promisingly than is the case this
year. Small grain especially, and in
deed all vegetation, is growing with re
markable rapidity. Alfalfa that was
started by irrigation last season is al
ready nearly large enough to cut and
it will be of immense size by the time
of blossoming, at which time it is usual
ly cut.
Upholds the Canteen.
Omaha, May 8. Judge Shiras was
greeted with a crowded courtroom yes
terday when he opened the May term
of the United States court. In the
habeas corpus case, which involved the
right of the military at Fort Robinson
to operate a post canteen, the court de
cided in favor of the army. He held
that after the cession by the state,
and acceptance by the United States of
jurisdiction over the reservation, the
state statute regulating the liquor traffic
ceased to be in force. He therefore or
dered that the officers arrested by the
local authorities at Crawford be re
leased. The decision in this case was a
lengthy one, in which the judge went
deep into the decisions of the United
States courts on the points involved.
British Export to America Ea.aal
Day of Their Trade Dall la Ohio and
New Jersey More Than Hair a Million
Lost to American Labor.
The revival in the potting trade is
now generally acknowledged, and
throughout the important district of
North Staffordshire signs of activity
among manufacturers are observable.
The American trade still exhibits an all
round improvement, and the demand
for goods is as great as ever. In the
home market trade continues steady and
moderately brisk, but there is not the
same activity displayed as in the Amer
ican trade. Staffordshire (England)
Not only is it in the English woolen
trade that there has been a revival of
business under the Gorman tariff. The
prosperity that was guaranteed to for
eigners when our free traders passed
that bill has also extended to the pottery
interests of Europe, as the foregoing ex
tract from an English paper, published
in the heart of their pottery industry,
shows. Here are some interesting statis
tics on the subject :
Nine months ended September.
To- 19W. IKS.
Germany 23,15 ,W3
France 4d,8 &9.191
United States 4M.W0 710,618
Brazil 51, 1M 61,927
Argentine Republic... 18, 20,433
British East Indies.... 48.780 52.777
Australasia. 141.312 136,730
British North America 78,171 72,585
Other countries. 244. 18S 228.544
Totals 1.136,429 1.342.71
This shows an increase of more than
$1,031,685 in the English exports of
earthenware, chinaware, parian and por
celain during nine months of this year
as compared with the corresponding
months of 1899. But: Ifee increase 1
in shipments to the United States
was $1,118,630. This was more than
the entire gain in the trade with all the
countries of the world; hence had it
not been for the larger trado permitted
With this country by the Gorman tariff
there would have been an actual decrease
in England's foreign pottery trade this
year. That the English potters appreci
ate the enactment of the Gorman tariff
is evident from this further extract from
the Staffordshire Sentinel:
"The revival in the potting trade is
now strikingly manifest The aggregate
exports of packages for 1895 up to last
Friday was 101,064, which total has
only been passed four times since 1869.
These occasions were the years 1869,
1871. 1872 and 1883. Then it mutt be
borne in mind that two months yet re
main of the present year, so that the ex
ports to America for 1895 bid fair to
reach in volume these of the briahtest
of Uje potting trade."
This additional proof of
Wilson's successful un-American work is
undoubtedly as gratifying to the "placid
old fogies" of the Cobden club who re
side in this country as it is to their
friends on the other side. That every
section of the United States is feeling
the effect of the increased imports of
foreign earthenware can be seen from
the following English statistics:
Exports, Jan. 1 to Oct. L
To laos.
Boston 96.49
New York 24,06?
Philadelphia 5.944
Baltimore. 20.870
San Francisco 3,M3
Mobile, etc 18.077
Totals C9.850
Of earthenware this year's English
exports from Liverpool alone in nine
months were worth $178,685 more than
in 1894. The entire increase was $1,
118,630, more than half of which repre
sents a loss to American labor engaged
in the pottery trade.
ier aVaaraa Ilia
Waat Honey to Handle.
The consumer would rather pay the
tax which the Democrats say is hidden
in the protective system of duties and
have money to spend than to escape that
tax and have no money to spend. Wil
mington (Del. ) Morning News.
TDoaaisi Gamble's Idea.
Restore again the policy of the Re
publican party and reverse the balance
of trade in our favor und the effect will
be, as it always has been heretofore, to
stop the outflow of gold from our shores
and bring to us instead tho yellow metal
sufficient to make good the balance of
trade in our favor. The real seat of the
present trouble is largely if not wholly
due to a false economic policy insisted
upon by the opposition in the face of
overwhelming facts as well as the logic
of the present unfortunate condition of
our national well being. Hon. Robert
J. Gamble.
Jfree Wool and Carpeta.
We hear very little about the carpet
trade nowadays from the New York
Times. That free trade sheet used to be
continually explaining what a "good
thing" it was for our carpet manufac
turers to sell carpets in Englaud. Since
the English manufacturers have been
selling more of their carpets in the
American market under our free wool
policy The Times has beeu very silent.
The "good thins" is over on the other
side now. But why not tell us about it?
C&arressBnaa Howe Heard
We must not forget that all values in
this country are established, and that
on a high tariff basis, and any legisla
tion that threatens those values is a
standing menace to the business pros
perity of the nation. It not only creates
distrust and general demoralisation,
but drives men ou the downward road
toward bankruptcy. Let us hope that
the day is near at hand when with rec
iprocity and high tariff wo will be able
to build a structure to protection that
will ever stand as a monument to the
intelligence of the people. James R.
Howe, M. C, New York.
Beartsn Government Crop Report Cat
Weakness In Wheat.
Cbicago. May 11. Predictions of rain in the
winter wheat states and expectation of a
bearish government crop report caused wheat
to close c lower than Saturday' Una Azores.
Corn only declined c. Provision continued
to decline. Closing- prices :
WHEAT July. G33c: Sept. 63Jo)S4.
CORK July, 3:; September. 31a31J
OATS-July, 19Jc: September. 1
PORK-July. $7.(2: September. $7.7
LABD July. U.6l: September. 14.77
RIBS-July. $4.07 J: September. f4.2i.
Cash quota! ions were as follows I No. 2 red
wheat. 08c: No. 3 red. 03c: No. spring. 62c;
corn No. 2, '.tyic; oats No. 2. lie.
Chleaco IJve Stack.
Chkuoo. Hay 11. CATTLE Receipts. 18.000
head: common to fancy native steers. $3.50(9
4.40: stocker and feeders, S3.50tt4.00: cows
and heifers. $2.75; bolls. 2253.23; calves,
HOGS Receipts. 4J.0OJ head: there waa a
fairly active packing demand, but the big sup
ply eaosed a break qf abqqt $9 10c, sa:ei being
largely at $33033.35: common to choice heavy,
SB.e9l93.35; light weights. $3.3033.53; pigs. $3.35
BHKKP Beceipts, 15.000 head; common to
prime, S2.3C5.U0; lambs. S3.lO35.10.
Seath Oaaaa Live Stock.
South OaUHA.May 1I.-CATTLE Receipts.
700; steady on light steers, heavies 5410c low
er; native beef steers. S3.5034.O): western
teen, $3X0(98.85; Texas steers, S28X$3.a):
cows and heifers. $5038.80; cannera. $1,764
ZSD: stackers and feeders. $3.0004.00; calve.
$MC5.09; bolls, stags, etc.. $03(93-25.
HOGS-Beceipta, 1.490; 8910c lower: heavy,
t3.OR9S.10; mixed. S3L0&S3.W: light, sai0J3.3J:
bttlkofsalea. tao793.J5-
8BBP-Beceipta.5.aj0; steady ;falr to choice
aattvaa, 8SXO93.S0 ; fair to choice westerns.
Bala 40: common to stock sheep, SB.90e2.2f;
Haf9HsnsKV A
"3r ftssB
j weIbhHKBotH
To restore old book plates that have
been injured by age and damp proceed
aa follows: Place upon a fiat surface a
sheet of white paper, somewhat larger
than the print to be cleaned. Carefully
dampen the print on both sides with a
oft, wet sponge, and then saturate it
with a mixture of chloride of lime and
oxalic acid dissolved in about equal pro
portions in a pint of cold water. Yin
can tell when the mixture is right oy
its turning magenta color. Continue to
apply it until every stain or spot has
disappeared, and then with a clean
sponge wash the print freer with cold
water. Art American.
rreUaJ, a Ti
When the frightful dynamite explo
sion at Romeo shook the earth and all
the buildings within 50 miles trembled
to their foundations, the sleeping com
muter rolled over in his Auburn park
"How many times." he mumbled,
"do you think you're entitled to collect
a passenger's fare on jour old milk
train? You punched my ticket half am
hour ago!" Chicago Tribune.
' r
Every ancient hero and god had
ower specially oonsecrated in his honor.
The TraaaaiKdwiiBpi Imposition.
Never has there been anything sug
gested that will bring as many people
into Nebraska as the proposed Trans
mississippi exposition to be held at
Omaha in 1898. Since the government
has recognized the undertaking and has
voted $200,000 for its building and ex
hibit it haa become an assured fuet.
In order to make the exposition a suc
cess in every particular it will be neces
sary to keep the people all over the
country thoroughly posted on its possi
bilities, its development and progress.
Every citizen of Nebraska should mako
it his business to let his friends in all
parts of the country understand that
this enterprise is to bo second only to
the great Chicago Columbian exposi
tion of 1833.
The Omaha Bee proposes to devote
considerable space from now on to this
great enterprise, knowing that a groat
deal or publicity will be necessary to
briug the people here at the right time.
It has been suggested thut a rate be
made for subscriptions to The Bee that
will give everybody un opportunity to
send one or more papers to friends in
other states. Actintr on this suirirestion
tho publishers ot The Weekly Bee have
decided to make a price of 2." cents for
thut paper, mailed to any address in
the country from the present timo up
to January 1, 1897. This price hardly
covers the cost of the white paper used
in printing a twelve-page paper for this
length of time, but the publishers feel
that the great exposition must be prop
erly advertised and are willing to do
their share toward helping along an
enterprise that is bound to lie a great
benefit to this state, as well as to the
entire western country. Orders should
be addressed to The Weekly Bee,
Omaha, Neb. 2
CiVOu rt)uotat inne of t he i:ia rketsareobtained
Tuesday afturnoon.and ato correct and relinulo
at the time.
Wheat !:
Shelled Corn
Vicar in f0 lis. lots ,
wes It)
Fat hogs
Fat cows
Fat sheep
Fat steers
. 2 arn so
! C0U2 EO
$15042 00
S2 SUU2 7.'.
In district court. Platte conntjr. Nebraska.
Wealey Knox, Plaintiff.
James Fay. Ellen Fay, Johanna Fibton. IV-
.Michael Finton. defendant, will take notice
that on the iSth day or Septemlier. 18J6, the
above named defendant. James Fay. filed his
cross-petition in the above entitled cans in the
ditstnct court, Platte county, agnintit Johanna
Finton and James Finton, the object and prajvr
of which are to forecloae n certain morttpiK
execnted by tho wiid Johanna Finton and Jaiuex
I'luiuu uimiii wmi nan oi me norniweeT
quarter, the northeast quarter of the iiorthwertt
quarter, and the northwest quarter of the north
east quarter, all in cection thirty, township
twenty, north of rane three west in Platte
county, to secure the payment of seven promis
sory notes dated January 31st. last, and on
which there in duo the sum of JSSkV-U and in
terest to this date. The cross-petitioner prays
for n decree that defendant be required to pay
the same, or thnt said premises may be sold to
satisfy the amount found due. On the 28th day
of March, 181W. the cross-petitioner filed a
motion in said district court sugKefttinic the
death of Johanna Finton. and the court made
an order on Miid date that said action be revived
in the name of the heirs of said deceased and
proceeu axainsi tiieni iinleia they show sufficient
cause against said revivor.
Yon are hereby required to show cause on or
before the 2.1th day of May. 19S, why said action
should not be revived aicainat you.
-., . JAMES FAY.
22aprl Cross-Petitioner.
The Statk ok Nebraska.
County of Platte, $
In the county court, in and for said county. In
the matter of the estate of John Henry Aache,
deceased, late of said county.
At a session of the county court for said
county, holden at the county judge's office in
Columbus, in said county on the 9th day of
May. A. D. 189tt, present. J. N. Kilian. county
judge. On reading and filing the duly verified
petition of Wilhelm Asche praying that let
ters of administration be issued to him on the
estate of said decedent.
Thereupon, it is ordered that the 29th day of
May, A. D. 1896, at 1 o'clock, p. m.. he
assigned for the hearing of said petition at the
county judge's office in said county.
And it is further ordered, that duo legal notice
be given of the pendency and hearing of said
petition by publication in TiikColuubcs Jour
nal for three consecutive weeks.
(A true copy of the order.)
J.N. Kilun,
. . . County Judge.
Dated Columbus, Neb., May 'J, IfM. 13maj2t
To whom it may concern:
The board of supervisors in regular session
April 24th, 1698, declared the following section
line opened aa a public road, viz: Commencing
at the southeast corner of section 8, Town IK
north, of range 1 west and running thence due
west on section line two miles and terminating
at the southwest corner of section 7, town IB,
range 2 west of tiixth principal meridian and to
lie known and designated as the Benson road.
Now all objections thereto or claims for dara
ageii caused hereby must be filed in the county
clerk's office, by Monday. June 7th. 1898, or such
road may be established withont further refer
ence thereto.
Dated Columbus, Neb., May 4. 1-K.
ISniaylt County Clerk.
To whom it may concern:
The board of supervisors in regular session
April 21th, isttt, declared the following section
line opened as a public road, viz: Tho south
east corner of the southwest quarter of the
southwest quarter of section 2, town 17 north, of
range 2, west and running thence north to the
right of way of the Omaha. KepuMioan Valley
Kail road Company, as located on said section
and terminating at said right of way and to be
known and designated as the "Dawson" road.
Now all objections thereto or claims for dam
ages caused hereby must bo filed in the county
clerk's office by Monday. June 7th. Isfii. or such
rood may lie established witl-ftut further refer
ence thereto.
Dated Columbus. Neb., May 4. law.
13maylt County Clerk.
To whom it may concern:
The board of supervisors in regular session
April 21th. 1898, declared the following section
line opened aa a public road, viz: Commencing
at the northwest corner of section fit in town
ship eighteen north.of range one rant of the
Bixm principal meridian, ami running thence
east eighty rods and terminating at th north
west corner of the northeast nuarter of the
northwest quarter of said section five, townshir
eigmeen nonn r
princiil nverldian.
eighteen north racgo one east of the Sixth
nncijmi meriuian.
Now all objections thereto or rlaioaa for dam-
oin causti iien-iijr uiuvi un aim m CM county
clerk's office by Monday. June 71k, INSB, or such
road may be established without further refer
ence thereto.
Dated Columbus. Neb., May 4. 18SW.
Mawitt CoBatyClertx,
rVfli iaW. i-3k - H'-si
la the ccanty court of Platte county. Nebraska!
lathe nutter of application Tor th anpoiat-
ment of a iroanlian for MarpirotU Manatee.
a mentally incompetent perou. Notic.
to Jiargaretha Uaaabach or to whom it r
Jwff.iW that a petition has
been SMmb, office by Mm. 8ophWahni.
.Y.,,eHl ,,iat said Mar
garetha Macsboch i mentally incoinpete&Ltw
reason ot extreme old hare the&rai
TSLTSPf? ' "0r.lnJrtyanU that by
lion and mental incompetency, a inumlian
should be appointed for her tohaV thhie
and management of her property and persoaT
-mLT ,i5Tr?fo fir that saioT petition
EHtag $J?.0S . Colamhas, EW
ka. on the8thdiy-of . iswaTSMTnX
uicu iime yon or anyone may appear in
person or by cannael and resist said application
&S5L 8howin whick - M
Witness my hind and official m1 in tho. .;.
of Colombo. Platte coValfcbrita? thl! S5
day of April. IMS.
J. N. Kiuax.
County JoiUo.
IndeceW."M' f h ",,Ue f Bronk Dbbra,
Notice i hereby given that the creditors of
said deceased w.ft meet the administratrix of
said etate, before me. county judgw of Platte
county. Nebraska, at the county court room in
wud county, on tho oth day of July. i8Vrt on th
5th day of tVctober.lSwTind ontheWh Uyof
January. MOT. at 10 o'clock a m. each dayfor
the purpose of presenting their chuaa forexaat
inatioD. adjustment and allowance. 8ix month
an. allowed for creditor to present their claim.,
and one year for tho administratrix to settU
iul estate, from the i-ith day or April. 1SW.
Dated April 27th. A. 1). lsW.
JU,r4t Connty Judge.
Sale bills printed at this office.
Chicago Inter Ocean and Columbus
Journal, one year, in advance $2.00. tf
Attention, Farmers !
HAY5BJl E&raAS LA M Aad of
" v,r.i nut!, risi t. I aa pre-
jou a tintt-claaa farm or
fence, liwa and
cemetery fence, and save ion
Hnotf in your bill and let me atrara on
This fence is all fully warranted.
.sTWaico and warehouse acroafl the street
oi IIUKhtM luillher nnt ami Muitii r II
track. -. .
IWebtf C. S. EASTON, Aent.
3Ca.taLblla0a.ea. 1832.
First National Bant,
Capital Stick Paii ii $100,000.00
orri:sss aito dibestjis:
A. ANDKKHON. Prea't,
J. 11. (JAI.LEV, Vice 1'res't.
Omaha Meat Market
Fresh and
Salt Meats.
Game and Fish in Season.
JajfHighest market
Hides and Tallow.
prices paid for
We Carry Coffins, Caskets ansj
Metallic Caskets at as low
prices as any one.
Drink Habit .
Also Tobacco, Morphine an
other Narcotic Habits.
ta'-Privatetfeatraentgiven ifdwJfef.
W. A. McAluht.
W. M. Coa.NU.irs
DOTTY et 0-s.miEjr.
Special attention given
to Criminal
OoSce: Corner Kleventh awl North Sea. "
Office over First National Baak
;- .--,-,, . SJ.
,-r ." ... i . .. ., S-
''""l ' . -
rl " -" - "- - - . -, m, S.