Ty-asc -C: JP.- -" v Jl -"? "?" v - - Tsst.-.. - .'C?: " r - - '. -5rjSirwr ,1 --i. , f - . "" It ' .Ar. VOLUME XXVIL NUMBER 5. COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA. WEDNESDAY. MAY 13, 1896. WHOLE NUMBER 1,357. MurM G i - V I TK 'OPERATIC PRELUDE. T WAS S O'CLOCK and the drug store next the opera 9W mJZzJ 1 diar.t with the cos- VVi (i!slL tumes whose rich- i j tcsa a ku parquet- circle type as was the foyer of the great hall near bj. It was the usu i al before-the-opera crowd, composed of representatives ol a class of people who are well-to-do yet not such strict adherents to the canons of society as to be prohibited from at tending to a few trifling matters that had been put off till the last minute. Ladies under the protection of their escorts braced themselves for the com ing performance with various soft drin&s that we're served rapidly by the skillful attendants; ladies who had tucked their safety under the shadow of their own wins and had discarded masculine supervision altogether, hag gled ever the price of boxes of bon bons and scowled at the clerk who in sisted upon receiving the regulation price for all such dainties, and ladies whose escorts were yet to appear leaned wearily against the heavy show cases and impatiently watched the av enue entrance through which they were every moment expecting the other half of the combine to put in an appearance. The latter class was not without a plentiful sprinkling of men. The one who of all the waiting, pushing, pass ing crowd was first to arrive was a gentleman. He came in at 7:30 and took up his station at the corner of the cigar stand near the door, a position from which he could get a fair view of every newcomer, and there he stood, a good-looking, dark-mustached, fashionably-attired monument of patience, till tbe minute-hand on the clock op posite, pointed to S o'clock. Then he shifted- his position a little. At five minutes past S he shifted again, At ten minutes past S he got desperate, and leaving the counter, which for the last forty minutes had served for a pedestal for his weariness., he cut a wide swath through the then decreas ing crowd and made his way toward the far end of the store. There were but five ladles left in the publir trysting place at that time. One was middlp-aced and had two little girls with her; throe of them were ac companied by gentlemen; the only one for whom he could possibly be looking was the tall blonde in the rear of the room. He stopped and studied her fur- tt.nl -..: !, JJ 1 r-i "tij u.iiii ueiore uuuieotiUn ut. suu was vPry pretty. Her hair was that rich, beautiful brown that shines in the I light; her eyes were larg, long-lashed I and white-lidded, and her complexion was touched with that exquisite tint that reaches its rarest perfection when brought in contrast ivith somber col ors. The lady undoubtedly realized the possibilities of her face and the rich black of her costume was relieved only by the ermine lining of her wrap. The gentleman hesitated a moment. "She doesn't tally exactly with the description given." he dtcided. com paring the pretty picture before him with a photograph which he evidently carried in a convenient pocket in his mind. "The fact is. she is decidedly prettier, but perhaps a desire to avoid all show of egotism prompted her to go a little slow on the enumeration of her many charms. A woman as good Iookinc as she is can atferd to speak j faintly in her own praie. It must be tfJ..nrET JaasaE-.. i w--' 7m she. I'll risk it, anyway." j LUt; uru5 blore " u'gnt: A relieved look passed over th ladv's I "Miss Sutton." he answered, care face and she aro?e as he came nearer ! lf,Sl" "Katherine Sutton. Why, what . "Pardon me." he said, "but I am j ma(ie Jrou think of her?" looking for a lady I have never seen. "0h- nolhinS- I learn hy the morn- . Have I made a mistake, or is this Miss ' Gilbert?" A percpptible shade of disappoint- ! 'ment Sashed in her blue eyes nd she i IS THIS MISS GILBERT? hesitated an Instant. She glanced a: the clock. It was S 3.5. and the opera had already commenced, "Yes" she replied, quickly, "and you?" He put his own construction on her hesitancy, and smiled in his own con ceit. "Robert Lang, of course." he re turned. "What a fcol I was to let you wait here from 7:35. the- time when you came in. until now. But I was fearful . of making a mistake. You are so much . prettier than you gave me any idea I of." "You are very kind." she laughed, i "but let's hurry. The music is now j well under way. i The drug-store doer closed heavily ' behind them and the clerks settled down to a brief season of comparative nnipr TTnlf an hour Tiokrd itvlf win. "notonously away and the clock above j A man who looked enough like the puzzled hero of the early part of the evening to be his twin brother hurried across the avenue with a reckless dis regard of murderous cabs and cable cars and rushed Into the universal club-room. The only people present were the attendants and two gentle men buying cigars. It was obvious that the late arrival was on the look out for none of these, tor he sat down gingerly on a seat near the doer and glared around with unconcealed dis gust. He waited five minutes, then as no one else came who appeared to be more pleasing to his fancy he pulled his collar tightly around his ears and started out. He had stepped one foot on the sidewalk and was still holding the knob of the half-open deer, when he .noticed a woman who turned the "nearest corner and came rapidly to ward him. She brushed past him and went into the drug store. Involuntar ily he turned and went, in after her. She had brown hair, blue eyes and a "p" '-m good complexion; moreover, she was dressed in black and wore a wrap with ermine lining. The anxious, searching glance with which she regarded the occupants of the room finally rested on him and she started back with a little cry of alarnl He laid his hand on her arm and led her to a seat hear the side entrance. "Ndw,' he said, sitting down beside her, "what are you doing here?" "t came to meet some one, she fal tered, meekly, "and he lsh't here. What are you doing?' "I came here to meet seme one, too," he retorted, sharply, "and she Isn't here, either. "I'm late," she hazarded, for want of something better to ayi "Yes," he returned, "so am L" They sat there for a few moments, each maintaining an obdurate silence. Presently one neatly gloved hand stole 1 out from under her ermine-lined wrap and rested lightly against h3 sleeve. "Frank she said, twisting herself around so he could get a half-view of her pretty face, ''I've been awfully fool ish, and I want to confess." There were tears in her eyes, but they did not lead him to the stool of repentance. "After we had our quarrel last week and de cided to separate. I was so miserable I can't tell you how miserable. You will have to try to imagine. I have tried to bear it as though It were realiy a mat ter of small import, and to keep people from learning just how much I have grieved I have avoided them as much as possible. It sets me wild to hear them jest and make merry when my heart Is literally breaking. In Sunday's paper I read the advertisement of a' young man, a stranger in the city, who wanted some one to accompany him to the opera two evenings this week. I answered and we made an engagement to meet here to-nizht at 7:30. I couldn't , get away from home on time and I eup- pose he has left long agd I shodld not have come at all, Frank, but, judging by the description he gave of himself, I concluded he must look like you. His name is Robert Lang. Oh, Frank. I w as so foolish and reckless. Pray for give me." The tears brimmed over then and formed a little rivulet down either cheek. The fingers on his coat sleeve perceptibly tightened their grip and he laid his own right hand protectingly over them. "I thought there must be something like that in the wind." he said. "The fact of the matter is, Nellie, I was on just such a chase myself. A lady, also a stranger in the city, advertised in Sunday's paper for an escort for one evening this week, and I offered to lend . , , i ., - , , . ' mgh. at ';3 ? e Ume and place of I meeting. I couldn't get here any earl ier. Upon my word, I don't think I should have come at all, only I was convinced she must look like you, and if I couldn't have the original I thought I would try to content myself with a passable substitute. Her name is Kath erine Sutton. I wonder what became of her?" "Why should you carer was the pouting comment, "when you have me?" "That's so," he replied, "whv should I?" Six months later Mis. Frank Ken nan looked up from the morning pa per, choice paragraphs from which she was sandwiching into her nimble mind between the bites of buttered toast, and looked at her husband curiously. "Frank," she asked, "what was the name of the lady you were to meet at m? PaPer tnac a marriage license has ! been issued to Robert Lang and Kath- erme Sutton, that's all. You know. ljns was uie name oi tne gentleman I should have seen. I was just wonder- : ing if they didn't console themselves i with each other and go to the opera to j gether. It's strange we never thought i of that before. Such a thing is possi ble, you know." "Oh. yes," he said, "it's possible." He Knew TVh-t He Wimtetl. I had an interesting experience the other day in one of the cut-rate drug stores. There was a rush of budding pharmacists to wait upon me. "I want a bottle of Dr. g cure. How much is it?" "Eighty-three cents." was the reply, "but we have one of our own make which is just as good " "But I don't want that," "If you don't get cured after taking ours bring back the bottle " "I insist I don't want it," "And get your money, although you may have taken all the medicine. We guarantee ours, and can't the other." The fellow kept on talking, and I don't know but what he is still at it. for I didn't wait to see him stop, neither did I buy what I wanted, after all I went to a neighboring store and purchased what I thought I desired, and not something "just as good" or "better" than what I purchased. There is some satisfaction in knowing what you want and getting it without the interference cf a drug clerk. Boston Post, Qualified. Alkali Ike "So old Bill Jaggett is dead? Wall, he could shore drink a powerful sight of whisky. But -then, he a Prett-V fair of felIcr- ter Cactus Jack "Wonder if his brother-in-law ever got well from the effects of the fight him an Bill had time Bill mighty nigh cut him to shoestrings. But, then. Bill was a pretty tollable sort of cuss." Poker Jim "Beat me outer over $190 clean steaL d him! But. then. I s'pose I ort to say he was a middlin de cent sort of feller now that he's dead!" Three-fingered Babcock "They never exactly proved that thar horse stealin' on him, did they time he nar rowly escaped bein' lynched? Wal, he was a sort of clever feller, after alL" Hank Bitter Helped tar-an'-feather him once myself; but he was a pretty fair sort of feller if you are absolutely certain he is dead." Exchange. A wealthy Englishman living in Wiesbaden has tendered to the city a donation of 20,000 marks, with a pro vision to apply the interest to the as sistance of dramatic authors for the first performance of their works. A KANSAS TOWN FfiUI). HOWTHE POMEROYS DEFEATED T.'E M'CILLS. Mo viae Fcst-ce for Caase The Government I'nwlttlaslr Aided the Poaiaroja to Defeat Their Historic ec - - 'GlLL- CITY; the county seat ol Gresham County, Kansas, is a very small place, but large enough to tontain a feud that for deep hate and wild fury passes anythi n g ever heard of in the wilds of Kch tucky. The feud divides the town into twd factions that relent not for day or for night. Whenever a stranger comes to town he is immediately en listed on the one side or the other, and must stand by the faction he has chosen, says a recent dispatch to the New York World. The rival factions center each about a leader who is rich. On the one side is Pomeroy; on the other McGill. The principal street of the town is the line between the two: No Pomeroyite ven tures into the territory of the Mc Gillites, and no McGillite ever erosses over into the Pomeroy regions. This maib street is the frequent battle ground, and many a fray has raged there, with the town officers divided be- tween the two contending narties. The bitterest pill the Pomeroy fac- tion has had to swallow has been the presence of the postoffice on the McGill side of the main street It was ho j small thing, when you come to think of it. tnat every time a Fomeroy man wished to get his mail he had to cross over the edge of the McGill territories and receive a favor of the McGillites, his hated enemies. This was lately aggravated by the fact that the Post- BaaSWIisSBmaeSi-- sMBaTF ' JWfeSrrS"-sa;:1iBssaaW53'!i aiiBSgg - ' -3 VM ISaW"HX-''lIafelBaafe?at rj" """ -JV """'- 'SS-C3WPP BTaaHa POMEROY FACTION STEALS THE POSTOFFICE. master, O. B. Kirkly, was a Pomeroy man. All day long he had to breathe the McGill atmosphere. Only a strong sense of duty kept him from resigning. Otherwise the salary would have been no inducement whatever. He endured this as long as he could, and then began to plot to have the postoffice changed to the Pomeroy side of the street. He secretly negotiated with the United States government, and by j working very stealthily got permision t0 move the office without anr one fiad- mg out wnat ne was uomg. a weeK ago yesterday morning, while the McGillites slept unguarded, a posse of fifty Pom eroyites gathered in the shadows of the buildings on the Pomeroy side of the street. At the signal they swept down upon the postoffice, and. with ropes and rollers, got it across the way. When the first McGillite come forth in the morning he saw the postofiice seated across the way, looking as calm and contented as If the Pomeroy side of the street had always been Its home. An hour later the McGillites marched across the street, armed and prepared to bring the postoffice back. On its front door was an official-looking docu ment. The McGillites read the govern ment order, authorizing the change. They saw that they were beaten. The Pomeroy faction gathered and fell to jeering; "Why don't you move it back?" But the McGillites dared not, because they feared to enlist Uncle Sam on the Pomeroy side. So they gnashed their teeth and melted away. There have been several small riots in the main street since the moving of the post ofiice. but no serious trouble, as trouble goes in Hill City. All the Letter in the Alphabet, .Some ingenius trifier has discovered that there is one verse in the Bible which contains all the letters in the al phabet: "And L even I. Artaxerxes, the King, do make a decree, to all the treasurers which are beyond the river, that, whatsoever Ezra, the priest, the scribe of the law of God of Heaven.shall require of you, it shall be done speed ily." (Ezra viL, 21). Of course it will be seen that J is left out; but then J and I were originally the same letter. It will further be seen that the letters are duplicated and reduplicated. Bailrlinc mnct Loan. It is stated by one who has investi gated the subject that the average yearly expenses of a co-operative build ing and loan association of Philadel phia is $350. In most cases no salaries are paid except to the secretary, and h receives about $150 per annum. There are over 400 associations in Philadel phia. Mieht Work. "It is easy to attract the masses with free food and coffee," said the mission ary worker, "but the attracting of the ycung men of the er better classss is a problem of much mere depth." "Try free skirt dances and cigar ettes," suggested the man who is noth ing if not practical. When sound can go but in only one direction it travels far. An old well at Cerisbrook castle. Me of Wight, is 1S2 feet deep. On a still day a pin can be heard to strike the water. DOWN RIVER ON A STURGEON. Exciting; KiJe Tata tfc. t"Un Wm eke ea a Sandbar. Among the many incidents of the olden time that Interest us now. Or. J. Russell Hawkins tells us of one that happened in James riter, at the falls of Richmond, in the year 1779, sayi tfi Richmond Religious Herald. He as sures us that many of the leading citi zen fef Richmond at that time were eye-witnesses to the fact, and that h had it straight from them.- It was concerning Martin Hawkins; an uncle of the doctor. This uncle was a great hunter and fisherman. In those days Jamea rivr waa well stocked with shad. . In May they came up from the sea. and hundreds of people, fond of the pport, would assemble on the rocks in midstream along the falls, and with dip-net? would supply themselves with all they wanted, dii? hero was at hi3 post watching-for a-catch, when along came an immense sturgeon, and stopped to rub his sides against the rock, ac cording to the habit of sturgeons, when Mr. Hawkins concluded that if he could only get his hands into the gills of the monster he might succeed in landing him. Accordingly he crept to the side of the rock, stooped over, and began rubbing the sides of the fish near the tall, and proceeded quietly toward the head, until at last the gills were reached. With a sudden thrust the hands were sent home to the very inner jaws of the fish, when it gave a lurch that jerked the fisherman from the rock. He fell astride the fish's back, but his hands were held as in a vise. For a moment all was surprise and in- j terest, then both fish and rider sank in , the deep, roaring waters of the flood, The spectators were aghast with fright, They thought their friend was lost. But, after a few moments, fish and fish , d the judge without a much as a erman came to the surface about 100 pin-feather oh it yards down the river, and remained at The Greenport champidri fared even the surface long enough to breathe, then worse, and after a ridiculously one sank again. A moment later they rose i sided matnh r.,,ar. nrraA ii, ,,,. again, and then again and again, as the waters bore them away. They passed under Mayo's bridge, half a mile from the starting point. People along the shore became ex cited and gave chase as best they could. In the meantime the fish was being exhausted and the rider had discovered it and began to try to steer for a sand bar, then a little way below them; This he reached successfully. And here. after a struggle, he dragged his trophy ashore on the Chesterfield side of the i rive ver. or on the side opposite from the 1 lint of starting. Richmond was then point a small tnxn nnrf in . llrr'A fimo thi strange adventure was known to everv I inhabitant. An ovation followed. The ! fish, which measured ten fPPr rrnn ! weighed 200 pounds, was served up in a manner to suit every taste, and the night that followed this episode was spent in high glee, and the distin guished adventurer was ever afterward known as Martin Hawkins, the stur geon rider. This gentleman died in his 73d year at the residence of a friend. Daniel Burton, about ten miles west of Richmond. Marrh-e bj Wholesale. A wholesale marriage ceremony was performed in Odd Fellows hall at Kock essin. a few miles from Wilmington, Del., the other afternoon. Eight couples of colored people were married simul taneously by the Rev. William Jason, president of the State College for Col ored Students. The ceremony was wit nessed by more than 300 people. Ex plaining the circumstances which brought the about wedding Mr. Jason I ,;.,- .,, -.,. X. - r 7i&iu. wwi uiuk auu mai nuU X I went among these people and tried to bring them to God they were a bad lot. At first I did not get much encourage ment, but after I had labored with them for several months I saw that even the hardest ones were touched. In nearly every instance where a man and woman were living together no marriage cere mony had teen performed between them. I told them that It was wrong and sinful; that It was a violation of the civil law and an offense against di vine law. That's why I performed this wholesale marriage. At first they ob jected: but when one couple who had been living together for four years con sented to let me marry them the others gave in. and I hope in time that all the rest will follow in their footsteps." Baltimore American. Troth Uur:. St. Petersburg is excited over the j horsewhipping of Prince Mestchersky. director of the Grashdanm. by two sons of an official who felt insulted by an ar ticle in the newspaper. The young men say they whipped the prince, but he cays that he turned them out of his house without being struck. Physical Strength. Physical strength is highly rated in Switzerland. In several cantons the custom still prevails of holding wrest ling matches. The champions taking -part in these athletic sports belong to the most diverse ranks in the social scale. A New York judge rules that hugging and kissing a girl against her will is a. species of assault taxable by a fine of $10. A sort of an X raid, as it were I Picked in s seconds. LONG ISLAND'S CHAHPJdN FOWL PtUCKER. faataera Fly I4k. SawflakM rat it gaifaiawa 8 Qalekly That It la AI- meats. ERE IS AN Ac count of the feats f Prank W. Gur ner, of' Eatport, U t, who ciaims the" title of "Champion Chicken-Picker of the World." He is willing to bet $5, 66 that fa has a right to tha title and his record U SBe.Calckea picked eleam im It. sec onds. This extraordinary performance Gurner has repeatedly accomplished, and in al! the contests In which be has taken pari has distanced his eonipetH tors to such an extent that It was al most painful to witness their puny ef forts. Some time ago Gurner thought he had a rival worthy of his metal in John Daly, of Fire Island, who had a great reputation an an expert in this line. A frkndijf esdtest was proposed. Daly in an evii moment accented. The ehiSkeni wef produced and Daly wen to work. GurheF did not move a hand, but watched his opponent. When the latter was half through Gurner doused his fowl in scalding water, tossed it in the air. rubbed it i u.cr uis own peculiar metnou ana De- fore the astounded Daly knew what had happened the chicken was handed chickens to the Greenporter's one, but even with this handicap the offer wa3 refused: In the presence 6f S Sunday World reporter last week Gurner equalled his record time of five seconds, and then offered to pick one "slowly" in twelve seconds, to show how it was done. This is what happened: Gurner plunged the" fowi into scalding water, seized it and threw it intd the air", caught it as it came down with one' hand around each wing. With light- . ning-Iike rapidity the right hand then I shot out, carrying away all the feath- ers of the wing on that side. The same motion on the opposite side carried away the feathers on that wiiig. j the chicken was then laid on Jur- , ner's right leg, and Gurner, both ( hands moving like piano keys operated by a rapid player, literally struck off !' the feathers on the upper side. It was immediately tcssed over to his left leg and similar treatment followed on its otner side. The chicken was then placed between the operator's legs and a clawing movement of the hands fol lowed. When this ceased the ehieken was absolutely picked clean. Some Modern "Big ThlnRS." One of the largest checks ever drwn in this country was IlC.OOOiOOO, by President Roberts, of the Pennsylvania Railroad, in payment of 200,000 shares of P. W. & B. R. R. stock. The English Royal Naval architect says that a "perfect" modern man-of-war should weigh hot iess than 23,000 tons, and cost at least 2,000,000 Of $10,000,000: The pavement in front of the Wililanl H. Vanderbiit residence in New York city cost over $40,000. The single stone " tuaL uer ww. me single stone lyms front the largest h.nown paving stone, ana cost, transpor- "uon aM au- a-oyu- A redvrood Plank exhibited at the Kansas City exposition was 16 feet long. 7 feet 9 inches wide and 5 inches thick. The largest bronze casting ever made ! in America is the buffalo's head which ' hangs at the eastern entrance of the t Union Pacific bridge between Omaha and Council Bluffs. l The largest statue in the United ' States is Bartholdl's "Liberty Enlight- '' ening the World," which stands on ' Bedlce Island. New York harbor. The , statue alone, without base or pedestal, ; weighs -WO.OOCTpounds. 1 The highest building in the world. , monuments and towers not considered. I is the Cologne Cathedral. The height i of this building from the pavement to j the copper tip on the spire is 511 feet. The great hammer at the Woolwich Gun Works, WooIwich.England, weighs forty ton3. and its drop is a sheer fail of forty-four feet three inches. Tho r fWW),Tirrfi-nriTiriT. nnmnlnff i1u-.i-.-j -,i eme in the mines at Freidensville. Pa.. raises 17,500 gallons of water at "ach revolution of its gigantic fly-wheeL St. Louis Republic For A Linen Shower. She Is, indeed, a fortunate young woman whose friends give her the benefit of a linen shower at her be- trothaL A linen shower will go further to eiv hpr fcesntifnl things fnr fieri table than any other wav devised, and . tor-communities. There is a large con the embroideries will be doublv charm- samPtiojl oi li(Iao for medicinal ?ur ing as the gifts, perhaps the 'work, of! Pes An exammauon of the drug thoughtful friends. But sometimes the ! ?.orf returns of 7opek foJaauar? fr?r,-e -, ,- f ;,,-, ,.., ,u,L. discloses a prevalence of colds, over -..n.j .uu ifuuib j. iu-.io auu luiuxi that one can have enougenter pieces or doilies or bureau scari. "Tidies are out of fashion. What gift in linen can be made that will be at once novel and pretty? There is no lack of things. Picture frames, pin trays, pin cushions, laundry bags, night-dress- cases, orna mental towels for looks, not for use: sachets, sofa cushions these are a few suggestions. The necessary linens for table, bed and toilet are furnished, it is to be presumed in the trousseau. What the linen shower provides is only the luxuries. Everything, therefore, must 1 be extremely fine and daintily worked. else the purpose of the gathering and gift presentation is defeated. New York Herald. Women im Polities. Victoria doesn't rule England. It is the freest land on the face of the earth that Is, for Englishmen. And why is this so? Simply because the dear, good old lady doesn't interfere in poli tics. And let me say that it might be better for this country if the ladies did not interfere in politics. Rev. H. H. ConwelL A LEAP YEAR PROPOSAL, Wmh Life it a bcatstifal thing. XaB-TeSf irtetd; especially fci ParisV Womai What's that? Man El1 m. I said: Tea, especial ly in pairs. Woman Oh, Henry! Tl U so ab rupt! But I I am willing. MiftVI was about to say that espe cially Impartial observation has justi fied me in agreeing with you, to live Woman Oh. Henry, You surprise me sd. but 1 I accept. Maa Yes, it is best to accept the world as it exists. 1 was saying to live nobly is a beautiful thing. By the way, what if Uncle Sam should annex Caba? Woman Oh, Henry! How neta jihork! kamltetaphoric? . Wesaal-Cal1ta4E ysarsclf TJade Saat and me Man I believe the annexation would be disastrous to all concerned." Woman Oh! MaO-But the whole political situa tion in our cdontry is bad at present. These domestic broils will ruin us. Woman Bat, Henry, we haven't quarreled. Man Eh? Waat's that? Woman I said we" bada't quarreled. You said Man I said nothing about ourselves. f regret that I have not succeeded in making you tfflderstaad Wfimari fiat yon kae, you have, in deed. 1 4h't know what to say to you, you have startled sae so! But. of course, if you insist, f Suppose 1 shall have to give way and say yea. Y.u are so impetubtt?, so hasty! Man On the contrary. I am very slow. I even fall to appreciate your Woman Nonsense, Henry. All men Saj they fall to appreciate us. For fny part, compared with you, I know I am not worth anything. Man What's that? Woman I say I am really flat worth anything. Man What of that? You have a be'antlfn! home here, and I am sure your father woti't begrudge Woman f ara sure he will not. I wish you would ask him right away Man Ask him? Ask him trhat? Woman What you did mc. ManGood heavens! Miss Durham, what was that? Woman If ydt! eflu'd have me for your own little wifey-lfev- Man I never Woman Certainly not! I know ybu never did. AH the men say they never proposed to any other girl. And, Hen ry, dear Henry, papa's in the next roo'ni. Ml tell him you wish to see him. You, darling, jffful Man Oh, Lord! New" York Herald. HE COULD FIGHT. One Blow Seeared a 3trltMt for the rale. Thin Tonne; Xjd. In the mountains of the south the schools are still maintained upon the subscription plan'. A traveling man just returned from that section gave the following account of an examina tion of an applicant for a school: "I was stopping at a cabin all night." said he. "and a pale, slender young man came during tbe evening to talk with my host" "I am thinking of starting a school here," he said, "and I wanted to see if you would subscribe." 'Kin yo read?" 'Yes." "Kin yo' write?" "Certainly," "Kin ye' figger?'! "Of course." "Air yo married?" "NO;" "Wall, we did want a married man nex' time. The las' three teachers has run o11 wltn S"s an tnar a,n c enun gals in this hyar neighborhood now. But X dm,t 8'Pse none of 'em wou!d want a Iean feIler like yo' l don,t reckon yo' not beln married '11 make QUch difference. Couldn't expect slch a POlr feIIer ter be married Then thar's ce thinS- Me and BUI SimPkins an Alf Toney is all gwlne ter school an Iarn ter read an' wrlte X done Iicked Bil lan' he done licked Alf so l reckon the onlT one ter settle with ls me We ain't gwine to 'bey no man we kin lick. Kin 0' font'" "l 8tudied boxing." said the stranger, 'Don't know nothin' 'bout thet. Does nakin boxes make muscle?" I "Try one ana see, was tne cooi re ! joinder. The big mountaineer hit at the little man, and when he regained conscious ness had his head In the wood box and his feet sticking up in the air. Looking about him with a dazed ex pression, he said: "Young feller, shake. I'll go with yo some day an' well git thet school. An say, young feller, set me ter work on them boxes. Star. will yo'?"--Washington Whisky for 5or Heel. Drug store business in Kansas is much the same as in other prohibi- . Olie-Uaii UL LUC J1LUUU..1L3 VU . .. . A. , . ., which liquor was sold being for the disease of cold." The drug store records show that liquor is furnished for such flimsy reasons as "the disease of old 3gtr." the "loss of an eye." for "use in store," and for "cramp in the heel." Calatrntioaal. In an obituary notice printed in a Kansas City paper of the late deputy warden of the Missouri state peniten tiary, who had held the office more than forty years, appears the undoubtedly well-intentioned statement that "Prob ably no man in Missouri enjoys a wider acquaintance among the public men over the entire state." Corractlao, ff( The Indiana youth who nearly spoiled the celebration of his 107th birthday anniversary by breaking his arm in a game of baseball should be Interviewed in the woodshed by his father. At the present moment oat of the I seventy-one members of the Irish na j 1 tionalist party ten are Protestants. I . POPULAR SCIENCE. Tfce air presaura em a person of ordi aary Asa la sixteen aad a half tons. The aighaat mountain in the world is Meaat Ererest, In the Himalayas twenty-mine thousand feet, or five and tsvte-faartka miles. In tha normal state a dog executes tventjr r thirty respiratory movements a. minute', iat while he is excited cv running in the at of the sun this in creases to 300 or 350". It has lately been established that the temperature of the carbon ia the elec tric arc is about 7.500 degree F-. or about forty times the differeuce of tem peratttra between the boiling an4 freez ing water. The camel's foot is a soft cushion, pe culiarly well adapted to the stones and gravel over which it is constantly walk ing. During a single journey through the Sahara horses have worn out three acts as? steam,, wail the camel's feet are not even more. --"" The frog deposits its eggs in shallow water, where the warmth of the sun promotes speedy hatching. The com mon snake often selects a bed of decom posing vegetable matter. The croco dile and the clumsy sea tortoise go ashore to lay their eggs. When the common earth worm is cut In two to the tall there grows a head and to the head there grows a tail, and two animals are formed. As the wound heals a small white button is formed, which afterward develops into rings and a perfect extremity. The duration of sunshine in the var ious countries of Europe was recently discussed at a scientific meeting in Ber lin. It was shown that Spain stands at the head of the list, having on an average 3.000 hours of sunshine pr year, while Italy has 2.30O hours. Ger many 1,700 hours and England 1.100 hours. Madrid has almose three times as much sunshine as London. INDIGESTION. Tfce Ommk Will Create the Symptoms of Heart Dltease. Khlaey Disease. Etr. From tbe Standard-Union. Brooklyn. X. T. Few women have had more mis erable existence and lived to tell the tale than Mrs. Anna L. Smith of 311 Pulaski Avenue. Brooklyn. With all the comforts that money affords, with all the happine that many loving friends can give, the Joy of Mrs. Smith's life was blasted for years by the terrible ravage of sickness. The story la most interesting as told to a reporter: "I was an invalid for year?, mifferinff first with one complaint and then with another. The thing which caused me the most discomfort end made me of fensive to m family wap the worst case of Indigestion Imaginable. I had the best physician we could find, and occasionally his prescriptions relieved me temporarily. But the pains and misery would all soon return asraln. I became desperate, and started in to try remedies of which I read. Amonsr them wers the Pink Pills. I took the pills and fclljwed out the direc tions to the letter, and before many days I began to fel like a differ ent woman. For six weeks I tcok the pills regularly, and I can truthfully add after that I was as well any one In the family. This change for the bet ter In my condition has caused ny relatives and friends to take th-? pills. We buy them from the druff tore of John Duryea, at the corner of DeKalb and Sumner Avenues. "I assure, you it was Impossible for me to oversea ray household for three years. Now I visit my kitchen every day. do my own marketing and shop ping; In a word. look after everyth.'ng' connected with my home and family. "Oh. yes. 1 etill keep takinsr ih pills. I take one daily after dinner. Preven tion, you know, is better and cheaper than cure. I verily believe one half of the women Who are suffering from the Ills which our sex are hir to would be up and well if they cu!d ba In duced to give the Pink Pilfc a fair trial. I certainly recommend them heartily and and feel grateful to the physician who put them on the market." Mrs. Smith is a woman of som? means and standing in the communlty and. therefore, her testimony will b accepted without question by all thoughtful people. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills contain all the elements necessary to-give new life and richness to the blood and restore shattered nerves. They may be had of all druggists or direct by mall from the Dr. Williams Med. Co., Schenecta dy, X. Y.. at 50 cents per box. or six boxes for C50. Tne Kingdom of Women. One would haddly think of iroin- to the country of the Czar to find an ex ample of Women's Rights, but there is a place in Russia, Smolensk by name, where women are said to govern every thing. This is not because they do so better than men. but because the town is so dead that in order to earn a living all the men are compelled to go way. thus leaving matters entirely in charge of the women. Plainly, the ideal and complete kingdom of women Ls a place where no men can get a liveli hood. "ew InrectEons. Inventors have known for some time past that possibly the best paying in vention ever patented was the pneu matic tire for bicyeles, bat thev were hardly prepared to receive the report just made public, that a syndicate of English capitalists had bought the pnecmatie patent tire business for Great liritian, paying 5I5,0CO.C0O for a group of American inventions. Three improvements which may cause the syndicate some trouble, were patented this week; a Brooklyn inventor receiv ed a patent for a tire comprising a llex ible east.ng filled with compressed felt: a Scotchman received a L. . patent for a hollow, elastic, air-tilled" hub: while an Omaha inventor has just been allowed a patent for a compensating buffer tire, which has been tested and found to work admirably Sues fc Co., Patent Solicitors, lice I'cildinz. Omaha. Nebr.. will give free any information relating to patents. The editorial pages of the Review of Reviews for May are especially strong" in their treatment of current foreign affairs and international topics. The Cuban war and its relations to Spanish politics, the boundary difficulties be tween Brazil and French Guiana, other South American Matters, the present status of Canadian politics. American policy toward Turkey, the Soudan ex position. England's position among the Powers with reference to Egypt, the British alliance with Italy, Russian in terest in Abyssinia, the rising in Matabeleland. and the BadaDest Ex position, are subjects which fail within the month's survey and which are in telligently discussed in the Review's department of 'The Progress of the World. Putting a crown on the bead, puts noth ing kingly in the heart. The people who talk the most, "Jo not alwavs sav the most. So man stands a.'one when ha ia right. (Hurims - State - Bask! fib: Ins a fell EdUt BUYS GOOD NOTES OmCKK3 A3B DTKPXT033X Lbawdex Gerkakp, Presft, B. H. Hrtssr, Vice Prest, H. Bbxggzs, Cashier. Jo ox Statjffeb. Wjl Bucher. L COLUMBUS, NEB., -HAS AN- Aittorizt. Capital if - $500,000 Pai. ii Capital, - 90,000 OFFICCKS. C.B.SH&.DOX. Pres't. H. P. II. OEHLRIcn. Vice Pres. DANIEL SCTl RAM. Cahler. FttAN'K EOUEI. Aia'tCashrer DIRECTORS. f. TI. SfTELDO.V, IT. 1. IT Or.HLBICH. J.s Welch. W. a. McAllisteh, Cam. Ruxke, S. C Ghat. FltA.MC ROKEK. STOCKHOLDERS. Gerhard Loseke. J. Henkt Wckixma. Clark Gray. IlE-XRr LOSEKE. Daxif.i. scuram. A. F. Ii. Oehlhicu Retiecca Becker, Geo. w. Galley. J. I. Becker Estate, 11. 1L Wlxslow. Ti-TT deposit; lajterest allowe oa tin teposlts: buy and sell exchange on United States and EuroDe. and bur and sell avail- j able securities. H e shall be pleased to re ceive jour uiisi-es. no wucit jourpac roaage. Columbus Journal! A weekly newspaper de oted the best interests of COLUMBUS THE COUNTY OF PUTTE, The State ot NeDraska THE UNITED STATES AID THE REST OF MANKIND The unit of witn ia $1.50 A YEAR. XV PAID TV ABYA3TCK. Bat onr IlaUt of aaafalnesa hi not prescribed by dollars aad cents. Sampl coplea sent free to any address. HENRY GASS, TJNDERTAKEE ! Cvffins : aid : Metallic : Cases ! "Repairing of all kinds of Upfial tUry Goods. Ut -C0LTJsBrS.5ZBEASKA- GoiumDus Journal a TSXTARTD TO munsH ASTTHISO KZQCIRED OF A PRINTING OFFICE. COUNTRY. fala, Of--. HWTmam ma ml mif t iriAaHTiy : uoxiift 1 M I C&Ta&sa&A&BS sasasaWTffsaBsaBsaBsaaV ffrlif l" iL.Ji. .. . -- -Pi. Jifc J