J.-r -. rT&gr-, lr;y- 7 - V "" -re-r' " ?-rt"c yJi f"eix2r . ry- - -45?.-' " vT',?-.M - -t-"-c - ! m: if" H i r. ir r t. t r Tr. K . Jf Ctfltrmmisfeitrttal. WEDNESDAY. HA1" 6. 16. A SJIEIEXABEE. Paee. j Freight. tfirec rolsaboa 5 7 A) a.m.1 2a0p.: " .Brlicood 7:3) I S0 ' Seward lit. i3J j 75 Arrives it Lincoln f 5Sa. ci-ilOO , ..The pHWgggr leaTw 'T.iacoln at 63S p. m.,and rrrivt-, at CVlnsbaa 9 JB p. m; the freiiht leavee lincoln t"7:5j . ie d arrives as Corr-ihra 4:00 p.m. UNION PACIFICTIME-TABLE. at iorsaiv?T. I GCIJfQWEST. Col- Lncsl 03 a. in J Vlntic Ex. 520a.ni 1 IjinUed.. - HhS3a.o Gl Is. Local 9M .m j Nr. PI. Local 12:15 p. m . Xc PL Local 1:00 p.m J Fast Mail ... W5p.ni Fast Y' 2U5 p. so Gr. U. Local si5 p. m X... 2, Ft Mail, carri- p-- scrs for 'through itnt. Goinc tr-T at 6J5 p. ni-, ar rives at D-Qvr7H0H.m. No. i. Fa.-t Mail car- ri- paj-ensri to Frwnnnt. Valley sad Ozaba nitu? eat at 2:13 p. ra. The friht train leatins br- at 430 p. m. car ried -pay2yrers from hen? to Valley. coxcafsrs and xohfole. Pi-aT arrives from Siocx City 12J0 p. m leaver for Siotn City 63ft p ni Mtied lmvtrs for Sioax City o:00a.m Mixed arrive- UXp. m FOB ALEIO:; iXD CXDAB BAFIDS. Mixed leave . Mixed arrive Pasvmser arrives. 60 a. m . oCO p. m . 120 p. m 12: W p. m detg jfaticts. Js-All notic- onder this heading will churned at th rate of i a year. be A LEBANON LODGi: No. 53. A. F.4 A. M. Kecnlar nn-fiinp. 2d Wednesday in each month. All brethren invited to attend J.D. Stims, W.M. W. R. Notxstsxx. Sec'y. a)jaly VVILDEY LODGE No. U.LO.O.F-, mefU Tu-nd evenings ot eaai Fweek nt their- hall on Ttirteentn street. is:ting hrerhfi ooraiauy i n vitL W. A. at. X. tr. W i:. Notzjtzis. Sttr'y. 27jaaSl-tf COLUMBIAN CAMP No. Si. WOODMESf- O the World, meet every cond and fonrth Thun-Uye of the month, idO p. m at K. of P. Hall, Eleventh tivrt. Regular attendance ia v-ry l.-oiraDle. ana au viuunK Dremrea are cur- dially invited to meet with us. jan2-'5 REOP.GANIZED CHURCH OF LATTER-DAY saints hold reralar Services every Sanday at 2 p. m.. prayer mpetinu on Wednesday eTecing at their chapel, corner of North street and. Pacific Avenue. All are cordially invited. 12ial- Elder H. J. Hcdsox. PraaioW&t. GERMAN REFORMED CHUBCH. Sunday School at V2J0 a. m. Church every Sunday at 10-JH) a m. Christian Endeavor at 7 JO p. m. Ladier' Aid Society every first Thursday in the citesth at the church. Unor-Sl Looks like rain again. G00J growing weather. Picture frames at Herriek'ts. 4 j Newcnaa(IEerrl. 2 Fine job work done at The Joubxax, 63ice. Dr. Xaumann, dentist, Thirteenth street, tf Plentv of moisture in Nebraska this spring. .dies n.pauzeKts lcenV at irlfVat- cornpr sal inqmr xick Mnkrav. Borneo ilrs. Carl, Rohde, Monday May 5, a son. -Dr. T. E. Clark, Olive street. In office at nights. Idleness is the burial of a living man. Jeremy Taylor. The streets wiil not require any sprinkling for a while. The lawns will not need much city water for a day or two. The virtuous home is the basis of all national prosperity. Anon. S. L. McCoy has been under the weather the last two weeks. The White Front Dry Goods Store, tf Leo Borowiak moved his household eood to Genoa last Thursday. Drs. Martyn. Evans Geer, office three doors north of Friedhors store, tf .WVwiIati 4unn ii cents, bar wnL not shnnViiahnelsSEflPale aKhe, FairS2 j L i Ihe FaV ix. V Jk -isegu 1 -,. ,: ' 'L. But two states and oue territory of the union fail to observe "Arbor Day." A Dr. L. C. Toss and C. F. O. Mieesler, -J Homeopathic physicians.Columbus, Neb. - The Misses Post entertained a large .- crowd of friends last Tuesday evening. CleaaJure Canfseed cenl oustnJ!.1 inquire 01 irai jiunr. r r Don't fail to attend the entertain- ment at the opera house Friday evening. The Cecilian club will meet with ; .Miss Sarah Fitzpatrick Monday even . .-iOeT-. The pupils of Miss Alice Watkins room are arranging for a picnic for Sat urday. 1 Found, an overcoat. Call at this "V office, prove property and pay for this notice, . Nice residence on Eleventh street . for sale at reasonable rate. Inquire at this office- . tf "" - vT&y basecond-handrfuraittire, ' vhexi vaircan buv nor less mocfev 1 aHmck's. 2? Hensley and Koon have moved their office to the building one door east of the State bank. " ' John Eisenmann was in the city Sat urday looking as well ss we have seen him in a long time. Envelopes with your return card printed on them, for 50 cents a hundred .at The Jotjbsax office. Mrs. IT. T. Kickly was very ser iously ill last week, at one time not being expected to live. Tom Wake of Seward in the city over Sunday, presented his sister, Miss Emma, a high-grade bicycle. The little son of Mr. and Mrs. D. Cheatnutwood was taken very sick last week but is some better now. -Children would gladly learn and gladly teach, but if they are- frequently snubbed they will do neither." Jim Trazier shipped 400 head of very fine cattle last week, some going to South Omaha, some to Chicago. Bring your orders for job-work to this office. Satisfaction guaranteed, and . work promptly done, as agreed upon. Ladies' Guild of Grace church will 1 meet Wednesday afternoon, May 6, at 2 o'clock, with Mrs. Lehman for sewing. A full attendance is requested. Adjutant General P.B. .Barry and Major Fechet, were here Friday to inspect Captain Eilian's militia compa ny, pronouncing it in fine shape. They will be mastered in before long. ft t 1 .. T. Bowses, we ary surgeon, will be in uoramDaa the first week' of each month, to answer calls. tf Dr. F. BL Geer returned Tuesday from Chicago, where he -spent several weeks, visiting hospitals and recupera ting. The graduating: class of the high school are busy with their graduating ex ercises, now mostly in the formative state. Subscribe for The Jocksai. any day. .Fif ty cents will get you the paper for the next three months, SL50 for the next year. D. F. Davis received word from Chattanooga, Texux, that his wife and daughter are both somewhat improved in health. A crowd of children had a party at the residence of H.B.Beed, north of the city. Monday evening, a number going out from town. WilhelmBoth,carpenterand builder, corner of I and Eighth streets, is ready at all times to talk business or do work, as necessity calls. 3m Lost on a street in Columbus, a llrry's gold ear ring, with a. clear set. j Tfce finder, please leave the same at the J ourvu. omce. Frank Wunlemann, who has been at the hospital for some days, afflicted with typhoid fever, is expected to be out and around this week. Mr. and Mrs. A. Anderson enter tained friends Wednesday and Thursday evenings at their beautifnl residence in the west paTToTtne city. And still it rains occasionally, the coolness of the nights precipitating the moisture accumulated in the upper at mosphere during the day. Baptist church, J. D. Pulis, pastor. Services 11 a. m., 8 p. m. Subjects May 10th, morning, l3Ihs Millennium;" evening, 'The Child Jesus." The entertainment given by the Baptists at the opera house Friday eveniag has been well prepared and romiaes to draw a large crowd. Newfoundland pup SnaLFeek week. A libera! planing milL Mrs. Charity Smith returned last week from an extended visit with her daughter in Cheyenne. She says Chey enne is nicely paved, and is a fine place. Rev. Rogers will deliver an address Friday evening at the district conven tion of the Christian Endeavorers in Albion, to be held from Friday until Sunday. The B. A: M. have a headlight up at the east side of their depot. It is a big improvement, and quite a gratifying one to the pedestrians who travel that way at night. "Trees are the best friends of the soil in which they grow; guard its fertil ity; protect the fields from devastating floods and cherish the springs that feed the stream." B. R. Stainbaugh of Monroe had a painful accident befall him last Satur day, by being burned in the face with gasolene. No serious results are antici pated, however. Next Sunday, May 10. Latter Day Saints Chapel, at 230 p. m., Elder Geo. W. Galley will deliver a sermon, "A Marvellous Work and a Wonder." All will be made welcome. Within the last week we have made arrangements so that we can furnish to our readers the Chicago Weekly Inter Ocean and CoLrsrscs Journal, when paid in advance, at S1.75. tf E. von Bergen went south across the river the first of the week, and says that everything in the way of vegetation down there looks fine rye. oats, wheat, etc Both rivers are high. The destruction of forests produces arid soil. Arid soil is the father of des olation; desolation is the forerunner of depopulation, says Governor Hastings of Pennsylvania. Plant trees. Hagel i Stevenson began the erec tion of a new separator four miles west of the one at Grand Prairie, about a week ago. which will be about the same size and cost as the first named. The "Western Swine Breeder." a journal devoted to swine exclusively, can be had with The Joubnal. one year, when paid in advance, for $1.60, for the two. Now is the time to subscribe, tf The Ancient Order United Work men on Sunday decorated the grave of J. C. McMahon with flowers, that being their floral day. Mr. McMahon is the only deceased member of the order here. The North Bend Republican reports Jndge Sullivan as deciding in the Sim mons case that according to the statutes when the license on a dog had once been paid it held good for the natural life of the dog. "How encouraging and strengthen ing it should be for parents to reflect that in training up their children in the way they should go, they are at the same time training up themselves in the way they should go." Monday evening of last week a good sized companv of voung people of the Congregational church gave Miss Chattie Rice a pleasant surprise at her home in the eastern part of the city. A delightful evening was spent by all. The meter injunction case was heard by Judge Sullivan, in chambers, Monday, Messrs. Albert & Reeder and Garlow for the injunction, and Messrs. Cornelius and Hensley for the city. Tie judge reserved his decision. George Barnum had ten men with teams at. work last week planting corn with listers. He says he does not plant any other way. Double listing, the land is all plowed and can be plowed deep, and the seed placed "where it will do most .-F. tfon h they truth tertainme: interesting alL N Rev. Wednesday from Rapid City, South Dakota, where they have been sojourn ing during the winter. He is in atten dance at Ann Arbor and Detroit upon the 67th anniversary of his college or ganization, occasions which he enjoys very much, and at wfaieh the very most is made of the venerable man among the boys. His wife icecap kri him. - iost. a bisk . fe ieit iirmiii n someBU rffard forbid Chle3 Wurdefcaan khI, out and ofjt negro pmnta- songfcd camp-matting nreloflme ara rafllWs rmmAiuA nki nan iS Desaia uawcare ax nome.wa.ne en- 1 n b. I 1U nt was waasant iiiiiimlwa and ana verwapnen eujoyeogy ew urieans ncmuce. and Mrs. Goodale returned ttL V ICE! IBC!! V VftvIA. A k F JwM aMiwe k4 awe trtw MeMattwVice k.mseVstill wefCMkrall lMD-pvud tnkets fr $6, ike H price. X 2t !ElVwELLS. Attention, teachers. The Colambus school board have set Friday,May 22, at 3 o'clock, for considering application of teachers for positions the comingTear. It is desired that all wishing positions place their applications by that date, jl Tfce Original Jubilee aingefynve an under theauspi Wednesda; opera house. sale, at Pollock's 35c and 25c School children will take that the greater New York bill notice passes over .the vetoes of the mayors of both New York and Brooklyn. This adds 321 square miles of territory and 1,183,629 people to the city, giving it a popula tion of 265,422. large drv goods store of J. A. Barber was closed Tuesday morning by the First National bank of Tama, Iowa, and the Kilpatrick dry goods firm ot Omaha. The transaction caused quite a sensation, as Mr. Barber has one of the finest stores in the city. A. B. Cramer has shown us a bunch of crimson clover grown at Wolf Trap, Ta, by his father, Jeaui Cramer, a for Liiui luaJiwitef taas city. It is a vigsr-, ous plant about twenty inches high. A. B. didn't know whether it was intended for forage or as a fertilizer or both. On Monday a peregrinating pilgrim entered Barber's store and stole two bolts of muslin. He was so hotly pur sued that he dropped the goods in the alley to the rear of the store, and in creased his speed. He was captured, however, in front of Togel's residence and locked up. The Current Events department of the Woman's club will meet with Mrs. M. Brugger, Saturday, May 9, at 3 p. m., and carry out the following program: Paper, "Science of Nutrition," Mrs. F. W. Herrick; reading, Mrs. O. T. Roen; paper, "Distinctive Characteristics of Presidents' Wives," Mrs. W. Saunders. Miss Ethel Galley came up from Lincoln Friday for a week's visit at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Galley. Miss Galley is studying vocal and instrumental music at the conserva tory of music, Lincoln, and has received high praise from capital city people who have listened to her music at social en tertainments and elsewhere in that city. Letitia Speice entertained about seventy-five of her young friends at her parents' home Friday evening and a royal good time was reported by those present. Dancing and games were in dulged in until a late hour. A gold souvenir spoon and a silver paper knife were given as first and second prizes for the best dancers. Miss Lottie Hocken berger and Master Schroeder receiving them, respectively. A. M. Jennings and children left Monday afternoon on the Fast Mail train for their future home at Fitzger ald. Georgiar-at which place -McJen-nings established a home last fall, and where he lived a short time before the death of Mrs. Jennings. The family leave many friends who sincerely regret their departure, but will as sincerely hope for their success in their new home in the sunnv south. F. P. Johnson of Gardner was in the city Saturday. He left at this office a specimen of a plant found growing on alkali spots, sand ridges, and abandoned hous plats, and making a vigorous growth wherever found. The head is about six inches long. It looks green in the driest weather, and Mr. Johnson is sure that it is not hemp, although the fiber appears like hemp. Who can tell what it is? It may be well worth culti vating. Every day is adding to our list of subscribers, but there is yet plenty of room for more. We give you now. The Jocbsai. and the Lincoln Semi-weekly Journal, both, one year, when paid in advance, for $2.00. Subscription can begin at any time. Now is the time to subscribe. The Lincoln Journal is issued Tuesdays and Fridays, and will give you a mass of news that you cannot hope to equal anywhere for the money. Both for $2.00. Mrs. Johanna Gentleman died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. D. C. Kava naugh, last Thursday, at the advanced age of seventy-five years. Mrs. Gentle man had been an invalid from old age for a number of years, and about ten days before her death she was stricken with paralysis. Mrs. Gentleman came to this county twenty years ago and for the past eight years had made her home with Mrs. Kavanaugh. Her husband died just two years ago. Mrs. Gentleman had four children, all of whom are now living, Thomas, Robert and William of Omaha, and Mrs. Kavanaugh of this city. The funeral took place from the Catholic church Friday, and the remains were laid to rest in the cemetery. This week, says the Monroe Look ing Glass, the artesian prospect drill passed through a stratum of about two and half feet of what appeared to be soft granite, though -there was considerable bright sparkling matter in it that was not pyrites of iron. On Monday they were in a very hard slate that readily mixed after being ground out, and hard ened, receiving a nice polish but easily dissolved in water. On Tuesday they only made a few feet. Eugene Bacon, (who engineers the work) says he ex pects to strike water when through this layer of slate, though there is just as uch probability of coal, and if coal is proportion to the slate in thickness it will be thick enough. The prospect the principal object of interest in the surrounding region as well as at home; we are all in hopes to strike water soon. The well is 480 feet deep. L. Gerrard reports that there is no gold or iron in the material taken from the artesian prospect, says that it may be silver or arsenic pyrites or some other mineral Parties here think it is probably plati num, but it will have to be teased. The well sinker aays the vein is about 54 1 feet thick. ceW the Pi i ilk nan ewerch. IWciM. Martoth. athe Seket,"iuiuivW seats, on ur-store: omcee 50c, OUT The council -met m regular Friday evening, all members present, .Mayor Speice presiding, asd the eotxneQ chamber with a full JepcMeotatkxi of citizens, some of whom "had' to choose between standing or leatviHg. The appointment of Leopold Plath as aaniffapT chief by the fire department to succeed F. Hagel, who resigned, was confirmed by the council. Resolutions of the fire department were read calling the attention of the city council to sections 3293-6, providing for suitable fire escapes from high build ings, and as there are several hotels in the city coming under the meaning of the statute, some action by the council is desirable for the protection of the public, the safety of the firemen in case' of fire. The committee from the de partment consisted of Messrs. Kflian, Hagel and Miller, the chairman, Judge Kilian, afterward appearing and urging action by the council. The resolutions were referred to the committee on fire. A petition was read, signed by a large number of citizens asking for the open ing of Platte street, the removal of ob structions as .they are a damage to property interests' and contrary to for mer agreement. The petition was re ferred to the committee on streets and grades. 2. Fuller, police judge elect, made application for desk room as police judge in the council chamber for the ensuing term. Request granted. The certificate of election of R. X. Bossiter as city engineer was placed on file. The applications of Thos. McTeggart and also of C. B. Speice for the position of engineer at the waterworks were read and ordered placed on file. The bond of W. S. Gardner aa dray may, accompanied by the treasurer's re ceipt for $5, was accepted and license granted. . The $2,000 bond of A Dussell Son as plumbers, with Henry Ragatz and Hugh Hughes as sureties, was approved and license granted. The $250 bond of Harry B. Reed as herder, with W. R. Notestein and E. H. Jenkins as sureties, was approved and license granted. Same of Burt Moore and George Brodfuehrer as herders, and J. L. Stur geon, F. Brodfuehrer and John E. Moore as sureties. License was granted to Robert Hersch bruner as plumber, with J. E. Ernst and Louis Schwarz as sureties. The $500 bond of B. Fuller as police judge with J. G. Reeder, S. J. Ryan and Ed. Early as sureties, was approved. The $500 bond of Wm. Becker as city clerk was approved, with F. W. Riemer and C. H. Davis as sureties. The $10,000 bond of Frank Wurde man, as city treasurer,.with J. H.Wur demas, C. H. Sheldon. Jonas Welch and W. A McAllister as sureties was ap proved. Judge Kilian as chief of the fire de partment, and as a committeeman ap pointed by them, appeared before the council in regard to fire escapes, as elsewhere referred to, and also urged that it is absolutely necessary to have a fire alarm at the court house, as for the Abts fire there were many who did not he3r the alarm at all. and the bell at Hughes' lumber yard is too far away for the First ward. Also that the chief should have power to.appoint a special pqliceduringthe. continuance of a fire, and stationed near by to protect property, and to prevent interference with the duties of firemen. He referred to the fact that during January next a convention of the fire men of the state is to be held in this city and it is desirable that something be done, not only for the welfare of the firemen right along, but for the visitors, when they come. He said they had no suitable room in which to meet, the council chamber is too small for even an ordinary meeting of the department, and the room at the engine house is too dan gerous they didn't want to be killed before their time came. He had under stood that Charles Reinke's rooms re cently occupied by the Y. M. C. A. could be had for $12 a month. All the com panies have money ahead, enough to do a little with, but they thought they would ask the council to pay the rent of a suitable room and the department would endeavor to fit it with reading matter, etc.. at their own expense. These gatherings are of representatives from many towns and villages of the state: they come together for mutual improvement and for the benefit of the public, and certainly it becomes the city of Columbus and its fire department to provide for their entertainment. All the matters spoken of, together with the resolutions were referred to the committee on fire. The chief of police made no arrests during April, and the police judge said he had transacted no business. The street commissioner reported work done on Thirteenth, Washington avenue. Eleventh, North, Sixteenth, etc., 500 feet of lumber used; 41 days men and team, $1L25; 54 days men, S&25; 10 days commissioner $30. Referred to committee on streets and grades. The mayor announced his appoint ments: W. N. Hensley, attorney- IL J. Arnold, physician; Charles Schubert, water commissioner; Chris. From, over seer of streets: August Schock, chief of police; Ed. Rcssiter and Con. Hewitt, policemen. At the meeting Monday evening, the bond of Carl Schubert was referred to the committee on waterworks for inves tigation and report as to sufficiency. Mayor Speice thought the matter ought to be passed upon during the evening, if possible. The bond of Chris. From as street commissioner was approved, with G. A. Scott and S. J. Ryan as sureties. The report ot the committee on streets and grades recommending the accept ance of W. W. Whittaker's proposal for sprinkling certain streets during the coming year, for $775, was adopted. A. Heintz' bill for lights, $116.65 was ordered paid. Same for S. A. McCone'a bili of S1L25 for street work. The committee on streets and grades recommended the acceptance of A Luth's bid for extra sprinkling, being in their opinion the lowest and best, $1.75 a day of 10 hours. Adopted. The committee on waterworks to whom had been referred the applications for engineer at the city waterworks, repor ted that they had given the same due consideration and thought it for the beat interests of the city that John Bur- was signed by OftUey, Held sad Welch. Mayor Speice remarked that he didn't wish tokwcoasaSeced as a dictator, but saggssted that in the minds of many dtiaeas there was a cloud over this maa's character that oaght to be re moved. Newman moved s rail call on the adoption of the report. Carried. The roll was called, reeultisc. yes: Ffehob, Galley, Held, Newman, Welch, Whit moysr; nays: none. Bonds ot Con. Hewitt as policeman and A. Shock as chief were approved. It appeared that Carl Schubert is not a free-holder, and hence his appoint measas water commissioner is not in cossrmit to law. Astatement of the financial condition of Ae city, which had been placed with the Argus for printing by Treasurer Beraey, was presented, read and ordered filed, and then turned over to the Argus to print, without charge to the city. It was understood to be a statement not required by law. A Heintz explained his proposition to.furnish electric lights all night ser vice. School Board. The school board met'in regular ses sion Monday at 4 p. m., all present. The minutes of several meetings were read and approved. The superintendent's report showed, minutes lost by tardiness of teacher 27; by tardiness of pupils 667; number en rolled since year began 806; number be longing duriag April 660; average daily attendance 611-03; per esat of same 611 . 03 ; per cent of same 95.18: number suspended 0; restored 1; visits bysupt 31; by board 0; by others 33; cases of corporal punishment 0; non-resident pupils 2. Miss Ward's room obtained the half-holiday, on an average attend ance of 97 per cent, and an average punctuality of 99.99. per cent. Princi pal Weaver's room lacked but four hun dredths of one per cent of Miss Ward's in attendance. The superintendent re marked that the attendance had fallen off somewhat during the month on ac count of whooping-cough. On motion of Lehman a ballot was taken for selection of census enumera tor, resulting in four votes for John Schmoker, one for W. J. Rickly, one for Roy Cornelius. Schmoker was declared elected. The $10,000 bond of Frank Wurdeman was referred to the committee on fi nance. Friday, May 22, at 3 o'clock, was the time set for hearing applications for teachers' positions in the schools and a notice of the same directed to be placed in The Jochsal Treasurer Berney's report showed on hand: Teachers' fund S 263 19 General fund 76 65 Library fund 48 45 Text book fund 74" 51 $ 462 73 License fund 3,672 00 Adjourned to May 22, 3 o'clock. Tennee Jubilee Sinzers at Opera Hoae, May 20th. 155. PAET I. Opening Chores O, Hail Ua Ye Free JTEILEE SOXOS. JubiW Greeting; Jolly Times; Way Down on the Swanee Riven Spirit of the Lord Dose Fell on Me; There's a Little Wheel Rolling; Roll Jordan Roll; Ding Dons BelU; Dar'a a Jabi lee; March Down to Jordan. PART II. Piano Solo .. . A. B. Johnson Tennesseean Male Quartet: - 1F?T.-i ).- . - G.L. Coaler. - J. A. Porter. J. A. Haerman. Soprano Solo. .... . Selected ilisd Xeale G. Hawkins. BarfSolo The Bell Baoy J. A. Hiuterman. Refrain. The Cows are in the Clover Mrs. Clara Bell Carey. Comic Selections Fred. T.Carey Baritone Solo .. . . The Ship I Love Misa Belle Stone. Tenor Solo The Night Birds Cooing Geo. L. Conley. Old Black Joe tin contame) . . J. A. Ha?ennan PART m. JUBILEE soxas. Ptrter, go Ring dem Bella; Swing Low, Sweet Chariot: Talk About Jerusalem Morning; Hal Ma; Cloning Chorus, Voegel'o Wal&m. Baptit Entertainment. Opera Hoae. Friday Eveainr. May Sth. PROGRAM-PART L Piano Solo Miss Hard Recitation Fred SaSran Piano Duet .Ethel Henrich, Marjorie Williams Recitation Anna Xicol Recitation Edith Williams Hoop Drill Seventeen boys and girls Recitation Mand Hatfield PART II. Vocal Daet Recitation Vocal Duet Tableau Recitation Piano Solo Phantom Drill. . . . . . Messrs. Willy and Gabler Tena Zinnecker . Mrs. Warren and Miss Hard . .. . Mrs. Stires Mrs. Jaeggi St. Catharine Reading Circle. Will meet Wednesday evening, May 6. at the residence of Mr. Wm. O'Brien. Roll call Quotations on Charity. Astronomy Pages 102 to 120 Circle. Paper Mrs. A. J. Smith. Impersonation Miss Mae Cashing. Debate '-Resolved, That the new wo man should be abolished.' Affirmative, Miss S. Fitzpatrick and J. C. Byrnes. Xecative. Miss Shanahan and William O'Brien. At the celebration of the 77th anni versary of Oddfellowship, at Leigh Monday of last week, the World has this to say: -The speaker, Judge Hudson, of Columbus, was then introduced. He said an apology was due for what he had to say because as he became ad vanced in years it was necessary for him to resort to manuscript. He then launched forth upon a fitting eulogy of the Odd Fellows order, touching slight ly upon its growth and development in America, distinguishing American from English Odd Fellowship, and said that he had been connected with the lodge for fifty-five years and was acquainted with both English and American socie ties. He had joined the order in the city of London when but eighteen years of age. The speaker talked a little over an hour, giving in clear and definite terms the primary objects of Odd Fel lowship, and was of the opinion that the order was doing what the church neglects to do in looking after the tem poral welfare of humanity. The dis course was enlivened with occasional humor." The kind old gentleman of The Joubsal is whining because the Tele gram has been scooping him on a few write-ups lately. Telegram. The Telegram has not bees scooping the kind old gentleman," it has been simply scooping"' news from the Tues day evening Jocbsal to dish up to Telegram readers the Thursday follow ing. Those who read both papers know the difference between the two kinds of "scoops." Straighten up, man, and be as fair as you know how. It will be the best way for yourself. There is good in you, phmty of it, if you will only let it have a I'knirrt in the combination. Ed.Hoaxewasintaciy Saturday. Miss lizzie Sheehan spent-Suaday-ai home. J. E. North of Omaha was in the city Monday. Charles Kelley of Monroe is in the city this week. Mrs. Boat. Speice is -visiting friends in the city. Mrs. A. C Ballou of Schuyler was in the city yesterday. John Elliott is spending this week on his farm at Postville. Clark Cooncey of Fullerton was a Co lumbus visitor yesterday. Mrs. O. C Breese visited her parents in the city the past few days. Mrs. Randall of Duncan was the guest of Miss Hattie Baker Saturday. Will. Paynter of Omaha was in the city over Sunday, returning Monday. Prof. R. M. Campbell of Platte Center spent Sunday with Prof. Williams. Mrs. Alexander of Monroe is visiting her daughter and son in this city. Thos. Mallalien of Kearney visited his uncle, D. W. Ziegler over Sunday. Mrs. Fink of Madison visited her daughter, Mrs. Langtry, last week. Mrs. H. G. Andrews of Omaha visited Mrs-Haight, returning home Saturday. Paul Krause and son Victor of Albion spent Sunday with relatives in the city. Miss Celia Madden returned Sunday from Council Bluffs, where she visited several weeks. Masters Stanley South and Mark Ottis of Humphrey visited with friends in the city Sunday. Mrs. J. Chestnutwood and daughter Miss Lillie of Norfolk, came down last week, Miss Lillie returning home Mon day. District 44 and Vicinity. Marcus Griffin started Saturday for Missouri, and will attend school some where in that state. Markie is the boy that used to draw those cats while fight ing on a moonlight night. On to Nebraska! Plenty of water for stock, crops and all vegetation, over sis inches of rainfall in the month of April. Platte and Loup rivers are on a boom; all small grain is looking well, and win ter wheat and rye look exceedingly welL Peach trees are in full bloom, apple and plums have about shed their blossoms. Plowing for corn is well advanced, very little if any planted yet, and potatoes are two inches high. Sam Drinnin, who lives on the Blaser farm 2 miles northeast of the city. lost a chicken occasionally and could not account for them, but one morning last week about daylight he saw a gray wolf leaving a straw-stack which stood near the barn, and on Thursday morning his Tom turkey was gone. The fields being too wet work, Sam took his spade, (which is a bright-one) and followed in the direction the wolf had gone, and which led into a deep gulch in Fred. Stengers upland pasture where he found a large hole in the ground, with fresh tracks entering it. Sam was soon en gaged in making that wolf hole deci dedly larger and it was not long until Sam had disappeared below the surface, when ho! at this point a lively tussle took place, and with the assistance of his wife, he killed the mother wolf and took from the neat five young ones. Speak. for ltlf. go. 111., February- 24. 189C. Mr. C. ilVEaston. Columbus. Dear Sir: Tour favW of recent date at hand. I have no recoliifetion of you as a Ma rengoite bat remember your father well; nevertheless am glad Vn have engaged in the good cause. As tkthe durability of our fence, we have considerable that has beeV up 10 years and iXin as good conditions if recently erecWl. I se no reason wW the fence we qkc now of such materVl as we use, should not last 40 years; toWsatisfaction it gives can be best calculated!)- the growth of our basiness. In 1S91 made my first purchase of the Page GA of one mile of fenceanaVaok it with felt and tremb ling: last yeaV I put out oveV 200 miles, this year I have orders for 0O miles to be shipped berVre April 1st. aSuch close figuring men asjSK Stull anEMVarren Smith bought fence if me the first vear. being convinced of ii cheapne long ,nd have on tinned more each ar. On our agentsnt up some o: your father-: -law's last year, t nrst we eve sold the: You need the fence, ve no fear of lommeadin our people wi it all Now and more, than we claim one -thin tore, you say you ar open- ing a ne' field for the Page Wovfa Wire Fence please that I-little and say trying penrmew take hdld field for yourself, and if yo in earnest, the Page Co. will ivj? you all possible assistance and I n see no reason why vou should no uild up1 a splendid business. Wis you suc- cess in your new enterp kana being at your future service, I'am Tours trulv. Per E. G. B. M ZiirpELHA.v. write .toVieareat Allen,A.GP.A., Grand srStationV?bi- Kcml Eaute IraaMfer. Becher, Jaggi Co., real estate agents, report the following real estate transfers filed in the office of the county clerk for the week ending May 2, 1896. Farmers Protective Elevator Asa'n to C W HoUiaaahead, pt nrfi se1 1-17- Sw, wd t 10COOO Platte Coanty, Neb., to Wm Hollings- head. lot in swU li-17-lw, qcd 1 00 A. M Jennings to It Stom Dickinson. lot7. blil, Steveasadd toCoLwd... VQ U) WBosoato Stephen MoLryk,efi neii U-lftw, wd M00 00 Fear ataeaaa, torn! .5 3,06100 I Rednel Rate to Clereftuitl. jHjfGeneralaierence of theUetho dat EpWopal Chuvh will be Wld in ClevelanVbom MayUt to Slstor this occaaA the B. . R. Co. lill sell Excursank Tickets to Cleveland. . at greatly reaxkeed rates, Aprk29th and 30tkand MaAlst to 12th;XfcHd for retunrssage Ttil June 2d by deposit ing ticklts witMthe Joint Agenc at Clevelana. The ratfrom CMcago wdl be 310.00, and corresphpdinglyww ra'tes from all oner point on its iKes.- Tickets will aBbe place on sale aTicket Stations thraqnout tnWountryV TheLiO".isthe only tike running PullmanSUeepinl Cars betweVi Chicago and CleveAnd. W For fuirvarticulals B. t O. AgeXr L. Grand Central PassenV cago, HL V. wm mm 4 co. Staple and , Eancj Groceries, i : r CKOCKERY,' GLASSWARE CLAMPS. ? Elevsotk Street, - We invite you to come and see us. We regard the interests of our patron as mutual with our own, so far as our dealings are coaceracd oar part of the obligation being to provide and offer Good - Goods - at - Fair - Prices. EVERYTHING KEPT that b expected to be found in a first class, up-to-date grocery store. BECHER, JJ6GI k CO., Farm Loans, Real Estate - And Insurance. COLUMBUS. hs The TranmiLippi ExptHitioa. fever has there been anything sug gested that will bring as many people into Nebraska as the proposed Trans mississippi exposition to be held at Omaha in 1S3S. Since the government has recognized the undertaking and has. voted $200,000 for its building and ex hibit it has become an assured fact. In order to make the exposition a suc cess in every particular it will be neces sary to keep the people all over the country thoroughly posted on its possi bilities, its development and progress. Every citizen of Nebraska should make it his business to let his friends in all parts of the country understand that this enterprise is to be second only to. the great Chicago Columbian exposi tion of 1S93. The Omaha Bee proposes to devoteJ considerable space from now on to this great enterprise, knowing that a great deal of publicity will be necessary to bring the people here at the right time. It has been suggested that a rate be made for subscriptions to The Bee that will give everybody an opportunity to send one or more papers to friends in lr. other states. Acting on this suggestion the publishers of The Weekly Bee have decided to make a price of 25 cents for that paper, mailed to any address in the country from the present time up to January 1, 1597. This price hardly covers the cost of the white paper used in printing a twelve-page paper for this length of time, but the publishers feel that the great exposition must be prop erly advertised and are willing to do their share toward helping along an enterprise that is bound to be a great benefit to this state, as well as to the entire western country. Orders should be addressed to The Weekly Bee, Omaha, Neb. 2 Tto To Chicago and the Eat. Passengers going east for business, will naturally gravitate to unicago as tne great commercial center. Passengers re-visiting friends or relatives in the eastern states always desire to "take in" Chicago en route. All classes of passen gers will find that the -Short Line" of the Chicago, Milwaukee i: St. Paul Bail way, via Omaha and Council Bluffs, affords excellent facilities to reach their destinations in a manner that will be sure to give the utmost satisfaction. A reference to the time tables will in dicate the route to be chosen, and, by asking any principal agent west of the Missouri river for a ticket over the Chicago. Council Bluffs i: Omaha Short Line of the Chicago, Milwaukee fc St. Paul Eailway. you will be cheerfully furnished with the proper passport via Omaha and Chicago. Please note that all of the "Short Line" trains -arrive in Chicago in ample time to connect with the express trains of all the great through car lines to the principal eastern cities. For additional particulate, time tables, maps, eta, please call on.or address F. A. Nash, General Agent, Omaha, Neb. firins Toor Friem to Nebraska. af icago, Unrli: Quincy EJR. pub illustrated a sixteen-page monthly rspaper calleomhe "Corn Beat" which in an intereaing way info: western far narticuUrly mosai m .eorasica. aine regular ce is twent cents pe u want it se: any ot living east of Mississ: ten cents in for n, giving a nam .the paper will vsent K. lTJmgent copy ofmhe your Sta and immigrate. Address' Corn BelVW Adams Street, Chicago, 13mch3 wSii (fermaa BaatLit ill find that the Union Pacific offers superior advantages to those who attend the annual meeting, to be held at Otta wa, KansL, May 26-29. One fare for the round trip, plus two dollars, from points in Nebraska and Kansas, is the rate authorized for the occasion. Call on, or write to me for full partic ulars. J. B. Meagheb. 3t Agent. Now is the time to subscribe for The Cor-CMBCs Jocbsai. Ad the Lincoln Journal, semi-weekly, both for $2.00 a year. Three papers a week at a cost of less than 4 cents a week. This very liberal offer will onjy last until May 5th, 1 whan the rates will be raised. vmatffirtt-v irvrm nxbscriptionwri 1 mL-T ""i- w vmr friend. mnu xuver. Eenm. mucn sucn peato and rulm address anm. foa one year. TnavB. & M. wlU show you awample pap on requestmHelp inance yourfrienfai to COLUWIB, HEM. "IT 7TT iZZZI - Of the condition of the Columbia Lawl, Look Building Association of Columtnu, Jfe- brajka, on the M. day of April, MSff. AMXTS. First mortaap loaaa Loans necurfcl br stock of thi elation Expense and Uxaa paid... Caih with tnaaeriT .. ilU0l) U.AK0O mess So B0 Total.... .l 7583 73 LIABILITIES. ( apttal stock, paid c Premium paid ..... id ap.. S37.SB70 4.MS40 11.714 SC90 533 75 Interest rewired ........ Fine collected Entrrand transferrer. Total . .... ... 75,298 75 Statk or Xkbbaska. I . Piatt County. i L, Henry Hockenbenrar. secretary ot th abore runwrl a ocistioo. do solemnly swear that the forepoinir statement of the eosditioii of said association, w trui? and correct to the beat of my knowlede and belief. Hzxst HocxxsBznora. Secretary. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 1st day of May, 13S6. E. H..CHAXMBS, notary rnauc. Approved: V. H. WUTEJ. ll L. G. ZnrcriCKXR, I Directors. Bibt.J. Gallet, j dmSt Return envelopes at this ofice for '0 cents per hundred. t. Advertisements tinder this head five casta lineeach insertion. .8CHTT.TZ makes boots and shneainth beat strlee. and usee onlr t& van- tst atockthat can baprocorwl in the market. 52-tf -BICYCLES Gerrard -Wheel - Works, AjrentJ. RAMBLER, EAGLES ami IDEALS. 'Repair work soar-) anteed. ) CalMaamt Hih W 003LEY A amEES. ATTOaunrra at law. Soathweot corner Eleventh and North Streets. Uinly-y Colctcbcs. Nebraska. Spring i Summer STOCK OF We carry goods from the very manufactures in the country, and sell at the best Lowest, Living Prices ! 3?"A11 our goods are NEW and FRESH, and we can and do guarantee style, fit and price. Call and see Clothing, Shoes and Gents' Jnirnishing Goods. FRISCHHOLZ BROS. (2mar3m SEEDS! A1&1&, Bed Clover, Timothy, Blue Grass, Hungarian CO Q U L-J co Millet -AT Oehlrich - Bros. hnd mm m . -M ssa "3mH '4 Mi 4 Jr, SW3 .' t a .j l-3:&?L-r - . .A3fe . .a-sssr- 1 1 1 1 ii -H. r-- -n m aut- . !.- j-J. " 1 - . . "WiS-ia -" - ii -P ? -fTfti imt&Flt&v? ef - -3"-- ,.., . yjj"-yr i-, -rat". i-... ir ''ill -t -St if- TtftitWff '" . iu.. J K.S&'