The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, February 05, 1896, Image 2

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Wolniatms g mmal.
m:. k. turner & co.,
Colombo, ar.
Oae year, by mail, postage prepaid
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Thra months
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A Co.
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ao accoatpawied br tha (all aame of tba writer.
W nm Mm ritt to raiaet aar maaaacrtpt,
BdcaBBotaaraatoraUtniua aama. We.deeua
a i in i ii lilnat in arerr achool-wiatrict of
Platte coaaty. am offOod jadgmawt, and re
liable in mwmrw war. Writ mlaiur. cacti item
aaparataly. Ow aataeta.
'. The supreme conrt decreed that ex-
Connty Treasurer Hockenberger of Hall
county, sentenced to a term and a fine,
give a bond by Feb. 10, and bail for bis
appearance in tbe sum of $2,500.
WnAT tbe people of this country want
at tbe bands of both tbe administration
and congress is less bonds and more
money, less wind and more work, less
politics and more patriotism. Norfolk
Senator Allen gave notice Wodnes-
day of an amendment to the bond and
free coinage bill, prohibiting the secre
tary of the treasnry from issning bonds
or other interest-bearing obligations of
tbe government unless congress shall
first declare a necessity for the same.
A headlight for locomotives has been
invented, intended to work automatically
and throw light around a curve, that is
eo soon as the pilot wheels strike a cnrve,
the outside wheel forges ahead, and this
movement moves the headlight so that
the reflection is cast directly ahead on
the track.
Senator Thcimtox's half-hour speech
last week in tbe United Stales senate, on
the Venezuela question was listened to
by a very attentivo audience, and sena
tors on all sides congratulated him on
bis first sol effort. The old-time notion
of senatorial propriety thai expected a
new member to listen only, for the first
year or so, is being trampled upon in
several directions.
Congressman Smith, 800 miles away
in Washington, recently delivered a
rousing speech to the young men's re
publican club of Grand Rapids, Michi
gan. It occurred to him that, not being
able to be present, he might talk his
speech into a phonograph and ship the
cylinders, to bo placet! in another phono
graph, and then have the speech deliver
ed in spite of distance. The cylinders
got there, and the familiar tones of the
congressman as they rolled out of the
machine took the house by storm.
In point of fact a so-called "popular"
loan is no more justifiable than the
dicker with the syndicate. In either
case the people will be robbed for the of the men who have been hoard
ing gold for just such an emergency as
the administration proposes to invent.
Any bond issue for the purposs of main
taining a reserve that is not provided for
by law is roblery of the people pure and
simple, for the reason that the whole
intention of such an issue is to give the
owners of gold a safe investment for
their hoards. Atlanta Constitution.
Those fellows who are afraid that the
white metal might get the lead if it was
placed on an equal footing with gold, or
those other fellows which affect to be
lieve that it is the intention of the silver
men to demonetize gold, have been
given something to think about in Sen
ator Baker's amendment to the Bilver
bill now before tbe senate; it provides
that any person who takes silver or gold
to the mint to lx coined shall take an
equally valuable amount of the other
metal and have both coined. Tbe amend
ment sets forth that the purpose is to
secure the parity of the two metals.
Rev. Hillis, successor to Professor
Swing at Chicago, is preaching some
very fino sermons, which are published
in the Inter Ocean on Mondays. In a
late discourse on ''Conscience, Its Na
ture, Functions and Uses," he begins by
a quotation from Von Humboldt who
aid: "Every man however good, has a
yet better man within him." When the
outer man is unfaithful to his deeper
convictions, the hidden man whispers a
protest. The name of this divine whis
per in the soul is conscience. Socrates
told his disciples the facts of conscience
must be reckoned with as certainly as
the facts of wood or' water.
Congressman Corliss of Michigan is
after the fellows that have lteeu riding
the neck of the public for lo these many
- years, in the sleeping-car business. He
offers a bill in the house making it
unlawfnl to receive tips; that all sleeping
and parlor cars shall come under the
regulations of the interstate commerce
act, and shall be operated under regula
tions fixed by the commission; under
the bill no berth or seat shall cost more
than $1.50 for twelve hours; the cost of
the upper berth shall not be more than
two-third that for the lower for the same
period; in every case where the upper
berth is unoccupied it shall remain up;
a porter asking or accepting a tip is
liable to a fine of from $100 to $1,000.
1'ay Them in Silver.
Said an intelligent gentleman in our
presence a few days ago, "I would like
to be secretary of the U. S. treasury a
short time, just long enough to stop
those gold drafts that are a constant
menace under existing practices." On
inquiry as to how he would proceed to
accomplish this result, he replied that he
would simply payoff those demand notes
in "coin" as the law provides they may
be paid, using silver coin for that pur
pose, .and this would effectually settle
the gold sharks who are now permitted
to exercise their own option and demand
gold for export, when under the law they
could only demand coin and that if this
option was exercised by the treasurer as
contemplated and silver used when gold
was for any cause scarce or in excessive
demand the difficulty would all be solved.
It is said that at one time when Daniel
ocr aaaliBC
jot am eng
If aiming was secretary of the treasury a
few years ago the New Xork banks got
"flossy" with him on the question of
gold payments and tried to run a "sandy"
on the treasury, and he told them in
plain language that if they persisted in
their attitude he would pay their de
mands in silver coin instead of gold coin.
This settled the matter and the bankers
promptly hung up their harps. This is
the common sense solution of the gold
grabbing matter. Use silver as the equal
of gold for the payment of all demands,
and there can be no ran on gold. It is
not a little remarkable that a nation that
prides itself on keeping every dollar as
good as any other dollar should adopt
and practice a finance policy that per
mits money jugglers to make fish of one
kind of dollars and fowl of another.
Blair Pilot.
Nebraska ia Vers.
You may talk about the summers mong the
pleasant northern lakes.
Yon may rare about the winter in the south
Bat for one I'm never raffled by these old lie
whiskered fakes,
'Cause a winter in Nebraska is quite good
enough for me.
Heigh ho! bring forth the hook and line and can
of tempting bait;
And don't forget to bring along my snn-nin-brella,
For if the fishing's extra good I'll not be home
till late.
And that which bheltera from the turn will
shelter from the dew.
You may talk about the climate in the land of
orange groves.
You may shout till you are dizzy 'bout the
"big red apple" tree.
Hut the victims all are coming, coming, coming
back in droves,
And I hear the swelling chorus, "Nebraska's
good enough for me!"
Kearney Hub.
wnr getagoors.
U0a iy
Schuyler Quill : A. B. Boyd was in the
city on Monday buying horses. He
bought sixteen, paying from $5 to SfiO
therefor, and took twelve of James Cov
entry's on commission to sell. Many
horses were brought in, but the price
offered was generally not satisfactory.
Schuyler Heralil: The man who rep
resents Colfax county in the next legis
lature will have to stand pledged to a
repeal of tho sugar lioiinty. Some of the
citizens of this county have had experi
ence enough with the Oxnards to make
them everlastingly opposed lo any
further bounty m their interest.
Fremont Herald: Tho young son of
Peter Wolfe, who lives just south of the
Platto river, near tho brick yard, was
holding a stick for his sister to chop,
and as a result, is minus three fingers on
the right hand. She raised the ax, and
not being true in her aim, brought it
down across his hand. The fingers were
severed slick and clean.
Osceola Record: J. M. Seward of
Beulah, in all probability, has been in
the bee-keeping business in Polk county
longer than any other resident. He
brought seven stands to the county
nineteen years ago and has been at it
ever since, tie now lias tuirty-uvo stands.
Last year they made him about 500
pounds of choice honey. Ho usually
gets from 300 to 500 pounds with practi
cally no expense.
David City News: An old lady was
brought up from Linwood yesterday to
appear in tho county court on the charge
of practicing medicine without a permit.
The information was filed by Dr. Fitz
simmons of that place. From what we
can learn the lady has attended many
cases of child birth, as she did in this
case, without any thought of disobeying
the law, and that her services in such
cases are by many preferred to those of
a regular practicing physician. A resi
dent of Linwood who was iu this city
says tho people down there wero almost
mad enough to mob the Dr. when they
learned of the course ho had taken. The
examination is set for next Tuesday.
Madison Chrouicle: Officer Spauld
ing, of Norfolk, was in the city Tuesday
with Win. Christian, a boy nlnnit 15
years old who had stolen $19.70 from A.
Denkinger, an employe of Glissman, the
Norfolk butcher. The parents of tho lad
were also here and followed the officer
and boy up town, the old couplo seem
ingly much excited. Occasionally the
old man would shako his fist at the back
of tho officer, and the old lady would pat
the old man on tho back, evidently for
his "valorous" disposition. The boy was
taken before Judge Foster, who after
hearing tho testimony sentenced young
Christian to the reform school. AH the
parties returned to Norfolk Tuesday
night, and yesterday Officer Spaulding
passed through here with the kid for
Bellwood Gazette: Matt Miller has
been thinking lately. Real hard think
ing is a thing some people never do. In
a conversation tho other day, tho David
City Press quotes Matt as talking to the
editor iu this way: "Do you know that
it takes a bushel of oats to buy two
cigars?" Of course, being attached to
our corn cob pipe through force of neces
sity, we had not thought of tho matter
in that light. Matt has a lot of horses
and has been wondering what to do with
them, until he accidentally ran up
against the fact that he had been smok
ing alxnit seven cigars n day. Taking
his view of it, ho has leen smoking up
three bushels and a half of oats a day,
believing the horses were eating them.
He threatens to reform, not because he
depeqds on raising oats for his cigar
money, but because of the principle.
Fremont Tribune: An old gentleman,
who was shipped to Fremont from Cen
tral City yesterday, was promptly for
warded to Missouri Valley by Super
visor Mead. He was on his way to Min
nesota and during his stop in Fremont
was the victim of two kinds of fits
The tax agents of tho Elkhorn and Union
Pacific roads were in the city and paid
upwards of twenty-three thousand dol
lars into the county treasury which will
go a long way towards redeeming the
warrants that are now outstanding, and
will be greatly appreciated by those
holding warrants. H. L. Whitney, rep
resenting the Elkhorn road, paid in for
the F. E. & M. V., $8,87&3i. and for the
S. a & P. S2.4G5.81. A. W. Scribner, tax
commissioner of the Union Pacific paid
in $12,170.32.... Sixty-three thousand
head of sheep are being fattened on
Dodge county corn this winter. Makes
a good home market and is one of the
important factors that has increased the
price paid for corn, advancing it mate-
rially above the price paid for shipment gation that makes thrifty, enterprising.
Dodge county farmers have been fortu- independent citizens regardless of dis
nate in this respect for many yeare. ' advantages. Where irrigation has long
Letter treat Ottawa.
Salem, Jan. 30, 1896.
Eorrou Jociinal: We have been here
now two weeks, and will write you .a line
or two, as we" proaussd, telling you a
little of how we fonnd Oregon. Leaving
Columbus on Tuesday, wo laid over one
day in Arapahoe, Furnas county, visiting
my mother, (Mrs. Alvin Levis) and fam
ily, starting on again Wednesday. We
had splendid accommodations all the way
through over the Rio Grande, and passed
through some fine scenery, stopping a
few moments only at the principal points.
The ice palace at Leadville, Colorado,
also Truckee, California, being especially
worthy of mention. We laid over seven
hours in Sacramento, going through the
State buildings, and seeing the greater
part of the city. As we came on again,
we saw many orange groves laden with
yellow fruit. Arrived here Monday
morning at six, being five days on the
road. As soon as street cars were run
ning, we took a car out to Mr. Keuscher's
residence and took them by surprise,
just as they were sitting down to break
fast. Of course there was great rejoic
ing over tho Nebraska arrivals, and as
soon as we were rested, we took a look
around the place. They have ten acres
here, about one mile from depot and
post-office. Street cars run to within
two blocks of his house. He has three
acres in fruit, three in pasture, and three
in hay, as he keeps a horse and cow.
Their place is on a side hill, getting a
good view of the city, which is built
much lower; also Mount Hood, Mount
Jefferson and others. A few days ago
we visited the principal state buildings
here in Salem, consisting of state house,
penitentiary, reform school, insane
asylum, deaf and dumb institute, and
blind school. An Indian school is sit
uated about four miles from town; they
have a great many tine churches of all
denominations, a university and high
school. We also drove about two miles
from Salem to a Bartlett-pear ranch of
six hundred acres.
The roads are very bad here, and a
person cannot enjoy a ride as tlu can
in Nebraska.
For tho length of time wo have been
here we enjoy tho climate very much,
although we are now in tho rainy season
and must expect at least aloul one
shower a day. It soon clears, however,
and the sun shines agaiu. Many flow
ers are blooming now out doors cab
bage and other vegetables remain in tho
garden all wiuter. No one seems to
mind the rain in the It-ast, as tho streets
are full every day, but every one is pro
vided with rain coats, rnblers and
The farmers raise principally wheat,
hops, and fruit of all kinds, but every
thing raised here is so cheap, the same
as in JNeDrasua, in laci times are very
hard here for the working class.
We shall remain in Salem till the last
of February, when we shall settle in
Portland for at least n year. If this
should not find its way into the waste
basket, I may write aline or two from
time to time.
Yours respectfully,
Grace Keuscher.
Heroes of Nebraska.
Many of tbe irrigation canals in the
western part of Nebraska have been con
structed under such difficulties that
when the history of their construction is
put into print it sounds to an eastern
man something like a fairy tale.
The valley of the .North Platte river in
Scott's Bluff and Cheyenne oounties,
also the upper valleys of the Middle and
North Loup were first settled in the
years 1885-'6-7. Nearly the entire popu
lation moved from the east in covered
wagons, and after taking up their land,
it was only a few of the more fortunate
ones who had money left to buy the
necessary lumber to construct their sod
houses. Many had only money enough
to land them there. It was only by the
hardest work and the strictest economy
that they wero able to live at all. Many
knew very little of farming, and those
who did had been used to farming where
they had plenty of rainfall. The first
years they put in what crops they could.
Many wero of the impression that when
their land was under cultivation and
some trees planted that the rainfall
would increase, and in time they would
have rain sufficient to produce good
crops, but they soou found to their sor
row that crops could not bo raised with
out irrigation. After they had existed
for two or three years, some began to
talk irrigation; others thought by con
structing irrigation canals their coun
try would be advertised as an arid region
of little worth, but finally starvation
stared them iu the face, and they were
compelled to construct ditches or leave.
Many did leave, and of those who remain
ed few had anything to go with. I know
eight or teu of tbe latter who constructed
tho Castle Bonk canal in Scott's Bluff
county. They were two years building
a sixteen-mile caual, twelve feet wide on
the lottom, and now they are watering
five thousand acres. They had no grain
for their teams and very little to eat, but
now they have splendid farms,' well im
proved, and are practically out of debt.
Other ditches were constructed under
similar circumstances and the promoters
are now equally well off. Among them
is the Mitchell ditch twenty-five miles
long watering nineteen thousand five
hundred aeres. The Winter's creek six
teen miles long, watering six thousand
acres. . Tbe Enterprise thirty-one miles
long watering ten thonsand acres. The
Minatare, Chimney Rock, Nine Mile.
Brown's creek and several others were
similarly constructed along the Platte.
On the Middle Loup, the Wescott,
Lillian, Tbedford and Middle Loup
ditches. Along tbe North Loup the
Newton, Almeria, Burwell, North Loup
and many other ditches I might mention.
Nearly all of these are now in good shape
and were built without outside help by
those same drouth-stricken farmers.
Some of the older localities are as well
off now as 6ome parts of eastern Nebras
ka, and in another five years will have
better improved places and be more inde
pendent. They were forced to adopt
irrigation but I warrant that you -of the
eastern part of the state could not now
change places with them, for they know
the benefits of irrigation and the value of
having a place where they don't have to
pray for rain but can wet the ground to
suit themselves. Most of these districts
had the disadvantage of being from
twenty to sixty miles to railroad, but
there seems to be something about irri-
been practiced yon will find a class 6f
people unequaled elsewhere for hospi
tality. Notable among them are the
meley colony of Colorado, and the val
leys of Utah. But the day is not far
distant when Nebraska will be able toy
compete with the best of them.
Hwrljr 1M 0, I Ia dcM Xtatfca.
rwlMn Daat Bay Oar Ifcna Med
acta at U Old Price The Swteaa la
Jry to Ssatbera Cottw Grower.
Advance sheets of our exports of raw
cotton and breadstnffs during February
afford an opportunity for still frirtber
showing how the process of "letting our
selves out" into foreign markets pro
gresses. Dealing first with raw cotton,
we give the figures as follows:
February, February,
18M. 123.
Bales 491.8T3 4:5,701
Ponndi 247.173.808 238.2M.577
Value $13,652,389 $13,481,218
1 to res. 23.
Per pound.
Value. Oeuts.
$162,411,788 7.99
151,832,755 6.70
10.579.083 8.23
18B3-4 2.O13.29O.803
19M-5 2,000.-04,663
Increase..... 611,973,760
The first table shows that our exports
of cotton last month were 8,931.225
pounds less than in February, 1894, but
the loss in value reached 15,368,171.
Taking our exports of cotton for' six
months since the Gorman tariff became
law, as shown in the second table above,
we find that since the wall of protection
was broken down we have exported al
most 613,000,000 pounds of cotton more
than a year earlier, but at a loss of $10,
579,000, the money paid for tho larger
quantity shipped this season being that
much less than was received for the
smaller quantity a year ago, owing to a
decrease of almost 2 cents per pound
in its export value. Looking next to onr
exports of breadstuff, we give the fig
ures and values for February iu eacb
year as follows:
Fel... Feb.. Fell.. Feb..
1SW. 1C. l&M. 1895.
Barley.... 2(8,081 42,775 $l-'4.) 520,018
Coru 5,643.(W) 2,301,405 2.S37.W7 1,243,074
Oata 37,413 81.1GJ 13.C31 10.333
Wheat ....4,010,051) 4.C00.SM 2,497.177 2,513,533
Flour. Us.1.133,632 917,76-1 4.5S1.2G!) 2.902,851
Total value. W.734.C-U $0,745,412
Outside of an increase of nearly GOO,
000 bushels iu last month's exports of
wheat, there was a decline in our ship
ments of barley, corn, oats mid flour,
the aggregate loss in valno for the mouth
slightly exceeding $:i,000,000. Taking
tbe total values of our exports of cereals
for the eight months ending Feb. 23
last, there was a loss of $47, SCO, 000, as
compared with tho corresponding eight
months a year ago as follows:
Oatmeal .
Wheat 5, 157,977
Wheat flour 47,773,303
Totals niS.779,530 171.278.383
Farmers should study this table.
They will see that in eight months tho
markets of tho world have paid $1,2G5,
000 less money for American barley
since tbe wall of protection was broken
down. Foreign buyers, moreover, have
bought $14,230,000 worth less of Amer
ican corn and $54,000 less of cornmoal.
Of wheat thoir purchases were 1G, 600,
000 less under the Gorman tariff, and of
flour, $1-1,470,000 less. Of oats they
bought $1,800,000 worth less, and oat
meal alone shows au increase of less
than $120,000 during eight months.
Farmers should note these figures and
contrast tho actual performance of the
free trade tariff law with the predic
tions and promises that were made to
the farmers during the campaign of
1892. That was a theory. This is a con
dition. The process of letting ourselves
out to the markets of the world has cost
those farmers who grow ceroals tho sum
of $47,500,000 in eight months.
Free Trade Faapers.
Iu England tho house of commons is
considering plans for tho relief of the
unemployed. At a recent sitting of tho
committeo Mr. James Kier Hardie, M.
P., testified that the distress was so
widespread that tho proposed grant of
$5,000,000 would tide over the needs of
the unemployed for a few weeks ouly.
This condition of affairs in England
is what freo trade leads to inevitably.
Although Great Britain's industrial ac
tivities, in somo important lilies, are
greater than' for several years past,
thanks to our free trado administration,
she has nevertheless by her freo trado
policy created a pauper class of which
she cannot now rid herself; Tho United
States would do well to note tho decline
of trade and labor conditions in Eng
land traceable unmistakably to free
trade heresy.
Henclteh Letter 'Eadc
We received a letter from a member
of the United States senate a few days
ago which wa3 written upou English
stationery! Although tho loyal members
of that body wero in a minority, it
seems to us that they ought to at least
have the right to insist that American
stationery should bo used by American
lawmakers. The idea that the United
States senato should bo furnished with
English stationery for its use is only
another illustration of tho foreign ideas
and tho foreign interference policy of
tho present administration. Our own
country's interests must not be regarded
when they would interfere with thoso
of a foreigner. American Economist
Wilson Bill's Second Year More Disastrous
to American Interests.
As we have tho November statement
of our imports and exports, it is well to
oontinue the comparison of our foreign
trade between the first and second years
of the Gorman tariff. Taking our im
ports during the three months after it
went into effect, September to Novem
ber, 1894, also for the corresponding
jnonths a year later, and in 1893 under
the McKiuley tariff, we have the follow
If cKinley , German tariff. ,
tariff. First year. Second year.
1803. ISM. 1S0S.
September... 910,808.500 130.617,066 JC3,23,999
October. 61.7W.-34 flO.019.988 73.036,812
November.... P.363,a63 80.867,483 C3.343.To9
Totals 4147,836,187 $161,239,166 lK8,635.(K2
During tbe first three months of the
Gorman tariff we imported foreign goods
worth $18,898,979 more than in 1893
under protection. This year, the second
one of the Gorman tariff, we bought
$43,400,000 more than in the three
months of its first year and $56,300,000
mare foreign stuffs than under protec
tion. Now for onr exports :
IfcKlnley Gorman tariff.-,
tariff. First year. Second year.
IM8. 1891. 1866.
ftptMb... f70.014.4ia $57,830,787 f57.062.48i
October. 8S.91S.677 82,482,422 86,(82,883
Ifgwhsr.... M.146.7M 78,964.006 86,151,387
Trtn,.....w,cq,8ti tao.i57.i64 fZBjmm
In the first three montlaf the Oar
man tariff oar exports of American prod
aoe and mannfactnree wero worth fJ,
810,000 less than in 1898. This year
then has been an improvement sod
thesa exports were worth 97,000,000
more than in 1894, but still f 18,700,000
less than in 1893. Now we can get J
balance of trade for each period:
Kxcaas or xxroaxs, sept. 1 to hot. 90.
iUFB. flUElfvW
lMa.iMitt,,(,it,tM,aat,,(l 2HOe 1 1 VV 9
Where the balance of trade was in oar
favor to the extent of nearly $100,000,
000 during the three months of 1898,
under protection, it was less than 960,
000,000 in onr favor during the first
three months of the Gorman tariff and
only 928,670,000 in onr favor in the first
three months of the second year of the
new law. The loss In onr favorable trade
balance was 989, 700,000 in three months
of the first Gorman year and oyer 975,
000,000 in the second year period. The
longer this bill is in force the worse it
is for us. Its last state is worse than the
first. -
Kagllafc Cettea Mill QaleU
The cotton industry continues to boom
abroad and starve at boma Tho latest
Shanghai mail advices say that three
cotton mills are being proceeded with
with all dispatch, egged on by the ru
mor that one of the leading Japanese
companies had decided to erect a mill
at Shanghai to run 20,000 spindles. By
next May it is expected that all four
mills will be running. On onr side the
announcements are of mills stopping.
Textile Mercury.
Wlae WMtora Word.
The foundation of the prosperity of
the American farmer and the American
laborer is tbe continued operation of the
American factory. When the factory
fires are extinguished, nothing follows
so surely as the enforced idleness of the
laborer, and when this comes, the home
demand for the farmer's products is
gone. J. W. Babcock, M. C, Wiscon
sin. Bicycle Mea, Fay Heed.
Bicycle manufacturers should quickly
fall into line with tho protectionists.
Plenty of work and good wages will en
able more people to buy wheels. Manu
facturers will also need protection from
the cheap Japanese wheels that can be
laid down in San Francisco for 912 each.
Maklaff the Ilome Market.
American manufacturing makes
American wages and American wages
make the American market. Stop the
mannfaoturiug, and you have destroyed
the market. For a little temporary gain
to the free trade importer is it wise to
dissipate the wealth of an entire nation?
What Delay Meawu
Every day's dolay in passing a reve
nue bill means more work taken from
American labor, less coal used in Amer
ican furnaces and less demand for the
material from which manufacturers
make their finished product.
Ananlaa Outdoae.
The new tariff haa proved itself a better reve
nue producer than the McKinley tariff, with
its high and prohibitory duties. New York
This is a deliberate, premeditated and
unqualified falsehood.
McKialey Bates Too .Low.
To chock the imports of Japanese
manufactured goods, tariff rates of pro
tection must be established very much
higher than those under the McKiuley
Product of Manufactures.
Harrison, 1890 9,370,107,Si
Cleveland, 18M 5,247,200,209
Excess for Harrison
A Sample of the Clothing That Eaglaa
Slakes For American, to Wear.
A Yankee in Bradford, England, sent
the following Christmas greeting to his
countrymen. It aptly illustrates the
degradation which free wool and low
tariffs og wooleps have brought to
American labor i
May your Christmas be unmentlona-
your new year jOPDVMADE'
one of unchock- TROUSERS.
erea prosperity.
No breeches of de
light and loyo
Through life mpy
you e'er see.
Bat where you go
may fortune
Unnienti enable
May joy and peace,
that never
On yon be always
And care and doubt
be both played
Like cast off pan
taloons. What a shame
and insult to
American labor
when the exports
of shoddy made
goods from England alone during the
last 11 mouths of this year reached the
following gigantic figures:
Wool..., ,., 10,553
Woolen and worsted yarns 9,773
Woolen tissues 237,179
Worsted tissues 1,081.431
3. 415. !3
Total i,ua,m
Let I-onfalana Celebrate.
It has been suggested by the chamber
of commerce of New Orleans that the
one hundredth anniversary of the admis
sion of Louisiana into the Union be cele
brated on Deo. 20, J903, by a great in?
ternatioual exposition of the products of
the world's progress. Such a celebration
would practically iuclude Arkansas,
Missouri, Iowa, Minnesota, North and
South Dakota, Kansas, Nebraska, Wy
oming, Montana, Idaho, Oregon, Wash
ington and parts of Utah and Colorado,
as these states wero included with the,
purchase of tho Louisiana of today when
the French flag was lowered in 1803.
Tbe idea is a good one, because it can
not fail to convince cur southern friends
of the great advance that tbe country
has made, both in its agricultural and
industrial resources, during tbe nndi
turbed period of protection that ended
in 1893, a policy that, let us all hope,
will again be in operation in 1903.
"Need a Num.
There are perhaps few men in the
country who have clearer conceptions on
theoretic finance than Mr. Carlisle, but
in practical finance he must be ranked
among the babes and sucklings. Jour
nal of Commerce and Commercial Bul
Good Old Times Agala.
It will soon begin to look like the
good old days of protection when a tariff
for deficiency only was an unknown
quantity. Then there was revenue
enough and some to spare for paying off
the national debt.
Free Trad Facts.
The exports of 1895 in domestic mer
chandise were $75,813,838 less tbau iu
1894, and the imports were $76,975,343
greater in 1895 than in 1894. Report
of Secretary of the Treasnry.
Y. t I g'gjfc
FR THE COMING EAR, yon will, no doubt, decide on securing the best, especially if the best costs less than
something inferior, both in quality and quantity. The Omaha Bee, alvyays to the front of the newspapers ia tho
west, has long been recognized as one of the leading publications in tho country. It has done more, and is now
doing more, toward the upbuilding the groat west, than any other paper.
About two years ago its publishers, determined to bring The Weekly Bee into everv farmhouse in the west,
especially in its own state and the states immediately adjoining Nebraska, put tho price down to 65 Cents per year
an unheard of figure for a 12-page weekly publication. -This price still prevails. Not content with this, the publish
ers of The Bee cut about for some additional first-class publication of national reputation, to offer with The Bee at
a pnee that would not exceed the figure usually charged for a single weekly paper. Last year the New York Tribane
(Horace Greeley s paper) was secured and this paper was offered with tho Weekly Beo for 90 Cents per year. A simi
lar arrangement has been made this year. In addition, a similar contract has been made with the Cincinnati Enqair
er, a paper that ranks as high among the .Democratic publications of this countrv as the New York Tribune does
among the Republican newspapers.
To sum up we make the following four offers for this season, confident that they are equalled nowhere, either
in the quality of matter published, nor in the quantity of good, np-to-date reliable news.
The Omaha Weekly Bee,
12 Pages Each Week,
65 Cents Per Year.
The Weekly Bee,
The Weekly New York
Tribune and
The Weekly Cincinnati '
All Three for One Year for $lal5s
Kin; Soliimon's Notion
That There is nothing new under tho
sun" does not always convey the truth.
Especially is this true as regards the
new composite cars now operated daily
via The Chicago, Union Pacific and
Northwestern Line between Salt Lake
City and Chicago.
These handsomo BuftVt Smoking and
Library Cars are entirely new through
out, of latest design, contain all modern
improvements, and are well supplied
with writing material, the leading daily
papers, .illustrated periodicals, maga
zines, etc.
The fact that these cars run daily via
"The Overland Limited" and that the
Union Pacific was the line west of
Chicago to inaugurate this servicoshoukl
commend itslf to all.
See that your tickets read via "The
Overland itoute."
Everyday is adding to our list of
subscribers, but there is yet plenty of
room for more. give you now, Thk'
Joints.. t. and tho Lincoln Semi-weekly !
Journal, both, one year, when paid in
advance. Tor $00. Subscription can
lH'gin at any time. Niw is tho timo to
subscribe. The Lincoln Journal is issued
Tuesdays and Fridays, and will give yon
a mass of news that you cannot hope to
equal anywhere for the ii.otiev. Both
for 8-2.00.
To Cliir:tr. ami .he Hast.
Passengers goiugenst for business, will
naturally gravitate to Chicago as the
great commercial center. Passengers
ro-visitiug friends or relatives in the
eastern states always desiro to "take in"
Chicago en route. All classes of passen
gers will find that tho '-Short Line" of
ho Chicago, Milwaukee . St. Paul Rail
way, via Omaha and Council .Bluffs,
affords excellent facilities to reach their
destinations in a manner that will be
sure to give tho utmost satisfaction.
A reference to tho time tables will in
dicate tiie route to ba chosen, and, by
asking any principal agent west of the
Missouri river for a ticket over the
Chicago, Council Bluffs ,fc Omaha Short
Line of tho Chicago, Milwaukee .fc St.
Paul Railway, you will bo cheerfully
furnished with tho proper passport via
Omaha and Chicago. Please note that
all ot the "Short Lino" trains arrive in
Chicago in ample time to connect with
the express trains of all the great through
car lines to tho principal oastern cities.
For additional particulars, timo tables,
maps, etc., please call on or address F.
A. Aash, General Agent, Omaha, Neb. .
The I'aradiie of the Pacific.
Three grand tours to Honolulu,
Hawaiian Islands, "The Paradise of the
Pacific," via Union Pacific system and
Oceanic Steam Ship Co. Leaving Omaha
the morning of Jan. lfitb, Feb. 11th, and
March Gth. Only nine days from Omaha
to Honolulu. $205.00 for the round trip,
includingstatcroom and meals on steam
ers. Tickets good for nine months, with
sloj-over privileges. For information
and tickets apply to J. . Meagher.
Cr. - tvi-
Omaha, Neb., Feb. 12-13.
The Cnion Pacific will sell
tickets from points on its Hues
iu Nebraska at rate of one fare
for the round trip, tickets on
sale February 11th and 12th.
Seo that your tickets read
via "The Overland Route."
J. Ii. Mkaoiier, Agent,
2t Columbus, Nebr.
HKNItV DUISKKN. defendant, will take
notico that on the 8(h day of January,
IS!. Charlert Keinke. plaintiff herein, tiled his
petition tit the district conrt of 1'latte county,
Nebraska, against said defendant, tht. object
and prajerof v.hich an to foreclose a certain
lnortKagp executed by the defendant and Sophie
Dnisken toth. plaintiff upon tho north half of
lots seven and eidit. in block one hundred and
thirteen, city of Columbus, 1'latte connty, Ne
braska, to secure the of two certain
promissory notes dated September 30th. IbVi, for
the sunt of i.".C0 each and due and payable
ono ami two years respectively from the date
thereof, that there is now ihio upon eaid notes
and mortat-e the sunt of 10.00 with interest at
! jiercent, from April Kt, IVM. for which pmn
with interest from April 1st. 1S9I. and for taxes
and insurance aid amounting to $.j0.G0, plaintiff
praj s for a decree that defendant be required to
pay the same or that said premises may lie sold
to satisfy the amount found dee.
You are required to answer said petition on or
before the 24th day of February. lsW.
Dated JanKary 12th. 1MJ.
McAllistei: .t CoEXF.utrs; Plaintiff.
Att'js. l.tjnnl
Notice probate of will. Andreas Gottfried Sten
zel, deceased. In the county court, Platte
county, Nebraska. The Slate of Nebraska to
the heim and next of kin of tatd Andreaa
(lOttried Stenzel, deceased;
Take notice, that upon filing of a written in
strument purporting to he the last will and
testament of Andreas Gottfried Stenzel for
orobatc and allowance, it is ordered that said
matter ho set for hearing the 5th day of Febrn-
. r 10.1 lu-.'--- cii-t tiruintr ..... n, ,K
hoar of 2 o'clock p. ni., at which time any per
son interested may appear and contest the same;
and notice of this proceeding is ordered pub
lished three weeks euccessively in The Colcst
bcs Journal, a '.veeklv nnd le;al newspajer,
published in this county.
In testimony whereof, I have hereunto ret my
hand and the seal of the county court, at Colum
bus this 15th d.Hjr of January, A. L. 1S1;.
J. N. Kii-iAN,
Sjantf County Judge.
To all whom it inav concern:
The board of supervisor!, in refilar session
January 17, ISM. declared the following section
line opened as a pnbiic road, viz:
Commencing at the northwest comer of sec
tion , town 19 north, of range 2 wet, and
running thence due east oa uection line one
mile, and terminating at the northeast corner of
said section 35, town 11) north, of range 2 west
and to le known and designated as tho "Gro
senthal lload."
Now all objections thereto or claims for dam
ages caused thereby must be filed in the county
clerk's office oa or before soos. Monday, April
i, 1815, or such road may be established without
farther reference thereto.
Dated Columbus, Nebr.. Jan. !, 1W.
29jaal . POM! Couaty Clerk.
When Selecting Your Reading Matter
The Weekly Bee and
The Weekly New York
Both One Tear for 90c.
AH orders must be accompanied
money order. Express ifloney order or
sent, it is safer to register the letter.
2 cents are accopted.
Sample copies are sent free on
clubs of three or more subscriptions.
Address all orders to
THE OMAHA BfiE, Omaha, Neb.
Great Prize Contest.
ist Hrize, KNABE PIANO, style "P" $800 r
m m .. -
Iq za prize, cash, - - - - - 100
pi 3d Prize, Cash, ..... 50
3 (O Cash Prizes, each $20, - - - 200
cj 15 Cash Prizes, each $10, - - 1 50
-i - m. -----h.
it; 28 prizes. .... ciqaa k
The first prize will be eiven to the person who constructs the shortis. C
sentence, in English, containing all the letters in the alphabet. The otli-- Q
prizes will go in regular order to those competitors whose sentences stall. I r
next in po?nt of brevity. p
The length of a sentence is to be measured by the number of letters It D
contains, and each contestant must indicate by figures at the close of hii C
sentence just how long it is. The sentence "must have some meaning. Q-
Geographical names and names of persons cannot be used. The contest iv'
closes February 15th, 1890, and the results will be published one week kj
later. In case two or more prize-winning sentences are equally short the j
one first received will be given preference. Everv competitor who &
sentence is less than 116 letters in length will receive Wilkie Collins' work-
in paper cover, including twelve complete novels, whether he win. a pri.i; Q:
.. iiui. u tuuieaiituL u.m ciuer more luuuone sentence nor combine wits:
other competitors. Residents of Omaha are not permitted to lake .mv
part, directly or indirectly, in this contest. Piano now on exhibition at
Hayden Bros. Music Store, Omaha, Xeb.
This remarkably liberal offer is made by the Weekly World-Hkka..d.
of which the distinguished ex-congressman",
WILLMB J. BRYIM, is Editer,
and it Is required that each competing sentence be enclosed with one dollar
for a year's subscription. The Weekly Would-Hekald is issued iu semi
weekly sections, and hence is nearly as good as a daily. It is the western
champion of free silver coinage and the leading f'amilv newspaper of
Nebraska. Address,
gusiness $otitt s.
Advertisements nador this head fiv ecnlf
hneoach iabortioa.
ttt M. SCIIILTZ makes boots and sh-jesin tlie
Iwet M.yles. anil mm ,ni- !. v..r. !..
stock that cs.a lm urocnretl in tha ronrkpt. .V.J-tf
Tuesday aft, .ruooti.iinil are correct and reliable
at thetiuie.
" l"l -.
Shelled Corn
i "
Flour in r.o lb. lt3
.5 t .wr-
Potatoes ...
Fat steon...
. i.t rioaa so
1 S02 25
S 1 .tOftS.!.-.
si! 25 :i
Notice- probata of will. Anna .Maria Kirken-
bacher, deceased. In tli county conrt, l'intlo
county, Hni-.ka. 1 lie Mate of eim-k:i lo
the heirs and next of kin of said Anna Maria
Itickerbacher. decciu-ed:
Take notice, that noon litinir of n written in
strnment imrportini; to be Inst ttli anil testa
ment of Anna Maria Uiekerlmcher for probate
una allowance, it i-j oruereti tnat caul matter be
8t for hearint; tho day of February, A. 1.
lSW, beforo said county court, at the hour of 2
o'clock p. in., at vvhicji time any person inter.
estinl may npiear and contest the same; and
notice of this proceeding is ordered published
thre weeks &uccr-.irelr in Thk Coi.cji litis
Journal, a weekly and leal newipaier, pub
lishetl in Paid county and state.
In testimony whereof, 1 have hereunto t-.-t my
hand and tho seal of the county court, at I'iilti tu
bus this "th da of January, A. I. Ist.
J. N. Kilian.
-janl t'ounly Jude.
Drink Habit .
Also Tobacco, Morphine and
other Narcotic Habits.
t3r"PrivatctreattueutKivcn if deeired.
Eleventh Street. Columbus, Neb
Y. A. McAi.listkis.
V. M.Coiini.lics
n. P. DU FFV.
Special attention given
to Criminal
Ottice: Corner Eleventh and North Sts.
Office over First National Ilank,
8oothwet corner Eleventh and North Street.
Hjaly-y Cqixxbvb, Nebbaska.
The Weekly Bee and
The Weekly Cincinnati
Both One Tear for 90c.
by the rash, in the shape of PoetoSce
bank draft. If currency or silver be
No stamps of larger denomination than
Commissions allowed on
wonancraia, umana. nrd.
-3C.-olij.ocL 1S32.
First National Bant,
Capital Slack Paid in $100,000.00
:r?::s2c ii:o eisectjss:
J. H.t.AM.KY. Vice lr't.
O.T.KOKN. Cashier.
We kee on hand at.
all times a full stntfr nf
the best grades of Penn
sylvania Anthracite
Rock Springs and oth
er soft Coals always on
hand. Give us a call.
Ooah Ileal Market
Fresh and
Sralt Meats-
Game and Pish in Season.
BrII-Kliest market
Hides and Tallow.
prices paid for
We Carry Coffins, Caskets antf
Metallic Caskets at as low
prices as any one.
.. .-,
- .
- -
- ., "&&v$$$!i
',. - -r-- .