The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, February 05, 1896, Image 1

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ES," said the
colonel, giving his
weed the reminis
cent draw, "that is
an ugly scar Xan
thus has across his
face, but though he
has seen action and
proved himself as
brave as a lion, he
didn't get that
wound in battle."
. The boys who knew the colonel's
'story-telling abilities, drew their chairs
closer, and put themselves into a listen
ing attitude.
The old man drew his cigar gain
and went on: "We were camped at a
small town near Lexington that week;
it--was near the end of the war, and
while we had not been doing much
fighting for a month or more, our
marching had been rather continuous
and arduous. Xanthus then was a lieu
tenant in the 5th infantry, and a braver
or more daring fellow never wore the
'blue. He was the envy of all the young
officers and the idol of the soldiers. He
had the manners of a Chesterfield and
the daring of a Robin Hood. And it was
the combination of these two qualities
that got him into trouble and brought
him the scar that makes him look so
fierce and military.
"Near where we were camping was
the mansion of a wealthy old Kentucky
farmer, a supposed unionist, but who
really was in sympathy with the con
federacy. In addition to other very de
sirable commodities he possessed a
pretty young daughter and from the
first time that Xanthus saw her it was
all over with him. He fell desperately
in love and availed himself of every
opportunity to go up to the big house,
as we called it. And it wasn't long until
the little Venable girl Venable was
her father's name, David Venable it
wasn't long till she was as much iu love
with Xanthus as he was with her.
"Those who were on the inside
watched the affair constantly and won
dered how it would turn out. The little
girl had a couple of brothers, who for
the sake of policy treated Dick Xan
thus' visits with respectful considera
tion, but they weren't blind and they
hated him in his blue uniform as 'the
devil hates holy water.' They were big,
brawny fellows, who were only stay-at-homes
because their principles would
not let them enter the union army, and
their own and their father's interests
kept them out of the confederate ranks.
. "We warned our young lieutenant
that his visits to the Venable house
would bring Lim into trouble, but youth
and especially youth that is in love
is headstrong, so he went on his way
just as we expected he would.
"Finally, one day. when things had
"been going on in this way for some
time. Dick asked the colonel for leave
on the next night. Old Tom Baker was
'. colonel of the regiment then, and he
was a good-hearted old codger. He
winked knowingly as he gave the young
lieutenant leave and warned him not to
:g?L.iacC trouble.
. . "A quarter of an hour after Lieut.
. Dick Xanthus had cantered away from
the camp a half-dozen of us young fel
' lows were summoned into the colonel's
presence. We found him pacing back
and forth the length of his tent, with a
look of mock sternness on his kindly
' face. He addressed us as follows: 'Gen
tlemen, the discipline of this camp, it
must be confessed, is rather lax. Con
tinued sojourn in peaceful territory and
. consequent immunity from danger have
brought about this result I have al
lowed myself to give Lieut. Xanthus
' Jeave to go outside the lines to-night,
and it is my impresison that he has
gone to the Venable house to carry off
the -daughter of that household as a
bride. Now, whether his action is right
or not, it is not for us to say, but a man
in love is liable to encounter great
dangers in accomplishing his end. But,"
said the colonel, with a twinkle in his
eye, 'all this is neither here nor there,
and i6 of no consequence to you. My
purpose in assembling you together is
to send you out as a reconnoitering
party; go ont and recpnnoiter. no matter
where or what; don't do anything rash,
but should you happen to find any sol
dier or officer of the United States in
daager, give him protection.'
"The colonel turnert to his writing,
and we knew that we had received our
orders. Not a man who did not under
stand, and we turned away with smiles
on our faces and a great thrill of sym
pathy, in our hearts for the comrade
who was braving danger alone for the
sake of the girl that he loved.
"It was but the work of a few minutes
to swing into the saddle and go gallop
lag away in the direction of the Ven
ahle household where we knew our re
connoisance would be most valuable.
"It was-a cold, clear night, one of the
kind that puts spirit inio a man and
makes him feel-like bounding over ths
ground. We were a light-hearted et
happy as could be in our mission and
we laughed, chatted and Joked as we
galloped along tinder the bright, star
lit skies.
'"It's rather hard lines,' laughed
Stetson, 'that an escort of half a dozen
men has to be sent out every time a
fellow wants to go and see his girl.'
" 'It would be harder,' said Bates, in
reply, 'if the escort bad to go all the
way with him and listen to all he said
to his sweetheart.'
"'It would be rather hard on the
fellow,' added Tedsbury.
"'Not half so hard as on the lis
teners,' retorted Bates.
" 'You're a fraud, Bates; a cynical, tln
matrimonially inclined fraud, and mar
ried at that,' said one of the men.
"'Married? That's the reason he
isn't matrimonially inclined,' answered
" 'By George!' exclaimed Stetson, 'if
you don't change your opinions you
don't deserve another letter from your
wife' and' I hope she won't write to you.'
"Bates sobered very suddenly. 'Well,'
he said, 'this little love-making has to
go on, I suppose. I remember when I
was'making love to my wife.'
"'Old Jim Bundy died on Sunday,'
broke out the chorus of five irreverent
voices, entirely drowning Bates in
cipient narrative, and we all whipped
up our horses to keep pace with the
sudden indignant spurt which he took.
"Stetson was Just remarking, 'Well,
there don't seem to be much use for a
reconnoitering party to-night; here's
one place where the course of true love
seems to run smooth,' when the clatter
of horses' hoofs broke upon our ears.
"We quickened our pace to the edge
of a clump of poplars that commanded
a view of the road. Even before we saw
his flying horse and his face gleaming
in the moonlight we knew instinctively
that it was Dick Xanthus and that he
was in trouble.
"We saw that his horse was carrying
double and we smiled even as we halted
and drew our sabers, for the noise of
pursuers sounded close upon the clatter
of his horse's hoofs. But thought we, he
will soon pass our line and then we will
flash out and put his assailants to flight.
We wished to take no rash measures.
"On they came, pursuer and pursued.
The lientenant was very near us, and
we could see him looking down into the
face of the little Venable girl, when, to
our surprise, what should he do but
whirl suddenly and go charging back
straight into the faces of his pursuers.
"It was all done in a moment. We
saw his saber flash upward; and we
heard a woman scream: 'Don't kill my
brother.' and saw the saber lowered;
then there was a flash of another steel
and Xanthus dropped from his horse,
just as wc dashed up and surrounded
the two Venable boys.
"The girl was on the ground beside
her lover, weeping and trying to
staunch the flow of blood, while her
brothers stood by, mad enough to end
it all with her; but we took them all
safe into camp. Of course, we couldn't
do anything with the fellows they
were only protecting their own. But
they had to consent to the marriage of
their sister with Xanthus; for, as you
know, he did not die of his wound.
"A saber-stroke, did you say? No,
that's the unromantic thing about the
whole affair. A saber-stroke would
have had the right tone about it, but
they had cut our lieutenant with a big
Sineolar Appetltrs.
Eccentricities of appetite as to quan
tity and quality are far more common
than many suppose and more extraor
dinary. Two clergymen of New Eng
land one a gourmand, the other ab
stemious were dining together. The
abstemious looked with wonder and
horror upon his colleague. The lady
of the house, delighted to see the latter
eat, brought on dish after dish, until
at last his wondrous capacity was over
taxed and he exclaimed: "Madam, 1
cannot eat everything." Said the other;
"You surprise .me."
tTalte Affainst Evil Doers.
The Cumberland Presbyterian: When
he who buy6 or he who sells a ballot
comes to be regarded as a public enemy,
as really criminal even if not so cul
pable, as is he who buys or she who
sells humanity's holy heritage or wo
man's honor, then indeed will it be true
that "the powers that be are ordained
of God."
Diraree Statistics.
Recent statistics show that the in
crease in divorces exceeds in percent
age the increase in population in near?
ly all of the states. The causes ' are
such as indicate a growing disposition
to regard marriage as a mere contract
instead of a sacred union.
H.w JefcM ft. Rofefc.4 to P.T TlMtfcy
Two men named McCarthy died about
the same time at Believile hospital Re
cently, says the New York' Recorder.
One had been baptized Timothy and the
other John. Timothy was an unfortu
nate without home or friends, while
John was described by his countrymen
as a "dacent man,' with plenty of "da
cent friends:" He lived with his honest
wife and family at 46 West Forty-sixth
street before he was carried off to the
hospital in the hope of saving his life.
There was grief among the respectable
well-wishers of John McCarthy when it
was learned one morning that he had
died at the hospital from the effects of
a necessary operation, and the feelings
of those good people were expressed
loudly enough to leave no doubt as to
the general esteem in which John Mc
Carthy was held. Pdot Timothy Mc
Carthy, who died almost at the same
moment, had nobody to mourn for him.
It was on a Sunday afternoon that the
friends and neighbors of John McCar
thy assembled at his house to do honor
to the dead. The corpse was laid out
in a Sue casket and many willing hands
were lent to the preparations for the
wake that began at o'clock on this
particular Sunday evening. No wake
in that neighborhood was ever better
attended. The house was thronged all
that Sunday night and ail the next day
and all Monday evening until midnight
with worthy people, who discussed
nothing save the virtues of John Mc
Carthy, and had only one lamentation
in the world, and that was on account
of John McCarthy's death. It was
strange how people would go to the
casket containing the mortal remains
of McCarthy again and again. It was
strange, also, how surprised they looked
each time. If one was caught wearing
a look of surprise, rather than one of
becoming sorrow, that one was quick
to cloak his thoughts, lest the good fam
ily should feel troubled. It would be
the height of ill manners to say that
the body in the casket didn't look a
bit like it did when life was in it. At
a wake it is better to speak only good
of the dead. Along about midnight on
Monday, however, two young men left
the wake, and when they got outside
they agreed that the corpse didn't look
any more like John McCarthy than it
did like the mikado of Japan. Further,
they declared they didn't was
John McCarthy at all. Thereupon they
repaired to Bellevue and found John
McCarthy's body still on the ice. John
was a big, husky fellow. The body of
Timothy McCarthy had been shipped to
John's home by mistake. Timothy was
little and weazened. An exchange of
bodk6 promptly followed. Friendless
Timothy had been waked thirty-six
hours. There was only six hours left
in which to wake John, for the funeral
was to take place on the following day.
simple Process of Extracting Gold from
Ore Which Favea Millions.
From the Boston Journal of Com
merce: It is not generally known, even
in California, that millions of dollars
arc annually taken from rude heaps of
base-looking quartz by the flowing of
water over huge piles of broken rocks
that contain the precious metal. The
process of robbing the earth of its gold
has now been reduced to such a fine
point that a gentle flow of water over
the ore gleans it of its golden treasures,
and this works well in cases where the
old chloride and other methods arc not
so useful.
The water used by miners in bringing
gold from piles of mineral-bearing
quartz is charged with a simple chem
ical, which has the potency to dissolve
gold and hold it in solution. The spark
ling liquid, which flows over hundreds
of tons of quartz, trickles through the
mines and seeks its level, laden with
gold, is charged with a deadly poison,
cyanide of potassium, a drug which fer
rets out the minutest particles of the
yellowish metal and dissolves them and
brings the precious burden to the vats
for conversion into refined gold again.
The cyanide process is as noiseless and
unerring as the laws of gravitation. The
method is based on the fact that even
a very weak solution of cyanide of
potassium dissolves gold or silver,
forming respectively auro-potassic cy
anide and argento-potassic cyanide. The
solution is separated from the solid ma
terial and the gold and silver are pre
cipitated in metallic form. During the
last five years the process has been in
troduced into almost every gold field in
California and elsewhere, and more
than 920,000,000 has been recovered by
the gentle flow of the waters charged
with the magical chemical.
Precipitation is effected by the use of
fine pieces of zinc, so arranged that
when the rich waters flow over them
the fine gold clusters in rich deposits
over the zinc, for which it has an affin
ity. The gold deposits itself in the form
of fine dust on the plates of zinc
England manufactures perfume on a
very large scale, importing many of the
materials from other countries, but also
making large use of home-grown herbs
and flowers.
The cholera has repeatedly during the
present century visited London and
Paris, but at no time was there a death
from that disease among the operatives
of the perfume factories.
In one of Dean Swift's letters he al
ludes to the fact that, in his day, the
shops of the perfumers in London were
lounging places for young noblemen
and other fashionable idlers.
In Tartary onions, leeks and garlic
are regarded as perfumes. A Tartar
lady will make herself agreeable by
rubbing a piece of freshly cut onion
on her hands and over her countenance.
From the drainage of stables has
been manufactured the French eau de
mille fleurs, or water of a thousand
flowers, a perfume which in itself com
bines the odors of almost the entire
Coral kingdom.
In medieval times the best perfumes
were made in France and Italy, the per
fumers of those countries acquiring a
dexterity unknown elsewhere and pos
sessing many secret methods of manu
facture. In the manufacture of pomades the
fat is repeatedly melted, strained and
purified, after which the desired es
sence or perfume is. added or the fat is
impregnated with the odors of flowers !
i themselves
A Skttth takes barMg ta BtcMery la
Which tiandnd. At CktUtiaria Buffeted
Martyrdom Shoald Maka CfariateadeM
Turkey haa denied
many of the stories
of massacre in Ar
menia. N6 one believes
him, for he is con
tradicted by & host
of trustworthy
witnesses. If any
thing were needed
to convict him of
untruth and to convince the most skep
tical of the atrocities of Turkish rule
it Js now supplied.
A series of photographs has been re
ceived from Armenia which confirms
the worst stories of massacre ahd prove
that they were indeed on a wholesale
scale. Which is more worthy of
belief the camera or the Sultan of
Turkey? The intelligent readers of
this Journal wiil scarcely hesitate.
The photographs illustrate what has
been going on throughout the Asiatic
empire of Turkey. They prove that a
part of the Armenian population of one
city was destroyed. But other places
suffered even more than Eraeroum.
When we remember that the process Of
masascre has been going on through
the whole of Armenia and in other parts
of Turkey in Asia we may judge of the
total extent of the slaughter and be
lieve that the estimate of 15,000 killed
within a few months is not an exag
gerated one.
The important city of Erzeroum was
the scene of the wholesale massacres
recorded by these photographs. They
show that bodies were piled together so
thickly that the Turkish authorities
could not find labor enough to hide
them if they wished to do so.
Arms, legs and fragments of bodies
were thrown together as carelessly as J
so many bricks. No relative could ever
hope to identify them.
The streets of Erzeroum ran with
blood. The Armenians were massacred
without distinction of age or sex by
the Turks and Kurds, and nameless
atrocities were perpetrated on them.
Erzeroum is the capital of a vilayet
or province of the same name. It has
an extensive trade and is the chief sta
tion for caravans on the way from Te
heran to Mecca. The streets are nar
row and its houses are mostly built
of mud and timber. The principal
buildings are the Armenian and Greek
churches and schools.
The population was about 40,000, of
which one-fourth were Armenians. The
proportion has been greatly reduced.
The massacre began in the Seria, the
chief government building In Erzer
oum, in which the Vali, or Governor,
and the chief officials live. It began
with the shooting of the priest of
Teonik by the Turkish soldiers. He
and other Armenians were trying to ob
tain an audience of the Vali to ask
protection against murder and outrage.
This act of brutality served as a sig
nal to the Turks and Khurds. The
massacre continued all day.
The photograph shows the Armenian
cemetery two days after the beginning
of the massacre. Two rows of dead
had already been laid down and par
tially covered with earth by laborers,
and they had just started a third
The burial of most of the victims took
place on Nov. 2. There was no funeral
ceremony. Huge trenches were dug
and four Armenians took a body,
dragged it to the trench and laid it
here. Body after body was laid close
'alongside another till the whole space
was filled. In one pit 350 bodies were
The surviving Armenians gathered
around these enormous graves and
watched the operations sadly, no one
knowing when his or her turn might
.iw His First Train.
A country boy who was brousht up in
a remote region of Scotland had occa
sion to accompany his father to a vil
lage near which a branch line of railway
passes. The morning after bis arrival,
when sauntering in ..the garden behind
the house in which they were staying,
he beheld with wondering eyes a train
go by. For a moment he stood staring
at it with astonishment and then, run
ning into the house, he said: "Father,
father, come oot! There's a smiddy ran
off wi' a row o' houses, an' its awa' doon
by the back o' the town."
MUlloas of Field Mice.
The canton of Schaffhausen, Switzer
land, is overrun by field mice in im-
mense numbers, and the government
j nas been appealed to for ways and
leans to exterminate the rodents.
JTav. 7BaJ'laaiBBhA 'aKd I TP Tlja 4 B B9S99VV'vSBBBByfasYa?attBBBaVh' BBavBk
myriads op swallows.
They Bi m tecMl ina t&
.Btonurttoa Aatas the Crew:
From the Savannah News: A Rus
sian steamer hailing from Odessa has
for some time been engaged in the
Mediterranean trade, principally carry
ing Paseshgerd between Leghorn and
Malaga. On one of the" recent trips it
encountered an adventure which will
never be forgotten by either the crew
or the passengers. The passage had
been a stormy one, but the day of the
occurrence was unusualty fine. Though
a rather heavy sea was running, most
of the passengers were on deck. Sud
denly the lookout called: "Hurricane
cloud leaward." At once there was
great consternation aboard and a num
ber of people sought safety below. The
captain, however, after glancing at the
barometer, gave it as his opinion that
it was no hurricane cloud. The black
mass they saw hovering near the hori
zon Was, he thought, a particulariv
dense volume of smoka from some
steamer. But the solution of the mys
tery came much sooner than they had
expected. The threatening mass grew
larger and larger, and soon was seen
to bear down in the direction of the
vessel with terrific speed. Everybody,
both crew and passengers, became
frightened at the mysterious cloud,
which seemed to move with great rap
idity, notwithstanding that a perfect
calm prevailed. Then came ihe solu
tion, The vast cloud they had seen
was composed of swallows. Tha fore
runners, a small detachment of some
10,000, swooped down on the deck, to
the bewilderment of the people on
board. These were soon followed, not
by thousands, but by huudreds Of
thousands. The birds literally over
whelmed the vessel. The man at the
wheel lost his bearings, and the wild
est disorder prevailed. The birds
poured into every available opening,
hatchways, windows and everywhere
else. They got tangled in the ropss and
sails and clustered about the rigging.
Even the smokestack was so filled up
one time that the fires were nearly ex
tinguished. The most amazing part of
the whole thing was that the birds did
not evince any disposition to leave. To
heighten the confusion the steamer had
got out of its course and ran ashore.
However, on account of going very
slowly, no material damage was done,
though the passengers were badly
frightened. When the crew had recov
ered from their amazement, they began
to clear the deck and th vessel ic gen
eral of these unexpected and not at all
welcome guests. The captain ordered
the men to use shovels and whatever
else they could to throw the birds over
board. After getting fairly in shape
the vessel proceedeG on its voyage, hav
ing been delayed for eight hours on ac
count of this singular experience. The
captain could not offer any theory as to
where this vast army of swallows came
from. All he said wa.s that the birds
were exhausted from a long flight dur
ing the storm of the previous day and
sought rest on his vessel.
ray of Russian Ambassadors.
Russian ambassadors are paid about
twice as much as ours. The ambassa
dors to Berlin, Vienna, Constantinople,
London and Paris receive 60,000 rubles,
or $37,500; the ambassador to Rome, 40,
000 rubles, those at Washington, Tokio,
Madrid and Pekin 30,000, at Teheran
25,000, at Athens, Brussels, The Hague,
Copenhagen, Mexico, Munich and Stock
holm 20,000. The ministers at Buchar
est, Belgrade, Rio de Janeiro, Lisbon
and Stuttgart gel 18,000 rubles, the en
voy to the Vatican 12,000, those to Dres
den and Cettinje 10,000, and to Weimar
and Darmstadt 8,000.
A Dirigible llalloon.
Like the sea serpent, the inventor of
the dirigible balloon travels eastward,
ho! He is now in Canton, China. An
extra smart mandarin, Ti Lien Fou,
lately invented a really dirigible bal
loon, and that has been seen traveling
through the air at various heights and
in every direction, "even during ter
rific storms." It is constructed wholly
of steel. Ti Lien Fou, it is said, will
shortly come eastward, ho! to see Edi
son at Menlo park in regard to fur
ther "improvement" of this aeroser
pentine wonder.
Well! Well.
He gazed at her with a 2,000-volt in
tensity. "So" you have a past?" he hissed.
"Oh, yes," she airily answered. "Two
or three of 'em."
However, on consideration, he con
cluded that he was willing to become
her third, or fourth husband. Indi
anapolis Journal.
InSaeasa Anionic Animals.
The influenza is going down in Eng
landdown to horses and dogs and
cats. The officials of the various
"homes" for domestic animals, in' Lon
don report that the mortality in cases
oMnfluenza among dogs amounts to 6
per cent, among cats to 24 per cent, and
the percentage is said to be even still
larger among horses.
Jfetfafkeblo CMtoitfe the G.reM
ei TeattfMM BHwava th. Taylor
From the WisalWSt.a Pt: Oae of
the mdst remirkabk fdlitkal cmtcata
of modern days friii tfctt fctwi Boh
and Alf Taylor over th3 jrirraoiP
of Tennessee some years agd. .Th
brothers are both violinists In le
nessee they are knows as fiddlers. Alf
is the superior performer. Bob plays
left-handed. Neithef 686 is a iitthed
master of the Instrument, but they feotll
play the mountain melodies W iha
queen's taste. During their unique rad
for governor Bob and Alf did not actu
ally carry their fiddles with them, but
in almost every towfl the people woald
hunt up a couple of violins ahd Insist
on hearing them play. When the elo-"
tion was over and Bob was occupying
the highest office In the gift of Ten
nesseeans a convict of the penitentiary
one day sent him a fiddle. It was a
heme-made instrument, the convict be
ing its author and finisher. He had
made it while serving out his sentence
in the "pen," and designed touching a
tender chord in the governor's heart by
Ihe presentation. The story is best torn
In Governor Bob's own way: "One aay
Just before Christmas a state official
entered my office and said: I have
been implored by a poor, miserable
wretch, in the penitentiary to bring you
this rude fiddle. It was made by hfa
own hands with a penknife during the
hours alloted to him for rest. It is ab
solutely valueless, it is true, but it 19
his petition for mercy. He begged me
to say that he has neither attorney nor
influential friends to plead for him; he
is poor, and all that he asks is, that
when the governor shall sit at his own
fireside on Christmas eve with his own
haiiDV children around "him. he Will
play one tune on this rough fiddle and
think of a cabin far away in the mount
ains in which is a family of poor, rag
ged children crying for bread and lis
tening for the returning footsteps of
their convict father.'" Who would
not have been touched by such an ap
peal? When Christmas eve came the
governor sat at his own happy fireside,
surrounded by his own happy family,
and sitting there he played one tune on
the rough fiddle. Far up in the mount-
ains there was another hearthstone
bright and warm, the pardoned convict
was there with his children on his
knees and his heart re-echoing the
strains which the governor played on
the home-made fiddle.
Imitate the Boys.
The young women students at Law
rence university, Appleton, Wis., have
decided to wear a uniform dress. They
were stirred to the decision, It is said,
by the smart appearance of the young
men in the military school connected
with the university, who recently
donned new uniforms of gray and black.
The girls first proposed to wear a uni
form of the same color as that worn by
the boys, but finally decided on navy
blue. They are to wear blue blouses
laced up in front with black and skirts
of blue trimmed with black. In the
gymnasium blue bloomers will be sub
stituted for the skirts.
A Questionable Rlghf.
"What I want to know," asked the
corn-fed philosopher of his assembled
listeners, "is whether the alleged new
woman will ever attain the right of
having her hat knocked off at the the
ater by the indignant man sitting be
hind her." Indianapolis Journal.
An albino partridge, the tips of ns
white feathers tinted with pink, is the
latest freak brought out of the Maine
There is an historic well in Rutland,
Vt. It was built during the revolution,
and was used by soldiers of Burgoync's
army after being removed from Boston
in 1788.
A writer in the Edinburg Scotchman
in dealing with the causes of intemper
ance mentions as one of the principal
ones the "want of sympathy at home
and a scolding, sulking, nagging wife."
Two Russian battleships, the Rurik
and the Dimitri Donskoi, haie harbored
in Portsmouth on their way to lae Med
iterranean. It ia the first time this
privilege has been granted for a quar
ter of a century.
Robinson Crusoe's musket, "a fine,
old specimen, with long barrei, flint
lock,, and beautifully balanced," is of
fered for sale in Edinburgh. It came
into the possession1 of the presept owner
through Alexander Selkirk's grand
niece. Six deer wandered into the village or
Central Lake, Mich., early last Sunday
morning., trotted through the streets
for awhile and took to the woods again
before any of the startled inhabitants
could quiet their nerves sufficiently to
get a gun.
It has been noted that serpent charm
ers continually talk, sing or whist !e or
have an attendant to play upon some
shrill musical Instrument during the
time exhibitions are beine eiven. That
these sounds have their Influence there . "ot hit a hean." Harper's Jlaga
is not the least doubt ' MlBtm l
Mmost Crazed.
Ordeal f a Matha
UCU. Girt Alma Faded Away
aved la th. Me aff Time
A Mary that wUt irach
tha Heart at Krery
mm the Jours!. Detroit. Mich.
A Ttty grateful mother Is Mrs. A. I
Hartaesa, of C7 Grandy AYeaue, De
trait, for the wonderful care which her
daughter has received by the s of
Dr. Williams' Pink Plllst Said Mrs.
Hartness: "Yes. any daghters life has
been saved by usina; Plak Fills, thanks
to a kind friend who rccoxsaended them
9 AM?
"Bteaehe was sick for over three
years. She had th care of the best
physicians procurable, and no expense
or trouble was spared to give her relief.
She was so thin that she was fairly skin
and bones, her digestion was out of
order and she had the most awful head
ache. We.smv up all hope of her re
covery. Her long, thin, listless faca
made me nearly half crazy, and we did
every thing in cur power to give her
strength and induce her to take an in
terest In anything.
"One day a friend told me about th
Pink Pills, and Mr. Hartness went down
town and got three boxes. She had
taken about one box, when, to my
amazement, one morning I heard he
playing on the piano. 1 could hardly be
lieve It, for it had been over a year
since the piano had been opened.
"Soon she began to take short rides
on her bicycle, and soon she went sing
ing around the house, our own happy,
hearty little daughter once more.
"She thinks nothing of a spin on her
wheel over to Mt. Clemens or Pontlac.
and Is as well aa she ever was.
"I had a girl living at our house who
was a great sufferer from Impoverished
blood, and who received instant and
permanent relief from the use of one
box of the pills.
"If this Information can be of any use
to help some poor sick one. It Is given
with the greatest of pleasure."
The proprietors of Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills state that they are not a patent
medicine but a prescription used for
many years by an eminent practitioner
who produced the most wonderful re
sults with them, curing all forms of
wer'tness arising from a watery con
dition of the blood or shattered nerves,
two fruitful causes of almost every 111
to which flesh is heir. They are entirely
harmless and can be given to weak and
sickly children with the greatest good
and without the slightest danger. Pink
Pills are sold by all dealers, or will be
sent post paid on receipt of price, 60
cents a box. or six boxes for $2.50 by
addressing Dr. Williams' Medicine Com
pany, Schenectady, N. Y.
Origin of Mrs. Grandy.
now many who daily use the name
of Mrs. Grundy have any idea of her
origin? It is generally believed that
Dickens was somehow responsible for
her, but a writer in the Dundee Adver
tiser points out that this is an utter
mistake. The real creator of Mrs.
Grundy was Thomas Morton, the dram
atist (born 1764, died 1838), the father
of the author of Box and Cox, and she
is referred to in his comedy "Speed the
Plow," which was first performed in
1798. Blrs Grundy is not a character
in the play; she is merely a mysterious
personage whom dame Ashtield, the
farmer's wife, constantly quotes, much
is the same way aa" Sairey Gamp al-I
lades to Mrs. Harris.
Morgan Connry, Colorado.
The irrigated farm is the only "sur
thing" farm on the face of the earth. And
the teacty of It is that It never wears out
never fails to yie!d double the averse of
non-irrigated sections. There are irrigated
farms in New Mexico that have teen tilled
for 250 years which nre today aa good as
now. In Arizona, the Pima Indians bars
for 400 years raised the biggest of big crops
from their irrigated land. Along the Nile,
in Egypt, aro lanim that aro moro than 4,
000 years old nnd which produce larger and
better yields than any other lands in the
One of the best illustrations of the ad
vantages of irrigation is to Le fonnd in the
irrigated district suixoundingFortMorgan,
Colorado, where during the lost ten years
half a million dollars have been spent in the
construction of a system of irrigating ca
nals which has no superior anywhere. A
tretch of country perhaps 30 miles longby
15 wide has been brought under cultivation
and now presents an appearance that is
almost ideal. Fie'ds of alfalfa, wheat, oats
and corn lend brilliancy to tho broad pla
teau. Ihousands of sleek cattle and count
less flocks of sheep browse upon the nutri
tious grasses. Here and there an orchard
bends beneath its luscious load. A more
flourishing community does not exist. And
the secret of it is Irrigation and Cattle. The
Morgan County farmer lives on and from
his farm which never fails to yield double
the average of non-irrigated sections, and
he grows rich on cattle.
Men who are unacquainted with the re
sults of farming by irrigation can form no
idea of its superiority over ordinary meth
ods of agriculture. 1 hink what it means to
Le able to hasten or retard the development
of growing crops to make it rain when,
where and in what volume you wish. True,
all this means closer attention and greater
labor, but are not the results worth it?
In Morgan County there are no cyclones;
bo extremes of heat and cold ; no crop fail
ures. The people are friendly. The relig
ious and educational facilities all that can
be desired. The climate tho finest in the
Morgan County land is not "cheap"
that Is, it Is not cheap in the sense in which
that word is ordinarily understood. The
price ranges from $15 to $30 an acre includ
ing perpetual water right, but as a man can
make a tetter living oif'40 acres there than
off lGi a res anywhere cast of the Rocky
Mountains, the' apparent difference after
all does not count for much. 80 acres is the
favorite size. One Morgan County farmer
gives it as bis experience that 10 acres
under irrigation in Morgan County Is pref
erable to the test and most expensive quar
ter section in the '-rain belt." The success
he is meeting with gives weight to his
Detailed information about Morgan
County is contained in an illustrated Look
let issued by the Passenger Department of
the Burlington Route and now ready for
free distribution. A copy will te mailed to
any one who will write to J. Francis, G. P.
A., Omaha, Neb., for it. No one who is
really in earnest in his desire to find a Let
ter location than his i resent one will fail to
do this.
Fearfal Fate.
"Commuted for life!"
To the wretched man the words
brought no joy or comfort.
"Better death," he muttered, "than
to drag out a miserable existence in
solitude. Doomed while life lasts to
Again he groaned
To catch trains and ferries, to carry
That day his wife had made the first
Eayment on the twenty-year plan of
uying a house in the county. New
York Recorder.
O. tbe Beaay Ileep.
The encouraging and ever popular
bean, whether boiled, baked or por
porridegd, is thus alluded to by a cor
respondent at Lakcville, Conn:
"A family living in the city were vis
ited by relatives residing some distance
off. One of the visitors remarked that
j there had been a great quantity of por
ridge made in his mothers family,
'enough,' said he, 'to float a 74-gun
ship. Don't you think so, Uncle John?
appealing to one of Jus relatives.
Yes, yes.' replied that uncle, aad
th ship could float twenty-four hours !
tti Lm a mi ttk
LBAHDEm GratAKD, Pres't,
B. H. Hkhxy, Vice Prest,
M. Bkuqqkr, Cashier.
Jonif Stacffek. Wm. Bucheb.
A.ttMriz: Capital if - $500,000
Paii hi Capital, - 90,000
O. M. aHZLDON. Pres't.
M. P. II. OEIlLRIon. Vice Pre.
CLARK GRAY. Cashier.
DANIEL SC11UAM. Aas't Cash
If . M. Wnfsxow, II. 1. 1 1 . Okhuucb;
C. II. Srkxdon, W. a. McAllmtsr,
Joxas WsxcH, Carl Uicskb.
. O. Gray,
Okrhard Losna,
Clark Ghat.
Danibz. BcnitAX,
Geo. W. Uallbt.
Rebecca Becker.
Baak deposit; Interest allowed aa tin
depoalta; buy and sell exchange on United
States and Europe, and buy and sell avail
able securities. We shall bo pleased to re
ceive year business. We solicit your aat
Columbus Journal !
A weekly aewspaper de
voted ihe best Interests of
The State of Nebraska
i with
$1.50 A YEAR,
Bmtewlteltatf aaarali
fa sot prsMrih.i by daHara
aad eeata. sfassfla capias
CtMu : art : Metallic : Cues !
trStpmlrimff AMa1t Uphol
fary Goods.
Columbus Journal
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