$ 'V JJWJf -- '. .. - . f"- r-vt- yjvg'v s'r;"--k'M ' .J ' I,.1 iy&&ggz-2sf? ig! ; . . -j 'V T 1 i iJ s Vf""-i . '7K s - r -. F- y ?- "3V c WWfcSi r---- -. F. .: W .- r The editor thlBks it te be the wish of everybody to grow rich. root for the Bake of the money, but lor the good that can ' be doHe with the money. Now. there are three new cereals recently created that will make aaoney for the fanner. . One is Silver King Barley, the most wonderful creation of the age. yielding 90. 100 to 116 bo. per acre in 1895, and ; there are thousands of farmers who be lieve they can grow 150 bu. per acre . therefrom In 1896. : . Then there is Silver Mine Oats, yield ing in 1895 209 bu. per acre. Every . farmer who tested it, believes 250 bu. . possible. . Then there is Golden Triumph Corn, .which produced over 200 bu. per acre, and 250 bu. is surely possible. ' And potatoes, there is Salzer's Ear- .lieat, which was fit for table in 28 days in 1895, yielding tremendously, while the Champion of the World, tested in a thousand different places in 1895, yield ed from 8 to 1,600 bu. per acre. .. Now, in Salter's new catalogue there is a wonderful arrayal of new varieties ' of wheati oats, barley, rye, potatoes, grasses, clovers and forage plants, and the 'editor believes that it would pay every farmer a thousand-fold to get this catalogue before buying seeds. If ye will cat thai at aad aad it with 10 cents postage to the John A. - Salter Seed Co., La Crosse, Wis., you 'will receive, free. 10 grain and grass samples, including above and their mammoth catalogue. Catalogue alone, S cento postage. w.n. MUIIodb ia It. I expect to be a sort of a Barney Varnato by this time next year," said the man -who is in the habit of expect ing. "How are you going to work it?" asked the man who is put in to com plete the dialogue. "Going to patent an accordeon sleeve. Girl can draw it up small or expand it away out, according to the the state of her feelings toward the young man." Cincinnati Enquirer. Piso's Cure for Consumption is the only rough medicine used in my house. D. C. Albright, Mifllinburg, Ia., Dec 11. 1V- The value of tht diamond is not what it doe, but what it i. Warranted to nra or money refunded. Ask JOJT drnggfetforit. l'rlcel&ouiU. It is lecanse so many people see wrong, that so many things go wrong. Nerves Depend upon the blood for sustenance. Therefore if the blood is impure they are improperly fed and nervous prostration results. To make pure blood, take Hood's : Sarsaparilla The One True Blood Purifier, fl; 6 for f5. rliwwlt. Dalle habitual constipa- nOOa S rlllS tinn. irtc ss cent. The Greatest fledical Discovery of the Age. KENNEDY'S MEDICAL DISCOVERY. MHAL6 KEMIEOY, OF MXMMY, MASS., HaS discovered in one of our common pasture weeds a remedy that cures every 'kind of Humor, from the worst Scrofula down to a common Pimple. He has tried it in over eleven hundred cases, and never failed except in two cases (both thunder humor). He has now in his possession over two hundred certificates of its value, ail within twenty miles of Boston.' Send postal card for book. A benefit is always experienced from the first bottle, and a perfect cure is war ranted when the right quantity is taken. When the lungs are affected it causes shooting pains.' like needles passing through them: the same with the Liver or Bowels. This is caused by the ducts being stopped, and always disappears in a week after taking it. Read the label. If the stomach is foul or bilious it will cause squeamish feelings at first. No change of diet ever necessary. Eat the best you ca.i get, and enough of it Dose, one tablespoonful in water at bed time. Sold by all Druggists. Tfca Columbia Bieyclo Pad Calendar For 6896 YOU NEED IT. A Desk Calendar is a necessity most convenient kind of storehouse for mem oranda. The Columbia Desk Calendar is brightest and handsomest of all full of dainty pen sketches and entertaining thoughts on outdoor exercise and sport. Occasionally reminds yon of the superb quality of' Columbia Bicycles and of your seed of one You won't object to that, "of course. The Calendar trill Toe mailed for five 2-ccnt stamps. Address Calendar Department, POPE MVFMTSIIIIC Cw HARTFORD. CONN. : imiriimn v mm .., . Wwuil Itwimm liniiimi it Im nminiiiianiiMi ut r i.Mi it wm. k has may knack . heosw. sad sappUfa its etnas rtvbt LJiMf -- - I will TITTTTS iiimssn . wrier antae xar seat tuoaet than Isthsrs. It makM Poraetac aad located. Steel, aalraatsfld-arteiv BfVsliiltlaaTlisi. afelawtaaatll Tltwln nt aftaai 9uJ (rMu. O 2. , Grinders. OnappllcfcUoaltwiniuneooe Of UrMA AYtJlAax thtat If ratll fnUh mni fjfj 13 Use nsaaa price. It alto ankca am mil ariwMwa vttnsi sm -- - - r-r-.--rr!. "-"- - -i" $50 AWEEKAIOTt .Local or ttaTeliag. I or cents, ariliag I WattaUAalA aai an. avian Umc B.t t.--.J iizzrwsr:i"ir:"ii - drfaaUsbeaiBtworaiaatc,aoaB, a cMM en oaarate. aerjr m warraaM, omU tocalitr mw a nto to all tke aMckaors. eU oa writ, every fiuailr bar, tvrauacat aitaatioa, writ for aceacy. World Utg. Oo. (C Sit CelBatbas. Okie. hAMtVk HAIR BALSAM ZfZ amaaiai aj ftlUiuai 1 MTakvaaaa arWflaa Hair to Its Teotkfal Oalor? Cma tmtp 4mmma a kairtaUac aww aaiaaMra Patents. Trade-Marts. TSsaariaatioa aad ACrtr acts PaleatahnitT ot aawanaa. StoJ for " JnTrntora' Uatde. or How to Oat yian cragga. vjuauunM, s. s. KarphlM HaMt Cared la i DaJ.STEMENf,LeBaoii.Oa, by veadiaff for oar vaoleaala aad retail prtca Uat of Dry Oooda. Clctblar. Urnnitt. nPJPJJoiin Rorca -FarBtohlacs, Fnrnltaic, CtotlUac, Maaos aie, FteroishiaavOoodf, KoHobi, Jewelry, LadW Baaayo-Wear MM CaUka Etc. I , wiim awvwi wamm W. N. D., OMAHA 4 1896. When' writing to advertisers, kindly mention mis paper. afanannTaaH aanLJMitwBBwaV!BBHwBMaRL Hlff, Lew, Jack. Kb ice meaas very cold weather, then cornea a high old time in skating rinks, aad skating ponds, on slides and rides, ana we go home tired and overheated. It's the same old story of cooling off; off with wraps pad on with all sorts of aches and tains, rheumatic, neuralgic, sciatic, lnm bagic, iaduduu frost-bites, backache, even toothache. They who dance most pay the piper. We cot up Jack and are broagbt low by oar own follv. What of it, the dance will ge oa, all the same. It is generally known that 8t. Jacobs Oil will core all such aches and pains separately or collec tively, aad the cry is on with the dance. A Mother's Retort. Dr. Breckenridge, a well-known American clergyman, and his two brothers, also of the same profession, one day paid a visit to their mother. Do yon not think, mother,' said he, "that yon ruled us with too rigid s rod ia onr boyhood? It would have been better, I think, had you used gentler methods.'' The old lady straightened up and said: "Well, William, when yon have raised up three as good preachers as I have, then you can talk!" Ram's Horn. A Very Desirable Caleadar. Calendars of all kinds and sizes herald the coming year. Many are to be had for the asking many without asking but to tbem as to other things the rule might be applied that what costs. The calendar we always wel come has just reach us. AVe refer to the one published by N. W. Ayer & Son, Newspaper Advertising Agents, Philadelphia. This issue seems if possible even better than its prede cessors. Handsome enough for the library, and yet carefully adapted for every-day use, it is naturally a great favorite. The firm's well-known motto, "Keeping Everlastingly At It Brings Success," appears this year in a new and very attractive form. The daily presence of this in spiring motto is worth far more than the price of any calendar. The date figures are so large and clear that they can easily be seen across the room. The reading matter on the flaps will also possess interest to tbe progressive. Those who have used this calendar in other years will not be surprised to learn that the demand for it is con stantly increasing. Once introduced it becomes a welcome friend. Its price (25 cents), includes delivery, in perfect condition, postage paid, to any address. Built a House in a Bottle. A few years ago the writer saw a genuine curiosity which had been made by a little blind boy in Chicago. It was nothing more or less than a miniature house, made up of forty odd pieces of wood, which was placed on the inside of a very common-looking, four-ounce medicine bottle. The general verdict of all who examined the wonder was that it would puzzle a man with two good eyes to put the pieces in the bot tle, to say nothing of the task of glue ing them together so as to make them resemble a house. St. Louis Republic. Parker's Ginger Tonic Of the many good things to be found in American homes, wc do not believe that any are held in higher esteem, or have done better service than Parker's Ginger Tonic. It has grown to be a household necessity and is serviceable in almost every case where there is weakness and infirmity. There are forms of female debility that make life a burden. The same is true of persist ent coughs and colds, and distressing stomach and nervous ills. They have held high revel in many homes until banished by Parker's Ginger Tonic and we are proud of the record that has made so many hearts grateful. The editor of the Review of Reviews, in his summing up of "The Progress of the World" for the past month, dis cusses the Turkish situation and other phases of the eastern question, includ ing our own national relations thereto,, the declarations of our government on the Monroe doctrine and Venezuela, Great Britain's rejection of arbitration. President Cleveland's commission, the Bayard incident, our relations with Cuba and Spaiu, our deficient revenues, presidential candidacies, progress in civil service reform, municipal progress in this country, recent progress in Rus sia, and many other of the interesting issues that have arisen at home and abroad during the last days of lS'.C-. COLORADO GOLD MINES. If you are interested in gold mining or wish to keep posted regarding the wonderful strides being made in Colo rado, it will pay you to send fifty cents for a year's subscription to The Gold Winer, an illustrated monthly paper published at Denver. Enmity cannot live long when it can find no enmity to feed upon. JFTTS All Fitsstoppcd frwby Ir. Kllae'a Great erre Vestorer. KoFiUaRrrthenrsldav'su. aUrrelous cures. Trvaliseaii'lX2tnaUoUl.:rrr t t'ttcawa. BendtuUr.Kliuc3lArcUSU,PMU.,l'a, The man Mho wou'd reform the world needs to Lezin with himself. Comfort to California. Yes and economy, too, if you patronize the Burlington Route's Personally Conduct ed once-a-week excursions which leave Omaha every Thursday morning. Through tourist sleepers Omaha to San Francisco and Los Angeles. Second-class tickets accepted. See the local agent and arrange about tickets and terths. Or, write to J. FitANCIS, G. P. &T. A., Omaha, Neb. It is not the clock that strikes the loudest which keeps the lest time. Billiard table, second-hand, for sale cheap. Apply to or address, H. C. Akix, 511 S. ICth St., Omaha, N"e'.x shaku arc The general belief among doctors is that consump tion itself is very rarely inherited. But the belief is becoming stronger that the tendency to consump tion is very generally transmitted from parent to child. If there has been consumption in the family, each member should take special care to prepare the system against it. Live out doors ; keep the body well nour ished ; and treat the first indicationoffailinghealth. ScotlEuui(sien, of Cod-liver Oil, with Hypophosphites. is a fat producing food and nerve tonic Its use is followed by improved nutrition, ncner diooo, stronger nerves and a more healthy action of all the organs. It strengthens the power of the body to resist dis ease. II you have in heriteda tendency to weak lungs, shake it off. JUST AS GOOD IS NOT SC0TTS EMULSION. FARM AND GARDEN. MATTERS .OF INTEREST TO AGRICULTURISTS. Sena fjp-te-Date Hlata ATarat Caltira tlo of the SoU aad Yields Thereof Hortlcaltare, VUlsaltara aad Flori caltare. AVING to depend entirely In agricul ture on the success of plants in the field to furnish human food and animal fodder, the aAjvrS farmer should un- -yrC V d e r a t a n d how 1 r plants grow. The seed, in a favorable condition of the oil, puts its root downward, to bear fruit upward later on. The best condition demands humus to make plant flesh, mineral mat ter, to furnish fibre, glazing and tubing to retain solids in solution, and carry in water all particles that are requisite and necessary to their own places in the plant structures, drawn by the rays of the sun. Hence the first law given to man by Moses, in Genesis: "Let the earth bring forth grass, hert bearing seed (weeds), trees bearing fruit, whose seed is in itself." It was so, and God saw it wa3 good. "Nature absorbs a vacuum." Animals hate bare ground. Many farmers believe that plants breathe. They cannot without lungs. To respire, to inhale and exhale air, hence to live. The action of sun shine on the leaves of plants is to draw moisture out of them, through the plant's structure, directly from, the soil. During the past summer, hundreds of trees on our farms, in shallow soils, dried up, and died for lack of moisture in the earth, within the reach of their roots. In the dry countries of Iowa the meadows and pastures now are very bare ground. Hence half the number of cattle for the next summer pasture will be the wisest policy for profitable results. "Grass enough for two cows, but one cow on." In evergreen and deciduous trees, the leaves that lack sunshine soon die. A picket fence will destroy plant leaves and branches in its shadow. During the past summer in sunshine with moisture the plant growths were prolific On the lawn, all trees overshadowed in part, all day long, the shaded part died, while those parts shone on at some time in the day lived and made a healthy growth. The sun can draw moisture out of plants, but never drive it into them. Richard Baker. Pasture. I have several pastures of five acres to 200 acres. I keep no certain number in each pasture, but change according to season and the amount of stock on hand. Usually try to keep each kind of stock by itself, and change about so as to give a variety of feed. Some times have to keep horses, sheep and cattle in same pastures, but think horses and sheep do best, and cattle' with hog3 if necessary to mix them. Cattle do not do well with sheep, nor horses with hogs. Part of my pastures are wild grass, part are fed into June and blue-grass, and part arc old tim othy meadows run into June grass. Tamo pastures are black loam and sandy with clay subsoil. Wild pastures are mucky loam. Often feed cows fod der, straw and damaged hay on pas tures near barns. Sometimes put barn yard manure on pasture if no other place is available. Like both trees and sheds in pasture and barns for winter. Have no ponds, but running stream in open ditches and windmills with tanks. Am compelled to have both tile and open ditches. Prefer tile. Would sow several kinds of those adapted to soil and climate. Have some rail, some fivo board, some barb-wire and some woven wire. refer woven wire five feet high. O. Dinwiddle, Lake Co., Ind. Illinois IIorttcultur.il Convention. (From Farmers Review.) The fourteenth annual convention of the Illinois Horticultural society was held at Kankakee recently. In reriewing the fruit lists for Illinois a discussion arose on the pro tection of fruit trees from rodents. Va rious methods were advocated, among them being fish oil and axle grease. There was, however, danger of using these too much, especially on young trees. Instances were given where such treatment had resulted in the death of the trees. Trees ten years old would not be harmed by the treat ment An apple grower said he knew of an orchard of 2,000 young trees that had been killed by using too much oil. . Mr. Williams had been using for twelve years a paint made of soap, tar, sulphur and lime. He put it on the trees with a common paint brush. It makes a thorough glaze and will destroy every insect He believes also that this paint has the tendency to protect from sun-scald. The little lime in it, when the dry weather comes, turns the mass to a grayish color that throws off the rays of the sun and thus keeps the bark of the tree from cracking. One man that had tried tarred paper thought there was great danger from using this, as it was not taken off early enough in the spring, in which case the tar from the paper works into the tree. He had tried paper made out of felt, and untarred, and found this to work -ery well, if it were but taken off early enough in the season. He now uses strong muslin, putting it on every fall and taking it off every spring. He bad tried this now for three years. Mr. Burnbardt expressed himself as certain that the rabbits would let the trees alone if they only had enough of other things to eat. He had been set tirg out trees for twenty-five years and had never had any trouble from rabbits. But there had always been about his place some brushwood or trees for them to work on. The scattering ot some kind of grain on the ground would serve to keep them away from the trees. Mr. Augustine suggested that there must be different varieties of wild rab bits, for the kind that lived in his vicin- ity began to gnaw the trees as early as July. Mr. Gilbert protects his trees by using only common wrapping paper, such as can be obtained in any grocery or dry goods store. He tears these papers into strips eight inches wide. These he wraps around the tree on the bias, be ginning near the ground, and stopping twenty inches above it, where he ties the paper. A discussion arose on the value or the yellow transparent for commercial orchards. Some believed it a mistake to plant largely of this variety on ac count of its poor keeping qualities. However, when in good shape, it sells readily, and men from Southern Illi nois expressed great faith in its com mercial value. Much time was devoted to the discus sion of the efficiency of spraying, and successes and failures were reported. Tbe prevailing opinion was that tbe yl failures were doe to ignorance la do ing the work. Question. How many have experi mented with spraying mixtures? Twenty-seven replied affirmatively. Question. How many recommend spraying? Thirty-five votes were cast for it, and none' against it The growing of small fruits was dis cussed, and the growing of strawberries in hills came up. While hill culture gives large, fine berries, yet growers on a large scale do not follow it, as it does not pay for the extra trouble. The question of fertilizers was dis cussed at length. The most impor tant point developed was that the ex tensive use of barnyard manure made it possible for the soil to use a greater mass of chemical fertilizers than if it were not used at all. Thus in the neighborhood of large cities the market gardeners are enabled to use immense quantities of commercial fertilizers be cause they also use immense quantities of barnyard manure. Mr. Morrill, of Michigan, spoke on the marketing of fruit The' first requisite is to have something desirable to mar ket He could not tell a man how to market undesirable fruit The great necessity with farmers is to learn how to co-operate in the sale of goods. The co-operative organizations have largely failed for the reason that there seemed a jealousy against any man being paid to look after the work. He believed the time to be approaching when farm ers would use more business-like methods. The superintendent of the insane asy lum at Kankakee spoke on the great success of irrigation at that place. The water for the irrigation works is pumped by steam engines that can sup ply from 100.000 to 200,000 gallons per day. The cost for this pumping is only three-tenths of a cent per thousand gallons. During the last season they had raised vegetables worth over $6,000, By a vote of the society the life mem bership fee was reduced from $20 to 5. The election of officers resulted in the following choice: President, Mr. Good rich; vice-president, Lem Small; sec retary, H. M. Dunlap; treasurer, Ar thur Bryant The next annual meeting will be held at Springfield. William Gould spoke on the culti vation of grapes. He plants 8x8 or 7x9, which gives about 700 vines to the acre. A recent bulletin of the United States Department of Agriculture shows that during the year ending June 30, 1S93, the United States export ed products of the value of $847,665, 194. During the year 1894, notwith standing the stagnation and depression of manufacture and commerce in this country, United States exports amounted to $892,140,572. This was an increase over the previous year of $44, 475,378. It was really a gain in our ex port trade of about 5 per cent. Of the total exports from the United States, about three-fourths are directly evolved from the farms. Of the remaining one fourth, four-fifths consist of domestic manufactures the materials of which are largely furnished by the American farmers. In 1893 merchandise was im ported to the United States to the value of $S66,400,922. But in 1894 the same sort of imports amounted to only $G54,994,622. Thus in a single year we decreased, imports by $211,406,300. That decrease is about 24 per cent Lime on Land. Our cultivated crops contain on an average about as much lime as potash. While it is necessary that it should be thoroughly mixed with the earth it should be kept near the surface, as it is liable to sink into the soil. In whatever way it is applied it is well to remember that the carbontc acid which has ben expelled from it by the heat is quickly regained from the atmosphere, and it should in conse quence of this be as little exposed to the air as possible before being applied to the land. It should be put upon tbe land as eoon as practicable after slak ing. By watching the effect of a small application the farmer will be able to judge whether his lands require it in larger quantities, or whether its use on his particular soil is at all beneficial, since there is scarcely anything that is as dependent upon repeated experiment and so independent of all definite rules as fertilizing, owing to the great diver sity of soils, the difference in their me chanical condition and various other causes. Agricultural Gazette (Tas mania.) TransplantingLarge Trees. Garden ing gives this method, and we can cer tify to its being a good one: We prefer doing this in the spring, and would pre pare for it now. If you want to move a moderately large tree, say four, five or even six inches in diameter of trunk, next spring, head in its top now all you think ought to be done at planting time, then mark a ring on the ground around and four, five, six or more feet away from the stem, the distance away depending on the size of the tree. Now, along, but outside of this ring mark, dig a narrow trench say three feet deep, the object being to cut away all roots projecting beyond it, and fill up the trench at once with the same soil that came out of it. By spring the tree will have fairly recovered from the shock caused by cutting in root and top, and may be dug up and transplanted with fair chances of success. Overfed His Sheep. County Commis sioner Tenney is an extensive sheep raiser and lately conveyed his flock from Wisconsin to his Wabasha, Minn., farm. Here he had just put in a self feeding appliance which was intended to save the labor of feeding. In part it did its work well, but some of the sheep were more greedy than others and tried to exhaust Mr. Tenney's sup pi)' of feed and deprive the others of their portion. The result was that some stood up to this machine and ate and ate. Close onto one hundred had died from this over-eating up to Tues day night and Mr. Tenney was in doubt as to how many more would join the heavenly choir; Early Maturity. Early maturity wins. Better fatten the pigs than make hogs of them. Young hogs pay better than old ones for the feed- they eat, and they make the best hams and break fast bacon. It is wiser to feed two lots of pigs to 200 pounds than one lot to 400. With a large corn crop the temp tation is to overdo the fattening in or der to utilize the corn, and the fat corn fed hog is increasingly liable to dis eases. At all times in hog life mixed rations arc beneficial to health, and make a more vigorous body. Do not forget the salt, and by all means keep them from filthy water. Ex. Armour Buying Corn. P. D. Armour, the millionaire packer, is making ar rangements to crib an enormous amount of corn in Iowa this year. He is building cribs all along the Chi- J cago, Milwaukee & St. Paul road and has arranged with the Des Moines, Northern and Western railway com pany to construct along their line of road cribs which will hold 750,000 bushels of corn. The road already has cribs with a capacity of 1,000,000 bushels. Ex. Oae ' Careful attention to another point will save labor and make better butter if you stop the churn as soon as the particles of butter have formed about the size of wheat kernels. Tou can then draw off the buttermilk and wash it so thoroughly that it will require very little strength to work it, if it is necessary or desirable to work it at all. I wash twice with cold, salt brine, then float in a weak brine of about 55 de grees for a few moments. If not par ticular about the temoerature of the last washing, the butter will be too cold to make together conveniently and make it difficult to handle. When you have drained it thoroughly, sift over Jt a half ounce of salt to a pound of but ter. Let it remain a short time to dis solve the grains of salt, then turn the crank several times when it will be massed together and quite as evenly salted as hand-working could do it. Do not let the lever or ladle go over with a eliding plastering motion. You may squeeze or pound it with impunity al most, but every time you rub it over, you spoil as many grains as you touch and so much of it is no better than oleo margarine. For packing, use the best made, best looking ash tubs you can find. Scald out with hot water, soak with strong brine twenty-four hours, turn that out and fill to the brim with scalding hot brine, let cool and your tub is fit for use. Pack as solidly as possible, cover tightly and set in a cool place until ready for shipping. Most of the older butter makers think .that you take all the flavor out of but ter when you wash it. little dreaming ft is not the taste of butter at all they are so fond of but simply butter milk, others scald and even boil their butter milk until all the delicate flavoring oils are dissipated, and nothing but a tal lowish grease is left. You will hardly find two farmer people who will think the same sample is first-class. But xrhen you send it to a great city you nay be confident it will be graded about right There is too great a demand for rtrictly first-class butter for a commis sion man to let it go for less than best prices. He will want more too badly, but of course he can not get more than it is really worth, you may be sure of that, and you may be sure also that if you feed rightly, keep the barn free from smells by dusting the floor daily with plaster, that if you are very care ful to keep everything about the milk and cream perfectly sweet and clean, that you churn it as soon as it is per fectly sour and is of a proper tempera ture, that you stop churning as soon as the butter forms in small particles, that you wash thoroughly in strong brine, salt and work lightly and pack it in sightly, properly-prepared pack ages, and keep miiK, cream anu uuiier away from the air as much as posibie, you can not fail to have butter of a high-priced flavor that will command creamery prices and may be termed "Dairy butter in a quality equal to creamery." Mrs. Robertson. United State Cavalry Hones. The annual report of the quartermas ter general contains some items that are of interest Among other remarks he says that the contract system for the supply of horses continues to give gen eral satisfaction and the standard has been gradually improved since the sys tem was adopted. The average cost of cavalry horses during the year was $95.44, and that of artillery horses $148.04. Our cavalry mount of to-day excels that of any previous time, and all information gathered tends to show that it is superior to that of foreign countries. The cessation of Indian wars and hostilities on the Rio Grande have rendered it unnecessary to fur ther maintain post transportation on a field campaign basis, and in October last orders were issued for a new al lowance of draft and pack animals for several military departments, and di recting the sale of all surplus animals. This reduction in the number of ani mals, wagons, harness, etc., will effect considerable saving in the appropria tion. The average cost of team horses during the year was $167.83 and of mules $114.64. The reduction in num ber by reason of sale, death, etc., was 1,422 cavalry and artillery horses, 1.08S mules; this left on hand at the end of the year 6,189 cavalry and artillery horses, 247 team horses and mules. Horse World. Cattle and Sheep from ftf icl'ta. If British stock breeders have to fear their American and Canadian competi tors, they have still greater trepidation as to what exporters from Argentina will do. The imports of both cattle and sheep from that country have expanded enormously during the present year. In the ten months up to the end of Oc tober 31,263 cattle had been received, whereas in the corresponding period ot 1894 only 8,476 came therefrom, and only 6.600 in the ten months of 1S93. To show how rapidly this import trade is now progressing the number of the last month received was 2,997; whereas only 416 were imported from Argentina in October, 1894. In respect to sheep, the imports from the Argentine Repub lic in the last ten months reached to 271,389, against 63,250 in 1894, and 20, 984 in the corresponding period of 189J. Only the United States have sent us larger sheep imports during tbe present year, these being 367,554, while the Can adian imports have been 143.869. The flocks of Argentina are now mostly Lin coln in character, and the resources of that country so vast that we are threat ened to be inundated with mutton there from in the not distant future. English Exchange. Sell the Culls. There Is no stock that does so much for land both in keeping it fertile and free from weeds as sheep. Each fall the flock 6hould be well looked over and those not worth keeping culled out and sold. Good breeding sheep should, however, be carefully preserved, for th3 time will Etirely come and at no distant Jay Avhen the farmer who has been jus: as pains taking in the management of his flock during these times of depression as in the past will, when the better days come, have his flock in good condition and will be making money long be fore his neighbor can get in shape. There is no farmer but can keep a few sheep with very little expense and can show a small margin of profit aside from the good the sheep will do the farm, if he will exercise care in the management and weed out each fall the weaklings and those that are grow ing old and unprofitable. Ex. Farm Dairy Products. Dairying is an improver of the farm and a conserv er of farm fertility. The transportation of products is a burden to the farm. In consequence of this, bulky products have a very small value en the farm. Dairying comes in as a great promoter of economy in marketing products. Condensing bulky products for market is necessary to success. Hay, stalks and grain should be trans- formed into meat and milk. Animals or nesn are transported with greater case and at a less cost than the hay, stalks and grain. The dairy products are still a greater condensation of these products. It is therefore a very import ant question what farm products to sell and the study of the plant food in the various products essential. Ex. Tidal We offer Oae Hundred Dollars reward for any ease of Catarrh that cannot be cared by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY CO.. Toledo. O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for tbe last 15 years, and be lieve him perfectly honorable In all business transactions, and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. WALDINQ. KINNAN MARVIN. Wholesale Druggists, Toledo. Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internal ly, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testi monials sent free. Price. 75c per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Halls Family Pills. SSc A New Metal. Glucinium is the name of anew metal which seems to be destined to become of great importance in the very near future. On account of its peculiar qualities it will be used especially for electrical purposes. As its atomic weight is 9.1 and its specific gravity 2.00, its attractive power is consider ably greater than that of iron and its conductability is equal to that of silver. Glucinium, therefore, is more capable of resistance than iron and a better conductor than copper, and in addition to all that it is lighter than aluminum. If these claims for this new metal should be confirmed by practical use, there is no doubt glucinium will be used extensively for electrical purposes, the moreso as its commercial value will amount to about (20 a pound, or 10 times less than the same volume and ten times less than the same weight of platinum. American Manufacturer. Sebastapol Was Not Imprecabe, For it was taken by assault, but n physique built up, a constitution fortified by Hostut ter's Stomach Bitters, may bid defiance to tbo assaults of malarious diseases eenin localities where it Is most prevalent and malignant. Emigrants to the aguc-brced-ing sections of the West should bear this In mind, and start with a supply. The bitters promptly subdues dyspepsia, rheumatic and kidney complaints, nervousness, consti pation and billiousness. Qalek Repairs for Paeaiaatic Tire. A Chicago firm is introducing a "quick repair" method for healing a punctured tire. It consists of an addi tion of a thin film of rubber, which lies inside of the inner tube, next to tbe rim, adding, it is stated, only one and one-half ounces to the weight of the tube. A small metalic cup, to whicli is attached a straight nozzle, is provided by which to introduce cement into tiie tube through a puncture. The nozzle of the cup is inserted in the puncture, the cement forced in, the wheel being turned so that the cement settles back on the orifice. It is then pressed down, which pressure attaches and cements the inside film firmly to the inner sur face of the tube, the whole operation lasting only two minutes, and which the manufacturers say makes a perma nent repair. la Oldea Times People overlooked the importance of permanently beneficial effects and were satisfied with transient action; but now that it is generally known that Syrup of Figs will permanently cure habitual con stipation, well-informed people will not buy other laxatives, which act for a time, but finally injure the system. Thought He Had Oult. Colonel McLaughlin sent his Swed ish foreman out n few days ago to do some work around the mouth of an old mining shaft, and he took a green countryman with him as an assistant In a couple of hours the "foreman walked up to the colonel's office and remarked: "Say, colonel, I want anudder man." "Why, what's the matter with that man sent out with you?" Inquired the colonel. "Oh, he fall down dc shaft 'bout an hour ago, an' he don't conic up. I t'ink he yumped his yob." San Fran cisco Pos,t Caw's CsaMtfc, Balaam Is the oldest aad best. It will break up a Colt't quick- erthaa ato thing ebe. It Is always re liable. IrylW Try A good printer can always case stands. tell how the TiiroatTroubi.es. To allay the irritation that induces coughing, use "Brown's Kron chial Troches.'' A simple and safe remedy. The last census shows that there are in the United States l,i:j5 women jireaihers. The aiore one bc Parker Clagrr Tnnlc 1 be more Its good qualities nrvrjvealeil in lis ellins colds, indigestion, pains and every kind ot cat n s-v. The rule stil holds good thnt the li?ger the seere the more modish the garment. The devil Ends it hard to get a foothold in the home where love is kin?. Walking- mould often be a pleasure were it not for theco ns. Thest? iets nrc easily re moved Kith Illtidercorns. 13c. at ilruzKb's. Journalism has now become a university subject in Germany. Map of the United State. The wall map Issued by the l'.ur!hi?ton Route is three feet wide by four feet long: is printed in seven colors; is mounted on pollers; shows every state, county, itnpor jant town and railroad in the Union nn.l forms a very desirable and useful adjtmvt to any household or business establishment. Purchased in large iiuantities, the ma;s cost the Burlington Route more than fifteen cents each, Lut on receipt of that amount in stamps the undersigned will bo pleased to send you one. Write immediately, as tho supply is limited. " J. Fkaxck, G. P. & T. A. Burlington Route, Omaha, Neb. Henry 31. Stanley, in an article on the "Development of Africa," which is to appear in the February Century, re calls the fact that troubles with the Iloers in southern Africa first induced David Livingstone to travel to the north, and so led the way to the open in? of Equatorial Africa. Livingstone, who was a missionary at IColobenjr, ac cused his Boer neighbors of cruelty to the natives They resented his inter ference, and threatened to drive him from the country. He published their misdeeds in the Cape newspaper.-, nnd his house was burned in revenge. This led to his leaving" southern Africa and going to a region where he could fol low in peace his vocation as a mission ary, unmolested by the'llocr farmers. BETTER WALK A MILE than fail to get a 5-cent package of Cut and Slash smoking tobacco if you want to enjoy a real good smoke. Cut and Slash cheroots are as good as many 5-cent cigars, and you get three for 5 cents. Sure to please. The fan is now an inseparable adjunct of all dainty evening toilettes. 3Iorcan County, Color.il:. The success of the famous Gree'ey Colony is being repeated in the irrigated district surrounding Fort .Morgan. Colo. Little more than ten years have e.'ursed since its settlement began but the results that have already been attained are far I eyond the most extravagant lioj es of the founders of the enterprise. Where they had aimed to plant a modest litt'e colony are ."00 splendid iarms surrounding several flourishing towns and supporting a system of schools, churches and societies unsurpassed any where. The territory embraced under the system of irrigation cana's has been erected into Morgan County. Co'o., and now has a popu'ation somewhat in excess of :;,(Wu souLs. Alfalfa, potatoes, wheat and oats are the staple croducts, but the possibilities in other directions are almost beyond I e ief. Mr. Sam Cook, in the western "part of the connty, this year raised J,fcOU tushels of onions from :i acres of ground, for which he will receive 31 .''oO, while Mr.W. S. Simr.- son whose 10 acre garden patch adjoins the town of Fort Morgnn, cleared 3S2W from his rees alone, r my out or tbe ;) formers in the county have had an average yield of ,r,() bushels of wheat to the atre and more than 1C0 exceeded -10 bushels. A Haifa mnkas a larger crop than anywhere e'se in the country. The price of land varies from $15 to 330 an acre, including perpetual water right. S'J acres is as much as one man can farm, and if he goes in for fruit raisinjor market gar dening half that much wilPkeep him busy. Detailed information about Morgan County is contained in an i'lustrsted book let issued by the 1'a.ssenger Department of the Burlington Route and now ready for free distribution. A co'iy v. ill Lo mailed to any one who will write to J. Frauds, (J. I'. ! A., Omaha, Neb., for it. So one who i-; really in earnest in bis leire to find a Ltt 1 ter location tbau bis resent one will fail to t do this. Hat Beat. Fond Father "If that boy of mine has any particular bent, I can't find it." Philosopher "What experimeata have you made to find out?' "Very thorough ones. I gave him a toy printing preai, a steam engine, a box of paints, a chest of tools and a lot of other things carefully selected to find out whether his tastes were liter ary, mechanical, artistic, commercial or what, and I know no more than I did before," "What did he do with them?" Smashed them all up." "Ah, I see. He is to be a furniture mover." New York Weekly. It tbe Baby la Cattlaa; Tcetau Beanie and nse that old and well-tried remedy. Km. Wbslow's Soothwo Strct for Children TeaUOne- Do good to those that hate you. and you will soon have them hating themselves. "The Master Cure." To MASTER is ST. JACOBS ACHESPAINS, y: fc iz The Personal Side Of George Washington Not the General nor President, but the lover, the man, the husband and neighbor. Three of such articles by General A. W. Greely, the famous Arctic explorer, will shortly begin-in the LADIES' HOME JOURNAL OVER 700,000 COPIES SOLD Tea Celts oa AM News-stasis. Oae Dollar a Year WANTFH Sents to lk after renewals and new '" - -" subscribers. Profitable employment offered. Tbe Curtis PubUshiagCoaipaay. Philadelphia COPYRIGHT, H9, BY THE PPR IO llMMIninllllaatiMaa mrSViilx, HI l r V aavV OF iks. '" ' ZrsaS lVVi. a IbbbbbbV D DMI1 5 77s pure Cocoa , the so-called "Dutch Process Walter Baker & Co?s Break fast Cocoa is absolutely pure no ChemiCalS, WALTER RAKER ft CO., Ud., Uordicstcr, Mots. iwiwiwiwiiiiiiiWMiwwiuiiiiiim RSESEi 1 HURRAH, FARMERS! SHOUT FOR 10Y! Fine. lat'iriaei rattarei and rich edcwi. rrodaciar trtmtndoni bay tieldj 1 to" tnnj (ricic.areaowniad Dfibl9oneTtrioiI.iacTrrr clime. Irmwing enr Extra Grwi n-1 CIortrMiitnrcs- Yon won't nnd to wait a Iife'isMtforftgficiitart rf craw, for iuTajrriM" which. if lowmta pril.will produce a rcujin? crop ia Jdj. Famralttoa Gnm Culture, tie,: eeata postage. Wa PAY 44at IM COLO PRIZES OnOita, Jtarlej and Cure.' Th b g?et yield ea Silttr Mine XimeIeaBaatTOatai l5iwj2iT7bsh!;thanxt20GMra-rT. Voncaa beat that is l-'Jfiand winf'J ! Onr new tetud Barley, Oats. Cera ana Potatoes will ratolutionize firminr.! V ara hTlarjrj; t rowers ef farsa seeds in tbo world! Our swds produce at the editor cf tbe Hural New I Vorkersajsfalur's Early Wisconsin Potato yields I for ma 736 bushels per aerr. Kan ! arlysortjields736bojhls.whjtwiUaltdo Potatoes only 1J0 per rami. BMBBBa Splendid sorts, fia yield". Oaion Seed only Wc per lb. 35 pigs. Earliest Vegetables, il !. rf tra:d. ID pkgt. Flower Peedj.SSc. trrry truae; at haul times pries. Vboletale aiartetiiaraener ii.ii:,K.pu:ue. PSaaie Cat With 12 cents in stamps aad get Wate-aMloBScnnUtn: Ctal gac 1WTA1 That's Sailer's Earliest, fit for mee it 2S days. Sailer's new late fate. Champion of the World, Is preaeaacsd the heaviest yielder in the world, aad we challenge you to produce its eauait 10 acres to Salzer's Earliest Potatoes yield 4000 bushels, sold ia June at fl.ee a bushel $4999. That pays. A word to the wise, etc. Haw If j wlH eat tble eat aad Nt It with 10c postage you will get, free. 10 packages grains and grasses. In cluding Teosinte. Lathyrus. Sand Vetch. Giant Spurry. Giant Clover.etc.. and our mammoth seed catalogue, w.a. Selfishness is se'.f-destruction. An enemy treated as a friend, will soon become a friend. to OVERPOWER . OIL szrzr- I SUBDUE. CURTIS PUBLISHING COMPANY AGREATBIC PIECE CENTS and not made hy EAKUaST VECKTABLES IM THE WORLD. tba FaNowkM Oat aad Stmt H our tig catalogue and sample, ct the fampkia Vtilow alcne. ic postage. - -5.-.,-.i-