The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, January 29, 1896, Image 3

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Columbus grants!.
Pass. I Freight.
leaver Columbus
V Reward
ArriTeaai Lincoln
7 .00 a.m.
7:20 "
7:41 ".
8:4S "
P:M,a. m.
3:20 "
4:15 p.m.
10:50 "
.. .The iaener Wves Lincoln at 8:35 p. in., and
' t.rriveh at Columbus 8.25 p. in; the freight leaves
p. in; the ireiKht leaves
I arrives at Colnmbus at at n-Zm. in., and arrive
4:00 p. ai.
-. Col. Local 6:10 a. m
t Ai In'itir Ex.. 7 05 a. m
Or. Is. Local 9.04 a. m
Nr.Pl. Local 1:00 P. m
Fast Mail .... 20 p. m
Local Frt .. fi 4 a. m
Limited lOA'ia.m
Nr.Pl. Local. 1.10 p. m
Fast Mail .... f.Op.m
Or. Is. Local. 8-Kip.m
No'. 2, Fnst Mail, carrie iaifvnKers for
throuch points. Goinc went at 803 p. in., ar-
rives at Denier ?:40.i. m. No. 2. Fast Mail car.
ri iMiHwiisfr to Fremont. Valley and Omaha
(joins eiwt at 2fW p. in. No. SI, frrifclit, carries
. paacnffcTd. Roe wofct ':4r. n. in.
. '. Tho 1 reilit train leaving hero at 4:10 p. m. car
; riea paf.eniiers from here to Valley.
atHeiiKerurrieri from Sioux City 12:20 p. ui
leaves for Sionx City Oil) p. m
Mixed lea vi- for Sioux City 7-S0n. ni
Mix,il arrives..... 11. O) p. m
.. . .Mixed leaves
. . "Mixed arrive
P.iHaPni'r l-ave.
' " arrives
fi.00 a. m
Su'Op. m
1:20 p. m
12:10 p. m
Sorietij Motices.
t-All not:VH under t!ii healinK Trill lie
clinrxiil at the rute of S2 a -ar.
lleKiilar meeting 2d Wedneixlay in each
iK month. All brethren invitcnl to ntti nd
' x .1. !. Stikes, W. M.
V. K. Notkstkin. S-o'y. aojuly
u' I ill if: K Vd. it. I.O.O.F..
JX met TtSewlay ev'nin( of eieh
'week ut their hall on Thirteenth
t.tns-t. Vimtiuif brethren conliall)
inite.l. V. A. '.. N. L
W. U. NnTETi:t.N-.SeeV. 27jauVl-tf
the World, meett everj second and fourth
Tluirsd:ih of the month, 7iW p. in., at 0'hlrich'H
Hall. Thirteenth Mreet. KeRular atteniiamv i
' ver ilenirable. anil all initin brethren are eor
diail) tuviteil to meet with ii j:in2U''.0
HaintM hold rejjular verriinii very Sunday
at 2 p. m.. prajer ineetiiiK on WilnLij evening
at theii r!iH!Hl, corner of North street and Pacific
Aeinie. All areeonlially initel.
ISiuI-i) Elder H. J. Hudson. President.
EVANt!. I'UOr. CIIUKCH. (tlerm. Uefonn.)
Seri-e eierj rititl.iy at 10itr. K. m. I!:ij.
Uf iiif. inarriap and funeral sermons are con
iiurtiHl liV the Pa-tor in the German and l'ni;
liaiKmii'e. Iici.lonce, iitliintoii Ae. ami
Eltiteuth street-,
llnoi-'lii 1!. DKtlri.LFii, Pastor.
- - Ilaydon lins., Dry Goo-ls, Omaha.
Mrs. H. P. Coolidgo is imiirovinK in
. heullh.
. .Dr. Xaumnnn, dtMitist, Thirteenth
etrtct. tf
Dr. T. K. Clark, Olive street. In
office j;t nights.
Mis. MeCann was reported danger
onsly ill last weelr.
'"Blessed are tho tnerciftd for they
shall obtain merry."
J. II. Frevert made a business trip
to Valley Saturday.
Born, Sunday morning to Mrs. J. II.
Frevert. a daughter.
Return envelopes at this office for
" ..-5U cents per hundred.
, . Dr. Ii. C. Voss, Homeopathic phyei-
cian, Columbus, Nebr.
.All the children of D. M. Doty are
aitiioled with la grippe.
'Principle, or the absolute, confers
all when once it is seen."
Mrs. Sarah Million has been danger
ously ill with erysipelas.
Miss Lyda MeMahon is attending
St. Catharine school in Omaha.
Dr. E.T. bowers, veterinary surgeon,
' will be found at Abts' barn hereafter, tf
Dra. Marlyn, Evans .v Qer, office
three doors north of Friedhof's store, tf
Chicago Inter Ocean and Columbus
Joi'ksai., one year, in advance 1.7.". tf
- -Kersenbrock A Mack commenced
filling their large ice houses Monday
. morning.
Charles Evans went up to Monroe
Monthly to help Dr. Humphreys in his
drng ator?.
Carl Rhode is to return to Columbus
". from Illinois, where ho has been for some
months past.
":.;" Giib. Sohroeder, jr., went to Iowa
.Monday, where he has a contract to put
in un electric light plant.
H. J. Arnold, M. D., physician and
'"- eurgeou. Two doors north of Brod-
fuehrer's jewelry store, tf
The Ladies Guild will meet with
. , Mrs. Dr. Martyn Wednesday afternoon.
. . A full attendance is desired.
Walter Galley, who has been ailing
for the past two weeks, threatened with
' typhoid fever, is now improving.
Quarterly meeting next Sunday
night at the Methodist church. Busi
ness meeting Monday morning.
'-inio Twelfth annual encampment of
' the Nebraska Sons of Veterans will be
held at Albion, February 18, 19 and 20.
Baker & Wells commenced filling
the U. P. ico house Tuesday morning.
.They are hauling the ice from Stevens'
Both the editors of Monroe, E. A.
' Gerrard of the Looking Glass and R. G.
' Strother of Uie Republican, were in tho
city Monday.
Louis Weaver's family have had a
hard time with la grippe: five of the
.family were confined to their beds at
the same time.
- D. B. Hines, who has been having a
bad spell of la grippe forabont ten days,
is mnch better and took his engine out
Monday evening.
Wanted, a man to handle money. A
fat snap for the right party. A hint to
the -wise is sufficient. K. Chisholm,
Overton, Virginia. 2
The Cecilian club will meet with the
Misses Tnrner Monday evening. A
special program will be given from
'Beethoven and Mozart.
-Ja society for the prevention of
cruelty to animals would now be in order
in this neighborhood one that would
be active in its operations.
Grace Episcopal church, - Sunday
Feb. 2. Morning prayer, sermon and
holy communion, (communicants urged
to be present.) No evening Bervice.
The remains of the two-year-old son
of F. W. Bincker a former conductor on
the fast mail, was taken through here
Monday to North Platte for burial.
H. M. Winslow shipped four cars of
cattle to Chicago Saturday night.
Twenty-ears of stock were shipped
from this point last week.
Charles Stonesifer is, we learn, locat
ed at Cripple Creek, tho famous mining
Mrs. W. M. Cornelius, who has been
quite ill for two weeks, is reported much
We notice that cholera is sweeping
off the hogs pretty rapidly around
In the semi-annual statement of
Boone county's treasurer, the bank inter
est is set forth as $833.77.
Doc. McAllister, we notice by the
Fitzgerald (Georgia) Leader, is a practic
ing physician at that place.
The marriage of Tony Vogel and
Miss Maggie Schmidt was announced at
the Catholic church Sunday.
Mrs. Olcottr mother of Mrs. I. H.
Britell, was dangerously low with erysip
elas last week, but is now improving.
Thomas McTeggart is recovering
from his accident as rapidly as could be
expected under all tho circumstances.
Engineer Jeffries, who was hurt in
tho B. & M. railroad accident at Seward
several weeks since, is improving rapidly.
Five years ago Monday we had a
heavy fall of snow, which was followed
bv a number of heavy snows in Febru
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rose lost their
infant child by death Sunday. The body
was taken to Silver Creek Monday for
O. Nelson of Richland was up Mon
day to see Dr. Martyn for a bad case of
sciatic rheumatism with which he is
afflicted. .
Frank Hollenbeck of tho U. P. force
received tho sad news Sunday of his
father's death at Omaha. He took the
train Monday morning.
The Omaha World-Herald sayB that
J. A. Foley succeeds R. R. Sutherland as
superintendent of the Union Pacific, the
latter becoming chief train dispatcher.
Tho wife of David Carrig, 6r., near
Platte Center, died last Wednesday of
old age and general debility, and was
buried in the cemetery near Gleason's,
on Shell Creek.
Marriage licenses were issued by
County Judge Kilian to George Engel
and Miss Emma Erb of this county, and
Magnus Olson and Miss Mattie Larson
of Madison county.
A farmer in Shell creek valley was
plowing tho other day and turned up
some parsnips unfrozen. It certainly
has leen a wonderful winter thus far, for
springliko weather.
Mrs. John Connelly died Tuesday
morning of last week, tho funeral taking
place Wednesday. She leaves a husband
and seven children to mourn her depar
ture into the spirit land.
Knowledge is always better than
ignorance on the samo plane of good
actions. It is folly to know many
things that are going on in tho world in
the way of wrong-doing.
In the S. of V. camp Saturday night
a committee was appointed to confer
with members of Baker Post to make
arrangements for observing Lincoln's
87th birthday anniversary, Feb. 12.
Col. Hoagland, tho traveling friend
of the waifs, was in the city Sunday and
delivered an address in the afternoon at
tho Methodist church. Monday he spoke
in Mr. Britell's room a few minutes.
The average prices paid for livestock
at the Steineman sale, on Mrs. Erb's
farm last week were: Horses 830.20,
cowa 20.87, yearlings 14, sucking calves
7.05, hogs S4.90 per hundred pounds.
Misses Annie Klaus and Edith
Williams were baptized at tho Baptist
church at the Sunday evening service,
Rev. Pulis administering tho rito in
accordance with the belief of that
A committee of six county snierin
tendents has been appointed to confer
with the state superintendent at Lin
coln in revising tho old and compiling
a new course of study for county
Hugh Hughes received a letter
Thursday informing him of the death of
his ohlest brother, John, at Rhyl, Wales,
January 10. His age was f8 years, and
ho had leen nttlicted with asthma for
twenty years.
There is considerable more corn in
this neighborhood than will be fed out,
and the farmers are holding on to it,
hoping to get 20 cents, which is only
about first cost of raising it. None, is
being used for fuel.
James Waldron, son-in-law of David
McDnffy, was visiting friends hero the
first of tho week. He had been down in
the southern country, and was on his
way back to Pocatella, Idaho, where he
has a position on the railroad.
Quito a number of dogs are being
shot and poisoned, and owners are
swearing vengeance. Most of them are
in the north part of the city. The ques
tion is being asked, is it tho night
prowler who doesn't like the dogs?
John Borowiak will have a public
sale at the farm of F. Henning, ten miles
southwest of this city, Monday, Feb. 3,
at 10 o'clock, oE cattle, hogs, horses, farm
machinery, hay, etc. Free lunch. Col.
Huber will do the yelling.
A hypnotist at an exhibition re
cently in David City, placed a boy
named Will Davis on two chairs, tho
body resting by tho head on one chair
and the feet on the other, several per
sons standing on the bridge thus formed.
Mrs. E. S. Clover and her mother,
Mrs. M. B. Erichsen, went up to Colum
bus on Tuesday to visit a sister of the
latter. The sister is an elderly lady,
nearly ninety years of age, and has lived
in Columbus for manv vears. Schuyler
We hear a taxpayers' league spoken
of again, to look after the disbursement
of public moneys, to find where the
leakages are and seo to stopping them.
Ten good men in each township, banded
together for the general interests, could
accomplish a considerable amount of
Oscar Smith, the bank cashier of
Grand Island, who was not well for a
day and the bank for which he worked
was closed the next day, was so worried
over the matter that it resulted in ner
vous prostration, and an eruption of the
heart caused his death.
Grow old aloac wttfa aw!
The best is yet to be.
The last of lite, for which the first was made:
Oar times are ia His haad
Who saith "A whole I planned,
Youth shows bat half; trust God: see all, nor
be afraid." Browning.
The second game between St Ed
ward and Columbus chess clubs resulted
in favor of St Edward.
Subscribe for Thk Joubxai. any
day. Fifty cents will get you the paper
for the next three months, SL50 for the
next year.
Wash Goods, White Goods,
Dress Goods, the latest for
spring and summer, 1896.
Follow the crowd to E. D.
Fitzpatrick's, the White Front
Dry Goods store. tf
The Omaha school board is debating
whether they shall ask their city council
to make a levy for the schools next, year
of four hundred thousand dollars or so,
and some Columbus school folks are
cogitating over a pay-roll of about $1,000
a month, and whether the thousands will
equal the months.
We notice that the Colfax County
Irrigation company incorporated the
other day, in outlining the nature of the
business to be transacted, state to
construct and maintain a dam across
Shell creek, etc. The amount of capital
stock is 2,500, the maximum liability
$1,000, and the limit of life 99 years.
A recent Denver paper gives in a
half-column article the particulars of
charges against Dr. Bonesteel, formerly
of this place, by his second wife, in an
action for divorce. The specifications
are frightful, of beating, misusing her in
giving her morphine, etc., etc. If her
allegations are true, the doctor himself
must be a victim of the morphine habit
Miss Mary O'Leary went yesterday
to Chicago, where she expects to make
her homo with her father. She has been
away from home ten years, her father
not knowing where she was. He found
her through a sister in Illinois, by the
help of an orphans' homo of which she
was at one time an inmate. Miss
O'Lcary's father lives in Chicago and is
well to do.
We are in receipt of a letter from
John Cramer, dated at Wolf Trap, Hali
fax county, Va., Jan. 20. After enclosing
a year's subscription to The Jodkxaii
ho invites us in these words: "Leave
democratic Platte county, and come to
republican Halifax county, Virginia, and
give us a good republican paper. Our
county has gono republican, now for the
last two years."
H. T. Spoerry of this city is a mem
ber of the board of managers of the
society which undertakes to place home
less children in homes where their best
interests will bo looked after. The
society has for years been in active
operation and has doubtless been the
means of rescuing thousands of unfortu
nate 1kvs and girls from lives of way
wardness, want and woe.
We aro in receipt of the program
for the first annual meeting of the
Northeast Nebraska horticultural so
ciety at Schuyler, Feb. 4 and 5. Mar
shal and Whiteford of Arlington, An
derson of Leigh, Payne and Carver of
Schuyler, Tannahill of Columbus,
Stevenson of North Bend, Taylor of Lin
coln, Day of Tekamab, Tyrrel of Madi
son are down for papers on interesting
The celebrated Talmage recently
delivered a sermon on the theme "Say
so," that will ba read with profit by
thousands of people. Many of the mis
understandings, the mistakes of life,
would never have been made or suffered,
if people would have given each other a
kindly word of recognition of merit, or
shown the least appreciation of what had
been done for them. "Casual conver
sations have harvested a great host for
A young lady in this town, a gradu
ate from a well known Nebraska semi
nary, was walking through the round
house at Columbus with a gentleman
friend a short time ago. The gentleman
was an engineer on the Union Pacific
ami was explaining the method of run
ning tho engines they were at tho time
inspecting. The young lady asked innu
merable questions and finally paralyzed
her friend by asking, "How do they steer
a locomotive, Jim?" Madison Reporter.
A union meeting of the Christian
Endeavor societies of the city will be
held next Sunday evening, 7:30, in the
German Reformed church. Four
churches unite to observe "Christian
Endeavor Day." An interesting pro
gram has been prepared, four lay mem
lcrs apd four pastors giving addresses
on "The Kingdom of Heaven." Solos
will be sung. On this evening the Con
gregational, Episcopal and Presbyterian
churches will be closed. All cordially
An editorial writer in the Chicago
Inter-Ocean, doubtless speaking from
personal experience, says: "One of the
best disinfectants in the sick room is a
basin of fresh water. Water is a great
absorbent of noxious gases. Water that
has stood open in the bedroom soon
gathers impurities and is unfit to drink.
A wide-mouthed' vessel of pure water
will often do more to bring refreshing
sleep to a nervous patient than will an
opiate. This is not a theory, but ex
perience." The finance committees of the
boards all around the Nebraska sky are
approving and certifying to the correct
ness of county treasurer's semi-annual
statements and having them published,
as tho law directs shall ba done. We
notice that Butler county has a grand
total on hand of $60,917.32, of which
$10,037.29 belongs to the state. About
twelve thousand of the entire amount
belongs to the sinking fund, and we
fail to find any showing of interest re
ceived from the bank depositories of the
county funds.
The weekly burglar called at the
home of Mrs. dishing west of the Lin
dell hotel hist Thursday morning about
2 o'clock. Mrs. Cushiug and daughter
Mae were alone in the house and heard
a slight noise for quite a while before
thinking seriously about it and finally
arose and investigated, which frightened
the fellow away. They found that the
heavy walnut storm window which had
two wooden latches, had been cut out
then the putty was peeled from around
the upper panes of the window. The
next time .we hope to record his arrest
The following from George Heed of
Wellfleet in the Lincoln Journal pre
sents an interesting picture: fThe ex
perience of Lincoln county is the experi
ence of practically every county in west
ern Nebraska. Everywhere the gospel of
alfalfa is being preached by big 'fields
and big stacks of alfalfa. Everywhere
wind mills are f urnishingwater for small
fields of grains and vegetables. Wherever
alfalfa has gained a foothold and wher
ever irrigation has been given a fair trial
one finds farmers who have no question
about the future of their part of the
In 1888 The Jocrxaz. noticed the
death of Fannie, a high-grade Morgan
mare owned for twenty-seven years by J.
R. Smith. She had attained the age of
30 years and four months, was a great-great-grand
dam and stood at the head
of 38 of her family. One day last week
Mr. Smith lost one of his horses of this
strain, fifteen years old, noted for his
intelligence, disposition and beauty. He
would work as. well without lines as with
them, being governed entirely by love,
which goes to show the necessity of gen
tle and right treatment, and what a
power love has over the animal kingdom.
Monroe Republican.
The Platte County Teachers' Asso
ciation met in Platte Center Saturday.
It was reported as being an unusually
interesting meeting. Prof. Clemmons of
the Fremont Normal, and Prof. D. C.
O'Connor, superintendent at West Point
were present, the latter giving a lecture
in the evening. A great many teachers
from all over the county were present
Those from Columbus were Supt Both
leitner, Prof, and Mrs. Williams, Profs.
Britell and Leavy, Earl McCoy, Misses
Alice Watkins, Birdie Dodds, Lucy
Cross, Alice Luth, Alice Turner and Ger
trude Schofield. The visitors were roy
ally entertained by the ladies of the
town, who took them to their homes for
dinner and supper. Columbus ladies
think they have learned how to entertain
the teachers the next time the association
meet iu our city.
The Fourteenth annual meeting of
the Nebraska Volunteer Firemen's Asso
ciation which took place last week at
Grand Island proved a very interesting
one. Among other matters of import
ance was a discussion of the law assess
ing a tax against every insurance com
pany doing business in the state, for the
purpose of creating a fund for the bene
fit of volunteer firemen injured while on
duty. It is understood that a test case
will go to the supreme court The State
Firemen's Mutual Aid Association en
deavored to get the endorsement of the
firemen, but failed. In a contest for the
location of the next convention Colum
bus won against Omaha on a vote of 120
to 52. Chief Kilian and firemen Galley,
Stillman, Pearsall, Wurdeman and
Segelke wore delegates from this city.
Monday night at the council cham
ber the fire department held a large and
enthusiastic meeting for the election of
officers and other important business.
At the roll call by secretary, here, was
the answer in nearly all' cases, there
being very few absent. Election of
president was a close contest between
C. B. Stillman and Louis Held, Stillman
winning by two. Then Held was unan
imously elected vice-president Bert
Galley was re-elected secretary; A. R.
Miller treasurer; Chief Kilian re-elected
without opposition; F. A. Hagel assis
tant chief; Wm. Becker janitor. A num
ber of committees were appointed, one
of which was to prepare for the coming
meeting of the state association in Jan
uary next, in which they should have
the co-operation of the whole city. A
noticeable fact in the meeting was the
crowded room and that the chief was
obliged to stand for more than an hour,
not having a chair and being a late ar
rival. Talking with a prominent and very
active democratic politician of Platte
county the other day, about local mat
ters, he expressed a most decided opinion
against conducting a business office of
the people on partisan lines he said
nothing of conducting a political office
on "business" principles. There is, no
doubt, a growing demand along the line
of our friend's thinking just now, and it
may be that before long this sentiment
will hold the balance of power in many
places of the country, more especially in
purely municipal matters. Some of the
cities of the United States are so corrupt
in their methods of local misrule that
endurance long ago ceased to be a virtue.
In places like Columbus our social life is
(by comparison, of course), so clean and
good that we only know these things
from hearsay, but even here there have
been efforts made, and there is now still
further talk of having those who think
alike on city and county matters, get
together, and work their will. Certainly
something needs be done, not merely
talked about.
A good looking girl 10 years old,
residing on a farm in one of our neigh
boring counties, became tired of country
life and longed for the excitements of the
city. Going to Omaha about three
weeks ago she secured a place as domes
tic and soon made the acquaintance of a
handsome little soldier, since which time
she lost her position and the esteem of
the family with it, and has been going
wrong so fast that she has got into jail.
Here is a case for reflection and consid
erate action. It is also an instance of
the undisputed truth that prevention is
very much better than cure. In all cases
of wrong-going, it will usually be found
that it is a "confidence" game on one
side, and ignorant innocence on the
other, and this is true no matter what
the nature of the wrong-doing is. Wick
edness of all kinds is committed under a
mental 'cloud. The thief thinks be can
have a -"good" time at somebody else's
expense, and nobody but himself know
of his wrong-going. He is surely mis
taken. Thievery is as plain to be seen
in his character as the nose on his face
is to the eye, and he is not thinking
rightly when he imagines that his
"secret" is so deep in the well that truth
won't find it The debauchee, whose
faculties and powers are allowed to come
and go at the beck and nod of the animal
passions and propensities, is under a
dark mental cloud, that will never be
dispelled until the enlightened will
asserts itself, and light comes, along with
the principle, "cease to do evil, learn to
do well." Any first duty being done,
makes the next more clear. So far as
the young folks are concerned, that par
ental rule is best which holds good out
of sight as well as in, self-control,
founded on an enlightened cooacMDoe.-
Bev. Pulis went to Lincoln Monday to
visit a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Hudson went up to
Central City Saturday.
J. E. North came up from Omaha
Friday, returning Sanday.
Miss Julia Sprague of Silver Creek, ia
in the city visiting friends.
Mine Mary Henry has returned from a
visit to friends in Nebraska City.
George N. Hopkins of Platte Center
was smiling on his Columbus friends
Mr. and Mrs. Chaa. Perkins of Cedar
Rapids, came down yesterday to visit
Miss Clara Brown of Cedar Banids
came down Wednesday, called by the
illness of Mrs. E. G. Brown.
Miss Lizzie Sheehan, one of the
teachers in the Humphrey schools, vis
ited Sunday with her relatives.
Miss Dorothy Jordon of David City
returned home Wednesday, after a visit
to her friend, Mrs. G. J. Garlow.
Mrs. Theo. Friedbof and Miss Jennie
Land went up to Silver Creek last week,
Miss Land returning home Friday.
Mrs. A. C Ballou, who has been visit
ing in Dakota with relatives, returned to
her home in Schuyler last Friday.
Schuyler Herald.
Tuesday night of last week, John
Bennet with his wife and child were at
the entertainment at the opera house.
While there, John thinks that some one
must have entered their house and put
poison in their sugar. Wednesday morn
ing, at breakfast all three were taken
violently sick, but Mr. and Mrs. Bennett,
probably getting an overdose of the
poison were relieved by nature's sum
mary remedy in such cases, and John
left the premises to see Dr. Voss, taking
with him some of the sugar. The sub
stance, not sugar, was easily detected and
pronounced strychnine by the doctor.
In the meantime, the child had developed
alarming symptoms and Mrs. Bennett
hurried with it to Dr. Clark's office. The
doctor pronounced it a case of poisoning
by strychnine, from the symptoms, pur
ple spots in the face, etc. Of course all
crimes committed have an underlying
motive, but what it may have been in
this instance has not yet appeared.
There are, as usual, suspicions and sur
misings, which are not in shape for pub
lication, but the would-be murderer did
not succeed.
There is a misapprehension with a
good many people (even business men),
as to what advertising in a newspaper
really ia For instance, once upon a
time, a gentleman in the real estate bus
iness, (not now here), said to The Jocb
nal reporter: "Such a write-aip as you
gave So-andSolast week would be worth
$50 to me." The answer of course was:
"Step up to the captain's office, and
place your order at the regular rates."
It cannot be expected' that newspaper
space is used for the benefit of other
people's business for nothing. Space in
a newspaper is rented just the same as
the real estate agent has lots or tracts of
land to rent for himself or for other
people. The proper rule should be that
every line connected with a man's busi
ness should be paid for at current rates,
and it a lengthy write-up is asked for,
the extra time of the editor is worth a
little something, once in a while. Take,
for an example: one column of The Jour
nal's local page contains 108 lines; at do
a line the use of this space for one time
would be $8.40. If any business man
wants to try the value of advertising, let
him prepare one such advertisement,
takingly written, say once a month, and
he will soon be convinced, as many other
successful business men have been, that,
at the least, as much should be invested
in advertising as there is in rent.
Frank Bresnahan, a Platte county
boy, left home ten years ago, going f rem
the quiet life in the valley of the Elm,
into the "wild and woolly west" He
kept going, by easy stages, working his
way until he reached Portland, Oregon,
where he fished for awhile and became
so fond of the water that he determined
to try a life on the salt sea waves.
Think of the absurdity of a boy, born
and bred on a prairie in the middle of
the continent, shipping himself as an
able-bodied seaman, an expert sailor,
but that was exactly what he did, and
his ruse was not suspected until after
the merchantman got out to sea and it
was too late for him to walk the plank
ashore. He was unmercifully guyed of
course, but he was so strong and able
bodied, so good-humored and hearty, so
ready to do any duty and so quick to
learn that at the end of the voyage they
were glad to take him again, and so he
has kept on until he has seen a goodly
part of the world although he is now
but 27. He has had a most varied expe
rience, and Dick Bossiter tells us that
the story of his life would make an in
tensely interesting tale. He has deter
mined to make his home on the waves,
and his latest venture is for a term of
three years' service on a United States
war ship. Sunday, as he passed through
the city on his way to San Francisco,
although he was bnt twelve miles from
his old home and his mother, Mrs.
Timony, he did not have the time at his
disposal, to make a visit
Last week there were a number of
rumors afloat in regard to a horse hav
ing had its tongue pulled out. We
traced the rumors until we found the
man who was the reputed owner of the
horse. So soon as we began to question
him, he said that he preferred not to
have anything published in regard to it
We told him that these things were pub
lished anyway without his or our wish
in the matter. He still persisted in say
ing nothing further except that he
would see us later, and that he had no
doubt but the affair was an accident
One of the rumors is that this horse
with another was being used in the Un
ion Pacific coal yards, at night, a heavy
load of coal stolen from the cars, having
been put on the wagon, when the horse
in question, either could not or would
not help pull the load, and his tongue
was tied to the neck-yoke, and in the
subsequent scramble, the tongue was
pulled out One other version of it ia
that when the horse refused to pull, a
rope waa tied around his tongue and to
the other horse somehow, so as to urge
him forward, but that instead of the
horse coming forward the tongue was
pulled out by the roots. The horse, it
seems, ia not to be seen, and probably
has been killed and the body disposed
Crime, or intentional wrong-doing,
ia apt always to include in its poasibiU
ties the action of the whole brood of
vicious propensities, the evil passions
being hurried from one degree of de
pravity to another. Thk Jovhxai, would
like to believe that there was no truth at
all in these rumors, but cannot, and so
gives them as such as a part of the local
More About Irrigation.
EorroK Jocbnai.: The manner in
which irrigation canal companies have
been organized in Colorado, Utah, Cali
fornia and the western part of th's state
where the greatest good has been felt by
the producer and public is worthy inves
tigation. The greatest development of
the section irrigated with most satisfac
tory results in every respect, is where
the landholders formed themselves into
an organization and constructed the
canals themselves.
The amount of work to construct
canals when done by farmers is usually
greater than when built by construction
companies, who are experienced in band
ling large forces ot men and teams. The
farmer is generally inexperienced at
work of that kind, and often do consid
erable work that is not needed and has
to do some of his work twice over. But
for all the disadvantages of inexperience
he more than makes up for by living
near the work, and already having' near
ly everything to work with. He has
nothing to buy except scrapers and a few
ploughs. Every farmer who irrigates
his land needs from one to a half dozen
scrapers, to fix laterals, level off pieces ot
ground, etc. So he is really at little
more expense for tools by constructing
his own canal, than he would be if some
one constructed the main canal for him.
When he constructs and owns the canal
he becomes more interested in having
the water used and seeing that the very
best use is made of the water. He is
also much more interested in preventing
the destruction df the property in any
way, and being interested in getting the
water where he needs it; is quicker about
getting any damage repaired than ho
would be if others owned it. There is
another thing concerning the operation
that has considerable to do with the
development. Many farmers would
rather do two dollars' worth ot work in
maintaining the canal than pay an out
sider one dollar in cash to do it for him,
as most of the repairing is done when
the farmer has little to do.
The only just plan of organization to
all parties interested is the district plan,
to form a district composed of the lands
that can be watered by any canal, and
each tax-payer pays in proportion to the
benefits that can be derived from the
water and is entitled to water in pro
portion to the amount of taxes he pays.
Beal estate is the only taxable property
within the district The government
and collection of taxes is similar to
school districts except there is a special
assessor who makes a special assessment,
and the equalization ot the assessment
is made by the board of directors of the
irrigation district There are some ob
jections to the above plan at tho present
time, although when the United States
court passes on the law it may be re
moved to some extent. That is the dif
ficulty of getting capitalists to buy the
The district law is new in this state
although it has been in force in Cali
fornia since 1887. Then about fifty
million dollars worth of bonds have been
sold, but mostly to California local in
vestors. Eastern capitalists seem back
ward about investing. 'They are prob
ably, like many farmers, they have a
prejudice against irrigation which has
to be overcome before they can be in
terested in irrigation or irrigation
securities. The beet way to construct a
canal, everything considered, is to form
a local company composed ot the same
men who would form the district to
push the work, and at tho same time
could be organizing an irrigation dis
trict Then, when the district was in
shape to do so, they could take tho work
off the hands ot the company at the
actual cost Bonds might be given in
payment for considerable of the work,
and enough sold to local parties to pay
what cash was really necessary, which
should not exceed one-third ot tho total
cost of canal. Then, if each land-holder
did a proportion of work that would
secure him bonds in proportion to the
land he owned, his only expense would
be for maintenance of the canal, as the
interest due on his bonds would pay his
taxes. The maintenance could be met
in nearly the same way, except the ex
pense of superintendent and material
needed for repairs. G. H. L.
Sraool XotrK.
The exercises in Mr. Britell's room on
last Friday, consisting of recitations,
essays, dialogue, discussion and music
were intensely interesting throughout
The music rendered by the chorus class
was of high grade and showed the re
sults of careful practice. Mnch of the
proficiency in music in the ninth grade
is due to the fact that the class has been
carefully trained by Mr. and Mrs. Bri
tell at their home, where the class has
met weekly since the beginning of the
year. All the exercises of the afternoon
were carefully prepared and well ren
dered. The high school were by invita
tion present, and enjoyed the treat
There is a general and growing interest
in all the grades in this kind of work.
The seniors will soon take their final
examination in chemistry. The class
has done good work in this subject, and
the knowledge acquired will be of great
service to them, even if they do not pur
sue a more advanced course.
New libraries have been started dur
ing the past week, in Mr. Leavy's room
in the Second ward, and in Mr. Weaver's
room in the Third ward.
There is no subject, perhaps, that is
doing more to brighten the wits and
cultivate the reasoning powers of pupils
in our schools than mental arithmetic.
When they come to the subject of alge
bra they are frequently able to solve
the most difficult problems by arithme
tic, problems that legitimately belong
to the subject of algebra.
The teachers' class in the subject of
psychology and pedagogy is now dis
cussing the principles of teaching.
Teachers in the city or those who design
teaching in the future and others, not
teachers, who are interested in this sub
ject are cordially invited to join the
class. The teachers meet every Wed
nesday afternoon at "4:15.
Bring your orders for job-work to
this oSce. Satisfaction guaranteed, and
1 work promptly done, as agreed upon.
Staple and
Fancy Groceries,
Eleventh Street, -
We invite you to come and sec
patrons as mutual with our own, so far
part of the obligation being to provide
Good - Goods -
ae-EVERYTHING KEPT that is expected to be found in a first
class, up-to-date grocery store.
We have opened a complete line
Wc carry several of the very best lines of Ready-made
CLOTHING ami guarantee style and fit. We purchased our
goods at just the right time which enables us to sell you a suit
for a very little money.
We were especially fortunate iu buying this line before the
raise in prices and by securing the makes of the best manufactur
ers of the country. We cannot lie excelled in style, fit and price.
Gents' Furnishings.
We have a most complete line of Gents Furnishing Goods.
We meet all honest competition in goods and prices.
Eleventh St., COLUMBUS, NEB.
Established 1870.
MONEY TO LOAN ON FAKM8 nt lowest rates of intereat, on short or lonK time, in amount
to suit applicants.
BONDED ABSTRACTERS OF TITLE tonllrealentatein I'latt county.
IkpiwentTHE LEADING INSURANCE COMPANIES of theWprl.J. Our farm policies a
the nuwt lilttral in uae. LoHtMwailjiisttHi, ami promptly paid at thisoHicct.
Notary Public always in office. ,
Farm and city property foralt.
Make collections of foreign inheritances and sell steamship tickets to r.nd from all part
of Europe. lan'l-tf
McIIexky GtrrnniE January 24, at
the residence of the bride's Bister, Mrs.
R. A. House, Fnirbury, Illinois, by Rev.
E. S. Wilson, pastor of the M. E. church,
C. A. McIIenry of Cambridge, Illinois,
and Miss Ida Guthrie of this city.
Jennings Saturday morning about 9
o'clock, the infant child of Mr. and Mrs.
A. M. Jennings, aged ten days.
The funeral took pluce Sunday after
noon from tho residence of the family,
Rev.. Rogers of the Congregational
church officiating. The heartfelt sym
pathy of the entire community goes out
to the afflicted family, and especially to
the father in far-away Georgia, who
never saw the face of his child. Kind
friends and neighbors did what they
could for the stricken ones in their
Real Estate Traafer.
Becher, Jffiggi & Co., real estate agents,
report the following real estate transfers
filed in the office of the county clerk for
the three weeks ending January 11, 189fi:
Gerhard Bolz to Alfred Powell, Vi nw
!4 7.1Mv,ml SO 00
Peter Weber to Altis Koech, nwi 13-
VWf Wtl taW WJ
Jamea W Lynch to Edmond Roberta,
acres in 17-18-2w, wd 175 W)
Jas II Galley to Wm D Benson, lot H
bl 182, Columbus, wd 830 00
James W Lynch to C II Sheldon, und
ineU8-18-3w.wd 1 00
Mary C Hopkins to Oliver Hine.lot Z
bl 14, Platte Center, wd YAH 00
James W Lynch to C II Sheldon, loU 3
and 4. bl 8. w'i lot .'., bl 9, lot 6. bl V.
eH lot 7 bl 10. e lot 1 bl 13. lot 1 bl
15. lots 3 and 4 bl 16. lots 1, 2, 3, 4, bl
20 and und bl 2?, all in Platte Cen
ter, wd 1 00
Geo W Elston to Jacob Karlin, lots 3
and 4 bl 37, Columbus, wd 375 00
William J Thurston to William Sipple.
neUecl0andwinw-.ill-13-3w,wd 4a00 00
Willis Reed and wife to Anna Jacob
son, lots 1, 2. 3, 4 bl 2, Robinson's 1st
add to Humphrey, wd 1500 00
Union Pacific Ry Co to John Potter, w
X noi 25-18-2w, wd 210 00
Geo Thomazin to John R Thomazin,
seUseU 5-18jfw,wd 80 00
Charles Stebbins to Blarsey Ceochan,
e'J mw and aw' seU M9-2w, wd. .. lCO 00
William A McAllister to Albert Sten
uer. nw4 l-20-3w, wd 100
Mary E Justus to Jno S Adami-, bw'i
33-ia.lw, wd. 1300 00
Jno 8 Adams to Ludwix Justus, sw!
3S.19-4w.wd 2000 00
Leonora Van Schoik to A Anderson, a
52 feet lot 3, bl B Becker's sub-dir of
out lot 8, Columbus, wd 1K0 00
Mary Soknl to Anton Pinknsh, n'i ne
U ami se neX 25-17-2. wd 300 00
Chas Staab to F W Backenhus, sw 4-
19-le, wd 43 00
SuMtee traaafera, total t27,3409
. '"til
us. We regard the interests of our
as our dealings are concerned our
and offer
at -
- Prices.
Of general meeting of the Woman's
Club, to be held at Mrs. Roen's Feb.
1 1st, at 3 o'clock:
Instrumental Mnsio. . .
Select Rending
Instrumental Music...
Mrs. Barber
Mrs. Stires
Miss Hurd
.Mrs. Chambers
Mrs. Merrill
. . . Mrs. Gerrard
.Sirs. Chambers
Mrs. Page
Onafea, Nth., Fife. 12-13.
Tho Union Pacific will sell
tickets from points on its lines
in Nebraska at rate of one fare
for the round trip, tickets on
sale February 11th and 12th.
See that your tickets read
via -The Overland Route."
J. R. Meaoiier, Agent,
Columbus, Nebr.
St. Catharine Krailin-c Circle.
Will meet Wednesday evening, Janu
ary 29th, at the home of Miss Cushing.
Roll call.
Quotations from favorite author.
Political Economy, chaps, xii and xiii
Supplementary Reading, Fabrolia."
chaps, xv and xvi Circle.
Music Miss Fitzpatrick.
Paper, "Tho New Year and How to
Begin It" Miss Geitzen.
Music Miss Cushing.
Paper, "Gossip and Its Limits" Miss
Current Events Circle.
Parlor t'uncert and Sapper.
The Ladies Guild of Grace church
will give a parlor concert and supper at
Mrs. Barber's, Wednesday evening, Feb.
5th, 1890, with the following program:
Quartette The Church Choir
Piano Solo Miss Pohl
Vocal Solo Mrs. Chambers
Piano Solo Mrs. Hockenberger
Violin and Piano.
Misses Cornels and Schroeder
Recitation Miss Martin
Vocal Solo MraReeder
Piano Solo Mrs. Barber
Vocal Duet.. . .Misses Wake and Bickly
Piano Solo Mrs. Geer
Piano Duet. . .Misses Morse and Becker
Everyone cordially invited. Admis
sion at the door 25c.
Within the last week we have made
arrangements so that we can furnish to
our readers the Chicago Weekly Inter
Ocean and Columbus Journal, when
paid in advance, at tl.75. tf