The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, January 29, 1896, Image 1

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By Brian E. Barr.
E had pushed our
way far into the
bounds of the
Great Dismal
Swamp f a r be
yond the danger
line that Solomon,
our Indian guide,
had pointed out.
In vain Solomon
entreated us to
: turn back- We
found game abun
dant, and with the reckless folly of
.;$:outh, I permitted my dark-faced cou-
sin Paul to lead me on and en.
At length the time came when Solo
mon could be induced to proceed no
. farther.
"Go on there, never one of us come
back." he declared over and over. "The
snake vine be there."
U . ''TT-e snake vine?" I questioned.
"Bahr sneered Paul. "The serpent
vine is a myth."
"But what is it said to be?"
' "A-vine that grows in the depth of
the swamp a plant that coils about
any living thing that may come within
its grasp. It is said to thrive on flesh
and blood; but who believes the tale?
Who has sc-en the serpent vine?"
"I have," declared Solomon. "I seen
"it oace."
"Many 3-ear ago. I came here then
to hunt with my brother. We do not
mind what they tell us of the snake
vine. We laugh at all the stories.
While we be here the vine find my
brother, and when I see him he is dead,
with the vine all twist, twist, twist
round him."
"Bah!" sneered Paul once more. "Sol
omon has told that story so many times
he now believes it is true. I sav the
vine is a myth. Such a thing dees not
eiist in nature."
"Tou say to me that I lie?" asked the
Indian guide, calmly.
"Yes," replied my cousin, with in
sulting inso.nce. "It is as natural for
-an Injun to lie as it is to breathe. Like
tbe others, Solomon, vou are a born
The guide arose, picking up nis rifle
"and blanket.
"Yon go your way," he said. "I go
. mm
(mm, fm
mine. Maybe the serpent vine find you,
and then you think of me."
"Where are you going?"
"But how are you going to get out
of the swamp without a boat?"
"I find my way; you find yours.
I would have called him back, but
Paul prevented me.
"Let the fool go!" he exclaimed, loud
ly enough for the retreating Indian to
hear. "We can get along without him.
i Save been in the swamp before,
cousin, and it will not be a difficult
thing to retrace our course when we
are ready to leave."
I was sorry to see the guide go away
in such a manner, and I regretted what
had happened very much, but Paul
overawed me, and I submitted to his
superior will."
That day, without Solomon, we
pushed on still further into the swamp,
.although my heart was filled with a
fear that we might never be able to
get out of that labyrinth of sluggish
streams which seemed to flow in all
directions, for already I could not have
told to save me how to retrace our
The great herons rose from the
morass, as we advanced, sometimes
an alligator slipped away into the dark
shadows where the water twisted be
neath the thick tropical foliage,strange
birds flitted amid the trees, from which
the Spanish moss hung thick and rank.
It was a strange wild place, and I felt
the fear growing upon me.
Once or twice I felt sure that I saw
my cousin's eyes fixed upon me with
a fierce triumphant look that made my
blood grow chilL This was while we
passed through dense shadows, but as
we emerged to lighted spots Paul no
longer looked at me, and I tried to
. make myself believe it was a trick of
my imagination. '
We did not go very far. I induced
Paul to land and camp on a spot that
seemed favorable. Our camp fire
gleamed brightly in the gloom of that
dismal place, but did not drive the
shadow from my heart.
That night I slept little. Paul
seemed to slumber as peacefully as a
. babe. Morning came, and I awoke to
find that I was alone. I had slept
soandly the last two hours of the
I started up in terror, fearing I had
been abandoned there, but the boat
floated close by. aad the outfit had not
been disturbed. Paal and his ril
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alone were gone. I called to him, and
he answered from the forest near at
"Come here," he shouted; "come and
see what I have found."
I followed the sound of his voice,
and found him not very far from the
camp. He was standing and staring at
something that lay stretched toward
him on the ground in a moving twist
ing mass. I thought he had shot
something, and hurried to see what it
could be.
"What is it?" I asked.
"The serpent vine!" was his reply
"It must be that. Solomon did not lie
after all."
I gazed at the thing, fascinated, for
I saw that it was indeed a vine that
grew from the ground there amid the
rank growing things of the swamp. It
lay stretched toward my cousin, seem
ing to reach out and grasp for him,
but he was safe beyond its touch. It
twisted and twined like a mass of ser
pents, and I felt my heart grow sick
and faint as I looked.
"Come closer; cried PauL "It can
not reach beyond its length."
He drew me nearer, and then, of a
sudden, with a strong thrust he sent me
reeling and shrieking fairly amid that
mass of writhing things. In the
twinkling of an eye they had coiled
about my legs, and I could not break
away, although I desperately strove to
do so.
"Paul, Paul, save me!"
My answer was a mocking laugh.
"Save me!" I panted again.
"Save you!" returned my cousia
scornfully. "I brought you here for
this! I hate you. I swore that one of
us should not leave this swamp alive.
You miserable little Yankee; what
right have you to come here from the
north and displace me in my uncle's
affections! If it were not for you he
would leave me everything when he
dies. You are a sneak and a coward.
but I have brought you to your death
' here although my hands shall not be
stained. Th serpent-vine will do the
! work for me- Good-by, cousin mine
Unheeding my cries and entreaties,
he turned and hurried away, disap
pearing in the direction or the camp.
I was left alone left to die in the
clutch of the horrid vine that was
twining about my legs and creeping
up, up, up. I fought it off, I shrieked,
I shouted, I called to Paul, I prayed.
. -, cv?
It seemed that I was in the grasp of
that thing for hours, and yet I had
beaten and torn it off so that it had not
reached my neck.
All at once a dark figure glided to
ward me from the shadow of the for
est. "Paul!" I gasped "yon have come
back to save me, Paul! I knew you
could not let me die thus!"
"Paul gone. I hear you cry I come."
It was Solomon!
To this day I know not how he re
leased me from that horrid vine. I
know that he gave me his knife
and told me to cut at the arms that
were twined about me, and I know that
one of my hands he grasped, as he
sought to draw me from the clutch of
the monster. Between us we tri
umphed, and I fell fainting to the
ground, to be dragged still farther away
by the faithful Indian. ,
As I was slowly recovering, a great
cry rang through the swamp, a cry
that brought me to my feet, quivering
with fresh excitement.
"Did you hear it. Solomon?" I asked.
"Me hear," he replied. "Come on."
We went toward the camp. As we
came near we saw that Paul had gath
ered up the outfit and carried it down
to the boat, which still swung on the
bosom of the dead water, held fast by J
the mooring line. My cousin had not 1
gone. I
No, he had not gone. Beneath the
trees near the water's edge a dark form
dangled above the earth. I would have
lutiicu up, uul auiumuu ueiu uie utn. j
"Look!" he said. "The end has come!
The snake vine was not to be cheated
this time."
"But the tree my cousin he is
hanging "
"The snake vine clmbs trees to find
food; lock near root of tree. See it
grows there see, it runs up trunk
out on limb. It is round his neck, and
he is dead already!"
It was true. In passing beneath that
tree Paul had been clutched by the
dangling vine. One cry was all that
ever came from his lips, for the ser
pent vine quickly choked him to si
lence. It was retribution swift and sure, but
such a death seemed none the less ter
rible to me that it destroyed one who
had doomed me to a like fate a short
time before.
One of us would not leave the swamp
The way to get happiness is to give it. '
A TUk with a TWtor lacttUy troa
In spite of the English being oar
cousins, they are all very marked
strangers when they pay as a visit, says
the New York Herald. It is not mere
ly their broad talk that marks them as
such. It is their peculiarly loose cloth
ing, their flat topped derbies, the extra
ordinary bags and portmanteaus with
which they travel, and above all else
their straightforward mode of getting
what they want and going straight
ahead, regardless of everybody in the
way. One who was over here to see
the yacht races amused his American
friends by his peculiarities of speech.
"I like your observation trains very
much indeed," said he, after he had
taken a ride on a Third avenue car.
"Your overhead carriages (meaning the
elevated cars) are deucedly stuffy, but
your observation trains are as cooling
as a bath."
Waeav ae-sawXoi. WariHg&.men he
said he knew what they were without
asking. "They are unemployed bakers
men, aren't they? And the city em
ploys them to keep them from rioting."
He said he never heard so much cursing
in ail his life as he heard over here,
where gentlemen swear too much. At
least, he said he thought they did till
he fell under the fearful influence of the
heat, "and since then I find myself curs
ing and swearing too," he said. "I didn't
think much of the police you boast
so much about," said he. "They slouch
about like idlers, and too many of them
are as pot-bellied as monks in the comic
pictures. Then again you've got the
noisiest city in the universe, and there's
no place in it that isn't just as noisy
as every other place. But your hotels
are simply magnificent, and all the peo
ple are as friendly as if I had known
them all my life, and I am tolerably
happy in spite of finding fault all the
"You must admit that your drinks
are complex and straining to one's in
tellect." he went on. "Now. in Eng
land we drink Scotch and soda or bran
dy and soda, and the only thing we
have to remember is which of the two
we started the day on. But here your
drinks are all named after popular
heroes, like John Collins or is it Peter
Collins and Jim Somebody, and
what's that very satisfactory drink
that's named after you? Upon my
word, I alwav-3 have to call up an Amer
ican to tell the barman what I want."
John Chinaman Hjd It Arranged Be
fore He Perpetrated tbe Crime.
From the San Francisco Call: Col
t onel A. T. Vogelsang, the attorney, is !
regarded as one of the best raconteurs .
of the legal profession. In the Palace
grill room yesterday he let out a string
of anecdotes. He said that a few weeks
ago Dennis Spencer, the Napa lumi
nary, was called upon by a Chinaman
one evening, when the following dia
logue ensued:
" 'One Chinaman kill another China
man with a hatchet; how much you
phnrwp tn mnkn him rloar''
" 'I'll take the case,' said Mr. Spen- j
cer, 'for $1,000.'
" 'Allee right,' said the Chinaman, 'I
be back after while."
"In about a week he returned to Mr.
Spencer's office and laid down $1,000 in
gold coin on his table. Mr. Spencer
swept the money into the drawer.
"'Well, the Chinaman, he dead.'
"'Who killed him?'
"'I did.'
"'When did you kill him?' j
"'Last night. I
There was some curiosity on the part 1
of the audience for further light on the '
disposition of the $1,000, but Mr. Vogel
sang immediately spun off on to an
other story.
At the period which the Romans first
instituted as the beginning of the year.
the Celts and Germans celebrated, as do j
the Japanese at the present day, the
renewing of life in the dead earth, the j
power ot nature oemg again on tne
move beneath the snow of winter.
The extreme Puritans, originating
with the Presbyterians of Scotland,
have always set their faces against
Christmas observances, and indeed the
Puritan parliament of the Praise-God
Earebones period abolished Christmas
altogether, and made it a heinous crime
of lese-nationality to exhibit holly and
ivy on their walls.
For the twelve nights beginning Dec.
25 and ending on Jan. 6 (the English
Twelfthnight and the French Fete des
Rois, or Feast of the Kings), the an
cestors of the Siegfrieds and the Lohen
grins held their Yule festival in honor
of the fiery wheel of the sun god. For
the root of our word "wheel" and of the
Scandinavian "yule" are one and tha
A system of facilitating the removal
of roofing tiles, the holes which receive
the nails being made in the form of
keyhole slots.
A hollow auger, with an opening for
carrying away the chips, the cutter
being held in a recess above the open
ing by a plate secured by screws.
The District railway of London has
fitted three trains with automatic in
dicators in each compartment, which
tell the name of the. next station.
An attachment for the pockets of
ladies' dresses, consisting of a spiral
spring along the edge of the mouth
of the pocket to render it self-closing.
A fishing apparatus, in which the line
is mounted on the end of a spring, .
which m the event of the fish taking I
the bait closes an electric circuit and
rings a belL
A covering for tablets, cakes and bars
of soap, to prevent drying and decom
position, which is produced by dipping
the article in a solution of gelatin or
melted wax.
A roof for metallurgical and other
furnaces, made of a series of tubes
through which water constantly flows,
and between which a filling of fire
brick: is arranged.
A waterproof fabric to prevent the
rotting of the cover of umbrellas by
the rusting of the framework, the fabric
being placed between the cover and the
topnotch joints.
In 1S2J John I. Hawkins, an American
rpswlinf1 Tn Tnnilnh nttdmnta.l r c-1
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J the difficulty of the gold pen point by
'dering bits of diamond or ruby to
the points of gold peas4
is ten years old and weighs
Has Tweli Closers mad Tom Wean
Hi Father's Clothes. erer Was a
Big- Cater and Looks to Bo Twea-
HE Sunday World
last week pub
lished a portrait
and biography of
'the heaviest living
man, 1L Canon
Berg, of Paris. To
day the picture of
his only youthful
rival, the largest
boy in the world, is
given. His name
is Anton Mochty, and he is a pleasant
boy living with his parents, well-to-d
peopIeraffiaindorfFi n- Iower-Anstria
He is tea years old, says a writer in
that Daper.
This growing Colossus weighs at the
present time 150 pounds, his breast
measures 45 inches from arm pit to
arm pit. and his head is 22 inches in
diameter. He is exactly live feet
As a small child he was so phlegmatic
that he refused to learn to walk for four
years after his birth. With the begin
ning of his fifth year he began to creep,
and after a little while learned to walk.
When a baby Anton was thought rather
small. His mother nursed him until his
fifth year, and he took little solid food
before that time. On his sixth birthday,
when there was a party at his father's
house, the boy first attracted attention
on account of his large features.
During the last two years he has
gained over seventy pounds in weight
and two feet in height.
Nature gave Anton six tees and six
fingers on each hand and foot. As the
portrait printed in the Sunday World
shows, all these members are perfectly
developed and well shaped, except that
the small fingers stand out from the
rest The joints, however, work like
those of the other fingers.
Anton's footgear is expensive. His
wooden shoes, as well as those of
leather, must be made to order. He
wears his father's trousers, coats and
vests, shirts, underwear and hats, and
would be taken for a young man of
twenty if it was not for the freshness
of his complexion and his youthful
Where nature is so generous in one
direction she must be expected to even
things up. So it happens that Anton is
by no means a bright boy, but as in the
case of M. Canon-Berg, he enjoys aver
age intelligence and a sunny temper.
In his village they call him "the rub
ber ball." on account of the rotundity
of his features.
The causes that contributed to the
boy's extraordinary size are as yet hid
den to the scientists who have under
taken to explain the phenomenon. He
comes from normally built parents and
his numerous brothers and sisters are
distinguished neither for largeness nor
for extraordinary tees or fingers. An
ton has never been a big eater.
DisUc-ared by Seems st Cruel Act.
A sMm of terrible distress; is rp
portcd m tj,e family of Farmer Gullet,
north of Melvin, 111. It appears that
a neighbor crushed a cat in the pres
ence of Mr. Gullet's little 5-year-old
daughter. The horror and freight
threw the child into spagms, from
which she was aroused with difficulty,
and was stupid, with the face drawn
to one side and the legs practically use
less. Eminent physicians were called,
but nothing could be done for the little
child, and she suffered until death came
to Tier relief.
Caaary Cnltnre la Germany.
About 250,000 canaries are raised
every year in Germany and, besides
the 100,000 birds that are sent to Amer
ica, the English market talies about
30,000, the next best customers being
Brazil. China, the Argentine Republn
and Austria, to which countries sales-
men are tent with large numbers of
birds yearly.
or r 1 m.k'.ar am
Ussier Eagissk nile "local atlf-gor
eraawat" has beea bestowed upem the
peote it Iidla, m the board has to look
arooBd for means to pay for water and
drahiage schemes and towm coaserr
anc y; the barrier dues are one of theaa,
and lie carters, who haTe Just come in,
arejfii discontented as the people of the
towisfwho pay, oee way and another, 3
8hilHmgs per head amanally for local
rates, says the Gentleman's Magazine.
"Four annas for each, cart entering
SinghBur, in addition to four tolls on
the toad frost Panhuader! It is mon
strous! How will they get food to-day
for themselves and their bollocks?"
Hertjpame women, passing on their way
to thi tank, halt aad listen to the dis
pute and jba in. the complaint that "the
'takkW is grievous, the children's food
is siting takea away." The toll con
tiaastr has a concerm with their feel-
m. &
JhltBm'fjfertIMsA It la the
"hukm" or command of the govern
ment, and proceeds to rake in his dues.
The district ofBcers say that the in
gratitude of the people is most discour
aging; latrines have been put up, the
filth is carted away daily to a distance
from the town, street drains are
cleansed, stray dogs are destroyed, oil
lamps have been erected in the streets,
water of good quality distributed to
standpipes for public use, and they have
a local board, presided over by the
Taluq native revenue officer, and yet
they are not happy. It is really too
bad. Some of the people will positively
not drink the water coming to them in
metal pipes, and some still neglect to
use the public latrines, preferring to
resort to the open country outside the
town, according to old custom. A native
hand-loom weaver, of whom there are
many in Singhpur, told one of the col
lectors peons, who told the head clerk,
who told his superior, that the people
were not ungrateful, but they were all
queer and liked their own ways, which
the English did not understand; they
did not notice the odors which the En
glish called bad smells; they liked to
take their drinking water from the vil
lage well, or the temple tank, especially
the latter, which had been blessed by
the presence of Vishnu; and they did
-3 .
not like the dung-carts parading the
streets and standing in the market
place. Least of all did they like pay
ing a week's earnings every year to the
local board when the cost of food was
increasing. They were very poor men;
what should they do?
A Lontr Walk.
Charles Roberts, wife and three chil
dren arrived at Muncie, Ind., last week
after a 1,500-mile walk, from the in- I
terior of Texas. Roberts left Delaware j
county seven years ago and invesfefl
all his possessions in the lone star state
and lost. Last August, he says, starva
tion Eeemed to be staring him in the
face and he decided to make a bee-line
for Indiana on foot. He has walked
all the distance except about twenty
five miles. He selected wagon roads to
walk on, and reports kind treatment
from the farmers. The youngest child !
is a boy, aged 7, and the other two are I
twins, aged 12, a boy and a girl. All '
showed signs of exposure, but were in 1
good shape physically. At. St. Louis
the trip was delayed because of the
daughter becoming ill.
Tropical Birds ia Gerstaay.
A gold medal has been awarded to
Herr Prosch as a reward for his suc
cess in introducing tropical birds into
German forests. With the exception of
canaries and African parrots, all the
"birds imported from tropical rpgions
have been acclimatized, and even the
young of the former have survived the
severity of last winter. The new bird
colony is situated in Southern Sax
ony. The SConto Sect.
The Monto sect, the Nichiren and the
Jodo sect may be called the three most
powerful branches of the Japanese
Buddhists. TheMontos worship Amlda
Buddha, and they say that earnest
prayer, noble thoughts and good works
are th elements of their faith. It is
to this sect that the two big temples in
- &.
1 Yokohama belong.
Aa Orgaataatlo of All tho Poasto WU1
tag to Stomal Vp for Soarasha isaKtts
It la tao Froat Its PrasUoat tho Chief
ExecaUvo of tho State Ohjoeta aaol
Alaw Sot Forth ay Aa
tho KseeatlTo CessaUtt
A Purely Kehrasha MavoasoaL
The organization of tha Nebraska
Gab is now perfected, the following
officers for the ensuing year having"
been elected: President, Governor Si
las A. Holcomb; vice president, Sen
ators Thurston and Allen and Congress
men Strode, Mercer, Hainer, Mcikel
john, Andrews aad Kern; secretary,
Charles E. Williamson; treasurer, Al
fred Millard, cashier of the Commercial
National Bank of Oaaahs, tha latter
two officers beTnr"df Omaba. Theor
ganization is strictly a state one, ss it
was formed by a body of men called
together from every section of Nebras
ka and representing every interest. It
starts out under very favorable cir
cumstances, having the endorsement
of Governor Holcomb apd other lead
ing official and business men as well
as definite assurance of their hearty
co-operation and substantial aid and
support. Nearly twenty counties, or
nearly one-fourth the entire number,
were pledged at the organization meet
ing to immediately form auxiliary
clubs, and this is to be done at once.
Fall information concerning plans for
the foundation of auxiliary clubs may
be had of the secretary at Omaha.
The president and the executive com
mittee have jointly issued a formal
address to the people of Ne
braska, the substance of which
is given below, and should and
will be read to the end by every
loyal citizen of the state. The proposi
tion seems to be a broad one, in the in
terest of the whole state, freed from all
sectional bias or preferment and po
political selfish motives. It will there
fore appeal to the ready and substan
tial support and co-operation of all
good citizens. The address, in sab
stance, is as follows, limited space for
bidding the publication of the full text,
Recognizing the value and need of
organization, in the general interest of
our state, a number of gentlemen, rep
repressentative of all sections of Ne
braska, met at Omaha, December 30,
1S95, and incorporated the Nebraska
club, the general object of which is ex
pressed in the articles of incorporation,
abo the preamble and resolutions
which were In the early stages of the
movement adopted, first by the Manu
facturers and Consumers association of
Nebraska, and subsequently endorsed
by the leading business and profes
sional men, also state officials, mayors
of cities, and others, forming a prelim
inary groundwork for the subsequent
building of the completed structure
represented in the Nebraska ciub now
beinjr formed. The preamble and res-"
olulions referred to are as follows:
Whereas, The immigration of good
citizens into Nebraska should be en
couraged. Whereas, Having in our great state a
territory capable of supporting many
times its present population, thousands
of acres of as fertile soil as can be found
any where in the world, one of Nebras
ka's greatest needs now is a more rap
idly increasing population.
Whereas, An increase in immigration,
more particularly upon our agricultural
lands, would result in (1) an increased
trade in the commodities handled by
the jobbers and retail merchants of the
state; (2) an increased consumption of
the products of our home manufac
tures; (3) the employment of idle labor
and increased activity in all the ave
nues of business and the professions;
(4) an increase in the valuation of our
farm land, city realty and other tax
able property, thereby producing a
higher general average of prosperity to
all our people now here and to come;
Whereas, There already exists
among the people of the state, needing
only to be crystallized and organized in
order to become a live working factor
in the general advancement of the in
terests of the state, a sentiment
strongly in favor of keeping Nebraska
to the front in an honest, earnest and
effective manner, therefore, with an
abiding faith in the great resources of
our state and fullest confidence in the
integrity of its citizens, be it
Resolved, That we, the undersigned,
and others who shall hereafter join
with us, hereby agree to associate our
selves together and organize as asso
ciation to be known as The Nebraska
Club for the general purpose of secur
ing the co-operation of all classes of
people throughout tht state in a sys
tematic effort to promote immigration
of good citizens and add to the popula
tion of the state by the year A. D.
1000, one million immigrants, being
good settlers from other states ana
There arc scores of ways and meth
ods to be adopted and put into execu
tion. To a very large extent they must
be left to the Board of Directors and
Executive Committee.
It is a fact not to be lost sight of that
we have not only to induce imi
grants, but to stay the tide of emi
gration, though small, from Nebraska.
We have to meet in a dignified and
forceful way the misapprehension that
has gained footing abroad by the cir
culation of slanderous statements de
rogatory to the good name of the state.
There is no question but that it can
be dene by simple and persistent state
ment of facts. As expressed by a prom
inent citizen of the state, "We must
start a back-fire against that which is
injuring us so severely or we shall be
consumed." This must be done by giv
ing the widest possible circulation in the
proper territory to such editorial work
for illustration as is being turned out
day by day by one of the leading news
papers of this city, in which it makes
comparisons from statistics with south
ern and other states which are attract
ing settlers from the country generally
as well as from Nebraska and which
show up very largely to the advantage
of Nebraska. Much of the migration
is blind and misguided and a large per
cent will sooner or later return the
wiser for the experience and better
than ever satisfied with Nebraska.
It will be one of the duties of the
organization to thoroughly inculcate
the doctrine given expression to by
Hon. Chas. W. Irish at the recent State
Irrigation convention when he said,
"Stick by your farms and stay in Ne
braska." Statistics and other reliable informa
tion will be circulated at home, there
fore as well as in those sections where
any untrue and libelous items have
been or may be given publiation.
The statistics compiled will bear
chiefly upon matters ot interest to the
fanter, and it Is proposed to five
them absalaU credibility.
There shall to a literary barcan er
toreaa of facts aad fieurcs. Froas
sach a boreaa it is proposed shall con
stantly aad regularly emaaate by goad
sad bright peas sew aad attractive
statter. Great care will be -xercised
that it shall be first of all accurate and
that it shall be avst jadiciously dis
tributed on soil where it would aatur
allVDrodace the best fruits.
This is am organization by tne people
of the state. It ia theirs aad they will
be expected to eatertain and manifest
an iaterest in it in keepiagwith such a
Incidentally, bat with emphasis, the
people most soaght after shall be the
farmers, aad the fanners' grown-ap
sons and daughters. This is a move
ment in which there must be no jeal
ousies ss between individuals, sections
or localities, or as between the country
and towns. It mast be a common,
united, harmonious effort, not of the
Classes, but of the masses of the people,
by the people and for the people of
While it is the chief purpose of thai
stateaseBt to' direct attention to the
methods of applying the forces which
will be mustered in this movement for
the general good, nevertheless plans
for developing and completing the or
ganization will be of general interest.
The articles of incoration require that
3,000 shares shall oe subscribed and
paid before the club shall proceed to
carry oat the object for which it is in
corporated. As an example worthy of emulation,
the Manufacturers and" Consumers as
sociation of Nebraska is cited. This
organization, a state one, with mtm
bers all over Nebraska, has already by
formal resolution of its board of direc
tors requested its members, active and
associate, in the various communities
to take the initiative in this movement,
make up the original five stockholders
necessary and call an organization
meeting in their different localities.
Volunteer orgac:zers are called for
and should be readily secured from
every county in the state without de
lay. Over one hundred signatures
were promptly added to the drafted
preamble and resolutions, beinrr those
or representative citizens all over the
state. The co-ODeration and assistance
of the press is earnestly desired.
Foreign corporations and individuals
having interests in the state, and there
fore, in the work and success of the
club are requested to subscribe to the
common fund.
Every business firm, every farmer,
and all others, regardless of vocation,
politics or creed, are urged to join in
the common effort.
On the occasion of any and ail gen
eral conventions, farmers institutes,
or other public gatherings of size and
importance, it i3 desired and requested
that the club be given a place on the
program thereof and proper time for a
due and full presentation of its princi
ples and pnrpose and its claims upon
the public interests and support.
The real estate men will naturally
occupy a prominent place ia the active
work of the club and'lheir earnest per
sonal vigilant support is desired.
Traveling salesmen, insurance agents
and companies, doctors, lawyers, clubs
and fraternal organizations and all oth
ers are asked to interest themselves in
this organization and the good, work it
proposes doing.
Bernhardt expects to pas3 the sum
mer In an oM ruined castle on the At
lantic coaat of Brittany.
Miss Blackadder, 13 years old and the
daughter of a Dundee architect, is the
first woman to be graduated from St.
Andrew's University, Scotland.
Emperor William. It is announced, will
forego a visit to Norway this year. He
will cruise a time on the Ealtlc Sea
and go to Sweden, spending some time
In Stockholm.
Prince Bismarck has given to the Gray
Friar's school In Berlin, where he went
as a boy, a young oak from the Sach
senwald. near Frtedrichsruhe. to be
planted in the playground.
Dr. HIrschfeld. the archaeologist, who
conducted the German evcavations at
Olympla, died recently at Wiesbaden at
the age of 43. He was professor of
archaeology at the University of Koe
nigsberg. Capt. William G. P.andle. who has
been selected to command the new
American liner, St. Loui:. when she is
placed in active service June 3. is the
son of an English sea captain and is a
skillful seaman.
John W. Foster will remain at the
Chinese capital 'or the present and mtty
not return to the United States for some
weeks. The Chinese want Mr. Foster
to do something- further toward earning
his T100.000 fte.
Achmed Wotelegel. the merchant who
helped Slatin Pasha to escape, on re
turning to Omdurman vras hanscd by
order of the Kalipha. He was betrayed
by Slatln's servants, who were tortured
until they confessed that he was the
last person In communication with their
master before his flight.
Red Thunder, who was concerned In j
the Turtle Mountain outbreak in North
Dakota and refused to surrender to MaJ.
Hale, the Indian asent. Is S3 years old.
Maj. Heros von Borcke, who died re
cently In Berlin, fought with Gen. J. E.
B. Stuart, the confederate cavalry lead
er, during the civil war, beins one of
the most trusted members of his stall.
In Great Britain there are 1,H7 women
to 1.000 men.
The reduction in England's debt last
year was S.i5H5.00O.
With a population of 400.000.000 popI
China has only 100 physicians.
Zoologists say that all known species
of wild animals are gradually diminish
ing in size.
The best stage managers of the pres
ent day are said to be men who have
ben actors.
If the earth's surface were level the
water of the oceans would cover it to a
dppth of 600 feet.
In time of war France puts 070 out of
every 1,000 of her population in the field:
Germany 310. Russia 210.
For the last eighty-three years the
church of England has been spending
$45,000 a week upon her schools.
Among the Armenians it Is estimated
that from 60 to TO per cent -jf the chil
dren die from two diseases typhoid
fever and smallpox.
A Chinese proverb says. "L.pz every
man sweep the snow from his Ow:i
doors, and not trouble himself about the
frost of his neighbor's tiles."
Among the French It is gastronomic
hereby to eat asparagus otherwise than
cold with salad dressing.
Shad roe with eggs and parsley makes
a most palatable breakfast omelet, long
known to gastronomic students.
Only the ignorant ever wash straw
berries. They should be lightly shaken
in a towel as a means ot cleaning them.
The world is full of people who are
disappointed and displeased when there
la no Oolong Havor in tea biscuits.
Alleged currant jelly one buys at the
average grocery shop i3 a strong sug
aestloa of what would be considered red
IQlUBat HatalO
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CLARK GRAY". Cashier.
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C. II. Snatros, W. A. alc.VLLisrxa,
Josas W&Z.CH, Caul. Uiuxa,
S. C. Gbat.
Gkbburd Losaaa,
Clark Goat,
Dasixt. SCUItA.
J. Hexuv WURDMAJr.
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States and Europe, and buy and sell avail
able securities. We shall bo pleased to re
ceive your business. We solicit your pat
raaaca. A weekly newspaper de
voted tho beet interests of
The State of Nebraska
Taa ami t of
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Columbus Journal
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