The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, January 22, 1896, Image 4

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fit TMiK Un fSnecialV Cat. Waa.
A- KirchhosT, general western nsaaager
of the American Tobacco Co., aaa
startled his numerous friends by stos
- ping the use of tobacco. For years be
had smoked twenty strong cigars dally,
and a lees quantity would leave him
nervous and ill. The habit was under
mining his health, and he tried to quit,
but could not. until he took No-To-Bac,
the medical miracle that has cured
60 many thousands of touacco-asers.
Col. KirchhofTs craving for tobacco has
entirely gone, and he feels better than
ever before. He is a great No-To-Bac
enthusiast now. Over 300,000 bad tobacco-users
have been cured by No-To-Bac,
and the loss to tobacco manu
facturers is easily over $10,000,000 a
The literature of Crisacv
Uuffalo Express: Those persona who
like to fancy that published accounts of
.crime tend to incite people to commit
similar crimes can amuse themselves
by discussing the possible responsibility
of Mary E. Wilkins for a recent murder
iq Albany, Ore. Miss Wilkins' detec
tive story, .published in the Express,
told of a woman who dressed in man's
clothes to commit a murder. Very
boon after its publication this Oregon
woman actually donned male garb and
committed a murder. To be sure, she
may never have heard of Mary EL
Wilkins or her story. Then, again, it
is usually the true stories of crime as
published in the newspapers which
meet obiection from these critics.
They may" be as ready to argue that
literature ought to be suppressed as
that news should be. But perhaps
they can induce an argument to show
that no person should be allowed to
learn to read.
'Huown"s BnoscniAi. Trochks'' are of
pxeat pervice in MiLduing Hoarseness and
Coughs. Hold only in Loxes. Avoid imi
tations. The man vrho minds his own business will
always have something to do.
A word to the wise is enough, when it
happens to be the right word.
It costs a great deal more to be proud
than it does fo be generous.
We will forfeit $1,000 if any of onr pub
lished testimonials are proven to be not
genuine. Tun Piso Co., Warren, Pa.
Revenge Beforehand.
.Inst s I expected!" said the strug
gling young genius, opening a letter
from the editor. "He says my poem is
'very good,' and he accepts it, but
'under the circumstances' he does not
feel justified in allowing more than SI
for it, which sum he 4begs to inclose.'
When he finds out it's an acrostic con
veying the statement that the editor is
a stingy old cus, he won't think he got
that poem so blamed cheap after all, gol
ding him!" Chicago Tribune.
The nerves upon pure blood, and they will
be your faithful servants and not tyranni
cal masters; you will not be nervous, but
strong, cheerful and happy. To have
pure blood, and to keep it pure, take
Hood's Pills
.ire gentle, mild, ef
fective. 25 cents.
Hundreds of ladies write us that
they " can't find good bindings in
our town."
It's easy enough if you
insist on
Look for " S. H. & M." on the
label and take no other.
If your dealer wiJKnbt supply yon
- '"we will.
5"nd for samples, showing libels and mate
rials, to the S. H. & M. Co.. P. O. Box 699. New
York City.
- St - la." -
sr-rn.. laMi.b- 4
That the finest vegetables in the world are
grows frcM saber's sees? Wh? Be
came trier are Northern-crown, bred to
earlioess.and sprout quickly, grow rapidly
35Fadoces Earliest Vegetable Seeds, $1.
Jast think of that! Yon can have tbeat by plant
ing Salzer's seed. Try it this year !
Stiver Mine Oats, 197 bu. per acre.
Silver Kice Barlev, 95 bn. per acre.
Prolific Spring Rye, 60 bu. per acre.
Marvel Spring Wheat, ... 40 bo. per acre.
Giant Spurry, Stoasperacre.
Giant Incarnat Clover, . . 4 tons hay per acre.
Potatoes, S00 to 1.190 b. per acre.
Nowbove yields Iowa farmers have had. A fall
list cf farmers from yoor and adjoining states,
doing equally well, is published in onr catalogae.
Enormous stocks of clover, timothy and grass
seeds, grown especially for seed. Ah, it's fine!
Highest quality, lowest prices!
With 12c in will ret oar big catalogue
and a sample of Pumpkin Yellow Watermelon
sensation. Catalogue alone, 5c, tells how to get
that potato.
W. L. Douglas
3. SHOE "VoHd
It you pay to for sltoes, ex- ga .
amine the W. L. Douglas Shoe, and 9
see hat a good shoe you can buy for S
and LACE, anade In all
k lada of the Taeat adectod
leather by skilled work
men. We
make and
ell more
S3 Shoes
.than any
nasMiixfaetarer la the world.
Xone genuine unless name and
pries is stamped on the bottom.
Ask your dealer for our S5.
jam, an, ooocs;
mz and SI.W for boys.
f want rrr r T 9end to-c"
tory.esclosing price and jjarts
to pay carnage- State bad, style
of "toe (cap or pJawKjia iaad
width. Our Castesn Dept. will H
,-j.r CmhI fwtt 111ns-
feated Catalogue to Bex K.
W. L. 0OVCLA8, BroefctMi,
fevacadinr for oar
and tctaJl pries Hat U Dry
tiocdr. Clctklax. Groceries,
.. I.hi-..
Fo;clture, Ootaiag, Manes,
rf Kotlas. Jewelry. Lsaier
FeraUUx Ooa 2J'ef' 3V7I
anQaaaV m
una ms.,
8mm fJa-ta-Data Hlats Aaaat Calttva
tkaa at tha SeU mad Yields Tfcaraaf
BTartlealtara, Vfctlsaltara aad Flurl
caltara. ISCUSSING recent
ly the relative pro
fit of grain and
grass in England,
the Live Stock
Journal states as a
fact that the land
in question a part
of Lord Leicester's
estate is valued at
an annual rental of
"no more than 7
shillings an acre tithe free, at
the present time." This would
be only 1.75 an acre, with local
taxes paid by the landlord. If this
la anything near a fair sample of
English rents for averaging farming,
it would seem to leave a fair margin for
the renter. It would be considered a
very low rent for good land in this part
of Ontario; and our best land, well
cultivated, on shares, will pay the own
er several times that much.
One trouble with English farming is
that the methods are antiquated and
th expenses too great. The results
are good, so far as yield is concerned
much better than the average in On
tario) but the labor bill is propor
tionally higher. While labor is enheap
er there, the labor cost of a bushel of
wheat, or a ton of hay, or a pound
of butter is more in England than in
this country. We don't produce so
much per acre; but we produce more
probably two or three times as much
per hand. Here is where the English
farmer is handicapped much more
than In the rent he pays. It
is a matter of regret that it is so. Eng
lish farming should be a very at
tractive businesss, with a reasonable
margin of profit It gives employment
and support to a much larger popula
tion proportionately than ours; and a
better support to or at least a more
dignified and more leisurely life for
the farmer himself than in any other
country. It will be a matter of pro
found regret if he is forced by com
petition to adopt the high pressure
system of work, and the low scale of
living which is too common here. But
apparently he must do that or aban
don the business, at the present price
of agricultural produce, to pay the
present labor bill, support the mana
ger, or farmer, in his present style
of living, and leave any thing at all
for rent. Farm and Home.
Setting Appletrecs.
(From the Farmers' Review.)
In reading your Issue of December 11
I Btruck a very interesting article on
"Planting Orchards" signed "William
Gray." While his article contains
many excellent points which I most
freely endorse, it contains one that I
would most seriously condemn, viz.,
"The tree top should Incline to the west
several inches." He further states that
the prevailing winds are from the west
and that nearly all the orchard trees
are found leaning east. This may be
the case with him, but in all this great
northwest the prevailing winds are
from the northwest and our trees lean,
not to the east, but to the northeast. I
have examined thousands of orchards
in Wisconsin, Minnesota and Iowa and
have almost invariably found the older
trees leaning and growing to the north
east. He says they lean east by west
winds. I claim to have any amount of
evidence in our township that they lean
northeast and not from the forcerfJ
wind from the southwest-out from the
.direct. lays'bi the sun. This I reported
in our book report of 1878. When every
body claimed this leaning was caused
by the southwest winds I took a bold
stand then and was considered much be
side myself by my best friends, who
tried then to keep me from arguing the
question there, as it would be sure to
expose my ignnranco. It is impossible
with the limited space I am given to
branch off and reason all these points in
one short article, but if objected to by
any I will try to make my position as
clear as sunshine. We have eight or
chards in our grove here on the east
side, open on the east, closely shut in
on the south and west by tall timber.
All these trees lean seriously to the
northeast except the row that stands
near the grove on the south side of the
field. The trees in the west side row,
too, are found nearly upright, caused
by the shade they receive from the sun
by the grove. If anyone doubts my po
sition let him go about and examine and
he will be most thoroughly convinced
by his own convictions. I do not say
the southwest winds never set the trees
over to the northeast The wind does
this sometimes, but not any of tener than
they are set over to the southeast by
the northwest wind. These are excep
tions to the general rule.
I have found trees leaning in every
conceivable direction. But as a rule
they lean and grow to the northeast.
The time was when this talk was called
Gaylord's theory and weighed little. At
this time (in 1879) I wrote to a noter
professor in Michigan to learn what
caused our trees to lean or grow over to
the northeast. His reply was then it
was caused by the heavy southwest
winds. This was about seventeen years
ago, but I venture to say now that not
a professor in the northwest could be
found to utter such a conclusion. If
there are any we hope they will come
to the rescue, as this old-fogy notion
is now most thoroughly exploded.
The best I can do in thisshort article
is to state a few facts very briefly and
defer the rest till some future reply. A
tree standing erect and in the open sun
without anything to prevent the direct
rays from striking its trunk will be in
jured and barked at just half past one.
No time-piece could show more truly.
But if a tree leans from the sun, from
any time from sunrise till sunset, the
dead line will appear on top or facing
the sun. There are unnumbered
amounts of evidence, even in our own
township, to prove this beyond all pos
sible doubt These being facts, then
now shall we set our trees so as to
best make them self-protecting? We
all set our trees here (now) leaning to
the sun at about 1 o'clock not later.
Up till quite recently we have been set
ting and advising setting at half-past
1. This is a little too much, we think,
as we now find here and there trees
that have been set over as far as 2
and 3, and in almost every case trees
thus grown will show injury, even as
far east as sunrise or from 8 in the
morning. There were a few trees in a
small plat I found years ago leaning,
one northwest barked on southeast, one
leaning north barked on south, one
leaning southeast barked on southwest;
one stood close to the north side of the
fence, stood upright and sound. This
gave me evidence in a nutshell; and
sisce I have examined thousands of
trees and universally find the sane
conditions, producing the same effect
Set leaning .to 1 no later and don't
yon forget it Edson Gaylord.
M j4Emm & j. kml
Mr. J. C. Hanna. the weU-knowm
breeder of Poland-China hogs, takes
the position very positively that bury
ing the hogs that have died of cholera
Is "merely storing up the germs of the
disease for future use," and insists
that they should in all cases be burned.
The very destructive prevalence of
cholera this fall makes it Important
that methods of future protection shall
be efficient, and if it be not sufficient
to bury the carcasses, the swine-growing
public want to know it The
Bureau of Animal Industry in Farmers'
Bulletin No. 24. issued for the express
purpose of giving the farmers of the
country practical information as to just
what they should do to prevent out
breaks of the disease and its continued
propagation when it has once broken
out, says that If any hogs die their car
casses should be immediately burned
or deeply burled and the places where
they have lain or the ground over which
they have been dragged should be dis
infected with carbolic acid or lime.
The laws of the various states also re
quire that carcasses of dead hogs shall
be burned or buried. The Iowa statute
requires a burial of two feet The Kan
sas statute requires burial, and Secre
tary Coburn, of the Kansas State Board
of Agriculture, in recently calling at
tention to the necessity for compliance
with the statute, says that "burial at
once not less than three feet is the
safest and most practical way to dis
pose of" the carcasses. The laws of
other states doubtless contain the same
provision, and all seem to be based
upon the belief that if the carcasses be
burfe , the germs will die before they
have time to work to the surface. Now,
if this be untrue, and if the burial of
the carcasses is only "storing the germs
up for future use," the swine-growing
public ought to know it. Burning is cer
tainly an efficient remedy. There can
be no question when this course is
pursued about the destruction of the
germs; but there are objections to
burning, part of them founded upon
scarcity of fuel and part of them upon
the objections of the community to the
stench and foul smoke which arise
from the imperfect methods of crema
tion practicable on the farm. Still, if
burning is essential to the destruction
of the germs, burning it ought to be.
And here is one of the points to which j
we have been urging the organized at
tention of breeding associations. Are
the laws which provide for the burial
of carcasses adequate to the prevention
of the spread of disease? If not, then
that clause should be amended out of
the law. The statutes all need to be
improved in their executive features,
too. They are left to execute them
selves, and no human law will do that.
The systematic disinfection of cars and
the efficient prohibition of all traffic
in diseased animals are absolutely es
sential to the preservation of the swine
industry, and those engaged in it
should move and move in force.
"Small Farmers." I find this is a
phrase which is disliked by many, but
it is better to be a good and successful
small farmer than an unthrifty and un
successful large farmer. We often see
business men begin in a limited way
and do well until they get aspiring.
No sooner have they made a little mon
ey than they spread out, buy a larger
stock of goods, partly or chiefly on
credit, and indulge in "great expecta
tions" which fail of realization. Many
a man can manage a smaller business
who gets out of his depth when he tries
to conduct a larger one. Or, in the
fluctuations of trade, the times are not
so good, he cannot sell the larger stock
he has got together; before times im
proved many articles become unfash
ionable and go down in value, and the
issue is bankruptcy. In like.,mannj;r7
jnany farmers' who bucceed in a small
way, go into this, that, and the other
thing until they get a bigger burden on
their shoulders than they can carry.
Planting Trees on Waste Ground
There is a great amount of land on
most farms which is practically waste.
Some of this is hilly ground which is
not profitable to till, and of very little
use as pasture. Such lands with a lit
tle care could have trees started ou
them which in a short time would re
quire no attention. Then, there arc
also places where windbreaks would
be desirable, and shade along the road
and lanes. In view of the fact that our
source of lumber .and timber supply is
gradually and surely being contracted,
and that these materials are constant
ly appreciating in value, it is the dic
tate of wisdom to provide a new sup
ply. But do not plant fruit trees in
such places. On account of the many
diseases and insects to which these are
subject, they should be planted only
where they can have constant supervis
ion and good cultivation. Ex.
A Gas Tree. A gas tree was discov
ered in the southern part of Washing
ton ccuaty, Pa., in a very curious way.
Hunley Gooch and his son were chop
ping down an old and hollow tree, when
they thought as they struck into the
hollow that they smelled the odor of
gas. The son struck a match and ap
plied it to the hollow, which the ax
had opened. Instantly there was an ex
plosion and the young man had difficul
ty in escaping without serious injury.
The tree continued to burn until its
bark was burned off. The ax, which
was left in the tree, had its handle
burned. It is likely that digging near
where the tree stood will show a large
and valuable supply of gas. It is likely
that the gas In the tree had been slowly
accumulated through apertures in the
soil not big enough to release a large
quantity at a time. Ex.
Roots of Clover. A German author
ity says that the root and stubble of a
good crop of red clover weigh over
three tons per acre when air dry and
contain 180 pounds of nitrogen, 7
pounds of phosphoric acid and 77
pounds of potash, all of which is placed,
when turned under, in the most avail
able form for growing crops. We call
attention particularly to the large de
mand which clover makes on the soil
for potash and phosphoric acid. If the
resulting crops are removed from the
soil one can easily see how clover can
be used for soil robbing as well as
restoring fertility. It is this fact that
has given ri6e to the English proverb,
"Clover without manure makes the
father rich and the children poor."
Forest and Prairie Fires. A great
menace to farming in the west are the
forest and prairie fires. Farmers have
got to learn that every big fire does
immense damage to their growing
crops; it heats the air, and dries up
the surface so that water will roll off it
and not be absorbed by it Burning
the straw and cornstalks on the field
is one of the worst practices that farm
ers can adopt, and they reap the evil
results of it every time. Vegetable
matter burnt is lost, but when turned
under the soil it is not only saved.
but it makes the soil more porous so j
that water can sink down into it Ex. .
A Lewistcn, Me., man is studying on I
a sidewalk which can be turned up to '
dump snow in tfce gutter.
How Successful
i Operas Ihla
ana A raw
Deaartaieat e
Hlata as ta the Can
aad Poultry.
mt lav
N the handling of
the milch cow while
dry, the success or
failure of the dairy
herd largely de
pends. There is a
tendency among
farmers toward the
opinion that when
a cow ishot giving
milk she should
exist, If not on the
wind, at least On very little more. Of
course, the farmer himself who does
not work on the Sabbath eats little
or nothing during that day, feeling
that it would be a waste of food. Ha,
ha! Yes, methlnks so! Is the compar
ison not a relevant one?
Now, what is really the position?
Our most profitable cows milk with
in four to eight weeks of coming in.
Even a moderate quantity of milk is a
very considerable drain on the system
for such a length of time, and the pe
riod while dry is a necessary resting
period in which she is to recruit her
wasted energy. But wherein comes
the recruiting or building up if the
ration is insufficient or unbalanced?
Straw and turnips, for instance, are.
very good fodders in their places, dui
to confine a cow to these while dry is
plain evidence of a total lack of un
derstanding of the first principles of
herd development Corn stover is a
good fodder if properly saved, but
this and straw, without any grain ad
diton, is an unsatisfactory ration upon
which to build hopes of a satisfactory
milking season. We believe that where
a cow milks ten or eleven months per
year, that she should be fed as rich and
satisfying a ration during her resting
period as while milking, if the best
returns are to be had. We never knew
a farmer to do this who was not a suc
cessful dairyman. The cow thus han
dled comes to parturition period in a
well nourished condition, and will, if it
is In her, give a good account of her
self, while her famished sister will
spend the first three months of her
milking period in an attempt to re
gain her lost condition physically, and
if, as is a too comomn practice, she
comes in in the spring, by the time she
is in normal condition pastures are
failing, heat and flies do the rest, and
she is fast drying up; and at the end
of six or eight months she is on the
"dry" list But the trouble does not
end here. The longer she is dry the
worse is she fed as a rule, and thus
the evil grows. F. J. S., In Farmers'
Butterlne Licenses Decreasing.
It will be a matter of profound con
gratulation to our readers who are all
interested in honest butter to know
that the butterine licenses in Chicago
during October have fallen much short
of those of the year before; 201 licenses
were issued during the month, while
during the month of October, '94, 252
vere issued. The receipts from the
sale of stamps were $71,030.34, while the
receipts in October, '94, were $82,
9C8.04. The falling off is not limited to
the month of October. During the
month of September, but 97 licenses
were issued, as against 230 during the
same month ia '94. For August, the
number was 70, and for August, '91,
192; 400 licenses will have to be issued
iu November iMna-baiteilue- business
is to equal that of '94. We called the
attention last week of our readers to
the great decrease in the use of oleo
margarine in Boston, the result of the
workings of the Massachusetts law.
All that is necessary to confine the busi
ness to its legitimate channels is the
enactment oi similar laws in every
state, which can be done only by con
tinuous vigilance on the part of dairy
men, resulting in national legislation
and enforcement Creamery Gazette.
Some Poultry Methods.
To make poultry a success, they
should receive good care and manage
ment, the same as any other stock.
When we want milk, lots of it, and good
butter, we protect our cows from
storms, and feed them what we think
will rwoduce rich milk and good butter.
Hence we must have for our poultry a
warm poultry-house, where there will
be plenty of sunshine and protected
through the day as well as night from
the storms.
The best feed I ever found to make
hens lay was wheat, not threshed, but
cut and feed to them straw-head and
all. After they have picked the wheat
from the heads, one has the straw for
bedding. It would pay any farmer or
poultry man to have wheat cut and
saved, straw and all; have it loose or
in sheaves, and feed what they need.
When wheat is only 50 cents per bushel
there is no feed so cheap as wheat
Through the winter, if the ground Is
covered with snow, they must be pro
vided with oyster-shells or ground bone
to make shell. Feeding wheat heads
beats throwing grain among litter to
make them scratch for exercise, for
they will scratch to get the wheat out
of the heads.
Milk is one of the greatest egg pro
ducers known. The great trouble with
many farmers is that they think the
poultry can get through the entire year
wiuiout feeding. Not long ago I hauled
a load of corn to a man whose wife kept
a lot of chickens. When unloading it
every time an ear of corn would fall on
the ground he would pick it up for fear
a chicken might get a grain. Well, I
thought that was tough on the poultry.
Poultry requires feed same as any other
stock, and when eggs are 20 cents per
dozen it will pay to give more attention
to them. E. Wing in Orange County
Poultry Notes.
One of the tests of whether or not a
man is a successful poultry raiser is
whether or not he can make his hens
pay a profit in winter. We too often
forget this and consider the man that
can breed up a prize winning bird as
being a success, while the man who sim
ply keeps on his way turning his in
vested money over and making a clear
profit is forgotten. Frequently the least
successful men make the most noise,
and men that have made a failure of
poultry raising are the readiest to tell
other people how to grow poultry and
produce eggs.
The little investment in a single hen
shows up splendidly when put onto pa
per. Her cost and the proportionate
cost of the pens, yards and utensils are
the investment The feed and care are
the Tunning expenses, and the eggs and
flesh are the returns. It is a pleasant
thing to use paper and keep a correct
account even of this little business.
We think most of our readers would be
surprised at the showing their flocks
would make, were all the costs and re-
ceipts reduced to paper. A flock that
we know of has suffered heavy losses
during the past year. The owner was
f the strong Impression that he had
set smad a ceat duriag the twelve
oaths. So ho took account of stock
om the first day of December. To his
surprise he discovered he had cleared
40 per cent and that, too, reckoning
11 of his birds at a less figure than
they would bring If killed and
dressed. He was just a little discour
aged before that, but now concludes he
would like to have a large sum of mon
ey as well invested.
The old question of temperature comes
to the front this winter as usual. A
reader of the Farmers Review gives
this little piece of information, which
may prove, of use to some: He says
that last winter he kept a thermometer
in his house and another outside. He
was astonished to see how little differ
ence there was between the two, only
four or five degrees, as a general thing.
He nailed paper over the Inside of his
house and that raised the difference
two or three degrees, but not nearly
so much as he had hoped. This fall
he has been putting coal ashes Into his
hen house, principally to act as an ab
sorbent It has seemed to do more than
that One morning recently, when the
thermometer out of doors was about
18 degrees below the freezing point,
he went into his hen house to take
away a pan of water he had left there
the previous night He expected to
find it frozen solid, but Instead he found
it not yet reduced to the congealing
point, while the temperature around
him was as high as desirable for poul
try in winter time, and the hens
seemed to be happy. He Is of the opin
ion that the foot of ashes over the
floor prevented a good deal of cold from
getting in, for there is no doubt that a
great deal of cold does come up through
the floor. It is a good idea to look
after the warmth of the floor as well
as the sides, ends and roof of the house.
Malleia for Glanders.
We have on the highest veterinary
authority that the diagnostic agent
known as "mallein" is a sure test for
the existence of glanders in the horse
and mule. There is an article in the
American Veterinary Review by Pro
fessor Nocard of Alfort, in which he
begins a resume of the results of test
ing over 9,000 horses with mallein and
closes by saying: "From all that pre
cedes it results that the systematic use
of mallein constitutes the surest, the
quickest and the least expensive means
to relieve the most seriously affected
center of glanders." By the use of this
agent glanders can be detected in its
earliest and mildest form, and it can
be clearly told whether a suspected
case is of glanders or of some less seri
ous disease of the air passages. Cali
fornia veterinarians are now receiving
mallein from the Bureau of Animal
Industry at Washington and are using
it under the authority of the boards of
supervisors in some counties. Every
facility should be given the horse own
ers for the application of the test, to
the end that glanders may be stamped
out We notice that the colony of
Queensland gives notice that it will ap
ply mallein and make its quarantine
against imported horses less severe.
Southwestern Stockman.
Fall Cheese. As a general thing it
is more difficult to make good cheese
in fall than in summer. This is owing
largely to the difficulty of keeping the
curing room at an even temperature.
If the heat is allowed to run down to
70 degrees or less during the night
through lack of a proper fire, and then
to double that amount during the day,
the chances are that originally good
cheese is likely to be ruifted. Half of
the time out of the twenty-four hours
it wilLbe as hard as a rock on account
ot the hardening of the butter-fat and
cascine by cold, and then very soft
the remainder of the day by excessive
heat Another mistake is that fall
cheeses are often made too large, be
cause they will not cure as quickly as
ainall ones, which is an important
thing to reckon on when the weather is
cool. Moreover, cheeses should be
turned over and oiled in cool weather
just as frequently as in summer, since
this also hastens their curing. Alto
gether the process of cheese making is
more of a science than many would
suppose, for the best cheese and that
which commands the highest prices,
is produced by those who are the most
expert and careful at its manufacture.
Keep Up the Quality. It is of the
utmost importance that we maintain
the quality of our live stock, and the
only way to do this is to strive hard to
improve it. Good beef never lacks de
mand either at home or abroad. In
fact, it is a potent influence in creating
that "fellow feeling which makes a
mortal wondrous kind." The Britisher
has a warm spot in his heart for a good
bit of American roast, though he may
not tell about it, and the American
epicure keenly relishes a bit of English
mutton, well prepared, though he may
not tell about it, either. Our export
trade in live stock and meats has
reached enormous proportions. Our
products, however, have to stand sharp
competition in the world's markets,
and in order to hold our own we have
got to give close attention to the
healthiness of our live stock and to its
Hints from Denmark. Danish dairy
men never waste their skim-milk and
whey, not a drop. They take it back
from the factory and are glad to do
so. The milk is utilized before being
returned to the dairyman. It is used
in the household for cooking; it is fed
to pigs and calves, and made into
cheese. They never allow the calves
to 6uck their dams, but raise them by
hand. The greater part of the skim
milk is made into cheese, but little of
this is exported, being used at home.
It is of good quality and when rightly
made skim-milk cheese is not to be de
spised. Ex.
South Americans Grading Up.
Three high bred Aberdeen-Angus bulls
were recently shipped from Scotland to
South American breeders. They are
also getting every month some Here
fords, Shorthorns and Galloways.
Thus, while we have' lost .our courage
and quit breeding and improving our
cattle, even in the face of growing ex
port trade, with the markets of the
world to supply with high grade beef,
South America is getting in shape to
share the European trade with us.
Blind Horses. It is said that there
are more blind horses in America than
in any other country, and these are
found chiefly where they are stabled
and highly fed for the purpose of fat
tening. Blindness seems to bear a sym
pathetic relation, we thus see, with in
digestion. Another serious source is
from the bad, unwholesome stables in
the cities. Ex.
There is nothing like going to mar
ket with attractive goods. Eggs should
be clean and in tidy packages; but do
not make a rule of washing them, for
it takes away the appearance of fresh
ness. If the soiled spots are wiped off
before they become stains, nothing
else is required. Ex.
Buyers on the Utica board of trade
have decided to refuse to buy or even
handle on commission any cheese made
after the first of November.
to far Cttsnk
As saercmry will surely destroy the
sense of smell and completely derange
the whole system when entering it
through the mucous surfaces. Such ar
ticles should never be used except oa
prescriptions from reputable physi
cians, as the damage they will do Is ten
fold to the good you can possibly derive
from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manu
factured by F. J. Cheney & Co.. Toledo,
O., contains no mercury, and Is taken
internally, acting directly upon the
blood and mucous surfaces of the sys
tem. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure, be
sure you get the genuine. It is taken in
ternally, and made In Toledo. Ohio, by
F. J. Cheney ft Co. Testimonials free.
Bold by druggists: price. 75c per bot
tle. Hall's Family Pills. 25c
Rlscaarck'a Lower Up.
It is said that Prince Bismarck is par
ticularly well pleased with the truthful
way in which Pfretzschner, the sculp
tor, has treated his lower lip in the re
lief medallion for his monument being
erected on the Rudelsburg. "The art
ists, he says, "have always made my
busts without giving me justice as far
as my lower lip is concerned, and that
is wrong. It is there, and . it is there
very much but not too much, for that
would indicate willfulness. That was
never one of my qualities, and I have
always been amenable to argument if
better opinions than mine were riven.
But a well formed lower lip indicates
perseverence." Upon the completion of
the artist's work the prince took the
modeling spitula into his own hand
and engraved personally his well
known "V. 15.," giving the medallion a
signature which no other Bismarck por
trait has ever received.
Last year we offered 20d for the
biggest yield on oats. 209 bushels Sil
ver Mine Oats won the prize. This
year we offer f 200 more on oats, f 100 on
Silver King Barley, a iarley yielding
in 1895 116 bushels per acre, and 1100
on Golden Triumph Yellow Dent Corn,
the corn of your dreams!
What's Teosinte and Sand Vetch and
Sacaline and Lathyrus and Giant Spur
ry and Giant Incarnate Clover and lots
of such things? They'll make you rich
if you plant a plenty. Catalogue tells
If yea will cat thU oat aad send it
with 10c. postage to the John A. Salzer
Seed Co., La Crosse, Wis., you will get
free 10 grasses and grains, including
above oats, barley, corn and their mam
moia catalogue. Catalogue alone 5c.
A Staadlsh Memorial.
Three hundred patriotic ladies and
gentlemen, descendants of revolution
ary sires, gathered in Squantum, Mass.,
the other day to commemorate the
landing at that place September 30,
1021, of Captain Mylcs Standish and
his party. The site was marked by a
monument built of beach stones in the
form of a cairn, about ten feet high
and three feet in diameter. The cor
nerstone, a round white flint was laid
jointly by Mr. Adams and Mrs. Lee
and a polished granite table was placed
in one side, bearing this inscription:
''Captain Myles Standish. with his
men, guided bv the Indian, Squanta,
landed here September 30, 1121. This
memorial is erected by the Daughters
of the Revolution of the common
wealth of Massachusetts, September
30, lS'JG."
-"ITS All Fits stopped frecbyTJr.KIlae'nGreas
Kerre Kesterer. o Kitsafter the first l:i ps umj.
Marvelouscures. TreatisearulCIlrialljotU'-fm t
titcatcs. feenatolr.Kline.83lArcliM.,lWU.,l-a,
St. Nicholas Magazine recently offer
ed prizes for the best correction of
a misspelled poem. More than ten
thousand answers were received, and
the committee has been overwhelmed
with work, the results of which and
the names of the prize-winners will ap
pear in the January St. Nicholas.
Answers came from all over the world,
from Turkey, from Egypt and from
Europe from a little countess in
Vienna and from the grandchildren of
Emerson and Hawthorne in America.
The committee reluctantly make the
admission that the penmanship of the
English and Canadian children excels
that of Uncle Sam's boys and girls.
Why He Knew It Was Good.
One of the principal men in the
bureau of engraving and printing had
a somewhat pecnliar experience in New
York recently.
lie had occasion to visit the metropo
lis on business, and after a stay of
several days at one of the chief hotels,
he called for his bill When it was
given him he tendered in payment a
brand new 520 silver certificate- The
clerk looked at it for a moment, and
then passed it back.
"What's the matter," asked the
"I can't take that," replied theclcrk.
"I don't think it's jrood."
"Not good,' exclaimed the official.
"Not good! Why, man, I know ii'.s
good. I made it myself."
Yes.' said the clerk, "that's just
what I thought." Washington Post.
Earliest Teaetablee Always Pay.
That's so, the editor hears Mr. Mar
ket Gardener say. Well why don't you
have them? Simply because you don t
plant Salzer's northern grown seeds.
His vegetables are bred to earliness and
they never disappoint you. Salzer is the
largest grower of vegetables, farm
seeds, grasses, clovers, potatoes, etc.
If job will eat this oat and send
it with 10c postage to the John A. Sal
zer Seed Co., La Crosse, Wis., you will
receive their mammoth catalogue and
ten packages grains and grasses, in
cluding above oats, free.
It is the same man who sows the wild oats
who has to reap the crop.
The first issue of the Atlantic Mon
thly for I8IM1 opens with an unpub
lished note book of Nathaniel Haw
thorne now printed for the first time.
There are also the opening chapters of
a new three part story by F. J. Stim
son (J. S. of Dale) entitled -'Pirate
Gold." Two political articles will be
sure to attract attention, "The Eman
cipation of the I'ostoffice." by John II.
Proctor, chairman of the United States
civil service commission, and "Congress
out of Date," the latter being an able
statement of the evils due to the pres
ent system of convening congress a .
year after its election. J. M. Ludlow
contributes an able paper on "The (
Christian Socialist Movement of the
Middle of the Century."
The The .
Best Rest Test
There are two kinds of sarsaparilla: The best and the
rest. The trouble is they look alike. And when the rest
dress like the best who's to tell them apart? Well, "tho tree
is known by its fruit" That's an old test and a safe one.
And the taller tho trco the deeper tho root. That's another
test. What's tho root, tho record of these sarsaparillas ? The
one with the deepest root is Aycr's. The one with tho richest
fruit ; that, too, is Aycr's. Aycr's Sarsaparilla has a record of
half a century of cures ; a record of many medals and awards
culminating in tho medal of the Chicago World's Fair, which,
admitting Aycr's Sarsaparilla as the best shut its doors against
the rest. That was greater honor than the medal, to bo the only
Sarsaparilla admitted as an exhibit at the World's Fair. If you
want to get the best sarsaparilla of your druggist, here's an
infallible rule : Ask for the best and you '11 get Aycr's. Ask
for Ayei's and you'll get the best.
rams of Peats.
Sir Lewis Morris, the recently
kaighted tame parrot of well kaowa
poets, comes to the front with com
mendable regularity on every public
occasion which offers reasonable excuse
for an ode or an elegy. It is said that
he tried to induce various American
newspapers to cable across the Atlantic
his recent effusion on the subject otthe
Armenian atrocities, but even a new
knighthood proved too weak a weapon
to accomplish this high-handed assault
on fame. "Lord. Sallisbury will de
liver Armenia from Turkish oppres
sion,'' sighs one weary reviewer, "but
who will deliver the public from Sir
Lewis Morris? Chicago Times-Herald.
Ghosts are Palo aad ShadewT,
?ay those who profess to have interviewed
tbenu Whether spooks are tallow-faced or
not, mortals arc whose blood U thin and
watery in consequence cf Imperfect assimi
lation. When invalids resort o llostetter's
stomach Bitters, and use that unequalled
tonic persistently they soon "pick up" In
strength, flesh ai.d color. It should bo used
alM to prevent malarial, rheumatic and
kidney complaints, and to remedy constipa
tion, bick headache and nervousness.
Then aad Now.
Twenty-five years ago 11. B. Mears,
an inventive watchmaker of Youngb
town, O., turned out a bicycle which,
though heavier, was very similar to
the bikes now in use. The people did
not take kindly to the new machine,
and when Mears continued to use it
against their protest he found that his
business was injured, and he was final
ly compelled to close his store and lo
cate elsewhere. Now everyone in
town who can afford it, and many who
cannot, is riding a wheel. Pittsburg
a's Vu manor lr with Olycerlae.
CurCiuinpci HanUoandFarc. Tender or Sorr Pert,
i ana Face. Tender or Sore Fept,
CG. Clark Co.. New Hateii.Ct.
miioiaiu!), rues, so,
Kxteasive Mine.
In the Calumet and Iiecla copper
mine are over seventy miles of drifts,
in which one can walk for days with
out visiting all of the many places un
der ground. There is a vein which has
been worked for two miles on its trend,
and at some of the shafts the fifty
fifth level has been reached, these
levels being generally ten feet apart,
or "thick," as generally described.
have Irlra Parker' Qlaaer Toale
and believe in It," sirs a mother and fowl I you
sr when familiar with lis revitalising- properties, j
Scattering chloride of lime about wiii
banish fleas.
Jast haw It dera It la net Ike aaeatlea.
It is enough to know that lllnilercorns takes out tho.
co.ns, and a very pleasing relief it Is. 15c, at druintbts",
A six pound roast requires one hour's
roasting to be rare.
i f sifaUaelty is life's great
Ism. laiaktf aaffariac-wita
Years Years Years
i th i
it cons.
' j rm
i ' I 1 I I i . J
.a, 1 f rj (
- 1 j i i ,
I , :, 1 , ,,
26, 33, 42, SO, or 58 inches hi(h. Qunlity mifl workrjinnf-hip the best.
Nothiny on the market to compare with it. Wnte for full information.
ITe 9
.Warranted to eare or awasy rehaaad. ai
araaaMferaV MteUeatta.
The fan is aow aa
all dainty evening toilettes.
It taa Bahy la Casta T
sare and use that old aad writ-tried
Wnmow's SoowEia Snvr for CI
The rale sti'l holds good that the bigger
the sleeve the more modish the garment.
A teaspooaful of flavoring extract ia
enough for a plain cake.
Bote the method and results when
Syrup of Figs is taken : it is pleasant
and refreshing to the taste, and act3
gently yet promptly on the Kidnevs,
Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys- .
tern effectually, dispels colds, head-
aches and fevers and cures habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs is the
only remedy of "its kind ever pro-
duced, pleasing to the taste and ac
ceptable to the stomach, prompt in
lis action ana truly beneficial in its
effects, prepared only from the most
healthy and agreeable substances, its -many
excellent qualities commend it
to all and have matlc it the most "
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50
cent bottles by all leading drug
gists. Any reliable druggist wiio
may not have it on hand Twiil pro
cure it promptly for any one who
wishes to try it. Do not accept an r '
iOWSmiE. MT. MW fOMK. Kit
. as ts smmbutt or utaa
naCNbTM tf NftTEBUtfr
Cfcsssc sti kauMirs the hair,
fnmiotr s Invariant Krutrth.
Never Falls to Reetore Gray
Hair to lt Tcnthful Color.
Cure snip llnur t hlr falling.
aoc.andlluiat lruqRfr
IwOl VEV IVa-ltlM-teH, I.;.
iccessrfuiiy Prosecutes Claims.
Principal E Jain'ner U S. pension Ilureao.
uUat war, liaUiul..-tui5claiiu.i. jUj Rfmc
BBaaaVBBaaaaaaJarlm a. naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaW
ONS boto-va
Aaaaaaw MZ&J
aawsgaaa tl f ,awTZ
CMaUJ wwjLmMxrzsmaaKA
TfTR AKiMioror: t:v. xx iisir i woriirs
wli'tmlll busitesj, bc?nio It tus reituctd the co6t of
nlsdpowerto l.Uwbs: lta.s it has maw branch
uouscb. am. supplies lu icnuds an J repairs .
aijourcrx.r. ucan aiiuGccu iurolsna
loiter article for les nionei than
r tiers. Jt iq.iSps linaplas ana
GareiJ. Strel. Oalranlzed after-
Co:r.Dletif.:i Wlnalinlllv TilUn
sr.'l Flxrrt Sicrl "lowrn. steel IJiiuSaw
raroes. fcteel ieert Cutters and rt-ci
firln:er3. ;ii application Unlit namer.n
of thew articles l.lai It w!U furnish until
Jaanarr Wat 1U the usnai price. It &iso tsaxos
Tanks el Pampa of all Unas. S-nrt for eatatojuc.
tattorj: 13tb. R.xlvU sci FXIcsre Streets. Caici
fllnatntad eataioimo BhowlBJf WEU
SsxTrazz. iisto Deea tested saa
all carraafes.
Sioux City Knmne and Iron Worts,
Successor to IVch J!r.f. C.
fllaax 'ily Ittw.i.
Ths Bowrtt ft cii e JI vrsiitFRT Co .
lilt Wt-ct ElftTcrfi itrwt. Kn.-.;a Clir
Morphine Habit Cured la 10
to gO ilar. No pay till cured.
OR.J. STEPHENS, Lebartoa.Ohio!
W. . U OMAHA-3 189f?
When writing to advertisers, kindly
mention this paper.
'Mm M
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TaJRtlflS Tatifc All tUtEMiliy tSl
IS Best Ccaah Sjrn?. Vwtcs Uovd. UK2P9I
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