The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, January 15, 1896, Image 3

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, Arrivetat Lincoln .1 jJta. m.l
V The :aserrer leave Lincoln at 6 35 p.m.. and
" crii-t at Columbus 9J35 p. m; thefreurht leaves
. 4 " T Jnroln at 7:15 a. ro.. and arrives at Columbus at
:fc)i. m.
nniNV. rtsT.
Icnl Fr't fi41a.m
Col. Local 6:10 a. m
Or. In. Local
Nr. PL
Tl?.. n I I imilul 10:35 a. m
9.-P-4 a. m I Nr. PL Local 1 10 P- m
1:00 p.m Fast Mail .. 6sp.m
2a0 ii. m Gr. Is. Local 6:55 p. m
Vnt Mail. rnrriy tmfwensers for
thrmcli tiointf. fining wvt at F.GS p. m.. ar
rive at Ik-aver 7:t a. m. No. 2. Fast Mail car
rier, pasnc-p; to Fremont. Valley and Omaha
jr'inc ra-t at &t p. ci. No. 31. freight, carries
pa-pnjiers, goer, wept 6:45 a. m.
The freight train leaving here at 4:40 p. m. car
ri! iHcsr from here to Valley.
.vma : iiL Jiiiii. m in a a"
Passenger arrives from Sioux City . . . !2iW p. m
taive- for Sioux City
SUxed leave for Siour City 7:20a. m
Mixed arrive lliJJp. m
Mixed leaver-
Mixed arrie- . .
i'ai enger leave-. .
" arrives..
IW) a. m
i-t p. m
. l0i.m
. 12:H) p. m
ocittv Jfafices.
rT"All notices nnder thir heading will be
clmrged at the rate of 1 a jear.
W lingular metice 2d Weilnewlaj in each
fjK montli. All brethren invited to attend
W. II. NuTESTKIN.Seg'. 2Ujuly
WILDKY LODGE No. 44, 1.O.O.F.,
niM-Li Tuelav eeninr.- of each
JRi- week at their liall on Tliirteenth
" Btreet. Visitinc brethren cordhdly
tXIMte.1. W A. WAV. i.ll.
W. K. .QTtTElX. Sec'y. 27jan'JMf
the World, meet -verj second and fourth
ThtiP-d.-.y-or the month. TutO p. in., at Oehlrich't.
Hall. Tliirteenth treet. Ueuular attendancu is
ven d .imble, and all viniting brethren are cor
diallj invited to meet with us. jan23-'H5
&iint hold recnlnr pervicee eery Suiubiy
a 2 p. a jirayer me-tia on Wedu-ia eveninc
at tlieir chapel, comer of North street and Pacific
A vemie. All are cordially in iteL
13":cW Eliler 11. J. IIupson. President.
VANG. PHOT. CHLRC1I. Germ. Reform.)
Jv?rv:ce every Sundaj at lOifc, a. m. Ilai-tism-i,
marrtace- and funeral termons are con
durtni li the Pa-tfir in the German and Knclinli
lancaHaes. Resilience, Wa.hinston Ave. and
Eleventh street-.
Huov-'iJJ E Dr. GXLEU, Pastor.
Iliiyden Bros., Ury Goods, Omaha.
Dr. Naumncs, dentist, Thirteenth
stret-'t. tf
The l'lutte river is up because of ice
Adolph Sauer is nit;ht clerk at the
What wonderful weather we have
had to he sure!
Dr. T. . Clark, Olive street. In
office at niplit.
Mrs. Dr. Evans is reported as leiu
. datipcrously ill.
Dave Adauison made a business trip
to Iqwr last week.
Dr. L. C. Yoss, Homeopathic physi
cian, Columbus, Nebr.
Born, Monday mornmc; to Mrs.
"Arnold Abts. a daughter.
Wanted, two good farm hands at
good -wages. Patrick Murray. 1
The Jewcll-Speice contest case is
proceeding before Judge Kilian.
Sam. Waddell moves today onto the
Charlie Morse farm north of town.
The Ceciiinn club will meet with
Miss Kittie Speice Monday evening.
E. M. Thomas of Stanton county was
a Columbus visitor Wednesday last.
-.lay Merril of Omaha has been here
for tome time interested in a law suit.
Dr. E.T. Bo wor, veterinary surgeon,
will be found at Abts barn hereafter, tf
Drs. Martyn. Evans ,v Geer, office
three doors north of Friedhof's store, tf
-Chicago Inter Ocean and Columucs
JornN'AL, one year, in advance Sl.To. tf
The ice house at tiie V. P. yards was
treated to a fresh coat ot paint last week.
-The ladies musical will meet with
' Mrs. C. II Pollock next Monday even
ing. Wiggins & Lewis and J. P. Goedeken
shipied hogs to South Omaha Wednes
day last.
Mrs. 11. P. Coolidge has been afflict--ed
several days the past week with
About fifteen lads and lassies gave
ltoy Lucas a surprise party Friday
The Eh-vator Roller Mills
pay the highest market price
Tor era ill.
A iirty of school friends gave Sam
RoctbVa surprise party Saturday after
noon and evening.
The Farmers and Merchants bank
at Platte Center is in charge or state
examiner Cowdery.
H. J. Arnold, M. D.. physician and
sureeon. Two doors north of Brod
fnehrer's jewelry store, tf
Leo Laughlin went to Humphrey
Wednesday to repair cars that were
broken Tuesday nieht.
The U. P. switch engine works now
on half time, 3 p. m. to 3 a. m., thus dis
pensing with one crew.
The Ladies' Guild will meet with
Mrs. Tomlin Wednesday afternoon, Jan.
22. A full attendance is desired.
Guy C Banrain is endeavoring to
raise a club to bear the expense of a
room for library and reading-room.
Sophia Mohnke will have a sale of
horses, cows, farm implements, etc, nine
miles northeast of the city, on Tuesday
February -L
I have about 200 acres of farm land
to "rent in Platte or Colfar counties.
.Albert Hall, post-office address Uolurn-
bns, Nebraska.
. ' J. P. Steinman at the Mrs. Erb farm
near the city, -will have a sale of stock,
farm'implements and household goods,
January 21st. See bills.
Missefi Jessie and Carrie Sacrider of
Monroe -were in the city Monday accom
panied by Miss Bartholomy of Stroms
burg who had been their guest.
-. At Nebraska City one evening- last
week, a number of young people were
.ery pleasantly entertained by Miss
Florence Wilson in honor of her guest,
Mas Mary Henry of this city.
Bed Seal amdColamfems are
the leading brands of flour
try them.
John Tannahill went to Lincoln
Tuesday to attend the State Horticul
tural society meeting, which holds three
Hagel & Stevenson shipped a car
load of butter and eggs to New York
Thursday, an unusual order for this
time of year.
Friends of little Clarence Sibbern
sen will be pleased to hear he is rapidly
recovering from the severe burn he got
two weeks ago.
Baptist church, J. D. Pulis, pastor.
Services 11 a. m., 7:30 p. m. Subjects
Jan. 19th: morning, 'Love for Souls."
Evening, "Apostle and King."
The useless destruction of birds or
other dumb creatures, merely for the
so-called sport of it, is coming into dis
repute more and more every year.
An effort will be made by beet
growers who had contracts with the
Oxnards to prevent them from receiving
the $40,000 bounty from the state.
Mrs. .Robert Saiey returned last
Saturday to her home in Columbus,
after a two weeks' visit with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. A. Palmer. Fullerton
Farmers get the best ex
change at Elevator Roller
Mills. tf
Henry itagatz was under the weath
er several days last week with the grip,
but his numerous friends will lie glad to
know that he was at the store again all
right, Monday.
W.T. Allen has leased to H. Siewert
of Boone, Boone county, his farm of 1(10
acres four miles south of this city, on
the island, possession to be given the
first of March.
An adept at the business gives these
two rules for newspaper writing, first,
don't try to put too much into a sen
tence: second, don't try to put too much
into an article.
H. L. Kuhneman sent a car load of
fat ho's to Omaha Monday,
among the finest we ever saw; Otto Bolt
also had a car load. Fourteen car loads
of stock were shipped from here three
days of last week.
Dr. Arnold successfully removed a
small tumor from the right eye lid of
Dave Adamson last week, and while the
eye is still painful Dave is able to handle
the hammer and wrench in the round
house as well as ever.
In a business letter from A. J.Arnold,
National City, California, under date of
January 8, he says: 4'I improve very
slowly and it will be months before I
can discard the crutches. Other Colum
bus friends here are well."
The Pioneer Hook and Ladder Co.
will give their 22d annual mask ball on
Friday evening, February 21st; com
mittees are now making the necessary
arrangements and hope to have this ball
eclipse any they have ever had.
Some one attempted to enter the
residence of H. Uagatz again Saturday
evening about bed time, but was fright
ened away by the burglar alarm. It is
supposed he is the same person who en
tered Borer's residence later in the night.
Alex Shank, aged 5C years, died in
Wyoming last week. The remains were
brought to Silver Creek Tuesday, the
burial to take place at Beulah. Mrs.
Perry Loshbaugh and other friends
went from here yesterday morning to
attend the funeral.
Invitations are out for the marriage
tomorrow (Thursday) of Miss Kittie
Way, danghter of Mr. W. A. Way, to
Mr. Orrin C. Breese, at the home of the
bride's parents in this city. The Jock
sal tenders congratulations in anticipa
tion of the happy event.
The new county treasurer of Buffalo
county has put up a bond furnished (for
a consideration of course) by a guarantee
company who are doing that sort of
business. The Journ'ai. has given
reasons for believing this is the best
method for officials and the public.
C. L. Gerrard of Columbus was vis
iting relatives here this week Win.
Welch shipped a car of cattle and a car
of hogs, and .S. Hyatt shipped a ear of
hogs to South Omaha Wednesday even
ing Albert L. Dack and Miss Lillie
Faggot of Galva. Illinois, were married
Christmas eve. Monroe Republican.
At the last regular meeting of the
Pioneer Hook and Ladder Co., Bert. J.
Galley and Orin Breese were elected
delegates to represent the company at
the Nebraska State Volunteer Firemen's
association to be held at Grand Island,
January 21 to 21 Hose Co's No. 1 and
2 elected E. D. Brink as delegate and
the W. Y. Bissell Co. Frank Wurdeman.
Reno, the magician, held the boards
at the opera house Monday night, a large
audience being present to witness his
wonderful and mystifying tricks in leg
erdemain, see the trained dogs, birds,
etc., and by the hearty plaudits given
him his entertainment gave good satis
faction. It is safe to say that any time
he gives a return engagement he will be
given a hearty welcome.
Clinton Gray, who gets the weather
report each day, was good enough to
make a frame the right size to hold the
report and hang the same outside the
store on North street so all who would,
could read. Saturday evening some
scoundrel took the trouble to smash the
glass then carried off the frame. There
is a heavy government penalty for such
an offense, and the party, if caught, will
be made to suffer.
Sunday school teachers and work
ers will be glad to learn that on Wed
nesday of each week, beginning with
January 15, the lesson for the Sunday
following will be explained in a conver
sational Bible Class, held in the Congre
gational church. The Colnmbus pastors
will conduct the meetings in alphabet
ical rotation (according to their names);
this training class is under the auspices
of the Columbus Sunday School Union,
and the public generally are cordially
There was one winter here some
time ago when ice of a few inches thick
ness was put up and a fear expressed
that there was not to be any more of a
crop, but a severely cold spell came
down on us the first of March and J. B.
Meagher had directions from the U. P.
Company to send to Council Bluffs 100
car loads, which he did between the first
and eighth day of March, the weather
being so warm when the last shipment
went in that it lost about half its weight.
The ice was 16 to IB inches thick.
Betarn envelopes at this office for
50 cents per hundred.
Farmers near town are subjected to
a good deal of annoyance and often con
siderable expense by reason of hunters,
skaters, etc Our friend Guy C. Barnum,
here, has lost a pile of money in that way:
Mr. Sturgeon, too, lost some $150 worth
of hay not long ago, and we notice that
Adolph Dworak, near Schuyler, lost a
horse last week Its head filled with
shot, showing what had caused its death.
Tuesday night at Humphrey, while
Engineer William Allen was doing some
switching on engine No. 573 some one
maliciously removed the brake on one of
the box cars on the siding which ran
into a car which was attached to the
engine, driving the Outfiters car with
such force into the engine that it knock
ed the pilot off bending the strong
braces, but strange to say it did not
break the glass in the headlight.
The following paragraph from the
Omaha Herald may be news to some of
our readers. We are not acquainted
with the man mentioned: "E. M. Bio re
of Oconee, Platte county, charged with
forging a postal order and with receiving
forged postal orders, is now on trial in
the federal court. The defendant was
an express messenger between Lincoln
and Doadwood at the time the alleged
offense was committed. There had been
peculations along this line and an inves
tigation by the authorities led to the
arrest of Blore. He pleads ignorance of
the entire transaction.
When we read the following para
graph qnoted from the Family Doctor,
we naturally thought of the recent death
of Kev. Pillsbury at Fullerton: "At a
recent meeting of the Philadelphia
County Medical Society Dr. Sallinger
reported a case of gangrene in a person
suffering from diabetes. The slightest
injury to the feet of individuals afflicted
with diabetes is liable to cause fatal gan
grene, and such persons are especially
warned against allowing their corns to
be cut or pared. Oxygen was used in
this case with partial success, but death
finally resulted from a second injury."
There is a class of people who have
in their make-up a strange mixture of
ignorance and something else, which, in
lack of a better description, goes under
the name of smart-alecism. One phase
of this consists in the deception of the
newspaper reporter by giving him alleged
facts that have no foundation, whatever,
in truth. To the editor who has little
regard for the quality of what goes into
his paper, it don't make so much differ
ence, but the truth-speaking part of the
fraternity have a feeling in regard to
such things, and are not favorably dis
posed to that class of would-be deceivers.
County Judge J. N. Kilian is very
nicely fixed fh his office, in the Columbus
State bank building on Twelfth street,
opposite the familiar old land-mark, the
Clother hotel, entrance on Twelfth street.
It goes without saying, of course, that
the location will be very convenient for
those who will have business to transact
with the county court. The judge is
putting everything in first class order as
he goes along, and his office will evident
ly be a model of neatness and classifica
tion 4a place for everything, and every
thing in its place." Ample provision is
being made for the safety of the valuable
records of the office, so that in case of
fire there will be no loss of them. Miss
Mamie Sheehan is assisting in the copy
ing work of the office.
That relic of barbarism, the chari
vari, is probably not so much in favor as
it was before the evening of January 7,
with the party of young men who went
to have some fun at the expense of John
Hein and Bertha Klist near David City.
The party got boisterous and in the
undue excitement, which is all to liable
to be the rule on such occasions, a heav
ily loaded shot gun was fired at the
house. The shot went through the side
of the house and struck the wall on the
opposite side. Several persons were in
the room, two of whom narrowly escaped
the shot. Hein ran out to learn who
fired the shot with a view to prosecuting
them, when the damage was settled by
the payment of SI each by the unbidden
guests, who immediately left.
Macabee Lodge No. "m gave a ban
quet Saturday at their hall on Thir
teenth street. Covers were laid for 123
with a table the whole length of the hall
ladened with almost everything to eat
one could think of. One lady who was
in attendance said they had the most
beautifully arranged table that she had
ever seen in Columbus, and a look at a
photograph taken by W. B. Notestein
would bear her out in the assertion.
After the banquet was over a regular
social was held. Several card tables
were provided and everybody enjoyed
themselves until a late hour. The com
mittee on arrangements were T. F. Wil
son, O. P. Taylor and W. R Notestein,
and could a vote of thanks have been
extended to the committee it wonld
have been unanimous.
In the Argus write-up of the county
treasury shortage last week LGluck'was
represented more as a daylight robber
than as a bondsman seeking to save
money for himself and fellow bondsmen.
We ascertain the facts to be that I.
Gluck and L Sibbernsen went to Platte
Center Thursday morning, and that Mr.
Gluck presented a check of J. W. Lynch's
for 8560 for payment, and Sibbernsen a
certified certificate of deposit from Mr.
Lynch, calling for $1368. The cashier
was so excited and nervous over the sit
uation that he asked the gentlemen to
count the money, which Mr. Gluck and
assistant cashier Bodmer did. There
was no force exercised or anything of the
kind. Why the Argus should represent
Gluck as looting the Platte Center bank
is not apparent, on the face of the
returns. We have known Mr. Gluck a
goodly number of years, as have many
other of our citizens and while we all
know that he wants his own, because it
is his, he will insist always in you having
your own, for the same reason that he
demands his. And we might add that
he will come about as near getting just
exactly what belongs to him, as the next
man you will find, and getting it, too, by
fair and Iawfnl means. Mr. Gluck,
although a bondsman of ex-Treasurer
Lynch, claims considerable credit for
supporting Elliott in the late campaign,
while at the same time believing that the
election of Elliott would be-so entire a
change in the business of the office that
it might possibly cost him considerable,
if the affairs of the office were not found
all right under ex-Treasurer Lynch.
St. Catkariae ficaoiag Circle.
Will meet at the residence of Wm.
O'Brien, Wednesday Jan. 15, at 8 p. m.
Roll call.
Quotations from Byron.
'Political Economy," chapters ix to
xL Circle.
Supplementary reading, chap, viii to x.
Select reading. Miss Shanahan.
.Impersonation. Miss Cashing.
Recitation. Miss J. Fitzpatrick.
Biography of Byron. Miss A. Fitz
patrick. Song by Circle.
Spelling contest, words from Webster.
F. H. Young, editor of the Genoa
Leader, was a caller at these headquart
ers Wednesday. Mr. Young has some
decided notions concerning the conduct
of a newspaper and if all his brethren in
the business could put into practice the
main items of his business creed thev
would probably be better off financially
than most of them are now.
The residence of Frank Borer on
Fourteenth and North street was en
tered Saturday night, by a burglar. It
is thought the outside cellar door had
been left unfastened, for the thief got
through in this way. In the cellar,
kitchen and back hall-way burnt match
es were scattered as if they had been
used for a light. In the cellar, jars of
fruit were opened but none have been
missed, also both tires of a bicycle were
cut as if by a pen knife. Soiled under
clothing, ready for the laundry, was
carried upstairs and left in the hall, as
if the thief had been frightened away.
The bedroom of Miss Emily Borer was
entered, her clothing in the closet and
drawers pulled ont, jewelry scattered
around, but only handkerchiefs, gloves
and parts of dress suits found missing.
None of the family heard the noise or
found any clue to the burglar. A mir
ror had been fingered over but no
writing is discernible.
Forty-one volumes have been added
to the public school library the past
week, twenty-two by gift of pupils, the
'remainder by purchase, using money
from the library fnnd. All are valuable
additions, and many are classic litera
ture; the purchases being Plutarch's
Lives, Yonng people's histories of Greece,
Borne, Germany, France and England,
Gibbon's Borne, Prescott's Ferdinand
and Isabella, etc. The donators of books
were Kate Flynn, Grace Bo wen, Maud
Hatfield, Emiiy Borer, Gertrude Whit
moyer. Rose Flynn, Laura Schroeder,
Zoe Schrock, Lela Stillinan, Horley
Dussell. Anna Rasmussen, Celia Wagner,
Willie Hensley, Sam Friedhof, L H.
Britell, Balph Coolidge, Fred Stires,
Ralph Turner, and Guy Fox. Additions
to the library will be thankfully received
every week. Donations can be made by
the pupils, parents and others to the
respective grades and remain in the
rooms or grades to which they are donat
ed, and will ba considered as belonging
to the Columbus public school library.
J. H. Pierce, the Omaha Bee's spe
cial correspondent "Ranger" who was
here a week or so ago in the interest of
one of Nebraska's great newspapers, has
had a wonderful history, as soldier,
balloonist, newspaper editor, magazine
editor and proprietor, poet and preach
er. A man of very varied experience,
his conversation bristles with scintilla
tions of wit and genius. His life has
been a constant series of ventures and
adventures, defeats and victories, mak
ings and breakings, and yet, like the cat
in the story, he always has lit upon his
feet. In any one of the numerous lines
of endeavor, his work has been remarka
ble, and always characterized with dash
and a great deal more than the average
of literary geniuses. We have before us
a copy of one of his poems, which sug
gests to us that if Mr. Pierce had de
voted his energies exclusively to that
line of literary endeavor, he would have
excelled many whose lines are regarded
as "household words" and worthy to be
treasured in memory and repeated in
Saturday night at their hall on
Eleventh street Baker Post No. 9 and
Union Camp No. 131 held their installa
tion jointly. About 7 o'clock they be
gan arriving at the hall, each with a full
haversack, some bringing canteens
which were full to the corks, for it had
been previously arranged that they
would have a bite to eat. They kept
coming until there were about forty
nearly equally divided between old sol
diers and sons. First the officers of the
post were installed by comrade W. A.
McAllister, then comrade S. L. McCoy
installed the officers for the camp, finish
ing at about 10 o'clock. In the mean
time a detail had been made to look
after the commissary department, so
that when installation was finished ev
erything was ready for a right good
lunch. Excellent pork and beans done
to a turn, rolls, fine beef and ham sand
wiches, several kinds of cake and stacks
of pie made the boys feel that it was
good to be there. Yes, I forgot the
coffee, but we had it, the regular old
army kind, but thanks to comrade
Young and his forethought for bringing
a big jug of cream, which took the wire
edge off from the coffee, making as
smooth a drink and as fine coffee as one
could get at the Vienna restaurant. Af
ter supper, Drill Sargeant James Meagh
er entertained the crowd about a half
hour with a small squad of Sherman's
bummers. They were a squad of raw
recruits which took some time to learn
orders, but finally managed to get
through the manual of arms, but they
didn't seem to know much about march
ing. After the drill, the hall was turned
over to the Sons from Bellwood, who
were there in force, one of whom drove
their goat over, the remainder coming
by special train. They came prepared
to .give our boys some extra degree work.
Ten or twelve of the Sons were willing
to take the degrees and the fun com
menced. Among the number who went
in was brother H. B. Beed, who had
eaten his supper with the Maccabees
before coming to the hall, and he
thought no ordinary goat conld throw
him after eating such a heavy meal, but
he went onto his back the same as the
other Sons, and made Harry think that
the Bellwood goat was rather frisky. If
people can laugh and grow fat, we ex
pect soon to see comrades Meagher,
Miner, Brock and Young quite fleshy.
Everybody seemed to have a splendid
time, and at near midaight, when camp
was broken, most of "them wished in
stallation came ofteser, and so does
this So9.
f Ex.'
Platte Ceatcr Bmak U Haa ef State
wiser Xa Aaawer Coaes to the
QaenttoB, Wkere Hs the
-' Mosey Goae?
Since the State of Nebraska and the
business metropolis of the State of Ne
braska have had such an experience in
finance as has lately struck them, the
object lessons have not been without
their value to the remainder of the state
all around, and there will be a tendency,
at least, if not a very decided demand
hereafter, on the part of in-going officials
and of bondsmen on official bonds, more
especially of treasuries, to see the actual
cash counted and turned over, and no
make-believe or shadowy form of settle
ment will anymore be satisfying to wide
awake tax-payers.
In making settlement with ex-treasurer
James W. Lynch, the board of
supervisors found the books all straight
and correct, but when the time came to
deliver the cash balance, it was not forth
coming. The following statement by
County Treasurer Hans Elliott tells the
story briefly in figures:
Colttxbcs. NtBB., Jan. 9. 13.
To the Hon. Board of Supervisors of Platte
county, Nebraska.
Gextudcen: I herewith beg leave to snbmit
for your consideration the following:
Jan. 9; to balance cash on hand proper
ly chargeable to ex-Trwwiirer J. W.
Lynch as per report of committee on
settlement $Z97i 70
Less state fond in hia hands 13,'SiS 45
Balance county fnnd per committee's
I farther beg leave to acknowledge that 1 have
received from ex-Treasurer J. W. Lynch the
Atnonnt in depositories $20,771 n
" cash and checks 6.2U W
" city, village and township
orders and road receipts 1,771 W
Total $23,7(52 43
Leaving a balance in county funds due
from J. W. Lynch, of $17,233 K
And in state funds due from J. W. Lynch 13,273 4."
Making a total of $30,312 23
Which amount and money due the county I
demanded from said J. V. Lynch, ex-coanty
Treasurer, but which he failed and refused to pay
over to me or any part thereof.
Hass 8. Elliott,
County Treasurer.
The supervisors have directed the
county attorney to take the necessary
steps to save Platte county from loss
and there seems no question concerning
that part of it the bondsmen are entire
ly good for the amount, and very much
more for that matter. It is not thought
by those acquainted with the bondsmen
that anything more than the formal legal
proceedings necessary in the case, will
be had, but there is intense interest on
the part of the public to know partic
ulars of how the bondsmen are succeed
ing in protecting themselves, and where
the money has actually gone.
Along both these line3 of inquiry, the
answers are very unsatisfactory, to us as
newsgatherers, and also to the bondsmen
as gatherers of money and securities.
We hear rumors of speculations;
rumors of loaning of county money to
personal friends of Mr. Lynch who are
not answerable in law for the amounts
had; rumors of speculation on the board
of trade; rumors of use (unauthorized)
by banks; rumors of investments in real
estate that were thought at the time to
promise lucrative results; in fact the air
has been filled with rumors, but the ex
treasurer has very steadily refused to
divulge where the money has gone.
Nobody who knows him doubts for a
moment his ability to tell the whole
story. Nobody has ever taken him for a
fool, and this overwhelming shock is the
first intimation that the public had (so
far as we know) that there was anything
wrong with Jim Lynch, and Mr. Lynch
himself and the members of his family
would doubtless have been perfectly
willing to turn over all their property if
by so doing the wrong could be righted,
and others saved from loss by reason of
his dereliction.
It must not be forgotten, however,
that in addition to the men who signed
Mr. Lynch's bond, the tax-payers of
Platte county have a right to know of
Mr. Lynch where the money has gone.
The city treasurer, who is also school
treasurer of Columbus district, endeav
ored Monday to obtain from the county
treasury, the amounts collected and
owing (some 1,300 for the city, and some
600 for the district), but could not.
It is understood also that other school
districts of the county will have to make
provision for payment of teachers and
current expenses in a way different from
the usual.
It was rumored on the streets Monday
that parties at Sioux City who had sent
6800 to invest in tax certificates, had not
received the evidences of their invest
ment. The bondsmen for the first terra are:
Thomas Gleason, James Carrig, Daniel
Lynch, Jonas Welch, Carl Reinke, H. P.
Oehlrich, Frank Borer, Daniel Schram,
C. D. Murphy, Pat Gleason, J. P. Becker,
W. A. McAllister, C. H. Sheldon, George
Galley, George Scheidel and C. C. Car
rig. For the second term: C. C. Car
rig, Daniel Lynch, C. J. Carrig, Thomas
Lynch, Gus. G. Becher, A. Anderson, O.
T. Boen, I. Gluck, E. A. Stockslager,
James Carrig, Pat. Gleason, George
Scheidel, T. H. Gleason, C. D. Murphy,
L Sibbernsen, J. G. Reeder, C. E. Early,
A. Heintz and Hugh Hughes.
The bondsmen, we are told, have had
several meetings, and have appointed
committees of their number to look after
their interests in securing themselves, if
possible, against loss.
We understand, that, to a personal and
political friend of Mr. Lynch's, as late
even as Monday evening, the ex-treasurer
avers that he does not know where the
county money has gone, and that he
seems like a man dazed, whenever that
subject is broached, though perfectly
clear on everything else.
The people of the county will of course
look to the wisdom, discretion and cour
age of the new board of supervisors to
represent them in this crisis, one of the
most important that has struck old
Platte in all her history.
There is very much information to be
acquired in somewhat of a hurry; grave
responsibilities are to be assumed, but
we believe the members of the board are
fully equal to the demands of the situa
tion. They meet this (Tuesday) after-.
noon at 2, just as we go to press.
The president of the Commercial bank
has certified that as a county depository
they have $1252.81 belonging to the
county bridge fund; the president of the
First National makes certificate that
they have, on general fund S5.47S.35; on
soldiers' relief fund $295.06; miscellan
eous 9666.81; poor house 3267.39; road
29455; interest refunding bonds Sl,
032.57; county relief fund $5,289.54, toial
J. E. North was in the city over Sunday.
E. A. Gerrard of Monroe was in- town
Mrs. D. W. Zeigler was at Monroe
David Thomas of Joliet was in the
city Saturday.
Dave Hale of Humphrey was a Colnm
bus visitor yesterday.
Gus. Falbaum started for New Orleans
Sunday, expecting to remain there.
Mrs. M. K. Turner went to Cedar
Rapids Friday to visit her sister, Mrs.
George W. Brown.
Miss Kitty Heasler left yesterday on
a visit to friends in Columbus and
Osceola. Norfolk News.
W. K. Lay and child went to Spsncer,
Nebr., Saturday to visit his father. A
brother from New York will meet him
Mrs. Lee Beaty who has been visiting
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Curtis,
returned to her home in Monroe town
ship Saturday.
An Inquiry.
Mb. Editob: Will you tell me how it
is that a diphtheria patient can lie nursed
through a spell of that sickness in one
hotel of this city without either the
room that was occupied, or the house in
which the patient lay being quarantined
or a sign put. up warning against the
supposed contagious disease, and yet
when a child of a poor landlady is afflict
ed with the same disease, the house
occupied is closed to public use. and
still a milkman is allowed to go in and
out of the premises just as usual. If
contagion is not a respecter of persons,
why should there be so much apparent
difference? Query.
Respectfully submitted to the com
mittee on police. Ed. Journal.
City Teachers Meet.
The city teachers, on Friday afternoon
discussed the subject of ''Attention
how to secure and hold it." The discus
sion was opened by Mr. Weaver, who
made the following points.
1. Attention may be divided into
positive and negative, positive whare the
attention is real as well as apparent, and
negative where it is only apparent.
2. He also divided attention into in
voluntary and voluntary. Involuntary
attention was defined to be that form
of attention which was spontaneous,
owing to the fact that the object which
secured it was intensely interesting.
Voluntary attention was defined to be
that whose exercise was under the con
trol of the will. He spoke of the ieqnis
ites of good attention.
1. Enthusiam on the part of the
2. Exercises must be varied.
3. Good air.
4. Animals, plants, rocks, etc.. must
be brought into the class room.
5. Making tho subject interesting.
6. Must recognize the fact that tho
unusual both in matter and method
commands the attention. Mr. Britell
thought that the teacher was sometimes
to blame for distracting the attention of
pupils, by stopping the recitation to
correct some fault in position or manner.
Mr. Leavy spoke of the art of ques
tioning as a way for securing and hold
ing the attention. Ho recommended
the promiscuous method of calling upon
the members of a class as opposed to
the consecutive method. The discus
sion of the subject was general and
A report of the state teachers' asso
ciation was deferred till Weduesday
afternoon at 4 o'clock, and will be given
in connection with the teachers' class in
psychology, which will at that time re
sume tho work began last year.
There will be secial literary exercises
in the high school on Friday afternoon,
to which the public is very cordially
Over the Boulevard.
At a recent public sale, horses would
not sell for any price.
A high-five party at the residence of
John Connelly last Thursday evening.
It is stated that Otis Clark ha3 rented
Charles Morse's farm for the coming
H. J. Alexander shipped his fat steers
Sunday evening, billing them to South
Omaha, destination Chicago. They
were fine ones.
W. T. Ernst sold his fat steers to Jim
Frazier for $3.60 per hundred, we un
derstand. He also sold Ji:n his fat
hogs for S3.25.
In a recent letter from Frank Morey
to a friend of his here, he says that he is
in Omaha, at the hospital, with his boy
who is very sick and is reduced to al
most a mere skeleton.
H. Reed says skimming the milk by
the centrifngal process which he is now
doing this winter, is as much of an im
provement over the old way of setting
the milk and skimming by hand as the
self-binder is over the old fashioned
Now that another year has commenced
in which. Promise may whisper sweet
things to the soul, and Hope reassur
ingly smile as she points to flowery
paths of welcome ease that lead to more
prosperous and happier goals, do not
awaken Disappointment, Hate and
Trouble to fret and worry. Spit on the
hands and take a new hold, a fresh grip
on the throat of frowning Fate. Gather
reinforcements of Hope and Pluck to
aid in the coming battles of the year.
It is rumored that a certain young
man is about to or will in the near fu
ture form a tender alliance with a beau
tiful young lady, a blonde, who is not a
stranger in the family of the blue-eyed
writer, an alliance which will enable her
to share his bonny castle and unite the
two families in indissoluble bonds.
Long may they wave! Far be it from
us, and wielding the scepter of the preps,
to invade the sanctities of private life,
and we therefore withhold all names, as
we do not consider it best to tamper too
much with the secrets of the hearth
stone and the heart.
Staple and
Fancy Groceries,
Eleventh Street, -
We invite you to come and see us. We regard the interests of our
patrons as mutual with our own, so far as our dealings are concerned our
part of the obligation being to provide and offer
Good - Goods - at - Fair - Prices.
jerErERYTHING KEPT that is expected to be found in a first
class, up-to-date grocery store.
We have opened a complete line
We carry several of the very best lines of Ready-made
CLOTHING and guarantee style and fit. We purchased our
goods at just the right time which enables us to sell you a suit
for a very little money.
We were especially fortunate in buying this line before the
raise in prices and by securing the makes of the best manufactur
ers of the country. We cannot be excelled in style, fit and price.
Gents' Furnishings.
We have a most complete line of Gents' Furnishing Goods.
We meet all honest competition in goods and prices.
Eleventh St., COLUMBUS, NEB.
Established 1570.
MONEY TO LOAN ON FARMS at lowest rate of interest, on short or long time, in amount
to suit applicant n.
BONDED ABSTRACTERS OF TITLE to all real estate in Platte concty.
Reprint THE LEADING INSURANCE COMPANIES of the World. Oar farm policial, a
she most Iibrr.l in no. Losses adjusted, and promptly paid hie office.
Notary Public always in oilice.
Farm and city property for sale.
Make collections of foreign inheritances and ell steamship tickets to and from nil part
of Europe. lang'91-tf
lliotory Clnli.
The following officers were elected for
the ensuing term: Belle Ayere president,
Frank McTapgart secretary, Metta
Hensley vice president. The club meets
with Mamie Gluck Friday, January 17.
The program:
History David Boyd.
Eecitation Jean Wilson.
Current notes George Brodfnehrer.
Tocal solo Met ta Hensley.
Recitation Stella Elliott.
Pleasant paragraphs Ed. Thurston.
Piano duett Mamie GInck and FIos
Eie Whitmoyer.
Becitation-r-Madge Cushing.
Piano duett Fred. Williams and Carl
Eecitation Will Zinnecker.
Piano solo Gertrude Whitmoyer.
Weekly paper Mattie Post, Ruby
Rickly, Helen Jerome.
Real Etatj 1 ransrer.
Becher, Jajggi & Co., real estate agents,
report the following real estate transfers
filed in the office of tho connty clerk for
tho week ending January 11, 189(1:
John von Borsea to Albert von Bergen.
eeU, nU 1", nH sir 11, wJ e1 10.
all in 19-lw, and lots 5 and 9, bl ..
Lockncr's 1st add to Hcmprey. wd. OM0 00
Mary A Thomesin et al to Thomas
Thoraazin, jr., ne-4 ewli UMw, ud. eCO 00
Loaia Rider et al to Louisa A Bil
liard, lots 1, 2 and I. bl 7. Lost
Creek, wd
Leacdcr Gerrard to Anna Ilanitch, lots
4. Z and Q, bl S, Genard's add to Co
Iambcs, V7d
675 00
ICO 00
Four transfers, total.
... S 5,473 (0
Howells Journal: There is something
rather strange about tho way the small
streams are found nowadays. When the
ground froze up in November they were
dry and no water could be found in but
a few of them. "Sow nearly every one
has ice in them and on a few of them
cood skating can be found. When
spring opens nearly every one of them
will have rnnning water in them.
Madison Chronicle: Frank Nichols,
of Creston, was married New Year's day
to Miss Fannie Roberts, at the residence
of the bride's mother in Malvern, Iowa.
Wo have not the honor of the bride's
acquaintance, but we know the groom
to be a good, industrious, moral, high
toned young man, and tako friendly
pleasure in extending to himself and
wife our most felicitous congratulations.
Schuyler Quill: For some time a num
nr fzetabbors.
ber of the land owners ont northeast of
the city have been talking irrigation and
making preliminary arrangements for
same. This week they organized under
the state irrigation law and have adopted
by-laws and elected officers. Those in
the enterprise are James Hughes. D. C
McDowell, James X. Hill, Frank Hughes,
Otto Liefer. C.Baily and Mrs. Ed. Smith.
The officers elected at their meeting this
week are: James Hughes president.
James X. Hill secretary, and D. C.
McDowell treasurer. The company pro
poses building a dam in Shell creek
about a mile above the bridge northeast
of this city, and then construct the ditch,
running it in a southeasterly direction
about four miles and return it into the
same Btream lower down. This will be
the main ditch. Work has already com
menced on the ditch and the entire affair
will be watched closely, as others will
follow if this proves a success.
Every day is adding to our list of
subscribers, but there is yet plenty of
room for more. We give you now. The
Journal and the Lincoln Semi-weekly
Journal, both, one year, when paid in
advance, for 82.00. Subscription can
begin at any time. Now is the time to
subscribe. The Lincoln Journal is issued
Tuesdays and Fridays, and will give you
a mass of news that you cannot hope to
equal anywhere for the money. Both
for 82.00.
To Chicago and the East.
Passengers goingeast for business, will
naturally gravitate to Chicago as the
great commercial center. Passengers
re-visiting friends or relatives in the
eastern statea always desire to '"take in"
Chicago en route. All classes of passen
gers will find that the "Short Line" of
he Chicago, Milwaukee fc St. Paul Rail
way, via Omaha and Council Bluffs,
affords excellent facilities to reach their
destinations in a manner that will be
sure to give the utmost satisfaction.
A reference to the time tables will in
dicate the route to be chosen, and, by
asking any principal agent west of the
Missouri river for a ticket over the
Chicago, Council Bluffs & Omaha Short
Line of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St.
Paul Railway, you will be cheerfully
furnished with the proper passport via
Omaha and Chicago. Please note that
all of the 'Short Line" trains arrive in
Chicago in ample time to connect with
the express trains of all the great through
car lines to the principal eastern cities.
For additional particulars, time tables,
maps, etc.. please call on or address P.
A. Nash, General Agent, Omaha, Neb.
Subscribe for THr Joubxai. any
day. Fifty cents will get yo the paper
for the next three months, SL30 for the
next year.
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