The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, January 15, 1896, Image 2

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A VI " fluMkMA MaA4l Mlllt
l. t k fall at f ha writer.
We raaerra tba rfckt to reject say ararcm-t.
and cannot acre to retara the aaaae. We tear
a correapoadaat ia erery achool-distnct iT
Matte ooaaty. oa of jpod tednent, and re
liable ia erery way. Write alaialir. aeh iten
eparatoly. Give a fa eta,
The shortage of ex-treasnrer Bolln of
Omaha is now figured at $115,000, with
probably ten to twenty thousand to be
Whes will somebody give us a real
new fairy-story a story for children,
that is, a story that every judicious child
will buy to present to its parents?"
The reraarkablo new constitution
which is just going into operation in
South Carolina is reviewed in detail by
Albert Shaw in the January Review of
The Review of Renews for January
contains two cartoon maps suggesting
the wars, riots and rebellions that have
disturbed the peace of the world during
the year 1895.
It is now given out that Morgan &
Co. will take all the bond issue or none
at all. Give them none, and let the
common people be consulted about their
own business.
Hexkt Bolln, ex-city treasurer of
Omaha, was placed under. arrest Satur
day evening lost, the information charg
ing him with embezzlement and larceny
of city funds.
DriXG, Horace Greeley exclaimed,
"Fame is a vapor, popularity an accident,
riches take wings, those who cheer today
will cure tomorrow, only one thing
endures character."
"Chkistmas charity is a moral that
needs teaching all the year round, and
not merely at a season when mankind is
predisposed by plum-pudding to mistake
a good moral for a good book."
"The idea that a nation can fight a
desperate and long drawn out war with
nothing but paper and go to ruin in a
time of profound peace the moment the
gold standard fails, is too absurd for
serious consideration."
At Philadelphia they have instituted
a method of getting rid of their garbage
that is said to be very successful. It in
volves the use of electricity. It has long
been popularly believed that electricity,
in the shape of lightning, is a purifier of
the atmosphere.
The New York World sent out tele
grams last week to all the National
banks in the country asking them how
much they would subscribe to the new
government loan. We notice that the
four Fremont National banks replied
that they would take $50,000.
Mrs. Mattie Mveks, who for over
three years conducted a questionable
resort in Philadelphia, declares she paid
the police every week for protection.
When the payment ceased she was ar
rested and sent to prison and after being
incarcerated for a week she was dis
charged upon the payment of $100 to a
lawyer and to a private detective of the
district attorney.
The frontispiece of the January Re
view of Reviews is a reproduction of
what is known in Germany as Emjieror
William's cartoon. The Emperor did
not draw the picture, but gave the idea
and a rough sketch to an artist, approv
ed of the finished result, and presented
the original to the Czar of Russia. The
motive of the work is an exhortation to
the nations of Europe to "join in the
defense of your faith and your home."
It is stated that the city attorney of
Omaha is delaying action on a resolu
tion directing the legal department to
take immediate steps to obtain the
amount of Henry Bolln's defalcation
from his bondsmen. Attorney Connell
takes the position that it would bo use
less to go into court until the experts
have determined what part of the total
defalcation is to be charged to Bolln's
raspective terms of office. The experts
have been working at this phase of the
matter for some weeks and are said to
be yet far away from a definite amount.
Major Peakxax, who died recently at
his home in Omaha, was among the
earliest settlers in the state, locating at
Nebraska City in 1854. He was 65 years
old and one of the most genial of men,
fall of the milk of human kindness for
his friends, and a hot shot always ready
from a full box for bis opponents in any
contest He was a born humorist, seem
ingl and if there was a ludicrous side
to any event, he was sure to find it. He
was best known as "Squatter Governor"
' of the great state of Nebraska, and his
messages to the burlesque "Third House"
of the legislature were always an event
of the times, the hits on state politicians
being often "rich, rare and racy." Peace
to hw memory.
No one ever thought of introducing so
expensive a feature as lithographic color
work in the days when the leading mag
azines cold for $4.00 a year and 35 cents
a copy. But times change, and the
magazines change with them. It has
remained for The Cosmopolitan, sold at
one dollar a year, to put in an extensive
lithographic plant capable of printing
390,000 pages per day (one color). The
Jknnarv issue presents as a frontispiece
a water-color drawing by Eric Pape,
illustrating the last story by Robert
Ioais -Stevenson, which has probably
ever been excelled even in the pages of
the finest dollar French periodicals. The
cover of The Cosmopolitan is also chang
ed, a drawing of page length by the
Canons Paris artist Rossi, in lithographic
colors on white paper takes the place of
the aaanilla back with its red stripe.
" haiMT in In tiA a frmh BUT-
jtrie esoh month. i
We are in receipt of a copy of a
paper published at Kirksville, Missouri,
in the interest of the novel method of
the treatment of diseases called Osteop
athy. It seems that there is a large
school and hospital at that place devoted
to the teaching and the practice of this
new system of treatment without drugs.
The founder of the system was an allo
pathic physician, who lost three children
by spinal meningitis and says that this
put him to thinking and investigating,
and his general conclusions, as set forth
in this paper, are that man's body is a
machine, a wonderful, living machine,
and when all the parts (bones, tendons,
muscles, blood-vessels, .etc.,) are where
they ought to be, there is health; if any
are displaced, there is the contrary.
Food and water and pure air fed to the
machine, he claims, (with oversight by a
trained anatomist and physiologist when
anything goes wrong) are sufficient ordi
narily for the normal running of the
machine. Accidents, etc., may call for
the exceptional work of a surgeon. A.
T. Still is the deviser of the system and
pupils from his school have started out
to compete for business with the allo
paths, the homeopaths and all the other
"paths." One of these, F. D. Parker, was
brought into Justice Vien's court at
Council Bluffs the other day to answer
to a prosecution instituted by the Coun
cil Bluffs Medical society, the charge
being that Parker was "practicing medi
cine without a permit from the state
board of health." The account of the
proceedings in the trial iB very interest
ing, but too lengthy for us to copy. The
result was that there being no evidence
before the jury that Parker had ever
held himself out as a healer or that he
used medicine or surgical instruments,
the verdict was "not guilty," the defense
introducing no evidence. A number of
local physicians were present at the trial,
besides people and patients in sympathy
with the osteopath. One of these piped
forth from the jury box: "Was it a crime
for Jesus Christ to heal on the streets of
Jerusalem without a permit from the
state board of health?" "That's it,"
roared Finley, the attorney prosecuting,
with the angry blood rushing to his
face, and making it resemble a boiled
lobster: "bring on your crowd of hood
lums and let 'em cheer. If Jesus Christ
shonld come in town today and set up a
saloon on Broadway it would be a crime,
just as much as for any one else." Jus
tice Vien rapped for order, which, the
reporter wittily remarks, "came when it
got ready."
They get after some things in the
cities a little more closely than in small
places these days, and it is well enough
to keep track of what is going on. Dr.
Reilly of the health department of the
city of Chicago says that the alarming
increase of intestinal diseases is due
wholly to the drinking water. There it
is procured from the lake and the people
have been cautioned to boil it before
using it for drinking purposes, which
many have neglected to do, and conse
quently winter cholera is epidemic all
over the city. It is a disease of the
intestines and caused by drinking bad
or impure water. The health depart
ment of Chicago are making an analysis
of the water each day and claimed it is
improving, but still not fit to use for
drinking without boiling. The same
condition of things may be safely assnm-
j ed in most places in the country where
surface water, or water nearly at the
surface is used. There is, for instance,
here a big difference between the water
in the ordinary drive well, and in the
deeper wells which constitute the supply
for our city waterworks, and the water
of our very deep wells the artesian, ia
still purer.
A Wont for Cady.
The Schuyler Sun assures Congress
man Meiklejohn that while it would
have been proud to support him for a re
nomination, it cannot and will not at
present assist in gratifying his guberna
torial aspirations. The reason given is
that the Sun's choice for governor is
"the Hon. A. E. Cady, of St. Paul, and
as long as there is any chance of his
being a candidate he shall remain that
choice for the reason that the Sun be
lieves he is deserving of the nomina
tion." The boys up in this neck-o'-the-woods
are just no v- of theopiuion that
Mr. Cady would lie a mighty good man
to beat Si HolcouTb for congress with,
but he has not as yet given anyone
caiiso for believing that he desires po
litical honors of any nature whatever.
However, if he shonld decide to enter
the lists against Meiklejohn et al be
would have western Nebraska almost
solidly at his back and would make
serions inroads on the territory repre
sented by the other fellows. f St. PpuI
The Blair Pilot, supposed to be an
impartial observer at close range, of
affairs at Omaha says of the Bolln de
falcation: "To an outsider it looks as if every
possible effort of the bondsmen, the ex
perts put on the books, the Comptroller
whose office it was to Know the condition
of the city treasury nt all times and the
united effort of all the official power and
influence of the city except its mayor,
has been playing to screen Bolln and
his deputy and to deceive the public as
to the true state of facts."
It seems that three or four high-priced
experts have been on the treasurer's
books ever since Bolln's exposure' came
early last summer and they found prac
tically nothing so far as the public could
learn more than was known within the
first three days until an admission of
of the loss of a $77,000 bond item was
reluctantly forced from them a few days
since by outsiders and largely through
the efforts of the Bee.
The first reproduction of Mr. Percy
Ives's recent portrait of President Cleve
land is one of the many interesting
features of the January issue of The
Art Amateur, and the article on "Beards
leyism" extravagance is pertinent and
appropriate. The supplement of work
ing designs is full of the usual features
and the most popular colored supple
ment of the month is nndoubtedly the
beautiful sunny landscape by the Bel
gian painter Veyrassat, entitled "The
Last Load." The magazine is really a
marvel both in the richness and variety
of its contents and the beautiful care
and finish of its production. It is abso
lutely indispensable to every lady of
culture, and every man who appreciates
art in the lumsehold should see that at
least one copy cctnes in the house to stay
every month. Montague Marks, 23
Union Square, New York, Price 35
cents. $400 per annoro,
As to Ealaaa.
The war talk has not all'died away.
The atmosphere is pretty dear, and the
motives are pretty well understood all
around, but so far as our more-or-less
lineal cousins on the little island across
the big pond are concerned, we are pretty
much a unit in opinion.
It is good to compare notes and opin
ions occasionally, and so we give our
readers tho following, duly credited:
Chicago Tribune: Instead of appeal
ing to American authors for peace, these
Englishmen should appeal to their own
government tc do right This is just
what they have not done, however. They
have not even intimated that their gov
ernment might be wrong. They say:
"We want peace and our customary
profits. Help ns in preserving them by
admitting that England is right and
Venezuela and the United States wrong,
and the Monroe doctrine a musty tradi
tion which England is not bound to
Philadelphia Times: We feel that we
have made a reasonable suggestion to
Great Britain a suggestion such as one
gentleman might make to another not
merely in self-interest, but in the inter
est of a weaker neighbor. Our sugges
tion has been rejected in a manner that
touches our self-respect, and the nation
has very promptly indicated its deter
mination to make it a demand. Of
course this means that we will fight if
we must, or that we assume that England
does. It is simply that we do not intend
to be bullied, even by our nearest of kin.
AmrrlcM Protective Tariff Leajrae's Aa
bb1 Addr to Votrr Democratic Slo
gans Xo lAtager I lave Effect A New
Snare Invented by the Eaemy.
The annual address of the American
Protective Tariff league, prepared by
Hon. Joseph E. Thropp, at the request
of the board of managers, is as follows:
To the American Voter:
Since our last annual meeting much
has occurred to justify the organiza
tion and continued work of the league.
The protracted discussion of the tariff
by the enemies of the protective system,
who h'ad been intrusted by the vote of
1892 with the control of the govern
ment, and the widespread suffering
which resulted through their vicious
distortion of facts, had a tendency to
cause the more timid protectionists to
become discouraged, and they seemed
willing to compromise on almost any
terms. Some senators became so alarm
ed, as the couditioi. of the country con
tinued to grow worse under the strain,
that they feared to resort to extreme
measures to prevent the passage of a
tariff reduction law, lest their constitu
ents, in their anxiety for "peace at any
price, " might not sustain them.
We felt this depression, fear and un
certainty, but knew that the battle was
for tho industrial welfare of our people
and country, and we strongly urged sen
atois to resist tariff reduction to the ut
most, believing that a few weeks of un
certainty were far preferable to several
years under a bad law. AH did not re
sist as we had urged, and the result is
tho burden of a mongrel tariff law.
This law affords inadequate protection
to oar workinginen and industries,
fails to renew prosperous times and
does not afford enough revenue to meet
tho expenses of the government.
The league had to contend against
the discouragements referred to, but its
officers felt that the cause which we ad
vocated wad the people's cause, and
that the appeal should be niado to the
peoplo's representatives. Efforts to gain
needed support were systematically
pushed; means of reaching the people
through the press of the country were
largely increased; facts showing there
suits of tariff tinkering were carefully
gathered and widely circulated; whole
some truths were constantly presented
to tho thoughtful voter to show him the
dangers which confronted him. The wis
dom of this course has been fully vindi
cated. The revolution which took place
in the publio mind, as shown in Novem
ber last, has never been equaled in our po
litical history. Catch words or phrases
no longer blind the people. Such slogans
as "Tho tariff is a tax." "Robber bar
ons," "Taxing tho many to enrich tho
few," etc., no longer have effect
The nowly invented phrase, "Tariff
agitation most be suppressed because it
injures hu&iuess," is a purposely mis
leading snare of the enemy. The people
know that all American interests grew
and wero made stronger during the dis
cussion of the law of 1890, more and
inoro as it was made manifest that safe
protection of our industries would pre
vail, and not n single American interest
was injured. On tho other hand, after
the election of 1S93, as it became more
and more certain that protection would
be weakened, industry fter industry
felt the blighting effects of threatened
free trade, which culminated in the pas
sago of the Wilson-Gorman monstrosity.
The people aro in favor of protection.
They arc determined to have the Ameri
can markets for American products. If
those who should be their leaders and
champions lack courage, the American
voters do not
Now that a calm review of the situ
ation can be taken it seems proper to ex
press clearly tho views and policy of
the supporters of the league. We be
lieve that our country has varieties of
soil and climate enough to produce
nearly if not all that we as a people
need, and that hidden beneath the sur
face are mineral resources sufficient to
add to our comfort and wealth. We be
lieve in developing these under an
American policy and an American sys
tem of wages. We believe in considering
first our own markets tho best in the
world and protecting them; then we
favor trading with foreign nations where
the result is trade and not simply pur
chase in other words, reciprocal trade.
We know that if we produce what we
need and sell it within ourselves we as
a nation have both the products and the
money the wealth while if we per
mit other nations to produce and sell
to ns we may have their products, but
they will have our money.
Protection laws are not sectional, bnt
apply in their benefits to all portions of
our land. The people by their votes
have indorsed this view. For the first
time in many years the "solid south"
has been broken, and protectionist sen
ators have been elected from the south
to help restore the United States senate
to the friends of protection. The people
have learned that no wall divides the
north from the south, the east from the
west The tariff laws, which have en-
The advocacy and discussion of a
lower, tariff have invariably brought
ruin and destruction; bnt on the con
trary, the advocacy and discasrion of
protection have brought success and
stability to every American interest
We do not believe in a tariff for rev
enue with incidental protection, bnt we
do believe in a tariff for adequate pro
tection. We know that the wisdom of
he friends of jo4eotionwill, lathe fu-
tmre as in the past be capable of devis
ing means to supply all the revenue that
is needed to maintain the pablic credit
We have full faith in the patriotism
and wisdom of the people. We will
push forward the work of the league
ia all sections of our land, feeling that
in the end the policy of protection will
be restored in full effect, and that some
of the immense losses that we have gof
fered will be regained.
Democratic Boaster's TrnnMe.
Taw Canmtry Iaaadatetl With Oowna of
Feel-a Maawfactnre.
I imagine women would open their
pretty eyes wide at the idea of their
owing anything to their own city. Bnt
they do. They owe to their own country
a sort of loyalty that will make it fear
no competition with the luxury venders
of other countries. I once heard a most
excellent woman a modiste with a
clientele of a high class agontaingJbver
the great national question of protection
or no protection with such frenzied
earnestness that I was compelled to ask
her why it touched her in such personal
fashion. She was for protection. "Touch
me," she answered tragically. "Of
course it touches nic. Free trade, and
the country is inundated with the gowns
that I now import for my ladies, ladies
who will wear nothing of Americau
What a great people the Americans
would be if the women, on tho contrary,
would wear nothing that was not of
American manufacture. How easily
they could set the fashions for the world
if, with their wealth, independence and
love of luxury, they chose to be leaders
where now they are satisfied to copy and
follow. Jeannetto H. Walworth.
The New York Costota Iloase Is Taxed t
the Utmost Handling Imports.
A stroll through the wholesale dry
goods district of New York citj will
convinco the most skeptical that whole
sale houses, largo and small, are taking
advantage of this era of Gorman free
trade to buy everything in their lino
anywhere but in the United States. The
sidewalks along tho dry goods sections
are blocked with thoso strong, heavy
boxes bearing tho inscription "Made in
England," "Made in France," "Made
in Germany," eta
This looks to tho casual observer like
good times and prosperity, but ieu we
consider that each one of these foreign
boxes and bales throws a dampening
shower on our own furnace fires, and that
the prosperity is over tho water and not
here, the whole business assumes an
other aspect An employee of the New
York custom house has stated that dar
ling his 20 years of service ho has never
before seen such a volume of imports as
is now entering the country. The whole
custom house force as well as many sub
stitutes are employed on full time. This
is prosperity for tho custom house em
ployee, bnt it is destitution for the
American workman.
Meeker Missed Fire.
The state department recently circu
lated a report from Consul Meeker, Brad
ford, England, to the effect that Ameri
can woolen goods were being sold in the
Bradford market Oar worthy consul
went off at half cook. After firing off
his first report ho proceeded to investi
gate the subject, learning that one soli
tary case of samples of American cloth
had been furnished only to one Bradford
house to try and have their fabric placed
,in the Indian and South African mar
kets. Consul Meeker's anxiety to find a
foreign market for American goods, now
that our wall of protection has been
smashed down, evidently got the better
of his discretion. The state department
ought not to have circulated such a story
without proper investigation at this end
at least Inquiries should have been
made from our manufacturers and ex
porters. Democracy and Deficiency.
The way to stop loans is to stop de
ficiencies. The reserve is sure to be
drained if you cut off the supply. The
outflow of gold will never trouble us
when the inflow of gold is only large
enough. Loans and deficiencies seem to
be inseparable from the Democratic
party, and we should ever remember
that we cannot replenish the treasury of
a government by impoverishing the peo
ple who sustain the government Home
prosperity is the key to an easy treasury
and a high credit Governor William
Bennett's Paper Happy.
French trade statistics for January
show an increase of nearly $11,250,000
in exports. This gain, which amounts
to 25 per cent, "is attributed chiefly to
the recovery in trado with the United
States on the change in tariff," a fact
that shonld be noted by the producers of
American raw material, by American
farmers, by American manufacturers
and by American wage earners.' '
Tin Plato Imports.
Tin plate imports at New York dur
ing tho five months ending Jan. 31,
1895, when the Gorman tariff was
in operation, aggregated 93, 494, -155
pounds as compared with imports of
72,024,037 pounds dnring the corre
sponding months a year earlier.
Wait TU1 the Whistle Blows.
When President Cleveland was inau
gurated two years ago, Duffy Bros., silk,
manufacturers of this village, muzzled
their factory whistle, and it has not been
blown since, the working people going
to and from their work without its me
lodious sound. The whistle will be again
blown in 1897 with the inauguration of
a Republican president and good old
times. Fort Plain (N. Y. ) Free Press.
Oar Fires Won't Bam.
No matter what kind of a currency
we have, it will not rekindle furnaces
and employ idle men so long as wo go
jtbroadfor our products which can be
made at home because of the cheaper
labor prevailing there. Governor SVil-
Uam McKinley. i
Frnitarowers Interested,
The prnnegrowers of California will
be interested to learn that under the
Gorman tariff np to Jan. 31, 1895, ths
imports of foreign prunes at New York
amoanted to 9,818,417 pounds as com
pared with 5,172,220 pounds imported
dnring the corresponding five months a
year earlier. Tariff reform has taken
away a market for 4,200,000 pounds of
California prunes in five months. This
is aot a theory. It is a ooaditioa shown
frocmstcqkmae import rttmras.
eBaE SeL. eaVBalB aaaV
the Shadow of General Unaldattest
FeU Orer the Doorstep of Natteaal Pros
perityLosses That Amonnted to Three
Times the Cost of the Civil War.
Various estimates have been made of
the cost to the country of the Fifty-third
congress and of the present free trade
administration. It is difficult to arrive
at a true estimate of the loss that the
people have suffered through, their folly
in November, 1892. This period of our
history has been concisely described by
Messrs. Clapp 8b Co., the New York
bankers, in their weekly circulars. On
Nov. 11, 1892, they said:
"The recent election shows the people
want to speculate. "
Four months later, on March 17, 1893,
shortly after the inauguration of Presi
dent Cleveland, they said:
"The shadow of general liquidation
falls over the doorstep of national pros
perity." Three months later, on June SO,
Clapp's circular said :
"The credit panic appears to have
crossed the continent, and scarcely four
months have passed and a billion of rep
resentative money has disappeared. "
In their 1893 souvenir they show that
the ?o railway receiverships rendered
necessary, that year involved an indebt
edness amonutingto$l,212,21?,033 and
the total liabilities of banks suspended
was $210,998,808. The business shrink
age in textile trades was almost $40,
000,000 and in other industries over
Adding the record of the trade fail
ures they found that the disaster brought
npon the country by the free trade party
during 1893 was "equal to about 25 per
cent of the annual production averago
for the conntry during tho past decade."
Our artist has explained the extent of
the disaster for tho two full years from
March, 1893, to March, 1894. Accord
ing to the record of the bank clearings
the shrinkago In business was $5,GG5,
000.000, during the first six months
only that this new tariff has been in
force, below tho amount of business
done during tho first six months when
the McKinley tariff was in operation.
Progression and Protection.
Interest in the cotton states in the in
ternational exposition to open in Atlanta
on Sept 18 next is spreading. The in
dications are that the exposition will be
particularly instructive to southern peo
ple because it must show them to how
high a degree of skill and advancement
American manufacturing interests have
progressed through the instrumentality
of a protective tariff. The moro this
fact is impressed npon the south the bet
ter will it be for the entire country.
California Fruit Cheapened.
Nearly 4,000,000 pounds moro of for
eign prunes were imported at New York
during the first half year's operation of
the new tariff than in the corresponding
months a year earlier. California fruit
growers will note this.
Within the last week we have made
arrangements so that we can furnish to
our readers the Chicago Weekly Inter
Ocean and Columbus Journal, when
paid in advance, at $1.75. tf
Kins Solomon's Notion
That ''There is nothing new under the
sun" does not always convey the truth.
Especially is this true as regards the
new composite cars now operated daily
via The Chicago, Union Pacific and
Northwestern Line between Salt Lake
City and Chicago.
These handsome Buffet Smoking and
Library Cars are entirely new through
out, of latest design, contain all modern
improvements, and are well supplied
with writing material, the leading daily
papers, illustrated periodicals, maga
zines, etc.
Tho fact that these cars run daily via
"The Overland Limited" and that the
Union Pacific was the line west of
Chicago to inaugurate this service should
commend itself to all.
See that your tickets read via "The
Overland Koute."
The l'arailior or tlif Pacific.
Three grand tours to Honolulu,
Hawaiian Islands, "The Paradiso of tho
Pacific," via Union Pacific system and
Oceanic Steam Ship Co. Leaving Omaha
the morning of Jan. lGth, Feb. 11th, and
March 6th. Only nine days from Omaha
to Honolulu. $205.00 for the round trip,
including stateroom and meals on steam
ers. Tickets good for nine months, with
stop-over privileges, For information
and tickets apply to J. it. jueagner.
The State ok Nebraska. )
Lonntyor riatte, )
Ia the county conrt, in and for paid counly. In
ll:e mailer 01 ine ;iiaie 01 rnuu iicuuuii,
deceased, late of said county.
county, holden at the county jndsea othce in
Columbufc, in said county on the tenth day of
January A. D. 169t5. present. J. N. Kilian, county
judo. On reading and filing the duly verified
letition of Anna Frenkintr ptaying that letters
of administration be issued to her on the estate
of said decedent.
Thereupon, it is ordered that the fourth day of
February, A. D. 1806, at 10 o'clock, a. m 1
assigned for th9 hearing of said petition at the
county judge's office in said county.
And it is farther ordered, that due legal notion
be given of the pendency and hearing of said
petition by publication in TheColcubcs Jocn
NAL for three consecutive weeks.
(Copy of the order.)
J. N. KlUAN,
County Judge.
Dated Columbus, Keb Jan. 10. 1SW5. 15jan3
I of a chattel mortgage dated I cbrnary 1.
cf .-J .ll- filial wl MMvFflwl tn tnn nfnPA nr
the county clerk of Polk county. Nebraska, on
tue sza aav or reorunr, ijw, uu rcv-un-u n
Rev. John Moneta to John Wagner, to secure the
payment of $61.00. with interest nt 1 per cent per
annum from February 1st. 1893. npon which
there is owimr at the date hereof 65.0t. together
with $3 additional as liquidated damages for
non-fulfillment of contract on December 1st.
1810, making f 70.09: default having been made
in the conditions of Mid mortgage and no pro
ceedings at law having been instituted to recover
said ram, therefore the undersigned will sell the
property described In said mortgage, viz: Hix
chairs, six chairs, one dining table, one parlor
table, one wash stand, one glaM cupboard, one
bureau, one lounge, one lounge, one mattress,
one rocker, one wardrobe, one kitchen table,
one cupboard, two pictures, one bedstead, one
fcpring one. one bedstead, one spring one. one
mattress, being for St. Mary's Polish church in
Polk county, Nebraska, at public auction in the
room in rear of Wagner's saloon, on Kleventn
street. Colnmbnn, Nebraska, on Saturday, tob
rnary 1st. 1898, at 1 o'clock, p. m., of said day.
iyan-K Mortgagee.
wuewioK interior, aout in quaiuy ana quantity, xne umana uee, always to the front or the newspapers in the
west, has long been recognized as one of the leading publications in the conntry. It has done more, and is now
doing more, toward the upbuilding the great west, than any other paper.
About two years ago its publishers, determined to bring The Weekly
cotnutuj ui i vnu sram nuu tun Dwiw iiuiucuutieijr aujuiauig iieunwKs, put ine price aown to 3 uents per year
an unheard of figure for a 12-page weekly publication. This price still prevails. Mot content with this, the publish
ers of The Bee cast about for some additional first-class nublication of national refutation, to r.ffor with Tka n of
a price that would not exceed the figure usually charsed for a sinirle weeklv naner. Last venr the Knr Vnrb TVihnno
(Horace Greeley's paper) was secured and this paper was offered with the Weeklv Bee for 90 Cents per year. A simi
lar arrangement has been made this year. In addition, a similar contract has been made with the Cincinnati Enquir
er, a paper that ranks as high among the Democratic publications of this country as the Xew York Tribnne does
among the Republican newspapers.
To sum up we make the following four offers for this season, confident that they are equalled nowhere, either,
in the quality of matter published, nor in the quantity of good, up-to-date reliable news.
The Omaha Weekly Bee,
12 Pages Each Week,
65 Cents Per Year.
The Weekly Bee,
The Weekly New York
Tribune and
The Weekly Cincinnati
All Three for One Year for vlilija
HENRY DUI8KEN. defendant, will take
notice that on the 8th day of January,
1MM. Charles lteinke. plaintiff herein, filed hist
petition in tho district court of Platte county.
Nebraska, against said defendant, tin object
and prayer of which are to foreclose a certain
mortgage executed by the defendant and Sophie
Duidken to the plaintiff upon th north half of
lots seven and eight, in block one hundred and
thirteen, city of Columbus. Flat!? county, Ne
braska, to secure the piyuient of two certain
prtmitory notes dated September 30th. lsitt, for
tiieauiii of $i.-.00 each and due and payable
one anil two years, respectively from tho date
thereof, that there i now due upon said notes
and niortKatfe the sum of 3tr).00 with interettt at
U .percent, from April 1-t. lfiil. for uhich sum
with interest from April ltt, lsUI. and for Uxxvn
and insurance aidamountiuijto$".0.00, plaintiff
prays for a decree that defendant be required to
pay tho same or tiiat said premies maybe sold
to satisfy the amount found due.
You are required to answer said etition on or
before the 'JUhday of February. l-'.M.
Dated January 12th. l!M.
McAlustek & Coiinelii's, I'laintitT.
Att'jrt. l.'janl
ik;a!j notice.
In tiie matter of the estate of John M. Penrce,
NOTICE is hereby given I hat in pursuance of
an order of J. J. Sullivau, jude of the
district conrt of Platte county, Nebraska, made
tin the Mh day of June. 1MO. for the sale of the
real tate hreiuaftT dcrilvd. there will bo
sold a! public vendue the following described
real estate, to wit: The south half of the south
went quarter of section lifteen, in townshio
nineteen north, of rane four west of the fith
principal meridian in Platte county, Nebraska,
feubjeet to the first mortgage thereon.
Said sale will be held at the county judge's
oiliee. in ( olumbus. in said county, on the 10th
day of February, lftW, at 1 o'clock p. m.
Executor of tho last will of John M. Pearce,
deceased. IjanS
TAKEN 11'.
At my premises, eleven miles north of Colum
bus, in Mierman townsmp, December 31,
nlKHit four jears old. one white hind foot, white
spot in face, branded on the left shoulder, weighs
about seenhRudrrd pounds. Owner will prove
property and i.iy chances.
ir.jau'.t llENUV llOBBESSIEFKr.X.
Columbus State Bank,
In the Stale of Xebraxka, at the close of
business, December i', ISITk
Loans and discounts $M0,.V.r. 99
Overdrafts, secured and unsecured . 1.731 37
Other stocks, Ixinds. and mortgages.. l,7Ui 31
Due from National Rank-; ti,C3.1 01
Iiankimr. house, furniture and fixture
and real estate H,7til t"
Current exoensv and tuxes iid 2.41S 17
Checks and other cu-di items Ks 81
Bills of other Banks .".,889 U0
Fractional pnor currency, nickels,
and cents KB 15
Specie :V-gl wo
Total $131.50! :
Capital slock ikwI in S 83,(
Undivided profits S,HC T7
Individual deposits subject to check.. ?,rU X
Demand certificates of deimsit IB.iW 73
Time certificates of deXsit t.'i,:w. 79
Total Slsi.MrjM)
Statk of Nkbiiaski, u.
County or Platte s"
I, M. llriiKKer. cashier of the aboie-naiiied
bank, do solemnly swear that the above state
ment is true to the best of my knowledge and
lelief. M. Brcocf.u.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 8th
day of January. 18'.".
II. F. J. HocKrNBEUflES,
Notary Public.
uepokt oh' niK coxurriox OF
Commercial - Bank
.-1 Volttuibit?, in the Stai-' of Xrbrnsktt,
at the close of business
Deeemlter ."7, .V.7.
Loans and Ilisconnttt $
Overdrafts, secured find inibtcured...
Due from National Itmkri
IiankinK lb. use, furniture and fix-
Current exientes and taxes inid
Other real estate
Checks and other cath items
Kills of other tanks,
Fractional pnier currency, nickels',
flDU Ctrdffe
y It?
Legal-tender notes
13I.0.V! 31
1.310 41
fi,71l i
11,2: 08
a,?ji a
5S1 27
1,243 CO
! 32
1.3S-2 53
1,070 00
Total .
.$ IS2,W 88
Capital Stock paid in $ P9.0OO CO
Undivided profits 8,'.i53 60
Individual deposits Mioject to check. Ib,4.x l.'I
Demand certificates of deposit ,tl5 6a
Time certificates of deposit 33.705 37
Bills payable 5,1X0 00
XOI&l ? i t
.$ 1K,.V!3 Srt
State or Nebk sk , ,.
County of Platte. ) "3-
I, C. II. Sheldon, president of the alove
named bank, do solemnly swear that the above
statement is true to the beet of my knowledge
anil belief. C. II. Sheldon.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 6th
day of January, l'.i.
W. 51. Cobseucc,
Notary Public.
My commies;oR espires rebrnary 15, Iwtf.
Of the coiiditioii of the Coluinbus Land, Loan
and Building Association of Columbus, Ke-
bi-asi.a, on the 31st day of December, 79J.
Loans secured by stock of this asso
ciation ,WJ M
KvninhM nnil fATP4 Tiaiil 2.271 H.
Cash with treasurer 1,137 3."i
v oi-t on
41w"V teV
Capital stock, iaid up
? fl
.. e,7S8
.. 1V.958 10
... 1.503 SO
rremiums paiu ,..,-,
Interest received...
Fines collected
Entry and t ranf er f tf
744 73
Xotd ..... ...91l,&l3 M
State of N'kiuhnka, )
Platto County, ?"" , .
I, Henry IIockenberRer, secretary of the
abore named association, do solemnly swear
that the foregoing statement of tho condition of
said association, is true and correct to the Lost
of my knowledge anil belief.
IIexry Hcckemdebokr.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this 7th
day of January. 1SW. u1SsBmaw
Notary Public.
V.H. Weaver. )
H. I. Mcrdocx. f tiirectort.
L. O. ZisjntotiB, )
When Sebcthg Ynr Reading Matter
will, no doubt, decide on securing the best,
The Weekly Bee and
The Weekly New York
Both One Tear for 90c.
All orders must be accompanied by the cash, in the shape of Postoffice
money order.-Express money order or bank draft. If currencv or silver be
sent, it is safer to register the letter. No stamps of larger denomination than
2 cents are accepted.
Sample copies are sent free on application. Commissions allowed on
clubs of three or more subscriptions.
Address all orders to
THE OMAHA BEE, Omaha, Neb.
i m -. A
ureat Prize Contest.
1st Prize, KNABE PIANO, style
2d Prize, Cash, ...
3d Prize, Cash, . . . .
10 Cash Prizes, each $20, -15
Cash Prizes, each $10,
28 Prizes, ... - $1300
The first prize will be eiren to the person who constructs the. shurte;.
sentence, in English, containing all the letters in the alphabet. Tin: oth-r
prizes will go in regular order to those competitors whose sentences stun J
next in pofnt of brevity.
The length of a sentence is to be measured by the number of letters it
contains, and each contestant must indicate bv figures at the close of hU
sentence just how long it is. The sentence must have some meaning.
Geographical names and names of persons cannot be used. The contest
closes February liith, 18, and the results will be published one week
later. In case two or more prize-winning sentences are equally short the
one tlrst received: will be given
sentence is less than 116 letters in length will receive Wilkie Collin-' work
in paper cover, including twelve complete novels, whether he wins a pri.e
or not No contestant can enter more
other competitors. Residents of Omaha are not iK-rtnitted to take :nt
part, directly or indirectly, in this contest. Piano now on exhibition ,-u
Hayden Bros.' Music Store, Omaha, Neb.
This remarkably liberal offer is madebv the Weekly
of which the distinguished ex-congressman,
WILLUI j. MYM. is EdilH.
and it is required that each competing sentence be eudov.Ml with onedolhtr
for a year's subscription. The Weekly World-Herald is issued in semi
weekly sections, and hence is nearly as good as a daily. It is the western
champion of free silver coinage and the leading family newspaper
neorasKa. Aaaress,
gasmesx otites.
Advertisement 8 under this head five cent 6 a
lineoach insertion.
WM.SCIIILTZ makes boots and ahoeaintha
lMt style, and uaes only the very best
stock that can be procured in the market. 52-tf
trOuruitationHof thnm&rketaareobtained
Tuesday afternoon, and are correct and reliable
at IOH11I110.
all III a I j
Hhelled Corn l.i
m mj VT v
Flonr in r.oo lb. Iota $ 4 SOflg U)
Butter 121'iUlS
Potatoes , Ui
Fat hogs J3 0033 20
Fatcows $i 501'.! :
Vatsheep SI 5063 25
Kat steers 2 7"r3 00
pewters ft 25i2 5t
When You AVant Your
Insured . . .
Or yonr personal property protected
from loss by FIRE. LIUHTNING or
CYCLONES, eall at the office of
Three doors north of First National
Bank. Nono but first-class companies
represented. 4sepy
Drink Habit .
Als Tobacco, Morphine and
other Narcotic Habits.
SSBPrirate treatment given if desired.
ocLEns ix
Eleventh Street. Columbus. Neb
W. A. MuAllisteu.
W. M. Cobxelics
Special attention giveo to Criminal
Office: Corner Eleventh and North Sts.
Office over First National Bank,
Southwest corner'Kieventh and North Streets.
Mjalf-y Counties, Nobasa,
especially if the best costs less than
Bee into every farmhouse in the west,
The Weekly Bee and
The Weekly Cincinnati
Both One Tear for 90c.
100 K
60 g
150 g
preference, fcverv competitor whose
than one sentence nor combine hiiIi
Weekly World Herald. OmaDa. Neb.
Eat3.T3lia2l.oa 1332.
First National Bant,
Capital Stick Paid in $100,000.00
ornscss ivo s!3e:x3s:
A. ANOEitSON. Preh't,
J. II. fiALLKV, Vice PnVf.
O. T. KOKN. (Wiier.
We keep on hand at
all times a full stock of
the best grades of Penn
sylvania Anthracite
Rock Springs and oth
er soft Coals always on
hand. Give us a call.
Ua Heat Market
Fresh and
Salt Meats.
Game and Fish in Season.
J$rHighest market prices paid for
Hides and Tallow.
We Carry Coffins, Caskets ait
Metallic Caskets at as low
prices as any one.
EKi z WjfSxStKjfj)
. i
-" -1:
i -
. i.