The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, January 15, 1896, Image 1

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    -" ige'twbieTtryit--TZi,---- ?
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or rags, the cast-off
clothing ot several
generations, which
she eternally cut
, . . into strips, sewed
together, and wound into balls. In
course of the transmigration of matter,
These balls were woven into carpet
more comfortable than artistic.
However, as my mother said, no book
could be written that would contain
more of th family history than this
carpet. With what prid old Aunt Sal
lie used to pick out the different bits.
They had for her a human interest;
.-memories of joys and pain, of, journeys
and rests, of comfort and pride and af
fection were associated with each
threadbare shied.
. . There was the last bit of an old blue
coat, which had been buttoned over
. manly hearts as far back as the Rcvolu
lion; it had been the Sunday coat in
whicli seeral generations of farmer
lads had been made uncomfortable,
and it had held its color almost to the
ering shoulders, a blanket about weary j
Aunt Sallie lived alone, though the
neighbors often said it was not safe.
Her only son had settled in the West,
and sometimes made a journey to see
bis mother, but never could persuade
her to go back with him. or change her
mode of living. She liked to sit by har
MOXG the memo
ries of childhood,
is that of an old
dame I used to visit
with my mother.
She was always
seated in the midst own fireside, to light her evening candle
and read a chapter of the Bible, and
wind up the old family clock, and, as
she said, "she-eould go to bed mistress
and rise up master."
It was Just before Thanksgiving that
David, the son, had come with his wife
and little ones to spend this home
gathering holiday with the old mother.
They thought to surprise her. Ap
proaching the cottage they saw the
friendly light, and quietly stole Up to
the window to see what she was doing
within. Sure enough, there she sat
peacefully reading her chapter. As
they looked, she dozed over her book,
the candle was very near, her head
nodded towards it. The frill of her cap
caught the flames. In an instant her
gray hair was in a blaze.
David rushed to the door. It was
carefully locked. Flinging himself
against it with all his might, the old
door yielded. Catching up a strip of
rag carpet from the floor, he threw it
about the form of his mother and
smothered out the fire. Her hair and
' ; jTTITrjP,
I hM Prodact. of the Sea That An
ril la Anatolian Water.
Sidney Letter to Boston Transcript:
Several varieties of fishes which have
long disappeared from other parts of
the world are still represented in New
South Wales. Among these are the ces
tracion, or Port Jackson shark, whose
teeth resemble those of the fossil acro
dis, found in mesozoic deposits, and the
ceratodus, an existing ganoid, otherwise
exclusively represented in the trlas
formation, its anatomy showing a con
necting link between a lizard and a
fish. Among other remarkable fish
found in these waters several may be
enumerated. The frog fish, belonging
to the order pediculati, has fins adapted
for walking on the ground rather than
for swimming, and is found floating in
shore among marine plants from which
it is with difficulty distinguished owing
to Its great resemblance to them in
point of color. The hopping fish, a va
riety of gobil, or sea gudgeon, has its
fin developed into legs, so that the ani
mal is able to leap among the mud
flats which it frequents. The eyes of
the fish are curiously placed at the top
of Its head and are capable of being
thrust far out ot their sockets and of
moving independently of one another.
The hippocampus, or sea horse, so
named from a resemblance in the shape
of the head and fore part of the body
to that of the horse, is a very singular
fish, but the phyllopteryx Is, perhaps,
the most remarkable fish of Australia,
if not of the world. It is like the ghost
of a sea horse, with Its winding sheet
all In ribbons around It. Its tattered
cerements are in shape and color like
the sea weed it frequents, so that it
hides and feeds with safety. The
dugong (halicore Austral is) was for
merly met with at the mouths of the
Richmond, Tweed and Brunswick
rivers, but it is seldom now seen south
of the Brisbane river. In Queensland.
It resembles the porpoise in shape and
size, but has no dorsal fin. The skin
is heavy and thick, and is said to make
excellent leather. The habits of this
animal are those of a graminivorous
ruminant, its stomach being exactly
like that of an ox. It frequents the
flats and shallows along the margin of
the shore and feeds upon the grass
which is found thereon. Like the whale
family, it suckles its young, is warm
blooded, and therefore is incorrectly
described as a fish. The dugong at
tains a large size, sometimes measuring
fourteen feet long and ten feet in girth.
An animal of such dimensions would
weigh about 300 pounds.
Now in HU Cac Stadying the Big Ape.
of the Primeval forest Second Jonr
aey to the Interior or Africa to Leara
the Language of Monkey
GARNER'S GORILLAS. & eo. Not ur from
the BUnday World the chimpanzees
have musical instruments around
which they hold a dance, while there
are tribes of savages so low and" brutal
as never to have Invented a musical in
strument; Monkey tribes, gorilla tribes and
chimpanzee tribes are organized. They
have leaders and governors. They
seem to have a rude system of govern
ment of the forest.
Each appears to have a special coun
try of his own into which the others
larely penetrate. They have mysteri
ous calls, periodical conventions and
regular times for Joyful gatherings.
This is the greatest place for scien
tific inquiry on earth, first, because it
is the oldest known field of human oc
cupancy, and second because it has
been wholly neglected. This is a virgin
forest and a virgin field for exploration
and discovery.
edge of civilization,
about to plunge in
to the depths of the
African forest.
These are the last
words I shall send
before I disappear.
Where and when I
.shall come out I
do not know.
I am now writing
a Ambrizettc, Angola, and it is the
16th day of October. It is unlikely that
anything will be heard from me for
some months. It is, of course, possible
that I may never again reach civiliza
tion and that this manuscript will be
my last, writes Prof. Garner to the New
York World.
But if my journey is as successful as
I expect it to be, it will be surprising in
its results and rapid in execution. I
intend now to strike out for the Bolura
bo country and into the interior or
darkest Africa.
Here I shall again resume my ex
periments with the native gorillas and
hope to complete the alphabet of the
native language of the ape. which 1
was compelled to abandon during my
first visit here a year ago.
I hope to cross Esyria to the Rembo
Nkani and. via Fernan Vaz Lake, into
the Lake Izanga country, where I shall
A New -Ailment.
, It is veryjiard for our six-year-old
boy to be quiet in church. After one
particularly restless session, we prom
ised him a severe punishment if it oc
curred again. The next Sunday morn
ing, instead of being in his usual high
spirits, he was languid and heavy-eyed,
with scarcely a word or smile. There
was much sickness about, and seized
with sudden apprehension, I exclaimed:
"Papa, that boy is certainly ill. He
hasn't seemed natural this morning.
I'm sure he looks pale."
Calling the child to me to sec if he
were feverish, I said:
"Are you sick this morning, dear?"
"Oh no," he replied with a tone of
great resignation. "I ain't sick; I'm
only gettin ready to be good." Ram's
A Subject That U Not Vet EaMcteatly
A physician has called attention to
the necessity of a wider range of sys
tematized data on the relation between
weather and disease. That the various
atmospheric changes should have some
effect on our bodies is easily under
stood, for we know that alteration in
the surface temperature, a change in
the blood pressure, or in the air pres
sure of the lungs may affect the nervous
system, and all these changes may be
brought about by some peculiarity in
the natural phenomena which we call
weather. In recent years the subject
has attracted the attention of those
most competent to deal with it. and
lately a meteorological station has been
attached to the laboratories of the pub
lic health department at Rome, where
lectures arc given to students on the
application of meteorology to hygiene.
At present our knowledge of the way
Braatlfal Arcfciteetaral 9p.elai.aa to K
Seen la Small Town.
It was my privilege to see ten of the
cathedrals of England, and situated, as
some of them are, in small towns, one
comes on visiting them to know more
of the. life of the people than the tour
ist can attain who flies from one great
city to another, says a writer in the
Springfield Republican. Each traveler
will have his favorite among them, and t
all have their excellencies and defects.
Some of them are partially spoiled
by the smoke of tbe town, and any
restoration ought to be welcome that
will clean It off. Such is the case with
York and Lincoln, and. to a greater ex
tent, with Peterborough, whose mag
nificent facade, or rather architect's
conception of it, is best appreciated by
the study of a photograph. . As the
English are not inclined to the apo
theosis of dirt, they have in many
cases removed the disgrace in recent
Wiunlras - State - Bank I
in which the weather acts upon the body ycars' and Peterborough itself is now
is very limited. An attempt to trace made glorious within, in all the marvel
the relation between weather and ous beaut-v of It8 cream-white stone,
disease has recently been made in Eng- .' Wne these buildings are not in smoky
iand by a fellow of the Royal Metcoro- towns tne atmosphere, after the lapse
logical Society, by bringing together a of aBes. has sometimes heightened the
number of statistics dealine with the arcnitecturai effect, so tnat h.iy grows
v lales Lms m Sea.
faW IMaTT MaFrl C
OfclMC. Kw Yk as, a
mis t huh in : txoxiri.
phenomena of the weather and some
well-known diseases, chiefly zymotic,
presenting them by a graphic method
in a systematic manner. It is sug
gested that doctors generally make con
tributions to the available data on this
old gracefully, and Salisbury even
beautifully. Salisbury and Canterbury
seem well-nigh perfect. In Durham
the marble columns are marred by a
puerile fluting: the towers of York arc
not all finished. The wonderful cen-
subject, which would be of extreme I lraI tower or Lincoln has lost its p.n
value. There are few people, too. who j nacles; the great facade of Peterbor
could not give Instances of the influence ' ouSh is out of proportion to the build-
which the weather has upon them,
either mentally or physically. On some
constitutions the seasons have a marked
influence. With many the spring, with
last honest bit of dyed in the
There were the mortal temains of an
old gray shawl, which had been identi
fied with the family for ears and years.
If there were romance, and chivalry,
and hospitality in the family record,
they were woven in the warp and woof
of this old shawl. In the days of its
prime it had crossed the ocean. The
gallant young husband of that eld day
had lovingly tucked it under the chin
of his dimpled bride, that the breeze
that blew across the world might not
visit her too roughly.
It was always a gatment that could
be loaned to a friend who was caught
out in cold or storm. It hung in
graceful folds from the shoulders of the
grand and stately dame, or was
bunched awkwardly about the dumpy
little woman whose face beamed good
naturedly above it. It survived the
rise and fall of big sleeves and narrow
ones. Amid the fashion of capes and
coats, it held its own.
The grandmothers of the family each
in turn had sat crooning by the fire,
carefully cuddling this bundle of shawl
which, being unwrapped fold after fold,
was found to contain (like a kernel in
the shell) a red-faced, half smothered
baby. It was used as a covering for
ihe couch, it was thrown over the back
of the invalid's chair, or tucked into the
old-fashioned dearborn when the fam
ily drove to meeting. It was taken to
picnics and spread upon the grass on
which some loving swain reclined at
his mistress' feet, and as i; grew old
and feeble it was caught on brush and
brter and torn in little snags here and
there. At last Aunt Sallie got her own
reluctant consent to its reincarnation.
in the form of rag carpet.
I used sometimes to want to take a
bright new bit of cloth to the old worn
nnfCP her carpet, but my mother said
no; better let her alone; the old bits
are more to her; besides they tone in
together, and are all of a piece." The
life of the old dame was of the same
piece also, shreds and memories.
This was my primary lesson in the
harmonious relation of one thing to
another, which dates further back thau
Delsarte. even to the injunction not
to put new cloth upon old garments.
My childish interest in the old dame
was not unmixed with contempt for her
menial occupation. "Think of it.
mother!" said I. "not to have a soul
above old rags."
"It is with rags, old and new. that
most of us spend our lives," said
my mother "if thee will think of it."
Alas, I have thought of it many a
time, in the shaping over of an old gar-
roent, the planning of a new one, the
little cambric satisfactions or Aerations,
which go to make up life.
By the way, have you ever thought of
the impresions we make upon the ret
ina of other persons' minds, by our
manners or occupation? I once heard
a boy tell his mother he did not want to
remember her as always doing the
household drudgery, but as being a
lady sometimes.
Now there comes the memory of an
other woman, also seated amid heaps
of rags, but she was dainty and beauti
ful and rags were shining garments
which" she would take out of chests,
airing and smoothing them caressing
ly, recalling the festive occasions on
which they had been worn, but, with a
sigh, putting them back into their hid
ing places. Her hands were whiter
than the old dame of. the carpet rags,
and jewels sparkled on her fingers, but
mother's words came back to me: "It
is with rags, old and new, that most of
us'spend our lives:"
. Blessed are we if permitted to use
these rags wisely, to adorn ourselves
' seemingly and not forgetting some
times to wrap a warm shawl over shiv-
wool hands were scorched, but the instant
application of home remedies prevented
serious results.
The neighbors said it was surely a
warning: that she must not live all by
her lone se-f. "It was just a blessed
providence that mother was not burned
to death." said David's wife, as she
went about the house next day prepar
ing the Thanksgiving dinner.
David said, in his brisk way, though
not without feeling: "Yes. mother, we
arrived just in time."
"Well, it were a mercy ye come when
ye did," said the mother; "but, David,
ye have just completely ruined my very
purtiest strip o' rag carpet."
Meanest of All Karslarm
Burglars in New York have been
4oing a lively business by going up
stairs and informing a mother that her
child has just been run over in the
street. The frantic mother rushes
down, and her pocket book. left on the
table, soon rushes down, too.
Th. World' firealest Forcjt.
At the recent congress for the ad-i-ancement
of science m this country
it was said that the largest forest in
existence was nearly 700 miles north
from the St. Lawrence of Quebec and
Ontario, and 1.800 from east to west.
A recent French writer, commenting
on this, aserts that the Canadian forest
is only entitled to the fourth place. If
even that. In South America, he states,
in the valley of the Amazon, is a stretch
of woodland 2,200 miles long and 1.300
miles wide: while in liic center of Afri
ca explorers have reported a forest at
least 3,300 miles long from north to
nouth, and of a width as yet unmeas
ured and untraversed. but certainly
vast in extent. This African forest,
known as the "Great Forest," is in ail
probability the largest area of wood
land country in the world. The greater
portion of it is virgin soil that has never
been trod even by savager, let alone
civilized man. Stanley, in his "Darkest
Africa." describes thi3 great forest and
tells of the many days he and his men
marched through it in -vital was almost
darkness, hardly a ray of the sun be
ing able to penetrate the dense foliage.
One of India's SuM-nttition.
The natives believe that elephants
have a religion and form of worship.
ing; the external effect of Ely is too
much like a fortress: the spires of
Litchfield are not mates in color and
are somewhat ornate; but upon Canter
bury and Salisbury the eye rests con
tent. And yet he is little to be envied
who would not find intoxicating joy in
every one of these, so great arc they
and in their varied power so lifting the
beholder above and beyond all inciden
tal defects, and It is quite to the credit
of the young woman from Springfield
who is said to have burst into tears at
the sight of Westminster abbey.
Lbaitdek Gekrakd, Pres't,
B. H. Hbxrt, Vice Prett,
If. BftxaaER, Cashier.
It I .UwaTt la the Klclit VUvr, at TliU
Anecdote l'ravei.
An anecdote of Gladstone .showing his
consideratcness for all about him is
told by a reporter for an English jour
nal. He sajs: I was traveling in a
a train by which Mr. Gladstone was
journeying to the north, my mission
being to report his utterances at vari
ous stations. We found this no small
job indeed, one to which some dan
ger attached for the orator's speeches
on some occasions wereoniy terminated
by the wheels of the engine revolving,
and the train steaming out.
Naturally anxious to get the "last
words," we lingered in one case so
long that we had to make a desperate
bolt for our carriage door, and enter the
now swiftly moving train at the peril
o our limbs. Our feat evidently at
tracted the notice of the distinguished
passenger, and filled him with anxiety
for our lives, for at the next station
a note came round to us that Mr. Glad
stone would jot down the concluding
words he uttered, and send them to us.
It was a graceful and considerate act
one of the many which rendered our
greatest living political orator dear to
the hearts of the journalists.
Aitkrizs. Capital of - $500,000
Paid in Capital, - 90,000
O. . SHELDON. PreVt.
B. P. II. OEIILRICII. Vice Pres.
CLAHK GKAV. Cashier.
If. M. Wncsrow, II. 1 II. Okblrics.
V. II. Bhkldos. w. a. McAllister,
Jonas Welch. CarlKiexkb.
Gerhard Losses, II e.nrv Losers,
clark Grat. Geo. W. Gallet.
Daxiel Sen ram. a. V. II. Oehlricr.
Frakk Eorek. J. 1. Becker Estats.
Rebecca Becker.
The Sabbath day's journey of the He- j
brews mentioned in the bible was 2,000
The chief justice of the Supreme
court of Japan, T. Myosin, is a com
municant in a Congregational church.
The number of Ronton Catholic
churches in Great Britain is 1,733. and
1.")00 of thee have been built during
the last fifty years.
I-atest statistics show that the .Metho
dists are very weak in T'tah. It is the
only place where they have less than
1 per cent of the population.
Rev. W. R. Clark of the First Con
gregational church of Gnttenburg has
given up preaching and gone into the
undertaking business.
The Metropolitan tabernacle of Lon
don, the late Mr. Spurgeon's church,
still has the largest membership in tlw
world, there being over .".COO members.
Rev. Dr. Daniel Dorchester has been
appointed temperance editor of the
Boston Standard. The temperance de
partment is published every day.
Rt. Rev. Ernest R. Wilberforce. bis
hop of Newcastle. England, lias ben
appointed bishop of Chichester, rii suc
cession to Rt. Rev. Richard Durnford,
Frederick Remington was a clerk in
au expres office before he essayed art.
E. C. Stedman. who has just refused
a professor's chair at Yale, was dis
missed from that university when a
Henry Arthur ones, the playwright,
indignantly denies the published as
sertion that he is to drop the name of
Jones and call himself Henry Arthur.
Capt. Alfred Sanford of St. Louis,
who is 73 years old and whom the au
thorities sent to the poorhouse last
eek, was the boyhood friend and play
mate of Ulysses S. Grant.
Tzmoteo Panduro. a little Mexican
Indian clay modeler, now at Atlanta,
is said to be a wonderful genius. He
has had no training, but has already
won several medals of honor.
By a votes of twelve to six the judges
of the Appellate division of the New
York Supreme court nave decided not
to wear gowns.
Rev. Myron Reed of Denver had an
engagement to lecture at Hall City,
Kan. Missing his train, he hired a
team of horses and a buggy and drove
from Colby, a distance of seventy-five
Rabbi I. M. Wise of Cincinnati says
that during the last forty ears he has
officiated at 10,000 Jewish weddings
and only three couples whom he has
The coffee plant was taken from
Africa to Persia in 875.
Outer blinds for windows were un
known until the fourteenth century.
The Venetian or interior blinds are so
called because they were first used in
Pepper casters were used by the
Athenians, pepper being a common con
diment. They were placed on the table
with the salt in England in the six
teenth century.
The League of God's House, in 1401.
was a Swiss combination. There were
three leagues among the hardy mount
aineers, formed in reality for the pur
pose of establishing and maintaining
the independence of their country. The
League of God's House was the first;
the second was that of the Grisons. in
1424; the third, the League of the Ten
Jurisdictions, in 1536. In 1793 all th:ee
came under the jurisdiction of, or rath
er were admitted into, the League of th?
Helvetic Confederation.
The little Queen of the Xethei lands
entered upon her sixteenth year a few
days ago.
The Princess of Capua, who died re
cently at Lucca, was the daughter of a
beautiful Irish girl.
Mrs. John V. Forepaugh. a Philadr-1-
make for the coast. No time can be
stated for this hazardous journey, as
most of it is afoot or by canoe. But I
hope to be back in New York early in
the new year, or at any rate before the
summer is well advanced.
I am well equipped for this journey
and for my experiments.
My previous experience in Africa will
be of the utmost value.
My knowledge of the country and of
the nathe languages has already been
of the utmost assistance.
Standing here on the brink where
civilization and barbarism meet. I am
confident that the journey which is be
fore me will bring them both closer to
gether. I am bringing some of the
finest mechanical productions of civili
zation into the heart of the jungle. I
shall bring out of the primeval forest
specimens bearing on anthropology and
testimony to the antiquity of language
that will be absolutely new.
There are things in this African jun
gle, which comes down her to where I
stand, that bear directly on the his
tory of our race and speech. Here are
found races that have not advanced in
10,000 years, races that seem indeed
never to have advanced and to occupy
today a lower place in the social scale
than many animals.
I have described further on a man
whom I saw and talked with a few days
ago who had all the characteristics of
a gorilla. I have met gorillas with
many human attributes, including en
elaborate language sufficient to enable
them to make known their wants, to
warn one ai.other and to express emo
tions like love and fear.
I do not doubt that there are members
of the morkey family possessing a
higher intelligence and a greater Hu
ency of language than many natives of
Africa, whom they so closely resemble.
Popular Form of I'ollcj.
"Endowment or investment insur
ance, which is the most popular form
of insurance among women, is for the
sole benefit of the assured, the face of
of the policy being payable, if the
party survives at the expiration of the
time specified, whether it be ten, fif
teen or twenty years. Should the as
sured die prior to the expiration of the
time for which the endowment was to
run the insurance is paid at once to the
beneficiary named in- the policy.
Premiums must be paid every year
during the time for which the endow
ment runs, provided, of course, the as
sured lives that length of time. The
longer the endowment has to run the
lower the rate of premium, and vice
versa. The ordinary life policy is pay
able only on the death of the assured,
the premiums being paid each year
during the entire life of the policy
holder. Rates for this form of insur
ance are lower than for any other
form except term insurance."
phia theater manager, is winning ad
miration by her businesslike methods ! I have known of the same words being
and general good common cense.
Mrs. Besant. the thcosophist and
vorced wife of the novelist's brother.
j used to express the same things in the
language of both. These are some of
the facts my present journey will throw
has had a varied religions experience. I nut upon.
She was a religious enthusiast hi earlv i am heading now for the greater
years and then tried tc Le a nun. For
a time she was a pupil of Huxley's.
The Kings Daughters, who have been
holding a convention in New York, al
though organized but ten years ago.
number 8,000 women, and there v.erc
delegates from nearly every state and
territory in the Union.
Miss Sarah Ribinson. of PortMnouil.,
England.who has not been off her
couch for twenty-nve years, by persona!
energy and through inHuencing ether?,
has erected several soldiers' homes
and coffee houses in three ports.
Mrs. James Chalmers, who is exert
ing a civilizing effect in the South Sea
Islands, recently was favored by a pres
ent from an old savage. Upon opening
the basket it contained a man's breast,
which he had secured as a tid-bit for
Mrs. Chalmers.
There Is a five-note vein of coal at
Cherryvale, Kan., something like 450
feet below the surface, and it is going
married have ever applied for a diverce. i begging for capitalists to operate It.
monkey country in the world, the great
original breeding place of our race, as
tome believe Here are to be found
laces of mer the like of which can be
seen nowhere else on earth.
J Here arc to be found meirso peculiar
t ihat hundreds of thousands if not mil-
i lions of years must have elapsed since
j they branched off from the rest of the
si eat human family. They are today
cither the sole remaining specimens or
primeval man, or men who have slowly
by interbreeding developed unique idio-
t syncrasies which differentiate them
j fioni all others.
In this great African jungle which the
light of civilization has never pene
trated, where time has stood still, which
iuud.' iiiemic?! wnn wnat it was
ten thousand years ago, an animal civ
ilization has sprung up that has ad
j vanced quicker than the civilization of
its human inhabitants. The skull of
monkeys in this great heart of Africa
has grown faster than the skull of
! men.
Here are found the largest monkeys
Might Have Given Then A war.
A traveler just returned from Mexico
tells an amusing talc of the attempts
of a peddler to sell precious stones at
an exhorbitant price, who in the end
consents to dispose of his wares for a
mere song. It was at Queretaro, an
important city on the line of the Mex
ican Central railroad.
"When the train pulled in at the de
pot," said he, "it was immediately sur
rounded by a score or more of peons
trying to sell opals to the passengers.
One tall, rather fine-looking Indian ex
tended toward me his hand containing
ten or a dozen glittering stones.
" 'How much?' I asked.
"Twelve dollars.' replied he, 'Cheap,
very cheap, only $12.'
"'No, no!' I replied In an emphatic
way. 'Muy caro' (very dear).
" 'Five dollars!" then quoted the ven
der, turning the stones over In his hand,
that I might see that they were all
" 'No, $1, said I.
" 'Yes, yes!' cried the vender, eagerly.
'One dollar; yes, yes, you can have them
for $1. Take them.' "New York Herald.
its bright days and clear air, is felt to
be the time of the year when they get
the most enjoyment out of lire; while
others, probably of a more sensitive
temperment, experience the greatest
sum of happiness and health when
peaceful autumn wraps them in its se
rene atmosphere.
On the other hand, winter or sum
mer, as the case may be, produces in
other temperaments the greatest con
summation of healthy vitality. Certain
changes in the weather, too, tend to in
crease or diminish the amount of en
ergy that we put into our daily work,
and in a certain large factory it is
recognized that from 10 to 20 per cent
less work is done on dull days and days
of threatening storm. The whole sub
ject is one which, pursued in proper
scientific spirit, should be productive
of useful results. Its investigation
might, at all events, afford people the
satisfaction of knowing exactly why
their poor bodies are so much at the
mercy of atmospheric variations.
Pittsburg Dispatch.
A Child's Petition.'
A poor little damsel had trouble with
ncr mother not long ago. The direct
consequence was that she was sent in
to her own room for meditation and,
supposedly, repentance. A listener
happened to overhear the mite's defi
ance, when she thought herself unob
served and alone. She threw herself
on her knees before her bed and, bury
ing her face in the pillow, began a
prayer for guidance. But the petition
had this very significant commence
ment: "O I.ord, consider how I am
treated!" New York Times.
Bsak ef deposit; Interest allowed on tin
Aflpoalts; buy and sell exchange on Ualted
States and fcurope. and buy and sell .Tall
able securities. We shall bo pleased to ra
ce! your business. We solicit your pat-roaag-
Whatever is pure is also simple.
Good taste is the flower or good sense.
Truth is everlasting, but our ideas of
truth are not. Beecher.
A heavy purse in a fool's pocket is a
heavy curse. Cumberland.
No violent extremes endure; a sober
moderation stands secure. Aleyn.
Good company and cood discourse aie
the very sinews of virtue. Izaak Wal- !
In our judgment of human iransac
lions the law of opti"s is reversed: we j
see the most indistinctly the objects
which are close around us. Whately.
The destiny of women is to pleaee,
to be amiable and to be loved. Thoac
who do not love them are even more in
the wrong than those who leve them
too much. Rochehrune.
Shoveling- t'p Flh.
Bcciusc of the long drought many of
the little lakes of Michigan have al
most dried up, and lately the farmers
have been making money by driving
wagons into the shallow waters and lit
erally shoveling the fish out of the lake
into the carts and selling them in
neighboring towns.
Sew London. Coinrrttriit.
New London, Ct is going to observe
Its two hundred and fiftieth anniver
sary next May and already steps are
being taken with that end in view by
the mayor and common council, the
board of trade, the civic anil military
organizations of the city.
A weekly Rewspaper de
voted the bestinterestsof
The State of Nebraska
$1.50 A YEAR,
BRt emr l!a!t ef RMflaa
fa Rot rt crlbei by Milan
aad eeata. 8aniRla copiea
aeat frM to aay ddr a
Wanted to Know.
The superintendent of our Sabbath
school was explaining, this summer, the
falling of the walls of Jericho. He had
told of the miraculous power displayed.
How there was not a sound from the
besieging army, or a hand raised in
3r, but silent marching, till the right
moment arrived, when after a blowing
of trumpets and a shouting the walls
fell down flat.
One little fellow seemed puzzled about
something and raised his hand. On
being recognized by the superintendent
he said:
"Say, mister, is that a true story, or
is it just preachin?" Ram's Horn.
No man is better than lib opportuni
ties. A good dog is worth more than you
can get for it.
There is a "story" on every rain that
ever lived.
We should like to ste the man who
can stand up ngaipst his l.ui.
When a man has prosperity, how the
people like to see him lose it!
Men. as a rule, .a not like to lie. but
their wive; too many fj-.testion?.
wiion a man tali-.s too much, it nicy
i.f said that ho has a runaway tongue.
The mini who Iook at a clock live
: minutes, to see what time it is. is lazy.
I You bet if a joung husband fails to
There is no such thins in nature as ' K,nS n,s "e wnen nc comf;s "ome. hc
an honest and lawful envy; but it is 1 B'r,s notice Jt-
intrinsically evil, and imports in it an I We ha.-e oen wondcied that the
essential obliquity, not to be taken oft ' Salvation array does not finally recruit (
! or separated from it. South. a Ionian who can sing. i
But the character of a brave and refer.- I If wc kPl a hotel, we v ould not buy
lute man is not to be ruffled with ad- : a Piano for the parlor. Kvcry guest ;
versity. and not to be in such confusion j wno cannot play, nic it.
ia ku inn., uio pobi, as we say, nut to. women like to rr-ceive love letters.
Coffin : and : Mtttllie : Cases !
fM'Repabini of mttlHndMOf Uphol
terj Goods.
I preserve a presence of mind, and the
I exercise of reason, without departing
1 from his purpose. Cicero.
Let the law which inculcates truth be
supposed to be universally violated
among every class of rational beings,
and instantly all improvement in wis
dom and knowledge would cease; noth
ing could be depended upon as fact
but what was obvious to the senses of
every individual; social compacts
would be dissolved; a mutual repulsion
would ensue, and every social affection
and enjoyment would be unhinged and
destroyed. Dr. Dick.
We have learned a great lesson when
we have learned how to live in the pres
ent moment.
Often woman, who inspires us with
great things, prevents us from accom-
1 plishing them.
because they may be able to produce
them some time, and make trouble.
Keep quiet, and look sympathetic,
and you will gather a lot of material
for the next time you want to talk.
Wc saw a married woman on the
streets to-day chewing gum. and push
ing a baby buggy. We wish she would
quit it.
Do you know that no woman has so
much faith in her Tyisband that r-he
lets him keep the marriage license in
his possession?
On the stage, the heroines command
in tragic tones that the heroes leave
them; in life, with equally tragic tones,
they implore to be taken aieng. Atchi
son Globe.
Columbus Journal