The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, January 01, 1896, Image 3

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the former prices. Every garment marked
to close out quick. We mean to sell every
garment left over, and this is a great saving
of money sale, and anyone wanting a Cloak
'twill pay them to travel 100 miles to attend
this Cut Down Cloak Sale.
We have over 250 Cloaks now in stock
in Jackets, Capes, Children's Long Cloaks
and Children's Jackets.
Come quick and get first pick.
513, 515 and 517 Thirteeth St.,
(Eolumbus Journal.
!'. I Freight.
tenvr Columbus ' 74W a. in.
IWIu.mkI , 720 "'it) i :1 "
S'v.Mil d-43
Art-ivot-.-il. Lincoln I l:!
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4 111 p. m.
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riiertat Denver 7:10 n. in. No. 2. bast Mail car
rie i.a-eiiKer to Frvmont. alley an.l Onialia
"oini eat at 2.-0O ,.. m. No. 31, rreiKht. carrioa
iaiiKr. Roen pt :I5 a. in.
The freight train loavtnK Iwro M 4:40 j. in. car
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H-.wug.r:irrieH from Sioux City. ...12.30 i. m
leaves for Sioux City JSi. m
Mixe.1 leaven for Sioux City .7am
Mixtnl arrives UJp. m
Mixeil leaves .. ..
Mixed arrives
l'asisenKerleaw-s .
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... 8:20 p. m
... 130 p. m
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Sorieig $oticrs.
y.MI notices under thin heading will be
charged at the rate of $2 a year.
M. LEBANON LODG E No. 59, A. F. & A. M.
J.lURular ineetinKs 2d Velneslay in each
XX month. All brethrenmvited to attend
V J. D. STIKF.R. W. M.
W. K. N6testeix. Sec'y. 2Jnly
rn.-T- innnvKn ri T ft O.K..
wu""""-",",- -J.. nt tiioir lmll on Thirteentn
"ik stnH't. Vifitinc brethren cordially
invited W.A.WAT.N.U.
V. K. NotesTKIS. Sec'y. Jijangl-tX
the World, meets even- eecond and fonrth
ThnrsdajB of the month. 730 p. m., at Oehlnch
Hall. Thirteenth t-treet. Iular attendance is
erv desirable, and all visiting brethren are cor
dially invitel to meet with us. janJt-HS
k. -:... ft. ..1.1 ..umla. a.riMd rkFV NlfnojiV
tit 2 p. ci., prai er lneetinjr on W ednesday ovening
HI lueir cnriiei, curaui t !""; .- -
Avenue. All are cordially invited.
13iul9 Elder 11. J. Hcuson. President.
EVANG. PHOT. CHURCH. (Germ. Reform.)
Service every Sunday at 103C a. m. Bap
tisms, marriajreo and funeral sermons are con
iluctetl by the l'ator in the German and English
languages. Residence, Washington Ave. and
Eleventh streets.
14nov-'94 E. Df.Gei.LEB, Pastor.
Happy Xew Year!
Hayden Bros., Dry Goods, Omaha.
Dr. Naumann, dentist, Thirteenth
street, tf
-JSanta Chuis iieadimarters at Carl
Dr. T. K. Chirk, Olive street In
office at nights.
Return envelopes at this office for
50 cents per hundred.
Dr. L. C. Vosb, Homeopathic physi
cian, Columbus, Nebr.
For books, toys, albums and fine
candies go to Kramer's.
For fine millinery goods call at the
new store of M. L. Daffy & Co. tf
The Cecilian clnb will meet with
MissBickley Monday evening.
We store the goods for you and de
liver when you desire. Herrick's. 3
Dolls and doll buggies in great
variety at lowest prices at Kramer's.
Editor Swallow of the Humphrey
Democrat was in tho city Saturday.
Dr. E.T. Bowers, veterinary surgeon,
will be found at Abts' barn hereafter, tf
Drs. Martyn, Evans A: Geer, office
three doors north of Friedhofs store, tf
Keep the baby off tho floor. Herrick
has some new buggies to keep them in.
Chicago Inter Ocean and Coijtmbcs
Jourxai one year, in advance 81.75. tf
' "The truly great man is as apt to
forgive as his power is able to revenge."
Tke Elerator Roller Mills
fay the highest market price
for grain.
The State Superintendent has set
the 22d of June for holding the Platte
county institute.
The weather of Monday morning
made fuel a very desirable quantity
among household reckonings.
C. J. Garlow was at Genoa Saturday.
Harry Reed had business in Omaha
Lewis & Wiggins shipped a load of
hogs Friday.
Charles Peareall had business at St.
Paul last week.
Henry Leimners of Lindsay was
here on business Monday and Tuesday.
J. M. Curtis and G. V. Turner went
to Lee Benty's Inst week on a hunt for
Pat Ducey of Lindsay was in tho
metropolis Monday. He reports Lind
say as quite dull.
Farm loans at lowest rates and liest
terms. Money on hand, no delay.
Becher, Jaegi Sr Co.
H. J. Arnold, M. D., physician and
surgeon. Two doors north of Brod
fuehrer'a jewelry store, tf
J. T. Cox returned Friday evening
from a Christmas visit with his father's
folks at Nebraska City.
Mr. Morris of Creston was in the
city Thursday and honored The.Tocr
nal sanctum with a call.
Ladies of the Congregational church
will have home cooking for ealo at Mnr
duck's store, Saturday, Jan. 4.
Henry Keating returned Monday to
his work at the Union depot in Omaha
after a visit here with relatives.
One fare for round trip to the State
Teachers' association, on the B. & M,
tickets good December 30 to January 2.
Julius Ernst said Monday that he
met quite a number of Columbus people
going to the Keuscher sale over the river.
Married, Dec 25, at the residence of
G. O. Burns, by Rev. Moore, It T. Burns
and Miss Zada Bourrett, both of this
A citizens' committee at Albion is
getting after the gamblers there, so as to
save the boys of the town from wreck
age. Mrs. J. G. Reeder entertains the
History club this (Tuesday) evening, a
special program of music has leen pre
pared. Farmers get the best ex
change at Elevator Roller
Mills. t(
The Second Hand store on Eleventh
street is closed for a few days on account
of sickness of the proprietor, John
Captain Frank Bryant of Company
B, Omaha high school, visited through
the holidays with Bert and Grayson
Carl Kramer is agent for all news
papers, magazines and books. Subscribe
through him and save trouble and
money. 3
Snpt. Mossman of Madison county
passed through the city Monday enroute
to Lincoln to attend the State teachers'
In regard to selecting a life-work, a
life-partner or a radical change of resi
dence, it is a good rule to be first sure
you're right.
Red Seal and Columbus are
the leading brands of flour
try them.
A very small skit of snow Monday
night, although it seemed for a while
that we were to have an abundance of it,
the air was full.
Lost: In Columbus, book containing
short-hand notes in cases tried in district
court. Finder will be rewarded by leav
ing same at this office.
Master Mechanic D. M. Doty has
engine Xo. 490 rigged with a snow plow,
and is wishing for a chance to use it.
You may not have long to wait, D. M.
J. A. McPherrin will be here every
Friday, Saturday and Monday of each
week during the winter, for live poultry
at living prices. Car on B. Jc M. track.
Gordon Cross went to Platte Center
Monday, having accepted a situation
with the Signal, which will take him
from home except Sundays and Mondays.
Fred. Henggeler of Bellwood sends
his New Year's greeting to The Journal,
andwith good wishes to us includes all
his relatives and friends in these regions.
At the last meeting of Baker Post,
G. A. R, a resolution was passed, ten
dering the services of twelve men, fully
equipped to President Cleveland, in case
of war with England.
NY CLOAK in our store at one-fourth
and one-half former price. Ladies' Cloaks
of all kinds:
Lot 1. -All our $12 and $13 Cloaks, now $ 7
Lot 2. All our $ 9 and $10 Cloaks, now $ 5
Lot 3. All our $14 and $15 Cloaks, now $ 8
Lot 4. All our $17 and $19 Cloaks, now $ 9
Lot 5. All our $20 and $25 Cloaks, now $12
What in a butterfly? At beet
Ho'b but a caterpillar dre6t.
The gaudy foi' bin picture just.
Ren Franklin.
Thomas Hall of Ord was a pleasant
visitor to our city last Monday. He was
once a resident here, and also an instruc
tor of the Platte county institnto in
Becher, Jaeggi & Co. insure build
ings and personal property against fire,
lightning and cyclones, in good and
reliable companies at lowest current
rates, tf
Baptist church, J. D. Pulis, pastor.
Services 11 a. m., 7:30 p. m. Subjects
Jan. 5th: morning, ''The "Sign of Grey
nairs;" evening, "Why Don't God Kill
the Devil?"
Chris Hageman was not expected to
live through tho night Sunday. His
brothers, Will of Fremont, and Charles
of Central City, were sent for and re
turned home j eaterday.
D. W. Ziegler expects to move his
family to Columbus this week, occupy
ing one of the Jaeggi houses on Tenth
street. Mr. Ziegler is to be one of Mr.
Pohl's helpers in the county clerk's
Last week at the United Brethren
church meetings several times tho pro
ceedings were interrupted by non-members.
We understand that if these dis
turbances occur again, arrests will be
Mrs. Spolenski received 82,000 from
the Ancient Order United Workmen the
other day, as the beneficiary of her son's
policy with that order. She is 70 years
old, and was not called upon to pay a
cent for collection.
The Bissell Hose company gave their
first annual ball at the opera house
Christmas night. About ninety couple
were present, the company clearing above
expenses about. $25. The Italian orches
tra of Omaha furnished the mnsic.
Miss Enor Clother and Georgie
came down from Albion Friday to meet
their mother, who came on from Ft.
Lewis, Colorado, to spend the holidays.
They went from here to Fullerton to
spend Christmas. Genoa Leader.
Tho already large ice honse at the
U. P. yards is being lengthened 29 feet
and when finished will have a capacity
of nearly one thousand tons. The com
pany uses large quantities of ice in filling
refrigerator cars through the summer.
The poultry men of Platte, Madison
and Stanton counties are endeavoring
to organize an association and hold an
exhibition. Humphrey has offered to
furnish a hall and pay the expense of
an expert judge. What can Columbus
Among those from here who are
attending the State teachers' association
this week in Lincoln are Prof. Williams,
Supt. Rothleitner and MissChattie Rice.
Prof. Campbell and Miss Mamie Shea of
the Platte Center schools are also in
Miles Byan joined the M. W. A. order
last week, and told the boys he could
ride the goat three times around the
ring, but before he got around he was
dumped in a heap, but with the amonnt
of sand he has ho will yet be able to
carry an axe.
The many friends of F. B. Jeffries
of the B. & M. will be pained to learn of
tho accident which happened him at
Seward Friday, in which he had his
right foot so badly mashed while he was
on duty, but will be glad to learn that
he is doing nicely now and will soon be
able to be around again.
Dr. Arnold returned Tuesday from
National City, Calif., whither he was
called by the illness of his father, A. J.
Arnold, caused by the accidental dis
charge of a pistol. He has fully recov
ered, the doctor says, and all the Colum
bus colony at National are well. The
doctor likes the country there.
Our impression is that the last two
destructive hog -cholera raids Platte
county suffered were brought by way of
Colfax county. In places that county is
again troubled, and the utmost precau
tions should betaken against its spread.
It is conceded now on all hands, we be
lieve, that the disease is contagious, and
can be carried from place to place even
on shoes or wagon wheels. Keep the
hogs in good trim, with comfortable,
clean quarters, changing them frequent
ly from one place to another; a variety
of feed; with fresh pure water to run to.
Editor Parks, in the last issue of our
esteemed contemporary, gives the two
paragraphs that follow one, a matter of
fact, the other a bit of advice:
''Messrs. Tom & Jerry were gentle
men much in quest yesterday (Christ
mas) Do not swear off. Swear not
at all. But do the best yon can."
Baker Post G. A. R. and camp 134
S. of Y. will hold installation Saturday
evening, January 11th, at their hall on
Eleventh street. All members of both
organizations aro requested to attend
and bring a full canteen and haversack.
S. L. McCoy will install S. of V. officers
and W. II. McAllister the post officers.
"There are three dimensions known
namely, length, breadth and thickness.
Considerable can be done with length
only but add width and their combined
usefulness is multiplied many fold.
With all three dimensions there is no
limit of applications. What would lie
the result if some one should discover a
fourth dimension?"
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hewitt of
Shelby, have been in the city several
days the past week, visiting relatives.
Mr. Hewitt speeks very lightly of the
reported gold find near their place, but
thinks that considerable good may come
from the sinking of artesian wells in
Nebraska, several in York county being
used for irrigation purposes.
John Tannahill has gained consid
erable notoriety through his irrigation
pumping mill. In September A. B.
Heath of Nebraska Farmer was in our
city and made a little write-up of Tan
nahill's mill. Eastern papers copied
the article extensively and John has re
ceived just 113 letters asking about it
and only a very few of the lot were from
Tho vacation which the school chil
dren are having ought to be to them a
source of much enjoyment and all the
better fit them for the long session of
school which is to follow. School
going and school-teaching both require
a very great deal of nervous vigor, all
conditions being the very best possible.
The increasing ability to think correctly
comes through right thinking and right
conduct as the direct result of right
About forty j-onng people, members
of tho Reading circle, were entertained
by the Misses Fitzpatrick Friday even
ing. Card playing and music were the
features of the evening. Prizes were
given for the best and the poorest play
ers. John Byrnes and Miss Alice Quinn
received tho royal prizes and the booby
prizes were given to Edmond Sullivan
and Miss Agnes Keating. Refresh
ments were served and a very pleasant
evening was spent.
It seems that a new discovery has
been made in making sugar from beets
that promises to work a revolution in
that industry. The process was tested
at Grand Island last week and pro
nounced a success, turning out sugar
from the juico in thirty minutes, in
stead of as by the process now in use,
which requires ten hours. This raw
sugar can be kept for a longtime, so
that few factories, comparatively, will
be needed for finishing. The smaller
factories, it is said, can be owned and
operated by a few farmers of even
moderate means.
There seems to be a good deal of
stealing done in our town; many people
have lost small articles, several have had
chickens stolen. But a very peculiar
occurrence happened at the residence of
Henry Bagatz last Saturday evening.
About three weeks ago the wash-house
was entered and several pieces of cloth
ing taken, and a box of clothing which
had been stored there by the ladies of
the relief committee last winter, bad
been gone through but nothing was
found missing. Saturday night the
wash-house was again broken into and
furniture thrown out of order, but noth
ing was missed. The thief or thieves,
wrote with white chalk on a picture that
was hanging on the wall, in good hand
writing the following threat: "I want
woman's underskirts on this street or
ril set your house on fire. Revenge."
On the stove about the same threat was
written again. The circumstance has
naturally caused some uneasiness in the
neighborhood. Mr. Bagatz says they
have no objection to the, parties having
the clothing and would gladly give them
to any needy person.
Lot 1. All $3 and $ 3.50 Cloaks, now $1.50
Lot 2. All $4 and $ 4.50 Cloaks, now $2.00
Lot 3. All $5 and $ 6.00 Cloaks, now $3.00
Lot 4. All $7 and $ 8.00 Cloaks, now $4.00
Lot 5. All $9 and $12.00 Cloaks, now $5.00
These are the lowest prices in the state.
There is a debating club of the
Catholic church that spend a few hours
every other Sunday in discussing some
popular subject. Last Sunday the sub
ject taken was "Resolved, That the
south offers more inducements for im
migration than the north." Debaters
for the affirmative were Miss Kate Flynn
and Edmond Sullivan; for the'negative
Miss Jennie Shannahan and Wm.
O'Brien. The debate for the 12th will
be "Resolved, That the pulpit has done
more to elevate society than the press."
The debates begin at 4 o'clock and we
understand they are freo to the public.
Quite a serious smash-np on the B.
Ar M. Friday at Seward caused by the
fast mail train on the Billings line run
ning into the local train engine that
runs from here to Lincoln. The fast
mail fireman was instantly killed while
Fireman Jeffries of this city was badly
hurt by having his right foot caught in
such a manner as to split it, making a
painful wound, from which he will be
obliged to keep to his bed for some
time. Wo did not learn who was to
blame for the wreck but it was reported
that the fast mail was about seven min
utes ahead of time. At the inquisition,
Dec. 20, before the coroner, the verdict
was that the collision was caused by the
fault of freight train No. 31, and that
this was in charge of Thomas Wilson,
At Fremont there are several things
that are noteworthy on the part of
neighbors. One is that an association
of ladies is active in protesting to the
city council against the present method
of fining inmates of houses of prostitu
tion, which they believe to be in effect
the same as licensing them. They urge
in their protest the enforcement of the
law providing for the owners of houses
used for such purposes and of all other
laws tending to the suppression of these
places. They assert as a fact that young
boys are found at these places. Their
written protest was commented upon
before the council by some of the ladies
who declared that they had visited
these places and knew they violated the
laws The council has ordered gaso
line lamps for streets outside the elec
tric light limit.
E. Loweston read a paper before the
Stato Dairymen's association which con
tains an excellent suggestion to land
holders, and as appropriate to Colum
bus and vicinity as it is to Lincoln.
Here it is in brief: "Many creameries
have been started where there is an in
sufficient supply of milk and cream.
The speaker recommended that specula
tors holding land idle should subdivide
it and induce settlers to como and en
gage in the dairy business. Creamery
men find difficulty in getting a constant
market. This condition could be reme
died by the judicious employment of a
little capital. Modern refrigerator plants
can be erected and run as cheaply here
as in the east. A second Elgin could
be built up right here in Lincoln if
capitalists would take hold. It would
be the means of starting many other
factories in allied lines of industries."
At the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. A.
Barber Saturday evening a party was
given by Messrs. Cox and Hart to about
sixty young people. The house was
beautifully decorated with smilax and
Chinese lanterns, and with genial hos
pitality extended by the pleasing gen
tlemen, all were made to enjoy them
selves. A short musical program was
rendered, one solo by W. H. Damsel,
was very good. Then a couple of hours
was devoted to card playing, after which
a fine supper was given. Those present
Clara Lehman, Nellie Poet,
ueorne root.
Fearl JlownTe,
OoTie Becher,
Anna Hoehen,
Emma Wake,
Elsie Morse,
Abbie Keating.
Katberine Smith,
Kate Taylor,
Stella Becher.
Lizzie Sheehan,
Rose McCann,
Sarah Fitzpatrick,
Lena Geitzen.
Hattie Baker,
Gertrude Wells,
Minnie McMahon.
Arthur Gray.
George Whaley,
Wm. Lehman.
Frank Wardeman,
Lee Conawsy,
Henry Keating,
Wm. Rickly.
J. C. Byrne,
Harry Beerbower.
Emma CotoJIb,
Met Pool,
Znra Morse,
Agnea Keating.
Grace Taylor,
Eolalia Rickly,
Mamie Sheehan,
Jennie McCann,
Jennie Fitzpatrick,
Hanna Harris,
Marie Elliott,
Lain 8chmeder,
W. B. Henry,
Arthur Pohl,
Chaa. White,
Chaa. Secelke,
Clarence Oerrard,
Edmoa Sollivan.
Bert Galley.
W.H. Damsel,
wb. Browser,
He that is rich need not livo spar
ingly, and he that can live sparingly
need not be rich. Ben Franklin.
Bring your orders for job-work to
this office. Satisfaction guaranteed, and
work promptly done, as agreed upon.
Editor Jouusal: It is sometimes
stated that the Omaha Bee is losing
ground here, when the facts are ono
hundred and forty-one copies of the
daily and one hundred and sixty-fivo
copies of the Sunday Bee are delivered
here. This large list is due partly to the
fact that it is the only daily paper de
livered here in the morning, and partly
through the energetic efforts of Mr. .1.
II. Pierce. Cari. Kramer.
Mr. Samuel Drinnin and Miss Cath
erine Browner were married in the
parlors of the monastery by the Catholic
priest, Christmas morning, at about 9
o'clock, Mr. Will Browner and Miss
Eveline Drinnin acting ns groomsman
and bridesmaid. Miss Browner is a
Platte county girl, having been born
and raised near Columbus. She is a
young lady who has made friends
wherever she is known, by her hannv.
gentle disposition and general rood
character, founded upon rare good sense
and intelligence. Miss Browner has
been one of our most successful county
teachers. Mr. Drinnin has been a resi
dent of Platte connty for several years
and has become well known to this
community as a successful farmer. The
newly wedded couple will be at home
after January 10th, northeast of this
city, at what is known as the Blaser
We know of an instance where par
ties owning a section of Nebraska land
but not having the ready cash to stock
it, hit upon a plan that has bean suc
cessful in having their land bring them
an income, iastead of being an impedi
ment in the way of tax-paying. A con
tract was made to have such of tho land
as was not natural meadow broken up,
in exchange for two crops, ono of them
being on the sod. Of course, the hay
land brought in a revenue, and has
broken a good thing for the renter when
the other crops were shortened on ac
count of the dry seasons. It was only
a few years ago that operations began'on
this line, and now the section is in fine
shape with fairly-good improvements,
taxes all paid, no incumbrances, and a
modest income for the owners and the
renter too. It is excellent plan for land
owners to utilize their holdings and at
the same time enhance tho value of
them, and add to the general prosperity
of the community.
The first number of the Fitzgerald,
(Georgia), Enterprise lies before us,
dated December 20, 189."). As always, in
regard to any country, yon can loam
more in a general, way by reading ono
copy of a good local paper than you
could by a score of letters from ordinary
correspondents. Reading the lines and
between the lines, yon get the informa
tion you desire, and we would advise
any Nebraskans who are thinking of
going to Georgia to subscribe for the
Enterprise, SI a year. As for instance,
we quote: "The colonists have been
here long enough already to notice the
great disadvantage under which tho
south has labored so long in raising
cotton and depending on the north for
the necessities of life. Hay, grain, Hour,
Irish potatoes and oil, commodities
which have to be shipped from tho north,
are high, while canned goods and staple
groceries manufactured in the south,
sell for about the same as in the north.
Improved railroad facilities and new
methods of farming will greatly assist in
cheapening the cost of living here
From what we learn it is the custom in
this country to celebrate ou Christmas
instead of the Fourth of July The
days of rainfall since Mayl: May, 9;
June, 13; July, 19; August, 19; Sept., 9;
Oct., 1; Nov., 2; Dec., so far, 2 A
great many people in the state of Geor
gia and in neighboring states are very
skeptical yet as to what this colony is.
They are familiar with this unsettled
pine country and can't see how people
can live here the first year. 'What do
you have to eat?' 'What are yon going
to do?' and 'Where are yon going to
stay?' are the questions one hears on all
aides. We can only say to such, come,
see and be convinced."
We have opened a complete line of CLOTHING, B0OTS,SH0ES
We carry several of the very beat lines of Ready-Bade
CLOTHING and guarantee style and fit. We purchased our
goods at just the right time which enables us to sell you a suit
for a very little money.
We were especially fortunate in buying this line before the
rai?e in prices and by securing the makes of the best manufactur
ers of the country. We cannot be excelled in style, fit and price.
Gents' Furnishings.
We have a most complete line of Gents' Furnishing Goods.
We meet all honest competition in goods and prices.
Eleventh St., COLUMBUS, NEB.
Christmas' Festivities.
Tho several church Sunday schools
held services for Christmas and in all
Santa Clans seemed to provide for his
youngsters. The churches were neatly
decorated and all were well filled with
interested friends and relatives of the
At the Presbyterian church Christmas
eve a Ferris wheel was gorgeously decor
ated with presents and illuminations of
red, white and blue. The wheel was
about ten foot in diameter and made a
pretty picture. Music and recitations
constituted tho program.
The German Reformed Sunday school
had a tree, with a good program for the
guests, Tho tree is to be illuminated
for Now Year's.
The German Lutheran school also had
a tree with music and recitations, given
Christmas evening.
The Methodist school gave a program
of dialogues, mnsic, etc., and had two
trees decorated ou either side of the
archway. The motto, "We have seen his
star and aro come to worship him." One
interesting part was a song by four little
people, two boys and two girls, who were
dressed as grown people, Mr. Lindstrum
as tho assistant superintendent of the
Sunday school,' and a tailor by trade
dressed the boys in regular tailor made
suits, and the audience went wild with
delight at their unique appearance.
The United Brethren church did not
celebrate on account of holding revival
services every evening.
Tho Catholic church had extra servi
ceshigh mass at 5 o'clock, low mass at
8:30 and high mass again at 10:30.
Extra music was given, a violin and a
mandolin adding greatly to the selec
tion. Miss Lizzie Sheehan sang a solo
nt high mass service. A tree was given
at tho school for the children.
The Episcopalians had services and
communion in the morning Christmas
day. and in the evening a tree decorated
with presents for the children. One
commendable plan was theVgiving of
presents, each scholar receiving a pres
ent valued according to tho number of
Sundays they had attended the Sunday
school. If they wero present 4.1 Sun
days they received a present worth 4.1
cents. No candies were givon.
The Congregational school celebrated
Tuesday evening and had a chimney
bnilt with boxes filled with candies and
nuts, tho program consisting of mnsic
and recitations, a doll drill being one of
the most interesting features of the
At the Maennerchorhallthochildrens'
festival was celebrated as usual, about
125 large and small being present. Santa
Claus came in mingling with the chil
dren and givingeach one presents. They
had a unique way of evening up expen
ses (Santa never accepts anything that
is not absolutely a free-will otTering)
articles were sold, (pigs in pokes, so to
speak), John H. Kersenbrock buying a
pig's tail for $1.25, John Seipp another
for 05c, John Bncher a pig's foot for 95c.
Tho officers received presents, Otto
Heucr, a calf's head; E. Pohl, a S1.000
note (blank). At about 12 o'clock, after
Alphonso Heintz had blown out his elec
tric lights, the happy crowd adjourned
for the hight.
Oconee Jotting.
A number of friends visited at Boyd
Dawson's Christinas day.
Mrs. Grant Delarm has been on the
sick list this week, also John Blodgett.
G. D. Blodgett's hog is running at
largo and D. Postle vows vengeance on
samo egg eating the cause.
G. A. Cooloy has been quite sick the
last week, being confined to his bed
most of the time. His place as U. P.
agent has been supplied by Mr. Flescher
of Genoa.
Miss Millie Corley and Ray Unangat
of Omaha have been visiting at G. A.
Cooley's during the holidays. His
mother, Mrs. Harmerman, of Albion has
also been with him.
Ed. Beam and Leonard McCove got
into difficulty one day this week over
somo money due the former for over two
years. Knives were drawn, I believe,
but no harm was done. Suit has been
brought and the affair is not yet endeJ.
Qcid Nunc.
Krai Kxtatr 1 raavfer.
Becher, Jreggi & Co., real estate agents,
report the following real estate transfers
filed in the office of the county clerk for
the week ending December 29, 1895:
George Duranzicsky to Joseph Obrick,
nwJ4 bwU and wU aw4 s& nwJi
nw4 20-17-lw, ud $ VMW
Carl F A WUehand to John A Wise
hand, s bU g-13-le. copy of wd. .. . . 2100 CO
John Nelson to Mary C Kngbersr. n',5
bhli end eU s1- S-lS-8w, wd 2300 CO
Amanda 31 Arnold to A G Arnold, lots
! to 12 inclusive bl :'-, Capitol add to
Colnmbns. wd i 00
Colombo Real Estate Imp Cojo M C
Casain, wM e'J Iota 5 and B, bl 58, Co
lamboa, wd 1200 00
Five transfers, aatmgatinff. 3,1 00
Miss Ida Martin went to Lincoln yes
terday. Mrs. Langtree is in Omaha for th
i Miss Mary Henry is in Nebraska City,
visiting friends.
Jesse Becher is at home from the
State university.
J. C. Walker or Platte Center was in
in town Thursday.
Wm. Anderson of Denver is visiting
his father's family.
Miss Minnie Tannahill in spending her
vacation in Omaha.
Miss Laura Ward is spending the hol
idays in David City.
John Walker of Dubuque, Iowa, was
in tho city Thursday.
Miss Stella Becher of Omaha ts visit
ing relatives in the city.
Prof. Weaver is upending hid vacation
with relatives in Illinois.
Dan Condon, jr., of Omaha, visited
relatives here Christmas.
Miss Lena Costello visited Platte
Center friends last week.
Pat Keating of Omaha has Iteen visit
ing his parents in this city.
Charles Wooster of the Silver Creek
Times was in town Monday.
Mr. Donelson of Nebraska City was
the guest of J. T. Cox last week.
Miss Agnes Keating visited in Valley
last week, returning home Friday.
Mrs. W. H. Winterbotham of Genoa,
spent Christmas with Columbus friends.
Sup't Campbell of the Platte CenUr
schools visited Sup't Williams Christ
mas. Mrs. Gertsch of O'Ksy. visited last
week with her brothers, the von Bergen
George Spear and daughter of Nor
folk were visiting friends in the city
L. A. Wiley has been in Chicago on
business, and on his way visited friends
in Iowa.
Milton and Victor Krause of Albion,
waited their aunt, Miss Bertha Krause,
Christmas day.
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Backus left Thurs
day last for their new residence at
Florence, this state.
Edmond Sullivan, a State University
student, is spending the holidays with
relatives in this city.
Mrs. L. J. Cramer, Miss Clara Weaver
and Miss Phoebe Gerrard are spending
the holidays at home.
J. E. North and daughters Mae and
Nellie and son Ed. of Omaha spent the
Christmas here with relatives.
Miss Anna Bother of South Omaha, a
former citizen here, was a guest of F.
Brodfnehrer's family last week.
Mrs. G. L. McKelvey came down from
Fullerton Monday to spend New Years
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Charles Welch is spending his vaca
tion from teaching school east of Genoa,
at homo with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Jonas Welch.
Miss Ethel Galley came np from the
State university laBt week to enjoy the
vacation at home with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. J. H. Galley.
Roy W. Rhone, editor of the ew Era
Standard of Kearney, accompanied by
his family, have been visiting their rela
tives, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Farrand.
Mrs. Page, of Massachusetts, started
Monday for her home after a short stay
with relatives, being called here by the
serious illness of her sister, Mrs. H. M.
Winslow, who is now improving slowly.
Holiday Rate
Via the Burlington Route, Dec. 24, 25,
31 and Jan. 1 between stations not more
than 200 miles apart. Return limit
Jan. 2, 1896. Take advantage of this
low-rate.opportunity and spend Christ
mas with the old folks. They are
counting on you. The Christmas tur
key and the Christmas pudding are all
ready. Eat them where they should be
eaten at home with yonr own people
among your own friends. Tickets and
full information at the B.& M. depot. 2t
New Millinery!
New Goods,
New People,
. New Prices,
New Everything.
THE PUBLIC are respectfully in
vited to call at the New Millinery
Store on Olive street and inspect the
New Fashions, New Styles and New
Patterns in Millinery, Notions, Fan aad
Holiday presents. Call once aad yoa
will call again.
.?- - . &
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n fc.. ,.2$&jjg:'&.4,
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