BMBRgBBBBlaRWlaenBBRaaaaa.MMaSj CT jf - FyaaMflgaiajyHEiaaaiM - m -v - ;. J " - it - (- ?.ifc s: -? 'ilA. - ?V" r -i. w"i - ' y - f'PU. X 'Ft - i f VOLUME XXYL NUMBER 37. COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA. WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 25, 1895. WHOLE NUMBER 1,337. ' - ' J air $xrartraL " : , r' 4 , -' C d- -. AT. V if ir - - j- V - t vy Br BJ BJ .B--" 1r Jt N. -. ''HIS ARCTIC REGIONS. A CHRISTMAS FESTIVAL AMID ICELAND SNOW. low the Krabtii ml th. rirr Faped! ttoe PMMd th. Daj TmkUw Um 'ULm Aacrlcu Msiim-Leatk t Qalt th. Dlaaer Table. RS. PEART, wht spent so Busy te dious moatbs with her husband in tke i Arctic regions, was i determined that tke holidays shoals' net pass her bynnno ticcd; aa so. though c was liv ing la' the most primitive fashion. with a frozen world all about her, ska "made hearty though simple prepara tion for festivity. They spent, she says, a day in deco rating the interior of their Arctic home Tor the Christmas and New Year festivi ties. In the larger of the two rooms the celling was draped with red mos quito netting. Wire candelabra and candleholders were placed in all the corners and along the walls. Two large United States flags were crossed at one end of the room, and a silk sledge flag was put up on the opposite corner. I gave the boys new cretonne for cur tains for their bunks, and we decorated the photographs of our dear ones at home with red, white and blue ribbons. We spent the evening in playing games and chatting, and at midnight Mr. Peary and I retired to our room to open some letters, boxes and parcels given us by kind friends, and marked: "To be opened Christmas eve at mid night" On Christmas day we had what we considered the joliiest Christmas din .ner ever eaten in the Arctic regions, and then we invited our faithful natives to a dinner cooked by us and served at our table, with our dishes. I thought it would be as much fun for us to see them eat with knife, fork and spoon as it would be for them to do it. After our meal had been cleared away, the table was set again, and the Eskimos were called in. We had nick names for all of them, and it was the "Villain" who was put at the head of the table, and told that he must serve the company just as he had seen Mr. Peary serve us. The "Daisy" took my place at the foot of the tabic, and her duty was to pour the tea. The "Young Husband" and "Misfortune" sat on one side, while "Tiresome" and the "White Man" sat opposite. It was amusing to see these queer- "It was amusing to see these queer looking creatures." looking creatures, dressed entirely in the skins of animals, seated at the table, and trying to act like civilized people. Both the Villain and the Daisy did their parts well. One incident was especially funny. The White Man, seeing a nice-looking piece of meat in the stew, reached across the table and endeavored to pick it out or the dish with his fork. He tvas immediately reproved by the Vil lain, who made him pass his mess pan to him. and then helped him to what he thought he ought to have, reserving, .however, the choice piece for himself. They chattered and laughed and seemed to enjoy themselves very much. "Both women had their babies in the hoods on their backs, but this did not hinder them In the least Although at times tho noise was great the little ones " 6icpt through it all. The Daisy watched the cups very carefully, and as soon as she spied an empty one. she would say: "Etudo cafee? Nahme? Cafee peeuk." (More coffee? No? The coffee is good.) Finally at ten o'clock the big lamp was put out, and we told them it was time to go to sleep, and that they must 70 home, which they reluctantly did. i-J- Meant for the Minuter. A popular minister in Fifeshire, in . the good old times, used at Christmas to be inundated with hampers filled with good things. On one occasion an enormous turkey was sent to him by the thoughful kindness of a neighbor ing farmer; but as the minister's fam- ily had already provided for the Christ- . mas dinner, the bird was sent to the market and sold. A passer-by, seeing this fine specimen of poultry, said, "What a splendid tur key! Just the thing for the minister's Christmas dinner!" To the minister it was again sent. The provident wife sent it again to :thc market and sold it again for a . handsome sum. Another friend, similarly struck with the splendid proportions of the turkey, purchased it, and sent it to the minis ter. The good woman, not wishing to fly in the face of Providence, said at last: "It is clear that the Lord means us to have this turkey," and with the ap probation of the family, it formed part ' f the Christmas dinner. Chrittmas CmstoaM. One custom that has come to us from across the sea is that of hanging up stockings, on Christmas Eve. Little children are taught that St Nicholas brings in gifts to them through closed ltlUUUVtC. CU1U b .0 0Uft!iruavU iUIB VUO- torn started from a tradition that St Nicholas used to throw purses of money in through the windows of poor maid ens, so that they might hare marriage portions. Howison, in his sketches of Upper Canada, says that he met oace at atid hight on a beautiful moonlight Christ mas Eve an Indian, wko was softly 'creeping along on the ground. Usea being questioned.the Indian motioned to aim to be silent and said: "We watch to see the deer kneed; this la Ckrist uvta Bight, and all tke deer fall mpfn their knees to the Great Spirit nasi Mk usM jMn e Bap - rJimtfr I. aTr Jr- -. mwmMmW7WtLM&Mk kmyTmfi&3Lmmwm VBCaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaHBaiBBEB iSHBZalisfctBaSlu. .Kobf'lPnPSBlssssssSiZBSssssWL RBBBBBBRRJjRySvgaT S'iSrTOHHKSMBSSllSSSSTSi BSSSSSSSsSSsVuBV2k5Kv&SMBBSSESSSBSSSSSSSSvW BBBBBBBBRlBRB?R?tlMSarA''Sr' 3Cr i 5 " 'tfiw ryjajaBBBBBRMK -A .aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaSBaBaMSfcfSISBaK BW k a -gtJWjL . n SUtj tj."3WK3HyWHfa X BBBeaaBaXBBBaBHB3RBsKBBar. Br r j cjw. .c?j(grva'L3t5ccjifpJB .SSSSSSSSaSaBSaHBv'l&SSiBSF'' .. M53E?'2i2'l5fcJ ?3b9HBxSPVI BssssaV at sssWasa i. tjJKt A'- 'dsssmY? i-' ' 3L bssvMbsvbsssvbvH bsssbMbmnIIbbl VL' it f asutdBssssVMSrissssaKst KulVHssBl asask'vBsHBL lalH'HBKsisssMPHPv w'fw' 'Sssasfl BaaS&BaK &S bssbhbsbhbsmS'Ss. jssw bsssVl"-- bv ss' APissssBSHssssssaBssspBssssssssssssssssssssssV sssa.flKB v M MMf a.5BaaatsaaaaaaMSffTf Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw jlBaSBaava . BsaaaaaaaaaSVHHsasaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaafliS 2?53ry'32jJ' v xiBrBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaSiKM3R' :' -.7 -j:.-?t-'- .. ''rmmmmmmmmmwmmrwmmm.-imFie- w.i' 'iiv' L&-3' 1 -5 , X? ,'' .iT T was a stormy Christmas Eve, and I rUr'; I the little town of .? ji i VvVHcspletely en-eloped V "SK ln tnc ermine man- g&rj, tie of mid-wtnter. " .:y" " Snow had been fall- f ,v''" " ing all day. and as the night ap proached, large flakes were still bc ius driven hither and thither by the furious wind, which howled and roared in the chimneys, shook the carefully closed windows, and died away in the distance like the last despairing wail of a lost soul. In one of the most miserable houses of a wretched street, in the worst quar ter of the town, a woman by the dim light of a flickering candle watched be side the sick-bed of her last remaining child. She was weeping bitterly, but strove to stifle her sobs for fear o? dis turbing the fitful slumbers of the suf ferer. As the furious tempest shook thc dilapidated tenement, she trembled IC if CTiA i1rAnlt aU 1a .1kAH,l -........- V ,h- r i r .1. vr A ",r.cT of the Ar.gel of Death. Xo Christmas fagot blazed on the miserable hearth, the happy voices or laughing children and kind friends had for her long been stilled, and the cold, sorrow, and pov erty which reigned within seemed but a counterpart of the desolation without Behind the lowered curtains of the bed could be heard from time to time the short cough and labored breathing of the child, who at last, suddenly awak ing, raised herself on her elbow, and looked across the room, where, as in a vision, she again' beheld the Christmas trees of her earlier jears, with their accompaniments of tapers, bon-bons, toys and golden stars, gleaming amid the darkness of that somber room. She was a young girl of twelve or fourteen years of age, and the sweet, pale face, although in the last stage of emacia tion, still retained traces of delicate youthful beauty. With her dying voice she still con tinued to talk of the fete-days of long ago. when she was a rosy, healthy little child, and her brothers and sisters. Eric. John, Anton, Hilda and Bertha,' crowded around her with their pretty Christmas offerings; when her father danced her on his knee, and her mother sang sweet lullabys by her cradle. Those days seemed far away. Eric and her father had perished in a shipwreck; then, one by one. the others had fol lowed, till death had left behind only the grim sisters, sickness and misery, as the sole companions of the widow and her child. The vivid remembrance of past hap piness had brought a strange light into Greta's eyes, and soon these childish reminiscences gave place to hope. She spoke of the spring which would bring back the birds and flowers, and in giv ing life to all else would surely not en tirely forget herself. "You .know, mother, the doctor said that, when the roses came, my suffer ings would be over. Will the rose3 coon be in bloom?" "I have seen some already," replied the mother; "the governor's wife and daughter had them in their hair when I saw them get into the carriage, but those roses. I think, only grow in the hot-houses of the rich." There was silence, broken only by Greta's short cough. All at once, carried away by one solitary fixed idea, such as so often haunts the brain of the sick, she began to talk again about the roses, to pine sorrowfully for their posses sion, and by alternate beseeching, coax ing and commanding she at last in duced her mother to go out In search of some for her. The poor woman left the bedside pos sessed with the one desire of pacifying her child, and traversed the streets with weary steps, debating in her mind what excuse she would make on her return for not having procured that which she felt was entirely beyond her reach. With bowed head and sorrowful heart she kept repeating to herself the words of the physician, so full of hope for Greta: "At the coming of the first loses she would suffer no more;" and well as she guessed the mournful mean ing of the prophecy, she could not help CHRISTMAS s? - s .. . .n?n vmw xv lWkawrr?wHrjci5tK3C2Kafl'iM- ''M5sHHky LWFW Vaasl BBBBBBBBBBBBf mmW1 -- Z' V"''- 'r - t -i , H being inspired for an instant by that spirit of hope which buoyed up her child. Quickening her steps, she took the road as if by a sudden inspiration toward the governor's house, hesitated as she reached the brilliantly lighted mansion, but at last, taking courage, knocked timidly at the door, which was immediately opened by a man-servant. "What do' you want, my good wo- man t Td speak to Madame Paterson.' "I cannot disturb madame at Buch an hour of the night" "Oh! I implore you, let me see her!" Thfl servant repulsed the poor mother, and was about to shut the door in her face when Madame Paterson and her daughter, with roses in their hair and on their bosoms, crossed the hall, paused to question the servant, snd thn approached the widow, who briefly and tearfully told her pathetic story. "O. madame! O, mademoiselle! I implore ou to give me one rose, only one. for my dying child! God, who gave I His mm for the redemption of the ! world, will reward you ,.., ,. .ilcUlcKlUv. I ciicinvu shrugged her shoulders with a mocking laugh, and passed on. Her daughter, the brilliant Edele, remarked that her father did not buy roses for their weight in gold, to throw them away upon street beggars. The door closed, and the woman turned toward her home. On passing the Church of Sainte-Britta, she per ceived the clergyman's wife laying large bouquets of roses on the altar, full blown blooms of rich red, as well as branches of exquisite buds of blush, orange and pink. The lady formed a sweet picture as she bent over and arranged the floral treasures sent her by a rich parishioner of her husband's. Her blue eyeB spar kled with delight, and her voice was soft and silvery. She was the mother of six loely children, and the widow felt that she would surely pity her in her bitter grief. Full of these hopeful thoughts, she entered the church, ap proached the altar, and preferred her modest request for one rose wherewith to gladden the eyes of her dying child. Madame Neils, although by no means devoid of kindly feeling, was proud in her own way, and had determined that Sainte-Britta should be the best deco rated church in the town. In what she mistook for pious enthusiasm, she for got that the only true temple of God is the human heart that a charitable action is more precious in his sight than the costliest earthy offerings which can be laid on his material altar. In the ardor of her outward devotion, she for got that Christ had himself declared,"In asmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me," and in her mistaken zeal she avowed that it would be little less than sacrilege to rob the altar of God of even one fair blossom. Upon so great and joyful a festival as Christ mas, it showed, she added, a lamentable lack of religious feeling to prefer such a request She pointed out that pov erty, sickness and death were sent by God himself, a.nd that the true Chris tian should submit to them, not merely without a murmur, but joyfully, kissing the rod in remembrance of the gracious declaration, "As many as I love I re buke and chasten." She offered to call on the following day for the pur pose of exhorting Greta to submit to the will of God with entire resignation. The mother bad now lost all hope, and was returning to her home 'in a still more desponding frame of mind than that in which she had quitted it She walked on as in a dream, scarcely noticing the fast falling snow, while longing with an intensity bordering on agony that she might have been able to procure even a few common flowers for her Greta. But none were to be found. Even the snowdrops hid them selves in the bosom of the earth, and no primrose nor violet would be seen for months. Thus sorrowfully musing, she continued her walk, and in a few minutes would have reached her mis erable home, when by the light of her lantern she saw a few green leaves peeping from the foot of a hedge which enclosed a garden in the neighborhood. MEMORIES. Stooping down, she scraped awafr ike snow with her hand. Yes, theft wett leaves, large and lustrous, tiadef irkiek she found a few green blossenu, seme full blown; ethers in bud, but all pale, small and without color, perfume or beauty. "Ah!" thhugh she, "as there were to roses to be procured, these little flowers have been sent that toy child may be spared the pain of knowing that tkere are hearts so cold and hard that rid woes of others can soften them, and who care for no sorrows except their own!" As she hastened onward, the deep tbned beli struck the hour of midnight and the joyous Christmas chimes broke en her ear. Kneeling reverently on the snowy ground, the mother's heart went up id gratitude, arid she prayed the All Merciful One to look with pitying eyes on her sweet and cherished Greta, pressing the humble flowers to her bosom. In another moment, she had risen and passed onward with her treasure. As she drew back the curtain td offer the dark leaves and little green blos soms to her darling, she made a discov ery which startled her. They had given place to large, exquisite white blooms tinged with a delicate pink. "Rbses! rOses!" cried Greta, "0, mother, Who gave them to you?" "It was a Christmas present," replied the astonished mother. At the sight of these lovely Christmas roses, the dying girl bowed her head, and softly kissed each precious blos som. Then she fell back on her pillow with a sigh. "The light that was never on land or sea" came into the beauti ful blue eyes, and her lips half-opened with a radiant smile. The prophecy of the doctor was fulfilled. The roses had appeared, and her sufferings were ended. Her pure young spirit had passed Upward in one ecstatic burst of love and thaUksgiving. Since that time (long ago) the plant which grows under the hedges, beneath the snows of winter, has continued to produce beautiful white blossoms and retained the name of "The Christmas Rose," which was given to it by the good women of Tromsoe. m K . ? xzi f3rmw &&4 rx'j-r'z-ii HIS 19 THE MoMTU AMn tdic tueTC:V. ; UsDDV MadU WAEREIN THE. 5oN oFfleAVEN A-4 fcrfcKNlL KING. OF WEDDED MAID AND VIRGIN MOTHER BoRfl '?. TH AT flEOUR DEADLVi FORFEIT SHOULD AND WITMI5 FATMER WDRI& m. a . -" M?A PERPETUAL UvlL MILTqrf. ''.. . j -cyi' y s Tbe Yule Log. A custom at one time prevalent in England, and still observed in some of the northern districts of the old coun try, is 'that of placing an immense log of wood sometimes the root of a great tree in the wide chimney-place. This log is often called tbe yule log, and it was on Christmas Eve that it was put on the wide hearth. Around it would gather the entire family, and its en trance was the occasion of a great deal of ceremony. There was music and re joicing, while the one authorized to light it was obliged to have clean hands. It was always lighted with a brand left over from the log of the previous year, which had been carefully pre served for the purpose. A poet sings of it in this way: With the last yeere's brand Light the new block, and For good success in his spending, On your psnltries play, That sweet luck may Comc while the log is a teending. The Yule log was supposed to be a protection against evil spirits, and it was considered a bad omen if the fire went out before the evening was over. The family and guests used to seat themselves in front of the brightly burning fire, and many a story and mer0 ry jest went round the happy group. The Fat. of Clft. On Christmas morning I gave her. With a reckless impulse, my heart. The gift had a loving savor. And she took it in kindly part. But it was a present and, therefore, I'm afraid it lies on the shelf; It was something she didn't care for. And something I wanted myself. x The Star. UponUhe night's black stem, behold A million shining buds unfold And light her garden's azure lawn Where walks the moon from dusk to dawn. Tit. OUIea Christmas Time Ail hailed, with uncontrolled delight And general voice, the happy night j That to the cottage as the crown Brought tidings of salvation down. Sir Walter Scott XMA3 DECORATIONS. Wa at.v. Cii tM tristMM !( tawtrte Amoag tke votaries of the early Druids there waa a superstition that tke houses ikeuld be decorated with evergreens in December, in order that the Sylvan spirits alight enter them and thus be kept free from the blast of the cold North wind and the frost until a milder season renew the foliage of their usual haunts. The Christmas tree is really from Egypt, where tke palm tree puts forth a branch every month, and where a spray of this tree witk twelve shoots oa it, was used in Egypt at the time of the Winter sol stice, as A symbol of the year com pleted, Who does not know the poem be ginning The mistletoe hung In the castle hall. The holly branch shone oa the old oak wall. Years ago over every man's door In Engladd hung a sprig Of mistletoe at this seasoU. There still hovers a mys tic charm about the mistletoe, and many a girl now, with a thrill of ex pectancy, places a branch of It Under the chandelier or over the door. Ac cording to a former belief, when a .girl is caught and kissed under a mistletoe a berry must be picked off with each kiss, and when the berries have all been -plucked the privilege ceases. Among the ancient Britons the mistletoe that grows on the oak tree was the kind held in favor. Because Of its heathen origin it is hot Used often in church decorations, ft fact Which is referred to by Washington Irving lb his "Bracebridge Hall," where he has the learned parson rebuke the unlearned clerk for this very thing. In Germany and Scandinavia the holly or holy tree Is called Christ's thorn, because it puts forth its berries at Christmas time, and therefore is es pecially fitted for church decorations. With its glossy, dark leave and bright, red berries, it is an attractive decora tion for the house. The Jews used to" decorate at their " f. m& . 35 m .- ! csr.PMt-y "ju ;v m m. x- Krru ra rtrj&zrs ,ryJr t ' ' nufc&! 4 REL FA5FJ f& PEACE. - - - - " '-:- M m. WSZtt&p&mrt Feast of Tabernacles with evergreens and flowers. The laurel was used at the earliest times of the Romans as a decoration for all joyful occasions, and is significant of peace and victory. In some places it is customary to throw branches of laurel on the Christ mas fire and watch for omens while the leaves Ctrl and crackle in the heat and flame. The evergreen tree is a symbol used as the Revival of Nature, which as tronomically signifies the return of the Sun. Hung with lights and offerings, the tree has for centuries been one of the principal characteristics of Christ mastide. Th. Tramp. Christina. "Silas," said Mrs. Ulogue, wiping her tear-dimmed eye with the corner of her gingham apron, "this is the anniversary of the day our son William disappeared from home after you reprimanded him for staying out late o' nights playing pool or something." "Yes," assented her husband, sharp ening the carver preparatory to dis secting a nicely browned turkey. "It is exactly ten years since he went away, and without just cause, too." "But don't you think you were a little hard on him, Silas? It was only 3 o'clock in the morning when he came home, and boys will be boys." "He made a mistake in goin' away," replied Silas, clipping off a wing: "an' I guess no one knows that better than William by this time." "Maybe so, but I had a strange dream about our absent boy last night, and something tells me that he is coming home, like the prodigal son, and I have put a extra plate on the table, at the place where he always sa . But hark! Some one has entered the gate. It is it is our son Wiiiam! A mother's instinct is never wrong. Yes I recog nize his footsteps. Oh, we shall have a real merry Christmas once more!" And Mrs. Ulogue, trembling like an aspen, sprang from her seat and quickly opened the door. A rough-bearded seedy-looking man stood on the thresh old. "Ob, William, my son," cried Mrs. Ulogue, throwing her arms around tke stranger and almost dragging him into the house, "you have come home at last I knew you would. This is indeed a merry Christmas." aaBBBBBaBBBBBBBBBBBaSriBBBBf A 4aBBBBBBBBBBBBBaaaBBBlv t 7BaSlaBBBaaBwV 'iBBBBBBBBBBBBBaCBrBBBBBBBBBBBBHa S - " VBnRyTBBaBaVSBB "" " -S & . &i VaaaaaaaaBaaaasaaaaaW!S ft 4ij3i . yr VS9H$Vv yAHaaWBWannnnnnnf SatitfaWl ' V Mlhw aBBttBaBaBaWSaaBBBBaWLaaBKv9Br ,rt'f t."j.v fsBBBBBssV AT sanaWt JmWr Bn. SffSrYV HtaasiMBM' 4Bt?t! "P' fc'i""'' JaaMdaaaaaaaaTl . snVPLnnF Jr"" Ck fcp?ffi.Jbir - 4 A BbbbbbbbbbPiV bbbb -JwJ&im'?, yt mmmmmmm.m . m Ml" BjJ m J f Aunt SO Xmas Day is your birthday. Harold. What are you going to have: Harold Well, mamma said I can have either a party or a Xmas-tree. Aunt And which did you choose? Harold Oh, a party, of course because I can't hang girls on a tree. " 'Scuse mc. ma'am," stranger, struggling to returned the free himself from the affectionate embrace of the woman. "Me name's not William, an' I ain't nobody's son. My parents passed in their checks afore I had time to get on speakin terms with 'em, an' I'm a wanderin horphan. "Me name's Henry Tennyson Naggs, but me pards call me 'Skinny the Tramp' fer short But I sees how you've got a vacant cheer at the festive board, an' I don't mind bein' your son pro tern, as the Latin sharps sez, spe cially as I left home without dinin'." "Here, Tige!" called Silas, opening a door leading into the kitchen; and as a dog as large as a new-born calf sprang into the room. Skinny the Tramp made a hasty exit. As he passed through the yard he absent-mindedly picked up a new hatchet, which he sold at the next village for the price of five beers. So the tramp had a merry Christmas after all. Tabby'. ChrlatniaN. It was early Christmas morning, and the streets were empty. A boy with a big turkey knocked at the kitchen door of a large, pleasant house, and while he was talking with the cook. cold, homeless little Tabby Tiptoes slipped in between his heels so softly that nofiody saw her. "Good!" she thought. "Now I can get warm!" She patted lightly tip-stairs on her lit tle velvet paws, and found herself in a snug and cozy room. A bright fire snapped in the grate, and beside it hung a small stocking, crammed full from top to toe. Tabby was so p'.eased with her warm quarters that she turned a somersault on the boft rug. Then she played that the toe of the stocking was a mouse. She caught it with her sharp claws, and gave it a little pull. But the stocking was overloaded al ready, and down it came on the hearth. The checkers and dominoes and sugar plums rolled to every-side. Poor Tabby just had time to hide in the empty stocking before Neddy rushed into the room. "Why, mamma!" he called, "Santa Claus must have dropped my stocking!" Then he put his hand into it. "A live kitten!" he shouted again. "Oh, how did Santa C.'aus know! That was just what I wanted!" And indeed, of all his pretty presents, Neddy liked little pussy best. The Chrhtmu Tree. Only a star! a shining star! More glorious than our planets arc. But watched by wistful eyes and bright. And longing hearts, that wondroti3 night. Only a manger, shadow-thronged. That to some public inn belonged. Where sweet breathed cattle quietly For midnight slumber bent the knee. Only the light of tapers small, That on two tender faces fall. Two tender faces one divine That still through ail the centuries shine From palace walls, from thrones of gold. From churches, shrines, cathedrals old, Where the grand masters of their art Wrought faithfully with hand and - heart. Only a babe! in whose small hand Is seen no sceptre of command, But at whose name, with Freedom's sword. Move the great armies of the Lord. Only a cross! but oh. what light Shines from God's throne on Calvary's height! His birth, Kis, life, the angels see. Written on every Christmas tree. M. A. Denison. Woaa.n Ahead Again. The Boston Globe tells about a man who has been shoeing horses for fifty seven years. This is remarkable, of course, but there is a woman up in j Vermont who began shooing hens . seventy years ago. j SOME CHRISTMAS WAITS. KVaBBBBBBal KNP ;- LsaTIVv -''r'J'f?iil BBBBaaB?!f,,lsl E222 & mmWmWmmmSUmmmmSiirlSml .ziiyBnaBaJIySswBBkBnBnaBBT f, i ..naaaajsraBaBjBaaaasziatSBaj Saaaaal2aBTBBaaBa!':V';.- -'-HaBaBaBBrSaWS IIIbbbbbIQbK sr Ssm T?. BvBBBBBBsVU 'BBBBBBBbMbW. .- . ..'TV'.aasaBBJI .fRWlfcBBBB SCBBBmaBBBatBBBT "BBBBaV bbBBBBBBBBB ABBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB .laBBBV XBbVK aTl- '" ii CaBaBBBnmBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB Saata Claaa Visit. It was tbe afternoon before Christ mas, and the air was full of big, feath ery snowfiakes. Ted and Trudle stood at the window, watching them, and Baby Belle sat on the floor, thumping her rattle dolefully. "How do you s'posc Santa Claus caa get here in such a storm?" asked Trudie. at which Ted's, bright face clouded over. "Pooh!" he said bravely, "this Isn't much of a storm. I could go out in it myself as well as not." "Could you, dear?" asked bis mother, anxiously. She had been watching the storm herself, and with a troubled face. "I'm afraid papa won't get home before to-morrow, and X want some things from the store to-night. Do you think you could go with your sled. Teddy?" "Why, yes," cried Teddy, delighted to get out, and in a few minutea he was ready to start, looking like a little Santa Claus in his funny little great coat and fur cap. The box on his sled he had fixed for Baby Belle to ride in was just the thing for parcels. The storekeeper's eyes twinkled when he read mamma's note, and he wrote a f unit; liuic iiiitiavju iu uz . t,vui it. ! "I can't attend to you right away," he said to Teddy, "would you mind run ning over to my house with this note to Mrs. Briggs for me?" Teddy was an obliging little boy. and he and Mrs. Briggs had some crullers and cracked hickory nuts together to pay for his tramp through the snow. When he got back to the store all the bundles were tucked away in the sled box and covered with thick brown -paper, zo the snow couldn't get through. "Hard night for Santa Claus to get round," said the storekeeper, pinching the boy's red cheek. "Do you s'pose you'll see him at your house?" "I hope so," answered Ted, "but I've never been able to see him." "I saw him once," said Mr. Briggs so berly; "when he was a little boy about your size. He looked a great deal like you, too." Everybody laughed at that, and Ted laughed, too, though he didn't know what it was ail about. It was harder going home than it had been coming to the store, but Ted strug gled on bravely, knowing every inch of the way. The snow came falling thicker and faster, and that night when his mother tucked him in bed he couldn't help say ing: "I'm afraid Santa can't get here, and then Trudie will be so disap pointed." But his mother laughed and kissed him cheerfully. "Don't worry, dear; Santa won't mind this little storm." And sure enough when morning came the three little stockings hanging by the chimney were stuffed as full as they could hold, although the snow was piled up over the fences and against the windows and doors. There were candies and nuts and raisins and great big sweet oranges, and queer little toys, such as Mr. Briggs kept at his store. "So Santa Ciaus did come!" called Trudie gleefully. Ted looked thoughtfully for a minute; his eyes began to dance; then he whis pered to his mother: "I b'lieve I know what Mr. Briggs meant but I shan't tell Trudie." Christmas Carols. To have the dawn of Christmas Day ushered in with carols and sweet music is an observance still in existence. The origin of carols is supposed to have been the song which the angels sang at the birth of the Saviour of the world the Gloria in Excelsis the first one ever sung, and by a heavenly host. Al though the cource-of many Glorias, not one has ever approached the glorious one s'ing in the fields near Bethlehem about twenty centuries ago. A Hint. I wisti jou a merry Christmar! Let's try whi!c we're repeating Tne !car cM-fashyjc I greeting, To add a kind, unselfish act. And make the wlih a blessed fact taabu-auti-Baak) BtolMBMiBB I JaBiyssysTosBa BUYS GOOD NOTES III MkBCTOBBI Lbaubcb Gsbbabd, Pros't, B. H. Huntr, Vice Pratt, M. Bbuoqbk, Cashier. JOBS BTAUFTKK. Wat. BCCBKR. L COLUMBUS. NEB., BIAS AX Mtotoi Capital if - $511,000 aa as tMnajMli wVpaayaj 0. . BBTKLDON. PreVt. St F. n. OEHLRICH. Tic Ttm. CLARK GUAY. Cashier. DANIEL 8CHRA M. An't Cash DIRECTORS. AT. If. Wjmlow, C B. Sbkxdos, II. P. II. Oi w. a. McAixisrsa. JosMsWaxc. CaaxRim TOCKHOLDRR9. 0. 0. OBAT, J. Hkcbt Wi v. anuMLflnn. IIkhit Clabz Gbat. Geo. W. Gaixst. Parab SCBRaV. A. F. II. OaauucB. Faum Roan. J. P. Bacsra Kstats, RaasccA Racasa. Raakef pett: Interest allowed eat tlae Aneatta; bar and Mil .xshaas oa UatSM Btaue and Europe, aad bay aad Mil avail able Mcurlties. We sUimll be atoaaad ! 10- calve jroar bualana. We solicit year pat- Columbus Journal! A weelrlj aewsaaper de votee! tho beatiatereetaef COLUMBUS TKCOMrrOFPUnE, The State of Nebraska THE OWH D STATES MB THE REST OF MMKIID with aafa 1.50 A YEAR, feat ita. seat frost HENBY GASS, T0mZW CrBr : aai : Itialllt : Cases ! laTJIiBaftaiaa aMMlae Uphol MFf J-tf a ,a B Goiumhus Journal umin PRINTINS OFFICE, CQ1MERCIA BANK ; : j OQUNTRY. :izi rj?4i- w r?-j&S?3r . 4& &!,. CSf V i rt