The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, December 18, 1895, Image 2

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liable ia fwy wer. WiMS PWMHT. im
yritoiy. QiWeslaeai.
The next republican national conven
tion will be held at St. Louis.
Adopt good platforms and then live
up to them after you adopt them.
A few weeks ago the oat meal mill at
Seward was burned dowri. A larger
mill is to be erected.
The difficulty between Major Hearsey
and Congressman Boatner, it is thought.
will result in a duel.
Senatob Cameron of Pennsylvania
will not, under any circumstances, be a
candidate for re-election.
. A. W. Lauder, sentenced to fifteen
years in the penitentiary for an assault
on a little girl, at Omaha, has been taken
to Lincoln.
Miss Phoebe Lincoln, the favorite
cousin of the martyred president, died
at her home in Ln Ilarpe, Illinois, Fri
day at tho ago of G7.
Ex-Congressman William A. Mc
KnoHANdied lost Friday at Hastings,
where he was taken suddenly ill. He
i a man of very considerable ability.
Some one commends Senator Allen's
recent speech on foreign titles for Amer
icans as an unusually good one, because
it was shorter than most of his speeches.
The president has returned from bis
duck hunting, and it is now to be hoped
that he will get congress off his hands
by telling them how to get out of the
- The verdict in the case against ex
. State Treasurer Hill and his bondsmen
to recover $236,000 lost in the failure of
the Capital National bank was against
the state.
The Louisville Courier Journal gets
one grain of comfort out of the recent
election. It says: "Boston goes demo
cratic. Let us make it the hub of a
democratic revolution."
Two young men were drowned at
Salem, this state, Monday of last week.
The warm day hnd weakened the ice
over which many skaters had been
porting a few days before.
After tho president gets a bond issue
of half a billion to retire the greenbacks
we wonder if he will then want another
issue to retire silver and silver certifi
cates? David City Banner.
The Schuyler Sun calls the attention
of those democrats who refer to the
grand old party of Thomas Jefferson and
Andrew Jackson to the fact that Thomas
and Andrew were both protectionists.
The defense in the case of ex-Secretary
Hockenberger, of the school board,
at Grand Island have given notice of a
motion for a new trial, the verdict of the
jury having been guilty of embezzlement.
Akers Shattcck and wife of Seward
county left their three-months'-old baby
in bed when they rose, and it was after
wards found dead smothered under the
covers. A physician was called but res
toratives were of no avail.
Last Wednesday Harry Hayward paid
the penalty on the scaffold at Minneapo
lis for the murder of Miss Oing. It is
stated that he cursed his brother Adry
and said he would meet him on the brink
of hell with a red-hot iron.
In St Petersburg between November
SO and December 7 there were seventy
three cases of cholera and forty-six
deaths from that disease. In the gov
ernment of Volhynia, during six days in
November there were 359 cases of chol-
i and ninety-fonr deaths.
Orboon grows a barley without a hull
or cover, threshes out like wheat except
that it is twice as large and is dark; it
yields 50 bushels to the acre. They are
patting canned horse meat on the market
tasting greatly like beef only sweeter;
also "coffee" made of browned rye flour.
His New York friends announce Levi
P. Morton as a candidate for presiden
tial honors. The New York Advertiser
says a powerful combination is being
formed to be swung to the support of
either Morton, Reed or Allison, a sort of
aBti-McKinley-Harrison league.
A man in Detroit has discovered the
lost art of tempering copper so that the
metal may be utilized in place of steel
where corrosion puts steel at a disad
vantage. He has made both coiled and
flat springs of great elasticity, has made
good knife blades, and, best of all, is able
to weld the metal itself and weld it to
iron or steel.
The funeral of Allen O. Thurman took
place Saturday last from his home in
Columbus, Ohio. Rev. J. L. Grover,
who has passed his 89th year, conducted
the services, which were very plain, ac
. cording to the expressed wish of Mr.
Thurman. For two hours after the ser--Tiess
had been concluded a steady stream
of people passed through the residence
viewing the remains.
The silver democrats, and the New
York Sua democrats do not lose an op
ortaaity to give a lick to "the stuffed
prophet'' The Omaha World-Herald
amya: "It is reported that President
Cleveland came sear being lost in a snow
atom while on his present hunting trip.
The country has been buried in a snow
stem of adversity since the begianing
tf the present
m in iBTSiTi i""" r"-
WlMBflahHribm esses their laa ef -oatal
arf. aMas? balk tsebr fonstr aaS IMU
alttitr bf sasartfssr, ngtataral talbwecann,
rtialbaaraC umbjb Co.
Wavlike toacvtfae repmbUean papers
of the coaatry talk rifhtowt oa the sub
ject of the duty of their party people in
ooBfjreaa, and the followiaf; from the
Freaftont Tribune is wholemoaae;
Senator Thurston orders the Congres
sional Record sent to the Tribane and
in notifying us of it says, "I trast that,
while this may be doll reading for you,
it will show interest on the part of your
senator in looking after legislation con
cerning the interests of Nebraska.,, It
will not be such "dull reading" if the
republican senators will take the bull by
the horns and do business as though
they realized a sense of responsibility
resting on them. Let them organize the
upper branch and help the lower house
with legislation the country demands.
Or at least let them set out to do this
and if a presidential snag is encountered,
or even an adverse majority in the sen
ate, let the odium rest where it belongs.
The republicans should act as though
the country expected some good out of
congress and then the Record will be
neither as dull nor as disgusting reading
as it might be. Otherwise Mr. Benedict
the public printer, will please forward
our copy blank.
Kentucky for the first time in her ex
istence, last week inaugurated a repub
lican governor, Col. W. O. Bradley. At
the age of 14 he was obliged to quit
school, and ran away several times to
enlist in the union army, but on ac
count of his youth his father took him
home. He was licensed to practice law
at 18, and has been prominent ever since.
His patriotic talk to bis fellow citizens
on the day of inauguration is most ex
cellent, and we commend his closing
sentiments to all men in authority: "I
shall do right, as God enables me to see
the right; be just as He enables me
to determine what is just, and, by the
love that I cherish for the state of my
birth, do all that within me lies to ad
vance her prosperity, enforce her laws,
protect her citizens and maintain her
honor, remembering always that I am
not a governor of a party, but. of all the
Nebraska has a fine lot of political
colts that are being groomed to a greater
or less degree for places on the presiden
tial ticket next year. Manderson and
Thurston are both spoken of for the
vice presidential place on the winning
ticket; Morton's name is mentioned for
the democratic gold-bug presidential
nominee and Bryan to head the free
silver ticket; Allen is talked of for pop
ulist president and C. E. Bentley, of
Lincoln, is being groomed by the prohi
bitionists for president. This state has
the lowest percentage of illiteracy of any
in the union and it would be little won
der if all tho parties came hore to get
their presidential timber. It is a pretty
good showing for a "treeless" state
Arbor day has wrought great wonders.
Fremont Tribune.
One of our exchanges, the Kearney
Era, has the following to offer: "The
bankers have held conventions in all
parts of the United States and the bur
den of their cry has been 'the govern
ment should withdraw from circulation
and retire or cancel the greenbacks in
some way.' A good way to do this would
be to withdraw tho greenbacks and issue
full legal-tender notes, unredeemable
like gold and silver coin to take their
place. That would slop gold from being
drawn out of the treasury, which scorns
to be the cause of so much distress to
tho bankers. The people, too, would all
vote as a unit for this plan of relief. Let
the bankers at once recommend this
plan to congress."
Lord Salisbdry is probably testing
the American government to get a sieci
men of our real mood and a notion of
tho length to which we will go. It
would devolve upon congress, therefore,
to enunciate the Monroe doctrine or,
rather, the American doctrine at the
earliest opportunity after receiving Lord
Salisbury's reply, and without temper
and with dignity becoming a nation that
cannot be frightened to make it clear to
Great Britain that tho entire resources
of 60,000,000 of people are pledged to de
fend this doctrine as vital to our nation
al system. That would mean an ulti
matum, and ultimatum means war or
back down. Chicago Post
L A. Fort of North Platte is out with
a plan to adopt some such law as we
now have in regard to irrigation canals,
to sugar factories, so that the factory
would belong 16 the real estate that had
been bonded. He bases his argument
upon the principle that we must create
some method in this state so that more
of the money earned shall remain here.
He thinks we ought to have in the state
fifty to a hundred sugar factories in
operation; and that what we want is a
law that will enable our own people to
build, own, run and manage their own
works. Life is too short for us to wait
for the millionaire to come on here and
put them up.
Two Cleveland surgeons recently suc
ceeded in saving the life of a 14-year-old
boy who sustained a complete fracture
of the cervical vertebrae. It seems that
there is no record where this was ever
accomplished before. There are two
cases of partial recovery, one where the
victim died after 14 months' suffering;
in the other case death came after 15
years of pain. The boy's head was
placed in an immovable iron cage and
his body was also strapped down. A
month after the time of the accident the
appliances were removed, and the sur
geons were delighted, their hopes having
been entirely realized.
The wide-awake citizens of South
Omaha, says the Bee, are moving for a
macadamized roadway, extending from
Twenty-fourth street to the Sarpy coun
ty line. They expect the authorities of
Sarpy county to continue the road on
down to the fort, which in all probabili
ty will be done. By this means South
Omaha will attract the local trade and
traffic incident to the great military
garrison, most of which would have come
to this city bad the Thirteenth street
road been completed. But in the long
run it may be all the same.
When even the hogs get down to busi
ness and root the coined gold ont of the
earth, (as some of them did the other
day in Missouri), the deliverance of the
country from the necessity of diarnnn
the currency problem caanot be very
far away. It seems to The Journal
that we are at the dawn of the most
prosperous, the most enterprising era in
the history of the human race, so far as
we have any authentic accounts of the
same. There are very many indications
of this, plain to be seen to the man who
iNn4 K4 Ksbm USJhMb
M4 A VMsAef later toMlver Men,
We do not with to press farther the
point we raised last week as to the true
character of the new United States loan.
According to Preaideut Cleveland's cal
culation, if congress had agreed to amake
the new bonds specifically payable ia
gold, the interest charged would have
been reduced by fully 107,800 per aa
aum, "amounting in SO yean, or at the
maturity of the coin bonds, to tit, 174,
770," or close upon 3,2Se,000. aad it
after having deliberately elected to pay
that sunt in order to have the option of
discharging the claims of the bondhold
ers in silver coin, the governnMnt and
the legislature should still elect to pay
in gold coin it is certainly not for peo
ple here to object nor to tell then that
they are wasting money. At the same
tiase, however, the fact that they have
agreed, in consideration of a higher rate
of interest, to accept payment ia silver
aad have thus put themselves on a dif-.
ferent footing from the other creditors
of the government is a fact which it
would be foolish for those who have
subscribed to the new issue to ignore.
It will not do for them to say that the
United States government is under a
statutory obligation to maintain the
parity between gold aud silver coin, for
obviously if they had believed in the
complete validity and continuing force
of that obligation there would have
been no reason for differentiating be
tween a gold and a "coin" loan.
But, leaving that phase of the subject,
the question arises whether President
Cleveland and his advisers have not ag
gravated a good deal any pecuniary loss
which the perversity of the legislature
has entailed. The new loan has certain
ly proved an immense success for the
syndicate. Speaking broadly, it was
taken by them at 104 , and its issue
price averaged 113. The difference be
tween those two rates on a loan of 13,
000,000 represents a sum of fully 1,
100,000, which may be taken as the
price the United States government have
had to pay for the services of the syndi
cate. Indeed the payment may be put
at a higher figure, for the bonds are at
a premium of fully 6 per cent over the
issue price, and it may be assumed that
if tho United States government had ap
pealed to investors direct it would have
been able to realize to its own advan
tage something of that higher price It
would appear therefore that President
Cleveland appraised at too low a figure
the credit of the United States, impair
ed although that has been of late. In
any case he has certainly given the peo
ple of the States another object lesson
upon the evil of tampering with the cur
rency in addition to that afforded by
the higher rate of interest payable upon
the "coin" bonds. Financial syndicates
are an expensive luxury with whioh a
great and wealthy nation like the Unit
ed States ought to be able to dispense.
When Mr. Goschen carried out his con
version scheme, the entire cost in com
missions to agents, other than the banks
of England and Ireland, incurred in
converting 558,000,000 of 3 per cents,
was 234,000. And now we see the
United States compelled to allow inter
mediaries to earn a profit of over 1,
000.000 on a loan of 13,000,000. Of
course the laborer is worthy of his hire,
and no one would dream of blaming the
syndicate for making the best possible
terms for themselves. But if the mone
tary affairs of the States had been man
aged with ordinary prudence their serv
ices would not have been needed, and
as the avidity with which the loan has
been taken up may possibly have a bad
effect in causing the legislature to think
that after all, their pranks have done
no very great harm, and thus encourage
them in their folly, it is desirable that
this fact should be emphasised.
It now remains to be seen whether the
treasury will be able to retain the gold
with which the syndicate has under
taken to supply it, or whether that, in
its turn, will be drained away, as were
the proceeds of the two former loans.
As to that, it is too early yet to form any
definite opinion. No doubt the arrange
ment with'the syndicate should strength
en the hands of the treasury, for the
contracting firms are powers in the bul
lion market and can do a great deal to
influence the gold movements. It ia
hoped, too, that the effect of their co
operation will be to increase confidence
in the ability of the treasury to main
tain gold payments, and so tend to put a
stop to withdrawals of the metal
For our part, however, we do not be
lieve that there can be any real revival
of confidence until the legislature can
be got to deal with the currency in a
sensible fashion, and when it is said
that the revenue is now improving, and
that the treasury will be able to reduce
tho amount of paper currency outstand
ing, and so limit the power of the mar
ket to take gold from it by presenting
notes for payment, it has to be pointed
out that as yet the revenue still falls
short of the expenditure, and that if
later on the treasury was in a position
to reduce the volume of its paper circu
lation, so long as no efficient substitute
for that is provided, it could not do so
to any material extent without produc
ing a monetary stringency, which would
militate against a sound currency re
form by giving point to. the clamor of
the inflationists. It seems to us, there
fore, the clear duty of President Cleve
land to call together the new congress
as speedily as possible and endeavor to
obtain from it the assistance whioh the
present house has refused to give. At
best the present loan can be only a tem
porary stop gap, and the president will
not be justified in again resorting to
such a measure unless he has done all
that he can to get the legislature to pro
vide a really efficient remedy. London
Xw Tariff lad
The new tariff law, the tariff law of
the reformers which was to gladden the
heart of the American farmerand fatten
the pocketbook of the American me
chanic, has bean in operation for six
The law is now old enough, to be
studied. It has been in the statute book
long enough to show results. Every
American knows what the Democratic
promise to repeal the McKinley law
brought upon the country. The promise
has been kept Now, what is the effect
of the promise so kept?
The effect is wide aad startling. It
includes anew public debt, low wages
and small profits. This can be said gen
erally. Specifically it can be said that
the manufacturers in England aad on the
continent of Europe are daily increasing
their sales in the United States. Goods
are coming into American ports by the
shipload. This is a good thing for the
national treasury, bat it is bad thing
for Aassricau labor. A. bar of iron nude
in Fngland and sold in this country de
privessosse AasBricaasof wages which
the pocketbook of the American work
man, but is empty ing It This is a fact
that can be proved byDesaocraiongures
set down ia Washington aad gathered
The aew law, the law of the burden
Uftanvaas been, we have said, in effect
six months. During the eight months
just past the American farmer has been
gradually but surely sqneesed out of the
foreign markets with his staple prod
ucts. Hehsslostaniscketfort47,M0,
000 worth of his wheat aad for 82,000,
000 bushels of his corn. The price of
cotton has fallen 3J cents a pound, and
foreign sales show a decrease of 1,100,
000 bales.
The Democratic tariff law, therefore,
has helped the foreigners, bat it hasn't
helped any Americans but those who
have been appointed to collect the in
come tax. Cleveland Leader.
the Wllaaa BUI HaaCh pi a IJv-
tag Far the Werkawa.
It has yielded a 10 per c&nt increase
in the importation of foreign goods,
mado by foreign labor, :tnd displacing a
like amount of American labor.
It has yielded a nearly 10 per cent de
crease in the exports of American prod
ucts and merchandise, thus cutting off
just so much more work and wages for
It has yielded a great flood of foreign
grown wools' and destroyed the sheep
raising industry on American farms and
ranches. Incidentally it has helped to
yield a shorter Bupply of sheep for
slaughter and assisted tho Chicago meat
ring to put up tho prico of mutton.
It has yielded more foreign imports
by $100,000,000 worth, and yet it has
yielded a decrease of 10 per cent in the
amount of importations free of duty.
McKinloy's act oven had a inoro liberal
free list
It has yioldod more taxation and rev
enue on imported foods, necessaries of
life, such as sugar, tea, coffee, fruits,
rice, fish, vegetables and provisions gen
erally, than tho old 1890 tariff by about
$3 to $1. New York Recorder.
"Vary Low Prices."
A Bradford report of its wool trade
said: "Manufacturers are. better em
ployed thau they have been for a long
time, mainly on account of the revival
in the American trade, but merchants
find that the competition with the
American makers ia so close that it is
only the present very low prices which
make it possible to carry on this busi
ness." The "very low prices," which
are forced upon us by the Bradford com
petition under the new tariff, mean
"very low prices" for American farmers
who raise wool, "very low prices" for
American producers engaged in manu
facturing woolen goods and "very low
prices" for American labor engaged
either on the farm or in the factory.
They Always lh It,
Activity in trade at the importer's
shop means activity in works of charity
among our unemployed laboring classes.
Free trade tariffs always have and al
ways will create these conditions.
A recent decision of the U. S. su
preme court is to the effect that every
essential part of a patent article is. pro
tected by the patent, and that therefore
worn-out parts cannot be replaced by
the purchaser under the protest of re
pairs. If this were not so, it is argued.
every part might be replaced as it wore
out, and tbuB tho patentee would never
be ablee to sell moro than one article or
set of articles to tho same person.
It has been discovered that almost
nine-tenths of the West Creek district,
one of the new gold fields, is in a United
States timber reservation, and persons
working there are liable to imprisonment
for trespass. Congress will be asked to
pass a law cutting off the mineralized
portion of the reservation. Until this is
done no one can acquire a title to the
mineral lands outside of two or three
patented homesteads.
The New York Sun is democratic, but
it is evidently not in love with the pres
ent administration of affairs. In a little
paragraph, under the caption of "Hold
ing the Sack," it says: "In the last five
months France has bought from us
$G,000,000 less and sold us $12,000,000
more than in the corresponding months
last year. We are getting hold of the
markets of the world, but it is by the
hot end."
Daniel F. Miller, a famous Iowa
lawyer, died at Omaha last week at the
home of his daughter. He was 81 years
old. He served as a representative in
the legislature in territorial days and
again, two years ago, was elected to the
same office, making a thorough canvass
of the county, and doing as much and, as
effective work in the legislature as any
of the younger members.
At Altoona, Penn., a water famine is
threatened because all the mountain
streams from which the city get their
water, are frozen solid.
At tke Faseral Service or Jaka SUaffer at
the Overs Hease, Dee. 11, 1893.
Atour request, Judge Hudson has fur
nished ub with the substance of his
address, certain portions of which have
been the subject of very much com
ment: Ed. Journal.
What wondrous change! Yet we must
all pass through death unto life. O
death; from ont thy mysterious depths,
what hast thou wrought? Thou hast
taken from onr midst John Stauffer, one
of the beet and public spirited men.
John Stauffer came in our midst in
1869, entering into business in Jackson,
now known as Duncan, and after one
year removed to Columbus, aad remained
with us since that time. He was ever
ready to lend his aid to every enterprise
that had any seeming good to benefit 'the
community. Twenty-two years ago he
organized the Columbus Cornet Band,
giving hie time, talents and watchcare as
tutor and leader, until he brought them
up to each a standard of excellence, that,
A WIM Eaglae.
considered the bast
ia the state of
thought before I
aad enamerste
Nebraska. One other
oa to particularise
interest in publio
It gomes to my mind now that at least
twice he entered iato business ia Colum
bus, and none that ever became hie pat
rons was heard to say other than that he
was a fair aad upright man to deal with.
Furthermore, he was the castodwa of
oar cemetery funds for. a number of
years. I caanot now recall bow many
years, but daring onr existence as an
association of over 30 years, we hare had
bnt two treasurers, Dr. C. B. Stillman
and John Stauffer, and on each of oar
j annual aseetings the auditing committee
nave reported that the funds were accu
rate aad correct to a cent. I quote these
matters as they occur to me to show the
natural integrity and honesty of onr
dead friend and cit''aen.
I will try to not trespass upon your
time bnt will briefly review his connec
tion with some of the public institutions
with whioh he was identified at the time
of bis decease, passing by the many
minor things in which be took an active
interest. For, 21 years and 7 months he
was a member of Wildey Lodge of the
I. O. O. F., and in all positions of trust
he was true and faithful and loyal to
every obligation imposed upon him. For
18 years he was a member of the Maen
nerchor, one of the charier members,
and its president for seven years. Many
of xm remember hearing the rich melody
of his bass voice with others of his asso
ciates when furnishing entertainment
and pleasure for us. Seventeen years he
was a member of the Royal Arcanum,
another evidence of his solicitude for the
comfort and well being of his family.
The other institutions with which he
was identified, Firemen, K. of P. and
Modern Woodmen, I am not so well pre
pared to speak, but doubtless a man of
his temperament was faithfnl and loyal
to all public interests to which he was
I now come to a point in John Stanff
er's life that I approach with relnctanco,
but with a firm conviction that he was a
badly wronged man, and aa I cannot ex
pect to be long with you, I want to state
tho truth as I know it, being a member
of the board of supervisors, I had some
opportunities of gauging the political
thermometer at tho court house. My
tongue has not the eloquence to pro
nounce such a eulogy as he is worthy of,
but the pen of the historian of the future
will write on history's page thnt John
Stauffer was an honest man, and wipe
away any mistakes that he may have
For thirteen years he was our county
clerk, and the confidence of the people
was made manifest from the large major
ities be received. The name of John
Stauffer had become the synonym of
uprightness and honor in well nigh every
home in the county. But there came a
time in his life when the dark cloud of
suspicion overshadowed his path. One
to whom he had been a friend, and had
often helped to many favors, came pos
sessed of an ambitious desire for politi
cal exaltation, Hnd John Stauffer was
selected as the victim, and when the.
poisoned arrows were drawn from the
political quiver they were shot at him
with envenomed force. Did John Stauff
er ran away or skulk around, or seek to
hide himself behind the barricade of
bondsmen and sureties? No! He was
too sensitive for that, and submitted to
any indignity rather than permit his
sureties to be annoyed. He was
conscious of no evil intent on his
part. But with that generous un
selfishness of his character ho bared
his breast, and told his tradu
cers to strike; and strike they did nntil
the envenomed shafts struck him down
and became a consuming fire in his
bones. The burden heaped upon him
crushed his sensitive spirit till we saw
that robust form bending beneath its
weight, and the rapid approach of pre
mature old age, as I stated in my open
ing remarks, he was sent to an untimely
gravo by the cruelty of political foes.
Bnt I thank God he lived long enough
to see the time when the supreme court
of our state proclaimed that John Stauff
er did no wrong, that he was an honest
man. But the cruel ambition of tho
political aspirant has no pity or remorse,
and often o'erleaps all bonds and ties,
and in the mad rush to reach the goal
begotten of greed and thirst for a covet
ed office, men will trample the bodies of
their best friends to secure the consum
mation of their political ambition.
John Stauffer, like most men that love
home and its peace, looked for a wife,
and found her in Miss Eliza Blaser, to
whom he was married in May, 1872, and
now leaves her his widow with one son
and four daughters to share the loneli
ness of their desolated home.
In my 26 years acquaintance with him
I ever knew him devotedly attached to
his home and family, at all times show
ing unrest if any member of his family
were sick. I cannot sum up our friend's
career in life and pay a higher tribute to
his character and worth than by quoting
from a short biography I find in The
Coluxbcs Journal, a paper politically
opposite to bis convictions, and perhaps
no higher tribute can be paid his mem
ory than the scriptures of divine truth
declares. "That if any provide not for
his own, and specially for those of his
own house, is worse than an infidel."
Our deceased friend was an ardent lover
of home, children and friends.
"There was probably never i gentler,
kindlier spirit in human kind than ani
mated Jonn stauffer. lie was every
body's friend. Never man more regard
ful of the feelings of others, or more
sensitive to their good opinion. Devoted
to family and friends, he was not unmind
ful of his relations to the community at
large, in the welfare of which he took a
lively interest.''
The three links of Oddfellowship,
friendship, love and truth, were never
tarnished by any word or act of John
Stauffer, and I have no doubt that his
Pythian brothers who will deposit his
body in the tomb, will surround his
memory and name with the golden halo
of friendship, charity and benevolence.
Oa Trial far Lire.
Mrs. Francis Brant, charged with the
murder of Frederick Beeves on August
27 last was placed on trial Monday of
last week at Madison. We gather from
Madison county papers that she is a
woman of medium size and height, that
at the beginning of the trial she appeared
composed and self-possessed, but. near
the close her countenance changed to a
look of melaacholy.
Mrs. Brant aad hnsbaad were tenants
at that time it
of Fred. Beeves, aad occupied all his
farm at Esaeriek except about aOaerea,
which be reserved for a wheat field aad
pasture lot, aad which were connected
by a uae paaaiag the house where the
Brants lived.
There had been moreor leas trouble
between Keeves aad his tenants all ram
mer, principally over the divisioa of
fruit in the orchard, which was to be
shared. The dhnculties led in the latter
part of June or the first of July to a
general quarrel, after which the Brants
bad Beeves arrested for assault, but at
the hearing they were unable to show
that assault had been committed, and
Beeves was discharged.
After the wheat on the 30 acres was
cut Beeves instructed his man to haul it
to the pasture lot, which made it neces
sary to pass the Brant house through
the lane. After a part had been hauled
the man found a sign which had appar
ently been put up by the Brants to the
effect that Fred. Beeves could not haul
grain through that lane unless he paid
for the privilege. This was on the 26th.
The man promptly kicked down the sign
and went on with his work.
On tho morning of the 27th when be
came with the first load he found the
gate closed and nailed up. Mrs. Brant
was present and threatened trouble if be
went through. He went to the Beeves
bouse and asked him to -come up and
take down the gate. After considerable
parleying Beeves came. When he reach
ed the gate be took hold to push it open.
Just as he started to do this Mrs. Brant
stepped out from behind a .clump of
bushes in the yard and ordered him not
to touch the gate. He paid no attention
to the woman but again attempted to
open it. Whereupon sho leveled a revol
ver and shot The first shot taking no
apparent effect, she fired again. Ono of
the shots struck turn in the abdomen,
and he started to walk toward home. He
went only about fifty reet when he foil.
His man assisted him into a wagon and
took him home. Tho next day he died.
At the preliminary hearing the defense
did not pnt any witnesses on the stand,
but an attempt will lie made to show
that Sirs. Brant shot in self defense, that
Reeves had pulled a board from the fence
and with a threat upon her life had start
ed toward her when the fatal shot was
fired. The defense will attempt to prove
that Reeves had frequently threatened
the Brant family, and that ho was vin
dictive and ugly, and fully capable of
carrying out his threats against them.
The jury on Thursday returned a ver
dict finding the accusal gnilty of man
slaughter. The penalty is imprisonment
in the penitentiary for from one to ten
years at the discretion of tho judge. The
Reporter says "the concensus of opinion
seems to be that Mrs. Brant will receive
a light sentence."
Oconee Jottinx.
J. C. Dawson and wife made a visit to
St. Edward Friday, returning Sunday.
H. M. Winslow ia getting all the corn
from this territory. There is but very
little left.
Mrs. G. A. Cooley contemplates a visit
to Omaha this week as her mother is in
poor health.
D. Lynch and H. C. Carrig were in
Oconee Saturday evening looking after
irrigation interests.
Rev. Leedoui of Platte Center and
Humphrey was in town Saturday, stop
ping till Sunday morning.
Tho petition for the irrigating district
has been freely circulated in these parts.
D. Murdock took it around Friday and
every man but two signed. One of those
partially changed his mind and will
probably sign yet.
Scnbner Rustler: John Getch. in an
hour and twenty minutes after Dr.
Spencer began on him was delivered of
a tape-worm twenty-nine feet in length.
Blair Pilot: When the false alarm of
fire wa9 given at the Central Tuesday
afternoon, the building was emptied of
its 450 occupants in one and one-fourth
minutes. Nearly all tho first floor pu
pils were out in thirty seconds, but those
on the third floor (High school) were
not in "the rush," 6ave eleven chrysanthemum-topped
Norfolk News: Congressman Meikle
john introduced a bill in the house yes
terday for the erection of a public build
ing at Norfolk, at a cost not exceeding
$200,000. If Sir. Meiklojohn succeeds in
having this bill run the gauntlet of the
committee rooms, and gets it through
the house, this city will be under lasting
obligations to him. And even then it
will lack several sections of bringing us
the-building. The senate will take a
whack at it and then the president must
approve it, and the chances are about 16
to 1 against it this session. But Mr.
Meiklejohn is doing all right, and if Nor
folk has as persevering a champion else
where about the capitol as he, we will
soon be digging trenches for the founda
tion of the building. Norfolk will have
a public building some day, but it is
probably too much to hope for it during
tho present session or administration.
Fremont Herald: The fly wheel of a
corn sheller at the Standard Cattle Com
pany's ranch flew into pieces recently.
Some of the particles were found a hun
dred feet away. Nobody was hurt bnt
some of the men had a narrow escape
Jay Adams and Mr. Robinson, of Saun
ders county, were the victims of a dis
tressing and nearly fatal accident last
Wednesday. The men were blasting a
log with gun powder. They had placed
the charge and ignited the fuse. With
drawing for a Bhort distance they await
ed tho result. The explosion did not
occur after a reasonable time and the
men went to investigate. As they neared
the log the explosion took place and
seriously wounded both men. Adams'
head was struck by a flying missile and it
is feared he may lose his eyesight.
Robinson suffered a broken limb. It is
not believed that either men was fatally
Holiday Kateji
Via the
31 and,
the Burlington Ronte, Dec. 24, 25,
Jan. 1 between stations not more
than 200 miles apart. Return .limit
Jan. 2, 1896. Take advantage of this
low-rate opportunity and spend Christ
mas with the old folks. They are
counting on yon. The Christmas tnr
key and the Christmas padding mo all
ready. Eat them where they should be
eaten at home with yonr own people
among yonr own friends. Tickets and
full information at the B. & M. depot 2t
afit.. dSLI.A- RaT
tr " I
henry mm & CO.,
Staple and
Fancy Groceries,
Eleventh Street, -
We invite you to come ami see us. "We regard the interests of-our
patrons as mutual with our own, so far as our dealings are concerned our
part of the obligation being to provide anil offer
Good - Goods - at - Fair - Prices.
EVERYTHING KEPT that is expected to be found in a first
class, up-to-date grocery store.
Established 1970.
.Ajad. ISeal Estate.
MONEY TO LOAN ON FARMS at lowwtt rates of interest, on short or Ionic time, in amount
to unit applicants.
BONDED ABdTKACTEIlS OF TITLE toallrealeatntoin Platte coonty.
KeprewntTHE LEADING INSURANCE COMPAMESof the World. Onr farm policies a
the most liberal in use. Losaes adjusted, and promptly paid at thiaottici.
Notary Public always in office.
Farm and city property for sale.
Make collections of foreign inheritances and soil steamship tickets to aad from allpait
of Earope. latnt'BI-tf
Subscribe for The Journal any
day. Fifty cents will get yon the paper
for the next three monthsv$1.50 for the
next year.
vl T
Ta Chicago and the East
gers goingeast for business, will
nattatalTv aravitate to tfhicam an thn
great commercial center. Passengers
re-vunting menus or relatives in the
eastern states always desire to "take in"
Chicago en ronte. All classes of passen
gers will find that the "Short Line" of
the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Rail
way, via Omaha and Council Bluffs,
affords excellent facilities to reach their
destinations in a manner that will be
sure to give the utmost satisfaction.
A reference to the time tables will in
dicate the route to be chosen, and, by
asking any principal n,vnt west of the
Missouri river for a ticket over the
Chicago, Council Bluffs & Omaha Short
Line of the Chicago, Milwankee & St.
Paul Railway, you will be cheerfully
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Omaha and Chicago. Please note that
all of the "Short Line" trains arrive in
Chicago in ample tirr.o to connect with
the express trains of all the great through
car lines to the principal eastern cities.
For additional particulars, time tables,
maps, etc., please call on or address F.
A. Nash, General Agent, Omaha, Xeb.
gusiness ottirs.
Advertisements nnder this head five cente a
line each insertion.
f.SCHILTZ makes boots and shoes in the
best steles, and uses onlr the Terr best
ckthat can be procured in the market. 52-tf
Tuesday afternoon, and are correct and reliable
at the time.
Wheat M
Shelled Corn
Oats 10C12
Bye 20&2
Floor in 500 lb. lots $ ." 00g8 so
Butter 15
Esks is
Potatoes 40
Fathogs ti 7363 10
Fat cows $1 50A2 2S
sr svBDo9(" 9 3(s
Fat steers S2 7S43 00
Feeders S2 254j2 .V.
"When You Want Yoni
Insured .
Or yonr personal property protected
from loss by FIRE. LIGHTNING or
CYCLONES, call at the office of
Three doors
Bank. None
north of First National
bnt first-class companies
aUsventa Street. Colnmbns. Hsb
W. A. McAllister. W. M. Corselics
tvtft CBmnar.
Special attention siren to Criminal
Office: Corner EleTenth aal North 8ts.
OSes over First National Bank.
V A HTlKKri.
Soatbwsst eorasr Kfeteata aad North Btrssts.
tajmlr-r CoLVXaes, NSSBASJU,
. .- jl
Eatabllaliea. lea:
First National Bant,
Capital Stick Pail in $100,000.00
J. II. UAM.EV, Vi Pnu't.
We keep on hand at
all times a full stock of
the best grades of Penn
sylvania Anthracite
Rock Springs and oth
er soft Coals always on
hand. Give us a call.
Ua M Market
Fresh and
Salt Meats.
Game and Fish in Season.
tSFllighest market
Hides and Tallow.
prices paid for
We Carry Coffins, Caskets ami
Metallic Caskets at as low
prices as any one.
Drink Habit .
Also Tobacco, MortMne antj
- other' Narcotic Habits.
SwlrWattrsataMBtt-ifai iftisairsJ.
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A -d
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-AC Ir " "-v- '
'-"-- n
t .. J t-
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