The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, October 09, 1895, Image 3

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Columbus gourual
WDX8DAr..OCT0BEB . 15.
--"..-- - ... A-AX.TDUSTABLE. -
' ..-'"-"- ' ' : I -1 Vrn. trtAslUX.
mtu Crtinmbnt;....'.-..:.- 835 a.m. 230p.m.
-" ' ........ S56 320 -
".--- Iavid City..'.....:; 90S " ' 05 p.m.
.'.".-. Sraril.V.; :;...-. 102 ". 7:45. -
iTeat.tiincola .. . ril-2. a- m. 1030 " .
. ":'TTifcjAonrerT(Uneolnatfl:j5p. m., and
. . f tJvmi at Columbus 9-JB p. m; the freight leave
-" Laa'--otn"at.t;l5 accu,"aad airea at Colamboa at
.4.-W.O.BL. -
" .." "-.OITlT.".
AiXaat if- Kx. .:"." C5 a. m
-. - Ker&erLoc'L.9.23ra.-m
-PacifitfEx:. !0 45p:ra
KmuskLoc'I iaP..m.
"LinutMi .-.-.. 5J0 p. m
XocsU Er't.V ' 830 a. m
.''" iLiiurw!....-'..:. 2:45 pn'j
..CpUjU!... .fiJUa.?n
No.- 3. Fast MAiI,
tni"njrers- -lot-
thrOKltTwiJnt?: Goin.wt af T P. ns-ar-
riWat-Dt-nyerlO a. m '.No. 4. Fast Mail rar
; rit paaatfuc(ra,-Kni!i4C east nt 1:15 p. m-' No. 31,
-'fM-tKht.-tJurW p-u'-oneera. .rocs wet 630 a. m.
. ." -The freight train. leT'n lifreat 435 p.m. cof
.ri? passemrersTrotoijere to Valley.. : . .
coLcanjcsASD-siocx crrr. " .
V - "PassencjT Arrive from Sfoax City: .
v "" . :" MiTe-fot Sioux-Cltr
225 p.- m
53a p. m
: 31 1 z I; lmwSiiT'or Sioax City .-. .:-. . . . 7 30 a. ra
.. 'Mixed'saiTi'e..:;.... --.-..-. -.llOJ.p". m
" " " "
- .': .' '' fob"s axd cedar bxeids. .-"
rixeI1ea5ei.I-..":-s"...l .-. .-.
... 230 p. nr
goriefg S"?-
trAll otic';anlf hia heading Jwill.te
. - - c:uirKVi at tie-rae 01 jemr.
: LEUXS&S LODGE So.-m; .r F. A. M.
LTtmU'miMitininiil W!nvlav in each
JT-mnntk, - All bretLren -inrtted tcvattend
v. .. '.K.-XoTxsxris4Stc,y- - .. W' -
j;-. WILDEY LODGE So.44; L O. O. F-
Jt-me.ts .Tjlday CTHning or eacn
.'-i"''--' ght. -. Visitinu brefhrwi- cordially
- ihritpi- -- v.-' .... - W. A. Wat. S. G.
i AV.K..NbtETKiy;JSoc'yr .. -yjan?lt
.:-' - tn Wrtrld, mii-;Terj neconu ana loann
,.' - - -'' -'-.-'nmrw.l-ivrt oT-th month. 7J0 d. to.-, at Oehlrich's
"..;;"-'. irall. Thirtvath strwf. -Uular attendance is
. . j"iV' y . -dXaiiy tfcl toiEit with Oa.:- jan23-95 '
---".i---- .; aratA. ho!I nnlap-Berricw T"Ty Sunday
-at 2 p..pi.. prayer nreetin on Vrttnoay vTenimc
-at 2 p..pi.. prayer nreetin on Vrttnoay Tenin
at tjinir chapel, ctraer of North ittnetand Pacific
- 3der U. J, IlcnaoN.'Prerfident
EVASG. PHO"n CHURCH.- (Germ. Inform.)
lj?rvi(v.rer. Sanday at 103C a. m. Hap-7-.'tiHcjs.
ntacrL-ijrrtj and -funeral sennois ar con
: -' darted, pi th FaiLi.r inxhn German and Englih
" -lanuai. .Uesidence, "Washington Ave. and
,- -Ereenth Htrierp. " -" .--" " '
-".-Haov-T!...-- - E. De Gxixxa, Pastor.
"-'C TheTienca the best.
- : - ViAe the citizen' ticket.
j - c Help oien help therpselred.
-"-Jr-. --f-Haydea Bros.', I)ry Goods, Omaha.
' ,.-.." ' Call on na wlien in need of any print-
1 .'-!.
". '"AdverUfiinir ia the biood of busi
. :uess",
Gomplaints are intended to remedy
(L . for fine photos go to Strauss &
Criss. tf
j- Or. Nanmann, dentist," Thirteenth
atreeL tf
H..D. Shaff of Geneva, was in town
FridaVr .
-Erank- "Wake of Genoa -was in the
city FH-iay.
Dr,.T. R Crark, Olive street.
.office. at nights.
BmtnrrfenTelopes at thia-offic-foe"
50 certta per hundred.
Dr. L. O. Vos9, Homeopathic pbysi-
an, Colnmbtis, .Jfebr.
. Your picture, any size, shade or
atvle. atStninsa i Criss'. tf
-- .Mr.. Duffy went to'Platte Center
Friday on leipil busraess,
;' -Dr. Hanphawont-and wife of Genoa,
V visited Sunday with, friends..
,Tudje Bowman of Omaha, was' a
Colnuibus visitor last Saturday..
- Vole tJie ticket put in nomination
lly lliA republicans and popnlistsl "
-r-Feels; a: little like snow, and people
v beinninj to" think, of their fuel.
E- T. Bowers, veterinary surjjeon,
-wiU le found at Abt' barn hereafter, tf
. . Drs. Martyn. Evans & Geer, office
Vihree doors, nortii of Friedhof s store tf
-.- t The- Grand Island sugar factory
-ITald out $40,,QOO this season for labor.
'...'. W" Bi Backus returned Saturday
.'from A3broH, where he was on business.
.','-X. -Hrb"t sliovyer Thursday ni'rht
- freshened", the atmosphere Considerably.
'Thi JocbxaIi office i5 prepared to
'-.'-do printing of all kifads, on short 'notice.
.r'-CaH at the Vienna restaurant for
fresh oysters. Bert. Osterhout, manager.
'-- A' bicycle dealer says that over half
-i'mrllion bicveles "will be sold this Year.
:" tMjs. J. S- Murdock gave a party
"."Friday -evening to "a company of lady,
'.friends. . .
J- .--7-James Nolan has received back pen
. sKrn'"nt of 730, and will get 12
- Advertise and keep everlastingly
-'?atit.v Vou will find 'it tells in your
; - "businesB.. : ." V . . " -'
. - ""-If.a womrtn" is", all right in" the school-"
! '.room", -why -n'ot'in all school work? Vote
'.Vf6tMis..Brir-dIey ":- - .
---Farm loans at lowest rates'-and best
Hermsw Money:-:-on "" hand,, no delay.'
.--Becher. Jaeggi "i Co. ; ' . : .--
"-V-WaV .i--"Hock"enberger,. Telephone
Np.'.34."rbr ih'e best Pennsylvania
cW delivefed.:-.-. -
V-; V.-4-H.-J- AJnoldj-M. D physician and
Jir surgeon. -'Two' doors, north of Brod--...J
fuelirer's. jewelry store, tf"; - ".
f. . -"". --A: heavy-. cannon werit west to the
' "-'Pacific coast -Tuesday of last week, its
",. '-'-weighlOfJO pounds. .
. -. '." Qrow.your own fruit. . We can have
. y 'it in abundance, if we will but "plant the
. --"'trees, .and "fend thesawelL
. Whenyou "want. your, picture, call
a't-tbe-db;wnfloor. gallery..- Satisfaction
y -guaranteed. -Strauss k Criss.. tf
.- " . . .-J.ildge Hollenbeck of Fremont was
. " among his -friends here Friday, canvass
- -;. -ing.his prospects -for election.. -"
' - " . .
...'The Vienna restaurant is the place
.T to get 'oysters, in any style. Opposite
, . . j-- . -T -"
.- The Eleiratwr loller Mills
ay the- fcighest aiarket price
.far. grain.. .-"
"... There was "no : district court here.
';. . Saturday',' Judge Sullivan being called
. to Illinois, by the death of his mother. -
. . . .
. Wiggins and Lewis have raised their
' eScebut .will pay just ss much as be"-'
. fore for at hogs and cattle, the highest
V- - .the market wfll afford.
New foods daily,
New, polished
j-tet arrived, at HerncTf b.' 2
-The Ced&an sedetj will Baeet witk
Mia Kittle Spaioa aext Hoaday. .
' --The mercury west down - to 23s
Toeaday .moraine, making quite thick
ice. . . "
-'' ICsa Minnie Becker entertained a
large number of friends Monday after
noon. " .
A special report of the old aettlera'
picrric.received too late, for this week's
Jocksal, goes over till the next.
"Remember .that tax-payers, soon or
later, ' pay- all' expenses for campaign
beer. and-whisky. .Don'tbe deceived.
-George Baumgart. has removed to
nschholz Bros, store, with whom, he
will. have bench-room, and .do repair
ing. -3t . ' . '--. '.:.
--""W.- H.-' Winterbotham formerly of
ibis city has been nominated 'for clerk
in Nance county. He will make a good
one. -;-
-War scenes and songs, Maennerchor
hmtl, Friday and Saturday evenings, Oct.
if and 12, 25-cents admission.' A rare
treat.. - .
." G."W. -Phillips" and W. H. Winter-:
.both am started Thursday' for south
western Missonn, where they have some
land. --.- - . - .
Farmers get the best ex-
afcee at Elevator - Holler
Mill's.:- .tf!
. 7-Julius Basmussen has received an
offer of a position in a store in Seattle,
Washington, and expects to move there
in a few' days.
ABorse for sale.
uoubie -busts narness. amauire office.
-For sale, a soundTsafe family horse,
a" Brrggy nearly -new and harness.. A
bargain.1 . Inquire of H. J. Hudson under
Commercial bank. tf
Tlie Monroe Looking Glass is print
ing n series of interesting- letters ' from
Ernest Gerrard,'who is now in Europe,
descriptive of his travels.
Grace -'Episcopal church, Sunday,
Oct, 13, 11 a. m., "How Old art Thou?"
7-30, choral service, with special music;
sermon, "Ruth's Choice."
Editors Barber of the Fnllerton
Journal and Hastings of the News were
in the city Friday, homeward bound
from the state convention.
Gus G- Becher was appointed a
member of the state central committee
by the delegates from this county to the
state convention held last week.
A. A. Kearney of the Stanton Reg
ister gave JorjBNAL headquarters a very
pleasant call Thursday on his way.home
from the republican state convention.
Dave Hale, the citizens' candidate
for sheriff, has promised to make a
canvass in those parts of the county
where he is not personally acquainted.
' -"The rag-tags and bob-tails," as the
Telegram calls the citizens' combine,
are marching steadily to the court house,
and their ranks are increasing every day.
y"-Beeher, Jaeggi & Co. insure build-
Ags and personal property against fire,
' lightning-, and cyclones, in good and
reliable companies at lowest current
rates, tf
Baptist. church, J. D. Pulis, pastor,
services 11 a. m., 7-30 p. m. Subjects,
Oct 13th, morning, "Love's Token;"
evening, -"Some Things Money Cannot
If the present county superinten
dent were as active in school work, all
the year as he is just before election,
what an amount of activity he would
Judge Ewing of Central City, can
didate for judge on the independent
f ticket for the Sixth district, was in town
Saturday looking after his political
Lawyer Duffy expeets to start to-day
(Wednesday) for bis old home in Mis
souri, where he expects to bo detained
on business matters for four qr five
Jos. Apgar, Thomas Dress, Roy
Clark, Frank Baird and Andrew Mc
Kelvey of the Woodulle and St-Ed-
! ward neighborhood were in the city
The petition signed-by 24 citizens
asking an investigation into the charge
of drunkenness against Chief of Police
Brandt, was referred 'to the committee
on police. -
"Nothing venture, nothing have.
You cannot hope to discover the great
est and best fruit in the Garden of Suc
cess without making some small con-
crRed Seal and Colombia are
e leading Dranns or nonr
ry tnem.
A man was brought down Monday'
-noon and taken to .the hospital. He had
been run over by. a train at Lindsay and
suffered the .loss of a limb. .No 'one'
knew his name.
ISBargainshambefSsnits at .Her
riek'sLike everJiing elJhaihe fac
tory shipphem toosjon, ancTfMare
overstocked, nesce . they nrsmt be sold
cheap to move them. 2t-'
Fob Sals A 5-room house, with
bargain at S600. Also, a 5-room
lling, with lot for $550. Will take
as "part pay-a gooa team or norses. in
quire at Jocksal office. tf
""".After all, Fred Jewell is quite' a far-mer-"boy,
and is making a lively cam
paign, and it looks now as if he would
come in at the end of the race several
lengths ahead of his opponents.
Talk about chairs! We never
I night half so many as this year. We
iaght them before the raise. - We give
our customers the benefit. Herrick for
headquarters for picture frames. 3t.
When you place order, for print
ing at The Jouktal office, you. can cal
culate that you.will receive your finished
work at the time it was promised you,
and have a nice job, correctly done. .
Clark Helwig, aged .18, while in an
oat bin in. an- elevator at Rising, -was
smothered to death by a car of oats un
loaded over him. Two 'other boys' in
the bin escaped and gave the alarm. '
The supreme court has at last
passed upon the Debany case the
Nance county man who killed his wife.'
The date set for his execution is'Jsav
Bry 10, 1896. It seems generalrr re
ceded that Debuy w
at mnrrr 3 .
eatttar'tebMs, mios
ilteingle unsabex-
jjygentle. AlaW a likht set fpf
. los
Th "oawral taahai", as th Tal-
egrancalk it, is thoro-aghbred- caoagk
toazoBaa all theracinc Wood of their
op-Boneautoaferer heat, even now be
fore they have reached the first qmarter
John Taartahill has a new cider mill
and k making tons excellent cider. A
part of the Jooaiux; force have had a
sample, .which carried them clear back t
to boyhood days in the old Ohio or
chard. -43apt. Williams is on the program, of
the meeting, at Lincoln, Oct. 11 and 12,
of the state association of superinten
dents and' principals, for a ten-minute
talk on the best basis of making pro
motions. - -
- The .Omaha Business .College' base
ball, team passed- through Columbus
Saturday en route home, to -Omaha.
They played three games in Albion and
lost them all by the following 'score:
9-6, 183, io-ri '
Mrs Jooji McPherson went to Port-
land, OreJ, Wednesday last to wait upon
her son's, Will McPherson's wife, who
lost nerve. while coasting on a bicycle,
jumped from her wheel and was very
seriously injured. '
J. M. Macf arland, formerly an' at
torney of. this place came within one
vote of being nominated by the repub
licans of 'Omaha for. district judge.
Mac received 87 votes, while 88 would
have nominated him.
A vote for the citizens' ticket is a
vote to clean out the court house. If
'y'orr are in favorof aiftange in the man
agement of the court house, place an X
opposite the names of the candidates on
the citizens' ticket. Monroe Repub-'
lican, '-
On Sunday last an accident hap
pened to Jacob Tschudin, jr., aged 18
years. .While pulling a gun -but of a
uggy the. hammer caught, and the con
tents of the gun were discharged -into
his right arm, which, we are informed,
had to be amputated.
In an. account of the Methodist con
ference- -tne r remont Tribune says:
"The transfer of Rev. Win. Worley, one
of the oldest ministers 'of this confer
ence in point of-service," was then an
nounced and a resolution qf esteem was
introduced and passed by a rising vote."
Several private canning factories
have been in operation this season; near
Seward, says the Reporter; one of these
will put on the market 8,500 cans and
another 20,000 cans of tomatoes.- Es
tablishments of this' kind ought to pay
in this vicinity much greater profit than
at Seward.
The Telegram says "that the voters
of Platte. county do not believe it the
proper calling of - a. woman to go plod
ding over, the county doing a man's
work." She would be an active, wide-a-wake
superintendentdoing a superin
tendent's work, and mostly among
women teachers.
M. Rothlightner promised the vo
ters at the old settlers' picnic that if
elected again he would do better work.
It is too late now, Max, you should have
done your best all the time. The voters'
have decided that a change is necessary.
Mrs. Brindley -will be the next 'county
superintendent. -
Ghordus Stull, of Marengo, DL, was
looking after business and visiting his
brother M. C. and family in Polk county
the letter part of last week and first of
this. He was a resident of this county
several years ago. He reports good
crops in Illinois, but times not very good.
Osceola Record.
Rev. Wm. Worley was in the city
Friday on his way to Albion. He has
been transferred to the Nebraska con
ference and goes to Hebron, Thayer
county. We are sorry to hear of Mr.
Worley's leaving this part of the
country, as he has been a faithful watch
man on the walls of Ziou.
The Congregational and Presbyte-1
rian churches held a union meeting
Sunday evening and - the services were
given over to the "i. P. S. C. E. of. the
two churches. Misses Minnie Becker,
Alice Luth and Bessie Sheldon gave
very interesting reports of the state con
vention held at Nebraska City.
This office received a business letter
from A. H. Griswold last week,- from
Grass Valley, CaL, where he owns and
operates a steam laundry. The town is
a gold mining town of 8,000 inhabitants,
supporting three daily papers. The
friends of Mr. and Mrs. Griswold will be
pleased to learn of their deserved suc
cess. Conductor Nobbs who used to run
between Columbus and Sioux City, now
on the main line, suffered a painful ac
cident Wednesday at .Kearney. As he
went to board the 'train he stumbled
and put out his hand to stop himself,
when the train passed over his wrist,
mashing it so badly that it had to be
amputated, and later it was found nec
essary to take the arm off above the
elbow to save bis life.
The republican .state convention
assembled in Lincoln-Oct. 2d and nomi
nated J.'L.Norval of -Seward for su
preme judge and C. H. Morrill of 'Lin
coln and H. L. Goold of -Ogalalla for
regents of -the state -university. The
following "persons 'acted as' delegates
from Platte county: Ed. Hoare, M.
Whitmoyer, G. Alexander, F. Eenyon,
R. Lewis, J. Dawson, R. P. Drake, Gus
G. Becher, .Clark Gray, W.'Hunteman.
-. The following assignments of Meth
odist ministers made at the late confer
ence will be interesting to-many Jotjb-.
sal readers: Grand-Island, district,
presiding elder, D. E. Tindall; Cedar
Rapids, F. W. Brow; Fnllerton, W. H.
Pfllsbury; Richland, L. R. DeWolf ; St.
Edward, E. E. ElRorick; West Omaha,
J- Q. A. Fleharty; -Columbus, Wm.
Shambaugh; Blair, J. E. Moore. The
foregoing list is from the World Herald.
It was' rumored that Rev. Moore' had
been "sent here' and Rev. Leedom to
Platte Center and Humphrey.
' 'The man who exercises' the func
tions of 'county judge must, to do his
duty well, understand - the law. He
must see to it 'that -'justice is done to
widows and orphans in the settlement
of estates. While he ought not act as a
paid attorney for those in interest (be
cause matters of estate may come before
him in .contest for his decision, and his
judgment should be unbiased by s fee
from either side), yet there are many
times when a knowledge of the law by
the judge will save the estate money and
do no harm to the business of practicing
attorneys either. Safety requires a good
knowledge of the law in our county
ijTUffss. voce nor Jkilum.
From Bert Galley, who returned om
the 24th nit. from his western trip of six
weeks with Dr.' and Mrs. Evans, Mr. sad
Mrs. Ed. Chambers of this plaee sad
others of Genoa, we get a brief outline
of their travels, which, given in annate
detail, would make a large book.
From here they .went directly to Salt
Lake City, staying over from Friday to
Monday viewing .the sights of the" city
and vicinity, snd' on Sunday attending
service at the Tabernacle, where, with
'about 8,000 other people, they listened
to ' Brigham Young, jr., and Joseph
Smith, jr., snd others. The Tabernacle
is a wonderful building in many, ways,
one of the unusual features being the
means of exit the immense congrega
tion were all out 'of 'the 'building in five
minutes from the time of dismissal. A
city and county building just completed
attracts much attention.
The first camp was made at Beaver
Canon, Idaho; where the Genoa party
joined the sojourners. This was within
a hundred miles of the National park.
They had two covered wagons and six
saddle' horses, and- made two camps in
reaching the park, where they 'stayed
two weeks. This is a body of land sixty
miles square reserved by the government
and in charge or two companies, or sol
diers, the main body being at Fire Hole
basin, the others in different parts, in
squads of three and' four. - Ten miles in
from the boundary of the park, it is laid
out, with roads nicely graded and mile
posts marking the distances and telling
the way. 'A. syndicate has erected
hotels at different places and runs a.
stage line for the, accommodation of
Parties entering the park are metby a
soldier. guard,and,-if they desire,' their
guns are taken and a receipt given'for
them; if not, theyjue sealed, and if, at
the end of their travels' in the park, the.
seal-is found broken "r)jni the guard, the
guns are confiscated,. The" guards are
always very strict about camp fires also.'
The next camp of the party was made at
Arangeer Idaho, where they tarried
fourteen days, and had a delightful time
of it. They passed over the continental
divide, where water falling out .of the
same small cloud may divide and go.
one portion to the Atlantic ocean, the
other to the Pacific.
". In the list of game are sage hens, blue
and willow grouse' porcupine, deer, elk,
and fish in abundance, the party one
day catching 95 pounds of trout. The
most wonderful sight of the trip was the
geysers. They stopped with Old Faith
ful and saw him spout half a dozen
times; every 59. minutes, as regular as. a
clock, he throws a stream 150 feet high
and holds it up five minutes. A brief
description of all the geysers would fill
a large book. .d. Chambers, who was.
with this party, says that you never have
the feeling there of perfect security,
there is so much loose earth, and so
many places where steam comes up. -
There is a place called fire hole, where
the water is heated to a temperature 80f
above boiling and, underneath this
water, about ten feet from the surface,
is very clearly visible a blue blaze of
fire, a phenomenon that has puzzled
many scientists.
They met English and European
tourists, vho all agreed that America
had scenery that, for grandeur, sublim
ity and picturesqueness, eclipsed that of
the old country. This can be demon
strated in Yellowstone park alone. .
. J. S. Freeman returned Thursday
from the convention at TopekaKansas,
to which he had been appointed as" a
delegate by Gov. Holcomb. There .were
about five hundred present, and the
whole subject of deep harbors and cheap
transportation was gone over in speeches
and conferences. The general' idea was
that as a deep harbor had been secured
on' the gnlf, the next thing was cheap
railroad communication therewith. One
man suggested that to get at this at the
earliest day possible, a good idea would
be to form a syndicate, .buy-up a large
portion of the grain of the western
country, and have the railroads now"
doing business compete for the carry
ing of the grain. Mr. Freeman says that
everybody was enthusiastic over the
future of the great west, and what is in
prospect for the association to help
along. If the tenth part of these pros
pects is realized, Galveston will be the
seaport of alL this region, and will be
come a very, large city, because a gath
ering and distributing point for an im
mense region of country. The bay has
an area of 475 square miles, and of this,
480 acres have a depth of 30 feet and
1400 acres a depth of 25 feet. One of
the schemes of the association is to have
a grand exposition in the not-distant
future, for which there are already four
cities "in lively competition. A com
mittee was appointed with power to call
conventions, suggest state and national
legislation, gather and disseminate in
formation, correspond with business
men and associations, steamship or other
transportation" companies, etc. There is
no doubt but the work of the associa
tion will result in great good in many
ways to the country between the gulf
and the north boundary in one direc
tion and the Rocky mountains and the
Mississippi'river the other way.-
. The books in the county treasurer's"
office of Platte county show that there
have have been received the following
fees since January lst,.1892: Jury .fees
in "civil cases, $79; in criminal cases, $99
or a total of 3178,' actual fees paid over
to the county treasurer, by Gus Speice",
clerk, rince. 1892, or four full .'years.
Now, is it a fact that we have had but
three jury trials, a year or have -we .had
more? The jurors who sat on the differ
ent cases will know it to be a fact that
we have had more. If we had ten at
each term of court and four terms. per
year it would-be forty cases for which
should turned over by. Clerk Speice
in four 'years $800. As he has turned
over.but J178, he would' have on hand,
on this -basis, $622 of county funds on'
jury cases. The statute of the state,
reads'" as follows, section 3028 page 700:
"There'shall be paid by the party against
whom a verdict is rendered! in the dis
trict court, a 'jury fee of five dollars, to
be taxed in the-bill of costs, and when
collected to be paid into the 'county
treasury; and for each trial by the court
a fee of one dollar, to be taxed, collected,
and paid in a like, manner, for the use of
the county." Section 3029 provides as
above, only a fee of six dollars is charged
in criminal cases.' What has become of
these fees?
George Randall 'returned last week
from a two months' sojourn with his
sister, Mrs. R. L Stanley, at Willow
Springs, Mo. He was accompanied
home by Mrs. C. B. Stanley and son.
He leaves with us two large specimens
of the .kind of apples they raise in the
Ozark mountains; these measure thir
teen inches in circumference. That is a
country with plenty of fruit. Timber
and stone are almost too abundant, a
load of stove wood bringing only 35
cents, and no trouble anywhere to pick
up a stone to throw at a dog.
of the recent numbers of the
the editor tries to commend
Mr-rGraf to the good graces of voters
whieh of coarse is s privilege no one
sho16rdenyhim,bt in the exercise of.
it he ought not go out of the way to
slur Mr. Grafs opponent, Mr. BahL
against whose ability to discharge the
duties of the ofitae of county clerk, and
his integrity to fulfill those duties in
strict accordance with law and to the
best interests ef the people of Platte
county, not one word can be truthfully
said. And just because,' as the Telegram
coafasses, "there is nothing particularly
to say against Mr. PoM," it immediately
adds "but that he accepted, a nomina
tion brought about by such disreputa
ble bargain and sale as' attended the
making up of the mongrel ticket" In
'another part of the same paragraph oc
curs the phrase "a'rebuke to the base'
means-resorted to in the selection of the
mongrel ticket." In other words, Mr.
Pbhl is all right but, like poor old dog
Tray, he' is in bad company. So! The
hundreds of voters of the republican
party of -Platte county, together with
the greater hundreds of the independ
ents, in addition to the scores upon
scores of the democratic party, all. of
whom, while not, in the least, diminish
ing their zeal to their special party,
have deliberately concluded that the
best interests of all political parties and
the best business interests of theconnty
demand a thorough, radical change in
the roster of county officials, and that
the only way to secure -it is by combin
ing forces for that purpose. This purr
pose will be held in view right along,
'notwithstanding the Telegram's epithets
of "rag-tag and bob-tail" and "mongrel."
It 'is no -newthing for those who lack
arguments to calt names, and for those
who are in the wrong to 'try to cast op
probrium on those seeking to correct
wrong. The people know what theyare
doing. "In union there is strength."
The "bosses"' have not succeeded in
keeping the great body of voters on
county officials separated in the support
of three or four different tickets, and if
their other plan of "trading" fails to
materialize, victory, is with the citizens'
One PImm of Drttjr.
We believe that hard times, poor crops
and the various "calamities that strike
the business column as it passes along,'
hit hardest the honest retail dealer in
dry-goods, groceries, and the other nec
essaries of life, who has, by trusting his
customers through -the pinch, endeav
ored to help them solve their problem
of living until better times should come.
Hundreds of families have thus been
helped through the 'past summer by the
retail dealer, at the greatest of risk to
himself. Many of them, here and there,
have failed in business because of it, or
partly because of it.
If debts were not .contracted, or if
they could be paid promptly when due,
business men could meet their engage
men tst but .when -they trust customers
for goods and cannot or do not get their
pay, there must- be an end, and it is
generally not in favor qf the dealer.
. We all owe it to those grocers, mer
chants and others who have carried us
through the past summer, to .meet our
obligations with . them at the very first
moment possible.
Each amount may be small only a
few dollars, all the better for us but
when footed up by the dealer, they
make a good, round sum, which, if he
had in "spot cash," would pay his bills,
take the burden off his mind, and lift
off his heart which has been his during
all the waking hours, for many past days
and nights.
Think of yourself as in his place,, and
you will surely make a sacrifice in order
to "square up" (square is a good word)
and start again with fresher courage.
.We happen to know with what anxiety
some of our best business men entered
the' work of tha past summer, and how
nobly they have done their duty to their
customers. and the community of busi
ness interests of which they, are an im
portant part.
When nearly every individual was
doubtful and despondent as to what the
outcome would be, and whether those
trusted for the necessaries of life could
be able to pay at the end of the season,
these men took the risk and have carried
us through thus far.
Now, let us give them a lift by paying
immediately,, if not all," then the greater
part of what we owe them.
Ocoaee Jotting.
."Mrs; J. R. Hilliard has been very sick,
but is a little more comfortable now.
John Dawson went to Lincoln Wed
nesday, as a delegate to the republican 1
Daniel Mnrdock's coal sheds are about
completed and will be a great improve
ment on the old ones."
The old settlers' picnic" was quite a
success. It was attended by quite a
number . of the Oconeeites. Grandma
Eelley's familiar face was sadly missed
from among them.
Daniel Murdock was surprised Friday
night by a visit from his brother W. H.
Murdock of Cambridge, Mass., whom he
has not seen for a number of .years. He
will remain several weeks with. him.
Rev. Churchill returned Tuesday from
Chicago.' He has. accepted an invitation
to preach to the Monroe and Oconee
societies for a year and will be installed
as pastor next Sunday, Oct. 13, by Revs.
Sexton and Elliott.
Qcid Ncjjc
J. T. Morrin.
The republican and independent can
didate for surveyor is a native of Wis
consin and received his ' education at
Albion, in that state.
He has. had fifteen years' experience
as a practical surveyor, and understands
it very thoroughly.
tie came to tnis state in lsou, and was
for four years employed by the B. k M.
R. R. Co. on their lands in Colorado and
Wyoming lines.
An adept in his business, Mr. Morris
will make Platte county a model sur
veyor. -. Gentlemanly and accommodating, you
will always find him just where he ought
to be.
-leoal!! Way&Hoek-
rger will sell yon the nest
of scran ton, Penn., HARD
COAL far $8.00 deliTert.
Best nf finality guaranteed.
At these ignres, soft eoal is a
laxnrj-, an not in it. Plaee
yonr orders soon. Telephone
A trusty reporter sends us in the fol
lowing. He does not disclose what de
fection from truth Hans is guilty of,
but he doubtless has the record fine:
"Hans Elliott seems'to think that tel
ling lies about ais opponent wui carry
him into offce, but alas! poor Hans is
green at the business, and will be aw
fully disappointed after election.
The democratic candidates are spend
ing all their time, beer and .whiskey to
no purpose; the people will tell the tale
on election day.
. The democratic papers are' talking
about Dave Hale's whiskers. What is
the matter with -telling us" something
about Hans Elliott's whiskers?
Let the republicans, populists and
honest democrats stand together and oh.
election -day victory will be ours.
G. B. Speice purchased the- Monroe
Republican and "the" gang" says now it"
was the other fellows. How about that
chattel mortgage vou hold on the plant,
Gus?" "- -
C.C. Carrie. .
The candidate for county treasurer
.was born at" Preeport, Illinois, Dec. 7,
' He was educated in common schools
and graduated- in Davenport Business
college. - - .
He moved to Nebraska with his father
in 1869, and has lived in Shell Creek
township ever since.
in me two years; IHTJ and 1M), he
served- as deputy under John Stauffer,
county clerk, and gave .excellent satis
faction. . '
He went into the mercantile business
in 1883 at Platte Center. - "
Mr. Carrig has a wife and two chil
dren; has a host of friends; is a splen
did "business man; is interested with the
rest of us in the-moneyed welfare of the
county; .in the reduction of taxes; in
keeping the finances straight and -every
thing as. it should be. The treasury will
be safe in his hands, and you. will not
find anybody holding strings over him
or the money .of the county "under his
charge. - -
Eaiil PoW,
The independent and republican candi
date for county clerk, was born in" Ger
many, in 1S43. He was educated in the
public schools of that country and in
the teachers' college. He-served seven
years in the Prussian at my and -took
part in the war between Prussia and
Austria.. " --
He came to the United States in 1867,
worked two years on a farm, and clerked
four 'years in a general store in Wis
consin. In 1873, he came to Nebraska, engaged
seven. years in the agricultural' imple
ment business, three years in hardware',
and twelve years in groceries on Elev
enth street, this city, these'last twenty
two years in Columbus. ' " .
Mr. Pohl is a thorough and capable
business man; a good penman, a careful
accountant. He speaks English, and
German fluently, and attends to busi
ness strictly. He will make a model,
county clerk, and give the best of satis
faction. Fred. Jewell.
The candidate for'clerk of the district,
court was born at Wheato'n", III:, June 7,
1859. He graduated from Wheaton col
lege when 18 years of age; came to Ne
braska in 1879, to teach school; liked
the country, purchased a farm in Platte
county" and returned here in ISSI, since
which time this' has. been his home.'
He was'a republican nntil lS89,.wben
he helped to organize the populist party,
accepting 'a nomination, from them for
state senator in 1892, and although de
feated, received a greatervote. than -any
other candidate on his ticket in the-two
I counties, except Wm. Schelp who tied
mm in naite county.
He was for two years ' associated in
business with Mr. C. A. Beards!ey,at
Columbus, under firm name of Beards
ley & Jewell; for three years in the gpn
eral merchandise business at- Oconee
with his brother Walter, under the firm
name of Jewell Brothers,, and has"" for
the past two years been traveling as ag
riculturist for the Norfolk Beet; and
Sugar Co., but has all of this time been
conducting his farm and any one travel
ing 1 miles south of Platte Center will
testify as to his ability as a farmer as
well as a business man.
It is safe to say .that Fred. Jewell will
make a splendid clerk of the court, and
there can be ho gainsaying it.
r. C. A. Brinilley.
Mrs. Brindley is making a popular
candidate.-' She is not neglecting her
business- of teaching school to elec
tioneer, but is keepipg"right' along with
her regular work. It is", not necessary"
for. her to tell any stories either her
life in Platte county-since her early
youth tells what no mere campaign' talk
for effect can do-in the way of convinc
ing fair-minded people of her ability to
conduct the affairs of the office of super
intendent of schools of Platte county.
What is needed in that oQice is a
scholar', and one thoroughly informed
in methods, of imparting instruction.
Besides this, a superintendent is under
obligation by reason of the duties of the
office to "visit each of the schools of the
county at least once in each year, to ex
amine carefully into the discipline and
modes of instruction, and into the pro-"
gress and proficiency of the pupils, and
to make a record of the same, and to
counsel with teachers and district boards
as to the course of study to be pursued,
and for the improvement of the instruc
tion and discipline of the school; to note
the condition of the -school house and
appurtenances thereto, and to .suggest a
place for new school houses to be erect
ed, and for wanning and ventilating the
same; and for the general improvement
of the school house and grounds: to
promote, by. public lectures and teach
ers' institutes, and by such othermeans
as he may devise' for the improvement
of the schools in the" country, and the
elevation of. the character and qualifica
tions of the "teachers thereof;' to'consult
with the teachers and school boards, to
secure general and regular attendance
of the'children of the county upon the
public schools."'
In the above paragraph alone, (which
we copy from the law), there is.-a large
field ftir useful work, and it' is by no
means all that, the law expects and re
quires ot the. superintendent ior-nis.
1U0 a montn. - .
It is not necessary nor becoming in
our county superintendents' of schools
to pass" the greater portion of their time
at the county -seat, when .- it is" well
known that they do not visit the schools
there, and we undertake to say for Mrs.
Brindley that she will make the law
prescribing her duties," her rule of con
duct in that and every other particular.
We ask our readers to take 'note now of
the above important functions and du
ties of the superintendent as laid down
in the law, and after Mrs. Brindley: is
well along in her first year's work give
ns your opinion of what she is doing to
earn the -money that. Platte county .will
be paying her.
The people of the United States
learned long ago that there is no sex in
education. By far the greater-number
of teachers of the country are ladies,
and their employment during the last
forty years, notjjnly in the public
schools; but also in academies, .semina
ries, colleges and universities, as well as
superintendents of private and public
educational institutions, has been fully
justified by the work they have done,
and the progress they have made, un
precedented in the world's history, -during
the same length of time.
There is abundant ' reason to believe
that where lady teachers, (eminent for
good moral character and teaching abil
ity, as in Mrs. Brindley's case),- are
selected ss county superintendents, they
give excellent satisfaction.
Economy is the Order of
. the Day.
Standard Pair 'mm,
"reduced price "-f
- - . "."-.- " - -.
Standard Patterns that were 50 cents will hereafter sell at 1
Standard Patterns that were 40 cents wili hereafter sell at V 2& cents.;
Standard Patterns that were 3 S cents will hereafter sell at' y
Standard Patterns that were 30 cents
Standard Patterns that were 25",qatts
Standard Patterns that were 20 cents will hereafter sellat
Standard Patterns that were J. O cents will hereafter'
Standard Patterns that were 10 cents will hereafter sell at;
The Standard
been, the most stylUb, up-to-date, best-fitting. ..They" will' save, time and -
money, because . they require no tedious" refitting-as others '.do and there- .
is. no needless waste of materialas in .others.' It" nw" takes six-millions a "
year 20,000 a day to' supply the demand". .No; -better proof of. their, uni-- -:
versal popularity is needed- The Standard Patterns are. absolutely reliabler "-"
in every respect, and'the- lowest in price. -. ." .;..; . '-.".-:.""
J. H. GA
We have opened a complete line
"We" carry several-of the"verv best- lines of Re'adV-madel-
CLOTHING 'and guarantee" style. and' fit." We. purchased-'our
goods "at just -the- right "time "which "enables us" to sell -you a" suit
tor a very little "money " -"-- - -".-.'-:..-, "I.
'"- Shoes.'" " : ;-:-.: :-
. We were especially fortunate in buying this line .before the"'
raise in prices and "by securing tHe makes of" the best manufactur
er:; of the country. "We cannot be excelled' iri style, fit-and price! J
Gents Blinshings.
'.- We have a "most complete line of Gents' Pu re ishing. Goods'..
".We meet all honest competition "in 'goods and prices.-." .." -.' "
Eleventh St., COLTJBiBtJIiEB..
Garlow returned
C. J.
Friday from
Boston. . .-". -" -" "
H B. Ragan" of Seward, was in- town
over Sunday." . " " ' .
. "Mrs. J. C. Fillmah' returned from "Ful
ler'tou last Saturday.' . -' '.
.: Miss Laura Bnrns of Osceola is visit
ing the Burns" family here.
.Beecher Kingston of 'Central City re
turned home Saturday, after a. visit with
the Swartsley family.
Miss' Nellie Lynch -.came up .to spend.
Saturday at -home, from David-City,
where she is teaching. -
"Rev. and "Mrs. Bross went to Fremont
Wednesday to" attend the M. E..confer
ence. Mrs. O.'D. "Butler we'nt -down
Thursday- - - - ..".-
- ."Mrs. J. C. Post and children of King-,
fisher," Oklahooma, arrived in the city
Wednesday "fast," on a-, visit to Judge
Speiees' family. .; .v
" At the stated monthly meeting of
the'school board Monday, all members
present except Lehman, President-Galley
presiding. The regular routine of
business was transacted. The superin
tendent's report, showing .-the enroll
ment &i2r average daily attendanee.601,
number, cf suspensions 1, cases of cor
poral punishment 1, lesions by music
director 17. That all the corps" of
teachers are dnly qualified by legal cer
tificate. 'The superintendent Was. au
thorized to exchange certain - music
books for others. .'Bills to the amount
of "$wJ31 "were allowed, mostly -for
books and other supplies.. On recom
mendation-of chairman of finance com
mittee, 3350 .from the license to the
m:al-u& muu; c-uu iu. iuo general
fund, and 31CO0 to the teachers' fund.
Supt. was authorized to. prepare a notice
to be published two .weeks in each of papers,. limiting the time of the
redemption of school books' to Nov.-15,
1895. The treasurer's report,showed.dn
hand in teacher's fund $44rLDG; general
5267.31;" library 8739; text-book 817C-73-total
ereby given that then will be a
regular meeting of the stockholders of
Columbus Creamery Company held at
the buildings of said company in Co
lumbus, Nebraska, on Monday, the 4th
day of November, 1S95, at-7 o'clock p. rh.
October 9tb,1895."
M. Whttxoyxb,
, 2t - Secretary."
will hereafter sell at
l 20eBt-u
will hereafter sell, at'
lO ceats.
' Scents.'
wilt. 'reniaiq, '
as -they have.".
. . ... .--.-.. -"'
Xail to. the Conater.: ' -
It is reported that such prominent
populists as D. L. Briien. are working" "
for the populists on the combine, and'
the pops alone. This is about the size'.
of the whole affair. It s dog eat dogr.
and they will knife each other in 'order
to -make a vote." A good way to avoid .
the whole. affair is- to vote .the-straight-.
democratic ticket. Platte Center 'Sig-- "
nal. . " -. - . -' "' " "."..
It is reported' is. a phrase'.designed. .--.
to'cover a good many detlectiocs from.
the exact truth; and thegenerar purpose -"
of the phrase is filled in this case.. To' .' "
nse .Dave Hale's expression, .''yon -can :-.
bet your ears" that Bruen supports' the .
entire citizens! ticket as Jo all populists
and" republicans, -as --well - as many.
thonightful democrats. The first move'-,
of the court house ring was,-of course,
to keep their opposition divided- by-the "
nomination of separate, populist and re-;--.
publican tickets for county offices.-' Not
having succeeded in that they' now en- .
deavor to get. the different elements of
the citizens' ticket by the ears, but' they
will find that it will not-work.- These "
candidates- are not 'spring ".chickens"
Each one- is working: for' the success of '
the entire .ticket, and each-knows that...
his success.depends upon the success of
the remainder. "In -'union there "is' '
strength" is the principle --of. action.. "
which. .will bring "relief to. the over-
burdened tax-payers of .Platte-, county
and we get a beginning -along this linfe -'
by the election of the citizens'- ticket.'
"Divide aid " conquer".-has been the
working-motto of -the bosses -all along,
"and .will be tUl the end. ' -Look out for
more such designing shuffles from the
. enemy..
l - -
DreSS (Jood.S !
Dress Goods !
The p re tt iest-pa tternf-the latest pat-; "
patterns. ' The ; most stylish-' patterns .
ever brought-to Columbus. Dry goods'
are "cheaper than ever We want part of
your trade. Come' 'and see us. - Come
and get our prices;: ' - " . .
E.JX FirzPATBiqK. .
' ' mfcli Heetimc". .
'Citizens' meetings will be held 'as
follows, the order of the evenings .being
speeches, songs, etc. . Candidates of the
citizens', ticket" are "expected. to be
present: - .- - -.--.-.-""
Friday, October 11, town hall; Wood
ville. -- . .-
. Saturday, October 12, tow hall Moa-'
roe. " ..-.-.-
Paper Pa-
: j
5--- - .i"S5.-cs-rt- -S-ssarAi'--v:
"""Gkjbk " sailis. ?3L?lMMlCg'a'Bg'Ea'tei'?i -"IBgy, 3BBr