PT? J? i - . r'JSC W1--srt.fav5es7T ."- ''i.J'IT " -C r Sr" J v ' if - -.: s -.. - -.,. .-' . . . j- :- T .: .. - -.1 .JBl It- TP. j---. i XTzJiS ?e Ti ' - - -r - j t - t. . - j ;a - . L- . . . . - -11! am HNEnei agSE m w" - - It " j.. ' --.'.. .. . .- ?SK .'-;. . . - - " '3 '' ' 1 " - . :' -. "-!.'-'. : .; a j v. N .V: sM ---- . m" " m t -. Columbus gourmiL . WEDNE8DAY. MJGU8TU. ISM. iN. TIME TABLE. Fmi. Freitit. Lvaf CMajribns.i ' ; - 1IUnm1 , David City...::., . 8?ward-. "Aitiveeat Llqcula 845 a.m. 636 " OB " 1022 " 11-.SL. to. 230p.i 3 " 10d .' Tlie pa-Sivnrer !earM Lincoln at35i. f!i4-LTRt CommiiBB 93S n. as: th facwit leaTea aw";15a.m.. mndarriTW at Colamboaat IWIT-BI-. .UNION PACIFICTIME-TABLE. '. rtJHNO KT- . OOIKOWC8T. Pacific Ex... .10.45 p. m KearaerLoe'l 1:15 p. m Limitd 5:10 p. m Local Fr't.... 8J0a.m w A. :-C At IsLtir Ex. . . 7 C5 a. in . SV.S, rwt -Mail, carri pwweacew for " thrruiRh point f. fioin wt ut 808 n. bj., ar . rUw at T)pnv-r 7:10 a. m. No. 4. Fart Mail car- riw naiin, KoinK east at 1:15 p. m. No. 81, i- freight, carries nwfer, o wert 650 a. m. Tl frpiitht-train leavinc here at 435 pi m. cnr- rle paftfteBgere from here to Taller. OOIXXBC8 AND SIOUX CITS. PtMiag!t arrives from Sioux Citv 1225 p. m " leaves for Sioux City 550p.m Miied leajtw for Sjonx City 730a. m , 'Mixed Xrrie ....?.... lliiiit. m rok ALBIOX'ANO OKDAB BAPIDS. Mixed-leaven . Mixed arrive. 250 p. m 12:15 p. m garietg jftt'itn. H jiwAll notirea under thl 'phased at the rate of $2 a yet, heading will be A LEBANON XODOE No. V. A. F. 4 A.M. LFlleKuUr meeting 2d -Wednesday in each XJvukuUIi. All brethreu invited to-attend -W -. J. II. HTUZS. W.JH. W. B. Notkstkik, Seo'or. 20j djnly WILDE LODGE No. 44, L O. O. F., r moot a Tuesday evening, or eacn "ihfjr- -f., Virtin brethren cordially -Invifpd.- W, A. WaT, N. Q. .W. ft- Sotbsteis, Sec'y. 27jan91-tf -mOLUMBIA CAMP No. S5. WOODMEN -OF w thft World, meeta every second and fourth .Thilnwlajaof the month, 7:90 p. m., at Oehlnch'e uuii Tiiiranth fit root. 'Kttnilar tjndanco in Tfrr 'desirable and all visiting brethren are r- .aiBil). lnviUHi iu Binrv im ". -"- Rr.ORfl ANIZEDCHUtUJU OK ltXlLtn-UAl fiaihts -hold regular services every Sunday EVANO. PROT, CBDRCH. (fierm. llerorm.) 'Service vvep' Sanday at 10:30 a. in. Bap--. tiMfis, marriages' and funeral sermons are con. ductea by tlie t'astor in lite iruiau sou ejiriibu language. Residence, Washington Ave. and Eleventh streets. . UboV-'9I E. De Oelleh, Paifor. at p. nt., prayer meeting en weonesoay evening t their ohapel, corner of North street and Pacific Avenue. All are cordially invited. -lZiulW Elder H. Hcdsos. President. . "J; Xew.dirung ehairs at Herrick's. IT 'I J. Hay den. Bros., Dry Goods, Omaha. . -" For line photos go to Strauss & Crissr tf . Dr. Jfaumann, dentist, Thirteenth T". street, tf '' ... Dr. T. R Clark, Olive street In Toffice at .nights. j, . . Born, August 12th, tor Mrs. D. M. Doty,- a daughter. " . Mrs; "Jftiin Huber is under the weather these day a. ' Beturn 'envelopes at this office for "50 cents per hundred. -'W Dr. L.- C. Voes, Homeopathic physi ciAhj "Columbus, Nebr. Your picture, -any size, sbade or style, at Straufis & Cries', tf Born, Friday Jast, unto Mr. and Mtf. A.. Loeb, a daughter. August 19th, democratic -county . convention at Humphrey. -lit wub a pretty hot day for" cure . Thursday, a reminder of last year. ..:Vt:--". A : Choice table butter lOcts. pouud t Oelilrich Bro's. . The .Episcopal Sunday School have '. a picuicin Stevens grovp Thursday. - E. T. Bowers, -veterinary surgeon, J"Cwill te foupd at Abts' barn hereafter, tf '. .AL Drs. Mart-yn, Evans & Geer, office ' .-.- "three doors north' of Friedhofs store, tf ' Go to Honaiian-'s for boots and "" 'shoes, also repairing atlbottom prices. 2 Ladies' tan slippers $1.00 worth 'r-'-'91.25,at Hotiahan's cheapest place in --. .- . town cBusch Bau the city. itlaer on nm at ldLa rHlnnden'Baloonl themlv ulaceVin dwe -trn v ' . 7 l "Ir-The property of the base ball club is to be"' eold, debts paid, and the .club .disbanded.' ." Mrs. Doyle of Atchison, Kas., came '. .'.up Saturday, to attend the funeral of Mrs.Honahan. .---Bert Galley goes today with .the party of tourists for a month's outing in i ; r Yellowstone Park.- .A few of those bargains in baby .S buggies left. They -are going fast. - Fred, W. Herriek. 2t -Frank Coffee M. Kimbrough and " Arthur Pohl drove to Platte Center ; . 1 Sanday afternoon. -Farm loans at lowest rates and best .terms. .Money on band, no delay. .- Becher,. Jaeggi Jfc Co. H:-J. Arnold, M. D., physician and lurgeon. lwo doors norm oi oroa- : fuehrer's jewelry store, tf - ' Envelopes with your return card ' printed on-them, for SO cents aJxundred ' et The JorBKAt office. :. -. A farmer near York 'has lost four ' -head of .cattle from the effects of eating ' second -growth sorghum. . . Rev.. Lincoln Lohr of Aurora will preach in the' United Brethren church 'thk (Wednesday) evening. -"-Elder. Hudson and Henry Zinnecker will apeak in the park Sunday afternoon "" at'the Y. Ml C. A. services. ' The Elevator Boiler Milk pay the highest 'market price for all kinds of grain. A. Jaeggi, Manager. 3t : When yon "want your picture, call a thC-down floor gallery. Satisfaction gBaraateed. Strauss & Criss. tf . Grace Episcopal church, Sunday Atgast 18,-11 a. m., Character of Ba laam; 8 p. m.,Faith and Works. --Bring in your pictures to be framed ; 'we have a fine line, of new mouldings ' and some nice pictures. . Herriek. ' 2 "- --Bring' your orders -for job-work to thkofke. Satisfaction guaranteed, and wosk promptly done, aa agreed upon.. Mrs. Milt Spaiee left Friday for Omaha, where she goes to have her .'young daughter treated for an injury. George- Whaley returned home San- .day from Colorado Springs, where he . .had been attending the Summer Noraaal. MiC.M. a Baid and faauly left Taesdaroraiag for Nebraska Gety, - futaxe hcase. David City We give all the.atw of tk for only $L50 a year. Gome in aad be. Elevator Boiler Milk hare remodeled and make the beat flow. 'A.JaejrjrLMananr. St The Ceeilian society will meet with Mies Clara Lehmaa at the Thwatea hotel next Monday evening. Chrk. 8mith, who aaa been clerk ing at Galley's atore the pact two yeare, haa accepted a position with H. Bagatz C5o. Wiggins & 'Lewie boaght of Okott Bros, and shipped to Omaha thirty of the finest steers that ever came tothk market. Mrs. Cramer and Mks Clara Weaver returned Saturday from Lincoln, where they have, been studying at the Uni' versity. 1-LoeWa lady's blkk eaaeMween CTH. BeioWs reaidenced the aWho lieachooL nhder, pleaseNaave itVn Jourkai. office. .There is talk of challenging the ladies' ball club of David City to play 'games here on the first and second day of the county fair. Lou Hendryz of the firm of Hen dryx, Adams k Hendryx of Monroe was married August 3d to Mks Harriett Thurston of Genoa. Aug. Wekshand gave The Joubkatj office a pleasant call Saturday. He .thinks the rain of Friday will help along the corn in fine shape. In addition to the reduced, prices 'ered by us, we will give an admission ticket to the county fair with every pur chase of $2.50. F. H. Lamb Co. tf The Cyolone base ball club of Co lumbus played the Platte' Center clnb af Platte 'Center Sunday afternoon aad were defeated by a score of 19 to 10. Mrs. J. E, Ernst has been in Omaha all summer under- a physician's care. Miss Lillie went down Monday to visit with her mother and to return with her. Drop a card or call at the wind-mill factory if you wish umbrellas or para som repaired on short notice at the fur niture and upholstery shop. A. P. Biel. tf. . T"YWhy use expensive flour and. meal, I vnen, you at the same prices can get the I superior -grades manufactured by the Elevator Boiler Mills? A. Jaeggi, Man acrer. 3t fl Becher, Jaeggi St Co. insure baild I Ings and persopal property against fire, I lightning and cyclones, in good and reliable -companies at lowest current rates, tf Bev. Worley of Albion- will preach next Sunday, morning and evening, at the Methodist church. All invited to attend. Bev. Bross goes to Albion for the day. The papers in the southern part of the state say that recent rains they have had are bound to help the late corn, though much of it was already past re demption. Clark Gray returned Wednesday from Omaha, where he had been under treatment of a physician the past three weeks, and we are glad to know is much improved.. The water commissioner says that there are so many people using water after.honrs at night that it, k becoming 'dangerous. A stop must be put toit in some shape. Warwick Saunders, G. W. Phillips, Gua Falbaum, Gus. Speico and O. C. Shannon were Humphrey visitors Fri day and Saturday, presumably intent on nublic interests. liirhrough an error we have a double pwrtion of lounges .and couches. In order to. move them quick, we have some special prices on them. Call and see them. 'Herriek. 2 The Humphrey Democrat predicta a very interesting time at the demo cratic county convention .there next Monday. It will be a question between the outs and the ins. Fob Sale A 5-room house, with bargain at $600. Also, a 5-room lling, with lot for $550.- Will take as part pay a good team of horses. ' In quire at Jqcbnal office. - tf John Graf of Columbus was in town Saturday figuring with some of the people who will take n the democratic entertainment at Humphrey on the 19th insL Platte Center Signal. "The Leigh World says that there was talk of lynching George Grotelu schen for making an assault upon Mrs. Henry Hillen, Friday of last week. Groteluschen has skipped out. Judge Marshall was in the city Sat urday evening .looking after hk political forces. He is an able judge and deserves a renomination, which will be 'equiva lent to an election. Fullerton Journal Mr. Byrnes on east Eleventh street "has raised some very large Bartlett pears thk season on a tree three years old. He also has bearing apple trees, same age, apples as big. as oranges, 187 on one little tree. . . Robert E Wiley says that in' hk old neighborhood near Monroe he thinks the farmers will have, on .an average, two-thirds the usual crop of corn. The last two rains have put an entire new face on things. Mr. and Mrs. David Thomas were in the city Staturday. He talk us that on the Looking Glass there was a good rain Friday. Bev. Thomas Miller of Bed Oak, Iowa, preached on the 4th and waa to again preach the 11th. A camp-meeting k now in progress, beginning Monday, the 12th, at Silver Creek, and to continue two weeks; k conducted by Methodkt aad Confrega ttional minktera. Bev. Bross expects to attend a portion of the time. Mr. Henry Hauaser living acroaa the Pktte river, lost a -child about months old by the dreadful enmmer complaint. The burial took place last Friday at theColumbaa tery, Bev. Beicbard oSckting. George-N. Hopkins of Pktte Center! was in the city Monday. He says that it rained pretty hard, for a little while Saturday evening at that place. North east of there in Morrow's rieighborhewi there waa quite a storm of rain aad haft. Any one wishing to aee what tion does for corn, can call at the first National bank, and take a vkw of a Stalk 11 feet high with an ear a foot leag, and thk a specimen aampla of aew-aere field under Peter Smith's dftehanShett Crv vaHey north of thk aity. ' ntirely The laugh, on paaka of Bisiuft have the them. A' traamf walked oaT with the hall had been placed as ham, and at parted with the aonvaair far the IL00 iaaddkioar to Wging. i We eee by tW Create Herein that TBoa.Mataon.waa vary aerionely hart one day last weak wage hauling grain. 'X'Lnaft tMna fTanVaa) ff fJBilflM laWfe wlfeffffa fUaW Broaching a Ull,braakiag the double tree .and throwing Mr: Mataoa violently upon the ground. -SehaykrhadqaiteaaUrmofwind and hail Saturday, owning from the northwest. Itk reported that all the window in that enreetion ware knocked oat, the hiiktonai being big aa bean eggs, and even rirssriag through roofs and aiding, in pkeea. -vDr. aad Mm. Evans and Mr. aad Mrs. Ed. Chambers leave tonight for Salt Lake city. Altar vkitiag frkade for two weeks they will be joined by Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Grace and Mr. aad Mrs. P. L. McFaydea. The party will then go to the Bocky Mountains. Beadera of Tkfc Jbtnuux, mast- be advked of the latent proposed weed-killer for farmera. It k n two-wheeled vehicle like a home hayrake, carrying n battery, a msohaaioal enrrent alternator and an induction coil; driven noroaa a field, it k said to kill every plant its teeth would touch. J, A namber of eecoud-hand school dpean aaddelka and aaata are for aato aheap. Someoeuld be ntflked aalawn aeats. They are the property of the Columbus school district, and those who wish to buy can call on either of the committee on buildings and grounds, Lehman, Gluck and Turner, tf . The repablican state oonventkin haa been called to meet at Lincoln, Wed nesday, October 2, at 2 o'clock, to nomi nate one candidate' for judge of the supreme court, two membera of the board of regenta, etc. Platte county k entitled to 11 delegates. The' entire convention consists of 1057 delegates. -Dayton Hedges, nephew of Mrs. Clark, visited hk rektivea here, leaving for hk home Friday week on hk bioycle and making the trip of 190 miles from 6:15a.m. to 730 p. m. Considering that he k only 16 years old and that he had some very hilly aa well as sandy roads, he made good time. Hk wheel k a Victor. Now k the time to sow winter rad ishes, says the David City News. Let them grow until-there k danger of n freeze, then pull and top them and pack in sand, and you will have a luxury in the winter time. If they have plenty of rain and 'grow -rapidly they are much better than the summer radish, as they are not so strong. Henry Lubker haa the contract to erect thk week, for Messrs. Hudson, Speioe, Lehman, Dale, Ernst and Cham bers a system of waterworks including windmill, 60-barrel tank and 300 feet of pipe, for the purpose of watering their lots in the cemetery. Thk will be a nice improvement, and no doubt will be followed by others. John Born, of the firm of Born Bros., was in the city Thursday and called at JouBXAL headquarters on " business. They have threshed for eeveral farmera in the neighborhood of Duncan, and so far, fifty hnjbsls to the earn of-oata k the lowest limit while for one fanner, Ernst Willey, they threshed over 200 bushek from a 2 acre tract. That portion of the tax-payers of Platte county who wish to aee a more economical adminktration of affairs all through, and a leasening of the public burdens should get together and stay together until they can accomplish that end. No use wasting breath talking anything else. Get together or eke conclude before convention that you can do nothing. Our Grand Prairie correspondent says: The hum of the threshing ma chine k heard in every direction; D. L. Bruen boasts of several pairs of fancy pigeons, which he takes great delight in exhibiting to hk friends. As poultry man and dairyman, be k one of the best; n Mr. Davk of Columbua has been en gaged to teach the school in district 21 during the fall and winter, eight months. Away across to the Atlantic, down at Eastport, Mew, they have a genuine new woman, but of n type not likely to become fashionable. She regularly does a man'a work on n woodpile, handling the bucksaw and ax with all the skill of the hardiest male expert. H all the wood worked up by Nebraska girls, with the ax alone and that dull, were put into one pile, that pile would' be a large one. A Horet aad wife, who ware among the early settlera of Polk county, stop ped off over Sunday visiting with Mr. Hauser and others of. thk city. They were on the way to their old home near Oaceola from Madkon, where they etayed the past year with their relatives. They expect to attend the German Methodkt camp-meeting, which will begin Thurs day, August 15, in the grove of Mr. Wkseman and last several days. Henry Johannes aad Paul Hoppan started -for a race the other day. Paul k rheumatic aa to one of hk feet, and goes very slow, but the condition that he exacted before be went into the race waasnfaekntforall practical purposes, vix., that Henry should give him two steps ahead, so that when Henry named him, Paul yelled out: "Hold on, you must give ate two steps ahead," and Henry gave up the contest pretty quick. Mokkr of the Pktte Center Signal, Gerrardof the Monroe TnKwg Glass and Kilian of the Bkne are having a tilt, one atanother. Oerrard, we are forced to aay, aaaaaa to ass the strongest language, whan ha paU into cold, black ink the following in regard to the other two: "No doubt they both despise the they are oompeUed to keep That k surely smfleekut for another libel suit, if not Herman Oahlrieh returned Wedaes- trip east, aecoaapankd by Hago Hardeson, a young lad whom he met by sfpoiatmsnt at the deck in New York, he having traveled front the. old country that far as hk own man.. Hermes says that Indiana, Ohio aad Wett Virginia are very dry. Mary. land and New York-are very much batter in that respect. In New York Oty, On- mnufneturing in- up. Everythiag k New York and taetoriea have for work to be done and DKATSBY ate rate at: Hugh the hk and Y i of Mr. who re- H. Y hare about a agote 8anDkgoJhad Whik swimming with boys kiaalogh,he was resulting fatally. Man .wotting at n by got thebedyoutof the eadeavejted to issueeitato it, but without aueeeaa.. Frank waa a bright led of 11 well remembered hare by the taaeesof the family, all of pathkewith the afeieted A letter dated August 5th,icceiiedby Mis. J. N. Heater, frost OomptoUfSaya that men worked with Frank trying to reaneeitats him. Ths ware buried Sunday following the death. Aawego to press, Brick, Msasfkld and others are on trial before Folios Judge Hudeon on n charge of disturb ing the A large crowd of young folks are ping out seven mike northwest of town on Shell Creek. The crowd have beea there stace Thursday and have had regular camp hfe-with etraw beds, fika, nun, eta. Monday evening n country band waa engaged and n regular bowery, dance waa enjoyed. They have had ths misfortune to be out in eeveral rains; of course that warexpected, but it knt just comfortable to sleep in n puddk of mud, aa aome declare they did. Garde received here last week an nounoed the marriage Tuesday, August. 8th, at Spokane, of Chester P. Stafford, of Fairfield, Waahand Mks Mae A Cooncy, of Fullerton, Nebraska. Mks Ooonoy k the next oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. dark Ooonoy, of Nance county, former reaidenta of thk county, and the many friends of the family and of Mks Mary will wish, her and her husband a long and prosperous life journey together. The fellow who imagines that there k no grain in Colfax county, both old and new, says the Sohuyler Quill, k away off hk calculations. On Wednes day the Stewart Grain Company took in seventeen loads of old corn, or 985 bush- els, and twenty-two loads of oats, or 1,276 bushek. Sixteen cents per bushel waa paid for the oats, whioh k a high price, some or the farmera who brought in oats said that they were offered only ten cents per bushel at other points.- - -George W. Turner writes that at Montpelkr, Vermont, he met Wm. Kirk land, (formerly of Humphrey), who k farming five miles from there. At Bat land he met James Scott, who said he waa sorry he had left Nebraska, and ex pected to return. At Ogdensburg, New York, two men fell over during the per formance of the Wild West, both dying within an hour. It must be that, as a a lady reporter of the Syracuse Post says, people almost forget to breathe during the exciting aceoes of the show. Merrick county boasts of one of the ktest improved, threshers, with carrier, patent Bmasuringattachraoat, .blew stacker and self feed. Tbeblow stacker ka hollow tube with a huge, rapid run fan at its base that blowa the straw out. The stacker swings while the machine k in motion. The self feed k a' new con trivance that dispenaes with feeders and band cutters. Four men pitching failed to keep the feed elevator half full As a threshing outfit, says the Central City Nonpareil, it k the finest ever run in the country. . " Politics k warming up. - Kavanaugh k doubtless conducting the democratic campaign, from behind the scenes. He might well be in n quandary between which to choose Phillips or Speioe, but he haa probably suggested to them to aacure what delegates they can each for himself first, and the combine sec ond, leaving it for convention day to work out a friendly issue. The whole business may go smash, if the muttering thunders of the nominating campaign are to have a common-sense interpreta tion. When n candidate for party .hon ors starts out to secure township dele gations in hk support, to be told and told earnestly and emphatically by those who have heretofore been hk fast friende "You are a clever fellow, but you have had it long enough," must be somewhat discouraging after it haa been virtually repeated eeveral times. Athletics at colleges k a aubject which haa been receiving considerabk attention of late years, and it k littk wonder that the general opinion of col. lege professors k greatly in favor of athletic contests. The habit of obe dience in the training organizations, the habik of strict temperance and morality whfeh the students must -ifrjn in order to hold n high place in their re spective crews and teems, react on the youths life through and through, and make him n better man phyekally, men tally and morally, saya Prof. Eugene L. Bkhards, in Outing, and what k true of the colleges k also true of oar common eehook and the pkya aad sports of the children. These add zest to study, and it k a great mistake to cut of! the op portunities for healthful sport, out-door, wholesome games.. All mental faculties are quickened, exereked and strength. enedingood games on the pkyground. We are glad to notice that Clara E. Weaver, who haa been i u4 i iT- I tendance at the Lincoln Normal, hai been elected aa one of the kindergarten teachers in the Lincoln schools. Thk k quite aa honor there being aome six hundred applications for positions in ths schools. Monday evening of last week took place the commencement ex- of the Oratory and Kindergarten of the Normal, and we dip from the Evening News, the paragraph re lating to Coumbue' representative in the institution: "Miss Clara E. Weaver, in aa oration on The Kindergarten aa a Factor in the School Problem,' handled her aubject in aa unueually able and ia tarsal int BManer, giviag ampk evidence of a cultured, keen and analytical nuad and thorough coetprahensioa of purpose of the kindergarten and ita mkeinn in the educational, system." hike Ckra'e y friende aere.ooagratakU her on tokens of apprssistion of a taken with cramps, Mies Flan physician and nuc three houra ; ; . . . : ; r ; . - . - KAL. J! aVKerth was in town yesterday. Irve rSpeice left Friday for Chicago. WB. Dale apant last wsakmLineoln. Powers k visiting, ia kCea- tralOity. J.B. t to Omaha H. BritaU visited in St. Edward L (stack was ia Schaykra portion of Lath vkited friends in Keating vkited friends in A. W. Clark and wife vkited relatives Mies KatkVogel kin Indiana, visit er grandmother. Mks Elk Powers k attending Teach ers' Normal in David City. James O'Lary of Omaha k visiting km aunt, Mia. Wm. Burke. Mks Bobleyof Iowa k visiting her cooaiaa, ths Mktse Oerrard. MtnS'Wake name up from Seward Wednesday to visit hk mother. Mrs. Mary Brady of Council Bluffs, k visiting her niece, Mrs. B. L. Boaaiter. Mias Dork Becher spent last week in Omaha, ths guest of Miss Nellk North. Mrs. J. a Bsrdwell of Arkansas City, Kna; k visiting her mother, Mrs. Mary Early. Mrs. L. Hohl and daughter Mks Clara are vkitiag Mrs. Hohl's parents near Mks Lena Schneider leaves soon for Milwaukee, where she will spend the winter. Mrs. Dr. Martyn and daughter, Miss Lucy, returned Monday from their so journ in the west. Fred Roberta -.went to Central City Saturday to take a abort vacation from work at hk home. Mrs. D. F. Davk aad mother returned Sunday from Sehuykr, accompanied by Mks Maud Brown. Mrs. George L. MoKelvey returned. Thursday from Canada, whee Ae spent the summer with rektivea. Mias Louisa Harris of Omaha vkited Mrs. E. G. Brown between trains Satur day on her way from Cedar Bapids. John Sullivan of Harvard, El., and Bfchard Lawless of Omaha vkited their rektivea, the Keating 'family, last week. Miss Wilson returned home to Ne braska City Tuesday, after an extended visit with her friend, Mks Mary Henry. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Boaaiter and child of Omaha visited with Bichard L's family two days last week, returning Sanday. Mr. and Mrs. Palmer of Grand Island, who have been visiting Mrs." Palmer's relatives, the Tiffany family, returned home Sunday." .Mr. and Mrs. B. H Henry and son Bobert returned Friday from Wisconsin. B. H. reports 'an unusual amount of dry weather in that state. Mrs. M.-Brugger,ot Columbus, arrived in the' oity Tuesday evening on a visit to the' family of Bev. J: W. Little. r-Madkon Chronicle. ""M FIoreSSiGleieon wiil leave the first of the month for Denver, where she will make her home with an aunt and continue her study of music Mr. and Mrs. E. G.- Brown go down to Lincoln today. After a short visit there, Mrs. Brown will visit in Iowa, while Ellk takes a hunting trip west. Mrs. David Bichardeon, who has been visiting rektivea several weeks, left Monday on her return trip to her home at Laramie. She stops at Clarke for a visit? MaWBTrlD. Wars WmvcH Wednesday, August 7, at noon, at the reeidenoe of the bride's parsnta in thk city, Mr. W. H. Watts and Miss Martha A. Welch, Bev. Elliott, oflckting. Besides the relatives, there were a few invited friends present. The presents were numerous and valuable. Mr. Watts k one of the successful young business men. of the city, and hk bride the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jonas Welch, well known to moat of our local readers. She has been for several years a teacher in' the Columbus city sohook. Both are universally esteemed as worthy young people, and are to be congratulated in their union for life. They went east the day on n wedding tour. Wrighter-Tifaay. The Sheridan, Wyo., Post gives an account of the marriage of Mks Maud Tiffany, a Columbus girl. She has for the past year lived in Sheridan. We quote the following from the Post: "At St. Peter's Episcopal church on Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock, by the Bev. Arnold Lutton, Mr. D. Clifford Wrighter, of Sheridan, to Mks Made line M. Tiffany of Columbua, Nebr., Mks Daisy Stratton acting aa bridesmaid and Dr. F. Dennebrink aa groomsman. , The ceremony wmvprivate, being wit nessed only by the members of the family. Mr. Wrighter k a member of the firm of Heald k Wrighter and k num. bend among the enterprising young business men of our city. The bride, who, since her advent into our city, has been in ths employ of the Sheridan County Commercial company, k a moat estimable personage, possess ing maay charming traita of character as well aa charms of person, which have eadeared her to a Urge circle of friends, who will wish for her the richest bless ings that life and ita surroundings may ykkL The poet has said that 'man'a abode waB but hermitage until lovely woman came to uie rescue. Tne fost and the host which k pleased to number itself among the friende of the happy couple, hope that thk heritage haa been trans formed into n dreamland of happiness, that their voyage upon the matrimonkl esa may be unmarred by storms or tem pests, aad that, fortune and prosperity may come to them in abundance. The young folks will enjoy their honeymoon in Sheridan." The Madkon Chrookk prints Si. sartkularaot the accident which befel Fred. Sehram here last week a. pub- in Tarn Journal, aad mid. that it Madkon boys will not heed the warning until aome of them meet n like fate. Every evening boys jamp on and oh trains and it k only n question of time until aome of them are killed. The train men have tried to keep them of, but seem unable to do ao. old ns sap spats for ask at thk fiAMea 'nKs?- W HtaicjUia ABsMBBHavmwl walamfalr awawnamn, aasaww WlfJuU nta . I - L. . -. mm a ." HowAHAK Thursday. Ausuet 8th. at 9-JOn.aa, after a Ikserinar illness, of gsneral Johsaai nasality caused by old age, Mis. ftonahan, aged 80 yeare. 8be kaves a eon and a daughter, John nnd Lksie, alao two'gnnddaughtora, Mks Jennie Bhasaehsn who haa made her home hats, and Mm. Doyk of Atch ison, Kan-, all ths near rektivea eur viving. The remains were interred Saturday in the Oatbohc cemetery, after held at the church. X VMrgej, - Hfaar Ponrr, Aug. 9. - ErxJorjaxAi.: Two weeks dry weather etopped ths cropa'from growing no fast. but refreshing showers are here agaia, I and no on we go in the Sunny South. We. never make a failure in north Geor gia. We alwaya have a good crop, in eummer, fall or epriag. The National Park k located near thk place, aad it k grand. I was there yes terday aad it did refresh my miad ao much the old war storks. All the northern veterans will be pleased when they see the greed work done there in memory of their gallantry. Health k good in Georgia, and people are getting on higher plains in life. G. W. Malicoat. Steak Year Gram. threshed out of shocks k at market centers out of eon- aad entirely unfit for Last Friday and Saturday each oate sold at St Louk as low as 14 cents, while No. 2 brought 24 cents. - Under these cirouaiataBoes we deem it our duty .to the farming and business interests of our eection to positively re fuse to handle email grain until it has gone through' the sweat and k fit for market. W. A Wat, Agent, Farmers' and Merchants' Union Ele-' vator Association. Euvatob Boixsn Minus, A Jmggi, Manager. Coltjicbcs MrxuNQ Co., G. A Schroeder, Manager. KepakUcaa Ceaaty Ceatral Ceaualttee. You are hereby called to meet at 1 o'olook; Thursday, Aug. 15, at the Coun cil Chamber, Columbus, for the purpose of calling a convention and for consul, tation. The committee are as follows: H. T. Spoerry,' J. E. Hoffman, Ed. Chambers, H. 3'. Alexander, Niels Olson, Aug. Wekshand, Ed. Leuschen, Wm. Connor, G. W. Clark, E..H. Stockslager, C- K. Davies, John Boss, Ed. Hoare, George Lamb, George Alexander,-David Thomas Samuel Paynter, J. W. Apgar, John Blomqukt. . Carl Kbameb, Chairman.. Real Estate Transfer. ' Becher, Jmggi k Co., real estate agents, report the following real estate' transfers filed in the office of the county .clerk for the week ending August 10, 1895: Elizabeth Beawick to Edward John aon, a4 a&Uw.wd $3,500 00 Hogh Hngbm to Catherine Edwards, wKnwUXMftJw.qcd S55 00 Angost Flake to Minnie Roemhild, eH Bftii 15-39Jw.wd 2.500 00 United 8tates to Inaz Zach. aw! S3- Jamea $ Cook et all executors, to Wal ter H flieuiara, eft eH ee;i ee! 17-17- Bridget Farrell to Sarah E Baldwin, pt . lot ft, bl 7. Highland Park. wd. 800 00 Six transfers, total... S7.4B00 --' - Card r Thaaka.. -;, .'--WaJelTder heartfelt thanks to friends, netnoore and all. who so' kindly and willingly assisted during the sad acci dent and sorrowful bereavement of our' boy, Fred. The flowers contributed were lovely tokens of respect. Mas.' F. Schbam & Family. e lends sickness mother and grand John Honahak, LlZZIK'HoXAHAN, Jekktb Shank ahan. sell ticl Ulysses round trip. assured. ti0k0r$. Schuyler Quill: Wednesday 'evening at Peter Dutter's farm in Maple creek precinct, the corn crib caught fire from some unknown source, and in a short time all hk buildings except the dwell ing were -burned, together with .350 bushek of wheat, wagons, buggy, cart, engine, corn shelter loss $5,000, insur ance f 1,200. Cedar Bapida Commercial: While the thirty car loads of cattle bought to be fed in Cedar precinct were being un loaded at a etation fifteen miles north west of here, a few of them stampeded and were not recovered for several days J. CWysong, Will Sunderland. and Frank Mulkin left thk week for the northwest, expecting to bring back 500 more cattle for the Allerton Bench. Thk will make nearly 1600 head of cattle that will be fattened on the ranch thk falL To a person who never saw such a large herd, it will be quite a sight. Fullerton News: Geo. Todd, who lives a few miles eeat of Fullerton, met a se rious accident yesterday while working on a bridge on Prune Creek about A Nell dale arrivkV cKtkm-1 J . Card ef Taaaks. w iWe wish to thurnvneighboraNend friends forlheir kindnesses during the ndwfter the- deoNLpf our nlbther. - " v ' L "i jl A. o. u.w-Redaced Rafw.- r V)nhugu8t 21sNhe Burlingtoswill- Kats to tne A. ql ii. W. Diomdat "a. atone fare andNhird for' the .fllfQF Xsgeneral good time k WWIIIIsUPI w tout, ad twelve miles southeast of town. Todd waa on the top of a pile drivei which waa being placed in position and before it waa securely fastened to the ground the wind blew it down, precipi tating him to the ground and throwing him n dktance of forty feet or more. One leg waa broken just above the knee joint and hk body waa badly braked. Bra. Johnson were .called and dressed hk wounds, none of which they pro nounce serious enough to excite the apprehension of any of hk friends. While he k badly braked there are no internal injuries.' TiaTTl-irstrir to Met Sariaa. So. Da.. - - . " .. " . ? Z , Bmriinffa!n T-7 "2 . J r Xl . J ." f' an(uv a uiu tm. juts uub lur uw round trip. Tickets good Sot 30 days. Is addition, low round, trip rates to Hot Springe are in effect the year round. For information about rates and trains, vk the Burlington Bouts, to Hot Springs, apply to the local .agent, For illustrated folder, deseriptive of thk famous resort, writs' to J. Francis, O.- P. nm m t -Th. ana mn n gwsTu. . ziu mm mm .hjl Staple and Fancy Gfoceries, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE Aad LAMPS. Eleventh Street, - We invite you to come and see us. We regard the interests of our patrons as mutual with our own, sofiur as our dealings are coacaned mr part of the obligation being to provide and ofar Good - Goods - at - Fair - Prices. asrEYERYTHING. KEPT that k expected to he found in s list class, up-to-date grocery store. GUS.G.BECHEK. LEOPOLD JjEGGI. EUabUafcedlOTO. BECHER, JJEGGI a CO., REAL- ESTATE - LOANS - WSWJWCE, COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA. MONEY TO LOAN ON FABMSatloweatrateaof iatewet.oaahortor loan UaM.laaaieaata toMitaenlicaata. BONIWDABOTBACTER8 0 TITLE to all real eatateia Platte coaatjr. . Represent THE LEADING INSURANCE COMPANIES of the World. Oar farm aelielM at themoet liberal iaaae. Loeaea adjoeted, tad promptly paid at thiaoBce.' Notary Poblie always in oAce. Make collection of foreiB inheritance aad of Earope. hmm Mm en? wafewemwOTwW WwJamrVwVI Offers Superior Advsataf es to .all who desire an Education. - NORMAIi COURSE.- State Certificate Course. . ' First Grade Certificate Course. Second Grade Certificate Course. Third Grade Certificate Course. Preparatory Course for Young Te'jachers. THOROUGH TRAINING. IN SHORTHAND. ARITHMETIC, TYPEWRITING, PENMANSHIP, aad BOOK-KEEPING, COMMERCIAL LAW. fcrEveainir classes dariBK fall and winter. and at any time arrangements can be madeifor special stadias. Students may enter at any time. Fall 'term opens September 2d. For full information, address. W. B. BACKUS, Pree't, 24JolySm ' ConmBua, Neb. Barllagtoa Raate-Half Rates to Bofttoa. UfitHBt 19 to "24. Burlington Route in Nebraska ancTmansaa will sell rouadXriD tickets to.tsosrsjn at tne one wavlrate. Ko Tne train to take: The Knitnis Tern official train. Bmung on boardwkand ander Finch Omanuvvk the Burlillaton Route 4:45 pNft,, Thursday, arrival oVaall.' trains- fromthe west. Through toWBoston withouahange. Seven hours stopover at Niagara Tickets and slheping car reservations on application toSeny agent of this or any connectinsr linn. Send for' free folder giving full information. J. Francis, CMP. k T..A., 31jul3 Otoaha, Neb. REPORT OF THE CONDITIO OF THE At Columbus. the. State of Nebraska, at the of business A st L 1895. Loans Discounts:.... SUM25 90 Or. and i 3,aw&3 12,517 43 Doe from1 tional Banks.. Banktne fnmitnre torea 11.3K08 Current and taxes paid. 2,827 63 Other real 3B1-Z? Checks her cash items ! IK 98 2,100 ISO 79 25175 2,130 00 Bills of othi Fractional currency, nickels. m e aad cento. Soecie , Lesal-tender notes Total.. ...$174,108 41 its! Stock paid in. 90,000 00 4,86919 20,Mel9 S.63S43 41,984 61 10,000 03 ivided pronta aal deDoaita enl I certificates of iicatea of deposi 'T. Stats ?-W- Coantrof I. Clark G cashier of the bank, do so swear that above i true to tne y knowledge i URAT. Sehscriked aad to before day of Aacast.1895. M. Coijraxitrs, Notary Pabitc My commission is, 18W. Attest: HsutAir P. H. ( W. A. McAixtstkb. ORT OF THE or THK OITJMBTJS, In the State of ,at the close of business, A st J, 189J. 1 discounts .11381.059 23 M08C6 1,104 01 . 9,032 37 scored and ne bonds, and mor Rational Banks , furniture and I land taxes paid... Lcaan items nickels. 61 $88,000 00 . 5,998 21 . 26,473 61 . 17,910.68 . 413111 3,330 00 T. Statz Coenl . L BL bank, do sole: meat is tree to t! belief. Babacrihed and dayof AaBst.uav aitf BXSOOBCBS. aeenredand iiiiimSjiii il Mease, (lenses aiBAnx. aad Si pacer IX&BIUTIBS. Can V B Una Indjrtdi bJeeato check. tfuuDswanie ..:.VS "MO rNKSBAS; aSnYe-named VAtemeatis beet oaks indaslief. Cashier. aeBWOth orm Sx ur npires eoraary DzblbichX COJfcD birms State bm IWmxtska axflocsesmw Overdraw, Other stdVks. Doefromu oaaajBK atouse, and reaa estate Current esasaaei BW wm a n . 5 00 ... 119 98 ... TS.966 00 cneeas aaasaaj Bills of other Banks Wraetiflnal nanefSJ ci and cents m. S CfWlSUf anjSkSL" isot X.H5 UABILKUS." SCapital stock paid. ia..M vmlHmUOU UTOtKM Vt lamtlhaal deposits i iilijiifTanal i Tun h DemaaSttftificates of dnoSvev--. Time esswfeates of deposit .... .k-: Notes anS bills re-discoaated....-.. VvaLgamLf, vsa e a J e aWsT Da orNhanasKA. - V tyofPlmae " X. Braswetmrashier of toe slunm nssini Binhuwear that the ahoTSmsaiA. sh best of my kaowledeeuad 'Sw . IISUWII svpSmk to hafora u Aim ak r r uiiiijBiiBBaiisa, . COLUMBUS, NEH H.F.J I.; sell steamship tickets to aad-from all setts laaett-tf I" COLUMBUS MABKETS. Crnnr(aoUUoasofthmarketoareoktaiaea TaesdaT afteraooa.aad are correct aad rsltaala at the time. aaAM.aTO. vwaaVaaw 8bAlJ6(l Coni tVJUej Biv Flour in 500 lb. lots raoocox. OatI0i " &q(V 80 .. . e. .wejis. "ri Oysiii se gOCsaXOOss W i LITKSTOOX. rat cows.... Fataasep... Fatsteera.. a Feeders. Fine job work dons at Tux JounifAX office. aOatei.'bllsjto.SKl V THK First national Bat, COLUMBUS,. NEB. Capital Stick IWmUN,OM.OO omens avo snierau: A. ANDERSON. Prest, J. H. GALLEY. Vice Prest, . OT.ROra.Cssaier. JACOB GREI8EN. "" J.O.KEEDEaV G. ANDERSON. P. ANDERSON. - J.F.BERNKY. " MUSIC AND-t- Stalionery Stofe f Musical ImstraaneMts Aml Sheet Masie At Eastern prices. Special dkooaata to teachers aad the profession.- ryFull line of etepk and fancy Sta tionery," (Cigars, Smokere' Artkka and Fruits. Spackl attention to ths-ordering of Sheet Music.. A.. liOEB. Elztdti St., - COLUMBUS, NEB; -Imay-y alTY I EMELIII, is FBESE AED SiLT EATS, Blswsath Btrast, CMi ATTORNEYS. AT LAW, Omca over First National Baak.- COLUMBUS, Sljaatf IFSIIflll 3 Is eoadactiae " "5 ....iswCiiiiiv.; 5 CIGAB FAGTOBY And asks, the pa tronage of ths-Ges- " era Public. Hk Goodaare . ' : - First-Class. . M8IS : a at S.SM4 0a aiseliM isesf4e t2 2iise TeeaeeeaaaaseaaC i i .M& j - :i -7 .' - Tfc tfSr tffC. -' r 1 . -. T.A Omaha, Neb. -wusfefejIViaBt i.-p& 36 .T'.r 'S&tMJkjhtM,. -.'-j i-.&S -Vri? isst, 'J-1 . .. M. J.. BifSS&-4 m