, T.. '- - rc-y-- s-Trsv- 7J- .--!-,. - -Vtr iJ - ? r.i -rf wr-'"t" AA - . -wrZ- nfeS ! S3 -fcP" -ii 4 -. . 1- V "" W c t. --: Ms -- f'tl sE5fc3-- -- -fjg-- -: - olnmhxxsmxtmh ? . " v ft -' -' f -:-.-. Ceadsae.liotL,a PREPARING im wabI ejGHTY THOUSANP. TROOPS MASSED '.' Af.VLADIVOSTOCK. HARDIN NOMINATED. at- ... J- r ':.-"-- -'.CHoiklui..N'l..''-.- .'- h-' .-r i orauMcsptzoK. " One year, by tesil, postage .prepaid ,.... HtX'SBOBtDS". .-. .-.-..'... ...;.".. -,v.r.....-.. . -fares onjthsY- ..-....":. -. .1 .-.-.. V. :.: r: r. .. ' Mf iirfMM iinfu a-aiS-d CrssV.aa flpplio. .75 .- .40 -:- - -. J .. " - --.- ..-.-.- e - - """C-" .- Yli ti rattrrflitfrt ' rhsaf- taaa"s-is,afe.i-sVfae-tbar ssjoald a ones notify as -liy' Icffer.o; .aosUl trdLTif botk-tbair fervor mn.I.t;,. . jjfsssn tnoaf nsnfrsQ-thanrst enables us to-wal; '; .fad the nsa-s o oar msninr list; from wii.rt, ti-W in ty-o,wssxWsk -print, either, on tl.-. date towfaob yonr eabscripUoa is: Psj1 or , . : eottaJadC-lor. ' iJoinittancos -shoald .be roa!. - either- fay Moaftfatr. ncjaterad letter or.4raJ. . neaU to tha order o: ; " IVs . .V., . rTT:. -r.: -m. inunA Co. . I:- - : "'flllinliiiTli Minn, to t&Btion;'tun--; U pccomymitkin by Ua f gU nmmr pi u. wru.--W tiMctw tbs "rikht to -rejoct- snj nnnfrr: ad ?maot im to retam lW-ttne.-;V ,' . I r.. - ipoaaoBX la erery-BcnooiiiMri' U.tV Harbor rtoatod Fl ol aol No'ToMOU'Allowoa.M WltUoBt KanUa NotoI OAeets.oo crecT KilBUbMd. . - 'comsti - J.. -." -. .- - -. prtely. 3Uto faoCa. - . . . .- r. --..'.- -WEDNESDAY. JDX-Y s. IBS?. -.:: i : -NfS-.3XDXI..ri895 S. 14 21 -- -!!: 28 Mo 8 15 22 29 Ty; 9 16 23 30 We 10 17 24 31 Jh; 11 18 25 fri. 12 19 26 Sat. 6 13 20 27' I . r Ztr 'K' It seems now that "very little damage I "--has been done in western Nebraska hy .-: the" grasshoppers, and that thy are - -leaving Tot Colorado. '" " , , "-- Pbof. Wo6dboc Wilson will cpntrib' .-.. .if.nto -to the JiHy For'hm a'Btudy of "The I- Proper Pferspectfye" of American His. "r tory'.'-a very n6la1)le paper. :-' -" The. U; S. treasury -.was on Thursday i'"x?' '--" reported $iP,W3,211 Iiehind in the mat f .'-""' ' f..:S. - ter-bflreoeipts and einendituresfor the .:-'.. . vrrentfiscalyear, bnt up to that day, "V; .-:":;""i.." for the first" in many months, the treas- "li.-"nryl'alancepheet for the'month showed 4 ."V-r ""a Biirplusiinstejid of a deficit. V : ma t ... -' -J- -A :."- MAHSAcqcsims talks of establishing : a farm of-2,000 acres to which -vagrants ; are to be sent and put through a com- 'I puleory'course in agriculture for one or two "years. If there happens to le any .f energy shown in the enforcement .of - .:fiuch a law, how wonderfully free from "'-tramps Hie state will become! ..: " Jpdoe'Georok E. Eomusds and Ed- V."s ward--B. 'Whitney, Assistant "Attorney- "... General, will discuss respectively the ;-"'' Salutary tlositlts and the Political Dan- -. gers of the Income-Tax Decision in the ' July Forum. Sir. Whitney's article shows that the decision may not by any ' ' means' lie the end of the matter. m "; The Crete VidettoJBays that it is high time. for the press of the state to subside in tiieir lamentations concerning the 'UeparUiro of Chancellor Can field; that ,. fee is.a great scholar, but possessed of as . many dangerous heresies as ever lin- T , gered about the thought dome of :; .Thomas Paine, Henry George or Herr .' Most. Ticoki, Wash., July X The Nor- Wgin.-steamer Oscar H, which. ar-" rivedhere l"dayirom VlaiiiTOstock, jpiberia,-bAigs'news .that the'indiqir i-tiqnj'if? good for another" Oriental war. ' Captain JL.- Anderson of the' iteAniei mj tbJe . Bussian have massed M.O00 iMn'afrYuliT08tock;.and it ia.beUeTea in Qiberia that, preparations are' beiag made for an adrance-on Japan. , Cap- "ain Andertfin aays: "Rnsaia has beea Mcro'tlr bn "ao'tivelyat wor"k,"-and in the'creat of trouble, with Japan is pre- amring.to hmrl a" formidable. navy- and lasd force into the. coveted territory! which Janan has' wrested from China. Thfloe shite .and troops Biassed at . Vladivostok, where 'the scene ui decidedly warlike. The en trance, to the harbor at Vikdivostook is planted fall of torpedoes and no vessels are auowea w- pass m or oui wimuu, Russian naval officers on board, as well aa' .experienced Russian pilots, .who know where, the-torpedoes are planted.. Jly teasel was escorted in. this iuanner, both going in and coming ont of the harbor. Inside the harbor the entire Pacific fleet of the Russian warships is massed, ready to steam down the coast at a mo ment's notice. On Bhore the -80,000 troops have"beeu concentrated and the evidence is clear that Russia is folly prepared for froable in case -the Japa nese give .any occasion ior ir.- me tprfng of these ships and troops 'at Vlamvostock has been done secretly by Russia, unusual precautions having been taken to prevent the spread of any intelligence regarding the actual force she has quartered there. What Russia's designs are cannot, of course, be told and are purely conjectural, bnt it is clear that if she builds a railway line south from Vladivostock to the Yellow sea her intention is to obtain an open port and hold it at all hazards. The whole country looks like war and the situation is considerably strained, but the peace element is hoping that the tension maybe relieved and the matters -settled without a resort to arms." It was intimated to Captain Anderson before he left that the government would be pleased if he did not take pains to spread his knowledge of the operations of Vladivostock, but he did. not hesitate much when asked to tell what he knew, as he thinks the world is entitled to know the facts. The Oscar n carried to Vladivostock a eargo of cement to be used in completing the Trans-Siberian railroad. Captain An derson says the construction of this railroad is being rapidly pushed, the czar of Russia having given orders ' to finish it as quickly as possible. As soon as this line is finished, he says, the Russian government iuteuds extending it from Vladivostock southward through Manchuria and Corea to an open port on the Yellow sea. Melee a S oasGoM Goreraor - P.Wati Habbut. Ilimlfiat Goreraor .,.... XtTtube, TT0o,bbTC,L9C1b ""FOX Aadttor ....,.......... L. C NoMiir. Beghfter of Tiin-i Of!oe. .. G. B. Swjlhoo. Attorney General .-W. H. Hatroar. Secretary of Sfeite.! .-... MssktS-Maim. 8o.pt. Poblielastraetpiii.... JL P. TBonvov. Coruaia-ioaerof Agriculture...:.. ,i:B. Hall. LouisviLLK, June "27. The "Demo cratic state convention of Keatucky has certainly endoased the adraiaistratioa with special tributes to President. Cleve land and his distinguished adviser, Car lisle. ' No paring was' ever effective of atore productive, results than 'that of Secretary Carlisle 'and the Memphis convention. The silverites, including Senator. Blackburn, atrribate their de feat to the recent.-speeches of Carlisle and the circulation that was given them. The free coinage men do not deny that they expected the convention and all its committees,, the platform and nomina tions. The . ,rree silver men were. have been J- he&ten first in the district meeting that seiecteu memoen, on t aa .committees; then in the selection -of Judge 3eckner for" temporary chairmau and .Congress man Berry, for permanent -hi-mni and' in the organization of the committee on resolutions, -as well as the organization of other committees. NEWS OP NEBRASKA. ittoSaccooaBolta. Ovaba, Jane 30. The. city coancil confirmed th& mayor's appointment of X H. Damont, to be city treasarer. CaUdraa aad a fcorttvor. , ELWbOD, tfb., June 29. The 14-year-Id son of Wesley JLoof, while playiag with 'a revolver, 'shot Jais 6-year-old brother in the stomach, inflicting a fatal wound. armr Adjadnd I Himingford, Neb.v July 2. A. J McKnight, a farmer, living near Al liance, was brought he'rje and adjadged insane. Sheriff Hall will take nim to' the Norfolk asylum. THE CROWD WAS WITH BRYAN. He'iffiu a Iirely Tilt. WUaCoagroinBaB Clark at Mobile. Mobile, Ala., July .2: Ex-Congressman Bryan of Nebraska and Congress man Clark of Alabama' had a joint de bate here on the silver question, in the course of which Bryan took umbrage at Clark's denunciation of his democracy. "I was invited here," said Mr. Bryan, "with the understanding' that I was to -receive fair play." Bryan had the crowd with him and they applauded vigorously as he proceeded to score the Alabama congressman. He' said he would rather die iu his tracks than sup port the Democratic party if it adopted a gold standard. He then denounced Cleveland and Carlisle. Clark in retly referred to Bryan's criticism of Carlisle as a pitiful attempt to throw mud upon a man who towered head and shoulders above him and said the mud would not land, but would fall back into the face of the man who threw it. The audi--ence hissed and yelled for Clark to shut up or leave the stage. He continued in a more moderate strain. His reference to Grover Cleveland was applauded. Clark was frequently interrupted dur ing his last remarks and he responded by calling the audieuce Republicans and Populists. 1 i i m UNION PACIFIC STILL IN CONTROL. Goreraor Bolroiab Their Gaect. Omaha!, June 30. The Omaha' Com mercial club 'gave a complimentary "din ner to Governor Holcomb. "Nebraska's Prowess In the Galaxy of States" was the theme of the occasion. KdKor Married at PUUaMoata. Pi.attsmouth, June 30. B. L. Kirk ham, .city editor of the Plattsmouth Daily Journal, led Mhi. Mat tie Beal to the altar in this city,' the ceremony occurring, at the home of the bride's pareqts. . , .. " . Oataha Bridge Seised For Tazet. Council Bluffs, July 2. The bridge spanning the Missouri river between this ciy and Omaha, the property f the Omaha Bridge and Terminal com pany, was seized by. the sheriff of this county for $,000 raxas. The company refuses payment on the ground of. ex cessive valuation. , west -in a iahtacar Klkhora City. r; Pete' Eogarton and Charley Datkla ttOed and Jma-dgartoa was fatally M wuiiam MMdleton, a Den- larket' gardener, was eatked fcta homr, and after beurur escrihly beaten was robbed of 1016 have been arrested at San Tex- charged with train wreck- ftac. Two have confessed- At Jackson TtasL'thk. Theodore Starbuck. aaed 20. t hMdTkped hydrophobia from a cat bit inflicted twomonths ago All violators eftao prohibition law are to be arrested at Fort Scott, Kan., and the saloons are closed. Each saloon has been paying a monthly fine of $105 The total assessed valuation of taxable. property in Okla homa Territory, exclusive of railroad property, is $36,821,654 Governor Alt geld Issued a requisition for. Arthur Dunn, unfler arrest at.heosha county,, Jtaaaas,( ana wanted in Uarrpllton- for murder. , PROF. HUXLEY IS DEAD. Emlneat EnKlUb Scientist Breathes His last After a Lingering Illness. London, June SO. Professor Huxley died at 3:45 p. m. Professor Huxley, among all the great scientists of the modern age, has easily stood at the head. For many years he has been one of the most indefatigable workers in biological science, and he has especially distinguished himself in the comparative study of the anatomy of both the vertebrate and invertebrate animals, and the systematic arrange- " ' ' : , h" '' ' t ?.-:' -- . . '-.' - V - pThe State oil-inspecting department is running behind, the fees for the month of May amounting to $250 less than ex--penses, and for June the showing will he'woraet-so" says the Lincoln Journal. Chief Edmisten and deputies must de pend on fees and when there is not enough .to pay nil hands they must stand the loss. .. . ..:?-r - V - . South Omaha is having an interesting time with their school board, the sec f .retary being charged with extortion by - 'an ex-janitor who alleges that he has " . paid the" secretary $10 a. month, for two years in order to hold his job. His af- fidavitfalleges that during 113 and '4. he ".paid the Becretary $1.83 in cash and 815 ";-.wortu of work for him to pay the bal l" -anceof the amount.' .-'-" Arr Sioux City a telephone company , had been allowed to dig holes for posts, and Into one of these, Mrs. Sarah Lewis, :--wrote. walking through the tall grass' -near net. house, stumbled and plunged -,- bead first down one of them. It was "... "seven feet'deep and so narrow that the ' -'prisoner could riot move her arms. She '' r':-""-- held a halt hour before discovered ";;-.:C.-and dragged out, and .has sued the city --"": -for tV)00 daniages. .."".. :. .:." SENAfoK Yisst of Missouri is one of '".; -.: the best democrats in the United States, :- intellectually, and one of the most can ,. v - did men Vf thepaity. -He thinks that:! .." f - .;There must bo a. settlement of the -- silver, question without equivocation.. .We must determine to adopt the gold -.standard .permanently, retire thogreen-' - v Daces, aou-perpetuate the national banks -' .with .-their paper, based exclusively on .; ygold, or-we must open our mints to sil-..-y"ver. ".---" v"Th'e financial dervitride" which nnu: '; -".exBBta.on the part of the United States' ;. to loreigners snouid oease. IVotbing -."-'"ycoiild- be more. ' degrading than" the --."'present conditions. . . .".-""" ---."I believe. in real biinetalism, the use i. '.-of -both gold .and silver as. standard ..---- money, but .if 'we must hare' one metal : or the other, I would .take silver, for we ;. -.would then at least -be independent in ".:'. -etead of .being .the tail .of the English - ' kites apd the .helplees victims of the "-: Bothchfld syndicate." " , .. "";..":.;.: A8.PrVAWt.6f-Premont has, byap-; " : "-- ;-pointment "jof the'igrtvernor, become' su-. ;---"-. -.'";--: permteqdefit ot .the. asylum for.thejn ""';.'. f: '-- r"Mwat-Lmcohi,'it'ismtertin'gtoknow ". :'":" : if" Vathe.is -strong heliaver in hygienic : "" -:. 'treatniiBnt'of the insane,-and that'kind- j - ".-"f u ' ' ???? nO".hJ hve a greater place than it .- ..K":- V. v"?-Wy.H6e8 in" Jn'stitu.tioris of tha'tsort, . '': L.."" TfceJancqlq Call qn'otes him. us having . :' - '.'."- y&te! it.fs.almofit an'imppssYl)ility-fo ..?.-;: -wuaiiy.cnre..a patientby meane'.pf " ;.-. r;V'"jhug:al6ne, but kjudness'on the'nart'of- m'':.'.-.5''-m "". attina'an.ts-take'n ihNconnection, wiHl --. ' ' .w -TSe-number iff- cases' be' success- '.-' ,C' . Vf:u Vv Since-.hw.; appointment;. he lias ', -.- "-..eedtliatno employe or.attendant a t' - K - -joe ibatitUtion will-be 'retained. nwla 1. ".".. ". ;-i-9B-ent,afterthe report reaches his. eV'rs S"-" - ;-. .:"- r1 ?e has . abused .'a naUent Vfo are - .-;.-" -ad;to..Bi)te'" these' things, of our-old -: ';Wena, and hope that he will put info 9mBUC6 "Ilia CTOOd nnrimnlAsa f-f thn :1S,cti, ottunatopeopjennderj PUOFESSOR nUXLKY. ment of organisms. Always strikingly original iu thought, he has proposed several bold rearrangements of animals into new classes. His theory of protop lasm, his able advocacy of the Darwin ian theory, und the doctrine boldly ad vanced by him that the seemingly vol untary movements of animals, and even of men, are automatic and independent ol will, have attracted much attention in the scientific world. Felzoto Fosses Away. ?f BUENOS Atees, July 2. The New York Herald's correspondent in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, telegraphs that the re port of the death of ex-President Peixoto of Brazil reached there Satur day evening. It was impossible to get details until Sunday owing to the dis tance from Rio de Janeiro of Peixoto's home. The ex-president expected to leave his home for Rio de Janeiro Saturday afternoon, .when he was at tacked with the fatal disease, a com bination of Beri-beri fever and abscess of the liver. He was comatose until :80 o'clock p. m'., when he died. Oootb of a War Veteran. Washington, June 30. General Clay Green Smith, once Prohibition, 'candi date for president, a war veteran, and in recent years a well known Baptist pastor or Washington, died at his home in Northeast Washington at 1:25 p. m. Governor Atkinson Inaprnrlnr. Atlanta, July 2. Governor Atlrih son, who was so near to death last week, is on.the march toward rapid recovery. YALE FINDS HARVARD EASY; Cantata Armstrong's 'Varsity Men Wla a 4 They Fleaxe.' New LoDOjf, Conn., Juue.30. Yale Won. .Steady nrwmauship shot Yale aown cue course from Gales Ferry to the drawbridge, uegmning. witn a superior start.con-' . tinuingwith a steadily increasing lead: over the en tire course, and culminating, with an aggravatingly easy- finish at the capt. Armstrong, -four mile stake. The race completed a clean sweep for Yale in the last college year, the foot hall,' -base ball, track athletics" and -crew championships for 1895 now standing to her credit.. The- .race .was rowed under favorable ooa. ditioas and was a fair test of merit, in which Harvard 'was beaten by: 35 sec onds,or n'early-10 lengths. The dis t"snce"was four miles on the Thames river, down stream, from a point' below Gales Ferry and extending to rh M .railroad bridge at New London. The time was: Yale, slap; Harvard,' American Lena and Trmt Comaaar De faults oa Short liae Interest. Portland, Or., July 2. Monday was the day on which the Oregon Shorn Line was to have passed out of the hands of the Union Pacific and into the control of the American Loan and Trust company, which represents -the con solidated mortgage bondholders, but there will be no change of management. The road will not be separated from the Union Pacific system at present, at least. In the United States circuit court ex-Senator Dolph, attorney for the American Loan and Trust company, said that the road will not be taken by the consolidated mortgage bondholders, that Mr. Egan would not become re ceiver, and. tha-the American Loan and Trust company would not pay the interest, amounting to $704,000, which is due. The case will now come cp on the bill and an answer filed last Decem ber. This bill asks for the foreclosure of the consolidated mortgage through the failure of the company to pay it. "We shall proceed to foreclose the mortgage immediately," said Senator Dolph. "We have given notice that on next Wednesday we shall ask that a date be set for the final hearing." LEAGUE CONFERENCE AT AN END. Yona Methodists Hold Farewell Serricos at Chattanooga oa Saaday. Chattanooga, July 1. The second international conference ot the Epworth league came to an end Sunday night. There were morning services at the tent, but all the churches of the citj were at the disposal of the visitors for a common consideration of the subject: "The Descent of the Holy Ghost." Bishop Galloway, Bishop Merrill, Chap lain McCabe, Dr. John Potts and a number of other distinguished ministers led these meetings. The weather. which had been bad, cleared up and the leaguers sallied forth for a series of platform meetings in the various churches. At night the farewell serv ices were held in the tent. The audi ence was the largest of the conference and Chaplain McCabe says it was the largest meeting ever held south of Mason and Dixoa'a line. Anbnra Will Celebrate. Auburn, Neb., July 1. Arrange ments are all perfected for the grandest celebration in this city July 4 ever" wit nessed in Nemaha county. Seating toe 7,000-people has .been arranged in .the park. Governor Holcomb will deliver the oration. Three brass bands and a choir of 50. trained voices' will furnish the music. There will be a soldieis' re union in the afternoon with addresses by Colonel L. C. Pace, Major Halford and Elder Britt. Well Known Crook Caught. Red Cloud, Neb., June 80. Frank Rutlege, a well-knbwn crook, who has operated in eastern states and Canada, was arrested here at the instance of Greeley, Colo., authorities,' who charge him with theft. Rutlege was con nected with a big bank robbery at Clarksburg, Ont., last August, and is supposed to have had a hand in recent crooked work at Toledo, O. Canadian ' authorities have wired the sheriff to hold him, but the claim of the Colorado authorities will probably first be honored. Datoerats Call a Coareatlea. Omaha, June 29. Last fall when the state Democratic 'convention indorsed Holcomb, the Populist nominee for gov ernor, an element withdrew and 'held a separate convention and placed a full ticket in the field. That ticket received 7,000 of the 60,000 Democratic votes.. The state central' committee appointed by the bolters' committee held a meet ing in Omaha and decided to hold a state convention .at Lincoln, Sept. 5, The committee discussed financial issues but failed to announce an avowed policy. However, there is little doubt of the committee's position since it has the distribution of all federal patronage in Nebraska and is the recognized ad ministration wing. WILL BE NO WAR AT PENDER. Thursday, Jane S7. A freight irain was derailed near Aiken, S. C, and Brakeman Hugh Weatherford, Fireman Cherry 'and Albert' BrOwn, a negro, were killed r Aurora, Ills.;, has a' new case of smallpox The state conven tion of music teachers .is in session' at Bloomlngton, Ills. William Groun- well, a cnntractor, fell off a roof at Dover, Ills., andwas killed W' C. Duncan of 'Columbusliaa been appointed state statls-tldan- of Indiana - -The Minneapolis police census shows 301,490 persons, with one precinct to hear from-1 Paul E. Page, at Mitchell, S. D., was acquitted of the charae of murderlnsr H. L. Frazler 'Michael Dempsey was drowned while fish- to . w a " w tr m m sag at AJuouqw;, in. txe leaves a wueana three children- A cloudburst occurred in Clutttton Bottoms," Mo., r and a Mrs.' Stewart.and har child wore drowned : John Bower o( Jeffersonvllle, Ind., aged 14, is in a critical condition from being bitten by a house snake The state con- Invention of Young People's Society of jOhrlstlan Endeavor is on at Springfield, Ills., with 3,000 delegates :Will J. Mc Oonnell, a temperance lecturer, has-gotten almost every one in De&dwood, S. D., to sign tho pledge Over 50 Catholic priests wore in Decatur, Ills., to celebrate the silver anniversary of the .Rev. Father Mackln David S. Watson and Henry Borzinann, at Jeffersonvllle, Ind, are the arse insane convicts to do sent to an asylum under the new law The Logan- sport and Wabash Valley Gas conipany'at Logmnsport, Ind, has struck a gas well with a pressure of 500,000 cubic feet In 24 hours Colonel A. St. Clair Denver, brother of Generai Denver, founder of Colorado's capital city, is dead For the first time in many months the treasury receipts, for the current month will exceed the expenditures BIG SLAZE IN SAN FRANCISCO. jrVi, Sax IsUMChcq, Jane 9w. Something like $1,000,000 worth of property was sWtroyed by Ire la tho lowernartof this city. Almost three, entire covered with dweQimga, lambs and rasaufaeraring planis. went np in oka, despite the efforts of tho Iremssi to mMm the names.- The ire started in Carrick, Wffliams s Wright's box factory on Fif th street, between Bryant andBrannan. In three hoars the torn blocks bounded by Bryant aad Blnxoase, Fourth and Fifth streets, were reduced to piles of glowing embers. Then, to' complete the ruin, the fie jumped Fourth street, fanned by a stiff and licked up the western half of two blocks divided by Brannan, between Third and'Fourth. Fortunately a breeae which -prevailed daring the hottest pact of the conflagration died away, or snore 'than half of the town would have bean swept. After destroying 'nearly two complete blocks, the destruction con tinned across Fourth street.' It ravaged a strip of half a block in'width south to Townsend. To the east, midway to Third, progress wa checked by thai brick wine-vaults of Lachman, on Zoe street below Brannan. On- the upper side -the new Mechanics', hotel headed off further advance at Freelon street. It was the.worst fire in jejjrs and one of the most stubborn. THE INTER ocnm -IS THE- Host Pwlar mm<orsmr til West :. Aid las tic Ucst OrCaOatiML DAILY. 0 DAMJv-wkh StwMhiy) J.:. ..-. tEurs Briun asa reaw4aAf"Bt tub mteb ocean A. NJiiStiSisTwSM! Tie Weekly Inter Oceaa oPKR XXslsBaWoTooooooaaooooo aoae 1 M --I U -- " -SsssLssnnui tsntnt - ,; m'm 'rjr'PssV ...SJB. Mr-year mm zzLrxSiti Weekly. Iiit?r AS A FAMILY PAPER IS NOT EXCELLED EY ANY. It Tia'r ssnif iblna si Intnriit tt r srhia - -ITS YOUTH'S DEPABfTMrLVr U the vbrv VIS UTEstAJtv FEATUKES arc aarqttalea. tholsill-r. otfskJa. 1H1UTICALLY.it IS REPUBLICAN aad'ffivc rU readers tWtwjtont of the f nil mill ii oa asl Bra ---- . abo circa UktsaTlaB NCW5 Of- inn wun IT IS A.TWELVE-PAQE PAPErt ;; 'TUB sNTEK OCEAN "B IHJMJSHEO. IN CHICAtiOrTJte NEWS AMvCOillinClAL vniCK ur ajx nut ur inc Aixcun-Ai jtsu-uman-is, ai-of dsciie-! WLB OF. TWAT.5BtTIQtt..TltAW AJ ANY AOAP1ED TO .THE NEEDS -OP THE 'PEOPi PAPEst -FA-rrnea iast. H to fas accord with Use psssle oltao West both ta PolHlcs and 1 laso-maisasr'thatssareJtlse.Weoitly. InterOvi n U ONLY ONC OQ4 r vAft per year. Addree.. - THE INTER .OCEAN: Chicafo.: Bepubucaks should not -forget that protection to American interests is the reason why the people are about to in trust .them agaiu with the administra tion of national affairs. One of tho chief working principles to this, end if recip rocal trade, not only a jnst principle bnt also one that is very effective in accom plishing "ood results .for thiscountry. With a republican administration de? voted to this principle and' given free course to carry it out, our. commerce with foreign countries would be won derfully increased, and our merchant marine, in a few years excel that of any other coiintrv. . tar MtiM$ts. s r 7 '""aBt r I ar aasr4 1B :'SJ. ,fTaansB"fsr Walls era MianeaaoIU Baildlng Topnle nnd Pall Oatward. Minneapolis. June 29. Last night's fire in the wholesale crockery establish ment of McDonald Bros., on First ave nue south near Third street, is the most disastrous in the loss of firemen's lives in the history of the Minneapolis fire de partment. Five brave fellows lie man gled and lifeless and six of their com rades are writhing in agony at various hospitals. Of these six, one at least seems doomed to die, while .in another case the issue is in doubt. The great 6 story brick building, with its enormous stock of crockery, is in utter ruin and the blackened walls, broken windows and drenched floors of the adjoining buildings bear mute evidence to the vic tory won by the, department against great odds in .oonflning the flames to the place of their origin. list of tho Killed. ' Frank Suhlein, lieutenant. Walter Richardson. Joseph W. .Hot. 'John Horner. Christian Sands. Tho Se-rioaaly Injared. John. Grey, broken knee cap and other injuries. , . Ernest D. Caldwell, captain, back badly strained and internal injuries; may 'die. Henry Gau, back and kidneys badly in jured; may die. W. H. McDonald, lieutenant, badly crushed. . Ed Thleland; captain, badly braised. The heavy brick wall which wrought the injury fell almost without warning.' ." TWO FIREMEN - KILLED. Aa4alht Others Were Injarod la, a aTtra la a Wwiiitn a-Jslshop. WorcesterMsbs, July . A fir in the'ragshbp of the Hubely Manufactur ing company in Brackett court canted the death of two nremen' and injured eight others and caused a financial loss of but $4,000. The dead are: W. F. , San Francisco politician and newpaper Bngham, aged 34, married; Lieutenant J. J. Boyle, aged M, single, both of hose No. 4. The injured an: Deputy Chief Engineer George 8. . Coleman, Captain W. -N. Avery, John B. Casey, F. H: Baiaford, B. 'D. Bobinaon. E. C. .At wood, all members of hose -No. 4 and Henry Hall and E. C. Clsamberhun of hose No. 9. Hose Nad was one of the Arst apparatus to reach the ire and' at-tacl-MitUthetopstory. Without any warning tho floor collapsed and 'fell, carrying the two floers underneath into the cellar. Theaaen went down with it. Liemtomaat Boyle's back Ploaraoy Company Praetieally Gives Dp tho Fight. I Dakota City, Neb., June 5t9. In spector McLaughlin, of the interior de partment, who has been at the Omaha and Winnebago Indian reservations for the past week endeavoring to straighten out the controversy between Capt. Beck-; and the officers of the Flournoy com-' pany, returned to Washington today via this city. With him he takes an agree ment between all the parties to the con troversy, which, if accepted by the in terior department, will permanently set tle the unfortunate dlsDute which haa teen carried on. The Flonrnov com pany practically gives up the.fight. LOADED SHOTGUN ASVfStOY. Two IJttle Boys Experiment With, a New Playtblag nad One la Killed. Bdtte, Neb., July 2. Albert Oberlin, a boy aged 10, was accidentally shot by William Lonquist, aged 13, who was playing with an old shotgun. The en tire charge was discharged in'Oberlin's face and he died almost immediately." When Lonquist discovered what, had happened he fled to the woods. Diligent search has been made, but as yet he has not been .found and it is feared he has committed suicide by., jumping info the Niobrara river. The Oberlin family was visiting at tne ixmquist's and while the older folks were out of the house the children got the gun and pulled the trigger four times before it was dis charged. BARRETT SCOTT CASE ENDED. ' Jarjr at Bntte Acquits the Men Accused of Marder. Bdtte. Neb., June 29. The famous Barrett Scott murder case was con cluded Thursday by the acquittal of Mullihan, Elliott and Harris, the three .vigilantes who were alleged fc have, hanged the defaulting ex-treasurer, of Bolt comity, Jan. 1, 1895. - The trial lasted two weeks and oyer 100 witnesses weie examined. The. jury returned its verdict in one hour. . This is the final chapter in one of the most sensational, affairs in the criminal history of the west. Scott, while treas urer of Holt county, stole $100,000 and fled to Mexico. He was extradited and sentenced to the pen for five years. In fluential political friends, it was charged,; prevented Scott's incarceration in tha pen and -while, en joying his freedoni' pending the supreme court's action, ,h was taken from his buggy by a doaen' masked men and hanged. It r was alleged to be the work of the old wig Oautes who flourished in Northwest Ne braska in the pioneer days. TOLD Hx A FEW W0BDS EVENTS-OCCURRING IN ALLSCCTIOral SUMMARIZED. at at dneod Proas Col hat Pacta Three men were killed Tuesday Aiken, S. C, by the derailing of a freight naia jaarcus u. uorucK, Five persons were killed at various points in Alabama by lightning Tho Interna tional convention of the Good Templars lodge Is In session at Boston--Two.more 'members of the Clyburg gang of fire bugs have been arrested at New York The striking weavers at the Atlantic mills. Providence, j bave returned to work.- Friday, Juae 98. The Illinois Central will build a new 125,000 station at Bloomlngton, Ills. Mayor Jones of Racine, Wis., has ordered all saloons to be closed Sundays The Peninsula Veterans' association Is hold ing a reunion at Kewaunee, Wis. Mayor Stevens of Parson, Kan., has driven every saloonkeeper out of the place The trustees to locate the Eastern Illinois Normal school visited Tuscola, Bis. The school census of Mollne, Ilia., indicate a population of 15,007, an increase of 25 .per cent in five years Woodruff Parmelee, at Traverse City, Mich., ac cused of the murder of Julia Curtis, will be tried July 8 Alonzo Huntley, aged 74, walking from .Council Bluffs to Big Rapids, Mich., arrived in.Morley, Mich. Mrs. Mary Hayes, a widow of Fort Scott, Kan., was arrested as a burglar and many goods were found on her premLRjs Peter Murphy, David Connelly and James Conlon were covered by caving dirt In a ditch at St. Louis and Conlon may die General James H. Kldd, editor of the Ionia, Mich., Sentinel, has been made quartermaster general of the state troops, vice uenervi n. xa. ucviin, wno died last week Governor McKinley will speak s tho Meadville, Pa., college commonce-mSaX,-: William Murray, a.miner.claims to have discovered the '-Lost CahlniUji, ',. kiIm cim.Ii ttv .i.'M. h. t,. j- I in uniier uuv, .' ,!uu.u JUKI IKSU UIOUD during S3 years.. It is located. GO miles northwest of Redding, Cal. The Ohio supreme court declared the law to tax In-. heritance3 by direct heirs unconstitutional Ciairborns Wilson of Pius Bluff, Ark., was shot and killed by a 14-year-old boy named Lewis Fred Howard, brother of Dan Howard, the Burlington train rob ber, was captured at Winthrop, Mo., and taken to St. Joseph Fred Johnson, aged 80,. who eloped with Ada Holt, aged 18, of Memphis, has been arrested at the Instance of his daughter Ruth on- tho charge of bigamy Edwin Morris, a Lake Erie and Western engineer, was killed at Anderson, Ind, while Axing his engine TheJ Daily Headlight, republican in pol itics, published at Moberly, Mo., by Will lam Maynard, has suspended publication Warden Sage at Sing Sing is now busy making preparations for the execu tion' of Dr. Buchanan The census of Mollne, IU., has just been completed and snows a population or 16,007. this is an increase of 4007 in five years, or over 25 per cent. ' Sasarday, Jaae SO. John Billibeck, a farmer, was killed by lightning near Grundy Center, la. Farmers near Mexico, Moi, are sprinkling their corn with a mixture of coal oil and soapsuds, which kills the chinch bugs Judge Ellison, at Elwood, Ind., has an nulled the marriage of Cage Smith and wife, giving the wife 112,000 alimony. Thoy were wedded 20 yeafs Robbers and thieves following a circus reaocd a rich harvest at St. Joseph; Mo.ft'ohn Crons wasVobbed of f 1,500 worth 01 dia monds B. F. Arnold, aged 63, fell off a load of hay near Anna, Ills., and broke his neck All the employes of the A. P.AHis company's works, Milwaukee, were given an advance of 10 per cent In wages Timothy Overman was stabbed and killed at Webster, Pa., during a quarrel by John Vogle, who escaped Charles M. Hale and Miss Grace. E. Robinson, both at torneys at law, were married at Gouver- neur.N. Y. Fire In the Kansas City, Ma, paper box factory damaged it to the extent of 135,000; covered by insurance Nettle Grimm of Springfield, Mo., was awarded 12,000 damages in her suit against) George Chapman for, breach of Sromlse of marriage The residents of e'uees county, Texas, are excited over the rumor that several of the Dalton gang are in their midst. Everyone Is armed Carl Wilson shot and Instantly killed August Millet at West Orange, N. J. 'Millet's wife, who was standing bear, dropped 'dead from the ' shock A saloonkeeper named Stephens of Fort' Worth, Tex., being tired of life, took poison aad died The Manitoba legisla ture adjourned without taking any action on the school question The amalga mated mea who are. meeting at Youngs- town, O., want the puddlers scale raised from 14 to W.50 Governor McKinley ad dressed 10,000 people at the Pennsylvania Grand Army reunion at MeadowvWe, Pa. The Northwestern Masonic -Aid association and the Bankers' Life associa tion of Des Moines have been barred from Kanesa Frank HoweU of Rushville, Neb., while on his way to. locate in Ore- was drowned -in snake river at lean's Falls, Ida. .-Sr -- under the files tfxfja, man. is dead John Mollnar, the Cleve- land wife murderer, was hanged ''ta the Columbus penitentiary Application i has been nied in the united states, court for a receiver for the Racine (Wis.) Gas company The suit for 4100,000 jismsgre for slander brought by Irene Hoyt against Hetty Green has been settled ont .of court-r Governor Matthews of Indiana has appointed ax-President Harrison one of the trustees of Purdue unt-reeslry Cherokee Bill, who was to have been hanged at 'Fort Smith,' Arkfcas baaaf granted a stay of execution A'ooffistcaV between two freight trains vHIe, Gevlnjured three of them fatally Captain the salvation army has at Colorado Springs for Mlllfiag Cox of to J4U Jalyl. An -elevator containing 20,000'bushels of wheat, belonging to J.F. Downing of Erie, Pa., was burned, at Mooretpn, N. D. -The Nebraska National bank has .asked a receivership for the Stave and Lumbar company of Little Rock El Paso, Tex., Is making a determined war .on gamblers. Forty-eight were placed wader $100 bonds each The Springfield, Ills., Iran company will advance the wages of its 800 employes 10 per cent -The Slosslroa and Steel Company of Birming ham, Ala., "has raised the wages -of its. L080'jBunaM cents per ton George Lewarras acquitted at Mexico, Mo., of the murder of W. B. Browa Henry Allen,- hostler at South Bend, Ind., has fallen awirto aa estate of 135,000 H. jVlTstiss, the weather observer at reports . that Mount trouble . '.nutt Schuyler Herald: The west has made the east rich by sending money there for insurance. They have borrowed the money back, mortgaging their real es tate to secure the loan and laid awake nights worrying about how to raise the money to pay the interest. How shall we go to work to change this Btate of ouaiiBi mj) urKiiu-zm'' uru uuu we in- 1 siirance companies of our own here in Nebraska. . Paea laws protecting home companies and regulating outside cor porations. Patronize Nebraska insti tutions Thursday afternoon a U.S. marshal camo to Schuyler and arrested Otto Otradovsky on charge of sending improper letters through the U. Si Biaila. Otto was taken to Omaha and tried before the mail' authorities who found' bun guilty and sentenced him to twenty days. The case is one of. sending an obscene letter to a yonng girl in this town. Fremont Herald: Dr. Abbott was at the court house for the purpose of tiling his resignation as commissioner of in sauity. He has been a member of the commission for twenty-two years. For twenty j ears of the last quarter of a century Dr. Abbott has been county physician. Fullerton Post: Those who planted alfalfa this year are decidedly in it. John Dodson brought a sample to town Tuesday that showed wonderful growth. Another year will find many acres of this plant in Nance county soil. David City Banner, Octavia ItemB-, Last Wednesday afternoon Ed. Lock wood', who lives jnst south of the river county, was' cultivating corn and when at tho end of the field near the house 'stopped and went into the building. While away his little seven-year-old climbed upon the seat of. the' riding cultivator. The team started and ran away, running into a fence where one horse and the cultivator were thrown over and in the wreck the little girl had her jaw broken. Dr. Woods of Schuyler, was sent for and is hand ling the case, which he pronounces a bad fracture. Leigh World: Thos. Church was bit ten in the foot by a rattlesnake Satur day. He came to town immediately for medical assistance and found Dr. Mc- e Kinley at home, who pulled him through all right. Tom was mowing weeds with a scythe, .and was barefoot, when he stepped on the snake and it bit him. It was a narrow escape. Rattlesnakes seem to be getting quite numerous. While their bite is very dangerous to life, prompt action will generally save a person when bitten. These prairie rat tlesnakes differ from the timber rattle snakes, in that they are not as largo, nor as active, and do not strike with force enough to drive pangs in so deep, hence the poison is not thrown so directly into the circulation of the blood and is more easily counteracted. A person very seldom recovers from the bite of a tim ber rattlesnake of medium size they.' grow six to eight feet- long and three to fivo inches , through. When they strike' they sink their fangs an inch to an inch and a half deep, throwing the poison directly into the main circulation of blood and death results in a very few minutes. An old and effectual remedy, for snake bites of all kinds is turpen tine. It should be pnt in' a bottle, and the mouth of the bottle being placed directly over the spot, and the liquid brought .in contact with the -wound by inverting the bottle, which should be held there until relief is obtained. In all cases however, medical assistance should be obtained as quickly aa pos sible. . . Madison Chronicle: N. Fodrea, state examiner of county treasurer's books, finished up his inspection of. County Treasurer 0SheaV books last Friday and left for his home in Grand Island. He informed ns that Ed'e.bboks were all' right with the exception of a matter of $2,000 state fees which 'were unaccount ed for; tint as a majority of county treasurers in the state make a practice of .converting fees to their own-' use, Ed is probably no worse than the .average run of treasurers. The next treasurer of. Madison county, however, will- have to go on record as to the disposition be' will make of fees and interest money before he is elected. The people de mand the use of tUeirown moneys .State your case, candidates. Niwm-.n Grove .Gazette: Thb'rstein Olson 'brought to this office Tuesday some new potptoes that are immeneefor this early in the season. The largest one measures inches -in circumfer ence and the smallest 7. inches. They are 01 ine eany unio variety and were planted in April. West Point Progress: rain storm Monday evening the dence of Geonre TRoehl in Cobanra Ad dition was struck .by lightning. law . ..! electric fluid followed (be: lightning-rod close to the surface of- the ground when .it entered ihe building, .tearing its way through the siding and plastering and finally disappearing' through the. floor. A pile of loose papers lying on the floor were'ignited by the fluid and added to the consternation of the frightened and bewildered . inmates. Mr.Roebl was sitting close to the point where the bolt entered and was partially stunned by tho shock, bnt soon recovering he .quick ly extinguished the flames and quieted the fears of his family. ' Mr.'Roehl and family had a brief bnt fearful exper ience of ligtithing terrors and their for tunate escape from a violent and sudden death is little short of miraculous. Real Eitate Traastcn. Becher, Jssggi k Co., real estate agenta, report the following real estate transfers' filed in the office of 'the county clerk for the week ending June 29, 1896: U P Ry Co to Benjami L Hoyt; nwU 1-lS-lw, wd , , $ ?97 00 Boena 01 riant 10 neo to 1; f uewejr. The Jndew Hiaaimt 5 acres is 19.1a. le, sheriff's deed 1,500 00 Uni led States to Jaxaes Fay. ne nw.- SO Q Sw natadt Martin Froelieb to Herman Froelicb, . n m-H 35-20-lw. aad aw.y aw. 3. "" a w wu " J j" """ l,v R P Drake to John Henderson, lot 3, bl 17. Loekaer's ad add to Hum phrey, wd. WO 00 State of Nebraska to Fridrich Flamrae. e"-, aeH 3S-13.ro-. deed .- SS0-00 State of Nebraska to Mads Anderson. eii neVi aad iwHae'i KUlMw, wd... . 810 0 Martin Postle toC D Marphy. part of lots 1 aad 2. bl 3, Hamphrey. tpd...-. 350 CO Eight transfers, total 9 7.W7 00 One of the greatest troubles with this country of ours is the "manufacture" of sentiment, bo to 6peak. and of business. Combinations of capitalists corner tbe markets; corner transportation; crush ont competition. Combinations of po litical schemers, instead of allowing spontaneous sentiment to express itself, seek to suppress -or change what does not suit their selfish purpose, but all these species of gambling must be over thrown before we can have enduring peace, which always rests on .substantial justice. Board-of-trade gambling has more to do with corruption of business than all other'things put together. Grasshoppers are abundant in Wash ington and Vuina counties, eastern Colorado. In wheat nnd oat fields they. nave trimmed tne leaves and clipped the heads. It is supposed that they will not have wines until about the middle of 1 July. News cornea from McCook, wes tern .Nebraska, that the -hoppers have appeared in such' quantities between Eckley and Ottis, 25" miles, as to cover the .Burlington railroad track and cause much trouble.. The'-engines have been provided with 'steel brushes with which to clear the' track. K unease oralo; thinVr To aUrersJ4a in a'To'arfaw Sleeper. . . Burlington" route -personally coh- ' - 1 once-a-weea excursions 10 fjoi UfaD'and" California! arn- just, the" for' people of ' moderate"' nwamv Cheap, ree-retabtocmnfortable, expedi-' uuuh. xuvv.ivnyo vttta-ta.aau -jufacoia-every' Thursday-. and- go. through; withvr out- change, to San 'Franchep -and Xios Angelesv 'The',tonrist sleepers, in which -excursionists' travel.are- carpeted, upT ,. holstered in rattan . and' have' spring seats, spring backs, mattreseee, blaaken. curtains, pillows, .towelaetc. , "Only fC f or a double berth, wide enough and big enoogh for two. - The route lies through. , Denver, Colorado Springe, the. wonder-;-ful canons and 'peaks of the Rockies, Salt. Lake city and .Sacramento. Por ' -rates and also for illustrated folder-giv- : ing full information,. call on tho nearest ' agent of 'tho Burlington route op write to j; Francis. O. P. T. A., Omaha, Nebr." .; .. . 22raay.-5m " CHOICE Seed Corn --AT OEELBICn BBOS. a-Crop of lgft, H06lTE8 YELLOW DENT. :!'itp-t( . C. CASSIN, PBopaiirroK or tmi? Omaha Meat Market 3?Vesh and Salt Meats. Game and Fish in Season. fsaHigheSt market Hidea und Tallow. prices, paid.'foff.v.j Aon cat tae sure r at any of 1 Snaa-er Tears. can get more for your money in return of health and enjoyment any of the many resorts on thetJmon Facinc system than anywhere else on this continent. See your nearest Union Pacific agent. Summer Tour t icketa on sale to Sept. 90th. . . L. Lovax, Gen'l Pass, and Ticket Agent, I2jun8 Omaha, Neb. THrtTEENTHSTV' ?' j. COLUMBUS, - - NEBRASKA. Saprtf dared Rates to Hot Springs, So. Da ffered by the Burlington Bouter y , June 7 and 19. July 3 and. 19.' AigustU and 23. One fare for the round trip. Tickets crood for 30 -da vs. In addition, low round trip rates to Hot springs are in effect the year round. For information about rates and" trains, via the Burlington Route, to Hot Springe, apply. to the local agent. For illustrated folder, descriptive of this famous resort, write to J. Francis, G. P. & T. A., Omaha, Neb. 15may3m. LOUIS SCHREIBER, Bladtsuffi aid WaniMatii' SELLS THE rdEERlNC -: - Self-Binder lower .- gMsimtMM rrrf . ..Adrertioststeats aader this baeoerb iaserUoa. ire. cents a iatbo tf. 8CHILT2 nuksa boots aad' alwtMlotlu ' bbk styieevaaa asss only tao rery best taateaalswOoarediatJseaarkot. $4f These are perfect stienajth is needed. avna&ju- an m simriiA tat .. h.a 1 binder has biim rMnl i rJ.-.-.SJ1 tw!iBLV:sther onJJr lt iHux.ls..-8ee tbo-leerina;beroreyoaboj'aBolh-r.'' - - " machiBMi. ulrnnit ' eiveiT iTer within es. :. Tfc- Shop on Ohvo Street, Columbus;'Nefr " four doors south of Borowiak's. - 23maytf .. '.' . UNDERTAKING! nau of Marea.18tM.aadi )PnM tng 1 0T1CE OF SALE DNBEK CHATTEL MORTGAGE. GIVEN that by -rirtno mtmnmmt oa;ta 27th dnlr tied and nmnU the eonntr cWlr of VUttm mub Nelxnsl-a, on said day. aad exeentcd by Jsa wal to Mirhaal Wleenk: to act-ai. asul B. naify. tho said Wleexyk front all loss or see by reason 01 his snretyship for tho said el anoa.a esrtain note' for th vna nt taoe.08 wTkieh said note tho said Wleczyk has ansa coapelled to pay, aad apoa hiiBdbt- eeaesa taeio ta dno at. too ant nahiiMtfnB hereof the sob of fas.00. j-eiamt na-riBc oeea -nade i tne pay-neat of said, sam and no salt or other proceediaaa at CARRY ALL KINDS Of Burial GmI8,-. . si rn JrfeernJH. . s'str'ssaro the inset Hearso la the.oonaty. " Car. Wibeasha Ave.'aad I ssiJ-a-" sjs. aawieeath-Jt... - f . sjaaaajnnnja -asnj. law aarma: oeea lasutnteol to reeorar or any part thereof, therefore 1 will sell th I propssty therein described, viz: One white cow l rearsold.oaa red. cow 10 years old. one red cow 1 years oki. one rea aaa wtute' spotted cow 7 years old. two bay males 9 years old. one black horse 1 M sears pId.oae bay horse n -years oM; two black and white-spotted hogs, about in Bioaiaa on. st. pnnue aneuoa at the dwaiiinf-1 hoaat of the iiBdersicaed in the rillaa D-acaa, in Platte eonnty, Nebraska; oa the I attk day ot Jaly, ISB5, at 2 o'clock,, p. m. pf said day. Dated Jnly 1.1SIS, . MICHAEL WLECZYK. Jtuyat Mortam-ee. Df. CLARK'S INSTITUTE o - .."' " rba Ta-TBjtATwiiNT or tbk-. Drink BfiMt. Als Toktcco, MvrpMfi. aHa) ":; other Narcotic Hafclt$: ... - sV-Prirate treataient virea if dtirt NilBR-l'SKA. m- Puring the. COLUMBUS, .. . . - - . - - . laaprtr - . , .--?-- CHAfW-MO-CTOAGEaisht WTAMcAixi-u " ', - w.M Coasat,:. ',' ML' of tha follMaWeocribed chattel fsorU r --- JMhjn favor of TJs rMhmbiis State Bafc of MTli i T T I HTf st' s rORinT-TlT - CotanaWNebra-'aforeoad , T !yJ,r"u", 8th dalW Joae. 18SC aad dlly fled aad isoeaa- :' ed iTtsVoasce otthe coakck.of.Hat ., ATTORNEYS At' XA.W ,:..:. eonaty. Nwhraska, onVthe saidmh day of Jane, - . -''-" f: UmidytMmmttJbfFnd..D. -' -. . . V; sawiA. . tinM i-kki'AinfBnnvBtBfA ti..t .' ? .-a ..-.--- t"sr"i nV "? "TnCLr -"rrrnt. l' !"! mr-nnrs) . . -- -. . r- ssaBreina paiineui ormmtf s nm aarsmne. ,--.--- ..-. - hesuhu.. .- v.-.-- foreflloithamnpoBWBfcbsaidBaltaareis- - - -.Uatf . 4ioeattnsntpdrUcatioaBareof tsoasThaoat f- .- , - ' '.' $UMJB tdWT Coll-nbas Htsft BsakTV "lalsT.-. M Ha.'.-J-i.J-"--. Defaolt bawas besVmsde in tha psvaaWtof nwaf nVw- - M nsassalssnnM Asm-. " said saarof koaeyam-no saits.or oherro tEjrp mmM09OkiWaw9 casiiisas at toha-daasVa iasUtotedtorecpVr Cnssn. s)srnssmnnrr"3BSrZS -tbtysA debt Ituy psiVUhmof. thsrefore b WjpTt" OsfsTntnwV M asaWsaaKenm --" " n-orajhaadeserlla-fb: TboWockof troceries. 'BnsBsSaw sfc svwsaTai ssa .1 isaillisT woortts saJThsfiiasanis. ciaer and --':jSh Oea41ssn---tatlis wga. --"- ": , fraita. mlso torse sjA cssesT pas f re-proof nmnaat- TSJnh,-r"'sal, tnin.""- W -'' rtf''at!mtWtg ICak,' "''p'w-fora- .hjLjl-i-hja-i-,- Jj:"'-:- . . one pesaaYwhetiir. oaesUbo, os horse and .. snussansnTWnWs? .-k."' f fcw- V. wacoa. All taessay e tntttS fadn-ea now in " FlV'l "Ml ' '' '! "wg : . .V X tlM sforoecnpieo!ehntooamnaoae U. Block wnBE-JsBat" I "!,M,,wsi"',,esaw v.. - -7 , " M. Colnsgbns. Nsftisms,. except tWsapwe' aad JnianBBBBVl sWatR "hv" -'.'VsW "Kcoa. which are at 1 barn hi ColasaWw. Ne-' -' .nsBBBBBaaanV -- nsaW-. -. . -Isa:'-- lissllii iiiii n-liiTni .til- iiT- . BBBBBBBBBnsv" - naw aa swannsawa. . - ;. 7av . . aw.. Wv a .snnnnnnnnsa. fasaa oa.l-avlastBnhw-'B." . ---w . . '. !. fh'.'wnijssiiii ''nnnnnnhnaaaaaaVn'sBa: natao-aaa ssbsbsw- - - . ' cleaass? atf.a-eloca' n. m. of mid dar. haidsalo -'b'b'b'b'b'b'b'b'b'b'b'b'b'b'b'b'b'P's'L: will hllijaj 1 1 froat tby tdshstwsea Ha '-. . '. .inmisanniHii-nnMin -.. . 1 1 1 1 1 iitlpltl said nhoTo deslenhsd -tropsri .'' -sV . ' ' -' kJ- --, .. is all sold. V . . . -..- w2L.iT3 .-.- B"r isV--- .: :... .. x-swusMuawAxinn- .ruBs f3V. VTJjATK;. wTT -waaaW .-" . W Sansakw . S - s--'Bnnnw, ".-.- 1w . 5 -'rt- i i . x I" . .. '- : aw-'-.v "' .' -"- -. " .. -snsshw - oj, t .. - ; .: - - ' -.-. .; . -v - - ?;. m 9 it i rT. ," - E.St-- -;, J&L tt ..-j -t- --, - . ,. '- ghSivr eC- -i ?"- .p,j - 3i: "-"St. !LWi V- sti JTmf ----."" J Jail - -