-i- 1" v. ' I ;t & ft " " tr - 7 ' r - 1 i'( LHf ir- L- That Tired Feelings Is a certain indication of impure and impov erished blood. If your blood could al ways be rich and pure, full of the red corpuscles upon which the 'vitality de pends, you would never be weak, or Nervous! Boils, pimples, scrofula, salt rheum, would nefcr trouble you. But our mode of living, shut In all winter in poorly ventilated homes and shops, de pletes the bloHl and there is loss of appe tite, and weakness. Hood's Sarsaparilla is tiic standard remedy for this condition. It puriQcs, vitalizes and enriches the blood, "overcomes that tired fcclinj, builds up the nerves and gives perfect health. Read this : "Our daughter, Blanche, when four years of age, had a humor break out on ber hands and face, which our physician pronounced eczema. If the cold air readied her face or hands they would CH-..11 ii t Innl." nlmoct nnrnle. anil headed blisters would form and break, I Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the Only True Blood Purifier Let me give You a Pointer Chew Lorillard's CLIMAX PLUG. It's Much the Best. L. Douclas SUAE IS THE BEST. vrBUbriT FOR A KINO. s. cordovan; FRENCH i ENAMELLED CALF. 4.3.sp Fine CAiF&KwsARoa 3.SPPOUCE.350LES. '" -EXTRA FINE- - 52.175 BOYS'SCKOOLSHOEi -LADIES- ? 5FNn FOB CATAI rlRlir W-L-DOUCLA3' Over One MUlloa People wear the W. L Doug'as $3 & $4 Shoes All cur shoes are equally satisfactory They pi ve the best value for the aionev. They equal custom shoes in style and fit. Thsfr wearing qualities are unsurpassed. The prices are uniform, -stnmped on sole. From Si to $3 saved over other makes. If your dealer cannot supply you we can. fteeniuii's Pepsin Gum, THE PERFECTION OF CHEWING GUM. A Delicious Remedy For all Forms of INDIGESTION. CATTIOX-Sw that, tho nam j Itecman is 011 oacb , wrapper. 1 l-.acu t aD:ct contains one I grain pure iepsin. If tho ' cum cannot bo obtained 1 from dealers. send 5 cents lu stamps for sample package to i:i:k5Jax chemicalco., 3 Bank St.. Cleveland, . Criginntoro of Pepsin Chewing Gum. The SCALPER Jl 1 a. ", Sc All atiout making money in Orain anl Mceks l "n-alpinjr tlie markrt" on mtrgln of fM to fl,000. 15ct method ct. All Klpen. make money. LANSING & CO., 112 Qulnry St.. Chicago Patents. Trade-Marks, Examination and Advice n to Patentability of Itirntmn. St-nd for " Inventors' Uuiile. or How to Get cl-cttnt." TiZSZZ. 0TA3S2LL. WASSISOTaT. S. & 5F TIIOSK WHO nAVE CLAIMS asaint ilieQovernment uillvrritrtoMATMatl BtCKFORO, Pension A Patent Att'y. !M4F St.. Washington, I.C.,tl:eyurMreceieapronijt reply 35 Ti'e.-e I attend retat In fashion 1-araar and Ftorca tor S." to !( ceiitn earli. liut in onler to Incresse the tle jranl amonc Uranper e offer 1 1 em to the laiy ieaJerof t"iUa;r for the - inarka'lv low price of oiilrlOrralaearh. l'o . ceonee t,extra "Ihe lattein aieallof the ery I -t New York ttTies ami aie n 'equaled fT Mle. atvuiv of fit,slm- jatrm-l.awlenuedthe country orcr. Full de- toil .tionv ami dire-lions- . the number of jard. of ! im.ti-r!al lennlreJ. the numl-er anl rame of the dlf- 'eicat j.ii"e- in tlie pattern, now to cut and fit an 1 put fie on.ent to ether-are tent lth ach pattern, wjtha K-tmeof the jajnicnt to eo by. Thcsepat lern are complete In eiery paitlcular, there lelnca icpara e la'tern for eieJry inRle piece of the chess. Your older w 1.1 be filledthe tame day it lsreccled. Kery attem Buaia'iletd to be J erlect. The tetall price of pattern is 2S ce-'ts. Flirureil percale tn pale lar ender anl Rreen on a bun" Rround, mathUconren'ent and comfortable ahlrt wal-t. The front anl Lack are catheredln 1 Jolnel to a , njuaie, shallow, teamlrsa lyoLethat fit smoothly .orer I the houlilers. The ttjllbrloi 1 p'alt on riRht fitmt lapgoer the left. Muds or button? and buttonhole effectlAir the cloln?. " (iathera at the walut line Ii (jnt nd lck perform the apely a ljutment. the lower portion lelnjr wmn under t esklrt a- shon or over It a prefened. The shirt .lu.m iILh'., 1ia CcYilot LADIES' SHiaTWAISTaU fuim.r8 ,, .Hnin pul lie- the teaiiV mode. lhe ate a-athered on tleuprer and low er edm g an 1 fnlshwl at the wrl-tf iith iearecun".that do e nbacklth i-tii 1 or but ton pill buttonhole. A i-tvllli rolling collar that I mounted rn a shaed liand. and can le made aljU'.t tble t:r.ihe thentvk.a tlebowof laender hatln be !ni worn in the prehcit litance with smooth belt to match The simple contrnctien of thi charming walt, w. ich n.ake It easily laundered, renders It especially rnltable for all cotton na-h Sabric, such as cotton cheiiot. roadrjs Iitinp. cambric, chambray, sateen r.ainoW. lawn or uimity. Cuffs, cellar and yoke are niatlv Tnishcd with machine stitchinfc. I-at'tent (319 is cut in six sizes, viz. : 32, SI, 38, 38, tO an 1 42 inch-s but measure. The ie:all price of patterns is S3 cents. Tale leaf preen cashmere I shown in this handsome (TO n. The deep, star-shaped collar is made of fancy striped satin In harmonizing shades of pink and green, tie edfres being trimmed with a qullllnc of pink satin ribton. A deep frill of cream lace falls from under the points (t the collar all around, a bow of pink satin ribbon being tiei to the thn at, and a frlrdle or the same ribbon conflrtnx the fullness at the waist line. Tl e full front anl back are -smanirtd over Cttel lining Hjrtions, the under arm 'rores proIlng a smooth sdlcstraent over the hips. Full stylL-h ruffs are C357 charmingly arrange! over limes' tea goto-. fitted sleeves that can be fln Ished at the cllow with frills or .'ace as shown. r with clore fitting" lower rtI,:'s,0 ,ns wrlti the pat tern Toviding for both ityles. Vai'ioasco'irbnati.n of material and color can be ca-eclelty the -mo3e. which b equally well adapted wniT KilkorCtton fabric. Tb-and ribbon can I otnitted if a less fanciful finish "desired, and the sown can be made up with orwithocttheCtted lining. . . s as is Tattern C357 is cut in tU sizes, Tte,: 3S, Si, 3, , and I inches bt s: roeisure. The .eta'l price of rattern is 99 w m m m eC0tT01 Xl4- "" J jfthis coupon is sent with order the price wU IX X be only lo ceiiif ' ,-.. ----- f BBrSTineurppu.- -------- W -."-- -'. !.at.Mmptlll1llfl f aj arouna ifce iuj, ",rti; AWKRX -W arms. Address Ca0 F!AXXaSsf lkBox'-74T Ne- siU. S.T. s '-" ys ? g. -- ' , I 't I V 2f ir""" vVfm r&JLJBaBafe I -C?"--'J??Bb. i-. tSSsj-aWA in tor is iff) fcmkmi croJk hB.i . 7J mk iiWmx W cch pattern oniereJ miw "',.- f tta. Order by namLerand fiw totatoehw-J ri -m...a rlnir fllllBff. o K "tTI Ol IO0T Discharging a watery fluid, and6ie burn ing and itching would drive? her nearly wild. Unless we encased her little hands she would tear patches of skin from her face and hands. We tried many doctors and many remedies and at last gave the case up as hopeless. But our daughter Cora tried Hood's Sarsaparilla, to cure a scrofulou lump near the left breast which caused her much pain and after taking 4 bottles it disappeared. Blanche, who is now eleven, had spent seven years of suffering, so I concluded to give her Hood's Sarsapa rilla. She took 5 bottles and her face is smootli and soft as a baby's, the color of a rose petal. Her hands arc soft and white, where four months ago they were blue and red and calloused nearly like leather. I cannot express my gratitude by jmmj or mouth. It seems a miracle and our friends are surprised." Miss. Anna L. Clakk, 401 E. 4th St., Duluth, Minn. Get only Hood's, because HMHHMBHMBBOCaHaSSBBBBaBV Meta Wheel tor your Wag Anr sl.c J'ou want, SO to W. inrl.e hiz h. T re I t.i in h? Idf -liulis to 1 1 any axle. Nra CVl in a ny times in a i-ea on to hac et of low wheel to rt inur wagon forliaulinir Kiain.fixlier, man lire, lioj;-, Ar. No. n.ittiii:' if liri 41,. fr, l.t,lriK.d Fmiiirr JKfsr- - ! o. l.r n. iri:if. III. WALTER BAKER & CO. TUo Largest Manufacturers of PURE, HIGH GRADE COCOAS AND CHOCOLATES On thli Continent, have recdrad HIGHEST AWARDS from ttc zrtit Industrial and Food EXPOSITIONS Europe and Au'ca. ITnlike the Dutch l'rocef s no Alka- : . - (.-. fkI.l n III a Bii.ed in arv of their prrparmtioni. . ii--Tr- n c av L c a CT rnrn 1 arMaolutiMV pare and toluble, and costs lea than one cent a cup. SOLD BY GROCERS EVERYWHERE. WALTER BAKER& CO. DORCHESTER. MASS. FhoiiMlH Ml thepai:pi 1 't1 reoentlr pnli- ll-hp.I l.i the Taeneer I'erartmcnt of the Illinois Central Itailroaii. entitle! "Mnnlhrrn Ilnnie. Hrrkri''i) Ualdr fr 1MI.-' It contain- oierM eic client letters from Xoithein fanners now Jrcntnl in theSoufi ami oti er authentic ami valuahle informa tion. Foi a FIJI K COPY. ndilie the nmlerlpjieti at Manchester, loa, J. 1". 3IKUKY, Ab-t. Uen. 1'ass. Agt. TAKEN IHTCIRAUT Ml USED LOCALLY Insnfllator, n. stkes tan cure a., n. am suo.. aiciM Mild bf all liniKlMs 1Y FOR PHEASANT WOKK easily Kecnred thronga mi an oarly application tor Local AircucyioEell the llllf 16 fiRFfill NhPatRalTllRS WHW IV UllkMHI WaarillUl I UltW to Farmers and Dairymen. One style was shown in last number ot tnis journal. Another will soon bo pictured out. Meanwhile, write for Handsome Illus trated Book Free. Davis & Rankin bldg. and UFO. CO., Sole Manufacturers, MO W. Lake St., Chicago. Ttee Aermotor all Steel Feed Cutter wortn Wm triU furnish this feed etterp one only to one per 99 not later than July J, 1$35, for fl'tOO rash, and ad eTnrsvrt of (ni nrigho and acquaintances of tfie tender kmotrn personatl by him to be re2onstlle and influential men in f&rar loeaUttea vho nerd ad are hkdy to buy o.e tlting in our line thia yar. After July J, money" rent in on this offer uiUle returned to tender and no attention trtTI bs paid to inquiries or letters concerning this ofri. It is literally now oruercr. Tht feci cutter is delivered f. o. b. Chicaco. If I hip pc J from Dacx lrei bl mil 1 -lion: branch houses This aU stMl frame anl aw which we pot eat t K-inch very supetloe Hi 00 Ist year, but bow one of tha Host ttoonlaf sm eniy st f3.00, is Jnstl: arndaw. ever made. AERMOTOR CO. CttlCSS W. I. U rnaha-l, 1S95. AVhen answerlni: advertisements kindly mention this paper. uiRfs wmi-k an (i;t rsys. I I Dcst Cough gvrun. TnstesGcod. UK in iuqo. Sc.'.il by arutatistt. n I II rs3 Onsiyr'S sJH Xtt&fJ MM 1 W Je&Sv Wy I m Hi MP FH Sill' 'U HI !'' :ti EVERY UflllG1 QUI? 1 ii 11 - 1 11 11 ii 11 1 1 J Cored the Dr. In 1170. A ftlts cured thona-VJ fandj since and will llCareyoa. Send 11 for free book, and V irmptom blank, jk VvPkjre by BtttU.Zf i ai aa Ar $40roR$1p Yg af B3atkaU sr" I aBswnfJBBaa MtP 'Kl fejaL FABM AND GAKDEN. MATTERS of interest to AGRICULTURISTS. Some Up to Date Ilints About Cultiva tion of the Soil and Tlelds Thereof Horticulture, Viticulture and Flori culture. -r"3 Points in rotato Growing. (Condensed from Farmer's Review Stenographic Report of Wisconsin Horticultural Convention.) L. L. Olds made a few remarks on potato growing for profit in Wiscon sin. Among other things he said: There are just two points that I want to emphasize; the first is, avoid all the hand work possible, and do as much as possible witn a machine; the second point .is, give your potatoes as much caret's you do your other crops. We use, our very best ground for potatoes, and the reason for this is that the cost of cultivation is greater than for other crops and we must get as large a yield as possible. Use a clover sod. Plow to a depth of seven or eight inches. Shal low plowing will do for grain, but not for potatoes. Do not be afraid of plant ing too deep. If the land be well drained I would prefer plowing five inches deep, rather than three, though four inches is about right. Another point is, keep the soil moist above and below by cultivation. J use an Aspin-wai-Planter. We cut our seed with from one to three eyes to the piece, and plant them quite close together. The Aspinwall potato cutter is a good machine. Some ask, "Isn't it better to put more seed in a hill and plant farther apart?" It might be, if labor were very cheap; but with the present price of labor, it is better to plant as I have said. One man says he plants whole potatoes, large ones. Now that is wasteful. If you want to grow large potatoes plant few eyes, but if you want bushels, fill the ground full. We have of late years been using more seed on our farm than we used to. Last year we planted about twelve bushels to the acre, when growing early potatoes, and for late ones we used eight to ten bushels. We try to keep the potatoes free of weeds with out any hand work. We do all the work we can with the use of horses. Some growers wait till the potatoes are four or five inches high before they cultivate them. That is a mis take, for then the weeds have got up, too. Our method is to put in the culti vator and run it as wide as possible as soon as the plants are up. Then as the potatoes get larger we narrow up the cultivators and also run them shallow. We keep up this cultivating till the vines have begun to die. Deep cultiva tion should be avoided after the plants are large enough to send out roots, for it will cause root-pruning, and that is very harmful. Potatoes should be cultivated, just as soon as possible after a shower, the object being to check evaporation. Some of our farm ers still dig potatoes by hand, but I do not believe any man can afford to dig by hand if he has more than half an acre. In storing potatoes in a cel lar for winter there should be the ad dition of a thermometer. Do not be afraid of letting the temperature get down to below 40 degrees. Some say it will hurt them for seed, but I know it will not, for I have had them in the cellar when the temperature went down to 30 in the cellar and remained there, and I never had better seed. I believe old varieties run out, and so we must have new varieties. Don't grow a general purpose variety po tato. A general purpose potato is no better than a general purpose cow. Q. What is the best fertilizer for potatoes? A. We turn under clover sod and what barnyard manure we have we put on that. Q. Would you plant small seed? A. I would not advise planting seed from very small potatoes for the variety would then run out vary Quickly. Q. Do you recommend planting the eeed ends? A. No, sir; for the seed ends viti give too many small potatoes. q. is it not a fact that when a seed end is planted a good many of the little eyes fail to send out sprouts, and so we rally ger. the same effejt as from a larger piece with one or two eyes? A. I think that is so. Q. Do you hill up your potatoes? A. No more than we have to. Mr. Parsons I hare tried starting potatoes in a hot bed, and when 1 took them up I noticed that all the eyes had started roots, so I think iL? will all grow if given a chance. Q. Do you treat your seed potatoes 'or the scab? A. I tried it last spring on s-omo seed. Q. Of Prof. Goff Does it make any difference wnether we use large ur small potatoes for seed? Prof. Goff It certainly does. Our experiments have shown that for the first year or two "t does not make a great difference, but after that the re sult is very apparent. Wisconsin Horticultural Convention (Condensed from Farmer's Review Stenographic Keport.) L L. Olds took up the potato sub ject, a report of which will be found en our agricultural page. H. B. Rice spoke on cabbage grow ing, in pa;t as follows: Cabbages can be grown on any good corn land. Freshly turned snd is very good, es pecially if any rich clover sod has been turned under. What manure is put on should be plowed under. Sta ble manure should be scattered over the ground to the depth of an inch or more, and salt may be used to the amount of ten to fifteen bushels per Iacre. When applying hen manure mix it with dry earth or have it in a pulverized form. For late cabbages seed may be sown in hot beds in May 1 or in the open field. When plenty of seed is used cabbage worms need not be feared. The ground should be al ways kept mellow. Dry weather will often check the growth, and when wet -weather comes tbe cabbages wjH burst open. Baal-&BB"awBJKrTJfci.5i&?a' W- l-iSSiEfshSiiiitVtf xfsSmmSt i'! 'v&Q?&. IbbSBIbBbHbIbBbbIbVS! IBBBBBSBlBBBBlBBBBBESssft Iifca 30iBBMBBBWriA'aW?B-.BBBfBfBBB ' ' U'W ---MT,PfWfijHB "l 7 I 1 1 IT lalflBBBBBStBPlflBBBBBBBPQ&Q.V'BiiBBBBfvS 5JbJTBB.X H 'Wll ' llTafflKair'YTaK S 1 V BflaBBBBH3IBBBBBBBKe01ubBvlBff"aBKMaa wS JITti SGmSsmtiJT'AZIsaBKSSCPs fjlff BBBBBflBBBHlBBKAlBSiBi 3F fe ' in gHgfiBBBjiwggpWLii CftaWlmE ftiv nBBBlaBBfelSHHBflBBBaialKj'SrSsf'i A-41 Tt JiBK 1 - StWESLKS' lBsssssssssssssssssssBTi BsssmBxwBBBBBW rlBl'i l lirn i TflB-far 1r Vflkli:- Si tfTTBTj- JkiaT!OGpS&Sfi-vVOli HHBBBSsf'BSBBBaVsffslV' 33K-traHE3ai9:t Sif kJHsC " 1&&&&&&&&?&& BBTIksssssssssssssssssssssV-BBEHssBBavaV--H(-tVi-A ir fci; T & "S T7v: --rtvLUDi aeG-l?viv "VJFv&i.fc,- BfaBaHaRfeskssssPrSWM-T S" :vfeZ& 45 '315 d k BB ?ffiiffi.1?5,3!Sl W3NmlBEKzete3 W&SSasWsr. c3v";iM BBBlBBBli Ta sssssssssss aBsaBBW swi I iTl Mr i in e"Cl w'-avBBBBsJBnnc .BBBBBBIbBBBEXz. JBBsV.Z.-f V-. iy - - T?.Jaj w aW w- .aaw. r- tt . q. Will the application of common salt prevent the ravages of cabbage worms? J A. No, sir.' q. Have'you ever tried road dust, sprinkling it over the leaves? Jlr. Tobey We tried it last year, aad thought it stopped the worms. H o wni salt conserve moisture? Prof. Golf No, sir; that theory is & Hlf'it&lv'P Mr.Stickney Thequestion of worms need not trouble a man with a large plantation, though a man with a small patch may find them a great trouble. I grow 100 tons a year and do not pay any attention to them. A Chicago grower told me that I would unu me butterfly that produces tho caJib.asffers, interest, viz.: lo keep our cattle Y.-orm working only on theoafside of the patch. I have tried ic anu iouuu it the case; they do not touch the in side of the field. The report on plant distribution was made by Mr. Herbst of the Thayer Fruit Farms, Sparta. It had been be gun by Mr. Thayer, who first donated plants to the pupils in the Sparta schools. It was so successful that the plan was extended to the whole state and was made under the auspices of the State Horticultural society. Dur ing the last year there was a total of 3,036 plants and trees set out The treasurer's report showed an ex penditure for the year of S1,452.S6 and a balance in the treasury of $636.51. The executive committee was reduced to five members, comprising only tho oincers of the society. The election of officers resulted in the following choice: President, L. G. Kellogg; vice president, Charles Hirschinger; secretary, A. J. Phillips; treasurer, R. J. Coe; corresponding secretary, H. L. Herbst. William Hanchett spoke on the prospect for strawberries in 1895. In the discus sion that followed one of the points ac centuated was the different results given by different varieties of berries in different hands. Warfield was praised as standing frost well, but yields easily to drouth. Some of the members held the opinion that the staminate varieties used as pollenizers influence the size of the pestillate va rieties. Prof. Goff said that from ex periments made at the college he thought there was no increase in size as affected by the pollenizers. Mr. MODERN FARM FENCING IN ILLINOIS. Stickney said that four-fifths of Mr. Bombaugh's plantation is still Cres centand Wilson. In spite of the drouth of the last year Mr. Bombaugh has had good success, but he kept his cul tivatorsgoing all through the summer. He cultivated once a week and it had had a wonderful effect. His banner crop of several years ago was 1,700 bushels of strawberries from five acres less ten square rods. Mr. Combaugh manures at the rate of forty loads of manure to the acre. I.uiii(-.l:iiv Past ami I'resent. This repulsive and infectious dis ease, although not classified among the deadly diseases of domestic animals, is one of the most annoying in the entire list, more on account of the misun derstanding between tho owner ami the sanitary and veterinarian authori ties. Its outward evidences are too familiar to need any mention here, and its pathology has no connection with what we want to cover, says Live Stock Report. Under the old system of trading the lump-jawed animal passed out with the rest. No one raised an objection, both buyer and seller taking for granted that the disease came from a decayed tooth, etc. Later a reduction in price was demanded by the pur chaser, which was granted; then came inspection, condemnation, etc., and the illicit trading in the same. With us here in Chicago unlimited facilities were offered to the thieving dealer aad unprincipled butcher to get this stock cut of the yards without detection, as about the only inspection was that passed on by an ignorant, and perhaps venial, ward politician representing the city. There was big money in the business, hence your ward "heeler" and stock yard employe could be con veniently absent at dusk or before day light when the animals were sent out. It is freely asserted that one of these thieving dealers made $6,000 in one year alone, and others in proportion, and all this came out of the just earn ings of the owner. Now a new system is in power, the same going into effect in July, 1S34, under which 3,838 ani mals were examined, 1,187 of which were condemned by the state sanitary authorities as unfit for human food. Four-fifths of these cattle, under the old system, would have gone into the hands of the stealthy dealer and cou rcienceless butcher at prices far be low their actual value; but under the new system they are inspected and classified so that the owners get full meat value for all that pass. The de tails in the system of inspection for the benefit of the owner are complete and simple. By an arrangement of numbers, tags, checks, etc., the animal can be traced and identified from tho time the same leaves the pen until its final dicappearance on the block or in the tank. Prices for condemned car casses are managed by the live stock exchange: the slaughtering privilege being sold to the highest bidder for one year at a time. But shippers would receive better returns if they would notify their salesman to have their animals inspected as required by lav.'. American Cattle In France. Last week we published the opinion of i;i American in Paris to the effect that the American trade in cattle with France did not amount to ryuch any way. Nelson Morris, the well-known Chicago packer and exporter takes ex ception to it as follows: Mr. Rollin is wrong about the mar ket for United States cattle in France. The market for cattle from this coun try was so well established that the prices were satisfactory to other ex porters as well as myself, and we we content to make weekly shipments io France right along. Further than this we should all have been glad to con tinue had not France forbidden us. I wish to say further that as many cattle as we have ever marketed to Frame which is a great many we. the exporters, have never had any fault found with our inspection or had any of our animals i ejected. This should convince the world that the Vailed States cattle are perfectly healthy and that the TJnited States inspection is as good as any In the world. There were of late several firms handling United States cattle in Paris and Marseilles, and our cattle came to be figured on in the weekly markets and wanted by the French butchers, and their beef was very mucl liked by the French people. The Paquin company, which is men tioned, for years past handled most o the United States cattle, but has not been selling many of late, as they are great cattle feeders and grazers them selves, and feed a great many cattle in sugar factories and distilleries, and tJieir interest is the same as me iarm f nf tiipir ronntrv. but still to have our country buy their luxuries from them. I admit that our cattle have tauenthe preference over home raised cattle in France to such an extent that there might have been some cause for the French feeders to be afraid that United States cattle would have the preference over theirs with the butch ers and consumers. We otill hope for these French mar kets to be opened again to us as be fore as up to to-day our cattle have been so well liked in France that they have been an honor to this-cbuntry. Curcipn Irriffatlon. An Indiana farmer gives his experi ence with irrigation from the reser voir: "The plot of land irrigated Is lo cated along the side of a public road leading east and west, extending thirty-two rods and running back from the road ten rods to a natural bank or slope. Here we constructed the bank of the reservoir, using the dirt from the upper side, the pond averaging perhaps forty feet in width and five in depth and running the length of thirty-five Vods along the bank. We made this excavation principally with teams and scraper. The pond is fed by natural springs coining out of the said bank and also by a flowing well, so the supply lias been abundant ever since constructed some five years ago. In the severest drought the surface of the water lies from three to six feet above the land. The soil is a black. sandy loam. We will give results of seasons in actual sales, deducting freight, etc., not expense of cultiva tion: Onions, 415 bushels 332.27 Celery 015.43 Cabbage, etc 60.00 Celery on hand not sold 30.00 Total 1.037.70 What we have used in the family is not included in the above. The expenses for hired help amount ed to $15 and part of that was em ployed on the farm. What success I have had this and the past two seasons I owe to irrigation. The soil being very lr.oco vegetat'on would toon burn out in a drought. Vv'e have the pond stocked with fish, which are doing splendidly. Views or :i Irr:it l'acferr. In an interview with a reporter of i the Chicago Times-Herald Michael Cudahy is quoted as saying: "As for hogs, I believe there are a great plenty. Five hundred million bushels of corn will feed 50,000,00) hogs in these days, 10 bushc-ls to a hog. They feed them differently from what they tired io, and they are the better for it; more grass, for instance. There is no doubt cattle- are scarce. There will not be so many fed west of the river, but there will be a good deal of feed ing in Illinois, Missouri and other states with corn. Still a steer does not need to be hurried to market, and will not be. A hog must be finished up in If'U r.enths. The cattle can be carried along in grass if necessary, and mar keted the next ycir. There will be Much of that this season. The scarcity of beef will help the ham ?o:ac. Every one likes, und'r any circumstances, to alternate his steak with a little ham occasionally. The housewife, with beef 25c and ham 15c, will resort to the ham a little of tenor this year. But the ham will, of course, not get the whole benefit of the substitution. There will be resort to oilier cheap foodstuffs. But ham consumption will be some what benefited, and I do not suppose the stock is more than a pound to a person in exce&s of the ordinary. For eigners this year have taken our lard and our her.vy cuts bftler than I e:: pc:icd thoy would. But, for all this, the prices and the situation seem about what they should be. I car.'t see where there can be any boom. How can there be with the genera! con.Iition as it is?" Intensive; I urmin;;. An uncle settled upon 3G acres or land not CO miles from New York city. He su.-ceeded in his lifetime in making a valuable farm kept a good ctoek and made more money than the average farmer on the :;ame sir.ed farm. The farm was divided between two sons, each of whom so improved former meth ods that they kept as nuich stock and raised as much produce as their father did on the whole farm. One of the sons sold half cf his SO, having only one quarter of the original farm", but said he to me five years ago: "I keep as much stock and raise as much as the whole originally did, but I have not reached its capabil ities yet but I will do it." I don't need to tell you that he raised from three to four hundred tons of root; yearly. He farmed upon the principle of making every acre produce its full capacity. Land can not be spoiled aa easily as cows by overfeeding. A large majority of our best farms do not produce one-fourth what they should. It is evident that all tho oas'tern farms are not worn cut. A. X. Hyatt. "Hear how the trees in the orchard moan!" exclaimed the romantic miss. "I guess you would moan too if you were as full of green apples," replied the wicked small boy. And the air grew a-chill. Philadelphia Record. With the increase of railway facili ties the south is being brought into closer touch with tli more papulous north, and will doubtless have much effect en the business of truck garden ers ue j northern cities. TlM Farm Homo. A popular writer says of the-farm home, "How much it means, what pos sibilities it suggests! Its pleasures are many and do not fail with time,-: Erery spring is a new revelation, every sum mer a fresh, original chapter of experi ence, and every autumn a fruition of hopes as well as of seeds and buds." Its privileges are much to be sought after the quietude which is an im portant factor in development; the free dom from sights anp sounds that are distressing and-vflT The farm house is not a place of humdrum, brainless routine. Science offers her aid on every hand, and beauty in numberless forms is ever present Nature is a good mother. She does not coddle and overindulge her children, but rewards their love abund antly, invigorates them if they dwell in her presence, and develops mind and muscle, heart and soul, if they obey her laws and seek to know her well; although infinitely rich she has not the short-sighted folly of those parents who seek to place everything in the hand of a child without cost. On the con trary, she says, "See what you may win, what you may attain." Every crop is a prize to knowledge, skill and industry. Every flower is a beautiful mystery which may be solved in part; every tree is stored sunshine for the health, shelter from the storm, a thing of beauty while it lives and.Qfvaried use when its life is taken, tn animals, birds, insects and vegetation we are surrounded by diversified life, and our life grows richer and more beautiful and complete as we enter into their life and comprehend it. The clouds above us are not mere reservoirs of water for prosaic use. In their light, shade, and exquisite coloring they are even a re proach to the blindness of coarse and earthly minds. "What joy to watch the bolts of fire Shoot out the crimson bow of morn; And Night's dumb silence leave the lawn. To Morning's glad exultant choir." From-fHfnf homes went Washington, Daniel Webster, Lincoln, Garfield and Frances Willard and hosts of other men and women of like ability and integrity to fill other places of usefulness in the world. Nature does much for the farm homes, but she expects the Inmates of the home to guide her and to call to their aid other arts. Adornments should be ad ded as the acres broaden and the same is true of conveniences. Water should be as plenty as the air we breathe and procurable with almost as little exer tion. ' A writing desk with furnishings in the sitting-room makes it easy to keep good accounts, and to know the profit and loss of the farm home and invites communication with the outside world. The tasks of the farm home are ardu ous and multitudinous, requiring infi nite faith, patience and knowledge. "Aye, these are homesteads which have witnessed deeds that battle fields with all their bannered pomp have little to compare with." "But the end crowns the work." The world owes the farm home its respect, for it produces a large propor tion of the foundations of all trade and replenishes the ranks of the world, and the world in turn should put its pro ductions within the reach of the farm home. Miss S. C. Thompson. Coat of Keeping; lien. There has always been considerable diversity of opinion concerning tho cost of keeping a hen a year, says an exchange. We have considered 50 cents a fair estimate, but others have put it from that up to $1. We have been interested in a flock of Plymouth Rocks in this place, the owner of which buys all the food they get, paying re tail prices for it in market. He was inclined to think that our estimate was a pretty low one, but as he keeps a strict account with his flock, he be gins to sec that 50 cents a head for a year is not far from correct. The only things his hens get to eat that are not charged for is the table scraps of a small family, and these would be thrown away if not given to the hens, and are about the same in every home, so they can not be counted, except that they are made available, instead of being absolutely wasted. It is entirely within bounds to say that the feed bought for this flock costs 20 per" cent more than the farmer who produces it gets for it, and the farmer can feed his grain to chickens and get more for it than he can to sell it in open market. If a flock of chickens can be kept in a city for 50 cents each, a year, they can 5o kept for 40 cents on the farm, and as on the farm they have an opportunity to pick up a great deal of food that is not to be found on a city lot, we be lieve we are making a very fair esti mate in putting the cost of keeping a hen in the country as low as 35 cents a year. If eggs bring only 12 cents a dozen they are 28 cents in Springfield as we write three dozen eggs In a year pays the cost of keeping, and all above that is profit. We are not deal ing in guess work now, for the figures on our friend's poultry account show exactly what has been done, and he is a liberal feeder, too. Cattle and Gra in the Sonth, The practice of burning the old and dry grass in unoccupied lands, in or der that a younger and more tendor growth may give pasture to cattle, is still common in some of our states, and its results, though of benefit to a few, are disastrous to the general welfare. In Florida the cattle men have long been omnipotent. They have sway in the 'legislature, which enacts laws to suit their wishes, even to the extent of prohibiting towns and villages from passing ordinances to prohibit the running at large of cattle. A consid erable portion of the state is thus burned over. Nor is it the grass alone that burns, but fire communicates to the pine trees, thousands of which yearly succumb. Meantime fences must be maintained to keep out cattle commoners, only to be often burned in their turn. Worse than all, the humus in the sandy soil is burned out, and the future wealth and resources of the state are destroyed, to privil ege a few, whose entire interests are not a thousandth part in value of the ruin they accomplish. At this day and everywhere may be encountered tracts of utterly barren and worth less land, in the midst of comparative ly fertile, whose fertility has been thus destroyed. In northern California similar aggressions are committed by the sheep-herders, and the govern ment reserves have to be protected by the army, acting as patrols. The Pop ular Science Monthly. Dehorning the Calve. For the past three years, says Mrs. M. Duesler in Agricultural Epitomist, I have killed the horn3 of the calves and find it a much better way than cutting them off the cows. My plan is to take caustic potash and when tho calf is 3 weeks old, or sooner if tho button shows sufficiently, and moisten it around the same and press the hair back from around it and apply the iaustic by rubbing until the horn looks nearly raw and the hair which comes in contact with the caustic is loose and comes out by picking it. The opera tion doesn't seem to give the calf any pain. I do the work myself, and the cautery, or sore spot, soon dries down to a black, hard scab, which drops off in a few weeks and leaves the head as smooth as a born muley. Of course you want to be careful to rub every bit of the horn. I cover about an inch In di ameter with the caustic and I am care ful to wrap the stick of potash with a paper to protect my fingers, leaving bare just enough to rub the horn with. Bring up the children with a love for something besides wheat and corn fields. Beautify the home with a lawn. The garden la a civilizer. Tltu- Application Kniliarrasaed. There lives in a certain small town a poor minister who has a large family which his talarj doesnot begin to cover (literally), so the congregation has do noted cast off clothing for the children, and even the last minister's wife goes to church in tlie last year's bonnet and cloak'of tlie deacon's wife. The poor lady has grown used to this and does thebest she can with the conglomera tion of dresses, cloaks and hats which arc'scnt her, though the result is some times rather tragic. However, she has always felt that she did nobly by the chderen, and if the dresses and coats and cloaks anil trowsers were misfits none were even unkind enough to say anything about it. One Sunday, how ever, she dressed the nine hopefuls with great care and marched them into to tlie church. She was a little late, and jubt as she opened the door and started up the ai.sle Iter husband thundered from tlie pulpit. "Even Solomen in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these." He did not see the ioke. but the eonjrrejration tittered, and the!?.0"!" mother was ready to cry. Indianapo lis Sentinel .eekniK a roreljf.ii Clime In search oi ii.e-aure or uusiacss, should be ureccued by lue purchase of .nature's ureat iu- vifcoruiur,--Mosrencrs-oiuiiwtu ""is, "" - Ui ahu mui Koiua " ' "VruV- existence, .uarluers. miners, louiuiertial ira- eiera, loansis, ana alt nuu ircci uy lana or sea, sptaiv ui n m lue hitfne.st lerius. Malaria, bmotouc. cofutipatluu ;1".Iful""'"t''ri: Usui, iiervouauessauu Kidney trouble arc run- suieu by n. ' Fast Tclccraoliinjr. In September of last year a Manches ter packing company had occasion to telegraph to its manager at Victoria, 15. C. The message was handed in at the office of the cable company in Moult street, Manchester; a trial- of speed was attempted, and the answer came back in ninety seconds, the total distance of tlie wires being 13,000.1 miles. Equally sensationaijsasr. the" dispatch and receipt of a:message over the New York and London wires in live seconds, a feat performed in Octo ber last. New Science Review. How'sThl! AVo offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any eno of Catarrh that can not be cured "bv Hall's Catarrh Cure! F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Props., Toledo, Ohio. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. C honey for tho last 15 years, and believe him perfectly.-' honorable in all business transactions and financially able to crry out any obligations made by their firm. West & Tkuax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. Waldixo. Kixxax & Mahvis, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. Hull's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon tho blood and mucous surfaces of tho system. Price 7jc per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Testimonials free. Hall's Family Pills. 23c. The Indian Camea. The editor of Farm Poultry believes that the Indian (lame, with tho same care and attention, is just as hardy a fowl as a Plymouth Kock or Wyandotte could be, and more hardy than any other variety of games, lie says: Our experience with the game family gen erally has been that they very readily caught colds, and were easy prey to roap. What little experience, however, wc have had with the Indian variety has been to their credit in this particu lar. Hut, like all breeds, they must be properly cared for, or they will not remain in a healthy state. As layers they cannot, as a rule, equal the Amer ican birds. Co' Cough Balaam Istr-eoMt hikI tx-st. It will break up.-"oltlqulcli-ertiijaanithtp.cebe. It Is always reliable. Try it. Vintage of Lust Year In France. It was not to be expected that the French vineyards would yield as rich a harvest in 1VJ4 as .they had done in 1 ,: a year as remarkable for the quality as lor ii.e quailing . 4,,"v made." especially in the Hordeaux, MiyJ; irundv and Champaign districts, wHerci one gallon is of more value than ten grown in other parts of the covntry. Hut though the official returns just published show that the quantity of wine made during l.V.U in France and Algeria was abont 300,000,01 0 gallons less than in 1$3, the total of WW.0OO, I O'.i indicates a verv marked increase upon the average of the previous ten years. Tlie increase extends to nearly all the departments of France in which wine is giown, thouirh here and there are to be found distri-ts which have not shared in tlie general improvement, and in which, it is safe to assume, the yhylloxera qastatri.v, are still un curbed. London News. Snow anil Ire In Italy. Italv. to most people, suggests noth-1 ing biit sunny skies and groves of per- j ennial fruit and Mowers, but at the present time winter is biting its north- j ern shores with as sharp a tooth as in ! Lngland. The following, from a cor respondent in Ccnoa. is evidence "Skating," he says, "has been going on j most of last week at Alexandria, about two hours from here, in connection ' with a club which had Hooded a field, I and there is also ice an hour away, at I Kusalla. Today we have a heavy fall of snow. It began at breakfast time, ( and the children were wild with ex- j citement Having lived long in Mo-1 rocco, it was tlie first snow they had J ever seen fall, and even the 2-year-old ' 1) was in raptures. I fully expect to find a snow man in my garden when I get home.'" Knglish children can't re-1 alize the entrancing experience of see- ( ing a snow storm for the first time, but it Is one which our Australian cousins, t-l . !... never lorgei. iii r i ore net: on i-.iv morning of the 1th insL, the river Arno was thickly frozen over. The temper ature was r degrees, below zero, centi grade. "Harmon's Maffic Corn Salve." Warranted t itc or mmey rerumleJ. Alt jojr dniKSi't for it. li if 15 tenta. Tlie April Century will contain an authoritivc article "describing the most recent inventions and discoveries of the distinguished electrician, Nikola Tesla. While the magazine was in press Mr. Tesla's laboratory was completely de stroyed by lire, and all of his appara tus, and nearlv all of his working plans were burned. The illustration of this article in the Century, made from pho-to-Taphs taken by Mr. Tesla's recent achievements. No at count of some of the most important of these inventions has ever before been printed. ! h,.,.0 o -i Tm rtiirytr. with Leather Quarter Top. The Chicago Scale Lo. aro . the onlv ones who can fell at this price, iney f uruish their customers a thousand articles at less than the usual prices paid by dealers. It will pav to secure their catalogue which thevseud" free o-i application. This com pany is perfectly reliable and they make a specialty of suip"lynK the wants of farmers. No fish Rets away that bites at tho devil's hook. A civil tongue is a tetter weapon than a slungshot. A fool has to find out for himself that lire is hot. For twentv rears folks rheumatism, neuralgia, and all other ..;... t Jnenhs Oil. There must for you couldn't fool all the Dlnpellini; an XUnsfnn. One of my readers wants to know the correct pronunciation of the word 'Llanthouy. It is always a painful thing to me to dispel the prevalent il lusion that newspaper editors know everything, but' owing. I suppose, to the fact that Iwas taught Latin and Greek inmyyouth, when I ought to have been learning the tongues of the living. I have grown up ignorant of theproper pronunciation of Llanthouy. All I can boast of is a general idea that in Welsh most of the consonants are vowels and most of the vowels sounds which no Knglishman can hope to imi tate. 15ut on "Llanthouy" I shall bo happy to assist in spreading it. Lon,: don Truth. " , ' .Make Your Own Hitter: On receipt of .TO cents in U. S. stnmj, I will send to any address ono riic!jij;o Kto kotee's Dry Hitter. Ono pticknso ninke one gallon best tome known. Cares stom ach, kidney disease, nnd is ft great nije tizer and bfood purifier. Just tho medicine needed for spring nnd summer. l?."e. nt drug store. Address ueo. G. bTK- ketee, uraml KudhIs. JllCll. Alert!el for a Substitute. A cert; rtain membflp,..of- company A, lvaiija-JrSTalbattalion, who has l'ennsv ' evidentlyTred of the irlcsom .e -i!ii-. l .1 ; ; it. i routine :i rather . oi uniis'aiid discipline, mattes peculiar offer which he has advertised r in the papers. He claims that a pres;. of business matters interferes with bis duties as a member of the battalion. . anl offers to any one who is willing to I ., 1.. lttc T!l,.lft tll.k civrti tf Q'l"l rtVl.l flYlfl fcUIl. ....? LV.t... t.J. .?. ... ...r r . . . .. above the lirst years tines, wiueli are 512. The recipient of the offer must become a regular raemberof the battal lion and must enlist for a term of three years. Philadelphia Kecord. The Kiolution Of medicinal agents is gradually rele gating the old-time herbs. pills, .draughts and vegetable extracts to the 'renr and bringing Into general use the pleasant and effective liquid laxative. Syrup of Figs. To get the true remedy see that It Is manufactured by the Call- I fornla Fig Syrup Co.. only. For sale by 1 nll ln..lln.. .!.. !. ill! IC.llllJlft UI UKkllZ) Few men are so clover as misfhio: thev do. to know all tho We have not 1 cen without Piso's Cure for Consumption for 20 years. Lizzie Fek KEM.. Camp St., Harrisliurg. Pa., May 4,'yi. A small debt produ-e? a dobtor, a .'orge one, on enemy. It the I!aly I Cutting Teeth. 1c sure ami ne tint oM ami vrM tried remly, Mas. Wusslow's SooTiiiMa Strit for Children Teething. It is rLdit to fast, but it is wrong to look lean. Milliard Table, second-hand. For sale cheap. Apply to or address, H. C. Akix, 511 8. 12th St. Omaha, Neb. l'ros( erity is a blessing curso to the evil. to tho good, a Tbe Door of Life. The fear of pain and the dangers of parturition fill many a woman's breast with dis may. There is no reason why childbirth should c fraught with danger ami distress. It is a natural function, ami should be performed in a natural way without un due suffering. Nature never intended that women should be tortured in this way. Taken during jjestation Dr. Tierce's Favorite Prescription robs childbirth of its dangers to both mother and child, by Tirenarinj' the s stem for delivery, thereby shortening labor, lessening pain ami ab breviating the period ol confinement. J-UGH EST AWARD j wurtiwU o rj-j.rs. m T'SUITEDTO -3 For wu,t,onsd,gES - DyspeptiC.Delicate.Infirm and AGED PERSONS TheSAFESTF000,n THE SICK ROOM FOR INVALIDS r" "'convalesce.his. om- .nu-i Ss' r-3 Ot Z W 1 Nursing MothersJnfants0 CHILDREN "-1: DRUGGISTS. " John Cab le&Sons.Nev York. Ely's ( 'moo. Iinlm hu. comihtd'j enrol me of attarrh trhen cvrrytliing the fmUd. JDnvj ur- rS qiiauitunces have ns'l it ir.ith rxrellent rraull.?. Alfred IV. Sinvn?. Ctihbrrll. ()'. CATARRH ELY'S CREAM BALM c;wn ami rieanwi tho .uulr-:iM.aicet,All.ii uei uinllnnamni.it hhi. lless the Sire, proteeti tlir Jl-nibran- from CoMi. Ke stnrrth Seneof T.iMe an-l SnvlL The liilmis quickly absorbed and cv- r-l.cr at once. A part'eleii applied IMncach nostril ami Uacree able. lTlteJOcentat I rursi-tsur l.y mill. ELY BEOTflEHS, 56 "Warren St., Kew York i EW1S' 93 LYE I'.ATEXTE1 Tho ttrtmofit and purrrt 1.TO made. Unlike other I.je, It being a Sne powder and parked in a can iwlth remoruble lid. the contents mxr always ready for use. WW maKetneoMCperln:nc! iiaru scap in 20 minutes without boiltng. Ilia the bent for cleansing waste pi pea. dlalnfectloir sinks, closets, washing bottles, paints, trees, etc PENNA.SALTM'PGC0. Gen. Accnti. Phila Pa. all over people II ' illBrV o r . ii 'I - ll e o