The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, April 10, 1895, Image 1

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"T3- '
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"VC. Sheldon.)
freys paused a no
ment as he passed
the library dear
and glanced admir
hagiy at the pic
ture made bv his
jtjt ' - cousin Jessie. She
l. .i. . was standc? mo
tionless before the
Sap's window with, her
"Si -rf " back to the door,
bet with her head
tcrapd a littte. so taat the clear, dark
profile stood out botdly against the
H ??- whiie her beautiful eyes "were
Ssed in a. dreamy reverie upon a vine
that ciezabered above the sash.
She -wore a riding' habit that made
the proud, voluptuous nirure even more
majestic aad commanding. I- one
gloved hand slie held her riding- whip,
iffld tn the other there -eras a square of
while, so Bk on of his own mono
rrraassd emrekpes that Cecil found
Tissei? wondering vaguely about it
'n- after the picture had vanished
trom bis vioa. For 3Label was awaiting-
1dm at the edge of the drive, and
itate naturally he could not tarry long
tt artmirv his cousin s loveliness.
Five minutes after the two eques
trians passed outside th library "win
dow, MabeL her fair hair floating in the
wuut and CeeiL with his proud eyes
awed upon her face, but neither of
them thoushz to even glance at the
dark-eyed girl who watched them jeal
ously from the window
"That is always the way." Jessie
offry? whimpered bitterly to herself
.titer they had passed. "He has nei
ther ears nor eyes for me when Mabel
!enisqn is with him."
Shr bit her lips angrily, but the effort
n aa t latp to stop her tears. Layinc
'er prui head down upon the table
he 'erted for a moment as if her heart
vookl break. Then, as If made des
Tte by a sudden thought, she sat
-rect. and larms the envelope that she
-Id upon the table, began, by much
borous effort, to write a nrrrae upon
To- have S,en her one would have
thought her an indifferent scribe, but
when she finished she scrutinized it
artfully and the smile that lighted her
ea$w face betokened a genuine satis-
Ten minutes fetter she was speding
i')wn the drive, sparring her favorite
"Flack Tm with unusual vigor and
.-ausinjr that sptrttd brute to toss his
f-.'iad in a sen- of resentful gestures.
Just at a turn tn the criv she passed
the lovers. They were nding side by
siJe. Cecil half leaning from his saddle
as., he bent to whisper tn Mabel's ear.
but with an extra nit of the whip upon
"Black Toa's" side Jessie passed them
Ilk an arrow, while she turned with a
stringely joyous laugh and shouted out
a. word of greeting
But this last sharp cut had been too
-iiuch for the spirited brute that she
vrat nn 4m' TBIHi Hrti-nr? Via
sprung fmm his' rider's hand and fied
like mad along the road.
"Quick. Cecil catch htm or she win
be kfltedT' Mabel cried frantically, as
tigthT they started tn a mad pursuit
ft the flying horse
n tny raced. "eil gradually gain
ing on th- maddened brute, while Ma-i-H
f-arl. out more poor'v mounted.
urg-d i"T own horse to its utmost
. eril had reached 'Biak Tom" by
half a length and was just shouting to
Jeae-e to bold on a moment longer,
wtsen. as if the very sound of his voice
had added to her terror, the poor girl
nirfrinnhr tor rm he hoi," nnri wns
, .-.
. -thrmrn headfirst to the beaten ground.
. . .. ""Black Tom" rushed on like the very
3pmt of vettjp"anee. but Ccil. spring-
- . ; . liar fr"m his steei. bent horror stricken
aJwvt ch fallen girt.
" "She a dead. I fear " he said solemn-
f . - ly. as Mabel's bay r"kxng with sweat.
ame swiftly to huvside "I will carry
m ner Into this good man s hous and see
what can be done." he said gratefully
" ' as an honst farmer wh" had seen her
fall came with rapid strides across the
Ticeth'- they carried her Into the
boose, while Mabel dismounted from
her horse to mount Cecil s better one
preparatory to hastening for a physi
rlma. X she ted the animal ta a con
venient stone her eye was attracted to
a letter lying ckse beside the road.
Wfeether C il "r Jessie had dropped
it she dm n--"t knw but the men wer
disappearing with their burden reside
the farmers d-or. and sh must hurry
away to tne village if she meant to save
the young' girl's life. She picked up the
envelope aad thrust it tn her pocket.
Whose e"er it was it was of no conse
anence now. and a moment more she
was flying like the wind on her errand
of love, and pity
For Mabel had often lodged for Jes-
:-'s love. Sh- was attracted to
stately sir! as the weak are always at
tracted toward the strong. They were
;aa3y beautiful in face and form, yet
f scrfe distxac-riy opposite types that
in Mabels gentle mind, at least, all
tiracg&t f jealoosy was impossible.
3iTre ttea that. Jessie was Cecil's
cocaia. asi waat less could a fiancee
desire ttai the friendship and affection
vt Ster fever's family.
RaK Jesas had always refused her
.-.: aaces. Not by any angry "words.
Jut by a pdet. frigid manner that quite
deeHfed the yoHEg girfs warmer na
ture! J3" eoJd sever exactly under
staHtf'ic. fr she did not know ef Jes
s: s tove f CecH. She had never even
suspected It. and as for eCciL if he ever
.-i-esEBHt of sacs a thing, his own de-
to another had rrrnde him half
ferent a kg cocsm.
a -seas siy after a physician had been.
"Tit to the fejured girl and Mabel had
Tunett her horse s head toward. Jessie's
m& t appese them of what had. hap
pened Aat she thaught agniu cf the
:ra-d teaser. She was passing- the
pGCCffQae at the time, and checking her
fcowephe- drew it from her pocket.
Tby it s for me. and in. CeciTs hand-
ijSK se exclaimed in. surprise as
glanced at the inscription. "How
-" .:;. tfcat he did not give it tn me
T 'n.M rn.sttf.-id of carrying" ir all the
i. '- tg in fri.s pocket,"
Shn she Hushed happily .as. he-j
thought what the letter would probably
tell, and for a moment even Jessie's
awful fate seemed to fade before her
pleasure. She whipped up her horse
and started on. "No need to mail a let
ter to myself." she whispered laugh
ingly, as she unhesitatingly broke the
i The message was short, so short that
tfce fair girl almost reeled in her saddle
as she glanced it over and fully realized
its awful purport.
Could it be true that Cecil did not love (
her and had taken this manner of say- '
ing so rather than a mere manly meth- '
cd of communication?
Tes. the words were plain and unmis- j
takable. and he had furthermore-added
insult to injury by saying "it was con- .'
sideration far her love of him that had
made him neglect this painful duty."
t.Ptq one suddenly turned to stone
she rode silently on her errand. Jes
sie's fate was enviable to her now in the '
misery of
the present moment. She
read the note again and again, until the
cruel words seemed burned into her
brain, and the sweet and sad experi-
ences of tne hour melted into one horri
ble nightmare that was fast drivrng'n.eT
to a state of frenzy.
She reached the house, and saw Jes
sie s parents standing happily on the
porch, but her heart was too full of its
own bitterness to feel more than an
apathetic sympathy for their coming
Almost mechanically she told them
of the young girl's fall, and then Ieav-
ing the horse she lathered her skirt3
about her and started alone in bitter
agony for a quiet hour in the neighbor
ing woods.
On and on she walked, while her brain
was busy with its sudden revelation.
Oh. how she had loved and trusted Ce
cil, and now to find that he had only
ben making a farce of what to her
was lif s sacred drama.
To think of him was agony itself,
and so. with an almost passive effort,
she tried to think asam of Jessie.
Was she dead and free from all this
life of pain" If so. she envied her now
with an her heart, for life, that an
hour ago was bright and beautiful.
seemed hardly worth the living.
She was nearing the border of a tiny
pond. and the water, lying so cool and
motionless, seemed to thrill her brain
with a sudden purpose, ahe tossed
her cap upon the bank, and bending.
bathed her nead in the placid water
But a fever such as hers could not be
silenced by mere touch of -water. It
was the bitterness of a blighted Iov
that was scorching her brain and
throbbing madly in her pulses. To be
pitied by him to be scorned by him.
and worst of an. to live without him'
The thought was more than she could
bear in the rirst hour of her bitter sor
row In an instant she had formed her
plan and yielded to the water s invita
tion. Hastily scribbling a few words on fier
card, she tucked it into her nding cap
and laid it. with her whip and pufse.
tn a conspicuous place upon the bank,
then, without glancing either to?rgnt
L letU She sPran fearlessly ls the
ouiet water " '
At that very Instant the sound of
Cecil's voice came suddenly to her
ears, i
"Mabel! Mabel darling." he cned as i
he dashed madly along the narrow
path, and without a moment s thought.
sprang boldly to her rescue.
"Don't try to explain, dearest." he
said tenderly as he laid her. a moment
'ater. all dripping wt upon the bank.
"I know exactly what you have suf
fered, but. oh. Mabel, your suffering,
fearful as it was. could not in any way
compare with the misery of my dying
cousin." There was a solemn shadow
in his face, that even his darling's dan
er had failed to lift or alter. He bent
suddenly and kissed the trembling lips.
Then, catcaing the look of pity in the
tearful eyes, he added, sadly "Tes.
Jessie Is dead, the poor, dear girL but
. !
oerore she died sne insisted upon telhnrr !
how she had loved me all these manv
years, and how bitterlv she had felt
toward you siuce learmmr how I loved '
ycu. TVe begged her not to talk, but
she pleaded over and over n?rn that I
would try to find a letter she had
dropped before you could by any means
obtain it. It seems." he added, with a
heavy sirm. "I was too late to save you
pain. but. oh. MabeL should we not re
joice that I was not too late to save
your life and restore the sunshine to our
But Mabel's tears burst out afresh.
"Mine was the greater sin." she s:iid
penitently "Peor Jessie only wronaned
herself, while I wronged both myself
and you by yielding to a moment s J
t.raaton - wm inoane Armm the -cene
of a 3IiInisrht 3Ijtcry.
A cat belonging to J H. Northam of
Evanstoo, 111., was the cause of con
siderable excitement in the northern
part of the city the cte" night. Mr
Xortham lives on the outskirts of the
cry. and next dor to his place is a
large bnck house which years ago was
a pnvate insane asylum kept by Dr.
Gray Since Dr Gray left the house
has been unoccupied, and it is thousht
by the superstitious that live in the
neighbomood to be haunted. For five
years or more no signs of life have been
seen there, and on the nurht in ques
tion sounds Hke the moans of a little
child were heard coming apparently
from the attic of the old buildins. Later
a light was seen. The lisht was first
seen at the windows on the sround
door, and some time after its rays
streamed forth from a little window in
the attic. Then the moaning sound
ceased, the light went out and all was
quiet about the place. The affair caused
considerable talk, and the next day
Foiiceman Huber and several men de
cided to make an investigation. Mr.
Nbrtham does not believe in spooks.
and it was decided to ask him to ac
company them in the search. As soon
as he was told of the mission, however,
he was able to throw lignt upon the
mystery His pet cat. he said, had en
tered the building durins the day and
when night came refused to csme eut.
and set up a maernfui howL Mr.
Nortbam Iishted a lantern and wenr
after his cat.
Boston Alilerm-in Wnalti Have Them
spell or Walk a Chnl!t lone.
Councilman Lane of Boston lately in
troduced in the ary council a resohxtien
instructing the committee on poEce to
report a measure that will compel the
cfiicers m charge ef the different police
stations ni the city to apply a test to a
man when arrested on a charss of
drunkenness. In other words, the offi
cer in. charge must by some renng vet
to be decided upon determine the size
of the "jag" earned by the party 'ar
restee. Air. i Jine ciar
that there are j
daa?" cases her oiScers arrest per-
sons against whom they have a grudge.
locking them up on a charge of drunk
enness, when, in fact, the person ar
rested is sober Mr. Iane rhiH a good
test would be to have a man. walk a
chnTV lxn or spell some words. Failing
In. this he would be declared druni. One
councilman suggests asking eeh -mn
to tell the rime of day or-uight througb,
an iHuminaied isyholei
The Red Men Will literally Scake Every
thing They Posse Upon the Result
of the PrimitiTe Game of Guessing
In Which "f hey Are Fngaged.
A great game of chance is hi progress
on the Puyallup Tnta" reservation.
"Washington, and has been kept un
steadily for the past three weeks. The
Black Rivers are trying to clean out
the Puyallups. and will keep it up until
they succeed or are themselves stripped
of all they possess. It may be a month
before the game is concluded, but when
it is. either on side or the other will
'have parted with its last blanket, its
j last calico dress and its last of every-
, thing that has value in Indian eyes.
The Black Rivers may go home laden
with snoils. or thev m.iv walk sorrow-
fully to their native heath without even
a gun or a sjuaw to keep them com
pany for in the excitement of gaming,
the Indian often wagers hi "klootch
man. ' as his wife is dominated in the
mellifluous "Chi-nnnk " The Indian is
an inveterate gambler, and Is what the
white sport would call "blooded."
About twenty of the Black Rivers
I have come over to the Puyallup stamp-
jn- -m,, r-rirv, au ri-r wnrldlv cos-
sessions and will remain there until they
sx home either stripped or loaded with
spoil. Th gam- is played in a frame
shed, possessing but a dirt 2ocr Around
the sides are the sleeping mats of the
visitors and their blankets, and in the
center is a nre. about which the players
and spectators are irrouned. while a
narin;r and dickering lurht Is shed upon
them by a blaze of pitch knots burning
on an ash-covered stooL The same be
gins about o'clock each nignt. and
lftiST lietc T"WT Intn tlirt w--- 11TT TYThflTI
v i "Ui "-c ".- "v" "- "'"
i -a..., .. Hu.tiu.4t ,i .....
side enter with the "lay-out." consist
ing of wooden chips about the shape and
twice the size of a silver dollar, and 120
tally sticks, all wrapped in zaily-
decorated mats. Two bazs of thin bark
shavings complete the outfit. Mats are
spread before the fire and two men from
eacn side seat themselves, facing each
other and are ready for business. The
adherents of rival players rang Jiem-
selves in the rear and watch the game
with intense Interest and bet recklessly
One of the players takes ten chips, one
of them distinguished from, -the other
by a white rm;r. and divides them into
two equal piles and carefully mixes
them with the bark shavings.
He then rrrabs one pile, shavings and
all. in each hand, and moves his hands
in a circle rapidly from right to left,
while one of the opposite side guesses
in which hand he holds the white-ringed
chip, or "queen." as it is called. If the
guess is right one of the tally-sticks is
taken from the players pile and given
to the guesser but if wrong the "uess
er's pile suffers. Each side started with
sixty sucks and when one side has won
, sem an tne game will come to an enc
The Puyallups are now thirty-six ahead.
but the 'id EOt r- lhz- Becs
are constantly bing made, not on th
separate plays, but on the outcome of
the game, and will be settled at the
same time These bets consist of money,
blankets, horses, watches, guns. cows,
burrgies. harness and everything th3
betters possess, even to the clothinc on
their backs. Aaions the Indians of the
Pugt Sound and Columbia renon there
is a pnmim- same -f gu-ssmg that re
sembles the Chinese same so clocly as
to suzgst a common onmn. It fc but
one of the many things in the customs
of the Pacific coast Indians that in
dicate contact with the Asiatics at some
previous period.
As the game progresses the fnends of
the players, who are all deeply interest-
ed hi the outcome, because of haiSg
cnL-iul J.ii, TtrnT-Il-TT iciIrK tt ir
"-- .,-...., . .
"""" wni. iu ii. m everj
y Possible The women appearjto be
tntTsti as their lords, ihey ar-
rani themselves in lines on either side
' of the players and occasionally break
into monotonous chants or indulge in
, the peculiar movements that pass for
dancinsr anions' the -Vmencan aborig-
! ines. All night lona- this is kept up
without intermission, the Indians ap
parently being incapable of fatigue. To '
the mere spectator the same is most
monotonous, but never so to thos who
have so deen an interest in rhe Anrnna
. . , . . ""- '
ui-ixie puiy. xii loraer cays, wnen Cioes
came together to the number of hun
dreds and even thousands on each side,
when such forms of wealth as hav ben
mtndmed by the whites were unknown
tu "-m. iu--. uic uitu uiiiy iceir na- j
tive articles to wager: when they were '
dressed in their native costumes, the j
scene must have b-en far more wild i
and picturesque. Now th
rntn Tx-nrv
woolen shirts and overalls and the worn- j
.. ,
en are dressed In bnsnt calico dresses.
with shawls over their shoulders and
colored handkerchiefs on their heads.
At TT.i-Iiinston Three of Them Are Con
cnt!y on Duty.
The "Washington city postofiice has
three cats that came to ic in rather a
peculiar way. as mischievous urchins
dropped them into the big paper boxes
en the street comer It is a rule of the
service that all matter consigned to
these boxes must be taken to tne post
ofiice: thus a small boy who throws ins
cap into one can only reclaim It from
tne postmaster, so. as no exception
was mentioned in the case of cats, the
collectors obediently lugged them to the
postofiice. wher. nobody calling for
them, they have remained.
In fact, they are quite welcome, for
although a comparatively new build
ing, the postofiice has already been in
vaded by rats, which would do consid
erable damage unless kept down by
their feline police force. There is one
of the tno. nicknamed Tammany, "who
makes his headquarters in the delivery
department and has become a great pet
of the clerks. He was so named be
cause of a remote resemblance to the
famous tiger of New York politics, but
in aeality he is built more like a dachs-
i faund. having a very long body and
J short, croaked legs. He is a comical-
looking cat. but death to rats and mice,
and when not engased in his official
duties he is quite playfuL Only one
pleasantry which he positively win not
permit is rubbing his fur the wrong way
and nearly fhe whole ofiice farce bear
on their hands the marks of Tammany's
claws. There is no appropriation yet
for feeding those four-footed servants
of the public but they are well provided
for by their own efforts and out of the
clerks' lunch baskets. Exchange.
Only street Accident He Knew Of.
In one of the primary Sunday school
classes the lesson cf the Good Samari-
was being reviewed. The children
were ready and anxious to answer the
questions almost before the teacher
could frame them. The teacher asked.
"What had happened to the poor Trrnn
who had been hurt and was at the side
of the road?" Little Johnnie, who sel
dom speaks, raisedhis hand. The teach
er was pleased that Johnnie had plucked
up courage, and she said: "WelL John
nie, you may teJL" "Elease, ifis a
us was ran. over bjr a 'lectric car,"
Twrels of the WhiwtHng Bnoy Thar
Broke Adrift from. Cape Canso.
There are several whistling buoys
now drifting about in eccentric fashion '
with the currents and storms cf the
North Atlantic. Two of them, are still
whistling, according to the logs of
steamships that arrived, at this port last
month. The most notable of the lot was
originally anchored by- a heavy chain
cable at Cape Canso, the extreme east
erly point of Nova Scotia. This buoy
has two whistles which, have been blow
ing since December 1S30, and have
doubtless caused many manners who
have encountered the buoy on dark
nights or foggy days to think that they
were out of their reckoning, and to be
fearful for a moment for their -vessels.
The Cape Canso buoy was tern from Its
moorings by heavy- ice that drifted
down with the Arctic current in Decem
ber. 1533. It followed the current for '
i more than a month. It was first ob
; served by a passing craft on Jan. 22.
' 1S34. It then took a southwesterly course
' and drifted in that direction until Feb
3. when it came within the influence of
the sulf stream and northwesterly gales
and started off to the southeast, cross
ing the steamship track and getting
about ISO miles southwest of it. It then
drifted in a northeasterly direction and
struck the steamship lane again late in
' -P1- It followed the lane for more
tha:i -00 miles, and on July 5, 1S34, it
took a Ie east-southeast. Currents and
' " ai i. uyis? conawaru Hi auS.
10. and it went completely across the
steamship track again. It was seen on
Nov. 13 up in. lat. 51 degrees, more than
10) miles above the European side of
the steamship track; then it was driven
diagonally across the track once more,
presumably by strong northwesters.
and was last sighted on Feb. 3 by the
- British steamship Mab. which was
bound from a European port to Gal
veston. It is probably now with a clus
' ter of derelicts, knocked out by the Feb
ruary hurricanes within 400 miles of the
I "
, Irish coast. The captain of the Mab re-
norteri rh hnrm
was heavily
freighted with barnacles and very rusty.
but was hoarsely blowing as well as
when it drifted away from Cape Canso.
The sign on its side "Cape Canso" was
not m the least affected by the weather.
The track of this phenomenal drifter is
longer than that of some famous dere
licts. The hydroirrapbic oSce considered
it of so much consequence that it has
carted it m dotted red lines on the
latest chart. It has been seen fourteen
times by ocean crossing vessels. The
probability is that this record might be
doubled if all craft that had passed it
had reported It.
Cirennnfcince Do sometime
3r.ike. or
Bnn; One the 3Ian.
The sreat French painter, Basaen
Lepage, who died lately, was pursued
by unmerciful disaster through his
youth in his efforts to study art. His
mother worked in the fields to keep the
sickly boy at school. At 13 he went
alone to Pans, starved for seven years,
painted without success, but still
He had just finished a picture to send
to the Salon, when Pans was beseized
and he rushed with his comrades to the
trenches. On the first day a shell fell
into his studio and destroyed his picture
and another shell burst at his feet,
wounding him. He was earned home.
and lay ill and idle for two years. Then
he returned to Pans. and. reduced to
absolute want, painted cheap fans for
a living. One day a manufacturer of
some patent medicine ordered a picture
from him to illustrate its virtues. Le
page, who was always sincere, gave
bis best work to this advertisement. He
painted a landscape .n the April sun
light: the leaves of tender green quiv
ered in the breeze: a group of beautiful
young girls gathered around a fountain
from which the elixir of youth sprung
in a bubbling stream. Lepage believed
there was real merit In it.
"Let me offer it
at the Solon?" he
asked his patron.
The manufacturer was delighted.
"But first paint a rainbow arching
over the fountain." he said, "with the
name of my medicine upon it."
Lepase refused.
"Then I will not pay you a sou for the
The pnee of this picture meant bread
i for months, and the painter had Ions
needed bread. The chance of admission
to the Salon was small, tie hesitated.
. .. . . "" .
men ce suenrwi nis nunger ana earned
the canvas to the Salon. It was admit
ted. Its zreat success insured Lepase a
place in public recognition and his later
work a place among the greatest of liv
ing artists. To-day
I T "- v Vwri i
Woman he AVai Kind
To at a ainni'r Report.
Miss Aznes Epolewhite. who for some
time past has been a guest at the Bruns
wick hotel. New York, but who of late
has lived at No. 10 East Sixty-first
street, is ailetred to have fallen heir
to at least 5LO0O.0OO. When sne received
the news of this windfall she fainted
and the services of a doctor had to be
called in. Heretofore Miss Epplewhite
has been comparatively poor She is a
bnlliant musician. Two summers ago
! he Yiiref? Port Jervrs. where sha o
ceived her board at a hotel for looking
after the musical entertainments. She
became acquainted with a Mrs. Hein
dncks. a wealthy widow residing in
Philadelphia. Mrs. Hemdricks was a
paralytic, and used to lead a lonely life.
II ' , ,.... -....., . - u-.w .,S
r uuct. ui. iiiu. ;uc syrrui. uj. d. UiXLXI ClJiil..
She became infatuated with Miss Ep-
j plewhite's musicaies. At the close of
I the season the women parted, each with
! a certain amount of regret. They have
' never met since. Miss Epplewhite re
ceived a letter from Bennett &.3axter.
j attorneys at law. informing her Mrs.
Heindricks had mentioned her in her
! will to the extent of $1,000,000.
Presliction A to the Bole of the Coin
ing Woman in tove Affair.
Have women as much nght to hunt
husbands as men have to hunt wives'
While this matter has been discussed
more or less for a long time ages, pos
sibly it is becoming quite lively of late
and promises to be one of the social
topics of the future. The coming wom
an, no doubt, is responsible for its re
vival, because she certainly will insist
upon her nght to choose a husband for
herself. Can you blame her?
You remember the sketch of the wom
an who couldn't make her love known.
as siven by Shakspeare in "Twelfth
"She never told her love.
But let concealment like a worm i the
Feed on her damask cheek: she pined
rn thought.
And with a green and yellow- -melancholy
She sat like Patience on a monument.
Smiling- at grief.
There is no sense in any woman act
ing after this fashion. F-c-en ?- i.
Srst effort should prove unsuccessful
she need not despair, for there is no ihti
so good that there are not others as
good. You may be assured the coming
woman, will not sit "like patience on a ,
monument smiling ar grief. She will
I act Tae built that way. f
The Modern Treatment Cciiulrtrf
moving? tha Caase.
Frort Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Republican.
Mrs. V. Curlcy who resided in.
Clarence. Iowa, for the past twenty
two years, tells an Intarestimr story ai
what she considers rescue from, prema
ture death. Her narrative fallows:
"Far ten years prior to 1S34. 2 was
a constant sufferer from acute stcinacH
trouble. I had all the manifold symp
toms of acute dyspepsia, and at times
other troubles were present in compli
cation I did not know what It was to
enjoy a meaL Ko matter how careful
I might be as to the quality, quantity
and preparatiaii cf my food, distress
always followed eating. I was despon
dent ad blue. Almost to the point of
insanity at times, and would have
been- glad to die. Often and often. I
could not sleep. Sympathetic heart
trouble set in and. time and ngnin I
was obliged to call a doctor in the night
to relieve sudden, attacks cf suffoca
tion which would come an without s
moment's warning.
My troubles increased as time wore
en and I spent large sums in doctor
bills, being compelled to have medical
attendants almost constantly During
1532 and 1393, it was impossible cr me
to retain, food, and water brashes
plagued me. I was reduced to a skele
ton. A consultation of physicians was
unable to determine just what did ail
me. The doctors gave us as their opin
ion that the probable trouble was ul
ceration of the coats of the stomach
and held out no hope of recovery. One
doctor said. "All I can do to relieve
your suffering is by the use of opium.
About this time a friend of mine,
Mrs. Syniantha Smith of Glidden,
Iowa, told me about the case cf Mrs.
Thurston of Oxford Junction, Iowa.
This lady said she had been afflicted
much the same as I had. She had con
sulted local physicians without relief,
and had gone to Davenport far treat
ment. Giving up all hope of recovery.
she was persuaded by a fnend to take
I ,
Dr. Williams' Fink Fills. The result
was almost magicaL
I was led to try them from her ex
perience, and before many months I
felt better than I had for a dozen
years. I am now almost free from
trouble, and if through some error of
diet I feel badly, this splendid remedy
sets me right again. I have regained
my strength and am once more in my
usual fiesh. I sleep well and can eat
without distress. I have no doubt that
I owe my recovery to Dr. Williams'
Fink Fills.
Dr. Williams' Fink Fills contain all
the elements necessary to give new life
and riehness to the blood and restore
shattered nerves. They are far sale by
all druggists, or may b- had by mail
from Dr. Williams' Medicine Company,
J2.50) by addressing Dr. Williams
six boxes far S2.50.
Rehearsing Fits.
Crossing- Citv Kali park one daj a
New York Sun reporter saw an Italian
boy sudaenly fall fiat on his back on
tne uavemenz. several companions m
stantij icne.t by hi sice, some slap
pmr the palms of nia hands, some ruo
cmc his race. They were au lauzainir
very much, and after a minute or two
of this work the boy rcse and in two or
tnree more minutes repeated the game,
this time all beins- senous, especially
so when they noticed tha: the same
man was watchinc them.
The boys who were doing- the slapping-
and rabbimr looked out from un
der their tangled hair and grinned at
the reporter a little at first, and then
became serious again.
What is tne game-1" the reporter
asked a news coy who was also watch
ing. I)em kids is practain a fake." he
:A fake"
Sure, having fits t work guys. Any
old guy taites pity on a kid wid de fits
nd srives him a nickel- See?"
The publication of John S. C. Ab
botts History of Napoleon Bonaparte
began in 1531. as a serial in Harper's
Magazine, and was continued during
more than three years. Phenomenally
successful at that time (for. from first
to last, it proveu itself to oe tne most
uoou.inr serial tnat haa ever appeared
in an American periodical , its place in
tne esteem of the general public was
af terwarc assured by an adequate pub
lication in book form. The two hand
some volumes, containing almost 1.300
large Das'es. admirable typographically
and generously illustrated, are now
perhaps more tnan ever in request, as
one result of the wide-spread interest
in the illustrious subject of the work.
The Easter Wedciins Gown.
The matenal used is white satin,
heavy and lustrous, and the skirt,
whicu flares weii. has a medium train,
fnJ. and fanlike in effect, but not as
Ions- as these worn last season, writes
Isabel A. Iaiion in the April Ladies
Home JournaL The bodice is a draped
one coming to a snort point in the front
and at tne bacic and arching over the
hips. This portion of it is outlined by
sma. pear i beads. The skirt trimmimr
consists of wide foids of tune draped
in curves as high up as the ttnees. each
curve being cangns by a ounch of
orange btossoms. The very full sleeves
shape into the arms and come well
over tne wrists in sharp points defined
by small beads like those on tne edge
cf the bodice. Tulle is craped across
the corsage and caught by very small
benches of the bndal flower, while a
knot of tulle and a bunch ox the blos
soms aold up the fullness of each
sleeve near the shouider. The hair,
which is arranged hurh on the head, is
dressed with orance blossoms.
PetUence Will Follow War.
A new aspect of the war in tha east
is suggested by Colonel ilaunce. He
relU attention to the Chinese claim that
there are massed 300. OOo men around
Peking. This force has already been
there for some time, and it is likely to
remain far several manias longer. It
is an elementary maxim of military
tactics that a large farce of men should
cot be gathered untu a short nme be
fore they are to be employed; other
wise an epidemic resulting from the
enforced lack of sanitary arrangements
is almost inevitable. Therefore, says
Colonel Maurice, as soon as the warm
weather cecrms in the spring- there will
be a most frightful outbreak of pesti
lence in some form or other, probably
in many farms, but beginning with
typhus in its most virulent shape. He
suggests that whiie there is yet time
all foreigners in Peking be withdrawn
under adequate protection. United
Service Masnrine.
. who cheats another robs him-
When the heart gives, the jtift; is afrrays
Green, brirht hunters green, is enca
arain in favor in summer silks.
Winter ToorUr Tickets Yla te Wi
Are now en sale to ai the winter retorts of
the South, eced returning until June 1st,
"55. Atso HAnrrzsr Excrasiox TicxxTS to
all points south en excursion n fires hi ad
dition to abeve. R.ifiroaii and Steamship
tickets to all points m the Cxrrxn Sxixsa
and. Ex3om. at lowest rates. Far rases,
tickets, excursion nr- and full informa
tian. or a coov of the Heme Seekers Guide,
mHar; Warash Ofiice, X5C".rannn street,
or write
How to Jucftfe JM Coed and the Bad
Qualities ci Eqitiaes.
Honry Chilil;- JEirwin ha3 a papr la
ae Century an "The Horse Market,""
from which the folio wing is extracted:
And iht? brings us to consider wut
are the mafkr 6f a good, serviceab.
horse such as roost people want to buy.
The chief points are the eye' 8s4 head;
for, whether on thescore of safety or s
pleaaar? in ownership, the essential
thing is td have a horse that is intel
ligent and gentle, $r one that is intelli
gent vtd vicious, rather than stupid,
far stupid osesare the most danger
ous of alL Ev&r horse shos his
character in his head. ad chiefly in
the eye. just, as certainly as a man
shows his character in his face; al
though, an in the case of men. It is not
always easy to feal what is written in
the eqnine features. But ad to horses
of positive character, positively good
or positively bad. ULt oeed be no mis
take. I once bought a mare o' a dealer,
for a woman's use, without even faking
her out of the stable. She seemed to be
sound, and I felt sure from her eye
that she vrtts riniWKaliy gentle and
safe, and so she prdveM w be On the
other hand, out of six or eig&fc horses
shown to me at a sale-stable, en an
other occasion, I rejected one the beat
in the lot otherwise because his eye,
though not absolutely bad. was such as
to arouse suspicion, and the owner
afterward admitted 10 tw that the
animal was differen? from the rest in
being a little "meaiL" I sention tries
instances to show that a3y person of
average intelligence can learn, lir tak
ing pains, to read the equine character,
tiorse-dealers and trainers seidom make
a stuoy of this matter, because they do
not care abous it. Whnt you should
look for is a large, clear. luminous eye:
what you should distrust is a small
eye. a protruding eye. a sunken eye, an
eye that shows the white, glancing
backward, which Indicates bad tem
per and above all. a glassy tremulous
eye. which indicates stupidity Ir is
hard to describe, but easily recognized.
There should be a considerable space
between the eyes. The ears and the
carriage of them are hardly less sig
nificant. Well-cut ears that move con
tinually with a general tendency to be
pricked forward indicate a good and
lively disposition. Large ears, if well
shaped, are better than verr small or
"mouse" ears. Lop-ears, coarse ears,
ears planted either very far apart or
very close together, are to be viewed
with great distrust.
Next in importance to ihe had come
the feet. They should be of medium
size, neither steep like a mule's, cor
fiat, but sloping at a medium angle.
The best feet are "cup-shaped." that" is.
so formed that when yen pick them up
thev wih r.o!d wit'i s the other
points of a horse. I shall not attempt to
go into details, because I fear that they
would convey information only to
those who do not need it. But this'may
be said generally by way of advice:
Avoid a long-backed or thm-waisted.
still more a long-legged, horse. Look
for a compact, rather low-standing
beast, with a good head, good eyes, and
well-shaped ears, and you enr; not go
far wrong.
The ew Civilization Lt Caiiiinz tt-r in
the Path ofPro :ir.
It seems to us that one of the most
creditable acts of the present adminis
tration at Washington has been the
negotiation of a new treaty with Japan,
based upon recognition of the fact that
Japan has attained the position of a
maturely developed modem power.
The treaty provides that after a few
years more of the present system of
consular jurisdiction the Japanese
courts shall have the same authority
to try cases which concern an Ameri
can in Japan that the United States
courts now have to try cases which con
cern a Japanese citizen in this coun
try Furthermore. Japan will be at lib
erty to arrange her customs dues with
out being bound by treaties which limit
the rates of duty, says a writer in the
Review of Reviews. The treaty pro
vides for the extension of rights under
the patent laws of each country to the
citizens of the other War is aterrible
thin:r and its indirect effects upon
the life and character of a nation are
always in some respects both deplor
able and exceedingly difficult to out
grow. Nevertheless, this particular
war would seem in a great many ways
to be a blessing to Japan. So far as
ier outward relations are affected, it
ias brought promptly from various
aowers a respect and recognition which
.-ears of ordinary diplomacy could not
lave obtained, as to the effect upon
the Japanese people themselves, the
rar has so completely demonstrated
;he superiority of the modern and Oc
udental methods over the ancient and
' Oriental ways that the reactionary
larry is practically whipped out a ex
stence. The new civilization which
Fapan had borrowed and only partially
issimilated has by virtue of this war
;een made her own. Henceforth no
me can say that Japan is playing at
European ways or imitating western
uvilizaaon. In testing her new pan-
, iply she has developed such skill in its
lse that it would be impossible to re
um to the discarded outfit or a genera
ion ago.
Baby in a Ten-inch "Well.
The IS-months-oId child of Bill Gee,
a farmer living near Tigertown. had a
terrible experience on Tuesday even
ing, says a Paris Texj special. A
ten-inch bared well had just reached
a depth of twenty-nine feet, being near
the house, when the little one went out
alone to investigate. Somehow he
managed to fall in feet first and was
impaled upon the end of the boring
machinery, a part of which wSs yet in
the welL The frantic mother was a
witness to the horror aad immediately
gave the alarm. The child could not
be gotten oat of the hole, so the neigh
bors were all summoned and some
! 'ry of them went to work digging
a great square hole near the welL
This being completed to a depth on a
level with the child, a tunnel was made
from the hole to the well and the child
rescued, after being in its perilous con
dition for twenty-three hours. Its
plaintive cries. "Mamma! mxmTnn
come take me out! were neartrending.
The child will recover.
He W Girt.
The masculine style of dress some
times causes a deal of trouble to the
wearer thereof. Said a deacon to a
young person, who leaving a wheel in
the lobby, was stealing into the back
seat of a country church: "You bad
and wicked boy, why don't you take off
your cap?" To this the bad and wick
ed boy repIietL "If yeu please, sir. I'm
i girL"
.Mi Harraiien't Bail Wntins.
An American author says that the
worst "copy" in respect to bad wnting-
t he ever saw he recently received from
Mls3 Beatrice Harraden, author
I "Ships That Pass in the Klght."
'tree snake stoey
Three Xcn Attacked Him bat He ytxdc
Iz Exciting for TJssin Dog IMetl of
rie Poiwm in Fifteen Minuter Feetl
.jig a .Kelactaut Reptile.
From far-off San Diego coifes this
veracious story. The California who
teK It says:
"Ther Tvas a lively fight this week
between a vicious old rattlesnake and
tiree men out at the La Mesa reservoir.
As the writer was descending the de
clivity on the west side of the rocky
gorge in which, the reserau "iam is
being built he espied in tne shade of
an overhanging rock a huge brown
coC. snugly established as if to enjoy
a prolonged sleep. The diamond mark
inss indicated that it was a Rocky
mountain rattler, the most venomous J
of all rattlesnakes on the North Amer-'
Jean continent. The writer jumped
back in terror from the death-dealing
reptile. He had almost put his foot
upon the snake. Fortunately its slum
ber was not distnrbeL Assistant En
gineer Hamilton Clark hastily sum
moned two laborers with long-handled
shovefs. The men surrounded the
sleeping snak. One of the men jabbed
the sharp edge of the iron shovel into
the center of the diamond-marked
mass. Two streaks of rattlesnake shot
cui. There was fury in it. The cruel
shove! held the brown streaks from fly
in into the faces of the men. while
the rattle buzzed furiously Weil did
they know the meaning of that sound.
The deadly head of the disturbed snake
waved about viciously in an effort to
strike the bodies of the human tor- i
mentors. The long handle of the
shovel was struck again and again by
the snake'4 deadly fangs until large
drops of the venom discolored the
hard :Gad. Here and there on the
handle wgr tiny indentations made
by the needle-pointed fangs. The
powerful tail was wound tightly about
the shovel handle for fnlly three feet.
The man holding the shovel was care
less. He thought the snake was too
easy a victim. Suddenly the reptile
gave a tremendous jerk and carried ,
the sE7Td with it, leaving the laborer
unprotected and much astonished. The
second man with the shovel quickly J
pinned down the snake again, but not i
UHtil it sunk its fangs into the thick )
boot of the third man. Luckily the j
leather protected the flesh from the !
snake's teeth. It absorbed the poison,
else the man wearing the thick boot
would soon have been a corpse. The
danger of continuing the light was '
apparent. The third man procured
a long club. At the proper moment
he struck the rattler's unprotected head (
and killed it. The reptile was over
six feet long, the circumference of the
body at the thickest part being nearly
nine inches. It had fourteen rattles."
Having disposed of the first snake
the San Diegan recalls other yarns.
E. S. Babcock. manager of Hotel del
Coranadc. who returned recently from
a week s hunting on the Santa Mar-
garita ranch, brought back a rattle
snake measuring nine feet and Ave
inches, with seventeen rattles He
writes "My victim was wide awake
enough to give a pack of hound a live- j
ly tussle. One of the dogs, struck in (
the neck, died in just fifteen minutes. (
This instance of the extreme virulence
of the poison of the rattlesnake indi
cates that when fresh from its winter '
slumber the rattler's venom is mncn
stronger and quicker-acting than
after a season of wakefulness. -hen '
the venom sacs have been emptied s
and replenished frequently." 1 appears, are extremely fas
tidious, every species being liniired to
one or two articles of diet and prefer-
ring to starve rather than eat anything
else apparentiv quite as toothsome and
suitable. Individual snakes, toe show
strange prejudices in the matte of
diet, so that it is necessary m every
case to find out what the snakes pe
culiarities are before feedinrx hin?.
Rather than lose a valuable specimen
by starvation, however, keepers in zo
ological gardens now often use for.
cramming food down the reptile'3
throat. This need be resorted to oriy (
occasionally as a snake will 1. -"e many
-sfoeks without food. ITij operation of
feeding a snake is by co means easy,
as it shows its distaste by squirming
about and it is often ne-eseary 'jo re
strain the movements of rha body by
inclosing it in a bar. Wiri large bous.
pythons, and anacondas, however. ;his
will not do. and the keeoer can accom
plish his purpose only y a ort of
wrestling match on the deer, the -rrrith-ing
folds of the excited reptiles being
controlled with arms .iiid fg3 alto
gether. It is n-it generally known that many
serpents produce a chemical substance
of commercial value namely. murf
acid, which is secreted in a pure, solid
state by the kidneys. This is salable
to the manufacturing chemist for lab
oratory purposes, bringing sometimes
as much as 52JJ1 u. poun-L
He Ha &ui Wry Llrtlf of Ir Emperor
William Hji! llore.f
At Leipsic the other day Pnnce Bis
marck made a speeh. in the course of
which, he said-
"In my long life i have rarely been
happy. If I werp to figure out the total
of the rare moments of happiness that
I have had. I would find perhaps in all
about twenty-four hours. In politics I
have never had time enough to be
happy. I hav always had to struggle,
and when I was victorious cares came
with the victory, and I had to males
the most of them.
In my private life I have had mo
ments of happiness, first in my youth
when I shot my first hare, and then aft
erward when I (Hcase a farmer I was
also happy with my wife and children.
Eut to Icnow how to enjoy good fortune
a peculiar gift that my old mastr. the
emperor, possessed in a hizh dezree 1
it is necessary to be both phlegmatic
and sanguine I often had a great deal
of difficulty in bringing utm to a reso
lution, hut, once formed, it was solid, j
You could build houses on ir. He '
placed truth above everything, and j
sometimes public affairs compelled us
to remove ourselves a little from the
truth. Thar, was always hard for the i
old emperor. But he was very happy.
and yet. for all that, how unfortunate
he was!"
All of which, goes to prove that, so
far as Bismarck himself is concerned,
nowithstanding his wonderful achieve
ments, the game wasn't worth the
Cchmbni ftati Bank I
ftj! Sffttt 811 9Q6Q
Lmb ttlsil 6
mil t iniWlWTt : -RGXRB.
iat !&--
oj-h' xsn DrascroHs:
L2a5dejz Gsr2ard, Prea'c,
B. H. H25ST, Vice Prest,
3L Bscggsh, Cashier.
Jons- Stachtke. G. W. Hulst.
Authorized Capita! of - $500,000
Paid in Capital, - 90,000
C. H. SHELDON. Pres'c
K. P. E. OEHLEICH. Vice Pre.
CLABE: GBAY. Cashier.
E.3L WrreixrT. H. P H. Osnxjtrcx.
C. E. SnxiJJO-f, W A. McAixiarsa,
9- C- Qhat.
Gx&hasu LoszTca.
J. F ra-e W-mrny T,
Hsrar Losses.
SiiAXX soaza.
Exxrcci. Bzcxza.
Bank of decostr: interest; alla-wed or tlnwi
depctlts; buy and sell exefaanss on Cmtedj
Stares and Europe, and Buy aad sell avail
able securities. We shall be pleaaed to re
ceive your buaiaes. W mIicIt; your pas
rcsaga. First National Bank
President. Yica Prsa'S.
O. T. ROES. Caahler.
Statement of tie C4itlm at the Cloaa
f Bosiaesi 12, 1892.
Lesna and Discount.. j.... S4I.4CT S?
Heal Estate Fumltur mad alx-
rures I8.rH33
C. . Bends liSCOOJ
Due rrczs other -"- tKTJrm 33
Caah on Hand ZUG !M 59.T43H
Tctal .
..ts-.ra jc
Capita! Stock paid la...
Sumlos Fund. ..............
Undivided prsata..........
....... ...t 90.000 00
... 30.000 03
... 4sa 00
.. njnooo
TstL-............. . '. TrK 3
Coffins : aid : Metallic : Cases !
&EepcxriMQ of oRhimdaqf Uvhcl
tiers Gcodi.
ut ccLUJcaxs,:
Columbus Journal
njerxxp or a
S- "
- z
C" ; : n. -
fsJ1-1 k-
SV-'. v
f.J- -"v
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