Illlll1flit gBi1JMIIIIlll,lirH'l """ U ' I- ? Rheumatic Pains Betura when the colder weather comes. They are caused by lactic acid in the blood, which frequently settles in the joints. This poisonous taint must be re- Hood's Sarsa pariUa moved. Hood's Ssx Eaparilla conquers rheumatism because Cures it drives out of the blood every form of impurity. It makes pure, rich blood. "I suffered with rheumatism in my left foot. I took Hood's Sarsaparilla and the pain Is all gone." Miss R. It. Blake, Mills House, Charleston, S. C. Hood's Pills irevent constipation. Ely's Cream Balm WILL CURE CatabbH Apply Balm into each nortril. Elt BBOS..S6 Warren 8L.N. Y. TlOHMTEMILLT nrntm M OSEI tOCAUY uBn WITH Insufflator. MLsms'tsKCOKeo.. n. cum tola br all I)ruB?isu. .wetca "COLCHESTER" SPADING BOOT. BEST IN MARKET. BEST IN FIT. BEST IN WEARING tl L'4Uil. 'i no osier or inn sole ex tends the whole length down to the heel, pro tectingthe boot in dip ping and in other hard work. ASK TOUR DEALER FOR TUEM and don't be put off with inferior Roods. COLCHESTER RUBBER. CO. W. L. Douglas 61 CUAt ISTHEBEST. 0tf WaTlwt PITFOR AKINO. cordovan; rRENCH&CNAMCUXO CALF. 43 sp Fine CALF&Kutsuna 3.SPP0LICE.3SOLES. SSSS 2.l.7?B0YS'SCH0OLSH0i LADIES' SEND FOR CATALOGUE CfDOUbLAai Over Oae MiUloa People wear tbo W. L. Doug'as $3 & $4 Shoes All our shoes are equally satisfactory They give the best value for the money. They equal custom Chocs la style and fit. Tfasir wearing qualities are unsurpassed. The prices are uniform, stamped on sole. From $i to $3 saved over other makes. If your dealer cannot supply you we can. B3Bit?BiMeMarBlJonNl,V.MOnRlS. IjCRIOllaf III Washington, .C. Successfully Prosecutes Claims. Late Principal Examiner U S. Pension Bureau. 3 yra 1 u las 1 1 ax, IS adj udicaliug claims, att v aince. LUISlT COSTS YOU MTIIflGjQS lafiuBSda Ofer. No K a&scOs9arti rp;jfcgfllalina.lioSgfce. Ter before bra oScrea. Xto veceputm. We ibiB. .Continue tbew liberal tenat KOBOSIAASnOKT eaa Jat Kaat tWa IBt. TMa inacoiae uXaanFrat. IHJt: Cot taU om and writ fcd j-. Warranted IQVcatm I n..,eLir Y ri 7S.000ln Use. FHEB S. M. DET. " CHICAGO, ILL. WEIL MACHINERY m - & ucn rn Illustrated cataloguo Showing WEI ATJQERS, BOCK DRILLS, HTDBAULIO UU JEITiAU MACHINES Y, etc Best Fan. Bare been tested and all warranted. Sioux City Knclne A Iron Works, Successors to I'eeh MfR. Co . ; Mlnux City. Iowa. HIT Onion Are.. Kansas City. Ha Aunt ArrLto, )la30 asd vrciiarus, LolI iana. Xo.. fur f rrc t-aniple ctp tellinir about it. A prartlral Fruit and Farm paper, publUhcd by Stark llros., 4itc a )var : circulation. 4(0. 0C0 copies. Tte"Cieam of the Cream" plrc the trajj Fruit Groer or Farmer, who ham't thetlrae or the irioner to liurand lead a preat maiu of papers, what 1' beat from them all. what Le wants to Unow, w bat would take him days to t earth out for hlnuelf. IJiRrS WHFKr All HKf f-AltS. I Best Consh Syrup. Tastes Good. TJsel in lime sold or arcecma. La vn For rale in Fertile Belt of I II I Manitoba & Northwestern KalNay II HI I I Co. at K.50peracre; ea..j terms; 10 II 111 I I Tear.' time. 6 r cent Interest. rl IB I I Krrrnt uIh. SO.ono arm. fllw II Elected 20,000 in the Vorkton XXX J district, famous for railed tannine. He-Kn-ii'e liad guide gratis. Apply II. HEEJ1A, YVInnliM-jr. Xan. GOLORflDO Irritratcl lands cheap. Actwantd,Rood pay. . i- jtlrxaadrr, Mnttr. D k PTITTO TTi?"3?3 v: " ,i"ir "ainetoni HI I l,N I X U.C .Noxtt '- uit 'alntot- Jil 1 U tallied. Write lot luvc rsGuule. BOOKS FREE In order to introduce our line of Standard Novels to the public we will, for a short time, send one or all of the following books FREE on receipt of 12c (stamps accepted) for each book to cover postage, packing, etc. Goo. Print Good Paper, Handsoie Cners Csniury Cook Book . Uncle Tom's Cabin . Reveries of a Bachelor Last days of Pompeii Beyond the City . . . . H.B.Stoive. Ik Marvel. . BulurerLtton. A. Conan Doyle. Dora Theme Bertha Clay. Poems and Yarns . Bill Nye-J. W. Riley. The Wife's Secret . . . a. E. Holmes. Webster Vest-Pocket Dictionary . . . . The Gcra Songster, with wards and music eoxplcte. Address HARRISON BOOK CO. 88 West Jackson St., Chicago. Cend 2c for csaScr-' or bocks. OMAHA Business Houses. UC EYPUAURP Tarms tor Merchandise Tl t rAunMRUL and Merchandise for Farm. List your property for sale or trade. FRENCH &. CO.. :chlitz Illtlg. Omaha. Neb. DR. aicGREW IS Tilt: OXLT SPECIALIST WHO TREATS ALL P..IYATED SHADES, Weakness and Secret MEM OKLY ETery enre raarar.Kcd SOy.':ir eriT.e-.ce. S years in ctuabo. Boot free. 14th 4z laramMs., OMAHi, XEB. AorjfMl-s7 rzjy&W& 8IIDKT-HAM) AND TYrB-WRITING. Olde-t and Bd En-Incs CblV s: la the ffeL No r&cailun inoua dsofjriaJuEt a dol ttudnt oecnpylaE v-y nS ikjsIU n. Wr te forcatalo us. . if- f. i.UflME. Osaaha. Acb. lil UTCQ An -scents t-ndli oar WFiTr tlAfi I LU J-AMi EOl,! K.v. Knr. fcousaant uniiibw fco ej-c-jj-T-jthem. N'omouey n quired if satl frcu-iy n.fer K.-TEsrwpiv.a ' oiaha t-rtciAtTV yj6 is a tl.- Oaiahx 1 .x a.. t;iu:ttt:i S i'iS'S Mueo a .mlitrii. .itr."...enii;.".j avliiUty SPbISI K&0ra y Cntd the Dr. la 1. k iHaa cured thoua-vl fasda alnoe and wUI 1 lCrc7. Ban ill 1 for free book,aadf Vl symptom blaak. M V Mm br wmU.AT X. at Sw WO. BBBBBW BJiaBBBT i MBBBB BBmV 'fj !-X?S BBB?- r . 1 'IWvSJIi' Z.WM I iijfl SRRKmfBBKW irVHPW & Jipuuon iiL rajij.'. Too Smart for the Doctor. The daughter of a well known jockey was very ill, having canght a severe cold. A doctor was seat for and was buttonholed by the mother, who re quested him to favor her by advising her daughter not to wear low ankled shoes. The daughter was sent for, and, af ter her tongue had been given the usual out of door exercise, the man of medicine said; "Ah, you are suffering from what we medical men call a low shoe cold, and 1 must prohibit you from wearing such shoes in the future." The young lady started, and. taking off one of the "offending shoes, ex claimed: "Since you are so clever, doctor, as to look at mv tonirue and tell me what is amiss with ray feet, will you be kind ' enough to look at my feet and lell me whether my fringe is properly ad justed?" He gave up prescribing for smart girls. London Tit-11 its. Worms In Horses. The onl v sure cure for nln worm In 1 horses known Is Steketees Ho,? Cholera Cure. ,!,. i.vr nr rats; an exrcllont remedr for Mck fowls. Send sixty cents In United Stesrsli!f?a.,lr'dtnId!d,n5 mail. Cut this out, lake It to druggist and nnv lilm fifty cents, i. iJirccpacKapps roreLSU nackacps express paiu. .A G.G.STEKETF.E. Grand Uapids. Mich. Mention name of paper. There is no use in talking any higher than we live. KNOWLEDGE Bring3 comfort and improvement and tends to personal enjoyment when rightly used. The many, who live bet ter than others and enjoy life more, with less expenditure, by more promptly adapting the world's best products to the needs of physical being, will attest the value to health of the pure liquid laxative principles embraced in the remedy. Syrup of Figs. Its excellence is due to its presenting in the form most acceptable and pleas ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly beneficial properties of a perfect lax ative ; effectually cleansing the system, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers ana permanently curing constipation. It has given satisfaction to millions and met with the approval of the medical profession, because it acts on the Kid neys, Liver and Bowels without weak ening them and it is perfectly free from every objectionable substance. Svrup of Figs is for sale by all drug gists in 50c and'$l bottles, but it is man ufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, whose name is printed on every package, also the name, Syrup of Figs, and being well informed, you will not accept any substitute if offered. uvjHTjALafiV A WORD BUILDING CONTEST TElsT PRIZES. 1st Prize A Kimball Piano, 2d Prize A Bridgeport Organ, 3d Prize A Fine Bicycle, 4th Prize A Diamond Piri or Ring, 5th Prize A Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machine, 6th Prize A Trip Ticket,Omaha to Denver and return. 7th Prize Cash, -8th Prize-Cash, - - -9th Prize Cash, -10th Prize Cash, - - 10 Prizes-Total The above prizes are offered to those who construct or form the largest number of words out of the letters found in the prize word EDUCATION UNDER THE FOLLOWING R.-HJOTJXjA.XJTONS JilXTD CONDITIONS. rirst-Thc fir.xt prize will be won by the iarccst list, the f-econd prize hy the next largest list and so on to tli tenth. fcrond Each person must send in his or her liM 1 efore the end of February, 189 1. 1 hird The list of words must bo written in ink plainly, and must be sinned bv the contestant and witnessed by two neighbors or friend. Fourth Any Enslish word found in tho tlict-onaiy en Ic u--d If It Is conip sed of lelleih thai are contained in the word edu cation. Ism then? niiisi l,c no duplicates. :i!j Irt: Iatioiis, exclamations nor- names of peo ple or places. Fifth The same letter must not be used The Omaha Weekly World-Herald is edited by Congressman W. J. Bryan, the leading advocate of free silver coinage in the west It has an agricultural department especially edited by G. W. nervey, and of great value to farmers. It is issued every week in two sections eight pages every Tuesday and four more pages every Friday thus giving the news twice a week, which is almost as good as good as a daily paper. The price is SL00 per year. The contest closes February 2S. Address. WORLD-HERALD, omaha, neb. Blood Diseases such as Scrofula and Anaemia, Skin Eruptions and Palo or Sallow Complexions, are speedily cared by Scott's? Emulsion BHtF ("K& aoc aiaait. Send Jar pamphlet on Scott's Emulsion. FREE. Scott Bowne, H.. All druggist. .50 cents and SI. Peer Indeed 1 The prospect of relief from drastic cathartic for persons troubled with constipation is poor indeed. True they act upon the bowels.nut this they do with violence.and their operation tends to weaken the intestines, and is prejudicial to the stomach. Hostetter's Stomach Bitters is an effectual laxative, but it neither gripes nor en feebles. Furthermore, it promotes digestion and a regular action of the liter and kidneys. It is an efficient barrier against remedy for ma larial complaints and rheumatism, and Is of great benent to the weak, nervous and aged. As a medical stimulant It can not be surpassed. Physicians cordially recommend it, and its proresslonal indorsement Is fully borne out by popular experience. Appetite- and sleep an both improved by this agreeable mvlgorant and alterative. . Do Bostonians Cbcw Gum Like This? Asthetic persons in Boston, TJ. S. A., says the London News, are groaning over the habit indulged in by literary ladies of chewing gum while reading their papers to the various societies. On the other hand, lecturers complain that the view from the platform of a whole audience diligently chewing gum, with all the varied facial distortions attend ant upon the practice, is as disagreea- 1 le as it is distracting to the thoughts. . One peculiarly sensitive man. a reciter, declares that'he often feels in danger . v.i.; a .1 1. j: si.. ." ";iiia uun iuiuuu uukappoiui.- disappoint ment. Whether he gives them tragedy. comedy or farce, the assembly goes on chewing gum all the same. How it May Happen. "Jeminy crickets, she's got the rick ets," whispered one beau to another in the company of a very pretty girl. Truly she was very beautiful, but there was a twitching about the nerves of the face which showed suffering. "No," said the other, "it's neuralgia and she's a martyr to it" St Jacobs Oil was suggested as the world-renowned cure for it Did she try it? Yes and was cured by it and married "one of the fellows" afterwards. The use of the great remedy for pain will not bring about a marriage, but in its cure of pain it will bring about conditions of health to make life more enjoyable. No man or woman ought to marry who is a sufferer from chronic pains. We should not wed woe to win only wretchedness. Deafness Can Not Be Cored by local applications, as they can cot react the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure Deafness and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. "When this tube gets inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed Deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its nor mal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh, which is nothing but nn in flamed condition of the mucous surfaces. Wa will PITA Onn TTnnrli-ul Ttnllon. - nny case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) ""'' -" "" "o curea Dy nau s umarrii Cure. Send for circulars, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. tSold by Druggists, 75c Hall's Family Pills. 25c. Love heavy. never bestows a burden that it l.OOO BUS. POTATOES PER ACRE. Wonderful yields in potatoes, oats, corn, farm and vegetable seeds. Cut this out and send 5c postage to the John A. Salzer Seed Co., La Crosse, Wis., for their great seed book and sample of Giant Spurry. wnu Open the coor for the penny, and the dol lar will come in. $350.00 100.00 75.00 60.00 50.00 25.00 10.00 7.00 5.00 3.00 Value, S685.00 twice in one word, but of course may used in other words. Sixth Each contestant must be c.r 1-e-ccme a subscriber to the Omaha Weekly World-Herald for one year, and must send his dollar to pay for his subscription with ids list of words. Seventh Every contestant whoso li-t contains as many as ten correct words will receive a portfolio containing hand onio photo engraved copies of sixteen fnmous paintings size of each picture 10x12 Inches with history of the painting. Eighth I n case two or more prize winning lists contain the same number of words tlie one that is first received will be given prof' erence. the Cream of Cod-liver OiL No otherrem edy so quickly and effectively enriches and purifies tho blood and gives nourishment to the whole system. It is pleasant to take and easy on the stomach. Thiii Emaciated Persons &ni all suffering from Wasting Diseases axQ re stored to health by Scott's IZmulsion, Bq sure you get tho bottle with our trade-mark on it. Refuse cheap substitutes! FAEM AND GARDEN. MATTERS OF INTEREST TO AGRICULTURISTS. Some Up to Date Hint About Caltlva tloa of the SoU and Yields Thereof Horticulture, Viticulture and Flori culture. Notes from Indiana Institute. Having been engaged the past tveek in Farmers' institute work for the several counties in the series, I made note of some things that may be of interest to your readers. In the first place I wish to remark that very much depends on the officers of an institute in making it a pleasing as well as an instructive af fair. A chairman, or for that matter a secretary, who is "stuck" on himself and considers his position so important as to create a suspicion in the audience that he is the man to be heard and lis tened to above all others on every topic of interest, destroys the social freedom of speech by an interchange of ideas from among men in the audience of practical experience, if shown a kindly consideration for what they might have to say, briefly, but pointedly very often containing more in sub stance than is to be had in any other way. Under the discussion of "Grass Crops for Profits," one gentleman reported having top dressed a meadow of twenty acres with about six loads per acre of stable manure from his town, a mile, that yielded near three tons of number one hay per acre, and brought the top price in the Chicago market the days put on sale. The top dressing was done as convenience for use of teams allowed, extending from just after the hay harvest of 1893 until February,1894. The previous crop of hay cut did not yield more than about one ton per acre. The manure cost SI per load at the livery barn, but each load con tained half or nearly as much more than the ordinary load hauled by farm ers. It was spread as hauled by the fork from the load. Thought the dry year had left a large portion of the manure undisturbed that will afford much more benefits for the coming crop. A "Uob White or wooden toothed rake was used in gathering the hay. The discussion was one of general interest and proved the value of stable manure as a top dressing for timothy meadows, as vouched for in this particular instance by the gentle man's neighbors. An address by Prof. Heuston of Pur due was listened to very attentively at one of the institutes on the chemical analysis of soils and methods used in maintaining fertility, etc. He ex plained that soils differ much in their chief characteristics or compound parts in the different localities, and a kind of commercial fertilizer that would es sentially do in one place could not be expected to produce good results in another, so that those who had to use that class of fertilizer should be come conversant with the kind of soil he had and also the best fertilizer suited to such soil. As clover is pretty generally used as fertilizing crop, he demonstrated the effect it had upon most lands, and the probable error ex isting among farmers of not knowing that to grow and ripen a clover crop was beneficial in one way and not in another, as by analysis two parts were taken from the soil to where one was added, and those two were constituents most valuable to the soil. And my observations with sev eral neighbors who have for twenty years now grown almost exclusively clover, clover seed, corn and wheat, the professor is not far wrong in his deductions, as their crops are growing less remunerative, and the land has not got the life it appar ently should have or once had. My observations lead me to believe, together with the professor s state ments,that if the crop was not allowed to ripen it would be different. That is, if plowed under in a green state or pastured down as has been my own practice, with hogs and cattle, pre venting the stalks from ripening well as the seed, thereby retaining all that was drawn from the soil and adding that from the air. Upon inquiry of the average yields of clover seed thrashed per acre during the past season, which has been a dry one, nearly alike the country over, seems to again be an object lesson. In ne.ghborhoods and on lands fre quently growing clover for seed the yield was said to be one and a half to four bushels, generally nearer the first amount namcd,while on lands of a like quality in the state of nature, but not devoted to raising clover for the seed, yielded four to six bushels, and even more. All varieties of clover have their ad vocates, more probably for what they grow it for or what the general line of farming pursued. The small clover is thought to be the best by most farmers as a fertilizer, because of possessing greater tap roots that penetrate the soil further down, and as a second crop for seed returns more immediate returns. The large clover is better for past ure, especially when sown with other grasses, and also has a good deal in its favor when raised for a seed crop. The alsike has shown itself to be a good forage plant, both for pasture and for hay, as numbers testify, and several championed the alsike as be ing the very best of the clovers for hogs. One gentleman near Logans -port, said that he met a clover raiser from the south part of the state who claimed to never fail getting the best results from fall sowing, and had sown twenty acres last fall, but sev eral expressed their views of it not being advisable to sow at that time for northern Indiana. The crimson clover has but recently been introduced and not more than half a dozen reported as giving it a trial, and several doubted of its be coming very valuable to the farmers this far north. From an address made on the care of poultry by one of many years' experi ence 1 deduce the following: That for gaps among chickens that were treated in various ways with no material success, and not until the dis covery of the little worm in the vessels containing their drinking water, and afterward was carefully attended to by scouring the drinking vessels thor oughly every morning and providing a fresh supply of pure water. Neither were any pools of stagnant water al lowed on the poultry premises. Con sequently not a single case of gaps or other disease had appeared among the chickens since. The subject of feeding wneat to stock, especially hogs, was pretty thoroughly discussed in one of the meetings and some very accurate tests were reported showing the relative gain and profits derived by feeding wheat to hogs. Wheat should be either soake4 or ground, preparing each meal about twelve hours in ad vance of feeding, as two meals a day was thought to be the best where the hogs had a grass range as they should have. The best report given was from ground wheat alone adding about one half the balk of wheat bran, giving the mess a more harmonizing consist ency for feeding. Inquiry upon the use of shredding or cutting cornf odder by recent methods, and string it in mows or bins elicited the fact, that the fodder must be dry when cut and stored, as it takes bat very little moisture to damage it to positive injury. In reply to a question of stacking or ricking fodder or corn and fodder out of doors was that the most trouble was its spoiling too much, probably from tho large amount of sap contained in the stock that be came heated and producod decay when in large bulks like in the rick. Among the more progcssive farmers who have a desire to keep their farms free from, annoying weeds many, are fearful of the future consequences in regard to several kinds of foreign weed pests that have bean lately introduced in the state, mainly by the railroads from the right of way, and unani mously agree some legislation should be had the coming winter that might be the means of more effectually abating the nuisance from that source. Miello in Farmers' Revew. Makk War ox Weeds. Weeds con sume the food which is necessary to m h art ata I- D kv F "W 1111 THE LITTLE BLUE STEM the growing crops. The latter are starved and stunted whenever the former flourish. The best time to de stroy weeds is as soon as they appear, but for many reasons the campaign against them is not vigorously pushed at that season. The next best time is before they ripan their seeds and send them broadcast to sow trouble for next year. The common practice of permitting weeds to ripen their seeds so that the plants may be afterward gathered and burned is very objec tionable. In collecting the weeds great numbers of the seeds arc shelled and .scattered all over the fields, while the fire generally burns only the top of the pile leaving the bottom, where the seeds have fallen, untouched. They are thus heaped up, ready for distribution on the first windy day. Yet some farmers wonder how the weeds multiply. Making Apple Butter. Cider made from sweet apples will make a better article, but if it can not be obtained, common cider may be used, says American Cider Maker. Take the cider as it runs from the press, before any fermentation has taken place, and boil it down in a tin or copper boiler (never use iron) until it has evaporated fully one half; while it is boiling, ail the scum that rises must be carefully removed, and as soon as it is thick enough, add a quantity of good tart apples, pared and cut into quarters, taking out all the core. Fill the boiler half full of the quarters. Keep up a slow but steady fire, says Country Gentleman, and be very careful to stir the apples every few moments, to prevent them from sticking to the bottom and sides of the kettle. When the apples have boiled about fifteen minutes, and have settled down a little, add more, until the boiler is quite full enough; now cook to a pulp, stirring it almost continual ly. When it is tmished, showing no whole piece, but all one mass of pulp, turn it into jars or firkins, and let it cool; cover it and store in a cool place. It can be seasoned with spices while cooking, or afterward; ground cin namon and cloves are the best suited as a flavoring. One and a half bushels of apples, after they are pared and quartered, are enough for one barrel of cider before it is boiled down. There are tricks in the trade of com mercial fertilizer manufacture as well as in all others. A Iihode Island bul letin says: It is a significant fact that of the forty commercial fertilizers enumerated in this bulletin, twenty three were claimed to contain sulphate of potash or actual potash equal to a given amount of sulphate of potash. This is evidently done for one or botli of the following reasons. 1. It is well known that tobacco, hops, sugar beets and potatoes are of better quality if grown with sulphate of potash than with the muriate.orin other words that a large quantity of chlorine lowers the quality of these crops. 2. Ten per cent of sulphate of potash is really equal to but about 3 per cent of actual potash and hence by stating it as sul phate the uninformed farmer is led to believe that twice the actual amount of potash is present. Color of Fruit. It is known that ripening fruits abaorb greater or lesser quantities of oxygen and give off car bonic acid; that a certain portion of the fiber is converted into sugar and another portion into water, and that the coloring process depends much on the supply of sunshine while the chem ical action is taking place. But ex actly why the outer membranes of fruits take on a positive color; why one apple is red and another yellow, is a question scientists have never yet agreed upon. The shrinkage of value of hordes last year is estimated to be over S2.", 000,000, and the total loss in falling off of prices "will no doubt nggregate GU, 000,000 since the commencement 0t the present depression of values, Little Blae Steam. The Latin name is Androfogon Sco parius. Stems are in bunches, from coarse strong roots; usually reddish or purplish, but sometimes pale; 1 to 4 feet high, with several to many erect branches extending from the sheaths; leaves many smooth, with rough edges,usually rather short,sharp pointed, becoming rigid; flowers in slender, silky spikes which are soli tary at the ends of the branches of the stem, and which often become pur plish; spikelets sessile, from one fourth to one half inch in length, empty glumes sharp pointed, the upper with long white hairs along the margins; awn twisted about twice the length of the glume bearing it The plant is easily recognized by its reddish or purplish appearance and by its habit of growing in bunches. It is called "broom sedge" in the South, and often goes by the name of "bunch grass" on the western plains. It is plentiful throughout the state (South Dakota) and is one of the commonest grasses in the basins of the Bad Lands. Early in the season it no doubt fur nishes a considerable amount of feed, but in this dry climate it becomes woody so soon that it is unfit for late grazing or hay, while stock refuse to eat it as long as any other grass can be had. It is hardly worthy of cultivation. Speci mens collected near Brookings ana lyzed as follows: Air dry substance: (AXDllOFOGOX SCOPARICS.) Water, 5.13: ash, 5.08; ether extract, 2.20; crude fiber. 32.G3; crude protein, 4.50; nitrogen-free extract. 50.34. Total nitrogen, .73; albuminoid nitro gen, .71. The above is from the South Dakota bulletin No. 40. This grass also grows extensively in many of the other western states. Farmers' .Re view. Oleo, as Viewed Logically. At the Missouri dairy meeting J. IJ. Ripley said: That pure butter and ehecse may be produced at a profit, it will be necessary to enact such laws as will force the retail, as well as the wholesale dealers in imitation com pouuds, to sell their stuff on its merits. So long as skimmed milk and filled cheese may be branded and sold as "full milk cheese;"' so long as oleomar garine, butterine and other fraudulent imitations may be sold as the best "creamery butter;" so long as the dis honest manufacturer is permitted to make and eolor his nauseous compound in imitation of a genuine gilt edged article, and the unscrupulous dealer defraud his unsuspecting patrons, that long will the dairy interest languish and the products of our pastures and fields be manufactured into dairy pro ducts with little prospect of profit and. often at an actual loss. If the manu factured imitation of butter is as pure, as clean, as wholesome as genuine creamery product; if there are those who prefer it, believe it a typical food, containing all the elements necessary to sustain life and maintain a vigorous growth of the human body; if it is a nerve and muscle building and health restoring food, then in the name of reason and justice, should it not be so branded and colored that they may know when they are getting it, that they may not. lie deceived and thereby forced to use the natural product of the cow against, their wish and will? If, upon tho other hand, the manufactured imita tion is a fraud, a nauseous compound, possibly manufactured in some in stances from the fat of diseased ani mals, possibly containing the germs of 1 disease, and chemicals injurious to the; stomach, then as a sanitary measure, and in the interest of an industry so immense, so honorable and so valuable to the community where conducted, inat is ueing sappeu oi us vitality aim i robbed of its legitimate profits, and in I justice to the people who abhor and detest it, who value it only as they would axle grease or machine oil, I f ask why it should not be so branded or eolored that they may detect or avoid it? XirvER Oi'T of Euri.ovMK.vr. Tht farmer never needs to worry about work to do. There is a steady em ployment for him on the farm the year 'round, both for hands and brains, if he will but tec it, and there are end less little resources for making a little more money even during the hardest t times. Certainly his lot is by far the better during periods of financial de pression. He must suffer the same as all other laboring and business men. j There will be less money to buy his i goods and a smaller margin of profits. But the soil and weather are not de- ! pressed by any money or business de- ' pression, they will often combine at j such times to produce larger crops than at other seasons. If the margin of pro fits is smaller, then the increased yield can partly compensate for the loss. Greater activity in cultivation and study of crops in such years can cer tainly be made to yield better returns if the weather and soil do not conspire to prevent Ex. Your butter may be excellent in every other quality but if it lacks that peculiar nutty flavor oneof the chief attractions is gone, and the consumer will tell you to. To the Younger Cooks, the beginners in the art of bread and cake making there is no. aid so great, no assistant so helpful, as the Royal Baking Powder. It is the perfect leavening agent and makes perfect food. Do not make a mistake by experimenting with any other. OVAL BMMS BOWOta Increasing Use of Fralt. New York Press: Yesterday I taet a gentleman who is engaged in the busi ness of raising fruit in Honduras. His steamers deliver freight at Mobile, and from this point his date's, bananas, co coanuts and oranges are distributed all over the country. Heboid me that the prices on fruit are now better than ever, and that the volume of trade is expanding enormously every year. He thinks much of this is due to a radical change in the national taste. As a peo ple we eat less pastry and more fruit than ever before, and to our great ben efit In spite of the tariff on oranges, these are the most popular. A develop ment of their medical properties in the minds of the public has perceptibly af fected their price. Orange eaters are long lived. Oranges are excellent for all internal organs and the best known remedy against an appetite for strong drink. Many men have been cured of the habit of drinking stimulants in the morning by eating plentifully of or anges before breakfast All of which conduces to the profit of the fruit grow ers. GRASS IS KING! Grass rules. It is the most valuable crop" of America, worth more than either corn or wheat. Luxurious meadows are the farmers' delight A positive way to get them, and the only one we know, is to sow Salzer's Extra Grass Mixtures. Many of our farmer readers praise them and say they get 4 to 6 tons of magnificent hay per acre from Salzer s seeds. Over one hundred different kinds of Grass, Clover and Fodder Plant seeds are sold by Salzer. If You TVIU Cut This Out and Send It with 7c postage to the John A. Salzer Seed Co.. La Crosse, Wis ,you will get a sample of GraasJtCloTer Mixture and their mammoth seed catalogue free. wnu Slept in the ISnthtub. A good story is told of a lazy and loquacious farmer whose farm lies along the John Day river. He called at a neighbor's house recently. Sit down; sit down," said the neighbor. "I don't know as I ought," replied the farmer, but nevertheless he sat down. After some talk about the crops and the value of an adjoining piece of ground the farmer said, slowly: "I don't know as I ought to be sitting here. I came over to see if I could get a ladder; our house is afire." MECCA COMIOUNI) shouirt tlu every lioiivo Stops t iu pain (if it barn ti.Mnntly Prevents senr-rim-. Heals nil kinds or Dxusulsi cl It. hntbr mail on r ceirt of prlcj. Ttr e ounce jar 25 cents- rcn. fir pamphlet. THE FOSTrilt JIANUFACTfP.INO TO, tunnel! Illults. Iowa. Capt Charles King, U. S. A., will contribute to Harper's Young People for January 22d a story entitled "Scapegrace," recounting in his vivid style the anventure of a boy who stops a train which rioters had planned to wreck. In the same number there will be an illustrated article by William M. Davis, professor of physical geography at Harvard, on "What we Know of the Moon." A new serial for girls and boys, by Sophie Swett, will begin in the Young People -for January 2Uth, and will run five weeks. It is to deal with a newspaper venture undertaken by young people, and to be entitled "The 'Scutney Mail." Vine Indoor. A few vines among other plants and to train about the sides of the windows may be used to good advantage. The common English ivy and the moon flower are excellent for the purpose. They can be supported up the sides of the windows and festooned across the top, to form a green covered bower, a nil wnen in mis snape ineir value is ap- parent It is as well to start with strong j ..J '..- to, u? wit;, nit; ouiuiitlldbaiuw to grow at times. Two plants of part ly creeping habits ar- Panicum variega tum, a plant of angular growth, but of t exceedingly pretty variegated foliage, and the wandering jew. The latter sends out runners as strawberries do. which hang over the pot, rooting when they touch soil, explains a Country Gentleman correspondent. t One of the most noteworthy contri-, butions to the January issue of The Atlantic is "The Survival of the Amer ican Type.' Taking as a text the trag edy at the polls in Troy in March, 1S'J4, 1 when Kobert Koss Tost his life, the, author, John II. Denison, treats in a ' very suggestive and convincing manner ' the situation that has given rise to the A. P. A. movement Thi3 article at tracts attention because of its timeli- ' ness, but there are many other features of decided interest There are no real strong ticople in the world but good people. True merit is like a river, the deeper it is the less noise it males. A man acquires more g ory by defending than by abusing others. Spare time. moments are the gold dust of ST. JACOBS OIL is the Perfect CURE for NEURALGIA WITHOUT RBIF5B,CQlJLUeti,AlSHaVPg or PERHAPS' 90 Cents ijNewYorkTribune for a yimijijTiktkly Bee A special contract enables us to offer THE NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE, the leading family weekly of the United States, with the OMAHA WEEKLY SEE for only 90 Cents, less money than is charged for any other single weekly paper in the country. The Omaha Wkf.kx.v Hf.k is the leading paper in the western country and is too well known to need a special description. THE NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE is a Na tional Family Paper and gives the general news of the United States. It gives the events of foreign lands in a nutshell. Its "Agricultural " department has no supe rior. Its1 Market Reports" a" recognized author ity. Separate departments for "The Family Circle," "Cur Young Folks," ad "Science and Me chanics." its "Home and Society" columns command the admiration of wives and daughters. Its gen eral political news, editorials and discussions are compre hensive, brilliant and exhaustive Bead SO Cents ior both papers to THE OMAHA WEEKLY BEE, OMAHA, ISTE3. & CO., 1M WAU ST., Nw-Yaic, :lM)S)e Decline of tho Danre in Hawaii. Honolulu Advertiser: In lookiujr over the polished floors of the Katricha meha school for girls one almost wishes that its founders had directed that dancing should be taurhtaml practiced upon them by the student girls. It cer tainly was a narrow and superCciul view of the native life which held thaS these child-like people who did not have story books and couldn't go wild over the old Catechism should have been deprived of oneof their chief sour ces of amusement Though the native dances were objectionable in many ways, they could have been grent'y modified and made respectable. Tito early teachers not only deprived them selves of amusement from the dictates of conscience, but they failed to pro vide the natives with anr. It was the result of the Puritan inheritance which quickly gives way when tho Puritan stock gels out iuto the world. "Hanson's Magic Corn Salve." Warrantfal to cure or money refunded. Ask your drUKgi't fur it. l'rlce 15 wilt. Tho truth wo hato the most is tho truth that hits us the hardest. I uso Piso's Cure for Consumption both in my family nnd rrnctire. bit. (J. W. Patterson, liikster, Mich., Nov. 5. JSIH. The lazier n man is tho greater things he is goius to do when tomorrow comes. liegeman's t'Min plior let t Ills CJlycrine, Ciirt-s Cr.iiintiH.ii:(li:itnlK.iet Tender or ftimtfrt, ChiajUlns.HleM.&c. CU1. Clark Co. New Ilavcti.L't. Give localise you 'ovo to give as tiu flower pours forth its perfume. It tho Italiy is Cutting Teeth. Jesnro anile tlmtolj and wrell-trlcd remedy, ;in. IVlnslow's Sootuino Sritvr for Children Teething. Tho wide-spread interest that is felt in the career of Napoleon at this time is very clearly shown by the fact that of the November and December num bers of The Century, containing the opening chapters of l'rof. S!oanes new Life, more copies were sold than of cor responding issues for several years past The January number is already out of print, and a large increase is necessary in the regular February edition. Winter Tourist Ticket Via the Wabash ICailrn:il Are now on sa"e to all tho winter resorts of the South, cood returning until Juno 1st, J5. Also Harvest EitTitsicx Tickets to nil point. s south on excursion dates. In ad dition to above. Railroad nnd Steamship tickets to nil j oiuts in tho United States nnd Europe, at lowest rates. For rates, tickets, excursion dates nnd full informa tion or n copy of tho lionio Seokcrs (initio, call ut Watnsh Office, 1.1tR! Fnrnnui street, or write G. N. Clayton, N. W. P. Agt, Omuha. Neb. Law wears ir. where it steps. n shoes, and don't care Milliard Tnhie. fecond-hnnd. For sa!e cheap. Apply to or address H. c. Akin, SI I S. 12th St. Onmha, Nobt Tho furnace friends. and tho gold are good GOLDEN MEDICAL DISCOVERY Many years ago Dr. K. V. Pierce, chief consulting physician to the Invalids Hotel and Sttrnital Institute, IIufTalo, X. Y., com pounded this medicine of vegetable ingredi ents which had an especial effect upon the stomach and liver, rousing- the organs to healthful activity as well as purifying and fnrirliinrr flip liloriil I!v Kiicll lili'.iiifl the stomach and the nerves are supplied with yurc iiuia, uicj .wit i.f i...jr . ....... .k any more than a locomotive can run with out coal. You can not get a lasting cure of Dyspepsia, or Indigestion, hy taking arti ficially digested foods or pepsin the stom ach ntust do its own work m its own way. Do not put your nerves to sleep with so called celery mixtures, it is better to go to the seat of the difficulty and feed the nerve cells on the food they require. Dyspepsia. Indigestion, IJiliottsness and Nervous Af fections, such as sleeplessness and weak, nervous feelings are completely cured by the "' Discovery." It puts on healthy flesh, brings refreshing sleep and invigorates the whole system. Mrs. K. Henri:, of Ko. Sj6 Xorth Ilaliled St.. Chicago, lit., writes. "I regard my improve- wonderful. Since SuSEe taking Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis covery in connection with 'his 'Pleasant Pellets I have gain ed in every respect, particularly in flesh and strength. My liver was dreadfullv enlarged and I suf- lereu greatly ironi dyspepsia. No phy sici.m could give relief. Now. after two months I am entire Iv relieved of my disease. My appe tite is excellent . food well digested ; much improved." Mrs. Hrsre. bowels regular and sleep A IV