The Columbus journal. (Columbus, Neb.) 1874-1911, January 16, 1895, Image 3

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L. A. Wl LEY'S
Groceries, Fruits, Nuts,
Candies and Cigars.
Leader Low Prices i M Goods.
Look over the following list of prices and if you can save
money by trading with .me, come in. These prices are STRICT
No. 1 canned Sugar Corn
" Tamatoe
Best California Table Peaches
u Pie
Canned Pumpkin 10ct three for
Calumet Baking Powder, per can ". .
Anchor " " ';
Snowdrift with Cake Knife
Six bars Wh He Russian Soap
3 lb. cartoon of Crackers ,
20 lbs. Granulated Sugar
One doz. Anchor Matches 18c, two for
I have a full and complete line of STAPLE AND FANCY
GROCERIES. All prices in proportion to the above, gy Store
on Olive St., opposite Meridian Hotel.
Are offering all their woolen Dress
Goods nt reduced prices. For instance,
411. their 75c, Kie and $1.00 all-wool
Dress Goods at 45c yd. And also the
45c, 35c and 50c grades all going at ,25c
yd., nil double widtli goods in plain and
7 line v effects. This is a RARE CHANCE.
,i. . BMIER t GO'S.
"They mean to let every one go. $1.50
Hood for 75c; $1.25 Hood for G5c; $1.00
' Hood for 50c. ,
. $1.50 Fascinator for 75c; $1.25 Fasci
nator for -05c; $1.00 Fascinator for 50c;
75c Fascinators for 39c.
You .liwavs Get Good Bargains
- AT
Low Prices !
And they are lotting clown the prices.
Ono lot of Cloaks $7 to $10 going nt
All the $10 and $12 Cloaks-brand
new- styles now down to $5.
. Children's Cloaks that sold up to $12
and $14, nil reduced to $5.
All the Children's Cloaks that sold up
to $8, now down to $.1.50.
.' All the Children's Cloaks that were
selling for $5 and $(, now going at $2.
' ' One lot of Children's Cloaks, all ages,
woith up to JM, all going at SI.
Everv-Dav Bargains
Calicos 3li.o yd.
10c Cottou FInunel now going at Cc.
' Cotton Flannel 4c yd.
; YaTd-wide sheeting 4 and 5c yd.
. Blankets and Comforters nil reduced
to just half price.
V -Woolen Mittens and Gloves all re
duced. Underwear for Ladies. Children and
Men all reduced to COST in order to
sell them out.
tDa crov
Havden Bros., Dry Goods, Omaha,
Come to The Journal for job work.
Clean old newspapers for sale at this
Fine job work done at The Jourxai.
Dr. Naumann, 'dentist, Thirteenth
Btreet- 'tf
Dr. T. R Clark, Olive street In
ffice at nights.
There is quite a quantity of hay on
the market these days.
t Dr. L. C Yoss, Homeopathic pbysi
ian, Columbus, Nebr.
Fred. Stevens has not yet had a cine
as to who stole his hogs.
Jack Elston lost a valuable 1500-
pound horse last Saturday.
Seed corn for sale, 75 cents a bushel.
M. Hoagland, Richland, Nebr.
Sneak thieves are abundant in all
parts of the country these nights.
Choice table butter 15 cts.
a pound at Oehlricn Bro's.
The demand for coal was more than
usually active Friday and Saturday.
A umnber of Platte Center people
started for Crowley, La., yesterday.
You can be supplied with-any kind
of a machine needle you need at Tne
- - .
- Fair, EieYeirtli street, t
I A BqI' lDl'C ifl
I spina I I Mm I III avsu I II
Ui IliUlll IJUl A.UUi
TSv DrX;oos
All blrgniW
.')-" E. D. Flparl's
- Follow
$ .10
ttlvLxabns gottrual.
f eavee Colombo
David City
A rriveti at Lincoln
8:35 a. m.
8:58 "
9:18 "
1022 "
11:35a. in.
2:S0p. m.
8:20 "
4:15 p.m.
7:45 "
10:50 "
The passenger leaves Lincoln at 6:35 p. m., and
rrirea at Columbus 9:35 p. m; the freight leave
Lincoln at 7;15 a. m., and arrives at Columbus at
4.-00 p. m.
Atlantic Ex.. 7 20a.m
KearoeyLoc.'1. 12:30 p. m
Limited 2Mp.m
Col. Local... 6.90 a. m
Pacific Ex.. ..11:25 p. m
Kearney Loc'l 1:35 p. m
Limited 525 p. m
Local Fr't. .. 8:40 a. m
No. 3. Fast Mail.
carriea passengers tor
thmarh nninta. (loins west at 8:35 n. m.. ar
rive at Denver 7:40 a. m. No. 4, Fast Mail Car
rie pncsenitera, going east at 1:35 p. m.
The freight train leaving here at 6:20 p. ra. car
riaa passengers from here to Valley.
ftassenger arrives from Sioux City 1225 p. m
leaves for Sionx City 530 p. m
Mixed leaves for Sionx City 7:30 a. m
Mixed arrives 11:00 p. m
Mixed leaves 2:50 p. m
Mixed arrives 12:15 p. m
gotietg Sftites.
HT-All notices under this heading will be
charged at the rate of $2 a year.
A LEBANON LODGE No. 58, A. F. & A. M.
Regular meetings 2d Wednesday in each
IKjK month. All brethren invited to attend.
A K. H. Chambxbs, W. M.
tiv. (l. Becheb, Sec'y. 20jnly
g meets Tuesday evenings of each
tet. Visitins brethren cordially
invite!. H. C. Newman, N. O.
W. K. Notestein. Sec'y. 27jan91-tf
Haints hold regular services every Sunday
at 2 p. m., prayer meeting on Wednesday evening
at their clmiel, corner of North street and Pacific
Avenue. All are cordially invited.
13iulS9 Elder H. J. Hudson. President.
EVANG. PHOT. CHURCH. (Germ. Reform.)
Service even- Sunday at 103C a. m. Bai-
Jinms. mnrriaees and funeral sermons are con
ducted by the Pastor in the German and English
languages. Uesuienee, Washington Ave. ana
Eleventh streets.
14nov- W E. Dr. Gkllfh, Pastor.
To lead a better life the man resolved.
For he had grown amazing good and wise.
Andthis grand thought his rugged brain evolved.
In ltffi to advertise. LBixby.
-C. W. Stonesifer joined Schroeder's
excursion, and left for Texas yesterday.
Mr. Yaltfreen of West Hill had 25
bushels of corn stolen from his crib last
M. L. Dunlap of Schuyler was in the
city Friday, shakinK hands with old-time
Friday and Saturday were cold
enough to suit the most fastidious in
that respect.
The Union meetings were very well
attended last week, and groat interest
Dusty Friday morning, with much
wind and several degrees lowering of tho
Ikouth of U. P. passenger depot. Inquire
at Journal office.
I ok Mrs. Vira Coolidge, nt the residence
oT J. W. Coolidge. 5t-pd
Harry Newman renews his subscrip
tion to the two Journals. Now is the
time to get them.
Hv Farm loans at lowest rates and best
terms, juoney on nana, no ueiay.
Becher, Jaeggi fe Co.
Mr. Troup of Norfolk and Mr. Feld
kirchner of Fremont were in the city
Saturday on business.
Jl H. J. Arnold, M. D., physician and
Two doors north of iJrod-
fuehrer's jewelry store, tf
Water flowed over the ice in the
Loup so deep Tuesday morning that the
ice men could not work.
U-Mrs. Anna Warren is prepared to
live lessons in voice culture on Fridays,
Saturdays and Mondays. tf
Those who have irrigating apparatus
would do well to see to getting water on
their land during the winter.
Bring your orders for job-work to
this office. Satisfaction guaranteed, and
work promptly done, as agreed upon.
A pair of long skates pronounced to
be genuine Dutch foot runners, were on
exhibition the other day at the post
Walter Graves returned from Ster-
ling; Kansas, Thursday. He has been
visiting with his aunt there the past six
The Dorchester Star gives details of
the arrest of two young men on a charge
I - . . , a A. r
or stealing porn, a searcu warrant was
' sworn out aoa a Dwrei or pore loano.
-r-Saweral of oar citizens are suffering
"waaMsrablc incoBvenience from "bad
tfcaiae;" their peculiar form of it seems
Word comes from Mr. and Mrs.
Abbet CMaey of St, James, Missouri, of
the arrival recently of a little girl at
their house.
Lute North on Thursday came out
of quarantine at Mr. Chambers, where
he had been during their siege with the
The opening entertainment in Madi
son's new opera house was "Faust" The
proprietor is John Hein and the building
cost f 15,000.
The tool and oil house occupied con
jointly by the U. P. and St. Paul roads at
Norfolk was destroyed by fire Tuesday
night of last week.
Gerberd Loseke brought in Thurs
day 100 sheep, 22 head of cattle and 77
hogs for the South Omaha market He
yet has at home 58 sheep.
Last Monday the wedding of Mr.
Albert Weissenfluh and Miss Mary Born
near Duncan took place at the residence
of the parents of the bride.
You can bring your subscriptions
for any of our premiums with The Jour
nal, any time, the condition being pay
ment one full year in advance.
Attention is called to the treasurer's
statement, which we publish iu this
week's Journal. It will be .very inter
esting reading to all tax-payers.
Give the dumb beasts a chance for
their lives. The time will come when
you will not regret doing so, either for
the money or other consideration.
Hagel & Stevenson have made their
comfortable office atill more so by steam
heat, from the little engine which they
placed in the basement last summer.
Harry Newman heard of hogs being
stolen, dead and alive, and having four
on hands he promptly butchered them,
and put them into Eliaa' safety deposit.
At 3-30 Monday morning it began to
sleet, but didn't last long; by daylight
the air was balmy and spring like, and
before noon all traces of snow were gone.
Owing to scarlet fever being in the
families of R Y. Lisco and Mr. Rudat,
the Bean school, taught by Miss Hattie
Berger, has been closed for several weeks.
V Becher, Jaeggi & Co. insure build
ings and personal property against fire,
lightning and cyclones, in good and
reliable companies at lowest current
rates, tf
August Weissand was in the city
Monday and renewed his subscription to
The Journal and the Lincoln Journal.
Any day yon choose is the day to sub
scribe. The ice men began their annual har
vest last Thursday, and the work will go
steadily along until the crop, or so much
of it as is thought to be needed, will be
put up.
The children of M. K. Turner are
improving very nicely after their attack
of scarlet fever. Every precaution is
being taken until all danger of conta
gion is past.
Shawl found. On Eleventh street,
anuary z. lne owner can nave tne
same by describing her property and
paying for this notice. Call at The
Journal office. 3t
' -Arote of t banks' was tendered the
W. R. C. by the Sons of Veterans last
Saturday evening for the partthey took
in making the evening of January 5th
pass so pleasantly.
Frank Kenyon, brakoraan between
North Platte and Cheyenne, is home on
a visit, having mashed the little finger of
his left hand. He was a guest at the
Clother Wednesday.
A report of the supervisors' last
meeting is crowded over to next week,
because of our having to make room for
the proceedings and treasurer's report
which you will notice.
Joseph Nicolicheck, brother of our
townsman, residing across the river, is
the happy father of two twin babies.
This is a remarkablo blessing these days
of general depression.
The Grand Island Times has ceased
publication. And so they go one after
another these hard times, and, judging
by this last example, it doesn't seem to
be a survival of the fittest.
A meeting of the stockholders of the
Farmers and Merchants Union Elevator
company has been called for Saturday,
Jan. 25, 2 p. m., to consider a proposition
to sell or lease the company's elevator.
There are a great many old saws
that need to be made over, as for in
stance, "this world owes me a living," it
I do my duty, might be added with pro
priety. Obligations should be mutual.
The Maennerchor at their last meet
ing elected Charles Segelke, president,
L. Schwarz, vice president, Otto Hener,
secretary, G. Frischolz, treasurer, E.
Pohl, musical director, John Seipp,
Those who think they have con
sumption should not despair of getting
rid of it, since two of our physicians
have had such success in the use of
what is known the country over as the
Amick treatment
All our police force are now sup
plied with fine new uniforms, and of
course it is an improvement over the old
plan, because it becomes to citizens, as
well as strangers, a distinguishing
We can furnish The Journal, togeth
er with the weekly Inter Ocean for 3220;
with the Sunday Inter Ocean for $3.10;
with the semi-weekly Inter Ocean for
83.10. Subscriptions can begin at any
time. See us or write.
The supervisors of Nance county at
their recent meeting passed a resolution
that they would report to the house of
representatives that Nance county will
need for the relief of the destitute, for
seed and feed for teams to the amount
of 815,000.
Starting with Oct 15th, 1894, The
Columbus Journal subscription rates
are $1.50 a year, if paid in advance,
otherwise $2.00 a year. Settlements up
to that date must be made on the basis
of the former rate. All premiums now
advertised hold good.
It is said that at Genoa a manob
tained credit for a ton of coal and sold
enough of it to buy a ticket to the Blind
Boone entertainment Which is, in
troth, on a very small scale what the
great rascals do with the people's money,
J and the hard earnings of the poor.
The Creston Record says that little
George Wenk met with a very painful
accident upsetting "a teapot, full of
boiling-hot tea and burning the right
side of his face to a buster; that a camp
of M. W. A. has been" organized. -
John R Brock, jr., who left here
some three months ago for St Louis, to
pass the winter by engaging in some of
the factories, returned home again Mon
day last, giving a very discouraging re
port of the condition prevailing in that
Next Sunday at 230 p. ul, Bev. F.
Reichardt will, preach in German in. the
M. E. church, the third of a series of
seven sermons on stopping points ol
Jesus between Bethlehem and Calvary.
Subject: 'Das Hochzeitshaus zu Kana."
All invited.
The Humphrey Democrat advocates
a new county to be constructed by tak
ing one tier of townships from the south
side of Madison and one and. a half tier
or nine miles in width along the north
side of Platte, and make Humphrey the
county seat.
On the margin of The Journal, or
on the wrapper, following your name
you will find the date to which your sub
scription is paid or accounted for. If
the date is past, you are respectfully re
quested to renew your subscription. See
rates elsewhere.
The unknown dead man found near
Platte Center several days ago did not
prove to be the lost man of Omaha. The
body was exhumed, and though there
were some points of resemblance, there
was no hesitation in declaring him not
to be the man wanted.
In renewing his subscription to this
family newspaper Fred. Henggeller of
the vicinity of Bellwood declares his
unalterablo fidelity to republican prin
ciples and opposition to their political
opponents, and especially to politicians,
of the Cleveland kind.
District court convened Monday af
ternoon, Judge Sullivan presiding, Frank
North, reporter. A jury was empanneled
for the trial of the Creston stabbinjr
case. Aside from Columbus attorneys
F. M. Cookingham and B. P. Drake of
Humphrey were present.
There are a number of the local
papers hereabouts that are getting too
smutty and mean to be privileged to cir
culate through the mails, and in saying
this we need not enter the boundaries of
Platte county, whose periodicals, for the
present, are not referred to.
Those who have clothing, provisions,
etc.. that they wish to donate to those in
need, can leave the same at the Meridian
hotel office. The committee of ladies
representing the several wards are:
First, Mrs. Barber; Second, Mrs. Tom
lin; Third, Mrs. Clark Gray.
It seems hardly possible, but never
theless it is true, that on an average
every fifty-fifth person you meet wears
W. L. Douglas shoes. Did you ever
realize what an immense undertaking it
is to supply one article of wearing
apparel to over one million people.
When in need of anything in the
line of job work cards, wedding invita
tions, dance programs, letter heads, en
velopes, sale bills, receipts, notes, scale
books, bank checks, shipping tags,
blanks of any kind, in short all sorts of
printing, give The Journal a call.
Edmund Bucher, brother of William
and John Bucher, died in Logansport,
Ind., Wednesday of last week. William
and his sister, Mrs. Henry Lange of
Grand Island, left Thursday on the fast
mail to attend the funeral. Edmund
formerly lived here some eighteen years
The Adams county board of super
visors voted to dispense with deputies in
the sheriff's and county judge's offices
and to cut the salaries of deputies in the
county clerk's and treasurer's offices;
also to lower tho salary of county super
intendent of schools by S300, nearly $1
a day.
George, tho 8-year-old son of J. H.
Miles, died Friday night at 9 of diphthe
ria, and was buried Saturday afternoon,
Elder Galley officiating. The 6orely
afflicted family (this is the second child
recently lost by them), have tho sincere
sympathy of all their acquaintance in
their sad bereavement.
Mr. Smith, living near tho west end
of the Loup railroad bridge, butchered
two large hogs last week, and congratu
lated himself on having a good supply of
meat for awhile. He strung the hogs up
to cool until late bed time, but when he
went out to bring them in to safe-keeping
they were gone stolen.
John Gould of Madison called on old
friends at tho Journal office Thursday
last. He was on his way to Trinidad,
Colorado, to join a survey party as cook,
and tho writer hereof can say from ex
perience of long ago that John is one of
the best all around cook-house athletes
that ever "juggled" a skillet.
Representative Becher was at home
over Sunday, returning to his work at
Lincoln Monday morning. The speaker
of the house appointed him chairman of
the committee of claims, and a member
of seven committees. Mr. Becher is in a
position where his business ability mil
be of great value to tho state.
We, tho undersigned merchants,
have agreed to close our stores, at 7
o'clock every night except Saturday
night, commencing Jan. 9, 1895: J. A.
Barber & Co., Friedhof & Co., J. H. Gal
ley, E. D. Fitzpatrick, Griffin & Gray,
John Flynn & Co., Greisen Bros., F. H.
Lamb & Co., von Bergen Bros.
Mrs. Anna L. Dowden, editor of the
North Bend Republican, has met with a
sad misfortune in the death of her eldest
son, William, aged ten years, who died
Monday of scarlet fever. The sympathy
of the press goes out to Mr. and Mrs.
Dowden in their sad bereavement. May
God comfort the sorrowing mother and
father. Schuyler Sun.
The new board of directors of the
Platte County Fair Association have
selected from their number the following
officials: President L. H. North; vice
president, Will Ernst; secretary, Gus G.
Besher; treasurer, R H. Henry. The
time appointed for the next Fair is Sep
tember 25, 26 and 27, and it is to be a
"hummer" in every respect
Vogel'a was the busiest place in the
city Monday. Several teams were busy
hauling ice; others wood, while a num
ber of men were engaged in unloading
and storing the ice and sawing the wood.
Mr. Yogel is one of that class of men
who push their work ahead of them, in
stead of being pushed by it and so every
thing around him is in "ship shape."
- Willard Brink, a boy of sixteen liv
ing near Battle Creek, whileout hunting
rabbits, discharged an old, double-barreled,
muzzle-loading gun, when the
barrel burst, terribly tearing his left
hand. A doctor took off the third finger
A the first joint, but thought amputa
tion might not be necessary on the oth
ers. Quite a lesson for New Year's day.
Peter Bender, jr., supervisor of
Granville, township, was married Jan.
8th to Miss Anna KTholen George
Clark and -E. A. Stockalager with their
wives .were at San Francisco last wee,
and will leave for Los Angeles this
week. George writes that comparing
California with Nebraska, the latter is
good enough for him. So says the
Humphrey Democrat.
We notice a new subject for discus
sion: "Istheearthaglobe?" The same
society that are about to wrestle with
this question, charge 10 cents admission,
cmiaren unaer iz rree, bnt mnst be
accompanied by some one responsible
for their conduct. Here is a suggestion
to those societies who have been pester
ed by people prone to mischief and noth
ing else when they attend a free enter
tainment A. W. Clark has been under the
weather for a week or so past, but was
in the city Monday. He thinks that
some action ought to be taken at once
for providing seed and feed for the com
ing spring. While most farmers in Platte
coaaty are forehanded, there are some
who Kiust be helped in someway, if they
are to get through at all, and now is as
good a time as any to think of what
ought to be done.
George Henggler was in the city
Monday and gave us a call. He says
that cattle aro in as good condition now
as they generally are in October; that
the grass seems to have cured on the
ground in fine shape, and the corn stalks
are relished by the animals. He thinks
if they continue the remainder of the
winter as they have done so far, it will
be quite gratifying to the farmers who
expected a different result
F. Faulkner shipped in twenty cars
of corn and sold them all out to the
farmers in this vicinity during the past
week. He has also two cars of ear corn
on the B. & M. track that he is selling
for seed for GO cents a bushel. This is
something that has never happened here
since grasshopper times. Mr. Faulkner
says he expects to snip in ana sen a
hundred cars of corn before the new crop
comes in. Schuyler Herald.
The following members are elected
as delegates from the Columbus Fire
Department to attend the Nebraska
State Volunteer Firemen's Association
at Norfolk on Jan. 15, 16 and 17, 1895.
From the W. Y. Bissell hose company,
E. 8. Pearsall, C. S. Stillman. From the
Pioneer Hook and Ladder Co., J. N.
Kilian, Bert. J. Galley. From Engine
Co. No."l, F. A. Hagel, Wm. Schilz.
From Fire Department, Louis Schwarz,
We are glad to learn that a strong
effort is to be made the coming year to
enliven the regular meetings of the
three, allied orders, the G. A. R, the W.
R C. and the S. of V., and to hold a
series of Union meetings for mutual in
struction and entertainment. A joint
committee of the three orders is talked
of as the starting poinTTandlt is a good
one. One of the old boys has already
prepared a sketch of a famous battle,
which he is ready to give.
Tho Looking Glass, Grand Island
correspondent speaks of Ed. Baker, jr.,
Bon of Ed. Baker, formerly of this city,
having had a narrow escape lately from
sudden death. While he was crossing a
street railway track on horseback, the
horse's hoof caught in the iron. He
stumbled and threw Baker, and in pick
ing himself up, set a foot on Mr. Baker's
face, just over the eye. A trifle further
back on the temple, would doubtless
have been fatal. The young man is all
right now
Not a little excitement was created
in town last Friday by the report that a
mad dog was in the city on the rampage.
It was learned that a dog belonging to
Mont Wheeler was acting strange and
showing unmistakable signs of having
rabies. The animal chased Mrs. Wheeler
into the house, where she took refuge on
the table. The dog ran under the stove,
but was subsequently driven out and
killed. It was known that the Wheeler
dog had bitten several other canines,
and Marshall McAlister went gunning
for them Friday and Saturday. Several
worthless and ownerless curs were kill
ed. Madison Chronicle.
Mr. and Mrs. George Scott were
taken by surprise at their home, the
Clother House, Wednesday evening of
last week, by a number of their friends,
in honor of the Fifteenth anniversary of
the wedding of this worthy couple. The
evening was enjoyed as a Columbus
gathering of ladies and gentlemen know
so well how to pass it, and at about mid
night a splendid supper completed the
evening's enjoyment. Those present
were Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Hoffman, Mr.
and Mrs. I. Sibbernsen, Mr. and Mrs.
George Willard, Mr. and Mrs. H. M.
Winslow, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Murdock,
Mr. and Mrs. J. Rasmnssen, Mr. and Mrs.
J. N. Heater, Mrs. O. L. Baker, Miss
Paynter, Wm. Christoffersen.
A 41-page edition of the Seattle
Post-Intelligencer has reached our table.
It gives a splendid account of the "Ever
green State," the most northwestern of
Uncle Samuel's possessions this side of
Alaska, to which far-away country there
is many an allusion in this very interest
ing New Year's souvenir edition. Of one
of the Columbus boys who has mado bis
mark in the west, we read the following:
"Among the business houses that have
grown up with the city is the John
Schram company, incorporated, whole
sale and retail dealers in stoves, ranges,
house furnishing goods, metals, iron
pipe, plumbers' supplies, sanitary goods,
etc. John Schram, the founder of the
business, came here in the spring of
1881, and has been actively engaged in
business ever since, incorporating the
present firm in 1890. The stockholders
and officers of the company are: John
Schram, president; O. S. Schram, secre
tary; Ruth Schram, vice president; E.
Schram, treasurer; Olive Schram, mana
ger. Among the specialties handled are
the Monitor steel ranges, Round Oak
stoves and Superior stoves and ranges,
all high grade goods and the best of the
kind to be had. Plumbers' supplies are
sold to the trade only, which has given
the firm a good business with the plumb
ers. The establishment is located at
1012-10U Front tort."
Will Anderson of Denver is visiting
his father's family.
S. E. Phillips of Platte Center was in
the city Wednesday.
Mias McCann of Omaha is visiting her
friend, Miss Kate Early.
Mrs. C. F. Searle of Ogalalla is visiting
her sister, Mrs. L. A. Wiley.
Miss Marooneyof Chicago is visiting
the family of John Gondring, sr.
J. B. Delsman started west last week,
expecting to arrive in Portland Sunday.
Mrs. J. W. Lynch was at Platte Center
Tuesday of last week, as were also Mr.
and Mrs. D. C. Eavanaugh.
G. N. Hopkins and Wm. Bloedorn of
Platte Center passed through the city
yesterday, bound for Crowley, La.
James Tanner, the talented and versa
tile editor of the Fullerton Post, was in
the city Friday on his way to Rapid
City, a D.
Charles Olson and sister Miss Millie,
were in the city Thursday on their way
home to Nance county. Mias Millie has
been attending school at Lincoln.
Difttrlet 44 sad Viciaity.
After a long absence, we again beg
leave to present to you a few items of
news, etc.. in our own feeble way, be
lieving as you once said, that some one
among the many readers, might find one
item of interest
We are pleased to learn, that our old
I friend, ex-soldier ex-supervisor, and ex-
town clerk, A. W. Clark, is in a fair way
to get what Uncle Sam owes him in pres
ent and back pension, for disabilities in
curred during the unpleasant war.
It is the general opinion in this dis
trict that our state solons, who are now
at Lincoln, will agree upon some bill
that will put a sudden stop to the grow
ing of Russian thistles, without which,
they will spread with alarming rapidity
this year.
Our school is progressing very satis
factorily under the guidance of Miss
Byrnes, and so great is the interest
taken in the school that a few scholars
from Richland precinct, Colfax county,
are sent by their parents to this district,
and the consequence is "a full school."
The literary did not come off last Fri
day night at the school house as per
announcement; the weather being rather
unfavorable, the meeting was postponed
to this (Wednesday) evening, at 7:30.
and to those who come to hear the
debate we pledge our word that they
will find it highly interesting. No charge.
The crop failure last year shows its
effects in many ways. It makes double
the amount of work in feeding stock, as
their rations are principally cured corn
fodder without the corn, and if the best
results are to be obtained, it must pass
through a feed cutter and be fed in
boxes. Horses will livo on that for food
alone, but it will draw the spirits all out
of them, and it would be a sin to work
them hard without grain, and we believe
many will be disappointed in the spring
(when it is too late to remedy it), if they
think their teams will do the usual
amount of work in the fields without
We need not expect to read of
accidents caused by runaway
teams, until after the next crop of oats
is harvested, when drivers should be
cautious lest old Jake give them the"
slip again.
Teachers Meeting.
The next meeting of the Platte County
Association will be held at Platte Cen
ter, Jan. 26, commencing at 10:30 a. m.
The papers to be read are: Study of
English by G. H. Whaley; Discipline, by
J. E. Ptiul; Should Vertical Writing be
Introduced in our Schools, by Prof.
Brady; Oral Science in the Grades, by
M. Parsons; Geography, by W. H. Clem
mons; Relation between Kindergarten
and Primary Work, by Jennie Gietzen.
Lecture, What if I could? by W. H.
Clem mons.
A. W. Bundy will aid in tho discus
sion of "Discipline," while Clara Lewis
will assist in "Oral Science."
Maggie and Kittie Cronin will furnish
a vocal duet, and Miss Kittie Hays a
vocal solo.
The committee on program cordially
invite all friends of public schools to be
present and participate in the exercises.
Grand Prairie.
Mrs. D. L. Bruen is improving nicely
from typhoid fever and we hope will soon
be as well as ever.
The teacher and pupils in District 21
are having a vacation during the cold
month of January.
Alfred Bodmer and sister Miss Eliza
of Oconee, spent two days visiting old
friends in this neighborhood, last week.
About a dozen of the young men of
this vicinity have organized a band and
meet onco a week at the creamery to
practice. We expect to hear plenty of
music some time in the future.
The Seward Reporter says that diph
theria has been prevalent to some extent
at Staplehnrst and at Goshner recently,
several deaths having occurred at each
place. It occurs to The Journal to
muggest to the proper authorities that in
such cases there is equally as great a
necessity as in larger towns and cities to
take every precaution against the spread
of disease, by the use of all means re
garded advisable by the best of physi
cians. We have no doubt that tho
precious lives of many children might
have been spared for years, if even what
are now regarded as ordinary means of
prevention had been used..
St. Catharine Beading Circle.
Will meet with Mrs. Wm. O'Brien,
Wednesday evening, Jan. 16, at 8 o'clock.
Roll call
Quotations from Eleanor Donnelly.
Church history, section 17 to 19, pages
51 to 58.
Physics, pages 106 to 115.
Vocal duet, Miss S.and J. Fitzpatrick.
Recitation, Miss McMahon.
Vocal solo, Mrs. Wm. Walker.
Recitation, Miss Anna Geitzen.
Piano solo, Miss Mae Cusbing.
Song by Circle.
C. L. S. C.
Will meet with Mr. and Mrs. Dr. E. H.
Nauman Jan. 19, at 7:30 p. m.
Roll call Quotations from your favor
ite author.
"The Growth of the English Nation,"
chapter viiL C. A. Brindley.
"From Chancer to Tennyson," chap
ters i and ii Miss Alice Matthews.
Music Mrs, Nauman.
Staple and
Fancy Groceries,
Eleventh Street, -
We invite you to come and see
patrons as mutual with our own, so far
part of the obligation being to provide
Good - Goods -
class, up-to-date grocery store.
Many Years Ago.
Twenty-four years ago, this week, tho
following were among things referred to
in The Journal:
An epitome of Gov. Butler's message
is given.
Sidney L. Holman advertises a num
ber of 5-acre lots for sale.
Edward H. Baker and Miss Zilda Sen
ical were married Now Year's day.
J. Trine of Stanton county discusses
whether fencing will pay in Nebraska.
Schuyler is talking of bridging tho
Platte, building a court houso and start
ing a newspaper.
G. D. Grant advertises for sealed pro
posals for a wagon bridgo across the
south channel of the Platte.
One hundred piles of the Grand Is
land Platte bridge have been driven.
(Columbus had set the pace.)
Jackson (now Duncan) people are
using corn for fuel, finding it very much
cheaper than coal at 810 a ton.
A lengthy article sets forth the bene
fits of the proposed southeastern rail
road from hero to Lincoln and so on.
A citizen declared that last spring he
could have bought a certain town lot for
8100, that now is worth S150, owing to
The Journal.
The Journal acknowledges itself a
pensioner of Dana (who shines for the
N. Y. Sun), for his genius for news, and
skill in criticism.
A colony of twenty-seven families had
located lands in southeastern Butler
county, and expected to commence ac
tive operations in the spring.
An Omaha gentleman owned two lots
hero for which his agent had rofnsed
8600 apiece. Two Columbus men went
to Omaha and purchased both for 400.
Twenty cars of ore, seven of merchan
dise, one of wheat, two of silk, went
east over the Union Pacific one day, the
ore being from Utah and consigned for
Swansea, England.
In 1870, in Columbus there were erec
ted 10 store houses, 2 lumber offices, 6
barns, 22 dwellings and one each of the
following: printing office, bakery, saloon,
barber shop, warehouse, slaughter
Ed. Parker, clerk of Merrick county,
advertises for plans, specifications and
estimates for a court house and jail at
Lone Tree, cost not to exceed 814,000.
Lone Tree was then a town of two hun
dred inhabitants.
M. Maher in the spring of '69 invested
8500 in cows and during tho season sold
8300 worth of butter, and raised 8160
worth of calves, or 92 cent on the in
vestment; the summer of '70, though
dry, realized 83 per cent.
On the Sidney Press remarking that
copper had been found near there, the
Brownville Advertiser suggested that
there were quite a number of places in the
state where both "copper" and "brass"
could be found in abundance.
Josh Billings was tho great humorist
of those times, and this little relish will
not be amiss:
"The butterfly has hnnp np hia fiddle.
The bng and the cricket aro still;
No more can be heard in the marshes.
The mosquito filing his bill."
The Utica, (N. Y.,) Herald gives a
lengthy quotation from our market re
ports, with comments of its own, a small
portion of which we hero reproduce:
"It will be seen by those figures that
very few of the necessaries of life cost
more in Nebraska than they do here,
while breadstuff's are little more than
one-third as dear, and meats are almost
half less."
In those days The Journal gave retail
prices of groceries, Hour, grains, nails,
lumber dealers stock of all kinds, staple
dry goods, farm implements, milch cows,
etc., 60 that those contemplating moving
west could tell exactly what their houses
would cost, how much it would cost to
keep their families, etc. (Business men
of the little town subscribed and paid
for ten to twenty copies of tho paper
each and ordered them sent to friends
east for this very purpose.)
A. Guille of Zanesville, Ohio, (who, by
the way was for years a regular reader of
The Journal through the courtesy of
his friend J. P. Becker), writes that The
Journal has given him a fever along
with his old shakes, and that should it
result disastrously, tho editor will be in
danger of a suit for damages, for should
be be induced to emigrate and then be
disappointed, he'd sue for buffalo meat,
wolf hunts, semi-weokly deer shooting,
sleigh rides every Saturday night to
"singing," prairie,chicken every morning
for breakfast and talks in the chimney
comer over a big log fire with one of
KeatBkotoose's relatives.
To any of our readers who wish a
Chicago paper, wo make the following
offer: The Columbus Journal, the
Semi-weekly Lincoln Journal (published
Tuesdays and Fridays of each week), and
the Inter Ocean, all one year, when paid
in advance, for 82.70. Call and see us;
we can start your subscription at any
time, tf
us. We regard the interests of our
as our dealings are concerned our
and ofter
at - Fair - Prices.
is expectedto-be-foundinV
ntow '
From the Leader.
Mrs. C. E. Pollock who spent the holi
days with Genoa friends had a serious
attack of erysipelas which compelled her
return to Columbus the last of the week.
Wm. Davis, Geo. Jackson, E. V. Clark
and D. A. Willard expect to take a trip
to Missouri next week to see the coun
try, get some peaches and look for a
Chester Porterfield and bride who have
been spending their honeymoon with
their Nanco county friends left Satur
day to return to their future home in
Now Moxico.
Peter Larson has had some hog-wire
fence stolen from his place and some
other parties have- lost barb wire on
spools. The thief had better be looking
out that he don't get a barb wire fence
around his neck.
From tho Son.
The old adage that troubles do not
come singly was verified last week in the
family of Charles Groteluschen who lives
on Shell creek. While coming home
from Schuyler his team became frighten
ed when near home and threw him out
of the wagon, cutting his head open and
fracturing the skull. His wife ran to the
nearest place to get help and her exer
tions so overheated her blood that her
four months old child to which she gave
nurso soon afterwards, was taken sick
and died. The littloono was buried Fri
day. Mr. Groteluschen was badly injur
ed but from what we hear will recover.
Tho committee from the M. E. church
which has been soliciting supplies for
the western sufferers have met with suc
cess and will have a large amount of-"
provisions to send. There will be over a
ton of flour, some oats, clothing and a
large amount of provisions consisting of
beef, pork, etc. These are to be brought
in today and sent out west via the B. &
M. Although tho Methodist people
havo been instrumental in gathering and
soliciting tho goods the Sun is informed
that it is not for those of their religious
belief alone but is to be sent where most
needed, regardless of politics or religion.
Excellent success was met with in the
country and very few people were called
upon who did not contribute something.
From the News.
The first of January left several men
in Fullerton out of a job. E. D. Gould
will not have any horses out next year
and this lets out a few men. Thomas
Miller has concluded to cut down ex
penses and as a consequence his barn
will be run short-handed for awhile.
Several clerks around town are also
waiting for trade to pick up before they
will find employment
Tom Lee's Shadeland colt is the com
ing horse, now generally believed iu
horse circles. Chandler took him out
the other morning and pronounced
him a great horse. He has been en
tered in the easy stakes all over the
country and will bo put on his metal
next year. Chandler will have charge
of him, and at this time a great future
for the horse is predicted.
There is hardly a week passes but
some one in town receives a letter in
regard to the Furnival murder case.
Of course most of the correspondence
comes to tho sheriff's office, but not all.
The county clerk, lawyers and promi
nent citizens are constantly in receipt
of correspondence of one kind or an
other. The bulk of the writing comes
from the detectives generally of the
amateur class. Only last week the
sheriff had a letter from a man in Den
ver who thought he had Furnival lo
cated. Most of our people, however,
still adhere to the belief that Furnival
is in Mississippi, and that Lee Goddard
had him rightly located.
Real E-state Transfers.
Becher, Jaeggi & Co., real estate agents,
report the following real estate transfers
filed in the office of the county clerk for
the week ending Jan. 12, 1895:
State of Nebraska to Anton Kellmaa.
nw 'i and n lA sw H. 16-19-lw. d $ l.30 W)
Olof Haneon and wife to Ingvard Sib
bernsen, ne 'i, nw l4, 29-18-3w. wd. 900 10
State of Nebraska to Anna 31 Kieoele.
bw1;, no i, S3-13-lw, d 100 CO
Fioaeer Townsite Co to Fetcr P Hiede,
lot 21, blk 7, Licday, wd U CO
Heinrich Hatfelmann to Christian Zum
brunn. so H. ae , 25-lU-lw. wd 1.JS0 00
Teter P. Heide to William Winkler, lot
21. blk 7, Lindsay, wd 325 00
Millr.L Hockenberger to John Cramer,
lots 5 and 6, block C. Becker's sub
division oat lot 6, Columbus, wd 600 00
John Cramer to William H Lewis, lota
3. 1, 5 and 6, blk 3, Turner & Hoist's
add to Columbus, wd .". 2.0C0 W
C Edward Early to Mary A Early, lot 3
and I. blk 131. Columbus, and sw V
sw U and nw U. sw . 2S-l?.2w i CO
U P By Co to Nel Klaus, o tf . no .
25-19-lw,wd ajO tO
Edward Mapes and wife to Nels Klaug.
oisso H, 24-ia-lw. wd 100 00
Mary Ann Morris to John T Morris.
ni ne H, 1340-le, wd 3,000 00
George Robertson to Henry Hookstra,
no H. ll-lWw.wd: 2,000 00
C A Newman and wife to Stanislaus
Skorupa, ne H, ne i, 35-17-le, wd.. . 800 00
John A Kohoo to William Nay, 22x122
feet of blk, Platte Center, wd 43 00
Fifteen tnasf s, totel, li,5W 00