m minraL COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA, WEljNESDAY, AUGUST 22, 1894. WHOLE NUMBER 1,267. VOLUME XXV. NUMBER 19. s NEBRASKA NEWS. The Burt county district court will convene October 1. The bicycle tournament in Nebraska .City was a great success. Ex-Senator Van Wyck and daughter hare gone to Washington. Christ Miller, of Scribner, has lost 500 hogs with hog cholera. The Omaha street car company was last week robbed of abont S200. Burglars have been raiding on the enpboards and cellars of Auburn. The Moritz foundry and iron works at Hastings were destroyed by fire last week. .Miss Lulu, daughcrof Senator Allen, graduated last week at the Fremont normal. A. H. Wilhelm, a prominent citizen and old soldier of Grand Island, died last week. Editor Ivorns of the Tekamah Herald has been confirmed us postmaster and will soon enter upon his duties. The members of the Kearney cycling club have arranged for a special meet to be held September 15 and 10. X. V. Brown's jewelry store of Beat rice has been closed on a chattel mort gage held by Brown's father, Hiram Brown, of Hamburg, la. Madison county farmers have ap pointed a committee to investigate where feed for their stock can be pur chased to best advantage. The band boys of Grand Island have ordered elegant new uniforms. They will enter the prize contest at Grand Island during the reunion. Dr. T. I). Tibbets, of Liberty, one of the best known and oldest practition ers of Gage county, died sukdenly at Tecumseh of heart disease. The Residence of William Drake at Nebraska City was burglarized last week and a gold watch and a sum of money taken. There is no clue to the thieves. lerry Dcnslow, of Hooper, has decid ed to take his stock from Nance county to Dodge county to winter. This has been compelled ty the total crop fail ure in Nance. Grandfather Stcfheus of Juniata was overcome with heat while returning from town and died after reaching home. He was well known and much liked by all. Will Adams, a graduate from the Hastings postotlice, has received a reg ular appointment in the railway mail service and takes the run between Kearney and Aurora. Thirty men were released from act ive service by the Burlington railroad at McCook a few days ago. This re duction was caused by slackness of business due to the drouth. At the special election held in Syra cuse to decide whether the town will build waterworks or not the question was decided in thcafHrmativc, only ten votes being cast against it. The State bank of Tamora has gone Into voluntary liquidation. The capi tal stock was S.10,000 and the last re port to the banking board showed de posits amounting to 19,000. The Sentinel says there will be no wheat shipped from Hooper this 3"car, but that the low price of wheat, the high price and scarcity of corn will re sult in the feeding of wheat to stock. The I'icrce County Teachers institute opened in I'icrce with nearly 100 on the enrollment. I'rof. John Bland and G. E. Stevenson are the instructors and are ably assisted bj Count Superinten dent Turner. Mrs. G. I. Harris, wife of a farmer living near North IMatte, was danger ously injured m a runaway. She was thrown over the dashboard and under the horses heels. Her skull was frac tured, but she may recover. At Nebraska City William, James and Anna Harrison were bound over to .he district court in the sum of S.10!). The trio is under arrest charged with robbing the residence of Louis Wolf, near Syracuse, of a lot of jewelry and clothing. The funeral of William M. Krieg, the fireman who was killed and almost cre mated in the Kock Island wreck, was held at De Witt from the Methodist Episcopal church. He was 34 years old at the time of his death, had lived in De Witt all his life and was highly re spected. Chancellor Canfield announces his de termination to remain with the Uni versity of Nebraska and declines the call to the State Cnivcrsity of Ohio. He is spending the summer in Lincoln and is pushing the interests of the uni versity in every direction and by every possible means. A barn and corn crib belonging to John I'ascoe. three miles west of Fre mont, were struck by lightning and burned down. The buildings contained 1,000 bushels of corn, GOO bushels of oats, several tons of hay and a number of farm implements, with no insurance ". except on the implements. The most prosperous educational institution in the west is the Omaha (Neb.) Business College and Institute of Penmanship, Shorthand and Type writing. It has a large attendancc'and its students are doing first-class work. It is not only the oldest college but is the largest and finest in this part of the country, Profs. Lillibridge & Koose, the well known business college men, have been engaged in educational work in this state for ten years and have a large number of ex-students holding lucrative positions or in successful business for themselves. Their beauti ful catalogue will be sent free on appli cation. James II. Stephens, an old and res pected citizen of Adams county, was overcome with the heat while return ing from Juniata. He came home very Tnuch distressed. His wife went toil neighbor's for help and when she re turned her husband was lying on his face dead. After a shut-down of several weeks the starch factory at Nebraska City re sumed operations last week. Mr. Wei- gand, the company's chemist, proposes I iu inline aiitizu uui UI vuieau Me S3VS he has a process whereby more starch can be made at less cost from a bushel of wheat than from the same amount of corn. While threshing at the farm of John Hull, eight miles south of Wayne, Geo. Owen met with an accident He caught his arm in the large belt, running from the epgine to the thresher and in an instant was thrown against the sepa rator, breaking his left arm. His face was also badly bruised. Sheriff Hamilton of Holt county was at Butte and arrested one Fuller on a charge of disposing of mortgaged prop erty. While in charge of three guards he gave them the slip and disappeared. -- Fuller is a brother-in-law of the Hills, who were made way with by the vig- - ilantes of Holt county some weeks ago and was also wanted by them. Work was begun last week on the two wings to the court nouse at Falls City. Contractor W. B. Schuinaker will rush the work. George R. Grin- f tead, the supervisor from Humboldt, - will be on the ground during- the erec tion of the wings to see that the county ---"- j ""o ctwuiuiug iu vuuuauu J The funeral services of the late W. 0. Hambcl, one of the victims of the railroad wreck, were conducted by the Masonic order at Fairbury, and were largely attended. A special train from Hebron brought in the Masons and members of the bar from that place and the Beatrice bar was largely rep resented. Dawson connty is making rapid strides toward irrigation. A meeting of representative business men and farmers from Cozad and Lexington was held and a delegate from each precinct in the county was selected to meet at Lexington August 18, for the purpose of discussing plans of the county vot ing S1-0.0C0 in bonds to aid in irrigat ing this county and furnishing work to the needy. Ex-Supervisor John Byrnes of Co lumbus township, IMatte county, had the misfortune to break the small bone in his right leg just above the ankle. He was out ou horseback rounding up some stock, and as his horse dashed around an old straw pile the animal fell and threw John about fifteen feet over its head. But in some way the horse rolled over on him with results as above stated. O. D. Bassinger, a merchant of Ban croft, and F. M. Cork, a farmer, went out hunting. About five miles north west of town one of the guns standing in the buggy between them slipped. They caught it to keep it from falling, when it was discharged. The lower portion of Mr. Bassinger's left arm was blown off and Mr. Cork received sev eral shot in the r.ght arm. Mr. Bas singer's arm had to be amputated above the elbow. The members of the Lincoln Com mercial club and the board of mana fers of the State Fair association met in joint session to join their efforts in making the state fair a success. A general discussion over the motion to the effect that the club should use every effort to dispose of 20,000 tickets was held, and it was decided to furnish the club that number of tickets of special form to bear whatever words tlie club should desire. Hans Hanson raised five acres of sugar beets this j'ear, says the Wayne Herald, which will average over 1.1 tons per acre, for which he will receive by contract St. .10 per ton, making about S07..10 an acre or 33.1.50 on the five acres. The drouth had very little if any effect upon the beets. The Herald urged the farmers of Wayne county to put in five or ten acres of beets this spring and only a few did. By the above can be seen what the result would have been. Pupils who have completed the work of the common district schools should remember that they can enter the first preparatory class at the state university this fall. To such pupils the oppor tunity is offered by the state for six years training and education entirely free. After this year, beginning with September, 1S0.1, the requirements for admission will be advanced. It is well, therefore, for the largest possible num ber to tako advantage of the present terms of admission. B. G Chase of California committed suicide at the Windsor hotel in Kear ney by cutting his throat from car to ear with a four inch sheath knife. The town in California from which he came cannot be learned, ami no cause can be assigned for the act. He went to Kear ney ten days ago and since then has been looking around for some property which he could buy for ranch purposes. He was apparently in good circumstan ces, was .' years old anil had never acted in any way suspicious or de ranged. Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Larson, who live eight miles northwest of the city, met. with a serious mishap Thursday after noon, says the Fremont Tribune. They were coining to town and occupied the hind seat in a spring wagon. When near the Keynolds farm they were pitched out of the wagon in crossing a small bridge and fell a distance of several feet. No bones were broken but both were pretty badly shaken up and bruised. Mr. Larson was picked up insensible, in which condition he re mained for an hour or more. Governor Crounse returned from Long Island last week, where he has been taking a week's rest. He says that he enjoyed himself and was sorry he could not stay longer, but ho thought that he was needed at the cap itol in view of the trouble that has been in progress during the past week. He said he felt much troubled vhen he heard of the railroad wreck, but has not had much time to look into it yet and does not know whether he will offer any reward for the arrest and conviction of the supposed wreckers or not. A disgraceful fight occurred on a train returning to Beatrice from Wilbcr, in which two participants were badly used up. Just what occasioned the scrap is not known. While the fight was at its height some one pulled the air cord and setting the brakes stopped the train. Tom Alexander, a Wyniore po liceman, was severely cut by someone and bled frightfully. Two or three ex cited and frightened passengers jump ed out of the windows as soon as the train slackened speed. The interior of the car looked as if it had been visited by a cyclone. The continued hot weather has given rise to the formation of several irriga tion companies. No less than three tiled articles of incorporation in the office of the secretary of state last week. Farmers and Merchants' Irrigation and Land company of North Platte starts out with a capital stock of S.10, 000. The principal business will be to construct a series of acqueduets and canals for the purpose of watering the lands in and about Lincoln county. The Farm ers' Irrigation company and the Farm ers' and Merchants' Irrigation com pany are the names of the other two. Their object will be to use the water of the Platte river for this purpose by means of canals in and about Dawson county. The capital stock is placed at S,000 and SJ.1,000 respectively. The sheriff of Holt county captured a man named Fullerat Butte on a war rant charging him with disposing of mortgaged property. The prisoner was placed in charge of three guards for the night, and when the sheriff went to take his man in the morning he found he had flown, having given the guards the slip during the darkness. The Jefferson county teachers' insti tute closed a hot but profitable session of two weeks. The attendance reached an average of ISO. The superintend ent was assisted by C. P. Pinkerton of the Fairbury schools. Miss Ida Tew of Beatrice and President Sanders of the Fort Scott, Kas. , normal. A day or two ago while T. C. Cone of Kearney was down by the river bank he found a petrified pawpaw. It was picked out of the sand where the sand and gravel had been dugout to a depth of forty feet for building purposes. The petrifaction is perfect and shows where a small piece of the rind has been removed. How it got there at that depth is a mystery, as the fruit was never known to grow near that lo cality. A large frame barn belonging to William Hinton. who lives three miles west of Stockville was struck by light ning and confpletely burned, together with all his sheds, cribs and wind mil L 5k WB0& -rtil T was a beautiful Sunday morning in the early part of June. The sweet breath of roses and honeysuckle laded the fresh, country air. Negroes in wagons, buggies, carts, on mule back, horseback and afoot were wending their waj- to church. For weeks a big "revival" had been in progress at Wilson's stand, and this bright Sunday morning was to witness the crowning act. Brother Petty bone Peters, in all his dusky dignity, would bury thirty con verts beneath the baptismal wave of a neighboring dam. Oh, for the happy contentment of the negro. With his coarse, everyday garments he lays aside every perplexing care and dons with his gaudy Sunday at tire a mind at ease with all the world. No fears of a threatened drought; no reflections of grassy cotton disturb the serenity of Jiis soul during the sermon. No guilty pangs of con science about the chicken which dis appeared from '"Mars John's" hen house Friday night and attended preaching in a lunch basket the next day. Aunt Dinah Brown was a shining light at Wilson's stand. No one could sing louder, shout longer, or groan more intensely. Her voica excitid the admiration of the brethren and the cn3' of the sisters. Now it happened on this occasion that Aunt Dinah was sick an I could not attend the meeting. If tiiere was one thing, however, upon which she prided herelf more than upon her own faithful attendance at church, it was the strict way in which she was training up her only son. Sambo. Deep down in her heart she secretby hoped that Sambo would some day succeed Brother Peters at Wilson's. With natural pride she sat on ths doorstep and watchel her young hopeful start to church. It must be admitted (with deep humiliation) that Sambo, in spite of his religious training and godly ex ample, in the form of Aiint Dinah, was brimful of original sin, and no sooner was he out of sight than he left the road and started on a run across the cotton field toward Bock creek. Here he was joined by another boy, and together they trudged along the banks of the stream. "Where's do bait, Dick?" asked Sambo. 'Dey's in my britches pocket," was the reply. Dick cut two long canes, fastened lines and hooks on them, and handed one to the delighted Sambo. "Now, look here, Sambo, you'so got on yo' Sunday crothes: what yer gwinter tell yer mammy case yer gits em dirty?" asked Dick. "I gwine tell her Sister Vincy wns so overcome wid de sperit dat sha faints dead away in de pool, en I jumped in fur to fotch her out," an swered the inventive Samb3. In the pleasure of catching an occa sional minnow,Aunt Dinah's preaching and Sunday clothes were alike for gotten. The day was warm and the water invitingly cool. For some reason the fish did not seem inclined to bite, and Dick grew tired lounging on a fallen tree watching his cork remain mo tionless on the surface of the water. - o.iZ'-.i-.TraSrt.ra.E'i" KVil" 7 jmtZjmtte.W.la i,. j;wyrx. vr. OH, i.oi:nv! on, lordy! At length his cork went under, and he jerked with such force that he not only sent a surprised little crawfish flying up the hill, but entangled his line in a grapevine high above his head. He threw down his eane in dis gnst and slid into the water. "All de fish in dis river is de kin whut runs back'ards. I's gwine to quit foolin' wid 'em and wade in de water." Sambo watehed Dick splashing about until the temptation could no longer be resisted. Boiling his Sun day pants high above his black knees he too waded in. Seeing a large spider on an old stump near the bank. Dick was cau tiously approaching with uplifted ' stick when an unearthly yell from ' Sambo made him tumble headlong over the stump,spidcr and all. Sambo btood in the middle of the creek and yelled: "Lim'me loose! Lim'me loose! O Lordy! O Lordy! I'll neber go fishin' no mo on a Sunday ef you'll lim'me loose dis time!" Dick sniffed the air as if expecting to smell sulphur and looked in every direction for his satanic majesty to appear upon the scene horns, tail. j pitchfork and all. Seeing no one he ventured to ask: "What de matter, niggarf What's got yer? I don't see nuftin!" "Dat's hit!" yelled the miserable Sambo. ""Cose vou don't see nuftin, 'cose hit's de debble. an' he's got me by the toe. Don't you sse me a sinkin'? Lim'me loose! Lim'me loose!" Dick would have taken to his heels at once, leaving icor Sambo to his fate, had not an idea suddenly oc curred to him. xi M U "iOQOTEfl iJtfTS& .?AFSSVS&SU' "Golly! Nigger, dc debble fion-i lib in water, kaso it would put his fire all out. Pull out by dat saplin' dar. I'll bet nry ole hat you'so cotch er whalin big cootcr." Acting upon this suggestion. Sambo pulled out, continuing to yell! u "Lcmnie loose!" Feeling himself fairly caught by the king of the lower world, Sambo was not a little surprised to land, as Dick had predicted, a large Rocky creak cooter. Dick was delighted. "What did I tolc you, nigger? Whoop! He's cr whale! You done cotch de finest cooter in dis crick, Sambo." But Sambo refused to b2 comforted, He could not see it in that light. "I ain't kotch him he kotch me. O Lordy!" Dick suddenly grew serious. "Dat am a fac Sambo: he is kotch you, and he won't turn you go till hit thundrcs, nuther." Visions of dragging the cooter home and of Aunt Dinah's righteous indignation arose before tin unhappy victim, and he wailed louder than ever. He rolled his eyes skyward in the vain hope of finding a single cloud, but nothing but a clear expanse of blue greeted his gaze. No prospect of thunder, and the cootcr cliuging with a death grip to his great toe. Dick experienced a sudden inspiration. "Sambo, I's gwine fool dat cootcr. I's gwine roll dis little rock down ober dat big one, and cose he gwine think hit thunder, and let you go sec?" Dick rolled and re-rolled the rock, but the cooter had more intelligence than they credited him with, and re fused to be deceived. "Sambo," said Dick, with an air of depression, "w'y can't we done cut dat cooter's head off?" Sambo was willing. Anything to feel the sweets of lib erty once more. With trembling hands and a dull Barlow knife, Dick began the decapi tation. Sambo's kicks and his own fears lest the cooter transfer its clutch to one of his fingers, made it a slow and dangerous operation, and had the knife been sharp Sambo's leg would have in all probability "let go" in stead of the cooter. When the body at last tumble 1 back into the creek Dick gave a shout of triumph. But in this case, as in all others, the way of the transgres sor was hard. The ghastly head still held it:; clutch upon Sambo's toe as if it wa the one offending member. The boys were thoroughly convinced that nothing short of a thunder storm, perhaps a cyclone, could persuade it to let go. Sambo resumed his cries and once more vowed never to go fishing on Sunday. Dick thought he saw a way out of the difficulty at last. "Sambo, I know dat tos is got to go. Hits de only way. Jes say de word, an' 111 whack her off same as I done dat cooter. Hit won't hurt no more'n yo' mammy's beatin' when she see dat head hangin' on dar, an' you'll still hab 'miff toes lcf fur lo wear yo' shoes on Sunday." Sambo would have consented to sne rifice his toe as a means of escape had not the head at this moment turned loose of its own accord. Without an instant's delay both boys lied from the scene of rl venture. Sambo gave his mother a full (if imaginary) account of the big meet ing, and when he exclaimed in his sleep, "Lcmnie loose. Mr. Debbie!" she was thoroughly convinced of his call to the ministry. MOUNTING A CAMEL. It Is i:c:illy Something of an Art- Opinions From I-'ctix Fabri. To mount a camel for the first time is for a howadji, until ho gets the hang of it. a complicated and anxious process. The first risk is that the animal will rise while the rider is climbing into the saddle. This he will ineivtably do if the at tendant has forgotten to place his foot on the camel's knee, says the Nineteenth Century. The novico, having settled in the saddle, which is like a Hat woolen tea tray on the top f a hump, and taken a tight grin of the "horns," of which there is one iu front and one behind, waits in suspense, won dering which end of the animal moans to get up first The, action, when it does begin, is a violent see saw in th ec jerks, which impel him alternately in the iNrection of the head and the tail, until, if he is lucky, he finds himself ten feet from the ground. The fifteenth century pilgrim, Felix Fabri. so exactly ex presses my sentiments about camels that I will quote his remarks. He says: A camel has a small head and is without horns. It has big and ter rible rces. and always seems a sor rowful and trouble 1 animal. Its eyes arc like lire beacons, and big ! reflections shine in them, for what I ever a camel looks at seems great i an 1 huge to it. wherefore it seems ' to view everything with wonder anJ alarm. When, therefore, a mangoes I up to it the beast begins to trem . ble. so that the man perceives that . the beast trembles because the man i coming toward it seems to it to be j four times bigger than he really is. J "Had not God so ordered it this j animal would not be as tame and . disciplined as it is. When it screams, being in trouble, it opens its mouth, j t shakes its head and raises up its . I long neck, wagging it to and fro. so j i that a man who is not accustomed , : to it is disturbed and frightened." t ; Ouglit to llHve ISeen Kxp'irit. ' "Say, here. Mr. Goldstein I only ' bought this coat f you yesterday. ! and a little rain makes it shrink like ' this." Mr- Goldstein Mine fricnt! Was ! it. a rain coat you wanted? I sell j you one at halluf price. Life. j A Caniliil iinion. j Algy, striking a new theme ' What do you think of this new raon ' key language. Miss Ethel? ' Ethel, yawning I think it's very I tiresome. Life. A Short Way Out of It. Fapa But why do you sign it I Your lovinir son. Amv? ' Amy Why. of course mamma will know, and I couldn't spell daughter' Life. EQUAL TO IRRIGATION. n fleV to Produce a Sure Crop Sub-Soil If flouring. A-number of experiments in sub-soil plowing by Younger Bros., the well known horticulturists of Geneva, Ne braska, have shown such nstohishing results as to practically demonstrate two things: First, that in seasons of normal rain fall the increased yield on land that has been sub-soil plowed, as compared with that which has received ordinary plowing, will of itself pay for the increased labor or cost many times over and leave a larger margin of profit besides, and second, that in years of extreme drouth a bountiful crop is as sured) that would be considered large for a season of normal raiti full, so that ifl very dry seasons the difference be tween sub:soil plowing and ordinary plowing inay be expressed as the differ ence between a good crop and none at alL The Younger Bros., believing that the results obtained by them were re markable enough in the light of their importance to the farmers of Nebraska made a special report to the secretary of- agriculture at Washington from which we quote: "Having practiced sub-soil plowing extensively on our nursery grounds near Geneva in growing fruit and orna mental trees with gratifying results, we concluded to experiment with fruit and vegetables. After preparing the ground by subsoil plowing in the fall of ISO-', the crop in 1S03 consisted of corn and potatoes. Corn that year being only a very moderate crop in this vicinity (maximum 40 bushels per acre, and the average not to exceed ".'0 bush els per acre) we harvested a crop of 7.1 bushels per acre from a strip of ground that had been sub-soiled The potato crop was practically a failure in this vieinit; the result of our experiment was a very good crop about 1-M bush els per acre. "This season (1S94) the crop consists of corn, oats, rye and potatoes. Bye harvested indicates a yield of 3.1 bushels per acre, while rye in an adjoining field the same seed, planting and harvest will yield 10 bushels per acre. "Oats on land sub-soil p!owed in fall of 1S03 will yield 40 to 1.1 bushels per acre; oafs on land adjoining, under or dinary cultivation, will yield 10 to 1.1 bushels per acre (the average crop under the adverse conditions that pre vailed), in each instance the seed, soil and planting being identically the same. "The superiority of sul-soil plowing is especially conspicuous in the length of sir.iw and stand on the ground. The results of experiments with corn ntid potatoes cannot, at this time, be determined. With a continuation of the present favorable conditions we will have the largest yield of corn we have ever had. Even under these fa vorable conditions the corn on sub-soil plowed ground seems to possess an ele ment of strength, that will in all prob ability, exert its influence in demon strating the value of sub-soil cultiva tion." The plan followed by Younger Bros, has been to first turn over a furrow to the depth of eight inches, in the ordi nary way, and then run the subsoil plow in that furrow gaged to a depth of six or eight inches; thus stirring up the soil to a depth of fourteen to six teen inches. Inspection shows that even after our recent remarkable drouth the nursery stock, as well as the field crop of Younger Bros, bears everj appearance of a healthy and more than ordinary yiel.1. The results achieved by sub-soil plowing require but one such plowing in nbout three years, so that the in creased cost of labor as compared with results is merely nominal. ftiteniming nn Actress. Maybe the reporter didn't know how to interview an actrcs?, and maybe that's why ho had so much trouble. Having sent up his card and been ad mitted to ber presence, he stated his husinesB, and she said, languidly : " I'm sorry you've come; I don't fancy yon newspaper men, and hate being inter viewed." Maybe ho knew this was just said for effect, and that sho wouldn't miss the interview for a heap, but he replied, "Oh, well, then, I won't trouble yon. Sorry I intruded. Good day." However, she got to tho door first, and said, "Oh, now you're here, I'll oblige you." And he answered, "Oh, no; I wouldn't trouble yon for the world." " But it won't be very much trouble." "Well, never mind: I don't care partic ularly about it." " But but in fact it will be a pleasure. I only object because reporters always ask the same questions, and then don't print just what you say." "Well, I'll try and do better than that," and tbey seated themselves. Then he asked : "How did you celebrate yonr 34th birthday?" " Eh? "jumping up "what d'ye mean, sir! You're a meau wretch to ask such a question." Steps on her Iapdog addresses dog, " Drat yonr pelt, get outl" Then she observed him writing, and asked what he was doing. He replied, "I promised to print exactly what you said, and I have taken down your very words." "About the dog?" "Yes." "Goodness gracious. You won't print that?" " I will." "But that wasn't meant to print." " Can't help it." " Oh, but it won't do. Ton mustn't. Let's begin the interview now." " Very well. Which do yon prefer as an advertisement being robbed of diamonds, run away with by a hack, or having a divorce suit ? " "Sir, I I don't do 6uoh thiugs! I never heard such questions 1 " " I promised to try to vary the list yon said had be come so monotonous. How many hus bands have you living?" "See here, if you don't stop this I'll send for one of 'cm. That is p'ease state that I'm rot married." " Just so. Do yeu shave your head?" "Sir; of course not! Are vou crazy?" "Look h6re, ma'am, I was to print just what you said. " But I don't want you to." "But it must be done." " Well, then, if you don't ask me if the audiences everywhere are as enthusi astic as they are here, and what I do with all my bouquets, and if I don't al most feel that I ought to be in a board ing school instead of on tho stage, as I'm so young, and if I don't find it very embarrassing to have all the men so madly in love with me, and several bank directors committing suicide because I won't marry them if yon don't ask me those questions I won't say another blessed word ! So, there ! And if j on print what I've said I'll sue you for libel." Boston PosL Alphabet of Gems. A diamond dealer gives the following alpliabet of gems, by the guide of which any En glish word can be spelled out on ring, bracelet or other article of jewelry, with a setting of stones : A metliV8t K Xatro'ilo, B Beryl. O-Opal rr Onvx. C Cat'o-Eye. 1 Porphyry. B Diamond. Q Qantz Agate. E-Emerald. B Italy. F Feldspar. H ipputre. G Garntt T Tnitiuoie. II Hyaeinthe. 0 Ultramarine. I Idoer&te. V Verd-Antiqne. J Jasper. W Water Sapphire. K Kyanite. X XuitLite. L Lapis-lazuli. Z Zircon. M SUIartita. CH AELEY WAS A HOODOO ALL BECAUSE HE HAD RED HAIR AND WAS CROSS-EYED. I!m T'irUUiiff Experience or an Old Time ltUer l'Hot Uncanny Thluc Happened When Ho Stcamuoatetl ou the Columbia. A number of tho water-front idlers of Tacoma amused themselves the other night at tho cxpetlso of an un sophisticated newspaper man, by hanging the steamboat hoodoo out in tho harbor. It created much amusement along tho water front nnd startod tho old scadojrs to spin ning their mythical yarns anew. Well, I bclievo thoro is some thing in a ooat being hoodooed, and also of having hoodoos on a boat. Ginimo a chaw of terbacccr. Whose got sonic?" Tho speaker was rather a largo man, with stooped shoulders and long white whiskers, rc-ombling Father Time, sitting In tho shade minus his scytho and hour glass, al though, when ho had finished, his listeners declared ho had had a glass every hour for several days boforo he landed on the wharf. 1 tell you I believo in "em," he continue J. "I was doing some towing over on tl.c Columbia river ttlong in the latter part ot 1SI'9 or 1 -7 ', if I remember rightly. 1 had gone down the river to St Helens and was going up tho Columbia slough after a raft of logs. Night was coming on and when it does got dark up that slough it's darker than a stack of black cats, as the fallows say. but I'd been up in there huildicilaof times. The water was deep, no snags, and ull I had to do was lo keep her off tho banks and let her go. I'd gone up about live miles when all of a sudden I saw u Hash and a ball of lire appoarcd upon tho water. It was about tho si.o of n half bushel measure, and it bounded along llko a rubb.-r ball would on land. If I'd boon b:uk in .Missouri in one of those swamps. I'd known it was one of those jack-o-lantcrns, but as Wo don't have 'cm out in this country, I felt sort of squemish. The ball of fire kept coming right for too boat, and got within twenty feet of tho noso when the thing busted, and it made a ro port as loud as a s-hot gun. At tho sumo time tho boat struck a snag hard and square on tho stem. The shock threw nearly everybody olf'n their feet; I came near going out of the pilot house window over the wheel. but L didn't. 1 gave tho bell to stop her and sent tho mate down in the hold with a lantern to look for leaks. lie soon returned and said that there was no damage or leaks in tho hull. I gave the bolls and backed the boat down a littlo and then camo ahead on hor slowly. I wanted to find out what I hsul struck, because I had traveled up and down in tint same track hundreds of times and I knew there was no snag thoro. And, do you know, I never did find it. nor knew what I hit. Well, we got up to where the raft was tied up and we till turno 1 in. About two hours afforward an infernal old cat began to s-.uall on the bout just hack of the texas. 1 slept in the texa. 1 flood tho unearthly s u.illing of that c;;t for half an hour: so I got up and went out onto the hurricane deck to chase it itway. It ceased to E.,uall for a minulo and then com menced again at the stern of the boat. I went down then and it com menced s mailing again hack of the tcxas. I soon got tired of playing hide-and-seek with something I couldn't sec, so I called the watch man to come up with his lantern. It was tho same thing owr again. We could not see it nor locate it. and yet its mewing would seem at times as though it was within ten feet of us. Wo gave it upas a bad job and I turned in' again, but tho squalling contin led. At daylight we hooked onto the raft and the mate sang out to Charley, a deck hand, to go ashore over the raft and let go the line that held her fast to the shore. Soon after the mate tang out, 'all clear sir.' and the boit commenced backing down the slough, and paying out tho cable. Finally tho end was reached anil wo commenced pulling on fio raft, and .vo pulled for half an hour without budging it one inch. I called on the mate to tako in the line and we would so back aain to tho rait and sec what's the matter with the thing. The mats and one of tho hands went ashore: then you ought to have heard that mate s-woar. Ho could do it to perfection in nine different languages, and not stutter, either. Ho found all tho lines tied hard and fat to the trees as they were before he sent Charley ashore to let them go. Charley do-ulai-cd that he untied them and threw the lines onto the raft, whicti statement was veilieJ to by others of the crew. We got away all right this time, and by n ght got the raft up to the mill. I went down on the deck an I back near the companion way. and holy hoivo.'s! there I met my hoo.loo. I called to the mate and asked who that cross-eyed red headed fellow was. 'Why,' saj-s he, that's Charley all right.' You let Charley go in the morning. I want no red-headed, cross-eved deck hand on my boat.' I sail. I am confident he was the cause of that ball of lire 1 urstsng in front of the boat, of the striking of a snag that never could bo foun 1. of that infernal eat squall ing, of the lint; ing of the raft that wasn't untied- in short, ho was tho hoodoo of tho boat. Yoa b t I or dered the mate to have the deck of the steamer scrubbed with lyc. What ever became of hira? Well, about a week afterward he shipped on board the steamer Senator, plying between Fortland and Oregon City. One afternoon about 2'lV) o'clock the Senator backed out of her wharf anil started on the afternoon trip to Ore gon City, and when near the Stark street ferry her boiler exploded. Four or five men were killed and as many wounded and maimed for life, and Charley was among the killed. The boat was a complete wreck. Tho floating hull was towed to tho Oregon railway and navigation company's ferry landing, whero it rema'ned until the high water the foilowin.f spring carried it, down the Columbia. "Yes. sir. I believe there is such things as hoodoo;. (limine another chaw o' tcrbackcr." And tho old man stroked his long, white board and fixed his eyes steadily upon a holo in the wharf, and his mind r verted back to tho days when Lo steamboatcd on tho Columbia. HE WAS EXPERIMENTING. In IIU Dslro to IJUcovjr Xw C b'nitions Ho llot!ierl tho Walter. Tho young man on tho opposite side of tho tablo studied the bill of faro for somo time, whilo the waiter stood on one log with his ear hold out for the order, nnd then ho said: I want somo of that hominy and a sido order of maplo syrup, a littlo of tho spinach, somo swoot corn and a cup of chocolate" Tho waiter slowly moved TitS lips in araazoment and had tho ordor re peated. He smiled and started away, and the young man looked after him, frowning. Confound those waitors." ho said. I suppose they expect a man to order something conventional, like steak and coffee or liver and bacon." You uid put in a queer order," was suggested. "Oh. I don't know. It may turn out to bo a good combination. I'm experimenting all tho time." Fxpcrimonting?" Yes; I try new combinations. How did people over find out that jelly and roast duck go together? How did they ever got on to spring lamb and mint sauce, pio and cheese, steak and mushrooms, and so on? Why. by trying new combinations. I order whatever strikos ray fancy, and in that way I get somo good combinations."' What are somo you havo dis covered?" Scrambled eggs and cranborry sauce is one. Cold pigs' feet and lemon ico is another. Did you ovor dip slices of banana into hot boul lion Of course not- Thcro aro no fixed rules about things you must experiment. What :i New York Iu!o Calls Fun. There is a man in New York who owns a stoam yacht on which there is not oven an easy chair, though tho yacht is upward of sixty foet long and cost nearly as much as a substantial house in Harlem. When ever the owner goes out on his yacht ho and tho members of tho crow wrap themselves up in rubber coats, pull their caps down over their oyes, crouch down in tho stern of tho boat and throw tho throttlo wido open Then tho yacht bounds for ward at tho rate of twenty miles or more an hour, while tho water is thrown up in a solid batik on cithor side of her, so that tho men crouch ing in the stern seo nothing but those banks of water- Tho wholo boat is drenched with spray. They are thoroughly uncomfortable, but they know that tho peoplo on the ferryboats and the clam sloops aro looking at them with keen envy, and probably this is a source of delight New York Sun. Tit fir Tat. Editor Dean County Clarion and Fanner's Friend Xo, Silas Hopkins, you can't expect me to tako such a scraggy, mean lot of vegetables as that for subscription to my paper for next year. Silas Hopkins Well, you oughtor, then. Them's the kind o' vegetables I raided from follerin' your advice in your "Hints to Farmers" column. I'uck. A" Perplexing Problem. Weary Watkins These business problems is fearful wearin'. Dusty Rhodes What's trubblin' of you now. Wattie? Weary Watkins Arrangin' for nex winter. I can't inako up ray mind whether it's better to stop hero and put up at tho Bridewell or make fur New York aira try a few weeks at Blackwcll's island. Chicago Record. From lleailtiiartcrs. Feathorstone I near you aro go ing to move. Mr. Hingway. King way Move! I should liko to know where you heard that? Feathorstone Your landlord told me. I'uck. A .tlWsins; Wltf. The curtain at a New York theater was delayed nearly half an hour on a recent evening on account of tho prima donna being unable to find a j certain wig and refusing to appear without it. NOT WIDELY KNOWN. The title rabbi means master oi teacher. Ireland's linen industry employs 100,000 persons. There are 10.0'JO more women than men in the District of Columbia. The largest theater in the world is the I'aris ojvjra house. Itcoreri three acres. One mile of the hairspring wire used in watches weighs less than half a pound. CJunter's chain, ue.l in measuring land, was invented by Iv.lmnnd Hun ter in If,: ;. The great aqueduct which supplied Carthage with water was seventy miles long. A writer in Chamber's Journal claims that th Hnglish language is spoken at present by ll.".0'JO,000. Rhode Island, which has 318 people to the square mile, is the most densely populated of the United Suite.-. In olden times screws were made by hand, and five minutes were spnt in making one. Now a machine rattles out sixty in a minutj. The West Indies include many islands under British, Dutch and French rule, and the republic of Haiti. The total area is almost 100,000 square miles, and the population r.,jOo,ooo. Chamois skins are not derived from the chamois, as many people suppose, but are tho flesh side of a sheep skin. The skins are soaked in lime watert and in a solution of sulphuric acid. Fish oil is then poured on them and they are soaked in potash. There is but one Dothan in the United States. It is in Atchison county, Mo. There is but one Dotham in the United States. It is in Colum bus county, X. C, and there is but one Dotheu, and it is in Henry county, Ala. The original Dothan, after which the three foregoing places were intended to be named is in Palestine, we-., of the sea of (a!ilec THE OLD RELIABLE Columbus - State Bank J (OIlMt Ink la tk tut) Pars Interest on Time DFQsit3 AND Hakes Loans on Real Estata f 8IQHT DRAFTS CM OauAa, CUeact, Hw Tark ami aU FriKm CmatrlM. IIUS : VTEAMBVa : TICKETS. BUYS GOOD NOTES lad Htlpa IU Coatomen wkra they Naod Hcla OFFICERS AND PIRECTOIti: Leandeu Gkkrakd, Pres't, B. II. Henry, Vice Prest, M. IRL'CUiKR, Cashier. John Stauffkr. (J. W. IIi'i.sr. L -OF- COLUMBUS, NEB., HAS AX Authorized Capital of - $500,000 Paid in Capital, - 90,000 OFFICERS. O. II. SnELDON. Pres't. II. I. II. OEI1LKICH. Vlco l'rcs. CLARK GRAY. Cnnliler. DANIEL SUH RAM, Ass't Cash DIRECTORS. II. M. WiNsrow. II. P. II. OEtiMticn. ('. H.SiiKi.noN, w. a. moai.msteh, Oak 1. Uiknkk. Jonas ki.ch. STOCKHOLDERS. S. C. Ouat. J. Henut WonnEMAM, Gf.iuiakd Losekk, llr.Niir Loseke. C1.AUK Okay. Geo. V. Gam.ev. Damki. Sciikam. A. F. II. Okiii.iucii. FlCANK lCOUEIt. J. P. IIKCKKK ESTATE, UCBECCA BKCICtlt. Rank of deposit: Interest allowed on tlmo deposits: l)uy and sell exchange on United, statc ami hurope, and lny anil sell avail-' able securities. We shall bo pleased to re ceive your business. Wo solicit your pat ronage. -THE- First National Bank OFFICERS. ' A. ANDERSON, J. II. GALLEY. President. Vice Pros't. O. T. KOEN. Caslilcr. DIRECTORS. O.AKWbtSON, r. ANDERSON, JACOB QBEISEN. ... HENBY JJAUATZ. JAMES O. BEBDER. Statement ef the Condition at the CIoso r Business Jaly 12, IS. CI, ncsooncES. Loans and Discount S 241,407 .17 Real t state Furniture and Fix tures. 15,71 O 11.8. Bonds 15.2j0 0 Duo from other banks frrr.S7S 31 Cash on Hand 21,S7 M .W.T4.I ?D Total.. as . Vif Fi J LIABILITIES. Capital Stock paid In Surplus Fund Undivided profits Circulation mjk, posi IS 5 wwooo :ujoo oi 4..-7t! (O n..vcj !.-.! 13 37 Total. HENRY GASS, Collins : and : Metallic : Cases ! g Repairing of all kinds of Uphcl ttery Goods. Ut COLUMBUS. NEBRASKA THE GoiuiiiDus Journal is rnEPAnFP to rrnNisii anything ItEQUIKEI) or A PRINTING OFFICE, -wrrn the- r TOE- ciircia BANK COUNTRY.