V t X v. r Columbus jtauvnal. WLI'NiDVi JflA I- lv.a. 1 i A AN TniETVHLt Pa- 1- reicLt Livt i 4;amtif' " C a. 3i. 1 20p.m. Div.ai.ty -1 " tl'pr. snni L - T 43 " mTT Line, is 11 w . IU rJ - rhe p ..ectrfr leave- Lincoln at 40 p. zd . i-i rr-.ve- at '.ilTirabn- i U p. si. tne fr-ijbt leares ' r,c.,ln it T J." a. 31., aso imves a' C..in:bc- at 4 il r ni LN'ION PCIFITIME-TBLE tiH'iM" Fx Tlita.ro tn uro E. 12 J" f. a I -a r i li'r n . I I nn! 3 la a. a Ptt lie Er ! 13 p ni Denver Er. l'ip. m Ijmired 5it3 p. ni L-1 Frf 15 30 a. 31 V.. 3. Foi-t MriI. ram- pn. ner- for thnn.rh i oinr- .T.in.r f r w p m. ir-rive- at D-n-r 7 a ra. No. 4. Fru-t Mail earns1- pa-';w-IW-. HOiOJ - i--t I - P m- rh :niKit inua Laving here at J l p in. carrier- p-u en-i-r- from here to Villey . t;L ii.LrMtl- iVu I -CT CITT Piar. jr arris' fr .m '.ci Jtjr li S3 p m lav- ii.mlin.- fur Lane n 1 33 p ai Km frni Lancids 5 Ii p. m l-nv-. f. r ;iui i it 1 p tn 1 1 II lafi f..r -j.,aj ity - W a m !i(Man- U1 P ci Futt Lol KSD EV R BVPlIfl 4'r-wiir leav Mil -1 i-as-, l'M-afr irn. ll.ti irn.- 1 i't r. m ' i. 31 l: j r m - W i m Society Notices. I 1 Q..t. j uu i.i ' i t.l ritu. f;. AlthWiMdlNitN '.- F t M. j -K.u rtr n.r--icr- -Ui int lai m cirh ?V I - :. V urttrn invitl t afct! H 51 HE. btH. WlLbhY LotMiK N.. 44. 1 U O r . n--l- 1 m-sinj fVfiun- .f d4ti ii it rhir hiiii un Ihirv nih -i.-( V.-uic ljn-ftj-a conliHiij I3..1r-1 V.r--:riN. i- :.jita!l-it R1 OtUbr. WlZtJj HLfti HOF l-.rTh.H-BV t r-r -i.rtL,. 1 nit-r if N -rtii -rr--r id Pon.- lnu-j i..t-! iiiai-y i K J liv Krc-Ment iiiiniiiiiiiimimiitiiiitiiiimiiiiimiiMiiii E PHOTOGRAPHIC I Toir of 11 PART No. 16. blush; ionsi! taoa. - ti.: i . Mar - -i r .-.u. i . i a . l i a ufni-. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 f 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 il 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Kfiiii. :.s i' Bar'.-r- l' N itiu it.. :n.i.-t. Thirteenth Mr I hn H.itlunn is atiiicted with Illuilllt. V ijoo.1 gasoline stove cheap, at Hr-rnck'e. 2t Cabinet photo? ' V.tj-t'-in's. tf per dozen, at Life size cnioo i)rtraits for 5, it N tittein'"t tf A uw lier'vn Kr uiioi.i of glassware at von IV T. K. Clark. tHhtn. Olive t-tret. In office -Twelve -lit't- tissue paper for V at Vi.n Bergen liro-.." 11 kinds ot riunantt. from muslins .. rihtfciQc at Barber's. -The EastT. tar Ifxlue picniced at i5tevens'- lake - e&tenla -LoTv-tie shos at a low prices as e-r .it von Berreu Bros.' hss Mary Griffin went to Fremont ii.ia to attend the normal Specuil clearing sale of all Oxfords in 1 tan shoe- at inffin v Grab's. 't House tti ren. p block east of the Piiiirt..u hotl. L Weaver tf - Blame thr strike for knocking eus .own t. i cento a dozen last week. Prunes .Tatlv rcluceil on all low cut and tan shoe-. GruTen A. Gniv. .t Freight heav nr I'usmess has been quite the C. P. fkr the last few L A. errard, prohibition candi date" f i r governor, was in the city Snt urd.ii . 11 oar men'- tan shoes going at 3:itx, formerly $."." and 34.W Griffin jc ( Iraj . it Ice cream and tce sered by the Presbvterian ladies in the park this evening. - Thirty ri pairs of ladies' 84 high cut La Belle tau shoes now for S3. Griffin A Gra. t It is expected that a Lincoln nine A;li play against the Tenderfeet here text Sundaj -Anson P Giles has petitioned the district court for a divorce from his v;fe Josephine. T'.irt-ei pain- of ladies 8o.o0 tan Oxfords for 8-"xl Griffin J: Gray 'It The fsrmer- elnb will meet July '27. with George Galle. jr . a full att-n-d-mee is des;red. Children's and misSes'tan shoes and Oxfords at greatly reduced prices. Griffen .t Grab's. -it Farm loans at lowest rates and best terms. MoCe" on hand, no delav. Eecher. Jaeggi Co. rr r 11 -r n .. . i I o.. -. :iiuum, .i. j . yusu-iau iiuu surgeon. Two dcrnrs north of Brod niehrer's jewelry store, tf t R-irl-w-r"- Pnnnt -,! t -.r one half price. i.ne-fourth price, an - thing to ciear them out. t "spud" Smith returned Satnrday from Omaha, w here he had lr-n to at tend the funeral of a relatie. O L. Baker has a sptrcimen of oats from the Hendryx farm that is four feet in length, grown on low land. Sixty nine children were at the social last Wednesdav at Mr. Hickok's. given by the Junior Endeavors. Thirty-six pairs of ladies 83.o0 black Oxfords, now $Ta). Griffin .V Gray 3t Friday. July 27. the Congregational folks wdl have a Sunday school picnic. The place has not yet been fixed. Chas. Jens, who has been under the wcatht-r for the past ten days, resumed pvrk at Friedhofs store yesterday. When in need of an auctioneer, call on D;ve Smith. He will act for you nth- promptness, safety and dispatch, tf Bora, to Mrs. Will Coolidge of PLiitsmouth. July G, a daughter All doing welL especially Grandpa Coolidge. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Thanks to John Freeman for speci mens or apples grown m his lot and of which he has sold five bushels this season. Emil Hjers. who lives m the north t part of the city, was overcome by the heat Thursdav afternoon while 'tending a mason -'Thirtv-live dollars-and freight; will Luj one of the celebrated Buckeye mower- by applying at'once to Henry Lubker. lfyncSt Wanted, to trade a 35.000 farm in Florida for one of same value m Xebras - ka. Address X. A. Hageman. Colnm- bu Nebr tp i J. S. Wells returned Wednesday from a three weeks' visit with his father in Tdaho. Towns depending on mining are very dulL Mr. and Mrs. Victor Terasinski lost their babt- Friday from summer com plaint. It was six Weeks old and was sick only nve days. J. F Belford "s familv were the vie tm of a large party of friends sur- pnsinir th-m Fndaj evening, taking possession of the house. . , .,uj- i i.ui Has ua ui lu,lt.''"" car- of -and and travel, twenty cars of sand for Madison, ten cars sand and two I ui .'fmei lur Jiuiufjure , (mis Schroeder, jr.. started Thurs .lav f,.r F.,rt Wavn-. fn.J . whrp h m to u,ke a position in an electrical manu factiirici: establishment. -Th1 Presbvtenan church has been nnd-rgointf repairs the past week and on account of the confusion there was n service held lfist Snnday. -Henrj Heinemann. went to Keokuk. Ia. ?Iondaj. His house is about ilni.-hed and he may be going to sret but then all sums fail sometimes. Humphrey will ask for bids for the on-t ruction of her system of water- 1 ,. . tl TT fforKa .-viiijusi i). nere is an oppor- tunit for some of our capitalists. ls):, real etate tax i due 3lay lt ami can be paid at of fice of Hecher, Jaeirin A: To tl Martin .peicher has a talk of corn irro.ing ietrrn two pianKs in tront ot Gallev'- store and under very tryin-r circuuist.tnces, but -till it makes an inch l d-iv - Weaver still has some" great bargain- in -insole harness. You can get a fair harness for 34..30. eood one for 37 3) and 5 "". extra tine rubber-trimmed for 31" oil J -- B-htfr, Jaeigi Jc Co. insure build ings tiid personal property against lire. lihtnin and cyclones, in good and I rehaLle companies at lowest current r itt-s. tf Kc-mmiscences of the Fair, sixteen portfolios of the World's fair, given awa to our customers. For particulars call at J B. Delsmans store. Eleventh aTreel. tf -Members of the Republican county central committee were notified by mail rbur-da of a meeting of the committee at Tf?e Jocewl xj&c Saturday next, at 1 p. m. Hal A' Stevenson shipped S,IJ1) worth of butter and eggs last week east ward There was one car lo;id of creamer butter, ne of ladle butter and one of eiTiTS. Died. Thursday, the infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Lvons. aged three montiu. The funeral services were held F-ida l Father Pacilicus at the Cath oiic Church. Marnei'. Jjly 17. by Re Rodgers. Frank oleott and Miss Euni-'e Bell, all of this cit. They took a train south m the afternoon The Jorp.v il congratu lations o with them. Rev. Bross returned home from the east atnrda Mr. Bros.- is now m Fremont. Rev Powers, of Lincoln, preached moraine and evening in the ' , - M. Niemoller of Platte Center was in the city Monday on his way to Kansas to --e the Rock Island rain-makers. He j expects to get the chemicals, return to the shell Lrek alley and put the creek on 3 tear -i H. Crnn.le of Omaha rode his wheel from that place to Columbus Sun da in eleven hour?. He -ays the hills run about fourteen to the mile between Omaha and the Elkhorn. However, he won his wager. Cjrus AxTord. one of the who came up from Omaha used to "bach" twentv-five Pioneers" Saturday. ears ago , with our Hugh Hughes. Ask Hugh about a turkey roast they had one Christmas long ago. H M. Wmslow. having lost a good man hogs by theft during the List few months, is now branding his entire herd with the letter "H" on the left shoul der. He oilers 810 reward for the con viction of the thieves. 3t The Congregational church has had I 4inte a number of improvements put ! unon the inside of late. The walls have ! ben hard finished, and other improve ments made that add greatly to the ap pear.! r.i-e of he church. Von will find some bargains in leather th nets at Weaver's harness store. Will close out what is left at al most onr own price 10 string nets going at 84.."x). 11 string at 8'3.7. per pair. These are No 1 nets, "it -Oats mostly ruined b dry weather, wheat more than three fourths gone, po tatoes not setting to amount to much. Those who objected to the canal project last summer better get together ind ask each other where the are at. There is talk of organizing a male quartette. Go id readers of music, with good oicee. practicing together fre quenth under trained teachers, give satisfactory results, and such organiza tions cannot well be too numerous. A little fall of ram Friday Iwi some to think that the dry spell was about to be broken. "The best laid schemes of mice and men gang aft aglee " The man who calculated on a rainy season this year lost his reckoning so far at least. O. F. Merrill came down fr.m the ' Soldiers' Home at Grand Island Thurs- day. having a furlough of sixty days. A j number of friends came m Saturdav to ! a hirthdav anniversarv nartv. Mr. Mer r,u nenk- i.-. hi Th t,rr:se of the rT.ime ! George NfcFarLinn started Thiirs- ! dav for Portland. Oregon, w here he has been promised a situation. George has considerable mechanical genius and will make his nark some day, if he keeps steadily in tne tine m waicn ne nas star'ed. Chairman Schnpbach of the com mittee on gronnds and buildings for the school board, marshaled his committee Thursday afternoon and inspected the four buildings in the city, under their charge. Some small repairs were found needed. The thirty five new wdls at the waterworks are now all sunk, the depths being from 4o to 62 L2 feet. They are waiting now for the mam tubing to con nect with the engine, when Columbus will doubtless have an ample supply of water for all purposes. Ed. Kinsella of Madison, passed throngh the city Sunday on his retnrn home from Monticello. Iowa. He re ports it as being very dry and dusty in that conntry says a bicycle ridden along the road there makes more dust than a four horse team dees here. Dr. J. B. Cain's family have com menced moving their household goods to Monroe, where they will make their fnture home. This family are old res idents of Leigh, the Dr. being one of the pioneers of this country and it is with regret that their friends see them leave. World. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. E. 5L Thomas of Stanton county was m the city over Sunday, stopping with Jonas Welch. He was- on his way home from Omaha. He says that corn in Stanton county looks good they never had a better prospect than there is now; wheat and oats will be about half a crop. Abts Stupfel have opened a meat market in the place formerlv occupied by W. T. Rickly. on Olive street, where I ! they keep, for the accommodation of . tneir custom, fresh meats of all kinds 1 an varieties anything you may wish ! m tneir "ne of business. Fish always on hand. Telephone No. 10. tf , John Wiggins received a letter the ' other dav from Newton Channel of Au- burn. N. Y which is a model in the wav of composition, plain yet picturesqne. and exceedingly interesting as a literary gem. That blind man, writing on a type wnter, would do well to write sketches for the public to read. A card received at this office Fndav announced the marriage, at Lincoln ' ebr.. July II. of Dr. L. an Es of this cltJ ani Alice E. Wilson of Toronto. uanaaa. ine srooa inenas ot tne nappv , couple congratulate them on the im ponaat event of their lives and wish , lhcm hfe-long prosperity and happiness. . " wu.map.cu.uaua ! d:1-v afternoon in staurTers grove, there I a le crowd 'n attendance with quite a few visitors from Norfolk and Omaha. Thev enjoyed themselves in dancinu. sintrinjr and trames of various j kinds. They took their supper on the i grounds and kept things humming until j o'clock. -The Russian thistle has gained a foothold in a cert-am portion of Mernck county. That neighborhood is fully aroused to the situation and will mass j "Pn the intruding pests and destroy them from the face of the earth, at once. Good scheme. That is the sort of com munism that pays make common eans agamst a common enemv. - Don't forsret the republican county central committee meeting next Satur day afternoon, 2 o'clock, at Ths Jorn t va omce. Men generallv have made up their minds that they must give more attention to politics. Having the right party, now let us see to it that u e attend the primaries and make our wishes known as to candidates. Mr and Mrs. Leopold Plath have been sorely aiflicted lately About two months ago they lost thoir infant child, and Saturday another child 'as taken bv the dread disease, diphtheria. The deceased was a boy two years and nine months old. He was sick but a few i davs. Rev Fleishcr conducted service i at the cemeterv Snnda afternoon. A child of Mr and .Mrs. A. R. Mei klejohn, about 4 vcars old, who lives in the northwest part of the city, was knocked down and run over ty a horse attached to a buggy Saturday on th corner of Olive ana Twelfth streets, but aside from a slight bruise on the fore head from failing, she was not badlv hurt. Bystanders carried her to Dr. Arnold's office, but she was soon ab!e to :JO home. At LillStr lim'S all $40 suits at $30 through Ju ly; $35 at $25. These are all our own make and of excellent mate rial, and must be sold. Call immediately and secure a bargain. Eh Morrow of Grand Praine was in the city Saturday and added The Jour n-vl and the S-na-Weekly Lincoln Journal to the list of his periodicals. He say- that one of his neighbors. Mr Mmma. has winter wheat which he thinks will ueid twentv bushels to the acre. Oats generally m that section will i vield one-third to one-half a crop. Corn ' looks fine, but needs ram. Millet looks ' very well. Among items of interest was ! the'birth of a daughter to Mrs. Morrow I The man who thinks that tions amount to little ought to inven- go and see contractor nammouu putting down ( urphv. Lvnch. Miller. Coolidge and wells for the citv. The process is the CorTev.' Hoare having the most. Cm invention of Mr. Loekwood. formerly of , pire jUl shraruek. cms luuiiiv, aim mis uiougiit liiui, in iue last few years in which it has come into general u-e. about 87".in). When the trv nght hard the can sink a well at h"e rate of about one foot a minute. The citv is havirn nut down thirtv-uve wells: one of these is eighty ft-et deep and in it water raises to within four feet of the surface. Thi season is certainly a strong test of the soil of Nebraska to retain moisture under tring circumstances. Not a few of our citizens are of the opin ion that the supervisors would have been justified in expending at least 8700 in an effort to get rain through the inter vention of a professional ram-maker. Wnen the lost arts shall all have been found, rain-making may possibly be among them, human know- but m the present state of I ledge it seems advisable to rely upon the established system or else dig a canal D. B. Bennett, who came down Saturday morning from Grand Island, i aid that the rain extended as far west oc tr.nrr.ai.- ami 1nf.1 uran Mr at rfif i hours. He says that the countr there needed rain very badly. He says that all the Platte county inmates of the Soldiers' Home are getting along well except Peter Plant, who is in the hos pital, under the physician's care He says, however, that he feels a good deal better than he had done before for a long time. Mr. Bennett says it is very foolish for decrepit soldiers to stay awa from the Home, as it is the best place they can get into when misfortune strikes them. Thursday afternoon there was con siderable excitement at the Meridian hotel, a are having been discovered in the east wall. The alarm was sounded and immediately the whole fire depart ment were out. and at work vigorouslv to quench the flames. It is pretty safe to say that if the blaze had had a start of ten or fifteen mmntes the houre w ould probablv have been mcstlv de- stroved. As it was the damage can be covered bv a hundred dollars or so. outside ot tne annovance and worrv to Landlord Pollock, and the owner. Hngh Hughes. The fire laddies were treated to a couple of kegs of beer by Messrs. Pollock and Hughes. The cause of the tire was that two of the emploes of the establishment, who had been candling eggs m the basement, left candles burn ing on shelves, the fire being thus com municated between the studding to the upper door A singular case is reported from Omaha of a man who has been doing the calf act with a Jersey cow belonging to the Saratoga dairy farm. The Bee tells it thns "Not long after the cows had been driven to the pastnre the herder noticed Miller slip m among the bovmes and drop npon his knees beside the Jersey. Rushing to the spot, the herder discovered that Miller was coming the calf act and was sucking mrlk at an alarming rate, while the cow seemed to enjoy the process, turning her head around and licking Miller as affection ately as though he had belonged to the cow family and was the monarch of the herd. Cracking his whip, the herder drove Miller away, but watched him during the balance of the day. Twice more did he try to suck other cows of the herd, but each time he was driven on, although he hung around until the cows were pnt away for the night." Donbtless Jersey milk is a wholesome diet for the fellow, and for some reason he wants it fresh. Surely this way it contains no chalk. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. PEKSONAL. Burt. Lawrence of Omaha was m the city ITonday. A. W. Armstrong went up to Cedar Rapids Monday. W. K. Wmterbothaci came down from Genoa Saturday. Ed. North came up from Omaha to be at home over Sunday. George Lehman had business in Schuyler Friday afternoon. Levi Jenkins started Monday for a trip overland to Madison county. Miss Lydia Bloedorn of Platte Center visited Mrs. J. S. Henrich last week. Mrs. Dr. Kulhorst of Lincoln is nsit I ing Mrs. Dr. Hemtz at her country resi i dence. Dr. Long of Madison tarried over here Sunday mght on his way home from I Omaha. Mre- J- G feeder and children drove lo -10Dr aaturdhv tor a snort visit wun ine lamuy ot n. .). tienaryx. M Florpn.e Gl-nn vrw tn Wi .Uiss tlorenceUleason went to U il- bur last week Wednesday tor a two weeks' visit with her sister, Mrs. Davis, Mr. Evans, principal of the high Mu,L.,r rn-4, u-o ,-ar, f"""" " " ""-", .".. .v."s his sister. Mrs. O. D. cutler, north ot the citv. Miss Helen Lowne. who has been vis- . iting her aunt Mrs. Rev Elliott the past I two weeks, returns to her home in j Pennsylvania tomorrow. Capt. T. S. Rogers and wife of Chicago, uncle and aunt of Mrs. A. Anderson of this city, visited here several dajs last week, returning home Mondav. Mrs. Vincent Macken with her daugh ter Mamie, and nephew Johnnie Fagan, returned Saturdav from Omaha, where thev had been siting friends several v. Weeks. Harry Coohdse with two children came up from Havelock Saturday. He returned Monday, the children will make a short visit with their grand Darents. Wednesday last there were quite a number of people in from Platte Center to attend the trial of Editor Mokler of the Signal on a charge of assault. Mrs. Englehorn was the complaining witness, and she thought she had a grievance against the editor for publishing tin ar ticle in his paper agunt some boy- who had gone into a cim'j cellar, up.-et milk and butter and filled the crocks with mud and sand Like a courageous, if not discreet, woman she "bearded the lion in his deu." "the Douglas m his hall," or in modern language, the editor in his sanctum. We can readily imag me that the interview was not of the most pleasing variety since it resulted in an appearance in court, at least, it w as not satisfactory to Mrs. Englehorn It Sct-Uis that the editor, after inviting her to retire, took hold of her, and though he is a light-weight and she the I opposite. he was going out of the sanc tum in moderately good order when Mr. Beatty, Mr. Mokler's partner, burned to the scene and pulled his partner away. At this the laily fell to the tioor. sprain- e lir thumb and in dn rim rb matter comes before Judge Hudson I he ease was dismissed at the cost of the complaining witness. ii.iuil 1'ity v-. Columlm-. Suudav afternoon there was a large crowd on the bottom to witness the base i ball game between a nine from David City and Abts Tenderfeet. and at times the roar of voices m cheering conld be heard a mile away The features of the game were home runs and errors, n twenty-four tallies which Columbus made, ten of them were home runs, in other words Colum bus "got onto" David Cit 's pitcher and kept the fielders busy running nearly np to the United Brethren church after the ball. David Ciu's short stop made one good stop with his nose, didn't seem to anect the sphere much, but the cuticle on his probosis was torn into fragments. Following is the score bv innings David Citv 1 rt 1 :j :J -1 0 10 0 2 Columbus Home run 0 0 r 1 6 :3 0 l-'li: were credited to Hoare. Drowned While liatlnnir. Last week's Jocrnvl contained an item of the death by drowning at Seattle. Wash . of Vernie. onh son of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Backus. Monday of last week. Particulars were received here yesterday. Vernie and a playmate went into lake Union for a swim. There were other boys, all of them except Vernie used to the cold waters. Quite a wind was blowing, the waves running higher than they at first appeared. Vernie found that he was unequal to the situation and was sinking when a com panion. Singleton, swam to his rescue. Singleton made a brave ami hard erTort to save the boy. who, as all drowning persons io, grabbed nis rescuer and dragged him under water to or three times, and Singleton was compelled to save himself bv tearing awav Vernie was 12 years old and a general favorite. The fnneral services were held at the familv residence. H. T ispoerry was on Grand Prairie Thursday to help straighten out section lines m accordance with government mounds, having been called upon to tell what he knew abont the northwest cor ner of section 10. li-lw. He did the first breaking on the corner in '72. had the road opened along the section line b J. E. North in '74. and found the corner Thursday with a little bit of a stake still there. Of course the govern ment plat of the land, corresponding with the original mounds, is the criterion to go by. and it is dangerous business to tamper with landmarks. We don't know any particulars of the dispute in this case, bnt we do know that conten tions over boundary lines and corners have not only been a prolific cause of indivfdnal troubles, but also of state and national conflicts. Preserve the landmarks and thus prevent trouble. Comrade W. H. Lewis, who is at present commander of Baker post G. A. R., this city, is an inveterate joker and nearly always has the laugh with him, but once m a long while it comes ditfer cnt. as for instance. The other day. m a crowd of men, he fell into a discussion with a perfect stranger on the present situation of things in general and the strike in particular, and proceeded to express his opinion in very decided language to the eiiect that war is neces sary and is really a good thing for the country about so often, as the storms and rain purify the atmosphere, so war, by killing on a number of people occa sionally, purifies the atmosphere of politics and business generally. "The trouble is." interjected the stranger, "that the worst ones return unkillcd"' Excursion to Xnrfulk. On Sunday, July 22. the Cnion Pacific will run an excnrsion to Norfolk from Stromsburg as follows Leave Stromsbnrg 7-30 a. m. 81.00 " Osceola 7 42 - 1.00 " Shelbv. 7J 1.00 " Risings S 13 " 1.00 " David City. S-40 " 1 00 " Columbus" 9.30 1.00 " Oconnee 954) l.ijO " Platte Center 10:03 1.00 Humphreys 10:2 - .75 " Madison " 10 5o " .45 Warnerville. 11.15 - .20 Arrive Norfolk 11.30 Returning leave Norfolk 6 00 p. m. Dresmakinir. Ladies wishing to learn cutting by the Parisian tailor system can receive in structions for So." Call and see me at building one door south of Herrick's. 1 Miss S. JIgbfhx. FIRST FULL FLOW Of Money to ti the Ditch to Make Colum bus Great. A meeting for the election of directors of the Canal company was held Monday afternoon, over which L. Gerrard pre sided as temporary chairman, Charles Pearsall. temporary secretary. The number of shares represented were 2SS. Nine directors were elected as follows: W. A. McAllister. L. Gerrard. Albert Stenger, Carl Rhode, G. W. Phillips. A. Anderson. R. S. Dickinson. A. Jaeggi. W. T. Ernst. A committee was appointed consist ing of Whitmoyer, Albert and McAllis ter to draft an amendment to article 4 of the constitution, and snbmit the same at the next meeting. July 23. G. W. Phillips. George Scott and C. W. Pearsall were appointed a committee to draft rnles and bv-laws. 31.465. beine- five ner cnt of rh -ro.- subscribed, was paid in before voting besan. i These are the brief but potent partic - ' nIars of the neatest enterprise ever yet . undertake bvneODleof Columbus and "7,Vr , -. PP01 VommonaamJ inity. a project the entire success of 1 which is concealed as practical bv everv . expert engineer, and the orodt. as a w,. JZ-.' l ." T .:... i u"rs .cutuie. uevuuu 4ueaLiou. 1 he stockholders are to be cocgratn- hited nnon th nrhiiirjrr' hrm.mr rtf fimi.u, ,,. " their tirst business meeting. vtiool Board. Board met at Council chamber at 9 o cioca. eunesuay torenoon. ah pres- ' ent. Bills were allowed as follows and warrants ordered on general fund R. Jenkmson 33.50; Werner Schupbach 3."0.40; Gleason . Merrell 33; Marraoy .t Simmons 39; Baker Wells ST.oO; C. L. Stillman 81. rix"e ,?5"ilu" " '. ' i- Clark. W. . Henslev and twelve others. with reference to competency ot princi pal of hign school, was read, and placed on file. On motion of Lehman, the sec retary was directed to notify the parties to appear before the board for the pnr pose of substantiating their charge, that Mrs. Merrell be also notified, and that the matter be made a special order for the next meeting. Communication of Miss Beulah Whee ler with reference to her grading m Latin, as certified, was read, ind the secretary authorized to have the proper corrections made. Communication from Miss Burger read saying that her application was not for a situation in the suburban district. On motion it wis decided that when the board adjourn it be to Jul 13, s 30 a. m.. sharp As to the suburban district the see retary stated that the enrollment had varied from ti to 17 pupils during. the Several months of last year, the attend ance varying from 5 to 1 1, average en rollment 24. average attendance in. schupbach moved that there be six months' school held at the suburban school house during the coming year. Turner moved an amendment that the committee on schools confer with the patrons of that portion of the district and ascertain their wishes. There was no second to the amendment, and after some discussion, the motion was earned. Turner voting no. The months of school were fixed at October to March, inclusive. The applicants for the position of teacher in the suburban school were Mii'etta Wheeler, Alice Wise, Ida Guth rie, Mar E. Gnfl'en, Grace M. Clark. Mrs. Arthur Allen. The first ballot resulted in Miss Gnffeu 3. Miss Wise 2. Miss Clark I. second badot. Miss Gntfeu 4. Miss Wise 2. and Miss Gritfen was declared elected There being no other applicants for , janitor pooitions m Second and Third j wards. James Warner and Wm. Novel I were re elected. Mrs. Roe Page was unanimonslv elected as musical director, there being no oiuer iijjui .tui. Adjourned. Board met at SA'), Friday morning, but it was o'clock before the president called to order. j The first thing m order was the hear ing of petitioners in regard to principal of high school. Those present were John Elliott, and Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Clark. The w hole forenoon was passed in the consideration of the petition, but with out any reversal of the board's action in election of teacher. Balloting for principal i of the Third ward, being in order, resulted in- First. Mr. Weaver 3; Mrs. Ballon I: Miss M. Gallagher 1. Miss Megath I. Sec ond. Weaver 5. Miss Gallagher 1. W G. Ballon was elected janitor for the First ward building on the first ballot Ballon I; Bromhoefi"er 2. The report of the committee on schools was then made recommending salaries as follow, was adopted, length of school year in the city, nine months. Sup't 31.200 a vear. principal high school 375 ! a month, assistant $)0; teacher of "th and Oth grades $bo. ward principals 355: primar teachers 3-"); Miss Ida Martin 3o0: Misses Welch and Tavlor 845 each; .Misses Watkins. Rickly and Griffin 840 each: Mrs. Page, music teacher 325. Schupbach of the committee on build ings and grounds made report recom mending necessary repairs, report adopt ed and committee instructed to have repairs made. Adjourned. The t. P Pioneer. Picnic At about 11 lo Saturday morning the lon,' excnrsioa tram consisting of thir teen coaches loaded down 'with about one thousand people compnsmir the Union Pacific Pioneers club and families of Omaha pnlled into Columbus with the engine covered all over with decora tions. also the tender having a larue canvas witii the head of a butfalo artis tically painted upon it with the years l""i'.) and 194 on either side. The ardor of the crowd was somewhat cooled and dampened by the steady rain that was falling at their arrival, and it seemed to be about a stand off between the farmers who were wishing for a heavy downpour of ram and the picnic ers 'ho were wishing it would dear off 0 the-v muht he nhle u crat. into e'rnnU-. fort square park and rest themselves . aiier ineir ions? nae. amnt i 00 tne clouds bean to roll by and from that time until the piemcers took the train for home, the weather could not have . ..L 3 ., ,.1 . . -1 been finer for their enjoyment x(t r lio-ftn t .i-- ti, , !,,-,.- , Alter uavmu eiuen their dinners m , the cars, they marched from the tram to trankfort square, headed by the U. P. band. A few remarks were made by the pres ident of the association, Mr. Gercme A. Lilhe.-who introduced Mavor PhilliDe. wno made a short address ot welcome. 1 After the mavor came Hon. S. C. Grav, 1 president of the citv council, who made i ' a few well chosen remarks. Then came the speaker of the dav. Mr Conkhn, who made a short talk, after which. thanking the mayor and council for the freedom of the city, the exercises closed at the grand stand". The band took their big and little riddles, trombone, etc.. and repaired to the dancing tioor. and of conrse the most of the crowd followed. The par ticipants, yonr.-r and old, judging from their faces, enjoyed themselves to the ntmest in dancing, swinging, chatting, buggy nding, and .mite a few strolled out to see the prairie dog town. The dance was as free as the water in the Loup. During the afternoon the Omaha and Columbua "kids" had a game of base ball; at the end of the seventh inning the score stood 9 to 6 in favor of Omaha: a bystander reports had they played two more innings it would have been diamond cut diamond. All the visitors seemed to be well pleased with the recention the were tendered by the mayor and citizens and thought more than" hkelv :hev wonld I come again next year. The Jochsal wishes thev mav. The heavy fogs of Suaday and lion day morning hereabouts led some late risers to believe that there had been a light shower cf rain.; .ynopi of Supervisors Pi-jceedinss. ( ".Official.' I TfEsDA T.July 10, 1-0J. . Board of inperv tsors met In regular sexton I at .! o clock p. m. lion. Niels Olsou. chairman. and G. W. Phillip, clerk, and entire board pre-eur. escept supervisor Weidner. Minuted of the June meeting w ere now read and approved The ccuntv attorney to whom, at the List ses sion oi me ooaru w.l reierreu me ioiuvm;i . resolution suDmitiea oy supervisor Keener ; to-wit: "VVhereus. The County Board at its t.i-.t meet- i ins agreed to permit Hon. W. X. Hen.!ey. county Jinl;. to have hi- office oiiLiide the court houe. provided he moveil into his uul office the fire proof ife pr.rc"aied b the sounty for the office of the couniy judje, and "'Wherea, Judge HenIey ha.- not compl.ed with the provuioR of the -aal asreeraent, i therefore be it -Resolved, by this board that the county at- torney br and w hereoy tnttnicteit to lve hi- Pinwn ln wrinnsm t. the remedy the county I J" '' again-t Judge Henley f.r the ,afe . "- "" w.ns.iiro ana .nnr papers i uu "lc '" " 0fUW- prraemeu m wruten I -Jl"'OI loilou, ' u"enen In answer to the re..liitiin of jour honor.bH b,t a copy of untch i hereto . attached. I would re-pectfnily ,ai. that miu- division sciudor-ectiii ir- chapter 13, Com RlIed -"rutes of h9J. maiw it t e duty of the County B.Mrdj pmvide -nimble rooms or ( omoes for the countv court and judge thereof, i either in the court ho ie or cl-ewhere at the county seat, if there are no room-, or (P.et ln me coun uou-e Miitanie tnereior. It in ui) tne duty of the County Bum if the n nances of the comity permit to furnish ami pluoe ln or near -..nd mom- or oftieei. a Ore i proof vniilt or -ife. re-i-wnably suitable iad J convenient for the -..ife Ueepmsj of the boot-. anu reeom- ot -ani court. Mich being the law :tnil ilutiei nnpoieti n th- County Hoard. I am of the opinion that the contract or agreement set tortli m -alii resolution la a nullity, ailii of t i o force or effect ami that the county w with out remeuy to entorce tne .ime. nor in a posi tion to req lire sild jiidue to place and itore '.Uil book-, and rc-corus when not in use ln a tire prnofvnult or -.ife until th county tuu provided hH otnee therewith as above -tatetl. Ki-pectfull iiibmltteil. John .M (iONDiiri. (. ouiity vnoraey On motion tlii opinion u us onlen-tl placed on Hie. rile county attorney now Mibnutted the fol. lowing opinion on the ri-liition relative to the runt ot the county board to reluud to John -t.ui!tVr tne .imoiiu: puid by him in s.iti-:ac-tiou ci the judgment oM lined by the county i;Mlii-l him, to-it In answer to the comiuiriii'itioii ot your hotionhle boa a copy ot which i- heret. at Uched. 1 w .uld re-pei'tllil! Mte. tu.ll I W Ls one .,i the .ttroriitM -j mi couu-el tor .Mr. Manner prior to inj election to the olhce of niinty attoine. in the matter -pecined mid et torth m -.ii.l ciininiiinieution and that I .teem it improper tor me to render tne opin ion .ir report tliriein reijui-atr'ii. imt consider melf dt-iiu.Uiti.-il i n.ier ih I tw -o ro do Ke-peclluil) ablllltted. JOH-N M. i..NDHI.N., Limuty Attorney. On motliin ot unervi-ior Johnson the .line w.h received ind ordered -preud upon the record. In the matter ot the l. . mun of the "Urod boll road ' and the ication ot a part of the "Looking dl.is and r Billiard rnid, ' on mo. uoii ot sup.-rior .lulni-on the p ajrr ot the petitioners was reject eti. In the matter of the s-tub road, coiiimenc iui;at the sciithfi-tiHnKr of section l. town 17 range ' west, und ninm nu thence north on section line .iiie-li:ill mije on motion ot Simer i-orLl-co the pr:ier ot the DeXiUonen :ls granted, the road declared duly located and count -urveor directed to sure and plat -:ime iccording to law; ind f.e report of the appraiser awarding iUm wi us follows: fohn ! Omelia. :90til. l..inder (Jermnl SJn.i.n- v:is ulopted ind .une charged enuall to tolum bus and Lost ( reek townships. In the matter ot the vacation ot i part of the "shell Creek road ' t south side' ami i he loca tion ot the Uerisch road. m motion of s-up-ert-or Klliott the petitiuii was reierred back to petitioueis for tree riuht ot way In the matter of the 'Town Line rond. ' com mencing it i he northwest corner ot section tl, town l', rocje I e:Lst, and running O'enee due east on iectton line one mile. . u motion ot supervisor Asche the prner .t die petitioners was granted, road declared duly established, -unejor directed to survey and plat same, and the report of the appraisers allow ing damages as follows was adopted: i HeiirylCapeLi .. ..$el 00 John (loetz ... . . . -J.) 00 Etlert rteilbusch . 40(0 Heinrich bchuli . W 00 In the matter of the location 01 the "Com promise road and t-ie vicution ot p-irt- ot the "Dr Crerlr V uley road" and "Hugh Hill road, ' now came before the Beard for action, and tipi.u recommendation ot the committee on roads and bridges, the repo-t of the special commissioner inpomted therein w-i adop.ed. roads declared dulj -ic:ited is reeoni mended, and the "Com promise road commencing at the northwest corner ot the southwest quarter of section 2il. town !;. range J w-t, and run ning thence Jue est oa the half section line one mile, was declared dul tocattd. provided, the petitioners thereof pnv ror the free nght of way lor same. In the matter of the " esper roud" in -hell Creep township, on motion further action wis defcrreil until the next meeting of the Board. In the matter of the petition of William liriUith ind others far a public rond in Bur rows township, on motion ot supervisor Tbomain the sjme v. is referretl buck to peti tinner, for free ri. Tlle petition oj. ihtot . ay. John -sikoi and other, tor a public read in Butler township. ua n motit n ol s.jpcr ior Uerber rejected. The bond of J Irwin .13 rond overseer m V00d1lIe town-iln -u 0n motion reierreil to the ioiinl attorney tor his opinion a-, to whether Mr Irwin can .malityaa road overseer s hi!e holding the onlce of justice of the pe ice. On motion 01 -upeivior I i3co nil bills oil tile ware cow referred their appropriate committers. On mctiou the boird now jiilourued till J o clock 1 m. tomorrow. VFD.NEDY M., Jtth 11, Vs'M. The board met pur-uant to ailjour mient at o'clock 1. ni. the honorable chairman, clerk and all members ot the boird present, except -upcrvisor Weidner O'l resolution submitted hy -iiipervisor ONon wirrint No. x". dnwn In imorot Fuller, mith i Fuller, ilated .June U. 1331. was cancelled by the Beard. The count! sur.ersuuiiiittet recommenda tions relutwe to the perpetuatimj of section lad 'ji.arter sect! m corners in the I.imh out 01 p ibhc road-, which upon motion was. adopted by 'he Board superintendent rii.jin.iin submitted the fol- iou in Be it resolved by the Board i apervisors of 1"! itte county, Nebraska, that it is ine seus ,if this Board, that 111 th- interest ()f the people of tin- cotiiin. steps -hoiild be Taken by this t fhe drn7,..M .V,.eii n..w ure ui3. ana to that eo.t lie it tiirtlier lJes,Ucd, lliat.i ommitteof tliree .-MUSISt in,t of ihe luiirman ' '" Boanl. the treas urer and the cirk of this count v ne and ire hereby .p.llHil, whuae .uf it sh.d. t.e to enter into currespondence with part.es h- ei in ine ousuiesS 0i irmciiiu rain, imi ,,... t.,v h ,h, , l!f -w..1.mA. ..r ranjjement- wi h any re-.poiisitie partv and the iieefs'itv for rain sijii eistms. that aid committee lie authorieii to enter nit mi wreeiiieiit with said pirty on beii.tif ot tln outi'y t pnxiuce inch rain, provided, tha' sucti t-diirti sua.! be carried on is near the center of the :ount is pssitjir. U1.1t the enu tnctor i ee u prnitm-e a ood mnti.l throughout the immt wuhm five ,uvs from' r&e commencement it -aid eft.iri and that the .'onL wiereoi -:iail HOI ccee.l III- ,11111 1.1 si.ji iji pcrd.11 fi-r eai'h iia actu.ul eii-ijett m th rtTort to produce the same mil provultl fur "iier, 1U.1. in wins' shall the i-oiin u liable to said contractor for lay iinipeni.uion -tlin ever. 111 the effort to priduce said riu uu'e--said etf.irt proves successful mil 1 -ati-i.ic tury raintali occurs thruuiiboiit the . omit' , And be it farther KesoUeii, That for the piirpo-e m defraying 1 the 1- n-es thereof, there is hereby .ippn.- j prtattsi tnim tne county ;enerii lund le v for Hie year l-"4. the sum of Vu.in). lloiei d. supervisor riioinain that the reso lution be adopted, amendment offered r.y s-uptrvtsor Ljsco to imlcriiiitely postpone, ameiidmect to amendment otfered by -super-n-or Johnson that reilutmii be relucted. Roll called for vote on amendment to amend ment as follows supervisors A-che. Eecher, Het-aeker. Dri.-coll. Geiber. Johnson. Kier nan, Lfjo PolLini, Schreiber, speice, Tschu din nd Mr. Chairman voting aye. 13 super, visors ChmIiIs. Elliott llylet and Thoinaln votimr no, 4: ab-eiit supervisor We.dner Anieiidmeut. to auiciuiiiient declared carrieti and resolution rejeteii The following bill- ere now allowed J 51 (jondrmir, county attorney, expen- -e-case Platte county vs. Early It 11 Lr W PinUipt?. county flcrt. correcting eiinalization ii Nebnmka Telephone ( ., telerjhone -ervice for July. I-Ul u aj D C Kavanaah. -herilf. cunti insane cae-i. etc 'A 0- G W Phillipo, county cleric, cash ad vanced for county 1- CO at Mary's hcspitai, bill for Jaae. ld 10 00 W F Dodds, services as -ap'r . . 4 70 Di Beccer, - " 7 20 j I Lea76 Your Orders Mi. M kmi Hie Ensii. inriniiTiuriiii!HiuiiiiiurHirutiiuiiiturirniuutmi!irinmmnufnnmmimi7rimitt "Eat, Drink and be Merry." Henry Ragatz & Co., 33 PS? o i I i J ' . -STAPLE AXD- FANCY GROCERIES. Have made a special effort to secure bargains for our customers. En Canned Goods we have over COO cases, at prices that astomsh our many customers. Dried Fruits are of good quality at very low prices. We have Genuine Maple Svrup and Pure Buckwheat Flour. Our Cider can"t be beat. Apples are scarce, but we have them. Tn Nuts. Raisins, Fruits and We have doubled our order over last year, and have an im mense stock. ZS Vll who purchase, will find it to their interest to look over our sjoods and .jet our prices. o i 3 S c3 73 cS H i 30 O E 3 o u - 3 O a a I Crockery, Blassw are and Lais. 1 Unr assortment was never more complete, at reasonable E s prices. Call and eiamme them. 2 Eleventh St., Columbus, Nebraska. 1 iiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiititiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiniif iiiiiiittifitiiiiiiiLiiittiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiriiitMtt.1 1 Leave Tour Orders Earl7. and AToid tiie Bnsii. 1 Niels ON..II, H S Elhi.ir, D Dnsi)ll, P. Y Li-c... I i V-che. Wm Schis-iber. " I-icoli r-i'huitm, .rmne- haera in, I.tcob derber " It)hn P Johnson, '" V M Pollani. r P llylet. eonre rhom.i;in. " " t V Speiee. " Is .1,5 s M I 10 i M . mi o 0 ' " . I -0 10 s J 7 - A I on tiee-9CKT N H Pirks. pub. proceeding, etc NebrisK.l filene -ame ir B apeice. bni. coots in slate rvs .1 II iianilnu, county mtorney, -alary Jii .piarter, I".H St Loais Vrt Meial l , ruult omnibus Omaha Printing l inde f r ounfy T H ( larii. -alary as county phy-icion to laly 10, 1-1H I i KJnck, n..ui .l.iui.unt iicet I olain- bu- rp llrs I Utr-hill same L.iwrence Birne-. -'ime. TIios Burk s,ime. Henrj' Keuiar, same ITieo Ban-isch, same Peter Knski. iaif. f.icob Louis, -ame Wm liees.-. icer Sherman tp Herm.in Luedtke, same, .las O'BneC. icct bhell reek tp Eil Riv-niter same. .las O'Brien, icct l olumbiis fp. Eii Ko-nirer. swi R L RoHnier. same Jo-epli Lanaberrj ncct ilamphrey tp A Powell A i .. icct WiMMlvuIe tp C A Newman, accr Colambus tp Richard Oliner. acct (irtinille tp Stephen iierman. -ame John Omelm. icct Colnmbitt tp. Henry Kapel-, ucct Creton tp John imetz, -.ime Eilert Helibush, acct Sherman tp Heinrich S;hnlz. -ame. Ed Lue-4'hen. iccr I re-ton tp Herman Lueiitke. -ante. Daniel Wiln. icct Iinnetp. Ed Roositer. s.une it L Ror.-iter. acct shell re tp same. Monroe tp si JH t II It' u T". mi 'At ! ') JO ." tJ IU". ii j w nil iX) i il I Jt) - "O J J H) J 1i 0 3) 14 II .' i" V - "iO t tl VI M 10 m M 'U 0 ) 10 ii J !) 1 J. J '. 1 H .7 U S j foseph Linaberry icct Himphrey t '. R L Roe-iter. icct shell reek tp .Vston Fangman. jr, .ict UrinTille tp. Stephen German, same I nwell Lumber X Wram o , accr t re-ton rp. L iiernrd. iccr Lo-t l n-ek tp fohn Omelia. s.-.m-J I Dmeen. -ame An Dnd-chns, same. Cath Kicker, "lie F C Auatm MTi Co . icct Hnmpnrey tp sou :i ai t l in '0 ." 14l IT. 'AJ . IJ The following bill lamnsr Bnrrr-.wa m motion referred back to mt towneiup f r settlement, ro wit i hiciuto Lumber o. sj.f, 1 hicno Limner Co. J'.' u". Henri iiren u jiW John YnsfstjU -: Vngastn.s Kiolb.i-1 $-0, dhelm Pillen ;" Wm. Bonn- $10: Hnuh Williams et il j:Vi The petition of ijernard rteluijcnen in.i others fur 1 public mad in Sherman t.-wnahip wls on motion of sup'r Asche irinti and the clerk dirpcteii to publish notice .,f same. t ounty Attorney iiondrim; n.iw -nhmiited 1 verbal opinion on the bill of D C. k-iranacn. -heritf. for -ervimr fai etecntmns, ?2.ti, -aei bill havm ben referred to lua at hu-t -e-ein f the boanl. whereupon it wa moved by Sup'r Eecher that a arnnr be drawn n rhe n ant lienenl fund levy for 1-'j- in f iri.rof -a.d D Kavinauh. f.r the -nm of 11 1 1 a.- ia 'ii.-m ii fall of -aid bill. Motion carried. "up'r Li-co pre-ented rhe following Re-lvei, l!i.it the county dent be mil hen'by instructed ti xsc?rt,nn fnm rhe .iiiin- clerk of ( olfai county rhe imuact l.lOl U'- paid 01 sanl county tor rntnt ot wiy . r '1 r tr.B location of rhe oiaz ind Platte i-unm, .. roiul and rhe extension tiiereiif. On motion resolution wan adoitei The boinl now pri.eeleil to -eler iti . r from which the jurori for the Se tember fm rhe district court will be dnwn. On motion of snp r speice the boiird h..a ionraed to meet Tue-ilay, Vu. 11, 1-'j;. it P m To Our iierman Reader-.. The publishers of this paper have made special arrangements with the publishers of the German Lincoln Freie Prease. by which both papers together may be had for -52 per year, when paid in advance. The Freie Prese is .1 non partisan paper and contains a full report of news from the old country. ,1 week! review, a serial story, several short novels, and last but not least, carefully written editorials pertaining o matter? of special interest to the ( iermans of our state. Loeal happenings from our oun ty will be reported by a ierman I'orre spondent and will be published in the Freie Presse. .Subscriptions wid b1 re ceived at this othVe. 2 Conrtland Beach -atitinu Vou can now sret a throuuh tram fr-.n. any point on the Cnion Pan ft -y-'ein to Conrtland Beach station. The lak steamer takes you direct from the station to Courtland Be.ieh. .1 h'.e n.inn'e tnp Picnic parti. .m arrange f.r thru'i:n tram from any poin i-"! Le "r..m Pi citic. See .ur I'nion P iemc ant. ', HUGH HUGHES ( an t'u rn Nh 3011 i BEST WINDOWS, BLINDS, LIME. Etc.. ami ever) thin? kept in the LUMBER LINE. South of C. P. R. R. De-pot, Coin ru hits, Nebraska. I'may-lyr TR. H. J. ARNOLD, PHYirr.lX AXD CROEO.V. 1 OtSce two doors northof Broilfaehrer'- 'ewelrr aton-. Omce r,r.a day and niirhc rHchncH .O. 1 Lflmte.Latyigtefloors, 1 te-93.1y.D Cctcjtacs, iizsaassA. E P i ki O 0 "I o O 1 00 H P s l I p i 5 O - P S3 03 cr LOUIS SGHREIBER, I: ELL.s LFIE Dr ERINii SelfBinfler Mower. Tlies n. i rfe, i nt ii-tuni sfnici? hen? srrenjth is ue.iei ( r lever within eHy reach. "To be -i nplc t. be irrent." The binder ails been reduced r i few ticiplo piec-s itu!uiu t.ierher nc-ij' tnO puitJ-. see lilu Deerinu before yon hny onuther shop on Olive street. Columbua. N"eb., four door j south if Borowiak's. :.!m.iyrf Dr. CLARK'S INSTITUTE HE l 1IE.N T "UE Drink Habit! Also Tobacco, Morphine and other Narcotic Habits. Privite'rvirmr-a' iven if leired. CULCMBCS. NEBRASKA. Haprrf FOR Choice Field Seeds, r 1 n v-s Clover, Timothy. Orchard. Grass, Blue Grass, etc. - L'Vf.L IT Herman Oshlrich & Bro's. M. C. CASSIN, h Meat Market I-'resli arnl SaLc bleats. Game and Fish in Season. siiiflfiiDtfffi safrJi'heat market prices paid for Hides, in.j Tal'ow. THIRTEENTH ST., " 0LI MBl-s. - NEBR.VSKA. -"'1, rrf L V Hui,. t U 1 r r-7;. , II. D t H '.tfh .I b DOCTORS MARTYN, EVANS & GEER, ' s.l I., ll, Physicians - and - Surgeons M.r H. i-i 1. n fi.tm 1-..1 -ir uLrMEr NEBRASKA. Lnte.' -rat-, rimia.n -itrgeran. Aj--iatant - .--'i is f axon Pica.- 1 s tail. Railwija. - -1 ifi,-p -.pen auht ind in Telephone No. " i fm n. r'i L an n Picinc Depot. M1R7Y & ENGELM1N, ' r . FBBSH 11 SALT MATS, FISH, Eie?onh Street ETC, Columbua. Neb Vv if djmrs. TjjroALLISTEF. &. COP.WEI.nJS. rTil:L"i- AT LAW, i.Lrue,r VEBRASK.4. '.liitatf A L3ERT & REEDER. ATTOPEV.S AT LAW, Ot2rei,r First National Bunk, oLCdars, NEBBJaK.1. tljantf FOR GOOD Winss, Liquors and Cigars 'ILL. t THE XEW SALOON" On Ele-renth -t. Imporrrd and domestic in-. 1 fur ramii- m.fu dru.uiM f f-rT5TTZ3Tl .V Vt-auw-u. Sz-ajti! Cor. Elcrecth asd M . s